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  • Horoscope for the next week for Pisces. Accurate horoscope for the week: Pisces

    Horoscope for the next week for Pisces.  Accurate horoscope for the week: Pisces

    The horoscope for the next week is another updated horoscope for all twelve signs of the zodiac. If your life proceeds at least approximately according to the star signs, then this horoscope will be the most useful for you, as it will tell you about the week that has not yet come. And this will help to mobilize and overcome possible difficulties with the least losses.

    Horoscope for the next week from February 3, 2020 to February 9, 2020

    This week will be for many a source of inspiration and new ideas, which for the most part will relate to the material and monetary sphere. That is why in the first days of the week there is a need for money, even if you have enough of it. The desire to earn more, as well as attachment to material values, can have a somewhat negative impact on personal life. By and large, conflict situations are not expected, you simply will not have the time or desire for this. In general, in the first half of the week, you can not pay attention to personal life, nothing interesting happens there, perhaps it’s even better to completely move away from it in order to do other things. But in the second half of the week, several bright events related to this area will begin to occur at once. Perhaps the emergence of a new feeling, a pleasant acquaintance, which will continue, as well as the establishment and bringing to a new stage of existing relationships. The end of the week is extremely favorable for everything related to emotions and relationships between people.

    A thin thread through the events of the whole week will also be issues related to justice, legality and morality. Depending on the situation, the requirements of various legal norms, the need to maintain documents, the requirements of moral quality and the need to comply with the norms of decency will manifest themselves. More than once there will be situations when you need to find out who is right and who is wrong. In these cases, turn to your inner voice and be guided by the principles of justice, and not your preference and benefit. Unseemly actions this week can also adversely affect you, and if you are not fair to other people, then a favorable period may bypass you.

    It is also worth noting that this week is the period of the growing moon, while excluding such ambiguous moments as the New Moon and Full Moon. It is good to start new ones and develop existing ones.

    Aries weekly horoscope

    This week, Aries should listen to their inner voice in every possible way, it will tell you what and how. And not only in relation to yourself, but also to other people you will feel great. It is not known how much you will be pleased by the fact that you will have to forget about laziness and relaxation, and in many situations you will have the final word.

    taurus weekly horoscope

    This week, Taurus will have a lot of communication, including correspondence on the Web. You will be able to start useful links for work or to choose a company for their own interests. Some of the new acquaintances will suppress you with authority, but these are only your feelings. In fact, this is the person from whom you can get a very significant service.

    Gemini weekly horoscope

    Gemini needs to pay attention to relationships with relatives, this is literally a sore subject of the week for you. Avoid the temptation to bark and thus "inject" your rightness into someone else's consciousness - nothing will work. Dance dances on soft paws, speak in an insinuating voice. Then it will turn out, the palm tree will grow on your street. Keep in mind that if you are going to generally neglect the opinions of relatives about yourself, then you will be in big trouble.

    next week horoscope for Cancer

    Cancers will always feel like everything is decided for them. Sometimes it will be to your advantage, you can really entrust some unpleasant decisions to others. But in some matters you will be persistent, in fact, where no one encroaches on your independence. Therefore, use the situation correctly and this week you will win.

    Leo weekly horoscope

    This week, Leos will easily overcome all obstacles thanks to their excellent strong-willed attitude. As they say, I see the goal and pass through the walls. You can fight your own bad habits, it doesn't have to be about dieting or quitting smoking. Spend a week building relationships with those you find unpleasant.

    Virgo weekly horoscope

    Virgo this week can successfully do everything that requires great mental effort. Studying, mastering a huge amount of information - you will cope with all this with brilliance. The week is also favorable for travel, especially if you can learn something new from them.

    horoscope next week for Libra

    Libra, you can take a little breather this week. You are unlikely to be able to do nothing at all, but if you have something not the most important planned, such as a visit to a beauty salon or a non-business visit, do it all now, then it will be tight over time. If possible, give your body at least a small "charge" of health.

    Horoscope next week for Scorpio

    Scorpios, if you're invited to a public event this week, don't turn it down. This is an opportunity not only to spend time, but also to make useful acquaintances. Scorpios in creative professions will feel special inspiration this week, and the rest will show interest in unusual areas of activity.

    Sagittarius weekly horoscope

    For Sagittarius, things related to their homes will go like clockwork. Do-it-yourself repairs, cooked dishes, buying furniture, appliances or decorations will bring you a lot of joy. Even if you do not have any special talents and money to go to the store, you will be a great conversationalist for guests.

    next week horoscope for Capricorn

    Capricorns, this week not all your acquaintances are equally useful. Some of those whom you meet on your way, with further rapprochement, may offend you or cause you material damage. Be picky, listen to the opinions of people you have known for a long time.

    Aquarius weekly horoscope

    Aquarius will have a craving for everything beautiful. They often go not only to theaters and exhibitions, but also to shops selling jewelry or branded items. Many of you will want to admire the new landscapes. The stars advise you in any case to make sure that the game is worth the candle and that you are not just slipped an attractive picture.

    Pisces weekly horoscope

    In work, Pisces still lacks determination, but as far as their person is concerned, they will increasingly show their own opinion. This week, Pisces will think about a change of image or about some unusual vacation spot. Probably, one of the representatives of this sign will try a new hobby.

    General weekly horoscope for Pisces:

    You become simply an indispensable person at work, many tasks cannot be solved without you. You have to justify the trust. Just don't do it to the detriment of your privacy. Thursday will be successful trips and business trips. On Friday, new interesting acquaintances are possible. Weekends are good to spend in the fresh air, go to the skating rink or take a walk along the embankment.

    love horoscope for a week for Pisces:

    You are attractive, passionate, mysterious. This is how you attract your loved one. He is almost ready to lose his head. Just do not show him your possessive attitude, it may push him away.

    Weekly Career Horoscope for Pisces:

    This week, the financial situation will change for the better, which will give you the opportunity to make some savings. But not all business problems you can solve quickly and profitably. Get ready to work hard.

    Weekly health horoscope for Pisces:

    In the coming period, it is worth protecting the eyes as carefully as possible, first of all, from the possibility of mechanical damage. In a word, try to be as careful as possible, and then your vision will be safe.

    General characteristics of the sign Pisces

    general characteristics

    Pisces is under the constant patronage of Neptune and the additional planet Jupiter. The first patron is associated with an intangible area of ​​\u200b\u200bhuman unconsciousness, which endows his wards with sharp intuition and exceptional intelligence. Everything would be fine, but they constantly suffer from their own mental imbalance, anxiously listening to third-party opinions, falling into frequent bouts of melancholy. Pisces derive both joy and torment from their own inner world. It is typical for such people to be wise, refined and refined, but communication with others is difficult for them - after all, most often, the children of Neptune are not understood. In those cases, if a close or beloved person acts as a non-understanding party, Pisces may well flare up with hatred both for themselves and for him. They tend to drive themselves into a frenzy with their own groundless worries, fantasies and bad dreams, dreaming about unformed things, being unable to finally decide. Yes, with their permanent mental throwing, Pisces are quite capable of sinking right up to a madhouse. Everyone around them considers Rybok mysterious and mysterious persons, it is not strange: they constantly find themselves in confusing situations and strange stories. One of the children of Neptune can hide in his heart terrible vices, whims and desires that no one has seen before, which drive the dreamers themselves into the paint. They will struggle every second with their shameful needs, but they will never succeed in this matter. Indiscretion and weak will can also inspire Pisces to make rash mistakes, which can no longer be corrected. Such dreamers are endowed with creative and mystical abilities in abundance, so some of them are associated with the occult.


    The extreme suspiciousness of people under the sign of Pisces makes them carefully "eat" books on medicine, health and disease prevention. Believe me, they will definitely find a couple of terrible diseases in themselves, referring to the symptoms in encyclopedias. In fact, they really are prone to get sick often due to a weak and vulnerable body. Swelling of the legs often gives Pisces considerable discomfort. All kinds of tumors, abscesses and wounds that do not heal for a long time in general can do a lot of trouble in their lives. Rybka's legs need to be carefully monitored: varicose nets and various kinds of rheumatism are not ruled out. However, the most common disease of Neptune's children is schizophrenia. For this reason, it is worth devoting considerable time to rest, avoiding walks during high humidity and rain. It would be ideal for fish to live in a dry warm climate, for example, on the coast of the sea.

    There is no specific model of Pisces romantic behavior due to the wide variety of their temperaments. Men of this sign can be both successful heartthrobs and eternal sufferers. The weak half of the fish union is able to act as a romantic, fatal and mysterious coquette, as well as a devoted, faithful, but not very submissive companion, similar to that ephemeral image of an ideal woman that is hard to believe. The only thing that is known for sure: among Pisces there are those who fall in love unrequitedly, not allowing themselves to confess their tender feelings to the object of passion. Love in general is very important in the life of waterfowl: they can love capaciously and faithfully, or not love anyone at all. For such people, something in between is not typical - for them either happiness or suffering. The soul of Pisces is too complex to understand - it is wide and endless like the ocean. They fall into love gradually, step by step plunging into a wonderful feeling with their heads. The mask of indifference is present on their faces for a reason: Pisces are shy and cowardly, fearing that someone will be able to catch them in their nets. Such people may well survive the raging hurricane of passions alone, without requiring reciprocity from the second half, although they may well infect anyone with this feeling. They never need to win favor with themselves: they wait for the moment when they will be given voluntary preference. Struggle is alien to such romantics, because it is easier to get out of the way of someone who does not like you than to try to completely possess what you want. Yes, they are quite capable of sacrificing themselves, instead of throwing a scandal out of jealousy. None of the Pisces knows how to start a relationship with a person they like, as well as wondering how to end it. In fish souls, there is always a doubt between "stay", "return" and "leave". Pisces can easily fall in love with disabled, mentally unstable people for whom they feel pity and a desire to help. The children of Neptune firmly believe that it is love that can cure any, even the most terrible, ailments. If Rybka feels needed, loved and desired, she will certainly become the most devoted, meek and indulgent life partner. Pisces need to stop dreaming of a heavenly pretzel, content with the happiness that is already in their hands. The best match for them will be: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer and especially Scorpio. You shouldn't mess with Gemini and Libra.

    Pisces horoscope for February 19, 2020 (Wednesday)

    Today you should be especially vigilant and careful in dealing with others. No need to cut off the interlocutor, express strong disagreement, ridicule and gossip. A true friend will come to the rescue exactly when you need it! However, the horoscope does not at all state that any troubles await you today - just know that you can count on support. Strengthen your partnerships and family relationships, this will allow you to rely on reliable people if the situation requires it. Comprehend new things - and the world will sparkle for you with brighter colors.

    Love horoscope for Wednesday Pisces: It's time to learn to listen to each other. If you are wiser than your partner, who exactly are you and will have to build a relationship.

    Work and career: A boring routine is clearly not suitable for you. If your work has been reduced to the automatic repetition of monotonous actions, then consider changing the type of activity.

    Home, family, life: There is a chance that your other half will become much more jealous and demanding. To give in or to be indignant about this - it's up to you. The horoscope advises to spend more time with household members. You can go to a city holiday together, visit relatives or friends, or just walk more often in park areas.

    Pisces money horoscope: Be more careful and restrained in financial matters. On this day, be more careful with money, do not borrow anyone - you may need money soon.

    Wednesday health horoscope: Drive away bad thoughts. The stars advise you not to overexert yourself now, as excessive physical activity can harm you. In the afternoon, you may experience digestive problems or even food poisoning.

    Color of the day Green-blue Crayola

    Sign of the day: In front of a blazing hearth, magical incantations were uttered and oaths were given. It was believed that such promises should never be broken.

    Pisces horoscope for February 20, 2020 (Thursday)

    Try to be vigilant, as the detractor (from your work environment) is trying to harm you again. The day is favorable for financial work, you can make a good deal or make a purchase. One of your strengths is that you can soberly assess the situation and call a spade a spade. Such clarity will be extremely helpful when some people may try to mislead you. Watch your words, try not to say harsh phrases on this day. The romantic mood that will haunt you during this period can make you do a lot of stupid things. For example, write to the person you recently broke up with. Don't do this if you don't plan on rekindling a relationship.

    Love horoscope for Thursday Pisces: Today, all obstacles will be overcome by perseverance based on intuition and a comprehensive assessment of events. Auspicious day for love and romantic encounters.

    Work and career: Today is a great day to fight competitors and rivals. In these battles you will win.

    Home, family, life: Today, it will be necessary to simultaneously solve emerging problems at work and at home. It will take all your time and require a lot of effort. There is a small fly in the ointment that can spoil the general mood in your family. This is the temper and jealousy of the representatives of your sign.

    Pisces money horoscope: It should be noted that in the coming days, all matters related to finances will go well. There may be difficulties with the implementation of plans and ideas, quarrels with partners: innocence and gullibility towards others will not let you notice ill-wishers in your environment.

    Health Horoscope for Thursday: In the near future, you should take care of your spine and joints. Pay attention to the digestive organs, do not overeat, otherwise intestinal upset cannot be avoided.

    Color of the day moderate blue

    Sign of the day: Before sunrise, it is not supposed to sweep the house, and in the evening, rubbish is not taken out of the house. Whoever does not observe this rule, he invites quarrels and troubles.

    Pisces horoscope for February 21, 2020 (Friday)

    Do not miss the opportunity to show others your talents and unique style. Today you are charming as never before. The evening is great for going out. It is better to postpone the clarification of the relationship for another day. Even a minor quarrel will lead to a protracted conflict. On this day, beware of gossip and slander. Someone is trying to give you trouble again. Be vigilant and careful in promises. Don't make any important decisions and wait.

    Love horoscope for Friday Pisces: Try to avoid negative impressions, if possible, then stay alone with yourself more often. Watch your speech, try not to offend others!

    Work and career: On this day, the energy of Mars intensifies, which means that conflict may occur in your life. Try to have less contact with people who annoy you.

    Home, family, life: You may be overwhelmed by a storm of emotions. The best way to eliminate misunderstandings in relations with a partner is a trusting communication. Not the best day to get into arguments. Much more rational decision there will be a search for a compromise. Devote the evening to self-development. Today auspicious time for learning a foreign language.

    Pisces money horoscope: The stars advise to be careful, especially in financial matters. If you plan to go shopping, then it is better to postpone shopping for another day. As a last resort, make a list of necessary purchases for yourself, and strictly adhere to it. You will want to buy something new and original.

    Health Horoscope for Friday: Be careful when handling sharp, piercing and cutting objects. The horoscope recommends not to overstrain at work or when doing household chores. You should not take on a lot of obligations, anyway, you will cope with only a small part of the cases.

    Color of the day Dark red

    Sign of the day: Our ancestors believed that hazel wood helps to restore justice. It was believed that this tree contributes to an objective consideration of any situation.

    Pisces horoscope for February 22, 2020 (Saturday)

    Do not rely on intuition, today it will not work. The second half of the day should be devoted to planning further affairs. Try not to bind yourself with additional obligations. It may happen that you cannot fulfill them. There will be a desire and an opportunity to express your inner world in a confidential conversation with a loved one.

    Love horoscope for Saturday Pisces: Does your loved one propose? Perhaps he is afraid of rejection. You will have to take the initiative into your own hands.

    Work and career: Do not plan serious work and important meetings for this period. They are unlikely to be successful.

    Home, family, life: Family life This is a compromise on the part of both spouses. In marriage, manifestations of rudeness, unreasonable claims in relation to the chosen one should not be allowed. Stop knocking on closed doors. Your activity right now may be perceived as compulsive behavior.

    Pisces money horoscope: Act spontaneously - this way you will achieve better results than sticking to plans. Shopping is hardly a pleasure, and the purchase will not last long. Large financial losses are likely if you agree to a risky venture today. Do not make large purchases and do not invest money, the stars say that you will simply lose them.

    Health horoscope for Saturday: Intemperance in food, the use of spicy and fatty foods can lead to gastric disorders. A good day to start a diet. But you don’t need to change your usual diet too drastically so as not to cause stress.

    Color of the day Orchid Crayola

    Sign of the day: Odolen-grass (aka water lily) is capable of much. It helps to overcome difficulties, opens locks, breaks barriers.

    Pisces horoscope for February 23, 2020 (Sunday)

    When traveling, there may be delays or setbacks that will make your business trip or recreational trip inappropriate. The combination of planets opens up new opportunities for those people who want to radically change something in their lives. The horoscope recommends paying more attention to older people. Look ahead without looking back at the past. In the morning hours, you will choose activities on impulse rather than expediency.

    Love horoscope for Sunday Pisces: Take the initiative in your own hands: invite the man of your dreams on a date, hint to your beloved that you are dreaming of marriage, introduce the chosen one to your parents.

    Work and career: You will be absorbed in work - it will be more than usual, or the work environment will require excessive effort.

    Home, family, life: In relationships with loved ones, a crack may occur. You need to speak frankly before this crack turns into an unbridgeable chasm. Against the backdrop of domestic problems, relations with a partner may suddenly escalate. You should not accumulate resentment, it is better to discuss all the exciting issues here and now.

    Pisces money horoscope: In the question financial investments during this period you are unlikely to be lucky. In the material sphere, stability is not to be expected. Therefore, try to correlate your income with expenses and not make unreasonable large expenses.

    Sunday health horoscope: Not a very pleasant prognosis for you, you risk catching a seasonal cold. There is also a risk of injury, so be careful. Be outdoors more often, do aerobics, gymnastics or running. Limit yourself in the use of sweet and starchy foods, alcoholic beverages.

    Color of the day Gray olive

    Sign of the day: The chicken god is a small stone with a hole inside. It could be hung on a string and worn as a personal amulet or hung in a chicken coop so that kikimors would not transfer the bird.

    Pisces horoscope for February 24, 2020 (Monday)

    You should complete your important business and make peace with your enemies. Paperwork will not be a hassle - so if you have planned an important transaction, then try to make it today. Every day you must demonstrate to the world that you are a successful person who can achieve everything. It is self-sufficiency that will help you cope with all the problems and "gifts" of fate. The time has come for extraordinary luck, when in just a few days you can improve your financial situation and arrange your personal life. This is a very good time to correct the mistakes made.

    Love horoscope for Monday Pisces: In the afternoon, get ready for increased attention from the opposite sex.

    Work and career: A busy day that will require a serious attitude to business. Try not to make mistakes!

    Home, family, life: You need to speak out to a loved one about your feelings and experiences, his advice and support will help you. You may want to update the interior of your home with some stylish item or even a piece of furniture.

    Pisces money horoscope: There will be practically no interruptions in the financial sector. You know how to handle money, because you have a natural practicality, although you sometimes allow yourself to boo. You are waiting for a major purchase, a new thing or a solid profit.

    Health Horoscope for Monday: Beware of infections! You should not interact with people who are coughing or sneezing. Take care of yourself, update your wardrobe and makeup bag. Right now you need change like air.

    Color of the day Luminous bright orange

    Sign of the day: The wedding fell on a windy day - the whole life of the young will also be windy.

    Pisces horoscope for February 25, 2020 (Tuesday)

    It will be a day full of disappointments and false hopes. Keep your emotions to yourself, today they will overflow. Thoughts about the past haunt you? The stars advise you not to "boot" about this - let yourself go, and life will gradually get better. The day promises to be joyful and calm. Nothing will disturb you, your mood will be just perfect.

    Love horoscope for Tuesday Pisces: Go shopping to buy new clothes. Ahead of the meeting, for which it is worth preparing in advance.

    Work and career: Clearly and thoroughly think over the plan and tactics of actions for this day. Although there is a chance that random circumstances will disrupt your daily routine.

    Home, family, life: Increased workload will cause your irritation and fatigue, but you should not take them out on loved ones and family members. Small household troubles can happen at home, which will “fall apart” with little or no participation from you.

    Pisces money horoscope: Your financial situation will improve, but still try to avoid unreasonable spending. Pamper yourself with new clothes, go shopping. The current financial situation allows you to spend some money on yourself.

    Health Horoscope for Tuesday: In the near future, strictly control the diet, refrain from eating heavy and fatty foods. Astrological forecast indicates that there is a possibility of food poisoning or indigestion. Sign up for a pool or start jogging in the morning. You need more physical activity.

    Color of the day orange peel

    Sign of the day: Money not received in the most honest way will not make you happy. They should be spent on gifts to their relatives and friends or distributed to those who are in dire need of them.


    If you hear “a rich inner world” in a conversation, know that it is about you. This world is as rich, amazing and diverse as the flora and fauna in the ocean where Pisces live. Alas, not everyone can understand Pisces, but those who succeed will discover an amazing, sensitive, interesting and charming person. Surprisingly, you, Pisces, quite often rely on intuition alone, and give a hundred points ahead to those who carefully calculated, calculated and pondered! Someone accuses you of just going with the flow, but life shows that you yourself only benefit from this. Your main problem is that it is easier for you to pretend that the problem does not exist than to take it and solve it by willpower. Sometimes this is an advantageous position, but this is by no means always the case. You should develop determination in yourself and then the results will be much more impressive!


    As a rule, Pisces do not differ in very good health, but most often this can be corrected by an active lifestyle. However, for the most part, Pisces are also indifferent to him. You, like no one else, should be careful with alcohol. Astrostar astrologers recommend: give preference to outdoor activities and generally try to lead an active lifestyle. Your most healthy foods and additives: fish, raisins, cabbage.


    You are immersed in love, as in ocean waters, although sometimes it is difficult for you to understand all these whirlpools, storms, and sometimes even tsunamis. In fact, you are a very gentle person and can adapt to any partner, but even your compliance has limits. If something does not suit you, you just calmly go on a further voyage. But if you already understand that this is love, you will be faithful to your beloved until the end of your life. No wonder Pisces is the most loyal sign of the zodiac. Astrostar astrologers confirm this with full responsibility!

    Work and career

    Due to your complete self-absorption, you are not always interested in material prosperity and stability. You seem to be floating past palaces and quarries in search of other, spiritual values. In work that requires scrupulousness and perseverance, you are not strong, but in creative professions you can, without realizing yourself, reach significant heights. In any case, you work not for money, but for pleasure, and if you like your work, you give it all your heart, and this, of course, is to the liking of your superiors and colleagues.


    Do not succumb to persuasion and influence. You yourself can make a decision, especially if it concerns only you! With Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios, you have complete mutual understanding. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn help you channel your fantasy into a more practical direction. It can be difficult for you with air Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, your worldviews are so different. With fiery Sagittarius and Aries you are hardly on the way, your water extinguishes their fire. Although you can get a good alliance with the Lions, oddly enough, in many ways your views on life coincide.


    You are thrown from one extreme to another. Now you are a modest "gray mouse", then a bohemian star. Try to be more thoughtful about your wardrobe. You tend to not quite adequately perceive your upcoming events, and therefore dress accordingly. In addition, when choosing outfits, do not forget about the features of your figure. What fits well on a mannequin doesn't necessarily look good on you.


    You are perhaps the most difficult of all the other signs of the zodiac to stop repairs. But even after repair, you often can’t tell yourself where everything is and why it is arranged that way. Indeed, when arranging, you, as usual, relied on intuition, and not on the voice of reason and practicality. In any case, you almost certainly like good, right music, comfort and warmth. Very often, Pisces get pets and pamper them no less than children; for them, pets are full members of the family.

    Family. It's time to think about the fact that you behave towards your family and friends like a dictator. On Monday, if you do not stop bullying the family, you can be left alone - the spouse will take the children and move out from you. Therefore, try this week to show loyalty and restraint even when you want to scream and destroy everything in your path. On Wednesday, guests will come to you, you will spend a wonderful evening. However, by morning you will realize that you are tired of constant smiles and pretending that everything is fine. On Friday, arrange a three-day trip to a friend's country house, where you can not only relax, but also think about your behavior. Perhaps you will return home a completely different person, which will greatly please your soulmate.

    Job. On Monday, you will only think about those mistakes and mistakes that you once made in the field of your career. The reason for the appearance of such reflections is boredom at work, you cannot prove yourself as a professional. But by Wednesday, after talking with colleagues and superiors, having calmed down a little, you will start a new interesting project. Thursday and Friday will be filled with urgent matters, which you will be very happy about, because you love it when life is in full swing and everyone is working. On the weekend, you will be able to set aside time for long reflection, perhaps you decide to change your occupation or start your own business.

    Health. You rarely complain about your health, but this week it will let you down. On Monday, a cold may begin, if everything is left to chance, it will develop into a serious disease of the joints. On Wednesday, there is a high probability of overeating, which is fraught with digestive problems. It is better to switch to a separate diet or to a less high-calorie one. Having adjusted your diet, you can finally feel the lightness in your whole body, which you have already forgotten about. Over the weekend, look for activities that will benefit not only the body, but also the soul, such as yoga or martial arts.

    . You are not accustomed to love with your soul, giving preference to bodily love. But this week you still have to show your feelings in order to build relationships with your soulmate. On Tuesday, arrange a romantic dinner for your beloved or organize shopping so that she can buy herself what she wants, but you will pay for it unquestioningly. Sunday evening promises a pleasant surprise that your significant other will arrange for you. For men who have not found their mate, this week does not promise a romantic relationship, rather, on the contrary, disappointment in a beautiful field.