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  • Schedule of the day by the hour. Proper sleep and biorhythms: creating an ideal daily routine

    Schedule of the day by the hour. Proper sleep and biorhythms: creating an ideal daily routine

    For those who have embarked on the path of a healthy lifestyle, sooner or later the question arises - how to use your time as efficiently as possible? There are only 24 hours in a day, and this is not so much as it might seem at first glance, given that we have to spend a third of this time sleeping, another third more often we spend at work, and only eight hours remain for us to develop ourselves. solving everyday issues, self-education and helping others. How to properly distribute your precious free time in order to develop harmoniously in all spheres of life?

    How and when to sleep?

    As mentioned above, we spend a third of our life on sleep, so this time should also be spent usefully. Most of us, unfortunately, have the bad habit of staying up late. And this is the reason, firstly, that we wake up tired and broken, and secondly, we wake up later than necessary. As experience shows, most often, the evening time is spent on all sorts of nonsense: aimless wandering on the Internet, watching TV series, useless communication on social networks. Also, in the evenings, many have the habit of overeating and, most often, junk food. However, any food taken late at night will be harmful to the body. Thus, if you go to bed earlier, you can solve several problems at once: get rid of the habit of overeating at night, save time and learn to get up earlier. It is best to go to bed before midnight, preferably at 9-10 o'clock.

    But it should be borne in mind that at the same time after the last meal, at least 2-4 hours pass. Experience shows that it is pointless to try to train yourself to go to bed early - the habit of "hanging out" on the Internet or watching TV shows, most likely, will not allow you to do this. A trick can be applied here - just set yourself an alarm an hour or two earlier. And get up despite being sleepy and tired. And thus, by 9-10 o'clock in the evening, you will simply automatically fall asleep.

    It takes motivation to train yourself to get up early. Just getting up without knowing why - most likely our resourceful mind, after the alarm clock rings, will quickly convince us that there is still no need to get up and we can still sleep. Therefore, make it a rule to do something useful immediately after waking up: meditation, asanas, pranayama or reading spiritual literature. Morning is the happiest time for this. All over the world, spiritual seekers get up before sunrise, since the effectiveness of spiritual practices at this time increases significantly, and the spiritual literature read will open with new facets. The best time for awakening is the so-called brahma-muhurta. This time is an hour and a half before dawn, a very blissful time. Spending it on sleep is very imprudent. So, if you have decent motivation and a specific task that you have planned for yourself in the morning, it will be much easier to get up.

    After waking up, it is advisable to take a cold shower so that there is no drowsiness, weakness, laziness and the desire to give up everything and lie down to watch dreams. A cold shower, as it were, "reboots" our consciousness and gives energy. So, if you got up at 5-6 o'clock in the morning (the earlier, the better), then in the evening you will automatically want to sleep at 9-10. And over time, such a daily routine will become a habit. It is important to note one point here: many make one mistake. On weekdays, they observe the regime, and on weekends they give themselves the opportunity to relax and "sleep off". This is a very big mistake. The regime must be observed daily, then the body will adjust and it will become a habit. This is the only way to achieve healthy and useful sleep, which will saturate with energy. What is the best time to sleep? The fact is that during sleep, the hormone melatonin is produced, which actually starts the processes of recovery and renewal of our body. According to various versions, this hormone is produced from 10 pm to 5 am. Thus, after 5 in the morning there is simply no point in sleeping - there is no longer any recuperation and rest during this period.

    For the same reason, you shouldn't neglect your precious hours of sleep before midnight. Before going to bed, it is advisable not to watch TV (it is generally better not to watch it), not to listen to exciting music, not to engage in active polemics with anyone and not to excite your nervous system at all - it will be difficult to fall asleep. You can read a book or practice asanas, they just stimulate the pineal gland, which produces the hormone melatonin. Inverted asanas before bed are the best option. As for sleeping during the day, there are different opinions, but from the point of view of hormone production, recovery and rest at this time still does not occur, so a daytime sleep is likely to be a waste of time. Sleeping is best on the right side, as this blocks certain energy channels and allows you to sleep without dreams. And dreams are useless to us, as they prevent the brain from resting normally.

    When and how to eat?

    Experience shows that it is better to skip breakfast. During sleep, the body has accumulated energy, and if you got up early in the morning and devoted time to spiritual practice, then you have accumulated even more energy. If you notice, then in the morning, as a rule, there is no feeling of hunger. And the habit of having breakfast is most often imposed on us by society. There is a saying: "An animal eats three times a day, people eat twice a day, saints eat once a day." And if we turn to history, then quite recently people ate two or even once a day. In ancient Greece and Rome, people ate once a day. The Spartans ate once a day - in the evening. Even in the 19th century, the habit of eating twice a day persisted in England. So three meals a day began to be imposed in our society just a couple of centuries ago. Food corporations, in order to increase profits, began to promote the concept of three meals a day to the masses. In fact, in the morning the body does not need food at all - it rested, accumulated energy and, in fact, did not spend it on anything, and if you listen to yourself, then in the morning you do not feel hunger at all.

    In Ayurveda there is such a concept that eating food in the absence of hunger is self-poisoning, because if it is not there, then the body is not ready to digest food and it will not be able to fully assimilate. There is another misconception: we often mistake the feeling of thirst for the feeling of hunger. And that discomfort in the stomach that often prompts us to go to eat is often just a feeling of thirst. Therefore, with such sensations, try to drink water first and the "feeling of hunger" is likely to pass. So, it is best to skip breakfast and spend the energy accumulated over the night and during the morning practice on something positive. If you are used to having breakfast in the morning, try changing that habit. Experience shows that it is not that difficult. But the energy that after breakfast is directed to digest food can be spent on some useful things. In fact, morning is the most blissful time for all important things, so it is better to plan all complex and important tasks in the first half of the day.

    The first meal is best done between 12:00 and 14:00, as this is the time when food is digested and absorbed best. Even heavy foods such as nuts or legumes are digested quite quickly during this period, so these foods are best consumed during this period. It is advisable to take an evening meal before 6 pm, so that by the time of going to bed, the food is digested and does not cause inconvenience during sleep. In the first meal, it is better to take fruits, as they fill with energy, and in the evening it is better to eat vegetables - they help cleanse the body. It is also worth noting that it is undesirable to consume fruits in the evening, since they will not have time to fully digest, and fermentation processes will take place in the intestines. Foods that are undesirable for consumption include meat, fish, eggs, onions, garlic and mushrooms. These products carry the energy of ignorance and coarse the mind, creating not the best motivations and aspirations in our mind. Also, the energy of ignorance is possessed by food that was cooked more than three hours ago. Therefore, it is not recommended to cook food for several days in advance. Try to eat something that you can quickly prepare. In addition, the less food is cooked, the more benefits it has.

    Spiritual practices

    To keep your body and mind in good shape, you need daily practice. As noted, the best time to practice is in the morning. At this time, it is better to practice meditation, asanas and some kind of pranayama with breath holding in order to accumulate energy for activities during the day. If you practice in the evening, then it is better to refrain from some kind of intense physical practice, so as not to accumulate excess energy before going to bed. The best options are inverted asanas and some kind of calm pranayama with breathing stretching. For example, Apanasati Hinayana. Also, do not neglect the shatkarmas. Before going to bed, you can perform. It has a powerful cleansing effect on our consciousness, and the evening is the best time to do it. Firstly, it will already be dark, which will allow you to better concentrate on the candle flame, and secondly, it will allow you to clear everything that we have immersed in our consciousness during the day before going to bed. To cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended in the morning, immediately after waking up, to perform practices such as Uddiyana Bandha or Nauli, and do it once every six months.

    Ideal daily routine (one version)

    So, we have considered the main questions: how much time to devote to sleep, how much to devote to practice and how much to eat. Consider one of the options for an ideal daily routine. Although it should be noted that for each person the "ideal" option will be different.

    • 4 – 6 hours - rise. Preferably before sunrise. After getting up, take a cold shower.
    • 4 – 9 hours - yoga practice: asanas, pranayama, meditation. Reading spiritual literature. Perhaps creativity. In the morning, creativity is also revealed.
    • 9 – 12
    • 12 – 14 hours - food intake. If you plan to eat heavy food, it is best to do so during this period of time - it will be quickly digested and absorbed.
    • 14 – 18 hours - work, social activities.
    • 16 – 18 hours - the second meal. It is best to consume vegetables as they digest quickly.
    • 20 – 22 hours - evening yoga practice. Reading spiritual literature. Relaxing music. Relaxing pranayama.
    • 22 hours - sleep.

    Such a daily routine will ensure harmonious development in all aspects of life. In this mode of the day, there is both time for practice and time for good nutrition at the right time for this. There is also a lot of time left for some socially useful or labor activity (it is desirable that these concepts coincide), which should also not be neglected. If, even in spite of a clear daily routine, you have an acute shortage of time, then it is advisable to keep a diary, and thus you will track within a long period of time what you spend your time on. And, most likely, you will find that you periodically waste time on some useless things. Such as, for example, movies, computer games, useless communication, etc. And here is the question of setting a goal. That is, the definition of that vital landmark, that guiding star that leads you through life.

    And here it is important to set both a global goal of life and intermediate ones, because if there is only a global goal of life, then this creates the illusion that "life is long, I will have time for everything," and in the little things you will waste time on what you don’t need to. Therefore, it is important to set a goal and further control yourself all the time. Just try to regularly correlate your actions with the goals that are in front of you. And honestly ask yourself "What I am doing now corresponds to the goals that are in front of me?" Such an increase in awareness will allow you to get rid of many useless and harmful things and free up a lot of time that can be used for the benefit of yourself and the world around you. This, by the way, is an additional motivation in the fight against addictions. Just think every time that we have a limited amount of energy and free time and how wise it is to spend precious time and energy accumulated in the course of practice on something that does not benefit even us personally, not to mention the benefits for others.

    Hello! Every person, regardless of whether he is a simple schoolboy or a businessman, is simply obliged to be able to plan his day. Do you know why? In order not to work in vain, to have time to do what was planned and not "overgrow" with diseases that have arisen against the background of stress and tension. Therefore, today we will pay attention to how to correctly draw up an individual daily routine in order to do the work as efficiently as possible, and at the same time feel cheerful.


    Time is fleeting, and it is impossible to suspend, control, and, moreover, return. But it is in your power to control it, to distribute every minute of life so as to feel its fullness and richness.

    1. Notepad. It will be so difficult to take and come up with a suitable daily routine for yourself. First of all, just get a small notebook where you will write down all the desires, goals, and things that need to be done. It is important that he is always with you, you never know when it illuminates you. Also, brainstorm every thought and idea that comes to mind.

    2. Analysis. When the overall plan is complete and ready, try to analyze it in order to discard unnecessary things, or vice versa, to combine some tasks by similarity. For example, if you have to walk your dog in the morning and in the evening, then it is quite possible to make purchases at that moment, if the necessary supermarket is located near the house. This will save you not only time, but also energy. Also, do not be afraid to delegate some business, if you do not have time to cope with everything, ask your family or those with whom you live to help you.

    3. List. Now write down a list of your responsibilities and needs. Then go through each item and ask yourself a simple question: "What should I do to ...?". For example: “What do I need to do so that the child comes to school on time and studies well?”, “What do I need to do before work?”, “What should I prepare before going to bed so that I don't waste time in the morning?” etc.

    4. Diary. Then grab a day planner, or if you prefer the electronic version of the schedule, and try to distribute all your tasks in time. Try to make a draft first, because the first time you will hardly be able to take into account all the nuances and make a suitable plan.

    5. Action. And the last step is strict adherence to the schedule. It is clear that all sorts of force majeure situations happen that cannot be predicted, but try not to indulge yourself, observe the boundaries, so over time you will get used to it, and you will not have to make additional efforts, you will already follow the regime at the subconscious level.

    So, the correct daily routine for each person must include elements such as sleep, sports, work, food, communication and rest. If any of these areas are infringed upon, do not be surprised that harmony and balance in your life will be absent. High ambitions are great, but working without rest, you risk not just getting sick, but one day just falling into an illness for a long time.

    If you do not get enough sleep, then you will not have energy, which means that you will cease to be effective, and, accordingly, successful. So, for a start, I recommend compiling a wheel of life balance in order to understand which areas "suffer" the most, and to focus on them. How it is done and what it is, you will learn from.

    2. Treats

    Be sure, in addition to rest, you must have a fad about pleasure included for every day. Otherwise, you can just turn into a workhorse, or an unhappy person who has lost interest in life. So, work hard to be happy, and don't put off your life until later.

    3. Biorhythms

    I think you are aware that there are biological rhythms in accordance with which the human body functions. And every minute he has some kind of processes, and adjusting to them, you can significantly improve not only health, but life in general. Even medications are taken with these features in mind, so that they are beneficial, not harmful.

    Let's say that drugs to increase immunity are best taken between 9 and 11 am. There is even an hourly table of all physiological processes that occur in our country, you can read it in the article.

    4. Flexibility

    Remember to be flexible, leave plenty of time for unforeseen circumstances. Ideally - 20% of the whole day. Then, even if you suffer from perfectionism, it will be easier for you to adapt and, in general, to get out.

    Disappointment and annoyance from the fact that he did not have time to fulfill his plans can cause powerful stress, which, gradually accumulating, can cause a malfunction in the body. So take care of yourself. As a last resort, about perfectionists on a note.

    5. Planning time

    Try to edit and make changes in the evenings. Pay attention to your plan before going to bed, then in the morning your regime will not be disturbed, and you will have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhen and what to do.

    6. Reward

    If there are things that do not excite you, then try to diversify them with those that interest you. It is especially wonderful if pleasure is performed as a reward for effort and will. That is, they wrote an annual report - please yourself with a meeting with friends or dinner at a restaurant with your family.

    7. Discipline

    On weekends and vacations, do not corrupt discipline, stick to your normal daily routine, only plan rest and entertainment instead of work.

    8. Tools

    To make it easier, use ready-made assistants, which you can familiarize yourself with in the article on planning human activities.

    9. Challenging tasks

    In the morning, write down the most unpleasant tasks, as before 11 the human brain works most productively. And you don't have to live until evening with the feeling that there is something uninteresting and complicated ahead. If you "suffer" from procrastination, use the methods of getting rid of it from the article.


    To make it easier to create your daily routine, I want to give an example that you can rely on and build on. Adjust the time individually, depending on your needs and responsibilities.

    • 7:00 - awakening. Get up as soon as the alarm rings, otherwise you risk falling asleep again.
    • 7:10 - airing of the room and bathroom procedures.
    • 7:30 - charging.
    • 7:45 am - breakfast and bed cleaning.
    • 8:20 - road to work. It is advisable to have at least a little time to walk on foot, this is good for your internal organs and, in general, will help you feel good.
    • 9:00 - performance of work duties. Try to arrive 10 minutes early so you can collect your thoughts. Take short breaks before lunch. It will be great if you use the tomato method. Also take care of your eyes and back, do exercises and warm-ups, especially if you have a sedentary job, and also at the computer.
    • 14:00 - lunch.
    • 15:00 - proceed to further duties.
    • 18:00 - it is advisable to take a walk on the way home, fresh air will contribute to a sound and full sleep, oxygen saturation will replenish the energy supply for the evening.
    • 18:30 - buying necessary food, walking with your pet, and other worries.
    • 19:30 - dinner. It is advisable to exclude fatty fried foods, sweets and spicy, salty foods.
    • 20:00 - time for yourself. Take up your favorite hobbies, read a book, watch a movie, and so on.
    • 21:00 - bathroom procedures and making plans for the next day.
    • 22:00 - listening to calm relaxing music, sleep. It is recommended not to go to bed later than 00:00, otherwise you will disrupt the production of hormones that protect us from stress, and this threatens the occurrence of insomnia and depression.


    And that's all for today, dear readers! And as Brian Tracy said, "Remember, every minute you spend on planning saves 10 minutes of your work."

    The material was prepared by Zhuravina Alina.


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    Sleep expert Michael Breus says that by understanding your type of sleep, you can be more efficient and less tired. Based on observations of patients, he identified 4 chronotypes: "bears", "lions", "wolves" and "dolphins".

    50-55% of people belong to "bears". They have a normal sleep schedule, but they often don't get enough sleep. On the eve of Monday, they stay up late and cannot get into a rhythm all week.

    The main rule: "bears ”should not sleep more than 8 hours (even on weekends).

    The daily routine for "bears"

    Morning: 7:00 am to 11:00 am

    • Wake up and disperse the blood by charging (8-10 minutes) - this will help you quickly recover.
    • Eating a hearty breakfast and drinking coffee will help you avoid overeating in the evening. And extra calories in the morning will give you energy for the whole day.
    • Plan your day.

    Maximum performance: from 11:00 to 18:00

    • First, it is better to do those things that require more strength and concentration. You will make them faster and better.
    • Closer to lunchtime, your strength will begin to leave you. Therefore, it is advisable to go outside and take a walk. Bright light and sun will ward off drowsiness and bring the body into a state of readiness.
    • Around 12:00 - lunch, which will give a second burst of energy to finish important work.
    • By 2:00 pm, the brain will start to fatigue. Therefore, by this time, it is better to make appointments, brainstorms and snacks that will help you hold out until the evening.
    • The best time to train. It will be hard to get started, but you will quickly get involved.
    • After training - a light dinner: more protein, less carbohydrates.

    End of the day: from 22:00 to 23:00

    • It is easy for bears to stay up late, but the next day it will be hard to get up.
    • So put your gadgets aside at 22:00 and turn off the lights at 23:00.


    "Lions" are 15% of people. They get up early, sometimes even before sunrise. Do 80% of the work before most people wake up.

    Daily routine for "lions"

    Morning: 5:30 am to 10:00 am

    • Breakfast high in protein and low in carbohydrates.
    • After breakfast, before everyone else wakes up, is the best time for meditation or fitness.
    • Coffee can be drunk around 10:00.

    Maximum performance: from 10:00 to 17:00

    • Since breakfast was 3-4 hours ago, it is worth having a light snack (cottage cheese, protein bar or yogurt).
    • The peak of your performance. This is the best time to dive into your work.
    • Do not postpone meetings until the end of the working day (then you will no longer have the strength). Make appointments for lunch.
    • After lunch, you will still be full of strength and energy. Try to do as much as possible before 14:00. After 15:00, switch to simpler tasks.

    After work: from 17:00 to 21:00

    • By 17:00 your energy will begin to decline, and at this time it is better not to work.
    • After 5:00 pm, it's a good time for fitness that will give you a boost of energy.
    • Be sure to eat a balanced and healthy dinner.

    End of the day: from 21:00 to 22:30

    • Eating healthy and exercising will leave you with the strength to spend the evening with your friends.
    • At 22:00 you can go to bed.


    The "wolves" are 15-20% of people. They hate the morning, go to bed late, and in the morning they rearrange the alarm several times. Often they are late for work and drink 3 strong espressos in order to somehow recover.

    Daily routine for "wolves"

    Morning: 7:30 am to 12:00 pm

    • Set 2 alarms 20 minutes apart. The first alarm will wake you up, and the second will help you to recover.
    • Go to the balcony or where there is a lot of bright light and drink some water. This will help you finally come to your senses and stop hating everything and everyone.
    • It is better to walk to work. You need a 20-40 minute walk. At this time, it will be better to think and you will completely wake up the body.
    • At 11:00 you can finally eat and drink coffee.

    Maximum efficiency: from 12:00 to 20:00

    • Postpone your main work until 1:00 pm, and then slowly engage in problem solving and communication.
    • At 14:00 you will be at your peak. Complete challenging tasks, brainstorm and make plans.
    • At 17:00, you are still full of energy. Grab a snack or lunch and get on with your work. This is a good time for creative challenges.

    After work: from 20:00 to 23:00

    • After work, at 19:00 is the best time to go to the gym.
    • 20:00 - dinner.

    End of the day: from 22:00 to 00:00

    • It is easy for you to stay awake until late at night, so by 23:00 it is better to turn off all gadgets and turn off the lights at 0:00.
  • Take a cold shower or a contrast shower to drive away sleep.
  • At 8:00 - a balanced breakfast: half carbohydrates with protein.
  • Maximum performance: from 10:00 to 18:00

    • Have some coffee. But choose coffee with less caffeine and in small quantities.
    • Between 10:00 and 12:00 is your maximum performance time. It is good to work on the most difficult tasks now.
    • After lunch, the energy will start to leave you. Therefore, it is important to go out into the sun and walk for 20 minutes.
    • Until 6:00 pm, you will again have the strength to tackle important tasks.

    After work: from 18:00 to 22:00

    • Grab a light snack (banana, protein shake, or salad) and head out to workout. Just don't do strength exercises - they will keep you awake on time.
    • Have dinner at 19:00. It is also good to hang out with friends, a partner, or family members during this time. This is the perfect time for you to resolve conflicts and think about ideas.

    End of the day: from 22:00 to 00:00

    • By 10:00 pm, put all your gadgets aside, take a hot bath, and read.
    • Go to bed by 12:00. It may be difficult for you to fall asleep right away, you have to toss and turn for a long time. Try to change position, sit or lie down until sleep comes.

    The correct daily routine will help you to be more productive, do more work, and be able to keep up with your tasks.

    For most adults, the daily routine is disrupted, someone goes to bed at night, ate waking up in the morning, someone goes to bed in the evening, but wakes up at night, which means the productivity of the next day is reduced to nothing. If you follow the correct daily routine, you will not only want to go to bed on time, but you will also get up vigorously, in full health, with animation.

    Let's start the countdown from early morning, when we start getting up to work, doing things, doing morning exercises. Many people are going to work at this time, forgetting even to have breakfast.

    Early morning. 4:00 - 6:00

    In the early morning, people who are hardened in spirit and body can get up, who jog, do exercises or gymnastics, take a contrast shower. If you follow the daily routine, it will not be difficult to get up early in the morning and there will be time left to perform creative tasks, drawing, writing poetry, music, the main thing is not to interfere with the society around you, you may not understand.

    Morning. 6:00 - 8:00

    At a time like this, a large number of people stand up. There is limited time for exercises, gymnastics, bathroom visits, showers and breakfast. Morning breakfast should benefit you and your body. This case must be approached with all seriousness, despite its importance. Many people think: "Just think breakfast, I have breakfast coffee and a cigarette." - this is how you want to answer: “Have you tried scrambled eggs with freshly squeezed orange juice for breakfast?”. Quitting smoking and alcohol should come first than avoiding breakfast in the morning.

    The first half of the day. 8:00 - 12:00

    It's time for productive work. After exercising in the morning and a healthy breakfast, there is tremendous energy and strength to do important things. Brain activity at this time is at its best, you can create projects, perform the most important tasks, carry out more operations, postpone routine work until the afternoon.

    Break time, lunch. 12:00 - 14:00

    After a lot of work, it's time to take a break and have lunch. Here you can eat heavy food: soups, meat, fish, fried and boiled. A healthy, hearty meal will energize the next half of the day. At lunchtime, work should be postponed, we must satisfy hunger and take a short break, since the activity of the brain and body will decline. The benefits of your body's activities are small, it is focused on digestion, obtaining nutrients.

    Afternoon. 14:00 - 18:00

    This time is suitable for intense work, you can perform routine tasks. The most basic energy was in the first half of the day, as in the second it decreases. At this time, there is enough vigor and strength, only the peak occurs in the first half of the day. Finish working hours, get ready to rest.

    Evening. 18:00 - 22:00

    In the evening, it is better to do household, simple chores. Play with children, read a book, engage in self-development or walking. You should not burden yourself with heavy work at this time, it is better to slow down, rest or spend time in a calm atmosphere. You can have dinner from 6 to 8 pm, the main thing is not to eat 2 - 3 hours before bedtime, so that your body can rest, sleep, and not process food.

    Sleep. 21:00 - 6:00

    It is worth starting to sleep from 9 pm, because the interval of healthy and useful sleep begins. Wake up at your own discretion, if you go to bed at 9, you will easily get up at 4 - 5 in the morning, and if you go to bed at 10 - 11, you can make an even vigorous rise by 6-7 in the morning. This time is great for a sound, rich and most useful sleep. If you go to bed later, then fatigue and lethargy appear in the morning.

    The correct routine of the child's day.

    From birth to 6 months.

    The child himself sets the daily routine. It is worth feeding according to his needs, it is not recommended to wake him up. As a rule, the child will ask for food, every 2 to 3 hours. Observe walks. In the cold season, start walking for 20 minutes 3 times a day, gradually increasing the walking time to 1 - 1.5 hours. In warm weather, it is worth taking walks from 40 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes, 2-3 times a day. If it is possible to walk more during the warmer months, pay special attention to this. Outdoor walks are very beneficial at any age, especially for babies. And in the evening, it is desirable to carry out water procedures, it makes it easier to adapt to the new world and soothes well, besides, kids love to swim. Regular repetition of the procedure forms the child's correct sleep pattern, as he begins to realize that all the games have come to an end.

    6 months to 1 year.

    At this age, the child develops a daily routine, the morning begins at a certain time, and at night he wakes up 1 - 2 times for feeding. During the day, you should gradually start giving your baby new foods, not just breast milk or formula. Feeding takes place on average every 3-4 hours. Sleep time is reduced to 3 times a day. Do not forget to pay attention to walks, try to walk as often as possible. It is at this age that the child begins to learn about the world outside the home and take the first steps. In the moments of wakefulness, take care not only of care, but also in games, especially at this age, games that develop tactile sensations or fine motor skills of the hands are relevant.

    From 1 year to 1.5 years.

    The child ceases to wake up for night feeding, during the day he sleeps fully for 3 hours or 1.5 hours in the afternoon and evening. Here the choice is for the child, according to his health, it is not worth interfering with the sleep schedule. It is worth walking for at least one hour a day, and preferably one and a half or two hours, usually 1 hour in winter, 2 hours in summer. By the age of one and a half, the child begins to be interested in the food that adults eat. Diet on average 4 times a day. Give fruits and juices between meals.

    From 1.5 years to 3 years.

    The child's regimen is formed, wakes up and falls asleep at a certain time. Proper sleep starts from 9 pm to 7 - 8 am. Remains one daytime sleep 1.5 - 2 hours. A child's nutrition is almost completely formed and becomes like an adult's. Meals are taken 4 times: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner, the interval should be about 4 hours. Walking in the fresh air does not need to be shortened, walking once or twice a day will only be beneficial, at least it is necessary to devote a minimum of walks three to four times a week.

    From 3 years old.

    Visits to the kindergarten begin on an ongoing basis, as a result, the daily routine is finally formed. The schedule of the day is simple: getting up at 7 o'clock in the morning, breakfast is not necessary, because, as a rule, he will be fed, a visit to the bathroom; then the child spends from 8 am to 4 pm in a clear daily routine. Breakfast, educational games, walk, lunch, quiet hour, walk, afternoon snack, educational games. In different children. In the gardens, the schedule varies between games and walks, but as a rule, 2 times a day, in good weather, children arrive outside. After kindergarten, it is advisable to give your child one more hour for a walk, you can go to the park, shop, playground or go to playgrounds. Diversity must be created at least once a week. In the evening, pay attention to the development of the child, carry out funny games a maximum of 2 - 3 hours before bedtime, closer to sleep, calm, maybe creative activities, conduct water procedures.
    The duration of the regime is extended until a conscious age. Correct upbringing and approach to the child, will develop discipline in him, and at a conscious age can continue to observe his daily routine, understanding why it is necessary.