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  • Lie detector: how to pass the test successfully. Practical recommendations for the surveyed

    Lie detector: how to pass the test successfully.  Practical recommendations for the surveyed
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    Hello dear readers! Today we will talk about how to pass a polygraph without problems when applying for a job.

    This assessment method is gaining popularity. It is used not only by special services, but also by employers when selecting candidates for vacancies. Many are afraid of this procedure. We want to assure you that it is quite possible to pass a polygraph without unnecessary problems. This will require some preparation, acting skills and the ability to control the reactions of your body will come in handy. Abstraction and switching thoughts can help.

    But with chemical and pharmacological agents, you should be careful. There is a chance to harm your health and create a bad impression.

    How a lie detector works

    A modern polygraph is a complex technical device. Outwardly, it looks like a computer with many sensors that are connected to the subject.

    The device simultaneously records several different reactions of the body when answering questions. Among them:

    • blood pressure;
    • pulse;
    • breathing rhythm;
    • skin resistance;
    • changes in various parts of the cerebral cortex.

    At the beginning of the session, the examiner asks general questions, usually related to biographical data. They are needed in order to customize the device for a specific person. Record his reactions to neutral questions. At the same time, the subject gets used to the testing situation.

    1. Have you taken drugs?
    2. Did you steal in the workplace?
    3. Do you have debts?
    4. Have there been any previous convictions?
    5. Are there links with competing organizations?

    If the subject is lying, he is betrayed by the reactions of the body: hands sweat, the rhythm of heart contractions, respiration changes, pressure jumps. The sensors record all this and display the information on the screen in the form of graphs. The sharp edge expert concludes that the person is lying.

    The session ends with control questions. Experts need them in order to once again make sure that the device is working correctly and relieve the stress of the subject.

    Lie detector testing procedure

    Before starting, the polygraph examiner gives detailed instructions to the subject and connects the sensors. The duration of the candidate verification session is several hours. If the examiner suspects the subject of trying to trick the device, it can drag on even longer.

    How to pass a lie detector

    It should be remembered that without your consent, no one has the right to force a polygraph to pass. It doesn't matter in what situation such a need arose. You must first be asked to sign the consent. If you are unsure of your abilities, it is better to give it up right away.

    When preparing for a lie detector, you should take into account the advice of a polygraph examiner:

    • sleep well;
    • do not be afraid;
    • follow instructions;
    • answer questions clearly and specifically .

    And a few more tips from the polygraph examiner:

    • It is necessary to take a comfortable position without unnecessary stress.... Warn immediately if any factors cause discomfort. Movements during the session should be minimal.
    • In order to pass the polygraph correctly, do not rush to answer the question until you have listened to it to the end and understood the meaning. But don't hesitate too long.
    • Don't dive too deep into your memories.... If, when asked about theft, you go over the events of childhood, when in the sandbox you borrowed a spatula from a neighbor without permission, or you took a pen home from work by mistake, nothing good will come of it.
    • Do not interrupt or argue with the polygraph examiner... Do not seek to assess how the specialist reacts to your words, whether he believes them. Don't ask him questions. Especially it is not necessary to clarify whether the polygraph can be mistaken. This question casts doubt on the significance and professionalism of the polygraph examiner. Automatically evokes negative emotions in your address.
    • Be confident and friendly... It will be the polygraph examiner who will interpret the results. If he has a good impression of you, it will probably have a positive effect on the lie detector pass report.

    How to cheat a polygraph

    If you still have something to hide, some tricks can help you not to give yourself away. They are not easy to apply, though.

    First of all, you should overcome your fear of the procedure. This will make it much easier to control the responses, emotions and performance of the body.

    From the very first question, you should evoke non-standard reactions. This effect can be obtained thanks to:

    • painful sensations (pinches, scratches, injections with a button);
    • sedatives;
    • a state of fatigue or drowsiness;
    • emotional thoughts;
    • overcrowding of the bladder.

    Thus, the fluctuations in physiological reactions when answering obvious questions will be quite high. They will be accepted as the norm. The bursts when answering meaningful questions will not seem so contrasting.

    As noted above, the lie detector does not react to the lie itself, but to your reaction. Believe in what you say. If the person is absolutely convinced of the truth of their words, the excitement is minimal. It is not for nothing that they believe that actors and pathological liars are the best to deceive a lie detector.

    Think in advance about your story, all the subtleties and details, motives. Rehearse the procedure for passing the lie detector with someone close to you. Preferably several times. Let your assistant evaluate how natural and harmonious the answers to incriminating questions sound.

    Controlling physiological responses

    There are several techniques that will allow you to control physiological reactions:

    • The palms will sweat less when answering uncomfortable questions if they are pretreated with a special ointment based on salicylic acid or alcohol... You can find a remedy at any pharmacy. Beforehand, you should test it. The smell may give you away.
    • Do not forget about the frequency of inhalation and exhalation.... This is one of the physiological indicators that you can learn to control. However, training is needed.
    • Another method is focusing on a neutral object... Let your thoughts be occupied by some painting with a neutral plot, for example, a still life with fruit. When answering all the questions, think about what it depicts, what the frame looks like. This will reduce emotionality.
    • The method of replacing questions works in a similar way.... Mentally change the polygraph examiner's question and answer it.
    • Alcohol, sedatives, sedatives, drugs to lower and increase blood pressure will certainly complicate the work of the lie detector. The main thing is not to overdo it. This could negatively affect health or raise suspicion.

    Who is not allowed to take a polygraph?

    Lie detector test is a strong psychological stress. There are several categories of people who are categorically contraindicated in its passage:

    • women expecting a baby;
    • people with mental disabilities;
    • persons with severe diseases of the body;
    • children.

    The point is not at all that the results may be unreliable. Excitement during the procedure can negatively affect their health and cause dangerous consequences.

    Candidates with colds, signs of overwork, alcoholic or drug intoxication are not allowed to be tested either. Believing such research is pointless.

    If you agreed to a lie detector, but in the process you realize that your heart is bursting out of your chest, the stress goes off scale, ask to stop the procedure. Don't put yourself at risk.

    The main mistakes of candidates

    • Without emotionality.

    It is not true to believe that a complete lack of emotional responses to all questions is the best solution to the problem. Most likely, the expert will suspect that something is wrong, and the result will not be counted. Although the employer will not receive confirmation, he will be sure that you are hiding something.

    • With a hangover or podshofe.

    Being drunk or hungover can be used to mislead the polygraph. But, there is a high probability that a candidate who appears in this form for verification will still receive a refusal even without a lie detector. A drinking employee is even worse for the employer than hiding the truth.

    • If you do not know how to lie - do not take it!

    Experienced polygraph examiners know about the methods of deception, try to identify and prevent them. Before testing, the candidate may be offered to go through an inspection for the presence of foreign objects: buttons, paper clips, pins. It will be quite difficult to explain the presence of a sharp stationery in your boot.

    If the expert notices that you are concentrating on extraneous thoughts, the verification procedure can be very delayed. Even in this case, the results may be considered unreliable, and you will never get the coveted position.

    Can a polygraph be wrong?

    Lie detector supporters tend to use it in any ambiguous situation. For example, they use a polygraph at work in order to identify unscrupulous employees, to identify a troublemaker or a thief.

    However, controversy over the reliability of the test results does not subside. Some experts fully believe in its capabilities, others claim that the device fails in 50% of cases.

    The assertion that the polygraph is not wrong is very handy for intimidating test takers. It is also beneficial for those who sell lie detection services using a detector. But this does not confirm the absolute effectiveness of the device. For example, courts in most countries do not accept meter readings as evidence.

    However, if the employer has decided to use a lie detector when evaluating candidates, he completely trusts him. It makes no sense after testing to argue and claim that the polygraph was mistaken.

    Just do not forget - the company has no right to refuse to hire or fire based on the results of a polygraph. If you were informed of a refusal on this basis, feel free to contact the labor inspectorate with a statement. The law is on your side.

    A polygraph (another name is a lie detector) is used in forensic science to determine the guilt of a suspect. Also, when applying for a job in some companies, job seekers are waiting for a polygraph test. Thanks to this, the management receives information about whether potential employees have a tendency, for example, to theft, etc.

    It should be noted right away that testing people on a polygraph is allowed only to those who graduate from special courses and receive a certificate of the required sample.

    Lie detector device

    Before agreeing to take a polygraph test, you should ask about its device and how it works. A lie detector is a sensory-type apparatus that records, through special sensors, a person's physiological indicators - blood pressure, heartbeat, muscle tone, blink rate, sweating, etc.

    The sensors are connected with wires to a computer, on the monitor of which you can see the test results in the form of various graphs.

    It should be noted that attempts have always been made to "manipulate" the survey results. The question of how to cheat a polygraph has been around for as long as the lie detector itself.

    What testing looks like

    Sensors are attached to the tested person from all sides. And in addition, they sit down on one more sensor and ask to remain motionless. The fact is that reactions to provocative questions even include involuntary muscle contractions.

    Before starting the procedure, the subject should inform the examiner that he is worried about any questions or if he needs to go to the toilet. The comfortable state of the test taker is a prerequisite for such a test, otherwise the results will be far from objectivity.

    Also, at the beginning of the process, the device reads the initial parameters from the person. This is accepted because many are worried about the fact of verification, and not hypothetical guilt. An honest and decent person may well turn out to be neurotic or simply overly impressionable. That is why the indicators obtained during the check should be compared with the initial ones.

    Is this test so serious?

    In principle, a lie detector is quite real to deceive. After all, a polygraph test is carried out by a program based on measurements of the physical parameters of your body: heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, etc. And if you remain calm when answering the questions you are asked, the device will not perceive changes in state.

    At first glance, this is the whole secret of how to deceive a polygraph. But know that your effort to stay calm and control your own reactions will be taken into account by the program. And, in turn, it will apply a "distraction" - at first (about twenty minutes) you will be asked the simplest questions in order to lull your vigilance and "adjust" the device specifically for you.

    What can affect the result

    The main factor is the correct internal state of the subject. How to pass a polygraph according to all the rules? The one who is being tested is obliged to sit completely static, it is forbidden for him to move his arms, legs, eyes, head, strain any muscles and even swallow saliva. These actions are capable of causing an involuntary physiological reaction, recorded by a polygraph and affecting the result.

    So still - is it possible to take a polygraph test with the result you need? Or, to put it simply, can the device be fooled?

    If a person is accused of a serious crime, then sometimes a lie detector can be the only chance to prove his own innocence. Therefore, it is useful to have an idea of ​​how to get a polygraph in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    How it's done

    First of all, on the eve of testing, it is imperative to get a good night's sleep. Answers to questions on a polygraph should be given as truthful as possible, in case of any misunderstandings, you need to explain everything as calmly as possible in detail.

    If your biography contains any violations and other negative moments, you should not be silent about them. It is much wiser to tell about them frankly at once. It makes no sense for a law-abiding citizen to be nervous.

    How to pass a polygraph with benefit for yourself

    Experts working with the device assure that this is not easy to do. Only a person who has thoroughly studied the principle of its operation and is perfectly able to control himself is capable of outwitting a lie detector.

    At first glance, maintaining external equanimity is not such a difficult task. But the detector catches and fixes the parameters of the internal state! And it is very, very difficult to control them. If a person gives a lie in response to a question, his body reacts to the lie involuntarily, regardless of the desire to hide the truth. The device will be able to "swallow" an obvious lie only when the subject either himself sincerely believes in what he is saying, or gives an answer "automatically" - that is, without analyzing your own words.

    Don't get hung up on the significance of what is happening and don't prepare for the worst right away. To successfully pass the test, you should simply relax, especially if you are innocent. In this case, the question of how to pass a polygraph simply should not bother you.

    With this approach, your anxiety will subside, you will not begin to painfully go through all your past sins. For example, the question is often asked whether there have been episodes of theft in your life. An honest and decent person, fundamentally incapable of appropriating someone else's, suddenly remembers a trifling childhood episode - a toy taken without demand to kindergarten.

    This memory confuses him, the internal tension is immediately recorded by the device, and an honest answer "No" will be recorded as false. That is why during testing, do not try to sort out past memories and do not delve deeply into the questions asked. Answer honestly, but at the same time slightly "mechanical" and rather indifferent.

    How to achieve automatism

    As already mentioned, a detached, calm state will help to deceive the polygraph - when a person does not try to form mental images of life situations in his mind. But it is not easy enough - to completely detach and give negative and positive answers in time, alternating them correctly. Only a few really succeed in this.

    How to achieve the desired state? Try to mentally switch to any other problem that is relevant to you. Thus, you seem to be fencing off from the questions being asked, accordingly, you do not analyze them and do not imagine images of situations that are critical for you.

    From the history of the lie detector

    The first version of the polygraph was invented and used in 1895 by the Italian psychiatrist Cesare Lombroso. The device was named by him a hydrosphygometer.

    But a real lie detector, capable of assisting in the investigation of crimes, appeared only in 1921. It was invented by police officer John Larsen.

    The polygraph was able to record the most insignificant changes in the psychophysical state of the subject, thanks to which the specialist became clear about the degree of truthfulness of his answers. This principle formed the basis for the use of a lie detector for a long time and has been preserved to this day.

    Who is contraindicated for checking?

    Women with a long pregnancy have the right to refuse the check. In addition, it is prohibited to test teenagers who have not reached the age of majority. If necessary, they can be tested with the written permission of the parents (as well as the guardians of the child) or in their presence.

    An important point: passing a polygraph test is possible only with the written consent of the subject - you must know this in order to prevent violation of your rights.

    Now you know how to pass a polygraph correctly. We hope this information will help you avoid mistakes and defend your own interests, if necessary.

    It's easy to get a polygraph test to get your dream job. You have received an offer to qualify for a vacancy in a company where you have long dreamed of getting. Dreams Come True! Finally, your resume gets noticed. You have successfully passed the interview, the level of education and professional experience you have meet all the requirements. You can make a long-awaited gift from your first paycheck.

    True, it remains to pass the most frightening and unexplored test, the results of which will determine whether your dream will come true. Polygraph tests are increasingly used not only in law enforcement agencies, but also in large, sometimes not very, companies seeking to protect themselves from dishonest employees.

    Who you are? A competitor from a neighboring company or a gambler?

    To take a calm look at the upcoming survey, you need to understand the structure, goals and objectives of the company in which you want to get a job. Then you can guess what aspects of your life the employer will want to know.

    For example, if you are applying for a security structure (who knows, maybe in your heart you are Sherlock Homes or Agatha Christie), most likely, the management will be interested in whether you keep in touch with people in the criminal environment. If your choice fell on a company that produces branded clothing, the founders of the industry may be curious to see if you are also an employee of a competing firm in this area. Still in doubt about how to get a polygraph test? Read on what questions can be asked during testing.

    What questions can you ask during testing?

    In general, the set of topics that employers want to discover when hiring a new person is relatively standard, and includes such potential "risk factors" as:

    • Dismissal from previous jobs for negative reasons;
    • Taking actions in the previous professional field that cause damage to the employer (both in terms of finance and the reputation of the company);
    • Alcohol abuse;
    • Systematic drug use
    • The presence in the biography of hidden crimes (convictions, gross administrative offenses);
    • Craving for gambling;
    • Problems related to unpaid debt obligations.

    Say goodbye to myths to pass the polygraph.

    Agree, in order to have a biography woven from such "bright" moments, you have to live the life of Sonya the Golden Hand or Sid Vicious. Therefore, calmly take a look at the check and tune in to a positive outcome. After all, a person like you, busy with education, personal improvement and sports in free moments, has no time to engage in such nonsense.

    In the circles of people who are not professionals in the field of polygraph checks, there is an opinion that the polygraph is a "mind reader". This reason initially confuses many subjects and causes fear. However, this assumption is a deep error.The polygraph only registers data on changes in the physiological parameters of the subject, that is, the body's response to a particular stimulus - a question. The device measures such parameters as respiratory rate, blood vessels filling, changes in skin resistance. Based on all the data received, the polygraph examiner draws a conclusion using the generally accepted counting system. Therefore, you should not worry that innermost desires or feelings will become known. A specialist can only check for the existence of actions committed in the past within the framework of the given topics.

    It is important to know about conducting a polygraph test.

    You also need to know that carrying out a test using a polygraph is absolutely harmless to health. Do not believe the stories that readings are knocked out of unfortunate test subjects by means of current discharges. The sensors used during the examination do not conduct any direct current or other radiation and discharges.

    Who is not recommended to take a polygraph test.

    The procedure is not recommended for pregnant women, minors and people with heart disease due to the fact that it causes considerable excitement.
    And, of course, you should immediately abandon the idea that the polygraph can be deceived. The Internet is full of advice on this matter - from methods of deception at the level of consciousness (counting in reverse order, visualization of the sea and the beach) to physical (nibbling the tip of the tongue, putting a pushpin in a shoe).

    Please note that a competent specialist will discern all such tricks. In addition, the set of polygraph sensors includes a tremor (movement) sensor, which detects rough opposition from the subject.

    The offices for conducting inspections, as a rule, are equipped with video cameras that record all the actions of the subject.It is clear that if the polygraph examiner initially detects opposition to the test, it will be difficult to count on a positive conclusion. Otherwise, why would a worthy citizen resort to such practices.

    Still not sure how to get a polygraph test or are you afraid of getting a negative result? The best advice that can be given in this case is to sincerely tell the operator everything that concerns the topics studied during the testing process. If in any case you have had troubles in your life, be sure to indicate them so that the specialist correctly formulates a question for you on this topic. There is no need to be afraid that you will not be hired because of this. Perhaps what for you is the most shameful and stupid act in life will turn out to be an uncritical trifle for the employer against the background of other great qualities.

    Six steps to successful preparation for a polygraph test.

    Step 1. If you already know the topics

    If you already know the topics,which will be brought up for discussion with the polygraph examiner, do not think about your comments in advance. The more you think about the topics of verification, the more anxiety you will feel. With the help of imagination, people sometimes bring simple things to the point of absurdity. “Fear has big eyes,” said our ancestors. That is why do not ask the impressions of friends who have already undergone the procedure, especially if their experience is unsuccessful.

    Step 2. Take care of your physical condition.

    The point here is to relieve fatigue in advance and treat a cold if, after a successful interview, you get sick, taking a sip of cold champagne to celebrate. It is necessary to arrive for the examination with a good sleep, without any signs of illness. Maybe you think that you are quite healthy, but you are tormented by the residual effects of the disease (your nose is still stuffy, your cough does not go away), contact a specialist in advance and postpone the examination for another day. Any manifestation of the disease can distort the test results.

    Before the procedure, get a good night's sleep after spending at least eight hours in the arms of Morpheus. So, plan your bachelorette party or soccer stag party some other time. Moreover, alcoholic beverages on the eve of the examination cannot be taken even in minimal quantities.

    Consider breakfast or lunch in advance (depending on the time of the check). When hungry, the stomach can make incredible sounds, which will give you unnecessary worries. Well-fed people often struggle with sleep.

    Step 3.the clothes in which you will go to the meeting

    Prepare the clothes in which you will go to the meeting with the polygraph examiner in advance. Try to be business things that emphasize the seriousness of your intentions and maturity of character. At the same time, the clothes should be comfortable. Remove too narrow and tight things for another case. They perfectly emphasize the figure and warm, but it will be difficult for you to breathe calmly in them. For blouses and jackets, choose those limited to classic little buttons rather than endless metal locks and chains. They can interfere with the attachment of the sensors.

    Step 4. Chronic diseases.

    Chronic diseases that are not directly related to colds, if any, must be warned immediately by a specialist. It happens that for some reason the test person takes antidepressants or drugs that inhibit the activity of the nervous system. This information is confidential and may not be submitted for discussion. Still, it is better to sanctify such facts. Since taking these drugs can affect the picture of the examination results. With comprehensive information about you, a competent operator will determine whether you can be tested.
    It is worth remembering that there is no need to take sedatives before the examination. They will have no effect other than drowsiness, which can lead to early termination of testing.

    Step 5. Discussion of test questions.

    One of the important stages of preparation for the successful conduct of a polygraph test is the discussion of test questions. If some questions are not clear to you in terms of the wording or cause ambiguous understanding, seek their thorough explanation and a formulation that is acceptable to you. Only in this case will you be able to adequately respond to them during testing.

    Step 6. Acquaintance with the documents.

    Carefully read all the documents that you will be asked to sign before the examination. As a rule, this is an application for voluntary consent to undergo the procedure and permission to work with your personal data, including information obtained during a polygraph test. Make a decision for yourself whether you agree with all the points of these documents. And only then sign the forms.

    How not to become a victim of grief - master polygraph examiner. Five golden rules.

    Unfortunately, in recent years, more and more often, specialists who do not have a sufficient level of education in this field are allowed to conduct tests using a polygraph, which in some cases leads to erroneous conclusions regarding completely conscientious candidates. There are signs by which one can judge the degree of operator's qualification.

    First rule.

    In order for a special psychophysiological examination using a polygraph to pass successfully, and a polygraph examiner to make an adequate decision on its results, you must discuss the topics submitted for examination with him before testing. You and the operator should have a common understanding of the meaning of the questions posed. If the specialist refuses to explain to you the essence of a particular issue, or skips the stage of discussing topics altogether, you can refuse the survey.

    Second rule.

    A sign of insufficient competence of a polygraph examiner may be his disinterest in your state of health and well-being at the time of the examination. In the documents that you will sign before testing, there should be a column that your state allows you to postpone the verification procedure. Sign it only when you feel really good. Otherwise, in consequence it will be difficult to dispute the findings of the audit, suffered from a cold.

    Third rule.

    You should be confused by the fact of intrusion into the verification process by strangers (even if it is an employee of the company you are applying for). Only an employer or a professional profiler who has provided the relevant education documents can be present at the examination by a polygraph examiner.

    Fourth rule.

    A signal about a low qualification of a specialist can be poor equipment of the office - wide sound permeability. Excessive sounds during the testing period will cause random physiological reactions of the subject, which will affect the test results in a bad way. A trained operator knows this and prepares the room with such influences in mind.

    Fifth rule.

    Pay attention to the quality of the inspection. It is unacceptable for the polygraph examiner to abruptly interrupt the examination, for example, by showing you some of the topics, and other questions that you previously agreed upon without offering. A qualified polygraph examiner will present you all the questions at least three times and only then will he draw a conclusion.
    As you can see, a polygraph test is not at all like torture. Having properly prepared for it, you will go through the procedure successfully, spending minimal emotional resources. Perhaps such a survey will reduce the number of unscrupulous competitors, and you will have a better chance of getting your dream job!

    Be careful when taking a polygraph test. I also recommend reading the articles:

    expert polygraph examiner.

    Lie detectors today are often used by employers when hiring to check employees who own confidential information during official investigations. Jealous people also resort to a lie detector to test their loved ones on a polygraph for treason. How should you behave in this case?

    Passing a lie detector is voluntary, but your refusal may arouse suspicion in the manager and serve as a reason for dismissal from work.

    The lie detector does not read minds and cannot learn anything about you or your secrets, it only records physiological readings that occur when answering questions asked. If they want to catch you in a lie, but you are not guilty, then there is nothing to be afraid of. Those who are involved in something or are hiding the truth react to significant questions with uncontrollable tension, and this will be fixed by the polygraph. The stronger the reaction, the more important the question is to you. Therefore, if you are not involved in the case, then you will react to any questions in approximately the same way.

    If you are not guilty and not involved in "bad stories", then polygraph testing may cause you not a feeling of fear, but rather interest. As Nobel Prize laureate Henrik Sienkiewicz said, “only those who are afraid lie”.


    The story began with the fact that I decided to quit my old job due to the fact that the office was on the verge of falling into the abyss. I actually liked the work itself, but the thought that it would be better to change jobs now, having received my "golden parachute" than to be at a broken trough, overpowered))

    Potential employers periodically respond to my resume posted on professional resources, and to the extent of my employment, I consider or reject their offers.
    By the way, I do not see anything wrong with having an active resume on the resources even with a good job, suddenly Comrade. Miller from Gazprom will want to use my experience and knowledge.

    Once another potential employer called me and made an appointment. After a short conversation, the director of the Tula region said that it was customary to pass a polygraph (aka a lie detector) for a leadership position. I said it was easy, especially since I didn’t endure anything from the previous place of work, I didn’t challenge my colleagues to a duel, and the new experience would be interesting to me.

    A polygraph was assigned to me in the capital from a well-known polygraph examiner who serves this company.

    Before the trip, I carefully inspected the entire Internet in search of how it actually will be. I will say right away that there is little useful information, but in general I received an understanding of the future. There was no excitement at all, but so - I had nothing to fear. I was very nervous about the "jokes" from friends and relatives - I foolishly said about the check and up to the hour X enjoyed honing on me a great sense of humor of others.

    My impressions:

    1. Not scary, not painful, not long - my whole check, taking into account the conversation and preparation, took about 40 minutes, most of which is preparatory chatter.

    2. They ask quite obvious things, from what I remember they asked questions about:
    - alcohol / drugs / cigarettes (I was very surprised, because I smoke and sincerely think that this is my own business)
    - did you take away from previous jobs something more expensive than 5000 rubles
    - did you "leak" information to competitors
    - whether there was a criminal record and, in general, problems with the law
    - whether I provoked conflicts at the previous place of work, etc.

    All questions are more than logical and obvious. Questions that seem to you incorrect or ambiguous, you can discuss BEFORE testing and actually change them for yourself.

    3. There are many sensors attached. They fastened it to my chest, head, fingers. Nothing beats with an electric current, everything is soft, it does not scratch the skin, it is quite comfortable.

    4. Quite a long preparatory stage. First, they explained to me how the test would be held, after which they asked me to confirm my consent to the test in writing. Questions about health amused me - they asked about the presence of heart pathologies, asthma, hypertension. Then they announced the topics on which I will be tested, clarified if I had any questions that did not suit me (in my case there were such). When all the questions were agreed upon, they began to attach sensors to me. It was the most unpleasant moment in the whole procedure - it very much resembles a hospital and everything connected with it. Then they set up a polygraph for me personally, for this they asked obvious questions (say "yes" when your name sounds, are you 36 years old?, Do you have brown eyes?). And only after all this, the test itself began - to be honest, by this moment I was already waiting for it. In films, everything is somehow faster :)

    After the test, the polygraph examiner asked what question confused me the most - I answered about "leaking information and working for competitors", he said: "Yes, there was a leap." me: "the day is clear, the competitors have not yet learned that I am passing the test here, so I am outraged."

    As it turned out, polygraph tests here are periodic, once every six months, stable, it's okay.

    The questions that the polygraph registers your lie will be repeated up to 4-5 times under different interpretations. Thank God, I did not have such.

    Top tips:

    • Do not be complex and do not be afraid: a polygraph test has always been, is and will be a necessary routine procedure, the same as a request to write an autobiography.
    • Voluntary, and only voluntariness of this procedure on your part.
    • Come to the examination well-rested and well-slept. You should not take sedatives, drugs, alcohol before the testing procedure - all this can cause the specialist to suspect you of trying to resist, with a conclusion about your possible involvement (if you have nothing to hide, then there is no need to cheat - a polygraph examiner, by definition are always not biased).
    • Carefully familiarize yourself with all the topics and the range of questions proposed for clarification, to clarify for yourself everything that is not understood and unsaid.
    • If any questions affect your religious, political, national feelings, it is better to immediately refuse to answer them, or ask the polygraph examiner to reformulate them.
    • All questions should be answered as honestly and frankly as possible - a polygraph examiner will discover a lie, and the examination will simply drag on.
    • The key to your correct result will be sincerity, straightforwardness and composure.
    • Remember that the conclusion based on the results of polygraph testing is only orienting information, not a sentence, and life still goes on.

    How to cheat a polygraph?

    A lie detector deals with physiological responses to memories.

    You can deceive a polygraph only in a couple of cases:

    Do you really believe in your lies, i.e. so much so that they convinced their brain that it really was;

    You don't really remember how it really was. Those. memories erased.

    Good luck, comrades, do not deceive each other !!!

    P.S. I passed the check successfully.

    Anyone who has received an offer to pass a lie detector begins to worry, look for information about what a polygraph is and how to pass it, what can be expected as a result of such testing. Let's figure out why a polygraph test is carried out, and how to properly prepare for it.

    What is a polygraph

    Polygraph - a technical device used to fix psychophysiological reactions a person arising in response to the questions presented to him - incentives.

    Attention! In everyday life, many people call the device a lie detector.

    The procedure is carried out by a polygraph examiner - a specialist with a special education in the field of research using a polygraph.

    The main task of the survey is to establish the reliability of the information communicated by the evaluated person to the polygraph examiner.


    When is the check

    The popularity of polygraph tests is growing, and the scope of their application is actively expanding. Businesses are increasingly using this tool in an attempt to reduce their risks when hiring employees who can cause significant harm to the employer.

    Most often, this method of assessing the reliability of information applies in the following cases:

    1. Checking candidates when applying for a job.
    2. Regular assessment of the organization's working personnel in order to monitor compliance with the requirements, concerning safety business.
    3. Inspection of employees in the event that the enterprise there was an incident: material assets, information leakage to competitors, receiving kickbacks.
    4. In the judicial system, conducting investigations.
    5. In personal relationships, when, for example, family members want to check how honest they are with each other.

    Polygraph test

    Is the verification legal?

    Russian legislation does not prohibit conducting polygraph research, so there is nothing illegal in the offer to go through them. But everyone can refuse them. And everyone who agrees to be tested on a polygraph sign voluntary consent.

    Whether or not to refuse depends on how interested the person is in this procedure. By rejecting an offer, for example, in employment, the candidate may lose a chance get the desired job, as the employer may conclude that the applicant has something to hide. He cannot refuse a candidate on this basis, but to choose another is his right.

    When the check is not carried out

    There are cases when it is really better not to take a polygraph test and refuse it yourself. This is especially true for situations when there is an understanding that, based on its results, the decision is unlikely to be positive, since there is a need to hide something.

    Polygraph testing is not carried out on a certain category of people, regardless of whether they themselves are ready to go through it or not.

    Testing will not be held, if:

    • age of the examined less than 14 years old;
    • have mental illnesses and disorders;
    • there are signs of physical and mental exhaustion: fatigue, chronic lack of sleep, prolonged stress;
    • the examinee takes potent drugs;
    • a person is sick with cardiovascular diseases or has problems with the respiratory system;
    • alcohol or drug intoxication is detected;
    • a woman is expecting a baby, especially in the second half of pregnancy.

    The polygraph examiner will definitely clarify questions on the existing restrictions, and therefore you need to respond to them absolutely calmly. He asks about this not because he wants to convict of something, but on the contrary, seeks not to harm, since all the cases listed relate to the possible receipt of an unreliable examination result.

    The polygraph examiner is obliged to clarify questions on the existing restrictions on verification

    How a lie detector works

    Polygraph is technical device that evaluates nothing, does not give a verdict. Its task is to record the physiological reactions of a person to questions and at the time of providing an answer to them. Any emotion is always reflected on the physical level: sweating, changes in breathing or pulse. It is these indicators and will fix the detector.

    Polygraph is a complex consisting of several parts:

    • Sensors that measure blood pressure, pulse, breathing and sweating.
    • A device that records signals coming from sensors and then transmits information to a computer.
    • Computer with specialized software m, evaluating the received reactions. As a result, the program generates a graph - a polygram, on which all changes occurring to a person are visible.

    At the end of the examination, the polygraph examiner will analyze the polygram and prepare a conclusion with the results of the assessment.

    The questions asked are formed on the basis of special questionnaires- tests necessary to verify the reliability of the information provided to the test-taker on specific research topics.

    How is testing done

    Polygraph testing consists of from several stages.

    1. Meeting and acquaintance with the polygraph examiner.
    2. Preliminary conversation in which the purpose of the check will be explained, the procedure explained. It is important to know that all questions that will be asked are necessarily discussed. Until the polygraph examiner is convinced that the test taker knows and understands all the questions of the test, he will not begin the procedure itself.
    3. Human signs consent to pass the test or refuse.
    4. In case of consent, the testing phase begins. First, a detailed instruction is given: how to behave, what not to do, sensors are put on, questions are asked.
    5. During the tests, the polygraph examiner may have additional questions in connection with the reactions of the tested person. In this case, a second conversation is carried out, the information is clarified and changes are made to the test questions, and the test continues.
    6. At the end of the procedure, the polygraph examiner releases the tested person and processes the results, prepares a conclusion.

    Can a lie detector be tricked?

    As long as the polygraph has existed, the question of whether it can be deceived has been discussed for so long. Experts believe that to do it almost impossible, and among non-specialists there are a considerable number of people who believe that this is very easy to do.

    Further more. On the Internet, you can find tips on how to get through the lie detector and deceive it, and even describes the ways in which this can be done. You can even find offers to pass the lie detector online.

    When studying the recommendations on how to pass the polygraph without problems and deceive the detector, it is important to remember that he does not pay any attention to words or facial expressions. It records the reactions that occur in the human body, and are a consequence of the work of the brain. Those who learn to control their own reflexes, then will be able to deceive polygraph.

    Any method used by the test taker to bypass the polygraph is opposed by the polygraph examiners.

    Can follow the recommendations: take pills, do not get enough sleep, do not think about anything while answering questions, concentrate on the flower standing on the windowsill. However, an experienced specialist will immediately see this, and will be very attentive to the test results.

    Separately, it is necessary to note the proposals to test yourself by going through lie detectors online. In essence, this is a psychological test that determines emotional stability. And on this basis, the probable possibility of deceiving the detector is calculated.

    To trust or not to trust such results, to use or refuse the proposed methods to deceive a polygraph is everyone's personal business.

    How to pass a polygraph when applying for a job

    The offer to go through the detector when applying for a job may be unexpected for many. Almost everyone starts to get nervous about this topic, and many perceive such information as an insult to their honor and dignity. But if we assume that the candidate himself would be an employer, and he had a chance to weed out those who could potentially threaten the business, on which so much time and effort was spent, would he refuse such an opportunity? The question is rhetorical, and the employer can also be understood.

    Important! Hiding the truth is the main reason why the result may be unambiguously not in favor of the test taker.

    There are several factors able to influence on the test result.

    1. Nerves, excitement, anxiety with which the candidate goes to the procedure. An experienced polygraph examiner will note this, and if for some reason he does not succeed in relieving the applicant's excessive anxiety, then he can refuse to conduct check.
    2. Taking sedatives before testing will slow down reactions, which will be noted by a specialist. Better not to.
    3. Illness, general ill health will affect the result. If the physical condition deviates from the usual, or pains bother, then you need to warn about this, and the procedure will be postponed to another day.

    Passing a polygraph test when applying for a job

    How to behave at check

    The main thing is to know how to behave during the test. The first is to put your nerves in order. And then follow everyone recommendations of the polygraph examiner... Do not be afraid of him, you need to answer questions, try to explain to him your reactions to them as accurately as possible during a conversation between tests.

    The worst thing to do start it interfere with examination: spinning on a chair, pushing on the sensors, answering with a few words to test questions instead of an unambiguous "Yes" or "No", show negative reactions to questions, be indignant. Better to refuse right away.

    For those who need to go through the detector for the first time, we can recommend taking into account some tips how to behave:

    1. Don't schedule urgent things on the day of your polygraph exam. The procedure may take a long time for 2-3 hours.
    2. Try to be honest. The more truthful answers are given, the better the results will be. Remember that there are no absolutely honest people. If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear.
    3. Do not try to disrupt the test without following the recommendations of the polygraph examiner. Better not come to her at all.

    Useful video: how is a lie detector test and is it possible to deceive a polygraph?

    Have you ever deceived your loved ones? Did you take something without asking? If you answered "Yes" to these questions, then you have already taken the first correct step towards passing the lie detector.