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  • How to make a CD-ROM from a USB stick. Making a CNC machine from a CD-ROM with your own hands Make from a computer cd rom

    How to make a CD-ROM from a USB stick.  Making a CNC machine from a CD-ROM with your own hands Make from a computer cd rom

    It all started with a harmless desire to make your own bootable disk with a wide range of operating systems, live-cd and other utilities. When the desire came true, and such a disc was created, the question arose where to burn it: the ISO-image took 7.2 Gigabytes ... a flash drive that on top of that works 2-3 times faster than any dvd drive was simply impossible. And the reliability and size of the flash drive is clearly not in favor of the CD.

    Looking ahead, I will say that I ended up with a 7.2 GB CD-ROM partition and a regular removable disk. In BIOS it is defined either as a CD-ROM (I call it Kingston DVD), or as a USB-CDROM (on some motherboard models). On Windows it is defined as a regular CD-ROM:

    From such a section, it turns out to download a NOT ram-assembly of LIVE-CD from both Alkid and Lexx.
    I draw your attention to the fact that all actions were performed with flash drives on the PHISON 2251-33 controller. I have 2 flash drives: Kingston DataTraveler 410 8Gb and Kingston DataTraveler HyperX 16Gb and I managed to burn DVD-ISO on both flash drives.


    So, first, download the utility.
    Unpack and go to the folder. We find the GetInfo.exe file there, run it and look at and write down all the parameters of our flash drive (in case of recovery).

    Having written down all the information, close this program and run the MPParamEdit_F1.exe file. This is a program for editing the parameters of our flash drive.
    When the program starts, the Settings Type window will appear, select the parameters shown in the figure and click OK.

    The main window for setting the parameters of the flash drive will appear:

    In the Partition Settings section, we sequentially set 2 parameters:
    No. of Partition - 2 and Mode - 21. It will look like in the picture below:

    After selecting these parameters, the main options for configuring the flash drive are activated:

    The numbers in the figures show the order of filling in the setting blocks:
    1.VID - 13FE and PID - 3127 (here are not native identifiers of the flash drive, because somewhere I read that relatives may be the reason for unsuccessful DVD-ISO recording), enter the manufacturer of the flash drive in the Manufacture Name field, and enter the name of the flash drive in the Product Name field ...
    2. In the CD-ROM Image section, specify the path to the image that will be written to the CD-Rom section of the flash drive (again, try to make the path to the image as short as possible, and the name of the image is short, in order to avoid unnecessary problems with recording the image)
    3. In the Secure Label field, enter the label of the removable disk, which will be obtained from the remaining space of the flash drive (you can leave the field empty).
    4. Leave this section UNAUTHORIZED, since we will configure it by editing the parameter file in the notepad.
    5. After completing all the settings, click on the SaveAs button and save our parameter file to the FOLDER WITH THE PROGRAM.

    Save and close the editing program.

    After that, go to the folder with the program and open our freshly saved parameter file in notepad:

    We also open the properties of our image:

    In the notepad we find the line CDROM Size - here you need to enter the size of the image in MGB. If you write less, then either the program will give an error when recording the image, or it will not write the entire image ... Therefore, we look at the size in bytes in the properties of our image, round it slightly upwards and write it to the configuration file.
    Another important parameter: Partition Percentage - the size of the second partition on the flash drive. In my case, a 16 GB flash drive was used, so I have a figure of 50 = 50% of the total volume, if you use an 8 GB flash drive, you need to change this figure to 1 = 1% of the total volume. The explanation is very simple - it WASN'T WORKED to burn DVD-ISO to flash in ONLY CD mode (without the second section).
    After that, save and close the flash drive parameters file. Everything is ready for firmware.

    Open the main program: MPALL_F1_7F00_DL07_v308_00.exe
    The main window of the program looks like:


    1. First, select our configuration file from the drop-down list (here it is called hyperx_16Gb_dvd.ini)
    2. Then we press the Update button - our flash drive will appear in the line.
    3. After that, click on the Start button - the formatting process will begin.

    After starting, the process takes place in 2 stages:
    1. Low-level formatting:

    2. After formatting, the program will ask you to remove and re-insert the USB flash drive into your computer (use only SAFE REMOVAL of the device). Only after INSERTING the flash drive back into the computer, press the OK button.

    3. After that, the process of recording the image to the USB flash drive will begin (my 7.2 GB source was written in 15 minutes):

    4. After recording, the field will turn green and the following will be written in it:


    After successfully recording the image, do not rush to pull the USB flash drive from the computer:
    1. Close the program by clicking the Close button.
    2. Start the task manager, find the MPALL_F1_7F00_DL07_v308_00.exe process there and end it:

    3. And only after that you need to safely remove the USB flash drive from the computer.

    After removing and inserting the flash drive, the system will find a new device and install the hardware:
    One of the signs of a successful recording is that autorun from a USB flash drive works (in my case, installing Windows 7)

    And this is how the flash drive is displayed in My computer:

    That's probably all.

    Copying of materials is allowed only with an indication of the source and author.

    A CD-ROM on a USB stick is a very handy thing. This is 100% compatibility with ISO images and a guarantee of work from the computer BIOS. That will allow you to boot from a USB flash drive as from a regular CD-ROM. That is, the computer will never know that it is being “cheated”.

    The era of optical drives is leaving. In modern computers, a CD-ROM drive (DVD, DVD-ROM, DVD-RW, CD-RW) is becoming a rarity. Therefore, users have to "get out" in every possible way when it is necessary to install an operating system. In order not to look for an external USB optical drive, it has long been possible to boot from a USB flash drive. And all modern computers have this support in the BIOS. But no, no, yes, a situation arises as in the song of Viktor Tsoi "everything is in place, but something is wrong." Many times I came across a situation where the computer was booted from only one flash drive out of five. And the only way out of this situation is to create (emulate) a CD-ROM on a USB stick. That is, when the computer sees the USB flash drive as a real optical drive.
    There are many solutions on this matter on the net. They all represent some kind of puzzle. In which you first need to find out the type of controller on the flash drive, the organization and model (brand) of memory. Then, for this hardware, you need to find a special program for reprogramming the controller and uploading an ISO image. At the same time, not all controllers used in flash drives have the ability to emulate CD-ROMs. That is, it is not a fact that your flash drive can do this at all. And the saddest thing is that even following exactly all the instructions, there is a great chance to ditch the USB flash drive.
    The ideal option in such a situation is to buy a USB flash drive for which the manufacturer himself has provided the possibility of creating a CD-ROM. Once I came across a Transcend JetFlash 620 8Gb flash drive

    A distinctive feature of which is the presence of a built-in virtual CD-ROM. This means that the controller supports CD-ROM creation and we are halfway to success.

    How to create a CD-ROM on a Transcend JetFlash 620 8Gb flash drive

    To create a CD-ROM on a Transcend JetFlash 620 8Gb flash drive, you need to download the diagnostic and recovery utility for this model of JetFlash Online Recovery USB drive from the official website. At the time of this writing, for the Transcend JetFlash 620 8Gb flash drive, the current version of the program for Windows is v9.0.0.8 (JetFlash 620). The size of the program is 5.7 MB.
    After downloading the archive, you will need to unpack the EXE file contained in it. I have this OnLineRecovery_JF620_v9.0.0.8.exe. This is a self-extracting archive containing the OnLineRecovery_620.exe utility and the security_f.iso CD-ROM image file.
    So, the most important secret of this article. In order to create a virtual CD-ROM on a Transcend JetFlash 620 flash drive, you need to rename the ISO image file you need, for example, the installation distribution of the operating system, to security_f.iso and put it next to the OnLineRecovery_620.exe recovery utility. After that, run the utility and it will create two partitions on the flash drive, into one of which it will write your ISO image, which will be detected by computers as a USB-CD-ROM, and the remaining space will be a regular flash drive. It's that simple.
    I hope you don't need to warn that as a result of the JetFlash Online Recovery utility, all data from the USB flash drive will disappear.

    You will definitely like this material, as in it we will look at a way to get a simple generator from an old computer CD / DVD drive.

    First of all, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the author's video

    Consider what we need:
    - old CD / DVD drive;
    - nippers;
    - soldering iron;
    - any plastic case;
    - wires;
    - hexagon;
    - washer.

    According to the author of a home-made generator, the idea is quite effective, since the ratio of the gear speed to the motor, which drives the gear that pulls out the disc tray, is quite large. Thus, it is possible that at low revolutions of the same gear, good revolutions on the electric motor will be obtained, and we will be able to get a generator. We will find out whether our plans will work out or not at the end of the review, and now let's get to work.

    First, you need to unsolder the board on which the motor is attached.

    Next, we cut off a part of the plastic housing of the drive, on which the motor is held, as well as the gear we need. Later on from this gear we will remove the handle so that we can turn it and generate electricity.

    We take the first wire and solder it to one of the motor contacts.

    Solder the second wire to the second contact.

    To test the generator, the author of the idea uses UBS inputs, which are installed in a plastic case. So he glues a piece of the motor and gear drive into this housing using a glue gun.

    To make a handle, you need a hexagon and a washer. These parts need to be attached to each other. The author does this by soldering.

    We solder the wires to the contacts of the USB connectors.

    On the second half of the plastic case, you need to make a hole for the gear protrusion.

    Finally, glue the homemade handle to the pinion of the gear. Our generator is ready.

    There is no limit for the imagination of modern craftsmen. They are able not only to create a CNC machine from cd-rom, but also to manufacture a laser module, which can then be used in a programmable engraver. Experiments are more difficult for them. Some have already managed to make a 3D printer using a CNC machine as a basis, and then install a print head. If you wish, you can put into practice the most fantastic ideas.

    Second life to old drives

    Many people are interested in the secondary use of equipment components with the status - obsolete. There are already interesting publications on the Internet about where to find a use for old CD or DVD drives.

    One of the craftsmen made a cnc machine from a dvd-Rom with his own hands, although a CD-ROM is also suitable for control. Everything that is available is used. The machine is designed for the manufacture of printed circuit boards in electronics and milling-engraving of small workpieces. The sequence of work can be formulated as follows:

    1. It will take three DVD drives for precise positioning to move the coordinate machine along three axes. The actuators must be disassembled and the unnecessary elements removed. Only the stepper motor along with the sliding mechanism should remain on the chassis.

    IMPORTANT! The chassis of the disassembled drive must be metal, not plastic.

    1. Since the DVD motor is bipolar, it is enough to ring both windings with a tester to determine their purpose.
    2. Someone doubts whether the power of the motor is enough, did they move the required distance? To reduce the effort of the engine, it is important to determine that the table will be movable, and not of a portal type.
    3. The base of the bed is 13.5x17 cm, and the height of the bars for the vertical rack of the machine is 24 cm. Although the manufacturer's DVD drives may differ in dimensions.
    4. Next, you need to take stepper motors to solder the control wires (it doesn't matter - it will be motor contacts or a cable loop).
    5. Since the connection with screws is not acceptable here, wooden rectangles (future platforms), which will move along three axes, must be glued to the moving parts of the engine.
    6. The spindle will be an electric motor with two screw clamps. It should be extremely light, otherwise it will be difficult for CD / DVD mechanisms to lift it.

    And you can also make a laser engraver

    To build a laser module, a programmatic goal is set: it must have easy focusing, a sufficiently rigid structure, and it is manufactured using only available materials.

    This is a simple matter, but the performer must have accuracy and accuracy so that the homemade device in his hands looks beautiful and, most importantly, works.

    It is worth looking at a brief instruction suggested by another home wizard.

    You will need to stock up on the following components:

    • an electric motor from a DVD drive;
    • a laser diode and a plastic lens from a dvd drive (up to 300 MW so that it does not melt);
    • metal washer with an inner diameter of 5 mm;
    • three screws and the same number of small springs from a ballpoint pen.

    In such an engraver, there are two movement mechanisms; vertical movement for the laser is not required. Laser LED is used as a cutting or burning tool.

    ATTENTION! You need to know the intricacies of the laser. Even occasional reflections can damage your eyesight. Extreme caution is needed.

    Since the diameters of the laser diode and the hole in the motor housing are slightly different, the smaller one will have to be enlarged. Conductors soldered to the diode should be insulated with heat shrink tubing.

    The diode is pressed into the hole so that a good thermal contact is achieved between them. The top of the laser diode can be covered with a brass sleeve taken from this motor. Three notches are made in the washer for the screws. The lens, inserted into the hole of the washer, is carefully glued to avoid any glue getting on it.

    The lens is attached to the body. After making sure that it can move freely along the bolts, the position is fixed. Using the screws, the beam is focused as accurately as possible. Such a dvd drive laser is used in engraving technology.

    How can Arduino be used

    A small board with its own processor and memory, contacts - Arduino - are used in the process of designing electronic devices. In a way, it is an electronic constructor that interacts with the environment. Through the contacts, you can connect light bulbs, sensors, motors, routers, magnetic locks to doors to the board - everything that is powered by electricity.

    Arduino is effective for developing programmable devices that can do a lot:

    • plot the route of the device (cnc machine);
    • in partnership with Easydrivers, it is possible to control the stepper motors of the machine;
    • through this open programmable platform, personal computer software can be executed;
    • connecting a Line Track Sensor to the Arduino will allow you to track white lines on a dark background and vice versa;
    • it is used to build a robot and various machine tool assemblies;
    • perform the limitation of stepper motors (when traveling abroad).


    Having at hand lasers from old DVD drives, today craftsmen in Russia create programmable machines. It is not difficult to create a reliable basis for the control of laser machining centers using the components and mechanisms of old electronic technology. You just have to really want!

    Before throwing out an old drive that has an electric motor or laser, you might think about how you can still use it. In fact, there is a use for it, although not as a player or a reading device.

    To adjust the rotation speed, power is supplied to the electric motor through a rheostat in order to slow down the rotation speed. A neat round stand is mounted on the rotating part, and the device is ready.

    A Chinese pointer can serve as a housing for the device, and a laser diode is removed from a DVD or CD-RW drive (a weaker version is a CD-R drive). Visually, it resembles a schematic representation of a hat. You will need the top and middle contacts of the diode, as a plus and a minus, respectively. Power is supplied from two AA batteries. Attention! It is strictly forbidden to shine a pointer in the eyes of people and animals!

    The idea is simple, like everything ingenious - all the filling is removed from the case of a faulty CD-drive, the front panel is not removed, and they make sure that the buttons do not fall out of it. The cache turns out to be quite impressive, and the metal detector will not reveal it.


    A device with a working electric motor may well serve as a small grinding machine for sharpening drills or small knives. To do this, you need to remove the top cover of the drive, stick the abrasive on the CD and slightly improve it, as shown in the video:

    To create a fan, you need a 6-volt electric motor, an impeller, a motor holder, and a DC source such as a power supply or AA batteries.

    More ideas ...

    How else to use your outdated device? Engravers, cutters, plotters are made of the laser driving mechanism. Lens - use in a homemade microscope. The application of the case, laser and motor was discussed above. If the device is still working, you can connect speakers and a power supply to it, you get a player. As a last resort, you can donate or sell it for parts.