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  • Salt removes negative energy. How to remove the damage to salt

    Salt removes negative energy. How to remove the damage to salt

    Trouble, problems at work and in personal life any adversity may arise due to induced negative. Nobody is insured against such an impact. Can be used from spoiled salt. It will allow you to clean the body and house from evil.

    Removing damage at home

    The concept of damage includes any problems that interfere with the harmony. If work is suffering, social status or you need to look for traces of the evil eye. At home they are diagnosed with candles and church wax. For this, the wax is slammed a slight slide and swim it in different parts of the house. Where the wax begins to shock - the entire negative is assembled there.

    Conditions under which magical cleaning is needed:

    • the troubles are not ends;
    • it is impossible to find the cause of constant problems;
    • suffer all spheres of life;
    • global, cardinal changes are happening for the worse.

    After determining the trouble and its nature, the appropriate methods of getting rid of it are selected. Self removing the evil eye only in the presence of attributes, on a suitable day and with complete confidence that magic will work.

    Preparation of attributes

    The main attribute of purification is holy water. The conspirator goes to the morning service, fully disperses it and brings with him holy water. Salt from the evil eye and damage use the usual, if there is no other prescription.

    Old things before a secret action are definitely cleaned. They are washed in ordinary water or soaked for a day in a salt solution.

    If the rite is carried out independently at home, all family members or one owner are involved in it. Multi-step rituals spent during the week help from damage: every day the conspirator drives trouble, which was in an ill-friendly. The less people will know about the methods of solving heavy problems, the faster the magic will work.

    Varieties of conspiracy on the removal of damage

    To remove the damage to salt, a certain algorithm of actions is used. These are consistent steps, during which a person performs actions, pronounces special words, and finishes a ritual, getting rid of dangerous attributes. All stages go in order, and it is impossible to change their sequence. Get rid of the accumulated negativity will help simple but efficient rites:

    • - one of the oldest and effective, after him luck is returning to life, and all the problems migne disappear;
    • ancient - used in cases where the black band occurs in all areas of activity;
    • Heavenly luminaries strengthens the work of secret action and extends the service life of charged amulets.

    Frames help from negative. They are prepared independently. But first spend with a salt or other universal conductor, otherwise there will be no sense from the guard. Remove the strong damage from the first time problematic.

    In most cases, repeated rituals are carried out. If the selected technique does not work, select another. The icon of the holy, whose name bears the owner of the dwelling is helping to get rid of the negative. They are bought in advance and contribute only after cleaning.

    Rituals with salt

    Salt is a universal conductor. Its grains are able to keep certain energy up to several months. They are spoken on good or evil.

    How to remove damage yourself at home Salt: First you need to spend general cleaning with concentrated salt solid. Everything is in the house - floors, walls, furniture with it. After that, the used water is poured under the dead tree. It is impossible to remove a strong damage without general cleaning.

    The consequences of rituals

    Thaparent Solu are struggling with any kind of black magic. She is known to sorcerers and people who repeatedly cleared the dwelling from the evil eye. Such an attribute is called Thursday, because it is harvested once a year in pure Thursday. Week before Easter, which always falls on Sunday, is suitable for any impact on its own or someone else's energy. It is necessary to choose white rituals capable of improving the quality of life that contribute to treatment and liberation. Black magic in this week is not used, otherwise the consequences do not force yourself to wait.

    How to cook a threshold salt

    On Thursday you need to wash, clean up, say goodbye to bad thoughts and only after that cook salt. An ordinary cook salt dried and sieved. Next will need natural kvass. If you can not buy a drink, you can do it with my own hands. In the morning, while the household sleep, the conspirator pour into the oven blank - kvass in small quantity is diluted with salt. After that, the thick is dry.

    Corps are not spoiled all year. The billet is used at any suitable time. Thaper salt is not added to the food, it can also be sprinkled to the land in ice - such actions will be brought to the Bed family.

    How to use a conspiracy salt

    Removing the strong damage with salt yourself - this is a reliable way to return the problems to the one who created them. The ritual is held at night as soon as the sun sits.

    Additionally, any cereals are used in the kitchen. A piece of light-colored fabric or ritual is cut on a new, white tablecloth. A suitable candle is selected: it is brought from the church, and is pre-washed with holy water.

    To take off at home, after sunset at the corners at the entrance door, the croup scatter. The greater it will be, the faster the dwelling will be cleaned. They burn a candle, leave on the threshold and read a plot:

    "I fall asleep all the troubles, then their saline, seal. As I raude, it is getting rid of evil. As I fall asleep, salt, so I want to return it. As I ask God's slave, I beg, and I get good. Everything that came from the other, his beggar returns to him. With meal, with water. May it be so. Amen".

    The text is repeated three times: so that the evil eye left so that he returned to the customer and that he is no longer penetrated into the house - it will only be possible to completely remove the negative. Salt puffs on the candle, it must be mixed with a cereal. It is impossible to clean in the hallway for three days. On the fourth nights, the salt croup is thrown over the threshold.

    Old ritual

    Against damage prepare salt in a frying pan, which is then placed in the bag. He serves as a charm and does not give trouble back to the family. Used for ritual dried herbs. They need to collect themselves. Salt need to fry in a pan several times. Only such a product will protect the dwelling from the attack of ill-wishers. While the product is prepared in a frying pan, water is poured into the vessel. Two universal conductor will retain words of statement, and such a ritual will protect until six months. After 6 months, the pouch with attributes is charged reused.

    To whom the old rite will help:

    • family people - universal magic cleanse both adults and children;
    • persons who survived a strong psycho-emotional shock - after the rite of their soul will be cleaned;
    • people with problems at work, with constant loss of large amounts.

    Antician magic is used against the evil eye, so when reading the text on the table, the grass is necessarily lying. They are collected in the forest or by the road. Dried plants can be stored for a year, put under a pillow to a child who sleeps badly, or use to protect the entrance door from evil spirits.

    Removal is carried out before sunrise or immediately after sunset. Attributes are put at the threshold - a few dried twigs, a catering of the salt and a homemade pouch. It is better to use a natural fabric for a bag, stitched woolen threads. With it, it will be possible to save the power designed by the seizure. Light the candle and open the door. When the house enters fresh air, read the words:

    "It smells like a forest, smells a meadow, nature smells in the house. As the trouble came, here only tears smelled, only pain and suffering. Let all that black came. Let the smell of herbs rolim sadness, let the salt be lit with them, let everything leave and no longer come. I speak, I spell, I do not want to see more! "

    Repeat the collateral three times, after which the ingredients fall into the bag. Part of the grass is placed in a cross-linked cut, and another is hiding all over the house. At the bottom of the homemade bag add a few pinch of salt. The candle is lit up 7 days in a row, while it will not be left for a glass. After it is buried under dry tree, induced negative dies with it.

    Rite of descending moon

    The decreasing moon creates ideal conditions for rapid deliverance from evil. During this period, rituals for the expulsion of entities are made, hold rites to get rid of bad habits.

    The decreasing moon helps to get rid of envy, from external aggression - even if a person does not commit secret actions, his negative thinking and wishes of trouble can reincarnate in a real threat. The universal rite is carried out at the site of the accumulation of all the negative - where the victim of the evil eye is spent more often.

    To remove the evil eye, you will need a church candle, a pinch of salt and water. Holy Water is better to speak during the day: for this every 2 hours over a glass with a liquid, the prayer "Father our" is read. So she gets a positive charge. A rite is carried out by an open window or door - it is important that the lunar light falls into attributes. They pronounce words without witnesses and without sources of artificial light.

    To the conspirator exposes a candle on the window. Near Handstund is salt. The center is charged fluid. As soon as the moon appears in the sky, the ritual begins. Dripping water on the salt, man reads a plot:

    "Here is bitter worth, here salty lies. As the trouble came, so with her everything became salty. I dilute and clean. Wash the Water Saint - So I saves my rescue. May it be so now. Amen".

    The procedure is repeated exactly 12 times. After that, salt leaves on the window. She must dry. Dry grains are scattered at the corners of the dwelling. You can only remove them at the end of the moon cycle - general cleaning is carried out and the prayer of ours is read.

    Combined with family troubles are perceived as a failure band. Few people think about the energy prerequisites of such situations. A strong directional curse or random evil eye will spoil human destiny and create a threat to life. Contact the magicians are more expensive: the fraudster will take the last pennies, and the professional will exacerbate the karmic debt to the referee to the devilish forces. It remains only an independent removal of damage to salt. This simple seasoning is the strongest energy battery. Unprecedented esoteric properties of sodium chloride still have to be studied by specialists. What rituals for extraordinary seasoning will help curse?

    How to remove damage yourself with yourself salt

    Combining with sodium chloride on energy conductivity may except hydrogen oxide. The ritual for salt and water is one of the easiest to get rid of the evil. Follow the following simple steps to clean the soul and karma from the negative, the envious and enemies.

    1. In the evening the day, fold the palm "boat" and generously jump out the salt. Hold the precious seasoning in your hands so that it is soaked in the biotocks of the contaminated spill of the aura.
    2. Consider the solemnly magical words of the conspiracy: "How the day replaces the night, so damage my soul will change to salt. Week passed - salt all the bad took. May it be so!".
    3. This rite is repeated for seven days with the same portion of salt. It is necessary to store it between rituals in closed dishes.
    4. On the seventh day, go to the reservoir. Pour there in a ritual salt procedure. Negative energy accumulated in it will lose its strength, dissolved in water. This is one of the effective ways to make a damage or evil eye on your own salt.
    5. After completing the rite, read the holy texts from Prayer, contacting the Mother of God and the Guardian Angel.

    Removing the damage to the cross, prayer of the Virgin, Water, Salt

    There is a stronger ritual, which will require preparation. Previously, confessing in sins a priest. Communion will prepare the soul to combat satanic forces.

    1. Bring from the church of consecrated water. A special force has a liquid for baptism.
    2. You sincerely read the prayer of the Mother of God "All Communion". A greater effect will reach the text uttered by heart.
    3. Constantly carry a native cross. Before the ritual it must not be removed during the week.
    4. Cross the water to them three times, saying: "God's assistance get rid of the damage to the black. God's covenants follow. God's Will will love with me forever. Amen!". After that, pour salt in the container.
    5. Water after ritual pour to the ground. Curse will lose its strength.

    Removing the damage of salt, sugar, holy water

    If you suspect that a close person is cursed, then put three bowls from his headboard. In one of them, pour off the consecrated water from the temple, put sugar to another, and in the third - salt.

    1. Read the prayers all night before the icon of the Virgin. You can do it in the next room, so as not to disturb the patient.
    2. After three days, mix the contents of the bowl and say: "Sweet fucking will come true, and salt tears will take salt. Water Holy Soul Cleans and health will return! Amen!".
    3. Pour the conspiracy fluid under the tree as far as possible from the house of the damned.

    Multiple problems will avoid a person if on time. Removal of damage to salt is one of the common ways to combat negative energies. Supported by hot prayers and strong faith, listed rituals saved from a terrible attack. If the rites do not help - it remains to be taken away from the will of the Lord.

    Salt is the simplest product known to humanity since ancient times, and, probably, few people did not use it in food. It has long been understood the importance of salt for the normal functioning of the body, as well as noted that this white substance has a certain magical force. In this article we will consider questions about the removal of salt.

    Solith help

    When a person spends damage to a person, it is very difficult, because it is a strong, negative stream of energy, directed precisely to the target, and only a psychologically strong and prepared person can be closed from it. With the spoilement already acquired, a very good helper will be the usual.

    Removing the soaked negative occurs with salt. In one case, it can simply be in hand and rub the whole body. You can heated salt and then apply to certain places on the body. Finally, the conspiracy salt can be eating, while pronouncing certain words.

    The damage can be induced and the whole house is entirely. This means that native shelter becomes a source of negative emotions and negative. Salt will help learn what energy reigns under the roof your house.

    To do this, fry salt in a pan, within an hour, between eleven and twelve days. If the salt has been soooed - there is a negative in your house. How to clean the apartment from her and why do it? How to protect yourself from damage, or remove already induced?

    Conspiracy to remove the cutter

    Very often, in order to embroider people, use the so-called conspiracy to the brief. For this ritual can be used salt.

    In order to remove this conspiracy, it will also necessarily need salt. The rite must be spent during the increasing moon. Self go to the forest, having with you: pen, matches, sheet of paper and, of course, slanting salt. Hug the biggest and old tree, which will find, and say the following words:

    "The tree is large, the tree is strong you see you, that we are unhappy with us. Only discord and quarrel between us. You will support us the service of the slave of God (your name) and the slave of God (the name of the man). All our wounds heal, how you treat yourself, and continue to live. And also punish the one who brought us grief. And solushka will help you. Amen."

    Then burn the candle, write down on a sheet of paper all the above spoken words, pour salt on a piece of leaflet, roll it together and scream under the tree.

    How to remove a negative with a child?

    Very often the victims of damage are small children, as they have very weak energy protection. If you have discovered from your child several of the following symptoms, it is quite possible that your baby has undergone negative impact.

    • Insomnia and nightmares.
    • Frequent and sharp mood change.
    • Drowsiness.
    • Constant fatigue.
    • Frequent hysteria with tears.

    For to remove with damage, you need a frying pan and some salt. Gradually warm the frying pan on a small fire. When she rolly rolled sufficiently, throw a pinch of salt on it and say the following words:

    "Salt, you are white, you are clean, pick up everything that is unknown for the Chada of God (name). I lock my words into the key, I maintain the key reliably. No one key find, my words do not open. Amen."

    Well preheated salt to pour into a gauze rag and wrap it into the bag. Then put it on the photo of the child and let's say all words three times. After the end of the rite burn the bag with salt in the forest, and everything will remain, jump.

    From the evil eye and damage

    To be cleaned at home from any negative, seel a pack of salt in a pan, repeating:

    "Salt, native, help. Mother of the Earth. Take me down the evil eye. Urgently assign. Let a bad go away. Will be moving and passes. It will evaporate at night, the wind will take place. Amen."

    Put your photo in a plate with salt and put it in the headboard. Every day, during the week, repeat the same actions with the same salt. On the eighth day, turn salt into the ground, and throw the skillet as far as possible from the house.

    If you are damaged by damage, spend the next ritual. He will remove the damage from everyone, regardless of age.

    Put salt to the top salt into the faceted glass. Now start filtering a bath with warm water and at the same time pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

    "Monday Tuesday, at Tuesday Wednesday, time runs like clean water. Omoy, Voddy, and me the slave of God (its name), a newborn, gentle, interpreted and baptized. Smear with me, the driver, the blow is damned - male, female, senile, infant, ingraded, enviable. Believe Meta, Turn the Lightweight. Thrice Amen. "

    After that, speak the salt with such words:

    "Our Lord, Savior, bless this salt by making it an offer of joy."

    Repeat three times. Personal salt in the bath and go to the water. You are in this cleansing fluid until you freeze. Drain the water. After some time, everything that inhables you, will begin to gradually leave.

    Another simple ritual. Sit down and take a chinful salt in your left hand. Squeeze your hand in a fist and apply it in turn: to the left ear, to the right, to the back of the head, to the forehead, to the theme. Read the fourth of Zlatoust.

    Then pour salt into the pan and warm it until the salt blame. At the same time, try to represent how everything is black and no good, what closes to you, goes away. This method is especially suitable for people with a good imagination. Now get rid of salt, pouring it into the sewer. Pretty rinse the pan.

    Cleansing at home

    It happens that the damage is on the whole house entirely. This is done with the help of various conspiracy items that are thrown into the dwelling.. In this case, you will again help salt.

    Put the frying pan on fire, pumped into it a glass of salt, add needles there (not new). They should be so many pieces as people live in the house. Smoothly mix clockwise what is in a frying pan. At the same time, talk about all that bad that you want to remove from home.

    Wait until the salt starts to crack, or until she turns. Take the fire, take the pan and go around the whole house clockwise, while all the doors of your home, except input, should be widened.

    Give the pan with salt again. All bad energy that salt has absorbed, must burn. Upon completion of the rite, pour salt into the sewer and wash the frying pan. Be sure to spend in general cleaning.

    All negative energy comes to the house through the door. To prevent this, at the door on the threshold, put salt.

    Salt need to buy on Thursday and pronounce it:

    "All streets and porens of salt in the eyes, burning fire, burning sand. All the streets and porers of God's creatures never know, do not open the clouds, do not climb the stars, do not stop the morning, you can not lock the young month. "

    Sill salt into the bag and keep it under the thresholdHe will serve as protection for your housing from enemies.

    Wheel from evil people

    Thanks to its crystal structure, salt is capable of storing energy, it can also be a conductor. That is why salt is a very powerful faith. To turn the salt into the guard, you need to pure it in a pure thursday to a frying pan to gray. Then to sanctify in the temple into a bright Easter holiday. In another case, you can read the "Father" from the calcined salt and put on the windowsill for three days.

    As a result, you will get the most powerful charm, which is called the Thursday Salt. Keep her home, and your home will be under constant protection. Squeeze a little bit into the bag and wear with you, so your energy shell, wherever you are, will be protected.

    Having a threshold salt in the car, you will protect yourself from accidents and breakdowns. Putting a saline charm into one box with gold jewelry, you can save and even multiply your welfare.

    As it turned out, the salt is not such a simple product as it seems. Treat her with respect and use yourself for good.

    The most detailed description: Prayer for Salt Removal of damage - for our readers and subscribers.

    Salt is a universal magic object that is used in many rituals and rites. For example, a damage is very often imposed on the salt, but its use and in the removal of negative energy is also spread. This is primarily associated with the fact that the salt itself does not have absolutely no magical energy, it is completely neutral. So, it is easy for her to give the necessary power, healing or destructive, with certain actions and words.

    Application of salt

    Such a feature of the usual salt was noticed by our ancestors, and since then it, along with ordinary and holy water, has become the most common magical object. With the help of salt, love conspiracy or damage, it also helps eliminate the consequences of many conspiracies. Its use is truly universally.

    In addition, plots using salt are very simply carried out, since they do not require special training. They can be easily applied at home independently even newcomer. And the prevalence of ordinary kitchen salt will help even urgent, do not require adoptions, rites.

    For all the above reasons, the salt received such widespread and lifting the evil eye and damage. There are quite a lot of rites to eliminate the negative energy with this ingredient, but we will tell you in this article about the most popular of them.

    Man cleaning

    Such a rite will help you to remove not only the evil eye or damage, but also any other negative energy. It is best to spend on Thursday, but if you should urgently cleanse it, you can choose any day of the week.

    Apply such a conspiracy to get rid of the evil eye or damage can for each family member, including children. At one person, approximately 250 grams of the usual salt should be taken, a little less for the baby.

    You need to fill the bath with warm water and while it happens, read these words:

    "This is Monday, this is Tuesday, this is a medium, and this is clean water. You wash roots and straight things, mind and me (name), slave God's, newborn, praying, baptized, gentle. The driver is a driver, see me with me and from my face damage - men's, female, children, senile, enviable, frightened, take away Mayuta, give ease. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Now you need to speak Salt itself, give it the necessary cleaning energy. To do this, take a pre-prepared container with salt and looking at her, say such a prayer:

    "God, our Savior, who appeared through the prophet Elisha in Jericho and so through salt, made healthy harmful water! You yourself bless this salt and make it an offer of joy. For you are our God and you we will fame glory, father and son and the Holy Spirit, now, and always, and forever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    When everything is ready, slowly pour salt into the water and immediately immerse themselves. You can lie as much as you need exactly how you feel discomfort, the procedure can be completed. Used water must be immediately pouring, along with it the whole negative will go.

    Such a ritual is able to effectively pull out of you all the negative and restore the integrity of the human energy membrane.

    Healing rite and protection

    This conspiracy is very effective when you are constantly subjected to the silt or damage and can not get rid of the consequences of such negative.

    To properly make this plot, you will need to prepare such items in advance:

    • Some ordinary kitchen salt.
    • Glass tank for salt.
    • Candle, preferably purchased in the church, but any other will be suitable.

    The words of prayer are best to learn by heart in advance, as they will have to pronounce at least twelve times:

    "Unclean perfume, unclean power! Go from (name)! Do not mite it, do not torment it in the morning, not among the white day, nor dark at night. From the forest came - to go to the forest, from the water - into the water, from the girl-whiteoloski, from a long-standing woman, from a man, from the rickett, from the envious, from the pencil. Salt sick there! Flight all there! Go where the wind is not faded, where people will not look under the stump, under the deck, in the swamp of Zybuchi, in the Swamp of the Swamp, where they do not go to the horses, the pedestrians do not go, have a row stream, behind the rivers fast, for dark forests. Go all there! Bones do not lie (name), no heavy veins (name). Ugh!"

    Salt after the rite should be removed immediately from the house. You can take it as far as possible from the yard as far as possible, and you can simply get into the window. The whole negative will leave you and no longer distorts.

    Affordable displacement method

    Sometimes we need to quickly and effectively remove the negative energy accumulated in the day, and it is simply no time to prepare for the next rite. Either you do not remember any plot of prayer.

    In this case, take advantage of this recipe for a salt bath, which will effectively remove all fatigue and negative with you. Of course, from seriously induced damage, such a rite will not help, there is already a complete conspiracy, but you can remove the lightweight evil eye.

    For this ritual, it is enough to take a warm bath, which was added about five hundred grams of ordinary salt. After 15 minutes you will feel how your fatigue and discontent goes, and therefore, the whole negative you will have accumulated. After the procedure, thoroughly wash the residues of salt from the body, and the used water immediately pour.

    Very good, such salt procedures are combined with hikes in a bath, where the energy of the tree will strengthen the effects of the rite.

    Instant defense

    In everyday life, situations often arise when protection against the evil eye or damage is required immediately, and it is not possible to wait for the opportunity to spend the ritual on your own. In addition, the evil eye and damage is always better prevented than then for a long time to try to get rid of the consequences.

    In this case, you will also help the pinch of the usual kitchen salt, which should always be worn with you. If you feel that it becomes uncomfortable near a certain person, or experience frequent urge to zevotka, then you may be sent to the evil eye.

    In this case, quickly take salt into the right palm, and put the left in the field of solar plexus and mentally say such words:

    So you can easily avoid any negative pointing at you.

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    Removing damage to the egg at home

    How to remove the evil eye and damage at home Salt? Salt is the best absorbent that absorbs any information. Salt cleaning is one of the effective and effective in magical practice. You can add water, magic herbs or fire candles to salt. Consider several rites with salt for removing the negative.

    Salt from damage and from the evil

    If you feel the action of negative energy, the severity in the soul and incomprehensible alarm, buy in the store the usual table salt. The property of salt pull over the disease and the negative used our ancestors. Salt absorbs negative energy and relieves a person from the unlocked and non-heavy spanking.

    Go to the bath and pour half the packs of salt under your feet, the second half of my body yourself with the words:

    You need to read words for a memory three times. If you know the name of the enemy, name. If you do not know who brought damage, the name will miss - the forces themselves will find this person. After reading the conspiracy, take the shower and wash off the salt, and spoil with her. Bath is well rinsed and hide with boiling water.

    The rite is better carried out on a decreasing moon. However, if you feel bad, spend on any day.

    Cleaning from damage by Thong Salt

    How to remove the evil eye and damage at home Salt? For this purpose, a conspiracy salt from clean Thursday is well suited. If it is not, you can consecrate the usual salt of the prayer - it will become conspiracted.

    Divide the tea spoon in Litra Spring (or Holy Water) and read the plot three times so that the breath concerns the water. Next to you should burn church candle and stand icons. Before the rite itself, you need to read prayers - "Our Father", "Virgin" and others, what you know.

    Conspiracy over salted water:

    Conspirational Wood needs to drink within an hour, otherwise the conspiracy force will cease to act. This rite can be done on another person who needs help. Instead of your name, put a different name.

    Cleaning in the photo

    If you need to remove the damage to the salt with a person, take his photo in full growth. A person should be one, hands and legs - not crossed, without sunglasses. Prepare for the rite:

    • pure white tablecloth;
    • three church candles;
    • almighty or other icon;
    • salt from the new pack.

    Stop tablecloth table, put candles in the candlesticks from the icon, and post a person in front of yourself. Read the prayers of any, pour into the photo a pinch of salt and tell me three times:

    Then blew salt from the photo on the tablecloth and tell me:

    Immediately hide the candles with your fingers and remove with the photo in a secluded place. Stone tablecloth on the street away from home, then post. You can clean in a photo of salt every three months, old candles should be attributed to the church and put in the box for firewood.

    Cleansing from the damage and the evil eye of salt and the beast

    The rite of removal of damage to salt and the drill is carried out in several stages. In the full moon, buy a pack of salt without surrender and prepare St. John's wort - the grass can be bought at grandmothers in the market or in a pharmacy. Put the salt into the clay or glass bowl and read the plot three times so that the breath concerned the grains.

    Conspiracy on the salt:

    Then put in another bowl of St. John's wort and read over it three times plotted words - breathing concerns herbs:

    Then go to the bath, oven the body under the shower and soda in a conspired salt. During rubbing, you need to peak:

    Then wash the salt under the shower, repeating the words:

    Coming out of the shower, make up the tea and drink from the three pinch of the Hypericum. Leave the rest of the grass on hot corners and fan the room with a prayer. The remaining ashes soda the body and wash under the shower. After cleaning, it is better to go to bed right away. The next day, immediately put the charm from negative - damage, curses and evil parts.

    Cleansing from damage to salt into pure Thursday

    Salt from the damage and from the evil eye is well cleans the subtle bodies of a person, and in pure Thursday, the rites are carried out annually - it removes any negative. If necessary, the rite can be carried out at any time of the year, using a conspired Thursday salt.

    Prepare a bath, reading a conspiracy:

    Now put on a ceramic / glass bowl of 250 grams of salt from a new pack and read a conspiracy over it three times:

    Light in the bathroom church candle and swim in the water with salt. After the bathroom rinse under the shower and do not wipe away - throw the robe from above. You can plunge into the water with your head to wash off the whole negative from the hair.

    The rite is carried out in pure Thursday necessarily, and during the year it can be carried out with a Thaparent Salt. If there is little consecrated by the third salt, simply add a pinch into the usual salt - and it will become consecrated.

    Cleaning salt and laurel sheet

    The bay leaf is used for healing from many diseases, it also helps and get rid of negative energy. For the rite, buy:

    • 5 packs of ordinary salts;
    • stack of laurel sheet;
    • conventional candle.

    Make a decoction of laurel leaves, type water in the bath and add a decoction to it directly with leaves. Then pour salt out of five bundles, burn the candle and plunge into the bath. Tell in the bathroom for no more than ten minutes and open the drain hole. Look at the water flowing and repeat:

    Stay in the bathroom until all the water lears, then collect laurel leaves in the package. Operate the body under the shower, heat in the air - you can throw a bathrobe. By this evening, take the laurels on the crossroads and leave there with the words:

    From the intersection you need to leave silently, do not turn around to the door itself. If someone is around, do not react. It is important to be silently reach the front door of the house. The rite can be carried out in order to prevent the damage monthly.

    How to clean salt a couple

    For this rite should prepare the following items:

    On the descending moon, pour salt into a frying pan and turn on the gas. Put a photo next to the table. Fry salt on high heat, after it starts to crack and bounce, read:

    After reading the photo above the smoke from salt. Then read the words again and spend a photo through the smoke. So you need to do three times. After leave salt in the pan for some time, and then wash under the crane.

    This rite can be carried out on any couple of people - on yourself and beloved with quarrels, on their girlfriends, etc. The main thing is to be a joint photo. You can clean the group of people from induced negative. Rite spend three days in a row, salt from the pack can be distributed 3 times.

    Return damage on salt and water

    If a carriage impact was convicted on you, you can return the negative to the rifler with the help of ordinary water and cook salt. Salt for rite is bought specifically, it is impossible to use it in everyday life. A pot for water can be taken an old one, which is no longer using.

    On a loss of the moon, either in the days of the full moon lit a gas burner and put a saucepan with water on fire. After boiling the water, throw seven grievances of the salt and 7 times say loudly plot:

    Water leave the water (so do not pour a full saucepan). The damage returns the offender instantly - it rises the temperature, begins to break the body. If someone comes to you within three days and ask you something to give, do not let any pretext. And it is better not to open the doors on any other day.

    The rifler begins to rush and intuitively looking for a way of salvation, so comes to a man spoiled by him and begins to ask something. If the damage brought an unfamiliar person by order, he can make attempts to return the negative back. Therefore, immediately after the ceremony of cleansing, let's defense against spanking and curses, do not wait for a day.

    Salt cleaning with return damage

    This rite needs to be done on a decreasing moon. Usually, damage is also saturated during the decrease of the lunar disk, therefore, how to feel the harassment or decay of the forces - immediately make cleaning.

    Buy a new kidney salt, pour a small layer on a cast-iron skillet. The rest of the salt should be thrown into the garbage immediately - it is impossible to use it. Inks, draw a cross on salt - you will have four squares. In each square you need to draw one small cross - crosses are drawing against the movement of the sun, starting from the right lower square.

    We turn on a strong fire and heat the salt. When she starts to "show", prevent the fork of circular movements and say:

    Salt should fry at least 17-20 minutes. The louder it is cracking and gets dark, the stronger the damage and evil eye. Cool salt in a frying pan, snatch into the package and throw it out at the crossroads. Leave and do not turn around. Enemians do not envy! All evil will return back triple.

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    How to remove the damage to salt

    Salt is considered one of the strong materials in magic. She acts as a sponge that absorbs negative impact. Methods for cleansing salt are particularly popular, due to the simplicity of conduct and effectiveness. Consider in more detail how to remove salt damage and are there any effective ways to remove damage using a conventional salt.

    How to remove damage and evil eye from salt at home

    How to determine if there is an impact?

    The evil eye and damage is a peculiar disease that makes a gap in human biofield. To begin with, it is important to understand that the evil eye does not work out and can go through himself after a while. Praise, on the contrary, it is guided purposefully with intent to make the enemy unhappy, lonely, poor or even kill. Before removing the damage to the usual salt, conduct a rite of determining its presence. How does salt help from conspiracy at home? The rite is carried out at night, in good quiet weather. In a clean skillet on a salt layer, you need to decompose sewing needles, their number should be similar to the number of members of your family. Salt in a frying pan interfere in a circle in the direction of the clockwise movement and ask if there is anyone who wants you evil. If it starts to crack, smoke, then someone crawled on you. If the contents of the frying pan gradually became yellow this confirmation of the presence of a declamation.

    To diagnose damage and evil eye yourself, you can use gold. Suitable wedding ring. Washing out the face with soap, spend the ring and look at the color stripes. If the black mark remains, it means that you definitely have damage. Also for the diagnostics you can use the semolina. The rite is similar to the ritual with salt.

    First option neutralization

    For this ritual you will need a bath and salt. It is best to hold a rite on Thursday. If you need to clean the adult, take 250 g of salt, the child will need exactly half. The bath is filled with water, reading a plot:

    "The days of the week everyone ran as water flowed. The water is clean, as you go on the ground, wash off everything on our way, you can apply a stone, and with me (name) Catch the damage induced. Let her go beside the path beyond, back, where came from. Amen".

    Then begin to title:

    "Lord Almighty, I fall before you knees. As in Jericho with salt, you could have harmful water to clean, so this salt is bless. Amen".

    After that, the whole salt that cleaned the negative energy from the evil eye should be covered in the bath and immediately plunge into the water. You can swim as much as you want. After hygienic procedures, lower the water, together with it all the adversities are leaving.

    Second neutralization option

    To remove damage to salt at home you will need:

    The table is covered with a white tablecloth and put a bowl, filled with salt, near a burning candle. Then they read 12 times the prayer: "The Son of God, Jesus Christ, save and save, get rid of the chatters of the renewables. Through the strength of your life-grooming and blessing and afternoon, and in the morning, and at night, cleanse from evil dishes. Let your kingdom hide both in heaven and on earth. Amen".

    When the rite is fully fulfilled, it is necessary to collect salt and take out of your home. Throw it on a deserted intersection. In no case do not leave her home at night. If necessary, the ritual spend several days in a row.

    Elimination of negative influence with family

    When the damage is damaged to one of the households, the rest over time will also make its effect on themselves, so in such cases, the removal of the damage is carried out for the whole family. For this action, you need to get different people with the same amount of salt. You need to get around as many neighbors how many souls in your family.

    When the chief ingredient is mined, "Our Father" is read over Salt. This salt purified from the evil eye should be added to the food you are cooking for your family. While the seasoning does not end, one should not invite anyone to visit and treat me with this salt.

    Method with hot seasoning

    Any damage and "nigative" can be eliminated with salt. To act this ritual, you must take a cast-iron frying pan and put it on the stove. Roll it on low heat. Then in the frying pan should throw the salt victim in the pan. Now you need to split salt. Over the course of this time you need to read ours.

    By stirring the contents of the frying pan, list the names of the alleged ill-wishers. If the name of Togo, which could damage the damage, the seasoning will start smoking. Fry salt you need 20 minutes.

    During this time, you need to read 90 psalm three times to remove any negative salt, and then proceed to reading the negative removal of the negative:

    "Curbed by Solu Capture offender. It will be bad people oven yes. Let a disease and sadness go there where he came from. Salt, you damage with me, back to send, in the wind, take water. "

    Cleansing the salt from any damage is quickly, but it accumulates a large amount of negative energy in it, and therefore it is very important to collect her neatly into the bag and bury into the ground. If you pour seasoning at the crossroads, the people who will pass there can take your damage to yourself. You can also pour seasoning to the fleeting river.

    Preventive measures

    You can not only get rid of the negative at home at home, but also to establish protection yourself or another person, spoke to salt from the evil eye and damage, thus turning it into the charm. To do this, you can use one of the options. The first way implies actions at midnight.

    On the edge of the table, in a glass you need to deliver the seasoning, the shoulders are covered with a white scarf and write a conspiracy seven times:

    "The evil spirits, get away from my house, from me. Do not torment the soul, do not flip the body, demons. Most, death and tears take and carry the owner. Let now, who offended me, get their fruits. And now I have salted protection, it does not break it anyone, not overcome. "

    After reading, you need to sprinkle yourself or another salt and go straight into bed. In the morning you need to take the bath and wash off all the water. Morning modulation should clean not only the body, but also the mind, bring a sense of relief to man. The second way. In pre-order of a pot, filled with seasoning read these words:

    "Made, conspiracted, located alert, sorcerer-lead, grandmother's sorcerer, the old women with a decrepid plant. I want to get rid of the alend, I pay treatment for your salt. I send everyone to the dense forests, let the swamps where the beast does not run, where the person does not go, live together, how to harm others. "

    Read the plot required 12 times in a row. Then scatter a part of the salt on the floors and go through her bare feet. The balance of seasonings pour on their threshold. The person besides the cleansing rituals, must become less to communicate with people who carry the negative to protect themselves from the subsequent attack then the cleaning of the salt from the statement of damage may not be needed.

    Neutralization of negative influence with housing

    When it is purposefully trying to harm with black magic, the thickening of negative energy comes along with the victim into the house. When purification is performed using the usual salt of the human biofield, it is necessary to clean the house. It is possible to neutralize dark witchcraft. To begin with, it should be thrown all things that can carry a negative:

    • spoiled dishes;
    • broken technique;
    • cracked mirrors;
    • gifts from people with whom you are in a quarrel of their photos.

    In the evening, all windows open in the evening, so that the draft of the negative energy from your home. Then the prayer "Father Our" is read and the church Svetok is set. Holding a light-hand right hand, start moving around the house, counterclockwise, all this time you need to read any prayer. Later is delayed in places where Sveta smokes very much and cracks the flame means there is a negative energy.

    Now it's time to spend the cleaning of the house of salt. In white magic, salt is used in pure form or make saline. This cleaning is carried out using a salt solution: 5-7 tablespoons of the table salt are put on the water bucket, can be replaced with flavored marine. Salt solution should be wiped all surfaces from dust, especially carefully wash in the corners then the salt easily removes damage.

    Clean the residential premises using salt from damage to prevent prevention, follows once a year. In addition to cleaning, special protection is put on the house. In each room put a glass with salt. Pour a new energy sorbent every two months. Slip salt is poured into the bag and scatter at the crossroads or bury into the ground.

    How to get rid of the negative impact of Muslims?

    In Islam, it is believed that people who are engaged in black magic do not belong to any of the religions on Earth, in the future it will incur no negative consequences for themselves. Remove the negative Muslim only when night goes down on the ground. Help in any situation they are looking for in the Quran. Before cleaning, you need to completely wash yourself with water.

    The corresponding prayers are read from the Qur'a to purify the negative energy of the body and the soul. Prayers read before sunrise. Most often, the entire process of cleansing is carried out in the temple, however, if a person is simply depressed and poorly sleeping rites can be held at home independently.

    Translation of negative

    Pulling damage to salt one of the most efficient ways to help a person to save the soul from negative energy, which like a worm sharpening a person from the inside. For cleaning, you need a jug of clay, salt, a little honey. 24 hours before the ritual, it is necessary to consume only lenure food.

    Remove the curse starts with the onset of darkness. The seasoning is put in a jar of a dense layer and exhaled into the vessel three times, after which they consider words:

    "Salt, like the Earth all schoronitis. You have a white salt with me damage, enemies from me disgust. "

    Then honey pour into the vessel, saying:

    "Help, damage, I will never release anymore. Razororka any let them move together with you in the ground, you will take a bad place, but back not to release. "

    After that, they wrap a jug into the fabric and carry in the most deserted place and bury the entire inventory, under the dried tree, he sentenced the curse, so that your damage could no longer harm you or any other person.

    How to save an object from a negative impact on the photo

    If a person does not want to make your help with damage, you can spend a ritual using salt and its photos. The rite is carried out in the phase of the decreasing moon. In pre-orders, stand up, turning face west, put a teaspoon of salt on the photo and read the prayer.

    "Lord, a gracious lord, you keep time and eternity, looking at the slave (name) of your own, helping to drive the forces of the Dark, protection, yes, let the lining, as if the death flour does not torment him. A stranger thing always returns to the owner, and for your servant, let the blessing protect. I decided to break the evil man will your will, through the commandments to cross, and life to pick up with the other. Let them be afraid of your strength and anger all the enemies of His and Verothels. Let the evil eye and damage the side of the minutes of his body, hindle and shying over it. "

    Symptoms determine very simple. Among the main symptoms are:

    • unfortunate aggression;
    • the victim is constantly in the depressed state, does not find a place, literally does not know where to children;
    • if a damage is made to death, the victim does not understand why to live and tries to commit suicide;
    • on the threshold or under the door, nails, wool, hair or other attributes are found;
    • the exacerbation of various diseases that have long been cured.

    Even the strongest negative pupil can be removed using true faith, and good thoughts when the soul is clean. To protect their relatives and relatives from negative, they often use a conspired salt from the evil eye and damage. Rituals with salt are characterized by simplicity and high performance. In magic circles, this raw material is a powerful charm. - a free lesson to protect from with

    Magic and witchcraft

    Remove damage yourself with the help of church

    In the conduct of rituals, the most importantly correctly reading all conspiracies and prayers and fulfill everything clearly according to the instructions. A person who was influenced by the negative energy of once, it will be necessary after cleansing rituals, strengthen its biofield. The best option to contact the church and find out what prayers need to read to recover. The best charm for such a person is a native cross, it should not be removed.

    After reading this article, you fully answer the question of whether it is possible to remove the damage to salt? I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, would not say that in the rituals of black magic there are not so many salt cleaning from the evil eye, but they are, and they are pretty effective. In the rituals for removing damage to salt, in addition to the salt itself, water or fire is often present. Powerful cleansing elements. And, in addition to them, there is still an independent conspiracy on the salt for removing damage from a person. Strong witchcraft spells checked the intention of the magician. And all this in the aggregate gives the desired result.

    How to determine the damage of salt and spring water

    This magical ritual with spring water and salt is a well-known prophylactic method, which makes it possible to see the basic signs of the evil eye induced. If there is a negative, then in a glass with water, it will manifest quite clearly. To determine the damage to salt, pour into a transparent glass of spring water, and throw a few pinch of salt. If there is a negative, the water will change its color, becomes muddy, will acquire a gray or greenish tint. To observe changes, put a glass with salt water for the night in the headboard, where you sleep.

    Independent removal of damage through the salt fire and water

    Any witch rituals to get rid of damage better to do on a decreasing moon. But there are difficult cases when it is necessary to clean urgently, in an emergency, removing. Then you do not look at the moon, and take and do. Moreover, if we speak specifically about this magical rite, it is rather soft. If necessary, produce urgent cleaning salt from damageIt can be used on any day. But, in general, the second and fourth lunar phases are good for cleaning the body.

    In order to independently remove the damage with yourself, prepare the following:

    • bowl with water
    • pure frying pan

    Put on the table a bowl with clean water. Pour salt on the pan, as much as it will fit in 3 of your fist. And start in the middle fire salt glowing.

    Break the salt counterclockwise with a knife, and read a plot of damage to the salt 6 times:

    "Salt Bela and Chista, cleanse me (name) from Pull, Silla, Privotov, Ovular, from conspiracies, leading to water, for food, in the wind, in the back, in the eye. From the old, yes old women, from the younger, da Moroda, from the Father, and Mother. May it be so".

    Mount the palms of some water, and splash on the face. Water let it stand on a hot salt. After that read the conspiracy on Removing damage through salt and water:

    "Water sister, you drag, yes on the heat you get, in the heat you disappear. So the damage disappear and the evilness and challenges, conspiracies, conspiracles on the water, for food, in the wind, in the back, in the eye. From the old, yes old women, from the younger, da Moroda, from the Father, and Mother. May it be so".

    So to do 3 times - splash in your face and read an independent conspiracy. No need to change salt. Then, after completing the fry salt in a pan for delivering a person from damage and the evil eye, and another challenged or someone soaked the negative, the salt must be poured into the bowl with water. This cool salt solution is made from home and pour to any tree. At the same time, it should be read a strong conspiracy on the removal of the evil eye with water with salt:

    "Water, tequets with a white salt, yes damn black, and everyone is rotable with (name). Yes, dooms to the root. Yes, drink the root of drinking water, yes, drink, yes, take away Salla Belo, but damaging Cherno. May it be so. May it be so. May it be so".

    Yourself get rid of damage to salt in the shower

    Home rite, which I, Mag, Sergey Artgrom, I suggest to take your useful workflow, proven, and fully worker. Effective, both sensations and results. Sloga, whisper, as well as a negative, who will have time to join the day, are all these accumulations. There is a very curious moment - this rite of removing the evil eye with a person can give impetus, move the case from a dead point if other cleaning is not effective. Magic rituals Cleaning salt from damage They make it easier, give strength, whereas, say, castings on the wax are energy-price and are very exhausting.

    I, Magician Sergey Artgroma Dame Practical advice: rubbed a dry body, then the cleaning itself passes stronger, and there will be no irritation on the skin. So, all, then you will need a new pack of a large salt. It is very good to use sea salt without impurities.

    In an empty bath, pour salt, approximately half the pack. Stand up with both legs on this salt, and the remaining salt to graze the naked body.

    Read a conspiracy on salt from damage and evil eye, and black negative is at least 3 times:

    "Salt salt, dedication, reply all the lessons, proud, whose springs. You're clean, and I will clean, you melt and my misfortune. Salt creak, and, that I took off, I went back, my spell was found, the fur coat was thrown to him, so that the defense of him would crush, who I evil wished me, so that I groaned from pain, groaned from Besalie. From me, throw away from me, on the spell of my rolling, I do not eat, do not break, but to death to death. As he said, so be the castle in the snake company, not to leave anyone, the key does not pick up, the defense does not break. As he said so. Amen".

    And get up under the shower. As can be seen from the magic conspiracy on the removal of damage with salt, this cleaning with the return. Make on a decreasing moon. How often can this saline cleaning? If you need to remove a light negative type of random evil eye, bad thoughts and wishes, it is not forbidden to repeat if necessary. Yes, at least every evening before bed, you independently make damage to salt at home in this way.

    ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, Magician Sergey Artgrom, I recommend to wear a proven mascot for attracting the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. The cash amulet is made strictly individually, under the name of a particular person and his date of birth. The main thing is right to immediately configure it in accordance with the sent instructions, is equally well suited for people of any religion.

    You can make such a salt washed of the evil eye on Tuesdays and Saturdays. These days are well suited to get rid of the magical and other negative. They are considered the most stronger for cleaning. Saturday - Day Saturn. Well suited for cleansing, as well as the day of Mars - Tuesday. If Mars burns the witch negative, then Saturn eliminates it, destroys. Mars is associated with fire, war, force, aggressive energy. Saturn is the God of Rock, karma, inevitable death, death. Mars and Saturn are responsible for justice and pay for the deed. That is why Tuesday and Saturday are suitable for removing negativity with return.

    Days of descending Moon are very good for cleaning salt from damage and evil eye.

    And not only salt, of course, we are talking about a variety of techniques adopted in the practices of Russian witchcraft.

    • 19 lunar day carries the overwhelming energy of Saturn, good in order to selfget rid of damage with salt.
    • 23 The day of the lunar month is the best moment to return to their offenders and enemies of their evil. This day carries the destroying energies of Mars.
    • And in the 29th lunar day, on the day of the Black Moon, the energy of Saturn and Mars merge together. This is a dark strength day, the day when the Warlock with the support of his patrons can work great things. Newcomers on this day work is prohibited. Any error can be addressed against them.

    In the ritual of the salt washing of negativity per person, there are 2 strong magical substances that remove the negative - salt and water. Plus home conspiracy on salt to get rid of damage. Light and spores light negative. But, if working in a complex with other rituals, really remove heavy witch porches and curses.

    Another working ritual - how to remove damage yourself with salt

    The Witchcraft ritual to delivered a person from the damage induced on it can be used on any day, in mind. All you need is a tutu of an ordinary cook salt. Not extra. Only a large salt that has not been subjected to special processing is taken. Salt pour out in a bath, filled with warm water. Quietly, relaxing, to lie in salt water for a short time. You yourself feel when enough. You do not need to read the plot itself. You can simply calmly think about the last day.

    This extremely simple way to get rid of the energy negativity. Of course, by applying this method. severe damage with salt and water do not removeBut the evil eye, envy and everything that is caused by its negative energy is very well eliminated. The result - the negative, dialed during the day, goes, increases the tone, energy is added, internal comfort appears.

    How to remove damage with a return

    Like all ways of removing damage from a person, cleaning this method should be performed on a decreasing moon. To remove the negative salt, as well as some effects of damage, you need to take:

    • large crawled salt
    • pure frying pan
    • plug

    Pour salt into the pan so that it was completely covered by the bottom. Through the entire surface to draw an equilateral cross with a fork from the bottom up left to right. Thus, it will be 4 parts, and each part also sharing the equilateral cross. Crosses draw counterclockwise, starting with the right bottom. Having done this, the skillet put on a strong fire, and fry salt in a frying pan for 15 minutes, reading the patient (or ourselves) from the damage made. In this case, the salt is stirred by a fork in a circle against the sun.