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  • Phraseologisms with the word "language" and their meaning (with examples). Find common language Find common language meaning of phraseological unit in one word

    Phraseologisms with the word

    What is "finding common ground"? How to spell the given word correctly. Concept and interpretation.

    reach an understanding who [with whom, between whom and whom] Reach an understanding. It means that a person, a group of persons (X) finds a way to come to an agreement, come to an agreement with another person, with another group of persons (Y) in assessing people, events, in a line of behavior, in making decisions. It is spoken with approval. speech standard. ? X and Y find a common language X finds a common language [with Y]. Nominal part unchanged; in feature with neg. - in the genus: do not find a common language. Usually the verb is owls. in. in last time. With words it is necessary, difficult, and so on. in inf. constructions. Usually in the role of skaz. The order of the component words is not fixed. ? The ability to find a common language with those close in spirit, although not "their own" deputies, to establish a partnership on a large scale, sacrificing little things, becomes ... almost the main art. LG, 1993. We have very different professions, it is difficult to find a common language. S. Mikhalkov, Ilya Golovin. In general, they [parents] understand him. Not always. But if you need to find a common language with them, it succeeds. F. Koluntsev, Morning, afternoon, evening. If you have an opponent, then your choice is ultimately simple: you need to either find a common language with him, or completely defeat him, so that he ceases to exist as a force opposing you. More often you have to negotiate. NG, 2000. - Why did Chaliapin constantly have any problems in foreign theaters? Was it difficult for him to find a common language with foreigners? - Dad in general abroad did not like to sing in large opera houses ... He quickly quarreled with all these theaters. NG, 2000.? He waved his hand at them, quickened his pace. His heart warmed a little. If he finds a common language with whom, it is with the milkmaid. F. Abramov, Around the Bush. [Liza] quickly found a common language with Ira, less than half an hour passed when the table in the room was covered with a white tablecloth, plates were arranged. N. Evdokimov, Waiting. If there are no big disagreements between the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank, if they find a common language and acquire the ability to reach compromises, then reasonable results will appear. Izvestia, 1998. Cherkashin decided to see Chemezov himself. Of course, they will find a common language. They are soldiers. V. Dobrovolsky, Three in gray greatcoats. Then, in the 60s - 70s, the artists did not get along with the authorities. Now they cannot find a common language among themselves. LG, 1989.? - What kind of lawyer are you if you have not found a common language with your client? (Speech)? - And how offensive it becomes, comrade Brusenkov, when we do not find a common language at our place many times. S. Zalygin, Salty Pad. I do not know how it will be now, but I found a common language with Vladimir Viktorovich Vasiliev. I cannot say that everything was simple. But there was a serious dialogue, difficult conversations ... As a result, we found a common language and carried out our projects at the Bolshoi Theater. NG, 2001. - ... In what class are you walking? - I walked away ... I went to the sixth. - What is it? Science is not to your liking? - Volodka puffed up, said: - For discipline. I could not find a common language with the teacher. F. Abramov, Fatherless. - ... if we don't find a common language, if you send me away now, I will understand that too, believe me .... V. Aksyonov, Crimea Island. culturological commentary: phraseology. goes back to the ancient opposition "one's own - another's". The set of components of phraseology. correlates with the anthropic, i.e., properly human, cultural code. In general, the image of phraseology. is created by metaphorical assimilation of finding agreement between people to finding a common language as a means of communication. In the form of phraseology. a common language symbolizes an instrument for mutual understanding of people who are strangers to each other, united into a social whole, creating their own common language for everyone. see in the biblical text the parable of the Babylonian pandemonium; Wed also phraseol. speak different languages, speak Russian. phraseology. as a whole conveys a stereotypical idea of \u200b\u200bpeople finding agreement, consent in a common cause.

    FIND A COMMON LANGUAGE who [ with whom, between whom and who ]

    Reach mutual understanding.

    It means that person, group of persons ( X) finds a way to negotiate, come to an agreement with another person, with another group of persons ( Y) in the assessment of people, events, in the line of behavior, in decision-making. Spoken with approval. speech standard. X and Y find a common language X finds a common language [with Y]. Nominal part unchanged; in feature from neg. - in the genus: find no common language ... Usually the verb owls. in. in last time. With words it is necessary, difficult etc. uptr. in inf. constructions. Usually in the role tale. Component word order non-fixed

    Skill reach an understanding with like-minded, although not "their" deputies, to establish a partnership on a large scale, sacrificing little things, becomes ... almost the main art. LG, 1993.You and I are very different professions, it's difficult find a common language. S. Mikhalkov, Ilya Golovin.

    In general, they [parents] understand him. Not always. But if necessary to find with them mutual language, it succeeds. F. Koluntsev, Morning, afternoon, evening.

    If you have an opponent, then your choice is ultimately simple: you need or to find with him mutual language, or completely defeat him, so that he ceases to exist as a force opposing you. More often you have to negotiate. NG, 2000.

    Why did Chaliapin constantly have some kind of problems in foreign theaters? It was difficult for him find a common language with foreigners? - Dad in general abroad did not like to sing in large opera houses ... He quickly quarreled with all these theaters. NG, 2000.

    ⊛ He waved his hand at them, quickened his pace. His heart warmed a little. That's who if he is finds a common language, so this is with the milkmaid. F. Abramov, Around the Bush.

    [Lisa] quickly found a common language with Ira, not even half an hour had passed when the table in the room was covered with a white tablecloth, plates were arranged. N. Evdokimov, Waiting.

    If there is no big disagreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank, if they find a common language and gain the ability to reach compromises, then reasonable results will appear. Izvestia, 1998.

    Cherkashin decided to see Chemezov himself. Of course they find a common language... They are soldiers. V. Dobrovolsky, Three in gray greatcoats.

    Then, in the 60s - 70s, the artists did not get along with the authorities. Now there is no way find a common language between themselves. LG, 1989.

    ⊜ - What kind of lawyer are you, if not found a common language with your client? ( Speech.)

    ⊝ - And how offensive it becomes, comrade Brusenkov, when we are at our place for more than one find a common language. S. Zalygin, Salty Pad.

    I don't know how it will be now, but with Vladimir Viktorovich Vasiliev I found a common language... I cannot say that everything was simple. But there was a serious dialogue, difficult conversations ... As a result, we found a common language and carried out their projects at the Bolshoi Theater. NG, 2001.

    - ... In which class are you walking? - I walked away ... I went to the sixth. - What is it? Science is not to your liking? - Volodka puffed up, said: - For discipline. With a teacher common language not found. F. Abramov, Fatherless.

    - ... if we don't find a common language, if you send me away now, I will understand that too, believe me ... V. Aksyonov, Crimea Island.

    cultural commentary: phraseology. goes back to the ancient opposition "one's own - another's". Set of components phraseology. correlates with anthropic, i.e. the human, cultural code itself. Overall image phraseology. is created by metaphorical assimilation of finding agreement between people to finding a common language as a means of communication. In the image phraseology. mutual language symbolizes the instrument of mutual understanding of people who are strangers to each other, united into a social whole, creating their own common language for everyone. cm. in the biblical text, the parable of the Babylonian pandemonium; wed also phraseology. speak different languages, speak Russian. phraseology. as a whole conveys the stereotypical idea of \u200b\u200bpeople gaining an agreement, consent in a common cause. M. L. Kovshova

    The Big Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language. - M .: AST-Press... E.N. Telia. 2006.

    Phraseologisms make each language unique, beautiful, unlike others, even mysterious.

    For example, if a foreigner hears the phrase "the language will bring to Kiev", he probably represents a language-like mutant leading tourists to the capital of Ukraine. Although this phraseological unit with the word "language" is quite simple to explain - if you ask for directions from oncoming travelers, you can find out the route to any destination.

    The meaning of the noun "language"

    Language is:

    1. An organ located in the oral cavity, involved in articulation, helping to seize and chew food and equipped with taste buds: Oleg Nikolaevich accidentally bit his tongue at breakfast.
    2. A dish made from the tongue of an animal: Kiryushka did not like boiled tongue, no assurances that it was a delicacy, and very useful, did not help.
    3. A detail of the bell, which, striking the bell itself, produces a melodic ringing: The ringer rang the bells so desperately that it seemed that tongues would come off.
    4. A system for expressing thoughts, with a specific phonetic and grammatical structure: Russian language was taught boringly at school.
    5. Manners, style: The essay is written in a lively, colorful language.
    6. Prisoner held for information about the enemy: As soon as the tongue cracks, throw it off the cliff.
    7. Translator: I had to take my language with me.
    8. Medium of Human Communication: Language originated at the dawn of humanity.
    9. Sign System: What programming languages \u200b\u200bdid you study in high school?

    Morphological signs

    Z-z-y-k is a word consisting of two syllables, four letters and five sounds. This is an inanimate masculine noun, II declension.

    Phraseologisms with the word "language" and their meaning

    Do you often come across idioms in your daily life based on body parts?

    There are a lot of phraseologisms with the word "language":

    • Pip you on ... - an angry parting word to someone who said tactlessness or something very unpleasant: How can you say that: pip you on ***!
    • Scratching ... oh - chatting: Stop scratching *** - go to work!
    • To step on ... - to silence: Elena Valerievna really wanted to speak out, but still stepped on ***.
    • The devil pulled for ... - it is said with regret about the thoughtlessly spoken words: The devil pulled me for *** tell you this, forgive me, please.
    • Like a cow ... licked - about something that suddenly, unexpectedly disappeared without a trace: Treats disappeared from the table like a cow *** licked.
    • To find a common ... - to understand each other: The new teacher had difficulty in finding a common *** with the teenagers.
    • To keep ... by mouth - to keep a secret: Keep *** by your teeth, do not dare tell anyone anything.
    • To get on ... - to become a topic of conversation for gossips: They spare no one, should they get on ***.
    • Bite ... - shut up: She almost told strangers the truth, but she bit *** in time.
    • Chatting ... ohm - too much and it is out of place to talk: Andryushka only *** chatter is idle talk.
    • Pulling for ... - eliciting information, forcing to speak out: Nobody pulled you for ***.
    • Angry at ... - intemperate, rude, sarcastic: It is very difficult to communicate with Maxim: he is very angry at ***.
    • To dissolve ... - to say too much, to gossip: Julia dissolves *** too often.
    • Run, sticking out ... - rush with all your might: The boys had to be in time, they ran sticking out ***.
    • long ..., ..., like a pomelo - about a chatterbox: You have *** completely boneless, whatever you are carrying.
    • To jump off ... a - to break free (about words): Terrible words jumped off from ***, Lyudmila Alexandrovna came to her senses, but it was too late.
    • Hang ... on the shoulder - very tired: He walked, from fatigue *** hung on his shoulder.
    • Weaving ... ohm - chatting everything without hesitation: From excitement she weaved and weaved ***.
    • Spinning on the tip ... but - I know, but I can't remember, I can't find the words: The title of the book spun on the tip ***.
    • ... does not turn - I am ashamed to say: How did he *** turn?
    • ... perfectly suspended - eloquent: Vasily will cope: he has *** very well suspended.
    • To own ... oh - to speak a foreign language: Alina owned five ***.
    • ... if you dislocate it, it is difficult to pronounce: The name of the sheikh is such that you can dislocate *** while you say it.
    • To speak different ... ah - do not understand at all The spouses spoke different ***.
    • ... braids - unable to clearly and clearly state even the simplest thought: So my head hurts that *** braids.

    Phraseologism with the words "Russian language"

    One of the most frequently used phraseological units is "to speak in Russian", which means "to speak clearly, clearly, understandably, and in an accessible way."
    For instance:

    • I think I told you in Russian: you can't go to a construction site.
    • In Russian I say: "Don't dare! Don't dare! Don't dare!"
    • The teacher of the Russian language told you to come up with five phraseological units with the word "language".
    • His father told him in Russian that he would buy a gyro scooter if there were no triplets in the quarter.

    How to learn to get along with people? How to find common ground? Sometimes it happens that, speaking in the same language, about the same problem and even sharing the same point of view, people do not hear each other, do not understand, and draw the wrong conclusions. Why is this happening? Let's try to deal with this issue.

    The concept of "common language"

    What does this concept conceal? Finding a common language means reaching mutual understanding, finding an opportunity to come to an agreement with each other, to come to a mutual agreement with the interlocutors regarding views and thoughts, actions and deeds, solutions to a particular problem.

    However, from the point of view of psychology, reaching mutual understanding is not always easy. People grew up and were brought up in a different environment, received a different education, each own their own profession, have a variety of values \u200b\u200band habits, lead a different way of life. And many more factors affect the way people think and behave in a given situation.

    How to connect with people

    Communication is a very important part of our life. It is present in all areas of life: in the family, at work, in the store, communication with friends, colleagues and just strangers. Finding a common language is necessary with different people to avoid conflict situations, not to get into arguments, just to be in a calm and comfortable state and always have a good mood.

    Some people manage this easily, we can say that they received this priceless gift from nature. Others find it much more difficult. However, it is possible to learn how to find a common language and build relationships with people. Think for yourself, because at one time all our friends and colleagues were strangers to us. As an example, you can look at children, how they easily, unobtrusively and naturally make friends.

    First of all, tune in to communicate with others. You don't need to constantly focus on yourself and your problems. Be open and friendly. Learn to listen to other people. And not only listen, but also hear. Be interested in what is happening in their lives, what they live, what hobbies they have, what plans for the future.

    Try to find something in common. It can be any memories and events from the past, common interests and hobbies, the same lifestyle, similar tastes in clothing, food, books, similar plans for the future. You can also always discuss general topics such as weather, sports, some events, hometown or country, culture and customs.

    In any situation, be calm, polite, and benevolent. Treat your interlocutors with respect. It is worth remembering that all people are different, but sometimes it is this difference that can unite people.

    Strive to discern something good and good in every person. No need to pay attention to skin color, social role, status, age of a person. The most important thing in people is their morality, inner peace. Say warm and kind words to people. It's not difficult at all, and your interlocutors will be pleased.

    Share your good mood and positivity with others. People see those who know how to enjoy life and are drawn to them. Problems and difficulties happen in the life of any person. But how to treat them and overcome them is everyone's choice.

    Try not to get involved in arguments about every issue. It turns people off. Also, you do not need to participate in gossip and intrigue, discuss someone behind your back. If they want to force you to participate in them, it is better to tactfully leave or switch to something else.

    Speak to the point. Before you start saying anything, think so as not to say too much. Always keep your promises, as this is the key to trust. If you cannot fulfill any request, do not promise, tactfully and politely refuse.

    Be honest and sincere. It always disposes people.

    Relationship with the child

    The problem of fathers and children remains relevant at all times. The question of how to find a common language with a child is asked by each parent at a certain stage of life. At first glance, it seems nothing complicated. After all, this is your child, and you have known him all his life. But sometimes he surprises you with his actions and thoughts so much that you stop recognizing him.

    It is very important to be able to recognize the feelings of the child. "But we do it!" - many may argue. Is it really? Are you sure you are not substituting your perception and feeling for the child's real feelings? Let's consider one situation. Mom and baby walk home from the store, which is literally a stone's throw away. The child says he is tired. And my mother replies: "Don't make it up!" Is this like acknowledging the feelings of a child? Result: the child may withdraw into himself and you will no longer be able to find a common language with him. So what should have been done? Agree with the child by speaking out loud his words. “Yes, it’s not far from the store, but you’re tired. I understand".

    How to interact with an adult with a child

    The child needs help to sort out his feelings so that he can learn to trust his own feelings. There are several ways to help with this.

    1. Listen carefully to the child's words. Sometimes just empathy helps.
    2. Show that you understand it. Do not criticize, do not dispute his words. It can only hurt. "Understand". "I would also be unpleasant / offensive / sorry."
    3. Call your feelings by their proper names (pain, hurt, annoyance, irritation, anger, etc.). Do not be afraid, this will not harm you.
    4. Demonstrate that you have heard the child's wishes and be creative.

    How to get along with someone else's child

    There are times when you need to establish contact with someone else's child. For example, you came to visit friends who have children, or you were asked to sit with a child for an hour. Below are some tips on how to best behave with your children in order to build contact.

    You should treat your child like an ordinary person, just a little one. Talk to him calmly, in a normal tone, without unnecessary "lisping".

    Sit down or bend over to be at eye level with your child.

    If you want to praise a child, it is better to focus on any details of clothing or a toy that may be in his hands. Don't touch anything personal, it can make the child more shy.

    Talk about his things, toys, or books. Play what he wants. Don't impose your games.

    Follow some simple enough tips and you can get along with someone else's child without any problems.

    How to approach teens

    A common language with a teenager is also not always easy to find. But it is possible to improve the relationship. First of all, the child should feel loved, no matter what happens (regardless of grades at school, problems with others, etc.).

    It is necessary to make the child understand that parents are the best and most faithful friends. A child should contact mom and dad with any problem and be sure that he will be supported and helped to solve any problem, no matter how difficult it may be.

    Need to lay trusting relationship, discuss not only serious issues, but also everyday matters. Try to create a friendly, relaxed atmosphere, and have fun together. Take an interest in your child's hobbies, thoughts, and desires. Take time to have a heart-to-heart conversation. And then your child will trust you, listen to you and appreciate your advice.

    Common language in English

    It is always difficult to communicate in a foreign language. In the modern world, English is very common. It is considered to be international. International conferences, exhibitions, events are usually held in English. And if you just go on vacation abroad, you will have to face communication in English.

    There is no need to be afraid that you will not be understood, be friendly, open to communication, follow all the tips for finding a common language, and no the language barrier you will not be afraid.