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  • Drawing up a vacation schedule for the year program. Holiday scheduling: step by step instructions and sample

    Drawing up a vacation schedule for the year program.  Holiday scheduling: step by step instructions and sample

    Every employee of the company has the legal right to annual leave. In order to avoid stopping the enterprise, if all employees of the same profile express a desire to rest at the same time, they make up vacation schedule. This guarantees employees that their rights are respected and at the same time protects the interests of management. Until what date is the vacation schedule for 2018? How to complete and approve it? We will tell and give a sample that you can download.

    What is a vacation schedule

    The schedule is a schedule of annual paid rest, affixed in order. It guarantees stay at work required amount employees at a time when the rest of them are resting.

    On the Internet, you can easily find a vacation schedule with a sample filling for 2018. But downloading and printing, and then using it at your enterprise is not enough. This document is compiled with a certain frequency and frequency established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The vacation schedule is a document that is controlled by the labor inspectorate and occasionally by the tax authorities.

    Annual vacation schedule: rules for registration and amendments

    When scheduling a vacation, there are certain rules that should be followed. It is approved once a year. And there are certain restrictions on its change. So, only time adjustments can be made there, if there is a need and a documentary basis in the form of an organization order signed directly by the head. Thus, the order must be agreed with the administration of the enterprise and the trade union cell (if any).

    In a collective agreement or other regulatory act, the maximum number of simultaneously vacationing people from one unit must be spelled out. This is done to avoid downtime and to ensure that the workflow does not suffer.

    Not later than December of each year, the enterprise draws up a vacation schedule for the next calendar period. In 2017, this document must be approved no later than December 17 - exactly two weeks before the upcoming 2018. Such a procedure is prescribed in the Labor Code.


    When compiling a vacation schedule, a sample of which is presented below, the company's management must take into account the wishes of employees. At the same time, the peculiarities of the labor process must be taken into account. To do this, you can create a questionnaire in which employees write when they want to go on vacation in 2018.

    Even employees who are going to quit, go on maternity leave or parental leave will have to plan annual holidays. If employees find it difficult to choose a vacation period, then ask them to write approximate dates. Do not leave empty lines in the chart. Later, employees will be able to coordinate with management the transfer of vacation days. Explain to employees which vacation days they need to plan on the questionnaire. .

    Why make up

    The schedule must be created at any enterprise, regardless of the number of employees. The Labor Code states that such a document is mandatory for employees and their managers, since it gives certain guarantees and compels them to comply with the law. Moreover, it reflects the order of vacations, which prevents further disagreements and disputes. In case of non-compliance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in this matter, labor inspectors have the right to impose a fine on the company's management.

    Usually the schedule is made by the management of the company together with the personnel department.

    The rights of certain categories of citizens

    For most employees, the annual main vacation lasts 28 calendar days (Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). But some employees, such as disabled people and minors, need to be provided more days. Thus, the vacation of a minor employee is 31 calendar days (Article 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), and a disabled employee is 30 calendar days per year (Article 23 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ).

    Annual vacation schedule: Labor Code of the Russian Federation and drafting rules

    The schedule is a local act, in which information is entered on the holidays of employees of structural divisions. At the same time, each department has its own schedule for its employees. Such a scheme is considered optimal for any enterprise: management is engaged in scheduling, taking into account the needs of the department for a certain number of employees.

    The HR department is usually in charge of scheduling. In addition, he is obliged to take into account the interests of privileged categories of employees. Then an order is issued on the vacation schedule, with a sample of which you need to familiarize the heads of departments.

    After the correction, the personnel officers send the corrected schedules for discussion to the staff, whose wishes regarding the vacation were not initially met and therefore the deadlines were moved. Heads of departments are also considering a revised version, since there are situations when it is necessary for specific employees to be present at their workplaces at certain times of the year.

    When transferring and adjusting vacation for one employee, the schedules of several more people are often shifted. Therefore, it is necessary to coordinate all those affected by the changes.

    Given all this, when they make up a vacation schedule for the next year, it is necessary to foresee the possibility of correction in advance and allocate enough time to this issue in order to have time to approve the schedule on time.

    After the correction and approval of the new schedule, it is re-sent to the personnel department, where they draw up a consolidated schedule for the entire organization. This work is carried out after the order on the scheduling of vacations is signed. Cm. " ".

    Features of small firms

    In small organizations, a preliminary survey of employees is practiced, where they can express their wishes regarding the time of year of their vacation. But in order to avoid big disagreements, labor inspectors give recommendations, nevertheless, not to be content with a verbal survey, but to document it with the signature of each employee. This will confirm that he does not object to the proposed vacation time. A preliminary form of the vacation schedule for 2018 is available on the Internet, but such a completed document is in any case subject to further approval by the manager. Next, we will also give an example of a completed schedule for the coming year.

    Important points and requirements of the law

    When drawing up a schedule, only the wishes of employees are not enough. The legislation of the Russian Federation obliges to take into account the following points.

    Work experience

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    Certain categories of employees

    They have the right to take paid leave, regardless of length of service. This category includes employees under 18 years of age, women before or after maternity leave, adopters of children who are under 3 months old. When drawing up a schedule, it is easy to take into account minors and pregnant women employed. All other cases require the need to coordinate the situation with the administration when an employee whose work experience has not reached six months wishes to go on vacation. How to draw up a vacation schedule correctly, the Labor Code will tell you. It states that paid rest is not given to employees as an advance payment, that is, until the expiration of 6 months of work at the enterprise.

    Additional annual leave

    They are assigned to certain categories of citizens whose work is associated with hazardous production or dangerous working conditions. Such types of vacation must also be included in the vacation schedule, the form of which is given in this article. The length of service that allows you to use such a vacation includes the period actually worked, so the possibility of obtaining such a vacation in advance is not possible

    Two holidays

    Those who were hired at the end of the calendar year have the opportunity to receive two vacations. For example, if an employee is registered for work in November, then he has the right to go on vacation in June, but before the end of the year, take another vacation for the next year. Such an opportunity must be provided for when drawing up a vacation schedule on a form that can be downloaded on the Internet.

    Leave order

    It is set according not only to the desires of employees, but, first of all, taking into account the interests of workers who have the right to priority leave at any time of the year. When preparing an order to approve the vacation schedule for 2018, it is necessary to compile a list of such employees in order to initially take into account their requirements

    Part-time employees

    They have the right to demand leave at the time approved in another job. To do this, they must provide a supporting document.

    Employees who did not take vacation in the previous year

    They have the right to choose any convenient period for their vacation, and their wishes are reflected in the schedule in the first place.

    Employees entering universities and their parents

    Entering a university (college) or being a parent of a 9th or 11th grader, employees can choose the time of vacation at their discretion. This especially applies to residents of the Far North if their children plan to enroll in studies in other regions. To accompany the child, the parent can take full or partial leave for the duration of the exams.

    Vacation duration

    A standard vacation in our country has a duration of 28 days. It can be increased if there are additional holidays. In addition, there are certain professions whose employees are entitled to longer holidays. This includes teachers, social workers, state and municipal employees, judges, prosecutors, police officers, customs officers, rescue services, etc.

    Vacation schedule: sample 2018

    Often, personnel officers believe that it is enough to draw up vacation schedules in an arbitrary form. But this is not true, because this document is referred to as accounting documentation. Therefore, for enterprises, the unified form T-7 “Vacation Schedule” is more appropriate. It should be drawn up strictly, observing the law.

    A correctly completed form is also important for the financial component of the enterprise, since vacation pay will be paid on the basis of this document.

    Inconvenience is brought by cases when it is necessary to break the rest into parts. The accepted template for filling out the vacation schedule in the T-7 form does not provide for such actions, and each employer solves this problem individually. For example, he can use additional lines or add a special column for the employee's signature.

    Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains a requirement to approve the vacation schedule for 2020 no later than December 15, 2019. From our material today, the reader will learn how to draw up, fill out and approve a vacation schedule for 2020.

    The vacation schedule should indicate the time of granting annual paid vacations for employees for the next year. In the schedule, it is mandatory to fill in columns 1-6.

    It is important to understand that all employers, including micro-organizations, must approve the vacation schedule before the specified date. This is due to the transition to the use of standard labor contracts from 2017. Approval of the vacation schedule for 2020 is mandatory, and the employer is not entitled to refuse this procedure.

    In our article, we will consider what a vacation schedule is, the basic rules and goals for its design, and other important nuances of compiling this document. At the bottom of the page you can download form T-7 for free.

    What is a vacation schedule?

    The vacation schedule is a document controlled by the labor inspectorate and less often by the tax service. Every employee of an enterprise or organization has the right to annual leave. In order for the enterprise not to stop, if employees express a desire to go on vacation at the same time, they draw up a vacation schedule.

    The vacation schedule is the annual paid vacation schedule. The document is compiled in order. The schedule ensures that the required number of employees of the organization stay at work during the rest of the employees.

    The document is drawn up taking into account the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation with a certain frequency and frequency in an arbitrary or unified form No. T-7.

    Why is a vacation schedule necessary?

    Regardless of the number of employees, a vacation schedule must be created in any organization or enterprise. The Labor Code contains a rule that this document is mandatory for both managers and employees. He gives guarantees and enforces the observance of the law.

    The vacation schedule reflects the order of vacations and prevents disagreements between employees and the employer. If the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is not observed in the issue of granting holidays, then the labor inspectorate has the right to impose a fine on the head of an organization or enterprise.

    As a rule, the vacation schedule is drawn up by the personnel department together with the head of the enterprise (organization).

    General rules for scheduling vacations

    So, how to fill out and approve the vacation schedule for 2020? Scheduling the rest of employees involves compliance with certain rules and requirements of the current Labor Code, in particular:

    1. The vacation schedule is approved once a year and is a local document. The document is drawn up no later than December of the current year for the next year.
    2. The vacation schedule can be adjusted according to the timing only if there is a documentary basis (for example, an order signed by management).
    3. When drawing up a vacation schedule, management should take into account the wishes of the employees of the organization.
    4. When drawing up a document, the peculiarities of the labor process at the enterprise are taken into account.
    5. In the collective agreement (or in another normative act) it is necessary to indicate the maximum number of employees who have a rest at the same time (from one unit).

    As already noted, the vacation schedule for 2020 must be approved no later than December 15 of the current year. But since December 15, 2019 is a day off, the last day for approving the vacation schedule for 2020 is December 16, 2019. For a schedule approved later than the deadline, the employer may be held liable under Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    Requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation for drawing up a vacation schedule

    Drawing up a vacation schedule for employees involves not only taking into account their personal wishes, but also compliance with the norms of the current Russian legislation.

    When scheduling vacations, consider the following:

    1. Work experience:

    Any employee of the company who has worked in it for at least six months has the right to go on paid leave.

    2. Separate categories of employees:

    • employees under 18;
    • women before or after maternity leave;
    • adoptive parents of children under 3 months old.

    3. Part-time employees:

    4. Employees who did not use vacation in the previous year:

    They have the right to choose a convenient period for their vacation. Their wishes are reflected in the schedule in the first place.

    5. Employees entering universities and their parents:

    When entering a university or if an employee is a parent of a 9th or 11th grade student, he can choose a convenient time to go on vacation (this also applies to residents of the Far North if their children enter educational institutions in other regions of the Russian Federation).

    6. Additional annual leave:

    For citizens whose work is associated with hazardous working conditions or hazardous production, the possibility of obtaining additional annual leave is provided. This type of vacation is included in the vacation schedule.

    7. Two holidays:

    Employees hired at the end of the calendar year are entitled to two vacations. For example, an employee got a job at the end of November. In this case, he has the right to go on vacation for the first time at the end of June, and the second time - to receive leave before the end of the year for the next year.

    8. Order of granting holidays:

    It is set based on the interests of employees who have the right to priority leave at any time of the year. It is necessary to compile a list of such employees so that when drawing up a vacation schedule, to take into account their requirements in the first place.

    9. Vacation duration:

    The duration of a standard vacation in the Russian Federation is 28 days. In this case, vacation can be increased due to the availability of additional vacations. There is a list of professions whose representatives are entitled to a longer vacation (for example, civil servants, judges, prosecutors, police, customs, teachers, etc.).

    Who can go on vacation at any convenient time?

    When drawing up a vacation schedule, it must be taken into account that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, there are categories of citizens who have the right to go on paid leave at any time of the year convenient for them, namely:

    • part-time workers (together with rest on the main job);
    • employees under the age of 18;
    • wives (husbands) of servicemen have the right to go on paid leave together with their spouse;
    • husbands whose wives are on maternity leave;
    • women who have two or more children (under the age of 12) are entitled to claim summer leave.

    Who makes changes to the vacation schedule?

    Changes to the vacation schedule are usually handled by the organization's human resources department. Personnel officers should take into account the interests of privileged categories of employees of the company. After that, an order is issued on the vacation schedule. The heads of departments of the organization should be familiar with this document.

    Upon completion of the correction of the schedule, the employees of the personnel department send the corrected document to the staff for discussion. This applies primarily to those employees whose vacation wishes were not met and the vacation dates were shifted.

    The management of the departments of the enterprise is also considering an amended version of the vacation schedule. This is due to the fact that in some cases the presence of certain employees at the enterprise at a particular time of the year is mandatory.

    As a rule, when a vacation is postponed for one employee, the rest schedules of other employees also shift, and therefore it is very important to coordinate the changes in the document with all the people affected by the adjustments.

    Thus, when drawing up a vacation schedule for the next year, it is imperative to provide for the possibility of making changes to the document in advance. Supplement the vacation schedule with the column “I am aware of the changes”, in which employees will sign after making adjustments to this document. In addition, it is better to prescribe the deadline for submitting an application for the postponement of vacation in local regulations.

    After the correction of the schedule is completed, it is again sent to the personnel department and a consolidated schedule is drawn up for the entire enterprise.

    All this is done after the signing of the order on the scheduling of vacations for employees. But this is not necessary, because the head of the "Approve" section of the vacation schedule is signed by the head of the organization, which acts as an order.

    Unified form T-7 - vacation schedule

    The vacation schedule is drawn up in the form approved by the head of the organization by order of the accounting policy or using the unified form No. T-7 (approved by a resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia back in 2004).

    Personnel officers are of the opinion that it is possible to draw up a vacation schedule in any form. At the same time, the vacation schedule refers to the primary documentation, which means that it is more correct to use the unified form of the document T-7 “Vacation Schedule”.

    A correctly drawn up schedule is very important for the financial component of the organization, due to the fact that vacation pay will be paid on the basis of this document.

    It should be noted that the unified form T-7 "Vacation Schedule" does not provide for the division of vacation into parts, and therefore each employer must resolve this issue individually. Alternatively, additional lines can be included in the document and a column with the signature of the employee can be added.

    Before the person responsible for this work object starts scheduling vacations, preparatory steps must be taken.

    Preparation for creating a document begins with collecting information about vacations from all employees of the organization; To do this, you need to issue an appropriate order. You can download a sample Order on preparation for drawing up a vacation schedule for 2020 here:

    Then the wishes received from employees and the information collected from responsible employees are submitted to the personnel department, which forms a summary table in the form of a vacation schedule.

    The completed employee vacation schedule for 2020 must be certified by the signature of the head of the personnel service, and if this position is not available at the enterprise, then by the signature of another authorized employee (this may be, for example, the chief accountant). If there is a trade union organization, the document should be agreed with its chairman.

    After that, the vacation schedule must be approved by the head of the enterprise or individual entrepreneur who is the employer. Employees must be familiarized with the vacation schedules for the year against signature.

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    Form T-7 is the standard approved form for issuing a vacation schedule. Before proceeding with the instructions for filling it out, it should be recalled that the vacation schedule must be formed in advance - no later than mid-December of the current year for the next year. The main unspoken rule is to take into account the interests of all parties, that is, both the wishes of employees and the management of the organization. Going on vacation of an employee should in no way affect the efficiency of the production process.

    Download a sample of filling and a blank form of the vacation schedule in the form of T-7

    Who makes the vacation schedule

    The preparation of the vacation schedule is carried out by a specialist in the personnel department. But without the signature of the head of the organization and the seal, it will not be considered valid.

    What you need to fill out the T-7 form

    First of all, for the competent scheduling of vacations, you need to use the existing staffing table. It will allow you to accurately indicate the full name of each employee, his position and personnel number, as well as the structural unit to which he belongs. Same staffing will allow the developer of the vacation schedule not to forget any of the employees.

    Responsible persons

    • In the first part of the vacation schedule, it is imperative to write down the details of the organization, in particular its full name, indicating the legal form.
    • Further, if there is a trade union at the enterprise, it is necessary to take into account its opinion on the subject of the vacation schedule, indicating the date when this opinion was expressed and recorded.
    • Then put down the date of completion of the document.
    • The signature of the director with a transcript must be put after the vacation schedule is finalized and agreed with the employees.

    Drawing up a schedule

    The second point is the main one. It is he who includes the information for which this document is compiled. Here, based on the staffing table, it is necessary to enter the structural unit, full name of employees, their position, personnel number, as well as the vacation period of each employee in the appropriate columns.

    An important condition: by law, a vacation in total cannot be less than 28 calendar days, but it can be divided into any number of parts, provided that one of them is at least 14 days.

    After the vacation schedule is drawn up, it must be shown to employees for review and signature. Then it must be signed by the heads of structural divisions and only then submitted for signature to the main person of the organization.

    When the schedule is drawn up and approved, it should not be put on the shelf - during the year it must be filled in according to the lines of actual vacation days and all kinds of changes.

    Attention! Not less than two weeks before the start of vacation in accordance with this schedule, each employee will need to send a notice indicating the start and end dates of the vacation. Without this notification, the employee may, on completely legal grounds, refuse to go on vacation within the previously established time limits.

    Important! If the employee decides to change the date of his vacation, he must notify management of this through a written application. At the same time, changing the vacation date is possible only with the mutual consent of the parties and on the condition that this does not damage the production processes in the organization. Therefore, it is good if the employee provides the management with documents evidencing good reasons and the real need to postpone the vacation.

    In the vacation schedule, it is imperative to enter information indicating the grounds on which the transfer of the vacation became possible, as well as the actual date of the vacation. All this information must be supported by links to internal documents (orders, sick leave, etc.).

    What to do if the employee got a job after drawing up a vacation schedule

    This situation is by no means uncommon. As a rule, in such cases, one of two options is used:

    1. Making changes to an existing vacation schedule;
    2. Drawing up an additional vacation schedule, which will be an annex to the main one.

    Everything else is done according to the general scheme: the mandatory signature of the employee, certification of changes or an additional vacation schedule from the head of the structural unit and the management of the enterprise.

    Who can go on vacation outside the schedule

    The law separately allocates persons to whom leave should be granted at their request, regardless of the length of service and the approved schedule. This:

    • external part-time workers who go on vacation at their main place of work;
    • women who are expecting a child with a certificate from a medical institution;
    • underage employees;
    • male employees whose spouses are on maternity leave (if they have a marriage certificate and a certificate from a medical institution);
    • spouses of servicemen - at the same time as the leave of servicemen (optional);
    • citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster.

    All other employees have the right to go on vacation only after working in the organization for at least 6 months and in accordance with the vacation schedule drawn up in advance.

    The vacation schedule for 2017 must be drawn up by 12/17/2016

    Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains a requirement to approve the vacation schedule for 2017 no later than December 17, 2016. From our material today, the reader will learn how to draw up, fill out and approve the vacation schedule for 2017.

    The vacation schedule should indicate the time of granting annual paid vacations for employees for the next year. In the schedule, it is mandatory to fill in columns 1-6.

    It is important to understand that all employers, including micro-organizations, must approve the vacation schedule before the specified date. This is due to the transition to the use of standard labor contracts from 2017. The approval of the vacation schedule for 2017 is mandatory and the employer does not have the right to refuse this procedure.

    In our article, we will consider what a vacation schedule is, the basic rules and goals for its design, and other important nuances of compiling this document. At the bottom of the page you can download form T-7 for free.

    What is a vacation schedule?

    The vacation schedule is a document controlled by the labor inspectorate and less often by the tax service. Every employee of an enterprise or organization has the right to annual leave. In order for the enterprise not to stop, if employees express a desire to go on vacation at the same time, they draw up a vacation schedule.

    The vacation schedule is the annual paid vacation schedule. The document is compiled in order. The schedule ensures that the required number of employees of the organization stay at work during the rest of the employees.

    The document is drawn up taking into account the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation with a certain frequency and frequency in an arbitrary or unified form No. T-7.

    Why is a vacation schedule necessary?

    Regardless of the number of employees, a vacation schedule must be created in any organization or enterprise. The Labor Code contains a rule that this document is mandatory for both managers and employees. He gives guarantees and enforces the observance of the law.

    The vacation schedule reflects the order of vacations and prevents disagreements between employees and the employer. If the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is not observed in the issue of granting holidays, then the labor inspectorate has the right to impose a fine on the head of an organization or enterprise.

    As a rule, the vacation schedule is drawn up by the personnel department together with the head of the enterprise (organization).

    General rules for scheduling vacations

    So, how to fill out and approve the vacation schedule for 2017? Scheduling the rest of employees involves compliance with certain rules and requirements of the current Labor Code, in particular:

    1. The vacation schedule is approved once a year and is a local document. The document is drawn up no later than December of the current year for the next year.
    2. The vacation schedule can be adjusted according to the timing only if there is a documentary basis (for example, an order signed by management).
    3. When drawing up a vacation schedule, management should take into account the wishes of the employees of the organization.
    4. When drawing up a document, the peculiarities of the labor process at the enterprise are taken into account.
    5. In the collective agreement (or in another normative act) it is necessary to indicate the maximum number of employees who have a rest at the same time (from one unit).

    As already noted, the vacation schedule for 2017 must be approved no later than December 17 of the current year.

    Requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation for drawing up a vacation schedule

    Drawing up a vacation schedule for employees involves not only taking into account their personal wishes, but also compliance with the norms of the current Russian legislation.

    When scheduling vacations, consider the following:

    1. Work experience:

    Any employee of the company who has worked in it for at least six months has the right to go on paid leave.

    2. Separate categories of employees:

    • employees under 18;
    • women before or after maternity leave;
    • adoptive parents of children under 3 months old.

    3. Part-time employees:

    4. Employees who did not use vacation in the previous year:

    They have the right to choose a convenient period for their vacation. Their wishes are reflected in the schedule in the first place.

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    5. Employees entering universities and their parents:

    When entering a university or if the employee is a parent of a 9th or 11th grader. he can choose a convenient time for going on vacation (this also applies to residents of the Far North if their children enter educational institutions in other regions of the Russian Federation).

    6. Additional annual leave:

    For citizens whose work is associated with hazardous working conditions or hazardous production, the possibility of obtaining additional annual leave is provided. This type of vacation is included in the vacation schedule.

    7. Two holidays:

    Employees hired at the end of the calendar year are entitled to two vacations. For example, an employee got a job at the end of November. In this case, he has the right to go on vacation for the first time at the end of June, and the second time - to receive leave before the end of the year for the next year.

    8. Order of granting holidays:

    It is set based on the interests of employees who have the right to priority leave at any time of the year. It is necessary to compile a list of such employees so that when drawing up a vacation schedule, to take into account their requirements in the first place.

    9. Vacation duration:

    The duration of a standard vacation in the Russian Federation is 28 days. In this case, vacation can be increased due to the availability of additional vacations. There is a list of professions whose representatives are entitled to a longer vacation (for example, civil servants, judges, prosecutors, police, customs, teachers, etc.).

    Who can go on vacation at any convenient time?

    When drawing up a vacation schedule, it must be taken into account that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, there are categories of citizens who have the right to go on paid leave at any time of the year convenient for them, namely:

    • part-time workers (together with rest on the main job);
    • employees under the age of 18;
    • wives (husbands) of servicemen have the right to go on paid leave together with their spouse;
    • husbands whose wives are on maternity leave;
    • women who have two or more children (under the age of 12) are entitled to claim summer leave.

    Who makes changes to the vacation schedule?

    Changes to the vacation schedule are usually handled by the organization's human resources department. Personnel officers should take into account the interests of privileged categories of employees of the company. After that, an order is issued on the vacation schedule. The heads of departments of the organization should be familiar with this document.

    Upon completion of the correction of the schedule, the employees of the personnel department send the corrected document to the staff for discussion. This applies primarily to those employees whose vacation wishes were not met and the vacation dates were shifted.

    The management of the departments of the enterprise is also considering an amended version of the vacation schedule. This is due to the fact that in some cases the presence of certain employees at the enterprise at a particular time of the year is mandatory.

    As a rule, when a vacation is postponed for one employee, the rest schedules of other employees also shift, and therefore it is very important to coordinate the changes in the document with all the people affected by the adjustments.

    Thus, when drawing up a vacation schedule for the next year, it is imperative to provide for the possibility of making changes to the document in advance. After the correction of the schedule is completed, it is again sent to the personnel department and a consolidated schedule is drawn up for the entire enterprise.

    All this is done after the signing of the order on the scheduling of vacations for employees. But this is not necessary, because the head of the "Approve" section of the vacation schedule is signed by the head of the organization, which acts as an order.

    Unified form T-7 - vacation schedule

    The vacation schedule is drawn up in the form approved by the head of the organization by order of the accounting policy or using the unified form No. T-7 (approved by a resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia back in 2004).

    Personnel officers are of the opinion that it is possible to draw up a vacation schedule in any form. At the same time, the vacation schedule refers to the primary documentation, which means that it is more correct to use the unified form of the document T-7 “Vacation Schedule”.

    A correctly drawn up schedule is very important for the financial component of the organization, due to the fact that vacation pay will be paid on the basis of this document.

    It should be noted that the unified form T-7 "Vacation Schedule" does not provide for the division of vacation into parts, and therefore each employer must resolve this issue individually. Alternatively, additional lines can be included in the document and a column with the signature of the employee can be added.

    The completed employee vacation schedule for 2017 must be certified by the signature of the head of the personnel service, and if this position is not available at the enterprise, then by the signature of another authorized employee (this may be, for example, the chief accountant).

    After that, the vacation schedule must be approved by the head of the enterprise or individual entrepreneur who is the employer. Employees must be familiarized with the vacation schedules for the year against signature.

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    Order on approval of the vacation schedule - sample (2017)

    Vacation schedule for the year: design nuances

    Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges the employer to approve the drawn up vacation schedule for employees before the start of the next calendar year. The features of this document include:

    • the need to approve it annually no later than 2 weeks before the start of the next year;
    • obligatory coordination with the trade union body (if any);
    • the indispensability of familiarizing each employee with it;
    • it is mandatory for both the employee and the employer;
    • creation, taking into account the fact that a number of employees have a pre-emptive right to choose the period of going on vacation.

    Since a ready-made schedule is subject to approval, work on its creation begins in advance and can be initiated by the appropriate order of the head.

    When drawing up the schedule, it reflects the following types of paid holidays:

    • annual;
    • additional;
    • unused in the previous year;
    • arranged by a partner.

    The schedule that has come into effect can be further adjusted (for example, in connection with the transfer of vacation or recall from it) and supplemented (with data on newly hired employees).

    The absence of an approved vacation schedule can lead to the punishment of the employer in the form of a fine (clause 1, article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

    • from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles. for individual entrepreneurs and officials;
    • from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. for legal entities.

    Do I need an order to approve the schedule?

    You can draw up a vacation schedule in a form developed by the employer independently. However, it is usually convenient to use the standard form T-7 for this purpose, approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia No. 1 dated January 5, 2004, which contains fields to reflect all the information necessary for this document and allows the introduction of additional columns and lines, if necessary.

    Mandatory details of this document are the date of compilation and the approval signature of the head. Thus, additional approval of the vacation schedule is not required. Therefore, a separate order for its approval is not mandatory, but can be drawn up if it is accepted by the current document management system. At the same time, the date of such an order must fit into the time limits established for the approval of the vacation schedule, Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    The expediency of such a document may be justified by reflecting in it some additional information related to the approved schedule. For example, the appointment of those responsible for its observance.

    Sample order for a vacation schedule for 2016-2017

    Since the order approving the vacation schedule for the next year is not a mandatory document, there is no approved form for it, and therefore it can be drawn up in any form. It would be reasonable to include in it the usual details of the order, namely:

    • indication of the employer-compiler;
    • number and date;
    • essence of the order;
    • manager's signature;
    • signatures of persons listed in the document as executors of the order.

    Option sample order on approval of the vacation schedule can be seen on our website.

    Approval of the vacation schedule for the next year is mandatory procedure for every employer. This can be done both in the form of the schedule itself, and in a separate administrative document.

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    Vacation schedule

    The vacation schedule is a document that is mandatory for both the employer and the employee (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    When is the vacation schedule for next year drawn up?

    The vacation schedule is approved no later than two weeks before the year for which this schedule is drawn up (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Those. the vacation schedule for 2017 had to be approved no later than December 16, 2016 (December 17 - Saturday), and the schedule for 2018 should be approved no later than December 15, 2017 (December 17 - Sunday).

    Vacation schedule: how to make it right

    Some accountants are wondering: how to schedule vacations? In fact, the design of this document should not cause any particular difficulties. But when scheduling vacations, you need to take into account some of the nuances.

    Vacation schedule: rules for registration and amendments

    When preparing a vacation schedule for the next calendar year, first of all, it makes sense to coordinate the vacation time of those employees who are entitled to it at a time convenient for them.

    It is better to collect statements from such employees in which they indicate their wishes regarding vacation dates. These statements will be proof that you have indeed given these workers time off at their convenience. But it should be borne in mind that subsequently the employee may change his mind and change the desired vacation time. In this case, it also makes sense to obtain a relevant statement from the employee.

    What to reflect in the vacation schedule

    To understand how the vacation schedule is drawn up and what is reflected in it, our table will help:

    What to show in the chart

    The schedule reflects absolutely all employees with whom an employment contract has been concluded

    Vacation days

    The number of vacation days for which this or that employee is entitled to apply is indicated. It is best to indicate all-all vacation days due to the employee. To do this, sum up the days of the annual main paid vacation (days for the year for which the vacation schedule is drawn up, and non-vacation days for previous years) and the days of the annual additional paid vacation. laid down for the employee in accordance with the law and / or on the basis of a collective agreement / local regulatory act (Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    Estimated start date

    Here you can reflect both a specific date and just a month in which the employee goes on vacation. True, if only a month is indicated, the employee will then need to write an application for leave indicating a specific date. If the date is indicated in the vacation schedule initially, and the employee goes on vacation clearly according to the schedule, then such a statement will not have to be written.
    By the way, if only a month of vacation is marked in your schedule, then we recommend fixing in the local regulatory act (LNA) that the employee must submit an application for vacation with a specific start date no later than two weeks before going on vacation. Firstly, this is necessary so that the employer has time to notify the employee about the upcoming vacation (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And, secondly, so that the accounting department has time to calculate and pay vacation pay (Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    The possibility of dividing the vacation into parts

    The schedule can be supplemented with a corresponding column in which employees will sign, giving their consent to leave in installments. It is important to remember that at least one of the parts of the vacation must be at least 14 calendar days (Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

    Vacation schedule:

    The employer has the right to develop his own form of vacation schedule. This form must be fixed as an application to the accounting policy. And you can use the unified form T-7 "Vacation Schedule" (approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 01/05/2004 N 1).

    Vacation schedule: form

    If you still decide not to develop your own vacation schedule form, then you can download the unified vacation schedule form here.

    Vacation schedule order: sample

    It is not necessary to draw up an order to approve the vacation schedule as a separate document. After all, the signature of the head of the organization / individual entrepreneur, approving the vacation schedule for the next year, is placed on the schedule itself.

    True, the employer can issue, for example, an order obliging the heads of departments to collect and submit data on the holidays of employees reporting to them in order to prepare a unified vacation schedule.

    Vacation schedule order: sample

    This order can be issued as follows:

    Sunny Bunny LLC

    on scheduling annual leave

    Moscow November 21, 2016

    To prepare and approve the vacation schedule for 2017

    1. No later than December 05, 2016, the heads of departments must submit in writing to the head of the personnel department Elizarova K.I. information for scheduling vacations for 2017.

    When preparing information, consider:

    - the wishes of employees who have the right to leave at a convenient time for them;

    - the wishes of employees regarding the division of the annual main paid leave into parts, one of which, in accordance with Art. 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation must be at least 14 calendar days;

    - the period of vacation of part-time workers at their main place of work.

    2. Head of the personnel department Elizarova K.I. prepare a schedule of paid vacations and submit it for approval no later than December 14, 2016.

    3. Head of the personnel department Elizarova K.I. bring this Order to the following persons:

    — chief accountant Kustodieva A.V.;

    — head of the sales department Egorov V.T.;

    - Head of the Procurement Department Trunov N.N.

    4. To impose control over the execution of the Order on the head of the personnel department Elizarova K.I.

    General Director Solnyshkov V.S.

    Familiarized with the Order:

    Head of the Human Resources Department ______________ K.I. Elizarova

    Chief Accountant ___________________ A.V. Kustodieva

    Head of Sales Department _____________ V.T. Egorova

    Head of Procurement Department _____________ N.N. Trunov

    Persons familiarized with such an order, in addition to their signature, must also indicate the date of familiarization.

    Vacation schedule approval

    The vacation schedule is approved by the head of the organization or individual entrepreneur. Moreover, if there is a trade union, the employer must take into account his opinion when approving the vacation schedule for the next year (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    After the vacation schedule is approved by the manager, employees must be familiarized with this schedule. Otherwise, this document will not be binding on them (Article 22. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is better to familiarize employees with the vacation schedule against signature. To do this, the schedule can be supplemented with the column “I am familiar with the schedule (date, signature)”.

    Vacation schedule sample filling in 2017

    When preparing a vacation schedule, you can use our sample vacation schedule.

    Making changes to the vacation schedule

    The employer cannot foresee all possible personnel transfers a year ahead. For example, dismissal of employees, postponement of vacation or recall from it. Therefore, the introduction of various changes in the vacation schedule is inevitable.

    Where changes are reflected in the vacation schedule

    To reflect the changes, columns 7-10 of the unified form of the vacation schedule (form T-7) are used:

    • column 7 reflects the actual date the employee went on vacation;
    • column 8 indicates the document on the basis of which the planned start date of the vacation was postponed. Such a document, for example, can be an employee's statement with a request to postpone the vacation, endorsed by the head (Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
    • in column 9 you need to indicate the expected date of vacation. For example, if an employee decides to postpone his vacation for the period when his wife will be on maternity leave;
    • Column 10 reflects various notes.

    By the way, it makes sense to supplement the vacation schedule with the column “I am familiar with the changes”, in which employees will sign after making adjustments to this document. In addition, it is better to register the deadline for submitting an application for the transfer of vacation in the LNA. Again, so that the accounting department can calculate and pay vacation pay to the employee on time.

    Additions to the vacation schedule

    It happens that after the vacation schedule for the next year is approved, new employees are hired. What to do with the schedule in this situation? The Labor Code does not oblige the employer to make any additions to the already approved vacation schedule. Those. Newly employed employees may be granted leave only on the basis of their application.

    True, no one forbids supplementing the approved vacation schedule with information about the vacations of new employees. This can be done by approving an additional vacation schedule that contains information about the planned start date for vacation for new employees only.

    How long do you need to keep a vacation schedule

    Responsibility for the absence of a vacation schedule

    The absence of a vacation schedule threatens the employer with a fine in the amount (part 1 of article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

    • from 30000 rub. up to 50,000 rubles for the organization itself, from 1000 rubles. up to 5000 rub. - for its officials;
    • from 1000 rub. up to 5000 rub. for IP employers.

    All employers two weeks before the end of each year are required to approve the vacation schedule for the next year and bring it to the attention of all employees included there. And if, during the inspection, a representative of the regulatory authority does not find a vacation schedule, then he regards this as a violation of the law and subjects the employer to penalties in accordance with Art. Code of Administrative Offenses.

    In this case, the penalty is:

    • for officials - from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles;
    • for individual entrepreneurs - from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles;
    • for a legal entity - from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

    For repeated violations:

    • for officials - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles or disqualification for a period of one to three years;
    • for individual entrepreneurs - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles;
    • for legal entities— from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles .

    Why do employers and employees need this local regulation?

    First of all, so that the employee can plan his vacation, and the employer - to prepare for the payment of vacation pay and find a replacement for the employee on vacation. Neither party may make changes to the approved vacation schedule without the consent of the other party.

    In addition, the vacation schedule allows the employer to control the timely use of rest by employees. As can be seen from Art. Labor Code of the Russian Federation, failure to provide annual paid leave for two consecutive years is prohibited.

    Who prepares the vacation schedule and when?

    The most suitable time to prepare a vacation schedule is the end of November. The head must order to issue an order to develop a vacation schedule. HR specialists or employees of structural subdivisions prepare a project, coordinate it with the heads of structural subdivisions, and then with the trade union committee or other elected body (if any). The opinion of the trade union is required to be taken into account only if more than half of the employees are members of it.

    In preparing and further working with the schedule, the personnel officer must do the following:

    • using the questionnaire to collect the wishes of employees regarding the date of vacation;
    • build a schedule, comparing the opinions of employees and the need to ensure the continuous operation of the organization;
    • take into account that there are categories of employees who have the right to receive leave at a convenient time for them;
    • familiarize employees with the vacation schedule under the signature.

    How to properly arrange vacation for part-timers?

    There is a small feature in granting holidays to part-time workers.

    When a vacation schedule is drawn up for an internal part-time job, then two lines must be filled in: in the first line, the vacation period at the main place of work must be indicated, in the second - part-time. The employer must grant these holidays at the same time. And even at the request of the employee himself, it cannot be done otherwise.

    The external part-time worker must report the date of vacation at the main place of work. And if he cannot confirm this with a certificate from his main job, then in the first line you need to make a note: the exact date of vacation at the main place of work is unknown.

    In a situation where an external part-time worker leaves his main job, he is provided with leave at the second place of work by agreement - either on the dates indicated by him, or at the discretion of the employer.

    Read more about the rules for issuing vacations for external and internal part-time workers in our following materials.

    Does mommy earn a vacation while on vacation?

    We have many employees in our company who are on parental leave. As a rule, they stay at home until the child is 3 years old, that is, they do not plan to use annual leave at this time. And so we do not include them in the vacation schedule.

    But this year, the idyll was broken - one of the workers, without interrupting her maternity leave, started working part-time. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as you know, allows mothers to work without leaving their parental leave, and receive both a salary and a child benefit at the same time.

    Part 3 of Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that it is impossible to restrict the labor rights of workers who work part-time. This means that both the duration of the annual leave and the length of service of such an employee are preserved, while their leave is accumulated in the general manner.
    Therefore, our mommy may well want to go on an annual (next) vacation, and in this case, her vacation should be scheduled in the schedule.

    How to go on vacation while on another vacation?

    The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (Decree No. 1 of January 28, 2014) clarified that an employee cannot be on two vacations at the same time. If a woman wants to exercise her right to annual leave, she must first interrupt parental leave. But in this case, having received vacation pay, she will lose the right to child care allowance. After the annual leave, the employee can go on maternity leave again, and then she will again receive both the allowance and the salary.

    It turns out that it is not always beneficial for a woman to take annual leave if she is on parental leave. If the salary is large, and the child is already 1.5 years old, then it makes sense to get confused with the registration of annual leave. If you lose more on benefits than your vacation pay, then it’s better not to take another vacation. At the same time, annual leave will be accumulated, and it will be possible to use it in the future. Or get paid for it upon dismissal)))

    And if you want to relax in the summer? Can't you just stop working? Of course it is possible. To do this, it is enough to write a statement about the termination of work during the period of parental leave. And rest for as many days (or months) as needed. And the woman has the right to determine the date of termination of work herself, when it is convenient for her.

    Is it possible to divide the vacation into parts in the schedule?

    In our organization, almost all employees plan their vacation for 14 calendar days. It’s more convenient for both employees (it’s guaranteed to have a half-month vacation in the summer) and the employer (everyone goes strictly according to the schedule, not a single place is empty for more than two weeks).

    Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows such a division by agreement of the parties, while the rule of duration is also observed, because both parts of the vacation are equal to 14 calendar days (and according to the law, it is enough that at least one part is at least 14 days).

    But many employers have a question: Should the agreement of the parties on this issue be oral or written?

    I think that an orally expressed will is enough, because the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain a rule requiring that an agreement be drawn up in writing on the division of vacation into parts.

    But keep in mind that in the event of a dispute it is the employer who will have to prove that the division into parts was legal, “by consent”. And how to prove it if there is no document fixing the will of the employee?

    Therefore, if there is even a small risk of a conflict, it is better to take a statement from the employee asking him to divide his vacation into parts. And the head of the company will put a positive resolution on this statement. That will be proof of the goodwill of both sides. At the same time, Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that the parties must agree only on the fact of the separation of the vacation, but the specific dates for the start of each part of the vacation will be set in the schedule.

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