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  • Genital herpes. How to cure genital herpes - doctor's advice Rules for the treatment of genital herpes in pregnant women

    Genital herpes.  How to cure genital herpes - doctor's advice Rules for the treatment of genital herpes in pregnant women


    Herpes is a viral infectious disease that does not pose a particular danger to life.

    Manifestations will spoil a person's life to one degree or another, depending on the immune status.

    However, there is some danger in herpes, namely:

    • the carrier of the virus may not be aware that he is a carrier of herpes and spreads the infection;
    • in some situations, herpes can be fatal. We are talking about people with low immunity - children, patients after transplantation and chemotherapy, drug addicts and prostitutes.

    Causes causingurogenital herpes, the following:

    • contact with a sick virus carrier when the infection is in the active phase;
    • unprotected sex, close contact with a virus carrier in everyday life;
    • decrease in immunity.

    How is genital herpes treated?

    The herpes virus refers to latent infections that occur slowly. Initially, you need to understand what to completely get rid of sexual herpes is impossible. Etiotropic therapy should be used only in the active phase of the virus. There is no point in taking antibiotics - they cannot defeat viruses. There are vaccines against the herpes virus, but they only work during the latent phase of the disease. If we compare the types of herpes, then we can distinguish more aggressive, giving serious complications and relapses, and less dangerous. Accurate diagnosis can be carried out only in a clinic, where the doctor will tell you in detail aboutgenital herpes how to treathow long the course of therapy lasts, how to prevent relapses.

    Urogenital herpesit is imperative to treat, and for this, doctors have developed three basic principles. First, you need to eliminate the main symptoms of herpes (itching in the focus of the rash, the rash itself, pain at the site of the lesion and the whole body, fever). Secondly, it is necessary to reduce the period of exacerbation of the disease to a minimum (1-2 weeks). And thirdly, you need to try to prolong the latent course of the disease as much as possible (ideally, for life).

    Since it is impossible to completely defeat the herpes virus, the goal of treatment is not a complete recovery, but the achievement of a state of relatively well-being when it is possible to prevent:

    • recurrence of the manifestation of herpes by increasing immunity;
    • infection of partners and the spread of herpes exponentially;
    • intrauterine infection of the fetus or infection of the newborn during childbirth.

    The main methods of treatment of herpes

    To effectively treat a herpes infection genitals Well, doctors have at their disposal five effective methods:

    1. Etiotropic therapy is a treatment based on taking antiviral drugs that can stop the reproduction of herpes.
    2. symptomatic treatment. The doctor prescribes medication to the patient andtreatment folk remedies from itching, heat and pain.
    3. pathogenic therapy. The essence of the technique is to increase immunity with the help of natural preparations that can affect the immune status.
    4. Physiotherapy procedures are not mandatory methods, the decision on the appropriateness of their use remains with the doctor.
    5. specific prophylaxis. The essence of the procedure is vaccination against the herpes virus.

    The choice of drugs that can treatherpes urethritis, not so extensive. Antiviral therapy is based on the action of drugs that belong to the group of artificial analogues of cyclic purine nucleosides. The main drug that is already known to many is Acyclovir. Its action on the herpes virus is based on the following points:

    • Acyclovir is a purine nucleoside whose structure resembles that of deoxyguanosine, a key substance in viral DNA synthesis;
    • chemical components are able to compete. In particular, competition between Acyclovir and deoxyguanosine slows down and stops the reproduction of herpes viruses in the body. It is the ability to inhibit the growth and process of cell division of the herpes virus that is the main action of Acyclovir.

    Given that Acyclovir acts selectively (exclusively on the only key molecule located in the DNA of herpes), the drug is classified as a low-toxic drug in relation to the human body. Unfortunately, since the 1970s of the last century, doctors began to identify strains of the herpes virus resistant to Acyclovir. This negative trend was the impetus for the development of new drugs, which are modified analogues of Acyclovir.

    The very first analogue was Valaciclovir. In fact, it is the metabolic precursor of Acyclovir. After taking Falacyclovir, it moves along the gastrointestinal tract, where it is metabolized to Acyclovir in order to act on the DNA of herpes virus cells at a therapeutic dose. Another analogue acts in the body a little differently - Farmciclovir, as well as other herpes medicines.

    There are three effective schemes that will help cure patients with genital herpes:

    • initial contact treatment. The doctor can prescribe one of the drugs to choose from - Valacyclovir, Acyclovir, Farmciclovir and others, choosing the dosage taking into account the sensitivity of the patient's body, his weight and age. The drug is administered orally 5 times a day. The course lasts 10 days or until the disappearance of the clinical picture. The sooner you start therapy, the faster the effect will come;
    • preventive treatment. Such therapy is needed if the patient is in remission and there is a suspicion that the virus is ready to become active. It is advisable to resort to such treatment if relapses occur more often than 6 times a year. Drugs that can reduce the number of relapses and alleviate the patient's condition: Ribotan, Cycloferon, Vegetan, Gradex, Immunofan and other drugs that can increase immunity. Additionally, vitamins from group B are prescribed, which increase the body's resistance to viruses and adverse environmental factors. You can use interferon stimulants, but practice has shown that at this stage of treatment they are practically useless. Antiviral therapy is not carried out, because the virus seems to be sleeping, and in fact, its phase is insensitive to drugs. If a blood test shows the activation of the virus, you can begin to be treated with Zovirax Acyclovir and other medicines in this group;
    • treatment of recurrent herpes on the genitals. Therapy is started when familiar symptoms appear. The specific choice of ointments, tablets and solutions depends on the frequency of relapses, doctor's recommendations. The classic treatment regimen includes taking Acyclovir, immunomodulators, vitamins and folk remedies that strengthen the immune system. At the very beginning, when inflamed skin begins to itch, interferon preparations can be used. In the midst of an illness, interferon is pointless to drink.

    All of the above treatment regimens include methods and means of etiotropic, symptomatic and pathogenetic therapy.

    The vaccine can be prescribed by a doctor if he considers its use appropriate in a particular case. Atypical herpes is treated taking into account the manifestations and test results.

    Genital herpes in pregnant women

    When pregnant women are diagnosed genital herpes causeswill be the same as everyone else. Unfortunately,genital herpes during pregnancycan cause serious complications depending on the gestation period:

    • 1-2 trimester - possible fetal malformations, miscarriage;
    • 2-3 trimester - there may be a shortage and an excess of amniotic fluid, hydrocephalus and other pathologies of the child's nervous system.

    Treatment of genital herpes in pregnant women is carried out with great care, taking into account the condition of the woman and the stage of development of the child, the threat of miscarriage, and restrictions on medication. The etiotropic drugs listed below are prescribed to pregnant women at a dosage selected by the doctor on an individual basis:

    • Acyclovir. It is prescribed only in exceptional cases, but if possible, it is better not to take it during pregnancy and HB;
    • Panavir. The external agent is used without restrictions, with the exception of individual sensitivity to the active substance. In the form of suppositories and intravenous injections, it is rarely used, unless the potential benefits outweigh the likely harm in the form of adverse reactions. Breast-feeding it is necessary to suspend if it is necessary to take Panavir;
    • Acigerpin. It is an analogue of Acyclovir, available in the form of an ointment, cream. Pregnant women need to use the cream carefully, and if possible, it is better to refuse it during gestation and breastfeeding;
    • Vivorax. Another analogue of Acyclovir. Available in tablets and products for external use. Pregnant women are prescribed with caution;
    • Zovirax. Analog of Acyclovir. Available in tablets, powder and eye ointment. Pregnant and lactating is prescribed with caution, only in case of emergency.

    After checking the individual sensitivity of the pregnant woman, the doctor may prescribe remedies that strengthen the immune system. It is important to remember - Eleutherococcus, which is recommended in many sources, is not prescribed for pregnant women and hypertensive patients. With caution prescribe drugs based on ginseng. But what can be used unlimitedly is decoctions based on calendula and chamomile, sea buckthorn and fir oil. If you do not treat genital herpes in pregnant women or choose the wrong treatment tactics, this is fraught with complications, including diseases of the nervous and urinary systems, organs of vision.

    According to doctors, it is herpes that can be considered a provoking factor in the development of such serious pathologies as gynecological dysplasia and an oncological tumor.

    Folk remedies for genital herpes

    Along with conventional medicines, the doctor may prescribe folk remedies that will help to quickly calm the outbreak of the virus, calm the symptoms and return the person to a normal rhythm of life. Top five most effective folk recipes from genital herpes includes the following drugs:

    1. Tea tree oil. It is used simply - boil 400 ml of water, add 10 drops of essential oil bought at a pharmacy to it. The resulting solution is cooled and used for washing, repeating the procedure daily at bedtime.
    2. Series. In the initial stage of herpes, when itching just appears, you can make a healing infusion. 10 g of dry string are placed in a thermos, poured with a glass of boiling water and left for an hour. After a while, the infusion is filtered, cooled, gauze folded four times is moistened in it and applied to the affected area of ​​the genital organs for 10-15 minutes.
    3. Collection medicinal herbs. You need to take in equal proportions clover flowers, birch leaves, motherwort, dandelion root, calendula flowers. 10 g of the resulting mixture is poured into 350 ml of water and boiled over low heat for 5 minutes. The cooled broth is filtered, after which you can wash it or douche. The procedure is repeated daily at bedtime. The course lasts 14 days.
    4. Chamomile. A well-known antiseptic and anti-inflammatory component of many folk recipes. It is necessary to place 5 g of dry chamomile in a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. Cool, strain and use as a wash/douche twice a day.
    5. Sea salt. Simple and clear recipe. In 10 liters of boiling water, dissolve 50 g of pharmacy salt. As soon as the solution has cooled, pour into a basin and sit in it for 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated daily, the course lasts 2 weeks. After salt, you do not need to wash, just blot the genitals with a disposable paper towel.

    How not to get herpes

    Prevention is a way to stay healthy, avoid complications when talking about any disease, including genital herpes. Prevention is divided into specific and non-specific. The first involves vaccination. However, in the case of genital herpes, no one guarantees that after the vaccine, patients will acquire reliable protection against the virus. This is not due to the quality of the vaccine, but to the structure of the virus.

    • adherence to a healthy lifestyle, monogamous relationships with a sexual partner;
    • the use of condoms and other methods of protection against STDs during any kind of sex;
    • preventive therapy in case of casual sex, even if a condom was used.

    Summarizing the above, it can be noted that it is impossible to cure genital herpes completely, but it is possible to achieve a stable remission, which will return the joy of life and self-confidence.

    Many people are interested in the question of how to quickly cure genital herpes. If type 1 herpes is often considered as a cosmetic defect, then herpetic eruptions on the genitals are accompanied by pronounced painful sensations that cause suffering to infected men and women.

    Herpes is an incurable disease, since the cells of the virus are embedded in the DNA of human cells located in the sacral region. The main methods of treatment are aimed at preventing a recurrent form of a viral infection. It is important to understand that competent therapy of the disease includes following the following rules:

    A Brief Overview of Antivirals

    You should know which antiviral drugs have a highly effective therapeutic effect:

    It is important to remember that only a doctor can prescribe an effective treatment for genital herpes, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body, the nature and severity of the disease.

    Treatment with Acyclovir

    Can herpes be cured with Acyclovir? As mentioned above, you can get rid of the external signs of the disease for a long time by deactivating the acids of the virus, but it is impossible to destroy the herpes cells forever.

    There is a treatment regimen with Acyclovir that is worth considering:

    Do not forget about the existing side effects:

    • dizziness;
    • lack of appetite;
    • diarrhea;
    • unreasonable urge to urinate;
    • feeling of despondency, depression and melancholy;
    • increased bile secretion.

    If you observe manifestations of one or more symptoms, then taking the tablets should be stopped immediately, without waiting for the advice of a specialist. But often the drug is well tolerated, because it is prescribed even in the third trimester of pregnancy.

    Traditional medicine

    It is worth familiarizing yourself with the recipes for the preparation of folk remedies for genital herpes:

    The best way to fight the virus is prevention. Therefore, it is important to follow the recommendations below:

    In pursuit of the miraculous elixir of health, people tend to trust the remedies that are most popular. But after all, it often happens that this remedy is contraindicated for use by a particular person for a number of reasons.

    Therefore, wanting to recover quickly, one must not forget about the ratio of harm and benefit in the course of using the chosen means.

    The burning question is how to cure genital herpes so that it no longer bothers? - so far remains unanswered. During sexual intercourse, the virus becomes a frequent companion of men and women. There are rashes on the lips, intimate organs, abdomen. The affected area expands, the skin of the legs, arms, abdomen, back can be affected.

    Is it possible to cure herpes forever and forget about annoying relapses? This is an urgent problem that has existed since the acquaintance of science with the virus. It excites every owner of the genital type of herpes.

    Method of treatment of the second type of virus

    To forget about the problems of herpes on the labia forever, doctors recommend maintaining the body constantly. For the development of the inflammatory process, it is enough to appear one of the following provoking factors:

    • immune disorders of the body due to the influence of another virus;
    • indiscriminate change of sexual partners;
    • trauma with open wounds;
    • accidental infection in clinics;
    • intrafamilial focus of infection, transmitted by household means;
    • stress on the nervous system: breakdowns, stress, emotional overload, shock;
    • lack of vitamins of the required concentration inside the body;
    • pregnancy;
    • postoperative period.

    Inspection determines the external manifestations of herpes, a sign of which is red halos, having inside a vial with an infectious fluid.

    A small rash is formed on the labia in women, in the groin in men. It can even be found on other parts of the body if the patient accidentally spreads the infection.

    No one has been able to cure genital herpes forever. Even in the absence of periodic rashes in the body, he was still present. How to deal with problems? Herpes suppression methods include:

    • drug effect directly on the virus itself with tablets, ointments, suppositories;
    • relieve inflammation on the labia in women or in the groin in men can be anti-inflammatory solutions from herbs;
    • body support with immunomodulators, vitamins;
    • local administration of immunoglobulins;
    • radiation therapy, electrocoagulation.

    When do they seek the help of doctors?

    Periodic recurrences of herpes are restrained by simple means. To reduce rashes on the labia, infusions and decoctions of herbs are used, treatment of residual effects after blisters with antiseptics. You can remove small forms of inflammation with Panavir, which is available in the form of ointments and tablets.

    You need to contact doctors to reduce acute forms of inflammation:

    • extensive area of ​​the lesion with the formation of bubbles;
    • unbearable itching in the genital area;
    • spread of infection to the thighs, back, buttocks;
    • in women, more sensitive skin gives inflammation a stronger pain lower abdomen or lower back;
    • increased bleeding due to negative impact herpes during menstruation;
    • during pregnancy, a gynecological examination is required.

    With the development of prostatitis and the absence of other problems, it can be assumed that it was formed under the influence of genital herpes. To exclude such a possibility, men are advised to visit a urologist. Infection can affect the condition internal organs: bladder, urethra, testes in men, ovaries in women.

    Types of drugs and methods of therapy

    To eliminate internal infection, drugs based on acyclovir are used - zovirax, acigerpin, supraviran, herpevir, famciclovir can be used. Valaciclovir is also used, which has the maximum result after treatment. It suppresses all symptoms in a short time, a decrease in relapses is noted. It is sold in pharmacies under the name Valtrex.

    Valvir, docosanol, or an erazaban analogue are often prescribed. These medicines come in the form of creams that can be used on the labia or in the groin. The drug Panavir, used to lubricate rashes from herpes, has a mild effect. Symptoms disappear after a short time, no more than two days.

    Genital herpes can be defeated by proven methods of course therapy. Among these methods, efficiency is noted after using the pathogenetic method. Biological preparations, immunity stimulants, which include natural substances, are used as an active substance. Also, positive results were noted after etiotropic prophylaxis of the body.

    For the course treatment of the chronic form of genital herpes, the following rules of conduct are observed in case of a severe inflammatory complication:

    • completely exclude the possibility of sexual intercourse if there is a rash on the labia;
    • you can only have protected contacts, but remember that genital herpes is transmitted orally and can affect the oral mucosa;
    • monitor the cleanliness of the skin on the genitals;
    • infectious blisters do not open, but act on them with ointments and solutions;
    • pregnant women carry out prenatal prophylaxis of herpes.

    Forever forgetting about the problem of genital herpes is possible only by observing the vital aspects of human activity:

    • the above activities;
    • maintaining healthy lifestyle life;
    • complete nutrition, inclusion in the diet full complex vitamins;
    • monitor the condition of the intestines and stomach, fill them with lactobacilli in time;
    • periodically undergo treatment with anti-herpes drugs;
    • in the season of exacerbation of viruses, women can be given immunomodulatory suppositories to avoid a rash on the labia.

    You can eliminate the likelihood of infection by urgent treatment for herpes drugs after casual sex. This procedure is carried out no later than 6 hours after contact.

    Late events will no longer stop the virus, it will penetrate into nerve cells. The greatest probability of protection can only be guaranteed if the drugs are taken no later than 3 hours.

    No type of treatment for herpes can completely cure the disease. The best solution would be to test your future sexual partner for infections before engaging in unprotected intercourse. And also observe simple hygiene measures to prevent domestic infection.

    In order to understand how to treat genital herpes, you must first understand the symptoms and eliminate the ways of transmission of the disease, so that the following situation does not happen: you will treat responsibly, and your partner, being a carrier, will remain in the dark or simply simply refuse any use of medications, referring to the fact that there are no external manifestations. Before starting the treatment procedure, cut off all possible ways of transmitting the virus.

    Click on the button to go to the treatment instructions!

    In a rare case, the disease is transmitted through hygiene products and personal items, most often it is unprotected sex, kissing with a carrier. We have collected for you detailed instructions for the treatment of the disease, both folk remedies, and medical methods, however, before proceeding with the procedure, you should conduct an accurate diagnosis of the disease by a doctor, this will help you clarify the degree and type of the disease, but when you know who to fight, you can use all modern means, since there are a lot of them.

    Causes of genital herpes

    The disease is more often transmitted through sexual contact, both normal and during anal sex. In rare cases, infection occurs through personal hygiene items.

    Genital herpes can be contracted from a partner with herpetic sores in the mouth area, because oral contact with the genitals spreads the infection from the lips to the genitals.

    Risk factors that increase the chance of contracting this disease:

    1. Violation of the immune system due to illness, stressful situations or taking medicines.
    2. Minor damage to the mucous membranes and skin.
    3. Simultaneous presence of several sexual partners.
    4. Having sex without a condom.

    Symptoms of genital herpes

    The symptomatology of genital herpes is somewhat difficult, since this infectious disease can exist in a latent state and only in exceptional situations make itself felt.

    Herpes rash in women is most often formed in the following places:

    • around the anus;
    • inside and outside the vagina;
    • in the region of the cervix;
    • in the buttocks.

    Rashes in men appear:

    • on the scrotum;
    • in the anus or thighs;
    • on the head of the penis.

    And yet, there are several symptoms that indicate the presence of an infection in the body:

    • Noticeable itching and redness, accompanied by severe burning in the groin.
    • The formation of a small number of bubbles filled with a clear liquid.
    • A few days later, the bubbles burst, then covered with a kind of crust.
    • Discomfort during urination.
    • The presence of purulent discharge in the fair sex.
    • Noticeable painful enlargement of the lymph nodes in the groin area.
    • Sometimes there is a weak state, impotence.

    With primary infection with herpes, the incubation period is up to 8 days. Then, the following symptoms appear:

    • itching, redness and burning in the genital area;
    • small vesicles filled with a cloudy liquid form on the skin or mucous membrane;
    • bursting bubbles are transformed into small erosions or ulcers covered with a crust;
    • sensation of itching and tingling during urination;
    • with damage to the cervix, the mucosa becomes hyperemic, erosive, with purulent discharge;
    • lymph nodes in the groin are enlarged.

    Sometimes there is a general weakness, malaise. It may take up to 30 days for the symptoms of the disease to completely disappear. Effective treatment of genital herpes shortens this period.

    With secondary infection, the disease manifests itself with similar symptoms. Once in the human body, the virus turns it into a carrier of the disease. In this case, periods of remission are replaced by exacerbations.

    The herpes virus lives in the spinal nerve nodes, and not on the mucous membranes and skin, therefore, before the appearance of rashes, precursor symptoms occur in the form of pulling pain along the nerve nodes, itching and burning in the area of ​​​​the rash.

    Noticed unpleasant symptoms, but do not know which doctor treats genital herpes? If there are signs of this disease, women should contact a gynecologist, and men - a urologist or andrologist.

    The virus received from a partner does not always lead to rashes, the state of the immune system plays a decisive role in this.

    Types of herpes virus

    1. 1. Simple virus herpes type 1- manifests itself as rashes on the lips, face,
    2. 2. Simple virus herpes type 2
    3. herpes type 3 causes chicken pox in childhood and shingles in old age
    4. herpes type 4- causes the disease infectious mononucleosis, hairy leukoplakia of the tongue
    5. herpes 5, 6, 7, 8th types rarer and less well understood

    The most common herpes that affects the lips and skin, the second most popular is genital herpes. Herpes can lead to the development of diseases of the nervous system, damage to internal organs, eyes, mucous membranes. Among the infectious causes of death, the herpes virus ranks second (the first place is occupied by the influenza virus).

    Herpes simplex virus 1 - 2 types - characteristics

    1. 1. Herpes simplex virus type 1- manifests itself as rashes on the lips, face
    2. 2. Herpes simplex virus type 2- causes genital herpes, which affects the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

    The herpes simplex virus is very resistant to cold, but not to heat. At a temperature of 50 degrees, this one dies within 30 minutes. At a temperature of 37 degrees - dies within 20 hours.

    Outside the human body, at normal temperature and humidity, the herpes virus dies within 24 hours. On metal surfaces (door handles, faucets, money) it survives 2 hours, on wet surfaces (towels, linen) - 6-24 hours. Everything you need to know to prevent infection.

    This virus loses its activity and ability to reproduce under the influence of x-rays and ultraviolet rays, alcohol, organic solvents, phenol, formalin, bile, disinfectants.


    • Genital herpes may be active, or it may not make itself felt at all until a certain point.
    • As a rule, the herpes virus, which occurs in a latent form, is almost impossible to detect if you do not pass a series of special tests.
    • It is impossible to cure an infectious disease on your own, therefore, if there is a suspicion of the presence of genital herpes, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist, otherwise the disease may become chronic.
    • Only a qualified doctor can determine the type of herpes, and then prescribe an effective treatment.

    In men and women

    Genital or genital herpes
    is a disease of the genital organs in men and women caused by herpes simplex type 2 viruses, but 20% of cases this disease is caused by infection with the type 1 virus. For genital herpes characterized by solitary or grouped skin rashes, it usually affects the vulva, perineum and anus, and (less often) the vagina and cervix (vaginal and cervical herpes in women). In severe cases, genital herpes can spread to the body of the uterus and its appendages.

    Vesicles filled with serous fluid then turn into sores and erosions. Pain, itching, burning are felt at the sites of the lesion. It is necessary to take measures for the fastest treatment, since the genital herpes virus can even provoke the development of cancer.
    If the symptoms disappear, this does not mean that a cure has occurred - the virus remains inside, and after a while the exacerbation may recur. For some, after a few weeks, for others, after a few years.

    Provocative factors of exacerbation of genital herpes:

    • – stress
    • - colds, flu
    • - diabetes
    • - overheating or hypothermia
    • - consumption of alcohol, caffeine

    Treatment of herpes should be complex, aimed at increasing the body's defenses. In addition, it is necessary to take vitamin and mineral complexes. During exacerbations, the dose of vitamins C, A, B should be increased.


    Treatment of genital herpes must be combined with a diet: exclude sugar, alcohol, citrus fruits, milk from the diet.

    Coffee, nuts, chocolate, beef, tomatoes contain the substance argenin, which promotes the reproduction of the herpes virus, it is also better to refuse these products. You need to include seaweed, apples, dairy products, cheese, yogurt in the menu

    Treatment with medications

    At the beginning of treatment, you need to use ointments and tablets that help the immune system cope with the virus:

    • "Acyclovir";
    • "Lizavir";
    • "Zovirax";
    • "Fenistil";
    • "Penciclovir";
    • "Amixin";
    • "Interferon".

    These drugs are recommended to be used for at least 10 days and no more than a month. Due to these ointments and tablets, it is possible to prevent the initial manifestation and further Spread infections.

    Medical treatment

    Therapy is carried out with tableted drugs, as well as ointments for external use.

    Effective drugs for the treatment of genital herpes:

    • Acyclovir (Acivir, Zovirax, Acyclovir-BSM, Virolex, Lizavir, Cyclovax);
    • "Famciclovir" ("Valtrex");
    • "Penciclovir".

    There are two ways to use antiviral drugs - in the form of an episodic appointment (short course up to 10 days) and preventive (within a month or two).

    More often in medical practice they use "Acyclovir" (in tablets or capsules) and its analogues. Adult patients are prescribed a therapeutic dose of the drug, according to the instructions. Taking medication early in the course of the disease helps prevent the rash.

    If you start treatment after the appearance of bubbles, then the symptoms will become less pronounced, and healing will occur faster. With frequent relapses of the disease, it is worth taking antiviral drugs for prevention.

    How to treat genital herpes with topical products? For this, ointments are used as part of the complex therapy of the disease:

    • "Acyclovir";
    • "Zovirax";
    • Virolex;
    • "Fukortsin" (if the skin is affected);
    • Oxolinic ointment.

    Together with antiviral agents, immunomodulators are prescribed:

    • "Amixin";
    • "Polyoxidonium";
    • "Likopid";
    • "Interferon".

    These drugs affect the immune system of patients with genital herpes, stimulating its specific and non-specific factors. This allows you to block the further spread of the virus and reduce the frequency of relapses.

    The scheme of treatment of the disease

    There are certain treatment regimens for genital herpes. The choice of a specific one depends on the type of disease, its duration and the condition of the patient.
    Reception of drugs at primary infection

    Treatment of recurrent genital herpes

    Treatment of genital herpes in women

    During pregnancy, antiviral therapy is not recommended. The exception is severe forms of genital herpes, complicated by other diseases that threaten the life of the patient.

    For effective treatment in this situation, human immunoglobulin is used. It is administered intravenously in 25 ml 3 times (every other day) in the first, second and third trimester (two weeks before the expected delivery date). In complex therapy, "Viferon" can be prescribed.

    Scheme for the use of drugs from a pharmacy

    Reception of medicines for infection with genital herpes

    Taking medications for progressive genital herpes

    It is worth noting that the treatment and prevention of genital herpes is contraindicated for pregnant women. In case of activation of the infection, you should contact your doctor for detailed advice. As a rule, every trimester of pregnancy, a woman is injected intravenously with immunoglobulin, which inhibits the manifestations of genital herpes, and doctors often recommend taking Viferon.

    Stage 1 (relapse)

    • Alpizarin (0.1 g) - up to 5 times during the day, the general course is 5-7 days;
    • Zovirax (200 mg) - in the first 5 days up to 5 times (daily), then 4 times (daily) for 14-21 days. Instead of Zovirax, you can use Virolex or Acyclovir;
    • Ascorbic acid (1 gr) - 2 p. during the day, for 2 weeks.

    As a specific therapy, it is recommended to administer antiherpetic immunoglobulin (3 ml) 1 r. during the day in / m (course of at least 5 injections). It can be combined with the introduction of 1 ml of Activin (s / c) at least 2 times a week (10 injections in total).

    • Gossypol;
    • Megasina;
    • Bonafton;
    • Alpizarin (for the treatment of the vagina).

    In case of primary infection or exacerbations of the infectious process, external treatment should be performed for at least 5 days.

    Before treating herpesvirus, it is necessary to undergo a complete diagnostic examination of the body, because the symptoms of the disease are often similar to other infectious diseases. In addition, there are a number of contraindications for taking certain medications and this must be taken into account.

    Stage 2 (reduction of exacerbation)

    At this stage, it is recommended to inject - vitamins of group B (B2, B1) - 1 ml with a break of 1 day with a course of 15 injections. In addition, autohemotherapy is recommended, according to the scheme: starting with 2 ml. up to 10 ml. (ascending) and vice versa.


    • Tazepam - 1 tab. 2 p. per day (21 days);
    • Eleutherococcus (20 caps) in the morning;
    • Tavegil - 1 tab. 2 p. per day (21 days);
    • 10% calcium chloride solution - 1 tbsp. l. 3 p. per day (20 days) or Calcium gluconate (tab.) - 0.5 g 3 r. per day (2 weeks);
    • Dibazol - 1⁄2 tab. 2 p. per day (21 days).

    Local: Gossypol, Megasyn.

    When suppressive (suppressing herpesvirus) treatment is carried out, antiviral drugs are recommended to be taken at a minimum dosage, but with a longer period. Alpizarin is most often used as a prophylactic.

    Stage 3 (remission)

    Genital herpes in the remission phase involves vaccine therapy (with a duration of relapses of more than 2 months), which is performed after a symptomatic course, as well as restorative measures.

    Herpetic vaccine is administered subcutaneously (0.3 ml) 1 r. for 3 days. The general course of vaccination is 5 injections. Next, you need to endure a break (14 days) with the introduction of a similar dosage (5 injection doses), but 1 p. (daily) for 7 more days. If herpetic manifestations occur during this period of time, the gap between the introduction of the vaccine should be increased by at least 2 times. Repetition of vaccination is recommended after six months.

    In the stage of remission, herpes on the genitals involves the use of immunomodulators.

    Most commonly used:

    • Imunofan - the drug is administered intramuscularly (0.1 ml each) with a break of 1 day, with a total course of 5 injections;
    • Meglumine acridonacetate - (0.25 mg) IM 1 injection daily for 10 days;
    • Panavir - (3 ml) in / in 1 r. in 3 days (5 injections);
    • Immunomax - (100-200 IU) i / m 1 p. in accordance with the assigned scheme;
    • Sodium ribonucleate - (2 ml) i / m 1 r. during the day (5 injections);
    • Galavit - (1 tab.) 2-3 p. per day, in accordance with the scheme;
    • Ridostin - (8 mg) i / m 1 p. in 3 days (3 injections);
    • Lavomax (Tiloron) - this drug has a dual effect (antiviral and immunomodulatory). In order to neutralize genital herpes, a special treatment regimen (2.5 mg) of the drug is recommended on the first day, then a break for 2 days, and on the remaining days (0.125 mg).

    How to treat herpes most effectively, only a qualified doctor can tell.

    Means for prevention

    If unprotected sex has occurred, emergency preventive measures should be taken in the form of antiseptics to help localize the possible appearance of herpes sores on the genitals.

    The group of such drugs includes the following drugs.


    This antiseptic is available as a 0.1% solution packed in a plastic bottle. Before using it, the area on the genitals, and then the groin area, is pre-washed with soap, dried and treated with a cotton swab dipped in Miramistin solution.

    • Women are advised to inject the solution (using a special nebulizer attached to medicine), inject approximately 10 ml of the solution deep into the vagina and 1.5 ml into the urethra, holding the solution for 2-3 minutes.
    • After the treatment, it is not recommended to urinate for 1 hour.
    • This treatment is recommended to be performed at least 2 times a day.


    The medicine is available in the form of an ointment, vaginal suppositories and an antiseptic solution. It is necessary to use Betadine after unprotected sexual contact (within 2 hours). To prevent infection, a woman needs to insert a candle into the vagina with additional treatment of the mucous membrane with an antiseptic solution.


    This medication is available in the form of a spray and is used in emergency cases. You can apply it on a condom, as well as treat the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe intimate organs with it.

    For effective prevention of herpes, as well as any infectious diseases transmitted through sexual contact, it is very important to avoid unprotected promiscuity.

    During the period of exacerbation of the herpes virus, you should stop having sex, because even the most reliable contraceptives are not able to provide protection from the virus entering the body.

    We use immunomodulators

    It is completely impossible to get rid of the disease. When immunity is weakened after an illness, the virus will make itself felt. The task of physicians is to convert the virus into an inactive form. Thus, the disease will sleep inside the person. In people with weak immunity, relapses can occur every month. In people with good immunity, relapses are rare. Therefore, every carrier of genital herpes should take care of their health.

    Immunostimulants are often used in the treatment of viruses, as they destroy the cell membrane. The human body produces an immunomodulator - interferon. Based on it, many drugs are made for the treatment of viral infections.

    Interferon-based drugs:

    • Viferon. For genital herpes, it is used as an ointment. It lubricates the affected areas. The main component of the ointment is human recombinant interferon alpha-2b. In addition, the preparation contains vitamin E, which improves wound healing, petroleum jelly and lanolin.
    • . This is human fibroblast interferon. It is applied in the form of injections. The drug is expensive, but recovery occurs in 70% of cases. After adequate treatment, relapses are extremely rare. The duration of treatment can be up to 6 months.

    Interferon-based drugs should be used with caution. There is an opinion that they introduce additional interferon into the body, thereby reducing the production of this substance by diseased cells. It is necessary not to introduce interferon, but to stimulate its production.

    With frequent relapses, it is worth taking vitamin complexes and omega-3 fatty acids. Recommended spa treatment on the sea coast. Sea water does a great job with various rashes.<

    We use antiviral drugs

    At the acute stage of the disease, the patient should take tablets. Antiviral drugs damage the cells of the virus and block its reproduction, preventing them from growing.

    For treatment, the following drugs are used:

    1. Acyclovir. It is used for the prevention and treatment of recurrent and primary herpetic lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, which are caused by Herpes viruses types 1 and 2. Efficiency is due to inhibition of the DNA of the virus cells.
    2. Pharmaciclovir. A drug based on penciclovir. It is used for frequent recurrences of genital herpes. With it, you can get rid of the neuralgia provoked by the virus.
    3. Denavir. Cream based on penciclovir.
    4. Groprinosin. The basis of the drug is inosine pranobex. It destroys the DNA of the virus and improves the body's resistance. Sold in the form of tablets. You need to take the drug for 1-3 months.
    5. . It is an ester of acyclovir. After administration, it breaks down into valine and acyclovir. It is sold in tablets. You need to take it during an exacerbation. Does not improve immunity, but only destroys virus cells.

    Most often, Acyclovir and its analogues are used. It is quite effective, as it destroys the membrane of the virus, preventing its reproduction. Treatment should begin even before the appearance of rashes or on the first day of the appearance of bubbles. This will reduce your risk of developing a rash.
    Together with antiviral drugs, interferon is prescribed (Viferon, Genferon, Anaferon).

    Treatment of the disease in women

    Doctors state the fact that the beautiful half of humanity is more likely to experience genital herpes than men. Therapy for men and women is not much different. Antiseptics are used to treat genital herpes with internal rashes. For this purpose, Dekasan is prescribed for douching. This is a solution that has an antiviral effect.

    Consequences of infection with genital herpes in women:

    • cervical cancer, dysplasia. The saddest thing is that the herpes virus can cause cancer. Rashes on the cervix often degenerate into dysplasia. If left untreated, it can lead to cervical cancer.
    • Dryness of the mucous membranes of the vagina. Often there are cracks. This is due to a change in the hormonal background, as a result of which a negligible amount of lubricant is produced.
    • Decreased libido. Due to damage to nerve cells, lower back pain and constant aching pain in the lower abdomen are possible. As a result, sex drive decreases.
    • endometritis, colpitis. These are inflammations of the walls of the uterus and vagina. Can lead to the formation of adhesions inside the uterus. This reduces the likelihood of conception and may adversely affect the bearing of a child.

    How to treat in men

    In a strong half of humanity, genital herpes is less common. It mainly affects the glans penis, anus. In rare cases, rashes appear in the urethra and rectum. Initially, temperature and swelling appear at the site of future ulcers. 3 days after the appearance of the vesicles burst. At this time, the pain and temperature subside. Treatment is carried out according to the standard scheme: antiviral drugs and strengthening the immune system.

    Consequences of genital herpes in men:

    1. Chronic and acute prostatitis. Virus cells infect the prostate gland. Usually, exacerbation of prostatitis is observed simultaneously with rashes and fades with the use of antiviral drugs. But in some cases, antibiotics are required.
    2. Herpetic proctitis. This is a disease of the rectum, characterized by the appearance of ulcers or hemorrhages on the mucous membranes. During the acute phase, bleeding may occur during the act of defecation. The absorption of nutrients in the intestines is reduced.
    3. Urethritis. This is an inflammation of the urethra. It is characterized by painful urination.

    Rules for the treatment of genital herpes in pregnant women

    During pregnancy, all women are tested for TORCH infections, among which there is herpes. If a high concentration of antibodies to the herpes virus is detected, the pregnant woman is prescribed antiviral drugs and immunomodulators.

    The most dangerous is the infection of a child with the herpes virus through the birth canal. In this case, the risk of transition of the disease to the acute phase is high.

    If a high concentration of antibodies is detected, a pregnant woman is prescribed the following drugs:

    • Zovirax. The active substance is acyclovir. It inhibits the DNA of virus cells and prevents their reproduction.
    • Oxolinic ointment. An antiviral ointment that deactivates the acids that keep the virus alive.
    • Viferon. A drug based on human interferon. Sold in the form of suppositories, ointments and gels.

    The choice of drug depends on the gestational age. The most dangerous is the acute form in the first trimester of pregnancy. In this case, spontaneous abortion is possible. Often, fetal malformations are diagnosed after a mother's illness. In the third trimester, the disease is less dangerous for the child, since almost all organs are formed. In this case, the pregnant woman is treated with local preparations and strengthens the immune system.

    Conditional treatment regimen

    Below you can familiarize yourself with the treatment regimen and understand what doctors are guided by when prescribing certain drugs, but this regimen can be adjusted by the doctor during a personal examination of the patient.

    Object of treatment Treatment regimen
    Primary infection of genital herpes. Preparations are applied within 5-10 days.
    • Acyclovir (200 milligrams). Inside, five times a day.
    Recurrent form of genital herpes. Medicines are applied for five days.
    • Acyclovir (200 milligrams). Inside, five times a day
    • Or Acyclovir (400 milligrams). Inside, three times a day.
    • Or Valaciclovir (500 milligrams). Twice a day.
    • Or Famciclovir (250 milligrams). Three times per day.
    suppressive therapy. Prophylactic medication for permanent suppression of the virus. The term of admission is assigned individually.
    • Acyclovir (400 milligrams). Inside, twice a day
    • Or Valaciclovir (500 milligrams). Once a day.
    • Or Famciclovir (250 milligrams). Twice a day.

    Indications for treatment in a hospital:

    • if the body does not tolerate antiviral agents;
    • complications from the central nervous system;
    • disseminated herpes infection.

    What are the goals of treatment:

    • reduce the risk of transmission of infection to the fetus;
    • reduce the possibility of transmitting herpesvirus to a partner;
    • reduce the number of relapses;
    • prevent possible complications;
    • get rid of symptomatic discomfort.

    People looking for information on how to cure genital herpes often see large lists of drugs and understand that in any case they will have to go to a specialist to prescribe a course of treatment. And rightly so, the fact is that it is impossible to write how many tablets of Cycloferon or the same Acyclovir should be used without knowing the individual characteristics of the patient. Even reading the instructions for use, you should not just buy pills and drink them without being examined by a specialist. Especially if it concerns children or adults in certain situations, for example, during pregnancy or with immunodeficiency.

    Treatment of genital herpes folk methods

    There are several folk ways to deal with genital herpes:

    • Tea tree oil solution. Dilute 10 drops of oil in 500 ml of warm water. For 10 days, wash the genitals, preferably at night.
    • Collection of herbs. Mix herbal collection with 400 ml of warm water, put on a small fire for 5-10 minutes. Remove from heat and let the broth cool to room temperature. Perform genital washing once a day for 14 days.
    • Infusion of a series. This recipe is used in the initial stages of infection to relieve itching and burning. Mix 10 g of string and 200 ml of hot water, let the ingredients stand for an hour. Next, you need to strain the prepared infusion and apply to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin for 15 minutes.
    • Camomile tea. It will help relieve pain and stop the inflammatory process. Dilute 5-10 g of dry collection in 250 ml of boiled water, mix thoroughly and let it brew for an hour. It is necessary to treat the affected areas of the skin no more than 2 times a day for 2 weeks.
    • Sea salt. Fill the tub with 10 liters of hot water, add 60 grams of sea salt and mix thoroughly. Wait for the water to cool slightly, then sit in it for about 45 minutes. The procedure should be carried out daily, for about 2 weeks.
    • Echinacea root tincture. The prepared remedy will help strengthen the immune system. Mix 30 g of crushed root and 120 ml of alcohol, mix the ingredients thoroughly. Leave the product to infuse for about 6-7 days. Then carefully strain the finished infusion and consume 20 drops, 4 times a day. within 2 months.

    Funds from the village

    In addition to medicinal methods, it is possible to treat genital herpes with folk remedies:

    1. Tea tree oil. To use, add 10 drops of oil to 400 ml of boiling water. Means to use for washing the genitals. The procedure should be performed before going to bed.
    2. Herbal collection. Mix equal amounts of birch leaves, red clover flowers, calendula, dandelion root and motherwort herb. 10 g of the collection pour 350 ml of water. Boil the broth over low heat for 5 minutes. After cooling, it is filtered and used for washing or douching. The procedure is performed once a day before bedtime for two weeks.
    3. Series. To relieve itching at the initial stage of herpes, you need to pour 10 grams of dry grass with 250 ml of boiling water and let stand for an hour. Strain the infusion, soak a piece of gauze in it and apply to the affected area for 10 minutes. Also, the drug can be taken orally (100 ml twice a day).
    4. Chamomile. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps relieve pain. 5 grams of dried flowers are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left for 40 minutes. Strain and use for irrigation of mucous membranes or douching. You can use this infusion 2 times a day.
    5. How is genital herpes treated with sea salt: 50 grams of sea salt are dissolved in 10 liters of boiling water, and after the product has cooled down, it is used for taking sitz baths. The procedure is carried out daily (for a quarter of an hour for 14 days). It is not necessary to wash off the saline solution, it is enough to gently blot the external genitalia.
    6. Echinacea root. Used to strengthen the immune system. To prepare the product, you need to pour 20 grams of crushed raw materials into 100 ml of 70% alcohol. The tincture is kept for a week in a dark, cool place. Then, the agent is filtered and taken 25 drops 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 months. If necessary, it can be repeated.

    Herbal treatment

    Take 4 tbsp. l. herbs of lemon balm, thyme and motherwort, chamomile flowers, raspberry leaves, juniper fruits, 2 tbsp. l. wormwood, adonis and St. John's wort. Pour 2 tbsp. l. mixture with two cups of boiling water. Leave for an hour, take 1/4 cup 4 times a day. Course - 2 weeks.
    With this disease, baths with the addition of essential oils of lemon, geranium eucalyptus and tea tree help well. The duration of the bath is 15 minutes.

    Arnica in folk treatment

    15 g of dried arnica flowers pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, use for compresses on the affected areas

    Alternative treatment of genital herpes with birch buds

    Pour 15 g of birch buds with 1 glass of milk, boil for 5 minutes, cool, wrap in gauze, use as an external anti-inflammatory agent in the form of compresses.

    Kalina in the folk treatment of genital herpes in men and women

    Pour 20 g of crushed dry fruits of viburnum with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 4 hours. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

    Alternative treatment of lungwort

    1 st. l. lungwort pour 1 cup boiling water, insist in a thermos for 45 minutes. Take 1 glass 2 times a day. The course of treatment of genital herpes - 10-12 days

    Ways of transmission of the disease

    Genital herpes belongs to the category of sexually transmitted diseases.

    Infection occurs not only from a person who suffers from rashes on the genitals (relapse), but also in the absence of characteristic manifestations of the disease, which is observed with asymptomatic virus carriers and atypical forms.

    Infection is also possible through oral-genital contact. Domestic transmission of infection is extremely rare. The highest incidence rate is observed in the age group of 20-29 years. The herpes virus can live in the body throughout life. In the interrecurrent period, it is located in the nervous system and does not manifest itself, so patients, often unaware of the presence of the disease, can become a source of infection for sexual partners.

    • In addition to the sexual method of transmission of genital herpes, infection is possible when a child passes through the birth canal during childbirth or the fetus passes through the placenta of a sick mother.
    • In some cases, human infection can occur in the absence of sexual contact: infection in this case is the result of non-observance of personal hygiene rules, when a person transfers the herpes simplex virus from his lips to his genitals with dirty hands.
    • The herpes simplex virus, which once entered the body through microtrauma to the skin and mucous membrane of the genital organs, remains in the body for life.
    • A person with strong immunity, leading a correct lifestyle, may never know about the presence of a virus in the body and not get acquainted with the clinical signs of the disease.
    • However, with factors favorable for infection (severe overwork, stress, hypothermia, colds, overheating in the sun, mental and physical trauma, prolonged alcohol intoxication, hormonal changes), the virus is activated and genital herpes is exacerbated.

    In newborns

    The most severe complication of genital herpes is neonatal herpes, when the infection of the child passes from the mother during childbirth. The chance of transmission of the herpes virus to the newborn increases if the mother becomes infected during the last 3 months of pregnancy. Infection of newborns leads to serious disorders of the child's nervous system, blindness and even death.

    If it was found that during pregnancy in the expectant mother, the herpes infection passed into the active phase, then delivery by caesarean section is recommended in order to avoid the passage of the fetus through the birth canal.

    In adults, genital herpes does not cause disruption of the internal organs and does not provoke infertility. This disease is the least dangerous among all those that are sexually transmitted. The question of how to treat genital herpes is relevant, because it brings a lot of suffering to the patient during exacerbation, worsens his emotional and psychological state, and reduces a person’s performance. In addition, the infection facilitates the transmission of HIV infection and provokes the transition of HIV into AIDS.

    Infection with pathology

    There are several ways to get genital herpes:

    1. sexually. It is worth noting that a condom cannot 100% protect against genital herpes. Virus cells, when the vesicles are damaged, can get on the pubic hair, inner thighs. Therefore, the percentage of protection with a condom is only 50%. Homosexuals are more likely to suffer from genital herpes, usually the disease affects the anus, colon and urethra.
    2. Through the use of the patient's dishes. This method of infection is rare, since rashes on the genitals are provoked in 70% of cases by a type 2 virus.
    3. In public toilets. This method of infection is rare, since the virus does not live on the human body for long.
    4. Transfer of the virus from the lips to the genitals when touching the ulcers. This is the so-called autoinfection, when a patient transfers disease cells from one part of the body to another.
    5. During oral sex with a person who has rashes on his lips. It is possible to infect the genital organs when caressing them with lips affected by herpes. But there are also cases of reverse infection, when the virus from the genitals enters the mucous membrane of the mouth.

    Of course, disease cells do not live very long in the air, but this is quite enough to infiltrate the mucous membranes of the nose or mouth. Scientists have found that the herpes simplex virus does not die with repeated freezing and thawing. At a temperature of 36 ° C, he lives 20 hours.

    What can not be done when sick?

    If symptoms of the disease appear, there is no need to panic, because with proper treatment a long-term remission is possible. It is also worth abstaining from sexual activity until the complete disappearance of the manifestations of herpes.

    • It is not recommended to drink alcohol, which is a provoking factor for this disease.
    • Before a visit to the doctor, you can not rub the affected areas and touch them with your hands.
    • This contributes to the spread of the virus and the appearance of new rashes.
    • It is strictly forbidden to treat vials with alcohol, as it is not intended to treat such problems and can cause chemical burns to the mucous membranes or skin.

    Many patients are interested in the question, is it possible to cure genital herpes without going to the hospital? The answer to it is negative. Self-medication will only aggravate the condition and cause frequent relapses.

    Possible Complications

    You need to know how to quickly cure genital herpes, because if you do not see a doctor in time, complications may occur.

    Without timely therapy, genital herpes causes:

    1. Dysuria or neuropathy causing acute urinary retention.
    2. Massive infection of the internal organs. This occurs in rare cases, mainly with immunodeficiency (the hands, buttocks, mucous membrane of the eyes are affected, and oral sex causes stomatitis, cheilitis or pharyngitis).
    3. In women, having genital herpes increases the chance of cervical cancer.
    4. Psychological problems and tendency to depression.
    5. With primary genital herpes in pregnant women, infection of the fetus occurs in 50% of cases. More often this happens during the passage of a child through the genital tract, affected by herpes, and is excluded during a caesarean section. Infection of the fetus leads to damage to his eyes, skin and nervous system, and sometimes to disability.


    Specific prevention methods include the use of vaccines. But due to the fact that the virus is arranged in a special way, it is not always possible to obtain a lasting effect.

    Nonspecific measures for the prevention of genital herpes are:

    • moderate exercise and a healthy lifestyle;
    • avoiding alcohol and smoking;
    • strengthening the immune system;
    • the use of barrier contraceptives for any type of sex.
    • proper personal hygiene (do not use someone else's underwear, towels, etc.).

    If you are already infected with the herpes virus, in order to prevent frequent exacerbations, avoid overheating and hypothermia, take vitamin complexes for prevention. Be attentive to your body and always stay healthy!

    Useful video: living with the genital herpes virus (doctor's advice)

    Methods of transmission of the herpes virus

    The viability of the virus in the external environment at room temperature and normal humidity persists for a day, at a temperature of 50-52 ° C it is inactivated after 30 minutes, and at low temperatures (−70 ° C) the virus is able to remain viable for 5 days. On metal surfaces (coins, doorknobs, water taps) the virus survives for 2 hours, on wet sterile medical cotton wool and gauze - during the entire time of their drying (up to 6 hours). The herpes simplex virus is most easily transmitted by direct contact with damaged tissues or body fluids of an infected person. Transmission of the virus is also possible during periods of asymptomatic virus carrying. The herpes virus is not able to penetrate the intact stratum corneum of the skin, due to the lack of specific receptors on it.

    Oral herpes is easily diagnosed only in the presence of external manifestations - wounds or ulcers. In this case, it will not be difficult to diagnose the disease on your own by comparing herpes on the lip with a photo on the Internet. However, in the early stages there are no symptoms of the disease, and herpes can only be diagnosed by laboratory methods. Prodromal symptoms that appear even before the appearance of visible herpetic lesions will allow differential diagnosis of symptoms of infection with the herpes virus from, for example, allergic stomatitis. If the disease does not manifest inside the mouth, primary orofacial herpes may be mistaken for impetigo or a bacterial infection. In addition, mouth ulcers (aphthae) can also look like oral herpes, but no blisters appear. After contact with the source of infection, viral particles enter the cells of the skin epithelium, then the virus migrates to nerve cells by fusing the outer shell of the virus with the cell membrane, and viral DNA is released inside the cell. Then it is transported along the dendrites of nerve endings to the body of a sensitive neuron, located in the sensory ganglion, where they are permanently integrated into its genetic apparatus. After the penetration of the virus, the process of its active reproduction in the cell begins - persistence. With viral lesions of the lips, the persistence of the virus in the neurocytes of the sensitive ganglia of the trigeminal nerve is characteristic. In most people, the reproduction and shedding of the virus immediately after infection is asymptomatic. This can happen more than a week before or after the first symptoms appear in 50% of cases. The causative agent multiplies intensively in it. Focal death of the epithelium occurs: cells increase in size, then die, forming foci of dead cells. The duration of the period of virus excretion during the localization of the virus on the lips in herpes simplex type 1 is 6-33 days, and in herpes simplex type 2 - 1 day. After infection, the body begins to synthesize antibodies against a specific type of herpes virus, preventing the infection from spreading. In the case of infection with the herpes virus type 1, this production of antibodies will protect the body from other infectious processes caused by this virus, such as genital herpes, herpetic keratitis and panaritium.

    Antibodies that are produced after an initial herpes infection prevent infection with the same type of virus: people who have had type 1 orofacial herpes do not get panaritium or genital herpes caused by type 1 herpes.

    Herpes on the lips: the course of the disease

    Herpes on the lips appears within a short time. It is localized mainly on the upper lip or in the corners of the mouth. Bubbles with liquid burst and form painful wounds, which dry out and become covered with a crust in 3-4 days. The healing of these wounds is complicated by the fact that when talking or eating, the crust can burst and the wound begins to bleed.

    Treatment of herpes on the lips

    There is currently no cure for herpes. Available drugs only suppress the reproduction of the virus, but do not remove fragments of viral DNA from neurocytes. Therefore, there is always the possibility of repeated rashes, especially with immunodeficiencies (for example, with HIV infection or tumors). The use of antiviral agents can suppress the activity of the virus and relieve symptoms. Treatment of herpes on the lips can take a long time - the wound can heal much faster if left untouched, but in the case of the lips this is almost impossible. Antiviral ointments such as acyclovir will help speed up the healing process. It has been proven that acyclovir and valaciclovir are effective in the treatment of facial herpes (on the lips), including in cancer patients. When applied topically for the treatment of facial herpes, acyclovir, penciclovir, docosanol (docosanol) are effective. These drugs are allowed for sale without a doctor's prescription. They must be used regularly, while observing the rules of hygiene: using only personal utensils, towels, and so on. Alternative methods act indirectly, having only a tonic, anti-inflammatory effect. Echinacea preparations stimulate the immune system. Lysine, being an essential amino acid, is a plastic material for tissue regeneration. Zinc ointments, when applied to the skin, have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and drying effects, preventing the penetration of the virus and accelerating the healing of ulcers. This also includes aloe vera extract and propolis, as natural anti-inflammatory agents. If the symptoms of the disease do not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor who will recommend how to treat herpes on the lips more effectively and avoid complications.

    Herpes and weakened immune system

    During primary infection, IgM antibodies are formed, with relapses - IgG and IgA. Due to the persistence of the virus in infected individuals, immunity is non-sterile. In some periods, under the influence of various factors, the disease can worsen and manifest itself in the form of well-known symptoms. In addition, the herpes virus itself is capable of inducing immunodeficiency. The level of immunity significantly affects the number and severity of relapses. After the stage of active infection, the virus remains in an inactive state to live in the sensory ganglia and ganglia of the autonomic nervous system. No virus particles are produced in this phase. The frequency and severity of outbreaks varies widely from person to person. Some develop ulcers that do not heal for weeks, while others appear only as a slight itching and burning sensation for a few days. There is some evidence that heredity affects relapse rates. In the region of chromosome 21, there is a zone that includes 6 genes, which is associated with the frequency of outbreaks. The severity of outbreaks and their frequency decreases over time. After a few years, some people will not have any symptoms at all, although the virus will be shed and able to be transmitted to others. In immunocompromised individuals, outbreaks will be more severe, longer, and more frequent. Outbreaks can occur in the same places or in close proximity to the nerve endings of the infected ganglia.


    Allocate primary and recurrent herpes. Symptoms of primary herpes appear on average 2 to 14 days after infection. With recurrent herpes, the disease worsens periodically. The number of relapses determines the severity of the course of the disease, while there are three degrees:

    • Mild, when exacerbations occur up to 3-4 times a year.
    • Moderately severe, when exacerbations occur from 4 to 6 times a year.
    • Severe, in which exacerbations occur monthly.

    Before the onset of rashes in the genital area, harbingers of relapse are noted: burning, itching, pain and swelling. There may be periodic numbness, heaviness and aches in the upper thigh, sometimes extending to the lower back or buttocks; drawing pains in the perineum. These symptoms may be accompanied by fever and general malaise. Then bubbles filled with a clear liquid form on the skin and mucous membranes of the genitals, which soon burst. In their place, small painful sores form.

    Very often, genital herpes is asymptomatic. In this case, infection of sexual partners is possible even in the absence of symptoms.

    Due to the variety of clinical manifestations of genital herpes and its frequent combination with other urogenital infections that have similar symptoms, identification of the causative agent is of great importance.


    With typical symptoms, the diagnosis is based on the clinical picture. Careful examination of the patient allows you to make a diagnosis.

    In non-obvious cases resort to laboratory research. For laboratory tests, swabs and blood tests are taken. Studies for the diagnosis of the disease are divided into two groups - the detection of HSV, the detection of antibodies to HSV.


    Treatment of genital herpes is carried out comprehensively and for a long time. Even after therapy, HSV remains in the body, but as a result of antiviral treatment, the activity of the virus decreases, the duration and number of exacerbations are reduced, and the periods of remission are lengthened.


    A long-term relationship with one regular partner who has been tested for genital herpes can reduce the risk of infection.

    The use of condoms during sex with a new partner helps to prevent infection with herpes. After accidental unprotected sexual contact, preventive measures should be taken.

    Symptoms of genital herpes

    Genital herpes is a viral infection that is usually transmitted sexually. The causative agent of genital herpes is the herpes simplex virus (Herpes simplex). The incubation period can be up to a week after sexual contact with a virus carrier. A characteristic sign is the appearance of herpetic vesicles in the place where there was contact with the sexual partner - in the area of ​​​​the external and internal genital organs, labia. Bubbles open and in their place painful sores are formed, which are covered with crusts. Then the crusts come off. Within ten days, a new rash may appear. More than half of the cases of herpes occur without clinical symptoms, but virus carriers can also infect their sexual partners. Asymptomatic virus carriers pose the greatest danger to newborns, since herpes can cause severe neurological changes and blindness in them.

    Diagnosis of genital herpes

    To confirm the diagnosis of genital herpes, immunofluorescence assay (ELISA) reactions and diagnostics by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are used. But even in the presence of a characteristic clinical picture of the disease, laboratory methods can give negative results.

    Treatment of genital herpes

    The main factor in the treatment is stimulation of the body's own immune system and the appointment of antiviral drugs. In severe exacerbations, acyclovir is prescribed, cycloferon is locally prescribed. However, it should be borne in mind that even modern antiherpetic drugs only reduce the severity and frequency of exacerbations of the disease, but do not destroy the virus in the body.

    Prevention of genital herpes

    The main method of prevention is the observance of hygiene and the orderliness of sexual contacts, the exclusion of oral-genital contacts unprotected by contact contraceptives.

    Simple recurrent herpes and alcohol are incompatible. Patients should be aware of the impossibility of drinking alcohol during treatment. Some medications are already capable of causing adverse reactions in a particular group of patients, and exposure to alcohol exacerbates this process.

    Many people suffer from herpes infection. According to recent studies, carriers of this virus are up to 95% of the world's population.

    Why you need to be treated

    After herpes appears on the lips or in another form, it is urgent to eliminate the fact of relapse. For this, the doctor prescribes a number of antiviral drugs. A special diet is also needed, which strictly excludes the intake of alcohol.

    Modern scientists have discovered a huge number. There are 8 main ones, but the most common 3 are:

    1. May appear as a rash on the lips.
    2. Affects the genitals.
    3. Becomes the causative agent of chickenpox and shingles.

    Why alcohol adversely affects the manifestations of the disease

    A person is strongly influenced by alcohol. Some experts argue that this factor can be attributed to hereditary characteristics. Many drink alcohol is contraindicated, others can cope with cravings for alcohol or do not experience it at all.

    When an infection is activated in the body, the patient's immunity is greatly reduced. It is known that alcohol further destroys the defenses. Alcohol perfectly dissolves various substances, better than water. As soon as an alcohol-containing drink enters the bloodstream, red blood cells (oxygen-carrying blood cells) are the first to react. Under the influence of alcohol, the shell of erythrocytes quickly disappears. Blood cells stick together, turning into something like a bunch of grapes. There is a blockage of the capillaries. In addition, oxygen is not delivered to the cells, and red blood cells die. This leads to disruption of the activity of all body systems.

    If a person takes alcohol during an exacerbation of herpes (labial or genital), his condition will worsen, treatment will become impossible, which will lead to even greater aggression of the virus.

    Can I drink alcohol if I have symptoms of shingles?

    This disease is often referred to as the herpes zoster virus. It affects the central nervous system and the periphery. The skin and mucous membranes suffer. Why is this type of disease called "lichen" in the people? Rashes in the lumbar region very much resemble this type of skin lesion, they have a shingles character. Treatment must begin as soon as possible. Doctors prescribe antiviral drugs.

    If the disease is complicated and antibiotics are prescribed, it is absolutely impossible to drink any beer or wine during the treatment period. If you take even a little, the liver will get a huge load (alcohol in combination with antibiotics is especially toxic). In some cases, alcohol-containing drinks simply cancel the effect of drugs, and therapy does not give the desired results. In this case, the patient's well-being worsens.

    It is strictly forbidden to try to “reduce” a strong pain syndrome with alcohol during the development of herpes zoster. It is urgent to consult a doctor, otherwise the appearance of irreversible complications is inevitable. Damage to the nervous system will occur quickly and it will be very difficult to recover.

    Alcoholic drinks and chickenpox

    Can you drink alcohol with chickenpox? Many will say that they suffer from this disease in childhood. But there are those who were not diagnosed with this disease at an early age, becoming ill in adulthood, get a more complex course of chickenpox. A person who has had this disease 1 time will no longer become infected, since a strong immunity against this type of virus is developed for life.

    In an adult, chickenpox lasts up to 21 days. This disease is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature to high values, rashes on the skin. Bubbles appear all over the body, they burst, itch.

    Treating chickenpox with strong alcohol is strictly prohibited. The symptoms will get worse. Alcohol should be abandoned for the entire period of therapy. It is also important to go on a diet. It is necessary to cancel everything sweet, spicy, spicy, salty, smoked, fatty, to refuse dishes prepared by frying. Otherwise, “forbidden” products, including alcohol, will become provocateurs of new skin rashes.

    Allergens include:

    • citrus;
    • chicken eggs;
    • carbonated drinks;
    • milk;
    • berries.

    You can only eat steamed, baked dishes. In this quality, good: meat of any kind, fish, cottage cheese, dairy products, soups, vegetable purees and juices.

    Cytomegalovirus and alcoholic beverages

    Scientists refer this virus to the herpes family. Recently, the cytomegalovirus type of the disease has become quite common. Its characteristic symptom is an inflammatory process in the salivary glands. You can get infected from a patient in the process of kissing, sexual intercourse. Doctors also state the facts of the transmission of this type of virus by airborne droplets.

    The course of the disease is long, but often it does not manifest itself. In other cases, an infected person notices small rashes on the skin. This species, like other types of herpes, can only be recognized in the laboratory. That is why it is so important to see a doctor.

    With herpes, especially such a variety as CMV, there is a strong effect on the central nervous system. Alcohol no less intensely affects the nervous system.

    And if a number of drugs for the virus or antibiotics are taken, the liver, kidneys, and other vital organs suffer. It is possible that the patient's body will undergo severe intoxication.

    Only 20% of the world's population became carriers of antibodies to CMV. The older the person, the less likely they are to contract this disease. Approximately 60% of people over the age of 40 have strong immunity to CMV.

    At risk are people with low immunity. At the same time, they may develop mild symptoms of CMV or the presence of an implicit development of a dangerous disease. It is known that alcohol significantly reduces immunity, so patients predisposed to cytomegalovirus should not both abuse and drink strong drinks, even in small quantities.

    For a speedy recovery, it is important to follow a diet not only during treatment, but throughout life. Sweets should be severely limited. Some alcoholic beverages are known to contain very high amounts of sugar. Therefore, it is important to remember not only the effects of alcohol, but also its harmful effects on the body in combination with sugar. If you saturate the diet with dishes with lysine (meat, eggs, dairy products, millet grain), you can avoid recurrences of CMV.

    Alcohol and antivirals

    Many people who have the herpes virus in their bodies and suffer from frequent relapses take drugs that suppress the development of the disease. These are antiviral drugs. Are they compatible with alcohol?

    In the annotation to antiviral drugs, there is often no information about their interaction with alcohol. There is also no information about the consequences of drinking alcohol in the treatment of herpes recurrences. The results of recent studies indicate the possibility of consequences of this nature:

    1. Strengthening the effect of the drug.
    2. Change in therapeutic effect.

    At the same time, the consequences of the above processes are very unpredictable. To this should be added the individual characteristics of the patient's body and the presence of chronic ailments. Among the consequences of combining alcohol with antiviral agents:

    1. Allergic reactions.
    2. Exacerbation of liver diseases due to increased load on this organ.
    3. Renal colic.
    4. Loss of consciousness.
    5. Impaired coordination.

    All antiviral drugs contain different types of interferons or stimulate their production in the human body. If interferon is combined even with low-grade beer, exacerbation of mental illnesses, if any, is possible. As a consequence of this process - the emergence of a depressed state, depression, hallucinations.

    So, the combination of antiviral drugs with alcohol or drinking alcohol during an exacerbation of herpes should be abandoned for the sake of your own health. You should not aggravate the course of the disease with the use of alcohol, which already has a bad effect on the central nervous system, liver and other important organs and systems. It is important during the treatment period to adhere to a strict diet, refusing spicy, salty, sweet. After treatment, you can not drink alcohol and eat fatty, fried foods.