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  • Chlamydia is not sexual. How is chlamydia transmitted: sexual, domestic, intrathoracic

    Chlamydia is not sexual.  How is chlamydia transmitted: sexual, domestic, intrathoracic

    Previously, it was believed that only people who lived a promiscuous sex life could catch chlamydia. After a while, due to the high degree of contagiousness and the impossibility of developing immunity to this pathogen, such prejudice towards patients disappeared. During further research It was established the possibility of transmission of chlamydia not by sexual contact, namely, by vertical, household and airborne droplets.

    And if everything is very clear with vertical infection (only newborns from an infected mother at the time of birth can get sick in this way), then infection with chlamydia in the pool or by airborne droplets scare people with the possibility of infection through no fault of their own.

    The question of whether chlamydia is dangerous in the pool has become increasingly common among people who are worried about their health and visit pools. Although not a sexual route of infection is considered unlikely, but according to confirmed data, the bacterium-causative agent of this disease can exist outside the carrier for up to two days at a temperature of 17-19 ° C and high humidity, that is, under conditions characteristic of many pools and some bath rooms. However, the fact that the pool will be visited by sick people does not mean the risk of non-sexual infection in other visitors. And there is a number of evidence for this:

    • it is impossible to become infected through the pool water, since it is subjected to chlorination or treatment with other disinfectants. And even if the treatment was carried out in violation of the norms, microorganisms outside the person, usually resistant to the strongest antibiotics, die at the first adverse conditions.
    • infection in the shower or toilet. You can never be sure whether a healthy person or a sick person washed in front of you, but to get infected, standing on a tile, on which water flowed from the carrier of the disease, is not enough. Infection occurs only when the pathogen enters the blood, mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth or genitals. That is, even if you want to get chlamydia in the pool, for this you will need to watch for a sick person, go after him into the shower and collect all the bacteria left by him.
    • non-sexual infection through personal hygiene items. In order for this case to be possible, it is necessary to pick up a towel or soap with which the patient washed himself and rub his genitals with it. However, due to the fact that most people are smart enough to have their own towel and their own liquid soap, this non-sexual route of contracting chlamydia in the pool is unlikely.

    Based on the foregoing, for sure you can get chlamydia, only the good old sexual way with unprotected sex with a sick person.

    But the transmission of chlamydia by airborne droplets, although it is a rare phenomenon, is quite real, and is called chlamydia pneumonia. Airborne infection means that the microorganism is transmitted in a cloud of dust from a sick bird, animal or person, as well as with sputum when coughing.

    • abortus - affects livestock, with a weakened immune system are transmitted with dust to a person caring for livestock;
    • felis - from sick cats to humans;
    • psittaci - from a sick bird.

    That is, the main carriers of chlamydia by airborne droplets are sick animals, which are cared for without the use of respiratory protection.

    Is it worth it to be afraid of non-sexual ways of infection, each person must decide for himself, because although according to official data these are quite rare and even theoretically possible ways of infection, in fact no one checks how this or that person fell ill with chlamydia, he is simply treated ...

    What is chlamydia

    A sexually transmitted infectious disease that occurs in a chronic or acute form, affecting the urethra (urethra), rectum, respiratory tract, blood vessels, heart, joints, teeth, eyes of a person, was called chlamydia in accordance with the name of the pathogen - Chlamydia trachomatis.

    Even in a dormant form, the pathogen multiplies, moving from the mother cell to the daughter cell during division. Chlamydia are activated in case of suppression of human immunity, while there is an intensive spread of infection through the lymphatic system and subsequent damage. internal organs.

    Infection with chlamydia occurs by contact from sick people. Often the disease is transmitted sexually, and the probability of infection during unprotected vaginal or anal intercourse with a sick partner is approximately 25%. Infection occurs if a person is susceptible to infection, has a weak immune system. The disease process begins when chlamydia invades the epithelial cells of the male urethral mucosa.

    The infection is transmitted to the child from family members and pets. Some types of chlamydia are transmitted to children by airborne droplets or airborne dust through contact with sick cats and birds. Sometimes the disease occurs when using the things of parents. Infection can occur vertically - in utero, through the placenta, or during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal of a mother with chlamydia.

    Clinical signs of infection in men are manifested in the form of mild inflammation of the urethra - urethritis, lasting several months. There is pain, discomfort during urination, frequent need for hygiene of the genital organ. Outwardly, the man looks healthy, although he may feel a slight malaise, accompanied by a slightly elevated body temperature. Signs that can be suspected of chlamydia may include the following:

    • increased to 37.2-37.5 ° C body temperature, general weakness, fatigue;
    • soreness in the rectum, lower back;
    • mucous or purulent discharge from the urethra after sleep;
    • itching, burning in the urinary tract, frequent urge to urinate;
    • bleeding during ejaculation or urination;
    • swelling, redness of the external opening of the urethra;
    • painful lymph nodes in the groin, swelling of the scrotum.

    Chronic chlamydia in men leads to multiple complications throughout the body. A person does not have a natural immunity to chlamydia, immunity is not acquired even after suffering and curing the disease. The absence of symptoms, timely diagnosis and treatment of infection leads to serious diseases of the male genitourinary system:

    • prostate cyst;
    • ascending urinary tract infection;
    • atony - a violation of the function of the prostate gland, a decrease in potency, sexual desire;
    • atrophy, sclerosis of the prostate gland, accompanied by a decrease in the organ, narrowing of the lumen of the urethra;
    • prostatitis - damage to the prostate gland;
    • orchitis - inflammation of the testicle;
    • vesiculitis - infection of the seminal vesicle;
    • epididymitis - inflammation of the epididymis;
    • cooperitis - infection of the gland, located next to the bulbous part of the urethra;
    • proctitis - inflammation of the rectal mucosa;
    • impotence;
    • infertility.

    Oral chlamydia is not necessarily caused by sexual contact - infection can occur through dishes and sores in the mouth. With this form of the disease, a person experiences nasal congestion, an unpleasantly smelling thick sticky mucus appears in the nasopharynx. The tonsils and the back of the throat swell, the sensitivity of the receptors of the tongue is lost.

    • ulcerative changes in the oral cavity - stomatitis, glossitis;
    • pharyngitis - a disease of the nasopharynx;
    • ophthalmochlamydia - chlamydial conjunctivitis, leading to blindness.

    With a weakened immune system and no treatment, the infection leads to serious diseases of various organs and body systems:

    • damage to the joints of the legs;
    • chlamydial pneumonia of newborns;
    • damage to the vestibular apparatus;
    • generalized chlamydia with infection of the cardiovascular system, liver, lungs, gastrointestinal tract;
    • encephalopathy - brain damage;
    • Reiter's disease - an allergic condition accompanied by chlamydial urethritis, conjunctivitis, reactive arthritis - an inflammatory disease of the joints.

    One of the most common sexual diseases today is chlamydia.

    The cause of the neglected condition is the absence of symptoms characteristic of the disease. To identify signs of an incipient disease, you need to know how you can become infected with chlamydia, and what routes of infection exist.

    Features of chlamydia and their varieties

    The bacteria that cause chlamydia are pathogenic microorganisms, they penetrate into healthy cells and, multiplying, destroy them with their influence.

    Chlamydia - what is it? On the one hand, bacteria are a virus that penetrates the cells of internal organs with lightning speed. On the other hand, these microorganisms have the characteristics of simple bacteria, they attack cell walls, and increase their numbers by simple division.

    Chlamydia has a complex classification, they infect living beings and humans in various ways. Fortunately, not all types of bacteria can infect a person.

    The main types of chlamydia that affect people are distinguished:

    1. Psitaki - the main carriers are domestic animals and birds. Most often, doctors of veterinary clinics, agricultural workers, livestock specialists are affected by this type of bacteria. The disease chlamydia infection occurs by airborne droplets. The consequence of ingestion of microorganisms is the manifestation of arthritis, psittacosis, pyelonephritis, atypical pneumonia, and improper functioning of the nervous system.
    2. - the ways of infection are limited, being transmitted only from an affected person to a healthy one. Ways of infection with chlamydia are airborne and household methods. When an infection enters the body, asthma, pneumonia, severe form, or bronchitis develop.
    3. Feliz - Only domestic cats can transmit. Those individuals that are affected by chlamydia suffer from conjunctivitis or have rhinitis. If the owners are in close contact with the pet, then it is not difficult for bacteria to get in by airborne droplets. When infected, a person undergoes an inflammatory process of the eyeball and conjunctival sac.
    4. Trachomatis - carried by a person, urogenital chlamydia is provoked. The infection provokes inflammation in the genitourinary system, in the respiratory or visual organs.

    An infected person remains unaware of their disease for a long period of time and continues to infect other people. Ailments often appear only together with another disease, which is the result of infection with chlamydia.

    Ways of infection

    There are several methods of transmission of chlamydia:

    • sexual;
    • vertical;
    • domestic;
    • airborne;
    • oral.

    It is worth knowing the possible ways of infection in order to prevent the entry of pathogenic microbes into the body.

    Sexual way

    The most common way to get chlamydia is through sexual contact.. It is he who is recorded in most of the patients' appeals to medical specialists.

    How is chlamydia transmitted? Pathogens get inside a person through unprotected intercourse with unverified partners. Is it possible to get infected under such conditions of free sexual life? Easy!

    Chlamydia is transmitted through the rectal mucosa or through the lower urethra, through the genitals. Once in a favorable environment, the transmitted bacteria are sent to the lymph and spread to all internal organs. The incubation period for colonization by bacteria lasts from 2 weeks to one month.

    Signs of infection may not manifest themselves at all or manifest themselves with the following symptoms:

    Chlamydia in women is most often fixed after oral, vaginal or anal intercourse.

    The release of chlamydia in the lubricant or seminal fluid upon contact with the partner's oral cavity provokes chlamydia damage.

    The modes of transmission of chlamydia are diverse and the probability of acquiring viruses under normal conditions is high. Control your needs and desires intimate life and know the rules of elementary hygiene.

    If you experience any suspicious symptoms, you should contact a qualified specialist for diagnosis.

    How is chlamydia transmitted and why is it so common? According to WHO, 100 million people in the world are infected every year. Infection does not depend on gender or age, but the disease has become more widespread among young people. And this is not surprising, since the main route of transmission is sexual. However, this type of infection spreads in other ways.

    Ways of transmission and infection of chlamydia

    Chlamydia is smaller than a bacterium, larger than a virus, and quite stable because it can stay in the environment for some time.

    The development of chlamydia follows the following scenario:

    The incubation period for infection is 2 to 4 weeks. Since the disease does not manifest itself for a long time and proceeds without clinical changes, a chronic form of chlamydia develops. In the same form - latent or hidden, such venereal disease like ureaplasmosis.

    Chlamydia trachomatis affects the reproductive system of both men and women, which is why urogenital chlamydia develops - an infectious disease that can only occur through sexual contact.

    Infection is possible in different ways:

    1. The sexual way is the main and most common. You can become infected through vaginal, oral or anal sex.
    2. Possible and household way transmission, since chlamydia is in the environment for a short period of time. Moreover, this microorganism is quite stable under the influence of external factors.
    3. Infection is possible during pregnancy, but more often it occurs during childbirth, when the child comes out through the birth canal of the mother affected by the bacterium. A newborn is diagnosed with chlamydial conjunctivitis (50% of cases) or pneumonia. Infection during breastfeeding through milk is impossible.
    4. In rare cases, chlamydia enters the body through airborne droplets.
    5. Sometimes the bacterium is transmitted through a kiss, since saliva can contain many bacteria that are introduced into the internal environment through wounds in the mouth or mucous membranes with a weakened immune system.

    The method of infection depends on several factors:

    • how strong is the immune system;
    • on the type of pathogen;
    • on the duration of the existence of the microbe in the external environment.

    The infection causes inflammation of the prostate, testicles, bladder, infertility in both sexes. When a woman is infected, the pregnancy can end in a miscarriage.

    The number of complications increases with relapses of the disease (repeated infections).

    Sexual contact

    Unprotected sexual contact leads to infections in a healthy sexual partner, the risk of infection is 60%, which is a high rate. If the disease is asymptomatic and chronic, then the infected person continues to carry the infection if he has sexual intercourse without using a condom.

    In the case when the tests showed a positive reaction to chlamydia in one of the spouses, the second should also be treated. During treatment, which lasts 1-2 months, it is advisable to abstain from sexual intercourse.

    Recovery occurs if negative results are diagnosed during re-examination.

    It is important to inform the public, and especially young people, about the dangers of unprotected sex, especially when changing partners frequently. There are two ways to avoid infection: stay loyal to one person or protect yourself using reliable means of protection. This applies to any STD.

    Infection through sex with unfamiliar people leads to the colonization of the body with bacteria in ¼ of the possible cases. The most susceptible to chlamydia are women, who are much easier to infect and get sick more often.

    Even after treatment, the infection can persist in the body for some time, and with improper behavior or weakened immune defenses, a relapse is possible. Therefore, self-treatment, the use of dubious remedies for protection against chlamydia and turning to healers or healers is unacceptable. The disease is curable, you just need to contact an experienced specialist.


    Oral sex sometimes causes infection. In what cases is there a possibility of such an outcome:

    1. When one of the partners is infected, the other can become infected if a condom is not used.
    2. The risk increases when there are wounds or microcracks on the oral mucosa through which pathogenic microorganisms enter the bloodstream.
    3. There is a high probability of infection with weak immunity, then the bacteria freely penetrate through the mucous membranes.

    But this route of transmission is not as common as through sexual contact.


    This kind of sex has been known since ancient times, but it has always been condemned because the result was not procreation. Today (according to polls) it is popular among young people.

    It is extremely difficult to protect yourself from chlamydia during anal-genital sexual contact, but there is a possibility. They penetrate the genitourinary system, where they develop vigorous activity. In this way, you can become infected with a variety of STIs.

    Through saliva

    Kissing is an important part of a love relationship. And the partners are not in danger if one of them is not a carrier of the infection, and he has no wounds in the oral cavity on the mucous membrane. Otherwise, infection is possible, but the percentage of such cases is not very high.

    Not everyone is informed that it is possible to “catch” an unpleasant virus through a kiss. We are talking about a French kiss, when there is an exchange of saliva and contact of the mucous membranes.

    After a romantic date, it is advisable to treat your mouth with furacilin, miramistin or other antiseptic, and an antibacterial rinse is also suitable.


    The airborne route is another possibility of infection, which occurs when air is inhaled. In diseases of the respiratory system, microorganisms are found in the air and mucus secreted by the sick carrier. There are two ways of transmission:

    • drip, when the infection enters the environment with droplets of mucus when sneezing or coughing, which is possible with respiratory diseases;
    • dusty, when the pathogen is in the dust and is viable for some time.

    In this way, infection is possible, but extremely rare.

    household route of infection

    When using other people's personal hygiene items, a household way of transmitting chlamydia is possible. With such an attitude to hygiene, it is not difficult to encounter other infections. If the person whose items you use has wounds or injuries on the mucous membrane and is infected, then Chlamydia trachomatis will move into your body without problems.

    The development of an unpleasant disease can also cause a harmless visit to the sauna or pool. V aquatic environment a lot of chlamydia can accumulate, and therefore the likelihood of infection increases when taking water procedures. There is even such terminology as “pool conjunctivitis”.

    But the household route of transmission remains quite rare, since units of chlamydia enter the body. With a strong immune system, infection in this situation will not occur.

    Many animals are infected and sick with chlamydia, including cats, dogs, cattle (cattle). Infection with a microorganism causes the development of various diseases of internal organs and in some cases leads to death.

    But the most dangerous thing is that a person can become infected from animals by airborne droplets.

    Methods of prevention are not much different from those for other sexually transmitted diseases: a permanent sexual partner, protected sex, personal hygiene products. The rules are simple, but by following them, you will protect yourself from an unpleasant infection that provokes a lot of other pathologies if you do not identify it in time.

    After being infected with chlamydia, no symptoms appear for a long time. Only with a weakened immune system can certain signs appear, thanks to which you can find out about the presence of an infectious process in the human body. This infectious process is a bit similar to HIV infection.

    The clinical picture of the development of the disease is conditionally divided into three key categories, among which are: the stage of infection, the stage of development of clinical signs of an infectious disease, the stage of development of the main complications and consequences. In the early stages of infection, the clinical manifestations of the disease are almost completely not manifested, this is the insidiousness and danger of this disease. The first clinical manifestations of this disease include minor or intense itching in the external genital area, difficulty emptying the bladder (this can be both difficulties with full micturition, and too frequent visits to the toilet, which are complemented by soreness or discomfort).

    The symptoms of this infectious disease in men and women are very different from each other. The presence of an infectious process in representatives of a strong half of the population can be suspected by the following signs:

    1. The presence of inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the testicles and epididymis.
    2. Feeling of severe soreness, pain and burning during micturition.
    3. Various dysfunctions in quantitative or qualitative indicators of seminal fluid, premature ejaculation.
    4. The development of erectile dysfunction, deterioration of sexual desire.
    5. In the absence of treatment, the development of secondary infectious processes and various disorders in the functions of the organs of the reproductive system are possible.
    6. In the morning, glassy discharge from the urethra appears, the first drop of urine can be very cloudy.
    7. Some men experience spotting at the end of urination or when they ejaculate.
    8. Patients feel weak, the temperature may slightly increase.
    It is very important to see a doctor as soon as possible.

    In the absence of adequate medical intervention, a man gradually develops dangerous consequences in the form of inflammation of the prostate gland, difficulties in conceiving a child. Such consequences in very neglected cases can be irreversible. So it is very important to see a doctor as soon as possible, even at the stage of discomfort, in which case the treatment will be quick (no more than two weeks, complications can be prevented).

    If a woman becomes infected (regardless of the route or source of infection), most often this destructive process is accompanied by the appearance the following symptoms:

    1. The presence of an intensely pronounced burning sensation or pain in the urethra, which becomes more pronounced when visiting the toilet.
    2. Inflammatory process on the surface of the cervix, this is accompanied by the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, specific discharge, intense itching in the genital area.
    3. In advanced situations, bleeding from the vagina may appear.
    4. A general deterioration in the state of the body is noted, body temperature indicators increase (and if in the early stages they can be subfebrile, then as the infectious process develops, they can become febrile), severe weakness and deterioration in working capacity appear.
    5. Due to intoxication of the body with pathogens, periodic nausea may appear, which is not associated with diseases of the organs. digestive system.
    6. Initially, the discharge is mucous, has a pronounced unpleasant odor and a yellowish tint.

    To prevent the development of negative consequences and complications, it is very important to visit a doctor as soon as possible. A woman should visit a gynecologist or venereologist, a man should contact a venereologist or urologist if there are the very first negative symptoms and discomfort.

    Even in the absence of a competent approach to treatment, all of the above clinical signs may disappear on their own after a few weeks. But at the same time, the disease does not disappear anywhere, it becomes chronic. At the same time, chlamydias act on the immune system, on the one hand, causing its weakening, and on the other hand, as if setting it up against some tissues of the body. In this case, various damage to the internal organs, articular cells and organs of vision begins.

    How is chlamydia transmitted?

    How are chlamydia transmitted, how can you get infected with an insidious disease? Ways of infection of chlamydia are divided into the following categories:

    1. Sexual way.
    2. Vertical.
    3. Domestic.

    Most often, infection occurs during sexual contact and from mother to child. But cases of household transmission of infection are infrequent, since in most cases pathogens are not viable in the external environment.

    Chlamydia is sexually transmitted

    How do women get infected and how can a man get infected? sexual transmission routes. In this case, chlamydia trachomatis in men and women is introduced into the body in different ways, at different speeds. The routes of transmission are also different. If disease-causing agents are found in the urethra or in the vagina in women, this means that the method of infection is vaginal contact. If the presence of chlamydia trachomatis sticks in the rectum is noted, this means that they were transmitted during anal sex, but if the infection is found on the surface of the respiratory organs or on the mucous membrane of the organs of vision, this means that the sticks were transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person through oral contact. It is important to note that with the development of urogenital chlamydia in men, such transmission routes as oral or anal are inherent only in representatives of sexual minorities, they are practically not found in straight people.

    You can protect yourself from this route of transmission of chlamydial infection to a woman and a man using various methods. The most cardinal of them (and unlikely) is the complete rejection of sexual contact. But you can save yourself in other ways. For example, if the partner is permanent, if barrier contraceptives are constantly used during sexual intercourse, if you have not changed or cheated on your sexual partner, you can protect yourself from the risk of contracting not only this disease, but also other sexually transmitted diseases, including immunodeficiency.

    How else can you get infected? A sick pregnant woman can transmit the disease to her newborn baby. At the same time, a disease that is not transmitted through the blood or the placenta, since the placenta in this case is a reliable barrier that protects the baby in the womb. Only in isolated cases, if there is leakage of amniotic fluid, can the disease be transmitted. Methods of infection of the child in this case - labor activity, when the baby passes through the birth canal of the mother. In this case, the child does not damage the organs of the genitourinary system, but the organs of the respiratory system and eyes.

    Household infection is rare. But certain sources of infection are not ruled out. In the presence of favorable conditions for the pathogen in the external environment, it can remain viable for two days.

    Can you have sex with chlamydia?

    Can you have sex with chlamydia? Sex with chlamydia and with other types of STIs or STDs is unacceptable. Why is it impossible to have sex during treatment and are there any restrictions? Since it is possible to get infected the first time during genital contact. During treatment, a certain amount of the pathogen remains in the human body, so it is not recommended to have sex during treatment.

    If the therapy is carried out for too long and it is not possible to refrain from intimacy, at the direction of the attending physician, you can make contact, but about be sure to use barrier methods of contraception and during sex do not combine anal, vaginal and oral penetration. This will help eliminate sexual transmission to a partner who is either already healthy or is in the process of being cured.

    Does a condom protect against chlamydia?

    Does a condom protect against chlamydia? Is it transmitted through a condom? Chlamydia is a commonly diagnosed ailment, transmission most often occurs during intimacy. Since the epithelium that lines the lining of the human genitourinary tract has a high similarity with the membrane structures of the pathogen, the correct use of a condom excludes the penetration of chlamydia on the surface of the mucous membranes of healthy sexual partners. In this case, the condom reliably protects against STDs.

    But in some situations, infection is still possible: if the condom is used incorrectly (in this case, chlamydia is transmitted through a condom), with incompletely protected contact, the household route of infection, extragenital forms of infection.

    Can you get chlamydia through oral sex?

    Can you get chlamydia through oral sex? Oral chlamydia is different than sexual chlamydia. Having oral sex in the presence of the disease, it is easily transmitted. In this case, the pharynx is affected. After oral transmission (blowjob or cunnilingus), the pathogen infects the oral cavity. Pharyngitis develops, then the disease spreads with the bloodstream and lymph flow. The respiratory system is affected, pneumonia can develop, joints, liver, eyes are affected.

    Therefore, answering the question - is it transmitted during oral sex, is it possible to get a disease during oral sex, we can say that even when using a condom there will be no 100% protection against chlamydia.

    Is it possible to get chlamydia through the household?

    You can pick up an infection in a household way, by sharing toiletries with a sick person

    Is it possible to get infected by household route? Is it possible to get chlamydia in the pool or when visiting other public places with multiple crowds of people. You can pick up an infection in a household way, by sharing toiletries with a sick person. These are towels, toilet rim, personal belongings of the patient, visiting baths, saunas, swimming pools, swimming in the sea. The possibility of getting domestic chlamydia is explained by the fact that for some time the pathogen can remain viable in the external environment.

    How long do pathogens live on objects? In the external environment, in the presence of favorable conditions, chlamydia can live for another two days. Therefore, answering the question - is it possible to get infected not sexually, we can say that it is possible to get chlamydia by household means if a sick person “left” them earlier. But there are other ways to get an infection in the household way. For example, both men and women who do not have sexual intercourse on the side can become infected by contact with sick birds or animals. In this case, the disease proceeds in the form of ornithosis, the causative agent of which is one of the subspecies of chlamydia, which are found in more than 130 species of birds. You don't have to be bitten by a bird to get sick. It is enough to constantly contact with infected excrement, feathers or fluff, inhaling their particles, or forget to wash your hands after cleaning for birds. It is also possible to become infected from cats through bites or scratches.

    From mother to child

    When breast-feeding, chlamydia from a nursing mother is not transmitted to newborns through milk. But at the same time, there is a risk of transmitting the pathogen to children through the contact-household route.

    It is theoretically possible to get chlamydia through saliva and kissing

    Is chlamydia transmitted through kissing?

    Can chlamydia be transmitted through kissing? Can you get chlamydia through kissing? It is theoretically possible to get chlamydia through saliva and through kissing. But in this case, you can get sick from a kiss only if the saliva contains a sufficient number of microorganisms. At the same time, you need to kiss for a long time, immediately swallowing the saliva of an infected person.

    Can you masturbate with chlamydia?

    Can you masturbate with chlamydia? Onanism in this disease is possible only if a person during masturbation does not have an inflammatory process on the surface of the mucous membrane. Otherwise, artificial irritation of the genital organs will cause damage to the integrity of the mucosa, since the inflamed tissues lose their elasticity, they are easy to damage.

    Anal route of infection

    airborne way

    Chlamydia can be transmitted by airborne droplets. But this is possible very rarely, basically you can become infected with the microorganism Chlamydia pneumoniae, but it does not cause a sexually transmitted disease, but pneumonia.

    How to diagnose and treat

    Only a specialist after a preliminary examination should treat the disease. Treatment methods include the following activities: restoring the work of the digestive organs, cleansing the liver, taking enzymes, taking antibacterial drugs, using rectal and vaginal suppositories, taking immunostimulants. Both sexual partners must undergo treatment.


    How can you get chlamydia?

    The only manifestation of which is urogenital chlamydia, yet there are other nosological forms of this disease. These include, in particular, respiratory chlamydia. This disease is caused by three types of chlamydia, namely Chlamydia trachomatis, Chlamydia pneumoniae and Chlamydia psittaci. Each subspecies of microorganisms is characterized by its own ways of transmitting the disease.

    The most common routes of transmission of respiratory chlamydia are:
    1. airborne way;
    2. infection from a sick mother;
    3. contact-household way;
    4. contact with sick birds both wild and domestic).

    Airborne route.

    This route of transmission consists in the fact that pathogenic microorganisms located on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract of a sick person are released into the environment in the form of aerosols. It occurs when talking, sneezing or coughing. Chlamydia are relatively unstable in the external environment, but in microscopic drops of mucus and sputum they can persist for up to 5 days. A healthy person becomes infected by inhaling air with such droplets. After entering the respiratory tract, chlamydia begin to multiply on the mucous membrane, to which they have an affinity. This leads to a specific pathological process - chlamydial pneumonia, bronchitis or other forms of respiratory chlamydia. The airborne route of transmission is characteristic mainly of Chlamydia pneumoniae. Chlamydia trachomatis, the main causative agent of urogenital chlamydia, which is very common in society, is not transmitted in this way.

    Infection of newborns from a sick mother.

    According to some reports, infection of the fetus and transmission of chlamydia to the child from a sick mother occurs in about 50% of cases. The risk of infection is especially high if the infection has risen from the lower parts of the genitourinary system to the uterus. Then, during passage through the birth canal, aspiration may occur ( ingestion) baby amniotic fluid. In this case, infected newborns often develop chlamydial conjunctivitis, which occurs in parallel with acute respiratory illness ( ORZ). This route of transmission is typical for Chlamydia trachomatis, which often develops in the uterine cavity without adequate and timely treatment.

    Contact-household way of transmission.

    This route of infection is quite rare, since chlamydia, which have fallen on household items with drops of mucus, quickly die. However, there are research data that confirm that at a certain temperature ( 18 - 19 degrees) chlamydia are able to survive in the external environment for up to five days. But infection of a healthy person with the same respiratory form of the disease is unlikely, since the pathogen practically cannot get into the lungs from household items. Often in such cases, bacteria enter the mucous membrane of the eyes, causing chlamydial conjunctivitis.

    Contact with infected birds.

    Chlamydia, which can be contracted from birds, is often referred to as ornithosis or psittacosis, as the causative agent of the infection is Chlamydia psittaci. The infection is transmitted by inhalation of dust containing pathogenic microorganisms, or by direct contact with sick birds. A person whose illness is caused by this type of chlamydia does not pose a danger of infection to others.

    Thus, the transmission routes of respiratory chlamydia are largely determined by the subspecies of chlamydia that caused the disease. The sources of the disease also differ.

    Sources of infection in the case of respiratory chlamydia can be:

    • A person with chlamydial pneumonia or bronchitis , is a source of infection both during the peak of the disease, when the clinical picture is most pronounced, and in incubation period when the symptoms of the disease have not yet appeared. In both cases, the exhaled air contains a sufficient number of microorganisms to infect others. Moreover, the state when a person is already contagious in the incubation period is considered more dangerous, since the patient is not isolated and continues to be among healthy people, exposing them to the risk of chlamydia infection.
    • Bacteria carrier. Unlike urogenital chlamydia, which is not a carrier, respiratory chlamydia can be spread by some people without harming their health. In this case, chlamydia inhabit the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, but do not cause the disease, or it is asymptomatic. These people release pathogenic bacteria into the external environment and pose a significant danger to others.
    • Sick wild and domestic birds. In birds, chlamydia is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia psittaci. People who work in poultry farms and farmers are more at risk. The pathogen enters the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract with dust particles. Gradually, it colonizes the bronchi, bronchioles and other structures in the lungs, causing an inflammatory process.
    In general, however, cases of respiratory chlamydia are not common, since chlamydia that have entered the external environment, which is unfavorable for their life, die very quickly. Therefore, for infection with respiratory chlamydia, very close and prolonged contact with a sick person is necessary. There is a high risk of infection in enclosed spaces that have not been ventilated for a long time. If there is at least one sick person or a carrier of respiratory chlamydia in such a room, then a large number of pathogenic microorganisms can accumulate in the air.

    Given the small likelihood of infection and the relatively low prevalence of respiratory chlamydia in the community, completely healthy people rarely become infected. Most often, the disease affects those who have a weakened immune system.

    People at risk for contracting respiratory chlamydia include:

    • Children whose immunity has not yet fully developed , so it is not able to protect the body from infection.
    • elderly people because with age, the body's defenses are reduced. This is primarily due to a decrease in antibody production, which makes them more susceptible to infections.
    • People with immune system diseases (HIV-infected, cancer patients).
    Most often, respiratory chlamydia is recorded in spring and autumn. This is due to the fact that it is at this time that the body is most weakened and susceptible to infection. Unfavorable temperatures in summer and winter environment virtually eliminates the possibility of infection by airborne droplets. To reduce the likelihood of infection in spring and autumn, it is necessary to pay attention to prevention methods.

    Prevention of respiratory chlamydia is reduced to the following measures:

    • isolation of patients with respiratory chlamydia;
    • avoiding contact with wild and domestic birds, which are a potential source of chlamydial infection;
    • use of personal protective equipment ( masks);
    • ventilation and disinfection of the premises and objects with which the patient has been in contact;
    • strengthening general immunity.