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  • How do you know if you have recovered from chlamydia? The consequences of chlamydia in women

    How do you know if you have recovered from chlamydia?  The consequences of chlamydia in women

    Many patients begin to doubt whether a complete cure of this disease can be achieved at all. It should be noted that such a cure is possible, but there are still prerequisites for such misconceptions. The fact is that chlamydial infection, getting into the body, often does not manifest itself. A person may not even have a reason to go for a preventive examination to a doctor. At the same time, chlamydia actively multiply and can even spread throughout the body, leading to various complications.

    Successful treatment of chronic chlamydia can be achieved with a course of antibiotic therapy. In this case, the treatment will have a number of features that need to be paid attention to both the doctor and the patient.

    The main principles of treatment of chronic chlamydia are:
    1. detection of co-infections;
    2. selection effective drug;
    3. antibiotic regimen;
    4. search for atypical foci of the disease.

    Detection of associated infections.

    To achieve the maximum effect from the course of treatment, it is recommended to conduct the necessary tests to detect secondary infections before starting antibiotic therapy. The fact is that chronic chlamydia greatly weakens local immunity, and the mucous membrane of the urethra becomes especially susceptible to various microorganisms. In almost 70% of patients with chronic chlamydia, secondary infections can be found.

    Most often, the course of chlamydia is accompanied by the development of the following genitourinary infections:

    The detection of these infections is extremely important for the selection of the most effective antibiotic. A competent doctor will try to combine the treatment of two infections and prescribe a drug to which both microorganisms are sensitive. If you start treatment of chlamydia, regardless of other concomitant diseases, then the second pathogen may be insensitive to the selected antibiotic. Then the treatment of chlamydial infection will lead to a severe exacerbation of another disease.

    Selection of an effective drug.

    The effectiveness of the drug should be evaluated primarily in relation to chlamydia. Sometimes it is not easy to choose an antibiotic even in the absence of concomitant sexual infections. Despite the fact that chlamydia is considered relatively sensitive to many antibiotics, it is sometimes possible to stumble upon resistant ones ( sustainable) strains of microorganisms. This is because a person with chronic chlamydia is often unaware of it for a long time. During this period, he may take antibiotics for other diseases. At the same time, chlamydia develop resistance to drugs that they have already encountered. It is especially difficult to choose an antibiotic for those patients who have already tried to treat chlamydia in the past, but did not finish the job. Their strains of chlamydia will be resistant to most of the standard drugs used to treat the disease. However, in cases where the patient denies taking antibiotics or incomplete courses of treatment in the recent past, doctors are guided by statistical data on the sensitivity of chlamydia to various antibiotics.

    The most effective groups of drugs in the treatment of chlamydia are:

    • tetracyclines ( tetracycline, doxycycline);
    • macrolides ( azithromycin, clarithromycin, roxithromycin, josamycin, etc.);
    • fluoroquinolones ( ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin).
    Most of these drugs are effective against other genitourinary infections.

    If the course of antibiotics did not bring the desired result, it is advisable to conduct a special laboratory analysis - the preparation of an antibiogram. In this case, the pathogen will be isolated from the patient's body, from which a whole colony will be grown in the laboratory. After that, the sensitivity of this particular strain in relation to a number of drugs will be checked. This will ultimately allow us to determine the most effective antibiotic for a successful re-treatment.

    Antibiotic regimen.

    The regimen of antibiotics plays no less important role than the selection of an effective drug. The fact is that even if chlamydia is sensitive to the chosen medication, too low a dose can lead to treatment failure. The problem is the special ability of chlamydia to go into a protective L-form in adverse conditions. If the antibiotic does not kill the pathogen in 10-14 days, then the microorganisms become covered with a specific protective shell and stop responding to treatment. That is, in the course of antibiotic therapy, there will not be a cure for the disease, but remission ( subsidence of acute symptoms). Moreover, when chlamydia then flares up again, the strain will no longer be sensitive to the drug that failed to cure it.

    Therefore, in the treatment of chronic chlamydia, the following rules are followed:

    • Appointment of sufficiently high doses of the drug. This is necessary so that all chlamydia die before the formation of resistant L-forms.
    • The course of antibiotic therapy is only during the period of exacerbations of the disease. During remission, chlamydia is much less sensitive to antibiotics, so taking them will not lead to the treatment of the infection, but only to the development of resistance of the bacterial strain.
    • Change of drugs. To achieve the best effect, it is desirable to change the drugs from course to course. This is due to the fact that different groups of antibiotics have a different mechanism of action on bacteria. Thus, the combination and change of preparations exclude the phenomenon of resistance of strains.
    It is also important to follow the medication schedule prescribed by the doctor during antibiotic treatment. Each drug has its own characteristics. It acts by entering the bloodstream and accumulating in it at a concentration effective to affect chlamydia. It is assumed that this concentration will be maintained for a sufficiently long time, which will lead to the unconditional death of the pathogen. Taking an antibiotic with a difference of even a few hours from the appointed time will lead to a decrease in the concentration of the drug in the blood, which can significantly affect the effectiveness of the entire course of treatment.

    Search for atypical foci of the disease.

    For the correct selection of the drug and the mode of its administration, the doctor must clearly determine which clinical form of chlamydia he is dealing with. Otherwise, the most common urogenital chlamydia can be cured, while viable bacteria remain in atypical foci. Treatment of some forms of this disease requires a special approach. For example, with the development of chlamydial conjunctivitis ( inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes) the antibiotic will be prescribed not only inside, but also in the form of drops or special ointments. Thus, success can only be guaranteed if all foci of infection in the body are found.

    Given the complexity of the treatment of chronic chlamydia, it is understandable why in medical practice there are often situations when the course of treatment does not lead to recovery, but only to a temporary remission. Most often, insufficiently detailed diagnostics or a frivolous attitude of patients to treatment are to blame for this. However, medical errors are not excluded. Taken together, this leads to the fact that the treatment of chronic chlamydia requires an average of 3-4 courses of treatment during periods of exacerbations. That is, the total treatment time can stretch for several months.

    How many patients, having seen a positive result for the presence of chlamydia, in fear begin to rush about and look for the answer to the questions: "Is it possible to completely cure chlamydia? Are chlamydia curable?"

    I would like to immediately console the patients infected with the Chlamidia trachomatis virus that death from this venereal disease can not be. This is not such a terrible disease as syphilis, which affects the brain in severe cases. These microorganisms, represented by several serotypes, behave much more modestly in the body, but their activity becomes especially noticeable when immunity is weakened or the desire to become pregnant. This infection is hidden, which is why doctors often hear the question of a protracted illness, is it possible to cure chlamydia forever.

    Doctors say with confidence that chlamydia is curable, but you can think about a speedy recovery only if you go to the clinic in a timely manner. Some patients hear only the first part of the answer, so they are in no hurry to begin treatment, and then endlessly wander from one specialist to another in the hope of finding out if chlamydia can be cured when the disease has already acquired a chronic form. And again, the answer will be in the affirmative, because even chronic chlamydia is cured completely, only more efforts will have to be made to get better.

    Is this a life sentence?

    There is an opinion that no matter how much you treat chlamydia, anyway, at the slightest failure in the body, the infection is again detected and the disease remains forever. Based on such statements, some patients refuse to treat the disease, believing that chlamydia is incurable. So why do some still have to draw such disappointing conclusions and go through the pitch hell of treatment for the Chlamidia trachomatis virus for a long time and completely to no avail?

    Patients who find themselves chlamydial infection in the early stages of the development of the disease can forget about the disease within 1-3 weeks. To do this, it is enough to take a course effective treatment from an experienced specialist who helps people with the answer to the question: is chlamydia completely cured? It is more difficult to cure someone who falls into the hands of such a specialist who illiterately draws up a course of therapy. Then, instead of the supposed improvement, the transition of the disease to a chronic form is observed.

    With prolonged treatment, the immune-compensatory reserves of the organism weakened by antibiotics are completely depleted. In such cases, it is possible to cure chlamydia only by adding immunomodulatory drugs to the main complex of drugs to fight viruses.

    You should not set yourself up in advance for a sad outcome of treatment and think that chlamydia is incurable. It all depends on the desire to become healthy. Even a bad doctor who failed to overcome the disease the first time can be replaced.

    How to defeat the disease forever?

    What kind of malicious words are not thrown by patients against such tiny microorganisms as Chlamidia trachomatis. Infection, filth, abomination, rubbish... This list can be even more extensive, because the number of infected patients is added every day, and the complications from the infection become more and more. Despite the huge amount of information about the disease, only after discovering an infection, everyone tries with the hope to find out whether chlamydia is completely cured or this scourge will be mentioned in every test result all his life, trailing behind like a tail.

    There are cases when microorganisms are very resistant to the most powerful drugs used in the treatment. But even in this case, there is no doubt whether chlamydia is cured forever, because by choosing a comprehensive treatment regimen, it will be possible to get rid of the infection in several courses.

    Remember, chlamydia can only be completely cured if all sexual partners who have been in contact with an infected patient are also treated. To permanently get rid of chlamydia, both spouses need to undergo treatment at the same time, but at the same time, each must receive their own prescription from a doctor in order to purchase medicines individually for themselves. In no case should treatment be carried out without diagnosis. Sometimes these bacteria coexist with other intractable sexually transmitted diseases.

    A one-time contact may not always end in a disease that everyone is so afraid of. But in order to exclude the disease in the future, it is imperative to use a condom or other barrier methods of contraception during intimate contacts with people who cause distrust, although it is best to have a permanent sexual partner, then you will not have to wake up in a dream from fear, thinking whether it is possible to cure chlamydia ?

    Respond those who nevertheless managed to cure chlamydia. Do such people exist in real life?

    good afternoon! I read on the forum that you were treated according to the scheme of 10 cycloferons every 3 days! From the first day Vilprofen tablets 10 days 2 times a day every 12 hours (well, for example, at nine in the morning and at nine in the evening) Also from the first day of the viferon suppository (well, where I think it’s clear) then 14 days after the start of treatment, drink sumamed for six days once a day! That's all in general. If I understood correctly. Please write in detail about the dosage of drugs and the scheme itself, what are the results of treatment. Thanks in advance for your reply.

    Hi all. I want to tell and tell the story of how I treated CHLAMYDIOSIS, what I encountered and how I finally diagnosed it. First: the situation is ordinary, slept with beautiful girl and already on the 4th day I feel itchy in the penis and the discharge is white-cloudy. I immediately go to the ARC. They took all the tests in full, but the next day they said that they didn’t find anything ... I’m shocked. I went to another KVD, they didn’t find me there either, but they explained ... that they take everything except chlamydia. Then I went to the Research Institute of Epidemiology (CMD), where I was tested for all infections, where chlamydia was successfully found in me. The question is where and how to treat it if you don’t work and there’s no way to waste money. I called about 15 Moscow clinics. Treatment of chlamydia from 5-15 thousand rubles, in time from a week to a month (at least urologists and venereologists claimed so). There is no money. I don't know what to take. Here the only assistant is my INTERNET, all hope is on it. At the request "ask a question to a urologist or venereologist", my Internet gave me many sites where you can ask a doctor a question online. Guys… what a mess this is. Look, not one of the doctors answered you specifically ... what can be treated and how, referring to delusional medical ethics and a bunch of other reasons that are just as illegible. People with a problem turn to doctors online, asking for help, and what in response. Come to the reception ... we won’t say in absentia ... medical ethics. ON-LINE sites all over the world are created so that a doctor can really consult on the Internet for people who, for some reason of their own, cannot go to a paid doctor or hospital. We have everything through "one" place. Here is how, for example, internal consultation differs in my case from correspondence. I have a certificate of tests, where Chlamydia is confirmed and nothing more. And I can also name the date of infection. ALL. This is enough for 90% of all doctors to prescribe a course of treatment ... and you don’t need to show anything, everything is already clear. And so what. To say and show it, I need to go somewhere. ABSOLUTELY NO. But the doctors need to get money's their salary. And so no one says either the treatment regimen or really other answers ... everything is the same ... COME. Itut began for me ... going through the torments. I turned to a dermovenerologist for help. I was put on doxycycline hydrochloride and metronidazole… took a week… no change. Then they prescribed TARIVID (ofloxacin). Took a week - did not help. I started injecting chlorhexedine bigluconate 0.05% into the urethra for 3 minutes. (As the doctor said) I burned the entire urethra, the white discharge changed to muddy-rusty .. thick ... to urinate, it was necessary to howl at the same time from the pain. Guys…this is SO painful….this is the second birth, probably…only for a man. Long story short…I am disappointed…heartbroken…and still having an infection. Here I accidentally come across a urologist-venereologist from a large Moscow military hospital on the Internet. I tell him everything, and he tells me the following: “I can prescribe a course of treatment for you right now, in absentia and the result will be 70-90%, the maximum course is two to three weeks and there is nothing complicated about it, urogenital chlamydia is treated in all of the same type drugs, only they can be called differently. These can be tetracyclines (doxycycline), macrolides (for example, azithromycin (Sumamed), fluoroquinolones. As a result, after listening to me more specifically, the doctor said that I had enough CLABAX (clarithromycin) - the leader in the treatment of chlamydial infection, 250 mg - the first 3 days 3 times a day, then 2 times a day, every 12 hours for 14 days. Chlamydia is a harmful virus and is not easily treated. I started taking it no longer hoping. But, fortunately ... on the 10th day in the morning I got up .... and that's it ... no discharge ... no symptoms. After waiting one month, after taking an antibiotic, I checked for infection - NO INFECTION ... I AM CLEAN .. like a child J. If suddenly this drug does not help someone, the doctor said, maybe and is a complex method for the treatment of chlamydia, which did not succumb to the previous treatment.1.Unidox - 100 mg 2 times a day

    thanks for the article, but are women interested in the same treatment as men?

    Olga, good afternoon. Tell me, please, how did you cure this sore *chlamydia*. What did you take and how? It is very important for me. Thank you in advance.

    Here are our doctors. And then children suffer from Reiter's disease from birth. Although I already knew that most of our doctors are stupid pi-races! If you want to live healthy, study medicine yourself and especially infectology. And always take tests in different places and at the same time duplicate, as I do. 50% of clinics today drive false-negative tests. 20% are false positive.

    Chlamydia ((((who was cured and was able to get pregnant.

    I went and got tested for all infections, as we plan.

    They found ureaplasma and chlamydia (((((I'm so worried (((

    Girls who were treated and were able to get pregnant? (and you can also what the gene prescribed for you.)

    I had ureaplasma, I treated it several times, I took some antibiotics and vitamins, supplements. but then she took tests and again it was found out, although her husband had nothing! In general, somewhere from the 3rd time I managed to knock it out. When you are cured, you can plan to take it, it does not affect, not such terrible infections, as the doctor told me.

    chlamydia is a nasty disease, it clogs the pipes. depending on how much with her. ureaplasmosis is nonsense

    I have been diagnosed with this infection. Treated with antibiotics, 3 courses. It was a long time ago, I don't remember exactly. But it seemed like there was ciprofloxacin for 10 days, then a week something like linex, then sumamed for several days, then probiotics again, and some third drug also for a couple of weeks, 10 days. But I don’t even remember what followed in the sequence of the main antibiotics. It took months of treatment. 1.5.

    I have two children. Pregnant 4 years after infection. Nothing came up.

    Oh. I read something. And I'm not sure about the name ciprofloxacin :)

    I was diagnosed with chlamydia. Then the doctor herself was not very aware of it, it seems. She took out some kind of training manual and prescribed the whole course for me, wrote it straight out and showed me that it’s so long to be treated :)

    trikhapol and genferon

    there is definitely nothing wrong with geneferon, an immunomodulator, trichopol is also not particularly terrible, it is used not only in the treatment of chlamydia. Doxycycline ab, I haven’t come across it - I can’t say anything. The same geneferon in candles and children's concentration in our account. temp. prescribes to the child for any cold. Do not worry, the treatment, of course, is not for two days, but not for life either, get cured and give birth to wonderful children. :)) From my own experience: in pl. The clinic was diagnosed with chlamydia, treated, then they put it again, so probably two times. After another "relapse" I went to the DNA laboratory at the region. hospital and found out that they were trying to "cure me from health", chlamydia, after all, it is and is not, a nimble sore, which was used by unscrupulous businessmen in dressing gowns. Even if we take into account that the sore may have been from the very beginning (maybe for the first time they were really treated, which again you don’t know and is not confirmed in any way), no matter what, now I have a completely healthy daughter, without any bad luck. ttt of course! So do not worry, everything will be fine)))

    I just got a gene

    so I'm really scared

    Doxycycline is a good ab. BUT! the trick is that antibiotics should be prescribed only after an antibiotic sensitivity test (of this infection). Otherwise, it's all a "finger to the sky" - both for three courses, and for 4. Genferron is an immunomodulator, since ab kills immunity. Trichopolum - even children are prescribed it (for ear diseases, for example), do not be afraid. It just makes him very sick. You have to drink it with milk. Instead of Trichopolum, metronidazole is sometimes prescribed in pure form. It is both cheaper and better than Trichopolum.

    And 14 years later I found out that I once had chlamydia, which had never manifested itself in anything before and was not in the analyzes either, and I was checked for it when my partner was discovered. I also wondered why they found him and I didn’t. And here later so much time at me have found a caption of that that chlamydias vse-taki were. And oddly enough, without treatment, I gave birth to a healthy child. It is not clear where this chlamydia went (I was 19 then) gave birth at 22, and found out that I once had it (an antibody test) at 33. Now the second pregnancy. In short, not everything is so scary, but this case needs to be treated, I think I was just lucky. (I trust the analysis for antibodies, I did it in 2 clinics abroad). Sorry for the confusion.

    chlamydia. has anyone recovered?

    Girls, they found chlamydia in me. The doctor says that the treatment is very difficult and long. I have a question, who had this muck, how long did it take you to cure it? appears again? And how expensive was it all. how long after treatment can i get pregnant? we wanted a baby so much. and will have to be postponed indefinitely, very sorry. well, at least before that we went to be examined.

    Yes, Chlamydia takes about 10 days to heal, like all other infections.

    She treated chlamydia 4 times, put her health in zeros. Then she spat on the idiot doctors and took up the restoration of immunity (after antibiotics, only memories remained of him). The end result is a negative result. My advice is to take a course with your husband, as prescribed, and then improve your health on your own.

    I recovered after 2 weeks, gave birth after 3 years, everything is ok. your doctor may be scamming you, if this is a paid clinic, then for sure, go somewhere else.

    no, the doctor is my friend's mother, so he definitely doesn't "bring".

    She also said to treat with antibiotics. Here it I, probably, more, than chlamydias are afraid.

    I don’t know how, but I wasn’t treated, or rather, my husband found I don’t. my husband was treated, I was not. it was 2 years ago. right now we are waiting for the baby, I constantly pass on infections, there is nothing, they say that I was sick. and I can not understand how I was sick, if not treated. generally so.

    Haven't you noticed that even 20 years ago you never heard of any chlamydia?

    Yes, doctors still cannot understand how to treat it and why one partner is sick and the other is not. And they don’t know how to treat correctly - but they stuff everyone with the same antibiotics in horse doses.

    healed in a month or so

    Girls, tell me. My friend treated chlamydia for 2 (!) years - the result is zero. Accidentally got pregnant. She cannot have an abortion because of her blood type, and she is the first pregnancy, and she is 35 years old. To the doctor only in 2 weeks gets. What are the predictions? She read horror stories on the Internet, now she cries all the time (((

    10 let her calm down and give birth if she wants to. And reads only children's funny books.

    Alena, I seriously asked. They write that a child will be born with all kinds of defects - blindness and so on. But she WILL NOT HAVE AN ABORTION. And condemning a child to suffering is also terrible.

    I seriously answered. Leave the chlamydia alone for now, it will be locally sanitized at a later date, and that's it.

    Thanks, Alena! I'll just go to her now, I'll tell you. And then in the internet there are some horror stories. But about 15 years ago, it was as if he "did not exist", although, probably, he was - and they seemed to give birth to normal children.

    Guest, let your friend be less nervous. Half of the horror movies on the Internet are nonsense. Everything will be okay.

    I had chlamydia, revealed them "fresh", 3 weeks after infection. But she was treated for six months! Due to weak immunity. She underwent 2 courses of antibiotics, only a course with sumamed and local treatment with rifamcin helped. Now, 3 years later, PCR for trash is negative. The partner was also treated then. He was cured in a month, the first time, although he already had them running.

    She also treated. Antibiotics + suppositories + injections to increase immunity + pills to support the liver. Expensive, but cured. It’s true about children, unfortunately. It is necessary to treat before pregnancy. Now, as God wills. Maybe it will carry, or maybe blindness and other sores. What do ladies think before getting pregnant?

    Summed for three weeks, take two tablets once a week. Everything is written in the instructions. At the same time and acne will pass.

    Oh, Alena, as always, right.

    Oh, you see, by itself, the conclusion makes about the sores so terrible. Aren't you ashamed to scare people like that? The fact that you were treated for this, that you spent a lot of money and health on it, does not mean that others should also screw up. Ladies, before getting pregnant, think with their heads, but what you think is not clear.

    Sumamed is a good antibiotic, but you can't cure it alone. You need 2 or even 3 antibiotics from different groups for one course. They can prescribe vilprofen (a good drug, expensive and not always on sale), also Unidox or doxycycline + silimarol is mandatory for the entire period of antibiotic therapy to maintain the liver and ensure the removal of toxins from it + g enferon suppositories in the vagina or men in the rectum (maybe women in direct) to increase immunity + something antibacterial such as difluzol (because thrush is exacerbated) + dazalik for dysbacteosis and also neopetane suppositories for the treatment of vaginal infections. + something else Approximate course. But at least 2 antibiotics!! After all, sumomed can be prescribed to clean up single surviving chlamydia. Treatment is long at least a month, or even 1.5 months. Then after 3-4 weeks, again, analyzes (because incubation period chlamydia 3-4 weeks, in the washout of the symptoms of the disease appear only after 3-4 weeks)

    And there is no guarantee that one course will be enough.

    About deformities from a clamidiosis did not hear. Yes, and hardly. It's more of a syphilis thing. with syphilis, the child may have multiple deformities (such as saber legs) and mental retardation.

    Chlamdia also leads to infertility and premature termination of pregnancy (miscarriages), to miscarriage. To conjunctivitis, damage to the joints. It is necessary to be treated by a good gynecologist, and not by anyhow in a consultation. It all depends on how competently the treatment regimen was chosen. if the scheme is good, even chronic chlamydia is cured from the first time. And there, get pregnant as much as you want and when you want and everything will be fine with you. Just do not forget that you can get infected from a single blowjob without having sexual contact.

    Treatment is expensive. Don't invest in 200

    where do they even come from? My husband has chlamydia, I don't know yet. it means there was a contact on the side?

    It was in Russia that they made a problem out of chlamydia, but abroad everything is easier when they find chlamydia 1 g of sumamed once and to a partner and that's it, re-analysis of PCR only after 6 weeks, not earlier. otherwise there will be a false result and you will be treated endlessly

    Chlamydia is by no means treated for 10 days (for number 1).

    In fact, a bad thing and really difficult to treat. I had, for the second time only cured.

    23 says everything correctly

    Tell me if a guy only infected with chlamydia, what is the probability of other diseases, a normal guy thought - but I think chlamydia says that he sleeps with just anyone

    26 is true. Everything else is vitamins, immunomodulators, for the liver, for the stomach, etc. - NO NEED.

    And how do the guys analyze for trash? and if we were protected and I got infected, how is this possible? or enough touches polov.organov.

    I was treated with junk droppers, one immunoglobulin, the other avelox. the treatment cost about 40,000, but it helped.

    found out that I had chlamydia, was in shock, my husband looked sideways. They prescribed treatment for my husband (clarimycin for 7 days), I still have an inflammatory process, so (injections, fluconazole, metronidazole, clotrimazole, etc.) A month later we they attributed Unidoc, and in a month to drink it again. So I don’t know, so I don’t know if everything will be fine, it’s just that the doctor doesn’t inspire confidence.

    What are the symptoms of chlamydia?

    advising is a dangerous business. I have 10 years of chronic inflammation in gynecology. I thought so - and the gynecologists agreed. I drank a terrible amount of antibiotics, nothing helped (it helped to kill the immune system). Every time I changed a doctor from good to very good, new pathogens were identified: trichomonas - chlamydia - staphylococcus - ureoplasma - herpes. At the same time, the previous pathogens were not confirmed! Now I have found a therapist with a good Soviet experience and a bunch modern techniques. She believes that everything depends on the flora in the body, on the purity of the blood, on the normal functioning of the pancreas, bile, etc. And all these byaki live in us all the time and begin to act when the balance is disturbed. And one more thing: spiritual practices help when you think less about yourself and more about the high 🙂

    I'll tell you how I treated the trash. I only found out when I was planning to get pregnant. There were no symptoms and I did not even suspect the existence of this disease in myself. I live abroad, so the treatment was: 1 gram of Acithromycin at a time, 2 hours before meals. And that's it. A month later, retests were negative. Why are we being poisoned with antibiotics?

    Lord, if you have a normal immune system, no chlamydia, etc. not terrible. And the more you treat, the worse the result. All these viruses and bacteria already live in us,

    and they begin to “eat” us when the body begins to weaken for some reason (hypothermia, stress, a strict diet, external adverse factors).

    Graziella, Russia cannot be understood with the mind, . she has a special become))

    Karina, chlamydia is one of the few officially recognized sexually transmitted infections.

    I also treated chlamydia when I found out the causes of infertility. And it was so cool, the 1st time when, I passed tests for all STDs, chlamydia was not found, but Trichomonas was found, treated, tested - everything is clean. Then, while they were trying to get pregnant, a terrible cystitis began, she was directly bent, they sent her back for infections, now they found chlamydia, treated, passed tests: no chlamydia, after that they puffed up again to get pregnant, it didn’t work, my husband again trudged to the urologist, I went to the gynecologist, he has elevated leukocytosis in his spermogram, we were again sent to take tests for infections, and so you think, chlamydia again. As the urologist explained, in men they are more difficult to cure. They started to heal again. But then my poor body couldn’t stand it anymore, the liver started to hurt, and then right after the course from chlamydia, I caught a cold, felt terrible, I couldn’t eat or drink anything, well, I went to b / l, well, of course I passed a general blood test : and there, horror, as the therapist put it, the blood is bad, lymphocytes 44 at a rate of 30; and I’m sitting half-dead at the reception, I don’t think well, and I explain that my head is spinning, I have no strength, in a pre-fainting state, and I ask you not to write me out yet. Of course, she didn’t write me out, but sent me home, and advised me to score, between us girls, for all these chlamydia, unless of course I want to live. For a long time I also drank nettles, pomegranate juice, but of course my blood got better after a week. This is how I was treated, as I remember, how I lay in bed and couldn’t get to the toilet, it’s already taking horror.

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    How to cure chlamydia and complications of chlamydia

    If chlamydia is found in the human body, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor regarding treatment, since chlamydia is one of the most dangerous diseases that can be transmitted sexually. Learn how to cure chlamydia and complications of chlamydia in this article.

    How to cure chlamydia?

    If you immediately start treating chlamydia in its most acute form, then, most likely, the treatment will end with an absolute elimination of the disease. When chlamydia begins to become chronic or recur, therapy becomes quite problematic - chlamydia develop resistance to traditional ways treatment and medications used.

    If you want to know how to cure chlamydia, seek the advice of a professional who can help you figure out ways to fight the infection. For any individual patient, an individual treatment regimen for chlamydia is made. Such a scheme must take into account the characteristics of chlamydial infection, it must reflect the results of sowing in relation to the sensitivity of chlamydia to antibiotics. In addition, the scheme must reflect the presence of other infections in the human body, the severity and duration of chlamydia. It is mandatory to indicate the localization - which organs are damaged by chlamydial infections. It is not allowed to use medicines and dosages of medicines prescribed for another sick person.

    How to cure chlamydia - a treatment regimen for the disease

    The chlamydia treatment regimen looks like a list of prescribed medications, which indicates the methods of administration, dosage, daily number of doses, and the duration of the course of therapy.

    To cure acute chlamydia, a course of taking funds lasting 1-2 weeks is prescribed, starting from the type of chlamydia and the level of damage to the body.

    If the form of the course of the disease is chronic, and also complicated, then for therapy it is necessary to choose a continuous course of therapy for chlamydia with antibiotic therapy along with immunocorrective treatment that promotes the activity of phagocytic and T-lymphocyte immunity and enhances cellular aptosis of those cells that are infected with chlamydia. Chlamydia can be cured using a general treatment in combination with a local one.

    Unfortunately, a third of infected people have chlamydial infection without any noticeable symptoms! And during this period, a person is not only able to turn into a real source of infection, but in the body of this person various complications of chlamydia can also occur, which he often cannot even suspect.

    In the female part of the population, a complication of chlamydia, chlamydial salpingitis (inflammatory processes of the appendages), which provokes the obstruction of the uterine tubes, and, accordingly, infertility, can be developed. Chlamydial salpingitis usually begins with a dull pain in the lower abdomen, which begins to increase during tension; often pain come in the form of contractions and are able to acutely radiate to the thigh, while the body temperature increases to 39 degrees.

    And sometimes it happens that a complication of chlamydia is chlamydial salpingitis, which in itself indicates that the chlamydial infection has begun to abundantly spread to all other organs that are located in the pelvic area, unfortunately, also proceeds with almost no pronounced symptoms. Often, a certain increase in body temperature can be noted, which, most often, few people pay attention to. There are also insignificant sensations in the region of the lower abdomen, which is also most often dismissed carelessly.

    How to cure complications of chlamydia?

    Complications of chlamydia are varied. It also happens that chlamydia as their victims in the human body do not choose the genitals, but, for example, the rectum, provoking its proctitis (abundant inflammatory processes). Or spread to the throat, causing pharyngitis. Either they even affect the kidneys, causing pyelonephritis, or the eyes, and in some cases the lungs, knocking down a person, as it seemed at the beginning, with the most common pneumonia.

    Alas, chlamydia can also affect children. As mentioned earlier, infection with this disease can be carried out not only in utero, but also during passage through the birth canal, and even in the most standard household way (through common toilet items, common bedding, etc.).

    It is more expensive to cure sexually transmitted diseases (trichomoniasis, syphilis, gonorrhea and other STDs) in a medical center than at home with folk remedies, but we strongly recommend that you undergo treatment with experienced specialists.

    Chlamydia occupies an honorable place among the most common sexually transmitted diseases. The complexity of the treatment lies in the fact that its course in most cases is asymptomatic, and a person can live with chlamydia for many years without realizing it. Meanwhile, pathological processes are constantly evolving and cause a number of complications. As a result of belated diagnosis, the disease is difficult to cure, and long and complex therapy is required.

    When making a diagnosis, many patients ask themselves questions - is a chlamydia infection completely cured, has anyone cured it the first time? Uncertainty in these matters is absolutely justified, but there is a clear answer.

    What is an infection and the complexity of its treatment

    Before answering questions about whether chlamydia can be cured or the disease is incurable, you need to understand what it is.

    It is transmitted mainly through unprotected intercourse with an infected partner (with any type of sex). There is no natural immunity in the body to chlamydia. The introduction of a pathogen does not necessarily mean that the disease will develop, but the risks are high. Women are the most susceptible due to their anatomical structure. In addition, it is the female genitalia that are a favorable environment for their habitat.

    not excluded and household way transmission - chlamydia are able to survive in the external environment for several days.

    Why does the disease become chronic?

    It is much more difficult to cure chlamydia than to acquire it. The disease is one of the most secretive of the sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, often patients receive a diagnosis of a chronic form. The information that bacteria lived in their bodies for many years puts patients into a stupor, the question arises - is chlamydia completely cured? Doctors unanimously answer - chlamydia in women (in men) is a curable disease.

    In chronic chlamydia, it is really difficult to choose a treatment regimen due to the resistance of bacteria to the active components of many drugs. Before the disease is detected, years can pass from the moment of infection, during which time a person undergoes antibiotic therapy for other diseases. The concentration of active substances was not enough to destroy chlamydia, and they gained "immunity" to some drugs.

    Timely detected disease of the acute stage, which did not have time to turn into a chronic one, can be treated with ease. It is enough to take a course of antibiotics and you can forget about the problem. The competence and experience of the doctor is very important in this matter. Illiterate treatment can lead to chronic disease.

    The key to a successful attempt to cure chlamydia forever is the correct diagnosis, an adequately developed treatment regimen, the implementation of all doctor's prescriptions, and compliance with the rules that contribute to obtaining positive therapeutic results. Full recovery can be achieved only if maximum efforts are made by both the doctor and the patient.

    Possible symptoms

    Since the disease is secretive, the symptoms are often absent or not sufficiently pronounced to become a reason for seeking medical help. It happens that a weak clinic disappears after a few days. The patient believes that the body has cured itself. In the meantime, bacteria multiply rapidly and harm. The disease flows into a chronic form, reminds of itself at the moments of a decrease in protective forces through the manifestation of the same blurred signs.

    It is important to take care of your health. Women are more responsible for their well-being, so they should pay attention to possible symptoms of chlamydia:

    • the appearance of mucous secretions with an unpleasant odor from the genitals;
    • painful urination;
    • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
    • drawing pains in the lower back, lower abdomen.

    A man may experience the same clinical signs, but rarely takes them seriously. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, undergo a complete examination. Only a specialist can prescribe adequate treatment and answer the question - is chlamydia curable.

    If the pathology is completely asymptomatic, then it is detected against the background of proceedings on other problems - infertility, the inability to bear a fetus, general intoxication of the body.

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    What is the danger of the consequences of chlamydia?


    According to medical data, chlamydia does not cause death, even chlamydia that occurs for several years is cured. First of all, the patient must undergo a complete examination.

    In medical practice, the last two methods are most often used - the "gold standard" for diagnosing chlamydia.

    The most modern diagnostic method is transcriptional amplification, which uses the tactics of determining the Ribonucleic acid molecule in biological material. Efficiency - 99%, but the method is not widely used, requires specially trained professionals, expensive equipment.

    In public clinics, microscopic smear analysis is carried out free of charge. The material is dried in a special way and stained according to Romanovsky-Giemsa to determine the presence of bacteria. However, its effectiveness is only 20%, with accuracy it will reveal the inflammatory process, but not the cause of its occurrence.

    Confirmation of the diagnosis means that it is necessary to be treated. Lack of therapy leads to the emergence of other diseases, infection of partners.

    Why are there difficulties in treatment?

    Many infected patients think that chlamydia is incurable, they are not even treated. It happens that patients lose faith in the possibility of a cure, among those already treated, who, due to the prevailing circumstances, did not cure the disease immediately after timely diagnosis. This could happen as a result of incorrectly selected antibiotics or their doses, failure to comply with therapeutic instructions by the patients themselves.

    For many years people live with chlamydia and are sure that the disease is not treated. They may not even wonder if chronic chlamydia is curable? This tactic is very wrong - the pathological process can be stopped, and, most importantly, it is necessary, the disease can be cured completely and forever.

    Even more often there is a situation in which we are treated ourselves. For example, pathogens were found in a partner, he was prescribed therapy by a doctor, and the second partner, without visiting medical institution, takes exactly the same course or goes to the pharmacy for the "recommendations" of the pharmacist. But the treatment regimen for the disease is absolutely individual, it should be developed by a specialist, based on the results of the tests, the general state of health, the presence of concomitant pathologies, and the age of the patient.

    Many patients who have been diagnosed are interested in the question of whether chlamydia is treated completely or not. An infectious disease caused by Chlamydia Trachomatis does not always present with severe symptoms. A person may not be aware of the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the body for a long time. Chlamydia is dangerous by the development of pathological processes leading to serious complications.

    Is it possible to completely get rid of chlamydia?

    After learning about the diagnosis, patients ask the doctor if chlamydia can be cured forever. This question is not easy to answer because the risk of recurrence is high if detected immediately. chronic disease. This phenomenon is not uncommon, since chlamydia is often asymptomatic, and many people learn about it during a routine examination.

    If the stage is acute, and the infection is detected for the first time, it is possible to get rid of the disease. To do this, you need to take a course of antibiotic therapy and follow the instructions of the attending physician. The question of whether chlamydia is treated completely if it is chronic is much more difficult to answer, since pathogenic microorganisms are resistant to the active ingredients of many drugs.

    It is of great importance to consult a doctor in a timely manner if symptoms of infection occur, which manifest themselves in men and women in the form of:

    • light or purulent discharge from the genitals;
    • itching and irritation;
    • deterioration of well-being;
    • pain in the lower abdomen.

    If the patient tries to cure chlamydia on their own by purchasing antibacterial drugs and using folk methods, the risk of transition from an acute form to a chronic one increases sharply.

    Why is it difficult to cure chronic chlamydia?

    With the timely treatment of the patient to the doctor, it is possible to recover from chlamydial infection in four to five weeks. Since in many it is not accompanied by symptoms, or the signs are insignificant, a person may not pay attention to the development of pathological processes. In some people, discomfort in the genitourinary organs is observed after infection with chlamydia for only a few days, then they disappear. Under the influence of unfavorable factors on the body that reduce immunity, the symptoms reappear, and when contacting a doctor, a diagnosis of “chronic chlamydia” is already made.

    Chronic chlamydia is difficult to cure with a single course of antibiotic therapy. The therapeutic regimen should include immunomodulating agents, hepatoprotectors, vitamin and mineral complexes. With the development of signs of a fungal infection against the background of taking antibacterial drugs, a course of medication with an antimycotic property is prescribed.

    How to defeat the disease forever?

    Many patients with the chronic form of the disease believe that chlamydia is incurable. This opinion is formed when relapses and exacerbation of symptoms occur after a course of drug therapy. In fact, with a properly selected drug regimen, it is possible to defeat the disease forever. In chronic chlamydia, to completely destroy the infectious agent, several antibacterial drugs from different groups are prescribed at once, since chlamydia quickly form resistance.

    Fluoroquinolones, macrolides and tetracyclines have proven efficacy. Antibiotics can cause side effects that should be reported to your doctor. The most safe drugs are drugs from the group of macrolides.

    Of great importance in the treatment of the disease is compliance with the recommendations of the doctor. It is important that the sexual partner is also treated, even if they do not have any symptoms. Couples must use condoms during the course. It is necessary to remember about the rules of hygiene. You can not use the personal belongings of other people, contact with patients suffering from acute forms of pneumonia caused by chlamydia. Frequent change of sexual partners and unprotected contacts can lead to re-infection with the infection.

    If a woman becomes pregnant and chlamydia is detected, therapy with antibacterial drugs from the macrolide group should be carried out from the second trimester. When a fetus is infected, it can die or be born with congenital pathologies, therefore, when planning a pregnancy, women need to undergo a full examination and a course of therapy if diseases are detected.

    During therapy, it is important to fully comply with all the requirements of the attending physician.

    Determining the effectiveness of the therapy

    With the wide range of antibiotics available to doctors, the chances of a complete cure for chlamydia are high. Preparations from the group of macrolides are highly effective even in chronic forms of the disease. The use of azithromycin, josamycin is indicated for the latent course of chlamydia.

    To determine how effectively the infection was treated, you can use the analysis carried out by the polymerase chain reaction method. It is also recommended to do a culture of secretions collected 40 days after the end of the course of antibiotic therapy. If the test result is negative, we can talk about the complete cure of chlamydia.

    The enzyme immunoassay method is not suitable for assessing the effectiveness of therapy, since antibodies to the pathogen antigen are not always produced. When immunoglobulins are detected, one cannot speak of a lack of effectiveness in the treatment of the disease. The presence of antibodies may indicate a person's contact with chlamydia, but it is difficult to find out when the infection occurred and whether the patient was cured.

    Treatment of chlamydia is successful and recovery occurs subject to timely detection and proper therapy. If the patient ignores the first symptoms of infection or uses drugs without a doctor's prescription, the acute form of the disease quickly turns into a chronic one, getting rid of which requires a lot of effort and expense.


    Chlamydia are microorganisms similar in morphological properties to bacteria. They damage the organs of the genitourinary system, and in some cases some others (nasopharynx, eyes, respiratory organs). For the disease, om is fraught with a decrease in indicators: the number and motility of spermatozoa, an increase in the number of abnormal and damaged units. In chlamydia, they cause obstruction of the fallopian tubes, cause complications and disturbances in the development of the fetus.

    In an acute course, chlamydia has signs that are characteristic of other sexually transmitted diseases. Keep in mind that it is often asymptomatic, and when detected, it usually already has a chronic form. In both cases, timely and correct diagnosis is very important.

    First of all, consult a doctor (gynecologist, urologist, andrologist, dermatovenereologist). Pass a smear for the determination of chlamydia by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and blood for enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) - detection of antibodies to chlamydia in the blood. These methods indicate with high certainty the presence or absence of an infection in the body.

    There is also a highly effective method for determining chlamydia - cultural, that is, sowing. It is quite expensive, laborious and lengthy, in addition, it is not made everywhere. The advantage of sowing is that in addition to detecting an infection during the diagnosis, the sensitivity of chlamydia to antibiotics of different groups is also established, which allows the doctor to immediately prescribe suitable and effective drugs for treatment.

    Find out if there is a laboratory in your city that has special equipment for seeding chlamydia, and contact them. Take a scraping of the urogenital discharge, wait for the results of the analysis and show them to the doctor. Do not try to interpret the conclusion of the laboratory and treat yourself: medications and the dosage should be determined by a specialist.

    For the treatment of chlamydia, antibiotics are used: tetracycline, doxycycline, erythromycin, rifampicin, sulfonamides. It is impossible to get rid of this infection by other means, so even being an ardent opponent of antibiotics, do not give up on them. At the same time, antibiotic therapy is effective when used in the right dosage for a certain number of days, so take the drugs exactly according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor and do not stop taking it yourself if there are obvious improvements.

    To recover from chlamydia, an integrated approach is needed. Along with antibiotics, as a rule, antifungal drugs (nystatin, levorin) are prescribed, as well as means for symptomatic treatment, in particular, ointments that stimulate tissue repair, treatment of the urethra or vagina with antiseptics, the introduction of tampons with drugs, etc. In addition, at local treatment ointment applications of interferon are widely used. Follow your doctor's instructions and use all the suggested ways to get rid of chlamydia.

    Try to increase the immunity needed in the fight against infection. Take vitamins, immunomodulatory drugs, eat right, keep healthy lifestyle life. All this contributes to a speedy recovery.