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  • Andrey metelsky is united. The secret wealth of the main Moscow United Russia member

    Andrey metelsky is united.  The secret wealth of the main Moscow United Russia member

    On each of the three days at the skating rink from 12:00 to 20:00 (taking into account the technical break from 15:00 to 17:00) there will be a Christmas wish days promotion. In four rental pavilions, VDNKh guests will be able to leave postcards for strangers and receive anonymous messages with warm words in return.

    The watch will go on sale in souvenir shops of the Moscow metro. Now the issue of making the first batch is being discussed with manufacturers. This was announced by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Transport and Development of Road and Transport Infrastructure of the City of Moscow Maxim Liksutov.

    This is 1.6 times more than in the entire previous year. Most often, the townspeople paid their utility bills. In addition, Muscovites paid off fines issued by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, AMPP, MADI and GKU "Organizer of Transportation".

    After processing, the Christmas trees will turn into chips that can be used in agriculture or for arranging animal enclosures, as well as for landscaping streets and creating ecological paths.

    The most popular were the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics, the Darwin Museum and the Moscow State United Museum-Reserve. This was announced by the Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin on his page in the social network "VKontakte".

    They will help passengers with the choice of the route, tariff zones and fare. In addition, the metro staff will help you create the best route that will save your travel time.

    In honor of the New Year, the Department of Cultural Heritage of the city of Moscow has prepared a new hiking route that will help the residents of the capital create a festive mood.

    This was announced by the Chairman of the Moscow City Duma Alexei Shaposhnikov. As part of the raids, their participants will check how the federal legislation in this area is being observed at the moment.

    A separate waste collection program was launched in Moscow ahead of schedule. According to federal legislation, the capital was supposed to switch to a new waste management system only from 2022. However, the Moscow Government decided to do this earlier.

    On December 31, you can visit the animals from 09:00 to 15:00. From 1 to 8 January, the zoo will be open daily from 09:00 to 17:00. Visitors can buy a ticket at the box office and enter the park until 16:00.

    They will continue to work on weekends in a special mode. You can find out what city services will receive visitors on holidays on

    This was announced by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Urban Development Policy and Construction Marat Khusnullin on Facebook. He noted that to date, about 932 km of roads have been built, which brought an increase in the road network by 16%.

    This is due to the construction of the metro. From January 1 to December 31, 2020, traffic on Sokolnicheskaya Square from Sokolnichesky Val Street to Rusakovskaya Street will be blocked. The overlap will operate around the clock. Also, from January 1 to December 31, traffic on Rusakovskaya Street from Sokolnicheskaya Square to the Sokolniki metro station will be limited in one lane.

    On the night of January 6-7, the metro and the MCC will carry passengers until 02:00. Also, trains of the Moscow Central Diameters and suburban trains will run until 02:00 on New Year's and Christmas nights. And on the first night of the year, Moscow public transport will be free of charge.

    On each of the three days at the skating rink from 12:00 to 20:00 (taking into account the technical break from 15:00 to 17:00) there will be a Christmas wish days promotion. In four rental pavilions, VDNKh guests will be able to leave postcards for strangers and receive anonymous messages with warm words in return.

    The watch will go on sale in souvenir shops of the Moscow metro. Now the issue of making the first batch is being discussed with manufacturers. This was announced by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Transport and Development of Road and Transport Infrastructure of the City of Moscow Maxim Liksutov.

    This is 1.6 times more than in the entire previous year. Most often, the townspeople paid their utility bills. In addition, Muscovites paid off fines issued by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, AMPP, MADI and GKU "Organizer of Transportation".

    After processing, the Christmas trees will turn into chips that can be used in agriculture or for arranging animal enclosures, as well as for landscaping streets and creating ecological paths.

    The most popular were the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics, the Darwin Museum and the Moscow State United Museum-Reserve. This was announced by the Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin on his page in the social network "VKontakte".

    They will help passengers with the choice of the route, tariff zones and fare. In addition, the metro staff will help you create the best route that will save your travel time.

    In honor of the New Year, the Department of Cultural Heritage of the city of Moscow has prepared a new hiking route that will help the residents of the capital create a festive mood.

    This was announced by the Chairman of the Moscow City Duma Alexei Shaposhnikov. As part of the raids, their participants will check how the federal legislation in this area is being observed at the moment.

    A separate waste collection program was launched in Moscow ahead of schedule. According to federal legislation, the capital was supposed to switch to a new waste management system only from 2022. However, the Moscow Government decided to do this earlier.

    On December 31, you can visit the animals from 09:00 to 15:00. From 1 to 8 January, the zoo will be open daily from 09:00 to 17:00. Visitors can buy a ticket at the box office and enter the park until 16:00.

    They will continue to work on weekends in a special mode. You can find out what city services will receive visitors on holidays on

    This was announced by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Urban Development Policy and Construction Marat Khusnullin on Facebook. He noted that to date, about 932 km of roads have been built, which brought an increase in the road network by 16%.

    This is due to the construction of the metro. From January 1 to December 31, 2020, traffic on Sokolnicheskaya Square from Sokolnichesky Val Street to Rusakovskaya Street will be blocked. The overlap will operate around the clock. Also, from January 1 to December 31, traffic on Rusakovskaya Street from Sokolnicheskaya Square to the Sokolniki metro station will be limited in one lane.

    On the night of January 6-7, the metro and the MCC will carry passengers until 02:00. Also, trains of the Moscow Central Diameters and suburban trains will run until 02:00 on New Year's and Christmas nights. And on the first night of the year, Moscow public transport will be free of charge.

    Today is a story about a deputy from electoral district No. 15 - Golyanovo, Metrogorodok districts, part of the Severnoye Izmailovo district - Andrei Metelsky.

    From the help on the Moscow City Duma website:

    Graduated from the Red Banner Military Institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense and the Russian Academy of State Service under the President of the Russian Federation. Ph.D. in Philosophy. Served in the Republic of Afghanistan. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star, the Order of the Hero of Afghanistan, orders and medals of the Government of Afghanistan. Prior to his election to the Moscow City Duma, he worked as Deputy Chairman of the Political Council of the Moscow City Organization of the All-Russian Political Public Organization - the Unity Party.

    Secretary of the Moscow city regional branch of the party "UNITED RUSSIA".

    Deputy of the Moscow City Duma of the third (2001-2005), fourth (2005-2009) and fifth (2009-2014) convocations.

    Faction of the Party "UNITED RUSSIA": member of the faction

    Commission for the organization of the work of the Duma: Deputy Chairman of the Commission

    Commission for Control over the Reliability of Information on Income, Property and Property Obligations Submitted by Deputies of the Moscow City Duma: Commission Member

    Commission on personnel issues within the competence of the Moscow City Duma: member of the commission

    Commission of the Moscow City Duma and the Moscow Government for the consideration of materials and proposals for the awarding of the title "Honorary Citizen of the City of Moscow": member of the commission

    Commission for Culture and Mass Communication: Commission member

    Joint Commission of the Moscow City Duma and the Moscow Regional Duma for the coordination of legislative activities: member of the commission

    Commission for Urban Development, State Property and Land Use: Commission member

    Screenshot from the site

    Strong politician

    For the first time, Andrei Metelsky was elected to the Moscow City Duma back in 2001 and has remained a member of the Moscow parliament ever since.

    Metelsky is known as one of the pillars of "United Russia" in the system of Moscow power, toughly defending the status quo in the capital's political situation, without worrying to be branded as an opponent of democratic procedures.

    Metelsky very quickly after demobilization came into politics: he became an activist of the "Unity" party, took the post of deputy chairman of the political council of the Moscow city organization of the party. Having entered the Moscow City Duma in 2001, in 2005 he became the permanent deputy chairman of the Moscow City Duma, at the same time heading the Moscow branch of the United Russia party.

    Metelsky owns a significant statement, made by him back in 2006:

    "As long as there is a majority of United Russia, we will not allow anyone to engage in politicking in the Moscow City Duma, but we will legislatively work for the city and Muscovites."

    Obviously, this statement by Metelsky is a copy of the "catch phrase" of another leader of United Russia, who became known as "Parliament is not a place for discussion." December 29, 2003 Gryzlov:

    "It seems to me that the State Duma is not the platform where political battles should be fought, to defend some political slogans and ideologies, this is the platform where they should engage in constructive, effective legislative activity."

    Obviously, such a strict adherence to the guidelines of senior party comrades is the key to Metelsky's successful party and political career.

    Loud political statements on the eve of the next elections are the strong point of the deputy Metelsky. In 2013, before the next elections to the Moscow City Duma, he said at Dozhd that he saw nothing wrong with returning the monument to Dzerzhinsky to Lubyanskaya Square and that it would be nice for the current officials to be like a leader of the revolution - to be just as honest, courageous and ascetic. The deputy's interlocutors then could not contain the irony about such expectations of the deputy against the background of numerous evidences of the opposite trend in the dynamics of the moral character of the Russian bureaucracy.

    And in 2017, the deputy and secretary of the Moscow branch of United Russia made another loud statement on the eve of the Moscow mayoral elections. He made it clear that with the help of the municipal filter it is necessary to prevent the opposition candidates from taking part in the elections, whom Metelsky called "liberals-white-ribbon-takers."

    PhD without dissertation

    We will be brief about the scientific career of Deputy Metelsky. His dissertation was not found after active searches. It was not possible to find it in the database of the Russian State Library.

    Mom is a millionaire

    In 2012, opposition municipal deputies drew attention to the fact that Metelsky became a co-owner of Vostochnye Bani LLC. Investigators considered it suspicious that a share in the baths is worth more than Metelsky's annual income, but the deputy explained that he received a share of the company as a gift from his mother - the deputies have the right to own the assets.

    The Daily Storm notes, referring to the database for checking the counterparties "Spark", that now Metelsky does not have any shares in any business. But his mother, Eldibitta Vasilievna, is the founder and / or co-owner of 19 companies, eight of them previously belonged to the deputy.

    So, Eldibitta Vasilievna, who now again fully owns the ill-fated baths, also owns the real estate agency CITY STYLE LLC. The authorized capital of the company is 27 million rubles.

    Metelskaya is also engaged in the activities of restaurants and services for the delivery of food, repair and trade in cars, cargo transportation, etc.

    Screenshot from the site

    "The Easter cakes were lit"

    It is commendable that a high-ranking leader of United Russia and a Moscow City Duma deputy has a parent with dignity. This is a good example to follow.

    Material well-being became the topic of controversial statements by the son of the deputy Metelsky in the social network, to which the journalist and member of the Human Rights Council drew attention Ekaterina Vinokurova.

    This recent story began with Metelsky Sr.'s post on Facebook about his meeting with minnow veterans of war and labor. Local activist Julia Kamran asked in a comment if the deputy told the veterans about his businesses and why his son did not serve in the army.

    Metelsky Jr. came to the commentary and shared that he was sad from reading such remarks. He also stated that if people have time to write comments on social networks, they are not busy enough, they do not earn "the right amount of money for a good existence," and they are unhappy with life precisely because of this.

    “And it’s sad that you have time to write them, which means a lot of free time, and since there’s a lot of free time, it means you don’t have time to earn the necessary amount of money for a good existence, and from that, and dissatisfaction with life.

    I do not want to get into politics and I will not. This is my father’s business, with whom, by the way, he is doing an excellent job, again, in my opinion, ”wrote the deputy's son and attached his photo from the army service.

    Screenshot of the publication at

    Vinokurova called Metelsky Jr. "the new Olga Glatskikh", and the Daily Storm journalists found out that Metelsky Jr. loves to drive expensive cars and participate in contests where "for free" you can win some kind of prize, which follows from his social media accounts with by reposting such draws.

    Regarding Metelsky Jr.'s business, the Daily Storm, based on Spark's data, concludes that it is not going well enough to teach others how to work in order to earn enough. All three companies of Metelsky Jr. are unprofitable: the fitness center "SPORT LINE CLUB" for 2018 brought 3.9 million rubles in losses, a company specializing in entertainment activities, "VOLGA-KEM" - 3.8 million rubles in losses, the firm "VARP », Which is associated with rental housing - 15 million losses.

    Vinokurova, on the other hand, wrote about Metelsky Jr. as follows (quoted in the Daily Storm):

    “How can I assess the actions of Metelsky Jr.? The rhetoric in the spirit of“ you are so unhappy because you are so poor ”is very shameful. he fights, for example. What does this mean? Yes, that the younger Metelsky simply does not know with whom he is talking, how the district lives, from which his father is a deputy. "

    The journalist said that her house belongs to the Golyanovo constituency and, according to her assessment as a local resident, Andrei Metelsky appears in her constituency only before the elections and is not very active in helping the residents of the area with solving their problems.

    So, Metelsky did not help in response to a request to solve problems with the old inconvenient footbridge near the constructed flyover, did nothing to resolve controversial situations during the implementation of the renovation project, did nothing to complete the church in Golyanovo.

    And according to the testimony of a resident of Golyanovo Maria Kaplan During the four convocations in the Moscow City Duma, Metelsky, who is now meeting for a fifth term, did not particularly appear in their area. But in 2019, on the eve of the elections "got blown up and started going on weekly Saturday rounds with the head of the council from about January this year".

    Local municipal deputies on inquiries IA FederalCity did not answer, but the evidence given is enough to form a portrait of the Moscow City Duma deputy Metelsky from the point of view of his work "on the ground." The "typical features" of this portrait are the same for almost all the deputies from "United Russia" in the Moscow City Duma, about which the FederalCity news agency wrote in the previous materials of a series of essays about the people's deputies of the capital. All of them are "undermined" only on the eve of the elections.

    Let's add the final touch to Metelsky's portrait. In his account, traditionally for the current Russian representatives of the ruling party, attention is paid to conservative values. However, the Easter cakes in the Metelsky post are for some reason illuminated. It turns out that there is nothing sacred in this post-self-promotion of the deputy ...

    Screenshot of the publication at
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    Andrei Metelsky is a Russian politician who has been a deputy since the beginning of the 2000s. Metelsky's biography shows that for 18 years he has not left the seat of the deputy, and is considered a "long-liver" in this area. In addition to politics, Andrei Metelsky is engaged in business, has a personal life and is raising a son.

    The biography of the politician begins on the day of his birth on June 5, 1968 in Kaliningrad. Andrey's parents are successful people: mother - Eldibitta and father - Nikolay Metelskiy. Given his mother's name, the question of nationality has always haunted Andrei.

    He was born and raised in Russia, so he only has Russian citizenship. The biography of the politician is not replete with information about his childhood, since there is no information in any source about Andrey's first hobbies and his achievements.

    The only thing that I managed to learn from an interview with Andrei Metelsky about his childhood is about an increased passion for weapons. Like all boys, in his youth, Andrei loved to find weapons from the Second World War, studied its details, was interested in its features. During his school years, the boy was open, knew how to quickly find a common language with his peers, and chose dangerous games.

    In adolescence, his parents send Andrei to the Suvorov School, where he not only goes through a decent school of life, but also discovers his love for sports. Such an increased desire to play sports in Metelsky was caused by the strict rules of the school: whoever did not pass the necessary sports standards did not go on dismissal.


    Immediately after graduating from college, Andrei wanted to continue his studies at a higher military educational institution in Ryazan, but by distribution he ended up at the Military Institute of the Ministry of Defense. During the Soviet era, this university was considered one of the best for getting a decent education. There was a full-fledged training of servicemen, there was an opportunity to get military-legal and military-philological education.

    The educational institution allowed Andrey to master the language, which was spoken by a large number of residents of Afghanistan. As the biography of the politician shows, after graduating from high school, he was sent to Afghanistan, where hostilities were carried out.

    Andrey graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration, and in 2003 he defended his dissertation in philosophy. It was this school of life, as well as a good education, that allowed Metelsky to realize himself in politics.

    Political career of Andrei Metelsky

    Metelsky's political career began in the late 90s, but only in 2001 he became a deputy. After returning from Afghanistan, Andrei Metelsky realized that the most important thing in life is life. He no longer wanted to deal with war and weapons, and he went to realize his ambitions in politics.

    In the late 90s, Andrei became an activist in the Unity party, in 2001 it was named United Russia. Then he almost immediately wins elections to the Moscow City Duma, after which his main political career begins, which continues to this day.

    Andrei Metelsky holds one position in politics and, actively working, achieves great success in his career. During the first 13 years of his practice, he held the following positions:

    • 2001-2005 - Deputy of the Moscow City Duma of the third convocation;
    • 2005-2009 - Deputy of the Moscow City Duma of the fourth convocation;
    • 2009–2014 - Deputy of the Moscow City Duma of the fifth convocation.

    Business and fortune

    In addition to political activities, Metelsky manages to earn millions of dollars in his business, which is available not only within the country, but also abroad.

    According to FBK, despite empty declarations, Andrei Metelsky is building his own business at hotels purchased in Austria.

    Metelsky bought his first hotel Maximilian, which is located in the village of Serfaus in the Austrian Alps, in 2007. It is a large scale ski resort that is visited by many tourists every year. The place is popular both in summer and winter, which is why the hotel justifies its costs.

    The purchase cost the politician 5 million euros. Exactly one year later, he acquires a second hotel of the same kind, which is located 500 meters from the first. It is somewhat smaller in volume, but it is located in a good area, therefore it is also popular. The second hotel cost 3.5 million euros.

    In order not to arouse any suspicion to himself and not to endanger his property, the businessman formalizes the ownership of hotels in his elderly mother - Eldibitta Metelskaya, as well as his son - Andrei Metelskiy. The mother, born in 1944, has been retired for many years, but this does not prevent her from managing a fortune of 7 million euros according to documents.

    The journalists also managed to find out that Metelsky owns another 30% of the Obukhov auto centers, the total profit turnover of which is 3 million rubles. In addition to these possessions, Metelsky also owns:

    1. Two restaurants "Tanuki" in Moscow;
    2. Fitness rooms;
    3. Real estate companies;
    4. Hotel in the Moscow region;
    5. Eastern baths in the HLW.

    The businessman still owns non-commercial real estate with an area of ​​1,700 sq. m, the total cost of which is 600 million rubles. In addition, there is also an apartment in Moscow, a personal penthouse of 600 sq. m, several dachas on Rublevka, as well as a large house in Kaliningrad.

    If we add up all the possessions of a politician in Russia, the amount of money spent is about 5.7 billion rubles. All these properties are not documented in the name of Andrei Metelsky, therefore, according to the law, there is no reason or evidence to charge him with the theft of state money.

    The second wife of the politician also has personal property: two apartments in Moscow are registered for her, the total area of ​​which is 360 sq. m, as well as 2 parking spaces. The family drives two cars - a Honda CR-V and a Volvo S 40.

    Personal life of Andrey Metelsky

    The personal life and family of Metelsky attracts less attention than his property and business, but still arouses interest. The first woman with whom Metelsky lived was his ex-wife Elena Knyazeva, who in 1993 gave birth to his son. But almost immediately after his birth, the marriage broke up.

    Now he lives with his second wife Tatyana Velikanova in a spacious apartment in Moscow, the couple are raising their son together. The deputy does not like to talk about his personal life and prefers to keep all information secret, but sometimes photos and videos with his youngest son appear on the network.

    The eldest son is already an adult, he rarely appears in their joint photos and does not participate in his father's public life. Family for the deputy is in the first place, so he does not seek to tell journalists about it, in every possible way avoids any interviews on this score.

    From the latest news, it can be understood that Metelsky still loves to play sports and spends his free time in the gym. Despite his active work, business and family, the deputy finds time for personal hobbies.

    Andrey Metelsky today

    The secretary of the Moscow city regional branch of United Russia, Andrei Metelsky, filed an honor and dignity lawsuit against the Anti-Corruption Foundation, its founder, Alexei Navalny, and an unregistered candidate for the Moscow City Duma, Konstantin Yankauskas. Mr. Metelsky told Kommersant that he protects his mother and family as a whole from the “dirt” that the opposition has poured on them, but he considers it wrong to demand money for moral damage. The main thing is to get a refutation and an apology for the information published about his family's business. FBK “Kommersant” said that they did not plan to delete information about Russian and foreign assets of United Russia and his relatives. They promised to continue investigating them. Mr. Jankauskas was not available for comment.

    The claim for the protection of honor and dignity was filed by the Deputy Chairman of the Moscow City Duma at the end of last week, the press secretary of the Simonovsky District Court Kristina Shvadchenko told Kommersant. “On Friday, such a claim was submitted, the judge has not yet made a decision on it. The non-profit Anti-Corruption Foundation, Navalny and Yankauskas are the defendants in this claim. Until the judge ruled on it, I can't tell you anything more. Either the judge will accept him for proceedings, or he will refuse, ”said Ms Shvadchenko.

    Prior to that, FBK published investigations about hotels in Austria, which the deputy, according to the fund, registered for his mother, son and friend. The publications also talked about the motorcycle show in Moscow.

    Mr. Metelsky confirmed to Kommersant that the matter is in the publications of the Anti-Corruption Foundation about the business of his relatives. “I promised to file a lawsuit for the protection of honor and dignity, and I want to say that before someone is accused of something, you need to have serious evidence. In the fact that there is no evidence, I see insults against me and my relatives - first of all, my mother, ”said the deputy.

    When asked which publications of FBK his lawsuit concerns, he replied that there was "a lot of all sorts of dirt" and that the information was "distorted": ... And I would like the facts that have been indicated to be refuted from the point of view of the fact that they are relevant to me as the owner. All this is owned by my relatives, and, besides, everything that is indicated there was earned by honest labor, and not stolen or paid for by some kind of bribe, although I am accused of corruption. "

    According to Mr. Metelsky, the funds for the business, which the opposition are talking about, he partially earned himself until 2000, and partially earned by his family. In response to a question about the work in which Mr. Metelsky earned money before becoming a deputy, he suggested turning to the "documents".

    The websites of the Moscow City Duma and United Russia only indicate that before being elected a deputy in 2001, Andrei Metelsky worked as deputy chairman of the political council of the Moscow city organization of the Unity party and served in Afghanistan.

    Mr. Metelsky also refused to clarify his claim against the municipal deputy Konstantin Yankauskas, as he “does not consider it necessary” to do this on the pages of Kommersant: according to him, his lawyers will present all the necessary data at the hearing. “I demand to understand this issue and apologize for the incorrectly submitted information,” summed up Mr. Metelsky.

    It is not planned to remove investigations from the resources of FBK and Alexei Navalny, even with a corresponding court decision. Georgy Alburov, an employee of the FBK investigation department, said this to Kommersant. The oppositionist promised that the fund “will not back down and will continue to investigate Metelsky”: “Our position is based on facts, exclusively on data from the courts, exclusively on official information - no speculation or value judgments. Therefore, we will never delete information, as we did not delete it about Medvedev (investigation film "He's not Dimon for you." "B")».

    Earlier, in 2017, by a court decision, the link to the film about the Prime Minister posted on the personal resources of Alexei Navalny (from which the video was no longer deleted) was removed from the FBK website. But Mr. Alburov explained that the main platform is YouTube, there the investigation was watched by 30 million people. According to him, the link from the fund's website was really removed so as not to substitute FBK, while not losing a single view.

    Mr. Yankauskas did not answer the calls of Kommersant. Georgy Alburov suggested that the claim against the municipal deputy is related to his publications about Andrei Metelsky's business in social networks. The fund believes that the vice-speaker of the Moscow City Duma owns a secret business in Austria. With a declared income of 7 million rubles. pointed to Metelskoy's dachas on Rublevka and in Kaliningrad, six apartments in Moscow and other objects, the total cost of which is 5.7 billion rubles. The cost of the four hotels bought in Austria by the family of Mr. Metelsky, according to FBK, is approximately € 40 million. Investigations noted that the deputy registered the assets in the name of his mother, son and friend.