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  • The growing moon October is auspicious days. The magic of numbers

    The growing moon October is auspicious days.  The magic of numbers

    Our site offers a lunar calendar for 2020. It will come in handy in everyday life and help make life easier. Using this knowledge, you can avoid mistakes, wrong decisions, unnecessary waste of energy and effort. If you need to achieve success in business, you should use the calendar and plan them in accordance with the position of the moon.

    The lunar year, like the usual solar year, consists of 12 months. Duration of regular lunar year is about 354 days, which is 11 days less than the solar year. 2020 is a leap year with 1 day more.
    The lunar month runs from new moon to new moon and lasts 30 days. However, this is not always the case. About half of the months of the year have an unfinished cycle - 29 lunar days... Months of an incomplete cycle create great psychological tension, the events of such months develop more sharply, and critical days manifest themselves more strongly.

    Moon phases

    There are four critical points in the lunar cycle - New Moon, Full Moon, First Quarter, Fourth Quarter. At these moments, the Moon passes from one phase to another.
    The change of phases affects the person and our life. At such a time, the Moon is in a tense aspect to the Sun or joins with it on a new moon.
    These periods are considered stressful for many. Most accidents, road accidents, exacerbations of diseases occur at this time. Immunity may decrease, mood worsen.

    New moon and 1st quarter

    ON NEW MOON, the body is most relaxed, the person is irritated, easily gets sick. Accordingly, his business may not go well. Alcohol at this time poisons more than usual, the number of quarrels and conflicts between people increases.
    This is the phase of active inner action. On New Moon, it is recommended to make plans, think over ideas, draw a map of desire, dream.

    New moon in 2020
    January 25 at 01:42
    23 February at 19:31
    March 24 at 13:28
    April 23 at 06:25
    May 22 at 21:39
    June 21 at 10:41
    20 July at 21:34
    19 August at 06:43
    September 17 at 15:01
    October 16 at 11:32 PM
    November 15 at 09:07
    December 14 at 20:14

    During the exact I QUARTER, a person experiences a crisis of breaking existing stereotypes, when the stereotype and reality are very different. At the same time, interest in the real world arises, and in the current situations, new life experience is gained.
    This is the phase of active external action. All our ideas and thoughts need to be transformed into actions at this time, we need to work actively, there is a lot of energy at this time, what was conceived earlier can easily be embodied.

    Full moon and 4th quarter

    In the FULL MOON, emotionality flourishes, the ability to concentrate decreases. The likelihood of mistakes increases, the person becomes emotional and quick-tempered. Nightmares and insomnia may occur.
    After the FULL MOON, a person enriched with new experience gradually reduces external activity, he has a need to reflect on the experience he has acquired. At this time, new stereotypes are laid, and a person goes over to new automatisms.
    The time from full moon to 4 quarters is the period of passive external action. You have already started a project in the previous quarter, in this phase, continue to actively do it. It is better to save new achievements and plans for the growing moon.

    Full moon in 2020
    10 January at 11:22 pm
    09 February at 05:43
    09 March at 21:49
    08 April at 06:35
    07 May at 14:46
    05 June at 11:26 pm
    05 July 08:46
    03 August at 20:00
    02 September at 09:23
    02 October at 01:06
    October 31 at 18:49
    November 30 at 13:44
    December 30 at 07:29

    After the exact 4 QUARTERS, a person's self-criticism about his stereotyped behavior decreases, at such a time old ideas can easily work. After that, interest in the outside world gradually fades away, immersing a person in his own experiences.
    This is the phase of passive inner action. The time when all your steps have already led to some results, have formed into some kind of integral picture, and you analyze what you have already done, summarize. At this time, you need to prepare to build a new plan for the next month.

    Lunar and Solar Eclipses in 2020

    At the moment of an eclipse, all negative energy comes out. This is a very unfavorable and difficult period that has a powerful effect on people. Depressive mood and despondency appear. On these days, it is strictly forbidden to start new businesses, get a job, get married and do other serious deeds. This applies to the next 2-3 days before and after the event.
    It is better at this time to be at home and light a candle. It will cleanse energy and protect against negativity. It is also not recommended to sleep and look at the sky at the time of the exact eclipse.
    According to lunar calendar in 2020 there will be eclipses on the following dates:

    Following the advice of the lunar calendar, you can learn to use the influence of the night star for the good. Life will become more orderly, harmonious and balanced.

    Eclipse in 2020
    Lunar eclipse 10.01 at 11:11 pm
    Lunar eclipse on June 05 at 11:14 pm
    Solar eclipse June 21 at 10:42
    Lunar eclipse on July 05 at 08:31
    Lunar eclipse on November 30 at 13:31

    Read also:

    Detailed lunar calendar for october 2017

    October 1, 2017 11-12 lunar day. Growing Moon in Aquarius. On this day, it is undesirable to do something and start, Pay off debts well, keep promises, especially for children. Refrain from visiting big shops and places with a lot of people in general. Watch your thoughts, forgive the offenders.

    October 2, 2017 12-13 lunar day. Growing Moon in Aquarius. Do not overexert yourself and do not succumb to fuss. If possible, relax or spend time in nature. Think over and plan your actions: today's plans, thoughts and desires have every chance to come true.

    October 3, 2017 13-14 lunar day. The growing moon in Pisces. A day of self-improvement, knowledge and humility. Do not lie or gossip, do not give in to vanity, avoid haste and harsh judgments. Take the first steps towards achieving the goals you have set for yourself. It is beneficial to communicate with those who are close to you in spirit and energy.

    October 4, 2017 14-15 lunar day. The growing moon in Pisces. The day is quite stressful emotionally. If you want to make a decision today, think it over first. You can only start well-thought-out and carefully planned cases, otherwise there is a risk of running into problems.

    October 5, 2017 15-16 lunar day. Moon in Aries. Full moon at 21:38. Today is the day of assimilation and absorption of the energy of the Cosmos. Most favorable time to establish and restore contacts, in search of like-minded people. Call old friends. Provide support to those who need it. On this day, you can improve a lot in human relations, turn your life for the better.

    October 6, 2017 16-17 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aries. A good day for active activities that require a lot of energy, to communicate with nature and build creative ideas. Today, one should not live according to the plan: fate can present unexpected surprises. You can ask bold questions - chances are you will get honest, sincere answers.

    October 7, 2017 17-18 lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus. The day is associated with the awakening of the forces of nature. It is believed that revelation can descend on a person. Don't indulge in sadness or idleness. If you have long wanted to change something in your life - today is the time, especially in the morning. It is good to go on trips and travels.

    October 8, 2017 18-19 lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus. Today, you should not try on other people's roles, imagine yourself in the place of others - it would be good to deal with your problems. Do not give up on the planned, even if the circumstances are unfavorable at first glance, bring everything to the end. Avoid chaos and nervousness.

    October 9, 2017 19-20 lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini. If this day is not going well, if everything falls out of hand, it means that something urgently needs to be changed - and rather not in external circumstances, but in oneself. Listen carefully to those who criticize you today: they will help you to look at yourself soberly, assess your achievements, capabilities and resources.

    October 10, 2017 20-21 lunar days. Waning Moon in Gemini. The best time to relax. Communication with nature is favorable. It is good on this day to think about the traditions of your family, ancestors, about how to support and strengthen these traditions. Work with information, listen to your inner voice. Try not to succumb to fuss, talk less and listen more.

    October 11, 2017 21-22 lunar day. Waning Moon in Cancer. A day on which caution and attentiveness are needed in the performance of any business. Do not give up what you started, be sure to see it through to the end. This is the time for the awakening of hidden reserves, the transformation of human nature. In order to use such power, one must be absolutely pure spiritually.

    October 12, 2017 22-23 lunar day. Waning Moon in Cancer. On this day, it is undesirable to do something and start. It is good to pay off debts, keep promises, especially for children. Refrain from visiting big shops and places with a lot of people in general. Watch your thoughts, forgive the offenders.

    October 13, 2017 23-24 lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo. The best day for important, long-term projects and long trips. All things started during this period are going well. The next such chance will have to wait a whole month. Listen to every word you say. This will help you know your path, your destiny, understand your purpose in this life.

    October 14, 2017 24 lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo. The day is quite stressful emotionally. If you want to make a decision today, first think it over a hundred times. You can start only well-thought-out and carefully planned cases, otherwise there is a risk of getting into a difficult situation and encountering problems.

    October 15, 2017 24-25 lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo. An emotionally unstable day. Avoid impulsiveness and thoughtless actions. Conflict is possible today, so give yourself a good physical activity in the gym. Refrain from excess. Control your emotions and desires. You may feel vulnerable, it will be difficult to find rapport with people.

    October 16, 2017 25-26 lunar day. Waning Moon in Virgo. A good day for active activities that require a lot of energy, to communicate with nature and build creative ideas. Today, one should not live according to the plan: fate can present unexpected surprises. You can ask bold questions - chances are you will get honest, sincere answers.

    October 17, 2017 26-27 lunar day. Waning Moon in Virgo. Mental comfort is very important on this day: rest, relaxation, meditation will help you overcome the troubles of this day. Envy and anger signal spiritual slagging. Today, the stars will favor those who clearly know what they want and know how to properly plan their actions.

    October 18, 2017 27-28 lunar day. Waning Moon in Libra. The stars tell you: if the day of paperwork or the solution of important issues came at the time lunar eclipse or a few days before or after it, give up your plans. You need to restore the lost strength. If possible, try not to overexert yourself, do not work excessively.

    October 19, 2017 28, 29, 1 lunar day. Moon in Libra. New Moon 22:10... The day as a whole is not very favorable, you need to try to get rid of negative energy... Think about your thoughts. Provide support to those who need it. The "crowd instinct", base instincts are sharpened, so you should not follow your impulses and indulge your desires.

    October 20, 2017 1-2 lunar day. The growing moon in Scorpio. Day of illusions, delusions, deceptions and poisoning (you can even get poisoned with high-quality products). Do not succumb to suggestion, laziness, earthly temptations. Put all important things aside, no matter how urgent they seem to you. Be alone with yourself.

    October 21, 2017 2-3 lunar day. The growing moon in Scorpio. A smooth and harmonious day, a time of mercy, patience and spiritual transformation. Practical effort will not yield much results. But do not give up what you have begun and be sure to bring it to the end. Overloads are contraindicated today. Dedicate the evening to your home, family, loved ones.

    October 22, 2017 3-4 lunar day. The growing moon in Scorpio. An active, creative day associated with change, victory, triumph, with strength and movement. Today you can show decisiveness in your actions, it is good to part with bad habits. Make contacts, communicate and resolve urgent issues.

    October 23, 2017 4-5 lunar day. The growing moon in Sagittarius. This is a day of wisdom and generosity. Dare to take non-standard solutions, they will bring good results. It is better not to build any plans today, but to follow your desires, intuition, reasonably correct everything that happens, focusing on what works best. Work with word and information is successful.

    October 24, 2017 5-6 lunar day. The growing moon in Sagittarius. A critical day, one of the most difficult of the month. Limit communication, control emotions. Beware of misunderstandings related to management decisions. Do not trust those promises and obligations: they will be broken, willingly or unwillingly. Classes that require intellectual effort will not be successful today.

    October 25, 2017 6-7 lunar day. The growing moon in Capricorn. The day is associated with the awakening of the forces of nature. It is believed that revelation can descend on a person. Don't indulge in sadness or idleness. If you have long wanted to change something in your life - today is the time, especially in the morning. Good to go On trips and travels.

    October 26, 2017 7-8 lunar day. The growing moon in Capricorn. This is a day of wisdom, loneliness and concentration, which will require prudence and rationality. An ideal time for self-knowledge, deepening, austerity and humility. Physical and spiritual cleansing is recommended; light a candle and walk around a room or apartment with it. Avoid fuss, don't waste energy.

    October 27, 2017 8-9 lunar day. The growing moon in Capricorn. Today, mental comfort is very important: rest, relaxation, meditation - this is what will help you overcome the troubles of this day. Envy and anger signal spiritual slagging. The stars will favor those who clearly know what they want and know how to properly plan their actions.

    October 28, 2017 9-10 lunar day. Growing Moon in Aquarius. This is the day of false deception by your own achievements: you can sin with vanity and pride. In no case do not take unjustified risks - adventures are contraindicated. Refrain from vigorous activity. Rest, relaxation, meditation - that is what will help you overcome the troubles of this day.

    October 29, 2017 10-11 lunar day. Growing Moon in Aquarius. The day is quite stressful emotionally. You can start only with well thought out and carefully planned things, otherwise you may run into problems. You should not make appointments with those who are not related to you by family ties, no matter how important they seem - this communication will not bring success.

    October 30, 2017 11-12 lunar day. The growing moon in Pisces. On this day, it is undesirable to do something and start. It is good to pay off debts, keep promises, especially for children. Refrain from visiting places with a lot of people. Forgive the offenders.

    October 31, 2017 12-13 lunar day. The growing moon in Pisces. On the last, final day of the month, no destructive emotions should be shown. This is a period of some kind of completion, but at the same time it clears the way for a new cycle. Today you can light a candle, close your eyes and mentally imagine how your November will pass.

    Moon without course (idle Moon) in October 2017

    • 02 October 14:13 - 02 October 17:26
    • 04 October 10:19 - 04 October 23:40
    • 07 October 1:38 - 07 October 2:56
    • 08 October 16:45 - 09 October 4:44
    • October 11 1:24 - October 11 6:38
    • October 13 7:00 - October 13 9:41
    • October 15 8:27 - October 15 14:19
    • October 17 14:27 - October 17 20:35
    • October 19 22:12 - October 20 4:41
    • October 22 14:35 - October 22 14:57
    • October 24 19:44 - October 25 3:12
    • October 27 8:22 - October 27 15:59

    In October 2017, the new moon will be on October 19 at 22 hours 10 minutes 47 seconds, and the full moon will be on October 5 at 21 hours 38 minutes 41 seconds, RIA VladNews reports with reference to Informing.

    The waxing moon in October 2017 - October 1 to 4 and from October 20 to 31, waning - from October 6 to 18.

    Lunar calendar for October 2017: favorable and unfavorable days and their characteristics

    October 16, 2017 (25-26 lunar day). An auspicious day for active affairs, for communicating with nature and building creative ideas. Today, fate can bring you unexpected surprises, so you shouldn't make clear plans for this day.

    October 17, 2017 (26-27 lunar day). Rest is very important on this day. Relaxation and meditation will help you get over the troubles of the day. Today, the stars will help those who clearly know what they want and know how to properly plan their actions.

    October 18, 2017 (27-28 lunar day). The stars warn that if the day of paperwork or the solution of important issues fell at the time of the lunar eclipse or a few days before or after it, then it would be better to abandon your plans. On this day, if possible, do not overexert yourself.

    October 19, 2017 (28, 29, 1 lunar day). New Moon at 22:10. In general, this day is not very favorable, so you should try to get rid of negative energy.

    October 20, 2017 (1-2 lunar day). This is the day of illusions, deceptions and poisoning (and you can even get poisoned with high-quality products). Try not to succumb to suggestion, laziness, earthly temptations. It is better to put off all urgent matters and be alone with yourself.

    October 21, 2017 (2-3 lunar day). A smooth and harmonious day, a time of mercy, patience and spiritual transformation. Try to devote the evening to your home, family, loved ones.

    October 22, 2017 (3-4 lunar day). This day will be very active, associated with changes, victory, triumph, strength and movement. Today you can show decisiveness in your actions. So, for example, on this day you can part with bad habits.

    October 23, 2017 (4-5 lunar day). This is a day of wisdom and generosity. Dare to take non-standard solutions and they will bring you good results. On this day, it is better not to make any plans, but to follow your desires, intuition.

    October 24, 2017 (5-6 lunar day). This is one of the most difficult days in October. Today it is better to limit communication and try to control emotions. Classes that require intellectual effort will not be successful today.

    October 25, 2017 (6-7 lunar day). If you have long wanted to change something in your life, then today is the time!

    October 26, 2017 (7-8 lunar day). This is a day of wisdom, loneliness and concentration, requiring prudence and rationality. Cleansing, both physical and spiritual, is recommended: light a candle and walk around a room or apartment with it.

    October 27, 2017 (8-9 lunar day). Mental comfort is very important today. The stars will only help those who clearly know what they want and know how to properly plan their actions.

    October 28, 2017 (9-10 lunar day). Rest, relaxation, meditation - that is what will help you overcome the troubles of this day.
    October 29, 2017 (10-11 lunar day). The day is quite stressful emotionally. The stars do not recommend meeting today with those who are not related to you by family ties, no matter how important they may seem - this communication will not bring success.

    October 30, 2017 (11-12 lunar day). This day is not favorable for new beginnings. But it is good to pay off debts, to fulfill the promises, especially to children. Refrain from visiting places with a lot of people. Forgive the offenders.

    October 31, 2017 (12-13 lunar day). On the last day of October, no destructive emotions should be shown. Today it is advisable to light a candle, close your eyes and mentally imagine how your November will pass.

    The Full Moon will decorate the sky on October 5, at 21.40 Moscow time and will have an unusually intense impact on people. Full Moon in October 2017 v zodiac sign Aries will fill all events with dramatic shades and experiences.

    What to do when the Full Moon is in Aries

    The stay of the night luminary in the Aries fire sign is fraught with explosive situations, both in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Passion and excitement will reach their peak, so you need to follow basic precautions:

    • If possible, refuse to travel, both in personal transport and in public;
    • Avoid conflict situations at work;
    • Do not get carried away with bad habits;
    • Flirting and casual dating these days will lead to unpredictable consequences.

    An aggravation occurs in the fall chronic diseases, and the Full Moon tends to attract all fluids. Phenomena such as sudden surges in pressure, the appearance of edema on the body, bleeding wounds, as well as headache and insomnia can disturb people with metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.

    Today is the Full Moon what to do

    The fifteenth lunar day is fraught with temptations and temptations, but do not fall for the tricks of strangers, as the loss may be too great. Asceticism in food and behavior will help smooth out the negative trends that the Full Moon carries in October 2017.

    On the day of the Full Moon, the inner serpent of each person is activated, forcing him to become more demanding on life than usual. However, this illusion will quickly pass, but spoiled relationships with friends and loved ones will be much more difficult to restore. Give up personal ambition in favor of maintaining peace and friendship.

    What to ask for on a full moon

    Despite the fact that the Full Moon in October 2017 is not suitable for business and romantic relationships, this is a great time for effective conspiracies, ceremonies and rituals. On the night when the Full Moon rises in the sky in the fire sign of Aries, it is best to ask the Higher Forces for financial well-being and business expansion.

    A large bill and a new red purse will help materialize the desire. Buy a new thing on the day of the Full Moon, and at night whisper over your wallet three times: “There is only one moon in the sky, and my treasury is full of money. The light of the moon arrives, fills my wallet with a ringing coin. My word is strong. Key. Lock. Amen!" They put a large bill in a charmed wallet, hide everything in their pocket and thank the Moon and the Higher Forces for their assistance in the matter, as if the wish had already come true.

    Full Moon conspiracies and rituals

    The powerful energy of Aries, in which the full moon will be on October 5, 2017, also helps to kindle the extinguished passion between lovers, but here it is important to observe the measure and not overdo it. very effective.

    The masculine energy of fire, combined with the feminine energy of the Moon, gives extraordinary power to all spells of silver objects. To stabilize your privacy, a silver ring is best. Above him you need to read such a conspiracy: “Ring, ring, bring your betrothed to the porch. Be my protector and advisor in love, help me find happiness in my personal life! " Put the ring on any finger other than the ring finger and in a difficult situation ask him for advice on how to proceed. The answer will come in the form of a prophetic dream or an unexpected incident in your life.

    Moon phase lunar calendar

    The Aries Full Moon on October 5, 2017 is suitable for beauty treatments aimed at rejuvenating the body and soul. Start a fasting diet and after a week you will be convinced that you have achieved what you want, and excess weight not refundable.

    The full moon in a fire sign favors the purification of the energy of an apartment or house from negativity with the help of lighted candles.

    To harmonize personal relationships, it is good to take a red wax candle, go around all the rooms in the room with it, paying special attention to the corners. Whisper the words of a prayer well-known to you and ask the Higher Forces to grant you the happiness of mutual love and prosperity.

    If your goal is to make life in your home rich and prosperous, a green wax candle will do. They put her in the center of the table and say the following words: “Fire - burn, the wax of the swamp, as soon as it melts, my wings will spread. All obstacles are out of my way, and you, fire, illuminate my path to prosperity! "

    Wealth and abundance are great for foods like sugar and honey. On the night of the Full Moon, make a fragrant tea, throw in seven cups of sugar with the verdict: "Be my life as sweet as this tea, and have a wallet as full as the Moon in the sky!" Drink tea to the bottom, and cover the cup with a saucer on top, but do not turn it over. During the week, brew sweet tea in this cup and imagine how your life is changing for the better.

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    Useful Tips

    The second month of autumn will bring new events and new opportunities. If you are not sure when you want to start a particular business, or are usually used to planning your business, then take a look at ourmoon calendar ... In this calendar, we tried to take into account not only the movement of the Moon, but also of other planets.

    Some unexpected turns of events... In addition, Pluto, a rather tense planet, will poorly aspect Mercury, the Sun and Venus. This may mean that now you should leave what has become obsolete, try to start from scratch.

    Credits and Borrowings: The conjunction of Jupiter and the Sun takes place this month, which will take place on October 26th. Burning of Jupiter in elective astrology traditionally prohibits borrowing money... Therefore, this month is not particularly suitable for large loans and borrowings. But if you still want to take the risk, choose the following days: 8, 13, 14 October 2017.

    ATTENTION! Weak Moon of the month will be observed during the following periods:

    Weakness of the moon at full moon: 10/05/2017 00:00 - 10/06/2017 08:00

    The weakness of the moon on the new moon and on the burned path: 10/18/2017 21:30 - 10/21/2017 08:00 (especially 10/20/2017 08:30 - 10:30 - the Moon is at its weakest degree).

    Moon periods WITHOUT COURSE when you can't start new business, go shopping and wait for important events:

    02.10.2017 14:13 - 02.10.2017 17:26

    04.10.2017 10:19 - 04.10.2017 23:40

    07.10.2017 1:38 - 07.10.2017 2:56

    08.10.2017 16:45 - 09.10.2017 4:44

    11.10.2017 1:24 - 11.10.2017 6:38

    13.10.2017 7:00 - 13.10.2017 9:41

    15.10.2017 8:27 - 15.10.2017 14:19

    17.10.2017 14:27 - 17.10.2017 20:35

    19.10.2017 22:12 - 20.10.2017 4:41

    22.10.2017 14:35 - 22.10.2017 14:57

    24.10.2017 19:44 - 25.10.2017 3:12

    27.10.2017 8:22 - 27.10.2017 15:59

    29.10.2017 19:22 - 30.10.2017 2:46

    MAGIC TIME OF THE MONTH: New Moon this month will take place at 27 degrees Libra, which is within the burned path of the Moon. On days close to the new moon, it is better not to start new business, but you can plan business for the next month. The most magical time can be called the following hours: October 19 22:12 to October 20 07:23... That is: on the night of October 19-20, it is best to make wishes and imagine the desired future.


    ♒ 1 OCTOBER, Sunday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 16:39.AQUARIUS

    Symbols of the day : fountain (mushroom, water source, phallus), crown (ridge, fire sword, labyrinth). This day will turn out to be quite neutral, it does not promise many events. The best thing today is not to plan important things, but to rest and relax. You can visit friends or invite them to your place. A good time for banquets and relaxation with friends. You can work with equipment or electronic devices, but it is better to postpone the repair of equipment to another day. You can seek advice from an astrologer or fortune-teller.

    What not to do : change jobs, contact your boss, fix computers.

    Purchases : today it is not bad to buy any technique, electronics, as well as any unusual things, unusual gifts. Shopping will last a long time, but less likely to get a good discount. You can also buy real estate.

    ♒♓ 2 OCTOBER, Monday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 17:06.AQUARIUS , FISHES from 17:26

    Moon without course from 14:13 to 17:25

    Symbols of the day : bowl (heart), wheel (spinning wheel). The day is good for education, reading, searching new information, for research work. In general, this day is quite positive, but you should not start new business with the Moon without a course! Try to do something unusual for yourself that day, the usual routine work will be difficult. You can also do any kind of creativity or look for a new hobby for yourself.

    What not to do : do routine things, move on to a new job.

    Purchases : do not go shopping with the moon without a course! A good day to buy computers, phones and other equipment. Shopping is best done before 14:00. After 17:30 it is better to buy some things for hunting and fishing, various cosmetics for baths and saunas, as well as any things for long trips, especially to bodies of water. In the morning you can buy real estate.

    ♓ 3 OCTOBER, Tuesday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 17:30.FISHES

    Symbols of the day : wheel (spinning wheel), pipe (call). Venus will converge with Pluto today in a favorable aspect, and this is a powerful charge of energy for any love relationship. If your relationship is not sticking or is stuck at a certain point, and you are waiting for development, today is the time to put in the effort: there may be positive changes in your relationships with partners. A good day for business if it is associated with beauty, entertainment or art. You can solve issues related to taxes, inheritance, insurance.

    What not to do : borrow or lend money, arrange large loans, get acquainted, start new relationships, work with sharp objects.

    Purchases : Not a bad day for shopping, but be careful in the morning: there may be money losses! Moreover, today, luck expects more sellers than buyers. It is better not to buy clothes and shoes, various beauty products.

    ♓♈ 4 OCTOBER, Wednesday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 17:02.FISHES , ARIES from 23:40

    Moon without course from 10:19 to 23:39

    Symbols of the day : trumpet (call), fire serpent (jackal with wings). Most of days will pass under the Moon without a course, so this day is not suitable for starting important business. Moreover, the negative aspect of the Moon and Saturn at 10:19 also hints that the decision of important matters at this time will meet a lot of obstacles. This day is suitable for routine matters, to continue what you started in the past.

    What not to do : buying and selling real estate, entering into important transactions or contracts, starting a course of treatment procedures, making requests to the authorities or to important authorities, contacting astrologers, fortune-tellers or healers.

    Purchases : do not go shopping with the moon without a course! The negative aspect of the moon and Saturn can hinder your shopping plans. Today it is better not to count on profitable purchases: be content with only the most necessary purchases.

    WANING MOON from 21:40

    ♈ 5 OCTOBER, Thursday. 15th, 16th lunar day from 18:13.ARIES

    FULL MOON at 21:40

    Symbols of the day : fiery serpent (jackal with wings), butterfly (dove). Full Moon Day is a crisis. For many, the feeling of anxiety is aggravated, in patients there is an aggravation, especially of nervous diseases, many cases cannot be performed properly. Although this time of intense passion is filled with strong lunar energy, it is considered unfavorable for undertakings.

    Full moon on the axis Aries and Libra can include events related to partnerships and awareness of their place in life. Personal goals can be opposed to those of the partners. In the days before and after the full moon, you can seriously think about your partnership and what you need from the relationship, whether it suits you or not. But for quarrels and clarification of relationships, this day is not suitable: it can only aggravate the situation. We advise you to fast on this day and not overload your stomach with heavy food.

    What not to do : start new business, especially impulsively and quickly, without thinking it over properly; carry out any real estate transactions; make large purchases; invest; sign important papers; quarrel and sort things out with partners; overeat; make important decisions.

    Purchases : better to postpone.

    ♈ 6 OCTOBER, Friday. 16th, 17th lunar day from 18:35.ARIES

    Symbols of the day : butterfly (dove), bunch of grapes (bells). Until 08:00 am the full moon aspect will still be active, so it is best not to plan for anything important in the early morning. After 08:00 you can do things that require quick completion. Aries doesn't like to wait, so avoid any impulsive behavior. The day can be filled with surprises, as the Moon meets in Aries with Uranus, who is still visiting here. Do not be surprised, the events of this day can turn in completely unexpected ways. You can turn to the authorities with requests and suggestions, but it is better not to expect much leniency.

    What not to do : to risk; register companies; seek patronage from high-ranking officials; conclude financial transactions; go on long trips; contact sponsors.

    Purchases : The moon begins to wane in the sign of fast ascent - Aries, so in the next 2 weeks you have a chance to buy something at a discount. Sellers will be more willing to cut prices these days, and you can more easily negotiate a price. You can buy cars today. Small purchases are also allowed, however rest assured that your purchases are not impulsive! You can buy something that you have been planning for a long time. It is best to shop in the morning.

    ♈♉ 7 OCTOBER, Saturday. 17th, 18th lunar day from 18:59.ARIES , TAURUS from 02:56

    Moon without course from 01:38 to 02:55

    Symbols of the day : bunch of grapes (bells), mirror (monkey, ice). Any gamble can be unsuccessful and can cost you a lot of money. However, a move can be planned for this day. It is better to plan the solution of important financial issues for tomorrow (after 16:00). The day is good for discussing future contracts. You can also continue business related to property, agriculture.

    What not to do : get involved in adventures, ignore plans and rules, engage in speculative activities.

    Purchases : Today, small purchases of clothes, cosmetics, perfumes are acceptable, but it is better not to plan big expenses for this day due to the approach of the negative aspect of Venus and Saturn. Today and tomorrow, the likelihood of unexpected spending will increase.

    OCTOBER 8, Sunday. 18th, 19th lunar day from 19:28.TAURUS

    Moon without course from 16:45

    Symbols of the day : mirror (monkey, ice), web (spider). This day cannot be called too successful in terms of solving financial issues, because Venus and Saturn will meet in a disharmonious aspect and all your plans for investing money or solving various financial issues may turn out to be unsuccessful. The aspect will take place in 15:54 , so if you are planning any business related to negotiations, partnerships or money, it is better to get down to business from 16:00, but no later than 16:45, since the Moon will go to "idle". Remember that you cannot start new business with the Moon without a course, but you can continue business ... From 16:00 to 16:45 you can get a loan or borrow money.

    However, some paperwork on this day can be resolved. Mental and writing work will be quite successful on this day. You can give lectures and campaigns. You can collect information about someone to get to know each other well and make new acquaintances. It's good to plan these things after 16:00.

    What not to do : before 16:00 - borrow or lend money, solve financial matters, look for new partners, sort things out with partners.

    Purchases : do not go shopping with the moon without a course! It is good to shop today from about 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm. The rest of the time may not be so good, and you risk wasting money.

    ♉♊ 9 OCTOBER, Monday. 19th, 20th lunar day from 20:03.TAURUS , TWINS from 04:45

    Moon without course until 04:44

    Symbols of the day : web (spider), eagle. Mercury and Pluto will meet today in a negative aspect in 15:26 ... This means that many paperwork as well as trade deals can be scheduled after 15:30. Try not to plan important things for this day that you are going to solve in the long term. Long-term plans can fail and be hampered by obstacles. It is best to do small routine things on this day and not make serious decisions, especially regarding your future.

    What not to do : borrow money, arrange loans; contact astrologers, fortune-tellers, healers; gamble; engage in capital investments; sign important documents.

    Purchases : best to go shopping after 15:30... Any small purchases are allowed, you can buy books, stationery. There is a risk of loss of money. You cannot buy works of art, jewelry, as it is easy to run into fakes.

    Lunar calendar 2017: auspicious days

    ♊ 10 OCTOBER, Tuesday. 20th, 21st lunar day from 20:46.TWINS

    Symbols of the day : eagle, horse (herd of horses, chariot). A bad day for many important matters, especially those related to paperwork, solving financial issues. There may be various traffic accidents, misunderstandings at work. Forgetfulness and absent-mindedness will intensify now, so it is better to write down everything you have to do during the day. A lot of time and effort will be spent on trifles. The likelihood of spreading rumors and gossip is increased: it is better not to trust anyone. It is best to outline the solution to various cases until 11:00.

    ATTENTION! The transition of Jupiter to the sign of Scorpio at 16:20, where he will stay for a whole year: until November 08, 2018. You can read more about this position of Jupiter in the article General astrological forecast for OCTOBER 2017 .

    What not to do : get acquainted, sign documents, get married, buy large things that should last a long time; starting long-term business; trust the information received, especially if it comes from unreliable sources.

    Purchases : only small and insignificant. But it's better to postpone.

    ♊♋ 11 OCTOBER, Wednesday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 21:40.TWINS , CRAYFISH from 06:39

    Moon without course from 01:24 to 06:38

    Symbols of the day : horse (herd of horses, chariot), elephant (book, golden key). This day is associated with a negative aspect between Mars and Saturn... The aspect is so unpleasant that it can attract various traumas, fears, and unpleasant experiences. Although the aspect will be valid in the previous days, you should be especially careful today. until 17:00... It is best to spend this day with loved ones, you can take a day off and relax. This is especially true for those whose work is related to hazardous production. Today it is very important to observe safety precautions.

    What not to do : open companies, change their place of residence, start construction or repairs, sign important documents, make important decisions, marry, risk health, contact the authorities, load yourself physically.

    Purchases : it is good to buy something for the house: dishes, interior decorations, as well as any things or foodstuffs necessary for the household.

    ♋ 12 OCTOBER, Thursday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 22:43.CRAYFISH

    III quarter, fourth phase of the Moon from 15:24

    Symbols of the day : elephant (book, golden key), crocodile. This day can bring quarrels and conflicts with relatives, including in connection with inheritance or other family issues. Try not to sort things out today, as this can aggravate the situation, bring insurmountable contradictions, conflicts and serious consequences for your well-being.

    What not to do : make important decisions; take loans, borrow money; starting important business; sign important papers; sort things out with relatives, argue with them about the inheritance.

    Purchases : better to postpone.

    ♋♌ 13 OCTOBER, Friday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 23:54.CRAYFISH , A LION from 09:42

    Moon without course from 07:00 to 09:41

    Symbols of the day : crocodile, bear. The next few days will be more about entertainment and relaxation than serious business. After 12:00 you can borrow money or take out small loans. In the morning, your emotions can be overwhelming: the likelihood of making various mistakes is increased. It's better not to make big decisions now. The evening is suitable for banquets, visiting cultural events. It is also a good day for making new business contacts.

    What not to do : until 12:00: take and lend money and arrange loans, make promises, go to court.

    Purchases : do not go shopping with the moon without a course! After 11:00- great time to buy jewelry, elite cosmetics and expensive perfumery.

    ♌ 14 OCTOBER, Saturday. 24th lunar day from 00:00.A LION

    Symbols of the day : bear. Not a bad day for obtaining small loans, for borrowing money. On this day, Venus will pass into the sign of Libra, its native sign, so the evening is perfect for dating, visiting theaters, cinema, restaurants, etc. Publication can become very visible. If you have a desire to make new romantic acquaintances, you can go on dates on this very day.

    What not to do : draw up monetary documents, invest money, conclude financial transactions.

    Purchases : Not a bad day for shopping, but it's best to wait for Venus to transition to Libra. It will happen at 13:11... Shopping for beautiful jewelry, cosmetics and clothing will be successful today. On this day, you can buy something that will help you shine, stand out from the crowd and look very beautiful. Don't miss this day! Especially favorable hour for shopping: from 15:30 to 16:30... At this time, you have a chance to find something really worthwhile and at a good price!

    ♌♍ 15 OCTOBER, Sunday. 24th, 25th lunar day from 01:09.A LION , VIRGO from 14:19

    Moon without a course from 08:27 to 14:18

    Symbols of the day : bear, turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water). Today at 10:51 a not very good aspect will take place Mercury and Uranus... This means that important negotiations, financial matters, travel and meetings are best planned after 14:30 when the Moon is in the sign of Virgo, otherwise all these things may have unexpected and unpleasant results or be accompanied by surprises and surprises from which you will not be delighted. After 14:30 will be successful commercial activity especially if you want to buy something for resale.

    What not to do : Until 11:00 you cannot sign contracts, schedule important negotiations, get acquainted, register companies, take loans or borrow money.

    Purchases : do not go shopping under the moon without a course! You can shop until 08:30, either already after 14:30... It is still good to buy any beauty products in the morning, but in the afternoon - some more practical and necessary things. With the Moon in Virgo, you want to save, not spend.

    ♍ 16 OCTOBER, Monday. 25th, 26th lunar day from 02:26.VIRGO

    Symbols of the day : turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water), toad (swamp). The best time of the day is from 11:30 to 14:00... During these hours, you can solve various issues related to commerce, teamwork, accounting. Can be solved financial questions, develop plans for the future. Any intellectual activity will be very successful, as well as any activity that requires accuracy, scrupulousness, patience. Good time for general cleaning and sorting of things.

    What not to do : buy land, have a wedding, make an engagement, get to know each other and have a romantic relationship.

    Purchases : small purchases. It is good to buy various boxes and other items for sorting things. But you better go shopping after 11:30... In the morning, there is a risk of losing money or being cheated. The risk of unforeseen expenses is also increased today.

    ♍♎ 17 OCTOBER, Tuesday. 26th, 27th lunar day from 03:42.VIRGO ,SCALES from 20:35

    Moon without course from 14:27 to 20:34

    Symbols of the day : toad (swamp), trident (wand, ship). Today, in the morning hours, the Moon will meet in a negative aspect with Saturn, so any business started until 08:30 may fail. In general, on this day, it is better not to start important business. You can continue everything that was started earlier, or complete some business. There is a great risk of quarrels and disagreements. You can go on dates after 20:30.

    What not to do : go on trips by water transport, make homemade canned food, castrate animals.

    Purchases : do not go shopping with the moon without a course! Today is not the best day for shopping, as it will be difficult to negotiate with the sellers. But you can shop after 20:30: it is good to buy clothes, shoes, cosmetics, perfumes (you can use the Internet).

    ♎ 18 OCTOBER, Wednesday. 27th, 28th lunar day from 04:57.SCALES

    Symbols of the day : trident (rod, ship), lotus (karma). Attention: Weak Moon from 21:30! From 11:00 until the evening, it is allowed to conduct various transactions, including commercial ones, which will be of a secret nature. It is especially good to conduct transactions related to art, clothing, cosmetics and any kind of goods. In general, this time is suitable for any hidden activity. Clandestine activities will not be made public. Also at this time, you can entrust secrets and secrets to someone: be sure that no one else will know about them. It's good to propose marriage, especially if you don't really want to advertise the event yet.

    What not to do : work with fire and iron, sort things out, start up disputes, make repairs, move, contact high authorities or to the authorities.

    Purchases : a good day for shopping, especially cosmetics, clothes, jewelry. You can also make other purchases, mostly small ones. It is best not to buy cutting or stabbing objects or pets. You can buy gifts for loved ones that you do not want to give right away, but later want to surprise someone.

    WAXING MOON from 22:11

    ♎ 19 OCTOBER, Thursday. 28th, 29th lunar day from 06:11, 1st lunar day from 22:11.SCALES

    NEW MOON at 22:11

    Moon without course from 22:12

    Symbols of the day : lotus (karma), octopus (hydra, maya), lamp (lamp, third eye). Day of the weak moon. Today is the best time to relax, take a day off and reflect on what you managed in the previous month, sum up some kind of results. Starting new business will be unsuccessful, but continuing and completing business today is very useful. The new moon in October is associated with negative aspect of Uranus to the very point of the new moon. This is not the most successful aspect, because it imposes the effect of unpleasant surprises on the next month. Much will have to be reconsidered, and changes will be simply inevitable: they will turn out to be like snow on your head! Check out this article to find out who will be most affected by the October New Moon.

    Start making wishes and plans. after 22:00 until the morning.

    What not to do : start new business; borrow or lend money, arrange loans,

    Purchases : better to postpone.

    20 OCTOBER, Friday. 1st, 2nd lunar day from 07:23.SCALES , SCORPION from 04:41

    Moon without course until 04:40

    Symbols of the day : lamp (lamp, third eye), cornucopia (mouth). Day of a weak moon, so it is better not to plan important undertakings for it. In general, this day should not bring any trouble thanks to the positive aspects of the moon. Although it is better not to start new business, you can continue research work, conduct experiments, look for lost things. You can turn to authority figures for help, or do charity work.

    What not to do : start new business; borrow or lend money, arrange loans.

    Purchases : The moon will begin to rise, so these days are not the best for shopping: it will be difficult to find a good product at a discounted price. However, if you have been looking for a car or equipment, machine tools or antiques for a long time and you know their price, then you can make a purchase.

    Auspicious days of the lunar calendar

    ♏ OCTOBER 21, Saturday. 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 08:34.SCORPION

    Symbols of the day : cornucopia (mouth), leopard (leopard). Weak Moon until 09:30... A good day for creative and intellectual activities. Now you can improve your knowledge, find a long-lost thing, make new plans. Will can be drawn up. Today, intuition should be especially heightened, so on this day it is good to make important decisions (it is better after 09:30).

    What not to do : start very important business before 09:30; go to court, go on long trips, make an engagement, move.

    Purchases : still a good time to buy machines, equipment and cars. It is not recommended to buy clothes and any beauty items.

    22 OCTOBER, Sunday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 09:42.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 14:57

    Moon without a course from 14:35 to 14:56

    Symbols of the day : leopard (leopard), tree of knowledge. This day can be sluggish and calm. Mars, the planet of activity, will change the sign of Virgo to the sign of Libra, which is flawed for itself. Beginnings on this day will not be overly welcome, especially if they involve quick decision-making and require quick response and determination. The last week of the month will not be very active, each action will have to be carefully considered. You can go on vacation this afternoon. Solution of legal issues is permissible. You can turn to your superiors with requests and suggestions.

    What not to do : taking on too much responsibility; make important decisions; start business related to construction or real estate.

    Purchases : You can still buy a car in the morning: but remember that when the moon is waxing, it is more difficult to find discounted products.

    ♐ 23 OCTOBER, Monday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 10:47.SAGITTARIUS

    Symbols of the day : tree of knowledge, unicorn. The first half of the day will be very successful: especially when it comes to some legal issues, purchases, acquaintances. It is good to do things that have to do with beauty or art. Good luck awaits creative individuals. You can go on long trips and long journeys (but better not by water). However, today there is a risk of deceptions, since the Moon will be in a negative aspect with Neptune. You should not trust promises and be too fascinated: there is a great risk of disappointment. In the evening, banquets and parties can be held.

    What not to do : believe the promises, go mountaineering, go on long sea voyages.

    Purchases : Today, various purchases may turn out to be quite successful. It is especially good to buy something for travel or education (textbooks, books, any information). However, on this day there is a risk of monetary losses.

    ♐ 24 OCTOBER, Tuesday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 11:47.SAGITTARIUS

    Moon without course from 19:44

    Symbols of the day : unicorn, crane. The moon, passing through the sign of Sagittarius, will meet today with Saturn, who is still visiting this sign. This is not the most favorable position of the moon, as it carries obstacles and disappointments. Try to plan to start with 15:00 to 19:45... On this day, pleasant surprises can await you.

    What not to do : start important business, make requests to the authorities, believe the promises.

    Purchases : do not go shopping under the moon without a course! This is not the best day for shopping. Therefore, it is better to plan for it only the most essential purchases.

    ♑ 25 OCTOBER, Wednesday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 12:41.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 03:12

    Moon without course until 03:12

    Symbols of the day : crane, wand (wind rose, keys). This day promises to be pretty positive. There are many things you can do to gain recognition at work. Work long and hard that day. Schedule the most difficult types of work: everything promises to be quite easy. Today it is good to go on business trips, to do the cleaning. You can demand payment of debts: there is a greater chance that the debt will be returned to you in the near future.

    What not to do : move; change jobs; conduct financial transactions; receive loans; meet and start a romantic relationship.

    Purchases : A good day to shop for something big that will last a long time: furniture, household items, real estate and land. This is one of the most successful days of the month for such purchases, although the prices may turn out to be a little overpriced, or it will be more difficult for you to get discounts. But today it is better not to buy any beauty products.

    ♑ 26 OCTOBER, Thursday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 13:28.CAPRICORN

    Symbols of the day : wand (wind rose, keys), phoenix. The best hours for serious business will begin after 14:00... On this day, you can continue to work hard: the results will be higher than your expectations! This is also one of the most successful days for marriage, but not in the morning! The best time to get married is after 15:00. Also in the afternoon it is good to conclude contracts and large transactions, consult with specialists.

    What not to do : start important business before 14:00 (especially if they are related to securities, important documents, money, large financial transactions); take out loans, borrow money, move.

    Purchases : best shopping after 09:00, especially large ones, otherwise there is a risk of being unhappy with the purchase. You can still buy real estate and furniture.

    ♑♒ 27 OCTOBER, Friday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 14:07.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 15:59

    Moon without course from 08:22 to 15:58

    Symbols of the day : phoenix, Milky Way(bat, mother's milk). The change of the lunar phase is approaching, so we advise you not to start important business on this day. This day is more suitable for rest and relaxation after a few rather busy previous days. It is important now to observe moderation in everything. Bad day for marriage and dating.

    What not to do : start new important things; to get married, make romantic acquaintances; change jobs; apply with requests to the authorities or to higher authorities.

    Purchases : better to postpone.

    ♒ 28 OCTOBER, Saturday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 14:40.AQUARIUS

    I quarter, second phase of the Moon from 01:20

    Symbols of the day : milky way (bat, mother's milk), fountain (mushroom, water source, phallus). Today is a good day to relax and meet friends. You can go to any entertainment events, have a fun time. You can also start any advertising campaign that promises to be successful.

    What not to do : repair electrical appliances, submit appeals and applications to high authorities.

    Purchases : this day is good for buying equipment: computers, various gadgets, phones. Finding good discounts will be more difficult, but you can still if you search. You can also buy the latest in cosmetics and clothing, especially if it is ultra modern clothing.

    ♒ 29 OCTOBER, Sunday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 15:08.AQUARIUS

    Moon without course from 10:22

    Symbols of the day : fountain (mushroom, water source, phallus), crown (ridge, fire sword, labyrinth). Another rather positive day, but it is better not to start new business on the Moon without a course. Hurry up to start all business until 10:22... Still a good time to visit or invite guests. Study will be successful, including self-education: you can learn a lot of new and useful things for yourself and your future work. Astrology and other occult sciences can be studied.

    What not to do : start new business after 10:22.

    Purchases : do not go shopping under the moon without a course! Until 10:00 you can buy real estate or land. It is also still relevant to buy equipment.

    ♒♓ 30 OCTOBER, Monday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 15:32.AQUARIUS , FISHES from 02:47

    Moon without course until 02:46

    Symbols of the day : crown (ridge, fire sword, labyrinth), chalice (heart). This day can be quite active and optimistic. However, there is a risk of deception and self-deception. Pisces has a strong intuition, therefore, it is often this position of the moon that is used to conclude contracts and agreements. Various legal issues can be resolved.

    What not to do : make homemade canned food; promise more than you can deliver; drink a lot of alcohol.

    Purchases : this day is good for shopping, but be careful: there is a risk of money loss or too frivolous spending. We advise you to make a shopping list before heading out to the shops. Then you will be less tempted to buy something unnecessary and waste your money.