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  • Calorie food for weight gain. Nutrition for gaining muscle mass for men: diet and diet for a week

    Calorie food for weight gain. Nutrition for gaining muscle mass for men: diet and diet for a week

    If a person who comes to the gym has a clear goal - to build muscle mass, one well-designed training program is not enough. It is necessary to correctly approach the structure of the diet. The menu should be dominated by protein foods, since it is protein that is the main element necessary for building muscles.

    The energy expended by a person, replenished when eating food, is directly proportional to physical activity. Strength training requires several times more energy consumption than normal human activities. And if you reduce the diet, the body will begin to experience a lack of nutrients. This will negatively affect both your well-being and the result of classes.

    Eating a diet to increase muscle mass - this is not to starve, but, on the contrary, to consume more calories than was expended in energy. This fact should not be taken as the only condition for such nutrition. A diet that promotes muscle growth should be balanced, based on six basic principles:

    Fractional nutrition

    You need to eat a lot, but in small portions throughout the day. This promotes the rapid absorption of food in order to obtain energy, and not for the accumulation of body fat. Eating fractionally, the athlete gains muscle, not fat mass.

    High-calorie food

    Each serving of food you eat should be high in calories. The lower the energy value of food, the more often you have to eat. About 70% of the daily ration of a nutrition program must be made up of high-calorie foods.

    Slow fats and carbohydrates

    Fast carbohydrates and fats should be excluded from the menu - sweet fruits, confectionery and flour products. They take a long time to digest, which leads to a build-up of body fat rather than energy. The body does not have time to spend most of the nutrients extracted from fast carbohydrates and fats on the renewal of expended energy, but sends it to "storage", that is, to the fat depot.

    Sufficient amount of water

    A diet for gaining muscles speeds up metabolism, introduces the body into a stressful situation, which can be avoided by observing a drinking regimen. You need to drink at least three liters of water per day. Failure to comply with this point can lead to dehydration, expressed by a deterioration in well-being and a cessation of muscle growth.


    Servings eaten before 4 pm should make up the majority of the daily diet. At a later time, foods with fast carbohydrates and fats should be avoided in the diet.

    Sports diet

    Involves mandatory intense training. Otherwise, all the calories consumed will be converted to fat, and not to dry muscle mass. On training days, you should eat 2 hours before and after training. An additional intake of sports supplements contributes to the acceleration of the process of muscle growth.

    Fats, proteins, carbohydrates: daily intake

    A balanced diet is a key prerequisite for the success of a dedicated muscle building diet. This can be achieved by following the principle of the inverted pyramid, which determines the ratio of nutrients in the diet:

    • carbohydrates - from 55 to 60%
    • proteins - from 25 to 30%;
    • fats - from 10 to 20%.

    Compliance with this rule presupposes an accurate calculation of all substances consumed per day. This makes it possible to get more calories than is expended when doing strength training. The excess goes into muscle mass.

    To calculate the calorie content of the daily norm, it is enough to use the following formula: "athlete's weight" is multiplied by "30", plus "500" to the result. It should be taken into account that the ratio of these elements is different for both men and women.

    • Protein... Some amino acids are synthesized in the body, while other compounds are replenished from the food consumed. And in order to ensure a sufficient amount of protein per day, you need to include in your diet protein-rich foods, for example, meat, milk, fish. The need for a substance is calculated by multiplying its own body weight by two. If an athlete weighs 80 kilograms, then he needs 160 grams of protein per day.
    • Fats.Should be reduced, but not completely eliminated. Without them, the body will not be able to function normally. The daily rate is determined by age. Men under 28 need 130-160 grams, under 40 - 100-150 grams. At a more mature age, the amount is reduced to 70 g / day.
    • Carbohydrates... They are simple and complex. The former do not represent any value for muscle mass, and the number of consumption of the latter per day should be at least 500 grams.


    • Proteins.The lack of this element negatively affects appearance the fair sex. Deficiency leads to a deterioration in the condition of the skin, hair structure, nail plate. Girls, unlike men, need to consume 1.5 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of their own weight.
    • Fats.The need for this substance is also due to age. Up to 28 it is 86-116, up to 40 - 80-111, after 40 it is reduced and amounts to 70 grams per day.
    • Carbohydrates.To increase muscle mass, girls need to consume at least 400 grams of slow carbs.

    Absolutely any dietary food, including for increasing muscle mass, involves the inclusion in the diet of foods that allow you to fully provide all the nutrients necessary to maintain normal life. For this purpose, athletes can use both regular food and special supplements.

    Along with food useful for an athlete gaining muscle mass, there is one that needs to be excluded from the diet. It does not bring any benefit to the body, it is deposited in the body fat. The list of prohibited foods includes the following food groups:

    • fatty meats, sausages and sausages, ham;
    • industrial food products containing dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives and other chemical additives;
    • any kind of spread, natural butter, mayonnaise, margarine;
    • sweet pastries, sweets, cakes and so on;
    • salty, pickled, smoked food.

    Sources of protein

    Protein-rich foods to increase muscle mass include:

    • Chicken or turkey fillet... You need to consume from 150 to 200 grams of this dietary meat per day.
    • Dairy products with a low percentage of fat.These can be yoghurts and milk.
    • Cottage cheese and egg whites.The first, along with protein, also contains valuable trace elements. Eggs, for obvious reasons, become a source of protein only without the yolk.
    • Sea fish... Salmon, tuna and so on contain omega acids essential for humans.
    • Cereals.Wheat should be consumed sprouted, and whole grain bread, raw or fried sunflower seeds. You can eat lentils and buckwheat.

    Carbohydrate-rich foods

    Allows you to receive the energy reserve required for training. The amount of carbohydrates is reduced only for the purpose of losing weight. Conversely, people who are gaining muscle mass need to include the following carbohydrate sources in their diet:

    • brown ricecontains more carbohydrates than white;
    • unsweetened fruitsby reducing the consumption of grapes, pears, bananas;
    • vegetables, including herbs and garlic;
    • pastamade from durum wheat;
    • cereals.

    Sources of fats

    The optimal need for fat is compensated by the use of:

    • brazilian and walnuts;
    • hazelnuts, almonds, cashews;
    • applesauce pastilles;
    • mackerel.

    Designed specifically for naturally thin ectomorphs. Assumes six meals a day. Portions should be small so as not to overeat or feel hungry. The result of such nutrition can be seen after a month.

    Diet diet to increase muscle mass

    1 2 3 4 5 6
    1 Oatmeal, nuts, apple.Potatoes, chicken fillet, vegetables.Cottage cheese and banana.Fish, rice, vegetables.Tuna with vegetable salad.Fruit salad.
    2 Orange, nuts, buckwheat porridge with honey and milk.Boiled pasta, baked veal, vegetables.Whole grain bread, kefir.Cottage cheese with honey, kiwi.Baked mackerel, vegetable salad.
    3 Oatmeal, banana, apple, nuts.Potatoes, lean veal, vegetables.Black bread, omelet, apple.Milk and fruit smoothies.Turkey fillet, rice,Jam, cottage cheese.
    4 Rice porridge with milk, nuts, apple.Vegetable soup, veal.Whole grain bread, kefir.Fruit salad.Turkey fillet, baked potatoes.Vegetable salad.
    5 Chicken fillet, omelet, vegetables.Potatoes, lean veal, banana.Apple, cottage cheese with jam.Fruit smoothie.Chicken fillet with vegetable stew.Strawberries, yogurt, peanut butter.
    6 Nuts, banana, oatmeal.Chicken fillet, potatoes, vegetables.Kefir, whole grain bread.Kiwi, cottage cheese with honey.Baked mackerel, buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad.Fruit salad.
    7 Chicken fillet, omelet, vegetablesVeal, vegetable salad, apple.Banana, cottage cheese with jam.Fruit smoothie.Chicken fillet, rice, vegetables.Vegetable salad.

    Sports nutrition when dieting

    A complex schedule or lifestyle does not always allow you to eat up to six times a day. And if such a problem exists, various supplements can come to the rescue to fill the "nutritional gaps".

    Such sports nutrition includes:


    Protein Powders

    Protein supplement involved in the process of building muscle mass. It does not interfere with a gainer, it is consumed an hour before training.


    Retains water in muscle tissue. Drinks forty minutes before physical activity.

    It is imperative to take care of a sufficient amount of vitamins. They not only increase the absorption of nutrients, but also prevent intestinal malfunctions.

    Drying the body while increasing muscle mass

    In order not only to increase the volume of muscles, but also to dry out, the diet is tightened. All sources of fast carbohydrates are excluded from the diet. No cakes, muffins, sweets or sugar-containing foods.

    You need to eat not six, but from seven to nine times. This will eliminate the accumulation of fat mass. It is highly recommended to use vegetable fats instead of animals.

    by The Wild Mistress's Notes

    How would you put on a few pounds? After such a statement, be sure that they will look at you with incomprehension. After all, many girls are on strict diets and visit the fitness room to get rid of extra pounds and centimeters, and they will never understand how you can want to gain weight. However, there are people who suffer from lack of weight, and on this basis they even develop complexes.

    So, if you belong to the category of people who want to gain the coveted amount of kilograms, then today's article is for you. Today we will help you compose your daily diet, and determine the list of foods that contribute to weight gain.

    Let's first figure out which foods help increase weight.

    White bread and buns

    White bread and fresh buns can easily help you gain extra inches around your waist. They are baked with white flour and therefore have great nutritional value.

    Boiled and smoked sausages, sausages and wieners

    Hot dogs, cold cuts and other meats are popular foods that should be in your diet. They contain pigskin, natural fat and lard - the content of these ingredients in the listed products ranges from 25 to 35%.


    Hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts, peanuts are a favorite treat for many. All nuts are very healthy because they contain vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, potassium and vegetable proteins. But, the main thing is that there are a lot of fats in nuts, therefore they are classified as high-calorie foods.

    Milk products

    In addition to being healthy, dairy products also have a high percentage of fat, which in turn contributes to weight gain. For example, sour cream contains 25-40% fat.

    If you are painlessly consuming dairy products, then drink milk with honey at night. This will not only help supplement your daily diet with calories, but it will also serve as a wonderful natural sleeping aid.


    Hard and processed cheeses are always a pleasure to eat in the morning with bread. In addition, modern cheeses, especially imported ones, have a fat content of about 45-50%. So, in order to acquire the desired forms, cheeses should be included in the diet.


    The percentage of fat in lean and regular pork exceeds 30%, and in fatty beef is 25-30%. Therefore, use these types of meat to increase weight.

    Vegetable oils and fats

    If you think that vegetable oil can be non-greasy, then you are deeply mistaken. In fact, all types of oils: butter, refined, vegetable, etc. contain almost 100% fat. For weight gain, nutritionists recommend combining raw nuts with coconut oil. For example, make desserts based on dried fruits, nuts, and coconut oil.


    No one can resist ice cream, cookies and cakes. And in our time, these are just culinary masterpieces that are oversaturated with sugar and fats. Therefore, consuming them regularly will help you gain calories and get better.

    We have given you a small list of foods that help you gain weight. By adding them to your diet, you can easily gain the pounds you need.

    However, it is important not only to eat these foods, but also to combine them correctly, since an excess of any nutrients can negatively affect the body's functioning.

    Also, it is important to observe 5-6 meals a day, at regular intervals, and prevent the manifestation of hunger. And if you are hungry, then immediately have something to eat.

    Diet for weight gain

    Now let's take a look at what a person's daily diet for gaining weight might be. First, we note that before each meal, stimulate your appetite by drinking vegetable or fruit juice, and then proceed directly to the meal.


    You can't neglect breakfast! Prepare a serving of oatmeal with nuts and honey, or fatty cottage cheese with dried fruits. Eat a butter and cheese sandwich and wash down with two cups of cocoa.


    Drink 200 grams of yogurt or fruit juice with a sausage sandwich.


    Lunch must be complete, so start with a salad to whet your appetite. Then eat a thick, rich vegetable or meat soup. For the second, cook a large portion of meat or fish with mashed potatoes or pasta seasoned with butter. Round off your meal with a sweet dessert and a cup of coffee with cream.

    Afternoon snack

    Between lunch and dinner, you should have a snack with cottage cheese with sour cream, or fatty yogurt or coffee with cream. You can also make any vegetable salad. The main thing is not to overdo it, because you should have a good appetite for dinner.


    Dinner should be satisfying at the same time, but not very heavy on the stomach: sleeping on a full stomach is a pleasure. We recommend having dinner with an omelet with tomatoes and ham. Vegetable salads or various types of cereals are also suitable. Feel free to consume white bread. Drink half a liter of high-fat milk.

    Late supper

    Eat a pear or apple before bed. Also, throughout the day, if you feel a sudden feeling of hunger, you can additionally snack on fresh fruits, nuts or seeds.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that you should not forget about the correct lifestyle. In order for the gained weight to be evenly and beautifully distributed over your body, it is advisable to visit the gym. But you need to engage in a bodybuilding program, and this applies not only to males. Let us remind you once again: if you have made every effort, and your weight does not increase, then this is a serious reason to see a doctor!

    Always be irresistible!

    Olya Likhacheva

    Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


    Those who want to get better quickly are much less than those who dream of losing weight, but they face a more difficult task. An unbalanced diet for weight gain can lead to an increase in mass mainly due to disproportionate deposition of fat in certain parts of the body, which can disfigure the figure. If you are interested in how to get better quickly, remember: the main components of proper weight gain are a competent diet and a set of special physical exercises. You can also resort to folk remedies - decoctions contribute to an increase in appetite.

    Power features

    Nutrition in order to gain weight must be high in calories, this is obvious. If the daily calorie intake for an ordinary woman is 1500-2000, then thin women with an accelerated metabolism, in order to gain weight in the face and body, should eat twice as much - their diet should contain 3000-4000 calories. Out of habit, it is difficult to digest such a number of foods, therefore, for weight gain, it is best to organize fractional meals, which provides for a snack 1.5-2 hours after each of the main meals.

    In order to quickly recover and not damage the health of the body or unpleasant consequences for the figure, you should balance your diet and adhere to the following rules:

    1. Choose the right foods. Regardless of the fact that you need to give preference to high-calorie foods, food should be healthy: getting better quickly thanks to fast food is not the most prudent decision. It is better to actively include dairy products, nuts, seeds, different types of meat (including lean chicken), butter, halva, cookies, bread in the diet.
    2. You should not get better from the very first day after making a decision, eat a huge amount of food. It is necessary to increase the calorie content of the diet gradually. Calculate how much you need to eat in order to quickly recover to the desired result, come to this amount of food in three to four days.
    3. To stimulate your appetite, drink a glass of fruit juice each time you eat.
    4. In order for the eaten foods to be better absorbed, after a hearty lunch, you should arrange for yourself a little rest.
    5. Drinking water also helps you get better, so drink plenty of it (about 2-3 liters per day). The growth of adipose and muscle tissue takes place with the participation of water, like all processes in the human body.

    What to eat to get better - high calorie diet

    The diet of people who want to get better quickly should be based on foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins. It is good if they complement each other with each meal. Without fail, fish, meat, eggs, dairy products must be present in the diet of those wishing to gain weight. This food is especially rich in protein.

    The use of protein shakes will help you recover quickly: it is recommended to use both purchased mixtures and prepared yourself. For example, this recipe: take a glass of cream, a pack of cottage cheese, a few spoons of jam and mix it all thoroughly in a blender. Tasty and healthy at the same time - a great reason to pamper yourself.

    Salads are good for seasoning with olive, sunflower or soybean oil, because these products are rich sources of fat. But white bread, potatoes, pasta, sweets, honey, sugar contain in their composition a sufficient amount of carbohydrates necessary to recover. The daily diet must be balanced in terms of the availability of minerals and vitamins. They improve all processes in the body, improve appetite, and help you gain weight quickly.

    Menus and recipes for the week for men and women

    To get better quickly, men and women can eat the same foods, but the amount will be different, since the male body spends more energy, which means it requires significantly more calories to gain weight. We bring to your attention a balanced diet for the week for those who want to get better quickly.

    The first and fifth days of the diet, with which you are going to get better.

    • Morning: wheat porridge with chicken meat, a cheese and ham sandwich, coffee.
    • Snack: nuts, cookies.
    • Lunch: pea soup, baked potatoes with meat, vegetable salad with butter.
    • Evening: scrambled eggs with cheese, mushrooms and meat, tea.

    The second and sixth days: in order to get better, you will have to eat a lot.

    • Morning: oatmeal in milk, a sandwich with butter and cheese, cocoa or coffee.
    • Snack: fruit, bun.
    • Lunch: hodgepodge, pasta with pork, compote.
    • Evening: chicken meat with a side dish, cheese casserole or pie, a cup of tea.

    The third and fifth days will offer a varied menu, the goal of which is to get you to recover at the speed you need.

    • Morning: buckwheat porridge with butter, ham sandwich, tea or coffee with honey, sugar.
    • Snack: apple, banana, fatty yogurt.
    • Lunch: Ukrainian borsch with meat, potatoes with fried fish, compote
    • Evening: pilaf with beef meat, pastries, nuts, sweet drink of your choice.

    The fourth day, which is considered a kind of unloading in the race to get better.

    • Morning: potatoes and lean meat, cocoa with milk, cheese sandwich.
    • Snack: biscuits or a bun with tea.
    • Lunch: pea soup with meat, dumplings, fruits, sweet compote.
    • Evening: pasta with fried meat, a few boiled eggs, sweet tea or milk.

    Effective exercises for fast weight gain

    So, people who want to know how you can get better quickly and not harm either your health or your figure should definitely remember - without exercise, this will not work. All these physical exercises contribute to the growth of muscles, increase the elasticity of the skin, which means that with their help you can quickly recover and not spoil your figure. Here is a list of the exercises you need to do daily:

    • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly rise on your toes, and then also lower yourself to the starting position. Do the physical exercise 25-30 times.
    • The next exercise is scissors. Put on some kind of heavy shoes, lie on your back. Place your hands along your torso, palms down. Next, slowly raise your straight legs, cross them, and then spread them apart. So repeat the exercise 15-20 times.
    • Without taking off your heavy shoes, move on to the next exercise. Raise and lower your legs alternately up and down, as if depicting vertical scissors. The number of repetitions of this physical exercise is 10-12 times.
    • Get on your knees with your hands shoulder-width apart. Put your palms on the floor, bend your arms, and then slowly straighten them. Do this exercise 10-15 times.
    • Get to your feet, socks apart, heels together. Next, gently rise on your toes, sit down a little and spread your knees to the sides. After that, rise on your toes even higher. Then take the starting position. The number of repetitions of the exercise is 20-30 times.

    How can you gain weight with folk remedies?

    Want to know how else to get better quickly? It is necessary not only to balance the diet and exercise, but also to resort to help folk remedies... Certain herbs help improve appetite and stimulate digestion. It is important that they help to recover quickly by putting in order the entire digestive system, which means that the benefits of their use are double.

    1. Knapweed. A decoction of this herb increases appetite, which means it helps to recover quickly. To prepare it, you need to pour 10 grams of dry cornflower with a glass of boiling water, insist in a dark place for 1 hour. This broth should be consumed three times a day. Sugar or honey can be added to remove some of its bitterness.
    2. Peppermint is also good for stimulating appetite. It is necessary to pour 30 g of the plant with a liter of boiling water, leave for a couple of hours. Consume before meals or immediately after.
    3. Thyme also helps you get better quickly. Take 20 g of the plant, pour 500 ml of boiling water, then leave to infuse for 2 hours in a warm place. Drink 100 g each time before meals.
    4. Barberry has choleretic properties, improves digestion and increases appetite. To recover, prepare a decoction: take 2 tbsp. spoons of leaves and twigs of the plant, put in a cup, pour in 500 ml of boiling water. Insist for at least 2 hours, then strain and drink a third of the glass 30 minutes before meals.

    If you want to gain weight, you can only be envied! At least, this is the opinion of those who get fat even because of one eaten candy. Nevertheless, there are not so few people who dream of correcting their figure and making it more rounded. It is much more difficult for them to "grow" the missing kilograms than it is for a well-fed person to lose weight.

    Competent dietary adjustments will make the process of weight gain quick and effective, and its results harmonious and beautiful. What is to be done?

    If the state of health does not raise questions, the cause of thinness may be innate characteristics of the body. Asthenics often face a lack of weight, fat and muscle mass. People of this body type have thin bones and a minimum amount of muscle mass.

    You can find out if you are of this type by measuring the circumference of your wrist. If the resulting value is less than 15 cm for women, and 18 cm for men, you can be safely ranked as an asthenic body type.

    Another reason for being thin is often a good metabolism. And this is more a plus than a minus. Be that as it may, and with age, the metabolism slows down, so harmony will not always be your "disadvantage".

    Expert commentary

    Elena Kalen, nutritionist, expert in weight loss psychology, certified coach

    Today it is fashionable to lead a healthy lifestyle and have a beautiful body. Millions are busy losing their weight. However, there is another category of people who dream of gaining weight. Not a slender, but thin person evokes the thought of a painful condition.

    It is also necessary to remember that constant stressful situations, unhealthy diet and lack of healthy way life can lead to thinness. Some people work so hard that they just fall down in the evening from fatigue, forgetting about food.

    To lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit. Therefore, to get better - to form excess.

    An important point to note is that leaning on unhealthy, high-calorie foods, such as fast food, is a downright bad idea. Such food will not only harm health (provoking serious illnesses), but you will get better on it not harmoniously with the whole body, but locally - in “fat traps” (shoulders, hips, stomach, buttocks). In addition, heavy consumption of unhealthy foods often leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, exacerbation chronic diseases... Therefore, the main rule of weight gain is to choose healthy foods.


    The main rule of weight gain is to choose healthy foods.

    The meal schedule should be fractional - 5-6 small meals a day, or 3 main meals and two snacks. In this case, the last meal should take place no later than 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. Pay attention to the drinking regime. You need to drink 30-40 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight per day. Since all processes in the body, including the build-up of muscle and fat mass, occurs with a sufficient amount of water in the body.

    Did you know?

    On average, a man should eat 2000-3000 kcal per day, and a woman 1600-2400 kcal, depending on the lifestyle, working conditions and level of physical activity. To gain weight, the daily calorie content needs to be increased by 400-500 kcal.

    10 healthy foods that are guaranteed to help you get better

    Nutritious smoothies and shakes

    Sugary drinks with fruits and berries are not only tasty, but also healthy. Eating them as a snack or in addition to your main meal will give you pleasure and weight gain. It's all about the number of cocktails!

    Make a chocolate banana shake!

    If rice porridge seems boring to you, try cooking it differently! The secret of the dish is in flavors. Feel free to supplement rice with berries and dried fruits, eat it along with proteins - slices of fish and meat, combine with dressings - tomato, mushroom, seafood. Also, don't forget about nutritious dishes like sushi and pilaf. Supplement vegetables with meatballs or try fish cakes with rice.

    Healthy oils

    All types of vegetable oil and natural butter will complement the taste of cooked dishes and help you recover. Nutritionists classify them as high-calorie foods, but this makes them no less useful. There are about 90-100 kcal in a tablespoon of oil.

    Red meat

    The fattier the meat, the better for someone who wants to gain weight. But fatty pieces are potentially harmful to health, especially if there is a history of gastrointestinal diseases. An excellent solution is red meat. It is a valuable source of protein and an affordable muscle building product. It contains two important substances - creatine and leucine, they stimulate protein synthesis and muscle tissue growth, which means they help to harmoniously recover.

    They are included in a limited number of fatty foods that are beneficial to health. Including, due to the high content of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.

    Cottage cheese

    A portion of cottage cheese is a great start to the day and preparation for an active workout. Protein products are an important part of the menu of professional athletes. In addition to strengthening bones and replenishing calcium deficiencies, protein helps to increase muscle mass. Combine cottage cheese with dried fruits and nuts for even more benefits.

    On a note!

    With regular power load, the figure acquires a beautiful relief, body weight increases. But cardio loads for those who want to get better are "contraindicated" - they actively burn fat.


    Starchy vegetables, including potatoes, provide the body with fiber and fast carbohydrates. This means that after such a lunch you will be full of energy and your ability to work will increase. Best of all, potatoes are mashed, baked or boiled in slices. In addition, cook proteins (fish, meat) or make salads with fresh herbs and vegetables.

    The berry and fruit season is a great time for both weight gain and weight loss. Fresh crispy and juicy fruits perfectly replace sweets and cakes, enrich the body with fiber. For those who strive for harmony, nutritionists advise to eat fruits and berries in the first half of the day, so that the body has time to "work out" - that is, spend the energy received.

    Well, for those who dream of getting better, fruits will be an excellent option for an afternoon snack. Choose the most nutritious types - bananas, grapes, peaches, apricots.


    A couple of eggs for breakfast and another for a snack. For those who seek to gain weight, nutritionists advise to consume up to 3 eggs a day. Scientists have long proven that there is no connection between this product and an increase in "bad" cholesterol in the body. It is a proven fact that eggs combine high quality protein and healthy fats.

    Have you always considered yourself too skinny? Skin and bones? While most people need to lose weight, gaining weight can be very challenging.

    Do you want to know how to quickly gain weight without harm to your health? In this article we will show you how to increase body weight for short term.

    1. Eat frequently to consume more calories

    Although, everyone should follow this rule, it is especially important for those who are trying to gain weight quickly. Eating often means eating five to six meals a day in small meals containing as many calories and nutrients as possible.

    This does not mean there is harmful products and sugar, that means more protein and complex carbohydrates. If you want to gain a healthy weight, then don't stock up on fat. Your snacks should be nutritious but high in calories, consider:

    • nuts
    • nut butter
    • dried fruit
    • avocado.

    And this is your evening snack. Forward!

    And while this is a great way to gain weight, it is unhealthy, so skip sugary drinks and coffee. Refill your fluid supply with plain water and smoothies (like an iced milkshake) or skim milk or juice shakes to boost your calorie intake.

    Weight gain diet menu

    Have you already figured out how to gain weight in a short time? That's right, you need to eat well, then eat to consume enough calories for muscle growth. And you need to consider the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The bottom line is that each of these nutrients is very important in nutrition, and in the diet of a person who wants to get fat quickly, they must be present without fail.

    To make things easier for you, we have compiled an approximate diet for gaining weight for men and women. For starters, you can use them as they are on the site, or you can customize them by replacing products or increasing their number if you think that this will not be enough for active growth.

    For men


    Dinner and supper

    Snacks between main meals

    Sample menu for girls


    Lunch - Dinner

    Snacks 2-3 times a day

    To gain weight as quickly as possible, you can use the suggested nutritional options. If there is no result, then the calorie content needs to be increased. This can be done by simply doubling the number of servings, or adding 1-2 more meals, or adding high-calorie foods. It is your choice, which will be more convenient for you.

    2. Consume the right types of fat

    You want to gain weight and look healthy, not like a belly skeleton. Then maximize your intake of cereals, dairy products, nuts (including nut butter), and meats, and avoid ice cream, fried and fatty junk foods.

    Healthy fats should come from fish, peanuts, cashews, and olive oil. Beware of saturated (bad) animal fats. If you want something tasty, bran muffins, yogurt, fruit pie and fitness bars are good alternatives.

    3. More protein

    While it is a myth that the more protein you consume, the more muscle you build, protein is an important part of your diet. It is the building block for our entire body: muscles, bones, skin, hair and blood. Therefore, complete your menu.

    Protein-rich foods include meat, cheese, milk, fish, and eggs. For vegetarians, protein can be obtained from soy foods such as tofu, or better yet, a combination of foods such as rice or corn and legumes.

    4. Increase the amount of carbohydrates in the diet

    Although criticized, carbohydrates provide energy and help build muscle and are involved in all vital functions. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for your body. But simple carbohydrates are best avoided. They hold empty calories and are likely to be stored as fat, because sugar quickly entering your bloodstream causes your blood sugar to spike.

    Buckwheat, rice, pasta (durum wheat pasta), potatoes and all cereals fall into the approved category. Glucose from them is released into the blood slowly and provides a stable supply of energy for a long period, without causing surges in insulin, which lead to fat deposition.

    When gaining weight, the total calorie intake per day is considered. And in order to gain weight, it is necessary to increase the daily calorie intake. Eating food before bed will add another meal and increase your total calories.

    In addition, the body needs about 3-4 hours to digest and assimilate food. After this time, he is in a state of hunger and begins to use the muscles to obtain nutrients. That is, it begins to destroy the muscles obtained with difficulty.

    To avoid gaining excess fat as your last meal before bed, you can eat:

    • cottage cheese
    • white meat
    • fish.

    2. Exercise for rapid weight gain

    If you decide to go to the gym or have some equipment at home, pay attention, this will allow you to correctly draw up a training program. And also use our advice in the selection, because the length of the limbs, the size and strength of the muscles impose certain restrictions on training.

    1. Strength training

    To get better quickly, it's not enough just to increase the calorie intake. The fact is that the body must see the need to gain additional muscle mass. Because more weight is an increase in the load on the cardiovascular system, an increase in the load on the nervous system. What, for the sake of safety, our body will not do. He should see a clear need for muscle gain.

    Strength training will help us in this, which will give a signal that the existing muscles are not enough and we need to build new ones. And the increased calorie intake will be a good opportunity for weight gain.

    Yes, cardio develops some of your muscles, but how can you gain weight quickly if your body isn't getting enough strength? No way. And here training with additional weights will come to the rescue. Here's a good set.

    This does not mean that you have to be like a gym (although it certainly will work!). Perform push-ups, crunches, lunges, and squats in the comfort of your home. But to speed up the process and get better results, you need to use extra weight.

    Exercise will also boost your appetite. A protein bar or post-workout shake will give your muscles what your muscles need.

    2. Increase physical activity

    As stated above, the body must be stimulated to gain weight. Your muscles need to get more stress and work harder. If your loads are small, change them and make them more complex.

    Buy strength training equipment home. It works if you only have 15 minutes before going to work, then you can tense all your muscles by doing a quick muscle building program that will get you on the right track.

    3. Spend less energy outside of training

    In addition to storing, burn as few calories as you can. Grab the remote, your milkshake, and fall onto the couch. 🙂

    If you are really becoming less active everywhere, then strength training is important. Even if you don't see fat in your body, internal fat (the one that covers your internal organs) may appear unnoticed. And the inner fat loves inaction. Therefore, before you sit down to watch a movie, shake the iron. Then have a movie marathon with a few snacks.

    • Take snacks, cheese, nuts with you. They can be consumed between meals. This is convenient when there is no way to take buckwheat with meat
    • If you think you are gaining extra fat, then reduce the number of calories, remove or replace unhealthy foods with healthier ones, and do more exercise to burn fat.