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  • 17 lunar day opposite 3. Third lunar day

    17 lunar day opposite 3. Third lunar day

    Stones: pyrite, jaspilite, ruby, aventurine, carnelian

    3 lunar day - active time. It is recommended to get up early so as not to miss this day and do as many useful things as possible. Two days have passed since the new moon, and the crescent of the young moon first appeared in the sky, which indicates that it is time to act.

    3 lunar day very energetic. This is the day of Mars, the day of the warrior. There is already enough energy to take on any job. If on the 1st lunar day you made plans, dreamed, on the 2nd lunar day you collected information, laid the foundation for upcoming events, then the third lunar day is the day your dreams come true. What was inside begins to sprout, to manifest itself in the material plane. Sensitive people on this lunar day feel tension in the air, and even some aggressiveness. This state is similar to what in nature is called "the calm before the storm."

    Being passive on the 3rd lunar day is dangerous to health. If the energy is not realized outside, to perform some business, then it begins to act from the inside, destroying the body. The third lunar day is the day of will, risk, pressure, courageous decisive action. Goethe's phrase "Wanting is not enough, one must act" is very suitable for this day.

    3 lunar days can be dangerous for indecisive, passive, melancholy people. All their unrealized energy will burst out in the form of causeless quarrels, abuse, claims from scratch, resentment and dissatisfaction with the whole world around them. But, the most destructive energy of the third lunar day- fear. It easily destroys both physical and mental health.

    All undertakings of the 3rd lunar day carry elements of risk, and they can be carried out only when you have no doubts about the correctness of what you are doing. Any thought that carries uncertainty can destroy everything that you have been creating for so long. The third lunar day brings changes for the better, but only a strong-willed, purposeful person who is optimistic about the future can get a "start in life".

    On the 3rd lunar day, you can safely go to the boss or another higher person, on whom the implementation of your plans depends, you can openly publish your ideas, ask for sponsorship. Success will come to those who are ready for unexpected twists of fate.

    The main task of the third lunar day is

    On the 3rd lunar day, you begin to notice how gradually what you started or planned is taking shape. If some thought haunted you, today it can finally take shape. If you have waited a long time for the fruits of your efforts to appear, today may please you. On the third lunar day, our mind is especially clear and clear. Insights, discoveries may appear, it is easy to find a way to solve a long-standing problem.

    The third lunar day is a day of high performance, you can accidentally meet with the right person to make a useful acquaintance. If during this period you are offered something, you may not agree immediately, but be sure to think about the offer. It can be very beneficial.

    It is worth noting that on the third lunar day a lot of aggression, claims and deceit are manifested. As mentioned above, this is how unrealized energy breaks out. Therefore, carefully communicate with people and extinguish all manifestations of this negativity, both in yourself and in those around you. Avoid communicating with pushy people, they can drag you into a scandal. In esoteric teachings, spilled oil is considered a bad sign on the third lunar day. This means that you have gone down the "slippery path", turned off your "true path". Pain and aches in the back of the head indicate that you have not worked through your negative emotions and thoughts.

    It is very good to go on long journeys and long trips on the 3rd lunar day. The power of the moon will help along the way.

    The third lunar day is a day of activity and increased efficiency, therefore, physical education, mental and physical labor on this day will come in handy. A wonderful day for martial arts and hard physical exercises. You can practice yoga, karate and judo. Wushu and qigong practices will also be appropriate. In addition, it is very good to do water procedures on the 3rd lunar day, take a steam bath. If it so happened that you have nothing special to do on this day, be sure to think of an activity for yourself, go to the store, help your neighbor. With all this, it should be borne in mind that the third lunar day is somewhat aggressive. You should always be on the alert so as not to "break wood", but if you get into the "stream", then the whole month things will go relatively easily for you.

    If a person has very little vital energy (money is hard to earn, business is not going well, relationships are not going well), then the 3rd lunar day is a great time to accumulate energy, which gives mental and physical capabilities. There are many esoteric techniques dedicated to this, in particular, communication with wildlife. Go to the forest, get some fresh air, talk to the trees (in ancient times people knew about the magical gigantic power of trees and even worshiped them), if this is not possible, then go out at least into the garden, or, in extreme cases, talk to an indoor flower.

    Let us consider in more detail the influence of the 3rd lunar day on our lives.


    On the 3rd lunar day, it is worth showing good feelings and not clinging to words. On this day, it often draws on a showdown. Try not to get annoyed with loved ones, and your loved one, even if they, in your opinion, deserve it a thousand times. Do not start arguments and quarrels, do not say bad words to anyone (and if possible, do not even think badly). This is especially true for women. Your man may come home from work somewhat aggressive, tired, and your claims and reproaches will only aggravate the situation. Remember: a man can hear complaints, abuse, dissatisfaction from anyone, and from his beloved woman he wants affection, tenderness and care. Otherwise, she may either cease to be loved, or simply not become one.

    Household affairs

    On the 3rd lunar day, you can start building a house, it’s also good to start building a well and other round structures. As for the affairs inside the house, on the third lunar day, everything that is connected with a heavy load succeeds. It is today that you can do everything that should have been abandoned on the first lunar day.


    The third lunar day is ideal for saying goodbye to bad habits. It will be much easier to quit smoking on this day than on the rest of the lunar month.

    Diseases that arose on the 3rd lunar day manifest themselves abruptly, they can last quite a long time, but the symptoms are very clear and unambiguous, and therefore it is not difficult to diagnose and prescribe an effective treatment. Ears, throat, nape are especially sensitive. The treatment of these organs is categorically contraindicated. If you are worried about pain in the ears and neck, this is a signal from the body that it is time to clean the bones and joints. The third lunar day is suitable for physical activity, martial arts (from martial arts to boxing). If possible, visit the sauna or steam room today.


    On the 3rd lunar day, it is worth implementing risky projects. “He who does not take risks does not drink champagne” - this phrase can be safely attributed to 3 lunar days. But, don't make decisions out of fear. If business partners tell you: “today or never,” take your time, think it over. You are more likely to win if you say that you are ready to consider the offer and sign the papers tomorrow.

    In work, you need to show determination and perseverance, otherwise you risk making trouble on your head. The third lunar day is literally oversaturated with energy, and in business you are really able to show the most fighting qualities. The only problem is that other people have the same militant attitude. No one intends to give up positions or make concessions. On this day, the boss, clients, partners will not be and are in a good mood.

    Solution financial matters on the third lunar day it is better to postpone. Money losses may occur today, so be careful.

    The third lunar day passes under the influence of martial Mars, and passive pastime is undesirable today. The more active the day, the better. On these days, the Moon gives a person a special, strong energy. If it is not used up in time, then it can result in some pathologies or unexpected illnesses, such as a cold or migraine.

    Features of 3 lunar days:

    • High activity and performance
    • Lucky number that can bring good luck - 3 (three)
    • Favorable color of the third lunar day - yellow
    • Sensitive parts of the body - the back of the head
    • Gemstones - pyrite and ruby ​​​​have a powerful energy charge.
    • During the third lunar day, it is worth doing internal analysis and prioritization.
    • The symbols of the third lunar day are the leopard and the leopard, which are ready to jump

    Mars helps people prepare the ground for the entire lunar month. Especially lucky today are those who were born under the auspices of this warlike planet, for example .

    On the 3rd lunar day, you will be able to realize original ideas and fantasies, start implementing far-reaching plans, they will certainly be successful. In addition, Mars encourages risk, but it should not be unjustified. In particularly aggressive natures or hyperactivity may occur.

    Keep calm and control yourself!

    Do not give in to despondency or get involved in unnecessary quarrels and battles. This will not lead to anything good, and unused energy is best directed to a more peaceful direction. The energy of the day especially favors active people; today you can do much more than on any other days of the lunar cycle. It is also possible to make new acquaintances, as many people become more open and sociable.

    On the 3rd lunar day, you will be able to create a reserve of energy for yourself in case of its absence or distortion. You can understand the presence of such energy deformations by the lack of a permanent job or problems with finding it, by financial turmoil, an unstable emotional background, and so on. It is important to wisely dispose of the received energy, because Mars does not like passive people!

    On the 3rd lunar day, beware of wishing someone evil or experiencing sharp negative emotions towards people. The energy of this day is able to multiply the negative message. At the same time, it is not known whether the evil wish will reach the offender, but you yourself will definitely suffer from it. The negative emotions you experience will negatively affect your health, they can cause insomnia, melancholy, or even cause prolonged depression.

    The influence of the moon on career and work

    In terms of work and career, the third lunar day promises success, now you can even take on risky adventures! But it is worth "getting into" them only if the risk is truly justified. The third lunar day is most favorable for businessmen. Both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs can catch a good jackpot, conclude profitable contracts and find new regular customers. The more actively a businessman acts today, the more finance will come into his pocket.

    The motto of the 3rd lunar day is "Think only of positive things!"

    Absolutely all astrologers do not recommend cutting or dyeing hair on the third lunar day. Hair cut on this day will lose its natural attractiveness. Moreover, previously unnoticed problems like dandruff, hair loss and so on may appear. Also, do not wash your hair, it is better to transfer all water and cosmetic procedures to another day.

    The third lunar day is a time for active and purposeful people who are not afraid of life's trials.

    The moon during this period of time has a beneficial effect on important business trips and travel. An excellent time for business meetings and negotiations, as well as for the start of an unforgettable vacation in an exotic country.

    It is worth carefully controlling your thoughts - they can affect the future. A rational and balanced approach to business will allow you to find a way out of any situation. For creative people, the third lunar day will bring new ideas that will help in their endeavors.

    3 lunar day is the perfect time to solve important problems. One has only to concentrate on them, and the solution will be found by itself. Do not avoid problems, because in this way you will not be able to get rid of them. All the energy of the third lunar day will contribute to the search for optimal ways to eliminate the difficulties that have arisen. Solving pressing issues will give self-confidence and help achieve high results.

    Do not miss a second of the third lunar day, as each of them is truly priceless. You should actively spend time, and not waste it on doubts, laziness and empty chatter. Now it is necessary to act as efficiently as possible and give everything 100 percent.

    Favorable time for martial arts and for visiting the shooting gallery.

    The third day will allow you to realize the most fantastic and extraordinary ideas and plans that could not be realized for a long time.

    3 lunar day requires careful handling of oil and other combustible materials. Accidentally spilled oil is an omen that alerts you to possible obstacles and barriers that you will encounter along the way.

    People who have well-developed intuition say that in a given period of time insight comes in the form of certain symbols. You can look for these mysterious signs almost anywhere - in the clouds, in the form of shadows, in the non-standard behavior of the people around you.

    Well-being and health

    If you are healthy and cheerful, then the third lunar day should pass under the motto "movement is life." The body will thank you very much if you spend the 3rd lunar day doing active sports exercises - running, cycling, warming up, active sports games will charge you with energy and positive. This is an auspicious day for participating in sports competitions and for playing football.

    What happens to the general condition of the body on the 3rd lunar day? During this period, the energy of the mysterious moon begins to renew the human body. We can say that it is able to penetrate into every cell of your body, give strength and significantly increase immunity. Having strengthened your health on this day, you can forget about various diseases for a long time. No virus can interfere with the implementation of long-conceived goals and plans!

    If you are inactive and prone to depression on the 3rd lunar day, you can significantly undermine your own health. Energy always manifests itself in activity. If it cannot find a way out, it will gradually accumulate in your body in excess. This will lead to a destructive and negative impact, which will be expressed in poor health.

    intimate relationship

    The third lunar day can bring unforgettable vivid impressions and emotions into the intimate relationship of lovers. For a change in this area, it is worth trying a new position or a new place. For example, make love in nature. Unusual sensations will help ignite the extinguished passion between spouses and discover new subtleties of intimate relationships.

    Sexologists and astrologers advise a woman to take matters into her own hands during this period - to be domineering, rebellious and a little aggressive. This should please your partner.

    You should not hide your own feelings and be afraid to bring your most secret fantasies to life. The third lunar day will allow a couple in love to feel complete harmony with each other and merge together.

    moon and dreams

    Dreams that you have during the third lunar day can guide you on the right path. Dreams are designed to reveal the hidden human potential. Dreams allow you to understand how much unrealized energy is inside you. Dreams on the third lunar day are able to demonstrate how to effectively and with maximum benefit direct your own energy resources in the right direction.

    During this period, you can see symbols in a dream that will speak of the weaknesses of your personality. It is worth paying attention to this and working on yourself.

    No need to ignore night images during the third lunar day. Their correct and clear interpretation will help to find a way out of a rather difficult life situation. It is dreams that are able to direct a person along the path on which the minimum number of obstacles will be encountered.

    Hair care: cutting and coloring

    The third lunar day is considered favorable for hair care. A haircut during this period of time can bring a lot of positive emotions, and can also attract wealth. The moon is in a waxing phase, which affects the rapid growth of hair.

    Mystics claim that hair coloring on the third lunar day promotes career advancement.

    Unity with the outside world and the flow of a positive energy charge will give you a hairstyle that is as close to natural as possible. Owners of long hair can simply try to dissolve them. It is worth changing something in your image in order to experience new positive emotions and improve your mood.

    Article 3 lunar day (characteristic) prepared specifically for the site Belshazzar (http: // site) - divination, horoscopes, mysticism, the moon today

    If at the time of your birth it was the 3rd day of the lunar cycle

    This Lunar day endows people with the following common features and characteristics:

    Mission: learn to own astral (emotional) energy.

    Potential given by nature:

    - strong emotional reactions;
    - activity, which is enough for ten;
    - high energy potential.

    Personality Traits:

    - an extremely wide range of interests;
    - excellent realization as athletes, military, the opportunity to succeed in professions where pressure and determination are needed;
    - are fond of extreme sports - skydiving, scuba diving, mountaineering, martial arts;
    – are fond of self-improvement, yoga and various spiritual practices;
    - they tend to cultivate willpower and an active attitude to life, to move away from extraneous influences and other people's influences already in their youth (if such qualities did not appear in early childhood).

    Possible negative qualities:

    - in the absence of positive aspects from the side of strong and happy planets - Jupiter and Venus - a person will be weak and passive and go on about circumstances; when trying to limit activity, there is a risk of receiving extreme emotional reactions accompanied by uncontrolled actions;
    - is quite capable of "spoiling", that is, breaking through the energy field of the offender.


    - physically cannot stand passivity, it injures his psyche and causes stagnation in the body;
    - perhaps it will not live long if the energy was not directed in a peaceful direction;
    – can constantly hurt the throat, develop asthma and thyroid disease;
    - it is useful to engage in hardening, pour cold water on, walk barefoot on the ground.

    General description of the lunar day:

    Symbols of the day: leopard, leopard.
    Stones: carnelian, red sardine, ruby, aventurine.

    Action- the fight.

    From this day begins the first quarter and it is believed that the moon is growing. A crescent moon appears in the sky and the days of Hekate are over. But this is a day of aggressive energy. This is a day of struggle, pressure. A very good day for astral warriors. Therefore, on this day there may be astral attacks, and for people without protection and who do not know how to protect themselves in this, this day is dangerous, for them, suspicion, suspiciousness and even deceit are manifested on these lunar days. Those who deal with astral energies today need to be able to protect themselves. Today it is good to work with charms or energies of the biofield.

    It is on the 3rd lunar day that a young month appears in the evening sky, symbolically commemorating the appearance of what has been lurking inside for a very long time. It is today that the first fruits of the activities that we conducted in the previous two days of the lunar month appear. Desires and actions begin to acquire material expression, to bring results. The energy of the 3rd lunar day is very strong, sometimes even unrestrained. Therefore, one should be very careful in showing one's aspiration and perseverance, avoiding conflict situations and clashes of different opinions. And it is best to direct all your activity to creation, because even a terrible atom can serve humanity for peaceful purposes. On the 3rd lunar day, especially make sure that negative emotions do not take over you. Everything that you do on the 3rd lunar day carries a powerful energy charge, so even an accidentally dropped word can lead to disastrous consequences, be extremely careful all the negativity addressed to others will certainly affect you. First of all, our liver suffers from our anger and aggression, and during this period the energy intensifies, and it will be much more difficult for your body to cope with such a blow. But, on the contrary, everything good and positive that you do on 3 lunar days and wish people will also return to you in double size.

    To curb the energy of the 3rd lunar day and use it to the maximum for your own good, plunge headlong into work, physical activity will not be superfluous, as well as work associated with active mental activity.

    On the 3rd lunar day, one should not dream of income and material prosperity, but struggle with difficulties and act actively, make every effort to achieve the goal. Move only forward towards the implementation of your plans, albeit slowly, but only forward. The moon will help to deal with difficult life problems. There is nothing to be afraid of. Laziness and inaction are not allowed.
    Even people who are not very self-confident need to direct their energy in the right direction. You can start realizing your dream, for example, building a gazebo or a pool, if you already have a house. You can do "water extraction" - digging a well. Do not think, however, that the road to success is smooth and cloudless. Even with the growing moon, failures and falls are possible. Do not lose your judgment and caution.
    Direct your energy to solving some priority global problems, be sure that today you will cope with them perfectly or, at least, prepare fertile ground for further successful development.

    If you prefer to be inactive on the 3rd lunar day, your energy will be directed to self-destruction, because it needs to be spent somehow. Therefore, be sure to take at least some activity, up to the point that you start a general cleaning or go for a run. If you do not cope with the energy, it will take over you, and the consequences can be unpredictable. Stop planning, it's time to take decisive action.

    Haircut and beauty on 3 lunar day

    On a lunar day, it is not recommended to visit a hairdresser and cut your hair, as this can adversely affect health, harm the body, weaken its protective reactions. In addition, a haircut can shake your financial situation and attract waste.
    If you want to be attractive and irresistible, visit a beauty salon. The third lunar day is favorable for this. If you feel a lack of time or temporary difficulties with finances, this is not a problem. You can also take care of your appearance at home. For example, apply medicinal plants, use infusions, decoctions, ointments and juice of fresh plants.

    The day is very energy intensive, when sensitive people literally feel tension in the air, like the calm of nature before a thunderstorm. Day of will, struggle and risk, pressure and onslaught. Apparently, this is what Goethe had in mind, arguing that "it is not enough to want, one must act."

    General characteristics of the third lunar day

    A very hard day for passive people.

    If you are not busy with anything, then the energy of the day will inevitably result in irritability and nit-picking over trifles, and from here it is not far to causeless quarrels and conflicts with others.

    The most destructive emotion of the third lunar day is fear. It destroys both physical health and the psyche.

    So try not to be afraid of anything and at the same time avoid aggressive intentions towards other people, even in your thoughts.

    The most sensitive are the neck, the back of the head, and the organs of hearing. The pineal gland and the nervous system are also vulnerable.

    There may be a sudden deterioration in well-being - slagging of the body will appear.

    It is imperative to control negative emotions and thoughts, to prevent them from developing and transforming into negative actions and deeds.

    If this is not done, then the back of the head, neck, ears will hurt. Diseases that have arisen on this day can be acute, recovery will come with difficulty.

    The day is good for intense physical activity, wellness treatments.

    Plan a trip to the sauna, and take a steam bath properly.

    It is undesirable to marry, draw up and sign wills, engage in scientific and research work, and conclude contracts.

    Symbol of the day:

    A leopard or leopard preparing to jump. From this day, neomenia (new moon) begins, the lunar crescent appears in the sky (the days of Hekate are over).

    Conception on the 3rd lunar day

    Conceived on the 3rd lunar day, a child has every chance of becoming a real warrior. This can manifest itself on different life plans - both in the craving for martial arts or boxing, and in the desire to change the world around.

    The passion and activity that possess a person conceived on this day can also manifest itself in his rejection of authorities, hooliganism and mischief.

    Children conceived on the 3rd lunar day are best given to sports sections, where their irrepressible energy finds an outlet. In addition, in the sports field, they can achieve good results.

    Born on the 3rd lunar day

    Children born on the third lunar day, if they are not influenced by the strong planets Jupiter and Venus, are often born painful.

    A person born on this day is often sickly and, moreover, under the influence of malefic planets, does not differ in longevity. He needs to pay more attention to his health, go in for sports.

    He must learn to master the astral energies and treat them consciously. If he allows himself not to be restrained, he shows revenge, thereby aggravating his own karma.

    On this day, the body has already returned to normal after the stress of the new moon and began to take in a large amount of energy: the process of "inhalation" began.

    In no case should this energy be allowed to stagnate: it must immediately begin to “accelerate” it through intense physical activity.

    On this day, our body is like a leopard preparing to jump: every muscle tenses and begins to vibrate under the pressure of growing energy.

    If this energy is not released, it can result in aggression towards other people or towards oneself, which leads to causeless conflicts, to various self-destructive actions or to illness.

    To survive this day without problems, be as active as possible, give yourself a load. Such a load can be physical labor in the fresh air, physical education and sports, a bath.

    Health on the third lunar day

    A wonderful day for martial arts and hard physical exercises. You can practice yoga, karate and judo.

    Wu-shu and qigong practices will also be appropriate. The main thing today is to learn to master your power, given by nature to every person.

    Diseases of the day appear sharply, the symptoms are very clear and unambiguous, and therefore it is not difficult to diagnose and prescribe effective treatment.

    You can be treated both in a regular clinic and with the help of psychics. It is very useful to take a steam bath today.

    Not have a better day to say goodbye to bad habits.

    Spilled oil is a bad sign. This means that you have gone down the "slippery path", turned off your "true path".

    Pain and aches in the back of the head indicate that you have not worked through your negative emotions and thoughts.

    Diet and nutrition on the third lunar day

    On these lunar days, it is good to eat dishes with a lot of hot spices (chili, black pepper, ginger, cloves, mustard, horseradish, garlic, asafoetida, basil, cinnamon, and the like), and you can also include them in your lunar month for the first time. diet of meat dishes.

    Moreover, the meat of "active" animals, for example, sheep, is preferable, but in no case beef (the meat of a "slow" animal).

    With bird meat on the third lunar day, the situation is as follows: if you feel the need for it, eat it, and if not, it is wiser to refrain from it.

    Due to the fact that this lunar period is a time of active actions, the performance of any cleansing practices is strictly prohibited, since in order to perform them the body must be in a certain sedative state, while during this period it, on the contrary, is excessive (in some sense even hysterically), is active.

    Prohibition: hot spices; meat.

    Haircuts and hairstyles on the third lunar day

    A haircut

    Bring you abundance!

    For most people, cutting their hair on this day promises a blessed renewal of their own energy potential.

    There was a primary adjustment of the hair-antennae, now you can stimulate their activity.

    Trimming split ends will make your hair more receptive to subtle akasha signals; make a new haircut - great: hair with redoubled energy will begin to download important information for you.

    Even shaving your head that day will do you an invaluable service: by removing all your hair, you will radically upgrade your main antenna fleet, which will have a positive effect on noise immunity.

    As a result, you will get excellent health, high self-esteem, high spirits, a feeling of limitlessness of your possibilities. You can realize your potential in any field.

    Whatever you undertake, everything will argue and delight you with quick, comprehensive results.

    If you intend to start a health program, start a renovation, open a new business or a new project, cut your hair on the second lunar day.

    If a haircut is not included in your plans, cut off at least a few symbolic hairs right in the morning.

    After the current haircut, the hair will grow thicker and stronger.

    Hair coloring

    Let's go for a career breakthrough!

    Anyone who radically changes their hair color on this day will surprise others and attract the positive influence of their superiors. This will be even more aggravated if the coloring complements the haircut.

    In this case, you are simply doomed to a career breakthrough. The advance may be great or small, but the repercussions of it will bear great fruit in the future.

    If you have no desire to dye your hair, but you want to make a career, in the morning rub beetroot (or a mixture of beetroot and carrot) juice into the hair roots for half an hour, then rinse without soap, dry your hair with a soft towel.

    Do not bleach your hair today! Synthetic dyes can be used, but as gentle as possible.

    What to do with hair

    We attract the energy of nature with spontaneity and immediacy.

    On this day, no matter what hairstyle you start to do, it will certainly crumble, the curls will develop, the straightened curls will twist again, the braids will unwind by themselves, the styling, even fixed with a strong varnish, will be disheveled.

    Nature takes its toll: it stirs and tunes the hair antennas in its own way so that they are especially sensitive to the slightest fluctuations in energy.

    Therefore, there is no point in depicting something complex on the head. The simpler the better.

    Keep in mind: the more you try to save your hair today, the more your emotions and time will be wasted. Refuse styling and hairstyles.

    Let the wind play with your hair. Today the bird of good luck will build a nest in them.

    For what cases is favorable 3 lunar day

    Business and work on the third lunar day

    The third lunar day is good for productive, intellectual work. Health reserves are limited, but replenished from vigorous activity.

    All undertakings of the third lunar day carry elements of risk, and they can be carried out only when you have no doubts about the correctness of what you are doing.

    As in the wonderful "Motorist's Memo": "If you're not sure - don't overtake."

    This is the best day to make your ideas public, especially in front of your superiors, on whom it depends to give the green light and a ticket to the future to the implementation of your ideas, a day of will and laying new things, but only for those who are not afraid of change and ready for unexpected twists of fate.

    Success comes to those who do not let go of the oars in the fast and winding stream of life, and meet the appearance of rapids not with fear, but with joy from the fact that there is an opportunity to show their “valiant prowess”.

    On this day, you can promote risky projects and generally work with risks. “He who does not take risks does not drink champagne” - it is said about the third lunar day.

    If someone tries to scare you today, do not act under the influence of fear.

    Even if a business partner offers you archives favorable conditions, but at the same time puts forward an ultimatum (“Either sign a contract today, or we will sell the goods to our other client”), answer that you are ready to consider this offer and sign the papers, but tomorrow.

    And you will surely win. If you find it difficult to resist pressure, remember Byron, who said that "Doubt is the refracting prism of great truths."

    Personal life on the third lunar day

    Try not to be annoyed once again with loved ones and with your partner, even if they, in your opinion, deserve it a thousand times over.

    Do not start arguments and quarrels, do not say bad words to anyone (and if possible, do not even think badly).

    Esotericism on the third lunar day

    Dreams are most often empty, only bright, memorable, and associated with overcoming obstacles matter.

    Those born on the third lunar day need to learn to master their strength and energy, it is not for nothing that it is written in ancient treatises that warriors and magicians are born on this day.

    First of all, this concerns the astral army, the purpose of which is to protect goodness and uphold justice.

    To prepare yourself for this lofty mission, you must first free yourself from suspicion and aggressiveness, take control of your thoughts and emotions and not allow negativity in them.

    Gardening on the third lunar day

    The third lunar day is called the day of Mars. These days are not suitable for passive contemplation and reflection. This is the time for action. Today, passivity and suspiciousness cannot be tolerated.

    The fact is that if you do not use up the energy that the Moon gives to a person on these days, then it can negatively affect the state of the whole organism and even provoke the appearance of pathologies. You have to get up early in the morning to get everything done. On this day, the "soil" is being prepared for the entire next lunar cycle. About this day, you can say: "What you sow, you will reap."

    Today you need to defend your own opinion and your interests. You must not allow outsiders to invade your territory.

    general characteristics 3 lunar days:

    • Energy of the day: active day.
    • Symbol of the day: leopard, leopard, ready to jump.
    • Element of the day: wood.
    • Day stone: pyrite, ruby, aventurine, jaspilite.
    • Color of the day: yellow and its shades.

    The characteristic of the 3rd lunar day is an active time when risk is allowed within reasonable limits. Today you can realize the most daring ideas and, most likely, they will be successful.

    If quarrels and conflicts arise on the third lunar day, then this indicates the unspent energy of people. To avoid scandals, it is recommended to do business, and not sort things out or get involved in gossip.

    On the 3rd lunar day, the working capacity of each person increases. Therefore, today you can do much more than on any other day. In addition, on this day, acquaintances are easily made, as people make good contacts. Therefore, today you can get good business connections.

    However, on the third lunar day, the Moon can affect people in such a way that aggression and the worst sides of character “wake up” in them. Also, people today tend to cheat. Therefore, you need to check all transactions and not let yourself be drawn into an adventure. In addition, you should control your mood and not let anger take over.

    On the 3rd lunar day, stubborn people should be avoided. The fact is that they can drag you into gossip or a scandal that will have the most unpredictable consequences.

    On the third lunar day, you can stock up on energy for the entire next period. This is especially true for people suffering from its deficiency. You can understand that you do not have enough energy by the poor financial situation, the falling apart business and the lack of work.

    To compensate for its deficiency will help a long stay in nature. It is recommended to go to the forest for a few hours or spend time by the pond. If this is not possible, then you can just walk in the park or stand for a few minutes at any plant and touch it.


    3 lunar day is not the best time for dates. Lovers today will have a desire to argue, quarrel and sort things out. Therefore, they are recommended to spend these days separately from each other. If a quarrel arises between them today, then it can lead to a complete break in relations.

    On these days, you can marry those couples who like to be in constant motion and do not tolerate monotony. Their family life will be filled with surprises, surprises and travel. Not always everything will turn out the way they expect it to, but in their life there will be no place for boredom and monotony.

    Today, couples who dream of a quiet relationship should not formalize their relationship. family life. Their marriage would not last long. For these days, you can plan an unusual and extreme wedding.


    On the 3rd lunar day, you can do all the most difficult homework. You can arrange a general cleaning and start repairs.


    The 3rd lunar day is the time when it is not difficult to get rid of bad habits. You can say goodbye to smoking, alcohol or drug addiction. If you get rid of these habits on this day, then they will no longer bother you.

    If a pathology occurs on this day, then it will immediately make itself felt and recovery will not come for a very long time. However, it is not difficult to make a diagnosis, so the treatment will eventually give a positive result.

    Weak places on this day are the ears, the back of the head, the throat. Therefore, the therapy of these organs is contraindicated today. If these days arise pain in the back of the head or in the ears, this indicates that you need to pay attention to the condition of the musculoskeletal system.

    On these days, any physical exercises will benefit, water procedures will positively affect the state of the body. It is recommended to visit the bath or swimming pool.

    Since this day is considered the day of Mars, and Mars, as you know, is the god of war, today you can start or continue to engage in any kind of martial arts.

    work, money, business

    The 3rd lunar day is the time when you can implement the most daring ideas. As a rule, they are successful. The main thing is to believe in your own strength and not be afraid of anything. Where risk is required, risk must be taken, but only if it is justified.

    Businessmen should pay attention to these days. Today they can conclude a profitable deal and find new partners. They should be more active these days. Only in this way can they achieve a positive result.

    On these days, you should actively defend your positions. If this is not done, then you can lose everything that was given with such difficulty.


    Do not cut your hair on this day. All astrologers talk about it. Haircut on the 3rd lunar day will negatively affect the condition of the curls themselves.

    A new hairstyle will cause profuse hair loss and slow growth.

    Cutting hair will negatively affect the state of the whole organism and can provoke the occurrence of pathologies, which will then be very difficult to get rid of.

    Characteristics of people born on the 3rd lunar day

    If the birthday falls on the 3rd lunar day, then the person has the qualities of a warrior. He will be a real defender - brave and courageous. In any situation, he will be able to stand up not only for himself, but also for his loved ones.

    However, people born on the 3rd lunar day have poor health. From childhood, they will have reduced immunity and a tendency to develop various pathologies. Therefore, parents need to take care of increasing the protective forces of the child while he is still in the womb.


    Dreams on the 3rd lunar day most often do not matter. However, sometimes a dream that appeared to a person on this day can indicate the state of his nervous system.

    A dream can reveal to a person his fears and secret desires. Such dreams need to be deciphered by a dream book. It will help you understand what the meaning of sleep is and whether it was.

    This is a complete description of 3 lunar days. If you spend this day according to the advice of astrologers, then in the future it will be possible to change life for the better.