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  • Review of the most effective suppositories for the treatment of ureaplasma in women. What candles for women are used from ureaplasma? Rectal suppositories for men with ureaplasma

    Review of the most effective suppositories for the treatment of ureaplasma in women.  What candles for women are used from ureaplasma?  Rectal suppositories for men with ureaplasma

    How does it manifest ureaplasma in women, how is the treatment of women from ureaplasma, what drugs and means to prescribe to the female sex from ureaplasmosis, including pills, suppositories and folk remedies?

    Ureaplasma in women manifests itself with the following features:

    • the active stage of the disease sometimes proceeds not so pronounced like men;
    • possible transmission of the disease, or rather, its carriers child at birth;
    • identifying ureaplasma as a cause is sometimes difficult without tests, since symptoms such as burning, itching and pain in the lower abdomen characteristic of various female disorders and diseases(for example, for cystitis).

    However, inflammation is dangerous in that complications can lead to consequences up to ectopic pregnancy and infertility.

    We strongly do not recommend self-medication, especially without passing special tests and without seeing a doctor. Nevertheless, we will give an overview of the main discussed means of treating ureaplasma. There are also forums about the treatment of ureaplasma.

    Candles against ureaplasma in women

    Candles can hardly be called an independent medicine against ureaplasma, because in order to fight it, an integrated approach is needed to restore the balance of microflora. However, in many cases, suppositories help smooth out the manifestation of inflammation, and their action is rather antiseptic and has a local character. But there are also suppositories intended for treatment (suppositories).

    Among the suppositories from ureaplasmosis, you can find the following:

    Panavir- a drug known for the treatment of herpes is also available in the form of suppositories. The price of the drug is quite high, the specific and current cost can be found by requests like: “candles panavir price”.

    Genferon- antiviral, immunomodulatory action. The course of active therapy for ureaplasma in women is 10 days.

    Viferon- one of the analogues;

    Hexicon D- a preparation based on chlorhexidine in the form of suppositories. It can also be used for diagnostics. Released without a prescription. Prices for the drug: 180-250 rubles.

    Reviews of candles can be searched on various pharmacy sites.

    Tablets and antibiotics against ureaplasma

    Almost all tablets from ureaplasma are antibiotics at the same time. But before you eat antibiotics, be sure to think about whether you will harm the microflora even more.

    Wilprafen- used for various infections, not only the genitourinary system. Is an antibiotic. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

    Trichopolum- Available in the form of tablets. Read the instructions for details.

    Treatment of ureaplasma with folk remedies

    Among the methods of treatment of ureaplasma folk remedies you can find the use of garlic, goldenrod, as well as herbs such as wintergreen, winter love.

    Often, various decoctions are used to relieve burning sensation, including on oak bark.

    But ureaplasma in women is a rather dangerous inflammation to fight it without consulting a specialist..

    Causes and ways of transmission of ureaplasma

    The bacterium Ureaplasma is present in some quantity in the microflora of the vagina, without causing discomfort. Their pathogenic reproduction is possible in cases of significant weakening of immunity or the addition of a new colony in the process of sexual intercourse. Actively multiplying, bacteria form an area of ​​​​inflammation.

    The risk group includes:

    1. Adolescents aged 15 to 23 who are sexually active.
    2. Patients who have undergone long-term treatment with antibacterial or hormonal agents, large doses of radiation exposure.
    3. People suffering from dysbacteriosis.
    4. Pregnant women.

    Among the methods of transmission of infection, experts distinguish the following:

    • sexual contact with a carrier of the infection;
    • sharing of towels, bed linen and other household items;
    • intrauterine infection of the baby;
    • infection of the newborn at the time of delivery.


    The incubation period of ureaplasmosis lasts up to three weeks. After that, the bacteria begin to actively multiply, affecting the cells of the mucous membranes.

    In most patients, the disease can proceed without visible symptoms, and the manifestations that can be observed are similar to other inflammatory diseases:

    • characteristic burning sensation during urination;
    • patients experience discomfort during intercourse;
    • a slight increase in body temperature is possible;
    • from the vagina or urethra, mucous discharge may appear that has a yellowish color and a sharp unpleasant odor;
    • women may experience menstrual irregularities and pulling pains in the lower abdomen.


    The most common remedy for getting rid of infection in women are suppositories for the treatment of ureaplasma.

    They have the following advantages over drugs released in a different form:

    • do not have a toxic effect on the organs of the digestive tract;
    • do not disturb the balance of intestinal microflora;
    • allow you to conduct a course of treatment at home;
    • have a complex effect on bacteria, symptoms and mucous membranes of the genital organs;
    • allow you to quickly achieve healing even in the case of a neglected infection.

    Ureaplasma suppositories are administered in the evening, before going to bed, in the supine position, knees bent. Wash before use clean water with or without regular soap.

    For the entire period of treatment, sexual intercourse should be abandoned, as this can not only lead to re-infection, but also increase pain.

    Candles with antibiotics

    Since bacteria are the causative agent of ureaplasmosis, suppositories are also prescribed with antibacterial action. There are drugs directed against ureaplasma, but there are also combined drugs.

    For example, Terzhinan, suppositories with an antibiotic that acts against a wide range of genital infections. In addition, the composition includes components that have an antifungal effect, which helps in the fight against thrush, etc. These suppositories are the most common method of treatment. Its advantage is that it can be used both during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. However, only a doctor can prescribe Terzhinan.

    In case of individual intolerance or other contraindications to taking antibiotics, antiseptics may be prescribed to the patient. They show effective results only in the early stages of the disease with an accurate diagnosis. However, in addition to ureaplasmosis, suppositories such as Hexicon act against chlamydia, genital herpes and many other genital infections.

    A few words about the composition and form of release

    Before using the drug "Hexicon" with ureaplasma, you need to find out what this medicine consists of. This pharmaceutical product is available in the form of candles, which is very convenient. The active ingredient of the drug is chlorhexidine bigluconate. It is thanks to this component that the agent has an antibacterial effect and destroys the simplest gram-negative and gram-positive microbes.

    "Hexicon" with ureaplasma is produced in the form of small suppositories intended for insertion into the vagina. Each candle has a torpedo shape and is painted white and yellow. One package contains ten candles. They will also be accompanied by instructions for use and disposable fingertips.

    In what cases can the drug "Geksikon" be used?

    With ureaplasma, many doctors prescribe this remedy. However, this is not its only purpose. In fact, this pharmaceutical drug has a very wide range of applications. It is recommended to use it as a means of preventing infectious diseases, as well as for the treatment of pathologies such as gonorrhea, vaginosis, herpes, syphilis and many other ailments.

    If the remedy is used for the purpose of prophylaxis after unprotected intercourse, then it must be inserted into the vagina no later than a couple of hours after the process of intercourse.

    "Hexicon" with ureaplasma is often prescribed by a doctor, since the remedy has only a local effect, and therefore is relatively safe for women's health. After all, its active components do not penetrate into digestive system, do not disrupt the digestion process, as is the case with antibiotics intended for internal use.

    What is ureaplasmosis

    Ureaplasma is a single-celled microbe that lives in the vagina of every woman and does not cause any harm. However, if the number of such microorganisms begins to increase significantly, then this can pose a serious danger to women's health. This disease can begin to develop if the woman's immunity is too weakened or she has suffered severe infectious diseases. Also, ureaplasmosis can begin to develop due to the use of certain medications, especially antibiotics. "Hexicon" (candles) with ureaplasma is an excellent drug that allows you to cope with the disease in a short time period.

    When the drug is contraindicated

    As mentioned above, this drug is safe for women's health. However, the remedy should not be used by those women who have hypersensitivity to any component that is part of this pharmaceutical preparation. In this case, there is a high risk of allergic reactions, which will manifest as a rash, hives, itching and swelling. The remedy has no other contraindications.

    Pregnancy and "Hexicon" with ureaplasma

    During pregnancy, this remedy is safe, it can also be used even by lactating women. Such safety lies in the fact that the agent has only a local effect on the body. The active components of suppositories do not penetrate into the general bloodstream, and therefore do not spread throughout the body.

    The tool can be used even by children, but in this case it is best to do it in a hospital, under the supervision of an experienced specialist.

    Application features

    "Hexicon" - candles (you can read reviews for ureaplasma in this article), which can be used both for preventive and therapeutic purposes. If the remedy is used for prevention purposes, then it must be injected into the vagina once, as already mentioned, no later than two hours after sexual intercourse. However, keep in mind that even such therapy does not give a 100% guarantee. Therefore, take care of your safety in advance - use contraceptives.

    A lot of bacterial diseases can be eliminated with this medication, including ureaplasma. Treatment with "Hexicon" is usually carried out as follows: the candle is inserted as deep as possible into the vagina twice a day. In this case, the course of treatment usually lasts about eight to ten days, and this suggests that in total you will need two packs of medicine.

    Important Notes

    Before using the drug "Hexicon" it is very important to understand all the nuances of its use. First of all, gynecologists draw the attention of women to the rules of hygiene. It is possible to use soap or any other means of intimate hygiene during the course of treatment with candles only before the very introduction of the medicine into the vagina. In all other cases, washing can only be done with clean running water without detergents. Please note that it is very important to comply with this condition. Indeed, in another case, the treatment will not bring the desired effect.

    Each patient should tell her doctor about all medications she is taking. this moment. After all, the drug "Hexicon" is simply incompatible with many pharmaceuticals.

    Such a remedy is prescribed to children only if there is a serious threat to the girl's life. In other cases, the doctor must select other methods of treatment.

    The agent can also be used during the menstrual cycle, since the active substances do not interact with the blood.

    Which drug to prefer: "Genferon" or "Hexicon"

    Many patients are interested in the question of which is better: "Genferon" or "Hexicon" - with ureaplasma. In fact, this question cannot be answered unambiguously. Each case is individual, so only a doctor can decide which remedy is right for you.

    However, according to the reviews of patients and doctors, the drug "Genferon" is prescribed for more serious forms of this pathology. Unlike Hexicon, Genferon has a systemic effect on the body, since the drug is distributed throughout the body. The therapeutic effect of the use of this drug occurs very quickly, however, there are many side effects. Therefore, if safety comes first, then it is still better to give preference to Hexicon candles.

    "Hexicon" from ureaplasma: reviews of doctors and patients

    The drug "Hexicon" is very often prescribed by specialists to their patients. This pharmaceutical agent is very effective in the treatment of many infectious diseases, including ureaplasma. Doctors prescribe this remedy, since it does not cause significant harm to the body. Therefore, the drug is freely chosen even by lactating and pregnant women. Also, the candle can be used once after unprotected intercourse. This will be a good preventive measure.

    Patients are also satisfied with the effect that can be obtained using Hexicon candles. Already in one to two weeks of using the medicine, you can completely get rid of discomfort in the vaginal area. Itching, unwanted discharge, and an unpleasant odor are symptoms of an infection in the vagina. By starting treatment on time, you can eliminate not only the disease itself, but also its unpleasant consequences. Treatment with these suppositories is very well tolerated by patients, since side effects are extremely rare. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the tool does an excellent job with its purpose.

    Take care of your health right now, because it is in your hands.

    How is ureaplasma treated in men and women?

    You should not get rid of this disease on your own. It is important to coordinate therapy with your doctor.

    For treatment, experts usually advise antibiotics, which, by acting on harmful microorganisms, suppress them.

    The best option is to approach treatment comprehensively. That is, use not only antibiotics, but also immunostimulants, as well as suppositories.

    Getting rid of ureaplasma during the period of bearing a child should take place in a hospital, under the strict guidance of doctors. Taking antibiotics in this case is possible only after 22 weeks. At the same time, vigilant monitoring of the condition of the woman and her crumbs is necessary.

    The use of suppositories for the treatment of ureaplasma has a number of advantages:

    • do not adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract;
    • can be used at home;
    • effective;
    • help even with a chronic form of the disease;
    • not only treat, but also anesthetize.

    Suppositories quickly dissolve into the vagina (men insert them into the rectum) and relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. The big plus of candles is that each one is packaged separately, this does not allow germs to get on them.

    For women, the use of candles is optimal before bed at night. During this period, the drug will have time to act on harmful microorganisms that "settled" into the vagina. Before the introduction of the suppository, you need to wash yourself. For the procedure, tap water is suitable. Use of soap of your choice.

    It is important to insert a candle into the vagina as deeply as possible. To do this, you should sit comfortably on the bed and bend your knees at the knees.

    When conducting therapy for ureaplasma, you should refrain from intimacy. Otherwise, the treatment will be useless, sex can provoke the reappearance of the disease, pain and discomfort.

    And a little advice for women. While inserting vaginal suppositories, use pads. No matter how deep you insert the suppositories, their residues will come out and can ruin the laundry.

    Candles for the treatment of ureaplasma

    To treat the disease, the specialist prescribes antibacterial agents to the patient, as well as drugs to restore the immune system. By decision of the doctor, special suppositories with an auxiliary effect may be recommended for use:


    For insertion into the vagina, women are prescribed candles "Hexicon D", which are intended to get rid of the disease. The active substance in this medicinal product- chlorhexidine. It has a local antiseptic effect. It is worth noting that the medicine does not have a negative impact on the microflora of the penis, but on the contrary, it acts as an excellent prophylactic against most sexually transmitted infections.

    Using candles is easy:

    • They need to be inserted into the vagina daily, 1 piece;
    • Preferably at bedtime;
    • The course of treatment lasts a week.

    True, according to the appointment of a specialist, therapy can be longer. The drug usually does not cause allergic reactions and any side effects. Contraindications - an allergy to the substances that make up the composition. Candles "Hexicon" can be used to prevent disease. To do this, the drug should be administered no later than 2 hours after sex. This will protect yourself from infections;


    Such means include "Genferon". It can be used in both men and women. Women inject the drug vaginally, guys - rectally. The main active ingredient in the drug is interferon "Alpha-2". Also in the candles there is taurine and anesthesin. Taurine helps to fight the inflammatory process, and anestezin has an analgesic effect.

    Usage "Genferon" can enhance the effect of antibiotics. The dosage of the drug should be determined by the doctor. Usually, specialists prescribe to patients 2 candles per day. The duration of treatment is 10 days.

    "Genferon" well tolerated by the body, rarely causes side effects, but the dosage should be strictly monitored.

    When using a large amount of the drug, the patient can provoke:

    • high temperature;
    • migraine;
    • pain in muscles and joints;
    • lack of appetite and other unpleasant phenomena.

    Apply "Genferon" it is impossible for people with intolerance to the components present in its composition. During the period of bearing a child and during breastfeeding, the drug is not recommended.

    If the appearance of ureaplasmosis is caused by a decrease in immunity, and the disease has not had time to develop strongly, then it is more reasonable to use candles instead of antibiotics "Viferon". The preparation contains antioxidants with anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties.

    Doctors like to include in therapy "Viferon", believing that the medicine can help to do without complications. It is worth noting that the drug is suitable for women during pregnancy, but you should not use it without the approval of a specialist. Only a doctor can determine the duration and dosage of use "Viferon". If the treatment does not give the desired effect, the course can be repeated.

    When immunomodulators do not give the desired result, an antibacterial drug is prescribed. "Terzhinan". These suppositories have a wide range of effects, while not changing the microflora. The tool can be used during the period of bearing a baby and breastfeeding. The advisability of using should be consulted with a doctor, as the medicine is quite strong.

    In the treatment and prophylactic purposes in men and women, the use of "Polygynax". Suppositories help relieve discomfort: itching, burning, etc., fight microbes.

    Getting rid of the disease is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to approach the problem comprehensively and follow all the recommendations of the doctor.

    Use any medicines should not be taken without consulting a doctor. Self-medication can lead to irreparable health problems. Take care of yourself and don't get sick. Good luck!

    Suppositories are usually used to treat the disease. Candles are allowed to be used intervaginally (for women) or rectally (for men). The best drugs for ureaplasmosis are Viferon and Genferon.

    The price of these medicines in pharmacies in Moscow and large regional centers is 590-600 rubles. In the regions, you can buy drugs for 530-580 rubles. Medicines are dispensed exclusively by prescription.

    Mechanism of action and indications for use

    The composition of suppositories Genferon includes substances that have immunomodulatory and antibacterial effects. The active components of the drug are alpha-2-interferon, taurine and anestezin. These components activate the cellular link of immunity and relieve inflammation.

    It is worth noting that when using Genferon, a number of rules should be followed. Firstly, during the period of drug therapy, one should refrain from using other antiviral and antibacterial drugs.

    The drug should be used for 10 days. If ureaplase becomes chronic, then the duration of the course of treatment can increase up to 3 months. However, in this case, you need to use no more than 3 suppositories per week.

    It is impossible to use Genferon suppositories in the presence of intolerance to any components of the remedy. Also contraindications for use are autoimmune diseases in the acute stage and children's age (up to 12 years). During pregnancy, candles can only be used if the gestational age exceeds 12 weeks.

    Patient reviews indicate that the medication is well tolerated and does not cause various complications. However, the instructions for use say that the drug can cause side effects such as:

    • Hypersensitivity reactions. At the initial stages, the patient may be disturbed by a skin rash, itching, a burning sensation in the vagina or anus. Usually, hypersensitivity reactions resolve themselves 2-3 days after the start of the course of treatment.
    • Increase in body temperature.
    • Arthralgia.
    • Increased sweating.
    • Anorexia.
    • Pain in the epigastric region.
    • Migraine.
    • Dizziness.
    • Disorders in the hematopoietic system (leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia).

    The active ingredients of suppositories are human recombinant interferon, ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol acetate. These components, when ingested, increase phagocytic activity and strengthen human immunity.

    It is advisable to use the drug for such diseases as:

    1. ureaplasmosis,
    2. trichomoniasis,
    3. bacterial vaginosis,
    4. gardnerellosis,
    5. vaginal candidiasis,
    6. mycoplasmosis.

    Also, the drug is used along with other medicines in the treatment of viral hepatitis and respiratory infections.

    The drug should not be used if there is intolerance to at least one of the components of the drug. Also, a contraindication to the use are autoimmune diseases in the acute stage. From the 14th week of pregnancy, the use of suppositories is allowed. In the treatment of pregnant women, the dosage and duration of the course of treatment do not change.

    During the use of Viferon suppositories, side effects usually do not occur. However, at the initial stages of treatment, the patient may experience allergic reactions, manifested in the form of itching, erythema and skin rash. As a rule, these side effects resolve themselves 3 days after the start of drug therapy.

    Candles can be used for ureaplasmosis, which is accompanied by genital herpes, syphilis, trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis, gonorrhea or chlamydia. Often the drug is used for prophylactic purposes.

    Suppositories are intended for vaginal administration. Before using the product, moisten the candle with a soapy solution. No more than 2 suppositories should be used per day.

    The frequency of use of the drug is 2 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is selected based on the severity of the disease. Usually it is 7-10 days. If ureaplasmosis occurs with complications, then the duration of drug therapy increases to 20 days and this is enough.

    A contraindication to the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to the components of Hexicon and children's age (up to 7 years). During pregnancy and lactation, this remedy is allowed.

    When using Hexicon suppositories, side effects usually do not occur. This is confirmed by numerous patient reviews. However, at the initial stages of treatment, the patient may be disturbed by allergic reactions, manifested in the form of itching and skin rash.

    Headaches, photosensitivity and stickiness of the skin of the hands and dizziness are also possible. If these complications occur, the course of treatment does not need to be interrupted. As a rule, side effects disappear over time. How to treat ureaplasma - this question is answered by a specialist in the video in this article.

    The use of suppositories in the treatment of ureaplasma in women is one of the most important parts of therapy, since it makes it possible to act on the problem directly at the site of its formation. As a result, their effectiveness is much more high level compared to other drugs.

    Based on this, it is a prerequisite, designed to eliminate any discomfort and prepare the body for bearing a child. Therapy consists in the use of a complex effect, consisting of several parallel directions. One of them is the use of vaginal and rectal suppositories, which has a versatile positive effect on the female body.

    The manifestations of ureaplasma are mixed, similar in structure to various viral, bacterial or fungal agents. Such extensive symptoms require appropriate treatment. Most often, not one specific drug is used to overcome the problem, but a whole complex of different means.

    Treatment of ureaplasma should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a specialist who, based on the results of the tests and the existing symptoms, will determine its components and general direction.

    At the same time, self-medication is strictly prohibited, since it can give a diametrically opposite to the expected result and lead to the development of complications.

    Most often, therapy for ureaplasma is based on the use of the following groups of suppositories:

    • immunomodulators;
    • antibacterial agents;
    • lactobacilli.

    Overview of the most effective suppositories for the treatment of ureaplasma

    A decrease in the immune characteristics of the body contributes to the development of pathogenic microflora and leads to the appearance of symptoms of the disease. Based on this, the use of immunomodulatory suppositories is a necessary direction of treatment, designed to raise the protective properties of the body.

    Compared with oral preparations, vaginal suppositories have much fewer side effects and contraindications. The only restriction to their use is the individual intolerance of the components, which is extremely rare.

    One of the most popular suppositories for stimulating immune activity are Genferon and Viferon. Their action is based on human recombinant alpha-2 interferon, which has pronounced antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulatory effects. The use of the drug helps to quickly overcome the symptoms of the problem and strengthen the body as a whole.

    Based on this, therapy is carried out on the basis of broad-spectrum antibiotics aimed at eliminating genital infections. At the same time, antiseptic and antimicrobial drugs are prescribed in the presence of foci of inflammation caused by the action of the bacterial environment.

    Among the most effective means to eliminate the manifestations of ureaplasma are the following:

    • tetracyclines;
    • aminoglycosides;
    • lincosamides;
    • fluoroquinolones;
    • macrolides.

    Sometimes there are situations when the use of other antibiotics does not bring the expected effect. With such a development of events, their cancellation and reorientation of therapy to other means is the most appropriate solution.

    Most often they are replaced with antibacterial drugs of synthetic properties, which have a more narrowly focused effect on ureaplasma. These drugs include Hexicon and Macmirror, which have proven their effectiveness and help to overcome the problem as soon as possible.

    The main difference between suppositories and probiotics, which enter the body orally, through the digestive system, is a much higher efficiency, due to which the consequences of the action of pathogenic organisms and antibiotics are eliminated as soon as possible.


    Many of the fair sex can carry and transmit ureaplasmas that are concentrated in the bacterial environment of the vagina. As soon as the microbe is provided with a favorable environment for reproduction, the first signs of the disease appear in humans. The causative agent can be one of the factors: sexual intercourse with the carrier, the use of other people's attributes of hygiene (not proven, but acceptable), pregnancy.

    The following factors have a beneficial effect on the activation of the disease:

    • entering into intimate relationships at an early age;
    • age from 14 to 30 years;
    • long-term medication;
    • imbalance in the microflora;
    • period of pregnancy;
    • radioactive exposure.

    Ureaplasmosis is manifested by pain and pain during emptying of the bladder, an inflammatory process on the inner lining of the organs of the reproductive system, pain in the small pelvis, and copious discharge from the vagina. Ureaplasmosis can progress and cause fever and general weakness.

    If treatment is not started on time, the disease causes complications, namely:

    • pelvic adhesions;
    • inflammation of the bladder with a predominant lesion of the mucous membrane (cystitis);
    • pathological processes of an inflammatory nature in the uterus and appendages;
    • nonspecific inflammatory disease of the kidneys of bacterial etiology (pyelonephritis);
    • joint diseases.

    Methods of treatment

    The traditional treatment for ureaplasmosis is to take antibiotics, the list of which is quite long. They have a detrimental effect on the bacteria, gradually destroying it. The best solution to the problem is complex therapy. The scheme is as follows: antimicrobial agents, drugs with a regulatory effect on the immune system, the use of suppositories with active substances.

    For the treatment of ureaplasma in pregnant women, doctors prescribe gentle antibiotics. Therapy is carried out in a hospital under the strict supervision of physicians, since ureaplasmosis significantly threatens the life of the fetus. The drugs are prescribed in the third trimester of pregnancy.

    Candles from ureaplasmosis have a number of advantages:

    • quickly fix the problem;
    • do not have a negative impact on the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • lead to positive dynamics of the disease and have an analgesic effect;
    • not difficult to use at home;
    • effectively affect the disease even in the chronic form.

    Candles tend to gently dissolve in the muscular organ of the female reproductive system, quickly relieve inflammation and eliminate discomfort. Each suppository has an individual package, which excludes the possibility of pathogenic bacteria and other dangerous agents getting on it.

    Important! The use of ureaplasma suppositories for women involves the simultaneous use of pads, because suppository particles can stain underwear.

    Experts recommend introducing suppositories during a night's sleep. During this period, all components of the remedy will begin to affect the vital activity of opportunistic bacteria that have concentrated on the mucous membranes. Before the session, it is advisable to thoroughly rinse the walls of the vagina with warm running water using hygiene products. The suppository is inserted to the maximum possible depth of the vagina. It is more convenient to do this in a supine position, bending both legs at the knees.

    While undergoing treatment, it is forbidden to enter into sexual intercourse, otherwise there is a risk of recurrence, increased pain and irritation.

    Overview of effective vaginal suppositories

    Candles for the treatment of ureaplasma can act as a universal antibacterial agent or include one active ingredient. Ureaplasmosis can be treated with a narrowly targeted drug or a broad-spectrum agent. The choice always depends on the complexity of the course of the disease and individual characteristics patient.

    Read also related

    What kind of disease causes ureaplasma

    Suppositories based on antibiotics

    Almost all suppositories are based on antibiotic substances. They effectively eliminate pathogens. Consider the most popular antibiotic suppositories for ureaplasmosis:

    Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system can be treated without hospitalization, at home, using suppositories for the treatment of ureaplasma. However, suppositories, the main component of which is an antibiotic, should not be confused with complex treatment.

    Getting rid of ureaplasmosis requires not only antibiotic therapy, but also the appointment of antimicrobial and immunomodulating agents.

    Since the disease in women is much more common than in men, manufacturers offer suppositories for local effects on the focus of inflammation.

    Causes and ways of transmission of ureaplasma

    The bacterium Ureaplasma is present in some quantity in the microflora of the vagina, without causing discomfort. Their pathogenic reproduction is possible in cases of significant weakening of immunity or the addition of a new colony in the process of sexual intercourse. Actively multiplying, bacteria form an area of ​​​​inflammation.

    The risk group includes:

    1. Adolescents aged 15 to 23 who are sexually active.
    2. Patients who have undergone long-term treatment with antibacterial or hormonal agents, large doses of radiation exposure.
    3. People suffering from dysbacteriosis.
    4. Pregnant women.

    Among the methods of transmission of infection, experts distinguish the following:

    • sexual contact with a carrier of the infection;
    • sharing of towels, bed linen and other household items;
    • intrauterine infection of the baby;
    • infection of the newborn at the time of delivery.


    The incubation period of ureaplasmosis lasts up to three weeks. After that, the bacteria begin to actively multiply, affecting the cells of the mucous membranes.

    In most patients, the disease can proceed without visible symptoms, and the manifestations that can be observed are similar to other inflammatory diseases:

    • characteristic burning sensation during urination;
    • patients experience discomfort during intercourse;
    • a slight increase in body temperature is possible;
    • from the vagina or urethra, mucous discharge may appear that has a yellowish color and a sharp unpleasant odor;
    • women may experience menstrual irregularities and pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

    For both sexes, infection with ureaplasmosis can lead to infertility, since the bacteria negatively affect spermatozoa and the fetal egg. In addition, they can provoke the development of adhesions in the fallopian tubes.

    The most common remedy for getting rid of infection in women are suppositories for the treatment of ureaplasma.

    They have the following advantages over drugs released in a different form:

    • do not have a toxic effect on the organs of the digestive tract;
    • do not disturb the balance of intestinal microflora;
    • allow you to conduct a course of treatment at home;
    • have a complex effect on bacteria, symptoms and mucous membranes of the genital organs;
    • allow you to quickly achieve healing even in the case of a neglected infection.

    Ureaplasma suppositories are administered in the evening, before going to bed, in the supine position, knees bent. Before use, wash with clean water with or without ordinary soap.

    For the entire period of treatment, sexual intercourse should be abandoned, as this can not only lead to re-infection, but also increase pain.

    Candles with antibiotics

    Since bacteria are the causative agent of ureaplasmosis, suppositories are also prescribed with antibacterial action. There are drugs directed against ureaplasma, but there are also combined drugs.

    For example, Terzhinan, suppositories with an antibiotic that acts against a wide range of genital infections. In addition, the composition includes components that have an antifungal effect, which helps in the fight against thrush, etc. These suppositories are the most common method of treatment. Its advantage is that it can be used both during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. However, only a doctor can prescribe Terzhinan.

    In case of individual intolerance or other contraindications to taking antibiotics, antiseptics may be prescribed to the patient. They show effective results only in the early stages of the disease with an accurate diagnosis. However, in addition to ureaplasmosis, suppositories such as Hexicon act against chlamydia, genital herpes and many other genital infections.


    Agents such as Genferon or Betadine do not have such a pronounced effect in the treatment of ureaplasma, but they have a milder effect, quickly restore the intestinal microflora.

    Betadine has a number of contraindications:

    • it is prohibited for use in the treatment of infection in children;
    • be used with caution in people with iodine sensitivity or chronic diseases;
    • not recommended for use by pregnant women.

    Genferon as an active substance contains interferon, which not only affects bacteria, but also helps to improve immunity. In addition, the drug reduces inflammation and significantly alleviates symptoms.

    As a rule, suppositories are prescribed in combination with antibiotics.