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  • Scorpio weekly love horoscope. Scorpio weekly love horoscope

    Scorpio weekly love horoscope.  Scorpio weekly love horoscope

    General weekly horoscope for Scorpio:

    This week you will be able to reach new career heights, you can count on additional income and great offers. You can calmly go about your business, leave everything else to chance. And everything will turn out in your favor. Relationships with your loved one will become very important and dear to you. Many problems that weighed you down in the past will disappear.

    love horoscope for a week for Scorpio:

    Peace and harmony reign in your personal life. Be frank with your loved one, call him more often and arrange romantic meetings. You deserve this happiness. Treat yourself to gentle and sweet moments.

    Weekly career horoscope for Scorpio:

    The financial situation is stable, your business reputation is being strengthened, which will bring additional income. So you can make an expensive gift to a loved one and please yourself and your family.

    Weekly health horoscope for Scorpio:

    The main thing for you now is not to invent problems for yourself where there are none. The stars are talking while you are distracted by something insignificant, or even completely non-existent - you can miss some really important signal from your body. Listen to yourself. Learn to look at the situation realistically. And even better - go through a complete examination of the body, consult with your leading doctor, this will help you navigate.

    General characteristics of the sign Scorpio

    general characteristics

    The patron saint of Scorpions is Pluto. Those who were lucky enough to be born under his protection are distinguished by their mystical and mysterious authority. Even the toughest nut can't resist such charms. Poisonous predators unravel the most complex mysteries of the universe with enviable ease, knowing exactly what caused this or that global phenomenon. The reason for this is their sharp intuition and a sober view of things. It is typical for people of this sign to be smart, brave, hardy and extremely stubborn in achieving their own goal. They will not tolerate competition, wholeheartedly demanding a constant struggle for leadership. In peace and tranquility, these fighters for the throne of the ruler simply cannot imagine their life. Each Scorpio is constantly in search of difficulties in order to skillfully and quickly overcome them. No need to try to convince or advise the child of Pluto, because he is a typical loner, guided only by his own opinion. Nature has generously endowed Scorpios with magnetic sexuality and a bright ability for creativity. The inner world of such a person is so deep and confusing that it is not possible to plunge and understand it. The personality of Scorpio is dual, so he is able to combine incongruous, mysterious and incomprehensible. You can be sure: these stubborn people are able to resist external pressure forever, not allowing themselves to submit to anyone and never, sacredly honoring their independence. Their pride is truly great, as well as curiosity with irritability. No, they may well do good deeds, but one should not think that it is alien to them to do the most terrible evil. Scorpios have the talent to completely absorb a weak and passive personality, subsequently controlling it according to their sophisticated taste. Among the representatives of the sign there are psychics, doctors, surgeons, sailors, generals and dictators. In the event that an insidious predator has bright creative inclinations, he may well become a famous scientist or philosopher, for example. Also, they are not alien to the profession of show business stars and theater actors.


    Iron will allows Scorpios to rarely get sick, skillfully managing all the vital resources of their body. It is these livestock that are able to quickly recover from the most terrible and life-incompatible injuries. However, if they are struck by any ailment, they suffer from the most severe forms, experiencing considerable discomfort. They should pay increased attention to the heart, legs and back. By the way, Scorpions are often haunted by nosebleeds. As already mentioned, they are endowed with exceptional sexuality, which makes them terrible jealous and lovers of passions. It often happens that ladies under such a sign are engaged in witchcraft or black magic. God forbid someone manages to arouse rage in the heart of this lady, then there can be no doubt: nothing will stop her on the way to wiping the offender off the face of the earth. The fact is that Scorpio does not know how to maintain a balance between negative and positive - he either loves madly or hates with all the fibers of his soul. It is common for men of this sign to be typical Don Juans, as a rule, rudely treating their passions on the basis of jealousy. Such a seducer is unlikely to run to the registry office after a month of acquaintance, and not everyone can endure life with such an unbearable and bloodthirsty tyrant.

    The nature of Scorpio is sensual, not accepting restrictions in everything, but in love - in the first place. One gets the impression that this predator was born in order to love. He himself understands this very well, gravitating towards a wonderful feeling with all his might. Scorpios will never lose, knowing their own price. In the event that it is not possible to enter into a legal marriage with your soulmate, the conquered Scorpio will love his life partner with such love that spouses are sometimes incapable of. His ardent heart constantly tells him to do something, and Scorpio is unable to refuse him. True, one should not expect an active and vivid manifestation of one's feelings from him. In public, he, as a rule, behaves rudely, cruelly and coldly, which cannot be said about face-to-face communication: here he can shower his beloved with oaths of immortal love. Suspicion and jealousy are the hallmarks of this sign. As for the weak half of the scorpion society, they are endowed with the talent to see the soul of their potential companion literally through and through. It is vital for such women to burn in the flame of passions, which is connected not only with the intimate sphere of relations. It is typical for her to treat everything around with a "light": either love or hate. Being a notorious jealous woman, she cannot stand being suspected and jealous of her. But how can you resist mental anguish when crowds of fans constantly revolve around this gorgeous lady?


    You are a highly unusual and mysterious person. Many of you even inspire horror! Your element - underground water, which is not visible on the surface, but in the dungeons forms powerful streams, lakes and even caves. This is your essence. Your main problem is that sometimes you can’t figure it out yourself, what can we say about the world around you? You are a true original in everything from judgments to style and behavior. Nowhere are you ashamed to express your point of view and at the same time you are pulling many to your side! If you learn to manage this hidden energy, which you vaguely feel in yourself, and direct it in a constructive direction, you will get something simply amazing!


    You are very hardy and can recover in record time from any illness or injury. This is your undoubted plus, especially considering your passion for extreme sports in all its possible manifestations. Your most healthy foods and additives: oranges, green vegetables, nuts.


    Love you give yourself completely and completely. Inflamed with passion, you go to the bitter end and do not stop even in front of very serious obstacles. Sex plays an important role in your personal life. You demand complete devotion from your partner, but you yourself are ready to give absolutely everything to him. True, when choosing a partner, you are not always guided only by feelings, but in any case, personal relationships occupy a significant place in your life. Scorpios are almost always insanely jealous, so take our advice: no matter how painful it is, try to give your partner more freedom or at least just trust him. You will only benefit from this, believe me!

    Work and career

    There is a sign among employers: if a Scorpio came to work in a company, the business will be successful: Scorpios intuitively feel the potential! Once you set a bar for yourself, you will stop at nothing until you jump over it. Having decided to make a career, you do not care too much about the feelings of your colleagues, who, by the way, evoke a feeling of sincere admiration with your brilliant manipulations. Be more attentive to others, and you will understand that it is easier to have them as friends than as enemies.


    Scorpions are known for their incredulity and causticity, so not everyone manages to break through the shield that you carefully create around yourself. But those to whom you are ready to open up, no doubt, respond to you in the same way. You are a charming and interesting person, it's just that not everyone can see it. Two Scorpios in one company, this is perhaps too much. But with Cancers, Pisces and Taurus, you may have complete mutual understanding. With Capricorn and Virgo, you make a great team, but only at work. Aquarius, Gemini and Libra are unlikely to ever understand you. With fire signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, you may well be friends and work, but only if no one crosses certain boundaries.


    Appearance You place great importance. You have an absolutely amazing ability to look office-aggressive in the same outfit at work, and already sexy in a cafe or on a date. Unbelievable, but you do it, and with ease!


    You take on home improvement with redoubled energy, often being so carried away by repairs that you never end it. You are especially attracted by all kinds of modern technologies and devices. But in any case, your house is always clean and tidy; and God forbid the guest doesn’t like something at your place - he is unlikely to come to the light again. And in your house, a hiding place is sure to be arranged.

    Horoscopes for the week February 17 - 23

    General horoscope for Scorpio for the week of February 17 - 23

    This week you will be able to reach new career heights, you can count on additional income and great offers. You can calmly go about your business, leave everything else to chance. And everything will turn out in your favor. Relationships with your loved one will become very important and dear to you. Many problems that weighed you down in the past will disappear.

    Business horoscope for Scorpio for the week of February 17 - 23

    The financial situation is stable, your business reputation is being strengthened, which will bring additional income. So you can make an expensive gift to a loved one and please yourself and your family.

    Love horoscope for Scorpio for the week of February 17 - 23

    Peace and harmony reign in your personal life. Be frank with your loved one, call him more often and arrange romantic meetings. You deserve this happiness. Treat yourself to gentle and sweet moments.

    Car horoscope for Scorpio for the week of February 17 - 23

    This week will be successful trips to any distance. You will show yourself as an excellent driver, moreover, polite and punctual. So get behind the wheel more often.

    Health Horoscope for Scorpio for the week of February 17 - 23

    The main thing for you now is not to invent problems for yourself where there are none. The stars are talking while you are distracted by something insignificant, or even completely non-existent - you can miss some really important signal from your body. Listen to yourself. Learn to look at the situation realistically. And even better - go through a complete examination of the body, consult with your leading doctor, this will help you navigate.

    Shopping horoscope for Scorpio for the week of February 17 - 23

    Wear diamonds, only they are worthy of your bright and passionate nature. And give your loved one something expensive and beautiful. The stars are sure: you will definitely have money and opportunities for this.

    Beauty Horoscope for Scorpio for the week of February 17 - 23

    You look good and full of energy. In addition, they managed to give up many bad habits, so you can definitely be proud of yourself. Keep swimming in the pool, do yoga. Eat buckwheat porridge, it has a lot of vitamins that you need now.

    Horoscope Scorpio for February 19, 2020, Wednesday

    Friends and acquaintances will want to help you achieve what you want, accept their support with gratitude. The day is good for all sorts of undertakings. It's time to put your plans into action! It is possible that you will be able to improve your financial or social situation, however, due to stubbornness or excessive perseverance, misunderstandings with colleagues or conflicts with superiors are likely. You will get the opportunity to apply the accumulated knowledge not only for personal gain, but also to help colleagues. Thanks to this, your authority in the team is strengthened.

    Love horoscope for Wednesday Scorpio: On the love front, many signs will have a lull - the influence of Uranus and Mars will affect. Unexpected disputes and quarrels out of the blue are possible.

    Work - horoscope for the day: Traders are going through a very difficult period. The number of clients will increase, so you will have to spend more time at work.

    Wednesday Family Forecast for Scorpio: You will have a frank conversation that will help you better understand the position of your opponent. The stars say that it should have been dotted for a long time. You can't devote all your time to just one job! Close people will be offended if you do not pay attention to them.

    Financial horoscope for Wednesday Scorpio: In terms of career or financial gain, positive results are not to be expected. When doing any work, you need to be careful, especially if the case involves monetary expenses. Today you can even be robbed, so be vigilant in public places.

    Health horoscope: If you have to drive a car today, then be extra careful and do not exceed the speed limit. The influence of the moon is unstable, the threat of accidents is increasing. If you have chronic illnesses, take care of them. It is much easier than treating the formed pathology.

    Color of the day dark red

    lucky number 18308

    Magic affirmation of the day:

    Horoscope Scorpio for February 20, 2020, Thursday

    Representatives of your zodiac sign will have food for thought. You will be given interesting information that is worth thinking about. But keep in mind that you don’t need to blindly believe every word, especially if it comes from an unverified person. At the beginning of the day, it will not be easy for you to control your emotions, any little thing can easily knock you out of the usual rhythm of life. Noisy parties, new romances, sudden trips - all this is very fun and tempting. But not for you.

    Love horoscope for Thursday Scorpio: Are you tired of loneliness, have you been looking for a mate for a long time and unsuccessfully? In this case, we have a pleasant surprise for you - the stars portend an early acquaintance!

    Work - horoscope for the day: At work, be very careful and careful. It is possible that one of the envious colleagues has a grudge against you.

    Thursday Family Forecast for Scorpio: Intuition will tell you the right decisions, during this period you should not rely on someone else's opinion. At the same time, hypocrisy and lies should be avoided in their actions. Family representatives of the zodiac sign will be surprised to find that their romantic potential is far from being exhausted! You just need to change the situation, and passion will flare up with renewed vigor.

    Financial horoscope for Thursday Scorpio: There is a high probability that you will have a prolonged lack of money if you do not take some steps to improve the situation. Today you should not bet or gamble. An active Saturn blocks your luck, so you run the risk of losing too much.

    Health horoscope: Take care of your throat. There is a risk of getting a sore throat and losing your voice for a few days. If you are prone to allergies, then on this day you need to try to go out less often - exacerbations of the disease are possible.

    Color of the day gray blue

    lucky number 6887

    Magic affirmation of the day: From depression: my world plays with bright colors, every day life captivates me more and more! I radiate joy and positivity!

    Horoscope Scorpio for February 21, 2020, Friday

    In the middle of the day, take part in all negotiations and meetings - so you can attract attention. Guard personal relationships from third parties and try to refrain from any excesses. Most likely, carefully made plans will be disrupted, so you will have to improvise and make decisions on the go. Tonight you will have the opportunity to relax. You have worked too hard, and now you just need to make up for wasted energy!

    Love horoscope for Friday Scorpio: Sometimes happiness walks very close by - the main thing is to notice it in time and take appropriate steps.

    Work - horoscope for the day: At work, difficulties are likely, but you will be able to cope with them. You may even benefit from them.

    Friday Family Forecast for Scorpio: It's time for family people to make an important decision and stick to it. Your personal life for the year ahead will depend on the chosen strategy. You have to face a lack of understanding from the second half. You need to learn to control yourself, always find a reasonable compromise.

    Financial horoscope for Friday Scorpio: Perhaps, lately you have not had enough money to implement all your ideas. If so, then know that the situation will soon change, and you will easily find an additional source of funding. Tasks that previously seemed overwhelming, now you will be completely on the shoulder. The increased activity of Mercury hints at the possibility of making a profit!

    Health horoscope: In the morning, melancholy is possible - an inevitable consequence of the conflict between Jupiter and Saturn. At this time, you may be visited by gloomy thoughts. On this day, it is advisable to beware - especially if you have to work with piercing and cutting tools. There is a risk of domestic injury.

    Color of the day Gray olive

    lucky number 16521

    Magic affirmation of the day: For weight loss: the accumulated kilograms leave me easily and naturally! Every day I become lighter and closer to the ideal shape.

    Horoscope Scorpio for February 22, 2020, Saturday

    The first half of the day will be difficult. Not the best time for risk and adventure. The stars advise you to think over your every step in order to protect yourself from trouble. On this day, you will accept any criticism with hostility. Learn to listen to people, this skill will come in handy. You will get the opportunity to apply the accumulated knowledge not only for personal gain, but also to help colleagues. Thanks to this, your authority in the team is strengthened.

    Love horoscope for Saturday Scorpio: It is possible that your friend has romantic feelings for you, however, he does not talk about it.

    Work - horoscope for the day: It is likely that the range of your duties will expand. If this happens, then do not forget to discuss with the management the issue of an increase in salary.

    Saturday Family Forecast for Scorpio: There is a possibility of a visit from distant relatives who visit you quite rarely. The horoscope advises not to share with them the details of your family life so as not to give rise to unnecessary gossip. The day will be quite active, you will be able to reach new frontiers in your endeavors. Evening hours will bring satisfaction when communicating with the environment.

    Financial horoscope for Saturday Scorpio: The stars advise you to manage your money more carefully, soon they may be needed for more serious matters. It is not recommended to borrow money - it will be difficult to repay.

    Health horoscope: Too strict diet is not always good for the body, sometimes you can treat yourself to something delicious. The main thing is to know the measure, and not to cross the permitted boundaries. There will be an emergency at work. It is possible that you will have to take on some of the worries of your colleagues. A relaxing massage session will help to quickly restore strength.

    Color of the day green sea

    lucky number 14043

    Magic affirmation of the day: For harmony: we are all a family, and the planet is our home. When I forgive myself, it is easier for me to forgive others. I'm ready to let go of negative emotions!

    Horoscope Scorpio for February 23, 2020, Sunday

    Listen to your inner feelings - and do as your intuition tells you. If you do not waste valuable time on empty talk, you can achieve great success! Great day. If you do not waste valuable time on empty talk, you can achieve great success. At the same time, there will be a chance to learn something new, make interesting acquaintances. On this day, you will try your best to remain calm, but in the morning everything will not go as you planned.

    Love horoscope for Sunday Scorpio: All ages are submissive to love - many representatives of your Zodiac sign will have to get acquainted with this simple maxim! Cupid's arrows are already whistling in the air, soon you will no longer be able to ignore this fact.

    Work - horoscope for the day: You will have a desire to make a favorable impression on others, in the first place - on your immediate supervisor. If you manage to earn a reputation as a conscientious employee, then it is possible that the boss will begin to trust you more.

    Family forecast for Sunday for Scorpio: Dedicate an afternoon to yourself, go to a beauty salon, visit some exhibition or just take a walk in the park. Master cooking courses, design programs, massage courses, foreign languages and even a yoga section - everything can bring you considerable benefits and pleasure, and maybe additional income.

    Financial horoscope for Sunday Scorpio: Mercury has begun a retrograde movement, which means that in the near future one should not expect significant financial inflows. Now you should spend your money more economically. Your financial situation will be quite stable, you can expect financial income. However, astrologers recommend not to plan excessive spending.

    Health horoscope: Now nothing threatens the well-being of the energetic representatives of your zodiac sign. The horoscope shows that you will be cheerful, full of strength and energy. Take care of your nervous system, and rely on your own mind more often.

    Color of the day chocolate brown

    lucky number 10705

    Magic affirmation of the day: To build relationships: I listen to the people around me and respect their opinions. People around love and appreciate me.

    Horoscope Scorpio for February 24, 2020, Monday

    Romance is worth forgetting for now, but it won't be for long. Take care of yourself, pay attention to your appearance. Do not rely on intuition, today it will not work. The second half of the day should be devoted to planning further affairs. In the afternoon you will receive news of new circumstances in a case that has long interested you.

    Love horoscope for Monday Scorpio: If something does not suit you in the behavior of a loved one, then right now is the time to talk to him about it. The chosen one listens to your words.

    Work - horoscope for the day: Despite the high workload at work, health should always be in the foreground for you. After all, if there is no strength and energy, then how will you cope with your duties?

    Monday Family Forecast for Scorpio: Circumstances are stronger now, so relax and try to enjoy every little thing. Life is not only black and white, and therefore do not be categorical. If it seems to you that the chosen one is wrong, then think about what needs to be changed in actions.

    Financial horoscope for Monday Scorpio: Money now easily goes to your hands! The horoscope shows that the representatives of your zodiac sign will have the opportunity to significantly improve their financial situation. Money luck will not leave you in the near future! However, do not forget to keep an eye on the budget so that your expenses do not exceed cash receipts.

    Health horoscope: Vitality will be at the end. The desire to help or take someone under your protection can lead to an oversight that will remind you of yourself for a long time. Now you should try to be more relaxed in public places. The presence in places of increased congestion of people can be fraught with infectious diseases.

    Color of the day Very light purple

    lucky number 9970

    Magic affirmation of the day: From stress: harmony and peace surround me. Time has stopped, I feel the breath of the universe, it lulls and relaxes me.

    Horoscope Scorpio for February 25, 2020, Tuesday

    Soon you will have the opportunity to take part in a friendly party or other festive event. The evening will be fun, but in the morning you risk waking up with a headache. The stars advise you to be prepared for unexpected information and the need to be flexible in some matter. Meetings and business negotiations are best scheduled in the morning. At this time, you will be alert and full of energy.

    Love horoscope for Tuesday Scorpio: A romantic connection is not ruled out. What is interesting - the stars predict that a person with whom you have known for a long time can act as a lover or lover.

    Work - horoscope for the day: Professionals like you will always be in demand. Accept great offers, even if you have to change companies.

    Tuesday Family Forecast for Scorpio: This day is ideal for the implementation of creative ideas. You can also do repairs in your home. The second half will behave simply outrageous and refuse to compromise, although it is she who is the cause of the conflict. Today is not the best day for representatives of your sign. The stars are advised to refrain from various temptations, because because of them, then relations with the second half and close friends may worsen.

    Financial horoscope for Tuesday Scorpio: And do not be discouraged by temporary financial difficulties, they will soon pass. Your talents will help you improve your financial situation. In addition, Mercury (the planet of financial well-being) is now on your side.

    Health horoscope: To get rid of insomnia and relieve fatigue, you need to walk more often in the fresh air. Do not demand the impossible from yourself. The stock of your vital energy is great, but it also needs to be replenished.

    Color of the day Raspberry red

    lucky number 4643

    Magic affirmation of the day: For weight loss: my body becomes healthy, slim and fit. Cravings for high-calorie foods and drinks disappear, develop like smoke.

    On Monday, the stars of the horoscope advise Scorpio to get rid of the ghosts of past relationships, if they still weigh on him. On this day, he is able to analyze and hide his fruitless mental anguish under a large barn lock. Otherwise, Scorpio can cherish his old disappointments and feelings for a person from the past for a long time, with whom he can never be together. Drop this unbearable burden on Monday in one fell swoop to enjoy the happy moments and opportunities of the present!

    Tuesday, February 18

    On Tuesday, Scorpio may unexpectedly receive news from the past - meet his former love or suddenly remember her, passing by his favorite cafe or hearing a familiar melody. Nostalgia can make him immerse himself in himself for a while, indulging in memories of past feelings. The stars advise not to waste mental strength on the past, but to think about the present. Once you have already closed this door once, you should not come back again. New love on the threshold!

    Wednesday, February 19

    On Wednesday, the stars do not promise Scorpio easy ways on the love front. It may turn out that the object of his sympathy, alas, is not interested in him, but shows attention to someone else. Or a loved one will suddenly put the question squarely, forcing Scorpio to make a difficult choice. In a word, on Wednesday it may seem to Scorpio that the situation has reached an impasse in some matter, and he himself is close to losing. The stars advise not to panic and wait: do not dramatize the situation. It is quite possible that things will change quickly. Don't lose your fighting spirit!

    Thursday, February 20

    A difficult day in relationships on Thursday is promised by the stars to Scorpio! Most likely, he will have to regularly remind himself of patience and restrain emotions. Well, the horizon is not always cloudless, and instead of powerless internal resentment, it is better for Scorpio to ask philosophical questions. Why does this cause such strong emotions in him? Perhaps there are deep unresolved problems between him and his loved one? Or is someone in a pair obscure, not wanting to show their true experiences? The stars of the horoscope advise: the best answer to all questions on this day will be sincerity - the magic key that opens the door to happiness in love.

    Friday, February 21

    Friday is the day when Scorpio should act very carefully when communicating with the opposite sex! The desire to criticize a partner will be almost irresistible - even on a first date, Scorpio on this day may not show the mildest character, what can we say about a person with whom he has been close for more than one year? The stars give you the desire to argue, by all means prove your case, or even deal with all the accumulated problems in one fell swoop! In order not to mess things up on Friday, Scorpio should refrain from verbal duels. Silence on this day is not even gold, but a real priceless diamond.

    Saturday, February 22

    On Saturday, Scorpio can be haunted by a bad mood, which can result in a quarrel, richly flavored with claims and criticism of a partner. Much of what is said may seem unfair to a loved one, turning the conversation into unfounded accusations. To avoid offense, the stars advise Scorpio to spend this day away from the chosen one. If this is not possible, put an end to the quarrel with a joke or arrange a romantic surprise. Do not quarrel over trifles - be above it!

    Sunday, February 23

    "Everything is fixable" - this is the motto on Sunday that is relevant for Scorpio, who is in a relationship. The stars of the horoscope say: even if the cup of mutual insults is overflowing, on this day you can sincerely talk and make peace - provided that feelings are still alive in the heart. Scorpio is encouraged to be the initiator of reconciliation and not be afraid to take bold steps to improve the situation. For example, prepare a romantic date or a joint weekend trip. Consider the past as a good experience that will not allow you to make mistakes in the future.