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  • How to determine at what frequency a radio station is operating. List of permitted frequencies

    How to determine at what frequency a radio station is operating.  List of permitted frequencies

    What kind of connection do we use when doing active sports and recreation?

    A cell phone is not always convenient and does not always work.

    Satellite, but in some cases this is the only connection with the "big ground".

    Now about everyday realities.

    Someone bought a radio "soap dish", who snatched something more impressive, some have radio amateurs, many band stations.

    When all stations have the same, usually there are no problems, everyone can hear each other. And when the stations are different, how to "make friends". After all, not all people engaged in the same kind of activity have the same radio stations.

    There can be many situations requiring the construction of different stations:

    - You are skiing, you want to build guided walkie-talkies.

    - You are traveling in several cars on vacation, in a large company.

    - Communicate in the mountains with other groups of climbers.

    - Are in trouble, ask for help.

    - Interact with other groups on rescue missions.

    Let's first look at what radio stations are.

    From simple to complex 😉

    "Soap dishes"

    "Soap dish" - "Soap dish discord" ®

    n so they are done in terms of transmitter power and frequency.

    You may have noticed that the radios have a different number of channels: 69 channels, 22 channels, 8 channels. n with a different number of "subchannels", remember, subchannels do not exist, in most cases you call this a CTCSS tone or digital DCS squelch with this scary word. What it is, see the appendix, at the end of the material.

    There are also different markings, on boxes, walkie-talkies, or under batteries: LPD, PMR, FRS / GMRS.

    Let's figure out what's here and what.

    FRS / GMRS is an American standard for household transmitting devices that operate at frequencies that are not allowed for use in Russia, for a common man in the street. It will not work legally to use these radios.

    PMR ("Personal Mobile Radio"), 8 channels are allocated for walkie-talkies with a transmitter output power of no more than 0.5 watts. The European standard for household transmitting devices (446.00625- 446.09375 MHz) due to the 6.25 kHz grid step, they are not built up with practically anything, except for the same PMR standard walkie-talkies. On amateur radio stations, where there is no 6.25 kHz step, you can build by deviating slightly from the given frequency. Registration of radio stations is not required.

    LPD (Low Power Device) can be used freely - no registration of radio stations is required. Operate in the range 433.075-434.775 MHz. The most successful household radio stations for active spending time, especially if you bought the "correct" models that can be tuned to a slightly higher power (up to 3x W), compared to the allowed 0.01W. There are models with a screw-on antenna, you can replace it with a longer antenna from a professional or amateur radio station, which will greatly increase its receiving and transmitting characteristics.

    See the appendix for a table of frequency correspondences to channel numbers and squelch tones.

    P.S. The use of LPD (SRD) radios is not permitted in the following countries: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Prlandia, Luxembourg, Portugal, Great Britain, Spain, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Croatia, Turkey.

    There are no such restrictions for PMR radios, you can safely go abroad and use them freely.

    As for FRS / GMRS, this range is banned primarily in Russia. 😉

    Amateur radio stations.

    How Not All Apples Are Equally Healthy®

    And not every Kenwood is Kenwood.

    (radio amateur wisdom)

    A good connection is never cheap. With these words I would like to start a story about medium-level equipment.

    Chinese KENWOOD TK-K2AT, TH-K2AT and TK-150S 137-174 MHz band, or TK-K4AT, TH-K4AT and TK-450S 420-470 MHz band work with any LPD / FRS / GMRS "soap boxes" price less than 100 $ piece. These and other similar devices are widely sold in our country.

    BUT! Oh, if you only knew how much I myself do not like such "but". Walkie-talkies of this price range, with the declared characteristics - a pig in a poke.

    Reliability = reliability, durability, maintainability.

    That's just the reliability in these whales Kenwood and lame.

    How quickly it will stop working is also not known. This equipment is of a class, lucky or unlucky, tested on our own experience.

    Kenwood is a good manufacturer of professional equipment for adequate money. If your whale is broken Kenwood, remember Kenwood has nothing to do with it, he has never seen these stations.

    There are so-called "two Bend" radio stations, which combine the ranges of interest to us, the so-called two-meter range and the 70cm range, they are named so for a reason, this is a display of the wavelength in the name. These are frequencies of 137-174 MHz and 420-470 MHz, the latter, as you remember, are household radio "soap dishes".

    So why do you think the 2-meter range is interesting to us? And in fact, very many.

    The first and very important argument is that the rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations work on it.

    Second, a huge "army" of radio amateurs communicates in this range.

    Third, it has good passage in mountainous and wooded areas, the 70cm range wins only in dense urban areas.

    Going in for active sports and recreation, it is very foolish to assume that you, your friend or other people around you in your sport will not need any outside help. It is not possible to count on a mobile phone everywhere, and you have come across this yourself. Therefore, being able to ask for help on time can be very important. When arriving in a new area, find out the frequencies of the radio stations: guides, volunteer rescue teams and the Ministry of Emergencies. For the Ministry of Emergencies, this is the usual frequency of 164.450 MHz, but to which frequency the receivers of the local rescue services and their callsigns are tuned, you must find out on your own.

    The calling frequency of radio amateurs (usually 145.500 MHz), all nearby radio amateurs conduct their communications here, and many have stationary equipment of much higher quality and fine-tuned than in the Ministry of Emergencies. You understand that some are so addicted to their hobbies that they are ready to spend a lot of money and all their free time on their hobby in order to achieve good results. It should also be noted that radio amateurs repeatedly received distress signals and transmitted information to rescuers, so many lives were saved, at different times.

    Taking this into account, we can conclude that having a 2-meter range in your walkie-talkie is not superfluous. Radios at this level require registration if you intend to use them legally. There is nothing complicated in this, but more on that later.


    Yaesu- a brand well known

    among radio amateurs

    and is synonymous with high quality

    amateur radio stations.

    A good combination of price = quality simply forces us to dwell on the models of this manufacturer. Here are three models of portable stations that you should pay special attention to.

    YAESU FT-60R



    All three stations are two-band, cost, in ascending order.

    Briefly about the advantages and disadvantages of these. They are all very similar in their characteristics.

    YAESUFT-60 R

    Pros: Full-fledged 5W transmitter power, price, ability to use: lithium, metal hydride and nickel-cadmium branded batteries, ability to work from batteries. Dustproof, waterproof.

    Minus: Big and heavy compared to the other two. Not a very thoughtful headset connector, so as not to fly out, you have to press the rubber band.


    Pros: Very compact and lightweight, 130g. Dustproof, waterproof.

    Cons: Weaker transmitter, no more than 3W. Only branded lithium batteries.


    Pros: Full 5W transmitter power, compact, mid-size between FT-60R and VX-3R. According to the requirements of moisture resistance, the station complies with the JIS-7 standard (immersion to a depth of 1 meter for 30 minutes). Only branded lithium batteries.

    Yaesu VX-120 stands alone, it can be described as "reliable".

    This radio has only a double range, but its merits are not in a wide range of reception, but in reliability. Waterproof and shock resistant to MIL STND 810 C / D / E.

    Radio options

    Antenna is the best amplifier.

    Whatever "cool radio" you have

    with a bad antenna it doesn't matter.


    All antennas supplied with radio stations have very weak characteristics due to their broadband. Since we need antennas for very narrow ranges, we can purchase them and win in quality and communication range.

    Yaesu ATU-6B (420-470 MHz) is a good antenna for the seventy, if you put it on the LPD station, for example, the 400th midland, you will greatly benefit in the quality of communication.

    Yaesu / Vertex ATV-6XL Antenna for 136-174 MHz, tuned to the desired frequency by clipping. Cropping card included.

    Cut it at 145MHz and the second at 164MHz and get the most effective antennas for these frequencies.

    Opek 601HV antenna for two bands 136-174 MHz-420-470 MHz. Has slightly higher gain than a standard antenna. Flimsy, requires careful attitude, breaks strongly at the point of articulation with the coil. The quality has been very unstable lately. With minor home modifications, it shows slightly better results than standard antennas for the FT-60 or VX-6.

    When using radio communications at a considerable distance from each other, the use of antennas tuned to the exact frequency at which you are working is mandatory, since when using standard multi-band antennas, you have a chance to be disconnected or receive only scraps of phrases.

    Typefaces - tangents

    Headsets or the same handsfree are very convenient, which free your hands from the radio station, but you can also quickly receive the information transmitted to you.

    Tangenta is a remote unit on a wire that can be connected to your walkie-talkie with a microphone, speaker and transmission button. Also, in most cases, it has a headphone jack.

    A very convenient thing, regardless of the type of station. The radio can be in an inner pocket (for example, so as not to freeze) or in a backpack, and the PTT is brought out to a convenient place and connected to the station with a twisted wire.


    There are different types of batteries: lithium, metal hydride and nickel-cadmium. Briefly about the pros and cons of using them in radio stations.

    Lithium - have the largest capacity, with a modest size of the battery. Accordingly, long-term energy output. Their downside is that they are very afraid of freezing temperatures, they quickly lose tension and the ability to continue working.

    Metal hydride batteries have a smaller capacity with the same dimensions, and are not so afraid of negative temperatures as lithium ones. They do not have a "memory effect"; they can be recharged without waiting for a complete discharge. But they have a relatively high self-discharge current. This means that they lose charge when they are simply stored awaiting commissioning. For one week of storing a charged battery, you will lose somewhere about 20% of the capacity, respectively 20% of the operating time.

    Nickel-cadmium batteries have the lowest capacity listed above. They can deliver the greatest current. They have a "memory effect" and require a complete discharge before recharging. But their advantages are in low self-discharge current. Therefore, they still enjoy the attention of the operational services.

    Battery cassettes

    Convenient devices for AA batteries. They can greatly help out when there is no way to find an outlet to charge the station.

    Disadvantages: due to the many intermediate contacts between the batteries (batteries), micro resistances are obtained that prevent normal current flow, while the station will not work at full capacity and for as long as on a standard battery. It is also not profitable to insert finger-type batteries of a large capacity there and use it instead of a standard battery because of micro-resistances. All connections need to be drilled with short (about 10-15mm) and thick wires. Well, that's a completely different story.

    Increasing the range of radio communication within a group in a given area.

    If your area of ​​interest is around a static object (house, gatehouse, tent camp, etc.), then there you can put a stationary base antenna with good reception characteristics (for example, Diamond X-50) and receive on a small portable station connected through an adapter. or install a station with a high power transmitter and a more sensitive receiver, which is equal to better reception of weak signals (for example, an automobile FT-2800 for a "two" or FT-7800, FT-8800 for both bands), but in both cases use thick wires (7 -10mm) with a small damping factor for the range you choose.

    If there is such a "base", and there is no person in it, everyone went around the bush, and it is impossible to shout from one portable station to another because of the distance or the terrain. It is possible to connect an Echo repeater (Parrot) to the "base" station, which is a small digital tape recorder with an average of 60 seconds of recording. connected instead of a tangent to the station.

    It works very simply, it records the voice received at the base station, at the end of the reception, it switches the station to the transmission mode and reproduces your words on the air. You hear this yourself and the correspondent who is not available in direct radio line of sight. He answers you and the cycle repeats the required number of times. The cost of such devices is comparable to the cost of two simple ones or one good "soap box".

    Frequencies for broadcasting.

    2 meters - 144-146 MHz

    Here is a small illustration to clarify the frequency distribution in the 144-146 MHz range.

    From the beginning about what frequencies you should NOT work on, say, while skiing or boarding. Do not step on frequencies that are marked with a color other than green in the labels above. With your negotiations, you can interfere with other participants in the broadcast, and they, in turn, will interfere with you. Don't make each other uncomfortable.

    Where is possible, as you probably guessed, at those frequencies that are marked in green, but there are a few caveats. The frequency 145.500 and two frequencies on the right and left are underlined, usually used by radio amateurs to conduct local communications with each other. Therefore, do not occupy these frequencies either. There are 25 frequencies left in the range of two meters, among which you can definitely choose a free one. Be respectful and polite to everyone on the broadcast, and everyone will be polite to you.

    You can only work:
    1) At frequencies that are prescribed in a permit issued by a government agency (RFC). The authorization is issued when renting a frequency with the payment of the corresponding fees and charges.
    2) Unauthorized on the civilian band 27 MHz (CBC) - .
    3) Without permission on the civil band 433MHz (LPD) - .
    That's it, nowhere else, at any frequency it is impossible to work.
    To work - to negotiate for the purpose of obtaining commercial benefits, to negotiate on behalf of or for the purposes of a certain organization created to generate profit (OJSC, CJSC, LLC, individual entrepreneur).

    There is another set of frequencies where communication of citizens is allowed, but not for work:
    Unauthorized 446 MHz civilian band (PMR) - .
    Communication is the exchange of non-commercial information: conversations about traffic jams in the city, fixing a broken chair, solving the question of who will go to the store for vodka, whose TV remote control is longer, and so on.

    That is, you can communicate on C-Bi, LPD, PMR, and work only on C-Bi and LPD.

    In addition, there are also radio amateur bands, you cannot work on them, and in order to communicate, you need to pass qualification exams and obtain permission from the state body - RFC.
    The specific frequencies (ranges) on which it will be possible to communicate depends on the category received, when passing the exam, for more details, see the site page: "" and by-laws.

    It is also important to note that broadcasting in the indicated ranges (frequencies) is legal only if the conditions of certain by-laws (decisions of the State Committee for Radio Frequencies) are met.
    For example, for civilian LPD 433, this is a power of no more than 0.01 watts (10 milliwatts), for PMR 446 power is no more than 0.5 watts, for C-Bi 27 power is no more than 10 watts.
    If the requirements are not met, your broadcasting is not legal (depending on the consequences, it is a violation of the Civil Code or the Criminal Code of Russia).

    Ethics when working on the air (when communicating by radio)

    Don't bother others to connect.
    Even if it seems to you that you are restoring law and order with your own hindrances (for example, you are expelling taxi drivers from 27MHz CBS (let me remind you that according to the decisions of the SCRF it is possible to work at 27MHz, the ban is not spelled out anywhere, which is impossible, this is a delusion of those who have not read the documents)).
    Your interference could cost someone their lives!
    Is this argument insufficient for you?
    Let's imagine that you are driving along a deserted road, there is a radio station in the car, there is a mobile station, of course, but it lies nearby and here a load falls off from the truck in front - the rail, you brake, go away but only from the rail, but not from the lamp post and now you are already sandwiched between the metal, the mobile phone flew away somewhere in the process of braking and impacts, and the truck left, since its driver did not even notice the loss of part of the load. The microphone of the radio station is nearby, the radio station is still working, the battery is still giving voltage to the onboard network, but someone decided to drive taxi drivers on the channel with a piece of music "sound track from the cartoon Just Wait", he doesn't hear you, and he doesn't want to listen.
    Or here's another situation - you decided to make fun of a crane operator who works on LPD 433 and said "Vira!" Of course, the crane operator is to blame. But how will you continue to live, knowing what cut off a man's legs from your false command? You will tell your wife - dear, I got pinned today and the man's legs were cut off? Will you tell your children, too, and everyone will laugh together?

    Respect other radio participants.
    If you bought a walkie-talkie, this does not mean that you bought a frequency.
    If you tuned the radio to a channel (frequency), this does not mean that this channel is now yours personally.
    Every day thousands of sets of radio stations are sold, someone bought a radio station 2 months ago, someone 10 years ago, someone of them tuned their radio station to the same frequency as you yesterday, just yesterday he was silent, for example, he had day off, and today he will start communicating and you will hear him. Remember, the one who bought the radio station yesterday and the one who bought it a year ago have equal rights to communicate on the frequency.
    If it happens that you hear radio traffic (conversations) that interfere with your radio traffic or yourself, try:
    - Enable additional capabilities of the radio (enable CTCSS or DCS);
    - Change channel (frequency), another channel may be free;
    - Agree with those who bother you about changing the frequency on their part or negotiating so that to conduct radio exchanges in the pauses between their radio exchanges.
    Remember - if someone interferes with you, then this is your problem and only yours, and not the person who interfered with you with his radio exchange.
    It is possible that he has no idea that you exist at all, for example, you hear him, but he does not, because he has CTCSS turned on in his radio station and you don’t.

    Avoid using foul language.
    Children can hear your conversations.
    If this argument is not enough, then remember that children also have parents who may not like at all that their daughter in the first year of life hears mats from the baby monitor, and parents may have "long arms", so that one day you can wake up, and head in the nightstand.

    Don't go into personal abuse.
    Before you say something to strangers, imagine that you go into a restaurant, there is a certain company at a table, you do not know these people and now you approach them and say what you are going to say on the air.
    Would you insult from the doorway like that?
    It’s good that they wouldn’t.
    Sometimes you do not know who you are talking to, and you might think that it is a good idea to break into someone's conversation and call those communicating on the frequency chepushilov and homosexuals, but this is a very bad idea. Having bought a set of two radios in the store for 1000 rubles, you can easily hear the conversation and your conversation will also be heard by those who are a retired general of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the owner of a large enterprise in your city, the owner of the company that built the house in which you are going to buy an apartment and they bought their radio stations not for 1000 rubles per pair, but at a price of 140,000 rubles apiece, plus antennas for another 100,000 rubles apiece, just for them radio communication is a hobby.

    Give your callsigns.
    On the civilian band, at least come up with a call sign, at least some, but unique.
    Give your callsign at least 1 time per beast session, or at least 1 time per hour.
    This will make it easier for you to conduct radio communication yourself, since it will be known exactly who said what to whom, and it will be easier for other people on the frequency to contact you if necessary.
    Working without callsigns creates situations where confusion and a lot of mutual interference can arise on the air. Let's say you want to ask your friend (colleague) if he is on the frequency and say:
    - Seryoga, are you here?
    and on a frequency of 7 people named Sergei, respectively, a completely different Sergei and your Sergei are answering you at the same time, you do not understand anything, because the signals were formed and you could only hear "zhzhzhuzhuzhu", you say again:
    - Didn't hear, Seryoga, where are you?
    then another Seryoga answers you, and your Seryoga has already left the zone of confident communication and is almost inaudible. Naturally, you say:
    - Man, do not interfere with work, I called Seryoga, not you!
    and a conversation begins in the style:
    - So I am Seryoga, what did I call that?
    - In short, I didn't call you, Seryoga, are you here?
    - Yes, I'm Seryoga, man, who are you?
    - I'm Diman!
    - No, man, Diman is sitting next to me, you are not Diman.
    ... I think the situation is clear.

    Before starting basic radio traffic, make sure that you are not disturbing anyone.
    Listen to the frequency for a few minutes by turning off CTCSS and DCS - are there many interfering stations on the frequency, powerfully, they can be heard without noise, or with strong noises and dropouts.
    If there are no strong signals, turn on the transmission, ask if you will interfere if you continue radio traffic on this frequency? Is the frequency free?
    If you want to work by "closing" CTCSS or DCS, enable this function and ask again: is the frequency free? Do we bother anyone?

    What can you say on a walkie-talkie that you can't talk over a walkie-talkie?

    On civilian unlicensed bands, it is expressly prohibited:
    - Broadcast advertising;
    - Stream music;
    - Call for illegal actions;
    - Carry out illegal activities.
    Actually, here, like with poisonous mushrooms, you can eat them but only once, because the dead no longer eat. I think the analogy is clear.

    You can talk about exactly what you can talk about while standing on the street.
    Just remember that any conversation on the radio is like a conversation across the street and you shout into the megaphone.
    That is, not only the person to whom you are speaking will hear you, but also a lot of people or no one else (how lucky you are).

    Personally, I would not give my credit card numbers and their PIN codes through the radio station, last name, first name, patronymic, passport series and number, residence address, telephone number.
    Because personal data, for example in the hands of fraudsters, can become a weapon against my loved ones or myself, can serve as a key to my savings, facilitate the theft of my property.

    Myths and misconceptions that lead to disappointment

    Myth 1: you fucking find me!
    You can find in about 1 hour the place from which you broadcast, in a city with a population of more than a million people and an area of ​​500 square kilometers, without special equipment, only having a couple of friends with household radio stations from a set "for 1000 rubles two pieces" and having knowledge in the field radio electronics.
    Of course, if the source of the radio signal is moving on the car, then everything becomes a little more complicated, but it only becomes more complicated, and not impossible.

    Myth 2: who needs to listen to us? Speak, don't be shy!
    As I wrote above: there are many radio stations for sale, but there are not so many channels, so there are many people on each frequency on any day and hour. You do not hear them only because they also listen, and do not transmit, or in general, their transmitter is broken and they only listen. And then there are radio amateurs with only receivers (they have a transmitter for other frequencies), and there are also special services that listen and record.
    For example, I am now writing this article and in parallel I listen to several frequencies at once.
    Look at a site like at your leisure to read who is listening to what.

    Myth 3: I bought a walkie-talkie officially, which means that at all frequencies at which it can work, I can also conduct radio traffic!
    The frequencies at which you can work or communicate without receiving special permits from the state are determined by the decisions of the State Committee for Radio Frequencies, I wrote about them above.
    You can officially buy an ax, but this will not save you from criminal liability if you hack to death a person, although officially the ax is intended for chopping meat, and the person is officially made of meat.

    I hope the reader understands that this article is a recommendation.
    I decided to write an article, because I saw in the statistics of site visits search queries of the form:
    "radio amateurs are kicked out of the frequency"
    "we bought a walkie-talkie and they interfere with our work"
    "put interference on the radio how to be"
    "what will happen if I speak obscenities on the air"
    On the one hand, requests are very ambiguous and few in number, on the other hand, they are important in principle, because it is better to let the person receive only recommendatory information, but before he starts to commit illegal actions, than to receive very accurate information, but through bitter experience.

    Discussion of the article on the forum.

    Details Views: 72877

    Russian radio amateurs, regardless of the category of their radio station, along with the HF bands, are allowed to work in the ultra-shortwave (VHF) bands.

    The power of transmitters of radio stations of the 4th category when operating in the VHF bands should not exceed 5 watts, for radio stations of the 3rd and 2nd categories - 10 watts, for radio stations of the 1st category - 50 watts in the range of 144-146 MHz and 10 watts in VHF bands above 433 MHz. The power of transmitters of amateur radio stations operating in the 430-433 MHz frequency band should not exceed 5 watts. At the same time, the work of amateur radio stations in the 430-433 MHz frequency band in an area with a radius of 350 km. from the center of Moscow is prohibited.

    To conduct experimental radio communications using the Moon as a passive repeater (EME), as well as using the reflection of radio signals from meteor trails (MS), Russian radio amateurs with qualification category 1 are allowed to use a transmitter power of up to 500 watts.

    Frequency plan of VHF bands for amateur radio stations in Russia

    Frequency bands, MHz Types of radiation
    1 cat 2,3 cat 4 cat
    144 MHz band (2 m)
    144,035-144,110 0,5 CW (Calling Frequency 144.050 MHz) 50 10 5
    144,110-144,150 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes; for PSK31 call frequency 144.138 MHz) 50 10 5
    144,165-144,180 3,0 DIGIMODE (all types), CW 50 10 5
    144,180-144,360 3,0 SSB (calling frequencies: 144,200 MHz and 144,300 MHz), CW 50 10 5
    144,360-144,400 3,0 DIGIMODE (all types), CW, SSB 50 10 5
    144,400-144,490 0,5 Beacons only (CW and DIGIMODE) 50 10 5
    144,500-144,794 25,0 DIGIMODE (all types; call frequencies: SSTV - 144.500 MHz, RTTY - 144.600 MHz, FAX - 144.700 MHz, ATV - 144.525 and 144.750 MHz), (duplex: 144.630-144.660 MHz transmit, 144.660-144.690 MHz receive), ADS 50 10 5
    144,794-144,990 12,0 DIGIMODE (APRS - 144.800 MHz) 50 10 5
    144,990-145,194 12,0 FM, repeater only, receive, 12.5 kHz step 50 10 5
    145,194-145,206 12,0 FM, space communication 50 10 5
    145,206-145,594 12,0 FM (calling frequency 145.500 MHz); repeaters of previously recorded messages, step 12.5 kHz 50 10 5
    145,594-145,7935 12,0 FM, repeater only, transmit, 12.5 kHz step 50 10 5
    145,7935-145,806 12,0 FM (satellite only) 50 10 5
    145,806-146,000 12,0 All views (only for operation via satellites 50 10 5
    430 MHz band (70 cm)
    430,000-432,000 20,0 All kinds 5 5 5
    432,025-432,100 0,5 CW (ringing frequency 432.050 MHz), DIGIMODE (narrowband modes, ringing frequency 432.088 MHz) 5 5 5
    432,100-432,400 2,7 CW, SSB (calling frequency 432.200 MHz), DIGIMODE 5 5 5
    432,400-432,500 0,5 Beacons only (CW and DIGIMODE) 5 5 5
    432,500-433,000 12,0 All types (calling frequencies: APRS -432.500 MHz, RTTY - 432.500 MHz, FAX -432.700 MHz) 5 5 5
    433,000-433,400 12,0 10 10 5
    433,400-433,600 12,0 FM (calling frequency 433.500 MHz); SSTV (calling frequency 433.400 MHz) 10 10 5
    433,600-434,000 25,0 All types (calling frequencies: RTTY -433.600 MHz, FAX - 433.700 MHz, 433.800 MHz only for APRS), ADS 10 10 5
    434,025-434,100 0,5 10 10 5
    434,100-434,600 12,0 All kinds 10 10 5
    434,600-435,000 12,0 FM, repeater only, transmit, 25 kHz step 10 10 5
    435,000-440,000 20,0 All modes, via satellites only 435-438 MHz 10 10 5
    1296 MHz band (23 cm)
    1260,000-1270,000 20,0 All types, work via satellite (Earth-to-space) 10 10 5
    1270,000-1290,994 20,0 All kinds 10 10 5
    1290,994-1291,481 12,0 FM, repeater only, receive, 25 kHz step 10 10 5
    1291,481-1296,000 150,0 All kinds 10 10 5
    1296,025-1296,150 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 10 10 5
    1296,150-1296,800 2,7 All modes (CW - 1296.200 MHz, FKS441-1296.370 MHz, SSTV - 1296.500 MHz, RTTY -1296.600 MHz, FAX - 1296.700 MHz) 10 10 5
    1296,800-1296,994 0,5 Beacons only (CW and DIGIMODE) 10 10 5
    1296,994-1297,490 12,0 FM, repeater only, transmit, 25 kHz step 10 10 5
    1297,490-1298,000 12,0 FM, 25 kHz step, ringing frequency 1297.500 MHz 10 10 5
    1298,000-1300,000 150,0 All kinds 10 10 5
    2400 - 2450 MHz range
    2400-2427 150 10 10 5
    2427-2443 10000 All types (work via satellite), ATV 10 10 5
    2443-2450 150 All types (work via satellite) 10 10 5
    Range 5650 - 5850 MHz
    5650-5670 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes, Earth-to-space), ringing frequency 5668.2 MHz 10 10 5
    5725-5760 150 DIGIMODE (all kinds) 10 10 5
    5762-5790 150 DIGIMODE (all kinds) 10 10 5
    5790-5850 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (all kinds; satellite communications, space-to-Earth) 10 10 5
    Range 10000 - 10500 MHz
    10000-10150 150 DIGIMODE (all types), CW 10 10 5
    10150-10250 10000 All kinds 10 10 5
    10250-10350 150 DIGIMODE (all types), CW 10 10 5
    10350-10368 150 All kinds 10 10 5
    10368-10370 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes), ringing frequency 10368.2 MHz 10 10 5
    10370-10450 10000 All kinds 10 10 5
    10450-10500 20 All types (satellite communication) 10 10 5
    Range 24000 - 24250 MHz
    24000-24048 6000 All types (satellite communication) 10 10 5
    24048-24050 0,5 DIGIMODE (narrowband modes, satellite communications) 10 10 5
    24050-24250 10000 All types (calling frequency 24125 MHz) 10 10 5
    Range 47000 - 47200 MHz
    47002-47088 6000 All kinds 10 10 5
    47090-47200 10000 All kinds 10 10 5
    Range 76000 - 78000 MHz
    76000-77500 10000 All kinds 10 10 5
    77501-78000 10000 All kinds 10 10 5
    Range 122250 - 123000 MHz
    122251-123000 10000 All kinds 10 10 5
    Range 134000 - 141000 MHz
    134001-136000 10000 All kinds 10 10 5
    136000-141000 10000 All kinds 10 10 5
    Range 241000 - 250000 MHz
    241000-248000 10000 All kinds 10 10 5
    248001-250000 10000 All kinds 10 10 5

    2. Transmissions from amateur stations using repeaters on the VHF bands take precedence over other transmissions from amateur stations. Amateur radio operators must not interfere with these broadcasts.

    3. To use repeaters of previously recorded messages, it is not required to obtain permission to use radio frequencies or radio frequency channels. The frequency of reception and transmission must be the same. At the same time, it is recommended to limit such use of RES. The operation of repeaters of previously recorded messages at frequencies of 145.45 and 145.5 MHz is prohibited.

    Allocation of frequency bands for experimental radio communications using the Moon as a passive repeater (EME) for amateur radio stations in Russia

    Frequency bands, MHz Max. signal bandwidth at the level of -6 dB, kHz Types of radiation and uses (in order of priority) Power depending on the category, W
    1 cat 2,3 cat 4 cat
    144 MHz band (2 m)
    144,035-144,110 0,5 CW (communications without prior arrangement - 144.100 MHz) 500 10 5
    144,110-144,150 0,5 DIGIMODE (narrowband modes; for JT65: 144.120-144.150 MHz), CW 500 10 5
    144,150-144,165 3,0 SSB, CW 500 10 5
    430 MHz band (70 cm)
    432,000-432,025 0,5 CW 500 5 5
    432,025-432,100 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 5 5
    432,100-432,400 2,7 CW, SSB, DIGIMODE 500 5 5
    434,000-434,025 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
    1296 MHz band (23 cm)
    1296,000-1296,150 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
    Other VHF bands
    2320,000-2320,150 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
    5760 - 5762 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
    10368 - 10370 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
    24048 - 24050 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
    47000 - 47002 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
    47088 - 47090 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
    77500 - 77501 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
    122250 - 122251 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
    134000 - 134001 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
    248000 - 248001 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5

    Allocation of frequency bands for experimental radio communications using the reflection of radio signals from meteor tracks (MS) for amateur radio stations in Russia

    When driving away from home, communication is often only required at the local level. These are negotiations between the crews of different cars during the trip, and communication between members of the same aircraft during stops, etc.

    In this article, we will tell you how to choose a walkie-talkie that best suits your tasks and does not contradict the legislation of the countries of the upcoming trip.

    Walkie talkie ranges

    To correctly understand which radio to choose, you first need to know their operating frequency range.

    You can see the separation and current characteristics of the frequency bands in the attached table:

    Range designation Range name Range assignment Wavelength Frequencies, MHz
    KB Short waves Amateur 11 meters 1,8 – 30
    CB Citizen Band Civil 27
    LB Low Band Service 6 meters 30 – 54
    VHF Very High Frequency Requires permission to use frequency 2 meters 136 – 174
    UHF Ultra High Frequency Service / Amateur 70 centimeters 400 – 470

    In addition, the following operating ranges are distinguished within the UHF:

    1. LPD

    Lower Power Device - Low power device - (433-434) MHz

    2. PMR

    Personal Mobile Radio - Personal Mobile Radio - (446) MHz

    3. FRS

    Family Radio Service - Family radio - (462.5625- 467.7125) MHz

    4. GMRS

    General Mobile Radio Service - Main Mobile Radio Service - (462.5625-462.7250) MHz

    In case of deeper interest, you can study in more detail the characteristics of the ranges from the table attached at the end of this article.

    Please note that the wavelength is inversely proportional to the frequency and is an important characteristic of the radio, since, based on the properties of bending around obstacles equal to half the wavelength, it allows you to understand their capabilities in a particular area.

    Permitted frequency ranges

    Considering that in Russia the use of radio air is controlled by the state represented by the State Commission on Radio Frequencies (SCRF), it is necessary to understand at which frequencies it is allowed to work without any action on the part of the user.

    According to the decision of the State Committee for Radio Frequencies in the Russian Federation for civil radio communications there are three frequency ranges, for the use of which registration is not required:

    1) 27 MHzCB radio class

    The output power of the transmitter cannot exceed 10 W (Decision of the State Committee for Radio Frequencies of 03.09.2013 No. 13-20-08);

    2) 433 MHzClassLPD, 69 channels

    Walkie-talkies with integrated compact antennas with a power of not more than 0.01 W are allowed (Decision of the State Committee for Radio Frequencies of 10/13/2014 No. 14-27-04);

    3) 446 MHzClassPMR, 8 channels

    Walkie-talkies with integrated compact antennas with a power of no more than 0.5 W are allowed (Decision of the State Committee for Radio Frequencies of 10/13/2014 No. 14-27-04).

    The above ranges can be used for your own purposes without fear of being punished.

    In addition, two more radio frequency ranges are available for citizens or organizations in Russia:

    1) 33-50 MHz (LB);

    To use radio frequencies in this range, you must obtain permission from the Radio Frequency Center and register the walkie-talkie with Goskomnadzor;

    2) 136-174 MHz (VHF-VHF);

    A feature of this range is the 144-146 MHz frequency band, which is allocated to radio amateurs after passing a special exam.

    Here, as in the previous case, you must submit an application and register a radio station.

    Thus, in Russia you can freely purchase and use a walkie-talkie in the following ranges without any restrictions:

    • LPD

    • PMR

    It should also be noted that PMR the range can be used both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad, and LPD - only on the territory of our country.

    Thus, when buying a radio station, it is necessary to check its range and the presence of a mandatory certificate for the compliance of the sold radios with the requirements of the State Committee for Radio Frequencies.

    In the absence of the corresponding certificate, you need to know that, according to the Law on Communications, all responsibility for the use of radios that do not meet the requirements of the State Committee for Radio Frequencies rests with the purchaser.

    The choice of the radio

    Considering that there is no ideal walkie-talkie for all occasions, you will need to decide for what main purposes you will need it.

    • the most commonly used environment;
    • are you ready to spend your time registering a radio station with the State Committee for Radio Frequencies;
    • countries where it is planned to use radio stations;
    • required radius of action;
    • conditions for connecting power to the radio;
    • period of autonomous use;
    • dust, dirt and water resistance;
    • requirements for additional functionality;
    • the cost of the equipment.

    When choosing a walkie-talkie according to the cost criterion, keep in mind that many components of your convenience depend on this equipment, and at some moments your life may also depend. Therefore, before making a decision, be very careful about the station price. The main thing is that it does not work out that the radio will stop working immediately after the release of their store or after the first charge.

    D for rough terrain

    If you need to choose a walkie-talkie for work in rough terrain, then the best option would be a CB radio station (CB radio) with a low frequency range, such as 27 MHz. The wavelength of such devices is about 10 meters. Knowing that a wave can go around an obstacle equal to only half of its length, we conclude that such waves can easily cope with obstacles in the form of thick trees and small hills.

    This range also has a minus - for example, sensitivity to interference. If there are electromagnetic disturbances in the range of the low-frequency radio, problems will begin. Therefore, such devices are undesirable to use in the city. In addition, radios in this range are quite heavy, bulky and have outdated hardware.

    On the other hand, if the route passes through uncomplicated places, and weight and dimensions matter, then it is better to purchase a walkie-talkie LPDrange... They are much more technologically advanced and modern. In addition, in an open area, without large barriers, they are able to provide the required quality and range of communication. As a rule, walkie-talkies for hiking LPD range have a display, weigh only a few hundred grams and are conveniently located in the hand.

    But there is one caveat here. For example, if you are going to ski on the slopes Europe, then it would be best to buy a walkie-talkie PMR range, since there it can be used legally.

    For urban conditions

    For the city, one of the most important parameters for a walkie-talkie is its resistance to interference on the air, as well as the ability to penetrate into narrow spaces such as windows and basements of houses. There are a lot of these difficulties in any large settlement.

    Therefore, in this situation, the best will be a walkie-talkie that works in the high-frequency range. She is not afraid of any electromagnetic disturbances, and due to the small wavelength, she easily penetrates into living quarters. Such walkie-talkies work in LPD,PMRranges... Their equipment is compact, has a modern stylish design and is easy to carry during sightseeing trips around the city.

    Truckers Channel

    The most popular channel among motorists is Channel 15. It is also called the truckers' channel.

    Such a radio station is useful for listening live the current traffic situation and establishing communication between cars over a relatively long distance (5-15 km). This type of communication becomes even more convenient after the need arises to contact the police or "ambulance", emergency or special dispatch services.

    Listening to what truck drivers are talking about is another "fun", which, however, is extremely contraindicated for drivers with children in the cabin.

    On the route, truckers use an international channel in the civilian frequency range CB - 15C or 15D, depending on the type of radio station. Select AM for modulation on this channel. The antenna must be placed on the roof of the car or on the trunk lid. The higher it is set, the longer the communication range will be. You can use either the magnetic antenna mount or the roof rack or gutter mount. It is better to power the radio station to the battery. This will eliminate power line noise from the generator and other connected electronic devices. Currently, a radio station operating in the 27 MHz band does not require registration.

    For drivers

    For our favorite category of consumers, the selection criteria are also extended to two options for the types of radio stations:

    • Stationary
    • Portable.

    The advantages of a stationary radio are that in the cabin you will not see any wires and adapters. All this is efficiently hidden during installation. In addition, this equipment is powered by the car battery, which is the key to stable operation.

    At the same time, the disadvantages of stationary devices are their immobility. You cannot use them outside the vehicle. For this parameter, walkie-talkies, the best models of which have excellent batteries, are sometimes preferable.

    Additional functionality of radio stations

    Working channels.

    In the simplest radios there is only one communication channel. Everyone understands that this is not very convenient, tk. other people can use this channel and the airwaves will be clogged.

    However, according to the decision of the SCRF, all residents of Russia are allowed to use 69 channels in the LPD range. Therefore, almost all radios, with rare exceptions, have exactly this number of channels.

    In addition, the presence of many channels allows each known subscriber to assign its own channel and talk with him individually.

    If, from a multichannel station, you find yourself in the simultaneous location of a large crowd of people (a tourist festival) and the air is crammed on many channels - there is also a solution to the issue! Some of the radios support such a concept as “subtone”. If a group of people puts their "subtone" on their radios, then you can speak on the same channel that other users are already on, without interfering with them. True, this somewhat reduces the communication range.

    Voice activated.

    A number of stations support the call not only with the PTT button, but also by voice. Is it convenient or not? Basically, if you climb a rock, ride a bicycle, or go on a kayak, then if you have a special headset (analogue of “hands free” for mobile phones), your hands will be “untied”. You will be able to talk to people without letting go of the paddle, rudder, or rope.

    Search for a working channel.

    This is certainly not the most important function, but it has a reasonable application. In particular: when you arrive at the place where your collection takes place, you find that you have not agreed in advance about the working channel. Another option is that you are in trouble, say, you broke your leg, but there is no connection. You have only a walkie-talkie in your hands.

    You turn on the search mode for a working channel and find some people with whom you can talk about help.

    We hope that you will not find yourself in such a situation, but additional solutions to the problem will never hurt.

    Baby-sitter mode (nanny).

    The bottom line is that the radio is switched to voice activation mode and left with the child.

    For example, you went out into nature with your child, he fell asleep, and you want to take advantage of the time - to wander through the forest or sit by the river. However, the situation when we are sitting here 50 meters from the car, and the awakened offspring sobbing that there is urine is unpleasant to anyone.


    As you can see, the answer to the question of which radio stations are good is to understand the purpose of this device personally for the buyer. As soon as you decide where you will use your walkie-talkie, it will immediately become clear which device you can buy. On the need for additional functionality - decide on your own need and financial capabilities.

    For the convenience of making a decision on the choice of a radio station, below is a summary table of comparative characteristics of all types of permitted bands:

    Name Range, MHz Limiting transmitter power Permission to use without a license Recommendations for use
    Russia Europe USA
    CB 27 10 watts + + + Truckers' radio channel. CB radios (CB band) are recommended for rough terrain with obstacles up to 5 meters wide. Should not be used in urban areas due to its sensitivity to electromagnetic disturbances and low penetration into windows and basements. The communication range in the city is 3-5 km, in the open space - 10-15 km. The main disadvantage is the relative bulkiness of the equipment.
    LPD 433-434 0.01W + Walkie-talkies LPD frequencies are small. They are resistant to interference, but due to line-of-sight operation, it is advisable to use it in an open space (field, mountains in line-of-sight) or with the possibility of signal reflection in a city. Given the large selection of channels, it is convenient to use in places where a large number of radio users are concentrated (in resorts or in tourist places. The communication range in the city is more than 2 km., In the forest - 3-4 km., In line of sight - up to 10 km.
    PMR 446 0.5 watts + + + Walkie-talkies PMR frequencies are small-sized. They are resistant to interference, but due to line-of-sight operation, it is advisable to use it in an open space (field, mountains in line-of-sight) or with the possibility of signal reflection in a city. The communication range in the city is more than 2 km., In the forest - 3-4 km., In line of sight - up to 10 km. The main advantage is the absence of restrictions on use in Europe and the USA.

    Want to know more?

    Go to our.

    Additional information for those interested.

    Gridging tables LPD, PMR, FRS / GMRS


    Lower Power Device - Range includes 69 simplex channels in 25 kHz steps. The power of the radio stations is 0.01 W.

    Typically LPD radios are equipped with a 38-tone CTCSS codec *.

    The range is unlicensed and intended for use in Russia and with restrictions in some countriesOhEurope.

    * CTCSS codec

    FrequenciesLPD (MHz) - 69 channels

    Channel number Frequency (MHz) Channel number Frequency (MHz) Channel number Frequency (MHz)
    1 433.075 24 433.650 47 434.225
    2 433.100 25 433.675 48 434.250
    3 433.125 26 433.700 49 434.275
    4 433.150 27 433.725 50 434.300
    5 433.175 28 433.750 51 434.325
    6 433.200 29 433.775 52 434.350
    7 433.225 30 433.800 53 434.375
    8 433.250 31 433.825 54 434.400
    9 433.275 32 433.850 55 434.425
    10 433.300 33 433.875 56 434.450
    11 433.325 34 433.900 57 434.475
    12 433.350 35 433.925 58 434.500
    13 433.375 36 433.950 59 434.525
    14 433.400 37 433.975 60 434.550
    15 433.425 38 434.000 61 434.575
    16 433.450 39 434.025 62 434.600
    17 433.475 40 434.050 63 434.625
    18 433.500 41 434.075 64 434.650
    19 433.525 42 434.100 65 434.675
    20 433.550 43 434.125 66 434.700
    21 433.575 44 434.150 67 434.725
    22 433.600 45 434.175 68 434.750
    23 433.625 46 434.200 69 434.775

    34 channel 433.900 MHz There is interference from the 35th channel

    35 channel 433.925 MHz It is used by key fobs and alarm pagers, gate panels.

    36 channel 433.950 MHz There is interference from the 35th channel


    Personal Mobile Radio (Personal mobile radio) - the range includes 8 simplex channels with a step of 12.5 kHz. The power of the radio stations is 0.5 W. In this range the use of stations with a power of up to 0.5 W is allowed on the territory of the Russian Federation, Europe and the USA.

    It should be noted right away that there is a straight line prohibition of commercial use of PMR prescribed in legislative acts (decision of the State Committee for Radio Frequencies 05-10-02-001 of 28.11.2005) 6

    446.06875 3 446.03125 7 446.08125 4 446.04375 8 446.09375


    Family Radio Service - VHF band, which includes 14 simplex radio channels in 25 kHz steps. The power of radio stations is most often 500 mW. The radios are equipped with a 38-tone CTCSS * codec.

    FRS - (462.5625- 467.7125 MHz), allowed power up to 0.5 watts in the United States.

    The range is unlicensed and intended for use in the United States and Canada.For use in Europe, includingvRussia is prohibited.


    General Mobile Radio Service - Includes 16 radio channels in 25 kHz steps. The power of radio stations is from 1 W. The radios are equipped with a 38-tone CTCSS codec.

    The range is unlicensed and intended for use in the United States and Canada. In this range, distinguish lower GMRS and high GMRS. Most often in inexpensive, non-professional radios it is used lower GMRS, to expand the FRS range.

    GMRS 462 MHz - (462.5625-462.7250 MHz), allowed power up to 2 W in the United States.

    * CTCSS codec- noise reduction system. For stable reception, it must be used by both parties at the same time. Otherwise, the voice will only be heard from the side that unilaterally turned on CTCSS.

    FrequenciesFRS, GMRS (MHz) - 22 channela

    Channel number Frequency (MHz) Channel number Frequency (MHz)
    1 462.5625 12 467.6625
    2 462.5875 13 467.6875
    3 462.6125 14 467.7125
    4 462.6375 15 462.5500
    5 462.6625 16 462.5750
    6 462.6875 17 462.6000
    7 462.7125 18 462.6250
    8 467.5625 19 462.6500
    9 467.5875 20 462.6750
    10 467.6125 21 462.7000
    11 467.6375 22 462.7250

    Kind time of the day. This information will be of interest to those who have already decided on a model that, undoubtedly, meets your aesthetic and consumer needs.
    When choosing which one you need to pay attention to the frequency with which you will have to work. Each state, being the owner of radio frequencies, imposes a number of significant restrictions on their use. Based on this, walkie-talkies are divided into two main types - professional and amateur. Amateur radios have a legal power rating and can be used without a special license. But to use professional walkie-talkies, you will need to register the device.
    So, in the line of radio transmitting devices we offer, you can see portable or mobile transceivers designed for operational communication, frequency range and MHz.
    CB (CB) radio stations are an abbreviation for "civilian band" (English CB, Citizens' Band), adopted to mean unlicensed, available to all citizens, shortwave radio communications in the 27MHz band are used all over the world, as a rule by car enthusiasts.
    If your attention is attracted by single-band radios with a frequency range of 400- 470 MHz, then you need to know what these include:
    Walkie-talkies with a range of the LPD 433 standard, (Low Power Device) - a radio frequency range of 69 channels in the 433-434 MHz range for low-power devices up to 0.01 W. This frequency range coincides with the European range for similar applications;
    The PMR (Private Mobile Radio) band is a European license-free system (commonly referred to as PMR446) for mobile radio communications in the VHF band with a frequency of 446,000-446,100 MHz and a maximum output power of 0.5 W. Designed exclusively for private use and to meet the domestic needs in radio communications of the broad masses of the population.
    As noted above, radios with such frequency ranges are amateur, do not require licensing and registration.
    Particular attention should be paid to single-band radios with a frequency range of 136 -174 MHz. VHF (VHF), more precisely, part of the VHF range - from 136 to 174 MHz; in Russia, it is necessary to obtain permission to use a radio frequency (rent a frequency) at the Radio Frequency Center and register the walkie-talkies with the Goskomnadzor. This is due to the fact that in this frequency range mobile telephony, transmission of television signals, satellite communications, radio communications of law enforcement and security agencies, military communications, air communications, and others are carried out. The frequency range is professional. Also in this range there is a narrow band of frequencies - 144-146 MHz, allocated for radio amateurs (you need to pass an exam for a category, register a radio station with Goskomnadzor).
    Dual-band radios are of interest. The frequency range will look like this -400-470 / 136-174MHz. Such walkie-talkies work in both the amateur and professional bands. It will be possible to use the LPD 433 and PMR446 standards on the permitted frequencies, and in case of a critical situation, when the assistance of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, law enforcement agencies, etc. is needed, use the 136-174 MHz band.
    I hope that the above article will help you finally decide on the model of the walkie-talkie and get a reliable assistant for work and leisure.

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2011 No. 837 "On Amending the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 12, 2004 No. 539" (CIB range) with a permissible transmitter radiation power of no more than 10 watts.