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  • As an Oryol trotter-fisherman harnessed the federal media. Elections of the governor of the Oryol region are already causing heated debate in the regional council

    As an Oryol trotter-fisherman harnessed the federal media.  Elections of the governor of the Oryol region are already causing heated debate in the regional council
    January 20, 2017

    Today, information that has been rumored for about a week has been publicly announced in the media.

    Orlovsky businessman Vitaly Rybakov, last years who fought with the regional authorities with all his weapons, was invited to the regional government and in fact accepted the offer.

    Oryol News was the first to talk about this incredible turn aloud. They reported that Rybakov was tipped to be the first vice-governor. According to our information, we are talking about the post of first deputy prime minister. But in any case, these details are not essential in this situation.

    What matters is the fact that the old and reliable enemy of the current regional leadership, a fighter against the Varangians, a defender of everything Oryol, a patriot and populist, seems to have agreed to take a high post in the current regional administration. If so, then this is the most incredible event of 2017.

    Mr. Rybakov himself, to all the direct questions that he was asked recently, evasively said that he had also heard these rumors, but he could not answer anything unambiguously, since he did not know. Like, it's too early to talk about anything.

    According to our information, the decision had already been made at that time. And since it needs to be carried out through the regional Council, the appointment procedure was somewhat delayed. Firstly, for the defender of the land of Oryol from the raid of the Varangians, a new position must be introduced. In addition to the 21 seats available today in the regional government. Secondly, the patriot and populist must surrender the mandate of the deputy of the regional Council, which was handed to him by the inhabitants of the region, having supported him in the difficult conditions of the election campaign.

    Why does the governor need this, you ask. And for many reasons. He neutralizes his longtime and most vocal opponent, gains loyalty and lull in the independent media, which, as you know, worked closely with the businessman. And most importantly: it deprives Rybakov of the laurels of the “fighter against the regime” for the rest of his time and puts an end to his protest agenda and political perspective in this capacity.

    All this together gives Vadim Potomsky the opportunity to happily report to the top about the end of an endless series of intra-elite conflicts, the need to end which he was often hinted at from Moscow.

    But why does Vitaly Rybakov need this? Well, not because of the same salary and benefits for retirement, actually! Although, as practice shows, this is never superfluous, even for rich people. Or rather, especially for rich people.

    But we think that a businessman who has enjoyed the power of capital and is persistently striving for political power is taking this obviously anti-reputational step only because of his electoral prospects. Perhaps he was promised, they say, there will be elections, let's say you before them. And you, Vitaly Anatolyevich, will have the opportunity to become a governor. And at the same time, we will settle criminal cases and weaken the force pressure.

    Only this can somehow explain the political electoral suicide of the "populist" Rybakov. Although... still might change. Vitaly Rybakov himself refutes everything and calls it the speculation of journalists.

    How the circumstances will actually turn out (after all, it’s not in vain that they say: if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans), we will find out in the course of events.

    An interesting parsley comes out, but it seems to us that Vadim Vladimirovich is actually, deep down, afraid of Vitaly Anatolyevich, because he is unable to understand the motivation of his actions.

    And, by the way, not only he cannot fully understand why Rybakov leaned out for no reason, and even rested. “He would have been engaged, as before, in his “timber trading” business and sat quietly in the regional council for himself - that would have been no problem for him. But no, I got into politics, I wanted to take part in the gubernatorial elections, I imagined a lot about myself - that's the result, ”not only Oryol residents, but also many businessmen, officials, Rybakov's brothers - deputies argue this way or something like this today.

    Yes, and the local media are diligently scoffing about this: one TV channel compared the disgraced entrepreneur with the Snow Maiden (which, it seems, Vadim Vladimirovich really liked), the other - with the Pushkin old woman, who desired to become the mistress of the sea, but in the end was left with nothing ...

    And the official “mouthpiece” did it all wrong: they say that the participants in the rally in support of V. Rybakov called on Potomsky to break the law by unfolding posters with the inscription: “ Potomsky, dismiss Bernikov for the illegal dismissal of deputy Rybakov"! “But to dismiss Bernikov, for Rybakov’s information, only the court can, at the request of the head municipality or the city council,” the correspondent says. And he continues in all seriousness: “How to regard the appeal of the timber trade employees to the governor to break the law? The norm of behavior at the timber trade? That is, if their leader became the governor (and he tried), then this would become the norm for the entire Oryol region? ".

    In response to this passage, one can only throw up their hands and feel sorry for the author of the text. How will he, with such a level of thinking, begin to regard, for example, the statement by Comrade Potomsky himself about the dismissal of the heads of districts who are completely not subordinate to him by law, if they kick back from exercising the powers transferred to the region? This "terrible" promise was made just a couple of days ago in an interview with Oryol TV channels.

    In general, trouble, and not treated.

    By the way, the Rybakov rally, in our opinion, was quite a success: it was well organized, and quite a lot of people came, and the speakers spoke sincerely. As for the result, there is one that, for some reason, has not yet received due attention. Those who filled the square - they are not just for Rybakov, they are now - and against the regional authorities. And people talked about it openly. Rybakov, thanks to the tireless efforts of the regional authorities and personally Vadim Vladimirovich, is rapidly turning into a politician of a regional scale.

    The obvious fact that the “attack” on him was caused solely by subjective political reasons is not even particularly hidden by anyone. But at the same time, the authorities still stupidly continue their attempts to roll the "upstart" into asphalt.

    From fresh "short stories" - optimization of the structure of the regional Council of People's Deputies. The leadership of the regional council suddenly saw the light: so many committees - it's not effective! At the same time, under reduction - that's a coincidence! - the same committees get into, one of which is headed by the elder Rybakov, and in the other, the younger Rybakov works as deputy chairman.

    Some bearded jackal with a camera would call such behavior hypocrisy and demagogy. But we are not going to throw such phrases. It's just that our multi-party deputy corps has a very flexible spine - they affect good food, healthy lifestyle life, bonuses for working with classified information, bright retirement prospects and an impeccably clear conscience.

    “That's it,” some opponent from the Gray House may object to us. - Exactly what a clear conscience! And this Rybakov is hung with criminal cases, as if Christmas tree- toys! Well, aren't you a crook?"

    Well, let's look at these very criminal cases. First, they are all now merged into one. And ask yourself: why? And, besides, try to think also about why an investigation was “brought up” on the facts of alleged fraud, withdrawal of municipal land into private hands, damage to the city budget and similar terrible corruption atrocities, and the charge was brought in connection with certain violations in the publication advertisements in the Orlovskaya Sreda newspaper and claims against the police post at the entrance to Lesotorgovaya - they say that a paid employee in uniform guarded not only municipal, but also private property. Doesn't it seem strange to you that the swing was for a ruble, and the blow was for a penny? Yes, we'll see how it ends. The former governor also wanted to imprison V. Eremin, allegedly for terrible corruption, but it turned out to be a zilch - as, indeed, from everything that Alexander Petrovich Kozlov undertook. Moreover, I had to apologize to the person for unreasonable persecution.

    As if Vadim Vladimirovich ... that this ... would not have to win back. You can bet that the “corruption” articles will slowly, without fuss, disappear in the Rybakov criminal case. And advertising in the "Oryol Wednesday" and a soldier at the gates of the base - they don’t pull on pathos revelations about the "goods taken away from the people", isn't it? It will be small, and these accusations still need to be sorted out: they would not turn out to be an empty phrase.

    It is clear that the regional Investigation Department has to somehow get out: Vadim Vladimirovich found a path to the leadership of the TFR, and now it is pressing. Hence the wild attempt to put V. Rybakov under house arrest, without, in fact, having sufficient grounds for it - which was confirmed by the court decision on bail. But sooner or later, the deadlines for transferring the criminal case to court will come - maybe by spring. Then we'll see what baggage the investigation will bring to this stage.

    In the meantime, a lot can happen. The same recent rally of Rybakov's supporters - no matter how the pro-government media tried to belittle its significance - showed that the Potomsky-Rybakov conflict is confidently being brought to the socio-political stage. Moreover, this is done largely precisely by the unreasonable efforts of the authorities themselves.

    It seems that Vadim Vladimirovich, using the example of Vitaly Anatolyevich, decided to demonstrate who is the boss in the house. And if it doesn't work? And if you found a scythe on a stone? According to our observations, the new governor's team does not understand people very well. Even in our provincial Orel, the principle does not work with everyone: buy or break. Or, as I. Rybakov quoted comrade Potomsky at the rally, “tear out the spine along with the underpants”… Attempts to buy them repel some people and cause only contempt. And threats and intimidation only lead to increased resistance. And the harder the pressure is, the stronger those who do not want to sell will resist.

    What motives actually drive V. Rybakov in the growing confrontation with the new governor, we ourselves have not yet fully figured out. But it seems to us that we are still talking not about primitive material interest.

    And the demonstration of "coolness" on the part of Vadim Vladimirovich in this context does not look very convincing, in our opinion. At a recent joint plenum of the regional committee and the regional control and audit commission of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Comrade Potomsky, referring the audience to the words of Rybakov, said that there would be not “black fog” in the region, but “red order”. Some participants in the plenum may have been impressed by such assertive pathos. Although, definitely not at all. And even more so - far from all the inhabitants of the Oryol region. Empty and pompous words have been uttered all too often in the past ten months. There are too many illustrative examples of unsuitable personnel policy. There are questions about the legitimacy of a number of decisions and actions of the authorities. As for the "red order", then "

    Photo ©

    One of the most talked about figures in the Oryol region in 2014 was the ex-director of the Construction Products Base, known as Timber Trading, Vitaly Rybakov.

    As Orel Region wrote earlier, he was fired for large-scale corrupt activities, accused of fraud and abuse of power, which resulted in 3 criminal cases brought against the ex-director of the enterprise.

    As you know, the dismissal of Rybakov caused a wide public outcry, resulting in a sensational rally organized by his brother Igor Rybakov.

    The speakers argued that the dismissal of the businessman was connected with politics, in particular, with the participation of Rybakov in the gubernatorial elections.

    According to a representative of the regional branch of the People's Party of Russia, the decision to withdraw Mr. Rybakov's candidacy was made in order to avoid an impending scandal. According to the information of the party leadership, the nominee collected signatures of municipal deputies, knowing that they had already secured other candidates with their support. Thus, Mr. Rybakov intended to discredit the upcoming elections of the governor of the Oryol region.

    Moreover, earlier Vitaly Rybakov had already tried to make a scandal by sending a complaint to the regional election commission against the actions of the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - the acting governor of the Oryol region Vadim Potomsky. Then he intended to prove the invalidity of the first municipal signatures collected in support of Potomsky, since at the time of their receipt, allegedly, a special candidate's account had not yet been opened, from which notary services should be paid. Also, Rybakov claimed that pressure was put on the signing municipalities. It should be noted that all Mr. Rybakov's complaints were rejected by the working commission of the regional election committee.

    The stated facts refute the words of Vitaly Rybakov's "defenders" that Vadim Potomsky "declared war" on Rybakov and is trying by all means to get rid of him from the political arena. As you can see, the “first blow” was dealt even then not clean on the hand of Rybakov.

    It is worth noting that by making a fuss about his dismissal and criminal cases, Mr. Rybakov simply attracts attention to himself and thereby dishonors the region throughout the country, because the holding of such “Rybakovsky” events in the regional capital spoils the overall picture of the situation in the region, and it means that it influences the assessment of the governor's activities, which is what the "political sufferer" achieves with his actions.

    Describing the personality of Vitaly Rybakov, the sites controlled by him mention only his supposedly brilliant managerial skills, preferring to simply “turn a blind eye” to the fact that the businessman has been stealing from the region for many years. Moreover, everyone forgot about some of the unpleasant facts of the biography of Mr. Rybakov, which were once written about by the regional media.

    Take, for example, the scandalous case of the beating of a faculty student physical education and sports of OSU, which was covered by many media outlets in 2007. According to MK Chernozemye, the student was beaten by Vitaly Rybakov, a candidate for deputy of the Orel Regional Council at that time, the general director of Lesotorgovaya. The question arises: How could a person having such a position in society, and such a responsibility to the voters, do such a thing? In fact, Mr. Rybakov only pretends to be an innocent victim and hides behind a false nobility, which is not even in sight?

    In this regard, it is advisable to recall the situation when the media actively condemned the statements of Vadim Potomsky that he would “pull out the fangs” of dishonest businessmen. Many "hooked" on the governor's words, inflating more and more new informational occasions from them. And about how the case with the beaten student ended, history is silent, and no one else spoke or wrote about it.

    It is impossible not to mention the brother of Vitaly Rybakov - no less famous Igor Rybakov, who, together with his brother, is involved in one of the criminal cases.

    It is noteworthy that it was Rybakov Jr. who organized the “demonstrative” rally in defense of his brother.

    Igor Rybakov also showed up during the pogrom of the Building Goods Base, which took place at the end of December last year. The Rybakov brothers did not give a logical explanation for the sabotage against the municipal enterprise, because it was another provocation arranged by them.

    Speaking about the ingenuity of the Rybakov brothers in terms of these very provocations, it is worth mentioning the fact of beating the husband of the chairman of the audit commission that audited the activities of the Rybakov brothers, at a time when Rybakov Sr. still held the post of general director of the Building Materials Base. According to information available to Orel-Region, the process of beating was filmed on a video camera, and then the beaten person was given greetings from a specific person. The criminal case was initiated only after the prosecutor's office of the region got acquainted with the materials of the check. Whether this is just a coincidence, one can only guess.

    Thus, the innocence of Vitaly Rybakov is clearly worth doubting. Maybe a person who is involved in three criminal cases, who has so many dubious and scandalous facts in his “piggy bank”, is in fact not a victim, but a skillful actor and provocateur?

    Valentina Ostroushko, General Director of the State Unitary Enterprise Orlovsky Publishing House, believes that when a person has done something and law enforcement agencies come to him, he immediately becomes political. This is a common occurrence. In her opinion, such personalities are promoted due to the image of the victim.

    “It's a shame that people who personify public opinion are defending a person who brazenly privatized a municipal enterprise,” Ostroushko said. “The media, which have been writing since 2009 that Rybakov is a thief and should be imprisoned, are now writing that he is a victim.”

    V. Ostroushko also noted that since 2009 she has not changed her position: “Even when I didn’t even know who Potomsky was, I said that Rybakov should be imprisoned.”

    Svetlana Anikina

    Tags: Vitaly Rybakov, Orel Region, Vadim Potomsky

    How the Oryol oligarch Vitaly Rybakov, in the company of a convicted pornographer, a venereal patient and a PR man Lesha the Glutton, attack the red governor of Potomsky

    Oryol timber trading anomaly

    Of all the Russian heads of regions, the Oryol governor Vadim Potomsky has recently become perhaps the most targeted target for arrows of criticism, discontent and exposure. Protests are organized against Potomsky in Orel, he is “applied” with enviable regularity by a whole pool of various media from Novaya Gazeta to TV, denunciations are being sent to the Prosecutor General’s Office and the TFR ... And then the news came that it was planned to sort it out in Moscow on the bridge. Well, not yet on Nemtsov, but so far only on Gorbaty.

    Vitaly Rybakov, deputy of the Oryol Regional Council, announced another protest against the Oryol governor. Judging by the message from the Oryol portal, the organizers of the event intend to hold it in the very center of the capital on the Gorbaty Bridge on Lenin's birthday on April 22. Participants of the protest rally are supposed to be taken to the white-stone from Orel by buses, or by other means of transport, or even stop at another option for gathering extras directly at the venue.

    Vitaly Rybakov is a member of the Committee on Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship of the Oryol Regional Council of People's Deputies. He is also a fan of powerful bikes, expensive cars, respectable holidays on the Cote d'Azur and other delights of a beautiful life. He is also an avid accordionist (harmonist), a lover of feasts and performances staged by him. He is also a millionaire (an oligarch of a regional scale), a well-known businessman in the Oryol region with a scandalous reputation: the regional department of the ICR imputes Vitaly Rybakov, in the framework of the criminal cases initiated against him, causing property damage by deceit, fraud and three episodes of abuse of power (Article 165, Art. 159, article 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

    Ever since Yegor Stroev's governorship in the Oryol region, Vitaly Rybakov headed the municipal enterprise "Building Goods Base". As usual, commercial structures flourished around this feeding trough, which “grew fat” thanks to the skillful “redistribution” of budgetary flows, goods and land. Neprets LLC, affiliated with Rybakov, especially “rose up” (now it has been transformed into Timber Trade Base LLC). As a result, Vitaly Anatolyevich became one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs in the region. According to the most modest estimates, Rybakov heated up the budget of the Oryol region by hundreds of millions of rubles. If you dig deeper, then billions will come up.

    Vitaly Rybakov

    But with the departure of the era of "Oryol's grandfather Yegor Semenovich", as well as his unsuccessful successor Governor Kozlov, the freemen of the authoritative Oryol rogue Rybakov also came to an end. The new governor from the Communist Party, Vitaly Potomsky, in his usual manner, hit the table with his fist, making it clear that lawlessness would be put an end to. Against the backdrop of initiated criminal cases, Vitaly Rybakov was expelled from the post of director of the municipal enterprise he robbed. And in February of this year, the new head of administration, Orel Bernikov, canceled the decision of his predecessor on the illegal alienation of municipal lands in favor of Rybakov's firm.

    Judging by the dramatic events in the Oryol region, Rybakov is not going to give up without a fight. Before the New Year, a group of pogromists raided the municipal enterprise "Building Materials Base", which sailed away from Rybakov's control. According to the new director of the base, Aleksey Roev, the raiders were led by a relative of Rybakov. Is it any wonder that after that Vitaly Rybakov turned into a personal enemy of the current Oryol governor Potomsky. And vice versa: Vitaly Rybakov realized last year that under Potomsky in the Oryol region he would have neither free will nor easy money. By the way, Rybakov, along with Vadim Potomsky, applied for the governor's position, but did not even pass the municipal filter. Apparently, even then the “filtering” bodies suspected the deputy businessman of violating the law.

    Anton Rybakov

    Meanwhile, going into politics enriched Vitaly Rybakov with the skills of "black technologies", which he enthusiastically began to use in the fight against Governor Potomsky. Vitaly Rybakov, the initiator of the Oryol Maidan, also found worthy teachers. Rumor has it that the deputy businessman in a narrow circle was proud of the coincidence of his patronymic with the patronymic of Alexei Navalny: they say, we, Anatolyichi, are capable of shaking up Russia or at least its individual regions in such a way that it will not seem a little! From Navalny's technologies, Vitaly Anatolyevich Rybakov borrowed "anti-corruption" tools and trouble-free rhetoric about "crooks and thieves." An infernal mixture of distorted facts, phrases taken out of context, and simply monstrous fictions, often compiled and legalized in Internet garbage dumps, poured from the mouthpieces of Rybakov's team literally like from a garbage can.

    Navalny himself in Moscow must have shuddered at the "high-profile successes" of his Oryol follower. On the other hand, Vitaly Anatolyevich took into account the difference in the mentality of Muscovites and the provincial Orel, where they believe neither newspaper revelations, but incendiary speeches on the streets. Therefore, when organizing rallies in the regional capital, Rybakov skillfully reincarnated as his boyfriend for the local common people - in a sort of Seryoga Udaltsov, who can say it in a simple way, and let the swearing in, and turn the people on with harsh but understandable slogans. For example, Rybakov’s team saddled the topic of “alien Vikings” in power, trying to awaken the base feelings of fellow countrymen and turn them against a native of St. Petersburg, Vadim Potomsky, who is here a temporary person and is indifferent to the problems of the Orlovites. The campaign of “quiet separatism”, which took root in the Oryol region at the suggestion of Rybakov, may indeed begin to bear its poisoned fruits, distorting the perception of the local electorate of personnel and socio-economic policy of the federal center and spreading the negative to the entire power vertical. It is quite possible that the ultimate intricate goal of Vitaly Rybakov is such a buildup of the Orel boat, which would not only overturn the local provincial government, but would also fix Rybakov himself as one of the prominent figures in the Russian destructive opposition mainstream.

    Alexey Bogomolov

    Protests against the governor and in their support, with which Rybakov-sponsored extras made noise in the Oryol region, “revealing” notes in local and federal media (in total, according to Medialogia, for 90 days of a cavalry attack on the “St. local Oryol Cherkizon, stole 76 ordered materials in Novaya Gazeta, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Trud, and as many as 7 spreads in Arguments of the Week), statements against Potomsky to the investigative and supervisory authorities - all this rather expensive and classic arsenal was born in the inflamed brain of Vitaly Anatolyevich and implemented by a team of unscrupulous performers. This team deserves to be told about it separately and in detail.

    Oryol trotters Rybakov

    Last March, a certain Oryol pensioner Andrey Nevrov filed statements with the Prosecutor General's Office, the Investigative Committee of Russia, the All-Russian People's Front and a number of other high authorities with statements about the "concealment of giving a bribe" by the governor Vadim Potomsky. The reason was the words of the governor in an interview with the famous TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov that the regional head was repeatedly offered money from businessmen who wanted to circumvent the law. Having cut off the context of the governor's phrase, the meticulous pensioner scribbled a denunciation that the governor had allegedly personally confessed almost to a corruption crime. Other Oryol residents are still scratching their heads about what it is “Andryushka Nevrov”, who in the 80s illegally traded pornographic cassettes on the market, and then completely rewound the term in the zone, climbed to teach the Criminal Code to investigators and prosecutors. The truth was revealed to local hackers who rummaged through e-mail Vitaly Rybakov, having extracted many interesting facts and details from there about how, how much and with what companions the criminal deputy businessman “wets” the governor of Potomsky.

    It turned out, in particular, that Rybakov attracted to the campaign he directed the former vice-governor of Oryol, a former official of the apparatus of the Federation Council, and now the capital's PR and freelancer Alexei Bogomolov, nicknamed Lesha Tolstoy, who at one time served as the editor-in-chief of the Top Secret publication and even printed notes about the art of losing weight. As it turned out, Lesha-Tolstoy is indispensable in the persecution of the governor of Potomsky, because even when he was the closest shadow of “grandfather Yegor Semenovich”, he made business acquaintances with a number of media leaders - for example, Dmitry Muratov (“Novaya Gazeta”), Konstantin Remchukov (“NG "). And since these contacts have not rusted since then and open for the third decade of sitting in their chairs, it was not difficult for Lesha-Tolstoy to resume a commercial dialogue with them on a new topic dictated by Vitaly Rybakov.

    In addition to the “Chief of Staff” Alexei Bogomolov, the 30-year-old close friend of the deputy businessman Tatyana Bogomolova, a creative with the nickname Neworel, as well as Rybakov’s son Anton, a graduate of the University of Exeter in Britain, who volunteered to help dad “bring down” the governor of Potomsky, firmly registered in Rybakov’s PR team .

    Tatyana Bogomolova

    From the opened correspondence between Rybakov and his hired servants, it is clear what serious numbers (in USD) the team operates, how the anti-governor, and in fact anti-Russian rallies in Orel were prepared and coordinated, how other behind-the-scenes actions were coordinated, and what are the relationships between members of the secret coalition. The scale of "placements" in the media of the relevant publications is such that it is time to talk about corruption pressure on a number of federal publications in order to form a certain public opinion. And the synchronicity of the actions of the scriptwriters and directors of the protest rallies in the Oryol region with the repeaters of "live pictures" from these events in the "charged" media is completely reminiscent of the algorithm of the Kiev Maidan. Moreover, 53-year-old Vitaly Rybakov comes from the same village in Zhytomyr with the odious Ukrainian politician and deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of the Bandera convocation Oleg Lyashko.

    However, judge for yourself:

    Rib eye midel led and genital herpes from Rybakov

    The following correspondence was "removed" from the electronic mailboxes of the main characters of the "Oryol Maidan" by unknown Internet activists, to whom the author of this text has nothing to do, but is inclined to trust the results of their work, since the screenshots of the mail are assessed by experts as genuine. Authentic, in our opinion, are the Oryol Eustases-Alexas, who weave a web for the governor of Potomsky.

    “In the New, you need 15 thousand USD. We still owe a little for the old. Tell Anton to bring it. In Trud, we are still working out the January tranche.”

    From Anton Vitalyevich to Vitaly Rybakov:

    “I brought money to Novaya Gazeta. Nezavisimaya needs another 12,000 euros, they said that from April 1, they will increase prices by 15 percent, like a crisis ... "( son reports to dad).

    From Bogomolov to Vitaly Rybakov: “... nobody will allow them to dump. But with those with whom we work, progress is possible ... I explained the situation and gave a day for reflection.

    From Rybakov-Bogomolov: “Tell them that everyone, as I said, is moving to another level of relationships. REDUCING THE LEVEL OF PAYMENTS, everyone is doing it now ... A pensioner who wrote a statement to the UK was interviewed today (three takes were filmed against the backdrop of CHESTER PUB) on the topic of an attempted bribe from the governor of the Oryol region ".

    Neworel to Vitaly Rybakov:

    “You should already disappear from telephone access and external surveillance today. You never know what comes to mind these freaks? ..They can intercept you just before the rally and arrange a provocation”

    Vitaly Rybakov: "Tomorrow comes out Novaya Gazeta..."

    Neworel - Vitaly Rybakov:

    “I analyzed here the media ideology of the Kremlin. For your reputation, the rally should be held only under the “Kremlin flags”. It is necessary to name it in the application for the rally - "Anti-crisis march of the Oryol region", such as this. And be sure to prepare posters with several pro-Kremlin slogans such as "President Putin's anti-crisis policy - in action!", "Oryol authorities are not able to deal with the economic crisis", "The crisis governor did not justify the trust of the president and voters."

    Neworel - Vitaly Rybakov:

    “A meeting of protest against the failed management of the governor of Potomsky.

    A protest rally against the socio-economic collapse of the Oryol region.

    A protest rally against the mediocre socio-economic policy of Governor Potomsky.

    A protest rally against crime and non-professionals in the authorities of the region.

    A protest rally against the crisis of the economy and social sphere Oryol.

    A meeting of protest against the default of the Oryol region.

    A protest rally against undermining the confidence of the region's residents in President Putin.

    A protest rally against the revelry of seconded power.

    Rally of protest against the deterioration of the socio-economic situation in the Oryol region"

    Vitaly Rybakov - Neworel:

    “The first option is the most specific, is it necessary to add the communist Potomsky?”

    Neworel - Vitaly Rybakov:

    “This will scare away the communist electorate and affect the turnout. It is necessary to insert about the communist into speeches.

    Neworel - Vitaly Rybakov:

    “The local press must be taken into account. For the Kremlin, this is an indicator of sentiment within the region .... Hypothetically, a direct speech of specific people with their photographs ...

    Ivanov. A year ago, we had an interim governor in Zmievka, who promised to raise the salaries of nurses and attendants. A year has passed - nothing.

    Petrov. I listened to the governor about the construction of greenhouses. I live in a neighboring village - it's not true, no construction work is being carried out.

    Sidorov. When Potomsky came to visit us, he promised to repair the road. Nothing has been done...

    On Staraya Ploshchad, such publications go to special monitoring, they jokingly call it a “funeral affair” against the governor of the region.”

    Neworel to Vitaly Rybakov:

    Hello, Vitaly Anatolievich! Apparently, the situation is being played out in reverse. It seems that you made a mistake by again criticizing the topic of the brother-general in Ukraine. The point is that allegedly in the Presidential Administration, those who were preparing the personnel check of the candidate for governor of Potomsky could not help but double-check this fact and make sure that everything is clear in this matter... a stone to Potomsky, but like a stone to the Presidential Administration and the Kremlin ... It turns out that very influential people from the Presidential Administration, who took assaults on personnel policy personally, write you down as personal enemies and provocateurs ... "

    AiF-Orel to Vitaly Rybakov:

    “Vitaly Anatolyevich, good afternoon! I look forward to your publications. In the next issue we will have a detailed article about the rally (as we planned). Do you have records of the participants?

    Vitaly Rybakov - AiF - Orel :

    “OK, I’ll send it for approval…”

    Vitaly Rybakov - Tatyana Bogomolova:

    “Tanya, look at the idea. It is necessary (for the governor) to put one in front of the house too, so that he can run away to his dank St. Petersburg” (we are talking about a picture from the Ukrainian agency UNIAN, depicting the President of the Russian Federation in an insulting form with the corresponding obscene inscription).

    “Co-Chairman of the Central Headquarters of the All-Russian Popular Front, Secretary of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation A.V. Brechalov from Nevrov Andrey Nikolaevich, Orel, st. Moscow, 98 kv.17. Statement on the fact of an anti-constitutional coup in the Oryol region" (Rybakov sends his adviser for consultation a draft of a future statement of the same pensioner-pornographer Nevrov mentioned above to the leadership of the ONF: in the editorial office of the deputy-inventor, Governor Potomsky is planned to be attributed no more - no less - an anti-constitutional coup!)

    Vitaly Rybakov - Tatyana Bogomolova:

    “To the Chairman of the TFR Bastrykin. Statement on the investigation of a corruption crime, the report of which was made in the media by the Governor of the Oryol Region V.V. Potomsky" ( and this is for agreement with the adviser the text of the future statement of the same convicted pensioner-pornographer Nevrov to the head of the Investigative Committee. By the way, it is known from sources in the Oryol region that the elderly pornographer Nevrov appeared in Rybakov’s team as an executor of the boss’s delicate orders for a reason: Rybakov’s main companion, a certain Markelov and his wife, were involved in his criminal case, and therefore Nevrov, one might say, is already a long-time henchman of the deputy - businessman).

    Sometimes business correspondence between Rybakov and his henchman Tatyana Bogomolova is interspersed with frankly intimate rhetoric:

    “My cat, I think about you, I miss you quietly, but I know that you are there like a squirrel spinning a wheel that will lead us to an unequivocal victory!”

    Rybakov - T. Bogomolova: “We went to the Riviera in an S-ke and ate a rib-eye mid-veke. Such a move and I am already drawing how we are going to Moscow. I began to like Gelenvagen. In 2016 there will be a new body. Have you been to Astoria and seen Mercy?”

    Tatyana Bogomolova - Vitaly Rybakov: “Oh, yes, Mercy is cool ... maybe just ... there are no words, in general!

    From Tatyana Bogomolova to astrologer Vasilisa: “I am 30 years old, dating an adult man. Relations have come to the point that it is time to decide…”

    Astrologer Vasilisa-Tatyana Bogomolova: “I understand the situation, let’s sort it out… The cost of the consultation is 60,000 rubles.”

    Vitaly Rybakov - Tatyana Bogomolova: “I personally will be free at 15.30, we’ll go shopping or lie down, how things go…” venereal disease both have:

    Tatyana Bogomolova: “If I have genital herpes, I would like to start with a 100 mmol solution. This makes about 5 teaspoons of powder…”

    The above facts, arguments and testimonies make us take a fresh look at the processes taking place in the domestic politics of individual Russian regions. It seems that elements of the Maidan scenario are being skillfully and man-made in the Oryol region in favor of Rybakov’s financial group, which has gained strength in previous years, and is faced with a choice: either inevitable legal liability for violations of the law, or a political demarche as a chance to avoid punishment for past manipulations with budget funds. It is noteworthy that Rybakov's group easily initiated and organized public protest events in Orel, took control of a certain niche of the media space not only in the region, but also in Moscow, operating for this with significant amounts of unaccounted cash and instruments of corruption pressure on the federal media . At the same time, the Maidan leader of Orel, Vitaly Rybakov, adopted the methodology of exposing current officials, worked out by the oppositionist Alexei Navalny, used elements of street protest activity from the arsenal of radical politicians like Sergei Udaltsov, but at the same time he himself tries to adhere to the image of a respectable opposition politician in order to inspire the trust of locals, and although part of the federal elites. In this regard, the Rybakov incident seems to be a very dangerous phenomenon, which, if it spreads and strengthens, can lead to various forms of destabilization both at the regional level and in the federal center.

    With great enthusiasm today I learned that our clowns are going to Moscow. The eagle was unlucky in terms of the origins of show business stars. Not a single normal pop star was born here, but God rewarded the Eagle. The firstborn was Vitalik Rybakov. Small, shabby, with a huge fan of individual entrepreneurs, registered for half of the relatives and the potential for the governor's post. But let's not get distracted by such trifles as his underground business and the desire to jump into the governor's chair. Let's talk about how the concerts of the supernova Oryol pop star are made.

    Just yesterday, Rybakov enthusiastically announced that he would go to Moscow by April 22 with a rally. As usual with the stars, Rybakov gives interviews before the tour. In them, he threatens to call Potomsky to account and depicts how 500 Oryol snouts will joyfully wave flags at the Humpback Bridge. But you will not take away Vitalik Rybakov himself in the organizers of this action. Military pensioner Pavel Penkov, who used to be very passive, is active there. So passive that no one in Orel knows about him. Not surprisingly, he often lives in Moscow, in a private house. But my dear readers must know the whole truth. As usual, in Orel one cannot do without blat and relatives. So, on Lesotorgovaya there is an IP Penkova Lolita Pavlovna. This individual entrepreneur has long been attached to the MUP "Lesotorgovaya". This Lolita Pavlovna is the wife of Igor Rybakov, Vitaly's younger brother. And, in fact, Pavel Penkov is none other than the father of a successful business woman who does not do business, but simply provides her name for the “important” affairs of Vitaly and Igor. The meanness of these two city clowns cannot be underestimated, because when the organizer of the rally is a military pensioner, it sounds proud. Not like the well-known Oryol grabber and deputy Vitalik Rybakov. Yes, and an old grandfather will be responsible for the rally. I don’t want to discuss the stupidity of the military pensioner Pavel Penkov at all. Not only does he climb onto the stage to perform, but he does not even think about the fact that the UBEP and the tax office may be interested in where he, a pensioner, gets the money to organize rallies. Retirement is not particularly involved in politics.

    Another near-political clown, Dima Fetisov, even calculated on Twitter how much it would cost to transport 500 people to Moscow for a rally. According to his calculations, round-trip delivery will cost at least 500 thousand rubles. Apparently, pensioner Penkov will not eat for two years now in order to pay for a protest rally on Gorbaty Bridge in Moscow from his pension. Or will IP Penkova help him? Or will the unemployed Vitaly Rybakov himself generously unfasten half a million to the pensioner for protest activity? It costs nothing. He can. After all, the effective manager Vitalik Rybakov, according to rumors, on the wave of excitement with the fall of the ruble, bought a new Mercedes S500 for 10 million. True, they say, out of habit, he registered it not for himself and now hides it in the garage. But that's another story. Which we will tell you next time.