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  • Like a goat of milk from him. Like (what) from a goat milk

    Like a goat of milk from him. Like (what) from a goat milk

    How (what) from a goat of milk Razg. Nebr. No benefit, help, self-interest, etc. from anyone at all. - These places only take up space ... - thought Andrei Andreevich, staring blankly at the ravines and not understanding his daughter's delight. - From them self-interest, like a goat of milk (Chekhov. Memorial service). - You will wait from them, the children are called relatives, - leaning on the shovel, as if continuing the conversation, the old man muttered under his breath. - They will appear for ready-made, as they were here. And help - yu-yu-yu, like from a goat of milk (O. Suvorova. Look around and remember). - If only for business, but it's so simple! Smart people earn extra money, but the benefit of you is like a goat of milk (V. Shefner. Modest genius).

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M .: Astrel, AST... A.I. Fedorov. 2008.

    See what is "How (what) from a goat milk" in other dictionaries:

      From whom, what. Outdated. Region No benefit from anyone or anything. The husband was allowed to go to Moscow to earn for household needs, but he spoiled himself, did not take money away, and from him, like a goat, neither wool nor milk (S. Podyachev. Without love, without joy). I'd … Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

      good as a goat of milk Synonym dictionary

      confused like a goat of milk - adj., number of synonyms: 12 useless (67) unnecessary (50) unnecessary (49) ... Synonym dictionary

      Like a goat, no wool, no milk - Like a goat, no wool, no milk (worn.) About completely useless. I wanted milk from a bull! Wed Now I clearly see that you wanted to prove to me that you had eaten him, with the permission to say how you had eaten a goat, neither milk, nor wool, and that he himself did not ... ...

      like a goat, no wool, no milk - (footnote) about completely useless I wanted milk from a bull! Wed Now I see clearly that I wanted to prove to you that from him, if I may say so, like from a goat, neither milk, nor wool, and that he himself is neither this nor that, neither fish nor meat ... Dostoevsky. ... ...

      what did you give up on? - good as from a goat of milk, sense like from a goat of milk, useless, unnecessary, you can't sew a fur coat, superfluous, unnecessary, whether the devil is in it, neither to the pillar, nor to the rail, nor wool, nor milk Dictionary of Russian synonyms. what did you give up on? adj., number of synonyms: 10 ... Synonym dictionary

      no wool, no milk - good as from a goat of milk, sense as from a goat of milk, what did you give up for?, neither to the post nor to the rail, whether the devil is in it, unnecessary, useless, you can't sew a fur coat, unnecessary, unnecessary Dictionary of Russian synonyms. no wool, no milk adj., number of synonyms: 10 ... Synonym dictionary

      from him, like a goat, - no wool, no milk - (footnote) you won't get anything Wed. At the sight of (a retired writer) the guardians ... of the beautification and deanery cheerfully rub their hands, exclaiming: from this person, like a goat, neither wool nor milk! Saltykov. All year round. 1st March. Wed Yes, our merchant ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

      From him, like from a goat, - no wool, no milk - From him, like from a goat, you will not get anything either wool or milk (inosk.). Wed At the sight of a ("retired" writer), the guardians ... of the improvement and deanery are cheerfully rubbing their hands, exclaiming: "From this man, how can there be no wool from the goat, not ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

      unnecessary - See useless ... Synonym dictionary

    Domestic goat milk is a valuable food product, the popularity of which is growing steadily every year. It has a rich creamy taste and is drinkable unprocessed. In terms of the world volume of production and consumption, goat milk is second only to cow's milk, and in some countries with a developed culture of goat breeding it takes first place. In 1900, it was officially recognized as a highly dietary product and recommended for the nutrition of people with impaired health and children by the Paris Academy of Medical Sciences.

    The protein composition of goat milk and its quality characteristics fully meet the needs of the human body. The main protein in cow's milk, α s1 -casein, which causes the greatest number of allergic reactions, is practically absent in goat milk. The elasticity of the casein clot formed when curdling goat's milk is less than that of cow's milk, and the rate of its formation is higher - these indicators also indicate that it is digested more efficiently.

    Nutritional value of goat milk (per 100 g of product)

    Video: Everything about goat milk in the program "On the most important thing"

    Properties of goat milk as a medicinal food

    Freshly milked goat's milk has a powerful bactericidal activity, due to which it does not sour much longer than cow's milk even at room temperature (in the warmth it remains fresh for up to 3 days, in the refrigerator - more than 7). Strain and cool the goat's milk immediately after milking. Its benefits and harms for the human body are well studied:

    1. Goat milk promotes the growth of immunity against infectious diseases due to the high content of linoleic and linolenic unsaturated fatty acids. This also leads to the normalization of cholesterol metabolism and produces an anti-atherosclerotic effect.
    2. A small amount of orotic acid compared to cow's milk prevents the development of fatty liver syndrome.
    3. Goat milk is excellent for treating intestinal disorders and increased acidity of the digestive juice. Lysozyme helps relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane and helps restore its integrity. These features are important for the use of the product in the prevention and treatment of gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.
    4. In any case of calcium deficiency and disorders of its absorption, goat's milk is of significant help. It reduces the risk of developing rickets in infants and osteoporosis in the elderly, and facilitates the recovery process from injuries, fractures and sprains.
    5. Large amounts of vitamin B12 normalize metabolism and hematopoiesis, an abundance of potassium is beneficial for the heart and blood vessels.

    Goat's milk also helps in the treatment of the thyroid gland, liver, gallbladder, respiratory tract, and produces a pronounced antitumor effect. This product is indispensable for removing heavy metals, getting rid of the effects of radiation exposure, chemotherapy. Eczema, asthma, tuberculosis, colitis, hay fever, migraines, constipation, arthritis - this is not a complete list of diseases in the treatment of which the benefits of goat's milk are undeniable.

    Goat's milk cheese and cottage cheese are especially important for the treatment of dysbiosis. They prevent flatulence, regulate the function of the digestive system, and normalize the composition and activity of the intestinal microflora. The most valuable is cottage cheese, and the method of its preparation is of great importance for the preservation of its healing properties.

    Recipe for making homemade goat's milk cottage cheese

    Place the dishes with fresh goat's milk in a warm place for natural fermentation. Since it sours slowly, it is necessary to remove the settled top layer of cream or sour cream in a timely manner, otherwise they can turn rancid. The curdled milk formed as a result of the work of lactic acid bacteria, which is a thick homogeneous mass, should be placed in the freezer and wait until it is completely frozen. After that, it remains only to get it out and throw it into a colander with gauze or a fine sieve for defrosting at room temperature and draining the whey.

    The curd obtained in this way has a delicate pleasant taste and airy consistency. It retains the maximum amount of vitamins and mineral salts. The absence of a stage of heat treatment during the preparation process allows the lactic acid microorganisms to be kept alive.

    Homemade cheese recipe

    Goat milk - 5 l
    Acidin-Pepsin - 10 tablets

    Dissolve the tablets in warm water, leave for 20 minutes. Warm the milk slightly, pour the diluted enzyme into it, mix well, cover and place in a warm place. It will take about 40 minutes to form a clot, after which it must be heated, stirring constantly. As soon as the cheese flakes appear, the mass should be thrown into a gauze bag laid in a colander. After draining the whey, the cheese must be salted and slightly kneaded, then put under oppression for 3-4 hours.

    Goat milk during pregnancy and breastfeeding

    During gestation and lactation, a woman's body requires much more nutrients, minerals and vitamins than usual. The active growth of the fetus presupposes the timely supply of the necessary nutrients; if they are lacking, the mother's body can be seriously affected. Goat's milk can significantly reduce the risk of lack of calcium and a number of other essential elements and reduce damage to maternal health, one way or another caused by pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Regular consumption of whole goat milk prevents the development of seizures, hair loss and decreased performance caused by a lack of mineral salts. Warmed milk with honey soothes the nervous system, relieves insomnia and anxiety. Milkshakes with fresh quail eggs help prevent constipation, which often darkens the life of the expectant mother in the second half of pregnancy.

    The Role of Goat Milk in Infant Nutrition

    Adequate nutrition at an early age is one of the main conditions for the correct formation of all organs and systems, their adequate functioning and the harmonious development of the child. Goat milk is often used as the basis for adapted dairy products and infant formula, since its composition is close to breast milk.

    Goat milk for this purpose is safer than cow's and soy milk for a number of reasons:

    1. Human milk and goat's milk are in many ways similar in terms of the composition of proteins and amino acids, among which lysine, tyrosine and cystine predominate, which are necessary for the synthesis of hormones and other compounds that regulate metabolism.
    2. Goat milk contains less iron than cow's milk, but the absorption rate is higher (30% versus 10% for cow's milk).
    3. Goat milk contains a large amount of glycerol esters, which are important for the digestion of newborns.
    4. Saturation of goat milk with β-casein and the absence of α s1 -casein reduce the risk of developing allergies, atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma.
    5. The structure of lipids and proteins allows goat's milk to curd into small and soft flakes in the stomach, forming a small loose clot that can be easily digested. Goat's milk is absorbed fully and 5 times faster than cow's milk.

    Weight loss with goat milk

    The benefits of goat milk for weight loss are the result of its complex therapeutic effect. With a lack of calcium, the metabolism slows down, the processing of lipids and the destruction of the fat layer stops. Saturation of the body with calcium salts normalizes metabolism and promotes weight regulation.

    The calorie content of goat milk is 68 kcal, it is easy to digest, provides good nutrition and dulls the feeling of hunger. A lax diet can be supplemented with low-calorie healthy foods (fresh vegetables, fruits, lettuce). Sour foods should be avoided, and milk is best consumed skimmed.

    There are mono diets using goat milk as a base, but you should not choose them because of the harm caused to health. Weight loss can be achieved by following a few helpful tips and developing a safe, healthy diet that suits your needs:

    1. With good tolerance, it is advisable to drink 3 glasses of whole milk a day to normalize metabolic processes.
    2. It is recommended to drink a glass of water half an hour before meals.
    3. Milk must be taken separately from other products.
    4. Fasting days with milk can be carried out once a week. A liter of drink is consumed in half a glass portions, slightly warming it up. On such a day, coffee and tea without sugar and sweeteners are also allowed.

    Goat milk in cosmetology

    Goat milk and its constituents are very popular today for the production of cosmetics. Its most important properties are used in creams and masks for face and body skin, shampoos and hair balms:

    • goat milk triggers the regeneration of collagen fibers and stimulates metabolic processes, which restores elasticity and silkiness to the skin;
    • antioxidants help preserve youthful skin;
    • bactericidal components inhibit the development of harmful microorganisms, help in the healing of microtraumas and eliminate irritation;
    • moisturizing and nourishing ingredients penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin thanks to the low melting point of goat milk fat.

    With regular use of cosmetics based on goat milk of industrial or home production, the skin color is evened out and fresher, age spots become lighter and become invisible. Restoring the water-salt balance eliminates puffiness and bags under the eyes, dryness and peeling.

    The use of goat milk for hair care makes hair more manageable and softer, helps to get rid of dandruff, prevents the excision of the ends and restores the hair shaft. To feel the beneficial effect of this healing component, after washing, it is enough to soak the curls and scalp with milk diluted in a 1: 1 ratio with warm water, and leave it for 2-3 minutes before rinsing.

    How to choose goat milk

    Unlike cow's milk, which is easy to find in any store, goat's milk is not as widespread. This healthful product can be found through advertisements from goat owners, private farms and farms. When buying milk "hand-held", it is important to take precautions. It is necessary to be completely confident that the animal that gives milk is healthy, is not infected with brucellosis and tick-borne encephalitis, is kept clean and receives adequate nutrition.

    It will not be superfluous to ask the seller to submit a certificate from the veterinarian, but you should not insist on the examination of the goat, her home and presence at the milking. It will be quite sufficient to pay a little attention to the general condition of the house and the appearance of the owner in order to get an impression of his neatness, cleanliness and neatness.

    Boiling or pasteurizing purchased milk will help you avoid trouble. However, if there is no doubt about the safety of the product, it is most beneficial to consume it freshly milked and unprocessed. Thermal exposure leads to the destruction of proteins and some amino acids, damage to the structure of lipid globules, and the breakdown of vitamins.

    Contrary to popular belief, goat's milk does not have a specific unpleasant smell or taste. This is very rare, and animals that give such milk do not take root on the farm. The appearance of odor can be influenced by the joint maintenance of lactating animals with a sexually mature male (especially during the rutting period), fungal diseases of the hooves, congenital or acquired disorders in the work of the stomach, liver or kidneys, the presence of helminthic infestation, untimely cleaning of the premises, especially the diet.

    Precautions for Drinking Goat Milk

    Goat's milk is harmful to the human body if its health and functions of the digestive tract are peculiar or impaired. Individual intolerance to this product is rare. In this case, its use is unacceptable, as it causes the development of an allergic reaction.

    The amount of lactase required to break down milk sugar often decreases with age. This leads to milk causing a rejection reaction (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), discomfort, and no benefit. Goat milk is easier to tolerate due to the low lactose content, but an increased degree of enzyme deficiency is a clear contraindication to its use. Fermented milk products (especially cheese and cottage cheese) contain little lactose, but they are also unsuitable for food with complete lactase deficiency.

    Diseases of the pancreas significantly impoverish a person's diet; milk is often included in the list of restrictions. At the same time, many experts recommend taking fresh goat milk in a daily dose of up to 1 liter, since it helps to restore the organ, suppresses the inflammatory process and works as an analgesic.

    Warning: To make an informed decision about the possibility of using goat's milk for pancreatic dysfunction, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    Obesity, caused by malfunctioning of the endocrine system, also requires to give up the use of goat's milk as part of a therapeutic diet. Excellent assimilation of the lipid component and high fat content of a natural product in this case can only do harm.

    Even if well tolerated, goat milk should not be overused to maximize the benefits of goat milk and to avoid harm. An excess of it in the diet can cause disturbances in the work of the intestines, diarrhea, the development of obesity and hypervitaminosis. It is better to drink milk 2-3 hours before or after the main meal, otherwise it will weaken the effect of gastric juice.

    In the animal kingdom all social roles are clearly defined and regulated... The females must continue the race, the males must protect the females, cubs, their flock, get food, guard their territory, take care of the prolongation of the genus.

    For pets and birds, everything is somewhat simpler. There is not much to protect from anyone, food will be brought in anyway, the place of residence is determined by the owner of the estate, and not the leader of the pack. In general, of all cases, one thing remains - procreation.

    Pay attention, as a rule, there is one rooster in the hen house, all other birds are hens. Pigs - boars are not particularly favored on the farm, however, like rams - their meat is not tasty (but it gives wool, which is needed on the farm). Keep bulls as inseminators, skins and meat.

    Goats give milk, which is very healthy. Moreover, it is easier to keep them than a cow. This is understandable, they take up little space, eat less. Even a lonely old woman can handle her.

    And what is the use of a goat farm?

    In peasant farms, they did not really like to feed those who do not benefit, and therefore the expression appeared: "It’s good, like a goat — no wool, no milk."

    It means:

    A person who does not bring any benefit to society or family.

    A stupid, useless creature.