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  • From alpha to omega phraseological unit. Snoring B

    From alpha to omega phraseological unit. Snoring B

    « Alpha"Is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, meaning the sound" a "," omega "(the sound" o ") - the last one:" I- alphaand omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last, ”God says about himself in the Bible.
    Such expressions are found in all languages \u200b\u200bof the world. For example, we say: “Learn everything from A to Z”, but in tsarist times we said “From azabefore izhitsy". Az is the first letter of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet, Izhitsa is the last letter, respectively. Phraseologism« from alpha to omega"Means" the whole thing "," from beginning to end. "

    Phraseologism "Branching cranberry" meaning

    This expression came to our language not so long ago. In 1910, a play was staged in one of the theaters of St. Petersburg, parodying the ideas of foreigners about Russia. In one of the scenes, the heroine of the play was sitting "under the branchy branches of a century-old cranberry." Since then, all the implausible, fantastic descriptions of Russian life are called « spreading cranberries».

    Phraseologism "Crocodile tears" meaning

    The expression "spill crocodile tears»We use in relation to an insincere person who hypocritically laments and sympathizes with us for any reason, the cause of which is often himself. They say that a person sheds crocodile tears when he falsely empathizes with us, grinning in his soul and rejoicing at the failures that have befallen our lot. Very accurately and succinctly, this phraseological unit characterizes an insincere and deceitful person, perfectly conveying the essence of his soul. But where did this winged expression come from in Russian, because our land is not famous for crocodiles?

    This phraseological unit came to us from time immemorial, and it was based on the belief that crocodiles, eating their prey, cry, pretending to regret the victim. This catchphrase was used in ancient Rome - references to it were found in the Constantinople library of Patriarch Photius (810-895). In Russian, phraseological units crocodile tears appeared as a result of a literal translation of the German word Krokodilstränen. In Weismann's book "German-Latin and Russian Lexicon" in 1731, this phraseological unit was first published and its characteristics were given. In the ancient Russian "ABCs" there is an interpretation of this expression, which directly indicates the feigned tears of a crocodile and his habits.

    But is this true, is the crocodile really so sensitive and sentimental that it sheds burning tears over its victim? For a very long time, people thought that way. Of course, the fact remains: many studies have confirmed that a crocodile does indeed pour out a liquid that looks like tears when eating food. However, this liquid has nothing to do with tears, especially tears of regret. There was even a version that these were not tears, but the saliva of the desire for delicious food, manifested at the time of the meal. But all these versions are not true, but crocodile tearshave a more mundane explanation. The thing is that crocodiles have an imperfect system for removing excess salts from the body. And special glands that help the kidneys to remove excess salts are located just near the eyes. That is why during the work of these glands a liquid appears, which is mistaken for tears. This theory explains why crocodiles do not always "cry" while eating.

    This is the story phraseological unit crocodile tears... However, from the fact that we finally learned the truth about the habits of crocodiles, this phraseological unit will not lose its meaning. It is too precise, imaginative and convenient.

    Phraseologism "To dance to someone else's tune" meaning

    The expression is used in the meaning: to act not by their own will, but by the will of another. It goes back to the Greek historian Herodotus (5th century BC), who told us the following fable (the fable itself is attributed to the legendary Greek fabulist Aesop (6th century BC): “One flutist who saw fish in the sea became playing the flute, expecting them to come out to him on land. Deceived in hope, he took the net, threw it and pulled out many fish. Seeing the fish beat in the nets, he told them: "Stop dancing; when I played the flute you didn't want to go out and dance».
    A similar expression is found in the Gospel (from Matthew): “We played the flute for you, and you did not danced”, That is, they did not want to fulfill our will.

    "I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end ... which is and was and is to come ..." (Rev. 1: 8)

    Symbolism surrounds people from all sides. By studying the signs, a person expands his consciousness and can look at the world in a new way.


    Alpha is the symbol of birth in the Greek alphabet. In Syrian, Cretan and Sinai, the letter was inverted and looked like a horned bull's head in the shape of a triangle. In various Aramaic, Palestinian and Attic variants, it leans to the side and, eventually, comes to our "A".

    Greek alphabet

    Currently, the Greek alphabet is used by the Greek diasporas in the Black Sea region of Russia, southern Italy and southern Albania, as well as some Arumanians and Meglen Romanians, Gypsies, Slavs and Muslim groups in northern Greece.

    It is also widely used in science. For example, in chemistry, when designating organic compounds, in physics - many constants, quantities and others, in astronomy - the alpha symbol is used for angles, figures and planes. In mathematics, they mean, for example, the sine of an angle.

    Greek alphabet letters

    In ancient times, all letters had a sacred meaning.

    Thus, symbols and other letters of the Greek alphabet have different meanings. Let's consider some of them.

    Alpha originally stood for bull and meant caring for cattle, increasing and using wealth correctly.

    Beta meant a violation of unity and even possessed demonic properties. In some religions, it is identified with a challenge to God.

    Alpha and beta are the first letters of the Greek alphabet. There are twenty-four letters in total. The article discusses only two of them in detail.

    Omega means abundance and wealth, apotheosis, successful completion of the business. In its numerical equivalent, it means "faith" and "lord." Thus, this symbol means regardless of the type of religion.

    The roundness of the omega is sometimes interpreted as hell opened up. Omega is a circle, alpha is a symbol that personifies a compass, this drawing circle.

    It is worth noting that the compass and the circle are present in both Freemasonry and Taoism.

    Why did Christ use the Greek letters of the alphabet when saying "I am the Alpha and Omega ..."?

    It is interesting that in the Greek alphabet there is no letter corresponding to "B". Only "upsilon" (Y) somewhat resembles it in sound, but does not correspond completely.

    Curiously, the Aramaic and Greek alphabets are similar. Apparently, they have a certain common proto-language. However, the letters corresponding to each other before and after this are absent in the position with "B", that is, the Aramaic "Vav" does not have an analogue at the same position. Omega is only in last place, and in the Hebrew (Aramaic) alphabet - in sixth. I recall that Jesus, speaking in Aramaic, for some reason used "Alpha and Omega" in his speech.

    The fact is that the perception of the world of the Hellenes consisted in the primary worship of the spiritual. It is “El” (spirit) that is the main one. Therefore, the most spiritual letter "Alpha", symbolizing the spirit, stood in the first place, and the most carnal letter "Omega", perhaps, gradually moved to the end of the alphabet in the language.

    Then it becomes clear why Christ used. After all, if he spoke in Aramaic, the first letter "Aleph" would mean a bull, that is, what he said would mean "I am a bull." Involuntarily comes the association with the veneration of the "golden calf".

    Alpha and omega in banknotes

    If you look closely at the designations of banknotes, it becomes clear that they are some kind of symbols. What do these signs mean? After all, when inventing a currency, the authors probably wanted it to prosper in the future.

    Alpha and omega as a symbol are often found in many banknotes. In addition to them, you can find traces of yin and yang, the number of pi and more.

    The explicit alpha is sterling.

    The yin and yang lines are drawn in the US dollar and the Israeli shekel, and the pi number is drawn in the Chinese currency.

    Maybe a country that has its own currency symbol in the outline of the Omega has a special role to play?

    Omega is a symbol in magic

    Sorcerers believe that magic appeared when people learned to interrupt infinity.

    Space initially consists of threads and their filler, which are constantly in vibration. They can be heard, influenced by them, changing the sound.

    Each item has its own range. When you change it for something, the object may disappear or turn into another. But this can only be done by those who have freed their Spirit from the challenge that the Omega symbol carries.

    Those who study magic with the help of symbols, signs, sounds feel vibrations in themselves and thus have some kind of possibility of influencing the universe.

    The Omega symbol is the hardest one. It is the only one that contains a complete matrix of decimal code. Other symbols are meant to destroy the power of this.

    Each person should strive to destroy him in himself or to master him.

    Omega consists of "O", meaning one Spirit and Soul, and "Mega" - a challenge. That is, together the symbol denotes the challenge that the Spirit has accepted. Its modern meaning may sound like personality evolution.

    The symbol is the ending for everything. Having cognized it, a person must transform the form - to make ends meet and create a ring.

    It is always used in conjunction with other symbols.

    Alpha is a symbol in magic

    The magicians believe that the expression "I am Alpha and Omega" can be said in one word "Alpha", since Alpha is the symbol of Omega in motion.

    Acquiring its direction, the upper part of the Omega stretches and sharpens. However, the stable O symbol prevents Omega from shrinking at the bottom. The dividing line, caused by inner tension, gives rise to the appearance of Alpha. Only an effort of the will of a person is able to create it.

    As long as the magician is striving for something, and his actions are subordinated to this goal, he can control the Alpha, and his possibilities become limitless.

    "I am the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last ..." - this is the oath of magicians, which they give themselves and get the opportunity to use magic, which can be used for both constructive and destructive purposes.

    The magicians believe that in cases where the Alpha symbol is placed next to the Omega, then, contradicting each other, they cannot be useful and can even harm.

    Alpha and Omega - the secret of the symbol

    The famous saying of God can be deciphered with the help of Pimander, the main opus of the Hermetic vault, brought by a monk to Florence from Macedonia in the fifteenth century.

    It reveals the deep secrets of reason and light.

    Some postulates are taken as a basis that God is light located in an environment that is not perceived by our ordinary consciousness, therefore it is called "Nothing" or "External darkness". She surrounds God with no beginning or end. God the light, on the other hand, contains all principles and has a beginning and an end.

    God-light has a border, a circle that is filled with light and at the same time does not belong either to him or to external Darkness. This ring contains the secret of the origin of a number with a beginning and an end, and from it the Omega appears.

    God-light, making a loop in the outer Darkness with its rings, opens the circle below. The word of God will be born there.

    The outer darkness penetrates into the loop, and two darkness arise - the inner and the outer. At the same time, the inner Darkness is Divine and subject to God. The secret of baptism is revealed here. John cleansed people while he was in the water. So God, being in the outer Darkness, purified himself and baptized himself. The essence of the cross is that it divides and advances to God, and any evil spirits are afraid of it, since it will disappear during purification.

    Two rings, approaching in outer Darkness, transform it from limitless into ultimate, and then, touching and partially intersecting when the rotational and translational principles are combined, create a new one - rectilinear movement or the principle of trinity. In Omega, it unfolds in a spiral.

    In the material world, the Omega node is clearly visible in black holes in the Universe. Matter in a spiral is sucked into them, forming or Darkness-internal.

    Inside Omega, a damp nature forms, where countless forms and species are born. Further, energies are formed in chaos (hell), after which equilibrium occurs, constancy - energies fluctuate steadily, leading to the origin of sound. Finally, the dead come to life.

    New living forms appear from living sounds. Further, no more forms appear, but the remnants of darkness, uniting with the Father, give rise to the Holy Spirit.

    After the Divine Light has filled the upper space, thus forming a triangle, it can only illuminate the rest of the space with rays. The figures in the sign, formed during the separation of the living from the dead - Alpha, are symbols of Divine light.

    Alpha and Omega are a symbol, upon comprehension of which some basic secrets of the universe are revealed. The essence of things and the energies that created them are seen in a new way, and a person, gaining secret knowledge, can discover new abilities in himself.

    Many set expressions have an interesting history and interesting analogs, synonyms that we are not aware of. An example of this is the phraseological unit "Alpha and Omega", which we will talk about in this article.

    What is it - alpha and omega?

    Let's first define the main figures in the expression. These are the names of the alphabet: alpha is the first, omega is the last.

    These words are the names of sounds. Also alpha sounds like "a" and omega sounds like "o".

    Expression value

    From the previous subtitle, it is easy to guess for yourself the meaning of the phraseological unit. "Alpha and Omega", "From Alpha to Omega" are interpreted as follows:

    • The beginning and end (from beginning to end) of something.
    • Something completely, completely, in all coverage.
    • Most importantly, the essence of any phenomenon, process.

    Origin of the phrase

    Let's see where the origins of the phraseology "Alpha and Omega" are. Researchers tend to assume that this expression came into wide use from the Bible. "I am alpha and omega, beginning and end ..." This is what Jesus Christ says about himself (Apocalypse of John the Theologian, 1: 8).

    It is worth noting that in the original source a somewhat different expression was put into the phrase than it is today. Surely, speaking about himself these words, Jesus meant that he is the universe, the whole world, everything that exists. In this aspect, the phrase is already acquiring a certain philosophical connotation, elevating it above modern expression.

    In the Old Church Slavonic spoken language, the expression came from ancient Greek (το "Αλφα και το Ω).

    Similar expressions

    "From alpha to omega" is somewhat international expression. There are analogs in many languages. For example, in Russian it can be easily replaced with phrases like: "lay out everything for me from A to Z", "we must go this route from A to Z", "she told me the whole play, from A to Z". Thus, we replace "completely", "from beginning to end".

    Our ancestors used to say a similar phrase - "from Az to Izhytsa". As you probably guessed, az is the first character of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet, and Izhitsa is the last.


    This phraseological unit can to some extent be replaced with one word, a short, stable expression. For instance:

    • core;
    • centre;
    • foundation;
    • base;
    • support;
    • kernel;
    • three whales;
    • foundation stone;
    • backbone;
    • the basis of the basics;
    • primary element and so on.

    For example: "he knew this theorem from alpha to omega" - "he knew the whole essence of this theorem", "this plant is the alpha and omega of our region" - "this plant is the core of the production of our region" and so on.

    Today the phrase is of little use, gradually disappearing from everyday conversations. Unfortunately, one can even predict that the expression "From alpha to omega" will soon become outdated, archaic and mostly bookish.