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  • HIV symptoms in women in the initial. How does HIV infection occurred in men and women

    HIV symptoms in women in the initial. How does HIV infection occurred in men and women

    HIV - abbreviation, deciphering as a human immunodeficiency virus, which affects the human immune system, causing HIV infection.

    The last stage of HIV infection is AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).

    HIV infection and AIDS: What is the principled difference between these two states?

    HIV infection
    Incurable infectious disease. It refers to a group of slow viral infections with a perennial course affecting the immune system.

    That is, the virus, hitting the body of a healthy person from the patient, for many years may not be exercised.

    However, gradually HIV destroys the cells of the immune system, which is designed to protect the human body from all sorts of infections and negative impacts.
    Therefore, with time, immunity "gives his position."

    A condition in which the human immune system is virtually unable to deal with infections, to withstand the development of cancer cells and various harmful environmental factors. In this stage, any infection, even the most harmless, can lead to the development of severe illness, and in the subsequent and death of the patient from complications, encephalitis or tumor.

    Facts about illness

    Perhaps now there is no adult man who never heard about HIV infection. After all, it is no wonder it is called "the XUMA XX century". Yes, and in the XI century, she moves forward "seven-mile steps", daily carrying about 5,000 human lives worldwide. Although, how HIV has not such a long history.

    It is believed that HIV infection began its "triumphal march" on the planet in another 70s of the last century, when the first mass cases of infection in symptoms of similar with AIDS were described.

    However, officially about HIV infections spoke only in the early 80s of the last century:

    • In 1981, two articles were published, in which the development of unusual pneumatic pneumonia was described (caused by yeast-like fungus) and Caposhi sarcoma (malignant skin tumor) in men-homosexual men.
    • In July 1982, the term "AIDS" was proposed to designate a new disease.
    • The human immunodeficiency virus was opened in 1983 at the same time in two independent laboratories:
      • In France at the Institute. Louis Pasteur under the leadership of Luke Montaging
      • In the United States at the National Institute of Cancer under the leadership of Gallo Robert
    • In 1985, a technique was developed that determined the presence of in the blood in patients with antibodies to HIV - an immunoassay analysis.
    • In 1987, the first case of HIV infection in the USSR was diagnosed. The patient is a homosexual man who worked in African countries by a translator.
    • In 1988, the World Health Organization announced an international day of fighting AIDS - December 1.
    A bit of history

    Where did HIV come from? There is no unambiguous answer to this question. However, there are several hypotheses.

    The most common theory - man infected from monkey. It is based on the fact that man-like monkeys (chimpanzees), inhabitants in Central Africa (Congo), a virus is allocated from the blood capable of developing AIDS in humans. Probably, a person's infection occurred at a random injection during the separation of a monkey carcass or a monkey bite.

    However, HIV monkeys - a weak virus and the human body copes with it within one week. But that the virus harm the immune system is needed to be transferred from one person to another for a short time. Then the virus mutates (varies), acquiring properties characteristic of HIV person.

    There is also an assumption that among the tribes of Central Africa HIV existed for a long time. However, only with the beginning of high migration in the 20th century, the virus spread throughout the world.


    HIV has been infected every year around the world.

    HIV-infected number

    • Worldwide As of January 1, 2013, the years amounted to 35.3 million people
    • In Russia At the end of 2013 - about 780,000 people, and 51 190 thousand were revealed from 01/01/13 to 08/31/13
    • By CIS countries(data at the end of 2013):
      • Ukraine - about 350,000
      • Kazakhstan - about 16,000
      • Belarus - 15 711
      • Moldova - 7 800
      • Georgia - 4 094
      • Armenia - 3,500
      • Tajikistan - 4,700
      • Azerbaijan - 4 171
      • Kyrgyzstan - about 5,000
      • Turkmenistan - the official authorities argue that HIV infections in the country does not exist
      • Uzbekistan - about 7 800
    The given data does not fully characterize the actual statistics, since not all are tested on HIV. In fact, the figures are much higher, which, undoubtedly, should alert the governments of all countries and WHO.


    Since the beginning of the epidemic from AIDS, about 36 million people died. Moreover, the mortality of patients from year to year decreases - due to successful highly active antiretroviral therapy (Waart or Art).

    Celebrities who have saved from AIDS

    • Jia Karandzhi - American supermodel. Died in 1986. He suffered severe drug addiction.
    • Freddie Mercury - soloist of the group of the legendary rock band Queen. He died in 1991.
    • Michael Wastfal - Famous tennis player. He died on the age of 26.
    • Rudolph Nuriev - Legend of world ballet. He died in 1993.
    • Ryne White - The first and most famous child with HIV infection. He suffered from hemophilia and infected HIV when overflowing blood at 13 years. The boy together with his mother all his life fought for HIV-infected rights. Raine White died of AIDS in 1990 at the age of 18, but did not lose: he proved to all the world that HIV-infected people do not pose a threat when complying with elementary precautions, having the right to ordinary life.
    List is incomplete. The story continues ...

    AIDS virus

    Perhaps there is no other virus, which is so thoroughly studied and at the same time remains a big mystery for scientists, carrying thousands of lives every year, including children. This is due to the fact that the human immunodeficiency virus is very quickly modified: 1000 mutations per gene. Therefore, there was still no effective medicinal drug against it and the vaccine has not been developed. Whereas, for example, the influenza virus mutates at 30 (!) Less often.

    In addition, there are several varieties of the virus itself.

    HIV: Building

    There are two main types of HIV:
    • HIV-1 HIV-1 (Opened in 1983) - the main causative agent of infection. It is very aggressive, causing typical manifestations of the disease. Most often found in Western Europe and Asia, South and North America, Central Africa.
    • HIV-2 or HIV-2 (Opened in 1986) - less aggressive analogue of HIV-1, so the disease proceeds softer. Not as widespread: found in West Africa, Germany, France, Portugal.
    There is HIV-3 and HIV-4, but they are rare.


    HIV- A spherical (spherical) particle having a size of 100 to 120 nanometers. The shell of the virus is dense, formed by double lipid (leaf-like substances) with "spikes" layer, and under it - protein layer (P-24-capsid).

    Under the capsule are:

    • two threads of viral RNA (ribonucleic acid) - carrier of genetic information
    • viral enzymes: protease, intergraph and transcriptase
    • protein P7.
    HIV refers to the family of slow (lentivirus) retroviruses. It does not have a cellular structure, does not synthesize its independently protein, but to multiply only in the cells of the human body.

    The most important feature of retroviruses is the presence of a special enzyme: reverse transcriptase. Thanks to this enzyme, the virus converts its RNA to DNA (molecule that ensures the storage and transfer of genetic information to the following generations), which is then introduced into the host cells.

    HIV: Properties

    HIV in the external environment is malstainable:
    • quickly dies under the influence of a 5% hydrogen peroxide solution, ether, chlorine solution, 70 0 from alcohol, acetone
    • outdoor outside the body dies within a few minutes
    • at +56 0 s - 30 minutes
    • when boiling - instantly
    However, the virus retains its viability for 4-6 days in the dried state at a temperature of + 22 0 s, in the solution - heroin to 21 days, the needle cavity is a few days. HIV is resistant to freezing, it does not operate ionizing and ultraviolet radiation.

    HIV: Life Cycle Features

    HIV has a special tropension (prefers) to some cells of the immune system - T-lymphocytes-helpers, monocytes, macrophages, as well as cells of the nervous system, in the shell of which there are special receptors - CD4 cells. However, there is an assumption that the HIV affects other cells.

    What do the cells of the immune system are responsible for?

    T-lymphocytes-Helpers activate the work of almost all cells of the immune system, as well as produce special substances that are struggling with alien agents: viruses, microbes, fungi, allergens. That is, in fact, control the work of the almost all immune system.

    Monocytes and macrophages -cells absorbing alien particles, viruses and microbes, digesting them.

    HIV life cycle includes several phases

    Consider them on the example of T-lymphocyte-Helper:
    • Once in the body, the virus is associated with special receptors on the surface of the T-lymphocyte - CD4 cells. Next, it penetrates the host cell and resets the outer shell.
    • With reverse transcriptase on a viral RNA (matrix) a DNA copy (one chain) is synthesized.Then the copy is completed in two-chain DNA.
    • Two-chain DNA moves to the T-lymphocytic core, where it is embedded in the DNA of the host cell. At this stage, the acting enzyme - integration.
    • The DNA copy is maintained in the host cage from several months to several years, so to speak "Sleep". At this stage, the presence of a virus in the human body can be detected using tests with specific antibodies.
    • Any secondary infection provokes the transfer of information from the DNA copy to the matrix (viral) RNA, which leads to further reproduction of the virus.
    • Next, the ribosomes of the host cell (particles producing protein) on viral RNA synthesize viral proteins.
    • Then from viral RNA and newly synthesized viral proteins there is a build of new parts of viruses, which Out of the cage, destroying it.
    • New viruses are attached to receptors on the surface of other T-lymphocytes - and the cycle begins again.
    Thus, if no treatment is carried out, HIV reproduces itself rather quickly: from 10 to 100 billion new viruses per day.

    General diagram of HIV division along with a photo made under an electron microscope.

    HIV infection

    The times were rushed into the summer when it was believed that HIV infection was a disease that only drug addicts, sex workers and homosexuals suffer.

    Everyone regardless of social status, financial wealth, gender, age and sexual orientation may become infected. Source of infection - HIV-infected person at any stage of the infectious process.

    Just so HIV does not fly through the air. It is contained in the biological fluids of the body: blood, sperm, vaginal discharge, breast milk, spinal fluid. For infection, it is necessary that the infectious dose falls into the blood flow is about 10,000 virus particles.

    Ways transfer HIV infection

    1. Heterosexual contacts - unprotected vaginal sex.
    The most common path of HIV transmission in the world is about 70-80% of infection, in Russia - 40.3%.

    The risk of infection after one sexual contact with ejaculation is in a passive partner ("accepting" side) from 0.1 to 0.32%, and active ("introducing" side) - 0.01-0.1%.

    However, infection can occur after one sexual contact if there is any other sexually transmitted disease (STD): syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and others. Since the number of T-lymphocyte-helpers and other cells of the immune system rises in an inflammatory focus. And then HIV "enters the human body on a white horse."

    In addition, with all the STDs, the mucous membrane is prone to injuries, so its integrity is often disturbed: cracks, ulcers, erosion appear. As a result, infection occurs much faster.

    The probability of infection rises with long sexual contacts: if the husband is sick, then for three years in 45-50% of cases, the wife is infected if the wife is sick - in 35-45% husband. The risk of infection with a woman is higher, since a large amount of sperm infected in the vagina, it takes longer to the mucous membrane, and the contact area is greater.

    1. Eating intravenous drugs
    In the world, 5-10% of patients are infected in this way, in Russia - 57.9%.

    Because drug addicts for intravenous drug administration often use general non-sterile medical syringes or overall dishes for the preparation of the solution. The probability of infection is 30-35%.

    In addition, often drug addicts come into indiscriminate sexual bonds, which several times increases the likelihood of infection as themselves as well as other persons.

    1. Unprotected anal sex, regardless of sexual orientation
    The probability of infection of a passive partner after one sexual contact with a waiting range is from 0.8 to 3.2%, active - 0.06%. The risk of infection is higher, since the rotation mucosa and good blood supply.
    1. Unprotected oral sex
    The probability of infection is below: a passive partner after one contact with ejaculation not more than 0.03-0.04%, active - virtually zero.

    However, the risk of infection increases if there are snacks in the corners of the mouth, and in the cavity - wounds, ulcers.

    1. Children born from HIV-infected mothers
    They are infected in 25-35% of cases through a defective placenta, at the time of birth, during breastfeeding.

    It is possible to infect a healthy mother with breastfeeding of a sick child if a woman has cracks on the nipples, and the kid has a bleeding gum.

    1. Random injuries with medical instrumentaries, subcutaneous and intramuscular injections
    Infection occurs in 0.2-1% of cases, if there was a contact with the biological fluid of HIV-infected.
    1. Blood transfusion and organ transplantation
    Infection - in 100% of cases, if the donor was HIV-positive.

    On a note

    The probability of infection depends on the initial state of the human immune system: how it is weaker, the faster infection occurs, and the disease occurs heavier. In addition, it matters, what is the viral load at HIV-infected, if it is high, then the risk of infection increases several times.

    Diagnosis of HIV infection

    It is quite difficult, since its symptoms appear after a long time after infection and similar to other diseases. therefore the main method of early diagnosis is testing for HIV infection.

    HIV diagnostics methods

    Developed a long time and are constantly being improved, bring the risk of both false-negative and false positive results to a minimum. Most often blood is used for diagnostics. However, there are test systems to determine HIV in saliva (scraping from the oral mucosa) and in the urine, but they have not yet found wide use.

    Available three main phases diagnostics HIV infections in adults:

    1. Preliminary- screening (sorting), employee for the selection of presumably infected persons
    2. Reference

    1. Confirming- Expert
    The need for several steps is related to the fact that the more difficult method, the more expensive and more laborious.

    Some concepts in the context of the diagnosis of HIV infection:

    • Antigen- The virus itself or its particles (proteins, fats, enzymes, capsule particles, and so on).
    • Antibody- Cells generated by the immune system in response to the hiv.
    • Serokonversion- Immune answer. Once in the body, HIV breeds intensively. In response, the immune system begins to produce antibodies, the concentration of which in the next few weeks increases. And only when their number reaches a certain level (seroconversion), they are detected by special test systems. Next, the level of the virus falls, and the immune system calms down.
    • "Window period"- the gap from the moment of infection until seroconversion appears (on average from 6-12 weeks). This period is the most dangerous, since the risk of HIV transmission is high, and the test system issues a false negative result.

    Screening stage

    Definition common antibodiesto HIV-1 and HIV-2 with the help of an enzyme immunoassay analysis - ELISA (ELISA) . It is usually informative in 3-6 months after infection. However, sometimes he reveals antibodies a few earlier: three to five weeks after dangerous contact.

    Preferably use the fourth generation test systems. They have one feature - except for antibodies, they also determine the HIV antigen - the P-24-capside, which allows you to identify the virus before developing a sufficient level of antibodies, reducing the "window period".

    However, in most countries, countries are still applied already outdated third or even second generation test systems (define only antibodies), as they are cheaper.

    However, they are more often give false positive results:if there is an infectious disease during pregnancy, autoimmune processes (rheumatism, systemic red lupus, psoriasis), the presence in the body of the Epstein-Bar virus and in some other diseases.

    If the result of the IFA is positive, then the diagnosis of HIV infection is not exhibited, but are moving to the next diagnostic phase.

    Reference stage

    It is carried out by more sensitive test systems 2-3 times. In the case of two positive results, go to the third stage.

    Expert Stage - Immunoblotting

    The method in which antibodies to separate HIV proteins determine.

    Consists of several stages:

    • HIV with electrophoresis is destroyed on antigens.
    • the blending method (in a special chamber) is transferred to special strips, which are already applied proteins characteristic of HIV.
    • patient blood is applied on the strips if antibodies have antibodies to antigens, the reaction occurs, which is visible on the test strips.
    However, the result may be false negative, since antibodies in the blood are sometimes not enough - in the "window period" or at the terminal stages of AIDS.

    Therefore, exist two options for the expert stagelaboratory diagnostics of HIV infection:

    First option Second option

    Available another sensitive diagnostic method HIV infection - polymerase chain reaction (PCR) - determination of DNA and RNA virus. However, it has a significant disadvantage - a high percentage of false positive results. Therefore, it is used in a complex with other methods.

    Diagnosis in children born from HIV-infected mothers

    It has its own characteristics, because in the blood of the child there may be maternal antibodies to HIV, which penetrate the placenta. They are available from the moment of birth, saving until 15-18 months of life. However, the absence of antibodies is not evidence that the child is not infected.

    Diagnostic tactics

    • up to 1 month - PCR, since the virus during this period is still intensively multiplied
    • older month - Definition of antigen P24-capsid
    • laboratory and diagnostic survey and observation from the moment of birth to 36 months

    Symptoms and signs of HIV in men and women

    Diagnostics is complex, because clinical manifestations are similar to the symptoms of other infections and diseases. In addition, HIV infection proceeds differently from different people.


    According to the Russian clinical classification of HIV infection (V.I. Pokrovsky)

    HIV infection symptoms

    • First stage - incubation

      The virus is actively multiplied. Duration - from the moment of infection until 3-6 weeks (sometimes up to one year). With a weakened immunite, up to two weeks.

      No missing. It is possible to suspect if there was a dangerous situation: unprotected random sexual contact, blood transfusion and so on. Test systems do not detect antibodies in the blood.

    • Second stage - primary manifestations

      Immune response of the body for the introduction, reproduction and massive spread of HIV. The first symptoms appear within the first three months after infection, they may be ahead of the seroconversion. Duration - usually 2-3 weeks (rarely several months).

      Current options

    • 2a - asymptomaticThere are no diseases. There is only the production of antibodies.
    • 2B - acute infection without secondary diseases It is observed in 15-30% of patients. The type of acute viral infection or infectious mononucleosis proceeds.
    The most frequent symptoms
    • Increase body temperature 38.8C and higher - the answer to the introduction of the virus. The body begins to produce an active biological substance - the interlender that "gives a signal" by the hypothalamus (located in the brain) that the body is "strange". Therefore, energy generation increases, and the return of heat decreases.
    • Increased lymph nodes- Reaction of the immune system. In lymph nodes, the production of antibodies of lymphocytes against HIV increases, which leads to working hypertophia (increase in size) lymph nodes.
    • Sweeping on the skinin the form of red spots and seals, minor hemorrhages up to 10 mm in diameter, prone to merge among themselves. The rash is located symmetrically mainly on the skin on the body, but sometimes - on the face and neck. It is a consequence of direct damage to the T-lymphocyte virus and macrophages in the skin, which leads to a violation of local immunity. Therefore, subsequently there is an increased susceptibility to various pathogenic microorganisms.
    • Diarrhea (The rapid liquid chair) is developing due to the immediate effect of HIV on the intestinal mucous membrane, which causes changes in the local immune system, and also breaks suction.
    • Sore throat (angina, pharyngitis) and the oral cavity is ensured that HIV affects the oral mucosa and nose, as well as lymphoid tissue (almonds). As a result, the cells of the mucous appear appears, almonds increase, which causes sore throat, painful swallowing and other symptoms characteristic of viral infection.
    • Enlargement of liver and spleen associated with the reaction of the immune system to introduce HIV to the body.
    • Sometimes autoimmune diseases develop (Psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis and others). The reason and the formation mechanism is still unexplained. However, most often these diseases occur at later stages.
    • 2B - acute infection with secondary diseases

      It is observed in 50-90% of patients. It occurs on the background of a temporary decrease in CD4 lymphocytes, so the immune system is weakened and cannot fully resist "strangers".

      Secondary diseases arise caused by microbes, fungi, viruses: candidiasis, herpes, respiratory tract infection, stomatitis, dermatitis, angina and others. As a rule, they are well treatable. Next, the state of the immune system is stabilized, and the disease passes to the next stage.

    • Third Stadia - long-term widespread increase in lymph nodes

      Duration - from 2 to 15-20 years, since the immune system holds back the breeding of the virus. During this period, the level of CD4 lymphocytes is gradually reduced: approximately with a speed of 0.05-0.07x109 / l per year.

      There is only an increase in at least two groups of lymphatic assemblies (LU), not related to each other for three months, with the exception of inguinal. Lou in adults - more than 1 cm, in children - more than 0.5 cm. They are painless and elastic. Gradually, LU decrease in size, remaining in such a state for a long time. But sometimes they can increase again, and then decrease - and so for several years.

    • Fourth Stage - Secondary Diseases (Prespid)

      It develops when the immune system is exhausted: the level of CD4 lymphocytes, macrophages, as well as other cells of the immune system drops significantly.

      Therefore, HIV, practically without meeting the response from the immune system, begins to multiply hard. It is striking more and more healthy cells, leading to the development of tumors and severe infectious diseases - broaching infections (with them under normal conditions the body easily copes). Some of them are found only at HIV-infected people, and some - and ordinary people, only at HIV-positive, they proceed much harder.

      The disease can be suspected if there is at least 2-3 diseases or states from those listed at each stage.

      Has three stages

      1. 4a. Develops after 6-10 years after infectionat the level of CD4 lymphocytes, 350-500 CD4 / mm3 (healthy people in fluctuate in 600-1900cd4 / mm3).
        • Loss of body weight up to 10% of the source weight in less than 6 months. The reason - the proteins of the virus are introduced into the cells of the body, suppressing the synthesis of proteins. Therefore, the patient literally "dries in front of the eyes" is also disturbed by the absorption of nutrients in the intestine.
        • Repeated lesion of the skin and mucous membranes by bacteria (jets, furuncules), fungi (candidiasis, deprived), viruses (grooming herpes)
        • Faringitis and sinusitis (more than three times a year).
    Diseases can be treated, but require a longer reception of drugs.
    1. 4b. Occurs in 7-10 years after infectionat the level of CD4 lymphocytes 350-200 CD4 / mm3.

      Characterized by diseases and states:

      • Loss of body weight more than 10% in 6 months. There is a weakness.
      • Increase body temperature up to 38.0-38.5 0 from more than 1 month.
      • Chronic diarrhea (diarrhea) more than 1 month develops due to the direct damage to the virus of the intestinal mucosa, and the addition of a secondary infection is typically mixed.
      • Lakeechoplakia is the growing of the dining layer of the language: white filamentous formations appear on its side surface, sometimes on the mucous cheek. Her appearance is a bad sign for the forecast of the disease.
      • Deep lesions of the skin and mucous membranes (candidiasis, simple bubble deprived, contagious mollusk, rubred, multicolored deprived and others) with a protracted flow.
      • Repeated and persistent bacterial (tonsillitis, pneumonia), viral (cytomegalovirus, epstein-bar virus, a variety of herpes simplex) infection.
      • Repeated or common sinking deck caused by a chickenpox virus.
      • Localized (unpropranted) sarcoma capos - a malignant tumor of leather, developing from the vessels of the lymphatic and circulatory system.
      • Pulmonary tuberculosis.
    Without Waart, diseases are long and recurrent character (symptoms are returned again).
    1. 4B. Develops in 10-12 years after infectionat the level of CD4 lymphocytes less than 200 CD4 / mm3. There are diseases threatening life.

      Characterized by diseases and states:

      • Extreme exhaustion, lack of appetite and severe weakness. Patients more than a month forced to hold in bed.
      • Pneumatic pneumonia (caused by yeast-like fungus) - a marker of HIV infection.
      • Often recurrent herpes, manifested by non-healing erosions and ulcers on mucous membranes.
      • Protozoic diseases: cryptosporidia and isosport (affect the intestines), toxoplasmosis (focal and diffuse brain lesions, pneumonia) - HIV markers.
      • Candidiasis of the skin and internal organs: esophagus, respiratory tract, and so on
      • Empty tuberculosis: bones, cerebral shells, intestines and other organs.
      • Common sarcoma capos.
      • Mycobacteriosis affecting the skin, light, gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system and other internal organs. Mycobacteria is present in water, soil, dust. Cause disease only at HIV-infected.
      • Cryptococcal meningitis is caused by a fungus that is present in the soil. In a healthy body, it usually does not occur.
      • Diseases of the central nervous system: dementia, motor disorders, forgetfulness, reduction of the ability to concentrate attention, slowing the mental abilities, breach of gait, personality change, awkwardness in hand. It develops both due to the direct effects of HIV for nervous cells for a long time and as a result of developing complications after the suffering diseases.
      • Malignant tumors of any localization.
      • Kidney and heart lesions caused by HIV infection.
    All infections leak hard, difficult to treat. However, the fourth stage spontaneously or due to the conducted by Waart reversible.
    • Fifth Stage - Terminal

      It develops with the amount of CD4 cells below 50-100 CD4 / mm3. In this stage, all existing diseases progress, the treatment of secondary infections is inefficient. The life of the patient depends on the conducted by Waart, but, unfortunately, it, as well as the treatment of secondary diseases ineffective. Therefore, patients tend to die within a few months.

      There is a classification of HIV infection on WHO, however it is less structured, so mainly experts prefer to work on the classification of Pokrovsky.


    These data on the stages and their manifestations of HIV infection are averaged. Not all patients pass consistently through the stage, sometimes "jumping" through them or lingering at a certain stage for a long time.

    Therefore, the course of the disease is quite long (up to 20 years old) or short-term (cases of lightning flow, when patients died within 7-9 months from the moment of infection). This is associated with the peculiarities of the patient's immune system (for example, some have few CD4 lymphocytes or initially reduced immunity), as well as the type of HIV.

    HIV infection in men

    Symptoms are stacked in the usual clinic, having specific manifestations.

    HIV infection in women

    As a rule, they have impairment of the menstrual cycle (irregular periods with the presence of intermented bleeding), and the menstruation itself is painful.

    In women, there are somewhat higher than the risk of malignant tumors on the cervix.

    In addition, they have inflammatory processes of female genital organs more often (more than three times a year) than in healthy women, pursuing harder.

    HIV infection in children

    A current does not differ from those in adults, but there is difference - they are somewhat behind in physical and mental development from peers.

    Treatment of HIV infection

    Unfortunately, there is no drug product that would fully heal from this disease. However, there are medicines that significantly reduce the breeding of the virus, extending the life of the patient.

    Moreover, these drugs are so effective that with proper treatment of CD4 cells grow, and HIV himself even the most sensitive methods are hardly detected in the body.

    To achieve this the patient must be self-discipline:

    • taking medication at the same time
    • dosage and diet
    • continuity of treatment
    Therefore, in recent times, patients with HIV infection are increasingly die from the usual diseases for all people: heart disease, diabetes and so on.

    The main directions of treatment

    • Prevent and delay the development of life threatening life
    • Provide a longer preservation of the quality of life of infected patients
    • With the help of Waart and the prevention of secondary diseases to achieve remission (lack of clinical symptoms)
    • Emotional and practical support of patients
    • Providing free drugs
    Principles of destination vaart.

    The first stage

    Treatment is not appointed. However, if there was contact with HIV-infected, then in the first three days after it is recommended chemoprophylaxis.

    Second stage

    2a. Treatment is not carried out, except when the level of CD4 lymphocytes is less than 200 CD4 / mm3

    2B. The treatment is assigned, but if the level of CD4-lymphocyte is more than 350 CD4 / mm3, then it is refracted.

    2b. Treatment is assigned if the patient has manifestations characteristic of 4 stages, but except in cases where the CD4-lymphocyte level is more than 350 CD4 / mm3.

    Third stage

    Waart is assigned if the level of CD4 lymphocytes is less than 200 CD4 / mm3, and the HIV RNA level of more than 100,000 copies or the patient actively wants to start therapy.

    Fourth Stage

    Treatment is assigned if the level of CD4-lymphocytes is less than 350 CD4 / mm3 or the amount of HIV RNA more than 100,000 copies.

    Fifth stage

    Treatment is always prescribed.

    On a note

    Waart's children are appointed regardless of the stage of the disease.

    These are the existing standards for the treatment of HIV infection today. But recently conducted studies proving that earlier the beginning of Waart gives the best results. Therefore, most likely, these recommendations will be revised soon.

    Preparations used to treat HIV

    • Nucleoside inhibitors of reverse transcriptase virus (Didanosin, Lamivudine, Zidovudine, Abakovir, Studyne, Salcitabine)
    • Non-acidoside inhibitors of reverse transcriptase (Neusarepin, Iphavirenz, Devirdin)
    • Inhibitors of protease (enzyme) of the virus (Savinavir, Indinavir, Nelphinavir, Ritonavir, Nelphinavir)
    When prescribing treatment, as a rule, several drugs are combined.

    However, a new drug will be released soon - Quad, Which promises to radically change the life of HIV-infected. Since it works faster, it has fewer side effects. In addition, solves the problem of HIV resistance to medicines. And the patients no longer have to swallow the pills. Since the new medicine combines the effect of several drugs for the treatment of HIV infection, and is taken once per day.

    HIV prevention infection

    "Any disease is easier to prevent than then to treat."

    Perhaps there is no person who disagrees with this statement. It concerns HIV / AIDS. Therefore, in most countries, various programs are being implemented to reduce the pace of distribution of this infection.

    However, we will talk about what everyone can do. After all, you need not much effort to protect yourself and your loved ones from this plague.

    Prevention of HIV / AIDS among people with high risk

    Heterosexual and homosexual contacts
    • The most faithful way is to have one sexual partner, whose HIV status is known.

    • To enter into random sexual connections (vaginal, anal) only using a condom. The most reliable are latex with standard lubricant.
    However, even in this case, there is no 100% warranty, since HIV size is less than latex's pores that can skip it. In addition, with intensive friction of the latex pores expand, it is easier to skip the virus.

    But the probability of infection is still reduced to almost zero, if you correctly use the condom: it is necessary to wear it until the beginning of the sexual intercourse, ensure that there is no air between latex and sexual member (there is a risk of rupture), always use a condom in accordance with the size.

    Almost all condoms made from other materials are not protected from HIV at all.

    Reception of intravenous drugs

    Drug addiction and HIV often go "hand in hand", therefore the most reliable way is to refuse to receive intravenous drugs.

    However, if this path is chosen, it is necessary to respect precautions:

    • Individual and one-time use of sterile medical syringes
    • Preparation of the injection solution in sterile individual dishes
    HIV-infected pregnant woman It is better to identify HIV status before the occurrence of pregnancy. If he is positive, the woman will examine, explain all the risks associated with pregnancy (the likelihood of fetal infection, deterioration in the course of the disease in the mother, etc.). In the case when HIV-infected woman nevertheless decides to become a mother, conception should be as secure as safe as possible to reduce the risk of fetal infection:
    • using a set for self-seeding (PARTER HIV-negative)
    • cleaning sperm with subsequent insemination (both partners HIV-positive)
    • extracorporal fertilization
    It is necessary to eliminate factors that increase the permeability of the placenta for HIV: smoking, alcohol and drugs. It is important to treat the STDs, chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, pyelonephritis and so on), since they also increase the permeability of the placenta.

    Reception of drugs:

    • Waart (if necessary) with therapeutic or preventive purpose depending on the term of pregnancy
    • polyvitamins
    • gland and other drugs
    In addition, a woman should protect themselves from possible other infectious diseases.

    It is important to pass all the necessary analyzes on time: to determine the viral load, the level of CD4 cells, smears, and so on.

    Medical personnel

    Risk is infected if the activity is associated with penetration through natural barriers (skin, mucous) and manipulations, during which they are in contact with biological fluids.

    Prevention infection

    • use of protective equipment: glasses, gloves, mask and protective clothing
    • timely reset the used needle into a special non-punctured container
    • contact with HIV-infected biological fluid - chemoprophylaxis - Reception of complex Waart according to the scheme
    • contact with presumably infected biological fluid:
      • damage to the skin (puncture or cut) - blood does not need to stop for a few seconds, then injury place to handle 700C alcohol
    • hitting the biological fluid on intact portions of the body - rinse with flowing water with soap, then wipe 700C alcohol
    • eye contact - rinse with running water
    • in the oral cavity - rinse 700c alcohol
    • on the clothes - remove it and soak in one of the dersers (chlorine and others), and the skin under it wipe 70% alcohol
    • on shoes - two multiple rubbing with a rag moistened in one of the desors
    • on the walls, gender, tile - pour the destery for 30 minutes, then wipe

    How is HIV transmitted?

    A healthy person is infected with HIV-infected disease at any stage of the disease when entering the infamination dose.

    Methods of transmission of the virus

    • Unprotected sexual intercourse with HIV-infected (heterosexual and homosexual contacts). Most often - in persons leading an erratic sex life. The risk increases with anal sex, regardless of sexual orientation.
    • When using intravenous drugs: use in conjunction with HIV-infected non-sterile syringe or dishes for the preparation of the solution.
    • From the HIV-infected woman to the child during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.

    • When contacting health workers with infected biological fluid: entering mucous membranes, injections or cuts.
    • Transfusion of blood or organ transplant from HIV-infected. Of course, testing of the donor organ or blood is carried out before medical manipulations. However, if it falls on the "window period", the test gives a false negative result.

    Where can I hand over HIV?

    Thanks to special programs, as well as adopted laws on the protection of HIV-infected information, information is not disclosed and is not transmitted to third parties. Therefore, you should not be afraid of the disclosure of status or discrimination in the case of a positive result.

    You can hand over blood for HIV infection for free two types:

    • Anonymously person does not inform his name, and he is assigned a room for which you can find out the result (for many so more comfortable).
    • Confidential laboratory staff becomes known the name and surname of a person, but they retain a medical secret.
    Testing can be done:
    • in any category of AIDS
    • in the urban, regional or district polyclinic in the offices of anonymous and voluntary testing, where blood is carried out to detect HIV infection.
    Almost all of these institutions of a person who decided to find out their HIV status will advise both before testing and after it, providing psychological assistance.

    In addition, it is possible to pass the analysis in a private medical center, which is equipped with special equipment, but most likely - for a fee.

    Depending on the possibilities of the laboratory, the result can be obtained on the same day, after 2-3 days or after 2 weeks. Considering that for many people testing - stress, it is better to clarify the deadlines in advance.

    What should I do if the HIV test is positive?

    Usually, when receiving a positive test result for HIV infection doctor anonymously invites you to the patient and explains:
    • the course of the disease itself
    • what studies still need to pass
    • how to live with this diagnosis
    • what treatment is taken if necessary and so on
    However, if for some reason it did not happen, it is necessary to refer to the infectious doctor To the Regional Center for AIDS or in a medical and prophylactic institution at the place of residence.

    Necessarily determined:

    • cD4 cell level
    • availability of viral hepatitis (B, C, D)
    • in some cases, antigen R-24-capsid
    All other studies are carried out according to the testimony: detection of STDs, the definition of general immune status, markers of malignant tumors, computed tomography and so on.

    How can not be infected with HIV infection?

    • when coughing or sneezing
    • in insect or animal bite
    • through general dining room and appliances
    • during medical examinations
    • when swimming in the pool or reservoir
    • in the sauna, steam
    • through a handshake, hug and kiss
    • when using a shared toilet
    • in public places
    In essence, patients with HIV infection are less infectious than patients with viral hepatitis.

    Who are HIV-dissidents?

    People who deny the existence of HIV infection.

    Their beliefs are based on that:

    • HIV has not been detected unequivocally and undoubtedly
    Like, no one seen him in a microscope, and also that he was not cultivated artificially outside the human body. All that is still allocated is a set of proteins, and evidence that they belong only to one virus, no.

    In fact, photographs made under the electron microscope abound

    • From treatment with antiviral drugs patients die fasterthan from illness

      This is partly true, since the very first drugs really caused a large number of side effects. However, modern medicines are much more efficient and safer. In addition, science does not stand still, inventing more efficient and secure means.

    • Consider pharmacological companies global conspiracy

      If it were that way, then pharmaceuticals would spread information not about the disease itself and its treatment, but about a certain miraculous vaccine, which, by the way, does not yet exist to this day.

    • Argue that AIDS is a disease of the immune system, not caused by a virus

      Mall, it is a consequence of immunodeficiency, which has developed as a result of stress, after strong irradiation, the effects of poison or severe drugs and some other reasons.

      Here you can oppose the fact that as soon as the HIV-infected patient begins to take Waart, its condition is significantly improved.

      All these statements are misleading patients Therefore, they refuse treatment. Whereas on time, the launched Waart slows down the course of the disease, extending life and allowing HIV-infected people to be full members of society: to work, give birth to healthy children, live in ordinary rhythm and so on. Therefore, it is so important to identify HIV in time, and if necessary, proceed to Waart.

    AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection. The acquired immune deficit syndrome (AIDS, AIDS in English) in men and women develops against the background of HIV infection and is characterized by a sharp drop in the number of CD4 lymphocytes, the emergence of a set of opportunistic infections, malignant neuro-formations and neurological syndromes. In 70 - 80% of cases, the period from the moment of infection to the stage of the expanded picture of the disease ranges from 7 to 14 years. Without antiretroviral therapy, the patient dies after a year from the beginning of the development of opportunistic diseases. Antiretroviral therapy prolongs the life of the patient for many years.

    Fig. 1. Photo by AIDS patients.

    AIDS - the final stage of HIV infection.

    Signs and symptoms of AIDS in men and women in transition

    Secondary diseases begin to develop from the end of the primary manifestations of HIV infection - the stage of generalized lymphadenopathy and is considered an early stage of AIDS. This phase corresponds to the IIIA stage of HIV infection according to V.I. Pokrovsky and is transitional to the stage of secondary diseases - AIDS-associated complex.

    • During this period, the growth of gammaglobulins is noted, mainly due to IgG, a decrease in the phagocytic activity of leukocytes, the number of CD4 lymphocytes falls below 500 to 1 mk.
    • Fever is intermittent. Diarrhea, weakness, night sweats, fast fatigue and body weight loss up to 10% - the main symptoms of AIDS during this period. Patients in this phase of the disease are active.
    • AIDS-marker infections of skin and mucous membranes caused by both mushrooms of the genus Candida, bacterial and viral infections of the upper respiratory tract have a recurrent character. There is no pronounced spread of infections. The diseases of men and women occur without complications. Malignant tumors are not yet developing. Some clinicians consider this phase of HIV infection as a long-term AIDS period.

    Fig. 2. Common Candidiasis of the oral cavity can be the first sign of AIDS.

    Fig. 3. Recurrent genital herpes is often the first sign of AIDS in women.

    Fig. 4. Recurrent genital herpes is often the first sign of AIDS in men.

    Fig. 5. Singing deck in a recurrent form (periodically arising over the past 5 years) is often the first sign of AIDS.

    Fig. 6. Papillomavirus is the cause of warts in HIV-patients in the early stages of the development of AIDS.

    Fig. 7. The persistent current of the candidiasis (thrush) of the genital organs is the early sign of AIDS in men.

    Fig. 8. The thrush in women having a recurrent course indicates immunodeficiency and is an early sign of AIDS.

    The period of development of AIDS-Associate Complex in men and women

    During this period of the disease, there are signs of increasing viral intoxication, diseases are developing, which are a manifestation of a secondary immunodeficiency induced by HIV infection - AIDS-associated complex. This phase corresponds to the IIIIB stage of HIV infection according to V.I. Pokrovsky and is intermediate.

    Laboratory indicators. During this period, the level of CD4 lymphocytes from 500 to 200 in 1 μl decreases, the CD4 / CD8 coefficient is reduced and the reaction indicators of blastransformation. Leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia is growing. The level of immune complexes circulating in the blood continues.

    Fever.The fever has a long (over 1st month) the flow, diarrhea more resistant, profuse night sweats, the patient weight loss is more than 10%, the symptoms of intoxication are more pronounced, the increase in lymph nodes is generalized, the symptoms of damage to the nervous system (peripheral neuropathy) and internal organs (kidney damage with developing renal failure and high proteinuria).

    Fig. 9. Herpetic infection has a protracted course and common nature. Large herpes ulcers and herpes keratitis, which ends with blindness), indicate a sharp oppression of the immune system and are often signs of AIDS in both men and women.

    Fig. 10. Recurrent herpes of the face of the face in Patients with AIDS Men and Women.

    Fig. 11. Singing deprived in AIDS patients is common, has a protracted recurrent course and shows resistance to the therapy.

    Fig. 12. On the photo, the rare forms of slaughtering deprived - genital herpes. Often is a sign of developing immunodeficiency syndrome.

    Fig. 13. Heavy form of the Candidosis of the oral cavity. The disease develops against the background of sharply reduced immunity. Often is a sign of AIDS.

    Fig. 14. Heavy form of genital candidiasis in women. The disease is often developing with AIDS.

    Fig. 15. Candidiasis of the esophagus is a AIDS marker disease.

    Fig. 16. The "hairy leukoplakia" occurs mainly in patients with AIDS. Its cause is a grade 4-type virus (Epstein-Barr).

    Fig. 17. Sign of AIDS in men - Pointed Condylomes. Cause - human papilloma virus 6 and 11 types.

    Fig. 18. Pointed Condylomas are a sign of AIDS in women.

    Fig. 19. Pointed conceons of the anogenital region are often registered with AIDS. Reference to a group of sexually transmissible infections. The more sexual partners, the higher the risk of developing the disease. With low immunich, the Condylomes grow to huge sizes and form conglomerates.

    Fig. 20. The dysplasia of the cervix is \u200b\u200ba frequent sign of developing immunodeficiency syndrome. Its cause is a human papilloma virus. Promotes the spread of an infection random sex life. More than half of the cases, cancer rebirth is noted. In patients with AIDS women, this happens within 5 - 10 years. With a normal immune system - within 15 - 20 years.

    Fig. 21. Sarcoma Caposhi is a AIDS marker disease. At the early stage of AIDS, the disease is localized.

    Signs and symptoms of AIDS in men and women during the period of the disease

    The detailed picture of AIDS (late stage of the disease) is characterized by a deep depression of the immune system, which leads to the development of opportunistic diseases that occur seriously and long, showing resistance to therapy and threatening the life of the patient. This stage of AIDS corresponds to the III with the group of HIV infection according to V. I. Pokrovsky. The amount of CD4 lymphocytes is registered ranging from 50 to 200 in 1 μl.

    Patients develop exposure syndrome (asthenovegetative syndrome), there is a long fever and a significant loss of body weight (HIV-dystrophy), most of the time they are in bed. In 100% of cases, a generalized increase in lymph nodes is noted.

    Depending on the type and localization of the infectious process, men and women allocate several clinical forms of the disease:

    • in 84% of cases, the lesion of the skin and mucous membranes is observed;
    • in 60% of cases of the disease, there is a damage to the lungs (50% of all pulmonary lesions is pneumatic pneumonia);
    • the gastrointestinal tract is affected;
    • in 30% of cases of the disease, there is a damage to the central nervous system: the psyche of the patient is disturbed (HIV-encephalopathy is developing - "HIV / AIDS dementia"), CNS toxoplasmosis, progressive multicolor leicoentephalopathy. Neurological pathology is manifested in the form of mononeuritis, the defeat of the cranial and brain and peripheral nerves, are developing myelopathy;
    • oncopathology develops, 25% of which falls on the sarcoma caps;
    • part of the patients develops sepsis;
    • the hormonal system changes in women: hypogonadism develops, the menstrual cycle is disturbed;
    • some men and women develop endocrine pathology: symptoms of hypo- or hyperthyroidism appear, the defeat of the adrenal glands leads to adrenal insufficiency.

    Opportunist infections in HIV acquire generalized character, often their symptoms are enjoyed on oncological processes or other infectious diseases.

    During the period of the disease, the amount of CD4 lymphocytes is significantly reduced and is from 200 to 50 in 1 μl. The following hematological changes are noted: anemia, idiopathic thrombocytopenia and neutropenia. The blood serum registers a decrease in the level of general protein and the increase in serum globulin, mainly due to the G-globulin fraction.

    Fig. 22. Heavy form of seborrheic dermatitis with AIDS.

    Fig. 23. The hemorrhagic form of herpes in a woman and a man - a frequent sign of AIDS during the rapid period of the disease.

    Fig. 24. Herpety punctures from a man. The disease is often developing in AIDS patients. The infection extends to unconventional sex. Edema, rash and painful erythema in the perianal region are the main signs of the disease.

    Fig. 25. Caposhi sarcoma (oncopathology) is registered in the stage of height of AIDS, is common and has a progressive course. Included in the group of AIDS-associated diseases.

    Fig. 26. Non-Hodgkinsky B-cell lymphoma are developing in the AIDS stage and are recorded in 46% of cases in HIV-patients. The disease occurs with the defeat of the central nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract, the liver and bone marrow.

    Fig. 27. Neakodgkin Lymphoma Berkitt in men. The disease is a sign of AIDS. The tumor develops from B-lymphocytes, quickly illuminated. Proceeds with symptoms of intoxication, local itching, edema of jaw and neck, intestinal obstruction and bleeding.

    Fig. 28. In the stage of alkali, the diseases are registered, the cause of which are human papilloma viruses of a high degree of illustrative. In the photo Giant Pointed Condyloma Bushke-Levenshtein. Located on the genitals, anorectal and inguinal areas. Often released.

    Infectious diseases in men and women developing in AIDS

    AIDS-associated diseases in men and women develop at a certain stage of development, when the level of the number of CD4 lymphocytes is reduced to 200 - 500 in 1 μl. and below. As a rule, this group includes infectious and oncological diseases.

    The development of opportunistic diseases indicates a sharp decrease in immunity. They are recorded both with AIDS and with other immunodeficiency states, acquire a serious flow and are dangerous for the life of patients.

    Main types of superinfection

    Bacterial infections

    Fur forms of tuberculosis. Atypical disseminated mycobacteriosis. Salmonellic recurrent netiful septicemia. Cerebral toxoplasmosis. Bartartellez (bacterial disease, distributed in Peru, Colombia and Ecuador).

    Bacterial pneumonia, the reason for which is streptococci, blue and hemophilic wand. Bacillry angiomatosis.

    Fungal infections

    Candidiasis of bronchi, trachea, lungs and esophagus.

    Pneumocystosis (pneumatic pneumonia), cryptosporodise and isososorosiosis flowing with diarrhea ongoing more than 1 month. Cerebral toxoplasmosis. Cyclosporosis. Microspore. Visceral leishmaniasis. Blastomycosis. Strondhyloidosis. Scabies (including Norwegian).

    Viral infections

    1. Infections caused by herpes viruses: herpes is simple and listened in common form, herpety bronchitis, pneumonia, esophagitis. The damage to the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs with a duration of more than 1 month. . Sarcoma Kaposchi and lymphoma (primary CNS, Berkitta, diffuse B-lagging) in persons younger than 60s.
    2. Infections caused by human papillomaviruses: Common warts, flat and pointed warts, rectal cancer and invasive cervical cancer, progressive polystanding leuoentephalopathy.
    3. Viral infection caused by the representative of the Ose virus family ().

      Fig. 31. Bacillry angiomatosis develops with the number of CD4 lymphocytes below 200 in 1 μl. The disease occurs most often in HIV-patients. Its reason is the Bactry of Bartonella.

      Fig. 32. The human papilloma virus is a highly illumination is the cause of the development of the invion cancer of the cervix, which is often observed in the later stages of AIDS.

      Fig. 33. With a decrease in the number of CD4 lymphocytes below 50 in 1 μl, cytomegalovirus retinit is developing.

      Signs and symptoms of AIDS in men and women in the terminal stage

      With the amount of CD4 lymphocytes 50 and less than in 1 μl, the transition of AIDS to the terminal stage is stated when the disease takes an unmanaged flow and the death of the patient is expected in the near future. The patient in this period is exhausted, faith is lost in recovery.

      In the predestinal stage there is a deep immunodeficiency, which leads to the most severe course of opportunistic infections. An atypical form of tuberculosis comes to the fore, cryptococcal meningitis and cytomegalovirus retinit, common aspergillosis, multiform leuoenetsephaal, disseminated histoplasmosis, coccidiomycosis and Bartartellez are developing. Developed pathology leads to the development of asthenic syndrome and AIDS dementia.

      The complete absence of appetite, diarrhea resulting from the development of mallabsorption syndrome leads to a significant weight loss and the full exhaustion of the body.

      In the terminal stage, Cachexia reaches critical quantities. Due to the permanent fever and inxication syndrome, a large degree of severity of the patient spends almost all the time in bed. The disease continuously progresses and ends with the death of the patient.

      Fig. 34. Patients in the premininal and terminal stage of AIDS.

      Fig. 35. The death of the patient with the syndrome of the acquired immunodeficiency occurs as a result of the progression of opportunistic infections, neoplasms and damage to the central nervous system.

      How many live with AIDS

      In 70 - 80% of cases of AIDS symptoms in men and women develop an average after 10 years from the moment of infection with human immunodeficiency viruses. In 20 - 30% of infected AIDS manifests itself in the first 3 - 5 years of the disease. In 20% of patients with AIDS flows in a low form. About 50% of patients who have full antiretroviral therapy, live up to 20 years or more. Without specific treatment, the death of the patient occurs after 1 year after the development of the period of opportunistic infections. Burly and rapid HIV infection proceeds in children.

    AIDS virus - Retrovirus provoking HIV infection. This is a slow-member disease that is incurable. During the illness, the immune system is oppressed, which is why the body loses the ability to fight tumors, infections and other viruses. HIV symptoms in women are not manifested for a long time, which complicates diagnosis and treatment.

    HIV leads to the oppression of the immune system

    The main symptoms of HIV manifestation in women

    The infection with the virus occurs unnoticed for the body, for several weeks no changes are observed. The first signs of girls appear in 2-10 weeks. Symptomatics resembles an ordinary cold: the temperature rises (up to 39-40 degrees), the throat hurts, the dry cough begins. Gradually, the clinical picture is complemented by other signs of violation in the body.

    All infected HIV are observed:

    • weight loss;
    • constant weakness;
    • coordination problems;
    • permanent exacerbations of herpes;
    • reinforced sweating;
    • rash on the skin;
    • pain in the joints and muscles;
    • indigestion;
    • problems with the chair;
    • increase the spleen and liver;
    • eveniness in the field of lymph nodes.

    In the presence of chronic diseases, their exacerbation occurs. Treatment practically does not help, periods of remission are becoming very shorter or completely disappeared. Mimic colds are accompanied by pathologies that develop in the mouth -, gingivitis, periodontitis.

    Dysfunction in the endocrine system is noticeable, the female organism is experiencing constant hormonal failures. Because of this, the menstrual cycle is disturbed: monthly becomes irregular, selection can be scarce or too abundant, the PMS is sharpened, uterine pain is enhanced.

    When the body recognizes the virus, the interference is begins the development of a biological substance that sends the brain signal. The return of heat decreases, and energy generation increases. This leads to a periodic increase in temperature, which is repeated arbitrarily.

    Lymph nodes increase due to launching of antibodies against the virus. Over time, external manifestations are joined to internal symptoms: seals, minor hemorrhages, red spots on the body. This is due to the fact that the virus cells damage macrophages and T-lymphocytes in the skin. Local immunity is also reduced, the susceptibility of pathogenic microorganisms is enhanced.

    Common diseases in HIV-infected women

    In HIV infection, women are more often encountered with different diseases of the sexual system and a small pelvic organs.

    HIV-infected women are most often manifested by thrush

    The most common pathology is chronic.

    Bacterial vaginosis

    Gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis) - Non-inflammatory disease that is not transmitted by sexual way. The causes of the occurrence - a pathological violation of the natural microflora of the vagina. At normal condition in the genital paths, an acidic medium is preserved, which interferes with the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

    In HIV, the destruction of the lactobacilli needed to maintain an acidic medium occurs. Bacterial agents begin active reproduction, nonspecific microflora is formed.

    The disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

    • soreness during sex;
    • with urination;
    • unpleasant secretions;
    • itching;
    • burning;
    • dry mucous vagina.

    Reselection Vaginosis allows smear. Treatment includes a vaginal rehabilitation and recovery of the number of lactobacilli. The disease is well amenable to therapy, but due to the action of the virus, it can regularly exacerbate and quickly goes into a chronic form.

    Human papilloma virus

    HPV - an infectious disease that has several transmission paths. To infect enough direct bodily contact or the use of personal belongings that have recently enjoyed the patient. Many people with decades are carriers of the virus and are not suspected of this.

    HPV can be in sleep condition for a long time. The main provocateur of exacerbation becomes a decrease in the natural protective forces of the body. The main symptom of papillomavirus - skin manifestations (as it looks like - can be seen in the photo).

    Papillomas can appear on different parts of the body

    The patient has numerous small neoplasms - Condyloma or Papilloma.

    The main danger of HPV is the transformation of neoplasms in a malignant tumor. In HIV, the likelihood of this increases: a weakened immune system is unable to fight with pathological cells. The growths are recommended to delete, constant relapses are possible.

    Inflammation of the organs of a small pelvis

    Inflammatory processes affecting the abodes of the small pelvis are a common cause of female infertility. The pathogens are chlamydia and gonococci.

    With inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis itching in the vagina is not the only symptom that prevents living

    Accompanies the disease a number of unpleasant symptoms, which include:

    • burning and itching in the vagina;
    • lower abdominal pain;
    • silricular abundance;
    • redness of the mucous
    • the swelling of the germ lip.

    Sex act is accompanied by pain in the vagina. After sex, there are allocations containing blood traces. The pain syndrome is gradually enhanced and begins to manifest themselves during any movements.

    Manifestations of HIV infection at different stages

    Immediately after infection, an incubation period comes, which usually proceeds asymptomatic. The rate of appearance of primary signs depends on the initial state of the body.

    With a good immunity, incubation continues until a year, with a weakened - symptoms appear after 2-4 weeks.

    StageCharacteristicManifestation time
    PrimaryThe initial stage of manifestation of basic symptoms. The virus eliminates immunocompetent cells, antibody production occurs. Increased susceptibility to any diseases, chronic diseases are exacerbated.From 2-3 weeks to several months
    HiddenThe immune system is trying to fight the virus, the disease passes without symptoms. Recognize infection can only be recognized by conducting a serological test.From 2 to 20 years
    Secondary infectionsThe compensatory forces of the immune system are completed, the body loses protection against the effects of pathogenic microorganisms. Infected "cling" any fungal, bacterial and viral diseases. It is possible to form malignant formations.
    AIDSLast stage, immunodeficiency syndrome. There is a defeat of all systems and organs. Secondary diseases do not react to treatment and are fatal danger.Leads to a fatal outcome

    What doctor to contact?

    Due to the fact that in the early stages, signs of infection with HIV remind the usual colds, patients usually turn to the first consultation to the therapist.

    In case of detection of the first symptoms, immediately refer to the doctor

    If the immunodeficiency virus is suspected, an infectious informationist is issued, which assigns the necessary diagnostic measures and, if confirmed by the diagnosis, he is treated.

    Diagnosis of HIV

    To confirm or disprove HIV infection, assign:

    • immune blotting.

    The first necessary analysis is the Screening test system of the ELISA. During the procedure, blood is taken.

    Analysis is passed in the morning, mandatory on an empty stomach. The result does not show the most viral agent itself, but determines the fact of the presence or absence of antibodies.

    During the incubation period of the antibody, it is not yet formed, it is impossible to determine the disease. The first IFA test is made approximately a month after possible infection. You can also take such an analysis in preventive purposes once every 6-12 months.

    If screening has given a positive result, immune blotting is performed for final confirmation of the diagnosis.

    The patient again gives the blood, from which the serum containing antibodies to the virus is separated. The liquid is applied to the striped test with antigens. Analysis accuracy is 100%.

    Take an analysis to identify HIV several times

    If desired, any person can pass an express test for HIV. You can do it in a AIDS center or in special mobile items. The study is carried out anonymously, the result will be ready for half an hour. Capillary blood, urine or saliva are surreated.

    Some pharmacies sell express tests for home use. Biological fluids are applied to a special strip, if there is an antibody, a positive result is displayed. In this case, it is recommended to repeat the study after 3 months, but it is better to immediately turn to an infectious background or a AIDS center.

    The effects of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus

    When confirming the diagnosis, antiretroviral therapy is selected. It includes permanent reception of drugs (nevirapin, didanosine, zidovudine) are prescribed. These drugs prevent the virus from entering the cells, keeping the immune system from destruction. Drinking tablets will have throughout the remaining life.

    If the ill people do not take drugs, the destruction of the immune system continues.

    - Syndrome of the acquired immunodeficiency. At this stage, the body is not able to resist any diseases, and even a light cold can be killed. Live the patient remains for several months, the drug therapy does not work.

    Pregnancy with HIV

    Assice tests on HIV infection is recommended when planning conception. Studies also offer in women's consultation during pregnancy. With a positive result, treatment is immediately selected, which allows you to successfully endure and give birth to a healthy child.

    The disease passes from mom to the baby during navigation, and during childbirth or feeding.

    Increase the likelihood of child infection can:

    • labor complications;
    • immune status mom;
    • virus phenotype;
    • treatment quality;
    • virus genotype;
    • concomitant diseases.

    If you treat the infection correctly and comply with all the recommendations of the doctors, the likelihood of the transmission of the disease is low enough.

    Pregnant women can have a false positive result on HIV infection. In some cases, the body issues a negative response to the father's DNA and is trying to produce antibodies for protection. They are determined during analysis. To clarify the diagnosis, the tests are rented several times.

    HIV is a dangerous disease that requires constant medical control. The responsible attitude of the patient to its state will help reduce the likelihood of complications and transition of infection in AIDS. In time, the starting treatment allows you to maintain a normal standard of living and avoid early fatal outcome.

    Which is one of the most dangerous in the world. Her Deceit is expressed in the fact that for a long time it may not manifest itself, and it is possible to determine its presence in the body only with the help of a special test. Over time, the infection leads to the development of AIDS, which is already manifested by certain signs. According to statistics, the percentage of mortality from this terrible disease is extremely high: in the first year it dies about 40-65%, in two - 80%, and through three - almost 100%. In the flow of HIV infection with scientists and specialists allocate four stages:

    • incubation period;
    • first signs;
    • secondary diseases;
    • AIDS.

    In our article we will tell you about how the first symptoms appear, and what the first signs of AIDS arise in women and men.

    How long is the first symptoms of HIV and AIDS begin to appear?

    The first symptoms of HIV infection are nonspecific and remind of ORVI: an increase in body temperature, general weakness, muscle pain, an increase in cervical lymph nodes.

    From the moment of infection of HIV to the development of directly AIDS, there can be enough long time, and this period is quite different. Scientists still cannot explain why one person develops the disease already a year after infection, and other symptoms do not appear for 20 years or more. On average, AIDS appears in 10-12 years. We recommend to read our.

    When infection, HIV does not know about him in the first days after infection. Early signs can give themselves to know 2-6 weeks later. In most cases, they are expressed, ORVI or. In the stage of primary manifestations of AIDS, part of patients are noted:

    • temperature increase;
    • chills;
    • pain in muscles;
    • an increase in cervical lymph nodes.

    In some infected these symptoms are absent, and the current of HIV infection is called the asymptomatic stage of the disease. Scientists can not yet explain the cause of such a development of the disease.

    Sometimes patients with HIV have a long period of time occasionally, they continue the lifmuses. After that, they decrease, and the disease proceeds asymptomatic. Such form of HIV is called persistent generalized lymphadenopathy.

    In the first few weeks after the start of the disease, the blood test for HIV can give negative results - this gap is called the "window period". To identify the virus at this stage can only more modern diagnostic techniques - PCR and a test for HIV infection can be identified.

    After the stage of primary manifestations, the period occurs, during which the symptoms of HIV are completely absent. It can last for many years and is accompanied by the development of immunodeficiency.

    The absence of antiviral treatment at the initial stage of this terrible disease leads to its more rapid development. That is why it is extremely important to identify AIDS in the earliest rates when the first signs of HIV infection occur.

    The first signs of HIV in women

    The first sign of HIV in women, which appears a few weeks after infection, becomes an absolutely rapid increase in temperature to 38-40 ° C. The period of hyperthermia can last 2 to 10 days. It is accompanied by catarrhal phenomena characteristic of ARVI or influenza: cough and throat pain.

    The patient is experiencing symptoms of general intoxication:

    • general weakness;
    • headaches;
    • muscle pain;
    • sweating (especially at night).

    Many women have surfactant lymph nodes in the occipital region, then on the neck of the back, in the groin and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe armpits. This sign can be generalized.

    In some cases, women may have a strong nausea and vomiting, anorexia and pronounced spastic pain. With a significant lesion of the respiratory organs, the cough can be intense and end with the attacks of choking.

    With the defeat of the HIV infection of the nervous system, such symptoms sometimes appear:

    • pronounced headaches;
    • considerable weakness;
    • vomiting;
    • rigidity of the occipital muscles.

    Many women are inclined in this period to diseases of the urogenital system. They have:

    • sharp increase in inguinal lymph nodes;
    • abundant and frequent mucous membranes from sex tract;

    All of the above symptoms are nonspecific and not always may indicate the infection of HIV, but their long-term manifestation should alert the woman and become a reason for the survey in the AIDS center.

    The first signs of HIV in men

    About a week after infection of HIV on the body of a man appears phetechial (point), spotty or papular (towers over healthy skin) rash.

    The first signs of HIV in men are largely similar to the first symptoms of this disease in women, but have some differences.

    5-10 days after infection, a man appears, or colorless skin sections around the body appear. The rashes can be a phetechial, ultraloral or papular nature. Hide such a sign is simply impossible.

    After a few weeks after infection, they have rise to high numbers, the symptoms of influenza or ARVI are revealed, expressed headaches appear and the lymph nodes are increasing on the neck, in groin and armpits. The patient feels complete branches, constant drowsiness and apathy.

    Often, after infection in the initial stages, the patient may have diarrhea. Also can be detected. Frequent and no explanatory appearance of such symptoms should be a reason for conducting HIV test in a specialized center.

    The first signs of AIDS in men and women

    After the primary manifestation of HIV, which can last about three weeks, a long-term subfebrile temperature is often observed in a patient. Some infected people can not guess the disease over the years. Next, they develop an immunodeficiency, which leads to a long flow of any disease.

    The first signs of AIDS are the same for men, and for women. Only symptoms of sexual diseases can be different. The first sign of it began to be long-time cuts and wounds. In such patients, even a light scratch can be bleed and fled.

    • pulmonary - the patient develops pneumatic pneumonia, which is characterized by a long and heavy flow;
    • incorter - Initially, diarrhea appears in the patient, signs of dehydration, fast and significant weight loss;
    • with damage to the skin, mucous membranes and tissues of the body - the patient appears ulcers and erosion on mucous membranes or on the skin, which progress, infected and germinate into muscle tissue;
    • with the damage to the nervous system - the patient worsens the memory, constant apathy appears, the atrophy of the brain and epileptic seizures develop, the condition may be complicated by malignant brain tumors, or encephalitis.

    AIDS lasts about six months or two years and ends with a fatal outcome (few years live for a few years).

    The rapid detection of AIDS is hampered by the fact that the first signs of HIV infection are nonspecific and can be attributed to many different agers. Frequent and unforctivable appearance of temperature and an increase in lymph nodes must be worked out by the patient and his doctor. In such cases, the only proper decision can be only the conduct of HIV test in a specialized center. The need for timely diagnosis of this deadly disease is no doubt, since previously the beginning of antiviral therapy is capable of moving away the transition of HIV to AIDS, and hence, extend the life of an infected person.

    HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that causes AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). HIV attacks the immune system, destroys white blood cells (leukocytes) that helps the body to fight infections and diseases. HIV testing is the only reliable path of determination, do you have HIV. The symptoms below can help you suspect the availability of HIV and then check your blood for HIV.

    I. Visible HIV Symptoms

    Visible symptoms of HIV - fatigue.

    1. Please note whether you feel acute weakness without an obvious reason.

    Caution weakness can be a sign of many different diseases, but it is also one of the constant symptoms of people infected with HIV. If weakness is the only one, isolated symptom, then this is not a reason for concern regarding HIV infection, but in conjunction with the symptoms that we consider below - this symptom should alert.

    • Acute weakness is not the same feeling as drowsiness. Do you feel a constant breakiness even after a night rest? Do you feel more desire than usually take up after lunch and avoid the rapid activity, because Do you feel a little effort? This type of weakness should cause alertness for the infection of HIV.
    • If acute weakness pursues you a few weeks or months, then be sure to hand over HIV tests.

    The first signs of HIV are unreasonable drowsiness.

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    2. Pay attention to the feeling of heat (elevated temperature, fever) or abundant night sweats.

    These symptoms are characteristic of the early stages of HIV infection (acute HIV infection). Not all people infected with HIV are experiencing these symptoms, but if they are, then they usually last from 2 to 4 weeks after HIV infection.

    • The heat and night sweats are also the symptoms of influenza and colds. But they are seasons, i.e. Usually arise in autumn and spring.
    • Chills, muscle pain, pain in the throat and headache is also symptoms of flu or colds, but they can also be the signs of acute HIV infection.

    The first signs of HIV are enlarged lymph nodes.

    3. Check enlarged (swell) whether you have cervical or axillary lymph nodes.

    Lymph nodes increase in the presence of infection in the body. It does not happen with each who is infected with HIV, but if this symptom is, it increases the likelihood that you are infected with HIV.

    • In HIV infection, cervical lymph nodes, as a rule, swell more than in armpits or in groin.
    • Lymph nodes can swell as a result of many other types of infections such as colds or flu, so further examination is needed to determine the cause.

    The first signs of HIV - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

    4. Pay attention to the attacks of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

    These symptoms, which are usually associated with the flu, can also indicate an early HIV infection. Pass the HIV test if these symptoms are saved.

    The first signs of HIV are ulcers in the mouth and in the genitals.

    5. Pay attention to the presence of an ulcer in the oral cavity and in the genitals.

    If you have an ulcer in your mouth, if there are the above symptoms, it's time to beat the alarm, especially if you have rarely had ulcers. Ulcers in the genital organs can also speak in favor of the presence of HIV infection.

    II. Specific symptom recognition

    Specific signs of HIV - a continuous dry cough.

    1. Invertible dry cough

    This symptom appears in the later stages of HIV, sometimes several years after HIV infection. This symptom often does not pay attention, thinking that the cause of this cough is or allergic or cold. If you have a dry cough, which is not removed by means of allergies, then it is possible that this is a symptom of HIV infection.

    Specific symptoms of HIV - indiscriminate rash.

    2. Pay attention to random rash, stains (red, brown, pink, purple) on the skin.

    HIV-infected people often have rashes on the skin, especially on face and torso. They can also be found in the mouth and nose. This is a sign that HIV switched to the final stage - AIDS.

    • Spots can also look like a furuncle or tubercles.
    • Rash on the skin, as a rule, does not appear with a flu or cold, so if you have these symptoms simultaneously with the other above named, then urgently consult a doctor.

    Specific signs of HIV - pneumonia.

    3. Note, if you have pneumonia.

    Pneumonia often has people who have an immune system does not work correctly. People at the late stage of HIV infection are prone to a disease of pneumatic pneumonia, which does not have people with a normal immune system.

    Specific symptoms of HIV - plaques, thrush in the mouth.

    4. Check yourself for the presence of fungus, especially in the mouth.

    Under late stages of HIV infection, thrush is very often developing. It can be seen as white plaques, stains in the tongue, inside the oral cavity. This is a sign that the immune system cannot work effectively.

    Specific features of HIV - damage to the fungus nail.

    5. Check your nails on the signs of damage to the fungus.

    Nails painted with yellow or brown color, cracked, broken characteristic of people with late stages of HIV infection. Nails become more susceptible to the fungus, than with a normal immunite.

    Specific signs of HIV - weight loss.

    6. Determine if you have an unprepared weight loss.

    CAECHSION - exhaustion, with AIDS sharply falls the body weight.

    In the early stages of HIV infection, quick weight loss can be caused by excessive diarrhea; At the later stages, this is manifested by cachexia (sharp depletion) and is a strong response of the body to the presence of HIV.

    Specific signs of HIV - depression, memory loss.

    7. Pay attention to problems with the loss of memory, depression or the presence of other neurological ailments.

    HIV affects the cognitive functions of the brain ( memory, attention, feelings, presentation of information, logical thinking, imagination, decision-making ability) In later stages. These symptoms are very serious and cannot be ignored.

    III. Understanding HIV

    Defined whether the risk of HIV infection was.

    1. Think if you have a risk of HIV infection.

    There are several different situations that can be very dangerous in terms of HIV infection.

    If you had one of the following situations, then you are in danger:

    • You had unprotected anal, vaginal or oral soil.
    • You used common needles and syringes.
    • You were diagnosed with sexually transmitted disease (syphilis, chlamydia, garardnellosis, genital herpes, etc.), tuberculosis, hepatitis B or S.
    • You received blood transfusions from 1978 to 1985, years before security measures were taken to prevent the transfusion of infected blood, or suspicious blood was transferred to you.

    2. Do not wait until symptoms appear to pass testing.

    Many people with HIV do not know that they are sick. The virus can exist in your body for more than ten years before the symptoms begin to appear. If you have reason to think that you may have become infected with HIV, do not allow the absence of symptoms to stop you from testing. The sooner you learn, the better, the faster you can take measures to the ultra of others and begin treatment.

    3. Pass the HIV test.

    This is the most accurate method of determining if you have HIV. Contact your local clinic, laboratory, AIDS center to pass HIV testing.

    • Testing is a simple, accessible and reliable (in most cases) procedure. The most common test is carried out by studying a blood sample. There are also tests that use the secrets of the oral cavity and urine. There are even tests that can be used at home. If you do not have a permanent doctor who can provide testing, contact your local clinic.
    • If you have been tested for HIV, do not allow fear to prevent you from getting test results.

    Knowledge, you are infected or not, change your life forever.

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      Whether you have a unprotected intercourse with a person who is sick (or may) HIV infection, AIDS.

    1. Task 2 of 10

      2 .

      Did you have intercourse through the rear pass with a person who is sick (or may) HIV infection, AIDS.

    2. Task 3 of 10

      3 .

      Whether you have contact with human biological fluids, which is sick (or may be sick) HIV infection, AIDS.