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  • How to find a treasure of folk methods. Treasure Hunter: To find a treasure, you must search for it

    How to find a treasure of folk methods. Treasure Hunter: To find a treasure, you must search for it

    Discripshin How to find the treasure: 6 useful tips from magicians + 6 old ways + 3 things to do when everything worked out.

    No matter how much you convince yourself that living with your parents in a "odnushka", relaxing in burdocks at the dacha and choking on buckwheat in the dining room is normal, there will still come a moment when you want oysters and champagne.

    And they, you know, cost decent money. And if you are not ready for the sake of this "reckoning" for many years or even worse - to engage in crime, you should think about how to find the treasure with the help of magic.

    Study this issue in detail - and, perhaps, luck will smile on you. And then what to do with the money - go on the journey of your dreams or start a business - you decide.

    But first, you should familiarize yourself with a kind of safety technique when searching for treasures using magic.

    So now that you are "armed and very dangerous", you can go in search of the treasure.

    6 ways to find treasure using magic: to each his own

    # 1. Friday the 13th? The perfect time to find treasure!

    On the night from Thursday to Friday, from the 12th to the 13th, gather your courage and go to the nearest cemetery.

    Here you need to pick a willow branch hanging over some lonely grave, with the words:

    Resident of the dungeon, show me the treasure, be with me Vlad.

    The branch that has been spoken in this way must be used as a frame to find the treasure, that is, to walk with it in the supposed location of the treasure.
    Where material values \u200b\u200bare hidden, the twig will begin to spin strongly.

    # 2. Black cat as a guide to the treasure.

    It has long been believed that black cats are representatives of the dark forces and they know how much, including where to find the treasure.

    So if you've read the conspiracy above, went outside and met a black cat - this is your huge chance! You need to follow the animal until it stops and meows.

    At that moment, you should touch the cat (preferably the tail) with the words

    "Run, run, and show me the treasure!"

    And let her go to all four directions, since she has already done her job - where she stopped and gave a voice, and you can find a treasure.

    No matter how strange this method may seem, the author of the article personally knows the man who told the following story:

    “Since my youth, I have been fond of looking for coins, cartridges and the like. And somehow I decided to go for the tenth time with a metal detector in my own garden, although earlier such searches gave nothing.

    At this time, a neighbor's black cat ran into the garden with spicy herbs. She meowed loudly, sat down in one place and stared at me with her green eyes.

    I thought it was no accident, I started digging. Imagine how surprised I was when literally 4 minutes later I dug up a couple of coins of 1812. Not God knows what a find, but still! Isn't it a treasure? "

    Number 3. All you need is a walnut candlestick and a candle.

    In order to find the treasure in this way, you need to know at least approximately its location.

    Having arrived at the desired location, you need to light a candle, install it in a walnut candlestick and use such a design as a pointer. The closer you come to the treasured treasure, the more the flame will begin to flicker. Well, in place X (where the valuables are hidden) the fire will go out altogether.

    IMPORTANT! You need to explore the territory clockwise, gradually narrowing the circles.

    No. 4. A plot to find treasure in the middle of the street.

    Even if you do not have the opportunity to wander through the forests and groves at night in search of treasure, there is a special rite that will help you attract a valuable find. After the event, you can see a wallet with money, jewelry, an old coin, etc. right on the street.

    To find the treasure in this way:

    • wait at dawn for the moment when the sun rises, but the outline of the moon is still visible;
    • pour water from a previously prepared container (bowl, bucket, jar) over yourself, whispering the following 12 times:

      As water generously pours on me, so let the money pour without ending

    • after that you should wipe yourself off with a new towel.

    It is he who will have to carry with you in your bag. Psychics assure that in less than a month you will show off your first monetary find.

    IMPORTANT! You cannot take the towel out of the bag and show it to someone, just like talking about the ritual performed.

    No. 5. Coin to coin.

    As you know, like attracts like. Likewise, money is drawn to money.

    So it makes sense to try to find the treasure using the method in which coins are involved:

    1. Pick up relatively new coins. There should be exactly 6 of them, with one denomination.
    2. Come to the place where you think the treasure is buried.
    3. Say a short conspiracy: “I throw money away, I get more. Not to walk around the bush, not to circle like a wolf, not to fly a falcon, but to live richly, live happily, be nice to people. "
    4. Now toss the coins as high as you can.
    5. The three coins closest to you will indicate the place where you need to dig: the one that is closest - how many wide steps you need to go forward, the second - how many to the right, the third - to the left.

    IMPORTANT! Within a radius of a meter and a half from the place indicated by the charmed coins, you can find the treasure.

    No. 6. Find treasure with God's help!

    Those who are afraid of conspiracies-appeals to dark otherworldly forces can turn to God with a special prayer to find the treasure:

    Give, O God, to me (the name of the prayer being read) to drive the evil guards away from the load, take gold from the earth for good deeds, to the little orphans for consolation, God's temples to build, all the poor brethren to be divided, and to me (the name of the prayer being read) to honest trade merchant ".

    These words need to be said when you are out in search of the treasure and are about to get down to business.

    Tips for beginner treasure hunters

    3 things to do after luck has smiled

    It would seem that you have found the treasured chest, everyone is happy and satisfied! But do not rush to open a bottle of champagne for joy!

    Psychics say that you need not only to find the treasure, but also to make sure that it is good for you, and for this:

    • Jewelry, dishes made of precious metals, coins should be held in running water (at least from a tap) before being put into circulation, and everything else is desirable over the flame of a church candle or sprinkled with holy water.
    • If you find human remains next to the treasure, surely about the repose of the former owner of things. At least light a candle for the peace of your soul and promise to use the money for good.
    • In order for the universe to continue to be generous with you, be sure to donate some of the funds from the treasure to charity: a temple, an orphanage, a nursing home, a shelter for homeless animals - choose what resonates most in your heart.

    In a word, having wondered how to find a treasure with the help of magic, think about how to protect yourself during searches, as well as cleanse everything you find from negativity. Only in this case it will benefit you and your loved ones.

    Luck is a turn of events, synonymous with chance. Luck can be active or passive. If she is passive, then you must use some kind of protection against bad developments. This kind of luck will keep you from moving forward towards success. However, you can activate passive luck or turn bad luck into good luck. This is the purpose of this book. Why haven't you managed to achieve your goals so far? There are many answers to this question, and I will gradually reveal all of them to you. Then you will be able to use the abilities that, once acquired, will remain with you for life.

    Wonderful money can be obtained not only through evil witchcraft.

    The Belarusians, for example, have a kind spirit of Belongs, which leads the lost from the forest. He can appear in front of a poor man in the rye with a snotty nose and a bag around his neck. If you wipe his nose, money will fall out of the bag, and the beluga will disappear.

    How to attract luck and money. The Pomors thought that on Christmas Eve red people appear on earth: if you rip off their cap, they will certainly give a person gold.

    Each house has its own secret master of the brownie. The brownie guards the house, and his mere presence ensures well-being and wealth. You should treat him very respectfully, call him “grandfather” and put a piece of bread under the stove for him. When moving to a new house, a brownie should be invited to a housewarming party with the words: "House-brownie, come with me, lead the housewife as well - I will reward the state as I can." Without a brownie, there will be no order and prosperity in the house. Friendly families enjoy special patronage of the brownie.

    Search for treasures

    It is believed that to become rich, it is enough just to pick a fern flower on the night of Ivan Kupala. The fern can fall into the bast by itself, and then a person will gain the ability to see the places where the treasures are hidden. With the help of a tear-grass, you can break all locks, destroy all obstacles.

    The place where the treasure is located is determined by the following criteria: in this place at night you can see a fire or wandering lights. And the reason for this is this: so that the money buried in the ground does not rust, the devil "dries" it from time to time, making a big fire. After that, they go even deeper into the ground, and only one coin remains on the surface.

    If you hold fire in your hands, then gold can be lured out of the ground. Once on the floor, the treasures begin to take on a life of their own and acquire the properties of werewolves. The treasure can "appear" on the surface in the form of a devil, cat, dog or bear, or appear in the form of a coffin, which once again emphasizes its connection with otherworldly forces. He can appear in the form of an old man in white clothes or a beautiful girl.

    There is often a chapel over the treasure, a cross, an icon of the Mother of God, an icon lamp. If this is the case, then the finder must build a church on the hoard or give it to the poor. If this is not done, the found treasures will not be used for the future, the owner of the treasure will be unhappy or will die prematurely.

    Charmed treasure

    It is believed that each treasure is intended only for one person, its predetermined owner. Sometimes the treasure is deliberately buried on a person with a certain name. Here is the text of one spell, written on a pas clade in the middle of the 19th century: “Whoever dares to get my money out of this pit, let it be with him what I did with this kid” (he was stabbed to death over the pit). The treasure is hidden with a vow of a spell that determines the conditions under which you can master it, for example, by maintaining a seven-day fast.

    Here's another vow. A treasure is buried on the high road between the postal and state clearing. To find him, you need to sing 12 songs, but such that they say neither about a friend, nor about an enemy, nor about a dear, nor about a disliked one.

    There is a widespread spell "Get a treasure for a good person for the good, and for a bad person to die."

    But vows are not always so innocent. According to the Volga legends, the treasures stolen and hidden by Stenka Razin will be found only by those who shoot the icon of the Mother of God in the heart.

    How to become the owner of the treasure

    After the treasure is found, you need to be able to get it, and this is by no means so easy. This should be done at the appointed hour, using magical means. Sometimes you can “lure” the treasure by swearing or by reading special conspiracies and prayers, for example: “I will go to an open field, into dense forests, measured mud, across the ocean-sea, there is a pillar, and the Savior-Most Holy Theotokos is sitting on it. I have to take a little behind the swamp. Move aside, you unclean force, you are not supposed to, and it is not for you to guard. "

    If the treasure, having come out of the earth, has turned into an animal or a person, then you need to hit it with your left hand with the words: "Amen, amen, crumble!" or to throw at him something of a hat, lived a boot. Otherwise he will leave the finder. Before you dig up the treasure, you must say above it: "Amen!" and circle around lighted candles. You need to dig up the treasure in complete silence.

    Treasures are guarded by snakes or spirits - storekeepers. From Belarus, such a spirit is called Kopsha. He is asked to suggest where the treasure is buried and to help uncover it, and if successful, they are thanked, leaving him part of the loot.

    How to start a business correctly

    They say that the success of a business depends on how you start it. Therefore, special days are singled out in the year when it is possible to influence the fate that will favor the business started on such a day. In the popular consciousness, the life of a person, his work and plans are correlated with the church and natural calendar. Human affairs are subject to annual cycles, just like everything else on earth. If you are cultivating your wealth like a grain, it is important to choose the right day for it to start in order to secure the support of natural or magical forces in advance. Symbolic rituals of attracting wealth will also play a role.

    The first day of the year determines the fate of a person for the whole year. If you pay debts on New Year's, you will pay off all year round: if you borrow money, you will be in debt all year.

    If in new year's eve or Maundy Thursday (the day before Good Friday) to count money, especially large amounts, then money will be found all year round.

    If after the New Year the first guest in the house is a man, then the money will not be transferred throughout the year.

    When you first meet a stork, money in your pocket portends wealth, since the stork is the personification of happiness.

    When building a new house, money was buried in the foundation of the house, under the red corner, under the first log they put a silver ruble in the gap of the house and said: “Roll silver into the corner. to the house for good ".

    Signs for successful trading

    Don't let the first buyer go - the product will go well with his light hand. An initiative is worth more than money.

    If the first buyer is a man, then the trade will go well.

    Any evolution must necessarily go through a preliminary stage: the stage of sowing in a new field. I mean, you have to forget the thoughts you have already acquired, get rid of some stereotypes that prevent you from completely freeing yourself, and, finally, find the happiness of life in accordance with your desires. You must get rid of the old schemes that you yourself have created, rebuild, look at the world with new eyes. Let's think together how you should behave in order to get rid of negative thoughts and gain complete control over yourself and your destiny.

    Astrology of well-being

    How astrology helps to find material well-being. How to get rich using the knowledge of ancient astrologers?

    Choose your sign and find out what you need to do to get rich and turn on the energy of banknotes ...

    Using simple objects such as stones, numbers, the color of clothes, you can add to your profit or get an unexpected inheritance.

    The favorable location of the planets will make gold at the right time ...

    We all want to find something valuable in the ground, we all look for coins, sometimes we ask ourselves the question, but how to find the treasure? We look for information on the Internet, read a lot of literature, go in search of promising places, but, as a rule, we return empty, or, at best, find a few coins.

    The treasures were hidden from a bad time, or something happened and they were hid in the ground in haste, up to half a meter deep. Or somewhere in the house. It can be a floor, a stove, or even a well.

    Therefore, it is very easy to find them. No wonder, in search of coins in the old farm, you come across pots of coins. With copper or silver or even gold. This is all due to the fact that the treasures are not so much hidden from our eyes, the main thing is patience, not a lot of knowledge and MD, but you can even without it

    How to find the treasure?

    We will not be looking for famous treasures, such as "The Treasure of Lenka Panteleev", "Treasures of the Smolensk Bank" or generally looking for the "Library of Ivan the Terrible".

    I’ve been so stupid once. And I almost got lost in the Odessa catacombs. And all because of the search for the treasure of Mishka Yaponchik. For four days I was looking for a way out of the dungeon, returned empty-handed, scared, hungry, dirty, and even without finds.

    Don't repeat my mistakes. We will not be able to find large treasures, since more experienced people than we have been looking for them for centuries. Perhaps some of them were even found, only the story is silent about it.

    To search for random treasures, we, of course, need a metal detector, I advise you to choose one of these models.

    - the price is 6300 UAH;

    - the price is 10200 UAH;

    - the price is 8520 UAH;

    - the price is 4788 UAH;

    - price 3540 UAH:
    Next, we need an old map. I advise you to use "Schubert cards". There are a lot of them on the Internet. They are for every city and village. You download, roughly overlay the old map on the new one, or roughly navigate along the rivers, lakes and capes.

    That's it, we have a metal detector, we already know approximately where to go. It remains only to answer the question where can the treasure be found?

    But, and here, focus on luck. Finding it is quite realistic. Here are the treasures raised in Ukraine in the summer of 2013. Note that under the word summer, I had to enter three months:

    They say that all places in Odessa have been knocked out. So I said, and all my friends are comrades. But, here is one of the diggers proved to be different. Because he came across a treasure of Soviet coins. Although they are not very valuable, they are still a treasure !!!

    Here is also an interesting treasure of tsarist coppers. As the author of kostjan771 says, “it’s like the place is broken and broken, and I myself have already dug here 100 times. But when I arrived again, I got a very interesting signal, as if the device went crazy and turned off. The signal went off about 3 meters. Then I realized there was something big colored under the reel. I dug deep into two bayonets of a shovel, and then I came across a treasure. "

    It can hardly be called a treasure, because there are very few coins. But let's call it a fat scatter. I counted 15 coins of 2 kopecks. Cool in one word !!!

    As one of the diggers who found this treasure says, "There are no knocked-out places." So, under this phrase, he went into battle with a metal detector. After an hour of active coping, this treasure of early advice was brought up. Coins with 1921 to 1930. A total of 1309 coins.

    Here is also an interesting treasure in a hat. As far as I know, that here is 1 ruble and 50 kopecks of the king. And in those days they were made of precious metals. Result: 1 ruble of 1737, half a piece of 1723, 6 pieces of dimes of 1744-1748, 14 pieces of dimes (crosses), 16 pieces of half pieces and 68 pieces of money.

    This treasure generally lay close to my soul. Again, in the knocked out place. So there are no knocked-out places.

    Well, that's not all. I already wrote about. There you can also find a lot of interesting antiques, including treasures and heaps of old coins in good condition. So, don't forget about him too.

    Finding a treasure is quite real. You just need to seek and believe in chance. Luck will definitely smile on you and you will find a small or even a large pot of coins.