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  • Love horoscope for October 29 Taurus. Horoscope - Taurus

    Love horoscope for October 29 Taurus.  Horoscope - Taurus

    The day promises to be successful if you do not follow your negative emotions. Try to find an enjoyable activity. It's a good time to hang out with friends. Try to spend more time outdoors during daylight hours.

    Don't do anything now that you don't have a heart for. You can return to the necessary things later. In a relationship with a loved one, show more warmth, tact and compliance. Otherwise, conflicts may arise. The body will be weakened. There is a risk of catching a viral disease.

    This day can make you nervous. The stars are advised to complete the previously started business. New projects should be approached with the utmost caution. Show mercy, do not refuse requests for help. Pay attention to your own health. Save yourself.

    Now you should not enter into verbal battles. Your ability to convince people will weaken for a while, and you yourself may be exposed to someone else's influence. Do not rush to solve personal problems in a hurry - you can harm yourself.

    Avoid changes in any areas of your activity, as they may turn out to be completely different from what you are counting on. Rely on old connections that will suddenly open up new perspectives. All issues should be resolved amicably.

    On this day, you need to act first, and then think. The first impulse will turn out to be right, and the more you think and analyze, the further you will go from the right path. Listen less to the opinions of others - your head will be brighter.

    Now you may find yourself in a twofold position. On the one hand, a lot will work out at work, and on the other hand, difficulties can be observed in relationships with a loved one. Try to avoid quarrels and be more tolerant. Do something you won't regret later.

    At this stage, try to forget the word “I want”, let the word “must” come to the fore. If you do not become lazy, the result will be worthy. The day is suitable for negotiations and reaching agreements. Although if you want to relax and have a good time, you won’t regret it either.

    You will be like a small flame that can not only warm those around you with its warmth, but also kindle a spark of enthusiasm and optimism in them. In love, pleasant surprises await you, and some representatives of this constellation - promising acquaintances.

    For this day, you need to complete your schedule important things and meetings. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of visiting entertainment events. If you are not only an outside observer, but also an active participant, you can get much more positive emotions than you think.

    Don't plan anything big. It's time to take a break. If you do not have such an opportunity, then do only the most necessary things and do not take on increased obligations. Try not to avoid interesting events, do not refuse meetings.

    Try to plan more interesting things for the day. It is worth meeting people who are dear to you. Pleasure can be delivered by working with information, reading, chatting with friends or chatting on the Internet. Someone decides to go shopping, and someone just needs to sleep.

    Personal astrological forecast on October 29, 2020 for women and men born under the zodiac sign Taurus. The day will not start easy. In the first half of it, you will have to quickly resolve important issues, deal with cases that you would prefer to entrust to someone else. Try to notice everything that is happening around, do not lose sight of small details; carelessness can lead to problems.

    The second half of the day will be much more pleasant. This is a great time to go on a romantic date or just chat with a person who has been nice to you for a long time. You can experiment with the image, the result will please you.

    Astrological forecast for today

    Taurus will have to abandon their usual line of behavior: the events of the day require flexibility, the ability to adapt to circumstances, to go into the shadows at the right time. If you really want to prove your case, do it correctly and with restraint, not allowing a constructive discussion to turn into a scandal.

    It is very important to maintain harmony in relationships with loved ones, because today any disagreement can start a protracted conflict. Do not forget to pay attention to the older generation: they need your support.

    True horoscope for Taurus

    The only trouble for Taurus today will be relationships with business partners. Do not be afraid to lose the disposition of these people, because an alliance that has exhausted itself long ago must end sooner or later.

    Personal horoscope for October 29, 2020

    It is very likely that today you will feel that you can handle the most difficult cases. The most successful will be all sorts of collective activities. If difficulties arise, try to find support from a loved one. Your feelings will acquire great depth and vivid coloring. You should not miss this favorable period for work, creativity and contacts with the closest people.

    Horoscope life zodiac sign Taurus

    October 29 Taurus should be more tactful in the company of unfamiliar people. Otherwise, you will fall into a mess, from which only influential people will help you get out. An excellent sense of humor will help Taurus in solving difficult working moments. Remember to follow preventive measures so as not to catch a cold.

    House horoscope for today October 29, 2020

    A magical day associated with uncontrolled energy. Taurus may experience a state of psychological mobility, variability. It's better not to make any promises. You can not violate the contract, so do not throw words into the wind.

    Taurus, the horoscope promises a lot of interesting events, and you definitely won’t be able to sit at home all day. Do not relax and do not trust too much the sweet-tongued compliments of others - envious people are on the alert today. The evening is good for an active family holiday - even older relatives will gladly put on tracksuits.

    Taurus. Weekly horoscope from 26/12/2017 to 01/01/2017

    Taurus, on Monday you will participate in some significant event. It is you who will be able to collect all the cream from him, or you will solve a difficult issue that will be too tough for others. On Tuesday and Wednesday, engage in energy practices and psychological training to enter 2017 without energy negativity and bad emotions. On Thursday, a new lunar month will begin. He will be dedicated spiritual growth and broadening your horizons, and on a material level, it will give you a trip abroad and new foreign acquaintances. On weekends, you will be in a practical and businesslike mood, so it is recommended that you meet New Year at a business corporate party or at a social event, participation in which will emphasize your weight in society.

    Taurus. Financial horoscope for 26/12/2017 to 01/01/2017

    Taurus, it would seem, what can be the case for the New Year? But many of you will suddenly be offered a profitable long-term cooperation. Also, the week is favorable for processing payments, putting things in order with tax and insurance companies, and in order to make a deposit in a bank or withdraw interest from a deposit. To enter the New Year without debt, on Monday and Tuesday you are advised to make payments, pay taxes and distribute debts: these days such things will take the least time. On Monday and Wednesday, you will spend money on a business corporate event and receive a gift or bonus at work. And on New Year's Eve, unusual and stylish gifts from loved ones are waiting for you.

    Taurus. Love horoscope from 30/03/2020 to 06/04/2020

    Taurus, even when talking on a very serious topic, do not forget to hug your loved one if you don’t want him to remember his first teacher or school principal when he sees you. Otherwise, Taurus will quite harmoniously survive the departure of Venus from their own sign. Their reliability is quoted no less than someone's ability to read poetry all night long.

    Taurus. Love Compatibility from 02/22/2016 to 02/28/2016

    Taurus, Stars this week decided to play a trick by creating perfect pairs of people who are radically different from each other. You are one of those signs. Your ideal couple will be the signs of Air, although in ordinary life such a union is considered unfavorable. Do not miss your chance, because then it will be much more difficult for you to conquer the Air or improve relations in an existing partnership. Now the way is open to build an ideal relationship! You will bring strength to them and take care of the practical component of partnership, and Air will give them lightness, freshness and romance.

    23-24 lunar day. The day develops the trends that have developed the day before, and gives them scope. The Moon in the sign of Aquarius forces you to focus on collective affairs, or on your individual role in common processes. One of the first places will remain the themes of humanity and justice, including in their material expression. An increased interest in informal communities, social policy of the state, and economic renewals of various scales is possible. If there are good intentions, there is a risk of living yesterday, relying on obsolete values ​​and concepts. Unforeseen events can make it difficult to control and maintain a sense of proportion, lead to excesses and costly experiments at different levels.


    Today, Aries' interest in the social background goes beyond professional duty. Perhaps special attention to the informal community or non-state foundation. It is advisable to follow the news in the financial sector. Material participation in events may become relevant: payment of a contribution, donation, loan. Foresight will come in handy in matters related to investments. It is easy to go over the limit in current expenses. Shopping with friends can become sensitive for your wallet.


    This day supports the ambitious desires of Taurus, fuels the desire for fame, career, prestige, wealth and other markers of external success. The stars are suggesting that right now you're better off focusing on your home and your private life, rather than your social take-off. If external results are more important to you, you should avoid at least formal agreements and irreversible steps. Instead, it is useful to strengthen friendly ties, including those at the top, to study supply and demand in areas of interest.


    On these days, the Gemini are full of optimism, which at times will even be excessive. In the wake of inspiration, you can make the wrong choice for your future, for example, invest in an attractive but unprofitable project, or choose a place to live and work that is not suitable for you for health reasons. If your requests are modest and you have nothing to lose, then the probability of error tends to zero, you will find good luck in your current affairs and a familiar source of inspiration. There may be increased interest in events abroad.


    Today in the life of Cancers, not everything is going smoothly, but you should not be afraid of a catastrophe. Crayfish who find themselves in a difficult situation will not get tired of thanking fate for their support. If your life is poor in bright moments, you can decide on an adventure, and most likely, it will end well. The prospect in love, in matters with taxes and loans, may suddenly improve. With the support of friends or initially good starting data, there is a chance to succeed in the financial sector, making a coup with an eye to a secure future.

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    A LION

    On this day, topics related to relationships and financial affairs are important for Lviv: a joint budget, distribution of funds and profits. Do not underestimate the material factor in business and personal relationships: it is rapidly gaining weight, affecting your alliances, career and overall standard of living. Excessive extravagance or love for ostentatious brilliance on the part of a partner is possible. It is worth taking a closer look at wages, investments in business, taxes, inheritance, marriage or housing contracts.


    Virgos may have a lot of work today, or the impressions associated with it will turn out to be brighter than usual. Like a snowball, the to-do list can grow. Perhaps you will encounter long-standing shortcomings that prevent you from reaching the desired level of income, comfort or social success. It's time to think about replacing obsolete equipment, method of treatment, format of communication or making payments. Spending on optimization will pay off if you don’t waste your attention on the little things at the expense of the main goal.



    The attention of many Scorpios today will be kept by household and family matters. The need for additional domestic or virtual space may increase, interest in inheritances, common real estate, marital property, utilities, property expansion, site optimization, landscaping, home renovation may increase. It is advisable not to forget about the balance of ideas and interests, to respect the habits and needs of loved ones, to be more accommodating in everyday life. It is important to choose the right partners in financial games.

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    Today, even the most thrifty Capricorns have a hard time keeping themselves from spending. Many Capricorns will willingly save on themselves, but will want to pamper their children, please loved ones, or contribute to a project that they take to heart. In the course of shopping, payment transactions, financial games, doing business, the stars advise you to control your passion, to measure desires with opportunities. It is possible to receive dividends from a risky plan. You should not buy cosmetics, clothes and luxury items for yourself.


    Aquarians today are not indifferent to issues of comfort, to family situation and housing affairs. The day makes it difficult to follow a reasonable measure, overspending is possible, overeating is not ruled out, excessive generosity in attempts to win love or success is likely. The subject of interest can be savings, investments in a house, the topics of inheritance and capital increase. The stars do not advise making decisions in these areas: now they can be dictated by your current mood and lead to unjustified spending.


    Today, the stars advise Pisces to postpone the realization of their personal desires and join the team. If you are not a sociable person, or if you are not in the most sociable mood, you can be alone, but without completely losing connections with the world. It is advisable to follow the latest events in society and congenial environment. During the day, individual disappointments are possible, but they will have a completely positive function: they will help you not to drown in past illusions and correct the course in time.


    The horoscope promises Aries great opportunities in the work area, so cling to everything that your bosses offer to implement. It's time to get out of the house and do some serious business. Moreover, the financial situation of Aries cannot be called smooth and cloudless. Set aside hobbies and meetings with friends for a while, they do not lead to prospects.

    October 29, 2017 Taurus needs to work more in a team, and not retire. If you are used to relying only on yourself, then today such tactics will not help you. Exchange plans and ideas to realize your plans. Taurus has a priority in his personal life, in which there are enough gaps. Look for new ways to connect with your partner.

    The horoscope strongly recommends Gemini to take up financial matters. You are so indebted to one of your friends that it is already beyond all limits. Today you are in such an excited state that you can say a lot of nasty things to a loved one. The twins themselves will have to clear up their mistakes, and also be the first to go to reconciliation.