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  • What will the new year of the Fire Rooster be like? Eastern Calendar and Zodiac Signs.

    What will the new year of the Fire Rooster be like?  Eastern Calendar and Zodiac Signs.

    Luck depends on many factors, one of which is the mood of the stars. It is of particular importance due to the fact that our energy depends on the behavior of the heavenly bodies.

    2017 follows the leap year. In fact, we are all very lucky, because the stars will stand in a rather favorable position for us. It remains only to set the direction of your movement. Numerologists, psychics and even oriental sages say that the coming year may be one of the most favorable in the last 10-15 years. Ultimately, everything will depend only on ourselves, but from the very first day it will be possible to expect special support from the stars for each sign of the Zodiac. The horoscope for 2017 will help you better understand the mood of the stars in relation to your Sign.

    Eastern Calendar and Zodiac Signs

    No wonder they say that everything in our world is interconnected. Eastern predictions for each new year are surprisingly plausible. As for 2017, the Fire Rooster will be the owner of this time. He is stately, business-like, strict, but at the same time caring. The rooster is courageous, so women will have to learn to be adamant and strong. It is very important for every person and every sign of the Zodiac to learn this year not to cross the fine line between diplomatic flexibility and softness.

    Not all Signs can do this without difficulty, but this does not mean that you will not succeed. This time can be a period of global changes in personal life. It is in the year of the Rooster that most people find their love, but not everyone can see it. It should be noted that this year there are most weddings. It is worth tying your destinies by marriage only if the inner voice does not just speak, but shouts in your ear so that you drop everything and run to the registry office.

    In love, people who are honest and open will be lucky. These qualities can be called innate in Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces... It will be a very fruitful "love" year. Don't miss your opportunity to find love and hold on to it. Bringing existing relationships to a higher level is the ideal way to develop mutual love. In 2017, both actions and words, as well as their symbiosis, will be important. Do not let empty words down the drain, back them up with actions. Judging by the forecasts of the eastern calendar, luck will be on the side of those who do not rest until such a privilege is earned. Here luck will smile Cancer, Virgo, Taurus, Aries, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius and Scorpio.

    Do not forget that according to the Eastern calendar, the time of fire continues. People who are used to making the world around them the way they need it will be able to feel a touch of luck. These include Lviv, Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Aries... These are the main restless people and those who can boast of an unyielding character and always good mood. Well, almost forever.

    Thus, astrologers named the three most successful Zodiac Signs for 2017 - these are: Virgo, Taurus, Sagittarius. However, there are other opinions as well.

    Numerology and the most successful Signs

    In 2017, the One will run the show. Here again, everything points to the fact that all the main theories of building luck around people are interconnected. A unit, like the Fire Rooster, is not afraid of obstacles and problems. She looks at the world with optimistic and realistic eyes, so she is not afraid.

    This year can also be successful for those who wish to find something new in themselves through the search for new hobbies and hobbies. Creative individuals will be able to find a way out of difficult situations much easier, because a unit loves everything non-standard and unusual.

    Just like the Rooster, the One can be very aggressive. She has impulsiveness, imprudence and excessive self-love. That is why all of the above advice is also given by numerologists. The science of numbers and their energetics does not run counter to astrology about the luckiest Signs in 2017. It will be Virgo, Sagittarius, Taurus. This does not mean that they have nothing to worry about and nothing to worry about. They have a lot to learn. Virgos need to learn not to go off the chosen path, as Aries, Gemini, Scorpio, Capricorns and Leo can do. Sagittarius needs a little more foresight. In this they should learn from Virgos, Scorpions. Taurus needs wisdom and diplomacy. Many representatives of this Zodiac Sign will be able to become the luckiest people in 2017.

    Astrologers' opinion

    So we got to the opinion of the astrologers themselves, who unanimously decided that the stars were most favorably located for the following Signs: Sagittarius, Taurus, Virgo, Gemini, Leo. This does not mean that difficulties and disappointments await others in business, love and health. The fact is that all the Zodiac Signs in 2017 will have a lot of work on themselves.

    Stars and other celestial bodies begin to emerge from the temporary state of dissonance in 2016, transforming and becoming more positive. 2017 can be a very successful year for people in high positions. So that your subordinates listen to you and respect you, be simple and come to the call for help more often. Show everyone that you are human and intend to always be there.

    Be smart like Aquarius, wise like Virgo, strong like Aries or Leo, love like Pisces, strive for heights like Capricorns, do not be afraid of difficulties like Scorpios, be irresistible like Libra and value friendship like Cancer or Gemini, then everything will be fine.

    The happiest people are those who set themselves the right goals and believe in themselves. Thoughts are material - 2017 will prove it to you once and for all. This auspicious time may not be around 10 years, so use it wisely. Good luck and remember to press the buttons and


    The new year is approaching and everyone, without exception, wants to know what awaits the signs of the zodiac in the first half of 2017. What to expect for each of the astrological signs and what to prepare for, writes

    Read our forecast and you will know what awaits you in the first half of 2017.


    The year will be very successful for the representatives of the zodiac sign Aries. The greatest achievements await you in the professional field, and the greatest happiness is in love. Get recognized at work in February. However, if you are not happy with your job, it is in this month that you should look for alternatives.

    In March, you will face challenges that will teach you valuable lessons, and in April, you must be careful with your finances. At the beginning of summer pleasant family celebrations and entertainment await you. In the middle of summer, you will meet someone who will offer you a fabulous career opportunity.


    If you are a representative of this zodiac sign, an exciting and dizzying year awaits you that will completely change you. At the beginning of the year, you will meet interesting people, some of whom will help you professionally, others will become close friends to you. In February, these acquaintances will involve you in some interesting projects. If any project seems interesting to you, do not hesitate to try it - you will be successful.

    In the spring, you may have disagreements with friends, in addition, the possibility of love adventures will appear on the horizon, but you do not need to participate in a love triangle - you should not. At the beginning of summer, you will be unexpectedly lucky, you will feel carefree and free, but this will only be temporary - at the end of June your work will require a lot of effort from you - sometimes more than what you are capable of. Use all your strength and stay alert because your efforts will be rewarded.


    This year you will be constantly in the clouds, and you will look for love at every step. Although you look at the world through rose-colored glasses, it will be very difficult at the beginning of the year, you may have to take out a loan (nevertheless, optimism will make you spend money easily). In March, the situation will improve significantly, because unexpected financial receipts await you - perhaps your salary will be raised or you will be offered a higher-paying position.

    Spring is the perfect time to reflect on your priorities, to take time for yourself - to focus on a hobby or to sign up for a course that will help you develop professionally. Late spring will have a lot of flirting, and in the summer you will wander between several love alternatives, but the first half of the year will not be favorable for starting a serious relationship.

    At the beginning of the year, you will be willing to do anything to achieve your goals, including hurting some of the people close to you. Be careful what you say and do because the end cannot justify the means. You will achieve much better results if you stick to your delicate nature.

    In the spring, joyful moments in love await you, perhaps your relationship will become deeper, and if you are still free, you will find a suitable partner. The most important thing at this time of year is to give love a chance. The beginning of summer is a time for big changes! A career development awaits you, a surprise in the family plan, and a friendship that can grow into something much more ...

    The whole year will be favorable for serious relationships and new beginnings, but in the first half you will be mostly busy with your personal life and personal development. Pay special attention to your relationships with those around you in January. You expect a special attitude towards yourself, but you should not exalt your own importance so much. If you treat someone unfairly, bad karma will overtake you. Be more positive and luck will smile at you.

    If in January you were kind and sympathetic to those around you, in February this dedication will pay off. In the spring, you may have health problems, pay attention to them, do not ignore them. Take better care of yourself - you deserve a rest. During May, this is the perfect time to change a little - change your hairstyle, home décor, or renew your wardrobe.


    This year, Virgos should be well organized to cope with all the challenges and problems that fate presented to you. At the beginning of the year, you will be overwhelmed with work, but laziness will prevent you from solving all the problems. Projects will pile up one after another, finally, you will feel guilty and even depressed because you did not complete everything on time. Make a list of tasks to get done and stay focused. The main thing is to move forward, even in small steps.

    In March, a person from the past will reappear, probably a former friend of yours. Remember why your relationship ended and do not return to him. In April, your efforts at work will be appreciated and you can look forward to a promotion, or at least generous praise. Take on new projects in the summer. Be creative and daring because you need fun after a tough few months.


    A wonderful year awaits you in which anything is possible. Be confident and you will achieve a lot. In February, there are many happy moments with family and friends. Give them time, help them in trouble and good deeds to return to you in abundance, care and love multiplies tenfold. May is the perfect time to do something nice for someone.

    In early summer, married Libra will think about children, and those who have already started a family will look for more time for themselves. The most important thing is that all Libras find a balance between family and personal time. The first six months of the year will be favorable for new professional endeavors, but most likely you will not be able to use the opportunities presented to you, because your mind will be constantly busy with your family.


    You have an amazing year ahead of you. Love excitement, travel, and new acquaintances will help streamline 2017. In February, think about your priorities, you will realize that what you have believed in until now is no longer working. This month you can get rid of all negative emotions ... anger, sadness and insecurity. They will be left behind and you will feel calm.

    In the spring, all lonely Scorpios will smile from ear to ear, but will try to hide their feelings ... and in vain! Everything will be written on your face, so just admit it and say the cherished “I love you” to the one who deserves it. Summer will be the time to take stock. Then you have to eliminate everything that is hindering you. Clean up your home, get rid of fears and stop communicating with people who only steal your energy.


    In the first half of the year, big changes and unexpected meetings await you. During the winter months, you need to be flexible because you will face several challenges. In April, your loved ones will turn to you for help or advice. You will try to solve problems, but you cannot do it. Don't worry because you don't know the correct answer to every question. Sometimes it's best to leave things as they are in order to gain the required experience. Several trips await in early summer. The most successful trip will be to the water.


    Hardworking Capricorns in January will only think about rest. You will have time to indulge in well-deserved relaxation. You just need to learn how to enjoy your vacation, because the world will not fall apart if you are not in control. Plus, after this short rest, you will feel happier and everyone will benefit.

    In February, you will have financial problems, but they can be overcome with a well thought out plan. In spring, you will be energized, you want to rediscover yourself and do something productive. If you're single, there will be a relationship opportunity in April, but you have to be a little more daring to take advantage of the opportunity. Don't wait for invitations, take the first step.

    Life does not stand still, and changes occur with each of us. What to prepare for the Signs of the Zodiac in 2017, this horoscope will help you find out.

    Changes occur for everyone, and if you do not see the desired prediction in your horoscope, this does not mean that it will remain unrealized. Astrologers predict only the brightest events, but you yourself build your life and can change it. And so that all the changes become real, and your plans come true, make wishes on New Year's Eve using a special technique and open up to meet your Destiny.


    For representatives of this Zodiac Sign, 2017 will pass quite smoothly. There is no need to be upset and jealous of those who can turn everything upside down overnight. Thanks to your energy, you will achieve your goals. Although in some cases it will seem like you are wasting your energy, you are not. After the next achievement, it will take you quite a long time to recover. And in order to properly allocate your resources, make a list of goals that you want to achieve in the new year, and stick to it. It will take you to a whole new level and bring a lot of discovery and change.


    The Year of the Fire Rooster promises to be eventful on the personal front. It will become difficult for you to restrain your feelings for the opposite sex, and you will be ready to dive into the pool with your head. Such rash actions will lead you to change, but not as desirable as it will turn out later. To avoid getting screwed up, develop your intuition with simple exercises and listen to it in moments of emotional outbursts. So you will avoid mistakes and make all your wishes come true.


    This year promises many new and interesting meetings. The innate flair of this Zodiac Sign will allow you to choose only the best from the whole abundance of options. This applies to both career and personal life. In this regard, it will be easy for you to decide on a specific project or field of activity that will bring incredible success. In a relationship with a partner, everything will also depend on how much you know how to listen and trust your inner voice. If there is sympathy between you and your significant other, put your mind into the background and listen to your heart. And to develop this ability, use meditations to open the heart chakra.


    Despite the fact that you dream of a measured and calm life next year, Fate will periodically throw you situations that push you out of your comfort zone. But this does not mean that you cannot enjoy peace and quiet. Your desire to settle down and start a family will come true, but only thanks to those unexpected and pleasant events that are already waiting for you around the corner. Don't worry if things don't go the way you intended. Enjoy every moment and believe in the best, then this is how it will be.

    a lion

    Under the influence of the Red Rooster, you will be in the spotlight throughout the entire period. This will allow you to make the connections you want and get what you want. However, be careful and pay attention to those who are generous with flattery. Such people can significantly damage your reputation, so you should stay away from them. All changes will be smooth and predictable. So make wishes, set ambitious goals and take action.


    This year will make its own adjustments to the measured life. Do not be surprised if an ordinary trip to the store turns into a fateful meeting with your significant other. If you get angry and worried about the fact that your plans are constantly being violated, then nothing good will come of it. Just relax and enjoy the gifts the Stars will give you. And in order to quickly navigate the situation, apply the laws of the Universe, which will make your life easier and more understandable.


    Representatives of this Zodiac Sign are expected to experience significant changes in their personal lives. Your openness and ability to enjoy everything beautiful will attract interesting people, from which you will choose your soul mate. For those who already have a family, a positive mood will help strengthen relationships and renew feelings. But this behavior can interfere with work, so it will be quite difficult for you to move up the career ladder and achieve your goals.


    The Year of the Rooster has prepared many career opportunities for you and increase your income. The work will take place in your usual mode and where colleagues will shrug their shoulders, you will come to the rescue and easily solve all the difficulties. But trust in loved ones will often be tested for strength. Therefore, you should be especially careful and not talk about the most intimate, since only a loved one can use your weak points against you.


    In 2017, you may have unexpected talents that you never knew existed. They will help to reach new heights and make all dreams come true. If you are worried that you will not be able to recognize your hidden abilities in time, then this is easy to fix. Any changes bring experiments and interesting experiences, do not limit yourself to familiar things. Try something new and you will succeed.


    In the coming period, you may have a situation that will literally turn your life upside down. And the blame for everything will be your feelings, which will get out of control. In order not to break the woods, carefully choose your acquaintances, and before you do anything, think carefully about the possible consequences. By giving in to a sudden emotional outburst, you can put your career in jeopardy. To keep yourself in control and not be exposed to sudden mood swings, turn to audio meditation, which will restore your inner balance.


    In the new year, Destiny will provide many opportunities for fulfilling the most cherished desires, and you will not need to put much effort into this. However, no water flows under the lying stone. Your task is to see your chance in time and take it. Also remember about the established rules, because in pursuit of goals you will have a great desire to cross the line of what is permitted. But this can be avoided, it is enough to believe in your own strength and trust the Universe.


    No matter how you try to plan the next year in detail, Fate will certainly make its own adjustments. But don't be upset. Use any turn of events to your advantage and then you will see that the Universe gives you more than you planned. Rejoice in any change and enjoy every minute of your life. This will make her even more intense and happy.

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    Change is not always an easy and pleasant experience ... But if you want, you can be amazing and fantastic. 2017 will bring you many opportunities for change, you need to be courageous in the face of a challenge to succeed. New Year brings with it new opportunities. And if you know all the favorable moments, you can realize all your dreams. 2017 gives each sign a chance for success in all spheres of life, including on the family front.

    The year will be very successful for the representatives of the zodiac sign Aries. The greatest achievements await you in the professional field, and the greatest happiness is in love. Get recognized at work in February. However, if you are not happy with your job, it is in this month that you should look for alternatives.

    In March, you will face challenges that will teach you valuable lessons, and in April, you must be careful with your finances. At the beginning of summer pleasant family celebrations and entertainment await you. In the middle of summer, you will meet someone who will offer you a fabulous career opportunity.

    If you are a representative of this zodiac sign, an exciting and dizzying year awaits you that will completely change you. At the beginning of the year, you will meet interesting people, some of whom will help you professionally, others will become close friends to you. In February, these acquaintances will involve you in some interesting projects. If a project seems interesting to you, do not hesitate to try it - you will be successful.

    In the spring, you may have disagreements with friends, in addition, the possibility of love adventures will appear on the horizon, but you do not need to participate in a love triangle - you should not. At the beginning of summer, you will be unexpectedly lucky, you will feel carefree and free, but this will only be temporary - at the end of June your work will require a lot of effort from you - sometimes more than what you are capable of. Use all your strength and stay alert because your efforts will be rewarded.

    This year you will be constantly in the clouds, and you will look for love at every step. Although you look at the world through rose-colored glasses, it will be very difficult at the beginning of the year, you may have to take out a loan (nevertheless, optimism will make you spend money easily). In March, the situation will improve significantly, because unexpected financial receipts await you - perhaps your salary will be raised or you will be offered a higher-paying position.

    Spring is the perfect time to reflect on your priorities, to take time for yourself - to focus on a hobby or to sign up for a course that will help you develop professionally. Late spring will have a lot of flirting, and in the summer you will wander between several love alternatives, but the first half of the year will not be favorable for starting a serious relationship.

    At the beginning of the year, you will be willing to do anything to achieve your goals, including hurting some of the people close to you. Be careful what you say and do because the end cannot justify the means. You will achieve much better results if you stick to your delicate nature.

    In the spring, joyful moments in love await you, perhaps your relationship will become deeper, and if you are still free, you will find a suitable partner. The most important thing at this time of year is to give love a chance. The beginning of summer is a time for big changes! A career development awaits you, a surprise in the family plan, and a friendship that can grow into something much more ...

    The whole year will be favorable for serious relationships and new beginnings, but in the first half you will be mostly busy with your personal life and personal development. Pay special attention to your relationships with those around you in January. You expect a special attitude towards yourself, but you should not exalt your own importance so much. If you treat someone unfairly, bad karma will overtake you. Be more positive and luck will smile at you.

    If in January you were kind and sympathetic to those around you, in February this dedication will pay off. In the spring, you may have health problems, pay attention to them, do not ignore them. Take better care of yourself - you deserve a rest. During May, this is the perfect time to change a little - change your hairstyle, home décor, or renew your wardrobe.

    This year, Virgos should be well organized to cope with all the challenges and problems that fate presented to you. At the beginning of the year, you will be overwhelmed with work, but laziness will prevent you from solving all the problems. Projects will pile up one after another, finally, you will feel guilty and even depressed because you did not complete everything on time. Make a list of tasks to get done and stay focused. The main thing is to move forward, even in small steps.

    In March, a person from the past will reappear, probably a former friend of yours. Remember why your relationship ended and do not return to him. In April, your efforts at work will be appreciated and you can look forward to a promotion, or at least generous praise. Take on new projects in the summer. Be creative and daring because you need fun after a tough few months.

    A wonderful year awaits you in which anything is possible. Be confident and you will achieve a lot. In February, there are many happy moments with family and friends. Give them time, help them in trouble and good deeds to return to you in abundance, care and love multiplies tenfold. May is the perfect time to do something nice for someone.

    In early summer, married Libra will think about children, and those who have already started a family will look for more time for themselves. The most important thing is that all Libras find a balance between family and personal time. The first six months of the year will be favorable for new professional endeavors, but most likely you will not be able to use the opportunities presented to you, because your mind will be constantly busy with your family.

    You have an amazing year ahead of you. Love excitement, travel, and new acquaintances will help streamline 2017. In February, think about your priorities, you will realize that what you have believed in until now is no longer working. This month you can get rid of all negative emotions ... anger, sadness and insecurity. They will be left behind and you will feel calm.

    In the spring, all lonely Scorpios will smile from ear to ear, but will try to hide their feelings ... and in vain! Everything will be written on your face, so just admit it and say the cherished "I love you" to the one who deserves it. Summer will be the time to take stock. Then you have to eliminate everything that is hindering you. Clean up your home, get rid of fears and stop communicating with people who only steal your energy.

    In the first half of the year, big changes and unexpected meetings await you. During the winter months, you need to be flexible because you will face several challenges. In April, your loved ones will turn to you for help or advice. You will try to solve problems, but you cannot do it. Don't worry because you don't know the correct answer to every question. Sometimes it's best to leave things as they are in order to gain the required experience. Several trips await in early summer. The most successful trip will be to the water.

    Hardworking Capricorns in January will only think about rest. You will have time to indulge in well-deserved relaxation. You just need to learn how to enjoy your vacation, because the world will not fall apart if you are not in control. Plus, after this short rest, you will feel happier and everyone will benefit.

    In February, you will have financial problems, but they can be overcome with a well thought out plan. In spring, you will be energized, you want to rediscover yourself and do something productive. If you're single, there will be a relationship opportunity in April, but you have to be a little more daring to take advantage of the opportunity. Don't wait for invitations, take the first step.

    In the summer, there are many positive experiences awaiting you. Beaches, picnics and walks all over the country. Obviously, the first half of the year will be devoted to enjoyable pursuits, rather than thinking about your work. Career development can only be expected at the end of the year.

    The first half of the year will be favorable for career development, but you will face personal problems. In the first few months, you will feel very irritable and lonely, as if you have come to a foreign planet. You must find time to rest, as well as to restore the balance of the inner world, otherwise your relationships with loved ones will suffer due to the behavior.

    At the beginning of spring, you will be filled with energy and interesting ideas for new projects. Be ambitious and put in the necessary energy to realize them, but be very careful - some people may take advantage of you. Discuss your ideas and plans with your close friends, they will give you sound advice.

    In the summer, lonely Aquarians will fall in love, but they will not want to admit it to themselves right away, But why are you hiding it - just admit it. Married representatives of this zodiac sign will be especially romantic and will want to do everything possible to make their loved one happy.

    The first half of the year is not without failures, but it promises you a lot of joyful moments in your love plan. The year will start hard, you will be overwhelmed with work, and you will not have a moment of peace. Be firm and use all your strength to realize your projects. All your efforts will pay off quickly.

    The beginning of the year is the perfect time to quit your addiction. In the spring, your main motivation will be love. If you are in a relationship, it will deepen and improve. If you are free, then you must decide what kind of partner you are looking for, because fate is ready to help you.

    At the beginning of summer, you should pay attention to the house. The cleanliness and new interior will make it as cozy as possible. In June, finally, you will feel more relaxed - you will discover inner peace and harmony.

    The horoscope is provided by the portal

    The forecast is made daily by professional astrologers

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    > What will be the year 2019 according to the sign of the zodiac

    For thousands of years, people have been looking at the sky in the hope of reading fate. Each year, the constellations and planets create a new attitude. And it is important for us to know what will happen, what to expect and how to meet these months. The eastern horoscope will help you prepare for any unforeseen situation and tell you the best way to properly plan your affairs.

    Features of the year: under what sign will 2019 be held

    2019 is under the rule of the Yellow Pig. For many members of the zodiacal circle, this will be an incredibly fertile and successful year. It is only important not to forget that we are facing a rather peaceful animal that will not tolerate manifestations of aggression and hatred. Try to control your emotions. What will the horoscope say and which zodiac sign will be lucky in 2019?

    What will the Yellow Pig bring to the zodiac signs?

    Astrologers agree that 2019 will be incredibly favorable and lucky for many. Success will affect both personal life and business. The main thing in everything is to show positive emotions and support others. The largest number of bonuses will go to representatives of the water element.

    Aries good luck in love and at work is guaranteed. The influence of the Pig will increase his energy supply and force him to direct all his forces towards the implementation of the tasks set. There will be an opportunity to significantly improve the financial situation. Taurus you should look around so as not to lose sight of promising business partners and mentors. The pig advises to trust your own intuition, so do not be afraid to invest if you feel that the business will work out.

    Gemini in 2019 you will have to try hard in your career plan. If he does not retreat before obstacles and will hold out until the very end, then the symbol of the year guarantees enrichment and promotion. The pig will smile Cancer, if in the previous year this zodiac gave all the best at work and did not slow down until now. The most important thing is not to be afraid of changes and unexpected situations. It will be a little strange and uncomfortable, but all your efforts will pay off.

    Leo in the year of the Yellow Pig, it is important to take on some new project or business. It can be both a work assignment and a contribution to self-development. The pig recommends acting quickly and intuitively, because long deliberation will lead to lost opportunities. Virgo finally, you should show your ambition and activity as much as possible. Along with the growth of financial wealth, self-confidence will also increase. The zodiac sign should listen to the advice of the person closest to you, especially in critical situations.

    scales should never forget about balance. You can't just lean towards work or fill your life exclusively with entertainment. It will be difficult at first, but in the second half of the year the Pig will bring relief. Try to give up adventures and dubious deals. Scorpion used to punch walls with his forehead on the way to the cherished goal. But in 2019 there will be problems with this strategy. The Yellow Pig encourages determination, but will not tolerate stubbornness and self-confidence. Therefore, it is better to show awareness and caution.

    For Sagittarius 2019 will be a particularly joyful year in material terms. This zodiac will be able to make money from literally any business. There will be a risk of taking part in a scam, but the symbol of the year will save you from mistakes. Capricorn should always feel that he is in control of the state of affairs. Therefore, the Pig will help channel ambition and leadership in the right direction. The main thing is to understand that a positive result is not luck, but a consequence of your work.

    Aquarius finds himself in a real whirlpool of passions. The zodiac sign will try to improve their career, improve family relationships and find a partner. All this will require a large energy supply, so the Pig will help not to get confused and use energy correctly. The same goes for Pisces... You will succeed if you do not waste your energy on trifles and unnecessary actions. Try to take on only those things that evoke an emotional response.

    In 2019, a new owner appeared in the form of the Yellow Pig. This is a pet that directs all energy and strength to improve life and relationships between relatives and friends. This symbol promises to endow everyone financially, but there is one rule - not to brag.

    Of course, the color has changed this year. It is best to celebrate the New Year in yellow or gold. You can add variety to your wardrobe with these colors throughout 2019. Prefer a free style of clothing, because the Pig does not like austerity and formality. They are comfortable dresses and light suits. When choosing jewelry, look for those that match your element.

    What to gift? Since this is a home symbol and a concentrate of comfort, then focus on everything that is useful in everyday life and household. It can be something practical, like furniture, kitchen utensils, clothing. Or try to decorate your home with some antiques, art, etc. Just do not forget to wrap each gift in a beautiful packaging.