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  • What happens if thrush is not treated in a timely manner? What happens if thrush is not treated? What happens is not to treat thrush.

    What happens if thrush is not treated in a timely manner?  What happens if thrush is not treated?  What happens is not to treat thrush.

    When asked why thrush is dangerous, the answer can be unequivocal: nothing. In addition to discomfort and discomfort, this disease does not cause any harm to health. Another thing is that the complications of candidiasis - the consequences of thrush in women, men and children - can be very serious.

    Candidiasis can occur at any age, the disease affects both men and women. A yeast fungus lives all the time on the skin and mucous membranes of the human body, but thrush develops only under favorable conditions. If a person's immunity decreases or the population of beneficial microflora on the mucous membrane decreases, the fungus begins to actively multiply, which leads to the disease.

    Pathology manifests itself in:

    • itching and burning in the genitals;
    • painful urination;
    • discomfort during intimacy;
    • specific secretions.

    As soon as the immune system is strengthened and the number of beneficial bacteria on the mucosa increases, the thrush disappears, because the balance of microflora is restored, and again the beneficial flora inhibits the reproduction of opportunistic fungus. For this to happen, candidiasis must be treated; for this, antimycoid drugs are used, presented in the form of ointments, gels, sprays and tablets. In addition, you should follow proper nutrition, monitor intimate hygiene and strengthen immunity by all means.

    The main danger of thrush in its complications, I must say that they occur when the disease is not completely cured, if the treatment is completely absent or it is incorrect.

    Thrush is dangerous if its symptoms are ignored. If it is not treated for a long time, then the fungus will spread to neighboring organs, in which case any part of the body and any organ can be affected. This disease is called "common candidiasis."

    Oral cavity

    Complications of thrush can affect the oral cavity. Such candidiasis develops quickly and suddenly, just as quickly the disease becomes chronic.

    The symptoms of this pathology cannot be ignored. The mouth is covered with a white coating, the palate and tonsils are captured. The patient feels unwell, loss of strength, dry mouth. The tissues of the mouth swell, on examination one can observe white plaques that bleed when touched. The fungus negatively affects healthy cells, resulting in ulcers on the mucosa.

    If the disease is long and severe, then the deep layers of the oral cavity and throat are also affected by a fungal infection. Sometimes it can cover the pharynx and esophagus.

    Untreated thrush threatens with intestinal candidiasis. The fungus can affect the entire intestinal mucosa, but the duodenum is most often affected, as well as the sigmoid, rectum, ascending colon and transverse colon.

    You can recognize thrush of the small intestine by an altered stool: it becomes pinkish, liquid, and contains white flakes. The amount of feces increases greatly - sometimes up to 10 liters per day.

    If the large intestine is affected, then constipation occurs, the frequency of urges and the amount of feces also increase significantly, and there is a large amount of blood in the feces itself.

    Intestinal candidiasis causes bloating, vomiting, pain in the left and right hypochondrium and lower abdominal cavity. In addition, the patient may experience headaches, weight loss, pallor of the skin, acne, muscle weakness, fever, pain in the heart and various other unpleasant and dangerous symptoms.

    For women, thrush is dangerous with cervical candidiasis. Although this is a fairly rare complication, it is nonetheless a very serious one. Thrush in women is also terrible with infertility and even the formation of a malignant tumor in the cervix. The patient develops white-gray discharge with an unpleasant odor, pain in the uterus, burning in the bladder, vaginal itching and swelling of the mucosa.

    Fortunately, it is quite difficult for candidiasis to affect the uterine area, since many factors prevent this: cervical mucus, local immunity, a closed cervix of the uterus (it opens only during childbirth and during menstruation). But in the severely advanced stages of candidiasis, this is possible, so it is necessary to completely cure the thrush and prevent its recurrence.

    Urethritis and pyelocystitis

    I must say that thrush is dangerous for the urinary system. If candidiasis is not treated and progresses, then the urinary canal is gradually affected. This causes symptoms that resemble gonorrhea:

    • painful and frequent urination;
    • blood, mucus and pus in the urine.

    In the risk zone for both men and women, this is a very insidious disease that can cause infertility, abscesses. If treatment is not provided in this case, then the disease passes into the chronic stage or is complicated by candidal pyelocystitis.

    With candidal pyelocystitis, the fungus combines with other pathogens, most often with those that cause venereal diseases. The temperature rises, the condition worsens sharply, severe pain is felt in the kidneys and bladder. Most often, the patient is hospitalized.

    Complications during pregnancy

    If a woman has thrush during pregnancy, the consequences can be very bad for both the mother and the child. Complications arise because during pregnancy the microflora of the vagina changes, the immune system of the female body works worse, changes hormonal background.

    Candidiasis during pregnancy is dangerous due to uterine erosion - the tissue that lines the vagina becomes less elastic, so there will be more external and internal tears at the time of delivery. In addition, the already weak immunity becomes even more difficult to protect the body from pathogenic flora, so quite often in women who had thrush during pregnancy, inflammation in the uterus is diagnosed after childbirth.

    In the early stages of pregnancy, candidiasis is not so terrible for a child, but if thrush appears closer to childbirth, then large colonies of fungi can cause abnormal development of the fetus, moreover, with a 50% chance, the fetus can become infected with candidiasis through amniotic fluid. During childbirth, the fungus can get on the eyes, skin, oral mucosa of the child, which will cause him various diseases.

    Thrush poses a great danger to the fetus if the fungus has gone beyond the vagina and struck the mother's oral cavity or other organs. It can even cause a miscarriage, but only if no treatment is carried out.

    There is nothing more important than the health of a child. With thrush, a newborn may develop:

    • stomatitis;
    • diaper dermatitis;
    • cutaneous candidiasis, etc.

    Thrush in the mouth makes it difficult breast-feeding- the very process of feeding for the child becomes painful, he eats poorly and cries a lot. The lack of normal nutrition affects its development, and constant crying loosens the nervous system and leads to its overload.

    If no action is taken, the fungus will spread deeper into the baby's body and can affect the upper respiratory tract and lungs. Thrush is able to negatively affect the genitals of the child, which will also subsequently be a big problem.

    Candidiasis must be treated without fail, and the disease should be treated until complete recovery. To avoid relapses after treatment, it is necessary to observe preventive measures and monitor immunity.

    Treatment of thrush

    Treatment of thrush should be directed to the cause of its occurrence. First of all, you need to consult a doctor and pass an analysis for the sensitivity of the pathogen to a particular drug. After the analysis is ready, the doctor will prescribe antimycoid drugs to which the pathogen is sensitive.

    In the early stages of the disease, it is enough to take 1 capsule of the drug so that the symptoms disappear. However, the disappearance of symptoms does not mean that the thrush is over.

    It is important to take the prescribed funds as much as the doctor prescribed, otherwise expect relapses soon!

    In addition to tablets, there is also local therapy, which is represented by a large number of ointments, gels, sprays, vaginal tablets, etc. They relieve the symptoms of the disease well, but it is impossible to cope with thrush without antimycoid oral drugs.

    A good help in the treatment of candidiasis are folk remedies, however, to treat thrush only with their help is ineffective. It is necessary to increase immunity, it will also suppress the growth of the fungus. The hormonal background is important, if there are any violations, then they must be eliminated.

    Be sure to normalize the microflora in the vagina. When the number of beneficial bacteria is normal, they will be able to restrain the reproduction of a fungal infection. Eat more dairy products with live lactobacilli.

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    Sometimes men and women, unaware of what will happen if thrush is not treated, continue to ignore the symptoms of a pathological condition. However, thrush, or, as it is called, candidiasis, is a very serious sexual infectious pathology that develops against the background of active reproduction of the Candida fungus.

    About what unpleasant symptoms accompany this disease, a huge number of women know firsthand. Sometimes the male sex also encounters similar unpleasant sensations. But what is fraught with refusal of treatment or its constant postponing, very few know. Many women do not realize that severe gynecological pathologies up to infertility can develop. About whether thrush affects potency and how, not all representatives of the stronger sex know.

    The essence of candidiasis and possible consequences

    Quite often it happens that in the case of the development of candidiasis in girls or representatives of the male half of humanity, they are in no hurry to seek medical help. This happens until the disease becomes protracted.

    Sometimes a visit to the doctor is postponed due to the fact that patients, considering thrush as a harmless disease, assume that the disease will disappear on its own. However, such an attitude to one's health very often leads to serious complications and serious consequences.

    It should be understood that the Candida fungus is able to actively multiply not only on the mucous organs of the reproductive system, but also in the oral cavity, on the skin, nails and in the digestive tract. That is why you should not treat this disease as something frivolous. In the case of the widespread spread of the fungus throughout the body, a general lesion can occur and total candidiasis can develop, the consequences of which can be very serious, and in some cases irreparable. It is very important to remember that the chronic form of the disease can proceed without the manifestation of any symptoms and is detected only in the case of a general examination of the patient.

    If you do not treat thrush for a long time, then this can lead to the following consequences:

    Knowing what the lack of adequate treatment can lead to with the development of candidiasis, it is necessary to contact a specialist in a timely manner in order to carry out diagnostic procedures and receive an appointment for treatment.

    Consequences of candidiasis in pregnant women

    Surely future mothers are interested in the question of whether thrush is dangerous during pregnancy. After all, all future mothers are worried about the timely and safe resolution of childbirth and the health of the unborn child. In a separate line should be highlighted possible consequences thrush in women during pregnancy.

    As you know, during the period of bearing a child, candidiasis appears much more often. This is due to a decrease in the immune system, which is necessary so that the body does not reject the developing fetus by the ongoing hormonal changes, as well as changes in the vaginal microflora.

    So, what is the danger of thrush for women in interesting position? Experts identify the following possible consequences of candidiasis for the mother and child:

    Signs of the disease

    In order to be able to develop pathology, patients, especially those who encounter this for the first time, need to know the main signs, the appearance of which should immediately consult a doctor. After all, timely treatment will avoid possible complications and consequences.

    So, experts identify the following signs of the development of the disease:

    Thus, knowing about the possible signs of the disease, you should consult a doctor when they appear, without postponing this issue for later.

    It is unlikely that anyone can determine the diagnosis on their own, since quite often the disease is asymptomatic. Even if the patient began to take antifungal drugs, and the signs of the disease disappeared, this does not mean at all that the disease has been defeated. For a full-fledged treatment, the doctor must select for the patient a list of drugs and a set of measures that will help eliminate the signs of pathology, exclude the reproduction of the fungus in the future and take preventive measures to avoid the recurrence of the disease.

    What will happen if you do not treat thrush, every woman should know. For the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to correctly diagnose. As the disease progresses, there are the following symptoms among women:

    • in the external genitalia, severe itching and burning;
    • discharge resembling cottage cheese;
    • discomfort during urination;
    • sexual intercourse with pain.

    Symptoms of the disease can occur in a complex or separately.

    Medical indications

    The characteristic discharge for white thrush is similar in composition to thick cottage cheese. With this pathology, a woman experiences severe itching in the perineum, and tight-fitting underwear made of synthetic fabrics causes discomfort. The inflammatory process can spread to the area where the anus is located, while swelling of the mucous membrane of the labia is observed. When the above symptoms appear, it is recommended to make an appointment with a gynecologist.

    Thrush in men occurs with the following symptoms:

    • the head of the penis and the foreskin have an unnatural red color;
    • itching and burning of the genitals;
    • the head of the penis is covered with a white coating;
    • sensation of pain during urination and sexual intercourse.

    Candidiasis is a disease caused by Candida fungus. Active yeast flora, which is a component of vaginal microbiocinosis, multiplying in the body, provokes an ailment.

    Normally, microbes should be supported by beneficial bacteria.

    Often a woman tries to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms (itching and discharge) characteristic of the acute form of the disease on her own. This type of treatment reduces discomfort. At the same time, the fungus continues to develop, having a negative effect on the genitourinary system of a woman.

    Complications and consequences

    The recurrence of thrush occurs due to untimely treatment of a partner - a man. When the first unpleasant symptoms of the disease appear, the woman begins therapy for the acute form of the disease. For this, it is recommended to take fast-acting drugs. Fluconazole and Diflucan help get rid of itching and discharge, as they contain substances to which Candida is sensitive.

    Women should know that it is impossible to completely get rid of vaginal thrush without treating a partner. Often a man does not feel the disease and its pronounced symptoms. At the same time, he is a hidden carrier of Candida fungi. Re-infection leads to relapse. The acute form of the disease develops into a chronic form.

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    Doctors recommend that, with the development of an acute form of vaginal thrush in a woman, 2 partners undergo a course of treatment. In the presence of characteristic signs characteristic of the disease, a man should seek help from a specialist. He will be prescribed topical Candide cream or systemic treatment.

    Otherwise, various complications may occur (cervical erosion). The chronic advanced form of the disease is dangerous for the female body. The fungus continues to actively multiply, having a bad effect on the vaginal environment, provoking the development of erosion. In children and adults with weak immunity, there is a risk of infection in the blood. If you do not treat candidiasis in men for a long time, then the disease will spread to various organs. The risk group includes the following patients:

    • HIV-infected;
    • patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus;
    • men taking immunosuppressants;
    • dialysis patients and those who received high doses of radiation and chemotherapy.

    An untreated fungus will begin to affect the uterus, contributing to the development of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system (appendages) and adhesive diseases. At the initial stage, the area in the lower abdomen begins to hurt in women after intercourse, then the symptom becomes permanent.

    To remove it, take painkillers. The disease is recommended to be treated at an early stage. If the thrush is accompanied by erosion of the cervix, then the Candida fungus is first removed. The patient should be tested for infection. Then the sensitivity of the flora to the active substance that is part of the drug is determined. The course of treatment is prescribed taking into account the stage and nature of the disease. Therapy lasts 5-14 days. Upon completion of complex treatment, the doctor prescribes antibiotics.

    From this article you will find out what will happen if thrush is not treated (in men and women), what it will lead to. How dangerous are different types of candidiasis when serious consequences for a person are possible.

    Article publication date: 10/30/2017

    Article last updated: 11/28/2018

    Candidiasis is a group of diseases that are associated with the pathological growth of the Candida fungus. Thrush is a lesion of the genital organs in women and men, but this definition can combine all forms of candidal inflammation (lesions of the mouth, intestines, etc.).

    Whether it is possible to not treat it or him? Yes. But you need to be aware of the consequences of such a decision. Any pathology in the human body entails certain changes. Different types fungal infections are no exception.

    The least dangerous is external inflammation involving:

    • skin,
    • skin folds,
    • nails and hair,
    • mucous membranes.

    With such an infection, if there is no severe form of immunodeficiency (HIV infection, AIDS, congenital defects of lymphocytes, a condition after organ transplantation), nothing threatens a person's life. Pathology includes:

    • psychological and physical discomfort,
    • decrease in the level of sexual life,
    • the possibility of developing allergic reactions,
    • the risk of a pathological course of pregnancy and infection of the fetus or child.

    Fungal infection of internal organs and (or) blood is a more serious disease that can cause disability and death of the patient.

    Therefore, if in the case of the skin and mucous membranes, a person has time to think about the desire to conduct therapy, then with the involvement of organs, there is no time for this.

    Candidiasis lesions of any localization are completely curable in 80-90% of patients, provided that it is possible to correct or completely eliminate the causative factors of the infection. In the remaining patients, therapy is aimed at alleviating the condition and stabilizing the process.

    Patients with candidiasis can seek help from dermatovenerologists, urologists, gynecologists, infectious disease specialists, ENT doctors and dentists.

    General Consequences

    Regardless of the area of ​​fungal inflammation, if left untreated, candidiasis leads to a number of common pathological reactions.

    Increased allergic activity

    The specific antigen proteins that the fungus contains cause the activation of the immune system. In response, it produces antibody proteins. They, in turn, trigger various types of allergic reactions in the form of:

      rashes all over the body (rash, urticaria, pemphigus);

      attacks of respiratory failure due to spasm of the bronchial tree;

      intolerance to certain foods (can be any);

    Decreased immune defense

    Immunodeficiency itself is the cause of the development of candidal infection, but its long existence has the opposite suppressive effect on the body's defenses, forming the so-called pathological circle. Which manifests itself as hypersensitivity to any infections and diseases.

    Psychological discomfort

    Any pathology acts overwhelmingly on the psychological status of the patient. The longer the fungal infection flows, the more pronounced the mental discomfort in a person. Constant thoughts about one's own vulnerability, the fact of a disease state and the consequences of inflammation are the cause of the development of depression.

    And depression is a risk factor for heart and vascular diseases, which pose a real threat to health.

    physical discomfort

    Candidiasis is a pathology with extremely unpleasant clinical manifestations that cannot be ignored. Although the general condition does not suffer with superficial types of damage, it is almost impossible to perform the usual activities without being distracted by the symptoms of the disease.

    Itching and burning are the main causes of physical discomfort, which can only be eliminated after the treatment of candidiasis.

    sexual discomfort

    It is most pronounced with fungal inflammation of the genital organs, but changes in the skin or nails significantly reduce the level of one's own sexuality and attractiveness in the eyes of a partner.

    This type of effect is rarely talked about, but given that Candida infection affects the sexually active population in 80% of cases, this manifestation cannot be said to be insignificant.

    Urogenital candidiasis

    Urogenital candidiasis includes a fungal infection of the genital organs in both sexes.

    If you do not treat this type of thrush in women, it threatens:

    • decrease in reproductive function - problems with the onset, course and physiological resolution of pregnancy (miscarriage, miscarriage, premature birth, complications after childbirth, infection of the fetus or child);
    • problems with libido (lack of arousal, orgasm);
    • increased risk of sexual infections (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, syphilis);
    • secondary changes in the mucous membranes and skin (dryness, cracks, ulcerations).

    Consequences for men include:

    • decrease in libido, erectile function (lack of desire for sexual intercourse, lethargy of the penis, difficulty achieving orgasm);
    • skin changes foreskin and glans penis (thickening, peeling, cracks, sores).

    Thrush of the mouth and throat

    Candida infection involving the lips, tongue, gums, tonsils, pharynx, and larynx. There is always a lesion of several anatomical regions; if left untreated, the inflammation spreads to the entire mouth and throat.

    Without antifungal therapy, pathology can cause:

    • extensive carious lesion of the entire dental formula;
    • loosening, loss of teeth;
    • partial or complete loss of taste sensations;
    • inability to eat solid food;
    • the formation of abscesses in the tonsils;
    • accession of other inflammatory diseases;
    • hoarseness, hoarseness, or loss of voice;
    • persistent cough, shortness of breath;
    • respiratory arrest due to occlusion of the larynx.

    Candidal infection of the skin, nails, hair

    If you do not carry out therapy for this type of fungal infection, the process can complicate:

      the formation of cracks, sores, weeping, significant thickening of the skin with constant peeling and crusting in the affected area;

      complete destruction of the nail plate and tissues surrounding the nail;

      hair loss with the destruction of their bulbs and the formation of a bald area (alopecia),

      accession of other infectious and fungal flora.

    Gastrointestinal lesion

    Candida infection of the digestive tract includes damage to: the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, perianal zone and gallbladder. This is a variant of internal fungal pathology, which has more serious consequences if left untreated:

    • the formation of a defect in the wall of the organ, which is fraught with the development of inflammation of the mediastinum or the entire abdomen (mediastinitis, peritonitis) - extremely dangerous diseases with a high percentage of death;
    • the formation of small and large ulcers;
    • severe forms of bleeding;
    • violation of the absorption of nutrients with the development of a deficiency of proteins, vitamins and minerals;
    • penetration of the fungus into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body,
    • inflammation of the gallbladder, biliary tract with an outcome in liver failure,
    • violation of normal bowel movements with repeated diarrhea, large loss of fluid and electrolytes.

    ear fungus

    Another name for the disease is otomycosis. The outcome of such a pathology, if not treated, will be partial or complete hearing loss.

    If the vestibular apparatus of the ear canal is involved, there is a high risk of developing gait and balance disorders.

    Candidiasis of the blood and internal organs

    The penetration of the fungus into the blood is called candemia or candidal septicemia. This is one of the most dangerous types of infection with a high percentage of death from the disease. If specific antifungal therapy is not started in time, the fungus penetrates into all internal organs and cause their dysfunction.

    In the brain, liver, kidneys and spleen, the reproduction of the pathogen leads to the formation of fungal abscesses (abscesses), which manifests itself:

      violation of the cardiovascular system with a frequent pulse and low blood pressure;

      decrease in kidney function, cessation of urine output and poisoning of the body with products of its own metabolism;

      defects in hepatic work with a slowdown in the synthesis of protein complexes, which are necessary for the normal function of other systems in the body;

      symptoms of intoxication in the form of high fever, severe weakness, sweating;

      brain symptoms with impaired consciousness, movement in the limbs, skin sensitivity.

    Any of these complications can cause severe disability or death of the patient. In the presence of multiple foci of fungal inflammation, the risk of a fatal outcome reaches 90%.

    Candidal lung infection occurs in the form of severe pneumonia, which, without appropriate therapy, leads to progressive respiratory failure.

    Fungal infection of the kidneys, bladder - the cause of pyelonephritis and cystitis with the formation of candidal stones. Left untreated, the infection can lead to failure of the urinary system, requiring dialysis (artificial purification of the blood from metabolic products). With irreversible loss of renal function, a transplant of this organ is performed.


    Despite the seeming harmlessness of candidal infection, under certain conditions (profound violation of the immune status) and types of damage (internal organs), this pathology threatens the health and life of the patient.

    If you do not treat candidiasis, including external localization, there is always a risk of fungus penetrating into the circulatory system. Only a doctor can assess the possibility of such a complication, based on a general assessment of a person’s condition. This cannot be done at home. How impossible it is to predict how a fungal infection will behave without treatment. The complications described in the article do not occur in everyone and not always, but any patient with thrush has the possibility of their development.

    Owner and responsible for the site and content: Afinogenov Alexey.

    Candidiasis or, in the people, just thrush. What is it, and what will happen if thrush is not treated? Let's try to figure these things out!

    Let us dwell on the question: what is, in general, thrush? Vulvovaginal candidiasis is an infectious disease that affects the vaginal mucosa, spreading to the cervix and vulva, caused by fungi of the genus Candida, and in particular C. albicans.

    In addition, fungi of the genus Torulopsis can cause the disease, either alone or in association with Canida albicans. They have a rounded elongated shape in the form of a rosette, and sometimes irregular shape, forming a chain called pseudomycelia.

    Cells reproduce by multipolar budding, when 2-3 daughter cells are formed from the “mother organism”.

    These microorganisms belong to aerobes, that is, they have an oxygen type of respiration and are insensitive to the toxic effect of molecular oxygen.

    Where do they live? Candida fungi can be found on the skin, as well as the mucous membranes of the mouth, intestines, and vagina. These microorganisms can be found in the healthy part of the female population, in the examined pregnant women in 3-5%.

    There are vulvovaginal candidiasis uncomplicated and complicated.

    Uncomplicated VVC is characterized by:

    1. Mild or moderate severity of vaginitis.

    2. Less than 4 episodes per year.

    3. Pathogen Candida albicans.

    4. Normal state of the immune system.

    Complicated VVC is characterized by:

    1. Severe course.

    2. More than 4 episodes per year.

    3. Pathogen Candida non-albicans.

    4. Immunocompromised states (pregnancy, diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation).

    Infection with fungi occurs through contact with patients and candida carriers and, as well as as a result of the elimination of the pathogen from the intestine; through infected items. K, but it is not the main one.

    In addition, the reasons for the development of thrush may be a state of reduced immunity, hormonal disorders, as well as disorders of the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins; chronic diseases, such as tuberculosis, salpingitis, diseases of the digestive system and many others.

    Another reason for the development of thrush can be attributed to conditions after treatment with antibiotics, corticosteroid hormones, immunosuppressants, when dysbacteriosis develops, which enhances the reproduction of fungi.

    According to the level of damage to the genital tract, colpitis, cervicitis, vulvitis are distinguished. In a state of immunodeficiency, fungi cause an inflammatory response by penetrating and penetrating the epithelium.

    In severe, advanced cases, the spread of the pathogen of candidiasis into the deep layers of the epithelium is possible.

    Who has it more often?

    Vulvovaginal candidiasis can be found in different age categories, but mostly women of reproductive age, patients of gynecological and venereological hospitals, in whom thrush occurs in combination with other infections.

    Thrush can also occur during pregnancy, which is explained by changes in the endocrine and other body systems of pregnant women.

    The clinical picture of genital candidiasis is mainly represented by discharge (leucorrhea) and itching in the genital area, however, leucorrhoea does not always indicate vulvovaginal candidiasis (in a third of cases, the diagnosis is not confirmed). Therefore, the diagnosis of vulvovaginal candidiasis can only be confirmed by detecting the pathogen.

    By the nature of the discharge, they can be abundant liquid, cheesy, or thick, greasy, greenish-white in color with an unpleasant sour smell.

    One of the common symptoms of thrush, especially when the vulva is affected, is intense itching, which can be intermittent, disturb in the afternoon, evening and night, which very often leads to sleep disturbance and, as a result, to a nervous system disorder.

    In addition, itching may increase during movement and during menstruation. In advanced cases, itching and burning during urination can cause urinary retention and infection of the urinary tract.

    In the mild stage of the disease, the main complaint is itching. One of the characteristic signs of vulvovaginal candidiasis are raids on the mucous membranes of the vulva, vagina and cervix, grayish-white.

    Depending on what stage of candidiasis, the mucous membrane has features. In the acute stage of the disease, hyperemic, edematous and raids are removed with difficulty, in the chronic stage the mucosa is unchanged and plaques are easily removed.

    After the removal of plaque, a strongly hyperemic mucous membrane is noted, often bleeding. With severe candidiasis, such changes are formed in the region of the small and large labia, the clitoris, as well as around the external opening of the urethra.

    What will happen if not treated?

    If the acute period of candidiasis is not treated, it can go into the chronic stage, when the symptoms of the disease are not pronounced, as in the acute stage, but are annoying enough to overshadow life.

    With vulvovaginal candidiasis, if these are its erased forms, there is no pronounced clinic of the disease, that is, discharge and itching may not disturb the woman at all or little.

    Chronic candidiasis is a disease that can take quite long months and years, and exacerbations can occur during menstruation or accompany comorbidities.

    Diagnosis of vulvovaginal candidiasis is reduced, first of all, to the clinical picture of the disease, namely: itching, leucorrhoea, characteristic raids, and others detected during the examination of a woman.

    However, an accurate diagnosis is made after a special examination. A microscopy of a vaginal smear is performed, where spores and mycelium of fungi are found.

    Otherwise, the smear can contain any flora, any number of leukocytes and lactobacilli or key cells, since candida is a universal microorganism that can exist in both acidic and alkaline environments. But not always in practice the clinical picture correlates with the laboratory.

    Often there is a picture of vaginal candidiasis, but according to the results of a smear, the fungus is not detected and vice versa. The absence of candida laboratory tests in the presence of symptoms - an indication for therapy!

    The sensitivity of microscopy is 10 * 5 CFU / ml (the fungus is detected only at this and higher concentrations), while clinical symptoms appear already at a concentration of 10 * 3 CFU / ml. Conversely, the detection of candida in smears, but the absence of symptoms does not serve as an indication for therapy!

    There are diagnostic methods, which include the method of sowing biomaterial on a nutrient medium with further study of the resulting culture; serological methods.

    The compliment binding reaction may be positive, indicating the presence of candidiasis, or it may be negative, but this does not mean that there is no disease.

    There are also other methods for diagnosing candidiasis: Allergic skin test, which is used when the diameter of the papule and erythema is 0.5-1.0 cm; method of serological reactions; histological examination, which is used in the absence of accurate results of other research methods.

    We start treatment

    Treatment of uncomplicated VVC:

    1. Fluconazole (Diflucan, Fluzol, Flunol, Difluzol) 150 mg once or local preparations for a long time. Response to therapy is 80-90%. The effectiveness of weekly topical treatment is comparable to the effectiveness of a single dose of fluconazole, however, it is important to remember that topical treatment is not recommended during menstruation and topical preparations can damage condoms.
    2. Nystatin is presented in the form of suppositories of 250,000 and 500,000 units, which are introduced into the posterior vaginal fornix 1-2 times a day for 10-14 days.
    3. You can use Clotrimazole in the form of a cream 1% (apply the cream to the mucous membranes), as well as Clotrimazole in the form of vaginal tablets, which are inserted into the posterior vaginal fornix at night.
    4. Pimafucin - the active substance of which is natamycin with a wide spectrum of action, 1 vaginal tablet (0.025 g) 2 times a day for 10 days or use it in the form of a cream (1 g contains 0.02 active substance) 2 times a day for 10 days.
    5. Terzhinan is a combined drug used in gynecology, highly active against fungi of the genus Candida, 1 tablet in the vagina before going to bed, after wetting it in water, for 10-20 days.

    Treatment of complicated VVC:

    Local treatment with azoles for 7-14 days. Or Fluconazole 150 mg orally 2 times with an interval of 72 hours. If there are less than 4 exacerbations per year, each relapse is treated as a separate episode.

    Treatment of recurrent VVC. The goal of treatment is to achieve elimination of symptoms and mycological eradication, stopping recurrence. Maintain the absence of growth with suppressive maintenance anti-relapse therapy - the appointment of 3 tablets of Diflucan with an interval of 72 hours, and then maintenance therapy after 14 days.

    It is impossible to cure "forever" of candidiasis, but the frequency of relapses can be significantly reduced, and in 90% of patients with candidiasis caused by candida albicans, the 3 + 24 regimen is effective.

    Therapy of recurrent VVC caused by candida non-albicans. Unfortunately, there is no optimal treatment. In 50% of cases, symptoms are minimal or absent altogether. A longer course of azole antimycotics (7-14 days) is required, but not fluconazole. Boric acid in gelatin capsules (70% eradication). Candles Nystatin, Amphotericin.

    VVC therapy during pregnancy. Do not use oral preparations! Up to 12 weeks, natamycin is allowed in suppositories 1 time per day for 3-6 days. After 12 weeks - azole topical preparations.

    Alternative ways to prevent recurrence of VVC. The use of drugs containing lactic acid bacteria is possible, but there are no studies that have proven the effectiveness of such therapy.

    Treatment of partners of women with vaginal discharge. Mandatory if you have an STI. Optional for BV and VVC, but indicated for candidal balanitis and balanoposthitis (fluconazole 150 mg once). It is inappropriate to treat partners in order to prevent relapses in a patient in the absence of a clinic.

    I have been working in my profession since 2010. She graduated from Saratov State Medical University in 2008 with a degree in general medicine. She graduated from the internship in emergency medicine in 2009, in 2010 internship in obstetrics and gynecology, in 2014 advanced training in the specialty of a reproductive specialist, primary specialization in ultrasound diagnostics. 2009-2014 - Maternity hospital No. 3 of the city of Ufa, Republican Perinatal Center of the city of Ufa, department of assisted reproductive technologies from 2014 to the present. Specialization: reproductive health, ultrasound diagnostics.