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  • What does the expression mean, you can't jump over your head. Myths of non-systemic parents

    What does the expression mean, you can't jump over your head. Myths of non-systemic parents

    You can't jump above your head Razg. Express. You cannot do what is beyond strength. The desire to please the audience should be inherent in every artist. And if this desire for fame is combined with creative maximalism, it stimulates to new achievements and victories. Can't you jump over your head? Who knows ... what if it works out (V. Levochko. Happy rafting).

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M .: Astrel, AST... A.I. Fedorov. 2008.

    See what "You can't jump above your head" in other dictionaries:

      you can't jump over your head - adverb, number of synonyms: 1 you can't do more than what you can do (1) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

      you can't jump higher than a dick - you can't jump over your head, you can't step over yourself, you can't fit with eggs, hopelessly. Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

      You can't jump above your nose (your head) - You can't jump above your nose (your head). Wed In my opinion: A book? Okay! interesting, even better! But a man wrote any book, but he cannot jump above his head ... Bitter. Rogue. 2. Wed Young people are always something ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

      you can't jump above your nose (your head) - Wed In my opinion, like this: A book? Okay! interesting, even better! But a man wrote any book, but he cannot jump higher than his head ... Gorky. Rogue. 2. Wed Young people always languish with something and want to jump higher than their heads, but this is impossible ...

      above your head - you can't jump above your nose (your head) Wed. In my opinion, like this: A book? Okay! interesting, even better! But a person wrote any book, but he cannot jump higher than his head ... Gorky. Rogue. 2. Wed Young people are always something ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

      head - noun, f., uptr. naib. often Morphology: (no) what? head, why? head, (see) what? head, what? head about what? about the head; pl. what? head, (no) what? heads, what? heads, (see) what? head what? heads about what? about heads 1. The head is ... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

      Icarus and the wise men - Type of cartoon drawn Director Fyodor Khitruk Scriptwriter ... Wikipedia

      limited opportunities - ▲ limited ability to overclock. you will not run away. you will not roam. you won't go far. you won't get far. one cannot [cannot] step [take]. when necessary (see you when #). not to fat (colloquial). cramped. connected. in… … Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

      JUMP - JUMP, ayu, ayu; unverified. 1. Make a jump, jumping. High p. You cannot jump above your head (trans.: You cannot do anything beyond your capabilities; colloquial). P. from one topic to another (trans.: Quickly change the subject of speech, conversation; dec.). Eyes ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

      Cadiz - City of Cadiz isp. Cádiz ... Wikipedia


    • Under pressure. How to Achieve Results under Tough Deadlines and Uncertainty, Weisinger Hendry, Poliv-Fry J.P. About the Book A self-help guide for successful work under conditions of psychological stress, based on modern science and tested by the authors with the best athletes and top managers. The authors…

    Spread. Express. You cannot do what is beyond strength. The desire to please the audience should be inherent in every artist. And if this desire for fame is combined with creative maximalism, it stimulates to new achievements and victories. Can't you jump over your head? Who knows ... what if it works out (V. Levochko. Happy rafting).

    • - Wed In my opinion, like this: - A book? Okay! interesting, even better! But a person wrote any book, but he cannot jump higher than his head ... Gorky. Rogue. 2 ...
    • - you can't jump above your nose Wed. In my opinion, like this: - A book? Okay! interesting, even better! But a man wrote any book, but he cannot jump ... Gorky. Rogue. 2 ...

      Michelson's Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    • - From the chorus to the song to the poems of the Soviet poet Pavel Davidovich German "All the way ...": We strive for the flight of our birds, And in each propeller the calmness of our borders breathes ...

      Dictionary of winged words and expressions

    • - Self-restraint, expressed in the belief that it is impossible to achieve something beyond what physical capabilities or social status allow ...

      Dictionary of folk phraseology

    • - adv., compare, see high. Vysehrad, Vyshgrad or Vyshgorod man, · old an inner city surrounded by a wall; a fortress at a height, in the middle of the city or on the edge; crown, kremlin ...

      Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    • - ABOVE 1. cm high. 2.adverb In the preceding place of speech, text. V. has already spoken about this. 3.adverb Upstream of the river from some n. places. The motor ship sailed to. four...

      Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    • - HEAD, -Shy, wine. golovu, pl. heads, heads, heads, ...

      Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    • - You can't raise your legs above your head. Wed God bless you! "Fool! It is not for you to bless me, but for me to bless you ... Legs do not grow above your head." Melnikov. In forests. 2, 4 ...

      Michelson's Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    • - You can't jump above your nose. Wed In my opinion: - A book? Okay! interesting, even better! But a man wrote any book, and he cannot jump higher than his head ... Gorky. Rogue. 2 ...
    • - b. You can't raise your legs above your head. Wed God bless you! "Fool! it is not you to bless me, but me to bless you ... ”. Melnikov. Въ лѣеахъ. 2, 4 ...

      Michelson's Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    • - Cm....

      IN AND. Dahl. Russian proverbs

    • - Eagle. Disapproved. Show willfulness. SOG 1989, 92 ...

      A large dictionary of Russian sayings

    • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 exceeding ...

      Synonym dictionary

    • - no end, no end, no end, a lot, a lot, no end, enough, up to the throat, in bulk, no end, no end, no end, no end, full, full, heaps, full, over the edge, above the ears, in excess, you can't scrape, higher...

      Synonym dictionary

    • - adverb, number of synonyms: 1 you can't do more than what you are capable of ...

      Synonym dictionary

    • - you can't jump over your head, you can't step over yourself, you can't fit with eggs, ...

      Synonym dictionary

    "You can't jump over your head" in books

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    From the book Category of difficulty author Shataev Vladimir Nikolaevich

    PART I "Higher and higher and higher we strive for the flight of our birds ..."

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    PART I “Higher and higher and higher we strive to fly our


    From the book of Dimitrov author Kalchev Kamen

    ABOVE THE HEAD Hungry, emaciated, fighters made their way along the ridge of the Stara Planina mountains. Lil, without ceasing, autumn boring rain, mountains and forests were enveloped in a whitish veil. The steep paths along which the retreating detachment walked became slippery and dangerous. The horse fell, unable to bear the crumbling

    Section I Cow heads, pork heads. let's make them jellies for dinner

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    CHAPTER XV Higher body soul, higher soul angel, higher angel God

    From the book Anthology of Philosophy of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance author Perevezentsev Sergey Vyacheslavovich

    CHAPTER XV Above the body of the soul, above the soul is the angel, above the angel God Up to now it has been about the double fruitfulness of the soul and about the double Eros. Now let's talk about the steps by which Diotima raised Socrates from lower to higher things, leading him from body to soul, from soul to angel, from angel to


    From the book Lisbon: nine circles of hell, the Flying Portuguese and ... port author Rosenberg Alexander N.

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    How many other people's opinions affect our life, imperceptibly becoming our own worldview. Often, the beliefs of the inner circle or one's own experience become the platform on which ideas about oneself and people are built.

    Meanwhile, if limiting beliefs do not allow life to fully open up, it may be worth reassessing your positions and getting rid of the stereotypes that have formed. Consider one of the common myths and beliefs of parents and caregivers.

    Myth 1. "You can't jump above your head"

    You were not born into a family of millionaires, or even into a family of famous artists or eminent scientists. Parents are ordinary citizens of the country, they work hard and dream that their children will live better. They were also young and wanted to become someone, without fail, big and significant, but life teaches - you can't jump above your head.

    And what is it really? And in general, who determines our "ceiling"? The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan shows well how our desires work, and in which case the illusion of a “limit” of possibilities can arise.

    Each person, according to system-vector psychology, is born with a certain set of desires and their characteristic properties, necessary for the fulfillment of his life task. Eight vital tasks correspond to eight vectors that are not similar to each other.

    According to system-vector psychology:

    Each our desire is provided with opportunities (our properties) for its realization.
    ... We take pleasure in realizing our desires (according to our vectors).
    ... We get the more pleasure the more we realize ourselves for others, i.e. in society.
    ... Living by other people's attitudes and goals, we do not advance, do not achieve, do not get pleasure.

    Therefore, in a sense, we are really limited by our innate properties. But we do not seek to overcome them, because if there are no properties, there are no desires.

    For example, a person with a skin vector is born to realize skin desires. Having a quick mind and a fast body, the skin man is ideally suited for the role of an athlete, manager, etc., but without an anal vector he will never become a scientist, because science requires thoughtfulness and slowness, a detailed and high-quality study of the issue.

    Likewise, an anal person will never become an athlete or a businessman, where clarity and speed of reaction are important. He cannot and will not want to. Nature is wise and does not give us desires that we cannot fulfill.

    There is only one obstacle - not understanding your desires and how best to realize them, according to the principle of pleasure. And also the interpretation of us by other people (for example, the ideas of parents about children), who judge our achievements through the prism of their desires and abilities (their vectors). In expressing their opinion, they only speak out their inner experiences, and not our real situation.

    Sometimes parents say: we couldn't, so you can't either. But often the child's vectors differ from the parental ones, which means that his abilities are different, as are his aspirations.
    Saying to ourselves or to another “you can't jump over your head”, we put false barriers where they are not really there.

    In addition, the environment plays an undeniable role. Even having the same vector set with others, a child can achieve strikingly different results if he can choose an ideal environment for himself for the development of his inclinations: starting with the circles, and then the educational and work collective.

    Of course, not every child is influenced by the beliefs of their parents enough to constrain their success. It depends both on the temperament of the child and on the general feeling of security from early childhood. And from vectors - for example, imposed attitudes will not limit the urethral child.

    But a child with an anal vector can be especially influenced: in a few years he will go

    A young pink flamingo named Sashka quarreled with his relatives and friends (he didn’t like that not only he was alone, but everything around was such a beautiful pink color) and, saying to himself: “Well, okay, I’ll live without them”, flew away to nothing a lake where there were no birds at all.
    After wandering alone, Sashka soon got bored and looked under the water. Finding a whole school of fish there, Sanya was delighted and asked to be accepted into his flock. The fish, of course, were amazed at this quirk, but did not object, because they were curious: what would come of it? And Sanya, without thinking twice, dived: he had seen more than once how cleverly ducks do it. But flamingos are not a duck. The feathers got wet, I swallowed water ... I would have drowned if the fish had not been carried ashore.
    Sashka lay down on the shore, opened his eyes and saw: two gophers, standing on their hind legs, were watching the sky, looking out for birds of prey. Sanya was delighted: you cannot drown on the ground. “Take me to your team,” he asks. The gophers conferred and accepted: it hurts his legs are good and his neck is long, a view from such a height is what you need! "Whistle, if anything," said the main gopher, sending the newcomer on duty. “I know it myself,” Sashka said and it became important to turn his head in anticipation of his success.
    He immediately noticed the hawk, but Sanya had never tried to whistle before and did not even know how to do it. While he was figuring out what to do, other watchmen whistled and all rushed to the nearest burrows. Sanya also gave a runaway and - into the hole. Only in the waist it is much thicker than a gopher - it is stuck.
    The hawk, seeing such stupidity, gave up chasing the gophers and, grabbing the bird by the tail, pulled it out and rose into the sky. But Sasha was lucky again: the predator could not keep such a heavyweight, dropped it, but right into the rose bush.
    The rosehip has blossomed only recently - all in flowers, pink, like a flamingo .... The hawk circled, did not find the fallen prey and flew away, grumbling with annoyance.
    And Sasha is already to the bees, that they collect nectar from flowers, to stuff: take it to you and take it. And he asked for it: he promised to protect the hive in the hollow from the bears-destroyers. Only Sanya never saw a bear - he thought it was an insect from a bear *. So, when the bear climbed a tree for honey, Sanka gave a tree. I got scared - I didn't even remember about the wings right away….
    Flies up to the river, and at the very shore - a hubbub. These are thousands of birds, weavers, weaving their nests on branches hanging over the water. “Well, nothing will happen to me in a flock of birds,” Sanya decided and set to work. He tried very hard, because he wanted to make such a nest - all the small fry to envy! Not from dry grass, but from thick stalks of coastal sedge. But the branch could not stand it, broke off, and all this beauty fell into the water.
    Then Sashka could not resist and began to cry: well, why so bad luck all day! And an old turtle looked out of the water, looked at the roar, shook her head and said: “Well, why are you fooling around? Go back to yours. You can't jump above your head. "
    Sanka was not going to jump higher than his head - this is ridiculous, because the head, no matter how much you jump, is still from above, there is nothing to check. But he agreed to return to his own: the elders must be obeyed, and in general ... somehow enough adventures.
    When Sashka returned, everyone was delighted: “But we thought the jackal took you away. Look, look at this bastard. " The jackal, out of fright, when angry pink birds attacked him in a whole crowd, climbed a tall tree and now he could not get down - he just whined pitifully ...
    The jackal is a villain, but you still feel sorry for him? Well, then the end of the story will be like this: the jackal, without waiting for his return, went in search and, finding the jackal in the tree, gave this loser such a blow that the poor fellow was blown off the tree like a wind.

    * Medvedki are very large insects that live in burrows under the ground.