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  • Influenza: symptoms, treatment and prevention. Influenza: Proper Treatment and Prevention Swine Flu Symptoms and Treatment

    Influenza: symptoms, treatment and prevention.  Influenza: Proper Treatment and Prevention Swine Flu Symptoms and Treatment

    In terms of the severity of the consequences, influenza can be called a viral systemic disease, since it has a detrimental effect on the entire body:

    • respiratory organs suffer;
    • joints hurt (infectious arthritis develops in them);
    • severe complications are possible (on the heart, lungs, kidneys, hearing and respiratory organs, central nervous system).
    H1N1 influenza under the names "California", "swine" has been known to the population of the Earth since 2009. Then he led to a serious panic, a shortage of protective masks and antiviral drugs, feverish purchases by countries of expensive Swiss medicine causes complications:
    • viral pneumonia (it is irreversible in the run-up form);
    • thrombosis (increased blood clotting).
  • The duration of the acute period of influenza is from a week to ten days.
  • Recovery occurs slowly, within two to three weeks after the acute period has passed:
    • All this time, the patient has a feeling of fatigue and weakness.
  • Swine flu 2016: how to treat it

    There is still no cure for the flu.

    • The antibodies of the body's immune system fight against viruses, so the treatment of influenza is through strengthening the immune system.
    • In addition to the body's own forces, antiviral agents help, destroying the structure of the virus and preventing them from multiplying, but each type of flu needs its own medicines.
    • Antibiotics cannot treat influenza - they are useless and can lead to complications.

    You can eat garlic, drink tea with lemon, ginger root - all this is useful, but it is a prevention, not a remedy, if a person is already sick.

    H1N1 flu drugs

    Tamiflu (oseltamivir) remains the only effective antiviral drug for H1N1 flu - not to be confused with teraflu !

    There is also zanamivir, but it is difficult to find it in domestic pharmacies.

    • Tamiflu works by blocking neuraminidase, a protein that is part of the H1N1 virus.
    • You need to drink Tamiflu in the first two days of illness - in the next, its effectiveness, like any antiviral agent, sharply decreases.
    • It is impossible to take it as a self-medication and "just in case", as the medicine has many severe side effects.
    • The medicine is prescribed by a doctor for severe flu or for patients at risk (elderly, debilitated, chronic patients, asthmatics, etc.).

    Tamiflu is mainly distributed among hospitals, and this is doubly reasonable:

    • the medicine in the pharmacy is expensive, but in the hospital it should be free;
    • reception is prescribed when it is really needed.

    In most cases, H1N1 influenza is relatively easy to carry, thanks to the body's defenses: this is also evidenced by statistics, so most patients with Tamiflu or Zanamavir are not required.

    General rules for the treatment of influenza

    1. Bed rest from the very first day: no courageous dedication at work with the infection of others:
      • Most victims of the flu are workaholics who carry the disease on the go.
    2. For flu symptoms, it is preferable to call a doctor or an ambulance at home:
      • Sitting in line for many hours will add three extra viruses to the patient, including the very same H1N1, which the person may not have at the entrance to the clinic.
    3. The patient needs to be wrapped up well, but the room itself should be fresh and humid:
      • it is necessary to ventilate the room where the patient lies several times a day;
      • constant room air humidification is required.
    4. Drinking plenty of fluids is a prerequisite for treatment. You need to drink not just a lot, but a lot:
      • teas with chamomile, calendula, linden, raspberries, black currants;
      • compotes from apples, dried fruits, dried apricots;
      • rosehip decoctions;
      • milk with honey and soda.
    5. It is unnecessary to take food to the patient until he wants to himself. Therefore, you should not persuade to eat "for strength", especially children.
    6. It is not necessary to bring down the temperature above 38 - 38.5 degrees: at high temperatures, viruses die en masse.
      • Fever above 39 is reduced with paracetomol or ibuprofen for influenza: take aspirin dangerous!
      • If the temperature is under forty, it will ease the patient's condition by rubbing the forehead, hands and feet with a vinegar solution or an alcohol solution.

    When a doctor call is needed

    However, in practice, during an epidemic, it is not easy to wait for the arrival of a medical worker - there are not enough of them for all patients. The family doctor just physically does not have time to bypass all the patients. With ARVI, a delay of 10 - 20 hours is not scary, but with the flu it is life threatening.

    In what situation do you need an immediate ambulance?

    • with loss of consciousness;
    • convulsions;
    • intense pain of any localization;
    • sore throat without a runny nose
    • headache with vomiting;
    • a temperature above 39 °, not dropping half an hour after taking antipyretics;
    • the appearance of a skin rash;
    • swelling of the neck.

    If you are being treated for ARVI or influenza, then in the following situations, you definitely need a doctor:

    • There is no improvement on the fourth day.
    • The temperature stays on the seventh day.
    • After the improvement, suddenly there was another deterioration.
    • Severe condition with moderate signs of acute respiratory viral infections.
    • Pallor, shortness of breath, thirst, severe pain, purulent discharge - alone or in combination.
    • Increased cough, long dry cough, attack of coughing with a deep breath.
    • Weak effect of antipyretic drugs.

    So far, the statistics do not give serious cause for panic. It is possible that doctors, as always, are exaggerating.

    I really want to believe that the swine flu 2016 is no more dangerous than in 2009.

    But you can never take the flu lightly, so that it does not work out, as in the fable about the liar boy herding sheep:

    He shouted twice: "Wolves, wolves!" - and people ran out, but there were no wolves.

    And when the wolves really came, and the boy called for help, no one came out, but in vain ...

    Even a person with strong immunity can be unsettled by the seasonal flu for 1-2 weeks at best. To prevent such a fate, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures against influenza during this alarming period.

    As you know, it is not always possible to avoid infection with the flu, so in order to at least increase the chances of staying healthy during seasonal flu, you should know the symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention of this disease.

    The fact that the influenza virus mutates from year to year has long been known to everyone. The best WHO experts study its species and make predictions of what kind of its strain will be in the air in the cold season and will become a serious test for the human immune system.


    Among the clinical signs of influenza and ARVI, there is much in common due to the fact that both diseases affect the respiratory tract, as well as due to general toxic symptoms. Influenza is an acute, contagious disease with mild catarrhal symptoms and acute toxicosis. In this case, the large bronchi and trachea are most affected. Symptoms vary and depend on the immunity and age of the patient, as well as on the type of virus, its strain.

    This year, both complicated and relatively mild forms of the disease may occur. In this case, the incubation period varies from several hours to 1-5 days. After that, sharp clinical signs appear. Among them may be:

    • severe headache in the forehead and over gas;
    • a sharp but short increase in body temperature;
    • general weakness;
    • the appearance of the patient worsens.

    The severity of any form of the disease is determined depending on the severity, catarrhal manifestations and duration of intoxication.

    How to deal with the flu 2016

    When the first symptoms of malaise appear, the right measures must be taken to prevent the development of the disease. Treating the flu means using a whole range of procedures that will help suppress the virus and normalize body functions with minor complications.

    If you get the flu, you should adhere to the following recommendations of specialists:

    • Bed rest. In no case should the disease be tolerated on the legs, therefore, if it happens that the disease has overcome, then the patient needs bed rest and full sleep. However, do not confuse bed rest with watching TV or sitting in front of your computer.
    • Drinking regime. Due to heavy sweating, the patient's body is quickly dehydrated. Therefore, to maintain the water-salt balance, you need to drink liquid water, etc.
    • The climate in the house. Regular wet cleaning, or to be more precise, the humid climate, will help to better tolerate the disease. Airing will help cleanse the room of accumulated viruses and microbes, and will also help the patient to get back on their feet faster and improve their well-being.
    • Nutrition. In the first days of the disease, appetite worsens, so the patient needs proper nutrition. This will enrich the patient's body and his immune system with a mass of useful substances, vitamins and microelements. In this case, the food should be light - cereals, soups, vegetables, fruits, boiled lean meat.
    • Vitamins. Taking vitamins will help maintain the patient's body in good shape and will quickly get rid of the symptoms of the disease. To do this, you should take vitamin complexes that have a strong immunomodulatory effect.

    In addition to the listed methods of treatment, there is also drug treatment. But do not forget that this treatment should be deliberate and controlled by the attending physician. Self-administration of medication is contraindicated.

    Today, there are no problems with the choice of medicines that would cope with viral and colds. But before taking them, you should consult your doctor.

    The influenza strain h1n1, referred to as swine, is prevalent this winter. This subtype appeared as a result of crossing 2 different types of viruses. Therefore, it proceeds with complications. His virus spreads instantly. After a short contact with a sick person, the "delights" of the disease overtake the healthy. A person with the flu is contagious the day before the symptoms of the disease appear.

    Doctors warn that in case of untimely admission to the hospital, swine flu 2016, or rather, its complications, are fraught with death.

    Who is most susceptible to disease

    There are several risk groups for severe development of influenza:

    • People over the age of 65.
    • Children under 5 years of age.
    • Pregnant women.
    • People with chronic diseases.

    How to recognize swine flu

    At first, any cold can be confused with swine flu. However, with the flu, the temperature is at least 38 degrees.

    Vomiting and diarrhea, complications in the work of the respiratory organs indirectly indicate the presence of the swine flu virus.

    Important: a swine flu patient sweats a lot. With a cold, sweating is less intense. Also there is severe irritability, absence, when crying, tears and urination.

    In some people, an acute illness is preceded by precursors: a runny nose and cough, gastrointestinal disorders. Typical flu with headache and fever develops after 3 to 4 days.

    Swine flu analysis (laboratory diagnostics), as well as the clinical picture, make it possible to establish the diagnosis of swine flu. The whole procedure takes about 25 - 48 hours.

    How long does the disease last

    The duration of a viral infection depends on the characteristics of the organism. With properly prescribed treatment, the disease disappears after 7 to 10 days.

    The indicators of recovery are the absence of fever, headache, weakness, and cough. After the fever, at least a day should pass.

    Flu symptoms in adults

    Initially with The symptoms of the 2016 swine flu can be confused with the common type of virus. These include:

    • Weakness.
    • The temperature rises above 38 degrees.
    • Muscle pain.
    • Heaviness in the head.
    • Nausea.
    • Abdominal pain, diarrhea.
    • Inflammation of the eyes.
    • Vomit.
    • Runny nose, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath.

    After 2 to 3 days, if treatment is not started on time, these symptoms can provoke pneumonia.

    The incubation period for swine flu is 3-4, in rare cases - 7 days.

    Important: early treatment promotes rapid recovery.

    Symptoms of the disease in children

    Swine flu symptoms are identical in children and adults. However, during the course of the disease, babies have their own characteristics:

    • Apathy.
    • Abrupt mood swings.
    • Drowsiness.
    • Rapid deterioration of health.

    A slight malaise from morning to evening can develop into a high fever and a sore throat. The very rapid development of the disease is explained by the still unformed immunity of the child's body.

    Swine flu in children often causes complications: asphyxia, pneumonia, hemorrhage into internal organs, damage to the nervous system.

    Important: when the first symptoms of influenza appear, urgently call a doctor to the child.

    When to get help

    The patient needs to urgently call an ambulance if he is disturbed:

    • Bad work of the heart.
    • Cyanosis (blue discoloration) of the skin.
    • Severe respiratory distress.
    • Fainting.
    • Feelings of chest pain.
    • Dyspnea.
    • Signs of suppression of brain activity.
    • Lowering blood pressure.

    You need to rush to the hospital if the temperature does not decrease within 3 days.

    Treatment for adults

    For the period of fever (5 - 7 days) until the temperature returns to normal, the patient should not get out of bed. And as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear, call a doctor.

    For better body resistance, you need to take vitamins, drink plenty of fluids. Food should be warm. Spicy, fried, pickled foods are prohibited.

    Drug therapy

    In severe cases, antiviral drugs (Tamiflu, Relenza). The action of drugs is more effective when taken within two days after the onset of the disease. The drugs are taken for 5 days, sometimes longer.

    1. In moderate and mild cases - antiviral agents (gripferon, arbidol, cycloferon, kagocel).
    2. Antibiotics (cephalosporins, vancomycin) are prescribed when complications (bronchitis, pneumonia) appear.
    3. Antipyretic drugs (ibuprofen, paracetamol).
    4. For the nose - vasoconstrictor (Otrivin, Nazol, Nazivin).
    5. For cough relief (ambroxol, ACC).
    6. Antihistamines (zodak, claritin).

    In the hospital, in order to reduce intoxication, detoxification therapy is carried out, glucocorticosteroids are prescribed.

    Treatment of children

    The swine flu virus, which periodically changes and becomes more and more resistant to previously used drugs in the fight against it, is quite dangerous. Therefore, you should not cope with it on your own, you must definitely go to a therapist and find out how to treat swine flu.

    The drugs are designed to fight the disease:


    1. Zanamivir (Relenza) is used by inhalation. Children are given 2 inhalations for days (5 days, 2 times a day). The drug is not recommended for those suffering from asthma (bronchial).
    2. Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) will cure quickly if the first symptoms of swine flu appear in a child. The medicine should not be given to babies under 1 year old.


    • Indomethacin;
    • Nurofen.


    • Tetrizoline;
    • Naphazoline;
    • Oxymetazoline;
    • Indanazoline - to improve nasal breathing.

    Treatment of pregnant women

    During the epidemic, all pregnant women with severe intoxication should be hospitalized.

    1. Drinking a lot of fluids (in the absence of edema).
    2. Medicines for swine flu: antiviral (arbidol, viferon in candles), relenza, tamiflu.
    3. In case of vomiting (inability to take pills) - Panavir is administered intramuscularly.
    4. To reduce the manifestations of fever - askorutin, paracetamol.
    5. Cephalosporins are prescribed when bacterial pneumonia occurs.

    Flu treatment with folk methods

    Swine flu treatment should be comprehensive. In addition to bed rest, good nutrition, taking medications and vitamins, traditional medicine has a good effect:

    1. The use of inhalations with medicinal herbs (eucalyptus, chamomile, pine twigs, sage) and potato peel.
    2. Mix half a glass of vodka with chopped garlic clove. Apply the resulting solution (a few drops five times a day) to the tongue, hold it in the mouth for a longer time and swallow.
    3. A decoction of dried cherries removes the temperature. Mix 100 g of berries and half a liter of water and cook over low heat for half an hour.
    4. Drink teas (raspberry, lime, ginger).
    5. Rinse the onion with the husk, add 50 g of sugar, pour water to the top. Cook over low heat for half an hour. Take the canteen several times a day.
    6. Mix a little sugar with 4 yolks (until foam forms), add about half a liter of warmed beer, lemon zest, cinnamon, cloves and cook over low heat for 3-4 minutes, without boiling. The resulting drink instead of tea.
    7. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt, juice of 1 lemon, 1 g of ascorbic acid and dissolve in one and a half liters of boiled water (warm). Before going to bed, within 2 - 3 hours, drink a little of the whole solution.
    8. Mustard plasters can replace honey massage. It is necessary to melt a tablespoon of honey and rub gently into the sternum and between the shoulder blades. The massage is done for about 2 minutes.

    Complications from swine flu

    The flu is quick but uncomfortable. The most painful symptoms subside after a few days, and after a week they practically disappear. However, some patients have complications:

    • Rarely - lesions of the spinal cord and brain.
    • Severe pneumonia caused by a swine flu virus or an associated bacterial infection. This disease is extremely aggressive, respiratory failure develops rapidly.
    • Rhabdomyolysis or myositis (movement disorders with pain and weakness in the muscles).

    Very rarely, a flu shot causes a nervous illness (Guillain-Barré syndrome), which is accompanied by severe temporary weakness.

    People with obesity, weakened by chronic diseases, pregnant women and children may experience death from swine flu... According to statistics, this happens in 7% of cases.


    Swine flu prevention 2016 includes the following activities:

    1. Wear a mask indoors.
    2. Do not contact sick people.
    3. Rinse the nose with a solution of sea salt or soda.
    4. Do not stay in crowded places.
    5. Ventilate the premises more often.
    6. Do wet cleaning indoors several times a day.
    7. Treat the nasal mucosa with ointments (with viferon, oxolinic). If there are no such ointments, then you can use paraffin or petroleum jelly.
    8. If signs of swine flu appear in adults or children living with healthy family members, you need to adhere to the rules of hygiene: wash your hands more often, use individual household items, and thoroughly process the dishes (boil) after using the dishes.
    9. Support immunity: diversify the diet with citrus fruits, onions, garlic, eat well (consume proteins, carbohydrates). During an epidemic, postpone the process of losing weight - do not limit food.
    10. After talking with a therapist, you can take antiviral drugs for swine flu.
      An important role in the prevention of the disease is played by: proper sleep and gymnastics.

    Immunity is strengthened by vitamin C, tinctures of Eleutherococcus and Rhodiola rosea, sufficient intake of fruits and vegetables.

    Important: the most effective preventive measure is vaccination.

    Any flu, including swine flu, must be treated under the supervision of a doctor. Do not panic, but take care of your health. The 2016 swine flu epidemic drove up drug prices, so be sure to take preventive measures to avoid getting sick.

    Swine flu prevention 2016. Symptoms and treatments

    Swine flu 2016. How to protect yourself and loved ones

    The rapidly spreading swine flu has already been named one of the most dangerous ailments of the winter period. Let's look at the statistics for the period 01/18/24/01 of the current year *. The incidence of influenza in this time interval increased by 51.7%, and this affected all age groups of the population of the Russian Federation.

    Of course, everyone strives to avoid infection and asks doctors how to protect themselves and loved ones from the threat of influenza.

    The main actions for preventing influenza are:

    • minimizing visits to crowded places - moving in crowded public transport, being in large shopping centers, social events;
    • providing the body with vitamins (eating fresh vegetables and fruits, often drinking herbal tea, drinks from fresh or frozen berries);
    • mandatory adherence to hygiene rules (thorough washing of hands before eating, after returning from the street) using antibacterial gels;
    • in the absence of access to running water, be sure to use wet wipes, wiping your face and hands as often as possible;
    • frequent ventilation of the room - through ventilation helps to get rid of dangerous viruses and provide an influx of fresh, moist air (ventilation should be carried out at least two to three hours later, and windows should be open for at least fifteen minutes).

    Information for the week from 18.01.2016 to 24.01.2016

    Exceeding the epidemic threshold

    Swine flu symptoms in adults

    The main symptoms of swine flu that require immediate medical attention are:

    • high temperature (rising sharply and reaching indicators of 38-39 degrees);
    • pain in the eyes, fear of light;
    • signs of intoxication;
    • actively expressed pain in joints and muscles;
    • active perspiration;
    • headache.

    Swine flu treatment is prescribed only by doctors! However, this type of disease is treated in the same way as other types of flu. Make sure you are using only reliable flu medications that have been proven effective in the scientific community.

    When choosing a suitable remedy, pay attention to the drug Ergoferon, intended for preventive and therapeutic measures for influenza. The effectiveness of the drug has been proven by a research laboratory that studies influenza. The remedy helps to overcome the disease by blocking the multiplication of the virus and activating the protection of the immune system. The preventive administration of the drug will also benefit your body.

    Before using the medicine, be sure to consult your doctor.

    Influenza virus epidemic 2016: symptoms, forms, treatment

    This year, urban epidemiologists warn that swine flu will rage in cities again, for this reason it is very important for all people to know not only how to get rid of this unpleasant and dangerous disease, avoiding complications, but also whether it is possible to take some preventive measures. character, and how to recognize this disease at the earliest stage of development.

    The thing is that the danger of the disease lies in the fact that the disease is easily transmitted through the air, you can get infected with it in public transport, at work, in any public places, this virus is especially dangerous for young children who carry the influenza virus very hard, and also suffer from serious consequences of the disease. For this reason, it is worth learning as much as possible about the flu 2016, symptoms and treatment of this disease in order to avoid complications.

    History of this virus

    Probably many people remember that seven years ago a whole flu epidemic began, which at first only affected pigs, but then began to be transmitted to humans, and people were already spreading the strain further. In 2009, there was a real pandemic of such a disease, seven years ago millions of people were exposed to this disease, while this disease was discovered not only in our country, but also on other continents around the world. And although the epidemic has already passed, and doctors were able to bring out a suitable vaccine to combat this virus, still today many are afraid of contracting swine flu, so doctors strongly recommend to know more about the flu 2016, symptoms, and what medications and products will need to be treated on their own. ...

    Why do doctors warn about the onset of swine flu in our country?

    As epidemiologists say, the first outbreaks of this disease have already been recorded in Russia, even at the beginning of this year the virus raged on the streets of large cities, then the epidemic immediately affected forty-seven regions, and this very often became the cause of poor health of people who applied to polyclinics. strain of the virus.

    According to experts, this year the virus may come closer to the New Year holidays, but the spread of the infection may stop only at the end of February next year. According to scientific data, this year in January one hundred and twenty-nine people died not only from the virus itself, but also from its consequences. Most cases of infection were found in the Kuban, in the Rostov region, as well as in Dagestan.

    Who is at risk?

    Today, it has already been established that the virus most often spreads in young people, although it is likely that this is due to the fact that young people are more likely to communicate with large companies and also visit public places. But this is a little strange for doctors, because young organisms better resist various infections, elderly people and children under five years old, whose immune system is insufficiently developed or weakened, should have entered the risk zone. Today, doctors say that those people who are often in large crowds are at great risk.

    There is also a certain list of people who are most often affected by this strain, elderly people who are more than sixty-five years old are included in the risk group, and children with an unidentified immune system are also on the list. In addition, there is a great chance of contracting a dangerous disease in pregnant women, in patients with immunodeficiency, in some cases, patients with asthma or chronic bronchitis are attacked by the virus faster and easier.

    At the same time, this virus is very dangerous, so it is very important to find out more information about the flu 2016, symptoms, treatment and prevention of this disease. All the same, patients should remember that a viral infection cannot be transmitted through pork, but the strain easily enters the body if the patient sneezes, coughs, or a healthy person touches the infected surface, and then touches the nose or eyes with his hands.

    When a patient shows the first symptoms of infection, he can become a potential carrier of the virus, so all households must protect themselves with masks, while the patient himself should wear a mask. If the patient begins immediate treatment with drugs that fight viruses, then the strain dies after three days, then the patient is considered not dangerous to others. If we talk about children, then they can be carriers of the virus for about ten days.

    If the virus gets on some surfaces, then there it feels great for exactly two hours, only after that the death of microorganisms occurs, therefore it is forbidden to drink or eat from those devices that the sick person used. Even in a minibus or bus, you can get infected if the patient takes on the handrail, and then a healthy person takes it, then this virus will live on his palms.

    As soon as a person touches his nose or just his face with dirty hands, the probability of infection is more than ninety-five percent. It is extremely rare that the disease manifests itself without any symptoms, in this case the patient feels quite normal, not feeling weak or unwell, but still the patient will remain a carrier of a dangerous virus. It is for this reason that you should especially carefully monitor your health, as well as know more information about the flu 2016, symptoms and treatment in Krasnodar, in order to contact your doctor in time.

    What are the symptoms of a terrible disease?

    The flu is generally distinguished by its vivid symptoms, so this disease is difficult to confuse with some other virus, but the bottom line is that the swine virus has almost the same symptoms as the usual strain of flu. To begin with, the patient has a chill in the body, the body temperature rarely rises, a wet or dry cough occurs, but if the cough has not manifested itself, then there will certainly be a severe sore throat and sore throat. Not infrequently, headaches and weakness manifest themselves, there is a runny nose or just nasal congestion, the patient feels tired, feels severe body aches, in some cases diarrhea may appear, but this symptom is more typical of childhood, diarrhea is connected to diarrhea, then the flu can be confused with intestinal.

    All the same, not many patients know the necessary information about the flu 2016, symptoms and drug treatment, but first it is worth telling more about the symptoms of the swine virus. Influenza generally differs from the common cold in that its symptoms begin to develop rapidly, after infection it may take less than twelve hours, after which the patient begins to feel unwell, the high body temperature rises sharply, chills and headaches appear. What kind of influenza strain was detected in a patient cannot be said solely by external examination; for this, laboratory tests will have to be prescribed in order to identify a progressive type of virus.

    It is worth saying that swine flu can also have many side effects on the body, the most dangerous of which is pneumonia, this lung disease most often affects children and the elderly who have already had the flu. The danger lies in the fact that pneumonia develops very quickly, already on the second or third day of the disease, pneumonia can be detected in the patient. In order not to face such serious problems, it is better to immediately find out from specialists about the flu 2016, symptoms and treatment in Volgograd, as well as other cities of the country.

    To begin with, it is worth talking about the symptoms of pneumonia that are present in adults, they include a very high body temperature, which can rise above forty degrees, and the person also does not feel well, although these two symptoms are often attributed not to the presence of pneumonia, but to progressive flu. It is worth paying attention to such a symptom as shortness of breath for a sick person, severe coughing fits, the patient begins to complain of painful sensations in the chest area, the patient refuses to take food, often there is pain in the abdomen and in the head area, since the patient does not have enough oxygen , he has cyanosis around his mouth.

    But besides pneumonia, other types of complications can occur, for example, otitis media is often manifested in children, but this disease progresses in adults. Immunity in adults does not work well. So it is important to know more about the flu 2016, symptoms and treatment in children, so as not to let the disease aggravate the baby's condition. Another complication that a patient can expect is sinusitis, this disease leads to inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, treatment can be carried out with medication, or surgery is used. Further, it is worth describing more serious complications, because there have been cases when the complications were meningitis, tracheitis, inflammation in the kidneys and in the heart muscle.

    Parents need to be very attentive to the condition of their children, if the following symptoms suddenly appear, you should immediately call an ambulance to avoid the unpleasant or even fatal consequences of swine flu.

    What symptoms are dangerous for a child with the flu?

    To begin with, you should pay attention to how the child breathes, if respiratory activity is impaired, it is difficult for the child to take breaths or the baby breathes too often, you should immediately seek help. It is worth paying attention to the shade of skin color more often, if a strange pallor or even blue discoloration of the integument appears, this will be a signal for immediate seeking an ambulance. Constant vomiting and diarrhea can lead to rapid dehydration of the body, and since swine flu passes with an increase in body temperature, the process of removing fluid from the child's body will take place many times faster, which often leads to the death of the baby.

    Quite a few children themselves talk about their condition, parents just need to carefully monitor the signals, if the baby becomes apathetic, he often worries and becomes less sensitive, this is a reason to immediately take the child to the doctor for an appointment. It is very important to monitor the child's fluid intake, if he refuses fluid at all, this also leads to imminent dehydration, then it is worth calling an ambulance to carry out further treatment in the hospital. If you do not know such banal actions with the 2016 flu, the symptoms and treatment (forum) will not help the patient in any way, without calling an ambulance in time, you can bring the baby's condition to irreversible serious consequences, up to death.

    How does swine flu manifest in children?

    It is worth saying that it is extremely important to know about the flu 2016, symptoms and treatment, in children how to treat this disease should be asked only from a doctor, but still it is worth knowing that children's symptoms are slightly different from those of an adult. To begin with, it is worth considering that the flu causes drowsiness in a child, he may not respond to certain actions of his parents, or, on the contrary, becomes too whiny and capricious.

    It is important to monitor the child's condition, if he has difficulty breathing or just unfamiliar behavior, it is better to consult a doctor for help. Adult children complain of pain in the head area, muscle soreness is often observed, body temperature rises, the throat becomes inflamed and nasal congestion occurs.

    It is very important to know more about the flu 2016, the symptoms and treatment of this disease in Voronezh, if a baby has defects in the development of the heart or lungs since childhood, children with diseases of these organ systems are at serious risk, you should consult a doctor at the first signs of illness in if the child has a severely weakened immune system or neurological disorders.

    As a treatment, doctors prescribe mandatory antiviral drugs, and the patient will also have to drink large amounts of fluids, this will help to avoid dehydration. You should not go to work with such a serious illness, since the immune system must fight the flu in full force, and for this the body simply needs good sleep and rest.

    Adult flu symptoms 2016

    Influenza is an acute respiratory infection, an extremely contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. As a rule, the flu proceeds in the form of epidemics, the disease is characterized by seasonality. The virus can infect both children and adults and is dangerous for its complications.

    Influenza causes

    The causative agent of influenza is a virus of the orthomyxovirus family, Myxovirus Influenza (A, B, C). It is characterized by high contagiousness and rapid spread in a short time, which leads to the defeat of a large number of people. Usually epidemics occur in the autumn-winter period, when the immune system of people is weakened by vitamin deficiencies and weather conditions.

    The source of infection is a sick person who remains infectious to others for a week after the onset of the development of influenza.

    Symptoms and signs of influenza in adults

    From the moment of infection with the influenza virus until the first clinical symptoms appear, usually 3-5 days pass. The disease is characterized by an acute onset:

    • body temperature rises - up to 38.5-39.0 degrees;
    • muscle pains, body aches, weakness, pain in the back of the head appear;
    • lacrimation and photophobia;
    • chills, fever;
    • nasal congestion and runny nose;
    • cough - the first days dry, paroxysmal, unproductive. Gradually, when coughing, sputum of a mucous or mucopurulent nature begins to stand out;
    • chest pain, worse when coughing;
    • sore throat;
    • hoarseness and hoarseness of the voice.

    In addition, the patient may experience nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain - this is due to the poisoning of the body with toxins that the virus secretes during its reproduction.

    Influenza diagnostics

    When the described symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible - this will help to avoid complications.

    A preliminary diagnosis of the patient is made on the basis of complaints and physical examination:

    • on auscultation, wheezing is heard in the lungs - small and large-caliber, scattered, breathing is hard;
    • pale skin;
    • the throat is hyperemic and edematous.

    To clarify the diagnosis and determine the type of influenza virus, the patient is prescribed a number of tests, which include the CBC (special attention is paid to the indicators of leukocytes and platelets), a serological blood test (helps to identify antibodies to the influenza virus in the blood). Also, the patient may be assigned to such studies as an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and PCR diagnostics. They refer to express methods and allow you to quickly and accurately diagnose the patient. Based on the test results, the patient is prescribed adequate treatment.

    Treatment for influenza in adults

    In order for the outcome of the disease to be favorable and complications of influenza do not arise, the patient must strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendation. Typically, the treatment regimen for influenza in adults is as follows:

    • bed rest - since the flu is accompanied by pronounced signs of intoxication and weakness of the body, the patient must definitely stay in bed. Failure to comply with bed rest is fraught with the development of complications in the form of pneumonia, pleurisy, endocarditis, pyelonephritis and other pathologies.
    • Drinking regimen - to accelerate the elimination of toxins from the body, the patient is advised to drink plenty of warm alkaline drinks (teas, decoctions, fruit drinks, fruit drinks, still mineral water).
    • Drug treatment - to destroy the influenza virus, the patient is recommended to take antiviral drugs, for example, Arbidol, Zanamivir, Groprinosin. The dose of the drug is selected individually for each individual patient, the duration of therapy is at least 5 days.
    • Symptomatic therapy - includes antipyretic drugs, vasoconstrictor nasal drops, drugs to relieve coughs. Antipyretics should be taken when the temperature rises above 38.5 degrees, but if there are any serious diseases of the nervous system or cases of febrile seizures in history, then the temperature can be brought down until the thermometer reaches 38 degrees.

    Vasoconstrictor nasal drops relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa and make breathing easier. For adults, it is better to take drugs based on Oxymetazoline or Xylometazoline - they are not addictive and do not dry out the mucous membranes if the drops are used correctly.

    Expectorant drugs help to thin the viscous phlegm and its speedy elimination from the respiratory tract. Syrups Herbion with plantain, Prospan, Alteika help well with dry and wet coughs - they are based on plant components and are well tolerated by patients.

    If, against the background of the flu, a bacterial infection joins or complications arise, then at the discretion of the doctor, antibacterial drugs are added to the therapy. Self-medication in such situations is unacceptable, since an antibiotic with a virus can only harm.

    Possible complications of the flu

    If the patient is being treated on his own, did not comply with bed rest, or began therapy with antibiotics, then the risk of complications increases:

    • the addition of a secondary bacterial infection - against the background of it, purulent sinusitis, otitis media, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and the frontal bone develop;
    • pneumonia;
    • pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis;
    • heart disease - myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis;
    • obstruction of the bronchi.

    In order to avoid the development of such complications of influenza, it is important to clearly follow all the recommendations of a specialist and, if the doctor insists on hospitalization, then in no case should he refuse.

    Prevention of influenza

    Vaccination is the main method of preventing influenza during the epidemic season. It is best to get a flu shot just a few months before the wave of illness, so that the body has time to develop antibodies and form immunity. Vaccination is especially important for weakened people from the risk group - children, old people, people with chronic diseases of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract, often sick for a long time.

    Of the nonspecific methods of preventing the disease, there are:

    • regular ventilation and wet cleaning of the room;
    • walks in the open air;
    • enrichment of the diet with onions, garlic, citrus fruits;
    • active lifestyle and rejection of bad habits.

    Can you get the flu from a dog?

    Canine flu viruses are very similar to human viruses, and have nearly identical symptoms, including a runny nose, cough, fatigue, and loss of appetite. The severity of canine flu can range from mild illness to severe pneumonia and sometimes death. However, most dogs recover within two to three weeks. Canine flu can easily spread to animals in parks, kennels and shelters through coughing, sneezing, or contact with contaminated objects.

    There are two different canine flu viruses, H3N8 and H3N2. These two strains were responsible for a 2015 outbreak in Chicago, which affected more than 1,000 dogs, of which 5 died.

    Scientists say there have been no cases of canine flu infection in humans so far, but that doesn't mean they can't happen. Influenza viruses are constantly changing, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is why the canine flu virus can mutate enough to become infectious to humans. Fortunately, experts say the likelihood of such a development is negligible.

    Influenza 2016: A Common Look at the Epidemic

    In 2016, the flu hit Russians: at the end of January, the epidemiological threshold was exceeded in 47 regions of the Russian Federation. What is the difference between the current flu and last year's, how to deal with it, and can you protect yourself and your loved ones?

    A (H1N1) - a new old acquaintance

    Seven years ago, humanity faced the first pandemic of the 21st century. The new influenza virus, with a unique genome combining RNA segments from strains of human, swine and avian influenza viruses, took everyone by surprise. According to official statistics, the infamous A (H1N1) claimed 2,627 lives in 2009 in more than 140 countries around the world. However, according to alternative information published in the journal PLOS Medicine, the number of victims of the swine flu in 2009 approached 203 thousand people.

    And now, seven years later, the same A (H1N1) attacks again. Headlines in the media are full of reports of an increase in the number of cases and deaths from complications of the 2016 flu. Russians react to the increased activity of journalists predictably - with panic. And only official officials of the Ministry of Health are trying to extinguish the fire. But it turns out so far not very convincingly - the population has long formed a principle: when those in power urge to remain calm, it is time to grab hold of an alarming briefcase. What is the real situation with the swine flu in Russia in 2016?

    Influenza Statistics: Facts Only

    According to the Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova, from 75 to 95% of cases of the current flu are caused by the A (H1N1) strain. The rest is accounted for by type A (H3N2). At the end of January 2016, 107 Russians died from complications of the flu. It was these figures that caused the alarm that announced almost the entire multimillion-dollar country. And if we compare these statistics with the data of previous years?

    So, in the most epidemiologically difficult year of 2009, 687 Russians became victims of influenza. A year earlier, when a less aggressive strain of the virus dominated, the disease claimed 484 lives.

    In 2014, A (H3N2) dominated. In the first quarter of 2014 alone, 57 deaths were recorded due to complications of influenza. In the first quarter of 2015, 54 patients died. The figures indicate that the 2016 swine flu epidemic in Russia is not very different from the epidemiological situation in previous years. Therefore, one should not give in to emotions in response to loud statements. It is much more productive to prepare informationally and meet the flu fully armed.

    Flu and SARS symptoms

    The incubation period of influenza, that is, the time interval between infection and the onset of clinical symptoms, is usually about two days. Influenza in most cases comes on suddenly.

    Classic flu symptoms:

    • fever, which can reach extremely high numbers (39 ° C and above), chills;
    • cough;
    • sore throat;
    • runny or stuffy nose;
    • headache and / or joint pain;
    • fatigue.

    Sometimes vomiting and diarrhea join the manifestations, but intestinal flu symptoms are more common in a child than in an adult.

    Symptoms of SARS and influenza are very similar to each other, however, there are some differences between them.

    Comparative characteristics of the manifestations of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections

    The difference in the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza is rather arbitrary, and with an atypical course of the disease, the differences are completely erased. Often, even experienced infectious disease specialists are unable to distinguish between influenza and respiratory viral infection without virological analysis.

    It is not worthwhile to independently diagnose influenza or SARS by symptoms - leave this right to the doctor. Moreover, there is no need to try to "identify" swine flu by any special signs. A (H1N1) 2016 has the same manifestations as all other types of influenza. Its insidiousness lies not in clinical symptoms, but in the early onset of complications. They can develop as early as 2-3 days of the disease.

    Dangerous complications

    A typical complication of swine flu is the sudden development of severe viral and then bacterial pneumonia, which can be life-threatening and even fatal.

    However, not all and not always the flu is accompanied by complications. Most people who fall ill recover within a maximum of two weeks. Most often, an unfavorable picture develops in cases where the immune system is unable to give an adequate response to a viral infection. High-risk groups include:

    • people aged 65 and over;
    • pregnant women;
    • children;
    • people of any age suffering from chronic diseases (for example, obesity, bronchial asthma, diabetes and others).

    In order to prevent complications, you need to carefully monitor your condition. A sharp deterioration in well-being, no improvement a few days after the onset of the disease or worsening after a recovery has already begun - a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

    Flu treatment

    Treatment for swine, avian and other types of influenza is standard. It is aimed at relieving symptoms, fighting the influenza virus (if indicated) and creating a gentle regimen for the patient (warm drinks and rest). Treatment of ARVI in children and adults is exclusively symptomatic.

    Indicated in case of severe flu or patients from risk groups. Antiviral drugs are understood to be nonprescription drugs traditional for Russians that decorate pharmacy windows. Today, only three drugs have been proven to be active against influenza viruses: zanamivir (Relenza), oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and peramivir. The latter has not yet been registered in the Russian Federation. All other means either have inconclusive effectiveness, or do not work on the types of viruses prevailing in recent years. Antiviral drugs for influenza should only be prescribed by a doctor!

    The most commonly used antipyretics. They are best used if the body temperature exceeds 38.5 ° C. The drugs of choice are paracetamol and ibuprofen. Sometimes antiseptics for sore throat, nasal rinsing agents (saline solutions), vasoconstrictor nasal drops, expectorants, etc. are connected to them.

    Can the disease be prevented?

    According to the World Health Organization, the only effective preventive measure is the flu shot. The composition of the vaccine changes every year to include the virus strains prevalent in the upcoming epidemiological season.

    Vaccination does not guarantee that the flu will be bypassed: it reduces the risk of infection by 70-80%. However, even if infection occurs, influenza is much easier than in unvaccinated patients, and without complications. The formation of immunity occurs within 2-3 weeks after the introduction of the vaccine. Therefore, experts recommend taking care of the immune protection against influenza in advance, in October – November.

    But masks as a means of preventing influenza and SARS should not be pinned high hopes - viruses easily overcome this barrier. A mask put on a sick person can only restrain the spread of viruses along with saliva particles. She is not an assistant to the healthy.

    You can reduce the likelihood of contracting influenza and ARVI with the help of banal hygienic measures.

    1. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water.
    2. Try not to touch your face with your hands.
    3. If possible, avoid visiting crowded places during a flu epidemic.

    If, despite the precautions, the infection has nevertheless entered the body, put all business aside and get sick in a warm bed, and not at work. Call a doctor, monitor your condition, treat yourself with taste, and then no horror stories about complications of the flu will be of no concern.

    Found a bug? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter.

    Every year, viral pathogens of acute respiratory infections undergo mutation, as a result of which epidemiological indicators inevitably grow. In the current period, a record number of cases fell on the 2016 flu - the symptoms and treatment of this pathology are complicated by the emergence of new antigenic strains that are resistant to preventive measures and vaccination. These include subtypes of the virus of group A (H1N1, H2N2) and B.

    Prevention and treatment of early symptoms of influenza 2016

    According to the conclusion of the World Health Organization, the only correct preventive measure is vaccination. This year's vaccinations include the 3 predominant influenza strains:

    • A / Switzerland / 9715293/2013 (H3N2);
    • A / California / 7/2009 (H1N1) pdm09 - major virus;
    • B / Phuket / 3073/2013.

    Despite the proven efficacy of existing vaccines, they work only in 80% of cases, therefore, therapists advise the use of additional antiviral drugs.

    To treat the first symptoms of influenza 2016, even during the incubation period, it is recommended to use the following remedies:

    • Tamiflu;
    • Relenza;
    • Tiloron;
    • Cycloferon;
    • Kagocel;
    • Arbidol;
    • Ergoferon;
    • Ingavirin;
    • Anaferon.

    It is worth noting that Relenza and Tamiflu are effective only in the first 48 hours from the onset of early signs of the disease. If therapy is started later, it is advisable to use the rest of the drugs on the list.

    The main symptoms and treatment of influenza during the 2016 epidemic

    With a normally functioning immune system, the clinical manifestations of ARVI are weak and do not even require special therapy.

    In cases where there is a severe variant of the course of influenza, the following characteristic signs occur:

    • a sharp rise in body temperature above 38.5 degrees;
    • severe weakness and drowsiness;
    • reduced performance;
    • dizziness;
    • profuse sweating;
    • photophobia;
    • the onset of cough and runny nose only after 2-3 days from the onset of the disease;
    • painful sensations behind the sternum, in the trachea;
    • aches in large joints and muscles;
    • nausea;
    • redness of the whites of the eyes, lacrimation;
    • headache;
    • a feeling of heaviness in the region of the eyebrows;
    • difficulty breathing while inhaling;
    • dyspnea.

    Such manifestations of intoxication as vomiting and indigestion are rarely added.

    For all types of influenza, a single treatment algorithm has long been developed:

    • bed rest;
    • daily ventilation of the room;
    • frequent wet cleaning;
    • drinking plenty of fluids;
    • a diet with a predominance of light soups, boiled meat, cereals, vegetables and fruits;
    • taking vitamins (Supradin, Vitrum).

    The medical approach is to relieve the main signs of the disease.

    To treat the symptoms of influenza 2016, anti-inflammatory drugs are used - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and their analogues. They can reduce the severity of pain syndromes, joint aches, and reduce body temperature.

    In the presence of additional signs (cough, swelling of the mucous membranes, runny nose), appropriate medications are prescribed:

    • mucolytics;
    • antihistamines;
    • vasoconstrictor.

    It is important to remember that the therapy of progressive symptoms is carried out only under the supervision of a physician, since ARVI often causes complications in the form of pneumonia, otitis media and sinusitis.

    Treatment of flu symptoms 2016 with folk remedies

    Alternative medicine refers to symptomatic therapy; it is very dangerous to try to cure severe forms of flu with it.

    Simple and effective folk methods to alleviate the signs of SARS:

    1. Eat a clove of garlic or some onion every day, inhale their aroma deeply.
    2. Add fresh lemon juice to drinking water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter).
    3. Eat warm compotes or preserves diluted with water.
    4. Instead of tea, take herbal decoctions based on chamomile flowers, raspberry and currant leaves, rose hips.
    5. Do hot 10-minute hand baths.

    Influenza 2016: how to avoid getting infected?

    Autumn is already on the doorstep, which means that seasonal diseases are making themselves felt. We will study the features of the flu this year, methods of treatment and prevention, as well as the main symptoms of the disease.

    The information that the virus has been mutating for more than a year has been on everyone's lips. The best WHO experts are studying its species, analyzing and predicting which particular strain will make itself felt in the autumn-winter period and will become a real test for human health.

    Every year people with low immunity suffer from seasonal infectious and viral diseases. The main danger of the disease is that the virus is prone to frequent mutations. Every 10-20 years, the epidemiological situation changes dramatically and is complicated by the complete modification of the strain. But this does not mean at all that the symptoms of the disorder are changing dramatically. As a rule, more dangerous symptoms are added to the already "classic" signs.

    For 2015-2016, epidemiologists expect influenza outbreaks in November-January. This means that routine vaccinations will be carried out in September-October. But for this season, experts predict a stable situation even in the first months of cold weather. Therefore, there is a great chance to prepare for the meeting with the infection and neutralize it.

    Flu season 2016 - a hidden danger

    For the coming season, doctors do not foretell catastrophic flu outbreaks. But this does not mean that it is not necessary to carry out prevention of the disease. Since the virus is rightfully considered the most dangerous among the known viral infections. The disease poses the greatest danger to people with chronic diseases of the respiratory system and a weakened immune system. The risk group includes the elderly, pregnant women and children.

    In 2016, analysts predict insignificant activity of the previously known strains:

    • A / California / 7/2009 (H1N1) pdm09 is a subtype of swine flu that became known in 2009. It was this virus that caused an epidemic all over the world. The greatest danger is posed by complications, which very often lead to death. The infection can cause sinusitis, pneumonia, and even inflammation of the meninges.
    • A / Switzerland / 9715293/2013 (H3N2) is a subtype of strain A. Its danger is in complications that pathologically affect the cardiovascular system.
    • B / Phuket / 3073/2013 (B / Yamagata) and B / Brisbane / 60/2008 - a subtype of strain B, belongs to little-studied viruses. The disease is difficult to diagnose due to blurred symptoms. But doctors do not consider it dangerous, as it does not cause life-threatening complications.

    The solution to the problem of influenza is significantly complicated by the fact that symptoms that appear at an early stage can be observed with other diseases. Under the guise of influenza infection, there can be: tonsillitis, food poisoning, typhoid fever, rheumatism, dysentery, tuberculosis and other disorders. There are known influenza-like lesions of the respiratory tract, which proceed like influenza, but are caused by completely different viruses.

    To date, eight families of such viruses are known, including rhinitis viruses, adenoviruses, parainfluenza viruses and 1PC viruses. Diseases caused by such an infection resemble real flu. Antibodies are tested to determine the true pathogen causing the outbreak.

    Influenza 2015-2016: Special Risk Groups

    Any disease has certain risk groups among people who are prone to infection. Since influenza infection is a respiratory disease caused by viruses, its main danger is a high level of infectiousness, a severe course and a lot of complications. With the wrong treatment or lack of it, the disease can be fatal.

    Consider who is at risk for influenza infection:

    • Newborn babies

    Babies have no immunity, which significantly increases the risk of infection. The situation is complicated by the fact that up to six months, routine vaccination is not carried out. To prevent illness, it is recommended to follow preventive measures. So, if the baby is breastfed, then the mother should be vaccinated. This will allow the baby to receive antibodies through the milk. Everyone who comes into contact with the child must also be vaccinated. If any of the family members have symptoms of infection, then any contact with the newborn is contraindicated.

    • Pregnant

    Immunity is weakened due to hormonal changes caused by the development of the fetus. Influenza 2016 in a pregnant woman is dangerous for both the woman herself and her child. The most difficult consequence of the disease is premature birth. If a woman suffers an illness on her legs, then this can lead to the development of various defects in the fetus, even a miscarriage is possible. These processes can be prevented by timely vaccination and preventive measures.

    • Elderly people

    The risk of infection is caused by a number of factors, primarily a large number of chronic diseases and a natural decrease in immunity. Distrust of vaccination has a detrimental effect.

    In addition to the above categories, the risk group includes people with chronic diseases and disabilities, patients with impaired neurological development, asthmatics, patients with chronic damage to the lungs, kidneys and liver, as well as people with developmental delays and intellectual disabilities.

    World flu 2016 - on the doorstep

    Mixovirus influenzae, that is, the influenza virus, belongs to the Orthomyxoviridae family and has three forms: A, B, C. Types A and B are found in humans. Virus A is the main source of influenza epidemics, and type B provokes milder forms of the disease. Infection is determined by antigenic properties, that is, to differentiate between A and B types, a solution of matrix proteins antigens and non-cleoprotein antigens are used.

    Consider the main clinical signs of viruses and their stages (found all over the world):


    The form

    Assessment of severity

    Features of the flow


    Intoxication of the body, headaches, chills, convulsive syndrome, catarrhal phenomena.

    The temperature is subfebrile, signs of intoxication are poorly expressed.

    No complications, mild course.

    Pathological changes in the bronchopulmonary system (hemorrhagic edema, bronchitis, segmental edema).


    The body temperature is 38.5-39.5 ° C, symptoms of intoxication are expressed (head and muscle pain, weakness, dizziness). In rare cases, abdominal syndrome and segmental edema are possible.

    Complications associated with the virus (neuritis, encephalitis, and others) are possible.

    Body temperature reaches critical values ​​of 40-40.5 ° C. Loss of consciousness, delirium, convulsions, hallucinations, nausea and vomiting are possible.

    Characterized by bacterial complications (otitis media, purulent-necrotizing laryngo-tracheobranchitis, pneumonia, bronchitis)

    Immunofluorescence and enzyme immunoassay tests have positive results


    Hyperthermic syndrome; meningo-encephalitic syndrome; hemorrhagic syndrome

    World statistics indicate that about 15% of humanity suffers from influenza every year. It is this ailment that entails irreversible damage to the structures of the brain and the cardiovascular system. The European Center for Disease Control and Prevention predicts low infection activity for the coming year. But isolated cases of infection are possible, which can be prevented by a timely vaccine.

    Flu epidemic 2016

    The beginning of the influenza epidemic is predicted for January-February 2016. There is still plenty of time to think about prevention options or get vaccinated. A sharp jump in the incidence is possible in November-December this year. The danger of the disease is that only limited funds are required to eliminate it.

    More than 200 thousand people die from the disease and its complications every year. Since infection occurs by airborne droplets, the flu proceeds in the form of epidemics, that is, sharp outbreaks that spread quickly and suddenly. In especially acute periods, up to 50-70% of the total population can be infected.

    To prevent the catastrophic scale of the disease, it is recommended to carry out prophylaxis. To date, vaccination is considered the most effective. This method not only reduces the mortality rate and preserves health, but also has a significant economic effect. This is due to the fact that the economic damage from the infection of one person by the virus is more than $ 100, and the cost of vaccination is 6-8 times lower than the losses from the disease.

    For the 2015-2016 season, the composition of influenza vaccines has been updated, according to the recommendation of the World Health Organization. The vaccine has replaced two strains and now protects against three of the most common and severely complicating viruses.

    Strain composition of influenza vaccines:

    • A / California / 7/2009 (H1N1) pdm09
    • A / Switzerland / 9715293/2013 (H3N2) -like virus
    • B / Phuket / 3073/2013-like virus

    Compulsory vaccination on a free basis is subject to: children from 6 months, schoolchildren, students, workers in the medical, educational, transport and communal sectors. As well as pregnant women, patients over 60 years old, persons subject to military service and people with chronic diseases. The procedure is allowed to be carried out simultaneously with other vaccinations, except for vaccination against tuberculosis.

    Influenza 2016 in Russia

    According to forecasts of the federal health service, the increase in the incidence of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections will begin in January 2016. February will be unsuccessful, as an epidemic of moderate intensity is expected. According to preliminary WHO estimates, in 2016 the following strains will prevail in Russia: AH1N1, AH3N2 and influenza B. These strains have become the basis of the Grippol Plus vaccine, which Russians are going to be vaccinated with.

    In all districts, the incidence rate is monitored to prevent an epidemic. Influenza is dangerous by the development of complications, the most unfavorable of which is pneumonia. Today, it is this complication that occupies a leading position among infectious diseases. Particular attention is paid to the awareness of the population at the regional level.

    Quarantine-restrictive measures have been developed in medical institutions. For the period of the epidemic, additional beds were prepared and drugs were purchased, which will allow timely hospitalization of patients in infectious diseases departments and start therapy.

    Influenza 2016 in Ukraine

    The World Health Organization has published a forecast of the circulation of influenza virus strains in this epidemic season for the northern hemisphere, which is likely to affect Ukraine. According to the data obtained, the composition of the viruses has been updated, therefore, people with weakened immune systems need to be vaccinated.

    • A / California / 7/2009 (H1N1) pdm09
    • A / Switzerland / 9715293/2013 # 01
    • B / Phuket / 3073/2013

    In the last epidemic season, there were about 5.4 million cases of influenza infection. At the same time, about 13% of the total population fell ill with ARVI, 49% of them are children under 16 years old. The Ukrainian Center for Disease Control and Monitoring regularly analyzes the immune layer of the population. Fresh information indicates insufficient immunological protection of Ukrainians, which threatens an epidemic state and dangerous complications of influenza.

    Flu symptoms 2016: forewarned is forearmed

    Clinical signs of influenza and SARS have much in common due to respiratory tract damage and general toxic symptoms. Influenza is an acute, contagious disease with mild catarrhal symptoms and severe toxicosis. The greatest damage occurs in the trachea and large bronchi. Symptoms vary and depend on the patient's immune status and age, as well as on the type of virus and its strain.

    In 2015-2016, there can be both uncomplicated and complicated forms of the disease. The incubation period can last from several hours to 1-5 days. After this, acute clinical manifestations begin. The severity of any form depends on the severity and duration of intoxication and catarrhal symptoms.


    The main symptom that appears in the first hours of infection. The disease begins with a sharp rise in temperature, from subfebrile values ​​to hyperthermia. If the disease is mild, then the temperature is not high. The severity of intoxication shows the level of fever. When infected with the type A (H1N1) virus, symptoms of intoxication are mild, even at very high body temperatures.

    • The temperature is sharp and short-lived. The fever period lasts 2-6 days, after which the temperature decreases. If it persists for a long period of time, then this indicates complications.
    • Headache - discomfort occurs in the frontal and supraorbital region, aggravated by the movement of the eyeball. The severity of pain can vary, but it is usually mild. Severe pain is accompanied by sleep disturbances, bouts of vomiting, and adverse symptoms from the central nervous system.
    • General weakness - this symptom also refers to intoxication syndrome. Fatigue, increased sweating, and a feeling of fatigue appear. The patient complains of muscle and joint pain, aches throughout the body, and especially in the lumbosacral region.
    • Appearance - the patient's face looks reddened, conjunctivitis, photophobia and lacrimation are possible.

    Catarrhal syndrome

    Another leading sign of influenza infection. But, as a rule, it recedes into the background, and in some cases is absent. The duration of the catarrhal syndrome is 7-10 days, but the cough may persist longer.

    • Oropharynx - there is redness of the soft palate with delimitation from the hard palate. By the 3rd day of illness, the redness changes to the vascular network. If the disease has a severe course, then small hemorrhages and cyanosis appear on the soft palate. The mucous membrane is restored on the 7-8th day of treatment.
    • Nasopharynx - the nasal mucosa is hyperemic, dry, edematous. The turbinates are swollen, which makes breathing much more difficult. These symptoms occur on the 2-3rd day of illness and are accompanied by nasal discharge. In the case of toxic damage to the vascular walls and intense sneezing, nosebleeds may occur.
    • Cough, tracheobronchitis, laryngitis - painful sensations appear behind the breastbone, dry cough. If the flu is uncomplicated, then the cough persists for 5-6 days. In addition, there is rapid breathing, sore throat, hoarseness, wheezing.

    • Cardiovascular system - changes are caused by toxic damage to the heart muscle. When the temperature rises, there is a rapid heartbeat, which is accompanied by pale skin. After this, lethargy, slowing of the pulse and redness of the skin appear.
    • Digestive system - changes are not expressed. There is a decrease in appetite, constipation, deterioration of intestinal motility. A white coating appears on the tongue, possibly an intestinal disorder.
    • Urinary system - Since viruses are excreted from the body through the kidneys, this leads to damage to the kidney tissue. In urine tests, protein and blood elements appear.
    • CNS - toxic reactions from the nervous system lead to severe headaches, drowsiness, anxiety, convulsions and loss of consciousness. In rare cases, meningeal symptoms occur.

    If the flu is extremely severe, complications can lead to cerebral edema and other pathologies. The fulminant form of influenza infection poses a serious danger of death. The risk group includes patients with chronic diseases and a weakened immune system. This form causes pulmonary and cerebral edema, various bleeding, severe respiratory failure and other complications.

    Features of influenza 2016

    Despite the fact that the season of acute infectious diseases has just begun, medical statistics are horrifying. The peculiarities of the 2016 flu are that in the first week of the new year, the disease affected about 125 thousand people. But the worst thing is the increase in the number of deaths.

    The disease is caused by the influenza AH1N1 virus, which first made itself felt in 2009. The average incidence of swine flu is 570 patients per 10 thousand of the population. In Ukraine, the highest rate of pathology was recorded in the Kiev and Odessa regions, the least of all sick in the Transcarpathian and Ternopil regions. This strain is also raging on the territory of Russia.

    Since the infection is constantly mutating, this significantly complicates the process of diagnosis and treatment. In connection with the epidemiological situation, an enhanced anti-epidemic regime is being introduced in many cities. Schools and kindergartens are being quarantined, infectious diseases hospitals are overcrowded, and a mask regime is being introduced. All efforts are devoted to informing the population about the dangerous disease and the peculiarities of its prevention.

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    What is the difference between a cold and the flu?

    Many people think the flu is synonymous with the common cold. As soon as the temperature rose, a runny nose and cough appeared, the patients immediately diagnosed themselves with the flu. Of course, this approach is completely wrong. It is very important to understand the difference between these diseases. The common cold is a mild disease with benign symptoms. Influenza and its complications can cause pneumonia and death.

    Influenza infection is a viral disease that is accompanied by high fever, muscle and joint pain, and weakness. The common cold is a broader concept that consists of a complex of symptoms that are caused by both bacteria and viruses. That is, for the treatment of influenza, a special medicine is needed, and in case of a cold, it is necessary to establish the type of disease and only then prescribe therapy.

    • The cold develops slowly, usually with malaise, and the flu - with a sharp jump in temperature and increased weakness.
    • Colds can be of both viral and bacterial etiology, flu is an acute viral infection.
    • Bacteriological tests are used to diagnose influenza, and laboratory tests are used to confirm a cold.
    • As a rule, a cold has a favorable outcome, and the flu, especially severe and advanced forms, leads to complications and even death.

    Influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections are colds that have common symptoms, but differ in the nature of their course and duration.

    As a rule, the incidence of colds increases from the end of August and lasts until the spring. Influenza is characterized by epidemiological outbreaks in December and February.

    How is flu 2016 treated?

    At the first symptoms of malaise, it is very important to respond correctly and prevent the development of infection. Flu treatment is a set of procedures that eliminate the virus and restore the normal functioning of the body with minimal complications.

    Consider the algorithm that should be followed in case of influenza infection:

    • Bed rest

    The disease cannot be carried on legs, therefore, during this period it is necessary to stay in bed and sleep more. But do not forget that an illness is not a reason to spend time watching TV or at a computer.

    • Drinking regimen

    During illness, there is increased sweating, which can lead to dehydration. Therefore, to maintain the water-salt balance, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of liquid (herbal teas, juices, fruit drinks, clean water).

    • Climate in the apartment

    It is necessary to regularly carry out wet cleaning in the room, since a humid climate makes it easier to tolerate the disease. Airing the room will remove accumulated microbes and viruses. In addition, fresh air promotes healing and improves well-being. You can use a variety of aroma oil burners or salt lamps that kill germs.

    • Nutrition

    Despite the fact that in the first days of the disease, appetite is significantly reduced, proper nutrition will enrich the body and the weakened immune system with vitamins and nutrients. The food should be light, the diet should be dominated by cereals, soups, boiled meat, fruits and vegetables.

    • Vitamins

    They help to keep the body in good shape and quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Vitamin complexes - Vitrum and Supradin have a good immunomodulatory effect.

    In addition to the above methods of treatment, there is also drug therapy. Taking medications should be deliberate and recommended by the attending physician. It is contraindicated to take pills on your own. To date, there is no shortage in the choice of drugs that eliminate viral and colds. Let's consider their classification according to common features.

    Medicines for symptomatic therapy

    Drugs in this category eliminate only the symptoms of the disease: high fever, muscle and headaches, nasal congestion, cough. Such pills do not affect the virus, so they should be used as a minor remedy.

    • Painkillers and antipyretic drugs - have an analgesic effect, relieve muscle and joint pain.
    • Vasoconstrictor drugs - help to eliminate nasal congestion, swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and sinuses.
    • Antihistamines - reduce swelling of the mucous membranes, eliminate inflammation, lacrimation and itching. Most often, patients are prescribed: Chlorphenamine, Promethazine.

    The above drugs do not eliminate the viral infection, but alleviate its symptoms. The duration of therapy is 3-5 days.

    Drugs that affect the immune system and the virus

    These funds are prescribed only after establishing the cause of the disease and the type of virus. Antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs destroy the virus and prevent the development of the pathogen. Drugs in this category are classified according to their mechanism of action:

    • Neuraminidase inhibitors - stop the spread of infection in the body, reduce the risk of complications. Most often, patients are prescribed: Oseltamivir and Zanamivir.
    • Interferon inducers - perfectly combine with other antiviral agents and enhance their effect. Promote the production of proteins in the body that suppress infection. Effective as a prophylactic agent during influenza epidemics. This category includes: Cycloferon, Arbidol, Amiksin.
    • Viral protein M2 blockers - type A antiviral agents. Prescribed very rarely, as they have many side effects: Rimantadine, Amantadine
    • In addition to the above funds, antiviral drugs are isolated, consider them:
    • Homeopathic medicines - Aflubin, Anaferon, Arbidol, Antigrippin.
    • Immunostimulating agents - Koldenflu, Imudon, Kagocel, Amiksin.
    • Antitussives - Azz, Lazolvan, Codelak, Libeksin, Sinekod.
    • To relieve sore throat and runny nose - Faringosept, Strepsils, Nazivin, Naphtizin, Sinupret.
    • Antiviral powders - Coldakt, Lemsip, Nurofen, Panadol, Tamaflu, Codelmikst.

    Any drugs aimed at treating a viral disease should be prescribed by the attending physician. Their independent use can cause serious side effects from all organs and systems, which will aggravate the course of the underlying disease.

    Read also:

    • The most advanced flu remedies
    • Flu treatment with folk methods
    • Home remedies for the flu: which ones to choose?

    Complications of influenza 2016

    AH1N1 or swine flu hit the world in 2009, taking many lives with it. This year, a mutated strain emerged that also caused deaths. Its danger is its rapid spread, especially in rainy and damp weather. Since this winter lives according to the weather of autumn, then this can explain the current epidemiological situation.

    The danger of the virus in its complications. Influenza 2016 causes antibiotic-insensitive viral pneumonia. The disease quickly affects the lungs and vascular system, provoking edema, which can lead to death within 24 hours. Preconditions for secondary infection are associated with a weakened immune system. Due to the severe inflammatory process, she is unable to fight new pathologies.

    The signs of a secondary infection in those who have had the flu differ depending on the general condition of the body and the bacteria that caused the pathology. But a symptom characteristic of all (appears on the 3rd-6th day of illness) is the second wave of fever. From this moment on, the patient's life depends on the effectiveness of the treatment.

    Let's take a look at the most common complications of the 2016 flu:

    • Pneumonia - the danger of pneumonia is that it appears suddenly, when it seems that the disease has receded. A high body temperature of 39-40 ° C is accompanied by chills, chest pains, cough with phlegm and blood.
    • Sinusitis is a prolonged inflammatory process in the nasopharynx that causes severe headaches and changes in the voice. Redness of the skin and discharge of pus from the sinuses are possible.
    • Otitis media - this complication occurs in both children and adults. There is severe pain in the ears with sharp lumbago, which is worse when talking, eating or pressing on the ear.

    With timely medical attention, these bacterial complications can be quickly eliminated. A wide range of antibiotics and vitamin therapy are used for treatment.

    More dangerous complications:

    • Hypertoxic pneumonia - many experts attribute this pathology to a type of influenza, but in fact it is its consequence. Body temperature exceeds the threshold of 40 ° C, accompanied by neurotoxicosis, convulsions, hallucinations, nosebleeds. It is this pathology that is the main cause of deaths with influenza.
    • Reye's syndrome - usually occurs in children under 12 years of age. It occurs due to the use of aspirin during therapy, which destroys the functioning of the liver and central nervous system. In half of the cases, this leads to death. The first symptoms appear on the 5-6th day of illness. Children develop convulsions, breathing disorders, increased drowsiness, apathy, coma. The only prevention of this pathology is the refusal of aspirin during the treatment of viral infections.
    • Guillain-Barré syndrome is another complication that is most common in children. It makes itself felt 1-2 weeks after the flu. The child suffers from muscle pain, increased weakness, irregular heart rate and blood pressure, and kidney problems. The main cause of the disorder is that the body produces antibodies to its cells of the nervous system, which have been infected with the virus. The acute period lasts for a month, and it will take years to fully recover. Without timely medical assistance, the child is threatened with paralysis, and even death.

    Another group of influenza complications is damage to the brain and central nervous system. The risk group includes children, people with a predisposition to brain disorders, pregnant women and elderly patients.

    • Meningitis - severe headaches appear in combination with vomiting and increased muscle tone in the occiput and neck. In especially severe cases, the patient throws his head back. The prognosis of the pathology depends on the diagnostic results, but, as a rule, it is unfavorable.
    • Encephalitis is an influenza infection that affects the cerebral cortex and blood vessels of the brain. It develops in the acute stage of influenza, that is, in the first days. Against this background, there is a high fever, convulsions, loss of consciousness and even impaired speech function. Can lead to paralysis or paresis.
    • Arachnoiditis - this complication is latent, as it can appear in a couple of months, or even a year after an influenza lesion. For its slow course, increasing symptoms are inherent. Patients complain of frequent headaches, nausea, tinnitus, and increased fatigue. Epileptic seizures appear, visual acuity and hearing decrease. Most often, arachnoiditis is detected in differential diagnosis with oncology.

    The above pathologies are only a small part of what the flu can lead to. An unexpected symptomatology uncharacteristic of a viral infection should be a cause for concern. At the first signs of a pathological condition, you must seek medical help. After a comprehensive examination, the doctor will determine the reality of the threat of complications.

    How to prevent influenza in the current 2015-2016 season?

    Many preventive measures are used to prevent influenza. But special attention is paid to vaccination, which is a specific immunoprophylaxis.

    Today there are three generations of vaccines - whole virion, split, subunit. They contain viral antigens, which allow the body to develop a defense. But this method has several disadvantages. Vaccination is done against one virus, so if another species appears during an epidemic, the vaccine will not protect and you will have to be vaccinated again. Do not forget about those cases when vaccination caused a number of negative consequences. Therefore, this method is everyone's personal choice.

    Schools stop classes, children are strongly encouraged to stay at home. On the streets, in transport, in public places, many people wear masks that cover their nose and mouth. In the pharmacies of the queue, drugs "for flu and colds" are being bought up. The number of cases has increased dramatically. There is a flu epidemic in Russia.

    What is known about the current epidemic

    Most of the flu cases this year are associated with the H1N1 virus, the so-called “swine flu” virus. This is both good and bad. It is good, because this is the virus that the doctors were waiting for this year, the influenza vaccine was "targeted" at this virus, which was given last fall, and all those vaccinated against the flu are well protected from it. And it’s bad, because not enough people were vaccinated against the flu this year, and the flu caused by the H1N1 strain is clinically very difficult and is often complicated by pneumonia.

    Clinical signs of influenza

    Often any cold is called the "flu". But in fact, influenza is a rather serious infectious disease caused by a virus that enters the human body through the respiratory tract. The disease can begin within a few hours. The onset of influenza is characterized by a sharp rise in temperature to 39 ° C and above, which is accompanied by "aches" and pains in the joints and throughout the body. The head hurts badly, the eyes are watery, it hurts a person to look at the light. There is a dry hacking cough, a sore throat, "the nose is flowing like a river." Sometimes a high fever can be accompanied by an upset stool, which is especially frightening for mothers of sick children. The temperature with flu is persistent, does not respond well to antipyretic drugs and usually lasts 2-3 days. Then, as a rule, the disease "begins to recede." But it usually takes at least 10 days for a full recovery.

    What to do if you get the flu

    If, God forbid, you get sick with the flu, you do not need to show unnecessary "heroism": get drunk aspirin and barely live to go to work. You are not a worker, but many can get infected from you. Therefore, take a pill of paracetamol, call your local physician from the clinic and go to bed. And drink, drink, drink! During the day, you need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid - fruit drink, compote, tea, warm milk ... In the body, there is an intensive multiplication of viruses, cells die, toxins are formed. This leads to high body temperature and poor health. Abundant introduction of fluid into the body also contributes to an increase in its excretion from the body. And together with the liquid, toxins are also eliminated. A person with the flu should be in a separate room, the room should be ventilated every 2-3 hours. In this case, the patient himself must leave the room.

    How to treat the flu

    There is an old joke: if the flu is treated, it will go away in just a week, but untreated flu lasts for seven whole days. This joke is outdated today. Currently, new modern antiviral drugs have been created that allow you to actively combat the multiplication of the virus in the body. And, of course, the timely started antiviral treatment significantly reduces the frequency of complications, which is especially important if the causative agent of influenza is such a dangerous strain of the virus as H1N1, and reduces the total duration of the disease in humans.

    So what is the treatment for the flu? To date, such drugs as Kogatsel, Ingavirin, and, of course, Tamiflu have proven their high antiviral activity. A good effect is obtained from using ingaron. True, all these drugs must be taken literally in the first hours of the disease. But to use amiksin, if the disease has already begun, it is too late. The oxolinic ointment in the nose so beloved by many, unfortunately, does not have a therapeutic effect at all. The rest of the drugs (for cough, sore throat, runny nose, etc.) are prescribed by a doctor, depending on the presence and severity of one or another symptomatology.

    A separate issue is the use of antibiotics for influenza. On the one hand, the use of antibiotics reduces the antiviral immunity, but on the other hand, the timely started therapy with these drugs makes it possible to suppress the just beginning development of bacterial complications in the early stages. But H1N1 is especially dangerous with pneumonia, which so often develop after it! The problem ... That is why you need to promptly call the sick doctor. He will assess the existing picture and decide on the appropriateness and when to start antibiotic therapy.

    And finally: how to avoid getting the flu

    Of course, the best thing was to get a flu shot on time. But if you have not done this, then now try to visit crowded places as little as possible. Especially in stuffy and poorly ventilated rooms. Never communicate with someone who is coughing or sneezing. If you have to be in crowded places, do not hesitate to wear a mask. Wash your hands often. Try to use less food outlets. Try to eat more vitamins, freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. The well-known onions and garlic, which contain many phytoncides - antibiotics of plant origin, have not lost their strength for a long time. And of course, dress well, avoid hypothermia and keep your feet warm.

    The epidemic will last for about a month. Follow the simple rules that we reminded you of and, I believe in this, you will not get sick and everything will be fine.

    Take care of yourself and be healthy!