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  • Can homeopathic treatment of prostatitis help? drug rating. Is it possible to cure inflammation of the prostate with homeopathic remedies Homeopathic remedy for prostate adenoma

    Can homeopathic treatment of prostatitis help?  drug rating.  Is it possible to cure inflammation of the prostate with homeopathic remedies Homeopathic remedy for prostate adenoma

    Why can't treatment be delayed?

    • Stagnation of urine leads to the development of urolithiasis
    • Develop chronic diseases: cystitis, pyelonephritis and renal failure.
    • impotence, infertility, psychological trauma and problems in family life
    • The risk of developing cancer.

    Benefits of our treatment:

    • We cure the disease completely (!) in 1-2 months
    • We provide additional thorough diagnostics of the genitourinary, endocrine and cardiovascular systems free of charge.
    • We use only harmless homeopathy for treatment - we cure completely without antibiotics, operations, injections and pills!

    Reasons for the formation of prostate adenoma

    malfunctions of the endocrine system

    hereditary factor

    the presence of venereal and infectious diseases of the urinary system

    Age over 50

    Symptoms of prostate adenoma

    Difficulty and frequent urination

    Sluggish and intermittent urine stream

    Decreased sex drive

    Signs of impotence.

    Habitual treatment

    The usual methods of getting rid of a patient from prostate adenoma can be divided into 2 groups - conservative and surgical treatment.

    With conservative treatment, potent chemicals are used to expand the urethra (Alpha-blockers) and reduce the size of the prostate (5-alpha reductase inhibitors).

    There are 2 types of operations: conventional abdominal - open prostatectomy (with a gland volume of more than 60 g and with a residual urine volume of 150 ml or more). At less pronounced stages, transurethral endourological treatment is used through the urethra using endoscopic instruments.

    More and more men, realizing their "doom" to surgical treatment, increasingly began to turn to homeopathic doctors for the treatment of prostate adenoma.

    Homeopathic treatment of prostate adenoma

    Treatment of prostate adenoma with homeopathy is one of the most important areas of work for homeopathic doctors of the ADONIS center. Since 1995, they have helped thousands of men without surgery and hormones. different ages forget about all the complaints associated with this pathology. It is very important that the results obtained are stable!

    The basis of the formation of this benign tumor is a hormonal imbalance.

    Therefore, all attempts to cure adenoma by other methods come down only to eliminating the consequences of this imbalance. Of course, such treatment cannot be considered radical - it gives a temporary result: the cause of the pathology remains!

    Doctors of the center direct homeopathy as a powerful tool just to normalize the level of their own hormones! And this is the main advantage, because. the action of chemical hormones ends immediately after their cancellation. And their constant use is extremely undesirable because of the abundance of side effects - just read the annotations to these drugs.

    Now there are more than 1000 homeopathic mono-drugs that theoretically can cure adenoma. And almost every patient is suitable for only 2-3 drugs. In order to find them and “cut off” the remaining 998 remedies, the professionalism of a homeopath must have enormous special knowledge and personal experience in the treatment of prostate adenoma. He should be able to work with programs for repertorization (computer selection) of preparations.

    Patients notice the result of treatment already during the first weeks of taking individually selected homeopathic remedies. Urination gradually improves, sexual desire and potency increase. And, accordingly, the mood and self-esteem rises!

    And most importantly: there is no harm to health from such treatment! Only benefit!

    Additional diagnostics in the ADONIS center

    Individual choice is the basis of success in homeopathy. Therefore, for the treatment of adenoma with homeopathy, the specialists of the center actively use additional diagnostics - or.

    With the help of these latest technologies, they can immediately test dozens of pre-selected mono preparations at the first appointment and choose the most effective ones. And at the second visit, the doctors of the center check the dynamics of resorption of hypertrophied gland tissues - and this is a concrete and objective assessment!

    These diagnostics themselves are absolutely painless: the doctor makes notes from biologically active points. The results obtained are processed by a special program that allows you to evaluate the result of treatment and choose drugs for the next stage of treatment.

    By the way, the "by-product" of these examinations is a voluminous protocol, which indicates all the existing and possible pathologies in the body. This is very valuable information, incomparable in volume and quality with other studies.

    Therapeutic methods of the center

    To obtain faster results and prevent relapses, the doctors of the center use therapeutic procedures - (resonant frequency therapy) and.

    1. Guaranteed reduction in complaints after 2 weeks, and after 2-3 months, resorption of adenoma
    (formations larger than 30 mm are absorbed by more than 50%).

    2. Treatment with individual homeopathic medicines - without side effects and harm to health!

    4. You will receive a complete protocol of your health status (on 5 sheets) with a list of all pathologies and diseases.

    5. You will receive all the necessary drugs for the full course of treatment free of charge!

    In order not to suffer from prostate adenoma, there is a simple and reliable way: call our center and we will solve your problem!

    Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. Today, this disease torments a huge number of men. Consider the types of prostatitis and its causes.

    Types of prostatitis

    Allocate infectious and non-infectious prostatitis. It is also customary to classify the disease into acute and chronic types.

    Causes of prostatitis

    The causes of the disease depend largely on its type. For example, the acute form of the disease develops due to an infection (bacterial, viral or fungal) entering the body. If acute prostatitis is not properly treated or started at all, then sooner or later it will lead to complications, such as prostate abscess, orchitis (testicular inflammation) and epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis). In addition, the disease can become chronic.

    The causes of chronic prostatitis are various. Suppose, as mentioned above, it occurs as a result of an undertreated acute form. Also, the disease can be caused by congestion in the prostate gland (due to irregular sexual life, and so on).

    Infectious prostatitis, as it is easy to understand from the name, occurs due to infection.

    Non-infectious or congestive prostatitis appears due to stagnation of blood in the prostate due to infrequent sexual intercourse, a sedentary lifestyle and hypothermia. Most often, chronic prostatitis belongs to this type.

    We will separately consider men who are at risk for prostatitis. This includes people who, on duty or of their own free will, move little. Those who suffer from chronic constipation and have had infections of the genitourinary system should also be afraid. The problem can befall men who often change sexual partners. Finally, lovers of alcohol abuse are also at risk of getting prostatitis.

    Symptoms of prostatitis

    The disease in the early stages may not manifest itself in any way and not give cause for concern. The first alarming light is problems with urination. Then sexual disorders begin, so familiar to all those who have suffered or are suffering from prostatitis. To achieve an erection and a quality orgasm is gradually becoming more difficult.

    The most important signs of prostatitis were described above. There are others, including a burning sensation in the groin and urethra, pain during bowel movements, frequent urge to urinate, and discharge of a mucous character from the urethra during bowel movements. Also, patients note the presence of floating threads in the urine, complain of spontaneous erection at night and too rapid ejaculation. There is a general weakness, characteristic of almost all ailments.

    A very striking symptom is a feeling of depression, the patient is frightened and sees the future in black.

    We add that these signs do not necessarily come at the same time. Even in the same man, symptoms can come and go over time.

    Treatment of prostatitis by methods of classical medicine

    The treatment of prostatitis in traditional medicine includes a whole range of measures, including antibiotic therapy, prostate massage, physiotherapy, immunocorrective therapy and the correct regimen. It is difficult to treat inflammation of the prostate, and a positive result can not always be achieved.

    Antibacterial therapy is, in fact, the appointment of drugs that fight infection (if it was the cause of the disease). Medicines are prescribed individually for each patient, depending on the course of the disease.

    Prostate massage is the oldest treatment for prostatitis. It was used even in the 19th century and, despite its simplicity, was a fairly effective measure. Massage allows you to restore the patency of the ducts, increase the patency of chemicals into the prostate gland and improve blood circulation, as well as muscle tone of the prostate gland. Prostate massage should be performed by a professional doctor, you can not do it at home on your own.

    Physiotherapy is a well-known way to treat prostatitis. It is based on the action of electromagnetic waves, ultrasonic waves or laser. Via this method increased blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

    When the disease gives complications, one has to resort to surgical intervention. For example, if an abscess of the prostate gland develops in acute prostatitis or an acute urinary retention is observed, then an operation is performed. And in chronic prostatitis, surgery is indicated when the relaxation of the sphincter of the bladder or bladder neck is disturbed. In the latter case, the so-called transurethral incision of the bladder neck is performed.

    As practice shows, classical medicine does not always cope with prostatitis. It is not possible to eradicate the causes of the disease, so an increasing number of men turn to homeopathy.

    Treatment of prostatitis with homeopathic methods

    Homeopathic medicine Belladonna in 3, 3 and 6 dilution helps with acute prostatitis, when the patient complains of a feeling of swelling, fever and frequent urge to urinate.

    In the 3rd, 3rd and 6th dilutions, it will help with burning pains in the groin area, coupled with general restlessness and a feeling of internal heat.

    In 6, 12 and 30 dilutions it is good for acute prostatitis, if there is pain in the lower abdomen, especially during the urge to urinate. The drug can be used for post-gonorrheal prostatitis.

    Medorhinum in 12 and 30 dilutions helps patients who have prostatitis as a complication of gonorrhea.

    In 3, 3 and 6 dilutions, it is an effective homeopathic medicine for pain in the groin area, which is aggravated by movement.

    Chimafila in 3, 3 and 6 dilutions will help patients with subacute or chronic prostatitis, as well as prostate adenoma. These men complain of heaviness in the perineum and problems with urination.

    Sabal Serrulata in 2x, 3x, 3 and 6 dilutions is a good homeopathic medicine for hypertrophy and prostate adenoma, when there is a complaint of frequent and in some cases painful urination at night. The potency is weak, ejaculation is painful.

    In 3x, 3rd and 6th dilution it is ideal when prostatitis is a complication of gonorrhea.

    In 3, 3 and 6 dilution is used in patients with prostatic hypertrophy. The patient is troubled by cutting pain after urination.

    In 6, 12 and 30 dilutions, it is prescribed as a homeopathic remedy for prostate adenoma, depending on the constitutional type of the patient. Often a symptom of this disease is sexual weakness.

    An impressive percentage of middle-aged and elderly men suffer from prostatitis. Inflammatory processes occur in the prostate gland for a number of reasons, among which - sedentary image life, irregular sexual contacts, infections. All of these factors are relevant for modern society. There are many ways to treat this disease, but recently more and more attention is paid to non-traditional methods. That is why homeopathy for prostatitis is of great interest to patients, as it is considered very safe and effective option therapy. The features of this approach to the return of male strength and health should be considered in more detail.

    In homeopathic treatment, microdilutions of various active substances are used.

    Method features

    The principle of homeopathy is “like cures like”. Therefore, before prescribing treatment, it is necessary to collect a detailed anamnesis and carefully study the patient's medical history. Depending on the course of the disease and the nature of its manifestations, drugs are selected, some of which are a kind of poison in microscopic dosage.

    The essence of homeopathic treatment is to influence the symptoms of prostatitis with those substances that can cause such manifestations.

    In order to achieve a therapeutic effect, and not aggravate the problem, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of active substances, since they are used in very low concentrations.

    The choice of remedy and the selection of dosage must be trusted exclusively by a practicing physician.

    Only a certified homeopathic doctor has the right to select and prepare preparations. Self-treatment in this case is completely excluded, since the misuse of drugs can cause a lot of side effects.

    Treatment of prostatitis through the use of homeopathic medicines is used both as an independent course and as part of complex therapy. In addition, with their help, you can speed up the recovery process after surgical interventions. Small doses of drugs can also serve as a means of preventing complications and repeated episodes of the disease.

    Benefits of homeopathy

    The popularity of homeopathic therapy is due to the fact that this method has much more advantages than potential risks and adverse effects.

    Despite the fact that homeopathic treatment takes a long time, the effectiveness of the technique has been proven both in theory and in practice. As a result of therapy, the prostate of a sick man returns to normal, and the symptoms of inflammation completely disappear.

    The use for the treatment of homeopathic remedies for prostatitis, as well as the similar approach in medicine in general, have the following advantages:

    Used drugs

    In order for the results of therapy to be maximum, it is important to select high-quality drugs and determine the optimal regimen for their administration. Only a few homeopathic preparations are available for free sale in pharmacies. Most drugs are strictly prescription drugs, despite their safety.

    There are monopreparations and complex agents that include several components at once.

    Prostamol Uno is a homeopathic remedy in capsules used in the treatment of prostatitis.

    The active substance is used in milli-doses or diluted. Medicines can be in the form of conventional tablets, capsules, powders or drops, which generally have a narrow scope. Gentos, Vitaprost, Prostamol Uno are used to treat prostatitis.

    Another option is preparations in the form of white granules, which, both individually and in combination, can also be used to eliminate other pathologies. What kind of remedy to use in a particular case, the doctor will determine after diagnosing the patient. The following drugs are most often prescribed:

    • belladonna;
    • apis;
    • bryony;

    Homeopathic remedies in granules

    • barite carbonica;
    • calcarea carbonica;
    • lycopodium;
    • aconite;
    • medorinum;
    • sabal serrulata;
    • aloe;
    • chamomill;
    • medorhinum;

    Sulfur is one of the oldest homeopathic medicines in use.

    • sulfur;
    • heparsulfur;
    • aesculus;
    • conium;
    • selenium;

    Due to its active effect on the liver, selenium helps to cleanse the body of toxins released during inflammation.

    • nux vomica;
    • Mercurius solubilis;
    • cimafila;
    • pulsatilla;
    • sepia;

    Aurum metallicum - a homeopathic preparation based on gold

    • aurum metallicum;
    • staphysagria.

    It is necessary to pay attention not only to the list of drugs and their properties, but also to the concentration of their dilution, since a single dosage, the frequency of administration and the duration of the course depend on this.

    Basic rules of therapy

    The basic rule of homeopathic therapy is to follow the instructions and instructions of the attending physician. You can use prostatitis medicines in many ways, it all depends on their type. For example, monopreparations in granules should be dissolved in water and drunk before meals or after, depending on the instructions in the instructions.

    One of the effective ways to take granules is to dissolve them in a small amount of water.

    Another way to take them is resorption under the tongue. This method allows you to achieve the fastest penetration of active substances into the blood and their effects on the prostate gland.

    The form of prostatitis affects the features of treatment with homeopathic medicines.

    In an acute course, a large concentration of active substances is required, as well as connection to traditional medicine therapy. chronic inflammation the prostate gland is successfully treated with the help of exclusively homeopathic medicines, which must be taken for at least a year to achieve a sustainable positive effect. It is the lack of addiction to the medicine in this case that is a huge plus.

    It should be noted that the reaction of the body depends on individual characteristics and principles of drug action.

    Many factors can affect the effectiveness of treatment, including age and the presence of comorbidities.

    In men, an almost instantaneous therapeutic effect can be observed, but more often a long course of therapy is required.

    Disadvantages and contraindications

    Such an organ as the prostate quite often undergoes pathological changes. Some treatments can have not only benefits, but also negative effects on it. As for homeopathy, in this case, the risks of side effects are minimized. Even the appearance of an allergic reaction to the drugs used is rather an exception to the rule.

    However, there are several situations that do not speak in favor of homeopathic therapy. First of all, it is important to follow the order of taking medications. Not all men succeed in such a simple, at first glance, task.

    Some homeopathic medicines need to be taken strictly at certain hours.

    The drugs are used in a certain sequence according to the schedule, sometimes the frequency is calculated in hours and days, in other cases - for months, so you can simply miss the right moment. In addition, it should be borne in mind that not all pharmacies are available necessary funds, and not everywhere there are doctors with a sufficient level of knowledge and qualifications.

    Contraindications may be individual intolerance to active substances, as well as the presence of related pathologies that need to be treated with more radical methods, such as prostate cancer.

    In general, homeopathy is an acceptable way to get rid of prostatitis, if you follow the rules of treatment.

    A detailed description of the homeopathic preparation Prostamol Uno, used to treat prostatitis, see the video:

    Prostate diseases require long-term treatment with a combined approach: taking medications in combination with physiotherapy. Despite the existing methods of official medicine, more and more patients are resorting to non-traditional methods.

    Homeopathic remedies for prostatitis and adenoma are prescribed as a preventive and conservative measure aimed at restoring the functioning of the prostate gland. Means help to improve the patient's well-being, eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

    The role of homeopathy in the treatment of the prostate

    No method of alternative medicine is able to cope with inflammation or benign prostatic hyperplasia on its own, especially if the diseases have become advanced. The effectiveness of homeopathy decreases as the changes become chronic.

    The principle of action of drugs is based on the idea that active substances have different effects on a healthy and diseased body. If, in the absence of disease, a homeopathic medicine acts like a poison, then in the case of a developing pathology, a healing effect will be exerted. The therapeutic effect can be expressed in a few words: "Treatment of one's own kind."

    To determine how effective the reception of funds will be, pay attention to three important aspects:

    1. What is included in the preparations;
    2. Existing contraindications and disadvantages;
    3. Application principles.
    When properly prescribed, homeopathy helps with sexual dysfunction, enhances potency and restores the normal functioning of the prostate. An additional benefit from taking funds is the elimination of negative symptoms: dysuric disorders, frequent nighttime urination and pain.

    The composition of homeopathic remedies

    Some patients believe that the medicines are made from phyto-components, others think that they are completely chemical preparations. Actually homeopathic remedies include:
    • vegetable components 70-75%;
    • minerals, acids, alkalis and other substances of chemical origin 20%;
    • components of an animal, organic genesis 5%.
    The list of drugs used to treat hyperplasia and destructive processes of the prostate gland:
    1. Anti-inflammatory:
      • Apis;
      • Belladonna;
      • Conium;
      • Medorinum;
      • Medorchinum;
      • Mercurius solubilis;
      • Hamomill;
      • Aesculus;
      • Ceanothus.
    2. Helps with sexual dysfunction:
      • Aurum metallicum;
      • Pulsatilla;
      • Selenium.
    3. To improve blood circulation in the prostate:
      • barite carbonica;
      • Calcarea carbonica;
      • Sepia;
      • Bryony;
      • Sabal.
    4. Elimination of dysuric disorders and pain:
      • Aloe;
      • Lycopodium;
      • Staphysagria;
      • Sulfur;
      • Cimafila;
      • Himafila;
    5. Removal of puffiness and fight against benign and malignant hyperplasia:
      • Heparsulfur;
      • Nux vomica;
      • Aconite.
    Products manufactured by Heel, Henkel are popular. Effective therapy depends on the right treatment regimen. Before starting the application, a complete examination of the body is required. During the study, the disorders that cause the underlying disease will be identified.

    Homeopathic remedies used in diseases of the prostate and urinary system are prescribed in such a way as to cope with the catalyst for inflammation and tissue growth.

    Disadvantages and contraindications to homeopathy

    Any method of drug therapy has its drawbacks. Homeopathy is no exception, it has its drawbacks. Before using, you should make sure that there are no contraindications.

    The disadvantages are:

    • The cost of the method - both the drugs themselves and the consultation of a specialist prescribing treatment are expensive. Without proper prescription, homeopathy will be absolutely useless. Self-medication won't help.
    • Restrictions - at the same time as taking the drugs, it is impossible to conduct sessions of manual and physiotherapy, acupuncture.
    • The dependence of the effectiveness of the method on the qualifications of the homeopath. An appointment will cost approximately 20-30% of the total cost of therapy.

    Although some homeopathic remedies are prescribed for the treatment of prostate cancer, experts do not recommend using them instead of the classic way to fight oncology, replacing,. There is insufficient evidence of the effectiveness of the method in the treatment of severe diseases of the genitourinary system.

    Homeopathy as monotherapy for the prostate

    Even official medicine uses more than one method to treat prostate diseases. It takes a combination to heal a patient medications, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, lifestyle adjustments, timely completion of a course of preventive measures. To cope with advanced inflammation or hyperplasia, a combined approach will be required.

    Homeopathic treatment of prostatitis basically boils down to eliminating the symptoms and causes that provoked the violation. The drugs are effective only in the early stages of the disease, or when a stable remission is achieved to prevent pathological changes.

    Read also: Prevention and treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies

    Homeopathic remedies for prostatitis

    About 20 drugs have been developed to help with inflammation of the prostate gland of various etiologies. Patients are offered a combination of several medicines aimed at the main catalysts of disturbances. Complex homeopathic preparations for the treatment of prostatitis are popular: Gentos, Prostaton and the like.

    The best results can be achieved by prescribing funds selected in each case:

    • For non-bacterial prostatitis- it is necessary to eliminate the inflammation caused by injuries and hypothermia. To prevent relapse, it is necessary to improve blood supply and synthesis of substances. Any of the anti-inflammatory drugs and agents that improve tissue metabolism are prescribed: Apis, Belladonna, Konium, Bryonia, Sabal.
    • For chronic prostatitis- in this case, it will be necessary to eliminate congestion and restore tissues. From prolonged damage to the gland, its functions suffer.
      In the treatment of inflammation of the prostate, homeopathic remedies include those that increase sexual desire and stimulate an erection. Assign: Barita carbonica, Calcarea carbonica, Selenium, Pulsatilla, Medorinum, Ceanotus.
    For each type of inflammation, homeopathic suppositories for prostatitis, including St. John's wort and propolis extract, showed good results. Suppositories quickly relieve inflammation, have a wound healing and regenerating effect.

    Homeopathy in the treatment of prostate cancer uses Aconite and Geparsulfur. Contraindications - late stages of oncology, the preoperative period, as well as the patient's recovery time after undergoing chemotherapy and radiation.

    Homeopathic remedies for adenoma

    Enlarged prostate - diagnosed in 40-50% of older men. The cause of hyperplasia is age-related changes and related disorders in hormonal background, sexual life.

    Homeopathic preparations for prostate adenoma are aimed at achieving the following effect:

    • Eliminate symptoms- frequent urination, nighttime urination, pain; all these manifestations accompany the growth of gland tissues. To successfully combat violations in the homeopathic treatment of prostate adenoma include drugs that reduce the volume of the gland: Heparsulfur, Nux Vomica. Additionally, drugs are prescribed to help with dysuric disorders: Aloe, Lycopodium, Staphysagria, Sulfur, Cimafila.
    • Restore prostate function- homeopathy for benign prostatic hyperplasia helps to prevent the occurrence of recurrence of the disease. Without normalization of work, even after successful therapy, the disease will return in 6-12 months. For this purpose, write out: Sepia, Bryonia, Sabal.
    As in the case of prostatitis, complex homeopathic preparations are suitable for the treatment of prostate adenoma. In therapy, Conium maculatum Oligoplex, Rhododendron Oligoplex, Echinacea Oligoplex are used.

    Before prescribing treatment, a complete examination of the patient is necessary. In addition to diagnosing the underlying disease, it is important to identify the causes that caused the violations. Homeopathy is aimed at the catalysts of pathological changes. The effectiveness depends on the correctly selected treatment regimen and the qualifications of the doctor who determines the therapy.

    Practically from 20 to 80% of men suffer from chronic prostatitis. Their average age reaches more than 25 years. Prostatitis is infectious and non-infectious. Thus, the latter accounts for 2/3 of the cases, but this division is conditional. Homeopathy for prostatitis is considered one of the most effective ways to get rid of the disease.

    Prostatitis and its causes

    Prostatitis is a disease that occurs when the prostate gland becomes inflamed. In order to choose a remedy for the treatment of chronic prostatitis, you need to know about the main causes of its occurrence. As a rule, prostatitis can remind of itself in case of:

    • severe hypothermia;
    • due to injuries of the genitourinary system;
    • sedentary work;
    • rare sexual life;
    • constipation;
    • lack of physical activity.

    The main symptoms of prostatitis

    There are several symptoms that indicate a violation of the prostate, in particular:

    IMPORTANT! When fighting prostatitis at an early stage, serious complications with men's health can be avoided.

    This refers to the risk of impotence and infertility, as well as to reduce the possibility of surgical intervention at an advanced stage of the disease. And treatment for prostatitis occurs with the help of tablets, analgesics, transrectal prostate massage, suppositories and homeopathic medicines.

    • a man feels discomfort and severe pain in the intimate area;
    • discomfort in the scrotum;
    • pain during urination; the presence of pain during erection;
    • sclerosis of the prostate tissue - wrinkling - can also occur.

    Features and benefits of homeopathic treatment

    Practice has shown that homeopathy for prostate is a fairly effective way to overcome a male disease. This type of treatment has a number of advantages, in particular:

    • has a positive complex effect on the body of a man;
    • favorably affects the result, showing the effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive manipulations;
    • has no specific contraindications.
    • the risk of complications is reduced to a minimum;
    • can be used for a long period;
    • there is no possibility of getting used to the drug.

    The correct selection of drugs helps to improve or restore the erectile function of a man, as well as normalize other important functions: eliminate pain during urination, various discharges, etc. What is important in this process is that the effect can be felt not instantly, but gradually. As a rule, for a full recovery, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment, taking drugs for at least several months. But in the absence of physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle, homeopathic remedies can sometimes be taken for years. This is in the case of preventive measures for inflammation of the prostate gland. The attending physician should set the exact date for you. It is very important for such a serious disease not to self-medicate.

    Homeopathy is an effective method of treatment that will help get rid of even chronic diseases of the urination system.

    homeopathic remedies

    As a rule, as a result of treatment with homeopathic remedies, there are no complications. If you follow the basic rule of homeopathy, then we can say that "like is treated like." This means the selection of a similar drug, corresponding to the constitution of the patient; mood, character or temperament and possible complaints.

    It is possible to treat with homeopathic preparations for inflammation and adenoma of the prostate gland both in a separate way and in combination. A similar type of treatment is prescribed for men after surgical interventions. At the same time, the prescriptions for homeopathic treatment themselves depend on the type, stage and neglect of the disease.

    Homeopathic treatment occurs using special preparations that can be purchased at any pharmacy. So, for acute prostatitis, it is recommended:

    1. Belladonna. This is a drug that is produced by two convenient ways: granulated and in drops. Very effective for fever, frequent urination.
    2. One of the homeopathic preparations with active properties is Prostamol UNO. It helps to relieve swelling and reduces inflammation in the tissues of the body.
    3. The drug, which is based on honey bee extract, is also recommended for use. Apis copes with pain and will help with burning in the groin area. This may raise the temperature. The drug is produced in granular form, as well as in the form of drops and suppositories.
    4. The use of Medorrinum is prescribed for complications.
    5. Quite effective is Konium, which can be purchased in the form of ointments and granules. As a rule, older men are used for prostatitis.
    6. Get rid of the prostate and hemorrhoids will help the anti-inflammatory drug Aesculus, which is based on horse chestnut. You can buy in the form of suppositories, drops, ointments or in granular form.

    Recommendations for the use of drugs in homeopathic therapy

    It is necessary to take prescribed medications, taking into account their specifics. It is also important to choose the right course of treatment.

    1. When using granules in the treatment, it is necessary to put the medicine under the tongue and hold until they themselves melt. Reception of granules is recommended 30 minutes before eating.
    2. To resort to the treatment of acute prostatitis with the help of homeopathy, unlike chronic, experts do not recommend.
    3. In homeopathic therapy, it is recommended to take antibiotics that help speed up recovery.

    In acute prostatitis, bryony or heparsulfur, mercury or aconite, sabal or sulfur are used. Drugs such as thuja, lycopodium, sepia and others are prescribed for benign prostatic hypertrophy.

    These medicines help to combat common disorders in men: discomfort, sexual functions, etc. Especially homeopathic therapy effectively affects chronic diseases of the urinary tract.

    But it is worth remembering that effective treatment possible only after examination and diagnosis of the disease by a specialist.