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  • Love horoscope for december aries woman. Horoscope of work and money

    Love horoscope for december aries woman.  Horoscope of work and money

    Throughout the past year, Aries courageously fought for their place under the sun, defending their own beliefs and principles. This was not always easy, but the efforts of Aries will not be in vain. 2016, under the auspices of the Red Fire Monkey, will bring Aries the long-deserved right to think about themselves. This year, their worldview will make a 180-degree turn, leaving behind worries about the imperfection of the world. If Aries realizes that the world can be changed only by changing himself, then the stars will grant him success and the implementation of almost any plans.

    However, this will not happen immediately. At the beginning of the year, Aries, by inertia, still continue to fight on their only visible fronts. Incredibly demanding of themselves, they are inexorable in relation to others. Everything must be perfect, from home to work, which has accumulated a lot. This creed can lead Aries to the removal of loved ones, because it is not easy to live up to the ideal of Aries, and it is also scary to experience his wrath. Therefore, Aries should think about how to moderate their ardent temperament a little and treat others more gently. Surely, each of the relatives deserves praise and is not even averse to hearing it from the lips of Aries. Otherwise, Aries will be forced to bear only on their shoulders the entire burden of everyday troubles and worries about the present and future. Already in February 2016, this can lead Aries to the threshold of a nervous breakdown and poor health. However, having managed to reconsider some of their views on life in time, they have a chance to avoid such problems, save energy and do much more than they themselves plan.

    March 2016 will be marked by a thaw: both the Aries themselves and their loved ones will begin to thaw from the cold of mutual misunderstanding and already in April they will clearly realize how dear they are to each other. The revival of nature will incredibly renew the feelings of Aries and his soulmate, returning them to the state of love of the newlyweds. Those Aries who still have not met their betrothed have a great chance of finding their happiness. The influence of the patron of the year of the Red Fire Monkey on the ardent and no less fiery character of Aries can make the romance so impetuous that some representatives of the sign will be engaged in the near future. In addition, this period promises additional financial income, so that life will seem to Aries more and more beautiful. The forecast for May is still favorable. This is a peaceful time, devoid of serious upheavals and worries. The stars recommend that Aries use it to improve their health, relationships with loved ones and relaxation. It is better to spend as much time as possible in nature - it feeds Aries with vital energy, which will soon be very useful to them.

    Summer 2016 opens doors to Aries in a quality manner. new life. But how good the changes will be depends largely on them. Those who will not lie on the stove may turn out to be the favorites of fortune very soon. It's time to roll up your sleeves and get down to business. In June, it is better to make the house and personal space the subject of concern. At this time, the ancient patroness of builders, the goddess Athena, is ready to overshadow the active Aries with her blessing and give them her support. Inspired by the creation of a comfortable and cozy rear, Aries in July 2016 will feel the awakening of creative forces that can be successfully used in business life. The resourcefulness, charm and creativity of Aries will make many colleagues look at him with different eyes. Innovations and ideas will not go unnoticed by the authorities and business partners. If Aries will remain active in the business field, then it is likely that they will receive a tempting offer - from an increase to a change in the profile of activity. In August, the positive trend will continue, so it is important not to slow down. However, the last month of the summer of 2016 can also bring temptations - an affair with a colleague, which in the future may turn into serious trouble for Aries, or unplanned expenses that may somewhat destabilize the financial situation. Therefore, Aries should be careful during this period and think carefully about each of their actions, and refuse some temptations.

    Reaping the fruits of summer labors in September, Aries will suddenly and inevitably think about themselves. This is a good time to get rid of bad habits, switch to healthy lifestyle of life and in general to put oneself in order. But already in October, Aries is recommended to focus again on their loved ones, who, among the summer troubles, have faded into the background. Having harmonized the family atmosphere, Aries will again be able to go back to work in November. The main thing is to maintain a good mood, focus on results and a good attitude towards others. All together, Aries can lead to rapid career growth and strengthening of financial condition in December 2016. The end of the year of the Monkey will generously give Aries what they deserve, having previously scrupulously calculated all their efforts to change themselves and their lives.

    Aries man: astrological forecast for 2016

    Aries men are strong-willed, purposeful people. No obstacle in achieving the goal is insurmountable for them. You just need to remind yourself of this more often. Especially in the year of the Monkey, who made up the stars of good luck and prosperity for the Aries Men.

    This is especially important to remember in the first half of 2016. The forecast for this period is characterized by a number of rather difficult situations in business area. The first six months of the year of the Monkeys focus Aries Men on resolving the problems of the past year, improving family relationships and restoring somewhat shaken vitality. However, colleagues and management expect non-standard solutions, creativity and activity from them. This contradiction will serve as a prerequisite for a temporary misunderstanding and an increase in tension at work.

    The most difficult time in the working days of the Aries Man can be the last decade of March. The stars encourage you to keep calm and believe in yourself. Then you will be able to overcome all obstacles and brilliantly get out of the conflict zone. By the middle of May, there will be no trace of past problems, and the present full of hopes and victories will appear on the very threshold.

    The year of the Red Fire Monkey is generous to Aries Men who are eager to explore other countries. Those of them who dream of overseas travel can get this opportunity. This will bring them not only emotional renewal and fresh emotions, but also greatly expand the circle of acquaintances. Some of them in the future can bring significant breakthroughs in the labor field, and for single men, tangible changes in their personal lives. Therefore, one should look very carefully at the women who appeared in their lives during long trips. The main thing is to overcome embarrassment and fear and not be afraid to let something new into your life. The Year of the Monkey sends Aries Men only happy acquaintances.

    The coming year does not forget about the material well-being of the Aries Men. Long-desired major acquisitions await them in 2016.

    Aries woman: forecast for 2016

    The horoscope for the Aries Woman is full of promises and hopes. Success will come to their home along with the prospect of a rich harvest of crops of past labors, romantic acquaintances and vivid impressions.

    Winter and spring will pass under the sign of work and worries. However, they without much hassle resolve those minor troubles that sometimes arise. If the Aries Woman spares no effort and keeps her emotions under control, then she will receive a decent reward in her service or a tangible financial rise.

    Already from the middle of 2016, passions at work will decrease significantly, and the Aries Woman will have the opportunity to switch from work to personal life. Family women will find themselves in a sea of ​​love and harmony with their spouses, and single women can meet their soul mate.

    Love horoscope for Aries

    The love forecast is extremely favorable for Aries, as the omnipotent Jupiter takes them under its wing. The Year of the Monkey brings them the strengthening of the family and the establishment of excellent relationships with loved ones. For lonely Aries, 2016 also prepared a gift: a long-awaited meeting with your soulmate. Those of them who are especially determined are likely to enter into marriages that will be happy.

    The horoscope for 2016 shows that the surest way for Aries will be the ability to listen to your partner and take care of him. Unfortunately, many Aries sometimes change sensitivity. But it is in the coming year that they remember the lessons of past years and draw the right conclusions. In the year of the Red Monkey, Aries are able to learn to listen to the opinions of others and accept them, without trying to defend their point of view if it is erroneous. They learn to find a compromise between their desires and the desires of loved ones. They become more tolerant of the shortcomings of others, because they understand that they themselves are imperfect. These changes in the inner world and outlook in general will bring incredible joy to Aries in life and will help smooth out all the sharp corners on the personal front. Despite the considerable efforts that will have to be expended, Aries will stubbornly go towards this. And in fairness, it should be noted that this is a worthy goal, which Aries is quite capable of.

    Aries finances and career in 2016

    The recognition of colleagues and superiors, the trust of business partners, lucrative offers, successful deals and growth in wealth - all this promises Aries a forecast for 2016.

    If at the beginning of the year, Aries are just sorting out the blockages accumulated over the past year at work, then at the end of spring they go on the offensive, which will be resumed again after the summer “holidays”. This year, Aries should be extremely attentive to details, especially those of them whose work is somehow connected with papers. However, relying on their sixth sense and establishing contact with colleagues and superiors, Aries will leave all the troubles behind. They will be rewarded with interesting offers, from promotion to changing jobs or starting their own business. In order not to be mistaken, the stars advise Aries to think things over well at least seven times before cutting off.

    The same goes for personal finance. A wealthy Monkey will not deprive Aries of material gifts. But costs can also increase, especially in the second half of summer and early autumn. During this period, it is highly undesirable to open new loans or loans. On the contrary, Aries will do exactly the right thing if they try to close the existing ones. Therefore, it is better to weigh your spending, which will avoid the threat of a budget deficit. However, the receipts will be so tangible that, subject to careful attention to their bank account, Aries will not only not be in danger of poverty, but even an increase in savings is coming.

    Health horoscope for 2016 for Aries

    Nerves are the root cause of all diseases. This well-known truth should be the motto for Aries for 2016. This is especially true of the end of spring and the beginning of summer, when the burden of worries at work will put a lot of pressure on them.

    In the year of the Red Monkey, all Aries should pay attention to their health. They need periodic rest, otherwise overwork can affect the immune system and make Aries easy prey for various colds. It is best to strengthen the vitality of Aries by going to nature. A sanatorium, a mountain resort, thermal waters, or just a hiking trip will return Aries' waning strength. In addition, it will not be superfluous to play sports. Regular moderate physical activity will help Aries not only bring their physical condition back to normal, but also serve as a source of creative energy. The stars "prescribe" you enough sparing preventive measures in the form of calm directions: fitness, swimming pool, yoga - that's all, Aries, for you.

    To avoid health problems, you should pay attention to the heart and thyroid gland. Refusal of bad habits, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle will be effective ways to avoid deterioration in physical condition.

    Horoscope for Aries by year of birth (Chinese calendar)

    Aries - Rat

    2016 opens the door to the world of new financial opportunities for Aries-Rats. This will be possible thanks to old friendly and family contacts, so their maintenance and strengthening should be given tireless attention. Another possible door could be the hidden abilities in Aries that were previously dormant. But whichever way the financial upsurge comes to you, it will be unexpected and sudden. Don't miss your chance!

    Aries - Tiger

    Year of the Monkey promises Aries-Tiger Big changes in a career. But they will come true only if Aries do not change their principles. The monkey loves the boomerang like no other, which always returns the same as it was launched. Therefore, resorting to impartial methods of growth is extremely dangerous. Another condition for success will be the determination of the Aries-Tigers for tangible changes in the usual way of life up to a change of place of residence or type of activity. In any case, 2016 patronizes the career of the Tigers and this is worth taking advantage of.

    Aries - Dragon

    Solving all problems with the help of erupting flames or simply flying away from them are the methods familiar to Aries-Dragon. However, the year of the Red Monkey dictates harmony and compromise to the world. Therefore, Aries-Dragons should pacify their fiery essence and borrow from the Monkey its lightness, cheerful good disposition and the ability to resolve conflicts through negotiations and thoughtful tactics. By refusing to board the coming year, Dragons are able to make big breakthroughs in all areas of life. And the clever Monkey will present truly royal gifts to the most capable students.

    Aries - Horse

    For Aries-Horses, the time of a calm peaceful existence in the stable has passed. It's time to start galloping towards the coming changes. Endurance, perseverance and perseverance - these are the main trump cards of the Horses in 2016. Prosperity, love and growth are quite achievable, you just need to try.

    Aries - Monkey

    The luckiest of all Aries in the year of the Monkey is of course the Aries-Monkey. The most brilliant opportunities and the most tempting prospects will open up to him. Being under the auspices of their totem animal, Aries-Monkeys can reach incredible heights. However, they should also remember such a quality inherent in the Monkey as superficiality, resulting in frivolity. It naturally increases in 2016, so a balanced approach, restraint and competent planning of actions should become an integral part of the Aries-Monkeys making any decisions. Then they will be on the crest of the wave.

    Aries - Dog

    The Year of the Monkey will become for the Aries-Dog a period of knowledge and self-improvement. The result may be discovered talents that the Aries-Dog had not even suspected before. But it is worth remembering that water does not flow under a lying stone. Therefore, Aries-Dogs do not need to be afraid to start doing something new, especially if it relates to the field of creativity. This can lead to a change in the type of activity and bring good dividends.

    Aries - Ox

    If earlier Aries-Ox longed for changes, but could not decide on them, then the year of the Red Fire Monkey will certainly bring these changes. Perhaps, on the way to new heights there will be difficulties and even troubles. But the Ox must believe that all this is for the best, do not despair and continue to move forward step by step. There will definitely be a worthy reward for this, no doubt!

    Aries - Rabbit (Cat)

    It's time for the Aries-Rabbits to get out of their mink and go into the forest. In 2016, a lot of tasty berries await them. To find them, Aries-Rabbits should use all their ingenuity, not be lazy and evenly distribute their forces. Then they will return to the hole with a full basket.

    Aries - Snake

    In the coming year, the Monkey will return to the Aries-Snakes everything that they themselves send to her, and a hundredfold. Therefore, the contents of gifts must be chosen very carefully. If Aries-Snake decides to send diligence and attention to others, then in his personal life, and in his career, and in finance, he will have an increase in capital.

    Aries - Goat (Sheep)

    The two main trends of 2016 for Aries-Goats are intuition and change. The first one must be listened to and not changed with the arguments of reason - it will save Aries more than once and bring them benefits. The second should not be afraid - everything in the life of Aries-Goats is finally changing for the better. Moreover, it is quite possible that the changes will be large-scale. Well, the more happiness they will bring to Aries.

    Aries - Rooster

    The main leitmotif of 2016 for Aries-Roosters will be work. If this is your own business, then it will develop and grow. If not, then there is an increase ahead. But all this leaves in the shadows personal life, which the stars advise Aries not to forget. Therefore, measure your strength, Aries, not forgetting about relatives and friends - they are your rear. Then everything will be very good for you.

    Aries - Boar

    The Year of the Monkey chose the Aries-Boar as his favorite. In the business field, the Monkey will give him promotion, bring income to his wallet, and in his personal life he will give happiness. But the generosity of the Monkey will not be limited to this: Boars should look very carefully at new acquaintances, because among them there may be a person who will play a huge role in the life of Aries-Pigs in the future. And it will be positive.

    Romantic Aries in December 2019 will not mind starting new romances, even if already in a relationship. But not all Aries are the same, someone will be stopped from adventure by the desire to keep calm in the family, true feelings for a partner. Lonely Aries will not have to sit at home. In the outgoing 2019, they will definitely meet an interesting person, with whom, as he promises love horoscope, long-term relationships will begin and passionate feelings will flare up.

    Aries love horoscope for December 2019

    Of all the signs of the zodiac, it is Aries that will be in December more often in new companies, meeting new people, starting novels. He or she, born under the constellation of Aries, will experience intense love experiences in December. Disappointment cannot be avoided, because the feelings may not be mutual. However, Aries will not suffer for long, but will switch to another object worthy of attention. And until the end of the year, a happy Aries will find a loved one, and will be in a harmonious relationship. How should you spend the last month of the year to be happy in love?

    First of all, you have to be honest with yourself. If there is no love, it is worth talking frankly and parting as friends. And then new perspectives, new bright relationships and delightful love experiences will open before Aries. December 2019 is the month of revelation and correction of mistakes in personal relationships. Although, any mistakes are the path to knowledge, and mental trauma is a lesson that needs to be mastered and the right conclusions drawn. December will allow Aries to make a choice, to reconcile with their partner if a quarrel arose. It's time to leave the love triangle first. Aries will find more interesting reasons for competition and struggle in December.

    Love horoscope for Aries women for December 2019

    An accurate love horoscope promises women born under the sign of Aries to meet their one and only in mid-December. Most likely, the meeting will take place at a party with friends. An office romance is not excluded, but Aries girls need to be very careful with such novels. A love triangle will not bring happiness if you get involved in a relationship between married people. The horoscope advises girls to be smarter in their choice.

    And December 2019 for Aries is a month of romantic surprises. A meeting with a woman from the past is not ruled out. A casual business trip or social media interaction can lead to a meeting. And already in December it will become clear that the “accident” was fateful. It is possible that Aries men will change not only their family, partner, but also the city, and even the country. And, by the way, they will be happy in a new marriage. But there is a caveat: if the marriage is concluded for love, and not for convenience, then it will last for the rest of your life.

    Love horoscope for Aries for other months of 2019

    December 2016 for Aries is preparing a lot of joint and social activities. Already at the beginning of the month - December 2-5, Aries will have interesting projects related to communication with other people, versatile communication. Representatives of the sign Aries in December 2016 are inspired by their work. In addition, Aries will perceive such a team and their role in it as successful, beneficial.

    General horoscope for December 2016 Aries

    In December 2016, Aries on the 13th and 14th will have to communicate even more. In the days from December 22 to 25, the positive from communication can reach a peak, and Aries are able to feel absolute harmony.

    The December 2016 horoscope for Aries pays special attention to the period from December 19th. After the transition of the planet Mars into the sign of Pisces, Aries in December 2016 may no longer feel like a member of a friendly team, but is more involved in solving personal issues. At this time, Aries can worry too much even for minor reasons, which is not worth doing.

    This position of the planet Mars can also have an impact on matters related to the use of alcohol. Most likely, this topic will appear on January 2-3, and therefore, Aries need to be more careful and attentive to their health. Moreover, starting from December 19, Aries can be extremely emotional and quick-tempered.

    Aries at the end of December 2016 will participate in many interesting and memorable events. Some representatives of the sign may have a premonition of an imminent rise up the career ladder, which will last into 2017.

    In December 2016, Aries should think about their future, about possible prospects. The new moon on December 29 is the best time to do this. Despite the noisy events at the end of the year, Aries still need to take a couple of hours just for themselves and decide what they want most.

    Career and money horoscope for December 2016 Aries

    The December 2016 horoscope for Aries is due primarily to the retrograde movement of the planet Mercury after December 19th. Therefore, some Aries financial transactions may be suspended on December 19, requiring additional verification. Only being confident in the appropriateness of their financial actions, Aries will be able to continue working in mid-January 2017. So, the first doubts may arise already on December 2 and 11, and the final stop of the project on 19.

    In December 2016, it may seem to Aries that some things have no prospects or even go in the opposite direction.

    Aries in December 2016, it will sometimes be difficult to direct their energy to complete a specific task. After December 19, Aries becomes more emotional, and the desire to work may disappear altogether.

    December 2016 for Aries is preparing a significant event that can influence the career of representatives of the sign throughout 2017. Expect the main deal of the year related to real estate or financial management, Aries needs to be on the days from December 9 to 12.

    An equally important day for Aries can be December 29th. So, on the new moon, an energy reboot is possible, liberation from unnecessary thoughts and emotions. At this time, it is most favorable and effective for Aries to think about a happy future, about plans for the next year.

    Auspicious days for career and financial affairs in December 2016 for Aries: December 9 - 12.

    Love horoscope for December 2016 Aries

    Aries personal relationships will take center stage among other topics in December 2016. Aries in December 2016 is located to communicate, and the days from December 2 to 5 are the most favorable for this.

    On December 19, the planet Aries moves into the sign of Pisces, because of which the representatives of the sign can be a little sad, often thinking about their past. Despite this, the love relationship of Aries in December 2016 will be full of vivid emotions and interesting events.

    The horoscope for December 2016 for Aries pays special attention to the days 13-14, as well as December 22-25. At this time, the representatives of the sign may have a clear understanding that their partner is exactly the one they have been looking for all their lives. On December 7, the planet Venus moves into the sign of Aquarius, after which communication with the other half brings special joy and inspiration.

    In December 2016, a new round of love relationships can begin for Aries, giving the representatives of the sign confidence, as well as a vision of the desired future. This month Aries is happy together with his partner, dreams a lot.

    Auspicious days for love relationships in December 2016 for Aries: November 2 - 5, 7.

    Health Horoscope for December 2016 Aries

    December 2016 for Aries is a good time to relax, as well as practice new healing techniques. On December 3, 11 and 21, representatives of the Aries sign need to listen to their body and not miss the symptoms of possibly beginning diseases, and at the first doubt, consult a doctor.

    It is also likely that in December 2016, due to excessive fuss, Aries may feel their physical and emotional fatigue. Healthy sleep, morning exercises or a walk in the fresh air will help to effectively get rid of this condition.

    As the horoscope for the Aries woman for December 2016 says, this month the stars promise the Aries girl an interesting meeting that has every chance of developing into a long and serious relationship. A woman born under the constellation of this fire sign will simply radiate sensuality and romance. A new acquaintance did not make a special impression? Do not rush to conclusions. Perhaps in the future, your chosen one will unexpectedly show himself from the best side and love will "accidentally come".

    If you decide to choose December to enter into a legal marriage, then our accurate horoscope recommends rescheduling this significant event for the period from the 3rd to the 14th. Your union will be happy and lasting.

    Financial horoscope for the Aries woman for December 2016

    December 2016 for the Aries woman will be held under the motto: "We complete what we started!". If you have unfinished business, it is better to put them in order. In addition, possible disagreements with partners will slow down the workflow somewhat. However, thanks to the efforts made, things will get better by the end of the month, and it will be possible to go to conquer new heights.

    But the finances this month leave much to be desired. Irregularity of cash receipts will make you postpone many purchases. However, the horoscope predicts a possible improvement in the financial situation for the Aries lady by investing in new commercial projects - says the horoscope for the Aries woman for December 2016.

    In December 2016, Aries suddenly become team players again!

    Aries horoscope for December 2016. In December 2016, Aries suddenly become team players again! And even if you play in a very strange team!

    So, Aries, get ready for the fact that in December 2016 you will become a member of a friendly team in your professional life, in your family, on the Internet, and even at a corporate party. Moreover, even the pronounced alpha males of Aries men in December 2016 will temporarily forget about their leadership ambitions and put the interests of the team, family or team above their own. This will be appreciated everywhere, in the family, and the bosses at work, and even the bartender, when you pay for everyone. After all, when you drink in a big company, there usually always comes a period when politicians, psychologists or comedians appear at the table, and only Aries always remain themselves - the best!

    All of the above, of course, applies to Aries women, with only one caveat at some points, you will confuse the concepts of a team player, and “ uninitiative player". Continuing the sports terminology, you will always try to give the ball to other players, expecting the right move from them. And you will explain it something like this: “I would write to him first, but I'm always busy. I need to comb my hair, then see what's with my eyes. Therefore, the horoscope for December 2016 tells Aries women that in order to be considered a good player, you actively participate in the game, even when another player has the ball.

    In any case, the horoscope for December 2016 Aries indicates active communication, joint actions, alliances and companies. Therefore, Aries, try to capture the general mood, and support them in every possible way. December 2016 is not the time to “stand out” from the team or the crowd, but on the contrary, you need to try to be in the “topic, in the stream, in the trend, and in the general mass.” And then December can help bring Aries along with others to the wave of success.

    In other words, remember - December 2016 at Aries is not surfing, and here you alone on the wave of success not only can't resist, but you won't catch the wave either!

    How to celebrate New Year 2017 Aries?

    For both Aries women and Aries men, if possible, it is best to celebrate the arrival of the New Year 2017 in something very bright! After all, the Red Fire Rooster loves not only everything bright, but also loves himself most of all!

    So alpha male Aries men can demonstrate not only their bright temperament, but also their luck in business or love. This is the rare case when even expensive watches will be appropriate at the New Year's table (well, of course, provided that you know for sure that you will find them in the morning). If you are planning a costume party, or there is no opportunity to show off your business success now, then Aries men need to remember their children's matinees. In childhood, everyone is equal. In childhood, everyone smeared their palms with PVA glue, waited for it to dry ... and then quietly ripped it off. But, forget about the "bunnies" - the costume of a pirate or a cheerful robber on New Year's Eve 2017 will suit you perfectly!

    All these tips are also suitable for Aries women, so you also do not discard the costumes of seductive robbers and pirates. Pay attention to satin and silk. In addition to the traditional colors, Red Fire Rooster you can please with green, turquoise or blue shades. In fact, you can do everything within reason, the main thing is that it doesn’t work out, within the crazy (leave this role to the extravagant Gemini, Cancers, Lionesses and Libra). All the same, you do not outdo them, in an attempt to pass off the crazy, for a bold fantasy.

    Where to celebrate New Year 2017 Aries?

    We suggested that next year 2017 for Aries will be similar to the movie "A Beautiful Mind". Therefore, Aries, meeting the year 2017, try to immediately part with dreams, and nightmares, and with the past, and with fantasies already on New Year's Eve. If possible, the New Year 2017, you better celebrate it in a big company, and not in a narrow family circle.

    Consider options for a new location and a new company, perhaps already in new year's eve this will allow you to immediately part with dreams, and with the past, and with fantasies, and get joy from reality. Your task is to take a good walk. And a good walk is when you are shown not only on youtube, but also on TV!

    Horoscope for December 2016 Aries auspicious days- 2, 4, 6, 11, 15, 24 and 31.

    Horoscope for December 2016 Aries unfavorable days - like it - don't like it, but every morning Morning comes and it's good that at least this is not discussed!

    Horoscope for December 2016 Aries career, work and business. In the professional field in December 2016, Aries need to accurately choose goals. The end of the year, and the busy schedule of December, will keep so many Aries on the move. In addition, there is a high probability that in December 2016 someone will interfere with you. Therefore, just like a cleaning lady who has worked at a school for 30 years can accurately hit a moving target with a rag at a distance of 50 meters, so Aries in December 2016 needs to accurately hit the selected targets.

    Try to finish all the most important tasks before December 19th. There is a high probability that issues not resolved before December 19, not only this year, will no longer be resolved. But, in principle, they may remain unresolved. Therefore, try to look back more in the first half of December and think about what else needs to be done over the past year.

    And then, in the last ten days of December, do not try to finish something, run somewhere, and try to solve something. Save your nerves. It also infuriates you when you come up with a witty answer 1.5 hours after a verbal skirmish. That's about the same situation you will have in the third decade of December. You will come up with the correct answers only in January, and then when they, most likely, will no longer be needed.

    Horoscope for December 2016 Aries Finance. Normal people find money in old or winter things, and Aries in December 2016 will only find candy wrappers. Nevertheless, thoughts and hopes about some stash you forgot will be circling in your head all December.

    Love horoscope for December 2016 Aries. Horoscope for December 2016 Aries Love. They say that if you remove the words “you”, “you”, and “beloved” from the songs of Stas Mikhailov, then you get just a beautiful melody ... This is something like this in the amorous sphere of Aries and December 2016 will be - just a beautiful melody, which, according to It's already pretty good for you, of course. Family Aries in December 2016 will be busy preparing for the New Year, and although in December waves of melancholy and sentimentality will periodically fly over you that another year has passed, closer to the New Year you will still have a festive mood. Therefore, try from the very beginning of December to leave the blues in search of a New Year's mood for shopping trips or friends. This is especially true for family Aries women, who at the beginning of December 2016 would be happy to place an ad: “I will sell a wedding dress with all the accessories: gloves, veil, husband, problems, headache, fishing rods, noodles on the ears…”. Try to quickly get rid of these moods along with cleaning the apartment or throwing out old things. Well, Aries men do not need to be nervous because of the lack of money for the family budget. After all, you can always say: “You got it with your tangerines and fur coats! Buy yourself oranges and a down jacket and calm down!”

    But for lonely Aries, December 2016 can really bring pleasant surprises. Up to the point that your plans for the New Year may suddenly change, or several interesting offers or options will appear at once. First of all, this also applies to Aries women, who in December 2016 will very much attract the attention of the opposite sex. So if you are familiar with such a situation when you go without make-up, then you will definitely meet all your friends, and when you are dressed up, at least someone gets caught? Then try to be smart all the time in December 2016. Moreover, “dressy” not in terms of alcohol, but in terms of readiness to meet anyone - Love, Fate, a new romance, or even an ex.

    So Aries in December 2016, be careful and alert all the time! The fact is that December 2016 can bring you not only the attention of other people, but also surprises. Remember how in childhood - you leave school and get a snowball on the head! That's about the same in December 2016 and attention - and a snowball on the head!

    Well, Aries, are you ready to have fun and joyfully celebrate the New Year 2017?

    Then click "like" share the horoscope with friends and wait for New Year's Miracles!