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  • Excess weight on the stomach - remove it once and for all. How to get rid of belly fat Belly is not overweight

    Excess weight on the stomach - remove it once and for all. How to get rid of belly fat Belly is not overweight

    There is nothing abnormal in the very mechanism of the fat deposition process. On the contrary, fat deposition is the norm and serves as the body's defense mechanism against cold and hunger.

    If earlier people depended on the harvest, on vegetables and fruits from their orchards and vegetable gardens, as well as on the harvest from the field, today everything has changed - any food is in excess in your nearest supermarket.

    However, the body still stores fat as a reserve today. And we do not seek to limit ourselves too much in food.

    Modern causes of fat storage

    First of all, this is the use of carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates like sugar, white flour and rice are instantly converted into calories and stored in the body as fat.

    Ideally, you need to do a set of physical exercises to "drive away" all the calories eaten in the form of buns and white bread. For the normal functioning of the body, you need very little carbohydrates, about 60-70 grams, the rest will be processed into fat and stored in the body's reserves. Simple mathematical calculations can prove that excessive fat deposition is still a common cause of obesity.

    That is, in most cases, to lose weight, you just need to eat less, and especially foods that contain a large amount of simple carbohydrates.

    Fat deposition from consumed fats

    First of all, it is worth distinguishing between the types of fats. The most popular in modern society just are the unhealthy fats. They are the culprit behind the appearance of cellulite.

    There are also healthy fats like omega-3s. Excess weight will appear if you eat even very little unhealthy fats. For example, 100 grams contains 900 calories, and since it is difficult for the body to convert fats into energy, it turns out that all the fat you eat will be stored, and, first of all, the energy obtained from carbohydrates and proteins will be spent.

    Pitfalls of weight loss programs

    If we see a person with clear signs of obesity, then we can say with confidence that fat in this case will be deposited not only under the skin, but also on internal organs... That is why, in fact, obesity is so dangerous.

    External signs cause discomfort only visually. But for the body as a whole, the real problem is the load on the internal organs with the accumulation of fat inside.

    Internal, or visceral fat is just under the press, and it forms the protruding belly. In addition, this fat directly affects our well-being. In obese people, due to the accumulation of fat on the internal organs, problems with blood vessels are observed, including varicose veins, heart attack, stroke, thrombosis, liver problems, and so on.

    How to avoid overweight problems?

    • First, it is extremely beneficial to avoid sugar and starchy foods altogether. Simple carbohydrates are absorbed the fastest, in addition, they significantly increase blood sugar, and this provokes capillary fragility, you can earn yourself diabetes and other chronic troubles.
    • Secondly, to pump the press in the event that the weight has already been gained is useless. To normalize your weight, you first need to start a series of cardio workouts. It is intense cardio that gives the best effect on fat burning. At the same time, the trainers say that you need to train for at least 40 minutes. For the first 20 minutes, only energy is spent in the form of glycogen, that is, carbohydrates in the body that have not yet been deposited in the form of cellulite. And only after 20 minutes the body begins to work with stored fat reserves.

    If you have a few pounds of excess weight, your belly will suffer first. If you lose weight, fat will be the last to go. Are you at your ideal weight but neglect sports? The muscles will become limp with a loose bump and still spoil your slim figure. This is such a problem area - the stomach.

    Any part of the body can be tidied up. The stomach will not resist, it is only necessary to make directed efforts. Where do we start?

    • Purgation.

    Intestines clogged with toxins and feces not only harm the body, but also interfere with finding the desired harmony. Therefore, before you seriously lean on, cleanse your digestive tract. For this purpose, you can eat two green apples on an empty stomach for a whole month, have breakfast with a wonderful porridge made from a mixture of oats and rice, or take a course of enemas. Choose what you like best.

    Naturally, the eating style will have to be completely changed. The basis of your diet should be vegetables, fruits, fish, healthy fats and some natural sweets (honey and dried fruits).

    • Slimming abdominal massage.

    A simple but nightly rubbing with your palms gives a good effect. You will disperse stagnant fat, stretch your muscles, provide blood flow to the skin, accelerate the outflow of lymph and help the body to normalize metabolism (of course, if you do not forget about proper nutrition and physical education). If you supplement the procedure with rubbing with a hard mitten, or a vacuum jar - and it is better to alternate all these methods of influencing the problem area - you will not have to wait long for the result.

    • Wraps.

    An extremely effective procedure for getting rid of the volume in the abdominal area and giving the skin elasticity. The greenhouse effect created under the film during time promotes the elimination of excess fluid from the body, the high temperature opens the pores, and various mask mixtures saturate the skin with active substances. But they will work folk methods not soon: you will have to conduct a whole course of 12-15 procedures.

    Sports to lose weight in the abdomen

    What physical activity should you focus on? Basically, any sport that forces you to lose calories and muscle to work will be beneficial. But there are also workouts that are especially effective for the abdomen.

    • Bicycle. Although the legs will be involved in the "walk on wheels", the abdominal muscles will also have to work hard. And the general strengthening effect for the whole body, and the enrichment of blood with oxygen should not be discounted.
    • Run. The same story: the main load falls on the muscles of the legs (especially the thighs), but the whole body works. The lungs consume oxygen intensively, the metabolism is in order, the fat melts. This also applies to our problem area.
    • Swimming and. This is the tension of the entire muscle corset as a whole, and water resistance, which acts as a gentle massage, and increased energy consumption. For weight loss in the area we need, the choice is almost perfect.

    On the eve of summer, many girls want to look perfect. But sometimes, despite regular training and proper nutrition, the tummy does not go anywhere.

    Let's listen to James Duigan (star coach, among his clients Elle Macpherson and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley) and understand the appearance of unwanted volume in the waist area.


    Distinctive feature:

    • Rollers on the sides

    Reasons for the appearance:

    • Passive lifestyle
    • Sweet love
    • Addiction to alcohol
    • The diet is high in sugar and refined carbohydrates (cookies, cakes and white bread), starchy carbohydrates (pasta and rice)

    How to fix:

    1. Reduce the amount of alcohol.Drinking several glasses of wine 3-4 times a week will lead to a "wine waist" - a fat belly and flanks. Avoid alcohol for 2 weeks and then watch out for moderate alcohol consumption.
    2. Review your diet.Avoid dietary and low fat foods. Give preference to eggs, lean meats, vegetables. And good fats: avocados, nuts, and fatty fish.
    3. Take time to exercise.You don't have to go to gym, long walks are fine, and at home you can do lunges, squats, and reverse push-ups.

    Special instructions:

    • Just exercise and proper nutrition. With training and a new diet, you will see that you are one step closer to the tummy of your dreams, and it will give you new strength.

    Stress tummy

    Distinctive feature:

    • Fat is concentrated in the navel, while the belly is firm, not loose

    Reason for appearance:

    • Chronic stress ( high level cortisol)
    • Skip meals often
    • High consumption of caffeine
    • Irritable bowel syndrome
    • Unhealthy foods in the diet (salted nuts, potato chips, etc.)

    How to fix:

    1. Go to bed early.Women who are stressed tend to sleep little and poorly, which disrupts the production of leptin, a hormone that helps regulate appetite and metabolism.
    2. Relaxation before bed. This could be breathing exercises, taking a long bath, or meditation. These healthy habits will help you fall asleep and limit your coffee intake at night (and allow yourself no more than 2 cups during the day).
    3. Don't exhaust yourself with exercise.Excessive cardio will only increase cortisol levels. Do yoga, take long walks, even work out in the gym to calm your nervous system. The main thing is without fanaticism!
    4. Include magnesium in your diet. Magnesium is a “soothing” mineral. Dark green vegetables, nuts, and wheat bran are high in magnesium.

    Special instructions:

    • Before bedtime do yoga, stretching and drink chamomile teaIt will lower your cortisol levels and help your body calm down.

    Low tummy

    Distinctive feature:

    • You are slim, but your lower abdomen stands out

    Reason for appearance:

    • Recent motherhood
    • Monotonous and excessive workouts in the gym (do a lot of crunches, use a press roller)
    • Monotonous diet
    • Rachiocampsis

    How to fix:

    1. Good nutrition and plenty of fiber.Green leafy vegetables, bran bread, and other natural sources of fiber.
    2. Avoid squats. Your squatting technique may be impaired, which puts more stress on your lower back, aggravates curvature of the spine, and increases the visibility of your abdomen. Replace this exercise with a plank.
    3. Uniform load distribution.Do not overload one part of the body with physical activity. Try a circuit workout, in this case, you will work each muscle group separately.

    Special instructions:

    • Drink more water and prefer digestible foods (green vegetables) and light proteins (fish and chicken).

    Mom's tummy

    Distinctive feature:

    • After giving birth (if a year or more has passed) the tummy looks like "pregnant"

    Reason for appearance:

    • Little time for yourself.After childbirth, the uterus sinks, and it is much more difficult to achieve results than it was before pregnancy. It will take at least 6 weeks to return to its normal size.
    • We started training too early.After giving birth, it is recommended that you rest for 2-3 months before starting your workouts.
    • Weak pelvic muscles.

    How to fix:

    1. Include fish oil in your diet.
    2. Try to eat the right fatsevery day: nuts, oil and olives. They help fight fatigue - a big plus for moms.
    3. Do pelvic workouts (Kegel exercises) mandatory.These exercises act as a natural corset for the body. Squeeze and then relax the pelvic floor muscles 15–20 times, repeat the exercise 5 times a day.
    4. Draw in your stomach.This is a very healthy habit that will tone your muscles back without overworking.
    5. Avoid squats and crunches.This is the worst thing you can do for your body after giving birth. You have to allow your body to recover.

    Special instructions:

    • Daytime sleep and stretching before bed. Draw the curtains and allow yourself to sleep during the day - sleep hormones will increase fat burning.

    Swollen tummy

    Distinctive feature:

    • A flat tummy in the morning, but swells throughout the day (regardless of whether you are overweight)

    Reason for appearance:

    • Food allergy
    • Sluggish bowel
    • Unbalanced intestinal flora

    How to fix:

    1. Eliminate foods that are not suitable for your body from your diet.The most common intolerable foods are gluten (bread, pasta, pastry), alcohol, yeast (muffins, beer), and processed dairy products (cheese, milk, butter).
    2. Focus on a diet high in fresh vegetables, meats, chicken, and fish.Try eliminating gluten for 2 weeks to see if bloating decreases.
    3. Don't skip breakfast. Make breakfast your biggest meal of the day since digestion is at its peak in the morning, and don't eat late at night - this will lead to bloating. Chew food thoroughly and drink plenty of water.
    4. Bloating may be a sign of an imbalanced intestinal flora.Prebiotic and probiotic supplements are the easiest way. They are found in sour cream and in some fruits and vegetables, including cabbage, garlic, and onions. A healthy intestine \u003d flat stomach.

    Special instructions:

    • Breath... Do this exercise every morning: while lying on your back, completely relax and inhale and exhale deeply 10 times. After eating, a walk is recommended.

    Your figure seems to be nothing, you do not consider yourself complete, but your belly betrays the need to lose weight at the waist. This is not very common and rarely, when there is no excess weight (by BMI), but there is really excess volume in the abdomen.

    A rounded belly and a lack of a well-defined waist can severely cloud your overall opinion of your figure. It becomes especially sad for women, who are often mistaken for pregnant women due to a rounded tummy against the background of normal parameters of the rest of the body.

    Why are we gaining weight in the stomach? How to remove the belly? And for what reason is it impossible to lose weight at the waist, even on a diet and fitness? You will find out the answers to all these questions ...

    Why does the belly grow?

    Women tend to increase their waist size more than men. This is due to certain hormonal background, which is determined by the female destiny - to bear and give birth to children. As soon as a girl reaches puberty and is ready to become a mother, her body actively produces estradiol, which increases the likelihood of fat accumulation in the abdomen.

    Nature conceived this for a reason, because the fatty layer in the abdomen will protect the uterus and the fetus growing in it during a woman's pregnancy. In addition, spare fat accumulations will come in handy if a pregnant woman begins to suffer from severe toxicosis with weight loss or suffers from hunger due to lack of sufficient food (women did not always live in luxury food and wealth).

    There is no way to cheat hormones, so women need to consider their tendency to accumulate fat in the abdomen when planning their diet and physical activity.

    However, without provoking factors, the stomach will not grow from some hormones (we are now not taking into account the problems with metabolic disorders and hormonal imbalances, leading to weight gain). This is due to improper nutrition and inappropriate physical activity or their complete absence.

    The accumulation of abdominal (abdominal) fat is very often leads to the abuse of sweets and starchy foods, the use of fast food and junk food, the love of sweet soda and starchy foods.

    Psychologists also believe that abdominal overgrowth can be caused by certain psychological problems. For example, when a woman grows up in conditions of strong economy, she largely denies herself, constantly saves something: money, food, clothes, beautiful things.

    The desire to accumulate more leads to a certain train of thought, which causes a corresponding hormonal response, and the hormones "take care" so that fat deposits in the waist area are also stored. If psychologists are really right, then these women need to learn to share what they have, to fight stinginess and hoarding.

    Remember that the more you give, the more comes back to you. Change and movement occur only where energy does not stagnate. And stagnation of energy is very harmful to high-quality weight loss, including in the abdomen.

    Why can't you lose weight in your stomach?

    If all your attempts to lose weight in the stomach are in vain, then you are making a mistake somewhere. Errors can be both in nutrition and in physical activity.

    Among the mistakes in nutrition, the following interfere with losing weight at the waist:

    1. You are on a low calorie diet, so your metabolism has slowed down and your weight loss has slowed down. If the daily calorie content of your diet is less than the basic needs of metabolism, then the body is forced to think that you are in conditions of hunger.

    It deliberately slows down the metabolism so that fat accumulations are spent sparingly. It is protection from starvation and starvation. You will not fool nature, so the best solution in such a situation is to eat properly and rationally, ensuring an adequate calorie deficit.

    Calculate your daily rate on calories, and then reduce your diet by 15-20%. This deficit is quite enough for systematic weight loss. Body shaping will follow the weight loss and proportionally throughout the body.

    So that after losing weight your figure is the way you want it, you need to connect regular physical activity to proper nutrition. Sport will help you to make your figure fit and tone, and muscle mass will form an enviable relief.

    2. You eat very few protein foods, so growth muscle mass and weight loss are moving at a slow pace. Do not forget that to correct weight and lose weight in the abdomen, your diet must have enough protein.

    How much exactly? Calculate your B / W / L ratio or use the help of a personal nutritionist (a detailed calculation of the calorie intake and the B / W / L ratio can be found in the nutritional courses).

    3. Your diet contains many foods that cause bloating. When bloated, the volume of the abdominal cavity increases, and the abdomen is rounded like a ball. Food-provocateurs include starchy foods (for example, potatoes and corn, as well as dishes from them), legumes, beans, beets, apples.

    Abuse of these products causes increased flatulence, and this happens more often due to the weak microflora of the stomach. To avoid bloating, limit the listed foods and normalize the microflora of the stomach with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (a complex of probiotics and prebiotics or the use of low-fat quality fermented milk products).

    4. You eat a lot of white rice, counting it healthy cereals... However, white rice is high in starch and calories. Better to replace white rice with brown unpolished.

    5. You have a lot of fatty meat in your diet. It is better to replace beef and pork meat (including duck and goose) with chicken or turkey fillets (as an option, rabbit and quail) - they have less calories and fat.

    6. Your diet lacks the beneficial fatty acids Omega-3, 6 and 9. The use of healthy fatty acids will allow you to quickly remove fat accumulation in the abdomen.

    You can find them in fish, seafood, nuts, olives, olives, unrefined vegetable oils cold pressed, flax seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds, avocado.

    7. You eat a lot of fruit (drink fruit juice) in the afternoon. Fructose is also high in calories, and excess fiber can lead to bloating. It is better to eat fruits and drink juices from them in the morning, and vegetables and light protein dishes are suitable for dinner.

    8. There are sausages, sausages and convenience foods in your diet. These dishes do not exactly meet the requirements of proper nutrition, and their use can affect the size of your waist.

    To quickly remove the belly, eat whole grains, vegetables and fruits with a low glycemic index, lean meats, fish and seafood, lettuce, low-fat dairy and dairy products, eggs, rennet cheeses, nuts (in small quantities).

    Why does not the stomach lose weight when doing fitness?

    It would seem that when doing fitness you should definitely lose weight in the waist as well. But it happens that you make certain mistakes that prevent you from reducing your belly. These errors include:

    1. During fitness you do only twists and bends, swing the press and twist the hoop. Such exercises are still better than lying on the couch, but they do not help to lose weight at the waist. Pumping your abs will help strengthen your core muscles, but not lose fat in the waist area.

    Moreover, abdominal exercises burn very few calories, which is not enough for effective weight loss. But what really suits you is cardio fat burning and interval training. Do cardio for at least an hour and exercise at least 2-3 times a week.

    2. You do not practice strength training. Remember, a combination of cardio and strength training will give the best results. Push-ups, planks, squats, jumping rope, exercise bikes, running, walking, incendiary dances will help work out the deep muscles of the press and burn enough calories for your body to agree to part with stored fats.

    3. You exercise a lot and often, as a result, fluid is retained in your body. Overtraining against the background of insufficient recovery can provoke edema. The accumulated excess fluid interferes with weight loss and creates unnecessary volume where the relief should be.

    You need to maintain a strict balance between rational training and rest so that the body is ready for the transformation of the figure.

    Now you know exactly what prevents you from losing weight at the waist, and how to remove the belly. Do not make the described mistakes and follow the recommendations given. Good luck to you!

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