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  • The designation of the broom in tarot cards. The meaning of the card Lenormand "Broom

    The designation of the broom in tarot cards.  The meaning of the card Lenormand

    Main meaning:

    Considering this card, we can say that a person will not get anything good from it.

    Suffice it to recall the symbol of our oprichnina - a broom and a dog's head, as well as the troubles and suffering that this phenomenon brought to people. The broom is made of thin rods called rods, a long-known means of flogging as punishment. Melta primarily means punishment for the Questioner, but deserved or not can be judged by other cards in the layout. But where the punishment is, there is the judgment, so perhaps thanks to this event it will be possible to separate the wheat from the chaff, i.e. good from evil. But nevertheless, the Questioner should be very careful, because there is a great risk of falling under the flywheel of Destiny. Therefore, for the duration of the alignment, do not get involved in risky ventures and do not trust unverified people.

    The BROOM always warns of disharmony and conflict, especially in family matters. First of all, there is a verbal conflict on Melta, at the level of conversations. Also, the conflict is often caused by aggression. Scandal with an aggressive person. But not with such a character as on the map Lenormand, Kosa Kosa when it poses a real danger. But this is a person with whom you wanted to come to an agreement, to discuss some matters and issues, but as a result a conflict arose, something caused aggression in the person, and he threw it out on you. This is a dispute in which you will defend your interests, aggressiveness will be manifested to one degree or another. Proceedings that are going to be a lot of hassle.

    Also Broom and Whip talk about violence, conflict as torture and violent coercion of something, both mentally and physically. A person is pressured, blackmailed, forced to perform unbearable duties or work. There is a moment of coercion here and it also causes conflict.

    In a successful variant, the Broom and Whip card can indicate real sports competitions, when on good grounds it turns out who is stronger, who is faster, who is smarter. One way or another, there is a clarification of who is right, who is more worthy.

    So, we merge together the symbolism of the Broom and the Whip. Like moral violence: I am right, my point of view is correct, yours is wrong and therefore you will obey me; dispute - I know better, but you do not; physical abuse is stronger than you, so you will obey me. As a result, in your work you may come across the fact that the METLA kata will often have a sexual connotation with elements of perversion, suppression and sadism. For example, the coercion of intimate relationships by the boss ( Lenormand, Snake Snake or Lenormand, Lily Lilies).

    Above, we mentioned that this card carries an element of duality: the rapist and his victim, the disputant and his opponent, the prosecutor and lawyer, the executioner-punisher and the sentenced person. The principle of doubling in this card is not kind, but with conflicting overtones. So she can indicate 2 marriages.

    Negative meaning:

    Shadow card

    While studying the Broom map, remember all those cases when you had to bear punishment, up to fines for incorrect parking of the car. It is this mood that is the energy of this card. But in a negative manifestation, this card can talk about punishment without any guilt on the part of the person. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Broom also predicts intolerance in solving issues, imposing his point of view or idea. A series of quarrels and scandals can lead to a break in relations with both work colleagues and loved ones.

    In matters of personal relationships:

    Lack of understanding, unhappy romance, serious scandal. From the Broomstick comes a kind of conflict, hostility, something that people cannot resolve among themselves and are forced to constantly bicker.

    In an established pair, the Broom indicates domestic violence, most likely the husband opens his hands, maybe the wife does not lag behind him. Nobody wants to give in.

    Love relationships on the Broom card are like punishment. A person has to endure and humble himself all the time. A partner can give unacceptable feelings by himself, as well as unacceptable clarifications of the relationship. Next to the map Lenormand, Kosa Kosa things are heading towards an unequivocal and irrevocable rupture on the basis of endless squabbles.

    The Broom map can show perverse relationships between people: sadism and masochism, for example. But more often this is an indication that the couple has very stormy Italian passions, a lot of quarrels, but people reconcile during stormy bright sex. Most often, they feel equally bad both together and separately. Therefore, frequent parting and reconciliation. Despite all the troubles, they are drawn to each other again and again, especially if such cards as Lenormand, Snake Snake or Lenormand, Ring Ring... "And together it is impossible for them, and it is impossible for them to be different."

    If cards like Lenormand, Pisces Fishes , Lenormand, Lily Lilies , Lenormand, Heart Heart or Lenormand, Snake Snake you can even talk about sex addiction. Also, a combination of cards can indicate obsession and attachment with a simultaneous conflict in the perception of these relationships by both the person himself and the society Lenormand, Broom Broom and Lenormand, Moon moon... For example, a man has a woman, his sexual partner, who taught him a lot and revealed to him other facets of intimate relationships, such as he had with her with no one else, but she is much older than him. Relationships are secret, they can weigh on a person, he understands their doom, but is obsessed and returns again and again as attached to her. In general, for a man, such a combination indicates a lady and a certain intimate conflict situation that is associated with her.

    In matters of business and finance:

    Quarrel of business partners. Conflict with the boss. Reduction of the number of employees. Cleaning the rows. Layoffs. Change of conditions of activity or even place of work. A reprimand from the boss in a very harsh, offensive form.

    Conditions of competition and competition, some colleague will step on your heels, trying to curry favor with the authorities, and sweep you aside. Fighting competitors.

    On financial matters, the Broom is played out as a conflict over money or empty talk about money. Often falls out in the scenario of people who divide property when there is a material dispute, redistribution of inheritance, litigation after an accident with the perpetrator of an accident.

    Litter with money, money flies away to no one knows where, it is not at all held in the hands of a person. Hence the misunderstanding in financial management.

    In medical matters:

    Diseases of the nervous system. The broom gives a rapid and rapid development of the disease.

    As a personality card:

    The person under the Broom card gives the impression of a nervous, twitchy person, he is overly impressionable and sensitive, impulsive, emotionally unstable, absent-minded, is distinguished by forgetfulness, which may look like unnecessary. The people around him often suffer from his mood swings, whims and frivolity, because a person can commit an act focusing only on his mood, and not on objective reasons, or at least on what he promised earlier.

    Of the positive features - oratorical skills, eloquence, enterprise - a person literally holds his nose to the wind. The personality of such a warehouse is chosen for themselves by work either in the field of science, or in the legal profession or in law enforcement agencies. These are not the kind of people who withdraw into themselves or hide in the sink when problems approach. They meet troubles with an open visor and are always ready to defend their interests. They are distinguished by originality of thinking and speed of reaction.

    In a positive way, the Broom card is played as the fact that a person becomes an athlete, an active competitive person, and directs his strength in a constructive direction. BROOM people quickly get rid of past impressions, do not get stuck in one emotion for a long time, live one day. They have enough strength to realize their ideas in reality.

    Also, the Broom and Knut card gives a person sexuality and the ability to use it.

    In a negative aspect, the person under the Broom card is talkative, annoying, disingenuous and cowardly. His word is not worth a broken penny, you cannot rely on him. He also has a tendency to spread false information, spread gossip, assent for personal gain, or to get into trust, to make a favorable impression. Conspiracies and undercover intrigues - this all refers to the BROOM. But this is the first type, quiet and inconspicuous, although the harm from him is no less than from the second active type. Such a personality is cocky, loves to argue, quarrelsome, nervous, twitchy, quick-tempered and tense. May be suffering from a nervous or mental disorder. Very aggressive, authoritarian and vindictive. His words cannot be trusted, he is deceitful and hypocritical. Often gets involved in scandals, all the time is dissatisfied with something. He gets involved in a scandal about every little thing, always fights with someone. Has an unhealthy urge to be first in everything. He is cunning, cocky, resourceful, envious and disagreements, and confusion is his native element. It doesn't cost him anything to use a forbidden technique, stab him in the back or below the belt. At the same time, he himself is extremely ungrateful, belligerent, intractable and irreconcilable. They do not admit their mistakes, but because of the peculiarities in their character they make them innumerable. Most of their problems happen through their own fault.

    11. BROOM and WHIP (Jack of clubs)

    KEY VALUES: punishment, quarrel, discord.
    This card means discord or possible punishment. Warns of conflict and disharmony, especially within the family. More total value- revision of old agreements ("new broom"), change of conditions of activity, work or life. Sometimes the card predicts chronic illness, weakness, loss of energy, or pain. The card can also help separate the wheat from the chaff, resolve the dispute between good and evil in terms of the highest justice. Be very careful. Check with an experienced person who is well versed in life. The surrounding maps can give advice on who you can turn to. If the BROOM and WHIP card drops out next to a personal card, this may be an indication of internal problems, an unreliable friendship, an unhappy romance and an unstable marriage. Excessive demands may be made against you, which does not exclude torment, physical or psychological. You need to be on constant readiness to defend your own interests. If the card is above or below the personal card, then it indicates a long-term debilitating illness or a collision in the home circle.
    If the card fell out in the position of the past, it means that the parental house in which you lived was a source of strife, which caused you to suffer a lot, and this can create problems for you in the present. If the card is in the position of the future, then you need to be careful: you are in danger of serious troubles and problems. If you notice or feel the unfavorable development of events (cases), immediately take measures to prevent them, otherwise the consequences may be unpredictable.

    In matters of relationship: discord. It can be a dispute between "fathers and children", family conflict and lack of understanding in relationships. An insecure friendship, an unhappy romance, or an unstable marriage. Sometimes it portends a serious quarrel between loved ones.

    In business matters: a quarrel of former like-minded people, business partners. Sometimes he can talk about major conflicts with his superiors. "Cleaning ranks", staff reduction.

    In medical matters: diseases of the nervous system, pathways. In general, this card can be considered extremely unfavorable - it gives a stormy and dangerous course of the disease.

    Advice: do not be afraid to exacerbate relations and go into conflict, this card also gives advice "sweep all the dirty linen", cleanse, get rid of all that is superfluous.


    RIDER - gossip, small fleeting quarrels
    CLOVER - misunderstanding
    BY SHIP - conflicts will become a thing of the past
    HOME - domestic quarrel
    BY WOOD - metabolic disorder, disease
    CLOUDS - conflict with unpleasant consequences
    SNAKE - meanness
    Coffin - useless sacrifices
    BOUQUET - a truce after a quarrel
    KOSOY - a break after a quarrel
    BIRDS - a load of guilt
    CHILD - stupid quarrel over a trifle
    FOX - intrigue and gossip
    MEDVEDEM - a quick-tempered boss who sets his own rules
    IN THE STARS - a hyped scandal "from a fly to an elephant"
    STORK - avoiding conflict
    DOG - quarrel with a friend
    TOWER - lack of stable soil underfoot
    PARK - secular scandal
    MOUNTAIN - the new order
    FORKING - forced choice
    BY RATS - losses due to incontinence
    HEART - emotionally significant conflict
    RING - a fragile union, ready to fall apart at any moment
    BOOK - an attempt to resolve the conflict with the help of reason, the study of the reasons for the disagreement
    LETTER - scandalous information, "yellow press"
    MAN or WOMAN (if it is a personal card) - a quarrelsome character, or a very nervous, stressful period
    LILY - shocking
    SUN - come out of the conflict as a winner
    LUNA - scandalous reputation
    KEY - constructive debate, business discussions
    FISH - ransom
    ANCHOR - long-standing conflict
    CROSS - heavy punishment to atone for guilt.

    The Lenormand broom is the 11th card of the deck, it corresponds to the jack of clubs, sometimes it is called the Rods, since twigs from a broomstick and a whip can be depicted on it.

    2 objects intersect on it, this is a doubling card, in addition, the number one is repeated twice. The broom sweeps everything, it shows that there is some kind of hostility or conflict between people, this symbolizes the broom, the whip makes you move forward and forces you to something, it can be perceived as punishment or punishment.

    It is very difficult map, it has many meanings, the broom has its own meanings, and the whip has different meanings. The card means coercion, resentment, arguments and fights. It shows the conflicts caused by the aggression of the person with whom you wanted to negotiate, but a conflict situation turned out.

    She can show competitions, any kind of sports and physical activity. In addition to the usual, Broom Lenormand can talk about sexual abuse.

    It can indicate two children or 2 marriages, but since the card is conflicting, it can be 2 conflicting marriages, the second child can be born, since the first one left the family or died. This doubling has a conflicting connotation.

    Lenormand Broom in the layout of the person and the relationship

    This is the eleventh house card, this is the house of conflict. If it was shown, it speaks of quarrelsomeness, scandalousness and constant discontent of the person. He always wants to be first, often an unhealthy desire.

    Such a person makes chaos everywhere, in general, these are nasty people who always sort things out on trifles and fight with competitors. This is a very serious karmic card.

    She can teach a hard lesson.

    • If she fell out in the alignment with the Tree, it may be the crown of celibacy, but this is only if she lies in the karmic row.
    • If shown, she indicates perversion in a couple, but this is quite rare, usually it is just quarrels and conflicts. It is difficult for them to be together, but apart is even more difficult, there may also be unhealthy sexual addiction.
    • If she fell out of a man along with the Moon, then in his life there is a woman older than him, she can be his teacher in intimate matters and he became obsessed with her, she can be his first woman.

    If the couple is settled, then the husband, perhaps, raises his hand to his wife, and no one gives in.

    This love is a punishment, a person suffers all the time. If there is a Spit card nearby, then there may be a gap, especially if the Spit fell out last in the layout.

    Lenormand broom in the layout of finance

    If it was shown, this indicates conflicts on financial grounds.

    She often falls out to people if they share property or inheritance, she also often talks about litigation on financial issues, especially if there are Letter and Tower cards in the layout.

    Often money is scattered and it is impossible to collect it, there may be exorbitant expenses, that is, a person scatters money without benefit.

    Professionally, the map indicates two places of work. It may be some kind of dichotomy, often it falls out to translators, they know a foreign and native language, and it is also often a map of lawyers and other people dealing with conflicts.

    She points out that at work it is necessary to clear something, it can also be the cleaning of people from the environment.

    In the team itself, there can be a tense atmosphere and conflicts, there can be a sharp reprimand from the authorities. The card says that words are not chosen and everything can end in dismissal.

    If he shows this card, it must be taken seriously.

    • In terms of health, she talks about internal stress, in conflict with himself and others, shows fights, beatings and injuries.
    • A person may have dislocations or fractures, if the Rat card fell out with her, then they are especially complex, and if the Coffin is also nearby, then the consequences from them can affect the rest of his life.
    • When this card falls out, you do not need to enter into unnecessary conflicts, become an unjustified victim, break the rules of the game and interfere in other people's affairs, but you need to be prepared for an enemy attack.

    A person can expect physical and psychological suffering, damage or an energy virus can be brought to him, and problems in his personal life that cause a lot of trouble can also arise.

    She can testify about chronic illness, while inconspicuous. She often falls out to enterprising young people, his character is quite negative, he is grumpy, eloquent, quick-tempered and irreconcilable, often associated with law enforcement agencies.

    Such a person often provokes quarrels, he is cunning, resourceful, envious and loves disagreement. She indicates unforeseen actions, disappointments, backbiting and ingratitude.

    In general, it is very unfavorable, but if you do not know about it in advance, you can take measures to reduce its impact.

    Main meaning:

    The cross is a very strong card that casts its shadow over the entire layout.

    It is associated with pain and torment, this is the last card in the deck, which closes the cycle and at the same time is responsible for the future, a fat point is put at one stage of life and soon there will be a new round, the beginning of which will be marked by the good news - the first card of the Herald or the Horseman, he will open next cycle, but on a new more high level if you can survive the stage of the Cross correctly. It is this card that teaches us how to live on after all the mistakes and failures, tests our spirit for strength, tests our loyalty to values ​​and the chosen course. The cross is a card of fate, but also of hope and faith, trust in the Higher Forces, who are wise and know what and how is really best for us. It is not for nothing that the cross is also a symbol of protection from evil forces.

    The cross foreshadows the onset of difficult times that will need to be experienced. In general, the card is unfavorable, which speaks of difficulties, problems and troubles. It will be hard, but through torment and suffering you will be cleansed.

    In everyday life, it speaks of some unpleasant or difficult duties that will need to be carried out. The Cross Lenormand card raises obstacles in your path, both emotional and physical and spiritual. Psychologically, this is an overwhelming feeling of guilt, shame, shame, remorse, a depressive state of mind, depression, depression, disappointment, humiliation, repentance, coming to faith, receiving spiritual instruction.

    Strong changes in the worldview, in plans, in outlook on life, a person will reconsider the main priorities, a reassessment of values.

    The cross is all official religions with their dogmatism and foundations, in contrast to the Book card, which denotes esotericism and philosophy, the Key speaks of the connection with all spiritual spheres, unearthly, karma, and the Tree card - shamanic practices, travel through the worlds.

    Negative meaning:

    Shadow card

    A cross with negative cards exacerbates its painful influence and speaks of a great danger to health and even a person's life, either he is in danger from outside, or from suffering he decided to lay hands on himself. A hopeless situation, it will only get worse.

    In matters of personal relationships:

    Testing feelings for strength, serious tests in which a fragile little boat of love can quickly split and only real feelings and mature relationships can overcome this period of testing. You need to fight and defend your right to happiness.

    In rare cases, it may indicate that the partner is destined by fate, a karmic union. In most cases, however, there are problems and trials, relationships that weigh on and are perceived as a heavy burden. Working off karma through relationships.

    The relationship is coming to an end, probably it was a difficult period, because the partner was too overwhelming and controlling every step. Your obedience led to the fact that you dragged this relationship for so long like a cross to Calvary.

    Think of yourself and see the gap as liberation and new opportunities. After all, being free is easier to meet a person with whom you will live without control and suppression on his part. You will receive freedom, do not be afraid of loneliness. If you were financially connected with your partner, then it is worth renting an inexpensive room, taking a part-time job at home. You can live more modestly, but you will get something more valuable - freedom!

    In matters of business and finance:

    Plans collapse, projects are closed, partners get out of business at the last moment, money gets stuck in accounts. Much will have to start from scratch.

    For work - poor working conditions, poorly qualified, poorly paid work.

    Unemployment. Unless it indicates employment in a religious, judicial, or medical organization.

    In medical matters:

    Health can seriously deteriorate, primarily the skeletal system and the back.

    Chronic intractable diseases, disabilities, genetic diseases.

    Diseases on the map Cross as an opportunity to lie down and think about your life, overestimate some points and engage in introspection.

    As a personality card:

    The person under the card Cross is confident, dogmatic, unbending. Either a devout and religious, or a military man, a person who likes to live according to clear rules and regulations, when there are rules and boundaries. It's hard to live next to him, tk. he will force everyone to live by the rules, and those who are not formatted will put first of all on Procrustean bed.

    He is very diligent, purposeful, ready to give up a lot for the sake of a goal, up to living on water and bread, saving money for something.

    He dresses modestly, inconspicuously, is in itself rather gloomy and unsociable, sad, dull and depressed, all the time under the burden of responsibility and the burden of duties. He has no time for entertainment and relaxation. Eternal pessimist, sees everything in gray tones. The physique is lean, asthenic.

    Also, under the map of the Cross, a fatal person can walk, who carries the sadness of fate on himself and drags on everyone who is nearby as in a whirlpool in a series of tragic events.

    The cross also speaks of sick people, or those guilty of something, perhaps even imprisoned, it is not for nothing that tattoos with crosses are so popular among convicts.

    On the state of a person - soreness, weakness, exhaustion, the person has experienced suffering, pain, tension and despair.

    The meaning of the card Lenormand "Broom"

    Negative card.

    Playing cards.

    Jack of clubs (Troubles. Business. Military man).

    Planet patron.


    Zodiac sign.

    Cancer is the element of water.

    Month - July (7th month).

    Numerological meaning.

    Number 11. Has a mystical meaning. It can mean sinfulness, or vice versa, the angelic principle.

    Key concepts.

    Discord. Quarreling. Punishment. Stress. Problems.

    Description of the card.

    On the map, we see a whip and a broom.

    Time frame.

    Appearance person.

    Slender. Can have any hair and eye color.


    Nervous. Stubborn. Demanding. Intractable.

    Body parts.


    Love relationship.

    This card promises a break in relations. Perhaps quarrels and worries about this.

    Relationships can be punishment. Love doesn't bode well.

    Work, career and finance.

    At work, there may be a scandal and showdown. You may be ashamed.

    If you are looking for a job, you most likely will not find it.

    There are problems with finances. Delay.


    Treatment plant. Service sector, housing office. Cleaning of premises. Laundries, dry cleaners.


    The disease has a severe development.

    Damage and negativity.

    There is a negative. There may be rollbacks.


    Feel free to go into conflict, as well as give up everything superfluous in your life.

    Reversed card.

    The need to reconsider the cause of the quarrel, scandal. Complete change of actions.

    The position of the card in the layout.

    The present.

    Problems, quarrels and scandals occur in your life.

    Scandals await you, or you will be punished for some actions.

    There have been fights or problems in the past.


    Combination with other cards.

    • Broom + Horseman - Quarrels. Gossip. Revenge. Retribution. A message to ponder.
    • Broom + Clover - Misunderstanding. Competitions. Professional litigation.
    • Broom + Ship - Scandal during the trip. Fast ride. Problems during the trip.
    • Broom + House - Domestic quarrel. Scandal between relatives. Family proceedings.
    • Broom + Tree - Internal conflicts. Anxiety about health. Long argument.
    • Broom + Clouds - negative talk. Unclear situation. Contradictions.
    • Broom + Snake - Mean. Conversation with an enemy or a woman. Dispute.
    • Broom + Coffin - Conflict due to which the gap occurs. Chaos. Strong quarrel. Serious mental conflicts.
    • Broom + Bouquet- Calm before a quarrel. Scandal at the celebration. Quarrel with a woman. Negotiation.
    • Broom + Scythe- Sharp conflict. Sudden quarrel. Dispute with a sharp opponent.
    • Broom + Owls - Gossip. Guilt. A quarrel between the two. Aggression. Attack.
    • Broom + Child - Quarrel with a child. Conflict over a trifle.
    • Broom + Fox - Lie. A pernicious quarrel. Wrong problem. Intrigue and gossip.
    • Broom + Bear - Competitor. Aggressiveness. Dispute with a man. Advocate. Conflict with the boss.
    • Broom + Stars - Conversation. Conversation. Break. Discussion. Conversation leads to success.
    • Broom + Stork - Avoiding conflict. Conversation leads to change. Business talk.
    • Broom + Dog - Conflict with a friend. The quarrel was overcome thanks to a friend.
    • Broom + Tower - Litigation. Legal proceedings. Problems with the authorities.
    • Broom + Garden - Public conversations and conversations. Court. Public hearing.
    • Broom + Mountain - The quarrel leads to a dead end. Numerous opponents. Conversations are blocked.
    • Broom + Fork - Difficult to overcome. The discussion requires a decision. Troubles.
    • Broom + Rats - Conflicts gnaw a person. The conversation did not take place.
    • Broom + Heart - Quarrel between lovers. Parting. Relationship stress. Disputes in a relationship.
    • Broom + Ring - A fragile alliance. Disputes between partners. Misunderstanding. Discussion in a relationship.
    • Broom + Book - Disclosure of secrets. Revenge. Dispute about the secret. Study of the causes of the quarrel.
    • Broom +