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  • Ways to resolve conflicts. The concept of conflict Modern conflicts and ways to resolve them

    Ways to resolve conflicts. The concept of conflict Modern conflicts and ways to resolve them

    Conflict (from Latin Conflictus - clash) is a confrontation between two or more parties (a clash of differently directed goals, interests, positions, opinions or views of the subjects of interaction, fixed by them in a rigid form), when at least one of the parties takes or demonstrates an emotionally colored attitude or specific actions to the other side.

    At the heart of any conflict is a situation that includes either conflicting positions of the parties on any occasion, or opposing goals or means of achieving them in the given circumstances, or the mismatch of interests, desires, drives of opponents, etc.

    Conflict - escalation of a conflict situation into an open clash; a struggle for values \u200b\u200band claims to a certain status, in which the goals are to neutralize, harm or destroy an opponent.

    Conflict situation - conflicting positions of the parties on any occasion; striving for opposite goals or using different means to achieve them; mismatch of interests, desires.

    For a conflict situation to grow into a conflict, an external influence, push or incident is necessary.

    When analyzing the conflict, there are:

    - subjects of the conflict - participants in conflict interaction;

    - the object of the conflict is the object of opposition from the participants in the conflict;

    - an incident is a cause of a conflict of interest.

    Conflict \u003d Conflict situation + Incident.

    There are many reasons for conflicts. It is important to see and eliminate them in time.

    Signs of conflict -

    The presence of a conflict situation (as perceived by the participants);

    Indivisibility of the object of the conflict;

    The desire of the participants to continue conflicting interaction to achieve their goals.

    Types of conflicts

    Conflicts are distinguished:

    - according to the methods of their resolution for antagonistic and compromise;

    - by the nature of the occurrence into social-organizational and emotional;

    By the direction of influence on vertical (“higher versus middle and against lower”) and horizontal (“equal versus equal”);

    By the number of participants involved in the conflict, into intrapersonal, interpersonal, intragroup, intergroup, etc.

    Conflicts are divided into types:

    Bipolar (2 opposing sides).

    Multipolar (the number of participants in the conflict is more than 2 people).

    In terms of duration, conflicts are:

    Short-term (from several minutes to several hours).

    Long (from several hours to several days).

    Protracted (last longer, or no solution is found at all).

    By the degree of spreading:

    Hidden (when visible manifestations are not enough).

    Partially hidden (there are visible manifestations, but insufficient to identify the underlying causes).

    Open (all manifestations are openly demonstrated by the participants).

    Intentional (specially conceived, planned and carried out according to a given scenario).


    By organization:

    Initiative (1 of the participants acts as an initiator).

    Provoked (due to circumstances).


    Intrapersonal conflict - a difficult to resolve contradiction caused by a clash between approximately equal in strength, but oppositely directed interests, needs, hobbies of a person, etc. Intrapersonal conflict is accompanied by strong emotional experiences.

    Interpersonal conflict - a conflict between two or more people. Interpersonal conflict is very closely related to intrapersonal. The confrontation between people is based on the clash of their personal motives.

    Intragroup conflict -conflict within the group.

    Intergroup conflict- conflict between two or more groups. Opposing sides - groups (small, middle and micro groups). This type of conflict is based on a clash of opposing group motives.

    Latent conflict - a conflict that does not manifest itself openly. The latent conflict is not recognized by the conflicting parties.

    Imaginary conflict - a conflict that is an end in itself for at least one of the conflicting parties. The consequence of an imaginary conflict is the removal of emotional stress, but not the resolution of an objective contradiction.

    Role conflict - a situation when a person is faced with two or more simultaneous demands, in which the performance of one of the roles makes it impossible to perform other roles.

    Explicit conflict - a conflict that manifests itself openly and is perceived as such.

    Conflict functions.

    By and large, all the diversity of views on the conflict can be reduced to two options: the conflict is a negative phenomenon or it is a resource for development. The most common scientific approach is to understand the conflict as “collision”, “contradiction”, “struggle”, “opposition” of individuals, forces, interests, positions due to their opposition, incompatibility and opposition. With this approach, conflict is more of a negative phenomenon, but this is far from always the case. Conflict has both negative and positive functions.

    Negative Conflict Functions:

    Loss of resources (physical, emotional, material, loss of time);

    The idea of \u200b\u200bdefeated opponents as enemies;

    Deterioration of the social and psychological climate in the team;

    Excessive enthusiasm for the process of conflict interaction to the detriment of work;

    Decrease in the degree of cooperation between people after the end of the conflict;

    Difficult restoration of normal relations (conflict train).


    Development hindrance

    Conflict positive features:

    Easing tension between the conflicting parties;

    Building a team in a confrontation with an external enemy;

    Encouraging change and development;

    Obtaining new information and diagnosing the capabilities of opponents.

    Clarification of the clear position of the conflicting parties

    Finding new ways to solve problems

    An objective assessment of the forces and resources of each of the parties

    Conflict Management.

    Conflict Management - purposeful impact on the elimination or minimization of the causes that gave rise to the conflict, and on the correction of the behavior of the participants in the conflict.

    3 stages of conflict:

    1. Pre-conflict - the emergence and development of the conflict, the growth of contradictions.

    2. Directly a conflict (peak of a conflict) - an incident; activity aimed at changing the behavior of an opponent or a conflicting party.

    3. Conflict resolution - recession and resolution of the conflict, or transition to a latent (latent) phase; completion or absence of the incident; the parties switch to non-conflict communication; the reason may be:

    Elimination of the object of the conflict (conflict resolution);

    The resources of each of the conflicting parties have already been exhausted;

    The emergence of a third party;

    Elimination of one of the rivals;

    Dealing with conflict:

    1. Diagnostics of the conflict - the analysis of the conflict on various grounds, the object of the conflict is isolated, the subjects of the conflict; in addition to the direct participants in the conflict, there are also influencing parties

    2. Development of specific measures and steps to resolve this conflict

    3. Actions aimed at resolving this conflict

    Distinguish between intrapersonal, structural, interpersonal methods of conflict management, as well as negotiations.

    Intrapersonal methods of conflict management - methods of conflict management, consisting in the ability to properly organize their own behavior, express their point of view, without causing a defensive reaction from another person.

    Interpersonal methods of conflict management - methods of conflict management, used when a conflict situation arises and the need to choose a style of their further behavior. There are five main styles of behavior in a conflict situation: compliance, evasion, confrontation, cooperation, compromise.

    Conversation - a process in which mutually acceptable positions of the parties are developed.

    Compromise - the method of resolving conflicts through the negotiation process of the conflicting parties, in-depth study of the subject of the dispute, awareness of the limits of concessions by each party; agreement reached through mutual concessions.

    Ways to resolve conflicts.

    Conflict resolution - elimination in whole or in part of the causes that gave rise to the conflict, or change the goals of the parties to the conflict


    All conditions of the opponent that are unfavorable for the other side are fully accepted, i.e. the opponent's interests are taken into account by 100%, and their own - by 0%.


    The opponent fully accepts the conditions of the other side, which are unfavorable for him, i.e. The opponent's interests are taken into account at 0%, and their own interests are at 100%.

    Avoiding conflict.

    As a result, neither side wins. The most unfavorable option, because the interests of either side are not taken into account, and the conflict, in fact, remains unresolved.


    A decision is made that partially satisfies the interests of both parties (50/50).


    The adopted decision fully meets the interests of both parties. The most favorable option, the interests of the parties are taken into account by 100% and the conflict is settled.

    There are conflicts that are not resolved with the above strategies. Options:

    Destruction of one of the conflicting parties (for example, terrorism).

    - Engaging an intermediary.

    Mediator - a third party not involved in the desire to take possession of the object of the conflict, not interested in more than one outcome of the conflict (for example, a judge).

    Attracting another force much more powerful than the two conflicting parties.

    Conflict is always a complex and multifaceted social phenomenon. It involves a variety of parties: individuals, social groups, national-ethnic communities, states and groups of countries, united by one or another goals and interests. Conflicts arise for a variety of reasons and motives: psychological, economic, political, values, religious, etc. But each of us also knows that the personality itself is internally contradictory and subject to constant contradictions and stress.

    No matter how people are taught to communicate, no matter what cohesion and team building trainings are conducted, conflicts in the team are still inevitable. There have always been, are and will be contradictions both between individuals and groups, which sooner or later will lead to conflicts. It's almost impossible to avoid conflicts.

    The most important task of a leader at any level is to solve the problems of conflict regulation, to use the internal energy of the conflict to move forward.

    preventing their escalation from a constructive to a destructive form, preventing the growth, generalization of the conflict.

    Conflicts in the camp.

    Conflicts will arise always and in any place where several people gather and their interests clash. In the camp, conflicts will arise due to the fact that many people gather in a rather limited and confined space, with different characters, habits, tastes, upbringing, etc.

    Causes of conflicts:

    Several leaders in the squad, each of whom strives to become the sole leader;

    An outsider who finds it difficult to find a common language with the rest of the children in the squadron;

    The child may be dissatisfied with his position, his role in the squad, etc.

    It is important for the counselor to notice the emerging conflict in time, to solve it at the initial stage. Because a group in which there are unresolved conflicts will not be able to exist and work normally together. The squad will not be friendly and cohesive, where one for all and all for one. And it will be very difficult for the counselor to work with such a detachment.

    The easiest way to resolve the conflict is at the inception stage, but for this, firstly, the counselor must know his squad well, because it is impossible to manage what you do not know. Secondly, the positive atmosphere and attitude of the detachment is important. If the guys know each other, trust each other and the counselor, if they are friendly and open to communication, it is easier to notice and resolve the conflict than in a team where everyone is on their own.

    So, the 2 most important tasks are to get to know each other (information) and a positive attitude (atmosphere). To do this, at the stage of team formation, and during the entire shift, the counselor conducts games for acquaintance and creating an atmosphere. Candles are also very important, where the results of the day, positive and negative points are discussed. We must try to ensure that everyone speaks, expresses their opinion, does not remain silent. You just need to communicate with children, talk, find out their opinion.

    In order to resolve, or better, prevent conflict situations, it is useful to conduct games to resolve conflicts, especially in the middle of a shift, which is the peak of children's activity and conflict situations. A game is the simplest and most understandable way to explain something, convey any information.

    Games for removing conflicts help to identify and solve a conflict at the inception stage, relieve tension, give children an opportunity to get to know each other better, the counselor can also learn something new about the squad.

    When conducting such games, the counselor must be very attentive and careful so as not to offend or hurt the feelings of the child and aggravate the situation.


    Conflict is mutual hostile actions. Softer - hostile attitude. Hostile actions do not have to be intentional - conflicts often start with conflict-generating people, which people allow without any malicious intent. Growing up, from random strikes, the conflict often grows into protest, quarrel, enmity, lack of contacts, and in more serious cases, into war ...

    He studies conflicts and conflict situations.

    Take your time to see conflict where there is none. Conflicting behavior of one person is not yet a conflict. Objectively, a conflict situation is a strong precondition for a conflict, but a conflict in this situation may not take place.

    Interpersonal conflicts are often provoked by feelings and emotions, but until there has been hostile action, there is still no conflict. However, for women, conflict is more a feeling than an objective, and if a girl feels a negative attitude towards herself from another woman, she can easily say: "We are in conflict." Increased sensitivity to the possibility of conflict with a good head is a blessing, with a bad head - a disaster.

    There are situations that provoke people to conflict; however, the occurrence (or not occurrence) of a conflict largely depends on the human factor. There are people who seem to attract conflicts, and there are those around whom conflicts are rare. To get into conflict less often, bypass conflict situations that you do not need, do not contact unreliable or conflicting people, take into account the emotional state of yourself and those around you, take care not to provoke conflicts with your own behavior and communication style.

    Conflicts are a natural part of human life: people love to conflict, people grow stronger in conflicts, just few people know how to live without conflicts. On the other hand, civilized people want to live without unnecessary conflicts and have the right to do so. Where it is possible to agree, it is better to agree, and not to conflict. Wise people learn to prevent unnecessary conflicts, and to extinguish those that have begun.

    Conflict prevention and resolution is made more difficult by the fact that each conflict is different. All conflicts are different. There are conflicts in which we ourselves are involved, and there are conflicts of people around us. The main types of conflicts are danger conflict, obstacle conflict, power conflict and status conflict. For reasons causing conflicts, they highlight conflicts of interest, conflicts due to misunderstanding, conflicts due to conflicting behavior of the parties, conflict due to a conflicting personality, and many others. According to the areas of flow (this brings some specificity to their development and resolution), there are interpersonal, intrapersonal, economic, interstate conflicts and many others. By the way they proceed, they distinguish between wild and civilized conflicts.

    Are conflicts always bad? It is widely believed that conflicts are always bad. In general, this is more likely true, but life is always more complicated than simple answers. In conflicts there are not only obvious disadvantages, but sometimes the necessary advantages. Conflict is harmful to those who do not know how to behave in conflict, and it is useful in the hands of trained people.

    The conflict can start and not by your will. One way or another, it has already begun or is beginning. How should a reasonable and decent person behave in this situation? The usual pattern of behavior, which resolves the conflict in a civilized way, consists of the following stages: we react kindly, proceed to prevention, conduct a controlled conflict. With the right behavior, the conflict can be extinguished even at the initial stages, then neither a warning, nor a controlled conflict are needed.

    Should we get involved in conflicts around us? Sometimes it is our responsibility: for example, to protect the weak or stop the arrogant. You can stop a fight or a fight - stop it. If you are wise and strong, especially if it happens on your territory - put things in order, teach and accustom people to live in a kind, human way. However, if it happens in someone else's territory, then wise people remember that the conflict is provoked more often by two parties, and once again they try not to get into someone else's conflict.

    If you want (or are obliged) to resolve a conflict that has occurred between someone, you need to eliminate its causes and create conditions for peaceful and constructive interaction. The resolution of the conflict can go in quite different directions, taking into account the variety of causes of the conflict. Namely,

    • if it is possible to eliminate the object of the conflict, to remove the objective irritant that generates the conflict, eliminate it. There is no need to engage in psychology where you can solve the issue in a business way.
    • get out of the situation if possible

    Conflict (from lat. conflictus) is defined in psychology as a lack of agreement between two or more parties - individuals or groups .

    History of the concept

    There is a common belief that a conflict is always a negative phenomenon that causes threats, hostility, resentment, misunderstanding, that is, it is something that should be avoided whenever possible. Representatives of the early scientific schools of management also believed that conflict was a sign of ineffective organizational performance and poor management. However, nowadays management theorists and practitioners are increasingly inclined to the point of view that some conflicts, even in the most effective organization with the best employee relationships, are not only possible but desirable. You just need to manage the conflict. You can find many different definitions of conflict, but they all emphasize the presence of contradiction, which takes the form of disagreement when it comes to the interaction of people.

    Classification of conflicts

    Constructive (functional) conflicts lead to informed decisions and foster relationships.

    There are the following main functional the consequences of conflicts for the organization:

      The problem is solved in a way that suits all parties, and everyone feels involved in its solution.

      A joint decision is more quickly and better implemented.

      The parties gain experience of cooperation in resolving controversial issues.

      The practice of resolving conflicts between a leader and subordinates destroys the so-called "submissive syndrome" - the fear of openly expressing one's opinion, which differs from the opinion of senior officials.

      Relationships between people are improving.

      People stop seeing disagreements as “evil,” always leading to bad consequences.

    Destructive (dysfunctional) conflicts hinder effective communication and decision making.

    The main dysfunctional the consequences of conflicts are:

      Unproductive, competitive relationships between people.

      Lack of desire for cooperation, good relations.

      The idea of \u200b\u200bthe opponent as an "enemy", his position only as negative, and his position as exclusively positive.

      Reduction or complete cessation of interaction with the opposite side.

      The belief that “winning” a conflict is more important than solving a real problem.

      Feelings of resentment, dissatisfaction, bad mood.

    Realistic conflicts are caused by the dissatisfaction of certain requirements of the participants or unfair, in the opinion of one or both parties, the distribution of any advantages between them.

    Unrealistic conflicts aim to openly express the accumulated negative emotions, resentment, hostility, that is, acute conflict interaction becomes here not a means of achieving a specific result, but an end in itself.

    Intrapersonal conflict occurs when there is no agreement between the various psychological factors of the inner world of the individual: needs, motives, values, feelings, etc. Such conflicts associated with work in the organization can take various forms, but most often it is a role conflict when various the roles of a person make different demands on him. For example, being a good family man (the role of father, mother, wife, husband, etc.), a person must spend evenings at home, and the position of a leader may oblige him to stay late at work. Here the cause of the conflict is a mismatch between personal needs and production requirements.

    Interpersonal conflict is the most common type of conflict. In organizations, it manifests itself in different ways. However, the cause of the conflict is not only differences in the characters, views, and behaviors of people (that is, subjective reasons), most often objective reasons lie at the heart of such conflicts. Most often it is a struggle for limited resources (material resources, equipment, production facilities, labor, etc.). Everyone believes that it is he who needs the resources, and not someone else. Conflicts also arise between the manager and the subordinate, for example, when a subordinate is convinced that the manager makes exorbitant demands on him, and the manager believes that the subordinate does not want to work at full capacity.

    Conflict between individual and group occurs when one of the members of the organization violates the norms of behavior or communication that have developed in informal groups. This type also includes conflicts between the group and the leader, which are most difficult when authoritarian leadership style.

    Intergroup conflict - this is a conflict between formal and (or) informal groups that make up the organization. For example, between the administration and ordinary workers, between employees of various departments, between the administration and the trade union.

    Conflicts are always a problem. And in whatever sphere they arise, be it business, or personal life, we are faced with the same questions: how to resolve the conflict or how to avoid it in the future. Of course, it will not be realistic to avoid conflicts, even in the strongest relationships, in the most trustworthy business, from time to time disagreements arise that can develop into a serious conflict. In this article, we will not talk about how to build ideal relationships that will develop without disputes and conflicts, but we will focus on something else - how to get out of conflict situations correctly. After all, you do not want serious scandals and problems? Correctly?

    What is the best solution to conflict situations? What immediately comes to mind? I am sure that you have thought up many possible options, but among all the best will be only a compromise. Both sides must make concessions, change their vision of the situation, find a common solution to the problem, one that would suit both.

    So, how can we come to this compromise, because in words everything is easy, but in reality everything turns out to be not so simple. Let's look at 10 basic rules with which you can solve any conflict situation.

    Related article:

    1. Restrain your emotions.
    The first rule is that you must learn to think with a "sober" head, not involve the ego and emotions in your decision. It often happens that, on emotions, a person says something, does certain actions, and then, when he cools down a little, he begins to regret everything said. And this happens all the time. Emotions cloud your mind, inflate the ego, make you think that you are taller and smarter than your interlocutor. This is not right, this is a road to nowhere. Many Eastern cultures and religions place great emphasis on the ability to control your thoughts and emotions. Why do you think Tibetan monks are so calm, conflict-free and reasonable? Because they think in the first place, and do not involve emotion. Learn!

    2. Don't screw yourself up
    There is a wonderful Zen saying: "I think less - I laugh more." What do you think it is about? How often have you come across the fact that a person invented a problem himself, wound himself up, took offense himself, and even inflated the conflict from this? Happened, didn't it. Did you do that? I am sure that yes. So, you don't need to think a lot, you don't need to wind up something that has not happened yet. You yourself build a chain of non-existent events in your head, develop them yourself, and so you begin to believe in it that then many problems arise.

    For example, your business partner is late for a meeting, the phone is turned off, there is no Internet connection, you wait and begin to imagine why this happened. And as soon as he enters the office, you begin to attack, accuse, make some claims based only on your imagination. Do not drive horses, do not be nervous ahead of time, because you do not know the true reasons for being late. Such cases are quite common, and until you learn to live in the moment now, do not learn to perceive everything as it is, conflicts cannot be avoided.

    Related article:

    3. Choose the right time

    Conflicts often arise when one of the interlocutors is not ready for a conversation. If you see that your colleague is out of sorts, that he has not had a day today, then do not go under the hot hand with your questions, recommendations or advice. Better to wait until tomorrow, let him settle everything, and then start a conversation.

    Also, all negotiations are best done in the afternoon, about 1-1.5 hours after lunch. Why? By this time, the person will already be "uncooked", will enter the work process, have time to dine and relax. A well-fed and positive-minded interlocutor is the minimum risk of a conflict situation.

    4. Look for the cause, not the effect.
    We are all accustomed to dealing with the consequences of the conflict, but we do not want to analyze in any way what caused this human behavior. Always look wider, go beyond the conflict, try to analyze the situation and understand how to avoid similar problems in the future.

    5. Live in the moment now
    Another mistake that leads to serious conflicts is past memories. Why do you reproach a person for what has already passed, why do you remember his past "sins"? This will in no way help to resolve the conflict, but, on the contrary, will add fuel to the fire. Try to live in the moment now. Just think, there is nothing but now. The past has already been, and it cannot be changed, therefore, you should not be very upset about it, and we do not know the future, therefore, discard your worry about it too. There is only here and now - remember.

    Related article:

    6. Don't accumulate problems.
    There is a great saying: "Problems need to be solved as they come." And this is the true truth. There is no need to accumulate resentments, worries, any controversial moments. Try to discuss everything at once, decide, come to a common denominator. Problems can be compared to a snowball, which every day only grows and grows, and if it is not reduced, then one fine moment this ball will fall on your head with great force, bringing with it a whole set of conflicts and unpleasant situations.

    7. Don't hold grudges
    This rule is closely related to the previous one. There is no need to harbor grievances, to nurture an insidious plan of revenge, to secretly invent and impose something on yourself. If you want to live without conflicts, then you should learn how to calmly, without unnecessary emotions, discuss all controversial issues. The sooner you resolve your internal conflict, the faster you discuss it, the better, because this will help to get rid of unnecessary thoughts, and most importantly, from unnecessary conjectures.

    8. Don't insult
    Don't stoop to the lowest - insult. Scientists have proven that if during a quarrel a person goes personal, begins to offend the interlocutor, then this is an indicator of his weakness, his wrongness, his inability to prove his point of view. As a rule, the one who realizes that he is wrong begins to offend, but his inflated ego does not want to give in, and does not find any other way but to say nasty things. Remember that insult will not improve the situation, but will only become the basis for a new quarrel, even more conflict.

    Related article:

    9. Watch your tone.
    Sometimes, not so much the words, but the tone with which they are said can greatly offend your interlocutor. Therefore, always watch how you pronounce this or that phrase. Do not be sarcastic, do not pin up, do not make fun of any qualities, because most people may not like this behavior. Always try to put yourself in the place of another, project your actions onto yourself. Behave the way you want to behave with you.

    10. Do not throw tantrums.
    It has been said more than once that hysteria is a powerful way to manipulate another person. Yes, she is able to calm the conflict for a while, but the problem will remain, the situation will not be resolved. So what is the point of hysteria, behaving defiantly, raising the tone, if as a result everything remains as it was?
    But if you are not the initiator of the conflict? How to act in such a situation?

    Mouth locked Do you remember when you were at school when you were advised to lock your mouth and throw it away? Apply something similar. In order not to say anything superfluous, fill your mouth with water and wait until your husband says everything he was going to. If you suddenly swallow water, take more. A person cannot talk to himself for a long time. Soon he will get tired of it and he will shut up. And discuss the situation itself later, when he leaves.

    Related article:

    Take it outside the box If someone yells at you, try hugging or kissing your husband. It is unlikely that after this he will want to continue the quarrel. You can also try to move the conversation to another topic. Ask for a glass of water or close the window.

    You should not cling to the words A phrase taken out of context loses its original meaning. You should not cling to individual words, because then a grandiose scandal is guaranteed to you.

    Do not think that you are the root cause of everything. It is not always the reason for the quarrel in you. Perhaps the reason for the irritation is failure at work, a quarrel with friends, or the rudeness of others. After all, not everything revolves around you.

    Remember, with the right approach, any aggression can be minimized. The main thing is to know how to do it.

    Purpose: To study the causes and ways of solving conflict situations.


    • Educational. Ensure the assimilation of the basic concepts of conflict management by students. Find out what role conflicts play in our life.
    • Developing. Formation of skills for independent work in the search and study of additional material. Development of the ability to adequately behave in conflict situations.
    • Educational. Teach students to communicate with each other and foster a sense of respect for culture and their fellows.

    Lesson type: a lesson in improving and consolidating knowledge using reflective technology.

    Teacher's word... People are not the same in character, temperament and many other criteria, so they perceive the situation in which they find themselves differently. A person, no matter how conflict-free he may be, is not able to avoid disagreements with others. How many people - so many opinions, and the interests of different people come into conflict with each other. The main goal of our lesson is to find out how to properly behave in conflict situations and how to resolve conflicts. In the beginning, let us remember what a conflict is and what are the reasons for its occurrence. The verification and consolidation of the studied material from the course "Social Studies" on social conflicts begins. Student survey.

    Question: How do you feel about the word "conflict"?

    Answer: Feelings are different. Mostly negative, negative, causing distrust and anxiety.

    Question: What is conflict? Name its structure.

    Answer: Conflict (from Latin confliclus - collision) can be defined as a serious disagreement, or a sharp dispute, causing a struggle of interests, views, aspirations of people.

    Conflict structure:

    • KS (conflict situation) + I (incident) \u003d K (conflict)
    • COP are accumulated contradictions containing the cause of the conflict.
    • And - this is a combination of circumstances that are the reason for the conflict.
    • K - conflict

    Question: What functions does it perform?

    Answer: Conflicts have a contradictory effect on our life in some cases, it performs positive functions: weakening mental tension, stimulates human activity, improves the quality of activity, unites like-minded people, in others - negative ones: it harms health, worsens mood, reduces group cohesion, disrupts interpersonal relationships.

    Question: What are the causes of conflicts?


    • social inequality
    • shortage of living goods
    • struggle for better positions in society
    • mismatch of values \u200b\u200bof individuals and society
    • opposing interests of people
    • selfishness of people
    • bad information and misunderstandings
    • imperfection of the human psyche

    Question: What are the main types of conflicts you know?

    Answer: Conflicts are:

    • In the sphere of public life: economic, political, social, family and household, ideological
    • By object: intrapersonal, interpersonal
    • By consequences: positive, negative
    • By flow time:fleeting (dynamic), lingering (static)
    • By the degree of flow:true, potential, false

    After the survey, students are invited to get acquainted with the presentations that they themselves prepared with the help of the teacher for this lesson. Presentation topics can be different. See APPENDIX 1.

    This is where the theoretical part of the lesson ends and the practical one begins. Pupils are divided into three groups of 6-8 people and receive cards with tasks, the first team solves conflict situations using card # 1, the second - using card # 2 and the third - using card # 3. Below are examples of these cards.

    Exercise 1: Consider examples and suggest solutions to conflict situations.

    Card number 1

    Card number 2

    Card number 3

    After 3-5 minutes, a collective discussion of the available options for solving conflict situations begins, each student can offer his point of view on the problem under discussion.

    Task 2.Students receive a handout in which they should note which type of conflict the described situations relate to.

    Task 3. each student receives a psychological test to determine how much of a conflict person he is.

    Psychological test: Self-assessment of conflict

    Rush into an argument 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dodge the argument
    You accompany your conclusions in a tone that does not tolerate objections. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 You accompany your conclusions with an apologetic tone.
    You think you will achieve your goal if you argue zealously 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 You think that if you object zealously, you will not achieve your goal
    Not paying attention to the fact that others do not accept arguments 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 You are sorry if you see that others do not accept arguments
    Discuss controversial issues in the presence of an opponent 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Discuss controversial issues in the absence of an opponent
    Don't be embarrassed if you find yourself in a tense environment 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Feeling awkward in a tense environment
    You think that in a dispute you need to show your character 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 You don't think you need to show your emotions in an argument
    Do not concede in disputes 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Yield in disputes
    If you explode, then you think that you cannot live without it 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 If you explode, you will soon feel guilty.
    Think people get out of conflicts easily 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 You think people have a hard time getting out of conflicts

    Evaluating results (key to the test)

    On each line, connect the marks by score and build your graph. A deviation from the middle (number four) to the left means a tendency to conflict, and a deviation to the right will indicate a tendency to avoid conflicts. Calculate the total number of points marked by you. 70 points indicates a very high degree of conflict; 60 points - high; 50 - for pronounced conflict; 11-15 points - on the tendency to avoid conflict situations.

    Final word from the teacher: Conflict is easier to prevent than to cure. You need to try to focus on positive judgments and assessments, remembering that all people more favorably accept positive information, and not negative, which often leads to conflict situations. Respectful manner of conversation and the ability to listen to the interlocutor significantly reduce the likelihood of a conflict situation.