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  • Trutnev biography. Yuri Trutnev: biography, family, position

    Trutnev biography.  Yuri Trutnev: biography, family, position
    Yuri Petrovich Trutnev - ex-mayor of Perm, from 2000 to 2004 - governor of the Perm region, led the process of unification of the Perm region and the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug into a single Perm Territory. Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation in 2004-2012, Assistant to the President from 2012 to 2013. He is currently the President's Plenipotentiary Representative in the Far Eastern District.

    Childhood of Yuri Trutnev

    Yuri was born in the Perm region. His father worked as the head of an oil pipeline section, and his mother also worked in the oil industry. The boy knew the way of life of oilmen from childhood. As Yuri Petrovich recalled, at that time work in this area was completely different: very often something broke or fell somewhere. Father could leave in the middle of the night, getting up on the call.

    After leaving school, the young man decided to follow in the footsteps of his parents, despite all the hardships of the oil profession. He entered the Polytechnic Institute of the city of Perm, becoming a student at the mining faculty. The young man studied the first three courses without stress and special efforts, but starting from the fourth year he was really carried away by studies, so much so that he began to receive an increased scholarship.

    The beginning of Yuri Trutnev's career: a long journey into politics

    After the institute, Trutnev was assigned to the Perm Research Institute and the Design Institute of the Oil Industry, where he began his career as a junior researcher. He decided not to pursue a scientific career, so he left the institute, giving up his postgraduate studies. At that time, he believed that the position of instructor of the Komsomol city committee would be much more interesting, and most importantly, more important for society.

    His responsibilities included organizing youth gatherings and student construction teams. The young man gave himself up to the new job with all his zeal, and in 1986 he was offered to head the regional sports committee. This was largely influenced by Trutnev's passion for sports: tourism, wrestling, sambo, and later karate.

    Cooperative movement and commercial activities of Yuri Trutnev

    With the beginning of perestroika, the young man was carried away by the cooperative movement. He wanted to understand how an enterprise can make money on its own and dispose of the money itself. He left his post and organized a cooperative with partners.

    Most of all, Yuri's mother was worried: she did not understand how it was possible to change a respected position for obscurity. The cooperative, called "Contact", was housed in a room that was rented on the first floor of the sports committee building. The guys earned their first capital by coming up with a program of demonstration sports performances and performing independently in different parts of the city. Having collected a rather large amount, they used it to develop training complexes. Later, these simulators were supplied to educational institutions of the Perm region.

    Yuri Trutnev answered uncomfortable questions

    The nineties came, and instead of "Contact" there was a company "EKS Limited", supplying food products to the region from abroad. Things were flourishing. Over time, a new company, Doctor EKS, appeared, supplying imported medicines.

    The beginning of the political activity of Yuri Trutnev

    Doing business was not only profitable for Trutnev, but also interesting, but he also wanted to try himself in politics. The first step in his political career was the local Legislative Assembly, where he became the head of the Committee on Taxes and Economic Policy. In 1996, Yuri Petrovich became the mayor of Perm. With his coming to this position, things began to improve in the city, in particular, a tunnel was built under the Trans-Siberian Railway. It was an ambitious project that significantly improved the transport situation in the city.

    Minister Yuri Trutnev: Think about how to become successful

    At the end of 2000, Trutnev won the elections and became the governor of the Perm region. During his tenure as governor, the Perm Region was merged with the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug. It was decided to enlarge the Russian regions, and the first, one might say, experimental was the unification of these two regions. A referendum organized in 2003 agreed to the unification. This is how the Perm Territory appeared.

    Trutnev's work in Moscow: the Government and the Kremlin

    In 2004, the Governor of the Perm Territory was offered to head the Ministry of Nature instead of Vitaly Artyukhov, who had held this post for the past three years. Trutnev accepted the offer and held this post until 2012. His first serious business in this place was the organization of inspections of the Sakhalin-2 project, as a result of which Gazprom became its controlling shareholder, receiving 51% of the shares.

    In 2012, Trutnev became an assistant to President Vladimir Putin. His responsibilities included overseeing the resource department and overseeing the State Council.

    Since August 2013, Yuri Petrovich has become the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the Far Eastern District.

    Personal life of Yuri Trutnev

    Yuri Petrovich has always been fond of sports, but in recent years he devotes a lot of time to karate kyokushinkai. He has 5th dan, since 2005 he has been the co-chairman of the Russian Union of Martial Arts, and since 2011 - the co-chairman of the World Kyokushin Union (he was also one of the initiators of its creation).

    Also Yuri Trutnev is an avid race car driver. Since 2000, for four years, he has been a participant in the stages of the Cup and the National Rally Championship.

    Yuri Petrovich has five children - two daughters and three sons. He is currently married for the third time. His second wife is Marina Lvovna Trutneva. She is an athlete, namely, a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. Today Marina Lvovna owns a clothing store in Perm. Both his sons (Alexander and Dmitry) were born from a second marriage. The politician got married for the third time in 2006. His wife is Natalya Sergeevna Petrova.

    Yuri Petrovich does not forget his hometown - he often comes to Perm, where his friends and relatives live.

    Yuri Trutnev was born in the Perm region on March 1, 1956. His father worked as the head of an oil pipeline section. The mother of the future politician also worked in a similar industry. The politician has known the way of life of oil workers since childhood. As Yuri Petrovich himself said, in those days the work in the relevant field was different, the father could leave home at night at the first request of the management.


    After graduation, Trutnev decided to follow in the footsteps of his parents and became a student at the mining faculty of the Perm Polytechnic Institute. The young man studied the first three courses without effort, but after the educational process he captivated the young man so much that at the end of the fourth year he went on an increased scholarship.


    After graduation, Trutnev was assigned to the Perm Research Institute and the Design Institute of the Oil Industry. He began his career as a junior research assistant. Subsequently, he did not enter graduate school, so he left the educational institution.

    At that moment, Trutnev considered that the position of the designer of the Komsomol city committee would become better and more important for society. Then he was engaged in the organization of youth gatherings and student construction brigades. The young specialist went to work with great pleasure. She largely influenced Trutnev's passion for sports, in particular, wrestling, sambo and karate.


    When perestroika began, Trutnev was involved in the cooperative movement. He really wanted to understand how an enterprise can independently earn financial resources and dispose of them. The future politician had to leave his first position, together with his friends Trutnev organized a cooperative called "Contact". An office was rented for him on the first floor of the building where the sports committee was located. Aspiring entrepreneurs earned their first profit by coming up with a program of demonstration sports performances. They performed independently in various parts of the city. The members of the cooperative decided to spend the first salary funds on the development of training complexes. By the way, the first of them were supplied to educational institutions throughout the Perm region.

    In the 90s, EKS Limited replaced Kontakt. The company was engaged in the supply of products to the region from abroad. Over time, Trutnev organized a new company, Doctor EKS. She supplied imported medicines.


    Over time, the business ceased to generate income for Trutnev, so he decided to try himself in politics. First, he headed the Committee on Tax and Economic Policy. In 1996 he became the mayor of the city of Perm. With the arrival of Trutnev to the post, things began to improve in the city. In particular, the project for the construction of a tunnel under the Transsib was completed. As a result, the transport situation in the city has improved. In 2000, Trutnev was elected governor of the Kama region. During his work, the region and the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug were merged. As a result, the Perm Territory appeared. In 2004, Trutnev became the head of the Ministry of Nature instead of Vitai Artyukhov, who has held the corresponding post for the past three years. The politician was in this position until 2012. At this point, his first serious business was the organization of a project called "Sakhalin-2". As a result, Gazprom became its controlling shareholder and received 51% of the shares.

    In 2012, Trutnev was appointed assistant to President Vladimir Putin. He was in charge of overseeing the resource department and the State Council. A year later, Yuri Petrovich became the plenipotentiary of the head of state in the Far Eastern District.


    Yuri Trutnev is married. In marriage, 3 sons and two daughters are brought up. Son Dmitry is a financial advisor and member of the Board of Directors of the Central Cooperative Bank. The politician has always been fond of sports. Now Yuri Trutnev devotes a lot of time to kyokushin karate. He is the owner of the 5th dan. From 2005 to the present day, Trutnev has been the co-chairman of the Russian Union of Martial Arts. In 2011, he became co-chair of the World Kyokushin Union.

    Major achievements

    Successful unification of the Perm Region and the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug in 2003; attracting serious investments to the Perm Territory, brilliant work as the Minister of Natural Resources.


    1978 - Graduated from the mining faculty of the Perm Polytechnic Institute with a degree in mining engineer, worked as an assistant driller, oil production operator at NGDU Polaznaneft and Komineft. Then he became a junior researcher at the Perm Scientific Research and Design Institute of the Oil Industry.

    1981-1989. - Komsomol work, appointed head of the Committee for Sports of the Perm Regional Executive Committee, at the same time organized a company selling sports equipment to state organizations.

    1994 - Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region and the Perm City Duma, headed the Committee on Economic Policy and Taxes. In 1996. elected mayor of Perm. Problems in business pushed him to participate in the elections: this was the only way to resolve financial troubles at the expense of administrative resources. Soon the banks, to which Yu. Trutnev's firm owed them, quickly went bankrupt, and their leaders went to work in the city administration.

    2000 - Yu. Trutnev, supported by the local business community in the person of businessmen Dmitry Rybolovlev and Andrey Kuzyaev, won the election of the governor of the Perm region, ahead of the incumbent governor Gennady Igumnov. Under Yu. Trutnev, the unification of the Perm region and the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug began, which ended in 2003, which was exemplary. Under Yu. Trutnev, the companies of Viktor Vekselberg “Renova” and Vladimir Potanin “Interros” came to the Perm Territory.

    2004 - Yu. Trutnev was appointed Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation in the government of Mikhail Fradkov. He retained his post after the re-election of President Vladimir Putin. In his new position, he began an official investigation against his predecessor Vitaly Artyukhov, who on the last day of his tenure signed 62 licenses for geological exploration in five regions. Soon after being appointed to the post of Minister of Natural Resources, he turned out to be the most mentioned official in the media: his name was found more often than the name of the president. The minister's subordinates have declared war on pop stars, businessmen and officials who built facilities in nature conservation areas. Even foreign companies, which were caught in violation of environmental legislation, came under the hot hand of Y. Trutnev. Among the other "accused" of the minister were "RUSIA Petroleum" and the ill-fated Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill Oleg Deripaska. Yu. Trutnev even had to be cut from the top.

    2012 - Appointed assistant to the president, supervised the State Council. He took part in the elections to the State Duma, gave up his mandate to billionaire Anatoly Lomakin. August 31, 2013 - Appointed Deputy Prime Minister - Plenipotentiary in the Far Eastern Federal District. The media called Trutnev a "creature" of Igor Shuvalov and announced the victory of the Deputy Prime Minister, who lobbied for the appointment of the Deputy. Strokes for the portrait

    He was awarded the Order of Honor for his great contribution to the development of Perm, the Stolypin Medal for merits in solving strategic tasks of the socio-economic development of Russia, the Order of Honor from South Ossetia for his contribution to strengthening friendship between peoples.

    Seriously fond of sports - martial arts (co-chairman of the Russian Union of Martial Arts together with Sergei Kiriyenko; initiator of creation, co-chairman of the World Kyokushin Union) and auto racing (classic rally, from 2000 to 2204 he participated in the stages of the Russian rally Championship on Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution cars. Sponsor LUKOIL was speaking). Co-chairman from the Russian side of the mixed intergovernmental commissions on cooperation between Russia and South Africa, the Republic of Guinea, Angola and Namibia.

    A family

    Married with three sons and two daughters. Son Dmitry is a financial advisor and member of the Board of Directors of the Central Cooperative Bank.

    Financial interests

    He earned the foundation of his capital in the 1990s by selling sports equipment on the basis of the EKS LIMITED cooperative. In addition, he was involved in organizing tours of strongmen, selling imported cars and supplying Nestle Swiss chocolate together with Oleg Chirkunov, Russia's Trade Representative in Switzerland. Upon O. Chirkunov's return to Perm, they together headed the 7ya supermarket chain. In 2009 and 2012. set a record for personal income among government members: 155 and 210 million rubles. respectively.

    In an interview for 2010, answering the question whether he regretted leaving the business for the civil service, he replied: “I like to understand the economy. I believe that I understand how business works, but the minister's information platform is much wider. Therefore, from the point of view of the development of intelligence, these are incomparable positions, ”he says. About returning someday, while the minister has no thoughts: “If they say to me:“ Thank you, I did a good job, I’m free, ”then I’ll think about it.”


    Despite the fact that he came from a wealthy family, during his student years he worked as a freelance inspector of the criminal investigation department, unloaded wagons with meat, built roads and sheds. Explained the lesson "interest".

    As the Minister of Natural Resources, he had strained relations with the government of Karelia. Was in a cool relationship with the "poor" TNK-BP, in 2006. even threatened to revoke the company's license, which holds the record for the number of idle wells.

    In 2007. The media named Y. Trutnev as one of the beneficiaries of Uralkali. Trutnev did not disregard this fact and demanded to initiate a case under the article “Slander” against journalists. At the same time, the minister had a conflict with the Perm governor and former business partner Oleg Chirkunov over solving the problem in Berezniki.

    In 2007. Trutnev's son received a plot for individual development in the coastal protection zone of the Kama reservoir. After the outbreak of the scandal, construction in the nature protection zone had to be curtailed.

    In 2008. Yuri Trutnev was called one of the possible successors of Vladimir Putin as president.

    Former Perm mayor and regional governor Yuri Trutnev was at the head of the process of uniting the region with the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug into a single Perm Territory. In 2004-2012, the official was in charge of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, then he worked as an assistant to the president for a year. Since August 2013 - Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Presidential Plenipotentiary in the Far East. Reappointed in May 2018. He is a member of the Supreme Council of United Russia.

    Childhood and youth

    Born in the spring of 1956 in the Perm region. In the village of Polazne, located on the banks of the picturesque Kama reservoir, spent his childhood and adolescence. He grew up in a family where both parents are oil workers.

    The father, who was in charge of the site, was often roused out of bed by night calls: breakdowns and accidents on the lines happened regularly, the head of the family was absent from home for 2-3 days. Mom also experienced all the hardships of working in the industry. But Yuri Trutnev took over the passion for the profession from his parents and after graduating from the village school he followed in their footsteps: he became a student at the Perm Polytechnic Institute, choosing a faculty where future oil workers were trained.

    The first three years Yuri studied without much zeal, but in the fourth he got so carried away that he earned an increased scholarship.

    In 1978, the young engineer was awarded a diploma of higher education. At the time of graduation from the university, Trutnev turned out to be savvy both theoretically and practically: in his student years he worked in the oil and gas production department "Polaznaneft", having gained experience as an assistant driller and operator for gas and oil production.

    According to the distribution, one of the best students was sent to the Perm Research Institute as a junior researcher.


    Scientific work quickly bored Yuri Trutnev, and after 3 years he left the research institute, switching to Komsomol work. The initiative young man was entrusted with the position of instructor of the Perm City Committee of the Komsomol, whose duties included the organization of student construction brigades and youth gatherings.

    In 1986, a sports head appeared in Trutnev's work biography: a 30-year-old Komsomol functionary was appointed chairman of the sports committee of the Perm executive committee. The decision to entrust this area of ​​work to Yuri Trutnev was made taking into account his long-standing passion for martial arts and tourism.

    In the late 1980s, an entrepreneurial streak appeared in Yuri Trutnev: together with like-minded people, he joined the cooperative movement that was gaining strength during the perestroika years. According to the memoirs of the official, the mother was the most worried, who did not understand why she should leave a respectable position in the regional executive committee to work in business, which was unpredictable and risky.

    The cooperative was named "Contact", having rented a room for an office in the sports committee. Initially, "Contact" organized sports competitions in Perm, in which the cooperators themselves took part. Then, having collected the first capital, enterprising young people invested it in the development and production of simulators, which were sold to schools, technical schools and universities of the region.

    In the 1990s, the Kontakt cooperative was transformed into the EKS Limited company, which traded food products in the Perm region. In the mid-1990s, Trutnev became the head of the joint-stock company E. KS International ". The business has expanded from the sale of exercise equipment to the sale of machines and chocolate. Yuri Trutnev and his partner became co-owners of the 7ya chain of stores.

    In 1994, Yuri Trutnev became a deputy of the Perm City Duma and the Regional Legislative Assembly, where he was entrusted with the leadership of the Committee on Economy and Taxes. Two years later, the former entrepreneur became the head of the city mayor's office, and in December 2000, Trutnev was elected governor of the region: in the first round, he left the current head of the region behind.

    At the end of 2003, a referendum was held, which resulted in the unification of the Perm region with the Komi-Permyak autonomy. In the spring of 2004, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree appointing Yuri Trutnev as Minister of Natural Resources in the Cabinet of Ministers of Mikhail Fradkov. In May, who replaced Medvedev at the post, he reappointed Trutnev to the ministerial post.

    In the spring of 2012, Yuri Petrovich became an assistant to the president, whose duties included overseeing the State Council. A year later, in the summer, Trutnev was appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Presidential Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District.

    In 2014, ITAR-TASS disseminated false information about the resignation of Yuri Trutnev, confusing the plenipotentiary for the Far Eastern District with Viktor Ishaev, who had been previously dismissed from office.

    The presidential decree, misinterpreted by the media, is a technological document on the dismissal of the past plenipotentiary. The news was duplicated by the mainstream media, which soon apologized for the confusion.

    Yuri Trutnev is fond of auto racing and kyokushinkai. Since 2011 - Co-chairman of the World Kyokushin Union. In March 2018, he became the owner of 6th dan of the International Organization of this type of karate.

    Personal life

    Yuri Trutnev is married to a third marriage. There is no information about the first student marriage. With his second wife, master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics Marina Trutneva, he met in the city committee of the Komsomol. The wife gave birth to her husband's sons Dmitry and Alexander. She stayed in Perm, where she heads the Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation.

    The eldest son Dmitry Trutnev is a financial advisor to the Central Cooperative Bank and a member of the board of directors. Alexander Trutnev, after graduating from the Perm school, became a student at a European university.

    In 2009, Trutnev married Natalya Petrova, who gave birth to her husband a daughter and twin sons.

    Yuri Trutnev now

    In May 2018, Deputy Prime Minister Trutnev was reappointed to the post and entered. Vladimir Putin left the official as plenipotentiary in the Far Eastern Federal District.

    On the official website of the plenipotentiary, information about the work of the department is updated. In April 2018, Yuri Trutnev visited Mongolia, where he met with the president of the republic and discussed a project to build a hub terminal for exporting coal and cement to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

    On May 22, Yuri Petrovich introduced the new Minister for the Development of the Far East, a native of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, thanking his predecessor Alexander Galushka for the work.

    For 2017, the Deputy Prime Minister declared income in the amount of 377.28 million rubles.


    • 2016 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree
    • 1998 - Order of Honor
    • 2006 - Certificate of honor of the Government of the Russian Federation
    • 2011 - Medal of P.A. Stolypin II degree
    • 2009 - Order of Honor (South Ossetia)
    Trutnev Yuri Petrovich

    Trutnev Yuri Petrovich- Russian politician, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District since August 31, 2013. Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia (2004-2012). Aide to the President of the Russian Federation (2012-2013). Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (2012). Member of the Supreme Council of the All-Russian political party "United Russia". Co-chairman of the Russian Union of Martial Arts, Chairman of the Presidium of the Kyokushin Association of Russia, co-chairman of the World Kyokushin Union.


    Trutnev Yuri Petrovich, 03/01/1956 year of birth, native of the village. Polazna, Dobryanskiy district, Perm region.

    Relatives. Wife (former): Trutneva Marina Lvovna, born on November 20, 1957, master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, owns a clothing store in Perm. President of the Perm Region Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation. She was a member of the charitable society "Anastasia". The media actively discussed the information that M.L. Trutneva. Together with her son Dmitry, she built a house in the coastal protection zone of the Kama reservoir on the territory of the Dobryansky district of the Perm Territory.

    Son: Dmitry Yuryevich Trutnev, born on 07/03/1982, member of the Board of Directors of OJSC IC Itil, AKB TatInvestBank, both commercial organizations belong to the citizens of Bulgaria. Previously, he was Assistant to the General Director of NP Institute for Corporate Development and financial advisor at the Central Cooperative Bank.

    Son: Alexander Yuryevich Trutnev, born on November 21, 1993, according to some reports, is studying abroad.

    Awards. Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (March 2, 2016) - for great services to the state and many years of conscientious work. Order of Honor (June 8, 1998) - for a great contribution to the social and economic development of the city (Perm), many years of conscientious work. Honorary Diploma of the Government of the Russian Federation (March 1, 2006) - for services in the field of nature management and environmental protection. Medal of P.A. Stolypin II degree (March 1, 2011) - for services in solving strategic problems of the country's socio-economic development, including the implementation of long-term projects of the Government of the Russian Federation, and in connection with the 55th anniversary. Order of Honor (South Ossetia, (June 1, 2009) - for a great personal contribution to the development and strengthening of friendship and cooperation between peoples, active assistance to the processes of improving the ecological situation in the Republic of South Ossetia, the development and use of its natural resources and assistance to the Ossetian to the people in eliminating the consequences of a humanitarian catastrophe.

    Hobbies. He is seriously into sports - martial arts (Kyokushin karate) and auto racing (classic rally). He is the owner of the 5th dan of karate Kyokushinkai of the International Kyokushinkai Organization IKO (2005) and the 6th dan of the International Kyokushinkan Organization (March 1, 2018). Since its foundation in 2005 - Co-chairman of the Russian Union of Martial Arts (together with S. V. Kirienko). Since its inception in 2004 - Chairman of the Presidium of the Russian Kyokushin Association. Since its inception in 2011 - Co-chairman of the World Kyokushin Union. He was one of the initiators of the creation of this Union. From 2000 to 2004, he regularly participated in the stages of the championship and the Russian Cup in car rallies in Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution cars.


    • In 1978 he graduated from the mining faculty of the Perm Polytechnic Institute with a degree in mining engineer. By profession, he worked during his studies at the institute - an assistant driller, an oil and gas production operator at NGDUs "Polaznaneft" and "Komineft".
    • In 1978, after graduating from the institute, he was assigned to the Perm Scientific Research and Design Institute of the Oil Industry. In PermNIPIneft he worked as a junior researcher.

    Labor activity

    • After graduation, he worked as a junior researcher at the Perm Research and Design Institute of the Oil Industry.
    • From 1981 to 1986 he was an instructor at the Perm City Committee of the Komsomol, and from 1986 to 1988 he headed the Committee for Sports of the Perm Regional Executive Committee.
    • In 1988 he created a cooperative "Contact", which is engaged in the distribution of sports equipment.
    • In 1990, he headed the EKS Limited company created on the basis of the cooperative. In 1996, he became the president of E. KS International ".
    • In 1994 he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region and the Perm City Duma.
    • In 1996 he won the mayoral elections in Perm.
    • In 2000 he was elected governor of the Perm region.
    • In 2004 he was appointed to the post of Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.
    • In 2012 he became an assistant to the President of the Russian Federation.
    • On 03.08.2013, he was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Plenipotentiary of the President in the Far Eastern Federal District.