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  • StopHam Movement: Who Are These People And Where Do They Get Their Money? Who contains StopHam? How it all began.


    The project opposes violations of traffic rules by vehicle drivers. It appeared in 2010 in Moscow as one of the federal programs of the Nashi association. Today, its representatives are present in almost all major cities of the country, and not only. Muscovite Dmitry Chugunov and Kurgan girl Oksana Mitrofanova stand at the origins. Now she also lives in Moscow, she has a rather busy schedule. Last weekend Oksana came to visit her relatives in the capital of the Trans-Urals. Of course, we could not help but invite her to visit us.

    Our compatriot loves dancing, good books and morning jogging. She has always been a purposeful, lively and active girl. Even as a child, thoughts about big politics began to come to her, the girl even said that she wanted to become president:

    - I thought that I would sit in the president's chair and say: “So, here - so that it is clean. Here - so that it is beautiful, but here - so as not to swear. "

    After graduating from the 47th gymnasium, Oksana, having passed the exams for the fives, went to conquer big cities. First of all - Moscow. Relatives dissuaded, but she insisted on her own and entered the Russian State Social University in the direction of "political science". Then everything started spinning.

    - It was the Year of Youth. I started working in this area from my university. So I got to the first educational forum "Seliger". I went there as a coordinator. It was there that I got acquainted with the Nashi movement, with interesting guys. I told Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin: “We are on your team. I hope that you are also on our team. And that is great". I also met with Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev many times. I understand that these are the people who are guarding the interests of the state, they are real captains, they move in such steps that the economic situation allows them to do, - she reasons.

    Political and social life literally covered her head, but this did not frighten Oksana at all. She began to work on youth projects of the United Russia party in the Central Council of Supporters, created her own movement related to the environment, and then thoroughly approached the problem of unscrupulous drivers. Pushed the situation with parking.

    - I lived in the center of the capital. Of course, every day I came across cars that are parked incorrectly, forcing people to cross from sidewalk to road. You barely get out of the entrance, you stain your clothes on the cars. Of course, it boiled. So we got together at one point and thought, why not start fighting this? They came up with big stickers with the words “I don't care at all. I park wherever I want. " And here it is, the first raid. We are standing on the street. We don't know the drivers, they don't know us. Of course, the first sticker is the first conflict. Somehow, little by little, everything went smoothly, people appeared who supported this movement, began to go out to a large media level, - explains the girl.

    According to Oksana, people break the rules because they are bored with life, they are looking for adventure.

    - Once I tried to violate, two ... It seems like a ride. And then you realize that you are a god. You can do everything. And if you also have a crust on your shoulders or your husband is rich, he is like an athlete, an activist, everyone knows you, why not become taller than other people? And then some students appear, and even without money, without a car, and they say: "Come on, let's be a man with us."

    It is necessary to make comments and quite respectable, well-known persons. As a rule, such cases are remembered and get a lot of publicity. One example is the 2012 case. The wife of the deputy plenipotentiary of Chechnya under the President of the Russian Federation Tamerlan Mingayev, who parked her car incorrectly, called her son for help. Disassembly began. They tried to force the cameramen to remove the video and threatened them. The recording made it onto the Internet and got several million views. A criminal case was opened.

    - This is Nikita Mikhalkov, and the journalists of the First Channel, and all kinds of representatives of government agencies. There are many conflicts, and, of course, people believe that they cannot be touched, - says our compatriot.

    Oksana does not recognize gradation either by rank or social status. I am convinced that everyone is equal and everyone is given what they deserve. She considers herself to be a truth-teller, who periodically has to "grab away" for her truth and honesty, but still more often she manages to defend her position, this is interesting:

    - People do not want to hear the truth, people want to hear that we are all great, we are all good. But behind this there should be actions, not crusts, regalia, expensive clothes and cars.

    In parallel with StopHam, Oksana's light hand (and she is engaged in boxing) launched the StopZhlob project. Here she was the only representative of the fair sex, she often had to intercede for the guys.

    - Paid parking was introduced in Moscow and in many other cities. But people decided that, again, the rules were not for everyone. So they arrive, take a public place, and close the room. Accordingly, I come to the center by car. I'm basically a girl. It's already difficult for me to park, and also all the places are occupied. We came up with stickers "Shame on 80 rubles per hour." They were glued to their drivers. And, of course, when a person stands with a car for 60 million rubles, he does not understand at all who dared to touch his expensive car. Of course, these bald guards run out. Unfortunately, when a person cannot defend his position with words, he switches to fists, and you need to understand: it’s not a fact that your fists are stronger than that of that seemingly fragile girl, ”she says.

    Promotion of projects is a complex and time-consuming process. Today, in the age of the Internet, you can use all kinds of websites and mobile applications.

    - You can do a lot of good deeds, and everyone will be grateful to you, but no one will know about your project. If you have done a good deed, take this flag of a good deed in your hands and tell everyone, and offer to repeat, then there will be more good deeds. The bad is easier to repeat, but to do good, you need to have strength, - says the activist.

    Oksana plans to devote her further life to administrative activities in the political structure. She believes that it would be nice to rejuvenate all our public chambers:

    - I would still like to enter this structure in time, understand it, try to help do something useful for the country, the city. I believe that Russia has always been a headstrong, wayward country, it never fell on its knees. I'm sure this will never happen.

    A girl is rarely in Kurgan, but she loves him very much. She says that a lot is changing here, but not everything makes her happy.

    For me, Kurgan will always be associated with a beautiful summer city, with my parents, grandfather, grandmother. I look at the residents of the city, at my grandfather and understand: no matter how many obstacles fate presents them, they will continue to love their home, their land. And God forbid that in our young people love for the family, for the land, for the country was the same as that of my grandmother and my grandfather. Unfortunately, it seems to me that now this love has slightly different principles. But there is something to strive for as long as we have role models, ”she said with a smile.

    Secretly, Oksana admitted that in the near future she plans to start a project to help socially vulnerable children, and it is possible that it will be launched in our city.

    Photo by Alexander Kadnikov.

    Dmitry Chugunov: "If this is an attempt to find a black sheep in a herd of whites, then this is strange, because then all the sheep will turn out to be black."

    A year earlier, four activists were severely beaten in St. Petersburg during a rally against driving on the sidewalks. In March 2016, their offenders received suspended sentences.

    Budgetary funds, according to Dmitry Chugunov, were spent on "the development of regional divisions." In particular, the purchase of video cameras and consumables for them. A considerable part of the millions, says the head of Stopham, is spent on printing anti-hammer stickers. In addition, the organization pays for the labor necessary for the functioning of employees: from an accountant to a video editor.

    “We do not know what these claims are, ”. - said "MK" the chairman of "Stopham". According to him, they learned about the claims of the Ministry of Justice in Stopham only today, despite the fact that the process began in October 2015. The Ministry of Justice did not notify the organization of any violations, and they were not summoned to court either.

    In the unified register of legal entities opposite the organization it is written - it ceased activities by a court decision on the basis of Art. 29 of the Federal Law "On Public Associations". According to the article, the organization is obliged to inform the Ministry of Justice about the continuation of its activities, publish reports on the use of its property, and, in case of receiving funds from foreign sources, report on their volumes. Failure to submit these documents may be a reason for exclusion from the register.

    MK has not been able to find a single Stopham financial report since 2013, either on the website of the Ministry of Justice or in the Counterfocus database.

    “We have all the reports,” Dmitry Chugunov assured MK. “Whether they were published or not, I won’t lie, I don’t know for sure, but if necessary, we are ready to provide them.” The Stopham chairman recalled that once a quarter the organization submits a detailed financial report to the grant operator (they are not in the public domain - author). "The grant operator has no complaints, it is strange that the Ministry of Justice has them," Chugunov said. The only thing that can be counted as foreign funding, he said, is the revenue from YouTube ads from StopHam's commercials. “If this is an attempt to find a black sheep in a flock of whites, then it is strange, because then all the sheep will turn out to be black. Many bloggers monetize YouTube, ”Chugunov said.

    The last presidential grant, 8 million, has not yet been fully spent. “The money will return to the treasury, we cannot use funds from blocked accounts,” Chugunov noted.

    According to Chugunov, "Stopham" will continue its actions, in addition, he will defend the restoration of the legal entity in court, if it does not work out, he will create a new one.

    Evgeniy KORCHAGO, attorney:“Notices of the court session should be sent by the court to the address at which the legal entity is registered. It arrives at the post office, and the postman puts a notification in the mailbox that you need to come to the post office for this letter. The fact is that if within 7 days the legal organization does not appear for notification, then the legal obligation of the court is still considered fulfilled. In this case, if StopHam does not receive mail notifications at its legal address, then this is its problem, just like any other organization. "

    Participate in an online survey

    The head of the press service of the St. Petersburg branch of the movement, Alexander Boglovsky, agreed to give an interview to the site.

    - Let's get straight to the point. There are many articles on the Internet, written by someone on their own guesses. They write all kinds of conspiracy theories that StopHam - these are the followers of Navalny, friends of Putin, and so on. We would like to know everything directly. The first question that probably interests everyone: where does the money come from?

    Well, regarding the financial issue, I can immediately say that the grants received by the movement in Moscow do not reach us. Only stickers come to us from the capital. We spend money on video equipment partly from our own pockets, partly from the "budget" of the organization. As everyone knows, we have a channel on Youtube, which brings a small income to the "budget". In a good month, it can be 40 thousand rubles. Part of this amount goes to hosting for our site, part to equipment: all kinds of mounts, lenses, replacement of cameras broken during the raid. Something is paid to the organizers. Another part is spent on advertising on social networks. Of course, this amount is not enough for everything, so you have to spend personal funds as well. Conversations that we have investors or that we are financed by the Navalny bloc are disinformation. We have no investors other than ourselves. Well, we have nothing to do with Navalny.

    - What about people? How are volunteers "recruited"? Who are all these people who go to raids?

    We have a VKontakte group and a website where we publish announcements about a raid, indicating the place and time of the meeting. The main requirement for participants is the age of majority. Several organizers and operators from the backbone that have developed over several years go there, plus new volunteers who want to take part. The main staff in St. Petersburg numbers about 300 people who take an active civic position. Naturally, everyone does not go to raids at once. Several organized people, plus those who voluntarily decided to attend the action from among the new volunteers, go there. Absolutely everyone participating in the action is ordinary average people who are tired of rudeness on the roads (parking lots and sidewalks).

    - Why, from your point of view, is all this activity being carried out? What is the main task of the movement?

    We pursue two goals, one of which is very difficult to achieve, the second is simpler. Re-education is a difficult task. If you look at European countries, you parked incorrectly - a huge fine, drove along the sidewalk - a revocation and a fine, did not let a pedestrian pass at the crossing - a fine. That is, the attitude to boorish behavior is very strict.

    We, of course, also have fines, but how often have you met someone to be fined for not letting a pedestrian pass? Are there many traffic police officers or video cameras found on sidewalks and parking lots? By our actions, we are trying to prevent a boorish attitude. Directly in raids, we try to explain to violators that they are behaving inappropriately. And then, by posting the video for public viewing, we hope that people who have seen everything that is happening will not want to commit such illegal and immoral actions. That is, they will re-educate themselves, change their attitude.

    The second goal is somewhat more realistic and achievable. A huge part of our audience is young people who are now either studying in driving schools, or preparing for this, or have already unlearned, but still does not have a conserved understanding of the rules of the road. That is, their attitude to all "minor" violations has not yet developed. And we are trying to influence them, to foster a driving culture from the "early years of the motorist". I hope that our videos are able to awaken respect for others in people.

    - How did the movement begin? Where did it all come from?

    The founder of the movement is Dmitry Chugunov. One fine day he was finally tired of seeing rudeness on the streets of Moscow. He invented and printed several stickers "I don't care at all, I park wherever I want," and went to "fight" alone. He approached cars that obstructed the passage, said to the drivers something like: "Do you know that you are obstructing the movement of other people? Please park your car so as not to interfere, or I will stick this sticker for you."

    Often people moved their cars, but not without incidents. He filmed all his actions and posted them on the Internet. Then he found like-minded people, and this is how the StopHam movement was born in Moscow. Then, seeing this movement on the Web, people of solidarity from other regions decided to follow the example, and regional Stopkham blocs appeared, including ours in St. Petersburg.

    How is the coordination of movement and shares going?

    Locations of the actions are determined mainly by residents. We are sent letters and photographs of violations, we choose the most "hot" places and go there. Organizers communicate with violators directly on the spot. The selection of organizers is very strict in order to prevent illegal actions on the part of the movement's activists. Over the course of several raids, we monitor the actions of volunteers and, based on their behavior, we can offer them to become organizers.

    The main requirements for an organizer are restraint and culture. Restrained obscene splash is not allowed. The organizer must also be active. A restrained and cultured person, indifferently standing still and taking only the position of an observer, will hardly help us as an organizer. Such, of course, are also needed, because all volunteers are our support and safety net, both active and passive. However, you can become an organizer only by taking an active civic position, as well as being able to convey information to anyone, remaining within the bounds of decency, and the law, of course.

    - What happens after the action? Do you send the footage to the traffic police, do your "clients" pay fines for their offenses?

    No, we do not have the authority to collect fines, and we do not send videos to the traffic police. Our task is not to "punish" violators, but to warn them. Sometimes, if a traffic police squad is sent with us on a raid, then fines are issued on the spot, but this does not happen often. Employees cannot travel to places where an offense is likely to occur without a special order (special operation). After all, if the offense really happened somewhere, and the traffic police are busy with us, then nothing good will come of it. Another question is if unscrupulous drivers decide to inflict any material (smashing cameras, tearing clothes) or, God forbid, physical damage to our activists (fights happen, sometimes activists are "rolled" on the hood). Naturally, we do not leave such actions unpunished, but we draw up statements to the police, after which procedural actions and court proceedings follow.

    - If not everything went "smoothly" and the activist is injured in the raid, do you provide support? For treatment, for lawyers in court?

    Of course! As far as possible and strength. Unfortunately, there were cases when activists received beatings and fractures. We help with treatment, that is, for example, if you need to apply a cast, then we, and myself, are ready to pay for an easy and comfortable cast. The principle "with the world on a string" works here. We do not force any of the activists to donate money for treatment, everything is voluntary. The situation with the courts is somewhat different. We, of course, did not study to become a lawyer, but we are well-versed in the legal field and are able to provide legal assistance to our associates ourselves, without resorting to the help of expensive services of lawyers. Although now I am negotiating with one law firm, which, perhaps, will be able to provide us with assistance in the future if our strength is not enough.

    “I don’t care at all. I park where I want ”- many Muscovites have already seen such stickers on other people's, or even their own, cars parked in the wrong places. Over the three years of the movement's existence, "StopHam" has acquired a certain fame among motorists.

    But after the scandal with the activists, the head of the Maryino district council, Alexander Smoryakov, was forced to resign, pedestrians also became interested in the movement. So who are they, "Stopkham people"? The correspondent of our publication made his way into their ranks and found it out from the inside.

    How it all began

    The first StopHam raid took place on May 26, 2010 in Moscow. Then Dmitry Chugunov (the head of the movement - author's note) and two of his friends went out to Petrovka and began to glue stickers on incorrectly parked cars, and one of the guys was filming what was happening on camera, and the second was calming the disgruntled drivers. The movement, which began with a company of three, is now fighting "boors on the road" in 28 regions of Russia and even abroad (in Ukraine, for example).

    All Moscow in "StopHama"

    Anyone can get into the raid. In the movement group on the social network, a status appears, which indicates the place and time of the raid, as well as the age of the participants (as a rule, 18+, but not always). Raids differ in their focus. “We have several formats. - says Oksana Mitrofanova, one of the leaders of the StopHam project. - People write: "I was not allowed to park, they ask from me, for example, a thousand rubles." Accordingly, we find time, guys, who are in cars, come, check whether it is so or not, and then we come, we are not 2 people, but 15. We say hello, ask for money - you can have your documents ... And after some time, this parking lot ceases to be paid. Sometimes the car is parked at a pedestrian crossing, it is impossible to get around it. Or she stands on the sidewalk so that she has to go out into busy traffic. There is our most famous sticker for this. " There are also night raids - they take place near clubs that arrange illegal paid parking in the first and second rows. The price of such a parking, according to Oksana, can go up to 5-10 thousand rubles per space, so many people park already in the third and fourth rows, and drivers have to drive in the oncoming lane. That in the end threatens with a fine for breaking the rules.

    At least five people take part in the raid. The record was set after the video "Chechnya is cultural" appeared on the network - 380 people gathered at the Evropeyskiy shopping center. “We had all of Moscow in StopHam,” laughs Oksana. Recall that in May 2012, the wife of the deputy plenipotentiary of Chechnya Madina Mingaev came into conflict with activists of the movement, which led to the resignation of Tamerlan Mingaev.

    I must say that mostly guys take part in the raids. “Probably, firstly, the girls are afraid, nevertheless it is quite dangerous: yesterday we had an incident, the car almost hit me, there was a speed of 80, just by a miracle I ran away, jumped. This is a dangerous business, it is more interesting for boys, it increases adrenaline and so on. But at the same time, I always tell the girls to come, because we have really really nice guys. Not only are they beautiful, smart, yes, but they are so worthy, they have already been in such situations and tested that I admire my boys, ”Oksana admits.

    The logical question of how often the cameras are hit is answered differently by movement activists. Natasha, one of the few local girls and a regular operator, says that they often crashed before, but then the drivers realized that it would be worse for them. Nevertheless, incidents do happen, so, as Nikolai, "Stopkhamovets" notes, it is better to take several cameras. “I carry my phone and try to show people that you can shoot not only with the camera. You can come with car registrars, with soap dishes ... All cameras will not be broken, ”he says.

    There are also cases when motorists simply inadequately respond to the requests of “Stopkham” members. Nikolai and Dmitry, experienced activists, say that they were thrown at them with a bat and threatened with firearms. But some drivers simply don't stop, even when they see the crowd in front of them. According to Nikolai, once the car at full speed of 50 meters was driving a guy on the hood, who could not get off so as not to get under the wheels.

    “It hangs, and this one accelerates and just flies away. Starts with a man on the hood and goes under the bridge. All our guys who were, ran there. He got down already, and the car disappeared, ”the young man recalls.

    Quite often, "Stopkhamovites" are called provocateurs - they say, they themselves are to blame for the fact that people are shouting and indignant, or even get into a fight. However, having visited the raid, one can be convinced that this is not the case. The guys have clear rules of work. Swearing is prohibited, smoking is allowed only on the sidelines. Three people approach the car: the operator, the one who explains the situation to the driver, and the one who stands in front of the car, while the rest block the road, but do not climb up to the driver. The conversation is conducted politely, without "assaults" and insults. Another thing is that the guys obviously do not feel sorry for themselves - and in case of something they will climb under the wheels, and they will pass on the hood. Yes, illegal, but where to go? They even joke at the sight of another car, they say, I haven't ridden one yet ...

    There are still many victories

    Now "stopkhamovtsy" are working harder. They are still calm and polite, but decided to make a more effective suggestion to the drivers. Therefore, they almost completely replaced the “good” stickers, which can be easily removed, with “evil” ones, which are much more difficult to get rid of. “We used to make good stickers, even intermediate ones and straight evil-evil ones,” explains Nikita. - But after a few raids, when everyone is filming it and they see that one sticker was used on it, another, the fifth, the tenth, but there is no sense, they decided that it was just a money transfer and better than an evil one and once, but for a long time. " ... After all, it was the sticker on the windshield “I don’t give a damn about everyone” that once brought fame to the project. As one of the activists, Boris, says, "all the cars, as soon as they see that the guys are gluing a sticker, immediately leave."

    Summing up the results of more than 3 years of work, Oksana Mitrofanova proudly says that StopHam will be recognized. Moreover, the situation on the roads has actually changed. "We know more than a hundred restaurants in Moscow, where our merit is that there is no longer paid parking and so-called" parking for customers "." Many streets, such as Zelenodolskaya, are closed for traffic. Paid parking is also our undertaking, the fact that now the city center has become paid is our undertaking. There are still many such victories, including private ones, ”the girl says.

    Interestingly, many activists have a driver's license, but prefer to travel by metro. But they are firmly convinced that if you are driving, you must respect the pedestrian. “In my opinion, you shouldn't ride in the pedestrian zone,” says Boris confidently. - In general, in order to change the world, you need to start with yourself, respectively. We must do good deeds and don’t spoil the mood of other people. ” The problem, apparently, is that the Stopkham members themselves ruined the mood of many motorists with their actions.

    Valeria Trofimova

    Who, why and for what money sculpts stickers for traffic offenders.

    The conflict between Stopham activists and the four-time Olympic champion in artistic gymnastics Alexei Nemov caused a great resonance. He has not yet moved into the legal plane, but the increased interest in the movement indicates an ambiguous attitude towards him in society and the urgency of the problem of rudeness on the roads. "" analyzed the "combat path" of the people's fighters for the observance of the rules and talked with the activists and opponents of "Stopham".

    Petrovka and improper parking

    In February, Aleksey Nemov was twice “lucky” to meet with “Stopkham” members on Petrovka Street. For the first time, the Olympic champion was sitting with his wife in the salon of his car opposite the entrance to the Petrovsky Passage. The car was parked in the second row. When asked to park, the couple replied that they would stand in a place that was about to be vacated. But a few minutes later, the disposition has not changed. The activist again approached Nemov's car. Those inside pretended not to notice him. Then on the windshield of an SUV there was a sticker known for its intractability "I don't care about everyone, I park wherever I want."

    The next day, the Olympian again stood in the second row, fifty meters from the place where he had stood the last time. Directly opposite the building of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia. This time he was alone in the car. Seeing the sticker in the hands of the "Stopkhamovtsa" Nemov obscenely sent him away. In response, the activist silently pasted the sticker in the same place as the day before.

    The champion ripped off the sticker and poked it in the guy's chin. He pushed him away from him. Nemov rushed forward and hit the "Stopkhamovtsa" with the base of his hand on the chin. In response, the activist threw him to the ground and asked him to calm down. I did not interfere with getting up. The Olympian got up and again pushed the young man hard in the chest. Then, in the course of a verbal skirmish, he poked him in the face again. The champion acted with his left hand, with which the clock flew off during the battle.

    Alexey Nemov met with "Stopkhamovtsy" two days in a row Shot: Sergey Yaskiy / Youtube

    The situation was eventually resolved by Nemov's consent to park. Now the Nemovs are trying to understand what happened on Petrovka.

    “We are thinking about what to do in this situation, because this can happen to anyone, we want to somehow punish these people,” Galina Nemova told the Russian News Service. - This is a real provocation. They behave so intelligently, while provoking, knocking on the window and asking: "What are you doing?" And what - you do not even understand in this situation. What is this, Alexei also wants to make out for himself. "

    Galina stressed that on the second day she only went to the toilet for a few minutes. In her opinion, her husband did not violate the traffic rules, since “everyone is standing in that place”.

    Petrovka Street is one of the Stophama estates known to the capital's drivers. Five years ago, members of the movement carried out regular raids here. Before the introduction of the paid parking zone, they seemed to be the only force capable of clearing pedestrian crossings and exit zones from yards of parked vehicles. It is noteworthy that stickers were not sculpted for everyone in a row under the signs "stop is prohibited", but only for those who neglected the rights of pedestrians and other drivers with particular cynicism.

    The traffic police officers did not seem to notice the cars from Petrovka. Apparently, due to the excessive number of drivers with a difficult status. In the immediate vicinity are the buildings of the capital's headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Moscow City Duma, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Central Department Store, there are many expensive clubs, boutiques and restaurants. By the way, paid parking and forced evacuation have significantly improved the situation.

    The place where the “Stopkham” team clashed with the Olympic champion is well known to Moscow drivers as the “bottleneck”. You can get stuck in a traffic jam there even at night. On one side, guests of the Marriott hotel, fitness center and boutiques in Stoleshnikov Lane park in two rows. On the other - also in several rows - there are cars of visitors to the Petrovsky Passage.

    As the founder of Stopham, Dmitry Chugunov, told, the idea to fight the drivers who had lost their shame and conscience came to him just in this traffic jam.

    Educational project

    According to Chugunov, "Stopham" should not be perceived as a way of "class struggle" or youth protest aimed at showing the powerlessness of the authorities and putting things in order in the streets. Dmitry considers his project educational, aimed at changing public consciousness, getting rid of the cliché “everyone does this”.

    The organization does not aim to replace the traffic police and focuses on combating blatant manifestations of disregard for the norms of urban dormitory.

    In terms of the abundance of regional branches, the project can be called federal and even international (Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova), but the work does not go smoothly everywhere.

    “We had to close the branch in Karelia. There he was led by an underage young man who approached the matter formally and pursued any traffic offenders, regardless of whether their car was interfering with someone or not, ”Chugunov emphasized.

    The first raids were carried out in Moscow in 2010 as part of the Our 2.0 project. In the summer of the same year, Chugunov presented the concept of combating motor vehicles at the Seliger forum.

    Six months after its creation, "Stopham" gained organizational and financial independence, providing the organizers with income.

    “In the beginning, I was involved in fundraising, investing my own money. But now we have partnership agreements with YouTube, and we get about 150-200 thousand rubles a month for placing ads, ”Chugunov said in 2013. With this money, he paid salaries to himself and to three activists who participated in all the raids. The rest worked in the project as volunteers.

    Now Chugunov is mainly employed in the Public Chamber, but retained the general supervision of the project.

    “He helps us. Previews edited videos before publishing them. Gives recommendations: where to add, where to reduce, "one of the leaders of" Stopham "Kirill Bunin told

    The movement is divided into separate projects. Bunin is engaged in actions against those who like to ride on the sidewalks. Another group that Nemov encountered is conducting raids against improper parking. Another group is working on the problem of illegal organization of private parking lots on urban land.

    Kirill explains the current cases of fights with motorists by the increased frequency of raids.

    “We are now running four events a week,” he said. - The backbone of the Moscow "Stopham" includes about 40 people. About 60 more people are those who participate in one-time promotions. "

    All are adults. This is a mandatory requirement. Each is given a safety briefing. Beginners take only observant positions. Those who are able to maintain restraint and calmness, are able to conduct a discussion and are legally savvy come into contact with drivers.

    Street fighting

    The Stopham project is widely known for its videos. Their aggressive content mainly determines public opinion about the movement. Critics believe that episodes when activists get kicked in the neck are not broadcast.

    However, up to 90 percent of the work, according to the activists themselves, remains behind the scenes, because in most cases they do not have any problems with violators at all. Most often, drivers fulfill a request to rearrange the car without entering into discussions.

    The publication of videos depicting conflicts and fights is considered by many as PR. However, it is primarily a way to protect activists from trumped-up accusations. Well, and earnings, including for the manufacture of the same stickers.

    Stopham production products are very popular with viewers. For example, the story about the clash of fighters for correct parking with the family of Chechnya's plenipotentiary envoy under the President of the Russian Federation Tamerlan Mingaev scored more than seven million views. The incident took place in April 2012 at the Evropeyskiy shopping center in Moscow. The video clip "Stopham" ultimately influenced the decision to dismiss Mingaev and initiate a criminal case on hooliganism against those who attacked the guys.

    A year later, the head of the commission, Vladimir Churov, apologized for the inappropriate behavior of the employee of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, Margaret Arakelyan. The girl in all seriousness stated to the camera that the status of a civil servant allows her to park her car at a pedestrian crossing.

    Dmitry Chugunov (left) Photo: Dmitry Lekai / Kommersant

    In the summer of 2013, the acting head of the Maryino City Council, Alexander Smoryakov, resigned after his wife hit two Stopham activists on the sidewalk in a Range Rover. At the same time, the woman demonstratively laid out the prefecture's pass on the dashboard.

    According to Kirill Bunin, they were repeatedly offered to buy the video or pay so that it would not be published, but activists do not agree to such offers.

    The efficiency and effectiveness of the work of the “stopkham” members led to an active growth of the movement in the regions. Moreover, the initiative came from below. Along the way, a wave of discontent rose. However, the opponents of "Stopham" never created any organizational forms, retaining their activity at the level of thematic groups in social networks.

    The most notable uprising against sidewalk fighters took place on February 10, 2015 in St. Petersburg, when seven Stopkham members were beaten and robbed. Three were hospitalized with serious injuries.

    And two weeks ago in Moscow, activists were attacked by a driver armed with a baseball bat. His SUV was stopped on the sidewalk. It is noteworthy that the aggressive man was laid to the ground not by the “Stopkham” members themselves, but by people passing by.

    "Rudeness cannot be defeated by rudeness"

    According to a 2014 poll, about 52 percent of Russians between the ages of 20 and 60 support Stopham. 17 percent have a negative attitude towards the movement. The rest of the project either do not know or are not interested in it at all.

    However, there are many famous people, public figures and human rights activists among the opponents of the movement.

    So, against "Stopham" is an athlete, the founder of the Russian karate school Koi No Takinobori Ryu, writer Andrei Kochergin.

    “Rudeness cannot be defeated by rudeness. People with an active civic position need to develop the existing law enforcement system. To achieve your goal in a legal, civilized way, "Kochergin told

    According to him, a system should be created in which caring people can conveniently transmit information about violators of parking rules and other intruders to the police.

    “The president is giving them three million grants,” says Kochergin. - Why? It turns out some kind of destructive activity, bypassing the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Some have a special pass that allows them to travel anywhere. This is sometimes necessary to ensure the security of the state. And that they should report to every jerk: why and where are they going? "

    By the way, at one time the former Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliev showed an active interest in the movement. He cited "Stopham" as an example for the employees of the department. However, this did not go further than this.

    At present, according to Chugunov, the attitude of the traffic police towards the "Stopkhamovtsy" is rather negative. There is no organized interaction between them.

    Kirill Bunin says that the relationship with the traffic cops can be described as "50 to 50". “On a personal level, many employees respect us, shake hands. They know by name, ”he said.

    Stopkham members rarely have problems with law enforcement agencies. There are no lawsuits in the movement's five-year history. Stickers on windshields, despite the objections of many lawyers, are not recognized in practice as "damage to someone else's property." Video filming of offenders without their consent is not punishable either.

    The Stopkham members themselves also do not seek to file a lawsuit against their offenders, if the clashes do not end with injuries. So in the case of Alexei Nemov - Chugunov says that the activists have no complaints about him.

    “If Alexey or his wife wants to develop this conflict, I will have to defend myself. I have the raw materials, and it won't work to say that she was away for five minutes or there was a child in the car, ”he warned.

    Sergey Lyutykh