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  • Chasing two birds with one stone - doing several things at the same time. What does the expression "you chase two hares, you will not catch" mean? Chasing two hares meaning of phraseological unit

    Chasing two birds with one stone - doing several things at the same time. What does the expression

    Chasing Two Hares Razg. Trying to achieve two different goals at the same time, to do two different things. With noun with meaning faces: son, athlete ... chasing two hares.

    "Listen, brother," I said, "you seem to be chasing two hares." - "Well? You can catch both of them. " (V. Sollogub.)

    You advise me not to chase two birds with one stone and not to think about practicing medicine. (A. Chekhov.)

    (?) The expression is part of the proverb "You chase two hares - you won't catch one."

    Educational phraseological dictionary. - M .: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .

    See what it means to "chase two birds with one stone" in other dictionaries:

      chase two birds with one stone - Chase (chase) two for / eggs Strive to do two different things, to achieve two different goals. * Chasing two hares, you won't catch a single one (last) ... Dictionary of many expressions

      lack of purpose - distract, smiling. scatter. exchange (# on trifles). grab onto (# everything). chase [chase. chase] two hares. dispersion. spray (#power). sayings: you will chase two hares, you will not catch a single one. sit on two ... ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

      hare - hare, m. 1. A small, shy animal of the order of rodents, with long hind legs and long ears. Hare hare. || The fur of this animal. I saw in front of me a fat old woman in a brown katsaveike knocked out by a hare. Turgenev, A Strange Story. 2 ... Small academic dictionary

      chase - I see chase; nya / yus, nya / eat; nsv. II I / I, I / eat; nsv. see also. race, chase \u003d chase, but denotes an action repetitive, multiple ... Dictionary of many expressions

      Hare - hare; m. 1. A small animal of the order of rodents with long hind legs, long ears and a short tail. Hares run fast. Hare hare. // The fur of this animal. Hare hat. ● The traditional character of Russian folklore is weak, defenseless, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

      chase - I am, I am; nesov. 1. The same as chasing (in 1 and 2 meanings), with the difference that chasing means a repetitive, multiple action. Hustle and bustle began. Seryozha chased after Liza, Liza squeaked and hid behind her grandmother's skirt. Golubev, ... ... Small academic dictionary

      chase - chasing, chasing; last chased, climbed, elk and elk; owls. Start to perform an action in accordance with the value. verb chase. Chase the ball. Chasing glory. □ The boy noticed a jellyfish in the water and chased after it. Kataev, A lonely sail whitens. ... ... Small academic dictionary

      chase - chasing, chasing; chased, climbed, elk and elk; St. Start chasing. P. for the ball. The dogs chased the cat. P. for fame, for profit. ◊ Chase two hares. Strive to do two different things at the same time, to achieve two different goals ... encyclopedic Dictionary

      chase - I drive / go, go / go; chase / lsia, la / s, lo / s and elk; St. Start chasing. Chase / chase the ball. The dogs chased the cat. Chase / chase after glory, after profit ... Dictionary of many expressions

      The wolf family, or canines - (Canidae) ** * * The family unites 16 modern genera and 36 species. Canids are widespread in Eurasia, Africa, North and South America, New Guinea and Australia have penetrated with humans. Except for one species, have more ... ... Animal life

    In an uncut form, the saying about hares sounds like this:

    Alternatively, the boar is replaced by a bear.

    The point is that by taking on two things at once, a person runs the risk of doing a single one conscientiously, qualitatively, as it should.

    Sayings, of course, are a very figurative thing, however, this one about hares is simply baffling, and it does not matter at all what its end is, the very beginning is discouraging.

    Well, firstly, it is almost impossible to catch one hare, not every dog \u200b\u200bwill even catch up with him, what can we say about a person. I once tried to catch a neighbor's rabbit - a completely tame animal - that had climbed into our garden. Where there. I could not even catch a special net designed for catching obstinate chickens who got into the habit of running out of the chicken coop in the evening and climbing to spend the night in the trees in the garden, but here was a hare.

    Secondly, in the proverb, the emphasis is on the fact that there are two birds with one stone. What are two hares doing, caught by surprise (in fact, for them it is not at all unawares, for them it is a kind of game) walking a dog in the field? I saw it myself - sprinkled in different directions at angles of 120 degrees. And how can you chase two at once? Incomprehensible. The dog is not stupid enough to first run after one, and then, making sure not to catch him, run after another. Yes, he, a hare, during this time it is no longer known where. So it’s a dog, and the saying is not about dogs chasing hares, but about people.

    This means that you need to carefully somehow abstract from hares. Well, the moral of the saying is clear - do not take on two things at once. But I'm still interested in the basis itself. It's no coincidence that there are hares here, oh - not casual. Here you need to dig into history. How did they hunt hares in the old days? The saying is probably ancient, maybe even before the invention of guns. I do not know.

    I remember, I remember - my grandmother used to tell me that before, when I took on several cases at once and did not finish one))

    This proverb sounds so complete - "You will chase two hares and you will not catch more than one."

    This means that it is better to do one thing and finish, and only then take on another, and not grab everything at once))

    There are several sequels to this proverb.

    You will chase two hares:

    • you won't catch one
    • you won't catch a single boar
    • you will get in the face from the huntsman
    • you will catch three birds with one stone
    • at least one. yes you will.

    But as a rule, the first version of the proverb is correct, but in life there are different outcomes)

    We have a similar proverb in the Bashkir language, which sounds like this: "You can't catch two birds with one stone." Therefore, you can continue this proverb like this: "You will chase two hares, you will not see a single tail." It is the tail that should appear here, which is short in hares and it is very difficult to grab onto it. But the ears are long and they are reflected in the following proverb: "This is where the ears of the hare stick out from."

    Of course, the proverb is known to many and continues like you can't catch a single hare. But it seems to me that at the very early stage of the chase for two hares, you can catch both birch and oak and pine. So even if you chase two birds with one stone, the result will be disastrous. So really, in the modern interpretation, the continuation - you will catch at least a tree. And here is the photo confirmation.

    But Ostap Bender had his own approach to solving the "hare" issue.

    The question was whether Ostap and Kisa Vorobyaninov should act together or separately. Ostap proposed the following plan: he himself would go after the Columbus Theater (in which most of the chairs were located), and Kise would stay to look after the single chair in the goods yard.

    But since the "father of Russian democracy" with all his miserable appearance expressed fear, Ostap said graciously: " Of two birds with one stone, choose the one that is fatter.«

    That is, the companions had to go together to where, hypothetically, they could hit the jackpot.

    Chasing two hares, you won't catch a single one

    The proverb originates from the work of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, written in 1880.

    In this proverb, we are talking about a chase, when a person tries to grab onto several things, while not having time anywhere, in the end he is left with nothing.

    Yes, indeed, the saying goes like this: if you chase two hares, you won't catch a single one. I remember this saying since childhood. My father was a hunter, and so this proverb actually happened. I hunted, wandered for a long time, but without results, and then I went to the sidewalk and two birds with one stone (which rarely happens), and while choosing who is closer, I missed further, got angry with myself and came home with nothing.

    chase two hares, you will fall into two holes.

    Completely this proverb sounds

    "You will chase two hares, you won't catch a single one"

    It is not worth explaining the meaning of this proverb, it is itself "the essence described in the example" - it is not possible to qualitatively pursue two birds with one stone and catch up with both. This can only be done if they are running side by side and in one direction ..)

    Likewise, it is impossible to perform two things at the same time QUALITATIVELY. Most likely, quality will suffer for the sake of quantity.

    If you chase two hares, you won't catch a single one.

    If you chase two hares, you won't catch a single wild boar.

    The hidden meaning of this proverb is that if a person takes on several things at the same time, then not a single thing can be completed.

    If you chase two hares, you won't catch a single one.

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    Chekhov Anton Pavlovich You will chase two hares, you will not catch a single one

    You will chase two hares, you will not catch a single one

    It struck 12 noon, and Major Shchelkolobov, owner of a thousand acres of land and a young wife, stuck his bald head out from under a cotton blanket and swore loudly. Yesterday, passing by the pavilion, he heard his young wife, Major Karolina Karlovna, more than graciously talked to her visiting cousin, called her husband, Major Shchelkolobov, a ram and, with female frivolity, proved that she did not love her husband, does not love and will not love for his, Shchelolobov, stupidity, peasant manners and a tendency to insanity and chronic drunkenness. This attitude of his wife amazed, outraged and led to the strongest indignation of the major. He did not sleep all night and all morning. Unaccustomed work was in full swing in his head, his face was burning and redder than boiled crawfish; fists clenched convulsively, and there was such a fuss and thumping in the chest that the major had never seen or heard near Kars. Peering out from under the covers into the light of day and cursing, he jumped out of bed and, shaking his fists, walked across the room.

    - Hey, you fools! He shouted.

    The door crackled, and his valet, the kuafer and the scrubber Panteley, appeared in front of the major's face, dressed in a dress from a master's shoulder and with a puppy under his arm. He leaned against the doorpost and blinked his eyes respectfully.

    “Listen, Panteley,” the major began, “I want to talk to you like a human being, like a person, frankly. Stay equal! Let the flies out of your fist! Like this! Will you answer me frankly, from the depths of your soul, or not?

    “Don't look at me with such surprise. You cannot look at the gentlemen with surprise. Shut your mouth! What a bull you are, brother! You don't know how to behave in my presence. Answer me directly, without hesitation! Are you pounding your wife or not?

    The meaning of the proverb is well and humorously illustrated by the story of the same name by the Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (You will chase two hares, you will not catch a single one) - the clerk was walking along the shore of the lake when he saw that the major and his young beautiful wife were drowning in the lake. He swam to save them and, having swam up, realized that he could not save both. You have to choose. The major promised to marry him if he saved her. The major, in response, promised to give him a ruble for vodka and marry his ugly sister. The scribe, inspired by such promises, was still able to save both. The next day, through the efforts of the major, the clerk was kicked out of work, and his sister was removed away, out of sight.

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    Examples of

    "- Maybe we will split up?" - asked Ostap. “I’ll go with the theater, and you stay and follow the chair in the goods yard.

    But Kisa was blinking gray eyelashes so cowardly that Ostap did not continue.

    Of two birds with one stone, - he said, - choose the one that is fatter... Let's go together."

    Repin describes the attitude towards students according to the new charter: “We, who entered according to the new charter of 1859, were obliged to attend lectures on sciences and therefore came with notebooks to write down lectures, were called high school students and cheerfully despised; the accounts for the numbers on drawing were only with their own, and these "cantonists" still, they say, will not learn to draw; running after two hares, spiders study, - laughing chemists. "

    They argue about whether the artist needs to study sciences (IV Teacher Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy (in memory of the teacher)): “Eh-ma, here y us, y Russians, it’s always like this: God gave him the talent of vividness, he in the background nodovit, it won't get there. You know the saying: “ 3a to chase with two hares... ". No, you have to follow one thing. I don’t say anything against the idea of \u200b\u200bknowing anatomy, perceptive, theory of shadows, but more. "

    "Teenager" - the main character says: - "- If you chase two hares, you won't catch a single one, says a folk, or rather, a common proverb. I say this: exceptions that are constantly repeated turn into a general rule. After another hare, that is, translated into Russian, he chased another lady - and there were no results. If you grabbed something, then hold on to this one. "

    "Crime and Punishment" (1866), Part 2, Ch. 5: “If, for example, they still told me:“ love, ”and I loved, then what came of that? - continued Pyotr Petrovich, perhaps with undue haste, - it turned out that I tore the caftan in half, shared it with my neighbor, and both of us were left half naked, according to the Russian proverb: “ You will follow several hares at once, and you will not reach a single one«.»

    "Drama on the Hunt" (1884), ch. 1: "The Count dreamed kill two birds with one stone, quite confident that he will succeed. And on the described evening I watched the pursuit of these hares. The chase was silly and funny, like a good caricature. Looking at her, one could only laugh or be indignant at the count's vulgarity; but no one would have thought that this boyish pursuit would end in the moral degradation of some, the death of others and the crime of others!

    Graph killed not two birds with one stone, and more! He killed them, but he did not get the skin and meat. "

    Letter to AS SUVORIN September 11, 1888 Moscow - “You advise me not to chase two birds with one stone and not to think about practicing medicine. I don't know why not chase two hares even in the literal meaning of these words? There would be hounds, but you can chase. "

    Read online "You will chase two hares, you won't catch a single one" by Anton Chekhov - RuLit - Page 2

    Half an hour after this conversation, the major and the major were sailing in a boat to the middle of the lake. The major was sweating over the oars, while the major was steering. “What is it? What is? What is it? " the major muttered, glancing ferociously at his dreaming wife and grief with impatience. "Stop!" he snapped when the boat reached the middle. The boat stopped. The major's face turned purple and his veins began to shake.

    What's the matter with you, Apollosha? ”Asked the major, looking at her husband in surprise.

    So I, - he muttered, - baaaran? So I ... I ... who am I? So am I dumb? So you didn’t love me and you won’t love me? So you ... I ...

    The major growled, stretched out his hands, shook his whip in the air and in the boat ... about tempera, about mores. 1 a terrible fuss arose, such a fuss that it is hardly possible not only to describe, but also to imagine. Something happened that even an artist who had been to Italy and had the most fervent imagination was unable to depict ... Major Shchelolobov did not have time to feel the absence of vegetation on his head, the Major did not have time to use the whip torn from her husband's hands, as the boat turned over and ...

    At this time, the former key keeper of the major, and now the volost clerk Ivan Pavlovich, was walking on the shore of the lake, and, in anticipation of that blissful time when the village young people would go out to the lake to swim, whistled, smoked and thought about the purpose of his walk. Suddenly he heard a heartbreaking cry. In this cry, he recognized the voice of his former masters. "Help!" shouted the major and the major. The clerk, without hesitation, threw off his jacket, trousers and boots, crossed himself three times and swam to help to the middle of the lake. He swam better than he wrote and deciphered what was written, and therefore after some three minutes he was already near the dead. Ivan Pavlovich swam to the dead and became a dead end.

    "Whom to save? - he thought. - Damn!" He could not rescue two at all. One was enough for him. He made a grimace on his face, expressing the greatest bewilderment, and began grabbing first at the major, now at the major.

    Someone alone! - he said. - Where can I take both of you? What am I, a sperm whale, or what?

    Vanya, darling, save me, - squeaked the trembling major, holding on to the major's coat, - save me! If you save me, then I will marry you! I swear to everything that is sacred to me! Ay, ay, I'm drowning!

    Ivan! Ivan Pavlovich! Knightly. Togo! - the major began to choke, choking. - Save, brother! A ruble for vodka! Be a father-benefactor, do not let perish in the prime of life ... I will gild from head to toe ... Come on, save me! What are you, really ... I'll marry your sister Marya ... By God, I'll marry! She's beautiful. Don't save the Major, to hell with her! If you do not save me, I will kill, I will not let you live!

    Ivan Pavlovich's head was spinning, and he almost went to the bottom. Both promises seemed to him equally beneficial - one better than the other. What to choose? And time is running out! “I’ll save both! - he decided. - With two to get better than one. That's it, by God. God will not give, the pig will not eat. God bless! " Ivan Pavlovich crossed himself, grabbed the Major's right arm, and with the index finger of the same hand by the Major's tie, and swam, groaning, to the shore. "Chat with your feet!" - he commanded, rowing with his left hand and dreaming of his brilliant future. “The lady is the wife, the major is the son-in-law ... Chic! Take a walk, Vanya! That's when we'll eat cakes and smoke expensive gypsies! Glory to you, Lord! " It was difficult for Ivan Pavlovich to pull a double burden with one hand and swim against the wind, but the thought of a brilliant future supported him. Smiling and giggling with happiness, he brought the Major and Major to dry land. His joy was great. But, seeing the major and the major, clutching each other amicably, he ... suddenly turned pale, hit himself on the forehead with his fist, sobbed and did not pay attention to the girls who, having crawled out of the water, surrounded the major and the major in a thick crowd and looked with surprise at the brave clerk.

    The next day, Ivan Pavlovich, by the machinations of the major, was removed from the volost government, and the major expelled Marya from her apartment with the order to go to her "to her dear master."

    Oh people, people! - Ivan Pavlovich said aloud, walking along the shore of the fatal pond, - what do you call gratitude?

    Chasing 2 hares, no one you can catch

    You will chase two hares, you will not catch a single one. Chekhov story for children read

    It struck 12 noon, and Major Shchelkolobov, owner of a thousand acres of land and a young wife, stuck his bald head out from under a cotton blanket and swore loudly. Yesterday, passing by the pavilion, he heard his young wife, Major Karolina Karlovna, more than graciously talked to her visiting cousin, called her husband, Major Shchelkolobov, a ram and, with female frivolity, proved that she did not love her husband, does not love and will not love for his, Shchelolobov, stupidity, peasant manners and a tendency to insanity and chronic drunkenness. This attitude of his wife amazed, outraged and led to the strongest indignation of the major. He did not sleep all night and all morning. Unaccustomed work was in full swing in his head, his face was burning and redder than boiled crawfish; fists clenched convulsively, and there was such a fuss and thumping in the chest that the major had never seen or heard near Kars. 1 Looking out from under the blanket into the light of day and swearing, he jumped out of bed and, shaking his fists, walked across the room.

    Nowadays, trainings like "change in a hundred days" are very popular on the Internet, when it is proposed to set one goal and make efforts to achieve it every day. Someone in this way is trying to lose weight, someone - to solve the accumulated problems. As practice shows, not everyone reaches the end of the "marathon", only the most stubborn. Someone leaves at the beginning, even before setting goals, someone cannot withstand the stress and stops in the middle. And even if the "marathon" is completed and the main goal has been achieved, often after it remains fatigue and a feeling of dissatisfaction.

    Let's figure out why this is happening and what could have been done differently in order to spend these three months more effectively.

    If you observe how children play, you will find two points: full attention to the game (they literally “live” it) and excitement, pleasure from the process. Attention and pleasure naturally accompany the spontaneous process, bringing the joy of completion and the feeling of achieving something new. This happens when a person is in contact with his needs and desires, when what he is doing at the moment is what he really wants now.

    Returning to the "marathons". When a person sets a goal for himself, this is probably what he desires at the moment. This really is one of his needs. But only "one of". The very fact that a goal must be set in order to fulfill this need indicates that there is something that interferes with the fulfillment of this goal. That is, some kind of opposite desire (or desires), which at this moment is pushed into the background.

    What happens when we continue to "push" our desires and needs over time? They cannot disappear by themselves. We can "forget" about them, making ourselves insensitive to them, or we can somehow change them, redirect them. One way or another, desires remain and constantly remind of themselves. In this case, the total amount of energy of the body seems to be divided into 3 parts:
    Part 1 - continues to deal with the chosen goal.
    Part 2 - which includes a repressed desire or need - actively resists this movement
    Part 3 - combating this resistance using different intellectual arguments
    And the more energy is involved in fighting resistance, the more irritation builds up inside. In the end, this leads to an internal "explosion" and refusal to fulfill the goal. Or the person simply drops the case, unable to resist.

    But all this could have been avoided if from the very beginning attention had been paid not only to the main goal, but also to what interferes with its implementation. I understand that this sounds absurd, because it seems that in this way we postpone the fulfillment of the goal. However, in reality, the opposite is true. Recognizing his resistance and the part of himself that stands behind it, the needs and desires that lie in this part, a person discovers in himself more desire to move towards his main goal. Moving from the set goal to the oppositely directed desire and back, you can find your own rhythm, more smoothly switching from one role to another.

    For example, if we simplify the goal of "losing weight" to two oppositely directed desires (of course, in order to effectively lose weight, an integrated approach is actually needed, including diet and exercise and a change in attitude towards food and much more), then we will get a desire at one end. " tasty meal ", and on the other - the desire to" be thin ". If you focus solely on the desire to "be thin", then the result may well be some kind of chronic illness, plus constant breakdowns and hatred of yourself for it. Recognizing the need to "eat deliciously", setting aside a special time for this, we can smooth out the general condition and maintain the motivation to lose weight longer, instead of constantly "gnawing" ourselves for every cake eaten at night.

    In other words, when setting one goal, it will be useful to think about everything that will interfere with its implementation. Recognize these desires and needs and consciously devote your time to them. That is, instead of pursuing one goal and chasing "one hare", it will be much more effective to "chase two", keeping both in attention. Contrary to the well-known proverb, in this case, you can achieve more and less strength, with a calm mind and a pleasant state.

    You will chase two hares, you will not catch a single one - If you have a choice of two or more goals, then it is better to focus on achieving one goal. If you try to achieve all goals at the same time, then by scattering your efforts, you can not achieve a single one (Russian proverb).

    - "If you chase two hares, you won't catch one"

    - "Chasing two birds with one stone - not catching a single one"

    The meaning of the proverb is well and humorously illustrated by the story of the same name () by the Russian writer (1860 - 1904) - the clerk was walking along the lake shore when he saw the major and his beautiful young wife drowning in the lake. He swam to save them and, having swam up, realized that he could not save both. You have to choose. The major promised to marry him if he saved her. The major, in return, promised to give him a ruble for vodka and marry his ugly sister. The scribe, inspired by such promises, was still able to save both. The next day, through the efforts of the major, the clerk was kicked out of work, and his sister was removed away, out of sight.

    Examples of

    "Eh-ma, here y us, y russian, always like this: God gave him the talent of vivopisi, he speaks to us, and nowhere he will not reach anything. You know:" 3a to chase with two hares... ". No, you have to follow one thing. I don’t say anything against the fact that to know anatomy, perceptive, theory of shadows, but more ... "