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  • Life is valuable but in the value of life. Life values

    Life is valuable but in the value of life. Life values
    Darina Kataeva

    Every person has life values. They are formed in childhood, and in adulthood they influence the actions of people, their decision-making, and personal choice. Values \u200b\u200bare a reflection of the essence, the driving force that affects the worldview and personality formation... What exactly are the values \u200b\u200bof life and how to choose them for yourself?

    Where do life values \u200b\u200bcome from?

    Although human values \u200b\u200bare stable structure, they change under the influence of external circumstances and internal experiences. The values \u200b\u200bthat are laid down in childhood are of fundamental importance. However, they do not appear instantly, they are formed over the course of life. The more mature a person becomes, the more stable values \u200b\u200bdistinguish him. For some, money, fame, power and luxury goods are essential in life. Others consider it important to spiritual self-improvement, creative development, health, family and children.

    The formation of life values \u200b\u200bis influenced by:

    upbringing and family;
    team at work;
    experienced trauma and loss;
    economic situation in the country.

    Basic values \u200b\u200bof human life

    Although each person is different, there are values \u200b\u200bthat unite all people:

    It has nothing to do with selfishness. Such love helps to achieve happiness in life and improve oneself.
    Near... The manifestation of this value lies in respecting each person, his opinion and position in life.
    A family... - the highest value for most people.
    Spouse or spouse... Emotional, spiritual and physical intimacy with a loved one for some comes first.
    Love for children.
    Homeland... The place where a person was born influences the mentality and attitude towards life.
    Job... There are people who seek to dissolve in activity, they are ready to take on any assignment at work to achieve the common good.
    Friends... and self-expression in it is of no small importance for any person.
    Recreation... This area of \u200b\u200blife allows a person to concentrate on their feelings, relax and unwind from the endless fuss.
    Public mission - activity. Altruists primarily strive to do something for the good of society. Satisfaction of their needs and desires is already in second place.

    It cannot be said that each person singles out for himself one common human value and lives according to it. The listed areas are harmoniously intertwined, we just mark a few for ourselves and put them first in life.

    Life values \u200b\u200bare a complex structure that is reflected in the setting and the way of achieving. As a result, a person foresees unpleasant situations and possible failures.

    List of possible values \u200b\u200bin human life

    In addition to basic life values, each person can have individual, sometimes extraordinary values. Below is only an incomplete list of possible human values, because it can be continued indefinitely.

    Optimism... “The pessimist sees difficulties at every opportunity; an optimist sees opportunities in every difficulty. " This character trait can undoubtedly be considered a value and rejoice at the presence of optimism in your life: with it, life becomes brighter and fuller.
    Patience... "Patience and a little effort". Patience, especially among the modern generation, is definitely worth considering. Only with patience can you. This is about your personal benefits. But your friends and partners will certainly appreciate this quality.
    Honesty... "Honesty is the most precious thing." It is important to be honest not only with others, but also with yourself. If for you this value is on a par with the basic ones, you are probably a happy person: paradoxically, but honest people live easier than those who love to lie.
    Discipline... "Business before pleasure". Most people are extremely skeptical about this value, because discipline is, in their opinion, equal to restrictions, lack of freedom. And only over the years, many come to the conclusion that if you are a disciplined person, this does not mean that you somehow limit yourself, you rather find a way in freedom and happiness with the help of this character trait.

    Examples of life value

    Asking the question: “What is valuable to me?”, Many find themselves in a dead end. However, it is very important to give yourself an unambiguous answer so that when a new situation arises for yourself, you will be true to your values.

    Life values \u200b\u200bare not associated with the opinion of others and the recognition of you as a person, thanks to the heights achieved.

    The following sequence of actions helps in determining your values:

    Stay alone with yourself... In order to understand what is important to you in life and what is of secondary importance, it is recommended to clear the space of extraneous influence. Explore your personality in complete solitude, without the influence of external factors.
    Remember important events in your life... It doesn't have to be only positive situations, reflect on negative ones as well. Write down the main experiences on a piece of paper, think about what impressed you and what upset you, and without which you cannot imagine your life.
    Explore human values, because personal needs and views follow from them. Keep track of the relationship between the list you received and your daily life. Some of the points listed are only desire, not an established value in life.
    Watch yourself... Set aside at least one day in which you would explore yourself, behavior, choices, and motives. The decisions we make on a daily basis are an indicator of a person's personal choice and values.
    If the list of values \u200b\u200bis too long, it will have to be shortened.... There should be 3 maximum 4 values \u200b\u200bleft. The rest is just additions and consequent decisions in life.


    Some values \u200b\u200bthat are simultaneously important to a person may conflict. After looking at the list you have drawn up, decide what does not fit together. This is what causes the creative, which is in disharmony with itself. It is important to remember the balance and the impact of our values \u200b\u200bon the lives of others.

    Each person is different, therefore values \u200b\u200bdiffer depending on the character and established guidelines in a person's life... Although not every person has a tendency to reflect and explore oneself, it is still worthwhile to stop for a moment and think about what is valuable to me. Otherwise, you will be a driven person, without your own core. Under new circumstances, you will immediately lose yourself and your personality!

    February 26, 2014 5:47 pm

    As if buried under the rubble of so many universes, we ask ourselves: what is our glory, our hatred, our love for? If we are destined to become an intangible point in the future, is it worth taking on the burden of being?

    Honore de Balzac "Shagreen leather"

    Does God exist?

    Before embarking on a search for an answer to this question, it is necessary to understand the essence of the two possible options and the consequences that follow from them.

    (I emphasize again: in this chapter I just want to see what is fraught with a negative answer to this question and what a positive answer is. Which of them is true - we do not care yet, we will talk about this later.)

    Logically speaking, God either exists or not, and one option is fundamentally different from the other.

    Option one: there is no God.

    If there is no God, man is doomed to die. Like all other biological organisms, he must die, and his life, without hope of immortality, ends in the grave. Life is just a spark in the endless darkness: it will appear, flicker and disappear forever. Compared to the infinite length of time, the duration of human life is only a vanishingly short moment, but this is all that is given to us here.

    All people inevitably face what the theologian Paul Tillich calls "the threat of nothingness." Although I know that I exist now, I also know that someday I will be gone, that I will die. This thought is stunning and plunges into fear: just think - the person whom I call "I", who today is indisputably alive, will someday cease to exist!

    I vividly remember how my father told me as a child that someday I would die too. I felt unbearably scared. I cried. (For some reason, this thought did not occur to me before.) My father consoled me: they say, it’s still a long way to death, but it somehow didn’t matter. Sooner or later I will die, I will not be, and this undeniable fact shocked me.

    In the end, like everyone else, I just got used to it. We all have to live with the inevitable. But childhood insight remains true: no matter how sooner or later it comes, the thought of death, the threat of nothingness should plunge us into horror. Human life is just an instant transition from nothing to nothing.

    Everything dies on land and in the sea, But man is more severely condemned: He must know about the death sentence. Signed when he was born ...

    Death awaits the universe as well. Scientists tell us that the universe is expanding, that everything in it is scattering further and further. As this happens, it cools more and more, and its useful energy is depleted. Eventually, all the stars will go out, and all matter will be compressed into dead stars and black holes. There will be no light, no heat, no life - only the corpses of extinguished stars and galaxies, constantly scattering into the endless darkness and cold depths of space; ruins of the universe.

    If there is no God, if our destiny is predetermined and we live in anticipation of the inevitable death penalty, then isn't our life absurd? Without God and immortality, it has no higher, final meaning, no value, no purpose. Let's take a quick look at each of these three categories.

    Higher meaning

    If the existence of each individual ceases with his death, what is the deep meaning, what higher meaning can be attributed to his life? Does it really matter, in the end, whether it ever existed or not?

    Of course, one could say that a person's life meant something if it influenced other lives or even the course of history. But this gives his life only a relative, not absolute, meaning. Perhaps his life meant something in relation to other people and to certain events. But these people and events themselves are insignificant in the absolute sense: after all, they, too, are rolling into oblivion. If history and all of its events and characters are finite and therefore meaningless, then what higher significance can it have on them?

    Scientist's contribution to the progress of human knowledge; the doctor's struggle to relieve pain and suffering; the diplomat's efforts to establish peace on earth; sacrifices of people of good will for the good of humanity - all this turns out to be useless. In the end, none of them changes one iota. They cannot in the least dispel the darkness and irreparability of that non-existence into which we all have to plunge. Therefore, our life is devoid of ultimate deep meaning, and everything we do is equally meaningless.

    Let's look at it from the other side. Scientists say that the universe came into being as a result of the so-called "Big Bang" about fifteen billion years ago. Suppose for a moment that this explosion would never have happened and the universe would never have existed. What would ultimately change from this? And if the universe dies, what difference does it make if it ever existed or not? Therefore, it has no final, absolute meaning.

    The same can be said for humanity. In a dying universe, and it is doomed. Since it will eventually disappear, it doesn't really matter if it ever existed.

    Humanity then means no more than a swarm of mosquitoes or a herd of pigs. The same blind cosmic process that spat them out into the light will eventually consume them. That is the horror of the situation of modern man: since nothing awaits him, he himself is nothing.

    Moreover, for human life to have meaning, immortality alone is not enough. Merely prolonging existence will not make this existence meaningful. Man and the Universe can exist forever, but without God, who determines and organizes their existence, they cannot claim to be finite. Such an eternal existence devoid of explanation will be, in a sense, even worse than death.

    Let me give you an example. I once read a science fiction story in which an astronaut is wrecked on a bare block of rock lost in space. He had two vials with him: one with poison. another with an elixir that gives eternal life. Realizing the trouble he was in, he drank the poison, but then, to his horror, found that he had swallowed from the wrong bottle. He took the elixir of immortality and doomed himself to eternal existence, to life without any meaning and without end.

    Therefore, for life to acquire true, lasting meaning, a person needs more than just immortality. He also needs a universal Reason, which would direct and order this immortality, would give it meaning. But without God, there is none of this, and life has no higher, of course! about the meaning.

    Values \u200b\u200b(good and evil)

    (We are talking about the values \u200b\u200bof the lasting and absolute, associated with the distinction between sin and virtue, with the awareness of the highest duty and inevitable responsibility.)

    If all life ends with a grave, then what difference does it make to a person - how he lived Hitler or like a saint? FM Dostoevsky put it this way. when there is no faith in immortality, then "everything is allowed."

    If so, the writer Ein Rand is perfectly right in praising the virtues of selfishness. Live exclusively for yourself - no one will call you to account. Life is too short to be compromised by acting in more than just personal interests. It would be ridiculous to sacrifice something for the sake of others.

    But that's not all. For even with confidence in immortality, if there is no God, then there can be no absolute standards of good and evil. Our life is reduced to the naked and valueless fact of existence in an indifferent universe. In a world devoid of God, the concept of morality loses its meaning. And if so, it becomes impossible to call war and cruelty - evil, and love and brotherhood - good. Everything becomes relative. Who, then, has the right to say that you did well and I did wrong? Then we do not have comprehensive criteria of good and evil!


    If at the end of life's ordeals, death awaits us with open arms, then why live at all? It turns out that human life has no higher goal!

    Many people think that at the end of the twentieth century, humanity is on the verge of either nuclear catastrophe or world hunger. It is possible that we have already crossed the threshold, and are about to hear the news of our destruction: this time not from the prophets, but from the scientific intelligentsia.

    Shortly before his death, Mao Zedong spoke with Henry Kissinger.

    In the conversation, Mao laid out his cold-blooded analysis of the future: nuclear war will destroy most of the people on earth; the remnants of the Chinese proletariat will rise from the ashes and will rule the world.

    One should, however, ask: why should they survive? Does humanity have a goal, or will it just come to naught someday, lost in an indifferent universe?

    This possibility was foreseen by the English writer Herbert Wells. The hero of his novel "The Time Machine" goes to the distant future: to find out the fate of humanity. He discovers there a dead land, slightly overgrown with lichen and moss, orbiting a giant red sun. The only sounds are gusts of wind and the cold splash of the sea. In addition to these deathly sounds, silence reigned in the world. Silence? No, it is impossible to describe this eerie silence. All the sounds of life, the bleating of sheep, the voices of birds, the buzzing of insects, all that movement and vanity that surrounds us - all this is a thing of the past ...

    And the time traveler returns. But where? Just to an earlier point of the same aimless striving for nothing.

    When I first read Wells's book, I thought, “No, no! There can be no such end! " But if there is no God, this is how the end will be, whether we like it or not. In a universe without God, this is the reality. This reminds me of T.S.'s mesmerizing lines. Eliot:

    This is how the world ends

    This is how the world ends

    This is how the world ends

    Not a clap of thunder, but a sob.

    What is true in relation to humanity as a whole is true in relation to each of us individually: we exist aimlessly. Qualitatively, our life is no different from the life of a dog. I know it sounds harsh, but it's true. In the old days, the author of Ecclesiastes wrote about it this way:

    The fate of the sons of men and the fate of animals is the same: as they die, so do these ... Everything goes to one place; everything came from dust, and everything will return to dust.

    A universe without a creator is a cosmic accident, an unforeseen explosion. And man is just a bastard of nature, an "evolutionary error", the result of the undirected movement of blind matter with the participation of time and chance. He is nothing more than a lump of mucus in which the mind has developed, and his life has no more meaning than the life of some kind of insect, for both are the result of a blind interaction of chance and necessity.

    Jacques Monod, a French molecular biologist, declared:

    Chance is the only source of everything new, everything creative in the biosphere Pure chance, exclusively chance, absolute, but blind freedom - this is what lies at the root of the wonderful edifice of evolution, and this central concept of modern biology today is not just one hypothesis among other possible .. The idea of \u200b\u200bchance is the only one consistent with the facts of observation and experience. Man finally knows for sure that he is alone in the indifferent vastness of the Universe

    One philosopher put it this way:

    Human life is piled up on an inhuman pedestal, and is doomed to flutter alone in the middle of a silent and mindless universe.

    We are then the result of the interaction of factors of heredity and the environment; in other words, we are victims of genetic and ecological roulette.

    Freudian psychologists assure us that our actions are the result of various repressed sexual tendencies. Sociologists like B.F.Skinner argue that our choices are predetermined by the conditions of our past lifethat our freedom is illusory. Biologists like Francis Crick think of humans as an electrochemical machine that can be controlled by changing the genetic code.

    Be that as it may, without God the Creator, we become nothing more than a miscarriage of nature, thrown into an aimless universe for an aimless life.

    It seems to me that the following expressive words of the outstanding physicist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Steven Weinberg can serve as a good description of the hardships of modern man. They end his sensational book The First Three Minutes:

    No matter how all these problems are solved, and what cosmological model turns out to be correct. there is little consolation in all this People are almost unable to give up the belief that we are in some kind of special relationship with the Universe, that human life is not just some farcical outcome of the chain random eventsdating back to the first three minutes, but that we were somehow embedded in the universe from the beginning. I am writing this in an airplane thirty thousand feet over Wyoming en route from San Francisco to Boston. The earth below looks very soft and cozy - here and there fluffy clouds, snow turning pink in the rays of sunset, roads crossing the terrain from one town to another It is very difficult to realize that all this is only a tiny part of a staggeringly hostile Universe It is even more difficult to realize that this the present Universe has developed from an unimaginably alien to us early state, and that it will die from eternal cold or unbearable heat The more comprehensible the Universe seems, the more it seems meaningless.

    But if there is no consolation in the fruits of our research, the search itself gives it to some extent. People are not inclined to lull themselves with fairy tales about gods and giants or to lock themselves in thoughts in everyday affairs, they build telescopes, satellites and accelerators w sit at tables endless hours, comprehending the collected data Trying to understand the Universe is one of the things that slightly raise human life above the level of farce and give it the features of high tragedy

    The pathos of these words does not require comment. Expel God from the Universe, and Weinberg will be absolutely right. Human genius, in the grip of a life that has no higher meaning, value, or purpose, makes a person's position only more tragic. There is little consolation in this.

    I hope you are beginning to understand the seriousness of the choice before us. As one modern writer put it, "If God is dead, man is also dead." That is why the question of the existence of God is so vital to man.

    Someone may say: "Well, then you just have to live." The trouble, however, is that a person cannot live consistently with the principle of atheism.

    "And we? - the atheists will ask. - We live somehow! "

    Of course. And I do not accuse you that you do not live - or that you are not atheists. My reproach to you is inconsistency.

    Francis Schaefer explained this well. Modern man, according to Shafer, lives in a "two-story" universe. The lower floor is a finite world without God, where life is absurd. The unbeliever lives in the lower floor, because he believes that there is no God. The upper floor is God, and together with Him is the meaning, values \u200b\u200band purpose of existence.

    The problem of a person is that he cannot live on the lower floor, where life is absurd. Therefore, every now and then he jumps to the second floor and steals meaning, values \u200b\u200band purpose from there. But he has no right to such behavior - it is completely inconsistent. Because these values \u200b\u200bdo not exist without God, and the person from the lower floor does not have God.

    Let's revisit the three areas in which life without God seemed incomplete to us, and see if modern man is able to live by consistently denying God.

    To live without a higher meaning?

    Without God, life has no meaning, but even those philosophers who have realized this continue to live as if this meaning exists.

    Jean-Paul Sartre, for example, believed that a person can give meaning to his life by freely choosing a certain course of action. (Sartre chose Marxism)

    But such a program is completely inconsistent. One cannot say that life is absurd, and immediately, without catching his breath, assert that a person can give it meaning. A person locked in the lower floor, where life is absurd, cannot jump up the floor - to where life has meaning. This will no longer be his life, but someone else's. A person who does not have God will not have the meaning of life from anywhere.

    An exercise in self-deception is what Sartre actually offers us. Isn't it obvious that the universe either has meaning or it doesn't? And just because I ascribe this meaning to her, it will not appear in her. After all, it may turn out that I ascribe one meaning to her, and you - another. Who is right? Of course, neither you nor I. A universe devoid of meaning remains meaningless, no matter how you look at it - just like the Earth will remain round, no matter how much I say that it is flat. In fact, Sartre is speaking. "Let's pretend the universe makes sense."

    Live without values?

    This is where the inconsistency is most evident. First, atheists, after refuting God, continue to adhere to the values \u200b\u200bof love and brotherhood. Albert Camus was rightly criticized for believing both in the absurdity of life and in the ethics of love and brotherhood between people. These two things are logically incompatible.

    Bertrand Russell committed the same inconsistency. Being an atheist, he was also an ardent critic of social relations, denounced the war, etc.

    To deny the existence of God is to deny the existence of absolute good and evil. A person living in the lower floor is obliged to come to the logical conclusion that “everything is allowed,” in Dostoevsky's words. But Dostoevsky showed that a person cannot live with such views. In his novel Crime and Punishment, a young atheist brutally murders an old woman. He knows that according to his theories, he should not feel guilty. However, guilt whips away him until he confesses and surrenders his life to God.

    In another masterpiece of Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov, Smerdyakov kills his father, believing Ivan that there is neither God nor absolute values. Then he accuses Ivan himself of this murder: after all, it was he who said that there is no God. Unable to accept the logical conclusions of his own worldview, Ivan ends up with delirium tremens.

    A person cannot live without values. He cannot imagine. that soldiers have every right to kill innocent children, that it is natural for dictatorships to torture political prisoners, which is perfectly acceptable when a man like Idi Amin ruthlessly exterminates thousands of his compatriots. Everything in a person cries out that such acts are evil - truly evil. But if there is no God, then there is neither evil nor virtue! And yet a person appeals to values, not noticing that he has climbed into the realm of faith. Doesn't this behavior indicate that the world, devoid of God, lacks something very important?

    Secondly: if there is neither God nor immortality, then many atrocities will remain without punishment, and heroic sacrifices - without reward.

    The English theologian Cardinal Newman once said that if he did not believe that in the afterlife all the atrocities of human history would be avenged, he would have gone insane. And it can be understood. It is unbearable to be in a universe in which moral responsibility and moral values \u200b\u200bare absent. Therefore, it is hardly possible to find an atheist who would live in full accordance with his ideas, thought out to the end.

    But, realizing the transience of life,

    He lives like this - in spite of everything, -

    As if life counts for eternity

    And this world belongs to him.

    To live without a purpose?

    Most people who deny the existence of a goal in life still live happily - either inventing a goal for themselves (which, as we see in Sartre's example, boils down to self-deception), or without making final logical conclusions from their views.

    Take, for example, the problem of death. According to Ernst Bloch, a modern unbeliever survives under the threat of death - subconsciously borrowing the belief of his ancestor in immortality, although he himself has no right to such a belief. As Bloch points out, the belief that life ends in nothing is hardly "enough to hold your head up and work as if there was no end." Borrowing scraps of faith in immortality from ancestors, Bloch writes, modern man does not feel the abyss that constantly surrounds him and which ultimately will inevitably swallow him. Thanks to these scraps, he retains a sense of his own personality. Thanks to them, one gets the impression that a person does not perish, but simply one fine day the world ceases to appear to him. Thus, this "courage" feeds at someone else's expense It lives on past hopes and the support that they once gave

    But man no longer has the right to this support if he rejects God. However, in order not to live aimlessly, he jumps to the upper floor and drags the purpose of life from there.

    Those who reason something like this find themselves in exactly the same position: “Neither the Universe, nor mankind has a purpose of existence, this is true. But there is a reason for existence. This reason is the case. " However, is there much joy in living in an impersonal universe ruled by blind chance? And it ends with the fact that these people begin to attribute personal qualities and motives to the physical processes themselves. Such a jump on the floor above gives rise to a rather unexpected manner of expression.

    For example, the outstanding Soviet physicists Zeldovich and Novikov, reflecting on the properties of the Universe, ask the question: why did Nature create just such a Universe, and not another? This is strange to hear, especially from Soviet scientists.

    Nature, apparently, is a substitute for God here, playing His role.

    Francis Crick also capitalizes the word "Nature" and talks about natural selection as a "smart" process that thinks about what to do.

    The English astronomer Fred Hoyle attributes divine qualities to the universe itself.

    Live without God?

    Although all these people deny the existence of God, they are smuggling in some kind of substitute for God, because they are sick of living in a universe where everything is an accidental result of impersonal forces. It's funny to watch them back away from their views in the face of the ultimate logical conclusions that follow from them.

    For example, women's rights activists raise a storm of protest against Freud's sexual psychology, accusing her of chauvinism and humiliation of women. Some psychologists can not stand the pressure and revise their theories.

    But where is their logic? If Freudian psychology is indeed true, its humiliation to women should not matter. Truth cannot be changed just because we do not like where it leads. But people cannot lead a consistent and happy life in a world where other people are devalued.

    Consistent advocacy for women's rights is only possible if God exists. For if there is no God, then no one has value. In addition, in accordance with the installation of natural selection, the male of the biological species has the characteristics of dominance and aggressiveness, and a woman has no more "rights" than a goat or a chicken. In nature, what exists is right.

    But who can live with such views? Apparently, even Freudians cannot do this.

    Let us recall sociological behaviorism - the teachings of BF Skinner. His views lead to a society like the one described by George Orwell in

    the novel "1984", where the government controls and programs the thoughts of each Pavlov's dogs could be taught to salivate on a bell, and the same is possible in relation to people. If there is no God, and Skinner's theories are correct, then there can be no moral objection to treating people like rats in Skinner's box, where they run through their labyrinths, lured by food and driven by electric shocks. According to Skinner, all our actions are set in advance anyway. A person does not differ qualitatively from a mole, since both are just a substance in combination with time and chance.

    How can you live with such inhuman views?

    Or, finally, take the biological determinism of a scientist like Francis Crick. Logic leads to the conclusion that man is no better than any laboratory exhibit. The world was horrified to learn of camps like Dachau, where the Nazis used prisoners in medical experiments. But why be horrified? If there is no God, then what are the reasons to object to the use of humans as guinea pigs?

    There is an inscription on the memorial complex in Dachau. “Nie wieder” “This shouldn't happen again!” But things like this are repeated. It was recently discovered that medical scientists in the United States injected several people with a sterilizing drug without their knowledge or consent. Hence the direct road to demographic control, during which the weak and unwanted individuals are destroyed, giving way to the strong. Shouldn't we say that this is unacceptable, that man is not just an electrochemical device? But: we can only protest if God exists.

    Now you see why - if God is dead, man is also dead? A person is not able to consistently live in accordance with the view that ultimately life is devoid of meaning, value and purpose.

    Friedrich Nietzsche, the great German atheist of the nineteenth century, who proclaimed the "death of God", recognized that for a consistent and happy life, an atheist must be a "superman" - a kind of mythical, superhuman ideal that no one, including Nietzsche himself, could achieve and will fail. The finite world alone is hardly sufficient for a reasonably happy life.

    Option two: God exists

    This is the position of biblical Christianity.

    The reader may ask - why, in fact, it was about Christianity, and not about any other religion, in the same way recognizing the existence of God?

    The answer is simple. In this book I share with you the truths that I personally have found. My searches led me to believe that the Bible (made up of the Old and New Testaments) and the Christianity based on it is the truth. Of course, the reader has the right to turn to other books, compare the point of view of other authors with mine. My business for now is only to acquaint you with an alternative to atheism - not the only possible one, but (according to the author) the only true one.

    This does not mean at all that everything in non-Christian religions is absolutely false. No, any teaching can contain grains of truth or even deep discoveries. For example, I found the arguments in the next chapter in medieval Muslim thinkers. However, I found God's revelation in the Bible. Therefore, in order not to waste time, we will turn to her.

    According to the Bible, God exists, and a person's life does not end with the grave. God has endowed us with a soul that, being reunited with a resurrected body, will live forever. (All people are immortal in their own way, but some will inherit eternal life, and others - eternal death.) Thus, biblical Christianity recognizes two conditions necessary for a meaningful, valuable and purposeful life: God and immortality.

    Let us now briefly touch on a biblical solution to the problem for each of these three areas.

    Higher meaning

    A person does not cease to exist when he physically dies. Therefore, the choice he made during his lifetime has a real and eternal meaning. According to the Bible, man has a freedom that no existentialist has dreamed of: the freedom to determine his eternal destiny. (God offers us forgiveness. And our fate after death will depend on how we respond to this proposal during our lifetime.)

    In this case, a person acquires not only eternal existence. That fact. that he was created in the image of God Himself, gives man a special meaning.

    As a limited material being, he, like the rest of the Universe, is qualitatively different from the infinite, unlimited God (see the list on the left).

    But as a person who is aware of himself, man is similar to God and qualitatively different from the rest of creation.

    If man is created in the image of God, then one human being is more valuable than the entire material universe. This is how biblical Christianity sees meaning and meaning in human existence.

    Values \u200b\u200b(good and evil)

    Since life does not end with the grave, a person cannot evade responsibility for his actions. Evil will be punished, good will be rewarded. Eventually, the scales of God's justice will come into balance. Every evil deed committed in the universe will be punished. (But Jesus Christ takes the punishment for the sins of those who believe in Him.) Since God will judge the world, our actions have real moral value.

    Moreover, if God exists, then there are absolute criteria for good and evil. Then the Ten Commandments are an expression of the moral nature of God Himself. The holiness and kindness inherent in the nature of God are the absolute standard by which all actions are measured. Therefore, we can rightfully consider selfishness, war, hatred and oppression as true evil. This is how biblical Christianity reveals values \u200b\u200bin life.


    Since a person receives the gift of immortality, he does not live simply to die. God created us for a certain purpose: that we become His children. I really like the words of the catechism: “What is the main goal of man? Love God and rejoice in Him forever. " Our final destination is not the damp earth, but the sky.

    Moreover, man and the Universe are not the fruit of blind chance. God conceived us from the age when the Universe did not yet exist, and there was only Him. Christ Himself knew even before the existence of the Universe that he would take human form and die on the cross in order to save people, then not yet created. Thus, man and the Universe are not accidental, but embody the eternal goals of God. And we, His children, are allowed to join Him in achieving these goals. Thus, our life is filled with an eternally significant purpose.

    The very first results

    So, biblical Christianity tells us that life has meaning, value, and purpose. And a person can live his life consistently and happily. Biblical Christianity succeeds exactly where atheism fails. (Thought out to its logical conclusion, it only leads to despair.)

    Let's not forget that we have not yet proved the truth of Christianity. We just looked at what options are possible.

    If there is no God, life is aimless and absurd. If the God of the Bible exists, then the conditions for a meaningful life are provided. Only the second option allows a person to be both happy and consistent.

    Let's make a preliminary conclusion: without knowing whether God exists or not, we see that His existence is desirable.

    Therefore, even if the arguments in favor of these two alternatives were absolutely equal, a rational person should, it seems to me, choose the second and admit the existence of God.

    True, some atheists, like Anthony Flew, like to speculate about the "presumption of atheism" - that is, that in case of equally probable options, it should be considered that there is no God.

    But in the light of the above, this seems to me to be complete nonsense. First, there is a logical error here. Atheism is the same claim to some kind of knowledge ("there is no God"), like theism ("God is"). Therefore, given equal evidence, he cannot claim the presumption. At best, we can talk about the "presumption of agnosticism" ("Maybe. God exists, maybe not").

    Secondly, is it not wiser, given equal evidence, to choose the view that gives life and the universe meaning, value and purpose, and which therefore can be consistently adhered to! Why, given the equal probability of these two options, prefer death, futility and destruction? Therefore, I am inclined to speak of the "presumption of theism." Blaise Pascal also showed that we have practically nothing to lose, and we can win infinitely much.

    But at the same time, I do not believe that the scales are in complete balance. In my opinion, there is ample reason to believe that the existence of God is not only desirable, but also very likely in the light of logic and scientific facts. Let's take a look at some of these reasons.

    Each of us asked ourselves questions: “What is the meaning of my life? Why did I come here? Am I living right? " I am no exception, these questions have interested me since childhood.

    We know that every person has their own values. For some, material values \u200b\u200bare important: real estate, money, career. For some, the spiritual search, the development of one's spiritual and moral qualities, love for one's neighbor, a life of conscience, and so on are more important.

    We are always in a hurry somewhere, strive to earn more money, to go somewhere, to see something - we spin, we come back ... But, often, in this bustle, in the pursuit of "happiness" we forget about the most important thing - everyone needs to live moment, every moment. You should not postpone anything until later, so as not to waste precious time, enjoy communication with parents, with children, and show your true, deep feelings. And we deprive ourselves of this usual everyday joy. Because we think that we have "later". We do not really realize that we live only once, we have no “tomorrow”, we only have “here and now”. Parents leave, children grow up, and time cannot be returned. In the race for ghostly happiness, we waste our lives in vain, but life passes by, we no longer have the strength to strive somewhere, there is no feeling of happiness. But life is made up of small and big joys. The more life is filled with them, the happier a person feels. And it doesn't matter how many people have lived, the main thing is how: as an animal, or as a real Human. A person with a capital letter.

    People, basically, are chasing after material well-being and are concerned with things, not the soul. Recently, I often hear that people cannot cope with everyday difficulties, depression sets in, and a person comes to the conclusion that he has no reason to live. But man does not understand that he is going against his creative, divine purpose, and the life, which he artificially shortens, belongs not only to him, but also to God. This person is not a hero, but a coward, since he did not want to endure those trials (loss of a loved one or property, an incurable disease, etc.) because of which he commits a rash act. But this suggests that he was strongly attached to earthly goods and earthly happiness. But a person does not understand that it is necessary to show perseverance, fortitude, without assessing the situation, just trust God. Man does not see the complete picture and plan of the Creator. The thoughts "For what?", "Why me?" We humans do not value our lives given to us for another purpose, but we all have the same goal.

    In my life, too, there were not simple moments, and the same thoughts visited. But thanks to the books of A. Novykh who arrived in my life on time, everything changed. I found answers to my questions in the AllatRa book, which has become my reference book.

    "The meaning of human life is not at all in reproduction and improvement - it is just the natural instincts of any animal that is genetically programmed to create a burrow, a nest, and so on in order to raise offspring. Man is more than an animal, its meaning is to become a spiritual immortal creature. "

    I am grateful to God for the changes that have come to my life, and for a conscious understanding of my life and the lives of other people. So let's remember how it is to be happy, internally free, just be friends, just communicate, in the end, just sincerely value life.

    Try asking any person about his first hobby, and you will almost certainly hear in response: he was in love with someone unfamiliar. Perhaps not only were they not close, but they never even spoke to each other! When you are in love, it means that you really like a person whom you know well enough. You create an ideal image in your head and fall in love with this image, and not with a real person.

    These feelings can be very intense; It may seem to you that there is nothing more important in the world than what is happening in your soul, but whether this hobby lasts for one day, a month or even a year, only one thing can be said for sure: sooner or later it will pass. Almost every person in their youth experiences a feeling of falling in love. These feelings are important as they gradually help us understand what love is. Often, students fall in love with their teachers and begin to make up stories about them or imagine how they talk to them after class. Many in their youth fall in love with heroes of books or with actors of theater and cinema, with popular musicians. They see the talent and beauty of these people and, although they do not know them, they think of them and dream of talking to them. Probably, when you were seven or eight years old, you came home and said that when you grow up, you will get married. with such a classmate or classmate. Maybe you thought you were in love with someone from your class, and then, when this person moved to another school or to another class, you forgot to think about him after a month or two.

    What is falling in love?

    You suddenly feel that some person is the most wonderful person in the world. He cannot do anything wrong; he is the most beautiful, kind, intelligent, etc. You are overwhelmed with very strong feelings, but they do not last very long.
    You don't know very well the person you are in love with.
    You are "in the clouds" when you are near the object of your love, but you feel sad when he is not there. You think about him all the time, even when you should be thinking about something else.
    Falling in love has a dark side, as it can turn into depression. If you are in love with someone now, or have been in love before and can remember your feelings, try to test yourself by answering the following questions. If you haven't been in love yet, perhaps this will help you in the future.

    Are you familiar with the following feelings:

    loss of interest in life.
    frequent bouts of despair.
    lack of desire to do anything.
    strong feelings of jealousy when someone else talks about who you are in love with.
    feeling of hopelessness.
    feeling that you are not worthy of your chosen one.
    you constantly think about him (her).
    If you answered yes to more than two questions, then you need to do something before your crush turns into depression.

    You don't need to spend long hours thinking about him (her).
    Don't forget about your friends - Friends are important, but if you move away from them, your friendship may soon weaken.
    Talk to an adult about your feelings.
    Do not neglect school or other interests. Try to channel your feelings towards something constructive - studying, playing sports, etc.

    From Ani's diary.

    Anya realizes that she was mistaken about Marina, and she feels sorry for her.

    April 15. Today I saw Marina. Her face was white as paper and her eyes were red, as if she had cried all day. I asked her what had happened, and in response she began to cry again. She said that the boy she was friends with found another girlfriend and left her. He even told his friends that she was a selfish fool. I just can't imagine it's true. I used to envy Marina so much, it was my secret. I envied her beautiful, fashionable clothes, her adulthood, the fact that she has a boy who goes to her every day. But now I just feel sorry for her. She looks like a broken doll, a beautiful broken doll. Mom was right. She may be pretty, but now I would never want to be in her place.

    I had never thought about it before. Every time I saw them hugging in our hallway, I felt such envy. I thought: "Now, if there was a person who would consider me so beautiful!" It never occurred to me how their romance would end. But now I am so glad that I am me. I can do whatever I want. I don't have to worry about pleasing some boy. And I'm not afraid to be alone if I do something wrong. I can be friends with everyone I like - both guys and girls. I don't want to be a broken doll like Marina. I want to have only one love in my life, and that it happens later, and not now. Mom said that I looked like a growing flower, and now I understand what she meant. I think that Marinin's flower opened too early, and now she feels lonely, abandoned and insecure. Poor Marina, I'm glad that all this did not happen to me.

    And my mother said that everything that happened between Marina and her friend had nothing to do with love, it was just a hobby. It is often easy to mistake a passion for love because of overwhelming feelings. At the same time, you forget about time, about where you are, about school, friends - in general, about everything. The one with whom you are in love seems to you so extraordinary, unlike anyone else, ideal. But in fact, this ideal is for bo

    Mom said that every woman is like a delicate flower that should slowly open in preparation for flowering. If you open too quickly, the flower will soon wither. Mom said that if you marry a man who will be your first true love, then you can share with him all your soul, everything that is in you. But if you spend your soul before that on different friends, then you will not be able to give so much to your husband, and your relationship will no longer be special, unique. Mom said that love is not just a feeling. When you love a person, you are ready to do everything for him. Love is actions, it is a real concern for another person, shown even in those moments when you do not want to do anything. Love is very beautiful, but part of that beauty is that you take care of each other, not just spending time together, but doing something important. She said that true love takes a long time to grow and is based on deep friendships. When two people love each other, they not only have fun together, but also overcome difficulties, share both joys and sorrows. In my opinion, all this is very important, and I would like to think about it myself.

    When you are in love, you need to learn to control your feelings, and not obey any of their impulses. Feelings are like horses - when well trained they will take you where you need to go; but try to mount an unbroken horse, and he will surely throw you off. Therefore, make sure that you can control your feelings and emotions. Sometimes you have to consciously manage them, but only then can you find the freedom to love. So, there is a border that you must not cross, because otherwise you will lose your purity and innocence. Some time will pass, you will become adults and meet a person with whom you want to start a family. And the best gift that you can give your future husband or wife is your pure heart, your chastity. In the meantime, you can learn to love by caring for your friends, helping your parents, classmates, those who live near you.

    Let's compare - falling in love and true love.

    Falling in love first of all thinks about itself: "When he is near, I am so happy!"
    Love is for the benefit of another person.
    Falling in love quickly grows and suddenly disappears.
    True love starts slowly and grows over time, becoming deeper and deeper.

    Falling in love looks at a person's appearance, not at his heart.
    Love is addressed to the person as a whole, not just to his appearance!
    When you are passionate about someone, it often affects your studies, relationships with friends, etc.
    When you love, you yourself become better.
    You think that the one you are in love with is perfect and do not see any flaws in him.
    If it’s love, you may disagree with the one you love in some way, but together you can overcome any differences.

    Our interview.

    Have you ever fallen in love, and if so, how long did you fall in love? How did you feel about it?

    Yes, it happened, but it was completely frivolous, and, moreover, a lot of times, I can't even remember how many times, but it lasted from several minutes to several months, no more, that is, it was all in childhood. (Kirill, 6th grade)

    Well, so, there were some sympathies, of course; when you read it often
    you fall in love with the heroes of the books (Vasilisa, 6th grade)

    What is love?

    Love is a feeling that cannot be conveyed, you are in the clouds, and it is very difficult to see the bad, and even if you saw the bad, it is very quickly forgotten, and all the time you switch to the being that you love. (Alyosha, 5th grade)

    And I can say that it is difficult to explain, and sometimes even for myself it is difficult to decide whether you like this person or not, and it is difficult to look at the other side of a person, at the bad, although sometimes you have to do it. (Ksenia, 6th grade)


    Love and being in love are two different things. Some people marry because they are in love with each other and then find that they have little in common. True love grows over time, becomes deeper. Love is not just a feeling, but devotion to another person.

    About friendship and love.

    Even if you are in love, it is important not to forget your friends. Friends are very important in any person's life. They will help you when you need it, they will stay with you even in the most difficult moments. You also help your friends. In a relationship of friendship, sometimes you share something with your friends, and at other times, you accept their support. Some people make the mistake of forgetting about their friends when they fall in love. They spend all their time with the person they are passionate about, or in dreams of him. But then a feeling of loneliness and disappointment inevitably comes - when they catch themselves, they realize that they have already lost all their friends. Many of the happiest married couples say they got married to someone who was their friend before. For a long time they were friends, got to know each other well and only then decided to get married. Therefore, never forget your friends and remember that there is a big difference between falling in love and love!

    1. Discuss the following. What do you think, if a mother loved her child only when she wanted to, what would happen to her love when the baby would upset or anger her in some way? Does maternal love depend only on feelings? Does the mother really love her child only when it is pleasant to her, or does she love him even when she has to do boring or unpleasant things? Try to compare such motherly love and being in love.

    2. In your diaries, answer the following question. Boys and girls can be good friends, despite the fact that this friendship does not develop into a romantic infatuation. Why do you think it's good to be friends of the opposite sex?

    Falling in love is a wonderful feeling, but don't forget that it's not love yet!

    Scarlet Sails. Based on the story by A. Green

    Longren, a former sailor, lived in Kapern, a small village by the sea. His wife died when their baby daughter was only five months old. Longren had to take the crew on the ship, and since then he himself has raised Assol. After the death of his wife, Longren became morose and unsociable. He made his living making toys from wood - boats, bots, yachts. Only with his daughter did Longren become different, telling her amazing stories for a long time. And the girl grew up in the world of unusual adventures, fairy tales. Once the eight-year-old Assol went to the city to take the toys made by her father to the shop. In the forest, she met an old man whom she took for a wizard. In fact, it was Aigle - a famous collector of songs, legends, traditions and tales. This is what he predicted to the bewitched girl:

    - I don’t know how many years will pass, only in Kaperna one fairy tale will blossom, which will be remembered for a long time. You will be big, Assol. One morning a scarlet sail will sparkle under the sun in the sea. The shining bulk of the crimson sails of the white ship will move, cutting the waves, straight towards you. This wonderful ship will sail quietly, without shouts and shots; a lot of people will gather on the shore, wondering and ahaya; and you will stand there. The ship will approach majestically to the very shore to the sounds of beautiful music; smart, in carpets, in gold and flowers, a fast boat will sail from him. "Why did you come? Who are you looking for?" - people on the shore will ask. Then you will see a brave handsome prince, he will stand and stretch out his hands to you. “Hello, Assol!” He will say. “Far, far from here, I saw you in a dream and came to take you forever to my kingdom. You will live there with me in a deep pink valley. You will have everything you want. ; we will live with you so amicably and merrily that your soul will never know tears and sorrow. " He will put you in a boat, bring you to a ship, and you will leave forever in a brilliant country where the sun rises and where the stars come down from the sky to congratulate you on your arrival ...

    Running home, Assol told her father everything. Terribly tired, she tried to add some more details, but the heat, excitement, weakness drove her to sleep. Her eyes drooped, her head sank onto her father’s firm shoulder, for a moment - and she would have gone off into the land of dreams, when suddenly, disturbed by a sudden doubt, Assol sat up straight, with her eyes closed and, resting her fist on Longren's vest, said loudly:

    Do you think the magic ship will come for me or not?

    He will come, - the sailor answered calmly, - since they told you that, then everything is correct ...

    The dream of a ship with scarlet sails filled the girl's life with light and joy. But she also became a source of suffering. Longren was disliked in the village, and now the villagers have a new reason for ridicule.

    Hey gallows! Assol! Look here! Red sails are sailing!

    The girl, shuddering, involuntarily looked out from under her hand at the flood of the sea. Then she turned towards the exclamations; there, twenty paces from her, stood a bunch of children; they grimaced, sticking out their tongues. Sighing, the girl ran home ...

    The years passed. Assol grew up. Her peers lived an ordinary village life, flirted with guys, got married ... And only Assol was waiting for her Prince, increasingly becoming the object of ridicule. More than once, worried and shy, she went to the seashore at night, where, having waited for the dawn, she was quite seriously looking out for a ship with scarlet sails. These moments were happiness for her ... At other times, thinking about all this, she sincerely marveled at herself, not believing that she believed; forgiving the sea with a smile and sadly turning to reality, the girl recalled her life. There was a lot of boredom and simplicity there. Loneliness happened, immeasurably weighed her ... They laughed at her, saying: "She is touched," "not herself." She was used to this pain too; the girl even happened to endure insults, after which her chest ached as if from a blow ... Maybe a ship with scarlet sails and a handsome prince who will come to take her with him, forever freeing her from the melancholy of loneliness and incomprehensibility, is this just a fairy tale? But Assol continued to believe ...

    Gray was not a fairytale prince. He was the captain of the Secret, a three-masted galiot. But, having learned about Assol, he felt a kindred spirit in her.

    Thanks to her, I understood one simple truth. It is about doing the so-called miracles with your own hands ... When the soul conceals the grain of a fiery plant - a miracle, do this miracle if you are able. He will have a new soul and you will have a new one. When the governor of the prison himself releases the prisoner, and the jockey at least once holds the horse for the sake of another horse that is unlucky, then everyone will understand how pleasant it is, how inexpressibly wonderful. But there are no less miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness and - just said, the right word. To own it is to own everything. As for me, our miracle - mine and Assol - will remain for us forever in the crimson gleam of the sails, created by the depth of the heart that knows what love is ...

    And Gray created this miracle for Assol. In a nearby town, he bought two thousand meters of scarlet silk, from which new sails were sewn for his ship ...

    Assol was reading ... But suddenly an accidental change of gaze opened up a white ship with scarlet sails on the blue sea gap of the street space. She shuddered, leaned back, froze; then she jumped up abruptly, with a giddy falling heart, flashing with irrepressible tears of inspired shock ... Not remembering how she left home, Assol fled to the sea, caught up in the irresistible wind of the event; at the first corner she stopped almost exhausted; her legs gave way, her breath was lost and extinguished, her consciousness was kept by a thread. Beside herself with fear of losing her will, she stamped her foot and ran on. From time to time the roof and the fence hid scarlet sails from her; then, fearing if they had disappeared like a simple ghost, she hurried to pass the painful obstacle and, seeing the ship again, stopped to breathe a sigh of relief.

    Meanwhile, in Kaperna there was such confusion, such excitement, such a general turmoil, which will not yield to the effect of the famous earthquakes. Never before has a large ship approached this shore; the ship had the very sails whose name sounded like a mockery; now they clearly and irrefutably glowed with the innocence of a fact that refuted all the laws of being and common sense. Men, women, children in a hurry rushed to the shore, who was in what; the inhabitants called out from yard to yard, jumped at each other, screamed and fell; Soon a crowd formed near the water, and Assol rushed into this crowd. While she was gone, her name flew among the people with nervous and sullen anxiety, with malicious fright ... As soon as Assol appeared, everyone fell silent, everyone moved away from her in fear , and she was left alone amid the emptiness of the sultry sand, confused, ashamed, happy, with a face no less scarlet than her miracle, helplessly stretching out her hands to the tall ship. A boat full of tanned rowers separated from him; among them stood one whom, as it seemed to her now, she knew, vaguely remembered from childhood. He looked at her with a smile that warmed and hurried ... The oar splashed sharply near her; she raised her head. Gray bent down, her hands gripping his belt. Assol closed her eyes then, quickly opening her eyes, boldly smiled at his beaming face and, out of breath, said:

    Just like that.

    And you too, my child! - taking out a wet jewel from the water, said Gray. - Here I come. Did you recognize me?

    She nodded, holding on to his belt, with a new soul and anxiously closed eyes. Happiness sat in her like a fluffy kitten. When Assol decided to open her eyes, the rocking of the boat, the glitter of the waves approaching, powerfully tossing and turning, the side of the Secret - everything was a dream, where light and water swayed, whirling, like the play of sunbeams on a streaming wall. Not remembering how, she climbed the ladder in Gray's strong arms. The deck, hung with carpets, in the crimson splashes of sails, was like a heavenly garden ...

    Gray took her hands, and knowing now where it was safe to go, she hid her face, wet with tears, on the chest of a friend who had come so magically. Carefully, but with a laugh, he himself was shocked and surprised that an inexpressible, precious moment that was not available to anyone, Gray lifted this long-long dreamed face up by his chin, and the girl's eyes finally opened clearly, They had all the best of a man ...


    Why do you think Assol was still able to wait for Gray? Was it easy for her? If she, like most of the girls in their village, lived an ordinary life, dated guys, would this miracle happen in her life?

    How do you understand Gray's words about miracles: "Thanks to her, I understood one simple truth. It is about doing the so-called miracles with my own hands ... As for me, our miracle - mine and Assol - will remain for us forever in the scarlet gleam of the sails created by the depth of the heart that knows what love is ... "? Can you bring joy to another person by "doing a miracle for him with your own hands"? Or maybe this has already happened in your life? If so, please tell us about it.

    Why did Gray think that Assol knows what love is? Do you agree with him? All people dream that something wonderful will happen in their lives - just as it happened with Assol. Do you think it depends on yourself?

    We continue the New Year's Preparatory Training. And today we have an unscheduled article, which makes it even more useful. In yesterday's article "Camo Comes?" we talked about how important it is to ask questions about the correct choice of your path, your life values \u200b\u200band priorities.

    Today you will have an exercise to determine what is most valuable to you. And first, let's define what it is - life values.

    Life values- these are ideals, concepts, faith, beliefs, principles, aspirations and other abstract aspects that are most significant to you. These values \u200b\u200bserve as landmarks in life, standards, criteria for the quality of life and the "correctness" of decisions and actions.

    For example. Family, children, love, health, self-development, comfort and safety, well-being, career, travel or vacation with loved ones - these are the very values \u200b\u200bfor which we gladly spend time, energy, resources.

    These values \u200b\u200bmay vary from person to person:

    • For example, for one person the most valuable thing is self-development, learning, learning new things. If you choose between an interesting seminar and a trip on vacation, this person is definitely choosing a seminar. And even if he is on vacation, he will find a way to connect to the Internet during the seminar.

      For many of us, the most valuable thing is family. A person with such a priority will easily give up additional work and additional income just in order to spend more time with his family. And if you need to improve family relationships, strengthen ties, breathe the former freshness into relationships or ensure financial stability - such a person will do everything in order to learn how to achieve what the family lacks.

    • For some, loneliness is comfort and the highest good. Well, this is how it is easier for a person to work, think, live and rest. therefore, he will go on vacation where they will not find him, where they speak another language or in general very few people, but a lot of nature. This person will prefer remote office work, and for himself will choose individual consultations (coaching) - instead of large seminars.

    This is neither good nor bad, this is normal, you cannot compare here. We cannot say that green is good and wet is bad. It's just that all people are different, and their needs are different.

    It is good when you know your needs. In this case, you have clear guidelines in life, you know who you are, where you are going and why you need it. When you know your path, you focus on the movement, and you are not distracted by extraneous factors and doubts.

    Your desires and goals are the "material" embodiment of your life values, their realization in this world, in your life

    Where do life values \u200b\u200bcome from?

    • From the soul - each Soul comes into the world to fulfill its tasks in order to go through its individual path. Therefore, everyone has their own values.

      From parental family - this is your upbringing. If your parents appreciated the family, loved ones, then it will be important and valuable for you too.

    • From life experience - each of us has a unique experience. And from this experience we draw conclusions. For example, if you had to make great efforts to restore health, then it will be very valuable to you, and the behavior also changes - in order to prevent repetition.

    Three reasons why I am telling you about values \u200b\u200bin life.

    1. Values \u200b\u200bare your guidelines in life. If you understand what is important to you, then it is easy for you to make a choice. Doubts - spoil the nerves, mood and take a lot of time.

    2. Values \u200b\u200bare the best motivation. If you really value health, then you will not need to specifically motivate yourself to do it regularly. You just need to remind yourself of your values \u200b\u200bsometimes.

    3. Set correct, your own goals. There is a lot of information noise around us. Society imposes on you its own rules of the game, its tastes and decisions - for its own, not yours, benefit. But if you know your values \u200b\u200bin life, you get an inner support, core, and easily determine what is right for you personally.

    Today, all participants in the Preparatory Training will have an exercise on this topic. The exercise is called "The Most Valuable for Me" - in the evening a letter with the exercise is waiting for you in your mailbox. And by the way, do you remember that tonight I will also send you the Truth Check meditation?

    I remind you. Exercise and meditation letters will only be received by participants in the preparatory training. Therefore, if you have not signed up yet - join - fill out the form below.

    • Reiki initiation is optional.
    • Participation in the Preparatory Training and Seminar is free.
    • If you have already signed up, you do not need to re-register. You will receive all materials.

    Preparatory New Year's training

    Preparatory New Year's training

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    • The training is free.
    • Reiki initiation is optional.

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