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  • Olya's nymphet dreams about how hers. Love stories: how to get hold of a nymphet correctly

    Olya's nymphet dreams about how hers.  Love stories: how to get hold of a nymphet correctly

    When this magical transformation took place, you yourself did not understand. Only once after work did you stop to chat in the yard with a neighbor and, pretending to listen, thoughtfully watched a little skirt fluttering in the air, the white panties of an intoxicated swing by not a little girl at all sparkle. Your daughter has smoothly entered the stage when a girl cannot yet be called a girl, but her lips, shoulders and the forms that have just begun to emerge say that she can no longer be considered a girl either. Vladimir Nabokov dubbed such transformers “nymphets”. And everything would be fine if it were not for the oily glances of adult men, frankly sliding over the figure of your daughter, from which a slight panic arises in your soul: what to do?

    Princesses and peas

    When girls begin to realize that they are cute, their behavior changes quite noticeably. Out of nowhere, tantrums, whims and arrogance appear. The feeling of power over peers and peers does not benefit the immature nymphet personality. The level of aspirations grows and gradually ceases to correspond to the possibilities, the girl becomes uncontrollable and, as criminologists say, “deviant” - capable of any trick. It is for this reason that the nymphets commit "rash acts", for example, they can enter into a secret relationship with the main bully of your yard.

    To avoid all these horrors, one should not particularly praise the natural merits of the daughter. A slight irony about her external data is what you need. Some mothers, unconsciously proud of their daughters, try to embellish them so that the girl becomes a girl as soon as possible. Error. It is at this age that modesty and restraint are not hypocrisy, but a necessary educational tactics.

    Early sexuality tends to be imitative and mannered. A girl in tight-fitting shorts and a T-shirt with a handkerchief is completely unprepared for the attention from men that this outfit quite naturally evokes. And she is unaware that there is an ironclad rule for communicating with men: if he called himself a load - climb into the back. She put on a skirt shorter than her panties - be prepared that someone wants to see what's under them. And if an adult woman is able to cope with such a spicy situation, for a girl she is very, very traumatic.

    Try to keep your clothes not sexy. Fashionable, short - as much as necessary, but not defiantly sexy.

    Idleness is the enemy of childhood

    According to statistics, girls who have absolutely nothing to do fall into all sorts of troubles that a nymphet can get into. She hangs out all day in the yard, looking for adventure. A girl who lives in dashes from a music school to a gymnasium is unlikely to think about showing off in a "bad" company. Busy, passionate girls attach much less importance to their appearance, their sexuality is timely and natural. As a rule, they have a reference group in which they are treated according to their mind and deeds, and not according to their clothes and face. This means that the less free time your nymphet has, the more natural her sexual development will be.

    Little Electra

    Now take a closer look at the relationship between your nymphet and her precious dad - your husband. Most recently, he kissed her in the ass, rolled her on his knee. And now? Doesn't he continue in the same way? Doesn't he give up the most important things to bring his beloved daughter a towel to the bathroom? Doesn't he stop in thought in front of a window with lace panties, thinking not about a gift for his beloved wife?

    "Fu, this is a perversion!" - you object and you will be wrong. A man lives in the subconsciousness of every father in relation to his own daughter. And not without reciprocity. Such love begins at the age of four or five. Freud called it the Electra complex (after the girl from the tragedy of Sophocles, who cruelly avenged her own mother for the murder of Agamemnon - her father, whom Electra was madly in love with).

    At this tender age, the girl is trying to seize power in the family - to push back her mother and become her father's favorite. Often she succeeds. If the mother gives way to her place next to her husband (naturally, not in the physical, but in the psychological sense), then by the nymphet age the girl and her father have a very sexual relationship (again in the psychological sense). A step aside - and unsatisfied sexuality becomes a bait for a lover of nymphets. Therefore, try to convey to your husband, who doted on his daughter, that the girl is already big and it should not be so tender to hug and kiss her before bedtime. And, in turn, try very hard not to lose your status in the family - even if your daughter claims to be a princess, you must remain queen forever.

    Where the babies come from?

    By the way, do you know for sure where children come from? If not, urgently read popular science literature and explain to your daughter the process of fertilizing an egg. You can give the head to be cut off, that she does not know this. Namely, it is very useful for nymphets to know this. In this scientific part, sex education must be completed for now. A girl should not witness the sexual promiscuity of her parents, near and far. Erotic films in the nymphet age are categorically contraindicated. Try to save hints, grease, anecdotes until the moment when the girl will go to school or go for a walk with a guarantee. The cult of the beautiful lady reigning in the family, the chivalrous attitude towards the mother, even if somewhat sublime, is a very good background for the maturing one. Then there is no need to fear Humbert Humbert.

    Read: 27820

    Birthday Vladimir Nabokov NikLife plunges into the whirlpool of perhaps the most difficult love theme, so alluring with its viciousness - love for nymphets. In order to avoid public condemnation, we skirted the most acute corners, and, taking a poetic tone, hid in history, cinema and literature, where the manifestation of this kind of feeling was more than once glorified with due sublimity and beauty, and sometimes served as a very illustrative example. Based on these stories, we tried to understand what went wrong with our lyrical heroes and gave them a couple of tips that will no longer save them, but, perhaps, will help you if you fell for a little devil in a skirt.

    Vladimir Nabokov "Lolita": Lolita and Humbert

    History: Humbert, a 37-year-old teacher of French literature, has a painful and painful lust for nymphets. A long-standing childhood impression endowed him with this clandestine experience, averting mature women. Having rented an apartment in the house of Mrs. Charlotte Haze, he desperately and hopelessly falls in love with her 12-year-old daughter Dolores. What makes him marry the mistress of the house, and after her unexpected death go with his mellow girl on a carefree trip to the towns and motels of America.

    Drama: Lolita not only hates Humbert, who corrupted her, but resignedly loves the famous drama-thug Quilty, who captivated her imagination when she was still quite a baby. The latter steals Lolita from Humbert and breaks her life, which ultimately ends with the death of the first and the painful remorse of the second, preparing for his death already behind bars.

    Advice: There is nothing to respond to the frivolity of the nymphet, except for her own frivolity, even if there is a real fire in her heart - because only this kind of feigned indifference can attract a minor splinter, otherwise you will get bored with her, as Humbert quickly got bored, who adored “every time, every rudimentary hair her childish body. " However, without this, everything could have been different - it was only necessary to immediately rush to Mexico, where no one cares about such dangerous ties.

    Lewis Carroll and Alice Liddell

    History: The author of one of the most beautiful fairy tales in the world has been repeatedly accused of pedophilia and condemned for his passionate love for photographs, in which he captured hundreds of "little miss". In fact, everything was much more subtle and sadder - Lewis Carroll was madly in love with only one of them - 7-year-old Alice Liddell, who became the prototype of the very Alice from Wonderland.

    Drama: However, he loved with a completely unhappy and doomed love. The moment the Liddell family realized that their poetic friend's attention to their youngest daughter was becoming unhealthy and too intrusive, Carroll was denied access to their home. Later, Lewis still made timid attempts through letters to win the favor of Alice's parents, to explain himself and even asked for her hand, which frightened them even more and finally alienated them. Carroll's subsequent encounters with the prototype of the heroine of his main books were extremely rare and unnatural.

    Advice: Carroll, of course, should have been a little more careful in matters of his reputation and, perhaps, then everything would have played quite differently. But what is there to hope for, when the whole world knows you as a person suffering from erotomania and sick cravings for little girls. At the same time, being a famous respectable writer and filming this kind of eroticism is extremely self-confident. It was worth deciding from the very beginning.

    Dante Alighieri and Beatrice Portinari

    History: The love that Dante experienced is worthy of the last circles of his "Comedy" - having devoted himself to the eight-year-old beauty, he was struck by her image throughout his life and often used her as a character in his works. Really significant is the fact that they communicated with each other only twice: the first time at the May celebration, when Beatrice was eight, and after nine years later. The second meeting was accidental: the girl was walking down the street in a white dress, accompanied by two elderly women and simply greeted Dante. Impressed by this meeting, on the same night he had a dream, which later became the theme of the first sonnet of New Life.

    Drama: Three years later, Beatrice married another, after three more she passed away, but thanks to Dante's love, her name became a household name and henceforth meant the ideal of an angel woman and pure love. It’s a pity that Dante didn’t have the courage to speak to Beatrice and chose to invent it in his head.

    Advice: If you are not sure that after a fleeting glance at your passion, you are ready to lock yourself in a room and write one of the best works of world literature, you should gather all the courage into a fist and invite her to walk around Florence at night. Who knows how a poet would write if his muse were always there? In general, in vain he was so intimidated.

    Ivan Bunin "Light Breathing": Alexey Mikhailovich Malyutin and Olya Meshcherskaya

    History: Fifty-six (56!) Malyutin falls in love with his friend's daughter, the precocious schoolgirl Olya Meshchereskaya, who, at her fifteen (15!), Has a surprisingly adult awareness of herself, beauty and the world around her.

    Drama: After the first night, Olya negates the importance of physical intimacy and embarks on a series of promiscuous sexual intercourse, which lead her to death from the bullet of the "ugly and plebeian appearance" of a jealous Cossack officer. Malyutin did not want to consider himself an ugly officer.

    Advice: If Malyutin could take away all the ardor that hit him after realizing the fact that he, a fifty-six-year-old (56!) Officer could like a young girl, and make her feel the need for him - everything would be different. But there are too many ugly officers, and life is too short. Do not try to bring to the point that the little skittish realizes that she is everything to you, despite the fact that you are nothing to her.

    Edgar Poe and Virginia Klemm

    History: American writer Edgar Poe has been a prisoner of imaginary nightmares and real scandals all his life. The loudest of them is associated with his love - 12-year-old Virginia Clemm. At the age of 26, the father of detective and science fiction genres married his young lover, who was also his first cousin. Sounds very strong, apart from the fact that Poe humbly agreed to postpone sex until Virginia came of age and gave her a wonderful childhood. Virginia spent whole days looking after flowers in a small garden or playing with a cat, learning to play the harp and piano.

    Drama: One fine day, already 24-year-old Virginia wanted to please her husband with singing, touched the harp with her hands, uttered a gentle trill, and suddenly her voice broke and blood gushed out of her mouth. She died 2 years later. Po drank, became mocked, and began to get very sick himself - physically and mentally. Having never experienced parting with his beloved, he often said that he would like to freeze to death in order to quickly reunite with Virginia. Mental disorders and a promiscuous life led him to death 2 years after her death.

    Advice: Well, what can you advise ... It's too beautiful and we are too sad from this story ...

    Charlie Chaplin and Lita Gray

    History: Aspiring actress Lita Gray, who made her 13-year-old debut in Charlie Chaplin's The Kid, was the cause of the comedian's worst depression ever. At the age of 16, she became pregnant with him. In order not to go to prison for sexual relations with a minor, Chaplin secretly married Lita Gray, for which she bore him two sons.

    Drama: Such a marriage did not go well from the very beginning - tired of her husband's constant betrayals, Lita Gray divorced him. Chaplin paid Lita $ 700,000 - a record amount for that time, which prompted a tax investigation. Their divorce became a high-profile event in American show business, largely due to the fact that in her public claims, Lita told everything about sexual relations with Chaplin, including about the time when she was still in puberty. These claims were published and sold out in large numbers to the public. Chaplin felt completely unhappy.

    Advice: It must be remembered that if you want to play adult games with nymphets (marriage, betrayal, divorce), then you should not forget about their childish maximalism. For treason, they will take off you three more skins than wives of the same age, and the second trip will definitely end with what is known. There was nothing to cheat on the Kid!

    Hard Candy: Hayley and Jeff

    History: An American schoolgirl with a boy-like haircut and neat breasts meets the fashionable 32-year-old intellectual photographer Jeff, who until then only took pictures and then slept with her peers. But this time it turned out differently.

    Drama: Thinking that if you have slept with ten fourteen-year-olds, you already know how the eleventh will behave, - you lose your guard and this is the end!

    Advice: If he had fallen in love with her, had not climbed on the first night, it is known for what - and maybe everything would have been all right. Don't do the last thing in an amicable way!

    American Beauty: Lester and Angela

    History: Lester Burnham, who hates life, finds new strength for existence after falling in love with his daughter's classmate, Angela Hayes, before hallucinations. Eavesdropping on the girls' phone conversations, he learns that Angela also likes and after this call (and a little grass) quits his job, starts playing sports and "blossoms" in every sense.

    Drama: Teenagers tend to exaggerate their sexual achievements, so the protagonist shouldn't have been so surprised when the girl who slept with half of the school turned out to be a virgin.

    Advice: After such facts from Angela's intimate life, Lester from a blooming man in a moment turns into a sympathetic father, which cannot be done! Having fallen in love with such a distant creature, it is very easy to plunge into someone else's reality, and in the end you are loved exactly for who you are, and not for whom you pretend to be! It is a pity that Lester had more serious problems literally an hour later. And you always remain yourself!

    It is safe to say that harmful young lolita nymphet rustic, always nasty young lolita nymphets girls of ordinary city, if only because the girls have much less opportunities to find a guy in the village, and everyone wants women's happiness, and therefore, young village nymphet lolitas always cling more rigidly to any opportunity to lasso any male that gets in their way and push him to yourself under the heel, if possible.

    Here is Lilka, insidious young lolita nymphet, having finished the seventh grade, she simply could not find a place for herself in the summer because of melancholy, heat and not incomprehensible desires that begin to appear at this age not only among young nymphet lolitas, but also among boys too.

    Lilkina's mother, single, one might say, was lucky and in the city she found herself a man of about forty, divorced Uncle Vova, who had nowhere to go. The man was not bad, he worked, but he drank and therefore my mother constantly cursed with him and tried to set him on the right path.

    Uncle Vova admitted his guilt, knelt in front of his mother in the morning, promised constantly that this would not happen again and begged him to forgive. A compassionate mother, tired of loneliness, forgave the man, and after a couple of days he got drunk again and in the morning, again knelt.

    Lilka constantly spied on and spied on how in the mornings a healthy man, Uncle Vova, was humiliated, standing on the veranda in some panties in front of her fragile mother on her knees and experiencing some strange itching in the lower abdomen and a slight dizziness, like from champagne. But once, something happened that changed the whole future life of the young lolita nymphet Lilka.

    That evening, Uncle Vova showed up completely drunk and without realizing anything, he even hit or pushed his mother when she started scolding him, and in the morning after that, Uncle Vova did not get off with just kneeling.

    The angry mother Lilkina brought a piece of garden hose from the yard, tore the rubber band and pulled off the family panties from the peasant and ignoring the pitiful babbling of the unfortunate naked peasant and his pleas, she finished his butt point with a hose so that it soon turned not even red, but crimson like the sun at sunset, and Uncle Vova himself burst into tears in front of the woman like a snotty kid.

    At this moment, clinging to the crack in the door ajar to the veranda, the young nymphet Lilka Lilka even whined from surging feelings and let a small puddle on the floor, which she tried to smear with her foot. The picture of Uncle Vova's upbringing and spanking by his mother was so overwhelmingly incredible that it was imprinted in the brain of young Lolita probably forever, and at that moment she herself, most of all, wanted to be like her mother and just as strictly and ruthlessly as she did, to bring up disgusting males who do not obey women and do not keep their masculine words.

    And while Uncle Vova was sobbing, kneeling naked in front of his mother and stroking his soft place that was burning with fire with his palms, a cunning plan ripened in the little head of the young lolita nymphet Lilka.

    After all, she more than once noticed how Uncle Vova threw jambs on her bare legs, on panties flashing under a short sundress, and even teased the unfortunate man constantly with her not yet ripe charms, taking insidious poses or lifting her legs up to her head in front of Uncle Vova sometimes when mothers were nearby did not have.

    She also knew that the man, unable to withstand such an intensity of passions, drilled a hole in the summer shower adjacent to the wooden shed and spied on young Lolitka constantly when her mother was not there, if she went to this summer shower to swim. It was a real crime, for which Uncle Vova had to pay.

    After all, the uncle of young Lolitka Lilka, a high militia rank from the district, immediately warned the peasant that if he dared to himself some liberties with regard to his young niece, he would immediately lose his masculine characteristics completely and Lilka, she herself heard this male conversation, and therefore decided to forge the iron while it is hot and take the bull by the horns when my mother went to work, and she ordered Uncle Vova to clean the floors in the house and on the veranda.

    The insidious Lilka did not want to miss such a moment, and therefore, quickly jumped into the bedroom, put her wet panties under the pillow and ran to the veranda, where Uncle Vova was already in his underpants, sobbing sometimes from pain apparently and humiliation, washed the floor.

    You, not a good person, Uncle Vova, said Lilka, sitting down on the trestle bed so that the short sarafan would rise above the waist. It was a trap into which the man easily fell, without wanting to.

    Why did you suddenly decide so Lilechka ??? - Uncle Vova asked plaintively and turned his head in her direction. He turned and froze with a doormat in his hands, since the hem of Lilkin's short sarafan was much higher than the waist and the young insidious nymphet Lolita herself did not seem to notice, despite the fact that her panties were lying under the cushion in the bedroom.

    And because Uncle Vova, you constantly stare where you shouldn't and make me blush ...!

    What are you, Lilechka ...! How could you think that !!! I treat you like a dear father - the man was frightened and trying not to even look towards the young lolita nymphet who shamelessly sat down in front of him almost in Eva's costume ...

    And you drilled a hole in the summer shower to spy on me, too, like a father ??? Do you know what will happen to you when I tell Uncle Kolya everything ...?

    Unhappy Uncle Vova turned pale, then turned green and seemed to begin to realize the whole horror of his situation. Uncle Kolya, with his cops, as if he would get him out of the ground and deprive him of male signs at the moment, there was even no doubt about that ... And therefore, without thinking twice, Uncle Vova, who turned green with horror, instantly fell on his knees in front of the insidious lolita and with tears in his eyes began to beg her not to tell Uncle Kolya and his mother about his pranks and about the hole in the soul, which he plugged with a bitch, so that it would be imperceptible ...

    Uncle Vova's tears and lamentations did not make much of an impression on the shameless lolita, as did the fact that an adult man was crawling in front of her on his knees in his underpants. She smelled blood, and therefore wanted to continue the banquet at all costs.

    Okay, Uncle Vova !!! If you want, I will punish you myself, just like my mother just now, but promise that you will obey me and buy me gifts, sweets, ice cream and chocolates ...

    I promise Lilechka !!! I swear what you want !!! that I will do everything so that you and your mother feel good. I will even give up drinking - Uncle Vova came to life, already feeling that his reproductive organs could remain with him.

    Well, then, right now, and let's start, the insidious Lilka smiled carnivorously, licking her lips and bending low, pulled out a garden hose from under the trestle bed, which her mother threw there after she whipped Uncle Vova in the morning on an adult.

    Unhappy uncle Vova, barely looking at the hose, understood everything, whined doomed, realizing what awaited him, but did not dare to object and turning his back to Lilka, sobbing his panties down to his knees.

    Yes, take them off, Uncle Vova, so that they don't interfere ... And bend down lower, otherwise I am less than mother and it will be uncomfortable for me to flog you.

    That's it, great !!! - the insidious lolitka Lilka praised the man when Uncle Vova carried out her order, staggering out of his panties and bent down low, thrusting out his crimson buttocks, so that it would be convenient for her to flog him.

    And ask for forgiveness ??? - flushed Lilka snorted when, after the execution, sobbing from humiliation, Uncle Vova tried to sneak out naked from the veranda ... Forgotten what ???

    No, Lilechka, I have not forgotten…. How is it possible - uncle Vova stammered and turned around and fell in front of Lilka, who sat down again on the trestle bed, on his knees, stretching his arms out at the seams.

    And the young lolita nymphet, who had been trembling for a long time from an excess of impressions and feelings, at that moment suddenly felt sweetly dizzy, shameless eyes rolled back and she, leaning back on the coverlet, groaned strangely like a wounded animal ...

    Here's an infection - thought Uncle Vova, who was kneeling on his knees ... She catches a buzz, the green toad ... But he did not dare to get up from his knees and sadly waited for the green toad to come to his senses and finally let him go.

    So strange and unusual, a new life began for the unfortunate uncle Vova and for the young lolita nymphet, who had many adventures and impressions ahead.

    20 508

    Unfortunately, there is no age limit for objectification. In the new material, MAKEOUT wants to draw attention to one of the most vulnerable groups - children.

    © Still from the movie “My Little Princess”, Eva Ionesco, 2011

    We exist in a cultural field that translates the objectified image of a woman as something traditional, familiar, normal. Because of the ubiquity of this practice, objectification is often overlooked or critically examined.

    From childhood, a woman is taught to think that her self-realization is limited to areas in which such is useful and desirable for a man. To be able to cook, willingly do housework, always choose not a career, but a family, look good, be ready for sex, promise it with every wave of your eyelashes, every smile - such an example is given to us by magazines "for women", talk shows and films.

    When a child becomes objectified, it is easier to notice objectification: for example, the obligation of makeup on a woman has long become a non-controversial topic, a resolved issue, while a child with makeup in uncomfortable clothes causes controversy. In this case, the consequences that the perception of a person as an object devoid of personality traits and creative potential leads to is also more obvious.

    It is worth noting, however, that the objectification of adult women and girls is closely related. This is the result of the same belief system, which affirms the perception of a person as a purely bodily object due to the individual's female sex. And when we talk about the objectification of a woman, we are talking about the practice of early marriage, and about ritual female circumcision, and about the specific education of girls, which is aimed at forming in them a complex of ideas about their capabilities only in the role of someone's woman: someone sisters, mistresses, wives, mothers.

    The struggle for the right to be, to act and to choose - this is how the development of women's history can be determined. And if in the Middle Ages marriages with 11-13-year-old girls were considered the norm, in Europe and the United States by the middle of the 20th century, fortunately, such a thing became unthinkable. Or almost unthinkable (after all, in a number of countries the problem of marriages with minors is still relevant).

    The sexual revolution, in which the second wave of feminists played a large role, has led to paradoxical consequences: an expanded and deeper understanding of sexuality has become the basis for a lot of speculation. Women received a certain sexual freedom with the adaptation of this to the world of patriarchal values, where the pleasure of a man is in the first place. Often a woman had the opportunity for self-realization only if she accepted the male rules of the game: you are a woman, which means that you are sexy and available. And there was no (and does it exist now?) Clearly defined age threshold, beyond which a woman would be protected from attention to her body as a sexual object.

    Model girls

    In the 70s of the last century, many magazines filmed minors for their openly erotic covers, and there was no serious opposition to this: disputes in various talk shows and the press only fueled interest in photography. Many famous actresses and models, who started their careers 30-40 years ago, were sexualized by the media industry at a very young age, their popularity in one way or another depended on conforming to the image of a nymphet, a fatal girl who combines innocence and power.

    In the book The Myth of Beauty, Naomi Wolfe notes that "the ideal of female beauty is becoming more and more sexual, and girls at an increasingly young age feel the need to conform to it":

    Both illustrations - Mila Jovovich for Lei magazine, 1987

    Mila Jovovich started her modeling career early and managed to take part in many candid photo shoots even before she came of age: she first appeared on the cover of the Italian magazine Lei at the age of 11. Later, the famous American photographer Richard Avedon offered her a photo shoot for Mademoiselle magazine. The problem of attracting minors into show business for several months became the subject of conversation in American talk shows, but in the same year Mila appeared on the covers of 15 magazines;

    In the photo shoot "Gifts" / "Cadeaux" (Vogue Paris 2011) by photographer Sharif Hamza, three little girls act as real models of gloss. One of the girls, ten-year-old rising star of the modeling business, Thilane Blondeau, is not the first time she participates in photo shoots of this kind; the other two are only 6 years old.

    The stories of Brooke Shields and Eva Ionesco are very similar: the girls appeared on the covers of erotic magazines at the same time, at about the same age. Subsequently, the traumatic experiences of both formed the basis of the plot of two films that raise the problem of sexual objectification of children.

    In 1975, at the age of 10, actress Brooke Shields, with the approval of her mother, took part in an erotic photo shoot of Harry Gross for Playboy. The model was completely nude. Subsequently, for many years, Shields tried to sue the magazine for the rights to photos and negatives, but she could not do this, which speaks of the insensitivity of society to the injuries of objectified women. The shooting of 15-year-old Brooke Shields for the ad for Calvin Klein jeans continued to exploit the image of a sexy nymphet - the girl utters a provocative slogan: “Do you want to know what is between me and my jeans? Nothing!";

    In 1978, Brooke Shields starred in the film "Lovely child", which tells about the life of little Violet in a brothel where her mother works as a prostitute. Pretty Child is the story of a child who has no right to be a child. It would seem that the fate of Violet, which is imposed on a non-childish behavioral pattern, should push the media world to rethink traditions. However, after the release of the film, the problem has not lost its relevance.

    Irina Ionesco has been taking erotic photographs of her daughter Eva since the age of five. In October 1976, photographs of the 11-year-old, taken by Jacques Bourboulon, appeared in Playboy magazine. Subsequently, Irina Ionesco was deprived of parental rights, but the issue of sexual exploitation of the child was still not resolved: the shocking story briefly disturbed society, but did not push for a radical reappraisal. In 2011, Eva directed the autobiographical film My Little Princess, which tells about her relationship with her mother and her childhood that did not exist. The main character, whose prototype was Eve, is named Violetta, which, perhaps, refers the viewer to the film "Beautiful Child", shows the enduring constancy of the tragedy. In 2012, Eva filed a lawsuit against her mother, demanding to pay her 200 thousand euros and to prohibit Irina from making a profit from previously published photographs. The amount of payment by the court decision was reduced 20 times, and Irina Ionesco retained the right to profit from the pictures. This proves once again that the public assessment of objectification is still far from humanity and common sense.


    Speaking about the objectification of a child and the image of a sexual nymphet in culture, you certainly remember "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov. The book, first published in 1955, uncovered a layer of existing problems and outlined the main reasons why girls are perceived as objects of sexual interest. The scandalous book was not at all "The Bible of a Pedophile": by drawing the plot and characters, Nabokov shows the immaturity and vulnerability of the main character, correctly notices the characteristic methods of objectification. The image of Lolita in our usual sense was created by the film industry, cosmetics companies and clothing brands that supported the appeal of the myth of the half-girl-half-woman, and not at all by Nabokov.

    Still from the movie "Lolita", Stanley Kubrick, 1962

    If you compare the book and its adaptation, it is easy to see how popular culture adjusts the original story to the traditions, tastes and desires of the consumer. If Vladimir Nabokov clearly shares the real state of affairs and Humbert's ideas about the girl's sexuality, then already with Kubrick the image of Lolita takes on a tinge of imperious demonism. Adrian Line completes the construction of the image of the fatal Lolita: neglecting the vulnerability of the main character, he turns the girl into a little imp who hides sexuality and readiness for relationships behind a mockingly young body. This interpretation of the story of Humbert and Lolita works to romanticize the sexual exploitation of women in general and girls in particular, encourages victim blaming and ascribes a maturity to the child / adolescent, which in reality does not exist.

    In the essay "Lolita, or Stavrogin and Beatrice" Stanislav Lem emphasizes the value of any human life, takes away possible excuses from Humbert:

    Let us recall the characteristic features of the relationship between Humbert and Lolita:

    Humbert often compares Lolita with a pet, depriving her of subjectivity;
    Describing adult women and nymphets, Humbert criticizes the former for being unnatural and ironically characterizes their makeup. Thus, a new requirement is presented to the woman: she must look young, beautiful, bright, but at the same time not use cosmetics;
    The first sexual intercourse occurs after Humbert informs the girl about the death of her mother, i.e. at a time when the traumatized child is very vulnerable;
    Humbert interprets his own inability to build relationships with an adult who has life experience and independence in judgment as a desire for purity;
    Humbert controls the development of Lolita, tries to limit communication with other people, redirect her cognitive interest purely to his address;
    Humbert is angry with the fact that Lolita is growing up, wants to acquire independence;
    Monetary reward as a method of manipulating Lolita, absolving oneself of guilt;
    Anxiety, characteristic of the abusers, that punishment will follow (Humbert thought over a plan to put Lolita to sleep, which would have saved him from responsibility to society. At the same time, the question of pangs of conscience, responsibility to Lolita and himself does not arise).

    The Amy Fisher case is proof of how closely cultural traditions and real life are connected, how the images broadcast by the media determine the attitude towards a particular phenomenon. During the well-known process 1992-1993. Amy, 16, has been dubbed "Long Island Lolita" because her story resembles a distorted but popular portrayal of sexy, manipulative Lolita. Amy Fisher had sexual intercourse with a 35-year-old married businessman and a year later realized that the role of mistress was not suitable for her. Together with the man himself, she thought out a plan to kill his wife, but it did not take place: the doctors managed to save the woman. Joey Battafuoko at the trial denied his involvement in the attempted murder of his wife. The image of Lolita, who understands what she wants and is able to achieve it, has become the main line of accusation. By placing the blame on Amy, on her sexual attraction, the man escaped due punishment: Amy Fisher spent 7 years in prison, Battafuoko - 6 months.

    The danger of romanticizing the image of "distorted Lolita" is not only that it removes the blame from the really grown man, who manipulates the less mature, but also in its attractiveness to women: it seems that following this example provides power and protection at the same time. But after all, all systems of suppression and violence are built in this way, based on compensation: the abuse seeks to justify its existence by providing the victim with imaginary privileges. In this case, the girl is invited to feel like an adult, independent, influencing the course of things, a woman - to be “guarded”, pseudo-protected, cleaner than other representatives of her gender (slatshaming in relation to a woman plays an important role in this).

    Still from the movie "Lolita", Adrian Line, 1997

    In the essay "Lolita Complex" Hannah J. L. Feldman raises the question of transforming the image of Lolita, argues that "Desiring her or faking her attractiveness means infantilizing both women themselves and their sexuality, and such a move is difficult to reconcile with the onset of feminism":

    It is important to understand that culture (especially mass culture) is a powerful tool for managing human behavior; it articulates the acceptability of a particular image, and forms an attitude towards phenomena. While television and specialized magazines, alien to the idea of ​​gender equality, dictate to a woman in what framework she can self-actualize, the problem of replicating cliché images remains urgent. Naomi Wolfe justifies the choice of "desirable" character traits and appearance as follows:

    Having at their disposal a very limited set of role models in real life, women are looking for them on television and cinema screens, on the pages of glossy magazines. In male culture, women are deliberately positioned as just beauties and nothing else to maintain male dominance. The manifestation of character makes a woman an undesirable member of society, and the role of an ingenue, on the contrary, is in every possible way encouraged.

    Indeed, the role model of Lolita meets the requirements of a "male" society: Lolita is safe, Lolita is defenseless, Lolita is dependent, Lolita is beautiful and stupid. Continuing the line of the Marquis de Sade, who eroticized the unpunished mockery of a woman, popular culture offers us many options for one image: from Anestacia from "50 Shades of Gray", who enjoys her controllability, to Irene Adler, who, although she tries to transfer to power through knowledge, still remains in the controversial status of an escort worker.

    Crowned babies

    Needless to say, the issue of the objectification of children was closed. Today, there is still a demand for the image of a sexy girl. The TLC TV show Toddlers and Tiaras shows the illusion of a half-woman girl, small but seductive, knowing what she wants. Each episode tells the story of a regional beauty contest in which children are accustomed to fake eyelashes, hairspray and eye-catching makeup. They assume the poses of "magazine women," and the myth of accelerated sexuality continues to live on.

    Teah's Wedding Blog

    However, there are projects that encourage people to think about the dangers of objectification, about the connection between child sexualization and the practice of early marriage. This fall, Thea's wedding blog became the most read blog in Norway in just one day. The Norwegian media hotly discussed the project, which told about the preparations of a 12-year-old girl for a fictitious wedding with an adult man. In the blog, Thea shared her thoughts about the upcoming wedding, about what is expecting a child in such a situation. The Norwegians, who believed in the reality of what was happening, called the police and demanded not to allow the marriage. Thea's "Wedding"

    Yesterday I bought a movie that I wanted to watch for a long time ...
    Didn't disappoint ... On the contrary ... I'm very impressed ...

    I risk touching upon a provocative topic for many ... - Nymphets ... Lolitoks ...

    Movie Lover. The lover. L "Amant
    Director Jean Jacques Annaud - Remember "The Name of the Rose", "Seven Years in Tibet"? - That's his too.

    Film prizes:
    Oscar Best Cinematography, Japan Film Academy Award for Best Foreign Film, French Cesar Award for film score.

    A fifteen-year-old girl is played by British film actress Jane March / Jane March Horwood

    Colonial Vietnam.
    French colonies in 1929.
    The association with the film "Indochina" is very strong. Who has not watched - look. "Indochina" with Catherine Deneuve is a beautiful, tragic film. But, for all that, these are two very different films.

    Yellow Mekong River .... Moist Heat ..... Opium Smoke.
    The noise of tropical showers and Saigon on a sultry afternoon ...
    She is .... poor. White .. Frenchwoman. She is 15.
    He ... is rich ... Yellow ... Chinese. He is in his early 30s.
    The bed scenes are frank, aesthetic, beautiful ...
    A criminal secret connection ... a social abyss ...
    Love ... is doomed in advance.

    The film is based on the autobiographical story of Marguerite Dura / Marguerite duras 0% B0, _% D0% 9C% D0% B0% D1% 80% D0% B3% D0% B5% D1% 8 0% D0% B8% D1% 82

    Nymphet is a teenage girl with clear and attractive signs of early puberty, not yet completed, not finished.
    The term was first introduced by Vladimir Nabokov in the novel Lolita. With the light hand of Nabokov, the word "nymphet" has entered modern dictionaries, has become an international concept.

    Viktor Erofeev, author of the introduction to the first edition of Lolita in Russia, writes:
    "Russian literature rarely touched on erotic topics. It remained shy and chaste. But these problems can no longer be left in the shadows. After Freud, it is as senseless to deny the important role of eros in human life as it is after Marx to deny surplus value.
    It is known that in the 18th century there were young people in Germany who, after reading The Sorrows of Young Werther, committed suicide. You can also read "Crime and Punishment" in such a way as to find an example to follow in Raskolnikov.
    But the number of old women-pawnbrokers killed, as well as young children being corrupted by maniacs, has an extra-literary nature, and to insist on the opposite means to insist on the danger of culture itself, which, in essence, is fraught with the most monstrous rampant passions and ignorance. "

    And here is the statement of the famous Russian writer Andrei Bitov about "Lolita": "No matter how you react to this book from the first time, you will remember it more than once - both the book and the girl - as if you burned your own palate with boiling water. Think about the author with adoration. and dislike: how is it possible to write such a thing ?! "
    "Lolita" has become a bestseller in many countries around the world. Everyone who reads this book will be able to better understand, no matter how trite it sounds, in himself, in the world, in other people.

    Russian literature and erotica ...
    Soviet literature, films and erotica ... - The concepts are not compatible.
    In the Soviet Union during our youth, as you know, there was no sex at all.
    Hypocrisy ..... Yes ... as much as necessary .. But not sex.

    I jumped out to get married, barely waiting for 18 years to leave home.
    My child will soon be 18.
    What, interestingly, my mother imagined about my knowledge ... And in general, whether she imagined anything ... It's still a mystery to me. Where did this child come from when I never even spoke of cabbage and storks? The topic of sex and all its manifestations were absolutely taboo in our house.

    As a rule, parents are afraid of this awakening sexuality in children and do not understand what to do about it ...

    Photo by Bharat Sikka for Italian Marie Clair 2006.
    He worked as a photographer in India before deciding to study at Parson's School of Design.