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  • Application for a social card. Student's social card: what gives, where and how to issue

    Application for a social card. Student's social card: what gives, where and how to issue

    Student years are a time of low income and associated problems. Young people, in particular, have to travel a lot around the metropolis and beyond. And this leads to additional spending. Therefore, in the regions there have been established travel benefits for students.

    Let's take a look at what benefits young people can take advantage of in 2019.

    Public transport

    Financing of this type of state preferences is carried out from regional budgets. This is stated in the Federal Law "On Education" No. 273-FZ dated 22.12.2012. To provide youth with discounts on public transport, local authorities must enter into appropriate agreements with carriers. Educational institutions are informed about this and explain everything to students and pupils.

    A young person can take advantage of this preference by issuing a student ticket. The government of the Russian Federation decided to use international experience in solving this problem. Therefore, a city transport pass is now issued in the form of a smart card. It operates on all routes for which the authorities have concluded contracts, which is convenient for students. After all, young people have to move from their place of residence to educational buildings, libraries, enterprises and so on.

    Download for viewing and printing:

    The pass gives you the opportunity to use the following types of transport running on city lines:

    • by buses;
    • trams;
    • subway;
    • trolleybuses;
    • boats (in some cities).

    The effect of benefits does not apply, as a rule, to travel in taxis and minibuses. However, there may be exceptions. You should learn about them in the dean's office of the faculty or the administration.

    Preferences are provided only to young people studying at daytime departments of state educational institutions:

    • higher;
    • secondary special.

    The procedure for issuing a travel pass

    In order to get a smart card, you need to go to the leadership of the trade union committee of the educational institution. This organization is engaged in the issuance of a document confirming the student's rights to benefits. You should have the following documents with you:

    • passport;
    • student card;
    • black and white photograph (3 × 4).
    It is recommended to make photocopies of identity papers. They will be required to remain in the union.

    Ask a specialist from the trade union committee to fill out an application. It is not necessary to do this in advance, since the application for the smart card is written on a special form. In this case, the following requirements should be observed:

    1. Personal data is entered into cells. They are filled with block letters.
    2. When filling out the form, only blue paste is used. Writing in other colors is strictly prohibited.
    3. All data must be entered accurately and without errors. In addition, they are required to comply with those indicated in the passport.
    Crumpled, filled in with errors and blots, applications are not considered by the trade union committee.

    Do you need on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

    Algorithm for receiving a smart card

    1. An application received from a student is processed in approximately two days. This time is needed to check the information entered in the form. If everything is filled in correctly, then the young man is handed a decision.
    2. With this paper you need to go to a special cashier that sells public transport coupons. As a rule, there is an advertisement for the acceptance of the questionnaires next to it.
    3. The cashier is obliged to check the accuracy of the application. To do this, he:
      • verifies the photo with the applicant's face;
      • requires proof of identity.
    The student must go to the cashier with the application form. You should have your passport or student ID with you.
    1. The cashier gives the young man a slip of the form.
    2. With it, you should return to the checkout, after two weeks.
    3. On the spine get a travel ticket.
    To activate the smart card, it must be topped up. Initially, its balance is zero.

    This document entitles you to a 50% discount on public transport. It cannot be used in a taxi.

    Smart card expiration date

    The pass can be used for five years. That is, the student has the right to issue it in the first year and not worry about the extension. You will only need to replenish the balance. But remember that the smart card is fraudulent. Universities submit lists of expelled students to organizations that issue travel cards.

    As soon as the student finishes his studies at the educational institution, his ticket is canceled.

    Suburban train discounts

    By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2010 No. 1163, the provision of benefits for students for travel on electric trains is attributed to the responsibilities of regional authorities. They must conclude an appropriate agreement with Russian Railways. The preference is 50%. In practice, it happens as follows:

    1. The region is adopting a law on preferences for students in paying for tickets for commuter trains.
    2. Based on this, a contract is drawn up with the service provider.
    3. The carrier receives a subsidy from the budget to cover the costs of services rendered.
    If the authorities do not carry out the above work, then there will be no discounts on electric trains.

    How to buy a discount ticket for a student

    According to the established procedure, young people are given a discount on the basis of documents confirming the privileged category. They must be presented to the cashier. That is, when purchasing a travel pass, you need to have the following papers with you:

    • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • student card;
    • a certificate from an educational institution stating that a person is studying there (on demand).

    All of the above documents must be:

    • valid;
    • issued to the same person.

    There are a number of restrictions on the provision of this type of preference in 2019. Namely:

    1. The discount on travel by train is valid during the educational process: from September 1 to June 15 of the next year.
    2. It applies only to students and pupils of state educational institutions studying full-time.
    3. The discount is valid only on suburban routes.

    Electric train discounts are not eligible for students studying:

    • in absentia;
    • in branches of foreign universities.

    In 2019, students and pupils have the right to purchase train passes. The discount for them is also 50%. To do this, you should contact the cash office of Russian Railways, having documents with you (indicated above).

    For your information: these benefits do not apply to intercity trains. However, Russian Railways provides discounts on some seats, for example, the upper bunk. This allows students to save money on travel costs.

    International travel card: ISIC card

    There is another type of preferences, which are valid in 130 countries of the world. This is an ISIC card. It entitles you to discounts:

    • for travel on public transport in the EU countries;
    • for discounted tickets on international flights (from 10 to 30%).
    More specifically, you should find out about preferences at the card issuing centers. They operate in large cities of Russia.

    Who and how can get an ISIC card

    This card is designed for young people from 12 to 26 years old. The main condition for its provision is study at an educational institution during the day. That is, like the travel card, it is not issued to correspondence students.

    The ISIC card is usually handled by the university trade unions. In addition, students and pupils of schools can independently apply to the relevant centers. You need to have the following documents with you:

    • passport or birth certificate (for children under 14);
    • student or pupil card;
    • photo 3 × 4.

    The ISIC card replaces the identity card when traveling abroad. In addition, it gives you the opportunity to get a discount on rental payments.

    This card is issued for one year only. You have to pay for it. In 2019, it costs 600 rubles.

    March 18, 2017, 07:31 Mar 3, 2019 13:49

    The Muscovite Social Card for Students (SCS) is a multifunctional plastic carrier that combines the advantages of bank, medical and transport cards. With one card, full-time students of institutes and colleges can pay for goods and services, pay for travel on public transport, make an appointment with a doctor.

    Who can get a student card?

    The following groups of students are entitled to issue a social card of this type:

    • full-time students studying at universities in Moscow, regardless of the place where the student is registered, including foreigners;
    • full-time students who are registered in Moscow, but study at institutes located outside the capital;
    • residents who study under the residency program at the institutes of the capital, or those who are registered in Moscow, but study outside of it;
    • postgraduate students enrolled in a full-time postgraduate program who receive knowledge in educational institutions of Moscow with state accreditation or are registered in the capital, and study outside of it.

    Benefits of a student social card

    A student, graduate student or resident who has issued a special social card receives a number of undeniable advantages from its use:

    How much does the card cost?

    Students, postgraduates and residents who have issued a student IC can pay for trips in public transport with a 50-center discount from 01.09 to 15.06 each year, that is, during the academic year.

    To use the card in the metro, you must first pay for a reduced fare at any of its ticket offices by purchasing a monthly or three-month pass. To enjoy the benefits on the bus, trolleybus or tram, you must first purchase a monthly or three-month pass. It can be paid at the terminals "Eleksnet", MinBank, at special cash desks of "Mosgortrans" and through mobile applications.

    Card discounts

    By presenting SCS, you can buy goods at a discount in various retail chains, while it is not necessary to pay for the purchase with the card, you can use it as a discount. Also, the holder of SCS can have a snack in a number of bistros and restaurants with a substantial discount. The cost of a ticket to the museum, library, some fitness centers and the theater can be reduced by up to 50% for SCS presenters. In second-hand book stores and pharmacy kiosks, depending on the chain, a discount of 5-20% is provided.

    How to apply the card?

    If a social card is used to pay for travel, the student must pay in advance for a travel ticket for 1 or 3 months. To enter the metro, a plastic carrier must be placed on the yellow circle on the turnstile and wait for the signal to turn green. You can reuse it for the passage only after 7 minutes. In buses, trolleybuses and trams, the principle of using a social card is similar to travel in the subway.

    If a social card is used to pay for purchases, it must be provided to the cashier, who will swipe the plastic media through the terminal and write off the required amount from the account, provided it is available. In ATMs, a social card is used in the same way as a regular bank card. To receive discounts on purchases in stores, during payment, you must provide a plastic carrier to the cashier, who reads the barcode from it to provide a discount.

    To make an appointment with a doctor, the student IC is used as an identifier to access the functions of the infokiosk located in the polyclinic.

    Required documents

    Full-time students studying under bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs in educational institutions in Moscow can receive a student social card. It does not matter if the student is a citizen of the Russian Federation or a foreign national.

    To fill out an application form for a student's social card, you need to provide an identity document. This could be:

    • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • identity card (UL) for Russian military personnel;
    • temporary UL of a citizen of the Russian Federation, which is issued at the time of registration of the main document;
    • metric, if the applicant is not yet 14 or he does not have another UL;
    • for foreigners a passport or other legal identity of a foreign citizen;
    • any other officially recognized identity document of a foreigner.

    If the student lives in Moscow, but studies outside of it, then in addition he needs to provide a document containing information about the place of residence in the capital. This can be a single housing document, an extract from the house book, a copy of the financial account of the tenant of the living space. But this is only if the information about the place of residence is not indicated in the passport or in the Basic Register of Apartment Buildings.

    You also need to have a compulsory medical insurance policy with you, if any, and a personal photo on a digital medium 30x40 in size in JPEG format.

    Making a social card on

    To apply for a SCS, an applicant must check the availability of data about himself in the register of students, residents and graduate students. To do this, go to the official website of the Moscow Mayor,, in the "Services" section, select the "Social support" block and from the list of services and services offered, select "Checking a citizen in the register of students / residents / postgraduates." In the form that appears, you must enter the name of the applicant, the name of the educational institution, the date of his birth, indicate the gender and transfer the symbols from the picture. If all the data is correct, click on "Check".

    Gives many privileges to young people studying in Russian educational institutions.

    Upon presentation of the card, the student is given discounts for travel on public transport, for purchases in stores, for medical care.

    What it is

    The student's card received under the social program has many functions... It contains data on the medical, transport situation, the state of the student's bank account, and can be used to obtain discounts on the purchase of goods and payment for services.

    A student with a card can spend less money on metro and ground transportation, as well as make an appointment with a doctor and buy things in stores on favorable terms.

    Existing design methods

    Each student, regardless of the place of registration, who is studying full-time at a Moscow educational institution, under the bachelor's, specialist's or master's program, can get a card.

    You can apply for a card online - through the portal of city services, through the MFC.

    Also, the application can be left at the box office of the Moscow metro.In this case, the student must take the application form, fill it in and certify it at the educational institution. The completed application is returned to the cashier. You can get a ready-made card there.

    When online card issuance you need to register on the site, enter all the necessary data.

    Design algorithm maps through the city services portal is very simple:

    For student can be refused in the design of the card if:

    1. There is no information in the register of students;
    2. The format and quality of the photo is not suitable;
    3. The application was submitted earlier;
    4. Passport data not confirmed;
    5. The data on the medical policy has not been confirmed.

    The procedure for registration in the MFC

    Checking the availability of information about yourself in the register of students

    Before submitting an application, the student must check if there is data about him in the unified register of students in Russia. If the data is not available, you need to contact the dean's office of the university.

    The card will not be issued without an entry in the register. You can check the data on the portal.

    Where to go

    To apply and issue a social card, a student can contact the MFC of the city of Moscow at the place of residence or study.

    In total, there are 7 branches of the Multifunctional Center in Moscow, where students can apply. In total, there are many more branches in the city and soon it will be possible to apply in any of them.

    Writing an application and submitting documents

    The application is written according to the template provided by the MFC employee.

    Attached are photographs and necessary copies of documents.

    List of required documents:

    1. Personal and contact information;
    2. Copy of passport or birth certificate;
    3. A copy of the page with a record of registration and place of residence;
    4. Photo 30 * 40.

    Terms of registration

    The card is issued within 30 days.

    Where to get

    You can get a ready-made student card at the branch of the Multifunctional Center where the application was submitted.

    The cost

    The card is issued free of charge, but you have to pay for its use. The student deposits money on the card and uses it like a bank card when paying for purchases, travel, and various services.

    Replenishment occurs at reduced rates:

    1. An unlimited metro ticket will cost 350 rubles, for ground transport - 230 rubles;
    2. Train tickets are sold for half the price;
    3. Favorable discounts are provided in pharmacies, cinema, bookstores, paid clinics;
    4. The student's card is credited.

    Loss recovery

    If the card was lost or stolen, you need to take the following actions:

    1. If the balance on the card is cash, you must quickly inform the issuing bank by phone, which is provided to the client in advance. The bank is blocking the card. This will save money in your account.
    2. You need to contact the bank very quickly, and immediately write a statement about the loss of the card. Before receiving the application, the bank is not responsible for those operations that will be performed using the card.
    3. It is recommended to write a new application for a card as soon as possible. In this case, the lost or stolen card is automatically blocked.
    4. An application for a new card is also left at the metro ticket office, the MFC or on the city services website.
    5. If the travel card was paid for, the student can receive temporary tickets, in the amount in which they were paid. Temporary passes are available for the metro and ground transportation.
    6. You can use a temporary ticket only upon presentation of an identity document.

    You can also proceed as follows:

    1. Report card loss to the Moscow Passenger Agency;
    2. Fill out a new application form at the checkout;
    3. Hand it over.

    This method is effective if the student is in close proximity to the metro and has the ability to quickly report the loss. If this is not possible, then you should immediately call the bank, and then leave a new application.

    You can also restore the card at the MFC at the place of receipt.

    Remember that restoration is expensive. However, the validity period of the social card is 5 years, and during this period the money spent is repaid many times over.

    It is very convenient to use a student's social card, the principle of operation is similar to a bank card. The account is replenished automatically, when the scholarship is awarded, or manually, through an ATM.

    A student of a Moscow University with a card receives privileges that allow him to significantly save on travel, medical care, and entertainment.

    How to issue this card through the Moscow portal of public services is described in the following video:

    MFC is a multifunctional center engaged in the provision of municipal, state services in the cities of the regions of the Russian Federation. Contacting social workers of the organization saves the time of submitting applications, processing documents, certificates for obtaining financial payments, benefits for pensioners, mothers with many children, and low-income citizens.


    You can take a place in the queue by appointment through the website of a specific MFC office, by calling the MFC hotline, as well as after receiving an electronic coupon through the terminal at the center branch.

    Benefits of a Muscovite social card

    For low-income, socially unprotected segments of the population living in the capital of the Russian Federation, it is possible to issue a preferential card in accordance with the order of the Moscow Government dated December 29, 2001 No. 585-RP. The Muscovite social card provides citizens with benefits:

    • free travel on public transport of the city - metro, tram, trolleybus, bus, suburban train;
    • getting a discount when making purchases in pharmacies, supermarkets, providing services in dry cleaners, car gas stations;
    • free use of a payphone within Moscow;
    • the use of food stamps in specialized establishments;
    • use of the QMS as an identity document when applying for a loan, installment plan.

    Each social card of a Muscovite is tied to a personal account with the Bank of Moscow, Sberbank, VTB 24, from where money transfers are received for use by citizens. This document can be used to pay in electronic terminals of shops, pharmacies, optics, medical centers, insurance companies, and also be used to write off funds when traveling by public transport. The application gives the right to transfer pensions, social benefits: benefits, scholarships to the card. In a bank branch, you can expand the types of possible operations of a Muscovite social card to pay for utilities, kindergarten, and actions of a mobile operator.

    Registration of a Muscovite social card through the MFC

    You can get a personalized plastic card at any branch of the organization for the provision of municipal, state services. To obtain a Muscovite social card, you need to choose the nearest branch, specify the opening hours, make an appointment You can fill out an application on the official page of a particular center on the Internet, by phone, and also in person.


    The MFC draws up social cards for Muscovites for any categories of persons who have the right to receive benefits.

    Categories of citizens

    According to the municipal project "Social card of a Muscovite" from 2001, permanent and temporary registration in the capital region is not a basis for obtaining a document. There is a category of citizens who are included in the social program for issuing cards through the MFC in accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government dated 11/18/14 No. 668-PP:

    1. School and college students.
    2. Full-time students.
    3. Pregnant women.
    4. Pensioners.
    5. Disabled people of all groups.
    6. WWII veterans.
    7. Participants in the hostilities.
    8. Labor veterans.
    9. Housing subsidy recipients.
    10. "Honorary donors" of Russia, Moscow.
    11. Children without parental care.
    12. Mothers with many children.
    13. Guardians, legal representatives of orphans and disabled children.

    Citizens have the opportunity to issue a Muscovite social card with the assignment of a personal electronic key containing the owner's information in multifunctional centers from March 1, 2015.

    User category of a Muscovite social card Services




    • free travel on all types of public transport, except for fixed-route taxi;
    • making purchases through electronic terminals without charging a commission;
    • receiving benefits when paying utility bills;
    • accrual of pensions, social benefits
    • use of SCM as an identity document when applying for a loan;
    • making an appointment with a doctor

    Pregnant women

    Mothers with many children

    • receiving a one-time childbirth allowance;
    • transfer of funds for the purchase of children's goods;
    • provision of discounts on purchases;
    • making an appointment with a doctor



    • reduced fare on public transport;
    • accrual of scholarships;
    • free admission to city museums for schoolchildren, college students;
    • getting a 50% discount when buying a ticket for commuter trains during the training period;
    • reduction of up to 20% of the cost of goods in specialized stores;
    • use of the QMS as a library card in city libraries

    Step by step design

    There is an algorithm of actions for obtaining a social card for low-income residents of Moscow through the MFC:

    1. Registration of a package of documents.
    2. Selecting a branch of a multifunctional center.
    3. Receiving an appointment card.
    4. Providing documents, filling out an application.
    5. Issuance of a social card.

    Required documents

    When submitting an application, you must have original documents and certificates with you. For further work, the employee makes photocopies of the necessary pages. To issue a social card for a Muscovite at the MFC, you must provide:

    • a document confirming the right to receive a Muscovite social card through the MFC;
    • certificate of a pensioner, mother of many children, veteran, combatant, honorary donor;
    • school or student ID;
    • certificate of disability, pregnancy;
    • death certificates of parents;
    • confirmation of guardianship;
    • photo - 30 * 40 mm - on electronic media;
    • passport, birth certificate with a permanent, temporary registration stamp in Moscow or the city of the region;
    • pension certificate (SNILS);
    • medical policy.

    Application for registration of a social card

    In addition to the package of documents, when submitting an application, you must provide a completed application for the provision of services by a multifunctional center. You can enter personal data electronically according to the sample posted on the official website of a particular MFC, or directly at the branch. The form contains the personal information of the owner:

    • full Name;
    • date of Birth;
    • actual address of residence;
    • place of registration;
    • series, number of a Russian passport, medical policy, pension certificate;
    • indication of the preferential category;
    • personal contacts.

    Terms of registration

    After submission of documents for registration of a Muscovite social card at the MFC, an employee of the multifunctional center issues a temporary coupon, which provides the right to use public transport services free of charge throughout the entire period of production of a Muscovite personal card. The processing time of the application with a correctly drawn up questionnaire, confirmation of data is 30 days.

    After the specified day has passed, citizens must appear at the MFC branch where the documents were submitted and provide a passport / birth certificate and an issued coupon. In the absence of a temporary document, an employee cannot issue a personalized copy of a Muscovite's social card. If the form is lost, the procedure for issuing the document starts anew.


    Together with the social card of a Muscovite, the MFC specialist issues instructions for use, an individual pin code, a catalog of stores where discounts on goods and services are provided. After receiving a copy, the card must be activated at the nearest bank branch to which the personal document account is attached.

    Registration cost

    The service of submitting an application for issuing a new or replacing a plastic social card of a Muscovite in multifunctional centers is absolutely free.

    Reasons for refusal

    When issuing a social card for a Muscovite, the MFC may refuse for a number of reasons:

    • providing deliberately false testimony regarding personal data;
    • indication of an invalid document, which is the basis for obtaining benefits;
    • availability of a valid social card, the term of which has not yet expired;
    • lack of a photocopy of the pension certificate, health insurance policy when applying.

    If the preferential social card is not provided without serious grounds, the decision of the department can be challenged in court.


    The document contains the personal data of the owner, therefore, it is strictly forbidden to transfer it for use to third individuals. If the fact of using the social card of a Muscovite by other citizens is discovered, it is canceled and seized.

    The procedure for restoring the social card of a Muscovite

    If you lose a Muscovite social card, you must contact the bank branch to which the personal account is linked to block it in order to avoid illegal use. A new copy cannot be received without official notification of the loss. If a social document is found, it is necessary to notify the social protection authorities that issue the cards. To recover, you should contact any branch of the multifunctional center and re-submit the data of your passport, SNILs, compulsory medical insurance policy, a document certifying the right to receive benefits, a completed application with a detailed description of the incident that occurred.

    Additional Information

    If the document was damaged by the owner through negligence, the bank may demand to pay the costs of making a new sample of the personal data carrier.

    The Muscovite social card is valid for 5 years from the date of issue by the MFC... If the document is used by citizens when traveling by public transport, paying for personal purchases in stores, at gas stations, to receive bonuses, then after 5 years it is automatically updated within 8-10 minutes after the operation. If social payments (benefits, scholarships, pensions) are monthly received on the card, then after the expiration of the term, the document is prolonged. To receive a new copy, personal information is provided again. The term for card renewal due to loss, damage, expiration of the validity period of the document is 30 days.

    Design nuances

    A Muscovite's social card at the MFC for pregnancy can be obtained by women who have a gestation period of at least 20 weeks. When submitting an application, you must submit an appropriate certificate issued by the gynecologist of the antenatal clinic, in which the expectant mother is registered.

    Issuing a card through the MFC for receiving child benefits requires a birth certificate, a certificate of the place of registration of the child. In the absence of a temporary or permanent residence permit in Moscow, both legal representatives are presented with a document that reflects the actual address of the baby's residence. For the payment of benefits, a certificate is brought to the SCM, which indicates that one of the parents has not received money for caring for a child. If the registration of the card is intended for the accrual of children's compensations for the second and subsequent babies, then birth certificates, certificates of the place of registration of other family members are presented.

    The laws of Moscow establish certain guarantees and benefits provided for university students. Student Social Card (SCS) ensures their implementation in the conditions of modern realities. It is issued with a plastic bank card, which a student can order at any time. On the list of persons applying for this type of assistance, possible discounts and benefits, and on the procedure for obtaining a social card of a student, graduate student and resident - further in our material.

    Who has the right to issue a student's social card?

    Persons who have reached the age of 18 who are studying full-time at a Moscow university (even if they do not have a residence permit in the capital), or Muscovites registered in the city, but studying elsewhere (within Russia) have the right to issue a student card.

    A higher educational institution must have state accreditation. College and technical students can also apply for a benefit, but the order of issue will be slightly different from the standard developed for universities.

    Residents and postgraduates studying at accredited universities in Moscow apply for student benefits on a general basis.

    What does the student's social card give to the owner?

    The student card provides the holder with ample opportunities and convenience due to its versatility.

    Capabilities Explanations
    Includes the use of public land transport within Moscow and the region at a discount. The list includes: buses, travel on the subway, electric trains, minibuses. possible both from home and at the ticket office.
    It . The list includes more.
    It is carried out thanks to information kiosks in the student's polyclinic.
    All functions of a bank card On it, you can charge a scholarship (by contacting your university) or other state social payments, make non-cash payments, top up your account.
    Ability to choose the bank that will issue the card (VTB, Sberbank ...). This concerns the convenience of the location of ATMs and terminals, first of all. The student on this product line is serviced free of charge for the entire period of use.

    How to get a social card?

    Thanks to the Multifunctional centers operating throughout Russia, the procedure for ordering and receiving benefits has become simple and not time-consuming.

    Russian citizens

    For Russian citizens, there is a clear procedure for registering benefits. The fastest way to do this is with the MFC or at.

    Stage 1. Registration begins with filling in personal data - passport or other identity document. Indicate the registration address, university, faculty and course of study.

    Stage 2. Enter contact information (phone number), the number of the OMS policy, the address of actual residence (if it does not coincide with the registration).

    Attach a JPEG photo below them.

    Stage 3. Choosing the center of public services "My Documents", where it will be convenient to pick up the finished student's social card. Next, the citizen is checked in the register of students.

    Important: no payment is required upon registration. Individuals requiring payment of a student's social card are considered fraudulent by law. The card will be ready within 30 days. You can check its readiness in your personal account.

    It happens that a student is denied the design of a plastic device. This happens most often because there is no data on a specific citizen in the register of students. In this case, you need to go to the university, sign a document of consent to the processing of personal data, wait a while until the information is entered in the register, and repeat the application again.

    Stage 4. After making plastic with a number, the student receives a notification about it in his personal account on the website.

    Stage 5. Obtaining a card. You need to come to the MFC specified during registration with a passport and an application number for issuing a card.

    Citizens of other states

    If the student is a citizen of another state, the registration rules have the following sequence:

    1. Submission of an application for a social card in any Multifunctional center, filling in the data.
    2. You can bring your photo with you (30x40) or take a photo directly at the MFC.
    3. Take a coupon indicating the submission of an application, and after 30 days with it and with a passport (or other certifying document) come to the same MFC to receive a ready-made card. You can also find out about the readiness of the document by phone.

    Card operations

    Since the card is almost a universal banking product, users are presented with ample opportunities for transactions with it.

    How to top up a student's social card?

    Replenishment of a student's social card is possible in several available ways:

    • through the public transport cashier;
    • at the Russian Post office;
    • through Gosuslugi ();
    • through the terminal;
    • replenishment of the student's social card via the Internet online (both from another card and from an electronic wallet).

    What to do if the card is lost (stolen)?

    If the student (s) lost the card, the first, what you need to do - call the bank and block the accountso that whoever finds it does not use the funds on it. Further, the registration procedure must be repeated, it will not be possible to restore plastic with the same number after loss. As soon as a new application is submitted, the old card expires.

    When do I need to change the card?

    Student's Moscow social card is replaced in the following cases:

    1. Upon expiration of the card... As of 2018, its relevance is 5 years.
    2. When changing passport data... This happens most often when girls get married and take their husband's surname. In this case, you should first apply to the university with a new passport to update the information in the register of students, and then - to the State Service portal. In this case, the old card is withdrawn.

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