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  • Shuvalov prime minister. Igor shuvalov

    Shuvalov prime minister.  Igor shuvalov
    Shuvalov Igor Ivanovich

    Igor Ivanovich Shuvalov(January 4, 1967, settlement Bilibino, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug) - Russian statesman, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (second after Viktor Zubkov) since May 12, 2008. Candidate of Legal Sciences (thesis topic - "The Government of the Russian Federation in the legislative process"). Supervises the communications industry in the government.

    In 2012, there were attempts to assert that he is the beneficiary in the business of the Russian IT company Nvision Group, one of the largest shareholders in which is supposedly Shuvalov's former deputy for work in the Russian Federal Property Fund - Dmitry Taraba, which, according to him, is not true, since they worked in RFBR at different times.


    Born in the Magadan region, but graduated from school in 1984 in Moscow.

    In 1995-96 he was the founder of a number of companies engaged in wholesale trade, real estate and banking activities.

    In 1984-1985 he worked as a laboratory assistant at the Research Institute "Ecos".

    In 1985-1987 he served in the Soviet Army, after which he entered the law faculty of Moscow State University.

    In 1993, after graduating from university with a degree in jurisprudence, Igor Shuvalov went to work as an attaché in the Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. At about the same time he met businessman Alexander Mamut, and from 1993 to 1997 he worked as a senior lawyer, as well as director, in the law office "ALM-Consulting", one of the founders of which was Mamut.

    In 1997, Shuvalov, under the patronage of Mamut, came to work at the State Property Committee, head of the Department of the State Register of Federal Property of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management, where at that time Anatoly Chubais's team was in charge. After the scandalous "case of writers," which in 1998 damaged the reputation of Chubais and his employees, Shuvalov came forward and became deputy head of the department, which by that time had turned into a ministry.

    In February 1998 he joined the ORT board of directors.

    In 1998, after the resignation of the government of Viktor Chernomyrdin, Shuvalov became the head of the Russian Federal Property Fund (RFFI). Since January 9, 1998 - Deputy Minister of State Property of the Russian Federation. From May 25, 1998 to September 6, 1998 - Acting Chairman of the Russian Federal Property Fund. From September 6, 1998 to May 18, 2000 - Chairman of the Russian Federal Property Fund. According to media reports, Mamut again helped him to take this post. However, in August 1998, Shuvalov met with the head of the presidential administration, Alexander Voloshin, after which he refused further cooperation with Mamut.

    In the new government of Yevgeny Primakov (1998-1999), Shuvalov retained the post of head of the RFBR and remained so under Prime Ministers Sergei Stepashin (1999) and Vladimir Putin (1999). In parallel, he held positions of responsibility in a number of state-controlled commercial structures: Russian State Insurance Company, ORT, All-Union Exhibition Center, Gazprom.

    On May 18, 2000, after being appointed Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mikhailovich Kasyanov, he became Minister of the Russian Federation - Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation. According to media reports, he owed this appointment to Voloshin. In the new post, Shuvalov gained great influence - he established the clerical work of the apparatus, began to interfere in the work of ministries and, as a result, turned into an all-powerful unofficial deputy Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov.

    Since May 28, 2003, he has been an assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin (according to some sources, at the insistence of Kasyanov himself), and in October 2003, Shuvalov became deputy head of the presidential administration.

    2004: Transactions with shares of Gazprom

    • In the spring of 2004, according to some information, he could take the place of the dismissed Kasyanov (Mikhail Fradkov became the new prime minister).
    • In the middle of 2004. an offshore holding company registered in the name of I. Shuvalov's wife acquired Gazprom shares for $ 17.7 million. These shares are more than $ 80-100 million. At the same time, the publications link the Deputy Prime Minister's income with his official position and claim that the Deputy Prime Minister made statements that could seriously affect the price of Gazprom shares. Just when the government was preparing a reform to liberalize the securities trade of the gas monopoly. As a result of the reform, market quotations for Gazprom shares rose sharply.

    According to Western media reports, Gazprom's shares were acquired through the structures of Suleiman Kerimov.

    Information about the transactions of the family of Igor Shuvalov with shares of Gazprom could get into the Western media at the suggestion of the former lawyer of the First Deputy Prime Minister. At one time he was responsible for the legal side of the transactions of the fund, which managed the property of the official, but after the "Yukos affair" he left Russia for the United States.

    The information could get into the media from the former lawyer of Mr. Shuvalov, who dealt with the legal side of the transactions of the official's family fund. “Judging by the nature of the published documents, we conclude that these materials were transferred ... by a former employee of our law office, Pavel Ivlev, for subsequent disclosure in the media,” says Artem Dymsky, managing partner of ALM Feldmans.

    Ivlev became one of the trustees of the Shuvalov family's fund after he became a civil servant in the late 1990s and stopped doing business. Then, according to the law, he had to transfer all his shares and bonds to trust, Mr. Dymskoy explained to RBC daily. According to a source of RBC daily, at that time Ivlev could operate with an amount of $ 20 million. He was also responsible for the legal side of the transactions of the fund that manages Shuvalov's property.

    The main reason for the exclusion of a lawyer from the state Dymskoy calls his "active political activity, which is incompatible with the status of a lawyer." In 2004, Ivlev left Russia (now he lives in the United States) in connection with the initiation of a criminal case against him (related to Yukos). Together with him, the documents on clients' cases, which were conducted by a lawyer, "migrated". “Ivlev acts to the detriment of the interests of the Shuvalov family, deliberately misinterpreting and distorting facts,” the letter says.

    “Today I received a letter from Ivlev, in which, among other things, he writes:“ I thought well before doing something or not doing something, and, believe me, prove that I have violated any laws or rules of legal ethics , it will be very difficult. " After this question about his involvement in this story, I personally have not left, ”says Mr. Dymskoy.

    “Apparently, Ivlev decided to go for broke, seeing that nothing has changed in the YUKOS case. Moreover, he previously leaked information to the publication of Rupert Murdoch, who, as you know, is friends with Berezovsky. Ivlev spoke at the Abramovich-Berezovsky trial on the side of the latter, ”a source suggests to RBC daily.

    Shuvalov himself, commenting on the situation, said: “As a lawyer, I steadfastly followed the rule and principle of a conflict of interest. When I joined the civil service, I behaved as if the government was for me, as a lawyer, his client. " “This is confirmed by the inspection carried out by the Prosecutor General's Office. Shuvalov disclosed all the information about the transactions, all taxes were transferred to the budget on them, ”the official’s secretariat adds.

    At that time (2004) the entire market was talking about the imminent growth of Gazprom shares. Moreover, some banks were directly focused on investing in Gazprom, says a source in banking structures. The growth of Gazprom shares was predictable, and many, especially foreign companies, took advantage of this. “That rise in Gazprom shares could be guessed in connection with the plans to liberalize the market for the sale of shares. Both Shuvalov and any of those who made the decision to liberalize stock trading could have played on this, ”says Mikhail Krutikhin, partner of RusEnergy.

    “It was a period of stable growth in oil prices, followed by export gas prices. The growth of Gazprom's capitalization in the short term was predictable, "says Mikhail Korchemkin, Executive Director of East European Gas Analysis. However, according to the analyst, Shuvalov might have known about the imminent signing of the law on the export monopoly of Gazprom, which influenced the company's capitalization. Therefore, investors operated in different risk areas. “In this case, the country's leadership provided Gazprom with competitive advantages, and this is already insider information,” concludes Mr. Korchemkin.

    Former Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Aleksashenko considers Shuvalov's "enrichment scheme" unfair and unpretentious: "You borrow from one oligarch, invest in a win-win situation, and ... you are already the owner of the honestly earned by overwork," he wrote in his blog on LiveJournal ... In the absence of a conflict of interest, Mr. Aleksashenko hardly believes: “Igor Shuvalov was at the time an economic aide to President Putin. In addition, if there was no conflict of interest, why would he mask these investments by passing them through Kerimov's company? "

    The court can determine the presence of affiliation, a conflict of interest and the legality of actions, says Vladimir Yurasov, a lawyer for MKA Knyazev and Partners. However, in practice, few of the top officials were brought to court - it is extremely difficult to prove the affiliation of an interested-party transaction, because the evidence that is usually available is considered insufficient by the court. “In general, here we can talk about a conflict of interest and insider information, but then we did not have legal restrictions on a conflict of interest,” says Ivan Ninenko from Transparency International.

    NES professor Konstantin Sonin views the information that has surfaced about Shuvalov's business as part of the political game ahead of the formation of a new government. “Shuvalov was a support for Putin - he solved the most difficult issues for him. Therefore, the plan to undermine Shuvalov's reputation can be viewed as an attempt to knock out support from under the future president, ”adds a source to RBC daily in the government. According to him, "there are doubts that Shuvalov is being hit by their own."

    * 2004: Bribes from Usmanov and Abramovich

    • Barron's (WSJ Supplement) How a Putin Aide Gained $ 119 Million
    • Wall Street Journal Share Deals Open Window on Kremlin
    • Financial Times Kremlin mired in Gazprom deals
    • Financial Times Investments rise question of cronyism

    On March 30, 2012, Alexey Navalny published a translation of these materials from the foreign press on his blog.

    There is a company "Severin", owned by the wife of Igor Shuvalov - Olga Shuvalova. This is an indisputable fact. It is from "Severin" that the Shuvalov family receives their multimillion-dollar income. With this money, a house in Austria was bought for 11 million euros, an apartment in London, etc.

    The Severin company owns the Redcliffe company, which acquired, through the transfer of shares, control of an office called Seven Key.

    SUDDENLY money began to come to "Sevenki". In 2004, the company of Roman Abramovich / Yevgeny Shvidler, Unicast Technology, transferred $ 50 million to Sevenki. An irrefutable fact. For what? For what such beautiful eyes did Abramovich / Shvidler transfer $ 50 million to Shuvalov's wife? Just. I can assume that for the subsequent active lobbying by Shuvalov for the consolidation of Russian metallurgy on the basis of Abramovich's company.

    After publications in the WSJ and FT, the Shuvalovites, forced to somehow explain the transfer of these 50 million, invented a story about the fact that, since the time of Tsar Gorokh, Shuvalov had an option to buy 0.5% of Sibneft shares.

    This explanation does not stand up to criticism: 1. Previously, no one had ever heard of such an option. 2. An option is a formal thing and many people should know about it. There was an attempt to merge Sibneft and Yukos, respectively, a check was carried out before the deal (due diligence), this option had to be fixed. 3. With what fright did someone give Shuvalov an option in his pre-government period? 4. As you can see for yourself, this contradicts the early legend "at first Olga still had to work to help her husband raise three children to his feet." We have 0.5% of Sibneft, but it is difficult for us to raise three children.

    Let's continue. 50 million dollars turned out to be a little enterprising Shuvalov. After all, there are so many rich people around and they all need services in the government.

    SUDDENLY. The company "Gelager", the official key company of the holding of the multimillionaire Usmanov, which can take out a loan from any bank without any problems, for some reason borrows these Shuvalov's $ 50 million from him. Why is this Usmanov? Unclear. What is this for Shuvalov? It is clear: in July 2007, the "loan" was repaid with excellent interest. As much as $ 118 million returned to Sevenki.

    After Usmanov borrowed money in the right place, his business became very good. And even in difficult times of the crisis, one could see on the news agency feeds: “Russia will act as a guarantor of a $ 1 billion loan to be provided to Alisher Usmanov's Metalloinvest company by VTB Bank. This decision was made by a commission headed by First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. (Reuters 8 September 2009)

    Well, in February 2008 Sevenki transferred the first 80-plus million dollars to its owner, Radcliffe, as dividends. And in 2009, housewife Olga Shuvalova declares an income of 367 million rubles.

    • In January 2005, Shuvalov became a "sherpa" (personal representative of the President of the Russian Federation) in the G8, whose regular summit was held in St. Petersburg in July 2006. In this position, he made a number of high-profile statements and actively contributed to raising the international status of the Russian Federation.

    In the course of preparing the president's next message to the Federal Assembly, according to media reports, Putin rejected the text of the document prepared under the leadership of Shuvalov - because of this, the message scheduled for the end of April 2006 was announced only in May. This incident had no visible consequences for Shuvalov.

    In May 2008, after the official inauguration of the new President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, Shuvalov became acting assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, and a few days later he was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister in the Putin government.

    On September 1, 2008, he headed the organizing committee for the preparation for the APEC summit and the State Commission for the socio-economic development of the Far East and Transbaikalia.

    In November 2008, the X Congress of United Russia was held, at which Shuvalov was elected Deputy for Creativity and Interaction with Political Clubs Vyacheslav Volodin - Secretary of the Presidium of the Party's General Council. In December of the same year, Shuvalov headed a commission created by Putin to coordinate government actions in the context of the global financial crisis.

    Since March 19, 2009 - National Coordinator of the Russian Federation for the Commonwealth of Independent States.

    In the summer of 2009, Shuvalov spoke on behalf of the Russian government when discussing the possibility of Russia joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) as part of the unified customs union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

    Since January 11, 2010 - Chairman of the Joint Government Commission for Economic Development and Integration.

    Responsibilities (since January 2012)

    Coordinates the work of federal executive bodies, gives them instructions on the following issues:

    • development of the main directions of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation;
    • implementation of a unified financial, credit and monetary policy, management of public debt and financial assets of the Russian Federation;
    • state financial planning, development and execution of the state budget, increasing the effectiveness of budget expenditures and improving the budget system, developing and implementing tax policy;
    • state investment policy and the development of federal target programs, including the definition of indicators of their effectiveness;
    • state regulation of financial markets, insurance and audit activities;
    • development of state policy in the field of foreign economic activity and foreign trade;
    • trade and economic relations and economic integration of the Russian Federation and the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States;
    • state policy in the field of international relations of the Russian Federation;
    • state policy in the field of technical regulation;
    • participation of the Russian Federation in the World Trade Organization;
    • state regulation of intellectual property;
    • state policy in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from emergencies;
    • state policy in the field of transport and communications;
    • ensuring road safety;
    • state support for the development of small business;
    • management of state property;
    • state policy in the field of cadastral registration of real estate objects, registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it;
    • state policy in the field of the unity of economic space and freedom of economic activity, antimonopoly policy and the development of competition;
    • state policy in the field of activities of subjects of natural monopolies;
    • state tariff policy;
    • state migration policy.

    Family and property

    Wife - Olga Viktorovna Shuvalova.

    First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov and his wife in 2008-2010 earned a total of more than 1.405 billion rubles - approximately $ 48 million, according to the income declarations of Shuvalov and his family published in accordance with the law. At the same time, the main part of the income - 1.379 billion rubles - was earned by the spouse of the official, the income of Igor Shuvalov himself for three years amounted to about 26 million rubles.

    Income and property for 2010

    Olga Shuvalova, the wife of the first deputy prime minister of Russia, earned 372.908 million rubles in 2010, which is more than the income of all deputy prime ministers and federal ministers combined, but almost half the amount she declared a year earlier. In 2009, the income of Shuvalov's wife was 641.913 million rubles. The income of Shuvalov himself in 2010 more than doubled - to 14.652 million rubles from 6.529 million rubles in 2009.

    In his 2010 declaration, the official indicated that he owned about a quarter of an apartment of 175 square meters, and another apartment with an area of ​​109 square meters was jointly owned with his wife. The first deputy prime minister has two land plots with a total area of ​​about 40 acres in free use for five years. In addition, Shuvalov rented a residential building and utility block with an area of ​​643 square meters in Russia, a residential building with an area of ​​1479 square meters in Austria and an apartment of 424 square meters in the UK. The first deputy prime minister and his wife jointly owned seven cars:

    • Jaguar,
    • Mercedes-Benz S350,
    • Mercedes-Benz S500,
    • Mercedes-Benz S-class sedan V221,
    • limousine ZIL-41047,
    • Ford Hymer Camp and
    • VAZ-2101.

    In the declaration for 2008, Shuvalov indicated that he earned 4.761 million rubles, his wife - 364.703 million rubles.

    There is a son and two daughters.

    The youngest son of the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov, Evgeny, has been serving in the special forces of the Pacific Fleet (Pacific Fleet) since the fall of 2011. This was stated by the official himself on the air of the Avtoradio Vladivostok radio station.

    According to I. Shuvalov, his son was going to enter the UK at Oxford, but decided to join the army first. According to the official, his son's outlook on life changed after he visited Russian military units.

    "Service in the Pacific Fleet is Yevgeny's independent choice. Of course, he could have served in Moscow, but he decided to serve in Vladivostok," Shuvalov said.

    According to the official, he advises his friends to send their sons to serve in the Far East, which has a very bright future. "I am ready to debunk the myth that the Far East is the outskirts of Russia. Here, in the Pacific Ocean, Russia begins," Shuvalov said.

    "My son says that the service is difficult, but very interesting and useful," added the first deputy prime minister.

    The son of the politician wrote in his blog that the perception of everything around him changes greatly when you know that you will soon go to the army.


    • Certificate of honor of the Government of the Russian Federation (May 28, 2003) - for a great personal contribution to solving the problems of the country's socio-economic development.

    Igor Ivanovich Shuvalov is an influential Russian politician, project manager in the field of economics, mediator in many financial issues.

    He has held various leading positions in government administration. Until 1998 he served as Deputy Minister Ministry of State Property then headed federal property fund. From 2000 to 2008 there was “ Chief Marshal "of the Putin team, holding the position of Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation. Then the career ladder led him to the chair of the first deputy of the government, which he held until 2018.

    As an important member of the government, Igor Ivanovich proved himself to be a competent representative of the government and a confidant. During his career in politics, he faced various challenges. He was a responsible person in the area of ​​economic development, resolved issues of customs and tariff regulation and privatization. He was involved in investment projects and support for small businesses. More than once participated in the organization of major international events, such as Sochi Olympic Games, 2018 soccer championship, meetings of leaders of states within the framework of certain coalitions.

    Political analysts talk about Shuvalov's liberalism, touching on the dubious origins of his financial assets. Business relations of the politician apply to such persons as Oleg Boyko, and others. The total income of the family of the president’s confidant reaches 478 million rubles, which makes him one of the richest stars in the sky of the political elite. There are rumors of multimillion-dollar real estate owned by Shuvalov, such as a villa in the UAE, apartments in London and an estate in Austria.

    Childhood and youth

    Igor Shuvalov was born on January 4, 1967 in the Far East. His parents were immigrants from the capital, by the will of fate, who found themselves working in the small village of Bilibino in Chukotka. There is a possibility that the politician has earl roots on his father's side. Father was a native of the Moscow branch of the Shuvalovs, a family mentioned in the sixteenth century and shining at the court of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. The politician's mother was a descendant of the Smolensk residents who moved to Moscow during the industrialization.

    Igor Shuvalov's first school years were spent in Chukotka. Then the family returned to Moscow, where the politician successfully completed his secondary education.

    Further training did not go so smoothly. In 1984, yesterday's schoolboy did not pass through the competition to the prestigious University of Moscow State University. The young man decided to get a job in the direction of communications analytics and for a year was listed as a laboratory assistant at the Ecos Research Institute.

    From 1985 to 1987, Shuvalov served in the army. After demobilization, he became a student of the workers' faculty of Moscow State University, where he studied for another year. The training received helped the young man to successfully pass the exams and become a certified specialist after graduating from the Faculty of Law. The talented young man was noticed and invited to serve in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    Business career

    Replenishment in the family pushed to search for a promising and financially stable position. The ambitious specialist did not stay long in minor positions. A significant breakthrough in Igor Shuvalov's career was a meeting with Roman Kolodkin's subordinate Alexander Mamut. On the recommendation of a friend, Shuvalov got a place in Mamut's new project, Center "ALM-Consulting", engaged in legal advice. The partners of the center were the British Frere Cholmeley Bischoff.

    The ambitious company was soon spotted and acquired a representative clientele among the political and business elite. Igor Ivanovich did business with the owner of the concern "OLBIE" Oleg Boyko, notorious politician, as well. Shuvalov's services were resorted to by an acquaintance with him since the time of privatization Sibneft in 1995.

    After six months of cooperation with Oleg Boyko on legal support of one of the banks, the entrepreneur decided to make cooperation with Shuvalov closer. A talented lawyer was offered a partnership in business and 15% of all assets. This was the impetus for the career of Igor Shuvalov. He has held senior management positions in many companies such as ORT-Consortium Bank which served as a repository of funds for some financial projects of shareholders "ORT"... It also included real estate, trade and financial offices.

    Shuvalov in politics

    Back in 1997, Igor Shuvalov, with the patronage of Malamut, received the chair of the head of the Department of the State Register of the State Property Committee. After that, he got the opportunity to act as a trustee of the state in such financial structures as Rosgosstrakh and the like. In the same year, the future politician became one of the managers of ORT, and a few months later he was already listed as head of the Federal Property Fund. Igor Shuvalov spent a considerable time at the leading place in the RFBR, finding such prime ministers as Primakov, Stepashin and Putin... At the same time, a talented official acted as a guardian of the country's interests in such large corporations as Gazprom and Rosgosstrakh... As part of the group responsible for overcoming the economic crisis, he collaborated with the head of the presidential administration and a significant figure in Vnesheconombank.

    Shuvalov and

    In 2000, not without the help of Voloshin and Abramovich, he began to head the apparatus " Of the White House» Russian Federation... After the scandal associated with the then acting Prime Minister Kasyanov, Shuvalov, accused of collusion with the oligarchs, resigned from the Government. This did not stop him from becoming the president's right-hand man on economic, military and poverty alleviation issues.

    Shuvalov talks to the coach of the sports complex "Dynamo"

    Already in October 2003 he was actively cooperating with. Igor Shuvalov introduced the Board of Directors Sovcomflot and National Banking Service. Two years later, Shuvalov already represented Putin at the G8 summit.

    Igor Shuvalov is involved in a number of scandals. One of them is associated with the resignation of Anatoly Iksanov, who served as general director of the Bolshoi Theater. Perhaps this was done at the suggestion of Nikolai Tsiskaridze, who was in a tense relationship with Iksanov. Until that time, Tsiskaridze was a ballet teacher for one of the politician's daughters.

    Shuvalov and

    Personal life

    Igor Shuvalov met his wife Olga while studying at the law faculty of Moscow State University. In 1993, the girl received a diploma in civil law. In the same year, the couple had their first child, a son, Eugene, five years later, a daughter, Maria, was born, and in 2002, Anastasia.

    Today Olga Shuvalova considers keeping the hearth as her job. This does not prevent her from being a very wealthy lady - a housewife's income reaches hundreds of millions a year. According to some reports, she is engaged in land business, and also sells shares of some raw material organizations. According to the politician's wife herself, the income arose as a result of the registration of business assets of Igor Shuvalov in her name, after his transition to the civil service. She herself has only an indirect relationship to entrepreneurial activity. All proceeds are in the department of the management company, and the Shuvalov couple do not relate to these funds.

    Olga Shuvalova loves animals, her main hobby is a kennel specializing in Welsh Corgi dogs. The rest of the family is not indifferent to sports. Igor Ivanovich is fond of football at an amateur level.

    The eldest son Eugene managed to pay his debt to his homeland in the special forces of the Pacific Fleet in the Far East. To date, the young man received a diploma from the Moscow School of Economics, and in his free time he is engaged in swimming, martial arts and horseback riding. The middle daughter Masha attends rhythmic gymnastics classes under the direction of Irina Vinner.

    The politician also has a half-sister, Elena Lebova-Shuvalova. The woman runs the Moscow House of Creativity "Istok" for children.

    Igor Shuvalov today

    According to his colleagues and subordinates, Igor Ivanovich is an authoritarian and strict leader. Employees under his supervision must be disciplined and punctual. In case of delay, the guilty must read out excerpts from the Constitution by heart.

    During 2016, the politician was in charge of preparations for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. But later, this responsibility passed to the newly appointed Deputy Prime Minister in the field of sports.

    Due to the reshuffle in the government that occurred after the inauguration of the president in May 2018, Shuvalov was forced to leave his post in the government of the Russian Federation. According to some sources, the politician has been preparing for a new appointment for a long time.

    Graduated from Moscow State University in 1993.

    Shuvalov Igor Ivanovich

    Shuvalov Igor Ivanovich- Russian statesman. Chairman of the State Corporation Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank). First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class. Previously, he held the positions of Assistant to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chairman of the Russian Federal Property Fund, Deputy Minister of State Property of the Russian Federation. He also served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sovcomflot until July 2010. Candidate of Legal Sciences. Chairman of the organizing committee of the Gaidar Forum.


    Shuvalov Igor Ivanovich, was born on January 4, 1967 in the village of Bilibino, Magadan Region, where his parents came to work. Graduated from high school in Moscow in 1984.

    Relatives. Sister (step-by-step): Elena Ivanovna Lebova-Shuvalova, born on June 18, 1962, director of the Istok children's art house in the Northern Chertanovo district of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow.

    Wife: Shuvalova Olga Viktorovna, born on March 27, 1969, housewife. Journalists have repeatedly written that in reality she is engaged in the sale of land in the near Moscow region, offshore business and trading in shares of Russian raw materials companies, but she officially denies all this.

    Son: Evgeny Igorevich Shuvalov, born on 05/06/1993. He is known for the fact that in the period from 2011 to 2012 he served in an intelligence post of the Pacific Fleet on Russky Island near Vladivostok. According to some reports, he appeared there only once - at the ceremony of taking the oath.

    Daughter: Shuvalova Maria Igorevna, born on 08/04/1998, student of the School of Ballet Arts at the Moscow Academy of Choreography. Previously, she studied rhythmic gymnastics with Irina Viner.

    Awards. I. Shuvalov has the Order of Merit to the Fatherland of III and IV degrees, the Order of Honor, the Order of Alexander Nevsky, the Order of Service to the Republic of Tatarstan. Honorary Citizen of Kazan.


    • From 1987 to 1988 - student of the preparatory department of Moscow State University.
    • In 1992 he graduated from the law faculty of the Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in jurisprudence.

    Labor activity

    • From 1984 to 1985 - worked as a laboratory assistant at the Research Institute "Ecos".
    • From 1985 to 1987 - he did military service.
    • From 1992 to 1993, he held the position of attaché of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
    • From 1993 to 1997 - worked as a senior lawyer, director of the ALM-Consulting Law Office of the Moscow Bar Association (in association with Frere Cholmeley Bischoff).
    • In May 1995, he became one of the founders of Stalker OJSC (wholesale trade).
    • In August 1995, he was the founder of Fanheim OJSC (real estate activity).
    • In October 1996, he was one of the founders of RANDO CJSC (production and sale of consumer goods).
    • From 1997 to 1998, he was the head of the Department of the State Register of Federal Property of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management.
    • In December 1996 - together with Natalya Rusina, a senior lawyer and partner of ALM bureau, he became the founder of ORT-Consortium of Banks CJSC (ORT-KB).
    • In October 1997, he was appointed a member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Rosgosstrakh. In April 1998, he became a member of the Board of Directors of OJSC.
    • In December 1997 - by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, he was included in the Board of Directors of OJSC Sovcomflot.
    • In January 1998 - by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, he was appointed Deputy Minister of State Property of the Russian Federation.
    • He was a member of the MGI Collegium.
    • In February 1998 - at the general meeting of shareholders of OJSC Public Russian Television, he was approved as a member of the Board of Directors.
    • In May 1998, he was appointed acting. Chairman of the Russian Fund for Federal Property under the Government of the Russian Federation (RFBR) "at the time of illness" Igor Lipkin. Was released from the post of Deputy Minister of State Property of the Russian Federation.
    • In August 1998, he was appointed a member of the board of state representatives at OJSC Svyazinvest.
    • In August 1998, he was introduced to the working group under the acting. Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation to develop urgent measures to overcome the financial crisis.
    • In September 1998, he was approved as Chairman of the RFBR.
    • In 1998 he became a member of the Supervisory Board of the Russian Center for Industrial Restructuring (RCRP).
    • December 1998 - Member of the Board of Directors of the State Corporation Agency for Restructuring Credit Organizations (ARCO).
    • In 1998, he remained in the new board of directors of Rosgosstrakh.
    • In June 1999, he was inducted into the collegium of state representatives.
    • In May 1999, he was appointed chairman of the board of government representatives at the Russian State Insurance Company.
    • In June 1999, he was elected to the Board of Directors of the All-Union Exhibition Center (VVC).
    • In July 1999, he was nominated to the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom as a government representative.
    • In November 1999, he was approved as a state representative at the Russian Bank for Development (RBR).
    • In June 1999, he was re-elected to the ORT Board of Directors.
    • In June 2000, he was re-elected to the ORT Board of Directors.
    • In May 2000, he was appointed head of the RF Government Administration - RF Minister in the cabinet of Mikhail Kasyanov.
    • In October 2000, he coordinated the relationship between the Government of the Russian Federation and members of the Council for Entrepreneurship under the Government of the Russian Federation.
    • In 2000, he became the head of a working group engaged in the development of reorganization of the work of the structure of the Russian Cabinet of Ministers.
    • In April 2002, he was appointed chairman of the Council for awarding prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of quality.
    • In July 2002, he was appointed responsible for the development of the concept of administrative reform in the Government of the Russian Federation.
    • In October 2003, he was appointed deputy head of the Presidential Administration.
    • In March 2004, he was appointed Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, in whose jurisdiction the Department for Civil Service Issues and the Expert Department were transferred.
    • In 2004, he was appointed Presidential Representative to the National Banking Council.
    • June 2004 - member of the Board of Directors of JSC Russian Railways (RZD).
    • In 2005, he was appointed chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission on the Russian Federation's Participation in the G8 (instead of Andrei Illarionov).
    • 2005 - Deputy Chairman of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Implementation of Priority National Projects (Chairman of the Council - Dmitry Medvedev).
    • In 2006, he was approved as the presidential representative for the group of leading industrial states and relations with representatives of the leaders of the countries belonging to the G7, personal representative of the president during the preparation of the G8 meetings, deputy chairman of the Organizing Committee for the preparation and provision of the RF chairmanship in " Group of Eight ".
    • In 2008, he received the post of First Deputy Prime Minister (second First Deputy Prime Minister - Victor Zubkov). Supervises the external economic complex, the management of state property, tariff and regional policy.
    • In 2008, he headed the Council for the Development of the Financial Market under the President of the Russian Federation.
    • May 2008 - First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.
    • In 2009, by presidential decree, he was appointed national coordinator for CIS affairs.
    • In 2009, President Medvedev removed Shuvalov from the National Banking Council (NBS), which controls the activities of the Bank of Russia.
    • In February 2010, he was appointed responsible for improving the investment climate in Russia. He can apply for the cancellation of the decision of state bodies if they slow down the flow of capital into the country.
    • In August 2010 - Vladimir Putin signed a decree appointing Shuvalov as an investment ombudsman.
    • In November 2010, he was appointed chairman of the government commission for the development of television and radio broadcasting to replace Sergei Sobyanin, who left the government.
    • On May 21, 2012, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, he was reappointed as First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Links / Partners

    In his post, Igor Ivanovich was remembered for the fact that he was the representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the G8 and prepared the 2006 St. Petersburg summit of this organization. In narrower circles, he was also remembered for the fact that he managed to "flunk" the preparation of the annual message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly. As a result, this message, scheduled for the end of April 2006, was announced by Putin only in May. However, no organizational conclusions were made regarding Shuvalov and he remained in his post.

    In 2008, after Medvedev became President of the Russian Federation, Igor Ivanovich took the post of assistant to the new head of state, but just a few days later, at the request of Vladimir Putin, he became first deputy prime minister. In this position, he coordinated the activities of the Government of the Russian Federation to mitigate the consequences of the global financial crisis, dealt with issues of socio-economic development of the Far East, headed the government commission on economic development and integration within the CIS, and prepared Russia's accession to the WTO. Well, after the resignation in 2011 of the Deputy Prime Minister and the permanent Minister of Finance Alexey Kudrin the entire economic block of the Government was closed on Shuvalov.

    Literally immediately after his appointment as First Deputy Prime Minister, Igor Ivanovich headed the organizing committee for preparations for the 2012 APEC summit in Vladivostok. The city soon turned into a giant construction site. At the same time, a cable-stayed bridge was erected across the Vostochny Bosphorus Strait to the Russky Island, a similar bridge across the Golden Horn Bay, a new campus for the Far Eastern Federal University. All these projects were criticized for high costs, but Shuvalov did not react to it, claiming that there would be no “Potemkin villages” in Vladivostok. True, the Accounts Chamber subsequently revealed large-scale financial violations in the process of preparing the summit, but officials of the "second order", such as the former deputy regional development of the Russian Federation, were responsible for them. Roman Panin and Head of the Far Eastern Directorate of the Ministry of Economic Development Oleg Bukalov... Igor Ivanovich remained above suspicion.

    Shuvalov also actively lobbied for the idea of ​​creating a giant state corporation for the development of the Far East. But, in the end, this idea of ​​Igor Ivanovich did not receive the approval of President Putin, who did not want to create another bureaucratic center of power, of which there were already quite a few. Instead of creating a state corporation, the posts of Minister for the Development of the Far East and Plenipotentiary of the Far Eastern Federal District were divided, and Viktor Ishaev, who occupied them, resigned. Close to Shuvalov became the plenipotentiary Yuri Trutnev, and the minister - Alexander Galushka, the personality is absolutely colorless and dependent. Igor Ivanovich had to be content with at least this half-hearted apparatus victory. Shuvalov also "on the sly" managed to "break through" the program of socio-economic development of the Far East and Transbaikalia for the period until 2025, for the implementation of which it is planned to allocate about 10 trillion rubles.

    In addition to Far Eastern affairs, Igor Ivanovich also headed the organizing committee of the 2013 Universiade, which was held in Kazan, and after that almost immediately began to coordinate the preparation process for the 2018 World Cup. In short, Shuvalov always kept close to financial flows. At the same time, neither President Putin, nor Prime Minister Medvedev had any questions to Igor Ivanovich, nor do they arise. However, it cannot be said that there are no questions to Shuvalov at all.

    So, in 2011, the US Securities and Exchange Commission published information on Igor Ivanovich's participation in transactions for the acquisition of assets in American territory in the amount of $ 319 million, as well as on the provision of a loan for this purpose in the amount of $ 119 million for astronomical 40 percent per annum. Meticulous journalists got to the bottom of the fact that the Shuvalov family acquired through the company Sevenkey, registered in the Bahamas, Gazprom shares in the amount of approximately $ 18 million. This information was published in the blog of Alexei Navalny. At the same time, the opposition blogger posted scans of documents stating that tens of millions of dollars from companies were transferred to Igor Ivanovich's accounts. Roman Abramovich and Alisher Usmanov.

    Shuvalov immediately countered these accusations, stating that he earned these funds as an entrepreneur, and now they are in trust. That is, there is no violation of the law. Soon the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation did not find any violations. Well, the most honest Igor Ivanovich, as it turned out, was slandered in the most vile way by his former lawyer Pavel Ivlev, who is wanted by Interpol in the case of embezzlement of 2.4 billion dollars belonging to the Yukos company. It was Ivlev who, allegedly manipulating the facts, "leaked" unreliable information Navalny... Shuvalov even convened a special press conference on this issue. The journalists, of course, believed his arguments, but still an unpleasant aftertaste remained.

    The fact that at the end of December 2013 the co-chairman of the RPR-PARNA party, Boris Nemtsov, with the help of a public service on the website of the Federal Tax Service for checking tax arrears, determined that Shuvalov allegedly has an arrears in the payment of transport tax in the amount of more than 300,000 rubles. Of course, almost immediately it turned out that the FTS service had a number of shortcomings and was not able to promptly reflect the recently paid taxes, in fact, as of the end of December, all the debts of the First Deputy Prime Minister and his family members had been paid off, and Nemtsov was simply engaged in unconstructive "Trolling". But just in case, access to the FTS service was limited.

    People who know him note that Igor Ivanovich knows how to make an impression. He dresses stylishly, has excellent manners, is erudite, in a word, does not give the impression of a blockhead boss. Although, if there are no TV cameras and ladies nearby, he can screw a salty word into his speech. By the way, as for the ladies, Shuvalov is a big fan of them before. And how not to be a ladies' man for such an imposing man. So, Olga Viktorovna is always forced to be on the lookout and keep herself in shape, so that her less faithful would look around.

    Despite the fact that Igor Ivanovich Shuvalov holds a high position (and was considered as a candidate for even higher positions), he shuns publicity. He is rarely shown on TV, so the majority of the Russian population hardly knows him by sight. On the one hand, he is a performer to the core, does not have his own opinion and easily changes patrons. On the other hand, Shuvalov is really rich (despite the fact that, acting like a fool, he pretends to be unmercenary), has serious administrative experience, has established connections in the state apparatus and among big business, and knows how to work with people. In a word, he is quite capable of making a career breakthrough to the very top of the imperious Olympus. In addition, in the current "St. Petersburg" team, he was not originally one of them.

    Maybe that's why Igor Ivanovich never became Putin's “successor” in 2008, or even prime minister. In addition, evil tongues assert that Shuvalov's true interests lie outside of Russia. Therefore, President Putin keeps him in the place of First Deputy Prime Minister without any prospect of "promotion". Yes, and "stuffing" about the unjust Shuvalov capital is done for a reason. Despite the fact that Igor Ivanovich always gets out of the water, successfully fending off accusations against him, there is still some sediment. As they say, either they stole it from him, or he stole it.

    Igor Ivanovich Shuvalov

    Place of work: Government of the Russian Federation

    Positions: since 2008 - First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

    Business participation: From 1993 to 1997 Shuvalov worked in the law firm "ALM-Consulting", which also belonged to Alexander Mamut. In May 1995 he became one of the founders of Stalker OJSC (wholesale trade), in August - Fanheim OJSC (real estate activity), in October 1996 - RANDO CJSC (production and sale of consumer goods), in December 1996 - JSC "ORT-KB" (capital of banks - holders of shares of JSC "ORT"). Now "ORT-KB" owns 38% of JSC "Channel One", having five companies registered in Cyprus and Latvia as founders. Fanheim was excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in February 2006.

    According to the declaration, in 2008 Shuvalov had an income of 4.76 million rubles, two land plots of 800 square meters each. m, one of the plots is jointly owned with his wife. Also, together with his wife, he owned 7 cars (Jaguar, three Mercedes-Benz cars, a ZIL limousine, etc.)

    The next year, 2009, together with his wife, he bought an apartment with an area of ​​108.9 sq. m. In the declaration for the same year, two plots with a total area of ​​4 thousand square meters appeared. m, which are in the free use of Shuvalov for 5 years, as well as foreign real estate: renting a residential building in Austria with an area of ​​1479.84 sq. m. and apartments of 424 sq. m. in London. For 2009, Shuvalov declared an income of 6.5 million rubles.

    On June 7, 2010, Viktor Vekselberg, head of the working group of the Skolkovo innovation city project, wrote a letter to Igor Shuvalov with a request to cut another 103 hectares to Skolkovo "through buyout, exchange or other means." Vekselberg referred to the assessment of foreign experts on urban planning attracted by the foundation, who stated that the allocated area of ​​375 hectares "neither in its configuration, nor in borders, nor in size does not correspond to the technical and economic indicators approved for the project."

    In October 2010, several resolutions of the Moscow Region government were issued (in particular, No. 885/48 and No. 886/48), which recorded the land fund seized for state needs and the construction of the Skolkovo infrastructure. Including six sites with a total area of ​​7,199 sq. m, owned by Zarechye-Development LLC. Two plots (1972 sq. M.) Were intended by the owner for housing construction, four (5227 sq. M.) - for the location of the administrative-public and shopping and auto-service complex. Similarly, three plots with a total area of ​​297 sq. m, belonging to the non-profit partnership for the operation of residential buildings "Zarechye-4".

    On November 12, 2010, the Ministry of Property Relations of the Moscow Region requested quotations for the right to conclude a state contract to assess the value of this land (the application is posted on the website, notice No. 22). The terms of reference states that the appraisal should be made at market value, and the redemption price should include lost profits, as well as various losses caused to the owner.

    On November 25, 2010, the results of the quotations were summed up - the right to evaluate the Skolkovo lands was received by LLC “Group of Companies“ AZIRA ”, which for only 18 thousand 400 rubles. and 17 days had to conduct the assessment. It is interesting that four more companies put forward their quotes, but Azira's offer turned out to be the cheapest. The estimate had to be formed in December 2010, but so far no information on this matter has been found in open sources. It is not known whether the state bought out land plots from Olga Shuvalova's companies.

    According to experts, the cost of land in this area reaches $ 1.5-3 million per hectare. On October 12, 2010, two days before the decree of the Moscow Region government on the seizure of land from Olga Shuvalova's firms, Igor Shuvalov announced that his wife did not own land in Skolkovo near Moscow. “My wife does not own anything there, she has no business there,” Shuvalov said. That is, in this case, either the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is lying, which directly points to the spouse of the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, as the owner of Zarechye-Development LLC, or Shuvalov himself is lying.

    At the same time, Igor Shuvalov noted that before joining the civil service in 1997, he formed a family fund, which he assigned to his wife. And it is from the management of this fund that Olga Shuvalova receives the main income. However, no information has been found about Shuvalova's ownership of any fund in Russia. Perhaps this fund has overseas registration.

    Olga Shuvalova's partners:

    The General Director of Zarechye-Development is Ekaterina Muratidis. Until the beginning of 2009, she also headed Skolkovskie Dachi LLC, which owns land in the area of ​​the village of Novoivanovskoye - on the opposite side of the Zarechye side of the site allocated for the domestic "Silicon Valley".

    In the summer of 2009, the same Muratidis joined the board of directors of the Krasnopresnenskiy Sugar Refinery, which owns 7 hectares of land on Mantulinskaya Street, next to Moscow City. Previously, this asset was controlled by PIK Group, but in mid-2009 new offshore companies appeared in the co-owners of the enterprise, which were not noticed in the operations of PIK Group and its new shareholder Suleiman Kerimov.

    According to SPARK, Muratidis is also listed as the head of Kaffa Industries LLC (processing and supply of coffee). The founder of the company is the same Vartan Galustyan, with whom Olga Shuvalova owns Zarechye-Development LLC, three offshore companies and one London company.

    It is possible that Shuvalova has something to do with these businesses.

    Igor Ivanovich Shuvalov is a politician, lawyer, one of the wealthiest members of the government. From 2008 to 2018 - the first deputy chairman of the government, earlier - a former assistant to President Vladimir Putin (until 2008), head of the federal property fund (until 2000), deputy minister of the Ministry of State Property (1998).

    Responsible for the development of the main vectors of economic development, the solution of issues in the field of international relations, customs and tariff regulation, the implementation of investment projects, support for small businesses, privatization issues and much more, the first deputy chairman, according to analysts, has proved himself as reliable confidant, main driving force, "marshal" and competent advisor. The official also covered preparations for the meeting of the leaders of the G8 and APEC states, the games in Sochi and the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

    The media speaks of him as "a flexible liberal opposing the Kremlin's hardliners", a powerful lobbyist for a number of financial structures, the owner of dubious assets and "the true face of Russian business on a global scale." His entrepreneurship is associated with such famous figures as Roman Abramovich, Oleg Boyko, Alisher Usmanov, Suleiman Kerimov. He is one of the most financially secure representatives of the government elite (with a family income of 478 million rubles as of 2014) and allegedly owns an estate and a castle in the District, a villa in the UAE, an apartment in the capital of Britain, an estate in Austria, assets in France and a total fortune of $ 220 million.

    Childhood and adolescence of Igor Shuvalov

    Igor Shuvalov was born on January 4, 1967 in the Chukotka village of Bilibino, where his relatives, Muscovites themselves, temporarily worked under a contract. Lovely details from the childhood of the future politician are hidden from the public. It is known that Shuvalov went to the first grade in the Far East, but received a certificate of secondary education already in one of the Moscow schools.

    There is a hypothesis that Igor Shuvalov comes from the Shuvalov family of counts, leading a genealogy since the 16th century, which flourished during the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna. However, Shuvalov himself did not delve into this issue, so I'm not sure that he can boast of such a relationship. According to the official, his father comes from the "Moscow Shuvalovs", and the ancestors on the maternal side are natives of the Smolensk region, who moved to Moscow during the era of industrialization.

    In 1984, he made an attempt - unsuccessful - to enter Moscow State University, followed by a year as a laboratory assistant at the Research Institute "Ecos" (analytical center for communications), and in 1985 he was called up for military service. There is no information about the type of troops in which Shuvalov served.

    Demobilized in 1987, he was enrolled in the working faculty of Moscow State University, and a year later he became a full-fledged student of the law faculty of the same institution. In 1993, Igor Shuvalov graduated from the university, becoming a certified lawyer, after which he was hired by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    Shuvalov's business career

    The talented and ambitious graduate of Moscow State University did not stay long as an attaché. During this period, he met Alexander Mamut, who was a subordinate of Roman Kolodkin, Shuvalov's senior colleague in the Foreign Ministry. Igor had just had a son, and the official was in search of more promising and money-making work. Roman recommended Shuvalov to Mamut, who needed employees for the recently created legal and consulting center ALM-Consulting, which worked in partnership with London-based Frere Cholmeley Bischoff.

    Quite quickly, the bureau acquired clients among leading businessmen and politicians, including the owner of the OLBI concern Oleg Boyko, Boris Berezovsky, Roman Abramovich (Shuvalov was involved in supporting the privatization of Sibneft in 1995), Alisher Usmanov.

    For six months, Shuvalov was engaged in legal support of the cases of the National Credit Bank headed by Boyko. Boyko wanted the affairs of his bank to be a priority for Shuvalov, so he decided to interest him by offering to become a co-owner of the business and receive 15% of the assets. Subsequently, Shuvalov co-founded a number of companies, in particular, OPT-Consortium Bank, which united the funds of credit and financial institutions - holders of ORT shares, as well as an impressive list of organizations engaged in trade, banking and real estate activities (Stalker, Fanheim "," RANDO ", etc.).

    Shuvalov in politics

    In 1997, Shuvalov, not without the help of Mamut, was appointed head of the department of the state register of federal property of the State Property Committee, receiving the right to represent the country's interests in financial structures (Rosgosstrakh, Sovkomflot). In December 1997, he joined the Board of Directors of Sovcomflot, a couple of months later he took up a chair on the board of ORT. Soon (after the resignation of the government of Viktor Chernomyrdin in 1998) he was approved as head of the Russian Federal Property Fund. Shuvalov retained the position of head of the RFBR for a long time - he was such during the premiership of Yevgeny Primakov, Sergei Stepashin and Vladimir Putin.

    At the same time, a successful businessman and official represented state interests in Gazprom, ORT, Russian State Insurance Company, All-Union Exhibition Center. He was included in the group on the development of measures to overcome the financial and economic crisis, which, among others, included the head of the presidential administration Alexander Voloshin and the chairman of Vnesheconombank Andrei Kostin. (images / stories2015 / uzn_1442996135.jpg # Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov) In 2000, Igor Shuvalov, at the suggestion of Voloshin and Abramovich, took the chair of the minister, chief of staff of the Russian "White House". In 2003, after the incident with Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov, who lost confidence in Shuvalov, considering him a representative of the interests of his patron oligarchs, Igor left the Government, after which he was appointed assistant to the head of state, oversaw the issues of economic growth, the fight against poverty and the reformation of the armed forces ...

    In October 2003, he became deputy head of the presidential administration, Dmitry Medvedev. He headed the Board of Directors of the shipping company Sovcomflot, became a representative of the National Banking Council.

    In 2005, Shuvalov became the personal representative of Vladimir Putin at the G8 summit, and the next year he took an active part in the Russian representation at the summit as deputy chairman of the organizing committee.

    Exclusive interview with Igor Shuvalov

    In 2008, along with Viktor Zubkov, he became the first deputy chairman of the government of the Russian Federation, heading the commission for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as the body for countering the negative consequences of the global financial crisis. In addition, Igor Ivanovich led the preparatory events for the annual meeting of the leaders of the APEC states.

    Since 2009, a senior official has served as the national coordinator of Russia for CIS affairs, since 2010 - head of the commission for economic development and integration.

    Since 2011 (after the resignation of Alexei Kudrin), the politician has been the curator of the economic sector, the country's representative in the Eurasian profile commission. In the same period, he was predicted to be the leader of the political force "Right Cause", then his candidacy was considered as the main one from the Primorsky branch of "United Russia" in the Duma elections, but later he gave up his intention to run for the State Duma.

    In 2012, he became the head of the Commission on Urban Development Policy, Transport and Communications, retaining the post of First Deputy Chairman and overseeing privatization issues.

    In an interview in 2015, the official announced that the consequences of the crisis for the country's economy were less detrimental than the authorities expected, and that from 2016 the economy in Russia will begin to grow.

    Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov comes out with an anti-crisis plan

    Personal life of Igor Shuvalov

    Shuvalov, who, according to experts of the heraldry of the head of the Russian Imperial House, may be a descendant of Russian aristocrats.

    Like any exemplary politician, he is married. A classmate Olga became his wife during his student years. In 1993 she graduated from Moscow State University with a diploma in civil law. Now she is a housewife, however, even being in this status, she manages to earn millions, since with the transition to the service of the state, the spouse rewrote his assets in her name. She is engaged in breeding dogs of the Welsh Corgi breed.

    The couple have three children. In 1993, son Eugene was born, in 1998 - daughter Maria, in 2002 - Anastasia. The son was fond of equestrian sports, wrestling and swimming, Masha - rhythmic gymnastics. Shuvalov himself loves to play football with friends.


    Igor Shuvalov is considered one of the richest Russian politicians, which is why he has developed a reputation as the most corrupt government official. He often becomes a defendant in major scandals. It is believed that Igor Shuvalov's main interests lie outside of Russia. The official has so far managed to fend off all attacks by Western and domestic media regarding the dubious legitimacy of his capital. As a result, despite the fact that the official is distinguished by vast experience, reliable connections in the state apparatus and business, the prospects for his ascent to the very top of power are minimal.

    At the end of 2011, the American Securities Commission made public information about the acquisition of assets by Shuvalov in the amount of more than $ 300 million in the United States.

    A couple of months later, Alexei Navalny made publicly available documents according to which the Shuvalov family earned millions of dollars on shares in Gazprom and Sibneft, and the money was transferred to Shuvalov through accounts nominally owned by the oligarchs Abramovich and Usmanov.

    A year later, Boris Nemtsov caught Shuvalov in arrears in the payment of transport tax in the amount of 300 thousand rubles. Later it turned out that all the politician's debts had been paid off, just the website of the Federal Tax Service, due to its specifics, reflected the amounts received with a delay.

    In 2016, Shuvalov's wife was convicted of using a $ 50 million private jet, not declared by their family, on an ongoing basis. It turned out that the plane was used to transport dogs to international exhibitions, and the amount spent on jet flights was, according to the Anti-Corruption Foundation, about 40 million rubles per year.

    In the summer of the same year, Alexei Navalny said that Shuvalov was building a "tsar-apartment" in an elite multi-storey building on Kotelnicheskaya embankment, having bought 10 apartments on the 14th floor of a skyscraper, the total cost of which was estimated by the blogger at 600 million rubles. Shuvalov's manager replied that the apartments could have been "purchased as part of an investment strategy for asset management," and added that Shuvalov and his family were doing fine with property declarations.

    Shuvalov: “Apartments of 20 square meters. It seems ridiculous ... "

    Igor Shuvalov today

    In 2016, Igor Shuvalov oversaw the preparation of cities for Russia for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. However, in October, this responsibility was transferred to Vitaly Mutko, who took up the new position of Deputy Prime Minister for Sports.

    In May 2018, Igor Shuvalov left the new Government of the Russian Federation, formed shortly after the inauguration of Vladimir Putin. According to sources, Shuvalov has long wanted to get a new appointment, "where the president says."