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  • How to care for a mumps. How to properly care for your guinea pig

    How to care for a mumps. How to properly care for your guinea pig

    Being in their natural environment, guinea pigs take care of themselves on their own. Natural conditions allow animals to keep their teeth, hair and claws in order. To ensure that the animals are properly cared for in captivity, the owner needs to know everything about guinea pigs. This article provides information on how to care for your guinea pig at home. It also contains tips and videos for beginners.



    It is better if the animal is accustomed to the combing procedure from an early age. Tools are purchased in advance or immediately after the rodent appears in the house:

    • soft brush;
    • comb with sparse teeth;
    • metal comb;
    • scissors.

    Short-haired pigs

    Rosette pigs and individuals with short hair independently clean and comb their hair with their teeth. In spring and autumn, during molting, the pet can be helped by combing out the fallen hair with a special soft brush twice a week.

    Long-haired pigs

    The coat of long-haired pigs tends to get tangled. To avoid this, the brushing procedure is carried out daily, paying special attention to the lower back, where the coat most often falls off. Felted lumps, if they did form, are cut off with scissors.

    • The procedure will be less painful if you slightly wet your hair.
    • First, the wool must be untangled with a comb, and then massage with a soft brush.
    • To cut off the pellet without touching the skin, it must be lifted slightly.
    • Females during lactation need to cut off the hair in the nipple area.
    • Angora pigs can be sheared during the warmer months to facilitate movement and avoid overheating.

    Holders of long-haired guinea pigs can witness an interesting phenomenon - rodents cut hair for themselves and their relatives. The nature of this phenomenon is not fully understood. To avoid such unplanned haircuts, you can spray your pets with a special zoo deodorant.


    If the pet's diet lacks the necessary vitamins and elements, this will negatively affect the condition of its hair, the coat will become dull and faded. A silky shine to the hair of the animal will give an appropriate diet. In the rodent menu, you need to include sunflower seeds and flaxseeds. Seeds should be fed in moderation, as they can lead to excessive weight gain.


    As the coat becomes dirty, the pig should be bathed. To do this, adjust the basin or wash your pet right in the sink. The water level in the basin should not exceed 3 cm. Wash the pig carefully, without sudden movements. For washing, it is better to use a special rodent shampoo, which is thoroughly washed off at the end of the procedure. You can dry the animal with a hairdryer, but only at the lowest temperature. Drafts should be avoided after bathing.

    Some pigs are very fond of swimming.

    Claw care

    Clipping the claws is an important procedure. The paws of the animal can be deformed if you do not regularly release it from the processes that interfere with life. The procedure is carried out twice a year, starting from the age of one.


    To trim the claws of a guinea pig you will need:

    • nippers - it is preferable to use special for animals, but children are also suitable;
    • hemostatic powder or cornstarch;
    • hand towel.

    Claw cutting

    Before the procedure, all inventory must be laid out so as to have quick access to it. Then the pet is taken out of the cage in a calm mood and wrapped in a towel. Then they put the pig on its knees and give it time to recover a little, you can treat it to a treat. After the animal has calmed down, one by one, the claws are cut off from its paws, trying not to hurt the eponychia. If a blood vessel is touched, you must immediately stop the blood with powder or starch.

    Dental care

    Healthy teeth and grinding

    Normally, a guinea pig grows about 20 teeth. The lower dentition should be one and a half times longer than the upper one, and the upper teeth should protrude above the lower ones by a few millimeters. The incisors of a healthy animal do not touch each other, there is a gap between them. From the bottom they look a little convex, and from the top they look concave.

    The front teeth require special attention, as they are constantly growing.

    The animals are forced to grind them down, otherwise too long incisors will interfere with food intake and may injure the gum, tongue or lip of the animal. To maintain healthy teeth and grind them, the pig needs wooden toys, solid food, twigs of fruit trees. But it is better to limit sweet foods.


    Owners of guinea pigs with an irregular bite have to go to a veterinarian to shorten the incisors. This must be done at least once every three months. The doctor sometimes suggests wearing an elastic bandage over the jaw to help the upper and lower teeth close. The pet can take off the bandage ahead of time, so the breeder needs to monitor this.

    Malocclusion can be congenital, as well as a consequence of trauma or an infection in childhood.

    Often, malnutrition and the predominance of soft foods in the diet lead to the curvature of the dentition. Therefore, caring for a guinea pig's teeth also includes controlling its menu. It is imperative to give your pet solid food.

    Broken teeth

    Guinea pig teeth sometimes break. This can be the result of injury, falls, malnutrition, lack of vitamins C and D. Also, teeth can be fragile due to genetic failures and problems with the thyroid gland.

    Over time, the broken tooth will grow back, it will take a couple of weeks. But so that the splinter does not damage the soft tissues of the pet, and the infection is not introduced, the animal should be taken to the veterinary clinic, where the edges of the broken tooth will be trimmed.

    After an injury, the owner will need to ensure that the tooth grows correctly and provide the rodent with proper nutrition. The food will need to be crushed, and the diet enriched with vitamin C. It is also better to surround the animal with attention and care during the recovery period.

    Eye care

    Caring for your guinea pigs includes checking the animal's eyes on a daily basis. In a healthy guinea pig, they are clear, clean, without discharge. Corneal redness, swelling and other abnormalities indicate disease. If there are no obvious reasons for the inflammatory processes (there are no drafts, etc.), and the symptoms persist, the mumps should be shown to the doctor.

    Guinea pigs are susceptible to a variety of eye diseases:

    • Dermoid - located on the cornea, requires surgical intervention.
    • Anophthalmia and microphthalmos are a serious malformation.
    • Blepharitis is a consequence of fungal infection, it is treated with medication.
    • Damage to the eyelids due to a fight or mechanical contact.
    • Conjunctivitis - treatment requires the elimination of the root cause (most often a lack of vitamin C).
    • Orbital bulge is a pea-sized bulge that does not require therapy.
    • Corneal opacities.

    Ear care

    Guinea pig ears should be checked for ticks and kept clean. You can clean your ears with paper towels. It is prohibited to use sticks and cotton swabs for cleaning. You should not climb far into the auricle, and if you cannot see the sulfur in the ears, then it is better not to disturb the animal at all.

    The pet usually scratches the sore spot, and the pig may also show anxiety, tilting its head towards the sore ear.

    Other hygiene procedures

    When bathing, it is recommended to empty the anal pocket of the pig from the accumulated feces. This is especially true for older individuals. The pocket is located in the anal area. The procedure is carried out by pressing on this area from both sides.

    In the genital area of \u200b\u200brodents, villi and hay particles often accumulate. The place of contamination should be carefully cleaned of accumulated debris as necessary.

    Care during illness

    The first thing to do at the first sign of illness is to show your pet to the veterinarian. Next, you should follow the doctor's recommendations.

    • Liquid medicines can be given using a syringe without a needle.
    • The tablets are best offered with a hemostat. The device can be purchased at a pharmacy.
    • It is more convenient to inject subcutaneous solutions using a butterfly crater.

    Eye drops are instilled as follows:

    1. The animal is placed on the table with its back to the owner.
    2. Drops drift over the head of the animal.
    3. With your free hand, the eyelids are pulled apart;
    4. Drops are buried on top.

    To keep track of the guinea pig's urine and stool, it is placed on a towel during illness.

    If your pet is experiencing chills, it should be wrapped in a warm cloth. Additionally, you can wrap a heating pad in a towel and put it in the corner of the cage.

    If the rodents lose their appetite, the guinea pigs are hand-fed. Pets are regularly weighed to avoid exhaustion.

    Care during pregnancy and lactation

    The female requires special care during pregnancy and feeding the offspring. Pregnancy lasts up to 70 days, at which time the pigs are susceptible to various diseases, the risk of death is high.

    • provide silence;
    • eliminate glare;
    • take the pet in your arms as little as possible;
    • maintain the physical activity of the animal, do not cancel walks;
    • give the pig pellets and fresh juicy foods, avoid changes in the diet;
    • give only fresh clean water, monitor the filling of the drinker;
    • carry out additional fortification.

    Guinea pigs are quite small animals and it might seem at first glance that caring for them is no more difficult than for a cat, but this is not so. In this article, you will learn how to properly care for these wonderful animals.

    Guinea pig care

    If you have a small hamster cage, and you want to put a pig there, then by no means do it. Pigs need a lot of space, a cage for one pig should have an area of \u200b\u200b- 0.7 square meters, and for two - 0.9 square meters, and in general, the more, the better.

    The cage must be at least 350-300 mm high and with a lid. The bottom of the cage should be solid, not lattice, because the pig can damage the foot.

    Do not overdo it with multi-level cages, falling from only 15 cm for an animal can cripple it, so it is better that the cage has no more than 2 levels.

    Cage litter is essential, so stock up on sawdust or better paper. A few centimeters of paper will absorb odor and moisture, but these sheets need to be replaced every 3-4 days. You can also use sawdust, but you need to be careful here. Sawdust from many trees can cause respiratory problems in mumps.

    Pig residence

    The pet needs communication, the pigs cannot stand loneliness, so the best place for a pig to live is a room that residents of the house often visit, be it a bedroom or a living room, the pig should celebrate itself comfortably among people. The cage should be in a safe place, on the edge of a table or nightstand, so that the cage does not fall.

    The temperature in the room should be warm. It is worth noting that pigs are very sensitive to temperature extremes. Don't leave them alone on the street without a cage! Cats, dogs - do not treat pigs well, so if there is a cat or dog in the house, then always lock the cage so that the pig is safe.

    In the wild, pigs are used to living in colonies, so if you can't devote much time to a guinea pig, buy her a friend. You can keep both castrated males and a female and a male, but it is best to take them from the same litter.

    If your guinea pig is afraid of you, just give it time to get used to you. Communicate with her, if at first she is hiding from you, then you should not miss her. Bring her food and feed her from a bowl, and when the pig gets used to you, she will eat from your hands.

    Pet food

    Your pet should have water in a drinker or bowl. It is better to buy a drinking bowl, because with it it is easier for you and the pig. There can be problems with the bowl, the animal may overflow and get wet. The water must be changed every day and the drinking bowl must be cleaned.


    Guinea pigs always need to chew on something, so put some hay or dry grass in their cage. Be careful with the hay, as the sharp ends of the hay can hurt the pig's eyes, soak the hay before giving it to your pet.

    The pig should not be limited to one hay or grass, give her vegetables and fruits. About 20% of all meals a day should be in the form of vegetables. But don't overdo it, too much vegetables can lead to diarrhea in mumps. It is best to first familiarize yourself with the list of permitted foods. The pet should not sit all the time in a cage, he needs freedom. Sometimes let him go for a walk in the room, even better in nature, of course, under your supervision. The pig has to move a lot.

    In this article, we have described only the most important rules on how to take care of pigs, of course, this is not the whole list, only the most important information is collected here. The main thing is to love your pets, never offend and keep them in good conditions, and then they will definitely love you.

    Guinea pigs are increasingly becoming, one might say, members of Russian families. Why are they so attractive?

    It is actually one of the best pets for kids. They never bite and are non-aggressive. However, in case of irritation, the maximum is able to hit the offender with his teeth. By the way, guinea pigs are very attached to a person and love to be stroked. At the same time, they are very beautiful, so communication with them is a great pleasure.

    However, like any other domestic creature, a guinea pig needs care. These creatures do not need walks, unlike dogs, and take up little space at home.

    How to bathe guinea pigs?

    Meanwhile, guinea pigs, like cats, are very clean by nature. They hate being dirty. And this despite the fact that the guinea pig has long hair or not at all. And the frequency of bathing should be determined based on the breed. Experts recommend carrying out the procedure no more than once a week. However, if the guinea pig has a speck on the body, then you should not immediately drag it into the bath.

    Experts advise to bathe animals in a sink, in a basin, or in a bathroom. Do not pour too much water or the pig may get scared. Or try washing the animal under a shower head. At the bottom of the sink or basin, it is worth putting a piece of cloth so that the pig's paws do not slip.

    For bathing, buy special shampoos for guinea pigs or rabbits at the pet store. However, you can also use hygiene products for cats. But shampoos for dogs are quite strong, so you shouldn't use them unnecessarily. You can also use baby shampoos.

    Bathe your guinea pig in warm, never hot, water. Use a small ladle or cup (or shower head) to gently wet the coat along its entire body. No need to pour water on the animal's head. Prevent it from getting into the animal's nose and ears. And while wetting and soaping the hair around the head, press the ears with your fingers to the head. This way, water and foam will not get into your ears.

    It is worth noting that some pigs can stand calmly during water procedures. However, more often the animals try to jump out. So keep them in your hand at all times. Remember that soap pig is very slippery. And if you wash it in a deep bath, then it will not run far.

    After you've massaged the animal with the foam, rinse it with clean water.

    Long-haired pigs should be treated with hair balm after this procedure. After that, it will be easier to comb the coat and it will be pleasant for the pig itself. The balm, again, should be evenly distributed over the body of the animal with massaging movements. Then rinse again.

    How to wash a guinea pig?

    The swim is over and you can wrap your guinea pig in a thick towel. It will absorb excess water. You can use a special tissue napkin that absorbs much more liquid than a regular towel. When squeezed out, such a napkin is ready for use again.

    How to dry guinea pigs?

    After wiping, the mumps must be prepared for drying. It must be dried quickly and thoroughly, otherwise the animal may catch a cold. Get a hair dryer and a wide-toothed comb. Some specialists treat long-haired gilts with a special vitamin spray. This makes combing easier, prevents hair from tangling and further protects the coat from sawdust and dirt.

    Keep the hair dryer at a distance so that the air stream does not concentrate in one place. It is worth constantly moving warm air through the body. Particular attention should be paid to the stomach. Make sure the coat is dry everywhere before finishing this procedure.

    Guinea pig care

    After this, the animal can be released home into the cage. And within 24 hours after bathing, you should not take your guinea pig out into the street.

    How to care for a guinea pig?

    By the way, the hygiene procedures do not end there. Guinea pig teeth need constant care. If the food is not solid enough, then the animal's teeth will grow quickly and will interfere with his eating. And too large incisors can accidentally damage the gums, lips or tongue of the rodent. As a result, the animal stops eating and begins to starve. This situation can be corrected by a veterinarian. But the owners can prevent it by letting them chew on various wooden objects. You can put branches of fruit trees, conifers, willows and lindens in the cage.

    It is also necessary to care for the claws of guinea pigs. Particular attention should be paid to the claws of old animals. They are not erased enough, as a result, the animal can see uneven and bent claws that interfere with walking. In this case, they should be trimmed using regular nail scissors.

    In some individuals, the claws are poorly pigmented and blood vessels can be seen in their depths. Therefore, it is worth cutting them under the light of a table lamp. Only there you can cut off a part of the claw without causing discomfort to the animal.

    If the claw is dark brown or black, then the location of the blood vessels is extremely difficult to determine. Here, you need to handle the feet with extreme care. When cutting off part of the claw, try to leave the part slightly beveled inward. Then the claw will not lose its normal shape. It is better if the new cutting edge goes across the claw, since cracks can appear when oblique. If blood appears on the cut, gently blot it with a cotton swab moistened with water. And if the bleeding is heavy, then tighten the foot with a bandage. However, before you let the animal into the cage, clean it thoroughly to prevent infection from getting to the wound.

    How to feed your guinea pig?

    Brush your guinea pig between baths. Short-haired animals do not need to be brushed, but if desired, you can brush the fur with a soft brush. But a long-haired animal needs to be combed at least every other day, paying special attention to the stomach and legs. It is here that matted wool accumulates, straws or excrement get confused. The rolled wool is best cut off. The spool should be taken slightly to the sides and a piece of wool should be cut off with nail scissors. It is worth noting that during the moulting period, the pigs need to be combed with any coat.

    The editors of the site hopes that your animal will be happy and satisfied and will delight you with its healthy and blooming appearance.
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    When we were little, any of us probably dreamed of having a pet, such a fluffy ball, which would be his favorite in the world. Many then envied those children whose parents were especially generous and bought them puppies, kittens or guinea pigs. And no matter what you had to do with this amazing creature - bathing, playing or grooming, every minute brought an unforgettable pleasure. Those who were then deprived of the opportunity to have a pig, today can fix it and bring home this cute furry animal.

    In fact, caring for a guinea pig is not so difficult, and even if certain difficulties arise, it is quite easy to solve them with the existing baggage of knowledge. The rules are especially useful here, adhering to which certainly no problems should arise. And seeing how joyful your pet looks, you will be happy with him.

    Taking care of guinea pigs is so easy that any schoolchild can cope with this task. And for this you need learn the following rules:

    There are also other important features of keeping a mumps at home that you should keep in mind. This animal is highly active, therefore, he will have a propensity to walk from birth. If your pet lives in a not very spacious cage, then it is recommended to take it out into the courtyard of a private house or give it a walk next to a multi-storey building if there is a fenced area next to it.

    You should not deprive the animal of this opportunity, since during walks, the pigs often do such funny things that they can bring joy to their owner.

    Guinea pigs are very sociable creatures. Therefore, you should not leave them alone. If there is no person next to them, then she will begin to be sad. Therefore, you should treat your pet in a special way, demonstrating your love, tenderness and affection. This animal is very fond of being taken on handles, and will certainly repay you with gratitude for this.

    Keep in mind that you need to keep the pig cage in a lit place... With a lack of lighting, she may develop rickets.

    We bathe the pig as needed

    Do not think that since a guinea pig lives with you, you will have to bathe and wash it often. This should only be done when absolutely necessary. Let's say an animal can get dirty during diarrhea. You will have to wash the pig if you recently walked with her in the fresh air and she was digging something in the ground.

    If you cannot do without water procedures, then need to prepare for them.

    Make sure there are no drafts in the room, for this lock all vents and windows in the room... Bathing is very dangerous for these animals, because if they are blown, they can catch a cold.

    The basics of feeding a domestic guinea pig

    The advantage of guinea pigs is their tiny size, so they will eat a little. But, having brought this animal into the house, each owner should remember that guinea pigs are vegetarians. Therefore their the diet should consist of the following ingredients:

    Be very attentive to your pet as this very gentle creaturesand any mistake you make while leaving can seriously affect their health. To make them less likely to get sick, watch what you feed them, and exclude from the diet all foods that fall under the category of prohibited.

    Never give your guinea pig what you eat. This should include cooked foods, overly salty foods, and fried foods.

    Also, you shouldn't give pigs sweets and canned food... Be attentive to the herbs you want to feed your pet: they shouldn't have dew on them.

    You will also have to remove from the number of "dishes" that you can feed your guinea pig, fresh bread, potatoes, peas and other legumes, as well as nuts and berries.

    How to keep a guinea pig at home?

    To make your pet feel comfortable, you must create comfortable conditions for him.

    House device

    Before you start a guinea pig, you must take care of creating a comfortable corner for her, and that will be comfortable and spacious cage, in which caring for her will be noticeably easier for you. You can even keep it in a cage designed for mice, rats and parrots.

    The easiest way is to buy it from the store, but if you have an old cage in your house, you can make small changes to its design and use it for your guinea pig.

    An empty aquarium can also be a good home for a pig. However, keep in mind that it should not be closed. But for safety reasons, this is especially true for those owners who keep a cat in the house, they will have to partially close the aquarium, about two-thirds of the surface.

    Drinking bowl selection

    You can buy this container from which your animal will drink water at any zoological store. it fairly cheap accessory, so its cost will be low. When you get this utensil, you have to attach it to the cage wall.


    With this accessory you will keep your pet's cage clean. But you don't have to buy it in a specialty store. If you have a toy or plastic scoop, you can use it for a similar purpose. You can make bedding from:

    • hay;
    • tyrsy.

    You can also use non-traditional options - litter for cat litter... If you are more interested in tyrsa litter, then it is recommended to choose the one that has large granules.

    If the tyrsa turns out to be too small, then it can accidentally fall into the animal's nose, and this can end very tragically. Therefore, in order to avoid such consequences it is recommended to use sawdust... This filler is traditionally very popular among owners. In addition, you do not have to spend money to purchase it, because it can be found on the street. Its economy makes it especially attractive. So you don't have to stock up on large quantities of sawdust often.


    To some, a guinea pig may seem the most suitable type of pet for keeping at home. This opinion arises from the majority due to its small size. However, in reality this is not the case. Although the guinea pig needs little food, enough attention should be paid to it during grooming. This is a very gentle creature that needs to be cared for in a special way. First of all, this concerns nutrition - you cannot feed this animal with human food.

    They can give only vegetarian meals - mainly grass combined with vegetables. Also, do not forget that guinea pigs need walks. This will not only help maintain the health of the animal, but will also enable the owner to enjoy pleasant moments, observing how the pet behaves in a new environment.

    Guinea pigs are commonly referred to as a domesticated type of rodent that belongs to the mumps family. In ancient times, the first who began to breed these small animals were the Inca tribes, and, in the beginning, guinea pigs were used exclusively for food, and after some time they began to be considered full-fledged pets. Caring for such a pet is quite simple and will not cause you any unnecessary trouble. You can learn more about all the rules and regulations of content from our article.

    Useful information about the guinea pig

    Guinea pigs have the following characteristic features:

    • body length from 20 to 35 cm;
    • no tail;
    • the ears are hanging in shape, and the muzzle is wide and rounded towards the chin;
    • the average weight of a female can be from 800 grams to 1.3 kg, and males usually weigh from 1 kg to 1.5 kg;
    • the most common is brown, gray, white coat color;
    • the animals are very kind and easily make contact with humans.
    it is advisable to purchase guinea pigs at the age of 1.5 months for successful adaptation to new housing

    How to choose the right guinea pig at a pet store?

    Before buying a guinea pig, you need to find out many different nuances. You need to do the following:

    • check how cool the animal is - examine it, the coat should be smooth, shiny, the body is strong, the eyes are dark, without any secretions, and the nose is dry and pinkish;
    • ask the seller for the sex of the animal, for example, females can be put in one enclosure, but males may not divide the territory;
    • specify the age - it is best to purchase a 1.5 month old guinea pig, so that it is easier for her to get used to you and to a new place of residence;
    • transport the animal exclusively using a special cage or carrier, in order to avoid severe stress and fright.

    Necessary for care

    Like any other pet, a guinea pig needs a wide variety of grooming accessories. These include:

    • cage or aquarium;
    • feeder;
    • drinking cup;
    • house;
    • filler;
    • mineral stone;
    • toys;
    • carrying;
    • hygiene products;
    • brush-comb and nail clipper.

    Cage or aquarium

    Keeping a guinea pig is allowed both in the aquarium and in the cage. The main condition is size: the dwelling must be at least 50 cm long and 30 cm high so that the animal can move comfortably. If you opted for a cage, then it is best to take a closer look at the options that have a plastic bottom. Plastic is quite easy to care for, easy to wash, dry, etc. A wooden base will not work due to the fact that these animals drink a lot of liquid per day, which means they excrete a large amount of urine. Wood will simply deteriorate in a very short time. You can purchase an aquarium with the above dimensions. Just like a cage with a plastic bottom, it is easy enough to wash and clean. But you should be careful, since glass is a very fragile material and at the time of rearrangement, for example, to another room, you should follow the safety rules (the pet should not be in the aquarium, it must be transplanted into a carrier).



    The feeder should be heavy enough so that the guinea pig cannot tip it over. Bowls made from ceramic, stainless steel, etc. It is also recommended to buy 2-3 containers. For example, one will be used for vegetables or fruits, and the other for dry food.

    Drinking cup

    For a guinea pig, a vertical ball sipper is perfect. It is usually made of plastic with a metal tip. In such a drinking bowl there is no need to change the water every day, but this is done about 2-3 times a week ..


    Be sure to install a small house in a cage or aquarium. In it, your pet will sleep, rest, or just retire when he wants to be alone. Most often, these houses are made of wood with a round "door" carved in the middle. The most optimal size is considered to be 25 cm in length and 15 cm in height. This space is enough for the animal to hide and at the same time feel comfortable.



    When setting up a cage, do not forget about the bedding. She will create coziness in the cage, will not let the animal freeze and to some extent will maintain cleanliness. Sawdust or ground corn cobs can be used as filler. Never put cotton, newspaper, paper, etc. in the cage as bedding, as this is not safe for your pet's health.

    Mineral stone

    To maintain healthy teeth and calcium levels in the body of a guinea pig, a mineral stone is essential. After all, it serves not only as a vitamin complex, but also perfectly helps the animal to grind its teeth. Such a stone is sold in a pet store, and its price is quite democratic.

    a rock


    Guinea pigs behave somewhat like decorative rabbits. They really love to play. Therefore, be sure to buy some interesting and funny toy for your pet, for example, a tunnel, a hammock, a mirror, a rolling wheel, etc. The game will not only bring joy and pleasure to the animal, but it will also strengthen the muscles, and will also become an excellent preventive measure against obesity.


    In the event that your plans did not include joint travel or any trips with a guinea pig, then you will still need a carrier. It is strictly forbidden to transport an animal in your arms, in a box or blanket. For example, you have to visit a veterinarian or move the animal to another house or apartment, in such life situations, a carrier will certainly help you out. The pig will feel safe and the transportation process will be calm.

    Hygiene products

    Guinea pigs are considered clean animals, but sometimes they are still allowed to be bathed. For such cases, you must use special hygiene products that can be purchased at the pet store. The most popular ones are:

    • "Biogance" - bio-perfume;
    • "Veda" - wheat shampoo.

    Comb brush and nail clipper

    Taking care of your guinea pig's coat and claws is extremely important. To do this, you need to purchase a special comb with soft bristles (combing is done daily), as well as a nail clipper for trimming the claws (the procedure is performed as they lengthen).

    How to feed your pet correctly?

    To maintain the health and longevity of your guinea pig, it is necessary to ensure proper and balanced nutrition. Make your diet as varied and rich in vitamins and minerals as possible. It should include dry food such as grain and hay, vegetables, fruits. As a treat or treat, you can give the pig boiled beets, carrots, and an apple. Observe the following feeding rules:

    • in the summer, it is recommended to collect various fresh herbs such as clover (along with flowers), nettle, yarrow, dandelion leaves;
    • in winter, just like people, animals need vitamins of group "C", so add 1 mg of ascorbic acid to your drinking water every day, and do not forget that this liquid should be changed every day;
    • it is forbidden to feed the pig with frozen, dried fruits and vegetables, sweets, flour products, cottage cheese and dairy products, old, moldy feed;
    • pay attention to the diet: it should be two meals a day (in the morning and in the evening), but a pregnant pet can become an exception, in such a situation it must be transferred to four meals a day.

    guinea pigs need to be fed twice a day and periodically seen by the veterinarian

    Despite the fact that guinea pigs are quite unpretentious in their care, nevertheless, certain rules for their maintenance must be followed in order to avoid problems with the health of the animal.

    Basic care requirements

    During their stay in their natural habitat, guinea pigs are able to take care of themselves on their own. In nature, absolutely all conditions have been created to maintain a healthy state of teeth, hair or claws. But, when the animal enters the man's house, the responsibility for caring falls on his shoulders. So, you need to do the following:

    • feed - 2 times a day;
    • wash the feeder - 2 times a day (after each meal);
    • ventilate the room with the cage (first transplant the animal into the carrier) - once a day;
    • change the litter - once every 3 days;
    • carry out general cleaning of the cage - once a week;
    • comb the fur - every day;
    • trim claws - once a month;
    • veterinarian examination - once every 3 months.

    Sick animal

    As soon as you have the first suspicions that your guinea pig is sick, immediately take her to a competent veterinarian. Then follow all your doctor's recommendations. Follow these steps:

    • if your pet has been prescribed medications in liquid form, then they should be given with a syringe without a needle;
    • in the case of prescribing tablets, it must be crushed to a powdery state, put in a teaspoon, and then slightly poured with water and given to the animal;
    • eye drops must be instilled from above, holding a hand above the head of the animal, and it should be located with its back to the owner;
    • if you need to track changes in urine or stool, then instead of the usual filler, lay a soft towel in the cage;
    • in case of severe chills, the pig should be wrapped in a warm cloth (a small blanket, towel, etc.), and a heating pad can also be placed in the far corner of the cage.

    Pregnant pig

    The gestation period in guinea pigs is approximately 70 days. At this time, the animal's immunity is rather weak, so it is important to pay special attention to your pet. To do this, you need to do the following:

    • provide peace and quiet;
    • remove bright light;
    • do not take the animal in your arms (only in extreme cases);
    • follow the diet;
    • change water and filler daily;
    • give special vitamins and minerals.

    Breeding guinea pigs

    Guinea pigs are capable of producing offspring all year round, but, of course, with quality maintenance and proper care. During estrus, the female is placed in the same cage with the male for a couple of hours, then seated. This is done for "dating". Then the procedure is repeated. If, after a couple of weeks, the female does not start another estrus, then this fact may indicate pregnancy. After 3-5 weeks, the "interesting position" of the mumps can be determined by probing the abdomen. It is important to know that the pregnant individual should be kept in a separate cage. The female will be ready for the next mating 5-6 hours after giving birth. In one birth, up to 6 cubs can be born. It is not recommended to knit a female more than 2 times a year, since pregnancy greatly weakens the animal's body, it needs time to recover.

    Guinea pigs are kind and intelligent pets. They quickly get used to a person, willingly make contact and easily become tame. These funny rodents are very fond of affection, attention, and also when they are stroked or combed. Provide your new friend with the right care, warmth, and love. Believe me, he will answer you in kind. The pig will make a great first pet for your child. It is easy to care for and its coat is considered hypoallergenic.