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  • Accurate love horoscope Aquarius April. April love horoscope Aquarius girl

    Accurate love horoscope Aquarius April.  April love horoscope Aquarius girl

    According to the star horoscope for a month, April 2017 promises to be a very "motley" period- emotional and eventful. Plus, it has long been known that it is in the middle of spring that most people's feelings are in their heyday. Find out more stellar predictions for all zodiac signs in April 2017.

    Female love horoscope for April 2017 from for each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac: Cancer, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Lviv, Taurus, Aries, Scorpio, Pisces, Aquarius and Sagittarius. The stars say that until mid-April 2017, Venus will be in a leading position, this will increase self-esteem, give more strength, and also bring personal life to the first level. When Venus enters the sign of Pisces, its energy will significantly affect mental condition of people. Someone will become more touchy and vulnerable, while others will become sentimental and passionate. Many people want to fall in love and form a strong relationship, while others, on the contrary, are waiting for quarrels and partings. For those who want to learn star predictions every day, we recommend that you follow our daily updates in the section. See also what's in store for you this year. Fire Rooster in .

    Horoscope for April 2017 - ARIES

    Horoscope for April 2017 - GEMINI

    The horoscope for April 2017 advises Gemini women not to rush, but to go forward, albeit with tiny, but confident steps. The period will be full of good luck and bring you some popularity, but this does not mean that representatives of this sign should take them for granted. Accept the gifts of fate with dignity and gratitude. Remember that life is not an endless holiday in which there is no place for worries and troubles. In April, many Geminis will have to try on the role of the industrious ant from the famous fable.

    love horoscope says that if Gemini decides to renew relations with a former lover in April, then in the future they will only regret it. Look for new love and radically change your whole life for the better.

    Horoscope for April 2017 - CANCER

    Cancer women in April are unlikely to be able to fully enjoy the romantic spring. According to the forecasts of the stars this month, you will have to say goodbye to your luck. You will have to work hard to win the location of the Rooster. Otherwise, you face a deterioration in relations with superiors and financial worries. Judging by the predictions of the horoscope for April 2017, during this period it will be difficult for Cancer women to make a choice, therefore, most likely, they will have to adapt to the circumstances.

    Busy this month relations. It will be difficult for Cancers to make the right decisions, and due to a series of various events, there will be little time and energy for romance. The stars also warn of a high likelihood of groundless jealousy and even aggression on your part.

    Horoscope for April 2017 - Leo

    Horoscope for April 2017 tells Leo this month to look only ahead. It is high time to stop looking back and regret what you have done, because time, as you know, cannot be turned back. But this does not mean that you need to treat everything that happens in life with indifference. The stars say that in April 2017, Leo women are waiting for some important lessons from the Universe, which should bring at least some light in your path.

    Concerning love horoscope, the stars say that April will give a good opportunity to sort out relationships and cope with the difficulties that have arisen. The influence of Venus will increase your attractiveness and sensuality, which will help attract members of the opposite sex.

    Horoscope for April 2017 - VIRGO

    Horoscope for April 2017 - LIBRA

    April 2017 will meet representatives of the Libra sign with a radiant smile. Already at the beginning of the month, many of you will understand that you should not worry about past mistakes and failures, and look forward with optimism. Saturn will become your patron during this period, which will reward you with calmness, endurance and wisdom, and will also give many the energy of a leader, so at the right time you will be able to rally a team around you. In turn, Mars will save you from stereotypes, Libra will be able to think and act more creatively and unconventionally, which will certainly be a plus for you.

    According to love predictions of the stars the positive attitude of Libra in April, like a magnet, will attract others to you. So you definitely won't be alone. If you don’t find your love, then you will definitely find new friends, good acquaintances and colleagues. Libra, who are paired, will feel solidarity with their soulmate and the desire to spend as much time with her as possible.

    Horoscope for April 2017 - SCORPIO

    Horoscope for April 2017 - SAGITTARIUS

    For Sagittarius, the middle of spring will be easy. At the beginning of April, you will feel a surge of vitality and a desire to move forward without turning or stopping. If earlier you often asked yourself questions and could not answer them, now this problem should not be, since the planets are favorable towards you, therefore, in any situation they will help you make the right choice. Therefore, April 2017 is great for new projects and large-scale achievements that may soon open the door to a brighter future for you.

    Venus is also positively disposed towards Sagittarius, so the middle of spring promises to be very romantic. Many representatives of the sign, despite the workload, will find the desire and opportunity for new acquaintances and meetings, flirting and relationships. Sagittarius in a pair will be able to diversify their union and bring lightness to it.

    Horoscope for April 2017 - CAPRICORN

    The April period for Capricorns will be a month of inactivity, when many women of this zodiac sign will be able to simply enjoy the fruits of their previous labors and make plans for the future. You will enlist the support of the Moon and Mars and, finally, you will feel stability and will be able to control the course of upcoming events according to the scenario. Of course, this will also have a positive effect on your morale.

    IN Capricorn's personal life April 2017 will bring no surprises. You will sail on a calm current, avoiding storms, high and low tides. Lonely representatives of the Capricorn sign, most likely, from the opposite sex, will gain more friendly support than a romantic mood, but your voyage has not yet ended.

    Horoscope for April 2017 - AQUARIUS

    Favorable days in April 2017: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 15, 16, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30 April.

    Due to the influence of Mars on the life of Aquarius, in April you will have to adapt to new living conditions. These conditions may seem very unusual to you. First of all, it will require more trust and adaptation to a life that will change at an alarming rate.

    However, there will be nothing destructive in these events, i.e. in the end you will be able to tune in the right way and benefit for yourself. Life success this month will largely depend on clearly defined goals and a developed action plan. If you know what you want and how to achieve it, success will be impressive!

    In the field of work, always try to have a clear plan of action before taking on your duties. In the area of ​​personal relationships, the negative influence of Pluto can ruin all plans, so if you are planning something, work out your plan in detail.

    Aquarius career horoscope for April 2017

    In the field of career and work, you can count on pleasant bonuses and surprises. If you have been thinking about starting your own business, April is a very favorable time for this. The only thing is that you need to think through everything to the smallest detail and devote your life to your work.

    If you are employed, do not rush to take the initiative in everything and take on difficult tasks. April - auspicious time for learning and improvement, and the difficulties will be largely due to your own mistakes, and not by the will of circumstances.

    If you have your own business, the second month of spring is a great time for intensive expansion. The only thing due to negative impact Pluto do not let anyone influence your decisions, otherwise there is a risk of failure.

    Lucky days - 7, 8, if you do not have a job, use this day to send resumes and interviews.

    April 2017 love horoscope for Aquarius

    Most of your attention in April will be directed specifically to the sphere of personal relationships. This is a time when many problems and disagreements will become a thing of the past, especially if you put a little effort into it.

    If you are lonely, you can focus on finding your soulmate. The horoscope promises many colorful and amazing acquaintances. In general, life in this area will be full of unforgettable emotions and unpredictable events.

    If you have a loved one, there is a possibility of conflicts and disagreements, especially if you have a big age difference. The horoscope predicts the possibility of interference in your relationship by relatives and close people. It is worth listening more to critical remarks and taking them into account in the future.

    In April, it is very important to keep your emotions under control. Due to the negative influence of Pluto, you can go astray and give in to impulsive decisions. Don't let your emotions get the better of you, but you do need to listen to what your heart is saying, and there is a very fine line here.

    Lucky days - 1, 15, 16, 17, 18 if you are single, use these days for romantic meetings and acquaintances.

    Health Horoscope for April 2017 for Aquarius

    In April, the horoscope does not predict any health-related problems, however, there will be no increased strength and energy boost either. Most likely, you will not find the strength in yourself to regularly engage in sports and fitness.

    Auspicious days in April 2017

    • Luck in sports: 7, 8, 22, 23;
    • Lucky days in business: 7, 8;
    • Activity, ambitiousness in work: 5, 6, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28;
    • Luck and optimism: 7, 8,;
    • Clarity of thought (days of insights): 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30;
    • Confusion in thinking: 21, 22, 23;
    • Foresight, prophetic visions: 17, 18, 21, 22, 23;
    • Emotional sensitivity: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24;
    • Luck in love: 1, 15, 16, 17, 18;
    • Desire to be alone: ​​8, 9, 21, 22;
    • Probability of accidents: 13, 14, 27, 28, 29, 30.

    The love horoscope for April 2017 advises Aquarius to brighten and sincerely express their feelings towards the chosen one. There will be many admirers and suitors around you, but the heart belongs to one and only person, right? If Aquarius is more sociable and open in April, then he will not be left without love. By the way, excellent friendships will develop with your lover. With the signs of the Earth in 2017, Aquarius will have mutual understanding and love.

    Love horoscope for April 2017 for Aquarius woman predicts a romantic meeting that will happen on the road, subway or bus. Just do not try to immediately attribute this acquaintance to the category of "lungs". On the contrary, it may be the beginning of a beautiful and bright love story. In April 2017, you should avoid quarrels with relatives. Otherwise, Aquarius will have to build shaky relationships for a long time.

    Love horoscope for April 2017 Aquarius man recommends spending more time with the chosen one, and not with friends and at work. Loneliness is unlikely to benefit you in April, because it drives you into melancholy and despondency. In 2017, a woman with whom he works in the same team confesses his love to Aquarius.

    Aquarius family in April 2017

    The horoscope promises a lot of problems associated with grown-up children. Just immediately exclude the command tone and instructive phrases. Aquarius needs to become for their children, first of all, a friend - understanding and sincere. With a spouse in April 2017, Aquarius, on the contrary, will have a wonderful and passionate relationship. You will even find a common hobby that will greatly bond the family. Aquarius himself should be more sensitive and attentive to his partner, and not hide his feelings and desires inside. To avoid financial problems in April, write down the family budget in advance.

    Aquarius Horoscope for April 2017
    Finance horoscope, careers for Aquarius for April 2017

    April love horoscope for other zodiac signs:

    This spring month does not portend especially bright or memorable events on the love front for representatives of the Aquarius sign. Sometimes you will remember those good old days when your life was like a volcano of passions, and strong emotions took your breath away.

    In April 2017, a rather calm period in his personal life is expected. However, this does not mean that despondency and melancholy will become your faithful companions for the next four weeks. Interesting events will still occur, but mainly at the internal level, and not at the external level. However, they too can have far-reaching consequences.

    Venus, the planet of love, remains retrograde until April 16, 2017. This is a great time to rethink the content of relationships and redefine your ideals in love. In some cases, with this position of Venus, there is a renewal of a love affair broken in the past. Or someone will again make an offer that you previously refused.

    Many of you this month will want to get away from reality and plunge into the virtual world. Wandering the expanses of the World Wide Web, you will find many friends. If you are single, then you may well get yourself a new passion among the endless candidates for virtual dating. Seduced by an attractive image, your fantasy will begin to draw the future along with this unknown person. It's too early to say how the intrigue will end, but there is always a chance to get your piece of happiness.

    Aquarius career and finance horoscope for April 2017

    By and large, until the fall of 2017, you can be lucky in career and financial matters. The stars are on your side as Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius, is in a good position for you.

    Moreover, this planet has the support of the great benefactor Jupiter, which further enhances the chances of success. Beneficial planetary influences will help you maintain a good relationship with your superiors and colleagues, making it easier to perform work duties.

    This month, two planets - Venus and Mercury - are moving in a retrograde (reverse) direction. Under the influence of retrograde planets, you can return to work on old projects, as well as reconnect with long-lost friends, colleagues or acquaintances to renew pleasant and rewarding relationships.

    The financial horoscope of Aquarius indicates that the month is stable. If you reduce a number of unnecessary expenses, you can even save up a pretty decent amount of money by the end of spring. Many Aquarius will show a special interest in the implementation of various business initiatives, especially financial ones. Travel and negotiations will be financially beneficial.

    A more generous period will be the first and second decades of April 2017. Pay attention to the last decade, at this time avoid risky activities related to money.


    In April 2017, Aquarians are distinguished by a calm mood, health promises to be good. As a rule, health is also normal. Although in the first half of the month, some of you may complain of apathy, mood swings, and so on. All these are nerves, and therefore there is no particular danger at the moment.

    The stars advise you to be more careful in transport and travel, because incidents cannot be ruled out. It is recommended to exercise caution when handling potentially hazardous substances, materials, objects and mechanisms.

    It's time to brush up on your knowledge in the area that interests you the most!

    Aquarius is an interesting month in terms of love. This is the time to reconsider feelings and principles towards the opposite sex. Those born under the constellation Aquarius during this period are capable of decisive action to get attention and reciprocal feelings. How to relate to the ongoing changes on the love front, find out in the exact love horoscope for Aquarius for April 2017.

    Free Aquarians in April of this year will activate all forces for the development of their personal lives. This period of time will be marked as an opportunity to independently change the organization of one's own life, to develop own rules for her. To attract the interest of the opposite sex, Aquarius in April should remember their hobbies, since it will be almost impossible to win a pretty person in April with external data alone. It is much more interesting to communicate with a diversified person.

    Aquarius, who are in a permanent relationship, in April can try to bend their partner to themselves with their perseverance. If they succeed, then such a relationship may soon disappoint the representative of this zodiac sign. A strong partner will not allow Aquarius to single-handedly command in a relationship, which will force both of them to seek compromises and negotiate among themselves. Such a development of family relations is more favorable for Aquarius, as it allows spouses to get to know each other better and avoid conflict situations.

    Love horoscope for the Aquarius woman for April 2017

    Single Aquarius girls will find themselves in a cycle of events in April. Several men can compete for their attention at once. To choose one of them or to reject the courtship of all - older relatives will help the girls to solve this issue, who, from the height of their personal experience unsuitable men will be immediately calculated. Couples created in April for female Aquarius can become life-changing. They have a high probability of developing into a long and sensual relationship. The exact love horoscope for Aquarius for April 2017 advises you to pay attention to people you already know: perhaps among them is someone who can make both happy.

    Married women born under the sign of Aquarius in April can provoke their chosen ones to show sincere feelings and emotions. Such behavior in this spring month may be a reaction to inattention and some rudeness recently noticed by a loved one. Women born under the sign of Aquarius need confessions of feelings on a daily basis. They truly love with their ears, demanding confirmation of passion not only in deeds, but also in words. Stars do not advise Aquarius women to often get involved in such things in April, as this can provoke a spouse into a scandal.

    Love horoscope for the Aquarius man for April 2017

    Single Aquarius men in April 2017 have the opportunity to rebel a little because of small failures on the personal front, but this will further spur them on to search for a girl who can withstand such an emotional and eccentric person. The main indicator of compatibility for Aquarius in April will be the unwillingness of the chosen one to agree with them in everything.

    Married men born under the sign of Aquarius will test not only themselves this month, but also the patience of their other halves. This will consist in bouts of unreasonable jealousy, suspicion and bad mood. For married couples who have known each other for a long time, such an April test will be familiar and will not bring any special consequences, but for newlyweds, this behavior of the Aquarius spouse can cause resentment. The love horoscope advises Aquarius men to moderate their ardor and switch energy to solving other problems.