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  • AO staffing table. Drawing up a staffing table

    AO staffing table.  Drawing up a staffing table

    The preparation of this document at the enterprise should be carried out by any specialist who is entrusted with this duty by the manager. The schedule can be made by: the head of the organization himself, a labor economist, a chief accountant, a lawyer or a personnel specialist.

    IMPORTANT! Regardless of who develops this document at the enterprise, either the manager or the chief accountant is always officially responsible for the staffing table. Only these persons have the right to sign the document.

    Who is checking?

    The labor inspector has the right to check the staff list. This person can visit the organization at any time for the purpose of conducting an inspection, and request a document to review and analyze the current state of affairs in the enterprise. The visit of the inspector can be extremely unexpected, therefore, the schedule must always be in proper form.

    First of all, the inspector is interested in the following information:

    1. The amount of salaries among employees of the same level. The fact is that the wages of employees of the same position should not differ.
    2. Work experience of employees at the enterprise.
    3. Quantity, etc.

    Attention! The document must be presented at the first request of the inspectors. Otherwise, the company may be fined.

    The correct staffing structure is described in, and you will find the document form.

    Who approves?

    The staffing table enters into legal force only on the basis of an order signed by the manager. Therefore, the director bears full responsibility for this document.

    The schedule is set at the following times:

    • The employer has the right to regulate the terms and periods of its change.
    • If during the year the document was subject to any adjustments, then with the beginning of the next calendar year, they say.

    Read about how to approve the staffing table for the year.

    What should I do if I need to change a document?

    Changes to the staffing table are approved on the basis of an order signed by the head. Further, employees of the personnel department make the appropriate changes prescribed in the order to the document. Thus, the full responsibility falls on the head of the organization.

    The document is adjusted in connection with a change in the salary of workers. In this case, the employer must inform the employees about this two months before issuing an order to amend the staffing table.
    The names of positions and new salaries are indicated first in the order, and then in the schedule. Personnel officers are previously familiarized with the order under the signature.

    As a rule, from the date of issuance of the order to make changes to the schedule before the date of entry into force of these changes, there is a certain period of time. Because, often, following the amendment of the schedule, the amendment of employment contracts follows.

    You will learn how to enter a new position in the staffing table.

    What if the director and accountant are the same person in the organization?

    If the company is small, then the head of the organization often keeps accounting in parallel with his main activity. Combining organization management and accounting is possible in the following cases:

    1. If a small or medium-sized enterprise, where the total number of employees does not exceed 250 people.
    2. Annual revenue is about 500 million rubles. and about 1 billion rubles. (without VAT). To conduct independent accounting, it is necessary to issue an order to take over the official functions of an accountant.

    If there is an accountant in the organization, and the director intends only to fulfill his duties during the absence (for example, due to illness or vacation), then you need to act as follows:

    1. It is necessary to draw up an additional agreement for the director's employment contract, where it is worth indicating:
      • that the manager will combine official duties (his own and that of an accountant);
      • the term of combination (for example, during maternity leave);
      • the amount of the required additional payment for the combination function.
    2. Draw up an order for a combination of positions.

    Attention! If accounting is carried out personally by the director of the enterprise, then the position of chief accountant does not need to be included in the schedule. Thus, the manager will carry out accounting functions as part of his work activity.

    If the schedule already contains the position of an accountant, then when combining labor duties, the director will be charged the appropriate fee, reflected in the agreement.

    - great responsibility for the employee of the enterprise, therefore, these functions are officially assigned to the head of the company. This document represents the face of the company in front of the labor inspector, in front of tax authorities, when resolving labor issues in court, and therefore, requires an attentive attitude and can only be trusted to a professional in his field.

    Learn how to create and approve an organization's schedule, and make the necessary changes to the document without breaking the law. Step-by-step instructions, recommendations for filling out the T-3 form and a completed sample are in the article.

    In the article

    Download a popular document on the topic. Look for the rest of the samples in the article!

    Who develops the staffing table

    The staffing of the enterprise reflects its structure, staffing, number of employees and salaries for all positions. It belongs to the number of conditionally mandatory regulatory documents: on the one hand, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not require a staffing table, on the other hand, there are strong arguments in favor of its registration.

    An example of filling out the staffing table

    When needed:

    Why staffing is needed

    Based on the staffing table, the number of employees required by the organization to close positions and the size of the budget for staff maintenance are determined; confirmed the cost of production.

    They also turn to him when assessing the work load of departments or individual employees, developing and clarifying job descriptions, and solving strategic personnel issues.

    The formation of the staffing table is usually entrusted to the personnel officer or clerk, sometimes - the chief accountant.

    Attention! Federal state institutions draw up a “stadt” without fail (see the regulation approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 583 of 08/05/2008), and regional ones - in accordance with the standards established by local authorities.

    How to make a staffing table: step by step instructions

    The staffing table contains information about the personnel structure of the organization, including vacancies. When developing a document, do not confuse it with the staffing, which, most often, reflects only the employed staff units indicating the full name, personnel numbers and other information about the specific employees who occupy them.

    Follow the instructions:

    Step 1. Choose a shape. You can use the unified T-3 form or develop your own form, supplemented and adapted to the needs of a particular company (Law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011, letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. PZ-10/2012 of December 4, 2012).

    Step 2. Specify structural divisions, including isolated ones - branches and representative offices. Make sure that the document reflects all the services, departments, workshops, sections and other structural divisions available in the organization. What exactly should be taken into account as a separate unit is indicated in the decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 2 dated March 17, 2004.

    Step 3. Determine the headcount. Consider industry and inter-sector labor standards, as well as the structure, scope and functions of the company. In order to determine the number of personnel based on current standards, a simple formula is used:

    Step 4. Specify job titles: they must comply with the labor functions of employees (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If you indicate vacancies for which admission will be open after a few months or years, report them once a month to the employment service (see law No. 1032-1 of 04/19/1991).

    Step 5. Specify the number of staff positions for each position. The number of staff positions does not have to be reflected in whole numbers. For example, you can provide 0.5, 0.7 staff units.

    Step 6. Reflect the size of salaries (tariff rates). The document indicates the monthly salary for each position, taking into account all the required allowances in ruble terms. Sometimes indicate salary in rubles is impossible - for example, if an hourly tariff rate is set. In this case, the amount of the hourly rate is prescribed and in the "Notes" column it is necessary to indicate that the hourly tariff rate is set.

    Step 7. Sign and approve the document. Verify the completed form with the signature of the person responsible for personnel records and the chief accountant, and then submit it for approval to the head of the organization.

    Question from practice

    How to write in official documents correctly: according to the "staffing" or "staffing"?

    Correct option - according to the schedule

    After the preposition "according to" the word in the dative case is always put (answers questions to whom? what?). The use of the genitive case, which, unfortunately, personnel officers and clerks often sin, in this case violates the norms of the Russian language.

    ➤ To fill out the details of personnel documents according to the new GOST without errors , read the recommendations of the "Personnel System".

    How to approve staffing

    The document, certified by the signatures of the head of the personnel department and the chief accountant, is approved by the head of the company. Issue an order in any form, adhering to the requirements of GOST R 7.0.97-2016.

    Order on the approval of the staffing table

    The law does not require staff to be familiarized with the staffing table or the order for its approval. However, such a rule may be collective agreement or the internal rules of the company (see the letter of Rostrud No. PG / 4653-6-1 dated May 15, 2014).

    To avoid confusion, write down the approval procedure in local acts: who signs the staffing table, whether a separate order is issued, to whom the right to sign is delegated if there is no responsible official, etc.

    What the staffing looks like: sample filling

    The employer decides for himself what to take as a basis - a unified T-3 form or his own form.

    In practice, it is the unified form that is more often used, since it contains all the necessary details, and the filling procedure is explained in detail in the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 1 of 01/05/2004 and other recommendations approved by the authorized bodies.

    Fill in the header first. Enter information about the company, registration number and date of preparation of the document, as well as indicate the period of its validity. Often, the "staff" is drawn up for a year, but you can set a different period or not limit the validity of the document. Then proceed to filling in the main part, designed in the form of a table.

    Fields to be completed

    1. The name of the subdivision. There are no clear rules for listing departments, but taking into account established practice, they are indicated in order of subordination: first the administrative department, which includes the company's management, and then all the rest.
    1. Department code. It also reflects the order of subordination: the management department is assigned the code 01, the accounting department - 02, and so on. If a large department includes smaller ones, the code may consist of numbers separated by a dot. For example, the financial department is indicated by the code 02, and the accounting and economic departments included in it are indicated by the codes 02.1 and 02.2, respectively.
    1. Position (specialty, profession), rank or class (category), qualification. Indicated in the nominative case, without abbreviations and prefixes "acting" or "vrio".

    The law does not prohibit the use of the Latin alphabet when entering positions in the staff list: an example is “HR manager”, “IT specialist”. But all entries in work books must be in Russian, as required by the rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 of 04/16/2003. To ensure that the titles of positions in work books, contracts and staffing exactly match, use the wording "HR manager", "system administrator", etc. You can add the categories "junior", "leading", "main" and "senior" to them to reflect the scope and nature of the official authority.

    Please indicate job titles according to professional standards or qualification guides, if it is a job related to the provision of benefits or the presence of restrictions.

    Reminder for personnel officer. For what positions in the staff will the GIT be fined

    1. The number of staff units. So that the GIT does not have claims against the employer, indicate the exact number of units for each position, and if you hire staff in excess of the norm, adjust the staffing table. Incomplete units indicate in fractions, for example, 0.5 or 0.75.
    1. Tariff rate (salary). For hourly work, indicate the cost of one hour of work, and in column 10 write "hourly wages." If there is no fixed indicator, for example, wages are accrued according to a piece-rate or tariff-free system, put a dash, and in column 10 indicate which particular wage system the employer uses. It is not recommended to set the so-called salary bracket (from minimum to maximum). This is possible only on the condition that the difference in wages is due to differences in the ranks or qualifications of employees (Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), but the salary fork is likely to cause claims from the inspection authorities.
    1. Allowances. For example, premiums for a scientific degree may be established. They are paid to scientific and pedagogical workers for a candidate's or doctoral degree. Or bonuses for working in harmful conditions. All permanent allowances must be reflected in the staffing table.
    1. Final monthly payment. It is prescribed for each position and represents the amount of payments indicated in columns 5-8. If this indicator cannot be filled in, for example, in a situation where an hourly wage rate is set or a piecework wage system is applied, the column remains blank.
    1. Notes. This column contains the characteristics of the applied wage systems with links to the relevant regulations, legal grounds for the payment of regional bonuses and other clarifications.

    Fill in the bottom, final row of the table last. It reflects the total number of staff positions and the size of the monthly payroll.

    When needed: The organization should always have a staffing table. It defines a list of positions of employees of the company indicating the number of staff units and salaries. It also fixes the amount of allowances and surcharges.

    How to make changes to the staffing table

    Changing the staffing table is made in two ways. If the amendments are of a single nature, issue a written order to amend the document, if massive, approve the “staff” in the new edition. This can be done as needed (see Rostrud letter No. 428-6-1 dated 03/22/2012).

    Crib. How to change staffing

    What should be included in the document

    Reducing the number or staff of employees, disbanding or creating structural divisions, renaming positions, increasing salaries, abolishing bonuses and other significant changes should be reflected in the staffing table. But these personnel procedures require special registration.

    Attention! Changes to the staffing table should be accompanied by a change in the employment contract every time working conditions are affected: the name of the position occupied by the employee, the procedure for calculating salaries, the size of the allowance.

    What to do if you need to accept a newcomer for a position that is being changed

    What if, during the timetable adjustment period, you need to hire a new employee for the position that is being changed? The situation is not easy.

    If there are no other employees in the organization in this position, make changes as soon as possible and only then process the newcomer's employment. If other employees work in the same position, their rights and interests will have to be taken into account.

    The employer has three options:

    Option number 1. Accept the newcomer to the current conditions and indicate in the employment contract that the planned changes regarding working conditions or remuneration will come into force from a certain date. This does not contradict Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Option number 2. Ask the applicant to wait until the changes in employment contracts with other employees and the new staffing table come into force.

    Option number 3. Do not make changes to existing positions, but introduce new ones in order to accept newcomers and transfer previously hired employees (not earlier than the notice period for changing working conditions ends) to newly created positions.

    Approve the staffing table to document the structure and staffing of the organization. Use the unified T-3 form or design your own. When filling out, take into account the requirements of the current legislation: write down all amounts in rubles, do not set salary brackets, include all positions in the staff list - including remote, home-based, part-time. If there are vacancies in the staff, do not forget to report them to the employment service.

    Consider whether a staffing table is needed in an organization and how to develop it; what is the procedure for approving the own form of the document. We will study complex issues, for example, the procedure for approving the staffing table, if the company has separate divisions or only one employee is listed.

    Staffing: to be or not to be

    To begin with, let's figure out whether the staffing table (SR) is the primary accounting document and whether it is mandatory for the organization to have it.

    On January 1, 2013, Federal Law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011 “On Accounting” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 402-FZ) came into force, according to which each fact economic life organization is subject to registration with a primary accounting document containing only required details. At the same time, the right to choose the forms of primary documents (unified or independently developed) now belongs to the employer<1>.

    For your information. The facts of economic life include a transaction, event, operation that have or are able to have an impact on the financial position of an economic entity, financial results its activities and (or) cash flow.

    Expert opinions on the mandatory staffing vary. In our opinion, it should be approved by the organization. This conclusion follows from the interpretation of Art. Art. 15, 57, 66, 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. So, in Art. Art. 15 and 57 indicate the need for the employee and the employer to determine and fix in the employment contract “the labor function (work according to the position in accordance with the staffing table ...)”. At the same time, there is no clause "if any", contained in many articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation<2>and giving the right to choose, if this presence (of an authority, document, circumstance) is not confirmed.

    In addition, Art. 57, it is established that the employee and the employer may provide for an additional condition on specifying the place of work (indicating the structural unit and its location) and (or) on the workplace. Information about the structural unit is precisely contained in the staffing table and will subsequently be reflected in the work book of the employee (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, clause 3.1 of the Instructions for filling out work books<3>).

    At the same time, one should not forget about such a basis for dismissal as “reducing the number or staff of employees” (clause 2, part 1, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In the absence of a staffing table, it is practically impossible to prove the legitimacy of the dismissal of employees on this basis, as well as the validity of the amounts paid to such employees, neither by the labor inspectorate, nor by the fiscal authorities, nor by the court.

    The conclusion about the need for staffing is also supported by by-laws<4>and established jurisprudence.

    In any case, its presence minimizes the risks of claims from the fiscal supervisory and judicial authorities. Therefore, the employer should approve the staffing table.

    We approve the schedule

    The staffing table is a local regulatory act of the organization, which fixes in a consolidated form the existing division of labor between employees and the conditions for remuneration of their labor (Rostrud Letter dated 01.23.2013 N PG / 409-6-1). That is, the staffing table reflects the events of labor relations that can affect the financial position of the organization and (or) cash flow. In fact, an organization (especially a newly created one) or another employer does not have the right to hire workers in the absence of a staffing table.

    Previously, a unified form of staffing was mandatory, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia of 01/05/2004 N 1 "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment." However, since 2013 its use has become optional. And although many organizations still use unified forms, you should not miss the opportunity provided by the legislator and adapt it to the needs of a particular employer.

    Choose a method

    Considering the provisions of Art. 9 of Law N 402-FZ, before compiling the organization's staffing table, it is necessary to approve its form, as well as the forms of other documents on accounting for labor and its payment.

    You can do this in two ways:

    - approve by a separate order of the organization with the application of the relevant forms;

    - reflect in the accounting policy of the organization for accounting purposes, which forms of primary accounting documents (unified or independently developed) are used to formalize the facts of economic life (see example 2 below). In this case, the indicated forms of documents should be made annexes to the accounting policy (see example 3 below).

    It should be noted that due to the mandatory accounting policy for most employers in accordance with Art. 8 of Law N 402-FZ, the second method of fixing the applied forms of primary documents is more preferable.

    Approval order

    So, the employer decided to approve the staffing table according to a self-developed form. The first step is to issue an order.


    Changes to the approved and current staffing table are also made by order - either reflecting specific changes, or approving a new version of the ShR.

    As Rostrud noted in Letter N 428-6-1 dated March 22, 2012, the staffing table changes if structural divisions or positions are renamed, salaries change, the number or staff of employees is reduced. The frequency and frequency of changes in the staffing table is determined by the employer.


    Keep in mind: a self-developed staffing table must contain both information about the order that approved its form and the details of the document by which it was put into effect (see example 7).

    In addition, in the staffing table developed by the organization, there is no need to indicate the period of its validity (unlike the unified form). It is enough to indicate the date the staffing table is put into effect.

    Newly created organizations

    The staffing table is compiled, even if only the head works in the newly created organization. There are two options for the presentation of staff units:

    - or only the head is indicated;

    - or the necessary staff and number of employees are immediately fixed.

    Branches and representative offices

    Separately, it should be said about the staffing of an organization in which there are branches, representative offices or other separate divisions.

    In the new form of staffing, it is possible to provide for the allocation of not only structural, but also separate divisions.

    If The staffing table is compiled by the department independently(moreover, such a right should be provided for in the charter of the organization, the regulation on the division and the power of attorney of the head of the division), then it is advisable to provide for the approval procedure, and indicate the details of the approval in the staff list itself.

    Filling in individual columns

    It is especially necessary to say about filling in the “Salary” column, etc.: the amount of the salary should be one, it is not allowed to indicate the so-called “fork”, since according to Art. 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, payment should be equal for equal work.

    Note. You can read about the rules for filling out such staffing columns as “Position”, “Number of staff units”, “Tariff rate (salary), etc.”, “Surcharge” in the article “Staffing in questions and answers” ​​on p. 46 of the journal N 7, 2009.

    Reflection if needed Same positions, different salaries(and not salaries), we recommend either establishing categories or categories for the position, or regulating this by establishing allowances (surcharges) depending on the qualifications of employees. Rostrud also adheres to this position (Letter dated April 27, 2011 N 1111-6-1).

    Therefore, the employer, when developing a staffing form for the purpose of establishing personal allowances and additional payments to employees, can state the information in the column “Additions, additional payments” as shown in the example:

    A sample of the design of the column "Surcharges, surcharges" in the staffing table.

    If in an organization the salary of employees consists of salaries (or of salaries and irregularly paid bonuses), then the column “Surcharges, additional payments” can be excluded. And vice versa: if the employer uses regular bonuses as an incentive for the work of employees, then you can add the “Bonuses” column, also for convenience, highlighting the sub-graphs “Basis” and “Amount, rub.” (see example 12).

    A sample of the design of the column "Award", "On hand" in the staffing table.

    For a number of employers, due to the need to comply with Art. Art. 133 and 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it would be useful to add the columns “For payment” or “In hand” (example 12).

    Extract from the staffing table

    It should be remembered that according to Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide the employee, at his request, with documents related to his work, including extracts from documents (Article 88 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, we consider it appropriate to also approve the form Statements from the staff list (there is no unified form).

    Regular arrangement

    The staffing table is a planned and impersonal document. Therefore, do not “weight” it with information. After all, this document can be submitted to the fiscal or judicial authorities, which should not know the "extra" information. To fix the actual position of the placement of personnel (by name) and wages (taking into account "floating" bonuses), it is advisable to use the regular placement. The document can be in paper or electronic form and contain any information about employees required by the employer (see example 14).

    State arrangement.

    Limited Liability Company "SportInvest"

    (LLC "SportInvest")

    Staffing on 03.11.2014

    Structural subdivision Position Number of staff positions Surname I.O. Salary, (rub.) Allowances, surcharges Prizes Total (group 6 + group 8 + group 10) Additional Information
    Base Amount (rub.) Base Amount (rub.)
    Name The code
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
    Directorate 01 General manager 1 Avakumov A.V. 60 000 55 000
    Secretary 1 Belkina N. A. 30 000 For knowledge of foreign languages 2000 32 000 Maternity leave until 25.12.2014
    System Administrator 0,75 Volgin I. L. 21 330 15 997,50 Worker at the main place of work
    Accounting 02 Accountant 1 Gromova K. T. 25 000 Increase in the volume of work (DS until 06/04/2010) 5550 30 550
    Accountant 1 Drewko O.K. 25 000 24 850 Leave to care for a child up to 3 years (12/11/2014 - return to work)
    Accountant 1 Eremina E. M. 25 000 Expansion of the service area (DS until 08.12.2014) 7850 32 850
    Sales department 03 Manager 1 Acorn U.A. 30 000 For exceeding the sales target 5000 — 30 000 35 000 — 60 000
    Department head 1 Zorin I. A. 35 000 For exceeding the sales target 5000 — 30 000 40 000 — 70 000
    Delivery department 04 Specialist 0,5 Ilyin B. B. 15 000 7500 External part-time
    Department head 1 Klaus W. W. 25 000 25 000
    Marketing department 05 Specialist 1 Lomov Ya. R. 24 400 24 400 Child under 3 years old (d. 06.02.2012)
    Specialist 1 Mishin T. A. 24 400 24 400
    Department head 1 JOB VACANCY

    Opinion. Maria Kolganova, Associate Professor, Department of Business and Labor Law State University management

    In the theory of law, one of the main features of the labor law relationship has always been considered the inclusion of a new employee in the staff of the organization. The importance of this action is related to the legal fixing of the employee within the organization. The inclusion of an employee in the staff of the organization “closes” the previously existing vacancy, determines his place in the system of organization and management of labor processes within the company, predetermines the main component of the amount of his earnings (official salary, salary, tariff rate), fixes and makes legitimate the differentiation of wage adjustments for the account of allowances, additional payments, KTU and other payments that allow, in accordance with the remuneration systems approved by the organization, to personify the earnings of personnel.

    Note. See the article “How to organize work with personal data in HR departments” on p. 40 of the journal N 3, 2012.

    Those companies that provide staff to third parties face serious problems in these matters. Such organizations (private employment agencies) can formally meet the requirement for a staffing table, but from a legal point of view, it is created in a real organization and for real jobs, and not under a civil contract with an intermediary.

    Note. See the article “10 Mistakes to Avoid When Processing Documents Related to Personal Data” on p. 52 journals N 3, 2012.

    Companies that transfer labor force hired under a staffing agreement do not create real jobs, do not invest in production and its modernization. In the event of bankruptcy of an intermediary organization, its property (often rented) cannot be a guarantor of compensation for lost earnings by employees. And therefore, it makes no sense to consider the staffing tables created in them as serious organizational and financial documents.

    Note. Read about “borrowed” labor on p. 70.

    No less problems arise for such companies in connection with the execution of personnel documentation. If the intermediary registers the hired employee for his job, then the actual performance of labor functions in harmful or dangerous working conditions by the real production worker will not be counted in his preferential length of service, which gives the right to a pension, since in the office of the intermediary company that registers the employee in accordance with her staff list to a real employer, there are no such harmful working conditions. No FIU structure recognizes work on the staffing of an intermediary firm as work in harmful or dangerous conditions that give the right to pension benefits. This is explained by the fact that in the employee's work book, which, in accordance with Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is the main document on his labor activity and work experience, in accordance with the staff list of the intermediary, a record of employment was made.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that the requirements for documents set forth in Law N 402-FZ, in some cases, differ from the requirements of labor legislation (which, in fact, are tougher). Therefore, in order to avoid claims from the inspectors, we recommend taking the unified form N T-3 as the basis for developing the staffing form. It is advisable to use GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified Documentation Systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements. And finally, since the staffing table contains personal data of employees, its storage, processing, destruction must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of personal data.

    Y. Titova


    Journal Expert

    "Personnel service

    and human resource management"

    Signed for print

    Staffing: form and content 04/14/2015

    A special local act is the staffing table. This is a very important and mandatory document.

    Attention, do not confuse!

    Employers sometimes draw up documents “similar” to the staffing table: “Structure and staffing” or “Positions and staffing”. These documents are not identical to the staffing table, and their presence does not exclude the obligation of the employer to maintain a staffing table. Document "Structure and staffing" contains a list of structural units according to the degree of importance for the enterprise (first administration, followed by accounting, after production units, etc.). Within the structural divisions, a list of positions is given in a hierarchical order, indicating in the corresponding column the number of staff units for each position.

    Document "Substitution of positions and staffing" - This is a working version of the staffing table. It is compiled on the basis of the staffing table, and the surnames and initials (or surnames, first names and patronymics) of employees are entered in it opposite each position provided for by the staffing table.

    The form and content of the staffing table

    The State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, by resolution of 01/05/2004 N 1, approved a unified form of staffing - form No. T-3.

    According to part 4 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 N 402-FZ “On Accounting” (hereinafter referred to as the Accounting Law), which entered into force on January 1, 2013: “Forms of Primary Accounting Documents approves the head of the economic entity on the proposal of the official responsible for accounting. Forms of primary accounting documents for public sector organizations are established in accordance with budget legislation Russian Federation».

    Guided by this provision, now employers independently approve the form of the staffing table.

    However, today they, as a rule, take for themselves the same form that was approved by the State Statistics Committee, while sometimes supplementing it with the columns and columns they need.

    Let's take a look at the "original source".

    It is this form that employers usually take as a basis when developing their version.

    Instructions for filling out primary personnel documentation (to the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated 01/05/2004 N 1) contain recommendations on the design of the staffing table, which are quite applicable to those cases when employers improve the form of the staffing table:

    “When filling in column 4, the number of staff units for the relevant positions (professions), for which the content of an incomplete staff unit is provided for, taking into account the peculiarities of part-time work in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, is indicated in the appropriate shares, for example, 0.25; 0.5; 2.75 etc.

    In column 5 "Tariff rate (salary), etc." the monthly salary is indicated in ruble terms at the tariff rate (salary), tariff scale, percentage of revenue, share or percentage of profit, labor participation rate (KTU), distribution coefficient, etc., depending on the remuneration system adopted in the organization in in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, collective agreements, labor contracts, agreements and local regulations of the organization.

    Columns 6-8 "Additional allowances" show incentive and compensatory payments (bonuses, allowances, additional payments, incentive payments) established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation (for example, northern allowances, allowances for an academic degree, etc.), as well as those introduced at the discretion of the organization (for example, related to the regime or working conditions).

    If it is impossible for the organization to fill in columns 5-9 in ruble terms due to the use of other wage systems (tariff-free, mixed, etc.) in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, these columns are filled in the appropriate units of measurement (for example, in percentages, coefficients, etc.). ).

    Approved by an order (instruction) signed by the head of the organization or a person authorized by him».

    When developing and approving its staffing form, the employer can supplement the form with new columns and columns he needs (for example, to include information about bonuses, piecework payment system).

    When filling out the staffing form, it is important to control that the information (salaries, number of staff units, job titles) correspond to the real state of affairs and other documents, and do not contradict the law.

    Structural divisions in the staffing table

    The names of structural units are written in full, without abbreviations.

    In what order are the departments listed? The law does not answer this question, leaving it to the discretion of employers. In practice, various approaches are used:

    In order of importance (first administration, followed by accounting, after production units, etc.),

    In order of decreasing the number of structural units,

    In alphabet order.

    Some companies adopt instructions for personnel records management, in which, among other nuances of filling out personnel documentation, the sequence of indicating structural units in the staffing table is also determined.

    If the employer has a small number of employees and there are simply no structural divisions, then column 1 can be omitted. Also in practice, in such cases, dashes can be placed.

    Some employers do not include in the staff list such structural units as branches and representative offices, mistakenly believing that they should have their own separate staffing tables. This is not true.

    The staff list must be maintained by the employer.

    We believe that branches and representative offices should not approve their staffing tables, since they are not independent legal entities, independent employers (Article 20 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    The staffing table of the organization should reflect the entire structure of the organization, all its divisions, including branches and representative offices.

    For the convenience of work for branches and representative offices, copies of the staff list or extracts from it are made.

    V column "code" indicate the codes of structural divisions that are assigned by the employer. Codes allow you to easily determine the place of each department or group in the overall structure of the organization.

    Name of positions, professions, specialties in the staff list

    The name of each position (specialty, profession) is indicated in full, without abbreviations.

    According to part 2 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws, the provision of compensations and benefits or the presence of restrictions is associated with the performance of work in certain positions, professions, specialties, then the names of these positions, professions or specialties and qualification requirements for them must correspond to the names and the requirements specified in the qualification reference books approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, or the relevant provisions of professional standards.

    Positions (specialties, professions) are usually indicated by seniority, that is, in a hierarchical order: manager, deputies, specialists, technical performers, etc.

    If there are positions (specialties, professions) that do not belong to any structural unit, then they can be registered as “other personnel”.

    Salary of employees in the staffing table

    You can not set wages below the legal minimum.

    According to part 3 of Art. 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the monthly salary of an employee who has fully worked out the norm of working hours for this period and fulfilled labor standards (labor duties) cannot be lower than the minimum wage.

    According to Part 11 of Art. 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the monthly salary of an employee working in the territory of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation and having an employment relationship with an employer in respect of which a regional agreement on the minimum wage is in force cannot be lower than the minimum wage in this constituent entity of the Russian Federation, provided that that the specified employee has fully worked out the norm of working hours for this period and fulfilled labor norms (labor duties).

    On the staffing table it is impossible to set different salaries for the same positions and “forks” of salaries.

    According to Art. 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide employees with equal pay for work of equal value, so if you set different salaries for two accountants working under the same job description (i.e. with the same job responsibilities), then, in our opinion, this will not comply law.

    Some employers set salary "forks" in the staffing table, i.e. in the column where the salary should be indicated, they write, for example, “from 20,000 to 30,000”.

    The labor legislation does not provide for the possibility of establishing "forks" of salaries.

    According to Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation salary (official salary) - a fixed amount of remuneration of an employee for the performance of labor (official) duties of a certain complexity for a calendar month, excluding compensation, incentives and social payments.

    According to Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the terms of remuneration (including the size of the tariff rate or salary (official salary) of the employee, additional payments, allowances and incentive payments) are mandatory for inclusion in an employment contract.

    If you set a "fork" salary in the staffing table and then also in the employee's employment contract, then, in our opinion, this will not comply with the law. You can get out of this situation legally by setting a fixed salary and appropriate allowances and bonuses.

    We believe that Every employer must have a staffing table.

    Some experts argue that the staffing table is an optional document. We do not agree with them. And we'll explain why.

    There are articles in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation that tell us about the need for the employer to draw up a staffing table.

    So, according to Art. 15 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation “labor relations are relations based on an agreement between an employee and an employer on the personal performance by an employee of a labor function for payment (work according to a position in accordance with the staff list, profession, specialty, indicating qualifications; a specific type of work assigned to the employee) ...”

    According to Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation “the following conditions are mandatory for inclusion in an employment contract:

    ... labor function (work according to the position in accordance with the staffing table, profession, specialty, indicating qualifications; a specific type of work assigned to the employee) ... "

    According to the Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 10.10.2003 N 69, entries in the work book about the name of the position (job), specialty, profession, indicating the qualifications of the employee must be made in accordance with the staffing table.

    From the above norms, we conclude that labor legislation requires that the employer still have a staffing table.

    A clear staffing table also has great practical benefits. Based on it, employment contracts are concluded, wages are calculated, orders are issued, personnel issues are resolved (recruitment, transfer, dismissal of employees), etc.

    The existing judicial practice also confirms the need for staffing. So, in disputes about the legality of downsizing and staff, on the proposal to transfer upon dismissal due to a reduction in the number and staff, or on other grounds, when the proposal to transfer to vacant positions is mandatory, in case of salary disputes, the court always requests and examines the employer's staffing table as case evidence.

    Recommended: Magazine "HR PRACTITIONER"+ reference base, books, course and other resources
    • Analysis of complex issues - in an accessible form.

    Subscribers AVAILABLE : new and past magazines, a surprisingly large reference base on personnel records management, "Bookshelf" (books and training manuals on personnel), a course on the basics of personnel records management, all tests, etc. Subscription ~ 5 rubles / day >> Subscribe easy and fast >>


    Related materials:


    The moment of approval of the new staffing table with a reduction in the number and staff of employees

    Sometimes employers begin to notify employees about the reduction in the number and staff before the adoption of a new staffing table, before the issuance of an order to reduce the number and staff. The management plans to carry out a “downsizing”, has already drawn up a draft staffing table and knows who to fire. Therefore, it begins to warn employees, to offer vacancies. This is where a fatal mistake can be hidden.


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Changes and additions to the vacation schedule in connection with the hiring of new employees

    If, after the vacation schedule has been approved, new employees are hired, incl. “Vacation benefits”, what to do in the future? Do I need to make changes to the vacation schedule? How?


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Familiarization of employees with the vacation schedule: when, how and other issues

    Newcomers to personnel office work have a lot of questions about familiarizing employees with the vacation schedule:
    Is it necessary to familiarize employees with the vacation schedule?
    What is the position of Rostrud on this issue?
    · When should employees be familiarized with the schedule?
    How to get acquainted?
    What kind of introduction would be considered incorrect?
    · If the employee was familiarized with the vacation schedule against signature, can this be considered advance notice of the start time of the vacation in the sense of Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?
    Does the State Labor Inspectorate fine for not familiarizing employees with the schedule?
    · And if the employee refuses to sign in confirmation of familiarization with the vacation schedule, for example, because he does not agree with him, what then to do?
    · How long to keep documents confirming the familiarization of employees with the vacation schedule?
    Today we will consider these questions and give sample documents that will be useful to beginners.


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Did not familiarize employees with the vacation schedule? Fine! How to introduce?

    Is it necessary to familiarize employees with the vacation schedule? What is the position of Rostrud on this issue? Does the State Labor Inspectorate fine for ignorance? How to get acquainted? Let's consider these questions.



    Dear colleagues! We have prepared for you a thematic issue about the staffing table.


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → What types of vacations should be taken into account in the vacation schedule, and which should not?

    What types of vacations should be taken into account in the vacation schedule, and which should not?


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Simultaneous provision of annual paid holidays to all employees

    Is it possible to establish in the vacation schedule the simultaneous provision of annual paid vacations to all employees? Due to the specifics of our activities, it is more convenient for us to close for one summer month a year and send all employees on vacation.


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → About specifying a month instead of vacation dates in the vacation schedule. Opinions of lawyers and Rostrud

    Is it possible to indicate in the vacation schedule not the exact start date of the vacation, but the month in which the vacation is granted? We plan to approve the form of the schedule on the basis of form No. T-7 of the State Statistics Committee, but not with vacation dates, but with months. Will there be a fine for this in the event of an inspection by the State Labor Inspectorate?


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → A typical mistake in the vacation schedule associated with "beneficiaries"

    Organizations often employ employees who have the right to provide leave at a convenient time for them.

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    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Vacation Schedule: Include past vacations in the schedule

    How to correctly reflect in the vacation schedule for the next year those not taken off in a timely manner annual leave for past periods?



    Dear colleagues! We have prepared a thematic issue for you. On our website there are many materials about the vacation schedule. Perhaps you do not know about all the reserves of the resource. But all of them can be useful to you in your work!


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Deadline to start developing a vacation schedule

    Is there a statutory deadline for starting to develop a vacation schedule?



    The company has an approved form of pay slip. They decided to reapprove it (found minor flaws). Are there any peculiarities in the procedure for re-approval of the pay slip form? Or maybe not re-approve, but simply correct errors in the accounting program?


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Check if any of the employees received a disability and adjust the vacation schedule

    If an employee received a disability, then he also received the right to an extended annual paid leave - 30 days instead of the traditional 28 days. In the vacation schedule adopted before the onset of disability, the employee is probably provided with a vacation of 28 days. During inspections, the State Labor Inspectorate necessarily checks this point for people with disabilities.


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Probation condition in the Internal Labor Regulations

    Is it possible to indicate in the Internal Labor Regulations the condition that all employees are given a probationary period when they are hired?



    How to approve the staffing table, is it necessary to familiarize employees with it, how and with what frequency it needs to be changed, how to make changes to the staffing table? These and many other questions constantly arise from employers and it is often impossible to find a clear answer. Since all these issues are not regulated in any way, only recommendations for their solution are possible.



    Our organization has a new director. It turns out that we need to re-approve all local acts? After all, the dismissed director appears on the current ones.



    Is it possible to set only the duration of the lunch break in the PWTR without a specific time for its provision? We will provide a break depending on the "influx" of customers.


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → The internal labor regulations are obligatory for all, except ...

    Is it necessary for an enterprise to have such a normative act as the Internal Labor Regulations? Does this also apply to individual entrepreneurs having shops?


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → A nuance to be taken into account when adopting a new edition of the old LNA

    If, as a result of the adoption by the employer of a new version of the old local regulatory act, it is necessary to make changes to employment contracts with employees, then you need to have enough time for this.



    The current internal labor regulations of our organization establish increased guarantees for employees upon dismissal. In particular, the deadline for warning an employee about the termination of an employment contract due to its expiration is 3 working days (except for cases when a fixed-term employment contract concluded for the duration of the duties of an absent employee expires). We did not warn one of the employees about the dismissal in time, but at the same time we met the "legal" deadline of 3 calendar days. Can I be fired?


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Exclusion from the staff list of the position of "maternity leave"

    We are downsizing and downsizing. One employee, whose position is being reduced, is on maternity leave (on leave to care for a child under 3 years old). Is it possible to notify her now that we have excluded her position from the staff list and she will be fired “by reduction” on her first working day after the child turns 3 years old and she goes to work?


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Errors in local regulations leading to a fine

    In one of the issues of our magazine, you and I began to consider the topic of errors in the employer's local regulations in the article “For what errors in the PVTR is the GIT more likely to fine? Analysis of modern practice”. Today we will talk about other LNA, without affecting the internal labor regulations.


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Exclusion of a vacant position from the staff list

    If a person quit our job, can we exclude his position (unit) from the staff list the very next day after his dismissal and immediately approve a new staff list without this position (unit) or do we need to do all this in 2 months?


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Familiarization of employees with local regulations for 2019

    We are adopting several new local regulations that will come into force in 2019. How to properly acquaint employees with these documents, in what order?


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Is the employee obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations, if there is not a word about this in the employment contract?

    An employment contract has been signed with the employee. The employee is familiarized with the internal labor regulations against signature, however, the employment contract does not indicate that the employee is obliged to comply with them. Is it possible in this case to declare a remark or reprimand to the employee for violating the internal labor regulations?


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → A complete list of beneficiaries whose wishes are taken into account when drawing up a vacation schedule

    Please give me the most full list employee benefits that must be taken into account when scheduling vacations for New Year. Before drawing up a vacation schedule, is an employer obliged to ask employees in writing whether they have a benefit for the duration of the vacation and, if so, for how long they want vacation? Or is the employer just waiting to see if there are any wishes from the benefit workers, and if they are not received, can they calmly approve the schedule?


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Inclusion in the vacation schedule of employees working under a fixed-term employment contract

    Is it necessary to include in the vacation schedule employees with whom an employment contract is concluded for less than a year (taken to replace a temporarily absent employee, seasonal workers, etc.). Are there beneficiaries among them, should they be asked about their vacation, put their vacation on a schedule, or just then pay compensation upon dismissal?


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Changing the vacation schedule after its approval

    “If beneficiaries report their desired vacation time after the schedule is approved, what should I do?”


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Inclusion in the vacation schedule of "reduced" employees

    A downsizing process is underway. Some of the employees will be laid off (fired "on redundancy" on January 31, 2019), the rest - on February 28, 2019. That is. in 2 waves. The questions are the following.
    1) Our staffing table comes into force on January 1, 2019. These employees are no longer there, and they will work until the date of dismissal. It is legal?
    2) Should they be included in the vacation schedule for 2019? There are no plans to provide them with vacations in 2019.


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → We draw up internal labor regulations: legal, thoughtful and beneficial to the employer

    Any sample of internal labor regulations that is taken as a basis must be carefully proofread and edited. Or draw up rules from scratch specifically for your organization, strictly following labor laws.
    Some doubt that it is worth being so zealous, they simply rewrite certain articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (on hiring, dismissal, rights and obligations of the parties) into the document and believe that the internal labor regulations are needed only to show them to the employees of the State Labor Inspectorate during inspection . But after all, the rules of internal labor regulations can be of great importance directly for the employer himself.
    Our labor legislation is imperfect, not all the necessary issues are regulated in it. And in the rules of the internal labor schedule, you can prescribe them.
    What conditions does the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prescribe to include in the internal labor regulations? What issues can an employer regulate in the internal labor regulations, taking into account the specifics of his company and his views on effective personnel management? What can be the plan of internal labor regulations?


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Familiarization with the order to amend the staffing table

    We are making changes to the staffing table. Who needs to be familiarized with the order to amend the staffing table?


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Dangerous mistakes in the Internal Labor Regulations

    Unfortunately, we often observe that, in an effort to comply with the law’s prescription that the employer must have internal labor regulations, employees who are entrusted with the conduct of personnel work download a sample of the rules from the Internet, skim through it, decide that it will “go down”, and approve for your company. This approach is fraught with trouble.

    Is it necessary for the employer to develop and adopt a regulation on the storage and use of personal data of employees?


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → This harmless condition in local regulations can threaten the employer with a fine

    Is it possible to establish a rule in the local regulatory act of the employer, according to which, if the main annual paid leave is divided into parts, additional leave “for harmfulness” is added to the second part of the annual main paid leave?


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Holidays are not listed in the internal labor regulations - is this a mistake? GIT opinion

    Days off must be provided for in the internal labor regulations. Is it necessary to fix the list of non-working holidays in this document or some other documents of the employer? If the employer does not indicate non-working hours in the internal labor regulations holidays, will the State Labor Inspectorate be able to punish him for this? It turns out yes...


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Cases in which the job description is required. Explanation of Rostrud

    Is the job description a mandatory document for development and approval by the employer? In which cases? Clarification by Rostrud from the Compliance Guidance Report, explaining what behavior is legal, as well as an explanation of the new requirements of regulatory legal acts for the 1st quarter of 2017 - https: // www. rostrud. ru/ rostrud/ deyatelnost/?ID=591450


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Provision of basic leave separately from additional

    The employee is entitled to an annual basic paid leave in the amount of 28 calendar days and an annual additional leave for an irregular working day in the amount of 7 calendar days. Can the main and additional holidays be scheduled for different periods?

    Courts do not have the right to cancel local regulations of employers, even if they consider them illegal

    Recently, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation made a decision in which it answered that the courts have no right to cancel the local regulations of employers, even if they consider them illegal


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Do not forget to acquaint employees who have come out of vacations and sick leave with these documents.

    Recently, once again, we encountered such an ordinary mistake in one organization, which threatens with a serious fine in the event of an inspection by the State Labor Inspectorate, and fails the employer when it is necessary to punish the employee. But it's so easy to avoid it - you just need to remember everything)))


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Did not familiarize employees with the vacation schedule? Fine! GIT position

    Among HR professionals, there are often disputes about whether it is necessary to acquaint employees with the vacation schedule. Disputes are disputes, but you should know that during an inspection, the GIT inspector can fine the employer if the employees are not familiar with the vacation schedule, because, in his opinion, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with this document. The inspector can be sure that the vacation schedule is a local normative act, which means that the employer is obliged to acquaint the employee with it (part 2 of article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


    STAFF SCHEDULE, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE, PWTR, OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS: → Order on the approval of the staffing table

    Is the staffing approved by order or simply by the signature of the director and the word "I approve"?



    A special local act is the staffing table. This is a very important and mandatory document.

    Staffing is a staffing plan. Some companies neglect it, but GIT may consider it a violation.

    In practice, the staffing table is necessary and helps the employer both for internal control and management, and when communicating with inspection bodies. Today we understand the aspects of preparing and maintaining a document: we draw up the staffing table for 2020 in accordance with all the rules.

    It should be noted that when compiling all internal documents of the company, it is important to correctly indicate the names of positions, professions and specialties of employees. As noted in part 2 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if work in a certain position is associated with restrictions or implies benefits, the name of this position (specialty, profession) must strictly correspond to the name contained in the professional standard or qualification directory.

    Accuracy in the title of the position is very important for an employee when applying for preferential pension coverage. The most important condition for the provision of pension benefits is the exact correspondence of the entries on the names of positions and professions specified in the work books of employees and the staff list, Lists No. 1 and No. 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators that give the right to count on preferential pension provision, which are approved Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991 No. 10.

    What threatens the lack of staffing

    Since this form is only advisory, many employers are wondering how mandatory it is. The answer is simple. This internal document of the organization is usually asked to provide labor and tax inspections during checks. Despite the fact that there is no direct indication in the Labor Code of its obligation, but there is a mention in, and others of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and from this the GIT concludes that the document is mandatory. Its absence is interpreted as a violation of labor legislation and labor protection. For such a violation, an official is fined 1,000-5,000 rubles, an organization - in the amount of 30,000 to 50,000 rubles (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

    This document helps to justify the dismissal of redundant employees in a court case. Without this document, it is difficult for the employer to prove that the dismissal is justified. It is also impossible to prove that at the time of dismissal, the organization did not have vacancies that needed to be offered to laid-off employees (the employer is obliged to offer other jobs upon reduction under Article 179 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; for this they must be indicated on the staff).

    Who and how draws up and maintains a staffing table

    Generally speaking, the preparation of documentation of this kind is the function and sacred duty of a labor economist from the department of organization and remuneration of labor (Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 37 of 08/21/1998). This specialist will be helped in his work by a sample of filling out the 2020 staffing table: it clearly shows the procedure for maintaining and filling out the document.

    However, in fact, the personnel records are kept by accountants, personnel officers and lawyers who have to figure out how to calculate the number of rates. Since the staffing table is a regulatory document of the organization approved by the top management, which draws up the structure and number of employees, indicating the amount of salary depending on the position held, the head of the company and the chief accountant are officially responsible for the document, since they sign it.

    An important question is when the staff list for the next year is approved? This form is drawn up for any period, but usually it is made for a year and is reviewed each time at the beginning of the year. In order for this procedure to go like clockwork every time, it is worth describing it in the office work instructions and indicating:

    • terms and rules for the development and introduction of changes;
    • the form of the order on the approval of staff;
    • persons responsible for the formation and signing of persons;
    • the composition of the legal and local regulations of the employer, on the basis of which the document is created;
    • employees with whom it is necessary to coordinate the draft document and changes to it.

    Document Form

    Having dealt with the question of what a staffing table is, let's move on to the question of its form. This document is a local regulation that describes the organizational structure of the company and contains information about the number of its employees. It is compiled in the form No. T-3 (Decree No. 1 of the Goskomstat of the Russian Federation "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment" dated 01/05/2004), but there are no strict requirements to use it - the form is advisory. Each company adapts it to their own needs. We recommend using Form T-3 in its normal form, as it contains all the required data. This is how the staffing form for 2020, approved by a resolution of the State Statistics Committee, looks like.

    How to correctly fill out Form No. T-3

    Let's take a step-by-step example of the 2020 LLC staffing table. We make out the details of the form, as shown in the example.

    The name of the organization must fully comply with that which is enshrined in the constituent documents, including the abbreviated name and the name on foreign language. If there is an abbreviated name, it is indicated in brackets in the form, following the full name.

    Organization code - eight characters of the code according to the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO).

    The document number and date of compilation are written in the format HH.MM.YYYY

    Validity. It indicates how long the document is valid and from what date it comes into force.

    We fill in the columns, there are 10 of them in total.

    The name of the structural unit is indicated without abbreviation in accordance with the classifier of units approved by the employer. If there is no classifier, then in alphabetical order or in descending order of the number of employees of the unit. If the provision of benefits to employees depends on the name of the unit, we indicate the name of the unit in accordance with the industry classifiers of hazardous industries and other relevant documents.

    The code of the structural unit in the document is filled in in accordance with the classifier in which they are located by functional importance. If there is no classifier, codes can be assigned to units located in alphabetical order or according to a different principle.

    The position (specialty, profession), rank, class (category), qualification in the staff is indicated without abbreviations in the composition of the structural unit, starting from the head, ending with the technical executor. Attention: for workers - professions, for employees - positions (paragraph 7 of article 144 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    The number of units is indicated for each position or profession. If part-time work is envisaged, it is indicated in the appropriate shares (for example, 0.5; 2.75, etc.).

    The tariff rate, salary are indicated in the amount of a monthly salary, depending on the wage system (tariff, salary, percentage of profit, labor participation rate, etc.). The amount of salary must be indicated in rubles or as a percentage, coefficients, etc. The practice of specifying salaries in dollars has practically become obsolete. The law on currency regulation directly prohibits this, and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation speaks of the obligation of the employer to pay wages in rubles.

    Allowances. Columns 6-8 indicate incentive and compensation payments established by law or at the initiative of the employer.

    In the "Total" section, the total amount of columns 5-8 (salary and allowances) multiplied by the number of staff units is indicated.

    A note is filled in if the information in the columns of the form is ambiguous and requires clarification.

    In the line "Total" indicate the total number of staff positions and the total amount of payments at all rates, taking into account all allowances, which will be the monthly payroll.

    The signatures under the draft order are put by the personnel manager and the chief accountant.

    Do not forget to put down the document number in the appropriate column of the form.

    Preparing an order for approval

    The text of the order indicates the fact of approval of the staffing table, the total number of staff units and the date the document is put into effect. The order is signed by the head of the company or other authorized person, and then registered in the register of orders for the main activity. The registration number is affixed to the order. Then the order and the schedule are sent for storage, as a rule, together with other documents on the main activity (the schedule is for permanent storage, and the order is for 75 years, see paragraphs 19 and 71 of the list approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558 ).

    How to make changes

    Since the staffing table is approved by order, changes are made to it by the relevant orders. The release date of the change order and the effective date of the change are usually not the same.

    Changes usually affect full-time employees, so it is followed by a change in employment contracts. In most cases, their application requires the consent of employees, compliance with the deadlines for notifying personnel, etc.

    Familiarization of the employee with the order to amend the staffing table is not a confirmation of his consent to change the terms of the employment contract.

    Let's see how to reflect the change in the salary of employees. The employer is obliged to notify the staff about this two months in advance, and then issues an order to amend the staffing table. The order indicates the positions, new salaries and the time the changes take effect. Employees of the personnel department, who will make changes to employment contracts, get acquainted with the order under the signature.

    Then additional agreements are concluded with employees. It is not enough for them to limit themselves to the fact of an increase or decrease in salary, it is necessary to indicate the reasons (according to Articles 22 and 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. An employee's salary is an essential condition of an employment contract, its size depends on qualifications, complexity of the work performed, quantity and quality of labor expended). Otherwise, the employee, for example, will be able to demand additional payment for previous periods in which he did the same, but for less money.

    Reduce wages unilaterally under Art. 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is possible, but this requires strict adherence to the entire procedure: the issuance of the necessary order to introduce changes, a written notice to employees two months in advance, and a mandatory offer of all full-time vacancies to an employee who refuses to work in new conditions. If the employee agrees to the new conditions, an additional agreement is concluded with him. If he is ready to take another vacant full-time position, a transfer is made. If, despite following the entire procedure, the worker refuses to work for less wages, the employer has the right to dismiss him under paragraph 7 of part 1