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  • What is the dream of pregnancy in a dream. Does pregnancy in a dream promise an interesting waking situation? What Dreams Mean Pregnancy

    What is the dream of pregnancy in a dream. Does pregnancy in a dream promise an interesting waking situation? What Dreams Mean Pregnancy

    Dreams reflect not only the events taking place in a person's life. They also show his dreams and aspirations. Many women want to have children and dream of being pregnant.

    It is much more surprising when men dream of expecting a baby. They should not cause any doubts about the masculinity of the stronger sex. Rather, dreams demonstrate their focus on an important task or project.

    Why dream of pregnancy for young girls and married ladies? Dream books give many answers to this question. Sleep details such as the gender of the unborn child or the certainty that twins will be born are of great importance. It is better to solve a dream in the morning, as later memories of it will become fuzzy.

    If a woman is pregnant in a dream and knows that a girl will be born, she will find not only peace of mind and confidence in the future, but also receive a generous gift from fate. Perhaps they will be an unexpected amount of money or a successful solution to a problem situation.

    A completely different situation develops when a boy is expected to be born. A dream portends difficulties in the family and at work. Cases that seem to have already been resolved are capable of stalling or ending in nothing.

    For a man, a strange dream with his own pregnancy will bring wealth and respect from relatives and colleagues. He responsibly approaches any issue and solves it. With such a husband, a woman will feel like she is behind a stone wall, and his subordinates will work hard to earn praise. Such a boss will take care of the bonus for good employees.

    Why is pregnancy dreaming - meaning in different dream books

    The authors of dream books and soothsayers in some ways, but in some ways differently interpreted the dream with the delicate position of a woman. To a greater extent, subsequent events depended on additional details of the dream and the dreamer's mood.

    To the question of why one is dreaming of one's pregnancy, there are answers such as having serious plans for the future, making a profit, and even quarrels with a spouse.

    According to Freud

    Sigmund Freud explained sleep with pregnancy by dreams of children. If the dream came to one of the spouses, he feels a willingness to become a parent and wants it. Often, pregnancy is dreamed of by women who do not know about it.

    The second interpretation of sleep for a woman is a sense of security when finding a new sexual partner. Even if they are not together for long, the lady has already understood that this man can become the father of her children.

    Gustav Miller considered an unkind dream about the pregnancy of any woman, both familiar and not. The dream warns the bride about the wrong choice of the groom. Her married life will not work out. A married dream foreshadows troubles in the family and the birth of ugly children.

    If in a dream a woman dreamed that the father of the unborn child had abandoned her, in reality he, on the contrary, will show her care and attention. Miller's dream book gave an interesting interpretation to men. Seeing himself pregnant, the bachelor will soon marry, and the married man will divorce.

    When in a dream a woman agrees to an abortion, in reality she decided to commit an irreparable act that would have dire consequences.

    According to Vanga

    The clairvoyant Vanga interpreted the dream with the pregnancy of a stranger in a completely different way. Any person in a position meant for the sleeper getting a good job or money in reality.

    If a girl in a dream dreamed that the child was stirring in her stomach, a real pregnancy would come with a high probability. Depending on other details of the dream, dreams of pregnancy can be interpreted as the arrival of favorable changes. This will happen, for example, if the sleeping person feels happiness from the upcoming appearance of the baby.

    For a married woman, a dream promises work and trouble or a slight malaise. Most often, such a dream speaks of a disease associated with digestion. When a woman sees how she gives birth to a baby, in reality she will forget about problems and unresolved issues. Stability and good news awaits her.

    According to Nostradamus

    Nostradamus associated sleep with pregnancy with poverty and ruin, if the sleeping woman herself was in position. The hopes of earning money will be deceived, and the business is doomed to failure.

    If a stranger was pregnant, it means that poverty has come to another house, and the dreamer may be asked for a loan.

    According to Hasse

    A man who was pregnant in a dream devoted himself entirely to some undertaking. Intuition never deceives, so you should pay attention to the events taking place in a dream. A vivid, pleasant dream speaks of the success of the enterprise.

    Someone else's pregnancy dreams of injustice and false manifestations of friendship. The dreamer needs to be on guard and not be frank with unfamiliar people. For a young girl, expecting a child predicts a happy union with a loved one, and an elderly woman predicts a serious illness.

    Pastor and psychologist Loff suggested, first of all, to recall the emotional coloring of sleep. If he was gloomy, in dark colors and caused fear and rejection, he threatens a pregnant woman with the loss of a child due to an accident. For an elderly person, a disturbing dream portends the death of a relative, and for a married woman, betrayal of her husband.

    Joy and light colors promise a woman the desired pregnancy. A girl who sees such a dream wakes up a maternal instinct.

    Po Longo

    The famous magician advised the girl, who had remembered the dream of her pregnancy, to get married as soon as possible and to realize the instinct of procreation. A married woman should prepare for a real pregnancy.

    A man who sees his wife with a big belly is not in vain hoping for profit from current projects. They will turn out to be profitable and bring excellent income. However, if the wife is actually in the end, the dream loses such an interpretation. The husband worries about his wife's health and therefore sees her pregnant in dreams.

    Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream depending on your status

    Dream books give the kindest interpretation of a dream with pregnancy to married ladies, since it is completely natural for them to give a continuation of the family. Sleep warns girls against liberties and frivolous hobbies.

    If a woman is expecting a baby, a dream about her position promises a successful birth. Both mother and baby will feel good. To a non-pregnant wife, a dream reveals her cherished desire. A woman dreams of a complete family with children. Most likely, her aspirations will come true in the near future.

    According to the English dream book, a pregnant woman who has a similar dream will give birth to twins. A positive pregnancy test, dreamed of by an elderly woman, signifies a deterioration in well-being and an exacerbation of diseases.

    Single woman

    For an unmarried girl, a dream with pregnancy suggests thinking about her behavior and behaving more seriously with her gentlemen. It is possible that one of them will try to discredit a friend and ruin her reputation. Acquaintance with a young man attractive at first glance will end in deception.


    For a very young girl, a dream with pregnancy, according to Miller's dream book, threatens with shame and numerous troubles. Problems can be avoided by not participating in noisy parties and not getting to know funny but unreliable young people.

    Any indiscretion will end in condemnation from others.

    Someone else's pregnancy in a dream

    Most interpreters of dreams do not please with predictions about dreams with someone else's pregnancy. Exceptions are made only for the dreamer's relatives. After reading the predictions of dream books, you can figure out why someone else's pregnancy is dreaming, and transfer the forecast to your situation.

    Unfamiliar pregnant woman

    According to Hasse, seeing a pregnant stranger in a dream is an extremely negative sign. Adversity and unforeseen expenses will follow. Night vision marks the onset of a streak of bad luck, gossip and deception.

    Troubles and strife will especially persistently pursue the sleeping person if the pregnant woman was drunk. It will not be possible to hide from problems, but by showing resilience, you can survive them with the least loss.

    Sleep will have a positive meaning if the unknown woman is severely emaciated and looks weak. In this case, adversity will also not be spared, but will have less impact on the life of the sleeping person.

    Pregnancy of a relative

    As a rule, a dream with a woman from her family being pregnant reveals her true intentions. A mother who has already raised older children dreams of knowing the joys of motherhood again. If a sister is pregnant in a dream, luck and material wealth will come to the sleeping person. When two or three sisters are expecting a child at once, the dreamer will discover several sources of income.

    An elderly person who has a dream with a pregnant sister is very likely to enter into inheritance after the death of a relative. Both a woman and a man who have brothers, not sisters, should beware of betrayal by a loved one.

    Girlfriend pregnancy

    For the dreamer's girlfriend, who appeared in a dream during the demolition, it can mean the onset of pregnancy. After such a dream, the sleeping person will be assailed by chores and routine duties. He also has hard work ahead of him.

    When a dreamer in a dream has to take care of a pregnant girlfriend, in reality she will also fulfill her will. In this pair, the leader is usually held by a friend.

    Daughter's pregnancy

    If her mother dreams of her daughter's interesting situation, the woman worries about her possible pregnancy. Either the daughter is not married, and she fears for her reputation, or, being married, she does not manage to have a child.

    It is possible that the girl is in love and dreams of a baby from the chosen one. In this case, the mother's fear is fully justified, since he has not yet made an offer to his daughter.

    Why dream of waiting for twins?

    During pregnancy in a dream with twins, a woman should prepare for significant changes in fate. If a married man had a dream about twins, the business will bring him double dividends. Whether the husband himself or his wife was pregnant, profits are just around the corner.

    Sometimes a dream about twins expresses doubts on a subconscious level about the behavior of a new acquaintance. The man causes fear, and for good reason: he is a real hypocrite. When communicating with people, he shows one side of the personality, hiding the other.


    The appearance of a child is a significant and most often anxiously awaited event. Of course, the life of the spouses and their relatives will be overtaken by changes, but the joy at the sight of the baby and his smile is worth the sleepless nights and worries. A new family member, like a magnet, will become a center of attraction for parents and their loved ones. He has everything ahead, and his father and mother will try to protect him from disappointment.

    As a child grows up, he will begin to acquire his own life experience. However, this moment is still so far away, especially if relatives only meet a young mother at the door of the hospital. Her dreams and dreams have become reality, and now the woman has to take care of the baby. In the near future, she will not have time to sleep - the heir will require maximum attention.

    Children grow up quickly, and every touching moment when they make a discovery or genuinely express feelings is priceless. Being a mother is a great happiness. Let the dream of pregnancy be "in hand".

    My name is Julia Jenny Norman and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. I am currently helping to promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here, which charge you with positive and give inspiration. In my free time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or just give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about the beautiful, then it will come true!

    A special period in the life of every woman is pregnancy. Therefore, many representatives of the fair sex are very perplexed if they dreamed that they were pregnant. How to correctly interpret such a dream?

    IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina: "There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow ..." Read more \u003e\u003e

    For the correct deciphering of any dream, it must be considered comprehensively, taking into account any, even the smallest details and details. The meaning of sleep depends on what month and day of the week the images appeared in the dream. Even the hour when the woman dreamed of pregnancy is of great importance. Therefore, after waking up, it is best to immediately describe the details of what you saw, carefully remember every detail in order to correctly determine the meaning of the dream about pregnancy.

      Popular dream books

      • Modern dream book.

        Particular importance should be attached to sleep if it was dreamed of by a girl or woman who is not pregnant in real life. Such dreams are considered to be prophetic. Most dream books interpret pregnancy in a dream as an extremely positive sign that promises a woman a life of prosperity and wealth, as well as the beginning of an extremely successful period.

        If you dreamed that a child was moving in the stomach, then this suggests that soon the dreamer will have to attend some important event. Most likely, something unpleasant will happen on it, which will ruin her reputation and nerves, so it is best to reject an offer to visit. The movement of the baby in the stomach can also signal that the woman has already matured and it is time for her to experience all the joy of motherhood in reality. But if during the dream you were sad, then this may portend a long debilitating illness.

        According to the modern dream book, getting pregnant in a dream and seeing a positive pregnancy test with two strips is a warning that pregnancy will soon come in real life. This is especially true of those cases when a woman wanted to have children for a long time and for some reason could not do it.

        Seeing your girlfriend, sister or acquaintance pregnant is a good sign. Such a dream may mean that in the future your common affairs will be crowned with success, and all plans and ideas are being realized in the best way. It can also serve as a warning that your girlfriend or sister is too influenced by someone who is manipulating her to achieve her own mercantile goals.

        Being pregnant in a dream for a virgin is a warning, in real life she has many ill-wishers who in every way try to ruin the girl's reputation and spread gossip.

        • Dream interpreter of the 21st century.

        Why is a woman dreaming of her pregnancy? This promises a successful and successful implementation of everything conceived, as well as obtaining large profits and wealth. If the dreamer sees another woman on the demolition, then this is also an auspicious sign that portends success at home and economic affairs, as well as wealth in the house. If a nulliparous girl dreams of her own pregnancy, then this may warn that there is a deceiver among her circle of friends.

        • New family dream book.

        Pregnancy in a dream is a sign of an upcoming quarrel with friends or loved ones. For a married lady - conflicts and misunderstandings with her husband. For a pregnant woman, this dream promises an easy and quick birth process, after which she will soon be able to regain her strength and heal with her old life.

        If a woman dreamed of her own pregnant daughter, then such a dream portends a life period favorable for new beginnings and opportunities. If her own mother is on the demolition, then this promises the establishment and strengthening of family relations.

        Dreams about a pregnant sister are a warning that the dreamer may have a dangerous rival who will try in every way to harm her family happiness and well-being.

        A dream about a friend in a position indicates that this woman is your real friend, who in the future will provide a very great service and thereby help out in a difficult situation.

        To interrupt your own pregnancy in a dream, to have an abortion - to family quarrels, bitter grief in your personal life, disappointment, and also to the loss of the meaning of your whole life.

        Psychological interpreters of dreams

        • The interpreter of dreams A. Meneghetti.

        Dreaming about pregnancy does not bode well. Such dreams most often indicate that a woman is undergoing a destructive influence from others, or predict illness in the near future.

        • Freud's dream interpreter.

        For a woman, dreams about her own pregnancy mean that she will indeed soon become a mother. Find out about pregnancy in a dream - in the near future she will meet a good person. This relationship will be much more productive than the previous union.

        • Psychologist Miller's interpreter of dreams.

        For a woman, the dream that she is in a position is not always a favorable sign. Most often this means failure in personal life - disagreements and conflicts will constantly occur with her husband, and joint children will be unattractive. According to Miller's dream book, pregnancy for a nulliparous young girl or virgin suggests that she has false friends and envious people who, at any opportunity, spread rumors and gossip about her.

        • Loff's dream interpreter.

        Why is pregnancy dreaming, according to this dream book? The ability to become pregnant in a dream and carry a child has no age and gender restrictions. Carrying a child symbolizes a special creative period in a person's life, sexual and spiritual maturity, and can also promise an early receipt of wealth.

        If the dream of pregnancy was dreamed of by a young woman or girl who, in real life, is unable to conceive and bear a child, then this indicates the beginning of the process of introspection in such a person. It can also mean that the dreamer has grown spiritually and intellectually, has become completely independent and independent. This is called the transition from the child archetype to the parent archetype.

        If a woman is sexually active, but at the same time has no intentions to carry and give birth to children in the near future, then dreams of pregnancy can serve as a mirror projection of her fears and experiences. Why dream of your own pregnancy in such a situation? Dreams of this nature are a natural accompaniment to her monthly cycle.

        Dreams of pregnancy are especially dangerous for those women who are already in a position. This is a warning about various events that will soon occur in the dreamer's real life - from funny and funny to cruel, destructive. If a woman or girl often dreams about carrying a child, then these dreams carry negative connotations. Sometimes multiple pregnancies can overwhelm a woman and cause constant strain on her physical and mental health. Dreams of this nature signal that the fair sex is afraid of not coping with the role of the mother, and also fears for her career and personal life.

        • Dream Interpreter Denise Lynn.

        If a woman dreamed that she was pregnant, this is a good sign, portending a change for the better. It can be incredible success in terms of creativity, the birth of new interesting ideas, the knowledge of the truth, or the beginning of a new successful project. Pregnancy in such dreams means not only bearing and giving birth to children, it most often symbolizes creative endeavors and potential, which will begin to bear its generous fruits.

        Esoteric interpretations

        • Interpreter of dreams esoteric Tsvetkov.

        Why is a virgin dreaming of pregnancy? In reality, she expects deception from someone close to her. For a woman, such a dream means pride and joy in real life.

        • The interpreter of dreams of the magician Yu. Longo.

        A dream about pregnancy for a married woman promises a lot of joy and happiness in real life. It may also indicate that all her plans and plans are being carried out in the best possible way. For an unmarried woman or girl, a dream about pregnancy indicates that it is time for her to get married and realize her maternal instinct.

        • Interpreter of dreams of Nostradamus.

        Did a married lady dream about pregnancy? This is a warning that soon she will have to incur significant losses, and her material and financial situation will be shaken. In addition, dreams of pregnancy indicate that during this period you should not lend to anyone and borrow yourself - this will not end well.

        • Female interpreter of dreams.

        Why is pregnancy dreaming for a girl? This is a positive sign that promises her new beginnings. If a woman dreamed that she was being pulled down, it means that this event will soon happen in real life. If the dreamer is indeed pregnant, then this portends a quick and easy birth without complications of real life. Such a woman will be able to quickly regain strength and return to the usual rhythm of life.

        • The noble interpreter of dreams N. Grishina.

        A noble dream book gives a very diverse interpretation of dreams: seeing oneself as pregnant is an expression of secret fears of acquiring the status of a mother and motherhood in general. It may also indicate a desire to soon become a mother and continue your family.

        A young girl in a dream saw herself in the drift - most likely, a loved one will cheat on her and this will radically affect their personal relationships. Also, dreams about pregnancy can portend quarrels with the family or the presence of enemies and gossips. If a woman saw another pregnant woman in a dream, then this foreshadows her life in abundance and joy, as well as success in household affairs.

        The process of childbirth in a dream often warns the dreamer of an impending danger or warns that soon she will swear strongly or even part with her current chosen one. Such dreams are also dangerous for elderly women, they can warn them of possible health problems, which will take a lot of time, effort, nerves and money to heal. If a dreamer in a dream feels the approach of labor pains, then in real life she should be extremely careful - this may be a warning of an impending disaster, accident or serious illness.

        • Esoteric interpreter of dreams.

        Pregnancy in a dream is a sign that the dreamer will soon be burdened with debt, and serious losses are also possible. Someone else's pregnancy indicates that you will have to lend money, and the percentage of their return is extremely low.

        • Dream interpreter Hasse.

        Why is pregnancy dreaming for a woman? Very soon she will be visited by fruitful ideas and plans that she will be able to fully implement and get real pleasure from completing the process. To see another lady on the demolition - to experiences and troubles.

        • The interpreter of dreams Khamidova.

        Pregnancy in a dream is always a good sign. If a woman in real life is on the demolition, then this promises her easy relief from the burden. Among other things, her baby will be born very beautiful and attractive to others and will have excellent good health. If such a dream was dreamed of by an unmarried girl or virgin, then soon she will face shame and contempt from others.

        • Dream interpreter Semenova.

        Dreams of carrying and giving birth to a child warn a woman that she will soon become a mother. Moreover, the children of such a woman will be beautiful and healthy.

    A pregnancy dream portends troublesome matters associated with new plans.

    A dream in which you see a beautiful pregnant woman and be surprised foreshadows unexpected profits, which will come in handy, although you will have to work hard to get it.

    If a pregnant woman in your dream is ugly, and you were unpleasantly surprised, then a lot of trouble and excitement awaits you. See interpretation: childbirth, midwife, nanny.

    For young women, a dream in which they see themselves as pregnant predicts happiness in love, darkened by quarrels with their lover or spouse; for old women, such a dream threatens ill health; and death to the sick.

    If in a dream a woman feels pregnant and gives birth to a son, then she will be successful in all matters.

    For the rest, especially the sick, such a dream predicts a lot of trouble, and for the seriously ill, a quick death.

    For people who have a lot of debts, such a dream can predict some relief in their situation.

    If you have secrets, then you should be afraid that they do not become known, and if you yourself want to find out something, then the dream predicts to you that there will be a chance to satisfy your curiosity.

    For girls, a dream about pregnancy predicts that shame and dishonor awaits them.

    If a young and pregnant woman sees herself pregnant in a dream, then the dream predicts her many troubles and experiences.

    For everyone else, a pregnancy dream promises that their life will be filled with excitement and bold plans.

    If in a dream you see your friend who is pregnant, then grief and sadness await you.

    If a man dreams that he is pregnant, and he is unpleasantly surprised in a dream, then he will face many disappointments and failures.

    Under certain circumstances, such a dream can portend to a married man that he will soon lose his wife or she will no longer be able to bear children.

    For a single man, such a dream predicts a quick marriage, if he really thinks about it.

    Seeing pregnant women in a dream is a harbinger of trouble, minor troubles, grief and disappointment.

    For a married man to dream that his wife is pregnant, such a dream predicts that if his wife actually turns out to be pregnant soon, he will have a healthy child.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

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    Dreaming Pregnancy

    Pregnancy gets into your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second is that your real pregnancy is an IMPACT EVENT and sets its certain content.

    Anyone can get pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either sexual or age-related obstacles.

    Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty, or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

    If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, at the same time having no real intention of getting pregnant, such a dream may indicate your being in the stage of the initial transition to a new stage of introspection.

    One of the ARCHETYPES for YUNG is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct to preserve the clan.

    Seeing yourself involved in activities in this position means observing your exit from the CHILD stage and the transition to the adult level.

    If you are sexually active but have no intention of getting pregnant, this dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle.

    In connection with such a dream, ALARMS of the "what if" type may arise, which require reflection and resolution.

    A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in the reproduction of the population is in question.

    Such doubts often come to mind for men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be.

    Sleep acts as compensation, highlighting the creative side of their PERSONALITY.

    Pregnant men not only give birth to children, but also something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.

    The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to a variety of events in dreams.

    By their nature, these events can be anything: from the most violent to ridiculous.

    This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is the source of a whole spectrum of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

    Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, partner DEATH, chronic health problems, pregnancy loss due to an accident or miscarriage, birth defects in a baby, twins, triplets, etc., and increased fertility, where conception and bearing of a fetus occur more often and regardless of protection.

    Dreams of infidelity or death of a partner often arise as a response to feelings of insecurity due to changes in the appearance or frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy.

    Dreams about chronic health problems and child defects belong to the category of negative PERFORMANCE WILL, and it is also a result of the excitement experienced by women in this position.

    Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult.

    Sometimes at a certain stage, pregnancy suppresses a woman. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly handle the role of MOTHER.

    Multiple pregnancies can be a visual representation of these fears.

    Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Interpretation

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    What does sleep mean Pregnancy

    It symbolizes the bearing of someone else, mainly in a negative sense, indicating either organic diseases or a latent unconscious effect on the subject of something different, alien. When In-se * wants to say about the birth of an expected child, it shows the image of a person with certain facial features.

    * Onto In-se (Italian In-S? Ontico - ontic "in-itself") - the basic project of human nature; life principle, without which life is impossible. Compliance with this principle leads a person to self-realization, health, happiness, deviation from it causes illness, pain, suffering (synonymous with soul). It means carrying someone else (usually in a negative sense). The symbol can indicate either a disease of the body, or a hidden, unconscious effect on the dreamer of a stranger and unknown.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Free dream book

    Dream of Pregnancy

    You or one of your relatives is expecting a girl - get ready to receive a pleasant surprise in the near future. In the evening shout out the hidden window:

    "Thank you, sun, for illuminating my path!" Take a glass of water and put it on the windowsill, and in the morning pour this water on top of your head.

    You or one of your relatives is expecting a boy - the chances are high that you will have an accident. Drink 1 teaspoon of butter (better than corn oil) and do not take off your shoes until the first star.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Mayan Dream Interpretation

    What Dreams Mean Pregnancy

    A lady beholds herself in a pregnant dream - the marriage life of this lady cannot be called happy; the lady will always be overwhelmed by the idea that she was in a hurry, cheapened, that if she had been a little more experienced in her time, she could have made the best party and there were more worthy applicants! the lady does not like everything in her life, even the kids do not bring joy, since they look like a spouse and cannot be called wunderkinds.

    A young unmarried woman contemplates a dream as if she is pregnant - this dream does not promise anything good for her; if a woman is careless and frivolous, she will find herself in a situation from which one can only get out with shame; in the old days they smeared the gates with tar for such things; let this woman be picky about relationships.

    If a pregnant lady sees herself in a pregnant dream, this is a good dream; it states that childbirth will occur on time and will proceed without complications; this lady will have healthy offspring. A man sees a pregnant lady in a dream - in real life - to little trouble.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Catherine the Great

    Pregnancy Dream

    Your efforts will be crowned with brilliant success.

    A pregnant woman sees in a dream how her pregnancy is progressing - portends childbirth without complications, after which the woman's body will quickly recover.

    Seeing a pregnant woman - a dream means a change in financial situation for the better.

    After wealth, honor will certainly come.

    Lying in a dream next to a pregnant woman - a dream promises good news that will be unexpected for you.

    Imagine that the pregnancy is going perfectly, the pregnant woman feels great, you have fun, you and everyone around you are happy with everything.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

    Feeling yourself in a dream or seeing yourself as pregnant - to discord with your husband and alienation in relation to children. For a girl, such a dream portends nothing but trouble. If you are really pregnant at the same time, a dream portends a successful birth, a healthy baby and a quick recovery of strength. Seeing someone else pregnant is in trouble if this person is unfamiliar to you, and if you know him, you can make the most daring plans, you are appreciated, loved and respected.

    Interpretation of dreams from the dream book alphabetically

    The Importance of Sleep Pregnancy

    For a girl, cheating; for a woman, joy, fulfillment of desire. Cheating on a man to be pregnant; illness, danger; see a pregnant trouble.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

    Interpretation of sleep Pregnancy

    If a woman dreamed that she was pregnant, it means that in real life this event will soon happen. If the sleeping woman is indeed pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a prediction of her successful resolution from the burden and early recovery.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Modern dream book

    What in a dream predicts Pregnancy

    Pregnancy (see also "woman") - seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is a nuisance;

    Being pregnant is making bold plans.

    Pregnancy for a girl is a deception, for a woman - a joy, for an old woman - death is behind her.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

    What does it mean to see pregnancy in a dream


    Being pregnant - making bold plans

    Seeing a pregnant woman means meeting trouble

    For a young woman - happiness in love

    For an elderly woman, death.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the Canaanite

    Sleep Interpretation Pregnancy

    A pregnant woman is an unexpected profit, a great deal.

    Being pregnant in a dream - new interesting things and happy love await you.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation for the bitch

    What does sleep predict? Pregnancy

    If a pregnant woman already dreams of such a dream, it means that the birth will go well and the baby will be born healthy. However, for the rest of women, such a dream does not bode well. This promises an unmarried woman an unsuccessful marriage and disagreements with her husband, and a virgin - shame and misfortune.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Love dream book

    Dream meaning Pregnancy

    For a woman to dream that she is pregnant means that she will be unhappy with her husband, and her children will be unattractive.

    For a virgin, such a dream bodes shame and misfortune. If the sleeping woman is indeed pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a prediction of her successful resolution from the burden and early recovery.

    Interpretation of dreams from Miller's dream book

    Sleep Prediction Pregnancy

    This is a fantastic sign that you are ready to give life to a new idea, a new vision of the world, or to establish a new relationship.

    It can also symbolize the imminent birth of a new creative project.

    It can also mean that you want to get pregnant or that you are pregnant.

    Interpretation of dreams from the American dream book

    Why Pregnancy Dreams

    Pregnancy in a dream symbolizes creativity, puberty, or wealth. Sometimes pregnancy dreams can be interpreted as your unfulfilled hopes.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Universal dream book

    What does sleep mean Pregnancy

    Seeing yourself pregnant is an unexpected profit.

    For a new thing.

    Carrying a child - to material profit, prosperity.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Newest dream book

    Dream of Pregnancy

    For a girl - a deception;
    for a woman - pride, joy;
    for a man - to make plans;
    seeing a pregnant woman is a nuisance.
    Also see Giving birth.

    Interpretation of dreams from Tsvetkov's dream book

    What Dreams Mean Pregnancy

    If a woman, who does not feel pregnant in reality, sees in a dream that she has given birth to a son, this promises her a happy ending to the enterprises.

    For a girl, such a dream means feasts, fun, dances, weddings, and sometimes the fear of the mother.

    A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream will soon expect wealth, gain and profit.

    When he dreams that he is present at the birth of a woman, this promises fun and well-being.

    If a man dreams that his wife is pregnant when she actually felt the first signs of conception, this portends that the newborn child will remain alive.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Indian dream book

    Pregnancy Dream

    To see a pregnant woman - for a man to change, material well-being, to lie next to a pregnant woman - to pleasant hopes.

    To be pregnant - to the implementation of promising plans, profit, wealth.

    To see a pregnant woman is for a woman to be successful in the household, prosperity in the family, and to be pregnant herself.

    To be pregnant is for a girl to deceive.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

    What does pregnancy mean in a dream

    Pregnancy most often symbolizes your desire to have children.

    Quite often, pregnancy symbolizes your unfulfilled hopes, dreams and desires of a sexual nature.

    Interpretation of dreams from Freud's dream book

    What does pregnancy mean in a dream

    Seeing yourself pregnant is a health disorder. Seeing a pregnant woman of another's - to prosperity. Seeing your daughter pregnant is a quarrel with her.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpreter of dreams

    The Importance of Sleep Pregnancy

    If a married woman sees in a dream that she is pregnant, this portends the birth of twins. And if a young unmarried woman sees such a dream, it means that the motives of her beloved are dishonorable and he is not true to her.

    Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

    Interpretation of sleep Pregnancy

    For a woman to see herself in a pregnant dream - to a quarrel with her husband.

    If she is indeed pregnant, then such a dream predicts a successful childbirth and an early recovery of strength.

    In addition, a dreamed pregnancy can mean that this event will occur in real life. Or maybe there is an acquaintance with a new fan ahead, the relationship with whom will be much more productive than with the previous partner.

    If a man has such a dream, then his father's feelings are clearly awakening in him. However, this dream may also mean that he will have trouble in relationships with women - the love union will be complicated by undesirable consequences.

    D. Loff argued that in a dream anyone can become pregnant, regardless of age and gender. In his opinion, pregnancy is a symbol of creativity, puberty, or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

    So, if such a dream is seen by a young woman who in real life has no intention of getting pregnant, then it may indicate the beginning of a new stage of introspection. For example, it can be a transition from a child's stage to an adult level.

    Women often dream of pregnancy during their monthly cycle. In connection with this sleep, they have anxiety that requires reflection and resolution.

    As for a man who sees himself pregnant in a dream, then, according to D. Loff's theory, this most often happens in a situation where his masculinity is in question. He sees himself as less active sexually than he would like to be, and the pregnancy dream acts as compensation, emphasizing the creative side of his personality. In a dream, a man does not necessarily give birth to a child, but something that could justify his mission in this world.

    A real pregnancy can cause a wide variety of dreams with completely unimaginable events - both violent and ridiculous. And this is not surprising, since in real life, pregnancy causes a whole range of emotions - from anxiety to euphoria.

    Pregnant women often have disturbing dreams, for example - infidelity or death of a spouse, health problems, loss of pregnancy due to an accident or miscarriage, birth defects in an unborn child, etc.

    These dreams are associated with feelings of insecurity, changes in the frequency and nature of sexual relationships, and the anxiety caused by pregnancy. In addition, they are a consequence of the woman's fears about her ability to properly cope with the role of the mother.

    Interpretation of dreams from What dream predicts Pregnancy
    For a young woman, this is a play of natural forces, a rehearsal that prepares her for a real pregnancy and childbirth.

    But in other cases, for people who are not concerned with this problem.

    For men, such a dream portends a novelty in work, acquisitions, acquaintances.

    Pregnancy in a dream symbolizes the bearing of some plans.

    But the birth of a child indicates that the first step towards achieving the goal has already been taken, you just have to raise the child.

    Bring your actions to their logical conclusion. Phenomena such as marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, death are natural for people.

    But in dreams these events happen incomparably more often than in life.

    They are especially significant for the dreamer if they are impracticable or unlikely in real life.

    For example, pregnancy and childbirth in men or an elderly woman, death of a healthy person, wedding with a celebrity, etc.

    Next to the symbol of pregnancy and childbirth is, it would seem, their antipode - the symbol of death. Death in a dream is not tantamount to real death.

    To die in a dream means only getting rid of some aspect of your life that is a thing of the past for you.

    Therefore, death in a dream is also a rebirth to a new life.

    And although death can be dreamed of by sick people worried about their lives, it almost never heralds the end of life.

    On the eve of real death, people see extremely optimistic dreams: moving to another country, flying into space, and the like.

    Of course, such exotic travels do not always portend death.

    Often they are followed only by significant changes or unusual circumstances in life.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    During sleep, a sequence of images is formed in the human brain that he remembers after waking up. There are many ways to interpret the same dreams. When decoding a dream, it is necessary to take into account the emotional state of the person who had the dream, his feelings, experiences during sleep. Much depends on gender and age, what a person is in life, an optimist or a skeptic.

    Nations of different cultures and beliefs cannot have the same points of view. Hence the diversity.

    Why is pregnancy dreaming: interpretation of sleep

    Over a long history, humanity has created many explanations for dreams about pregnancy. Different peoples have their own approach to this phenomenon. An important role in the interpretation of dreams is played by the personality of the one who sees it.

    This is a mysterious, enthusiastic expectation of the miracle of the birth of a baby. And pregnancy in a dream, of course, is a very ambiguous phenomenon.

    If you believe various dream books, pregnancy in a dream does not portend something like that in reality, but is a subconscious desire to implement something conceived, but not yet realized.

    Pregnancy is a symbolic gestation of a plan, to which a lot of effort, time, and money was devoted. We will also consider other options:

    • According to Miller, who is really pregnant, portends a successful birth. Not expecting a child and not thinking about it, predicts problems in family life.
    • The famous soothsayer Vanga, believes that a married woman needs to prepare for the birth of twins, and an unmarried woman should think about her chosen one: is it worth marrying him, is he cheating on her.
    • David Loff believes that pregnant women should not think about pregnancy dreams at all. Real pregnancy occupies all their thoughts and dreams are only a continuation of reality.
    • If another person is dreaming of being pregnant, to serious complications in your life.
    • The dreamed daughter's pregnancy worries mothers. Adult girls are not always frank with their parents, so there are concerns that the daughter is actually pregnant. Although, this does not mean that one should prepare for the birth of grandchildren.
    • Very good predictions about sleeping with a pregnant sister. A dream to gain wealth and increase prosperity in the house. Perhaps you will receive a very profitable business proposal. Don't be upset with those who don't really have a sister.
    • The pregnancy of a friend in a dream speaks of the serious influence of someone else's opinion on her. Perhaps you have some common plans with her, which you will certainly try to implement.

    If a girl or woman dreamed of a man in an interesting position, you should expect a surprise from your beloved. For example, a tourist trip for two or a precious gift.

    Seeing yourself in a dream pregnant and happy for what

    Pregnancy is the personification of creativity, wealth, age and sex maturity.

    Having dreamed about a young girl, this situation shows that she is moving towards a new stage of life and introspection. In almost all interpretations of dreams, pregnancy is to any plans.

    Even the day of the week when the dream about pregnancy was dreamed is important for understanding it:

    • From Sunday to Monday, the weather changes.
    • On Tuesday to the news.
    • Expect unexpected expenses on Wednesday night.
    • On Thursday, beware of quarrels at home.
    • Friday will bring the opportunity for long life.
    • And on Saturday, nothing but hassle and empty vanity.

    Sometimes in a dream you see yourself not only pregnant, but even feel the movement of the baby. For a nulliparous woman, this is a hint: it's time to give birth to the next generation. If a woman at this time is sad or sad, then this is a deterioration in health. For a woman in a position, a dreaming movement of a baby speaks of the need to be careful, not to attend any mass events with a dubious reputation alone. Take care of your physical and mental health.

    Own pregnancy in a dream is a good sign if the sleeping person feels happiness and joy at the same time.

    Video interpretation of pregnancy in a dream:

    The process of giving birth to a baby seen in a dream is a very good sign. This means great achievements in life, incredible income, complete success in business affairs and in any career-related endeavors. You will have to work fruitfully. But work will bring joy and income.

    A man dreams of pregnancy

    What can you not see in a dream ?! Even a man can expect the birth of a baby. What does this vision mean? The famous master of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud believed that this does not mean anything special. A man wants to become a father. According to other versions, this is a harbinger of new, grandiose plans, changes in the family. Definitely, positive changes await. Psychologists believe that such men have problems in relationships with members of the opposite sex.

    What is your dream about pregnancy?

    Explaining the meaning of sleeping about your pregnancy can also vary. It all depends on who the dream was. It is generally accepted that this symbolizes profit, the fulfillment of desires. But it is not always the case:

    • For a girl, this will mean deception and shame, a bad period for starting a romantic relationship, possible problems in relationships with others.
    • For a married woman, an addition in the house, possible worries and anxiety in the household, minor health problems.
    • For a truly pregnant woman, a safe birth of a healthy baby.

    Miller believed that it was not very good for a woman to see herself pregnant in a dream. She will not be able to achieve happiness in marriage, and her children will be outwardly unattractive.

    In England, it is believed that such a dream in an unmarried woman does not say the best about her chosen one. His thoughts are not sincere and dishonorable.

    A woman in a position is promised the birth of twins or simply a successful birth.

    Slavic dream book - pregnancy

    According to the views of our ancestors, the Slavs, to see yourself pregnant in a dream is a good sign. This predicts an increase in wealth in the home. Let's consider in more detail:

    • An unfamiliar pregnant woman will bring trouble.
    • a girl who sees herself pregnant should beware of deception.
    • An elderly woman should expect to go to another world.
    • For an adult woman, seeing herself pregnant is a great joy.

    For the masters of psychoanalysis, pregnancy is a symbol of a potentially new life, full of new opportunities and hopes.

    • For a young girl who dreams of becoming a mother, this dream speaks of being in the stage of initial introspection. In other words, a woman observes and subconsciously leaves the stage of a child for the next stage of development, an adult.
    • A girl who leads an active sex life, but does not want to become pregnant, should see in her dream only an addition to the monthly cycle.
    • A man who sees himself in an interesting position does not find confirmation in real life of his sexual expectations and dreams.

    Dreaming about unwanted pregnancy

    Miller explained such a dream with anxiety, anxiety in real life about the future fate. Failure or unhappiness in marriage awaits a person. Shame and dishonor await the virgin.

    Vanga, on the contrary, spoke of favorable changes in later life. A married lady should, in fact, expect an increase in the family.

    The most successful predictions for all people are given by the Muslim dream book about pregnancy. According to him, an unwanted pregnancy means getting wealth, good news, an early marriage.

    For many peoples, a cow is associated with a good life, material well-being, and comfort. In the East, it is a sacred animal. Therefore, a dreaming cow can mean a lot. Usually, a cow dreams of wealth. A pregnant cow for replenishment in the family, wealth and a prosperous life.

    Such a dream for a woman is a warning about the intrigue that close people are weaving behind her back. Be attentive to new acquaintances and relationships. It is especially good to see a pregnant cow on Saturday or Sunday night. In the first case, expect something good, in the second, a joyful event.

    A belly in a dream is always an indicator of weakness, a person's vulnerability to the outside world. Touching the belly of a pregnant woman means trying to rid yourself of insecurity.

    If during sleep it was pleasant for you to touch the belly of a pregnant woman, then you will be able to change something for the better. Perhaps expect wealth and prosperity. If you have experienced unpleasant feelings, then expect unpleasant events.

    According to another version, stroking the belly of a pregnant woman leads to positive changes in life:

    • A lonely person will meet the one he has been looking for for a long time and will be able to start a family.
    • If you already have a family, it means that pleasant efforts await you for promotion in the service.
    • A recently married girl will soon become pregnant after such a dream.
    • A husband who quarreled with his wife will certainly find an opportunity to reconcile, and peace and harmony will come in the house.
    • It is not advisable to touch the belly of a pregnant woman before the exam, difficulties may arise.
    • For the patient, recovery.
    • Before the operation to a successful completion.
    • If a man in a dream strokes the belly of someone else's pregnant woman, then the man is extremely curious and he should not "pry into other people's business."
    • If, when you touch a pregnant tummy, its owner is unhappy, then you need to “go into the shadows”. You are too visible in life and this interferes with achieving goals.
    • A girl touching her pregnant belly should not reveal all her secrets and secrets, otherwise she may find herself in an unpleasant position.
    • You should not hit a pregnant woman on the stomach, even in a dream. The one who sees it in a dream has a well-hidden secret and in fear of being exposed, he can do many irreparable actions.
    • It's good to touch a pregnant boss's tummy, it's better only in a dream. A solid increase in your salary awaits you. But a colleague, to the beginning of the conflict in the team.
    • You are a terrible envious person if you touch your girlfriend's belly and are afraid of marriage if you touch the bride's belly.
    • A person deprived of parental love and attention. Can touch the belly of a pregnant mother.

    Why dream of pregnancy from an ex-boyfriend

    Any dream associated with the past shows an excessive fascination with this past, an unwillingness to accept the present and live in it. It seems to a person that in the past he was better than in the present. The most reliable way to get rid of the past and start real life in the present time.

    Such a dream does not mean anything good to you. Most likely, the ex spreads some false rumors about you, tries to discredit, shield himself. Worse yet, he's up to something unkind against you. Be careful and attentive. Don't trust him.

    Such a vision, of course, is inherent only in modernity. Someone looks at the stripes with hope, and someone with despair. Consider:

    • Seeing two stripes on the test, if you want to have a child, means that dreams are destined to come true.
    • For a single man, such a dream is a warning against promiscuous sexual relations. You should think about changing your attitude towards the opposite sex, otherwise, big trouble awaits.
    • If a man dreams of becoming a father in real life, the dream inspires hope. Everything will be as you wish.
    • For married ladies, a test in a dream promises problems in the family.
    • Older women should enjoy such a dream, it predicts good changes in life - children.
    • The young maiden needs to think about it, someone wants to discredit her.

    Sleep orgasm during pregnancy

    Pregnancy imposes certain restrictions on intimate life women. Now a woman cannot get full satisfaction from sex, achieve relaxation and highest pleasure. Sleep compensates for this loss for her, expresses a desire to change the existing situation, brings colors to life.

    Interesting. In Eastern esoteric teachings, it is forbidden to achieve orgasm. It is believed that it takes away too much vital energy, weakening the human body, making it dependent on other people.

    Dreams of this kind can be very diverse. A woman eagerly awaiting the birth of a baby experiences the desired moments many times. Previously, they considered a dreamed pregnancy a girl to a diva, to something very surprising and unusual. Sleep was classified as good:

    • For students and businessmen, a dream prophesies tremendous success in financial and educational affairs.
    • A married lady may receive an unexpected inheritance or find a wealthy patron.

    According to other dream books, not everything is so good:

    • A girl who dreamed of being pregnant with a girl may have minor troubles in her life.
    • A married lady should pay attention to her spouse, for a dream foreshadows a quick betrayal, or one that has already happened.
    • A pregnant woman is in fact most likely carrying a boy.

    Constant thoughts about the desired birth of a daughter is the basis for sleep. But the dream shows that obstacles and hindrances should be expected.

    According to all dream books, the boy is a harbinger of problems, troubles, proceedings, obstacles. Long-term absence from home is possible. Such a dream, dreamed:

    • To a man, he talks about success in solving the money issue.
    • For a woman, portends difficulties.

    In the Muslim dream book, seeing pregnancy as a boy is a good sign, leads to happiness. Such a dream will set a pregnant woman positive: she will successfully cope with all her problems. A good future awaits her and her child.

    How to relate to dreams? It all depends on the person. The main thing is to receive joy not only in a dream, but also in reality. Let the dream book not greatly upset you if you saw not the most pleasant information in it.

    Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream is a deception for young girls. For women, such a dream promises reasons for joy and pride, and for men - new plans for the future.

    Pregnant woman

    Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is a good omen. Such a dream promises good news and the opportunity to increase your fortune.

    Pregnant girl

    Seeing a pregnant girl in a dream is a good period. Soon a favorable time will come for changes and the implementation of old plans.

    Don't miss the time that comes with the implementation of your ideas. Take active action and the results of your work will soon delight and surprise you.

    Pregnant girlfriend

    A pregnant girlfriend in a dream symbolizes well-being and fertility. Success in business, strengthening of your financial position, successful deals and acquisitions awaits you.

    Pregnant wife

    If you dreamed about a pregnant wife, it means that you are ready for family changes and raising children.

    If you start to think about the fact that you want a child, talk about it with your spouse. You will be surprised when you find out that your companion had the same thoughts.

    Pregnant sister

    A pregnant sister, according to the dream book, means failure in the professional field. You should be wary of problems at work that can lead to financial losses.

    Pregnant mom

    A pregnant mother in a dream - to difficulties. In the near future, you will be haunted by misunderstandings and conflicts in personal relationships, troubles at work and monetary losses.

    Pregnant daughter

    A pregnant daughter in a visionary plot is an auspicious omen. Such a dream promises joy and good luck for the daughter. She will have a happy marriage and motherhood, financial well-being.

    Pregnant man

    A pregnant man in a dream means absurd events. Soon, stories will begin to happen in your life that you cannot find an explanation for.

    Pregnant cat

    Seeing a pregnant cat in a dream is a good luck in all spheres of life - health, career, finances, love and family relationships.

    Also, such a dream can portend gossip and intrigue that friends or family members will begin to weave behind your back.

    Pregnant dog

    In the dream plot, a pregnant dog means promotion up the career ladder, patronage of the authorities. For a young girl, such a dream predicts a romantic relationship with a wealthy and generous man.

    Pregnancy according to Miller's dream book

    For a woman to dream that she is pregnant means that she will be unhappy with her husband, and her children will be unattractive. For a virgin, such a dream promises shame and misfortune.

    Pregnancy according to Freud's dream book

    If a woman dreamed that she was pregnant, it means that in real life this event will not be long in coming. For a man, a dreaming pregnancy means that he would like to have a child from his partner.

    Pregnancy according to Hasse's dream book

    To be pregnant - to make bold plans; to see - to meet trouble.

    Pregnancy according to the Family Dream Book

    For a woman to see herself in a pregnant dream - to a quarrel with her husband.

    If she is indeed pregnant, then such a dream predicts a successful childbirth and an early recovery of strength.

    Pregnancy according to the latest dream book by G. Ivanov

    Seeing yourself pregnant - to unexpected profits; new thing. Carrying a child - to material profit, prosperity.

    Pregnancy according to the Spring Dream Book

    Seeing a pregnant mother in a dream is a desperate situation.

    Seeing yourself pregnant is a health disorder.

    Seeing a pregnant woman of another's - to prosperity.

    Seeing your daughter pregnant is a quarrel

    Pregnancy according to the Autumn Dream Book

    Pregnancy - sometimes this dream is a dream of a long-awaited pregnancy.

    To see a pregnant mother in a dream - to the illness or death of the mother.

    Pregnancy according to the dream book from A to Z

    Feeling yourself in a dream or seeing yourself as pregnant - to discord with your husband and alienation in relation to children. For a girl, such a dream does not portend anything but trouble.

    If you are really pregnant at the same time, a dream portends a successful birth, a healthy baby and a quick recovery of strength.

    Seeing someone else pregnant is in trouble if this person is unfamiliar to you, and if you know him, you can make the most daring plans, you are appreciated, loved and respected.

    Pregnancy according to the dream book of Simon Kananit

    Being pregnant - making bold plans; to see a pregnant woman - to meet troubles; for a young woman - happiness in love; for an elderly woman, death.

    Pregnancy according to the esoteric dream book

    Pregnancy has its own - to losses.

    To see a pregnancy is to lend.

    Pregnancy according to the dream book of a modern woman

    Pregnancy - real life, this event will happen soon.

    If a sleeping woman is indeed pregnant, such a dream will serve as a prediction of her successful resolution from the burden and an early recovery of strength.

    For a man, a dream of pregnancy means that he would like to have a child from his beloved.

    Pregnancy according to Azar's dream book

    Pregnancy is a concern, to be in trouble.

    Having a pregnancy means making bold plans.

    Pregnancy according to Evgenia Tsvetkov's dream book

    Pregnancy is cheating (for a girl); pride, joy (for a woman); make plans (for a man); seeing a pregnant woman is a nuisance.

    Seeing yourself in a dream in a state of pregnancy: for the poor - portends wealth, for the rich - ruin; to a married man - a sign that he will lose his wife; single - that he will have a wife; for a girl, such a dream is a deception, a shame; for a woman - pride, joy; for an elderly woman, death.

    Frequent dreams about their own pregnancy - to illness, about childbirth - to release from debts, worries and sorrows, and also to the fact that many secret affairs will become apparent.

    Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is a sign of unexpected profit.

    The birth of a son is a quick profit; daughters - new events on the way to happiness.

    If a woman who has a dream about pregnancy is really pregnant, this dream means a successful birth for her.

    If a man sees his wife or mistress in a dream pregnant, this means that he loves her very much.

    Pregnancy is happiness in love for a girl, an illness for an elderly woman.

    Pregnancy according to the Eastern dream book

    Seeing yourself or someone else pregnant is a profit and prosperity.

    Pregnancy according to the Schiller-Shkolnik dream book

    for a young woman, happiness is in love; old speedy death.

    unexpected profit.

    Pregnancy according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

    Why dream What does it mean in a dream Pregnancy - A woman sees herself in a dream as pregnant - the married life of this woman cannot be called happy; a woman will always be oppressed by the thought that she was in a hurry, that she was cheap, that if she had been a little more experienced in her time, she could have made a better party (and there were more worthy candidates!); a woman does not like everything in her life, even children do not bring joy, because they look like a husband and you cannot call them geeks. A young unmarried girl has a dream that she is pregnant - this dream does not bode well for her; if the girl is imprudent and frivolous, then she will find herself in a situation from which one can only get out in shame; in the old days they smeared the gates with tar for such things; let this girl be picky about relationships.

    If a pregnant woman sees herself in a pregnant dream, this is a good dream; he says that childbirth will occur on time and will proceed without complications; this woman will have healthy offspring. A man sees in a dream a pregnant woman - in real life - to minor troubles.

    Pregnancy according to the Noble dream book by N. Grishina

    For a man to see a pregnant woman - changes in the family.

    Giving birth - great difficulties in completing the case.

    Lying with a pregnant woman is a pleasant change.

    The last to see is to conquer an ardent woman.

    For a man to see himself pregnant - to carry a courageous plan / a very strong desire to experience / the beginning of a new period in life.

    For a woman to see herself pregnant - fear of pregnancy or a desire to become pregnant.

    To see herself pregnant is treason.

    The old woman is in danger to life.

    For a woman to see another pregnant woman - success in the household, an increase in wealth.

    To give birth in a dream is something bad; love happiness will deceive.

    To feel labor pains is a danger to life.

    Pregnancy according to the dream book of the healer Akulina

    What does pregnancy mean in a dream - your efforts will be crowned with brilliant success, Imagine that the pregnancy is proceeding perfectly, you feel wonderful, you have fun, you and everyone around you are happy with everything.

    Pregnancy according to the Combined dream book

    Pregnancy is one of the most common dreams. This is a very interesting dream.

    If in a dream you see yourself pregnant - he promises wealth or financial profit to a person without prosperity; to a rich person, on the contrary, bankruptcy; for a married man, a dream of pregnancy can mean a quarrel or separation from his wife; to a bachelor - a quick marriage.

    For a young girl, pregnancy sleep is a feeling of shame or shame; for a mature woman - quick joy or a feeling of pride in something; for an elderly woman - a sad event.

    Very often, dreams about your pregnancy lead to various diseases, and dreams about childbirth mean that you will get rid of or pay off your debts.

    Watching a pregnant woman in a dream is a sign of great financial profit, and very unexpected.

    If you dreamed about the birth of a son, expect an improvement in your financial situation; the birth of a daughter - your life will be full of joyful events.

    If a pregnant woman dreams of pregnancy, this dream promises an easy and successful childbirth without complications.

    If a man observes in a dream his wife or mistress in a state of pregnancy, the wife (mistress) should be happy, because the man's love for her is practically unlimited.

    Pregnancy according to the dream book of the subconscious

    Pregnancy. Pregnancy dreams are often associated with creativity and the "conception" of a new idea or project. Jung saw pregnancy dreams as a symbol of the beginning of a new phase of personal development.

    Positive meaning

    When a woman seeks to have a child, a dream about childbirth can mean the fulfillment of this desire. Many women report having such dreams just before they found out about their pregnancy.

    Negative implications

    If a woman does not want a child, such a dream can express fear of pregnancy, labor pain, or the very thought of the role of a parent.

    For both men and women, dreaming about pregnancy can mean a desire to take care of someone else.

    Multiple pregnancy. Dreams that pregnancy heralds the birth of several babies can mean a conflict of loyalty; perhaps one should carefully consider priorities rather than trying to serve everyone at once. Difficult pregnancy. Pain or difficulty during pregnancy is often associated with the demands of the person who depends on you. It might be worth considering how to relieve this burden. Girlfriend pregnancy. Soy's about her friend getting pregnant - a sincere wish for her healthy life, which implies a strong friendship.

    Pregnancy according to the Electronic Dream Book

    Pregnancy for a young woman - you will have happiness in love; old - an early death.

    Pregnancy according to the Modern Dream Book

    Pregnancy - Happiness in love for a girl, illness for a woman of age

    Seeing pregnancy in a dream is a profit

    Your own pregnancy - Now is a good time to bring to life the idea that you have pondered for a long time. Do not give up and you will achieve results

    Pregnancy according to the Creative Dream Book

    You dreamed Pregnancy what is it for. 1. The dream of pregnancy is usually associated with a limited period, the need to finish something in a certain period of time. It is believed that at this moment the personality develops. An interesting fact is that dreaming about pregnancy is almost never a real pregnancy for someone we know. 2. A dream about someone who is pregnant suggests that we are watching the development of some of our own qualities or skills. And we probably will not know about the outcome of this development. And to see a pregnant man in a dream, especially if the dreamer is a woman, is most likely a projection of your own desire for someone to take responsibility for you. 3. In spiritual work, there are periods when you need to be patient, wait for something to be completed naturally.

    Pregnancy according to the English dream book

    You dreamed about Pregnancy - Your feelings about pregnancy in a dream usually accurately reflect your true (but possibly hidden) feelings about a relevant event in real life, be it a real pregnancy or something that it can serve as an analogy, such as a long-term plan. What is the dream about: What emotions accompanied the pregnancy? Joy because the child was desired, fear that something will go wrong? Despair, because the child was not planned, or appeared as a result of rape, or is something sick?

    Pregnancy according to Phoebe's big dream book

    What does a pregnant woman mean in a dream - to a change in financial situation for the better. Imagine a pregnant woman with a blooming, contented look. Imagine talking to her and complimenting her. She smiles happily, tells you how happy she is. Her wonderful mood is transmitted to you, and you are filled with hope and confidence that everything will be fine with you.

    Pregnancy according to the Home Dream Book

    You dreamed Pregnancy is a new idea, business. For a woman who does not have children, it can mean her desire to become pregnant; for a pregnant woman - taking care of her health and preparing for childbirth; you see another woman in a pregnant woman's dream - you have some new character traits.

    Pregnancy according to the Russian dream book

    Pregnancy - for a girl - happiness in love; if the sleeping person is actually pregnant - to a successful birth.

    Both men and women can dream about pregnancy. We have found that most often dreams of pregnancy and conception relate to a part of the dreamer's life or work that is now growing and developing, but it may be too early to talk about it or to put it into action. In fact, the dreamer may not be able to explain what it is that grows inside him. Ideas and feelings, like living things, have their ripening period.

    You dreamed about Pregnancy - The most important thing is how the dreamer or dreamer relates to their "pregnancy". Sometimes they are not sure if they are pregnant. This surprise may be welcome, or, oddly enough, it may not evoke any emotions. Dreamers may experience pleasant excitement or bliss, and maybe fear (How are we going to raise a child?), Disgust (What is inside of me?) Or weakness (How can I carry this extra weight?).

    Another interpretation of dreams Pregnancy has been developed only recently. In connection with scientific advances that help women near menopausal or postmenopausal to become pregnant, dreams of pregnancy can also herald the feeling that nothing is impossible, that there are no obstacles to the fulfillment of your desires.

    And do not forget the obvious: women of childbearing age can thus find out that they are actually pregnant!

    What does pregnancy mean in a dream: "I - and not my wife - am in a state of pregnancy. I see through my skin that there are rotting vegetables inside me. I know that if I don’t give birth this minute, the vegetables (the child) will die. But I don't know how to do that. ”Quite disturbing dream, isn't it? But it's completely normal. When men or women are expecting a baby, they usually have strange dreams that express their concerns about pregnancy, birth and parenting. the dreamer feels completely helpless in the face of the changes that are taking place in his life, and in a dream he cannot give birth in any way, because he does not know what he needs to do.

    You dreamed Pregnancy - So, you are giving birth. It doesn't matter that you are actually 64 years old, that you are a man and, moreover, that you are not married. Although many pregnant women often dream about childbirth in anticipation of an upcoming event, these dreams have more to do with a feeling of rebirth, new beginnings, with ideas finding their embodiment.

    Pregnancy according to the Women's Dream Book

    If a woman dreams that she is pregnant, it means that in real life this event will happen soon. If a sleeping woman is indeed pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a prediction of her safe resolution from the burden and early recovery. For a man, a dreaming pregnancy means that he would like to have a child from his beloved.

    Pregnancy according to the Mayan dream book

    Good meaning You or one of your relatives is expecting a girl - get ready to receive a pleasant surprise soon. In the evening, shout the hidden window: "Thank you, sun, for illuminating my path!" Take a glass of water and put it on the windowsill, and in the morning pour this water on top of your head.

    Poor meaning: You or one of your relatives is expecting a boy - the chances are high that you will have an accident. Drink 1 teaspoon of butter (better than corn oil) and keep your shoes on until the first star.

    Pregnancy according to the Italian dream book Meneghetti

    It symbolizes the bearing of someone else, mainly in a negative sense, indicating either organic diseases or a hidden unconscious effect on the subject of something else, alien. When In-se wants to say about the birth of an expected child, it shows the image of a person with certain facial features. See also the meaning of sleep Pregnancy according to the combined dream book.

    Pregnancy according to the Old Russian dream book

    deception (for a girl); pride, joy (for a woman); make plans (for a man); seeing a pregnant woman is a nuisance.

    Pregnancy according to A. Roberti's Italian psychoanalytic dream book

    Pregnancy is a symbol of bearing (carrying) another. Usually this image is viewed as negative, denoting the fact that the subject is exposed to alien influences (semanticized by others) or indicates organic diseases. When "in se" wants to designate the birth of an expected child, then a person is seen with certain physiognomic features.

    Pregnancy online dream book

    These dreams can reflect the state of a person during the period of bearing a child, or about what events will happen after it happens in reality. In general, plots about pregnancy have primarily a creative background, therefore they are characteristic of all people regardless of gender and age, therefore, for such plots, a more detailed interpretation is needed, for this we turn to dream books.

    In addition, pregnancy in the plot of a dream is often an expression of the desire to create something new, depending on the emotional coloring of the dream, it is possible to assess the creative freedom and potential of a person.

    Being pregnant in a dream, for a married woman, as a rule, promises her to give birth to twins. But for a young unmarried girl, such a plot

    If she dreams of having a child, but does not intend to do so right now, the dream suggests that she has to analyze her personality in more detail.

    If a woman who has a dream is pregnant in reality according to a dream book, the birth of her baby will be successful and without complications.

    If a virgin dreams of pregnancy, it portends to be humiliated.

    Pregnancy and labor pains dream - to an imminent threat to life or health. Beware of domestic injuries.

    If, according to the plot of the dream, you do not see yourself in this state, enrichment awaits you.

    Sometimes a pregnancy that happened in reality is reflected in dreams. The plots of such dreams are very diverse, because this state carries a range of very different feelings and experiences for a woman.

    Attention should be paid to dreams in which pregnancy occurs repeatedly - such plots, as a rule, reflect a woman's uncertainty that she is able to adequately realize herself as a mother.

    If you dreamed about an unwanted pregnancy, then this is a change in life that you will take with hostility. Unable to influence the situation, you will feel fear of imminent changes. The responsibility that will fall on your shoulders will burden you.

    The dream in which you decided to get rid of pregnancy means that you need to be attentive to your words and actions so as not to incur the wrath of others.

    Pregnancy in men's dreams is a reflection of the desire to have a child and with a constant partner. If he is married

    For a man to see a pregnant wife or mistress is an expression of his strong feelings.

    If he became pregnant himself, it is a signal that, on a subconscious level, he does not feel himself actively participating in procreation.

    If he sees someone's pregnancy from the outside, he will soon receive material benefits.

    To see a girl with a big belly, pregnancy in the last stages - often such a dream is prophetic. Either means a significant event or good news. For men, this is additional work on the house, hassle of building a house or non-residential premises. For a woman to see pregnancy, a rounded belly - to minor, but annoying blunders and mistakes in work.

    Find out in a dream that your wife is pregnant - you will be planning the birth of a child or a replenishment in the family is already waiting for you.

    An aborted pregnancy, miscarriage is a bad signal. For a girl who has no children

    If a man dreamed of seeing himself pregnant, know that a man's pregnancy is a damaged reputation, someone may doubt your determination and willpower.

    To dream of the pregnancy of a sister who is not married - she will have a happy marriage in the near future. If at the same time you are happy for her

    Pregnancy of a married sister - her relationship with her husband will undergo various changes.

    If you see your sister's pregnancy with twins, nothing threatens the financial well-being of your family, you will have wealth and prosperity.

    A dream in which you have to argue with your pregnant sister is to spread rumors and speculations that can ruin your reputation.

    Talking to your pregnant sister, having a conversation with her, dialogue - in life your sister wants to tell you about something.

    Someone else's pregnancy according to the dream book - fortunately, if there are any troubles, they will be quickly resolved and soon there will be no trace of them.

    A dream in which you learn about your mother's pregnancy - nothing threatens your planned plans, everything will come true in the very near future. It is possible that someone will help you with your business. Positive changes will have an impact on personal life and career growth.

    Twin pregnancy is a happy love. A bright and cloudless future awaits your couple. For a man, pregnancy with twins and her birth indicates vicious desires: greed and greed, which will lead to the fact that he may be left all alone. At the same time, sleep indicates grief and disharmony, the reasons for which must be sought in oneself.

    If in a dream you find out about pregnancy with a girl, you will be given a generous gift that you will like and will be very useful.

    I dreamed of seeing my daughter's pregnancy - to good news, good news. Good events will not only affect you, but your entire family. If the head of the family sees such a dream\u003e - this means that his daughter will find happiness with a worthy person soon. If a mother - daughter has found a suitable passion, you will like her lover.

    Daughter's early pregnancy - significant events are already on the way.

    Daughter's pregnancy at a later date - reasons for joy will appear a little later, you need to wait a while.

    If a woman dreams of being pregnant with a boy, a traffic accident is possible. Be careful while driving and careful on the road.

    The pregnancy of a girlfriend for an unmarried man is the fear of becoming a father. Major changes are coming in your relationship. If a woman sees a girlfriend's pregnancy in a dream

    Seeing a girl's pregnancy for a man in a dream means his indecision in making a marriage proposal to his beloved. It can also mean fears about having children.

    Pregnancy according to Solomon's dream book

    To be pregnant for a young woman is happiness in love.

    Pregnancy according to the Old English Dream Book

    If a married woman sees in a dream that she is pregnant, this portends the birth of twins.

    And if a young unmarried woman sees such a dream, this means that the motives of her beloved are dishonorable and he is not true with her.

    Pregnancy according to the dream book of lovers

    If a pregnant woman already dreams of such a dream, it means that the birth will go well and the baby will be born healthy. However, for the rest of women, such a dream does not bode well. This promises an unmarried woman an unsuccessful marriage and disagreements with her husband, and a virgin - shame and misfortune.

    Pregnancy according to the Lunar Dream Book

    Pregnancy for girls is cheating; for a woman - joy and success.

    Pregnancy according to the Russian dream book

    Seeing yourself pregnant is a harbinger of failures in family life; to see a pregnant woman in a dream - to the gossip that awaits you.

    Pregnancy according to the Chinese dream book Zhou-gun

    She dreams that his wife is pregnant. - She says that she has connections on the side.

    Pregnancy by the Interpreter of 1829

    To see a pregnant woman in a dream is a very kind sign and signifies the multiplication of wealth, honor and glory.

    For pregnant women in a dream to see the poor portends the improvement of his condition and the acquisition of wealth; on the other hand, for the rich, the loss of all or some of the property, sadness, care and various troubles.

    Pregnancy according to V. Samokhvalov's Psychoanalytic Dream Book

    Pregnant is a potentially new life, full of opportunities, hopes. Wearing is an introjection of the Other, the subject is exposed to alien influences. An image colored by an ambivalent concealment "for the time being."

    Pregnancy according to the dream book of the XXI century

    For a man to see a pregnant woman in a dream - to changes, material well-being, giving birth - to difficulties in business, upcoming difficulties.

    To lie next to a pregnant woman - to pleasant hopes.

    Being pregnant in a dream - to the implementation of promising plans, profit, wealth.

    For a woman to see a pregnant woman in a dream - to success in the household, wealth in the family, to be pregnant herself - to joy.

    For a girl to be pregnant in a dream is to deception.

    Pregnancy according to the Slavic dream book

    A pregnant woman will dream - to wealth and honor.

    Pregnancy according to Loff's Dream Interpretation

    Pregnancy gets into your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself, during pregnancy, the second - your real pregnancy is a pushing event and sets its certain content. Anyone can get pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either sexual or age-related obstacles. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth, however there are many situations that require further interpretation.

    If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, but at the same time has no real intention of getting pregnant, such a dream may indicate your being in the stage of the initial transition to a new stage of introspection. One of the archetypes according to Jung is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct to preserve the genus. Seeing yourself involved in an activity in this position means observing your exit from the child stage and the transition to the adult level.

    If you are sexually active, but do not intend to become pregnant, such a dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle. In connection with such a dream, anxiety such as "what if" may arise, which require reflection and resolution.

    A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in the reproduction of the population is in question. Such doubts often come to mind for men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be. Sleep acts as compensation, emphasizing the creative side of their personality. Pregnant men not only give birth to children, but also something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.

    The fact of pregnancy in real life - can lead to a variety of events in dreams. By their nature, these events can be anything from the most violent to ridiculous. This is not surprising, since in real life, pregnancy is the source of a whole spectrum of sensations from excitement to euphoria. Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, death of a partner, chronic health problems, loss of pregnancy due to accident or miscarriage, birth defects in a baby, twins, triplets, etc., as well as increased fertility, where conception and bearing of a fetus occur more often and regardless of protection. Dreams of infidelity or death of a partner often arise as a response to feelings of insecurity due to changes in the appearance or frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy. Dreams about chronic health problems and child defects belong to the category of negative will-fulfillment, and are also the result of the excitement experienced by women in this situation.

    Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult. Sometimes at a certain stage, pregnancy suppresses a woman. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly cope with the role of the mother. Multiple pregnancies can be a visual representation of these fears.

    Pregnancy according to Longo's dream book

    If a man dreams that his wife is pregnant, this is a good sign. Your new idea is not only not as hopeless as it seems to you, but it is very, very fruitful, and if you put in some effort, you are guaranteed success and profit. One note: if your wife is indeed pregnant, your dream may not have a symbolic meaning. If a woman dreams of such a dream, she will be added to the family. And a young girl who dreamed of pregnancy, the dream hints that she has sat up "in girls", her awakening maternal instinct suggests that it is time to realize it.

    Pregnancy according to a short dream book by Denise Lynn

    You are ready to give life to a new idea, a new feeling, a new emotion.

    New creative project. Moving in a new direction.

    May mean you want to get pregnant.

    A mighty sign.

    Pregnancy according to the detailed dream book by Denise Lynn

    This is a fantastic sign that you are ready to give life to a new idea, a new vision of the world, or to establish a new relationship. it's the same

    can symbolize the imminent birth of a new creative project.

    It can also mean that you want to get pregnant or that you are pregnant.

    Pregnancy according to the dream book Veles

    Pregnant - profit, honor / trouble, gossip; to be pregnant - to have bold hopes, joy (for a woman), wealth or profit (for a man or only for a poor man) / losses, deception (for a girl), death (for an old one), sadness and trouble (for a rich man), illness of a wife (for a married man).

    Pregnancy dreams of starting a new business.

    Pregnancy according to the Ukrainian dream book

    In a dream, seeing a pregnant woman is a nuisance; being pregnant - making bold plans. Pregnancy for a girl is a deception, for a woman it is a joy, for an old woman, death is behind her.

    Pregnancy according to the dream book 2012

    Pregnancy is a reflection of the willingness to give life to a new vision of the world (worldview), a new idea or a new relationship. The need for the realization of creativity. Reflection of the possibility of the birth of any new project. Reflection of desire or fear (unwillingness) to get pregnant (have a child).

    Pregnancy according to the ABC of interpretation of dreams

    Being pregnant is a good time to bring to life the idea that you have pondered for a long time. Do not give up and you will achieve the result.