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  • Glands and tonsils. Tonsils where the photos are

    Glands and tonsils. Tonsils where the photos are

    Clusters of lymphoepithelial tissue that are located in the mouth and nasopharynx are called tonsils, colloquially called glands. It is difficult to meet a person who has not encountered their inflammation at least once. Let's take a closer look at what tonsils are and why a person needs them.

    • Paired: palatine, trumpet.
    • Unpaired: lingual, pharyngeal.

    Location of the tonsils

    In addition to this classification, it is customary in medicine to number the tonsils as follows:

    • palatine - 1 and 2;
    • pharyngeal (adenoids) - 3;
    • lingual - 4;
    • pipe - 5 and 6.

    In addition, there are small accumulations of lymphoepithelial tissue on the back of the throat called follicles. Together, these formations of the throat are called the Valdeer-Pirogov ring or the lymphoid ring.

    What are tonsils for?

    A person is born with tonsils. In the first years of life, they reach their maximum development. From the moment of the appearance of sex hormones (15-16 years old), the opposite process occurs, and they gradually atrophy and decrease.

    All functions of the tonsils in the human body are still not fully understood. Their main role is to protect and create local immunity against pathogenic microorganisms that enter the human body by airborne droplets.

    In addition, the glands perform a hematopoietic function in young children and secrete enzymes that are involved in oral digestion.

    Important! The tonsils can give a characteristic tone of speech and timbre of the voice. This point must be taken into account when removing them from patients whose work is associated with the vocal apparatus (singers, announcers, etc.). The so-called "French pronons" can sometimes be the result of enlarged adenoids or hypertrophy of the tonsils.

    Appearance and location

    Patients are often concerned about the location of the tonsils, many want to consider them in themselves or in their child. Unfortunately, you can see on your own only the palatine tonsils or an overly enlarged pharyngeal. Others are available only to a specialist using special tools.

    To see all the structures with your own eyes, you can undergo a diagnostic examination using endoscopic equipment connected to a computer monitor. In this case, the doctor can easily see all the tonsils and show the patient on the screen where they are and how they look.

    Palatine tonsils

    Palatine tonsils

    These lymphoid formations are located in the tonsillar niches between the two palatine arches. These are the only tonsils that the patient can see on their own by simply opening their mouth wide.

    The structure of the palatine glands is as follows: the free surface faces the pharynx and is covered with stratified epithelium. Each palatine tonsil has deep slits of about 10-15, which are called lacunae (crypts). Patients may perceive these crevices as a kind of "holes". Its other surface with the help of a capsule is tightly adhered to the lateral surface of the pharynx.

    Connective tissue bridges extend from the capsule inward. Lacunas branch and form a tree-like network in the thickness of the tissue. In the lumen of these lacunas, the epithelium, the waste of microbial activity, is rejected, which serves as a substrate for the formation of almond plugs.

    Nasopharyngeal or pharyngeal tonsil

    It is better known as adenoids or adenoid vegetations (growths). This formation is located on the posterior fornix of the nasopharynx. It is impossible to see for yourself where they are located and how they look, unless they grow to such a size that they hang behind the tongue.

    Location of the adenoids

    The pharyngeal tonsil is the biggest problem for children and their parents. Enlarged adenoids interfere with normal breathing, contribute to hearing loss and the development of otitis media. They are monitored and treated using conservative and surgical methods.

    Tubal tonsils

    Tubal and pharyngeal tonsils are located in almost the same place

    Tubal tonsil steam room. It is quite small in size and is located at the mouth of the auditory tube in the nasal cavity. Their schematic image is shown in the photo.

    An enlarged tubal amygdala can cause hearing problems and frequent otitis media, as it blocks the communication between the nasal cavity and the middle ear during hypertrophy.

    Lingual tonsil

    Location of the lingual tonsil

    This formation is at the root of the tongue. Outwardly, it is bumpy and rough. Inflammation of the lingual tonsil causes sharp pain when talking and eating.

    Types of inflammation and disease

    The function of the tonsils is to protect the body from germs from the air. With a decrease in immunity and disruption of their work, the following diseases may occur:

    1. Inflammation of the glands (tonsillitis). Angina usually means inflammation of the tonsils, since this disease occurs more often than others. If another tonsil becomes inflamed, then the diagnosis will sound like this: tonsillitis of the lingual tonsil or adenoiditis, etc.
    2. Hypertrophy (increase in size) of the glands. By itself, tissue overgrowth is not a disease, but enlarged adenoids impair breathing and hearing, and hypertrophied tonsils can interfere with eating and talking normally. Whether it is a disease or not depends on the degree of hypertrophy and the presence of accompanying complications.
    3. Chronic tonsillitis. This is a complex autoimmune inflammatory restructuring of the tonsil tissues, which can cause the development of diseases of other organs and systems (glomerulonephritis, rheumatism, endocarditis, etc.).
    4. Benign and malignant neoplasms.

    Questions to the doctor

    Are the tonsils and tonsils of the throat the same thing or are they different concepts?

    The amygdala and the gland are one concept, these words have different origins: the word gland means "gland", and the word amygdala comes from the ancient Greek "almond". In medicine, the first term is used more often, although "tonsils" is also correct.

    What is the amygdala and where is it?

    The amygdala or cerebellar amygdala is a collection of nerve cells in the temporal lobe of the brain. It contains the center of fear and pleasure. It has nothing to do with the usual glands located in the oropharynx, except for a similar name.

    Why does a person need such a complex structure of the throat?

    The main function of the tonsils is to protect against infection, in addition, they play a role in the development of immunity and hematopoiesis. This structure allows them to perform their role well and protect the body.

    I found holes in my tonsils. Is it a disease or are they needed for something?

    The so-called "holes" are glandular gaps, in some people they are more pronounced, in others weaker. Pathological contents (plugs) can accumulate in the lacunae, in these cases it is removed by washing.

    Hypertrophy (enlargement) can affect other organs: cause otitis media, decrease hearing, or cause inflammation. In these cases, it is recommended to get rid of the tonsils.

    In practice, the patient begins to be interested in the questions of what the tonsils in the throat are, how they look, what they are for when the tonsils are involved in the inflammatory process. The pathology of the tonsillar organs is accompanied by pain and sore throat, dysphagia, febrile fever, signs of intoxication. In order to correctly assess subjective sensations, to determine the specificity and location of pain localization, it is necessary to know the structure of the whole organism, each organ separately.


    Tonsils - accumulations of lymphoid tissue localized in the projection of the oropharynx and nasal cavity... There are 6 of them in total: two paired and two unpaired, which, together with other elements of the lymphatic system, form the Pirogov-Waldeyer pharyngeal ring.

    If we compare the photo of the tonsils in the throat in normal conditions and with inflammation, we can see how the structural elements of the pharyngeal ring change appearance: become hypertrophied, edematous and painful, purple-crimson color with ulcerative necrotic lesions of the mucosa.

    Glands begin to form even in the embryonic period of intrauterine development... At 4-5 weeks of gestation, components of the lymphoid organs are found, which acquire their final structure closer to 7-8 weeks. In newborns, the tonsillar organs are poorly developed and do not function. At 2-3 months of a child's life, when the colonization of the respiratory tract by microbial communities begins, the tonsils acquire the function of a barrier and a component of the immune system of the respiratory divisions.

    For reference! The pharyngeal tonsils are formed the fastest of all, which reach their maximum size by 4-5 years, after which their age reduction occurs by the age of 7-10 with a decrease in parameters to the normal variant.

    The classification forms of the tonsillar organ combine a number of features:

    1. All vegetation is formed by lymphoid folliclesseparated by layers of connective tissue. Lymphoid follicles consist of combinations of T and B lymphocytes, which are necessary for lysis of damaged structures of the body at the cellular level.
    2. The tissue structures of the amygdala are equipped with large blood vessels, innervated by the glossopharyngeal, lingual and vagus nerves.
    3. Participate in the production of immunoglobulin E, which is responsible for permanent immunity.
    4. Glands persist throughout life, however, in the process of biological aging, the organism atrophies.

    What is behind the tonsils in the throat? Since the accumulations of lymphoid tissue are localized in the projection of the cavity behind the nose, passing into the projection of the pharynx, then behind the glands there is a canal connecting the oral cavity with the esophagus.

    The tonsillar organ is a kind of "outpost" that ensures the capture and destruction of genetically foreign information (viruses, fungi, bacteria), thereby preventing the spread of infection to the lower parts of the respiratory tract.

    Functional features

    In addition to the protective mechanism of the first line of the respiratory system, the natural purpose of the tonsils is to generate immunity, provide a humoral and cellular immune response.

    The immunomodulatory role of the elements of the lymphoid ring is not fully understood. On the one hand, they prevent the irradiation of the primary infection, on the other hand, the porous structure acts as a potential breeding ground for microbial associations, and the tonsils themselves in chronic tonsillitis play a key role in internal intoxication.

    Nuance! Healthy tonsils in the throat, in addition to the barrier, immunogenic and hematopoietic functions, take part in the process of voice training. This fact must be taken into account by people whose professional activities are related to voice and speech data (actors, journalists, presenters, announcers, vocalists).

    Tonsillar organ location

    The location of the tonsils in the throat is different depending on the classification:

    1. First and second - palatine lymphoid formations, they have a place in the projection of the tonsillar niche between the palate and the tongue.
    2. Third - pharyngeal, occupies part of the projection of the nasopharyngeal vault.
    3. Fourth - lingual, concentrated in the mucous capsule of the lingual root.
    4. Fifth and sixth - tubal, focused in the cartilaginous part of the Eustachian tube and pharyngeal passage.

    It is not always possible to show the patient where the tonsils in the throat are. For self-examination with a wide open mouth, only the palatine tonsils or an inflamed hypertrophied pharyngeal cavity are opened. To visualize the remaining elements of the lymphoid pharyngeal ring, endoscopic equipment is required.

    For reference! From how well the palatine glands are visible depends on their size and depth of location, the depth of tonsillar bays.

    How many tonsils a person has in his throat

    In total, there are six elements of the Valdeyer's lymphatic ring (two palatine, two tubal, one lingual, nasopharyngeal). The structure of each has anatomical and functional features:

    1. Palatine... Binary vegetations of lymphoid tissue have variable sizes, ovoid external outlines, but are found in an oblong, round, lobed shape. For visual viewing, the convex inner surface opens, the outer one faces the pharynx. A feature of the structure is the presence of special channels - lacunae - over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe tonsils. They have a branched shape, the number varies from 15 to 20 in each amygdala. With them, the activation of immune defense begins, namely the involvement of pathogenic representatives of the microbiocenosis into the ducts, the determination of their negative impact on the body.
    2. Pipe... Paired education, the main purpose of which is to provide the first line of defense of the larynx from the penetration of microbial communities, to increase the dynamics of immunological parameters. In the case of hypertrophy of the tubal lobes, a decrease in hearing acuity, otitis media is observed, the functional activity of the excretory, cardiovascular and nervous systems is disrupted.
    3. Pharyngeal (unpaired)... The identical name is nasopharyngeal, Lushka's amygdala. The largest education. It is represented by transversely located folds of the mucous membrane covered with ciliated epithelium, outwardly similar to the cockscomb. Adenoid vegetations with pathological enlargement cause difficulty in nasal breathing, hearing loss and other disorders. During a routine examination, the pharyngeal tonsil is not visible.
    4. Lingual... An unpaired structural element of the lymphadenoid pharyngeal ring in the form of two halves with a transverse stripe, resembles a coffee bean in appearance. Due to its small size, it is hardly visible visually. Controls important functions for the body: cleans the inhaled air from pathogenic microorganisms, produces mucus that ensures painless passage of food, initiates the immune system to the effects aimed at neutralizing antigenic foreign information. Hypertrophy causes symptomatic manifestations: pain when swallowing, spasmodic dry cough, nasal sound, snoring.

    For reference! In adolescents, the lingual tonsil is in an enlarged state. In the period from 15 to 18 years, its age-related involution begins. If the parameters of the organ have not reached the normal variant, then the person is worried about the feeling of aspiration of a foreign object in the mouth.

    With the development of pathological processes of accumulations of lymphoid tissue (inflammation, hypertrophy) shown conservative treatment... The lack of positive dynamics requires surgical intervention. The main purpose of the operation is to stop the inflammatory process, to prevent complications in relation to the whole organism.

    Complete removal of the tonsils or partial excision of the pathological focus should be carried out according to the doctor's indications after the dynamic diagnosis of the patient. A throat without tonsils heals within 15-20 days, after which the defenses of the organisms will be restored, and acute infections will proceed easier and faster.


    The structural elements of the pharyngeal ring play the role of an immunocompetent organ, prevent the penetration and active reproduction of pathogenic flora in the respiratory tract. The work of the whole organism depends on the state and functional activity of the tonsils, therefore it is necessary to be attentive to your health, not to overcool the tonsils.

    People usually find out what tonsils are when they become inflamed. True, the second question immediately arises: "Why are tonsils needed?"

    To get an accurate and competent answer, you need to find out for yourself the following: where are the tonsils; the structure of the tonsils; functions of the tonsils.

    How to see and where are

    Glands are small, specific formations of lymphoid tissue. There are 6 of them in total: two paired and two unpaired. Together they form the pharyngeal ring. The tonsils are located in the place where the nasopharynx passes into the pharynx. In terms of size, they can be compared to the average walnut. By the way, they got the name "tonsils" due to the external resemblance to it. But their color is pink. Note that it is wrong to say "tonsils and tonsils". It is the same. If inflammation occurs, they change their appearance. Why are tonsils needed? Basically, to protect the body.

    When the lymph nodes in the neck become inflamed, they are often confused with the glands. To clearly understand what specifically worries a person, you need to know where the tonsils are located.

    To examine the tonsils in both the throat and the mouth, a person is examined with endoscopic equipment that is connected to a computer monitor. With the help of a special apparatus, the doctor easily examines each tonsil. He can even show the image to the patient, along the way explaining where they are located and what their appearance says.

    What are

    The tonsils are usually classified according to the place where they can be located. Thus, they are:

    • palatine (paired);
    • pharyngeal or nasopharyngeal (unpaired);
    • pipe (paired);
    • lingual (unpaired).

    Let's take a closer look:

    1. Palatine. In humans, these glands are located between a pair of palatine arches - in tonsillar niches. As mentioned, they are the only ones available for self inspection. To see them, just open your mouth wider.
    2. Pharyngeal (nasopharyngeal). Many people know about its existence under a different name. Very often you can hear that this amygdala is called adenoids. Its location is the posterior vault of the nasopharynx. It is impossible to see where these adenoids are located and how they look. They become visible with excessive growth and overhanging behind the tongue. The tonsil of the pharynx is often a significant problem for children, as well as their parents. The overgrown adenoids do not allow full breathing, because of them hearing decreases, and otitis media begin to develop. Such babies are under the supervision of a doctor. An enlarged pharyngeal gland is now treated with conservative methods. If they are not successful, they resort to surgery.
    3. Pipe. This paired tonsil is small in size. It should be located at the mouth of the Eustachian tube, in the nasal cavity. If the amygdala increases in size, it can cause hearing problems and cause chronic otitis media. After all, the overgrowth of this accumulation of lymphoid tissue closes the communication between the middle ear and the nasal cavity.
    4. Lingual. It can be found near the root of the tongue. Has a rough and bumpy appearance. If the lingual gland is inflamed, a person will feel sharp pain in the process of eating and talking.

    Tonsil device

    All tonsils, and the structure and structure of which are almost the same, still have a number of features:

    • Palatine are distinguished by the fact that they are pierced by special depressions (lacunae or crypts). In both glands, there are approximately 10-15 such lacunae. Such depressions can be visually perceived as holes. The palatine tonsils are firmly adhered to the side of the pharynx with the second surface through the capsule. The crypts form many branches that form a whole tree-like network within the amygdala. Torn pieces of epithelium, waste products of microorganisms, enter the gaps of the lacunae. Thus, lacunas are a kind of traps for pathogenic bacteria and viruses, as well as a place for the immune system to "get acquainted" with harmful microbes.
    • The pharyngeal (nasopharyngeal) is represented by several transversely located folds of the mucous membrane. The epithelium with cilia, located on the outer part of the tonsils, forms its entire surface.
    • A specific surface in the form of tubercles of the lingual gland is provided by the squamous epithelium. It is divided in half by a septum and a groove passing through its center. Near it there is a depression where the ducts of the salivary glands go out.
    • Tubal glands are the smallest. Their main task is to protect the hearing organ from infection. The structure of the tonsils is a continuous lymphoid diffuse tissue interspersed with nodules.

    Each tonsil, both in the throat and in the mouth, has follicles over its entire surface, as well as inside. When the tonsils are healthy, the required number of plasma cells, macrophages and lymphocytes is actively produced in them and in the lacunae.

    These cells fight infections that affect the upper respiratory tract. If a person falls ill with a sore throat, then they, together with foreign microorganisms, are part of the pus contained in the lacunae and follicles.

    What are tonsils for?

    All people are born with a complete set of 6 tonsils. The glands reach their peak in the first years of a child's life. But when sex hormones begin to appear (at about 15-16 years of age), their regression is observed - there is a gradual atrophy and a decrease in the size of the tonsils.

    Tonsils and their functions in the human body have not been fully studied to this day. However, their main role has been determined. It consists in protecting and creating local immunity, which resists pathogenic microbes that enter the body through the airborne droplets.

    Nature has assigned several functions to the tonsils, with which they, being healthy, successfully cope:

    1. Barrier. Viruses and bacteria that enter the body or are already in it will certainly come into contact with the tonsils. The tonsils are necessary, first of all, in order to timely eliminate many harmful microorganisms. The cells produced by the lymphoid tissue (the tonsils are made of it) are engaged in their destruction.
    2. Immunogenic. The tonsils are a mini-factory for the production of B-lymphocytes as well as T-lymphocytes. It is this body that is responsible for such an important process. These cells are responsible for the functioning of the immune system.
    3. Hematopoietic. It is observed only in young children.
    4. Enzyme-producing. In babies, the glands secrete specific enzymes that are involved in the process of oral digestion.

    We emphasize that the tonsils perform all the listed functions in full only when they are in order. When their tissues are affected by inflammation, the entire body suffers. Its self-defense ability is greatly reduced. Because of this, the risk of developing various complications increases, which can adversely affect any organs and even their systems.

    Interestingly, the tonsils sometimes give a certain tone of speech in general and the timbre of the voice in particular. This nuance must be taken into account if their removal is shown in patients who work with a voice (TV announcers, pop performers, teachers, and so on).

    By the way, "French pronons" in some cases may be the result of enlarged adenoids or an increase in the palatine tonsils.

    Is it necessary to delete

    On the topic "Why does a person need tonsils at all?" have been debating for many decades. Today, most doctors still concluded that the removal of tonsils should be resorted to only when their chronic sluggish inflammation causes significant harm to the body and because of them the lymph nodes in the neck periodically inflame. In addition, such an operation is justified if the patient is diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis, which is not amenable to conservative treatment. With pathological growth of the tonsil tissue in a person, it becomes difficult to move food, it becomes difficult for him to swallow. In this case, of course, there is no other way out.

    At an early age, removing tonsils is also undesirable because, most likely, they prevent food allergies from manifesting. According to statistics, 70% of children who have had their tonsils removed suffer from dysbiosis and manifestations of food allergies.

    If purulent plugs do not form on the tonsils, if they do not become inflamed at the first symptoms of a cold and if they do not cause discomfort, and the lymph nodes on the neck are in order, there is no need to remove them. If the tonsils are in perfect order, they bring only one benefit to the body.

    Let's summarize

    Tonsils are an important link in immunity. Their presence allows you to fully protect the body from the unfavorable influence of external factors. After all, it is the tonsils that take the first blow of pathogens. This is a kind of outpost of immunity.

    In order for the tonsils to perform their functions efficiently, everything must be done to maintain their health. Unfortunately, many do not even think about why our bodies need them and what their role is. Therefore, it is so easy to agree to removal, despite the fact that the operation is absolutely unjustified. It is very important to try to preserve the tonsils. You can only delete them as a last resort.

    The diagram shows the palatine tonsils

    Almonds (lat. tonsillae) - accumulations of lymphoid tissue located in the nasopharynx and oral cavity. Tonsils perform protective and hematopoietic functions, participate in the formation of immunity - they are the first line of defense mechanism on the path of inhaled foreign pathogens. The full immunological role of the tonsils is still unclear.

    Together with other lymphoid formations of the nasopharynx, the tonsils form the pharyngeal lymphatic ring.


    The first name "tonsils" comes from ancient Greek. ἀμυγδᾰλίς, ἀμύγδᾰλον - "almond". The second name "tonsils" comes from lat. glandula - "gland".


    Location of the pharyngeal tonsil.

    Tonsils are classified into:

    • paired
      • palatine- in the depression between the soft palate and the tongue (first and second tonsils).
      • pipe - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube (fifth and sixth tonsils)
    • unpaired
      • pharyngeal (nasopharyngeal) - in the region of the fornix and the back of the pharyngeal wall (third tonsil, Lushka's tonsil). Pathological enlargement of this particular amygdala is called adenoids.
      • lingual - under the surface of the back of the tongue (fourth tonsil)

    The following numbering of the tonsils is adopted:

    • the first and the second are palatine;
    • the third is the pharyngeal (nasopharyngeal);
    • the fourth is lingual;
    • the fifth and sixth - tubal tonsils.

    Palatine tonsils

    Innervated by the branches of the glossopharyngeal nerve.


    Vices: additional lobules, bifurcations

    Damage (trauma): burns, injury, introduction of foreign bodies.

    Hypertrophy. As a rule, it occurs in childhood and affects the palatine and pharyngeal tonsils. In the absence of functional disorders, treatment is not required. If necessary, treatment begins with a conservative one, if it is ineffective, surgery is required - tonsillotomy (removal of part of the palatine tonsils) or tonsillectomy (removal of the palatine tonsils together with the adjacent connective tissue). This anomaly usually occurs in representatives of the Negroid race.


    Acute tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils; a substance that accumulates on the surface of the tonsils.

    see also

    • Tonsil plugs


    • Doctors removed the world's largest tonsils

    Tonsils and adenoids

    Despite their small size, the tonsils in humans play a huge role in the life of the whole organism. Outwardly, they are processes of lymphatic tissue located in the oropharynx. There are four species in total, two of which are paired and two are unpaired. More precisely, the processes are located in the place where the nasopharynx passes into the pharynx, the so-called pharyngeal ring is formed. The external dimensions can be compared with a walnut, no more. There is a popular opinion that the word amygdala came from external similarity with the product, only with a difference in color. Sometimes you can hear how adults share the concept of tonsils and tonsils. This is categorically wrong, since both concepts are identical. In today's article, we will consider in detail where the tonsils are located, what is their role in the human body.

    Types of glands

    Sometimes lymph nodes and tonsils are confused, calling one another. This is really wrong, you should clearly distinguish between concepts. To understand where the amygdala is located, you need to look at a photo or poster in any medical institution. During the initial examination, the doctor uses a special device, an endoscope, which transmits a picture-image to a computer monitor in real time.

    The tonsils are:

    Purpose of the tonsils

    At the time of birth, a person is equipped with a complete set of six tonsils. During the period of sexual development, starting from the age of 14, the tissues gradually atrophy and decrease in size. Despite the development of technology and science in the field of medicine, there is little knowledge about this type of part of the immune system. But one thing is known for sure - the protection of the human body from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria through the airborne droplets. Main functions:

    • human shield: the inhaled air stream is constantly filtered and cleaned. In the presence of harmful substances, impurities, they all settle on the surface of the tonsils, which leads to frequent lesions and inflammatory processes. It often happens that adjacent organs and tissues are affected, the treatment process is delayed and complicated;
    • immune: due to the fact that the lymphatic processes take an active part in the production and production of lymphocytes - important components of the immune system. Without these components, the body will not be able to fight against pathogenic bacteria;
    • hematopoietic: typical for newborn babies;
    • producer of enzymes to improve digestive processes.

    Adenoids are able to perform the above functions in full only when they are 100% healthy and efficient. At the onset of the inflammatory syndrome, the whole body suffers, complications begin that are difficult to remove and cure.

    Important. If you or your child have a slight change in the timbre of the voice, be sure to consult a specialized doctor. As a rule, this is the first sign of the onset of an exacerbation in the body.

    How useful is deletion

    It is necessary to start with the fact that much depends on the speed of contacting a medical institution. The more the patient delayed the treatment, the more serious the consequences should be expected from complications. The initial stages, as well as the second, are treated with medication. Recently, combined options in the form of knowledge of medicine and folk wisdom have begun to be actively used. The combination of antibiotics and decoctions gives stunning positive effects and the fastest recovery effect. The third stage is very dangerous and insidious, since the disease that has been transformed can manifest itself in all its power not immediately, but after a while. In 27% of cases, the patients felt an imaginary recovery, while the disease passed into the next aggravated stage. There are frequent cases when a patient, against the background of recovery, finished treatment ahead of schedule, which only aggravated the situation, it was necessary to use radical methods in the form of surgery. It should not be forgotten that not every located process of the lymphatic tissue is easy to remove, or rather, the question of its availability for removal. It's no secret that there are particles that lead to regression of the disease.

    Most of the world's surgeons have come to a consensus that it is strictly forbidden to carry out operations to remove children under the age of five. Prior to this, apply exclusively medication. Inflammation of the adenoids up to 5 years old does not bring negative consequences for the whole organism as a whole.

    The final answer to the question about deletion is definitely not. Try with all your might to preserve the tissues, apply the knowledge of medicine, folk remedies, various infusions and decoctions for rinsing, then everything will be fine. Remember to have a periodic check-up with your doctor. People sometimes cannot find an elementary way out of the situation, but it's so simple. Enough to lead healthy image life, doing physical sports. All the best. See you soon.

    The structure of the lymphoid ring

    Location of the tonsils

    What are tonsils for?


    Appearance and location

    Palatine tonsils

    Palatine tonsils

    Location of the adenoids

    Tubal tonsils

    Lingual tonsil

    Types of inflammation and disease

    Inflammation of the glands (tonsillitis). Chronic tonsillitis. .

    Questions to the doctor

    How to see and where are

    What are

    Let's take a closer look:

    Tonsil device

    What are tonsils for?

    Is it necessary to delete

    Let's summarize

    Clusters of lymphoepithelial tissue that are located in the mouth and nasopharynx are called tonsils, colloquially called glands. It is difficult to meet a person who has not encountered their inflammation at least once. Let's take a closer look at what tonsils are and why a person needs them.

    The structure of the lymphoid ring

    Depending on their location, the tonsils are divided into:

    Paired: palatine, trumpet. Unpaired: lingual, pharyngeal.

    What are tonsils for?

    All people are born with a complete set of 6 tonsils. The glands reach their peak in the first years of a child's life. But when sex hormones begin to appear (at about 15-16 years of age), their regression is observed - there is a gradual atrophy and a decrease in the size of the tonsils.

    Tonsils and their functions in the human body have not been fully studied to this day. However, their main role has been determined. It consists in protecting and creating local immunity, which resists pathogenic microbes that enter the body through the airborne droplets.

    Nature has assigned several functions to the tonsils, with which they, being healthy, successfully cope:

    Barrier. Viruses and bacteria that enter the body or are already in it will certainly come into contact with the tonsils. The tonsils are necessary, first of all, in order to timely eliminate many harmful microorganisms. The cells produced by the lymphoid tissue (the tonsils are made of it) are engaged in their destruction. Immunogenic. The tonsils are a mini-factory for the production of B-lymphocytes as well as T-lymphocytes. It is this body that is responsible for such an important process. These cells are responsible for the functioning of the immune system. Hematopoietic. It is observed only in young children. Enzyme-producing. In babies, the glands secrete specific enzymes that are involved in the process of oral digestion.

    We emphasize that the tonsils perform all the listed functions in full only when they are in order. When their tissues are affected by inflammation, the entire body suffers. Its self-defense ability is greatly reduced. Because of this, the risk of developing various complications increases, which can adversely affect any organs and even their systems.

    Interestingly, the tonsils sometimes give a certain tone of speech in general and the timbre of the voice in particular. This nuance must be taken into account if their removal is shown in patients who work with a voice (TV announcers, pop performers, teachers, and so on).

    By the way, "French pronons" in some cases may be the result of enlarged adenoids or an increase in the palatine tonsils.

    Is it necessary to delete

    On the topic "Why does a person need tonsils at all?" have been debating for many decades. Today, most doctors still concluded that the removal of tonsils should be resorted to only when their chronic sluggish inflammation causes significant harm to the body and because of them the lymph nodes in the neck periodically inflame. In addition, such an operation is justified if the patient is diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis, which is not amenable to conservative treatment. With pathological growth of the tonsil tissue in a person, it becomes difficult to move food, it becomes difficult for him to swallow. In this case, of course, there is no other way out.

    At an early age, removing tonsils is also undesirable because, most likely, they prevent food allergies from manifesting. According to statistics, 70% of children who have had their tonsils removed suffer from dysbiosis and manifestations of food allergies.

    If purulent plugs do not form on the tonsils, if they do not become inflamed at the first symptoms of a cold and if they do not cause discomfort, and the lymph nodes on the neck are in order, there is no need to remove them. If the tonsils are in perfect order, they bring only one benefit to the body.

    Let's summarize

    Tonsils are an important link in immunity. Their presence allows you to fully protect the body from the unfavorable influence of external factors. After all, it is the tonsils that take the first blow of pathogens. This is a kind of outpost of immunity.

    In order for the tonsils to perform their functions efficiently, everything must be done to maintain their health. Unfortunately, many do not even think about why our bodies need them and what their role is. Therefore, it is so easy to agree to removal, despite the fact that the operation is absolutely unjustified. It is very important to try to preserve the tonsils. You can only delete them as a last resort.

    Location of the tonsils

    In addition to this classification, it is customary in medicine to number the tonsils as follows:

    palatine - 1 and 2; pharyngeal (adenoids) - 3; lingual - 4; pipe - 5 and 6.

    In addition, there are small accumulations of lymphoepithelial tissue on the back of the throat called follicles. Together, these formations of the throat are called the Valdeer-Pirogov ring or the lymphoid ring.

    What are tonsils for?

    A person is born with tonsils. In the first years of life, they reach their maximum development. From the moment of the appearance of sex hormones (15-16 years old), the opposite process occurs, and they gradually atrophy and decrease.

    All functions of the tonsils in the human body are still not fully understood. Their main role is to protect and create local immunity against pathogenic microorganisms that enter the human body by airborne droplets.

    In addition, the glands perform a hematopoietic function in young children and secrete enzymes that are involved in oral digestion.

    Important! The tonsils can give a characteristic tone of speech and timbre of the voice. This point must be taken into account when removing them from patients whose work is associated with the vocal apparatus (singers, announcers, etc.). The so-called "French pronons" can sometimes be the result of enlarged adenoids or hypertrophy of the tonsils.

    Appearance and location

    Patients are often concerned about the location of the tonsils, many want to consider them in themselves or in their child. Unfortunately, you can see on your own only the palatine tonsils or an overly enlarged pharyngeal. Others are available only to a specialist using special tools.

    To see all the structures with your own eyes, you can undergo a diagnostic examination using endoscopic equipment connected to a computer monitor. In this case, the doctor can easily see all the tonsils and show the patient on the screen where they are and how they look.

    Palatine tonsils

    Palatine tonsils

    These lymphoid formations are located in the tonsillar niches between the two palatine arches. These are the only tonsils that the patient can see on their own by simply opening their mouth wide.

    The structure of the palatine glands is as follows: the free surface faces the pharynx and is covered with stratified epithelium. Each palatine tonsil has deep slits of about 10-15, which are called lacunae (crypts). Patients may perceive these crevices as a kind of "holes". Its other surface with the help of a capsule is tightly adhered to the lateral surface of the pharynx.

    Connective tissue bridges extend from the capsule inward. Lacunas branch and form a tree-like network in the thickness of the tissue. In the lumen of these lacunas, the epithelium, the waste of microbial activity, is rejected, which serves as a substrate for the formation of almond plugs.

    Nasopharyngeal or pharyngeal tonsil

    It is better known as adenoids or adenoid vegetations (growths). This formation is located on the posterior fornix of the nasopharynx. It is impossible to see for yourself where they are located and how they look, unless they grow to such a size that they hang behind the tongue.

    Location of the adenoids

    The pharyngeal tonsil is the biggest problem for children and their parents. Enlarged adenoids interfere with normal breathing, contribute to hearing loss and the development of otitis media. They are monitored and treated using conservative and surgical methods.

    Tubal tonsils

    Tubal and pharyngeal tonsils are located in almost the same place

    Tubal tonsil steam room. It is quite small in size and is located at the mouth of the auditory tube in the nasal cavity. Their schematic image is shown in the photo.

    An enlarged tubal amygdala can cause hearing problems and frequent otitis media, as it blocks the communication between the nasal cavity and the middle ear during hypertrophy.

    Lingual tonsil

    Location of the lingual tonsil

    This formation is at the root of the tongue. Outwardly, it is bumpy and rough. Inflammation of the lingual tonsil causes sharp pain when talking and eating.

    Types of inflammation and disease

    The function of the tonsils is to protect the body from germs from the air. With a decrease in immunity and disruption of their work, the following diseases may occur:

    Inflammation of the glands (tonsillitis). Angina usually means inflammation of the tonsils, since this disease occurs more often than others. If another tonsil becomes inflamed, then the diagnosis will sound like this: tonsillitis of the lingual tonsil or adenoiditis, etc. Hypertrophy (increase in size) of the glands. In itself, tissue overgrowth is not a disease, but enlarged adenoids impair breathing and hearing, and hypertrophied palatine tonsils can interfere with eating and talking normally. Whether it is a disease or not depends on the degree of hypertrophy and the presence of accompanying complications. Chronic tonsillitis. This is a complex autoimmune inflammatory restructuring of the tonsil tissues, which can cause the development of diseases of other organs and systems (glomerulonephritis, rheumatism, endocarditis, etc.). Benign and malignant neoplasms.

    Questions to the doctor

    Are the tonsils and tonsils of the throat the same thing or are they different concepts?

    The amygdala and the gland are one concept, these words have different origins: the word gland means "gland", and the word amygdala comes from the ancient Greek "almond". In medicine, the first term is used more often, although "tonsils" is also correct.

    What is the amygdala and where is it?

    The amygdala or cerebellar amygdala is a collection of nerve cells in the temporal lobe of the brain. It contains the center of fear and pleasure. It has nothing to do with the usual glands located in the oropharynx, except for a similar name.

    Why does a person need such a complex structure of the throat?

    The main function of the tonsils is to protect against infection, in addition, they play a role in the development of immunity and hematopoiesis. This structure allows them to perform their role well and protect the body.

    I found holes in my tonsils. Is it a disease or are they needed for something?

    The so-called "holes" are glandular gaps, in some people they are more pronounced, in others weaker. Pathological contents (plugs) can accumulate in the lacunae, in these cases it is removed by washing.

    Hypertrophy (enlargement) can affect other organs: cause otitis media, decrease hearing, or cause inflammation. In these cases, it is recommended to get rid of the tonsils.

    If you have any questions, you can ask them here.

    People usually find out what tonsils are when they become inflamed. True, the second question immediately arises: "Why are tonsils needed?"

    To get an accurate and competent answer, you need to find out for yourself the following: where are the tonsils; the structure of the tonsils; functions of the tonsils.

    How to see and where are

    Glands are small, specific formations of lymphoid tissue. There are 6 of them in total: two paired and two unpaired. Together they form the pharyngeal ring. The tonsils are located in the place where the nasopharynx passes into the pharynx. In terms of size, they can be compared to the average walnut. By the way, they got the name "tonsils" due to the external resemblance to him. But their color is pink. Note that it is wrong to say "tonsils and tonsils". It is the same. If inflammation occurs, they change their appearance. Why are tonsils needed? Basically, to protect the body.

    When the lymph nodes in the neck become inflamed, they are often confused with the glands. To clearly understand what specifically worries a person, you need to know where the tonsils are located.

    To examine the tonsils in both the throat and the mouth, a person is examined with endoscopic equipment that is connected to a computer monitor. With the help of a special apparatus, the doctor easily examines each tonsil. He can even show the image to the patient, along the way explaining where they are located and what their appearance says.

    What are

    The tonsils are usually classified according to the place where they can be located. Thus, they are:

    palatine (paired); pharyngeal or nasopharyngeal (unpaired); pipe (paired); lingual (unpaired).

    Let's take a closer look:

    Palatine. In humans, these glands are located between a pair of palatine arches - in tonsillar niches. As mentioned, they are the only ones available for self inspection. To see them, just open your mouth wider. Pharyngeal (nasopharyngeal). Many people know about its existence under a different name. Very often you can hear that this amygdala is called adenoids. Its location is the posterior vault of the nasopharynx. It is impossible to see where these adenoids are located and how they look. They become visible with excessive growth and overhanging behind the tongue. The tonsil of the pharynx is often a significant problem for children as well as their parents. Overgrown adenoids do not allow full breathing, because of them, hearing decreases, and otitis media begin to develop. Such babies are under the supervision of a doctor. An enlarged pharyngeal gland is now treated with conservative methods. If they are not successful, they resort to surgery. Pipe. This paired tonsil is small in size. It should be located at the mouth of the Eustachian tube, in the nasal cavity. If the amygdala increases in size, it can cause hearing problems and cause chronic otitis media. After all, the overgrowth of this accumulation of lymphoid tissue closes the communication between the middle ear and the nasal cavity. Lingual. It can be found near the root of the tongue. Has a rough and bumpy appearance. If the lingual gland is inflamed, a person will feel sharp pain in the process of eating and talking.

    Tonsil device

    All tonsils, and the structure and structure of which are almost the same, still have a number of features:

    Palatines are distinguished by the fact that they are pierced by special depressions (gaps or crypts). In both glands, there are approximately 10-15 such lacunae. Such depressions can be visually perceived as holes. The palatine tonsils are firmly adhered to the side of the pharynx with the second surface through the capsule. The crypts form many branches that form a whole tree-like network within the amygdala. Torn pieces of epithelium, waste products of microorganisms, enter the gaps of the lacunae. Thus, lacunae are a kind of traps for pathogenic bacteria and viruses, as well as a place for the immune system to "get acquainted" with harmful microbes. The pharyngeal (nasopharyngeal) is represented by several transversely located folds of the mucous membrane. The epithelium with cilia, located on the outer part of the tonsils, forms its entire surface. A specific surface in the form of tubercles of the lingual gland is provided by the squamous epithelium. It is divided in half by a septum and a groove passing through its center. Near it there is a depression where the ducts of the salivary glands go out. Tubal glands are the smallest. Their main task is to protect the hearing organ from infection. The structure of the tonsils is a continuous lymphoid diffuse tissue interspersed with nodules.

    Each tonsil, both in the throat and in the mouth, has follicles over its entire surface, as well as inside. When the tonsils are healthy, the required number of plasma cells, macrophages and lymphocytes is actively produced in them and in the lacunae.

    These cells fight infections that affect the upper respiratory tract. If a person falls ill with a sore throat, then they, together with foreign microorganisms, are part of the pus contained in the lacunae and follicles.

    What are tonsils for?

    All people are born with a complete set of 6 tonsils. The glands reach their peak in the first years of a child's life. But when sex hormones begin to appear (at about 15-16 years of age), their regression is observed - there is a gradual atrophy and a decrease in the size of the tonsils.

    Tonsils and their functions in the human body have not been fully studied to this day. However, their main role has been determined. It consists in protecting and creating local immunity, which resists pathogenic microbes that enter the body through the airborne droplets.

    Nature has assigned several functions to the tonsils, with which they, being healthy, successfully cope:

    Barrier. Viruses and bacteria that enter the body or are already in it will certainly come into contact with the tonsils. The tonsils are necessary, first of all, in order to timely eliminate many harmful microorganisms. The cells produced by the lymphoid tissue (the tonsils are made of it) are engaged in their destruction. Immunogenic. The tonsils are a mini-factory for the production of B-lymphocytes as well as T-lymphocytes. It is this body that is responsible for such an important process. These cells are responsible for the functioning of the immune system. Hematopoietic. It is observed only in young children. Enzyme-producing. In babies, the glands secrete specific enzymes that are involved in the process of oral digestion.

    We emphasize that the tonsils perform all the listed functions in full only when they are in order. When their tissues are affected by inflammation, the entire body suffers. Its self-defense ability is greatly reduced. Because of this, the risk of developing various complications increases, which can adversely affect any organs and even their systems.

    Interestingly, the tonsils sometimes give a certain tone of speech in general and the timbre of the voice in particular. This nuance must be taken into account if their removal is shown in patients who work with a voice (TV announcers, pop performers, teachers, and so on).

    By the way, "French pronons" in some cases may be the result of enlarged adenoids or an increase in the palatine tonsils.

    Is it necessary to delete

    On the topic "Why does a person need tonsils at all?" have been debating for many decades. Today, most doctors still concluded that the removal of tonsils should be resorted to only when their chronic sluggish inflammation causes significant harm to the body and because of them the lymph nodes in the neck periodically inflame. In addition, such an operation is justified if the patient is diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis, which is not amenable to conservative treatment. With pathological growth of the tonsil tissue in a person, it becomes difficult to move food, it becomes difficult for him to swallow. In this case, of course, there is no other way out.

    At an early age, removing tonsils is also undesirable because, most likely, they prevent food allergies from manifesting. According to statistics, 70% of children who have had their tonsils removed suffer from dysbiosis and manifestations of food allergies.

    If purulent plugs do not form on the tonsils, if they do not become inflamed at the first symptoms of a cold and if they do not cause discomfort, and the lymph nodes on the neck are in order, there is no need to remove them. If the tonsils are in perfect order, they bring only one benefit to the body.

    Let's summarize

    Tonsils are an important link in immunity. Their presence allows you to fully protect the body from the unfavorable influence of external factors. After all, it is the tonsils that take the first blow of pathogens. This is a kind of outpost of immunity.

    In order for the tonsils to perform their functions efficiently, everything must be done to maintain their health. Unfortunately, many do not even think about why our bodies need them and what their role is. Therefore, it is so easy to agree to removal, despite the fact that the operation is absolutely unjustified. It is very important to try to preserve the tonsils. You can only delete them as a last resort.

    Many people learn about what the tonsils are only when they become inflamed. How important is this organ in the human body? To get an answer to this question, you should familiarize yourself with the structure of the tonsils and understand their functions.

    The structure of the tonsils

    Tonsils are collections of lymphoid tissue within the lining of the upper airways. They are small in size, however, play a very important role in the functioning of the human body. It is one of the main components of the lymphoepithelial barrier. This is where the maturation of lymphocyte cells and the production of antibodies take place.

    The tonsils are located in a small ring in the throat. Therefore, in aggregate, they are called the pharyngeal lymphadenoid ring of Pirogov-Valdeyer.

    In total, there are 6 tonsils in the throat of each person:

    palatine (pair); pipe (steam); lingual; pharyngeal.

    The structure of the tonsils

    What are tonsils for?

    All people are born with a complete set of 6 tonsils. The glands reach their peak in the first years of a child's life. But when sex hormones begin to appear (at about 15-16 years of age), their regression is observed - there is a gradual atrophy and a decrease in the size of the tonsils.

    Tonsils and their functions in the human body have not been fully studied to this day. However, their main role has been determined. It consists in protecting and creating local immunity, which resists pathogenic microbes that enter the body through the airborne droplets.

    Nature has assigned several functions to the tonsils, with which they, being healthy, successfully cope:

    Barrier. Viruses and bacteria that enter the body or are already in it will certainly come into contact with the tonsils. The tonsils are necessary, first of all, in order to timely eliminate many harmful microorganisms. The cells produced by the lymphoid tissue (the tonsils are made of it) are engaged in their destruction. Immunogenic. The tonsils are a mini-factory for the production of B-lymphocytes as well as T-lymphocytes. It is this body that is responsible for such an important process. These cells are responsible for the functioning of the immune system. Hematopoietic. It is observed only in young children. Enzyme-producing. In babies, the glands secrete specific enzymes that are involved in the process of oral digestion.

    We emphasize that the tonsils perform all the listed functions in full only when they are in order. When their tissues are affected by inflammation, the entire body suffers. Its self-defense ability is greatly reduced. Because of this, the risk of developing various complications increases, which can adversely affect any organs and even their systems.

    Interestingly, the tonsils sometimes give a certain tone of speech in general and the timbre of the voice in particular. This nuance must be taken into account if their removal is shown in patients who work with a voice (TV announcers, pop performers, teachers, and so on).

    By the way, "French pronons" in some cases may be the result of enlarged adenoids or an increase in the palatine tonsils.

    Is it necessary to delete

    On the topic "Why does a person need tonsils at all?" have been debating for many decades. Today, most doctors still concluded that the removal of tonsils should be resorted to only when their chronic sluggish inflammation causes significant harm to the body and because of them the lymph nodes in the neck periodically inflame. In addition, such an operation is justified if the patient is diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis, which is not amenable to conservative treatment. With pathological growth of the tonsil tissue in a person, it becomes difficult to move food, it becomes difficult for him to swallow. In this case, of course, there is no other way out.

    At an early age, removing tonsils is also undesirable because, most likely, they prevent food allergies from manifesting. According to statistics, 70% of children who have had their tonsils removed suffer from dysbiosis and manifestations of food allergies.

    If purulent plugs do not form on the tonsils, if they do not become inflamed at the first symptoms of a cold and if they do not cause discomfort, and the lymph nodes on the neck are in order, there is no need to remove them. If the tonsils are in perfect order, they bring only one benefit to the body.

    Let's summarize

    Tonsils are an important link in immunity. Their presence allows you to fully protect the body from the unfavorable influence of external factors. After all, it is the tonsils that take the first blow of pathogens. This is a kind of outpost of immunity.

    In order for the tonsils to perform their functions efficiently, everything must be done to maintain their health. Unfortunately, many do not even think about why our bodies need them and what their role is. Therefore, it is so easy to agree to removal, despite the fact that the operation is absolutely unjustified. It is very important to try to preserve the tonsils. You can only delete them as a last resort.

    What are tonsils for?

    All people are born with a complete set of 6 tonsils. The glands reach their peak in the first years of a child's life. But when sex hormones begin to appear (at about 15-16 years of age), their regression is observed - there is a gradual atrophy and a decrease in the size of the tonsils.

    Tonsils and their functions in the human body have not been fully studied to this day. However, their main role has been determined. It consists in protecting and creating local immunity, which resists pathogenic microbes that enter the body through the airborne droplets.

    Nature has assigned several functions to the tonsils, with which they, being healthy, successfully cope:

    Barrier. Viruses and bacteria that enter the body or are already in it will certainly come into contact with the tonsils. The tonsils are necessary, first of all, in order to timely eliminate many harmful microorganisms. The cells produced by the lymphoid tissue (the tonsils are made of it) are engaged in their destruction. Immunogenic. The tonsils are a mini-factory for the production of B-lymphocytes as well as T-lymphocytes. It is this body that is responsible for such an important process. These cells are responsible for the functioning of the immune system. Hematopoietic. It is observed only in young children. Enzyme-producing. In babies, the glands secrete specific enzymes that are involved in the process of oral digestion.

    We emphasize that the tonsils perform all the listed functions in full only when they are in order. When their tissues are affected by inflammation, the entire body suffers. Its self-defense ability is greatly reduced. Because of this, the risk of developing various complications increases, which can adversely affect any organs and even their systems.

    Interestingly, the tonsils sometimes give a certain tone of speech in general and the timbre of the voice in particular. This nuance must be taken into account if their removal is shown in patients who work with a voice (TV announcers, pop performers, teachers, and so on).

    By the way, "French pronons" in some cases may be the result of enlarged adenoids or an increase in the palatine tonsils.

    Is it necessary to delete

    On the topic "Why does a person need tonsils at all?" have been debating for many decades. Today, most doctors still concluded that the removal of tonsils should be resorted to only when their chronic sluggish inflammation causes significant harm to the body and because of them the lymph nodes in the neck periodically inflame. In addition, such an operation is justified if the patient is diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis, which is not amenable to conservative treatment. With pathological growth of the tonsil tissue in a person, it becomes difficult to move food, it becomes difficult for him to swallow. In this case, of course, there is no other way out.

    At an early age, removing tonsils is also undesirable because, most likely, they prevent food allergies from manifesting. According to statistics, 70% of children who have had their tonsils removed suffer from dysbiosis and manifestations of food allergies.

    If purulent plugs do not form on the tonsils, if they do not become inflamed at the first symptoms of a cold and if they do not cause discomfort, and the lymph nodes on the neck are in order, there is no need to remove them. If the tonsils are in perfect order, they bring only one benefit to the body.

    Let's summarize

    Tonsils are an important link in immunity. Their presence allows you to fully protect the body from the unfavorable influence of external factors. After all, it is the tonsils that take the first blow of pathogens. This is a kind of outpost of immunity.

    In order for the tonsils to perform their functions efficiently, everything must be done to maintain their health. Unfortunately, many do not even think about why our bodies need them and what their role is. Therefore, it is so easy to agree to removal, despite the fact that the operation is absolutely unjustified. It is very important to try to preserve the tonsils. You can only delete them as a last resort.

    Palatine tonsils

    The palatine pair is located in triangular depressions on the sides of the pharynx. These tonsils are considered the largest and have a special structure. The tonsils have small depressions called lacunae. They pass into the so-called crypts, which extend to the entire depth of the tonsils. All these branches are covered with epithelium in contact with the external environment.

    The main task of the palatine tonsils is the formation of lymphocytes, as well as participation in

    strengthening the immune system

    This is the very first barrier for pathogenic microorganisms that enter humans from the external environment.


    Tubal tonsils are the smallest of the six. These organs are located on the lateral walls of the nasopharynx. They are designed to protect the hearing organs from external infection.


    This type of amygdala is a transverse fold of the mucous membrane. On its surface is the epithelium and cilia. Excessive growth of this organ is called adenoids. They can obstruct nasal breathing and cause hearing impairment.


    The lingual tonsil is located at the root of the tongue and does not have a capsule. Outwardly, it looks bumpy and rough. With its inflammation, sharp pain can occur when talking or eating.


    Since the tonsils are one of the main parts of the immune system, they have several important functions. Let's look at each of them below:

    Barrier function. The tonsils work to destroy microorganisms that enter the oral cavity along with polluted air or food. The main weapon is the macrophage cells produced by the follicles of the tonsils. Immunogenic action. In the follicles described, white blood cells and lymphocytes develop. They produce various antibodies (immunoglobulins) that are responsible for the immune response of the human body.

    What are tonsils and adenoids and their functions:

    Pathologies and diseases

    Unfortunately, there are times when the tonsils cannot fight external infections. As a result, diseases of the throat and nasopharynx develop. The following symptoms may indicate the development of pathological conditions:

    redness in the pharynx in conjunction with edema is a sign of pharyngitis; sore throat, high fever, plaque on the tonsils speak of the development of tonsillitis; mucus in the nasopharynx of a purulent nature is a sign of rhinitis or sinusitis or inflammation of the adenoids; neoplasms, cyst or cancer of the nasopharynx and tonsils; the formations that appear with purulent contents may indicate the development of an abscess or cyst.

    All of these signs require special attention and timely treatment. If you find such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    To avoid the appearance of complications, severe or chronic forms of diseases, diagnostics and analyzes are carried out. Some advanced pathologies may require surgery.

    In the photo, sore throat tonsils

    Tonsillectomy: pros and cons

    Doctors are still arguing about the need to remove tonsils. Many luminaries of science advocate their preservation, while others consider them to be the cause of many health problems.

    Since the tonsils produce a huge amount of immunoglobulins necessary for proper development and protection of the body from external infections, their removal can affect the functioning of the entire immune system.

    Due to the porous structure of these organs, most of the pathogenic microorganisms do not penetrate further into the body. They get stuck on their surface, where they are surrounded by immune cells. As a result, harmful bacteria are killed.

    When is tonsil surgery necessary? If a child is diagnosed with acute tonsillitis, which proceeds with complications and high fever more than 4 times a year, then against the background of these diseases irreversible changes in the functioning of the tonsils occur. They are constantly inflamed and do not cope with their task - the elimination of pathogenic bacteria.

    Removal of tonsils may be required with frequent purulent tonsillitis. The development of throat abscesses often leads to breathing problems and general body infection. Also, surgery may be required for tonsil hypertrophy. A persistent enlarged condition of the glands or adenoids can lead to unconscious airway closure or hearing impairment.

    As you can see, surgery is prescribed in rather severe cases. It is necessary if the body is unable to respond to conservative treatment. In order not to choose between the pros and cons of surgical removal of tonsils, you must strictly monitor your health and promptly treat any diseases of the oral cavity and nasopharynx.

    Video demonstration of the operation to remove tonsils:

    Tonsils (tonsillae)

    accumulation of lymphoid tissue in the pharynx. Distinguish between paired palatine and tubal, as well as unpaired lingual and pharyngeal ( rice .). In addition, in different parts of the pharynx there are small accumulations of lymphoid tissue in the form of separate and strands, which together with M. form a protective barrier - the so-called pharyngeal lymphadenoid ring. Having a structure in common with other lymphoid organs, M. also perform similar functions - hematopoietic (production of lymphocytes) and protective (participate in the formation of cellular and humoral immunity).

    Palatine M. (first and second M.) are located between the palatine-lingual and palatopharyngeal arches in the tonsillar niches. The lateral surface of palatine M. facing the pharyngeal wall is covered with a connective tissue capsule, along which there is a layer of loose paratonsillar tissue. the capsules depart the septa (trabeculae), dividing the palatine tonsils into lobules. In the trabeculae are blood and lymphatic vessels,. The free (medial) surface of the palatine M. is uneven, consists of folds of the mucous membrane, in the proper lamina of which numerous lymphatic follicles lie. There are 10-20 depressions here - amygdala, or lacunae, which open on the surface with amygdala dimples. Crypts significantly increase the free surface area of \u200b\u200bthe tonsils. Normally, they contain saprophytic, with pathology in crypts, a large number of pathogenic microorganisms can be found, and caseous-purulent masses (plugs). The palatine tonsils reach their largest sizes at 8-13 years old, and after 30 years they undergo a gradual age-related involution.

    M.'s inflammation can be acute (see Angina) and chronic (see Chronic tonsillitis) . Inflammatory changes in M. also develop in acute infectious diseases - diphtheria, scarlet fever, infectious mononucleosis, etc .; M. up to the occurrence of ulcerative and necrotic processes is observed in blood diseases - leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis.

    M.'s tuberculosis in most cases is secondary and is observed in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Often runs hidden under the guise of chronic tonsillitis. set taking into account the history on the basis of morphological and bacteriological studies. Specific treatment (see Tuberculosis (Tuberculosis)) .

    M.'s syphilitic defeat can occur at any stage of the disease. In primary syphilis, one amygdala is affected (hard, regional). Secondary can manifest as syphilitic angina (tonsils are enlarged, with easily ulcerated sharply outlined cyanotic-red foci or oval plaques with a red rim). With tertiary syphilis, gum formation is possible. The diagnosis is made on the basis of bacteriological and serological studies. Specific treatment (see Syphilis) .

    M.'s tumors are benign and malignant. Benign includes epithelial - papilloma (Papilloma) and non-epithelial - fibroma (Fibroma) , angioma, lipoma (Lipoma) , neuroma, chemodectoma, myoma. They are characterized by slow growth and are often asymptomatic. At a significant increase, they can cause difficulty in swallowing and breathing. Treatment is prompt.

    Malignant epithelial tumors include Cancer , incl. lymphoepithelioma, among tumors of non-epithelial origin, lymphosarcoma is distinguished (Lymphosarcoma) , reticulosarcoma, angiosarcoma, chondrosarcoma. Most malignant tumors of M. (with the exception of transitional cell carcinoma and lymphoepithelioma) are characterized by slow growth, clinically manifested by moderate hyperemia of M. and its insignificant compaction. In case of transitional cell carcinoma and lymphoepithelioma, the initial symptoms are difficulty in swallowing (if the pharyngeal M. is affected, breathing is disturbed through), in the throat of a foreign body, an increase in M. Later, pain radiating to the neck and lower jaw joins. In the future, with ulceration and decay of the tumor occurs. There is a rapid development of metastases, both in regional lymph nodes and distant ones, the spread of the tumor to the surrounding tissues, and invasion into the cranial cavity. The diagnosis is based on the results of the histological examination of the biopsy material. Combined treatment.

    Operations on the tonsils include tonsillectomy and tonsillotomy. - removal of palatine tonsils together with a connective tissue capsule, is used for chronic tonsillitis in case of ineffectiveness of conservative methods or in case of complications (see Chronic tonsillitis) .

    Tonsillotomy - partial removal of the palatine tonsils, is used for severe hypertrophy (often in combination with adenoidectomy) or contraindications for tonsillectomy. The operation is performed using a tonsillotome, usually under local anesthesia. In the first two days after the operation, patients are prescribed bed rest, then (within 3-6 days) a home regimen, sparing; physical activity is allowed no earlier than 14-15 days after the operation.

    Bibliography: Human Anatomy, ed. M.R. Sapina, t. 2, M., 1986; A multivolume guide to otorhinolaryngology, ed. A. G. Likhachev, vol. 3, p. 208, M., 1963; Preobrazhensky B.S. and Popova G.N. , chronic and diseases associated with them, M., 1970, bibliogr .; Soldatov I.B. Nervous tonsils in norm and pathology, Kuibyshev, 1962, bibliogr.

    1. Small Medical Encyclopedia. - M .: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M .: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

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