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  • Capricorn forecast for November 9th. Mobile horoscope - Capricorn

    Capricorn forecast for November 9th.  Mobile horoscope - Capricorn


    Horoscope for November 9, 2017 - ARIES

    Aries, have you recently received information and are you going to act on it? Wait! Check everything carefully first. Today new acquaintances, the conclusion of contracts, the establishment or strengthening of business ties are favorable.

    Horoscope for November 9, 2017 - TAURUS

    Taurus may have unplanned expenses today. Some people from your environment can manipulate you, putting pressure on pity. But try to restrain yourself and do not succumb to provocation. The risk of catching a viral disease is also increased today.

    Horoscope for November 9, 2017 - GEMINI

    Gemini, your situation should improve today if it hasn't already. Strength will increase, a couple of questions will disappear by itself. Therefore, it's time to start some kind of business, in the success of which you believe.

    Horoscope for November 9, 2017 - CANCER

    Cancers are likely to experience dramatic mood swings today. Your ambition can turn into stubbornness, energy - into internal stress, and external activity - in the tension of relations with others. To avoid inner depression, find a way to relax.

    Horoscope for November 9, 2017 - Leo

    Leo stars warn that excessive gullibility or naivety in everyday matters can lead to errors in work or create obstacles to the intended goal. Be careful with the people around you.

    Horoscope for November 9, 2017 - VIRGO

    Today it will be difficult for Virgos to resist the temptation to tell someone some kind of disgusting or criticism. This is because your energy is unstable, so you will be a little emotionally stormy.

    Horoscope for November 9, 2017 - LIBRA

    This day is good for making plans and starting cooperation. You can try to restore lost connections, which may be useful in the future. Avoid criticizing others.

    Horoscope for November 9, 2017 - SCORPIO

    Scorpions have an auspicious day for the successful completion of the work begun, planning and starting a new circle in your activities. To keep your luck, define the boundaries of your achievements.

    Horoscope for November 9, 2017 - SAGITTARIUS

    If you feel like a victim of circumstance, don't feel sorry for yourself too much! Look for a way to be better and stronger, this will give you strength and self-confidence. Also be prepared for some financial losses.

    You can achieve success in business, solve important work issues. You are ready for decisive action, you are not afraid of difficulties, you can overcome any obstacles that arise on the way. Negotiations are fruitful, it is possible that you will receive tempting offers. Thanks on time decisions income will increase significantly.
    From the point of view of personal relationships, the day will be favorable if you show indulgence to the weaknesses of loved ones. Don't quarrel over trifles. Please those who are dear to you, and they will respond in kind.

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    Love horoscope - Capricorn

    If lately there has been some debate in your relationship with your loved one, then today you may feel that you have gained the upper hand in this confrontation. However, such confidence does not bode well for you, because in reality you now need a bit of modesty and gentleness. Remember that rivalry in a relationship with a partner can be extremely destructive for them. Therefore, slow down and try to find a compromise solution to all the differences that exist between you.
    It seems that lately you have been in an overly vulnerable mood and took the events that took place in your life too close to your heart. Learn to look at them philosophically - and your life will immediately seem to you much more joyful and bright.

    Do not dream about what is currently unattainable for you. He is unable to take a vacation now, even if he really wants to. The only thing you can count on is to spend an evening in nature and soak up your loved one in the evening rays of sunset.


    Family Horoscope - Capricorn

    Relations with loved ones will develop quite smoothly. You may not worry about any problems, except perhaps some boredom. On the other hand, brothers and sisters, both relatives and cousins, will be drawn to you, and if there have been disagreements between you lately, now is the time to find a common language.

    Business horoscope - Capricorn

    Today you should show firmness and perseverance in pursuing your professional goals. Do not be afraid of your warlike moods - they will lead you to victory. In no case do not give in to difficulties. Work with conscience, and everything will work out.

    Health Horoscope - Capricorn

    Thanks to the energetic support of the luminaries, you can count on excellent health today. Those who are ill, even seriously, can count on recovery, primarily thanks to the latest discoveries in medicine. Many will simply feel great. The main thing is to keep your own appetite in check. Pastries and sweets in large quantities are like poison!

    Mobile horoscope - Capricorn

    You are ready to defend any beliefs if you agree with them at least half. However, in today's situation, you will not be able to help in any way, since this conflict concerns only two people - direct participants. You don't have to deal with other people's relationships.

    Beauty horoscope - Capricorn

    You will be able to significantly strengthen your financial position. If you are currently not working anywhere, it is quite possible that you will be able to get a part-time job. And if you are already working part-time somewhere, you will be able to convince your management to assign you an increase.

    Personal astrological forecast November 9, 2020 for women and men born under the Capricorn zodiac sign. You can achieve success in business, solve important work issues. You are ready for decisive action, you are not afraid of difficulties, you can overcome any obstacles that arise on the way. Negotiations are fruitful, it is possible that you will receive tempting offers. Thanks to timely decisions, income will increase significantly.

    From the point of view of personal relationships, the day will be favorable if you show indulgence to the weaknesses of loved ones. Don't quarrel over trifles. Please those who are dear to you, and they will respond in kind.

    Astrological forecast for today

    A very favorable day for representatives of the sign working in large teams. Today it is not difficult for you to find not only like-minded people and allies, but also people who will willingly take upon themselves the correction of your mistakes, will provide disinterested assistance in time and in as soon as possible remove any obstacles from your path.

    Personal relationships are just as good: they understand you perfectly, pamper you with signs of attention, cherish and cherish. If romantic relationships begin on this day, then for Capricorns they will be easy, comfortable and completely easy.

    True horoscope for Capricorns

    Capricorns on November 9 should call on all their natural diplomacy to help. The situation that will arise today in your home walls can turn into another high-profile conflict if you do not show gentleness and a willingness to make concessions.

    Personal horoscope for November 9, 2020

    It is possible that today you will be able to implement the plans for the day, however, there is a high probability of conflict situations with partners or superiors, as a result of which you may suffer. Be careful: gossip and evil tongues will try to harm you. Do not interfere in other people's conversations, and even more so in disputes.

    Horoscope life zodiac sign Capricorn

    November 9 Capricorn should be more silent than usual. If business partners find out all your plans and ideas, they will try to change them in every possible way. During the day, you can move to another apartment, or draw up documents for real estate. Capricorn should not be trusted by those whom he knows little. Especially if these people obsessively climb into your personal life.

    House horoscope for today November 9, 2020

    Capricorns today can be weather dependent. As a result, diseases of the cardiovascular system are possible. Be wiser on days of likely magnetic storms. Neuro-emotional overload should be avoided.

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    Horoscope for November 9, 2017. Luck today accompanies the signs: Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius, Leo, Aries, Libra, Taurus, Virgo and Scorpio. This is what the astrological forecast for November 9 promises. ARIES Until the evening comes, Aries can safely engage in any planned business. Parents can communicate telepathically with their children. You can expect love confessions, marriage proposals, gifts and pleasant surprises. Material issues are of great importance - earnings, investments, safety of funds, protection of savings. This is especially true for office workers, employees of construction companies and housing and communal services. TAURUS Circumstances may change unexpectedly for Taurus, forcing you to make adjustments to your plans. Distrust between you and old trusted friends is not excluded. You will have a chance not only to increase the level of income, but also to find additional sources of income. Lonely Taurus are likely to give up new love stories for a while. GEMINI Many Geminis will face difficulties in the morning. You will notice that more and more often you do not act logically, but on a hunch, inspiration. Evening events will give your experiences and actions a new unexpected impetus. At the same time, the environment will change to a more calm and comfortable one. If you want to meet your loved one, do not put off a date on the back burner. CANCER Evening will bring Cancers new plans and new worries. If you are waiting for a promotion, then by the end of the day your dream may come true. It is possible that rest or other tempting plans will have to be postponed until the next day. Representatives of those professions that are designed to make people's lives more pleasant and joyful will succeed. A virtual acquaintance may turn out to be fateful. Lonely Cancers can make an interesting acquaintance or start a romance on this day. LEO Lions on this day are advised to refrain from too impulsive behavior. The stars are advised to bet on cooperation with other people, and not only in business terms. Toward evening, problems in communicating with friends are not ruled out. It is possible that you yourself will take on the burden of worries, obeying an internal emotional impulse. family situation can make you feel vaguely uneasy. Reflect on your future prospects in light of your personal relationships or creative visions. VIRGO Virgo should not complicate the situation where it is enough just to accept the circumstances, but you should not look for easy ways where you are required to decisive action. This is the right time for counseling, polemics, being in a crowded company, holding public events, contacts with foreigners and nonresidents. But still, your soulmate will be the best support group for you. It is better to spend the evening at home surrounded by loved ones. LIBRA The position of the planets suggests that today it is worth showing assertiveness, activity and decisiveness in one's actions and deeds. But in financial matters Today it is better to stick to the usual patterns. The evening is very productive for concentrating on the chosen direction, suitable for transferring cases (for example, when taking on a new position), for closer contact with superiors. A wonderful day for communication, exchange of congratulations. Emotional reactions, especially in the first half of the day, can become very sharp, fast, you can express your feelings even with some unjustified exaggeration. SCORPIO Desires and possibilities of Scorpios on this day may not coincide. But you will find a lot of communication with a variety of people. In addition, you will have at your disposal official levers of influence on other people (especially subordinates and educators); friends and colleagues can also help you. During the day, you will be able to consistently use your abilities to achieve success. SAGITTARIUS In the morning you will have more desire for freedom and independence. Bad habits can become your weak point. On this day, it is better not to set yourself global tasks and invest energy consistently in every business. Small experiments will go well, as well as matters related to study and correspondence. CAPRICORN Capricorns should show diligence and a creative approach to work. You can actively interact with students, recruit a team for a trip, exchange news with relatives and like-minded people. productive day for business people, innovators, travelers, marketers and for everyone who is often on the move by occupation. It will be successful to purchase medicines, tools, small equipment. In the second half of the day, it is advisable to find time for solitude or a change of scenery. AQUARIUS The beginning of the day is favorable for Aquarians, who work in direct contact with their superiors. Today, conditions are being created for negotiations and an energetic exchange of information. You can also take care of your appearance. It is not excluded the strange or aggressive behavior of a family member. Perhaps you will be asked to act as a peacemaker, and you will do an excellent job with this task. PISCES In order not to create unnecessary problems for themselves and others, Pisces should clothe their statements in a soft form or simply be silent. The second half of the day will require disciplined logical thinking from Pisces. The stars advise not to build up internal tension too much and try to let go of what they no longer need from themselves in time. If you have already planned your activities for the weekend, it is worth sticking to these plans. Prepared by Sergey Sobolenko, based on materials from and

    Luck today accompanies the signs: Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius, Leo, Aries, Libra, Taurus, Virgo and Scorpio. So promises the astrological forecast for November 9th.

    Until the evening comes, Aries can safely engage in any planned business. Parents can communicate telepathically with their children. You can expect love confessions, marriage proposals, gifts and pleasant surprises. Material issues are of great importance - earnings, investments, safety of funds, protection of savings. This is especially true for office workers, employees of construction companies and housing and communal services.

    Circumstances may suddenly change for Taurus, because of which you will have to make adjustments to your plans. Distrust between you and old trusted friends is not excluded. You will have a chance not only to increase the level of income, but also to find additional sources of income. Lonely Taurus are likely to give up new love stories for a while.

    Many Geminis will face difficulties in the morning. You will notice that more and more often you do not act logically, but on a hunch, inspiration. Evening events will give your experiences and actions a new unexpected impetus. At the same time, the environment will change to a more calm and comfortable one. If you want to meet your loved one, do not put off a date on the back burner.

    The evening will bring Cancers new plans and new worries. If you are waiting for a promotion, then by the end of the day your dream may come true. It is possible that rest or other tempting plans will have to be postponed until the next day. Representatives of those professions that are designed to make people's lives more pleasant and joyful will succeed. A virtual acquaintance may turn out to be fateful. Lonely Cancers can make an interesting acquaintance or start a romance on this day.

    A LION
    Lions on this day are advised to refrain from too impulsive behavior. The stars are advised to bet on cooperation with other people, and not only in business terms. Toward evening, problems in communicating with friends are not ruled out. It is possible that you yourself will take on the burden of worries, obeying an internal emotional impulse. Your family situation may make you feel vaguely uneasy. Reflect on your future prospects in light of your personal relationships or creative visions.

    Virgos should not complicate the situation where it is enough just to accept the circumstances, but you should not look for easy ways where decisive action is required of you. This is the right time for counseling, polemics, being in a crowded company, holding public events, contacts with foreigners and nonresidents. But still, your soulmate will be the best support group for you. It is better to spend the evening at home surrounded by loved ones.

    The position of the planets suggests that today it is worth showing assertiveness, activity and determination in your actions and deeds. But in financial matters today it is better to stick to the usual patterns. The evening is very productive for concentrating on the chosen direction, suitable for transferring cases (for example, when taking on a new position), for closer contact with superiors. A wonderful day for communication, exchange of congratulations. Emotional reactions, especially in the first half of the day, can become very sharp, fast, you can express your feelings even with some unjustified exaggeration.

    The desires and possibilities of Scorpions on this day may not coincide. But you will find a lot of communication with a variety of people. In addition, you will have at your disposal official levers of influence on other people (especially subordinates and educated); friends and colleagues can also help you. During the day, you will be able to consistently use your abilities to achieve success.

    The horoscope predicts an easy day for Aries if all the work is done in the morning. Do not enter into an argument with higher authorities, as they say, it is more expensive for yourself. It is advisable to cancel all operations in the hospital, as well as radical treatments. V family life Aries has a time of relaxation and harmony. With all the ensuing consequences.

    On November 9, 2017, Taurus will find himself in a situation from which he will help close friend. Although, you yourself need to keep your mouth shut so as not to provoke the fire of an aggressive person. Order in thoughts and papers will not be superfluous. Otherwise, Taurus himself will get confused in his affairs. Well, as a result - mistakes and obstacles on the way to the goal.

    The horoscope advises Gemini to be patient in order to maintain distance in the work area. Your perseverance, of course, is a vivid example for those who are lagging behind, but still try not to demonstrate it too zealously. Gemini-merchants may be short of money. If by the evening the situation does not clear up, then the case “smells” of bankruptcy.

    On November 9, 2017, Raku will make a marriage proposal to a person whom he has long and secretly loved. What a surprise! Most importantly, do not show all your emotions, so as not to lower self-esteem. Cancer may have a conflict with one of the relatives. Much in this situation depends on your endurance and patience. Everything must be settled by the evening.

    The horoscope does not advise Leo to listen to those who are younger and more inexperienced in their personal lives. Even if someone does not like your new chosen one, then ignore it, and do not rebel. Leo should pay special attention to the health of the stomach and intestines. The last meal should be no later than 6-7 pm. An evening call will set you in the mood for the whole week.