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  • The best ointment for balanoposthitis in men. Review of ointments for balanoposthitis in men

    The best ointment for balanoposthitis in men.  Review of ointments for balanoposthitis in men

    Balanoposthitis (ICD code 10 N48.1) is an inflammatory disease, as a result of which the foreskin and glans of the male penis are affected. According to statistics, about 11% of men have this diagnosis. But there are cases of detection of the disease in women and children. How to treat balanoposthitis can be prompted by a doctor after an examination and some tests. The main therapy is the use of local preparations (creams, ointments, etc.).

    Treatment of pathology can be quite long and continues until the symptoms and cause of balanoposthitis are completely eliminated. The duration of the course of therapy is affected by the form of the disease, the severity of the symptoms and the type of pathogen. Acute balanoposthitis is treated within 2-3 weeks.

    The urologist Junker Oleg Alexandrovich will tell about the disease:

    Before starting treatment, the patient needs to review the correctness of hygiene procedures and, together with the sexual partner, be examined for possible STDs. Only after that, the doctor (urologist and venereologist) will be able to prescribe the correct treatment.

    If you do not pay attention to the problem in time, the disease can become chronic. Chronic balanoposthitis is much more difficult to treat.

    Causes of the disease

    All causes that can lead to the appearance of balanoposthitis are of an infectious and non-infectious nature.

    Infectious causes include:

    • Candidiasis.
    • Human papillomavirus.
    • Trichomoniasis.

    Genital herpes is a viral lesion of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, characterized by the appearance of a group of vesicles, and then erosions and sores.

    • Herpes genital.
    • Streptococci.
    • Staphylococci.
    • Syphilis.
    • Gardnerellosis.

    Non-infectious causes include:

    1. Psoriasis.
    2. Irritative balanoposthitis.
    3. Lichen flat.
    4. Diabetes.

    Risk factors that contribute to inflammation are:

    • Non-compliance with hygiene rules.
    • Decreased body defenses.
    • Allergic diseases.

    • The presence of a chronic infection in the body.
    • Infections of the genitourinary system (urethritis, etc.).
    • Promiscuous sexual relations.

    Symptoms of the disease

    The main cause of balanoposthitis is the patient's failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Symptoms of the disease depend on the stage of the pathological process.

    Simple balanoposthitis

    This is the mildest form of the disease. Its manifestations include:

    1. Feeling of burning and itching. This symptom is considered the very first. While touching the head of the penis, when urinating or rubbing against clothes, the discomfort intensifies.
    2. Discomfort at the time of opening the head of the penis.
    3. Redness of the affected area. Thus, the inflammatory process makes itself felt.

    The table shows general and local symptoms, as well as complications of the disease.

    1. Swelling of tissues.
    2. The formation of painful cracks and erosions (erosive balanoposthitis).
    3. Discharge of pus from the urethra. Thus, purulent balanoposthitis manifests itself.

    Gangrenous balanoposthitis

    This form of the disease is considered the most severe. Its features are:

    • Phimosis.
    • Ulcers.
    • Violation of the patient's condition.
    • The appearance of scars.
    • Perforation of the foreskin.

    Balanoposthitis caused by STIs

    Symptoms of the disease will depend on the type of pathogen:

    1. The gonorrheal appearance, in addition to the classic signs of balanoposthitis, is accompanied.
    2. Chlamydial - characterized by clear spots of red color.
    3. Trichomonas - pus accumulates under the foreskin. The head swells and becomes red.
    1. Candidiasis is accompanied by itching, burning and pain in the head area. After a while, curdled discharge from the urethra appears.
    2. Herpetic. Vesicles with a clear liquid inside can be noted on the foreskin. After opening them, red sores appear in this place. Often this type of disease is chronic.

    Immunologist Ermakov Georgy Aleksandrovich will talk about the symptoms and treatment of the disease:

    1. Syphilitic - diagnosed in the presence of a primary chancre on the skin.
    2. Papillomavirus is accompanied by the occurrence of genital warts.
    3. Balanoposthitis with gardnerellosis occurs with virtually no symptoms. If the patient's immune system works well, then after a few days, the disease goes away on its own.
    4. Circinar balanoposthitis is manifested by clear red spots on the head of the penis.

    The disease is caused by non-specific causes

    In this case, the signs of balanoposthitis will depend on the primary disease:

    • With diabetes in a man, the head of the penis turns red, its sensitivity increases, it is possible pain, cracks, in place of which scars remain.
    • Psoriatic balanoposthitis is manifested by the appearance of red scales.
    • With lichen planus, irregularly shaped nodules appear on the head, covered with white scales. The skin becomes red.

    Features of the disease in a child

    Sometimes small children can also be affected. As a rule, they are diagnosed with irritative or simple infectious balanoposthitis, which lasts for 5-6 days, after which it disappears.

    Among the reasons for its appearance in children, there are:

    1. Developed foreskin, hanging down and moving with difficulty.
    2. Phimosis.

    1. Profuse discharge of semen, which accumulates in the fold between the foreskin and the glans penis.
    2. Failure to comply with simple hygiene rules.


    To make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, the doctor will examine the patient and prescribe some tests for him:

    • A general blood test, in which you can see the presence of an inflammatory process by the number of leukocytes and the ESR index.
    • A general urine test, in which an increased number of leukocytes will indicate the presence of inflammation.

    A blood test for ESR is a non-specific indicator that makes it possible to detect inflammation of various origins.

    • A bacterial urine test to identify the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.
    • PCR will make it possible to isolate the DNA of the pathogen and determine its type.
    • Scraping from the urethra for the presence of pale treponema.

    If a sexual infection has led to the appearance of inflammation, then it is necessary to examine the partner as well.


    In patients whose immune system is weakened, as well as those who do not follow the rules of personal hygiene and do not carry out treatment, complications may develop:

    1. Chronic balanoposthitis can occur if treatment is not started on time or finished ahead of schedule. In this case, remission is possible at first, but later the symptoms of the disease will worsen again. It is much more difficult to treat chronic pathology.
    2. Decreased sexual function. The inflammatory process can lead to receptor atrophy and decreased sensitivity. This reduces the potency.
    3. Cystitis, prostatitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system. Pathogenic bacteria that caused balanoposthitis can rise up the urethra and cause these diseases. As a rule, this occurs in people with reduced immunity and those who did not follow the principles of treatment.

    Symptoms and complications of prostatitis

    1. Lymphoangitis - the transition of the inflammatory process to the inguinal lymph nodes.
    2. Paraphimosis - clamping the head of the foreskin. In this case, there is a violation of the blood circulation of the organ, lymph flow and an increase in the size of the head of the penis, which becomes red and painful. This condition requires immediate medical attention, otherwise gangrene is possible.
    3. Gangrene of the penis is characterized by the death of tissues that turn black. The disease begins suddenly for a man. As a result, his general condition worsens, the temperature rises and foci of necrosis appear.


    How to cure balanoposthitis? This question will be answered by the doctor after the examination and passing the necessary tests that can identify the causes of the inflammatory process.

    Each patient must follow certain rules:

    • Observe the hygiene of the penis.
    • Eliminate the causative agent of inflammation. For this, antiseptic solutions, herbal tinctures, etc. can be used.
    • Carry out antibiotic and antiviral therapy using medicines. Only the attending physician can prescribe an individual treatment regimen.

    Solovyov Nikolai Konstantinovich, urologist-andrologist at the Moscow Doctor Medical Center, will tell you what caused the disease and how to treat it:

    The main methods of treatment:

    1. Taking medications (tablets, ointments, solutions) prescribed by a doctor. So "Levomekol" with balanoposthitis is considered a fairly effective drug.
    2. In case of complications, drugs are used that can increase the body's defenses.
    3. The fungal type of the disease is treated with antifungal agents (ointments "Nizoral", "Clotrimazole", etc.).
    4. In the anaerobic form, antibiotics are indicated ("Azithromycin", etc.).
    5. Surgical intervention, which involves the excision of the foreskin. In such cases, the patient should not try to open the head on his own, as this can lead to microcracks and further aggravate the inflammatory process.
    6. It is possible to treat balanoposthitis in men with folk remedies. Decoctions and infusions medicinal herbs able to alleviate the general condition of the patient and reduce the manifestations of the inflammatory process. Doctors recommend taking baths, compresses and wiping the penis with such drugs.

    Use of antibacterial drugs

    Very often, pathogens become the cause of inflammation, including: E. coli, staphylococci, streptococci and other aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. In such cases, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotic therapy to the patient. Depending on what has become the causative agent, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed:

    • Antibacterial drugs are prescribed only in case of severe forms of the disease or when balanoposthitis is caused by sexual infections.
    • Antibacterial therapy is not prescribed when allergic, viral or fungal balanoposthitis is established.
    • Antibiotics for balanoposthitis, which are considered the most effective - tablets "Doxycycline" and "Levomycetin".
    • Often prescribed drugs: "Erythromycin", "Roxithromycin" and "Oletetrin", derivatives of quinol "Nevigramon", nitrofuran "Furagin" or oxyquinoline "Nitroxoline".

    Azithromycin is an effective antibacterial agent. Price in pharmacies from 32 rubles.

    • Anaerobic balanoposthitis is treated with Azithromycin.
    • When diagnosing a specific infection, penicillins and cephalosporins ("Tsiprolet") are prescribed.
    • Treatment of candidal balanoposthitis in men is carried out with Fluconazole or Clotrimazole.
    • Chlamydial and ureaplasmic types of balanoposthitis are treated with metronidazole derivatives.

    Along with pills for systemic treatment, injections and intravenous infusions of medications are used, depending on the symptoms and severity of the disease.

    If balanoposthitis is bacterial in nature, then both partners should take antibacterial drugs. During treatment, it is necessary to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages and unprotected sex.

    The use of ointments

    For local treatment of balanoposthitis, various ointments are widely used:

    1. With the fungal nature of the disease, the ointment should have an antifungal effect. These drugs include: "Fluconazole", "Candide", etc. "Clotrimazole" for balanoposthitis is the most popular of this group of drugs. Pimafucort ointment, which absorbed the properties of antifungal and hormonal drugs, was recognized as no less effective. It is often prescribed if it is necessary to cure chronic candidal balanoposthitis.
    2. In the case of an allergic or autoimmune nature of inflammation, doctors recommend using hormonal ointments "Oxycort", "Lamisil", "Locacorten", etc.

    Dressings with ointment are applied to the damaged areas at night after thorough hygiene of the genital organs. This procedure is done within 5 days. Treatment must be carried out under medical supervision.

    1. "Triderm" with balanoposthitis is advised to use when a mixed type of infection is detected in a patient. The ointment has antibacterial, antifungal and hormonal effects.
    2. With a nonspecific bacterial infection, the combined ointment "Levomekol" is used. It contains levomycetin, which has an antibacterial effect, and methyluracil, which is able to restore damaged tissues.
    3. A powerful antibacterial effect has an ointment from balanoposthitis "Baneocin". Its constituent bacitracin and neomycin are able to cope with the infection and relieve the inflammation process.

    Ointments should be used for a long period of time. At the same time, they are applied to the affected area several times a day.

    It is impossible to use ointments for the treatment of balanoposthitis if the patient has:

    • Malignant neoplasms.
    • Trophic ulcers.
    • Skin tuberculosis.
    • Necrosis.
    • Allergy to individual components of the drug.

    What ointments are used for the disease? The venereologist, urologist Lenkin Sergey Gennadievich will tell:

    Before you start using any drug, you need to conduct a test. To do this, a small amount of ointment is applied to the back of the hand or near the elbow. If after a while, redness, itching, rash or burning occurs in this place, then you can not use this remedy.

    If you use the ointment in large quantities, overdose symptoms may occur: redness, swelling, rash. Periodically, any drug must be changed, since prolonged use can reduce its effectiveness.

    Use of antiseptic solutions

    Various antiseptic solutions are often used for local therapy of the disease. They are allowed to be used at home. The most popular are:

    1. Solution "Chlorophyllipt" on a water basis. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action.
    2. Erosive balanoposthitis, accompanied by the formation of ulcers and erosions, is treated with "Fukortsin" (Castellani liquid), which is able to cope not only with pathogenic bacteria, but also with fungi.
    3. Chlorhexidine is used to disinfect and treat inflammation. The solution is used for washing, lotions, baths and applications. Similar action has "Miramistin". But when using these solutions, you need to be careful, as there is a possibility of damage to the mucous membrane and dryness on the skin.

    Bath use

    If the disease does not have complications in the form of phimosis, the doctor may recommend therapeutic baths. For their preparation, you can use Furacilin, Dioxidin or Miramistin. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 15 minutes. To achieve the maximum effect, the penis should be gently moistened with a solution. After the bath, the site of inflammation is gently wiped with a sterile napkin and treated with any antiseptic preparation.

    Baths from chamomile decoction are prepared as follows: add about 20 grams of chamomile flowers to a liter of hot water. The resulting solution is used for disinfectant lotions.

    The doctor may recommend such baths:

    • If yeast-like fungi are detected in the test results, it is worth using baking soda, which dissolves in warm water.
    • If there is phimosis, then after the operation, baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula or sage) should be used.
    • When balanoposthitis has become chronic, the patient is prescribed baths with Miramistin. Additionally, it is necessary to use corticosteroids (ointment "Prednisolone", "Oxycort", etc.).

    The use of folk remedies

    Treatment of balanoposthitis at home can be supplemented with folk remedies. It has been proven that some medicinal herbs can relieve inflammation, eliminate burning sensation and other signs of the disease. To the most popular means traditional medicine include:

    1. Aloe leaves with anti-inflammatory action. They are applied to the affected area, previously cleared of the skin.
    2. Compresses with a decoction of chamomile. For its preparation, dried flowers are poured with boiling water and kept in a water bath for 5-10 minutes. After cooling, the broth is filtered and used to prepare compresses.

    Preparation of olive oil and calendula tincture

    1. Treatment of erosive balanoposthitis involves the use of olive oil and tincture prepared from calendula. To prepare the remedy, one spoonful of dried calendula flowers is poured into 70 ml of olive oil. You need to insist the drug for 3 weeks, putting it in the sun. When the tincture is ready, all the sores and cracks are wiped with it.
    2. Plantain is considered an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. The leaf of the plant should be washed well and applied to the sore spot, secured with a gauze bandage. Every half an hour, the bandage with the sheet should be changed to a new one.

    Dear readers, from the video below you will learn some tips on how to treat pathology at home:

    1. A good remedy is sage, which is used to prepare baths. To do this, a few tablespoons of dried herbs are poured into 500 ml of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 5-10 minutes. After complete cooling, the broth is filtered and used for baths, rubdowns or lotions.
    2. St. John's wort has medicinal properties. A decoction from it is prepared and used in the same way as a sage remedy.

    Treatment of balanoposthitis with folk remedies will be effective only if they are used regularly for a long period of time. It is important to pay attention to the characteristics of your body and the possible individual intolerance of traditional medicine.

    List of popular medicines

    Treatment of balanoposthitis is inextricably linked with the use of drugs. A special place is given to local preparations:

    • Miramistin is the best ointment for treatment, which has a bactericidal effect. Due to a wide spectrum of action, it is prescribed in the treatment of any type of balanoposthitis. The ointment has one side effect - a burning sensation, which disappears on its own after a few minutes. The medicine is not prescribed to people with individual intolerance to its individual components.
    • "Levomekol" - helps to speed up the healing process. The ointment has proven its effectiveness against many bacteria (aerobes and anaerobes). In case of individual intolerance to its components, an allergic reaction is possible.
    • "Triderm" is able to treat balanoposthitis not only at the initial stage, but also when the disease has managed to become chronic. The active components of the ointment are able to relieve inflammation, have antiallergic, antifungal, and antibacterial effects. You need to use the drug several times a day for 2-4 weeks. In case of intolerance to the components of the drug, irritation, itching, dry skin, and a rash may occur. "Triderm" can not be used for skin tuberculosis, chickenpox or skin reactions that have occurred as a result of vaccination.
    • "Furacilin" is used for the preparation of baths or lotions. The drug has a broad antimicrobial activity. Possible skin reactions in the form of rashes and dermatitis. With prolonged use, inflammation of the nerve is possible. Caution should be taken by people with kidney disease.

    A very effective remedy. Its price is low, within 100 rubles

    • "Chlorhexidine" is an antiseptic that can be used for washing, lotions, baths or compresses. Its introduction into the urethra is allowed. Adverse reactions are extremely rare and manifest as itching, rash or dry skin. Overdose "Chlorhexidine" does not cause.
    • Hydrogen peroxide is used for disinfection. To do this, it treats the affected areas of the skin. Among the shortcomings of the remedy is a temporary effect, which completely disappears a few hours after use. It is recommended to use peroxide when the first signs of balanoposthitis occur. It is not used if the patient has phimosis.
    • "Clotrimazole" is known for its antimicrobial action. The medicine is prescribed for candidal balanoposthitis. To do this, the ointment is applied to the skin after hygiene procedures. The duration of use depends on the degree of the disease. In some cases, adverse reactions (redness and burning of the skin) were noted. In this case, the drug should be discontinued and reused only after the disappearance of side symptoms. "Clotrimazole" is not prescribed for children and people with hypersensitivity to its components.
    • Potassium permanganate has excellent antiseptic properties and accelerates the healing process of wounds. It can be used on different stages pathology. But this must be done carefully, since undissolved grains of potassium permanganate can cause severe burns. She has no contraindications for use.

    In addition to the treatment of inflammation, potassium permanganate baths can be prescribed as additional hygiene measures for patients.

    • "Fluconazole" is effective only in the case of candidal balanoposthitis. It is quickly absorbed into the skin and acts for a long period of time. An analogue of the drug are the ointments "Flucostat" and "Diflucan".
    • "Bepanten" is used to speed up the healing process of wounds. The ointment has an anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and regenerating effect. The cream is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of balanoposthitis. It is applied to clean and dry skin several times a day. The duration of use depends on the degree of damage and the individual characteristics of the patient. In some cases, a reaction on the skin may occur, so it is better not to use it for people with high sensitivity to the active components of the drug.
    • "Pimafucort" has a powerful anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial action and is effective against many pathogens. With prolonged use, stretch marks may appear at the site of its application. The medicine is not prescribed for babies under 1 year old and for those who are allergic to certain components of the ointment.
    • "Fukortsin" is prescribed as an antimicrobial and antifungal agent. It is used for the preparation of baths, compresses and applications. After it dries on the skin, the treated area must be lubricated with cream. A side effect in the form of a burning sensation is possible. "Fukortsin" is not used in case of high sensitivity of the patient's body to its components. It is not advised to treat them with large areas of skin, since the active ingredients are able to penetrate into the bloodstream and have a toxic effect.

    Fucorcin is an antiseptic solution with high bactericidal and disinfectant properties. The average price in pharmacies is from 75 rubles.

    • "Synthomycin ointment" for balanoposthitis is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It is active against many pathogenic bacteria. It is applied to the affected areas with a thin layer several times a day for 3-5 days. With prolonged use, the medicine can cause side effects in the form of itching, burning and redness of the skin.
    • Tetracycline ointment has an antibacterial effect and is able to stop the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

    Is balanoposthitis contagious?

    This disease with untimely treatment can cause a lot of unpleasant consequences. Therefore, many men are interested in the question: “Is balanoposthitis contagious and can they get infected from a partner”? Urologists assure that this disease is not contagious. However, there are a number of sexually transmitted infections that can cause inflammation of the foreskin and glans penis.

    Another question that often arises in men is: “Is it possible to go to the sauna or bath with balanoposthitis”?

    Water procedures are well reflected in the patient's condition, but in this case, the sauna will not be the best option. This is due to the fact that:

    1. In such places, there is a risk of catching various infections, which will negatively affect the patient's condition.
    2. At elevated temperatures, existing bacteria will develop more rapidly.

    Therefore, until complete recovery, it is better to refuse to visit such places.

    At first glance, balanoposthitis is a harmless disease. But if you do not pay attention to it in time, the consequences can be extremely unpleasant. The course of treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after identifying the causes of the disease.

    Balanoposthitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the foreskin. It is also accompanied by irritation of the head and other unpleasant symptoms that interfere with daily life. Let's consider what is inflammation of the foreskin in men, the reasons for its occurrence, as well as the most effective ways treatment.

    Background of the disease

    There are a number of prerequisites that cause balanoposthitis. Inflammation of the foreskin of the penis may occur as a result of exposure to such irritating factors:

    1. Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Too rare or excessively frequent washing of the male genital organ leads to a violation of the microflora. A man in this way creates favorable conditions for the active life of pathogenic microorganisms.
    2. Pathology of the foreskin. They can be both congenital and acquired. The most common diseases that cause inflammation of the head and foreskin in men are: strictures, paraphimosis, phimosis, etc.
    3. Prolonged wearing of uncomfortable, tight underwear made from poor-quality material. In such cases, the glans and foreskin are subjected to regular friction, which leads to cracks and other damage to the penis. As a result of this impact, enlargement of the foreskin in men, that is, a strong puffiness.
    4. Diseases of the genitourinary system, which are characterized by inflammation.
    5. Severe hypothermia.
    6. Promiscuous sex without the use of condoms. During unprotected sexual contact, infectious diseases are transmitted to a man, the main symptoms of which are inflammation under the foreskin.
    7. A sharp decrease in immunity. In this case, the man is subject to active development diseases of the head and foreskin.
    8. Somatic diseases. Balanoposthitis often develops with diabetes, psoriasis, etc.

    Inflammatory processes on the foreskin spread rapidly. Therefore, after a while, the man has inflammation of the head and foreskin.

    Causes and symptoms of the disease

    If there is inflammation of the foreskin in men, the causes of its appearance can be divided into infectious and non-infectious. Let's take a closer look at each of these reasons.

    Inflammation of infectious etiology

    Diseases of the foreskin in men caused by pathogenic microorganisms. The most common microbes in this case are:

    • trichomonas;
    • gonococci;
    • mycoplasmas;
    • chlamydia;
    • gardnerella;
    • human papilloma virus;
    • genital herpes.

    Beyond what's going on inflammation of the frenulum of the foreskin infections cause additional symptoms such as:

    • head change;
    • severe swelling;
    • the appearance of plaque under the foreskin, which causes an unpleasant odor;
    • itching, burning and other discomfort in the groin.

    If male foreskin pain, then pain is gradually added to this characteristic symptom at the time of urination, as well as during sexual contact.

    Inflammation of a non-infectious nature

    There are times when inflamed foreskin in a man as a result of somatic diseases. The most common non-infectious pathologies are:

    • psoriasis;
    • red lichen;
    • pemphigus;
    • diabetes.

    Also, inflammation in men can develop as an allergic reaction to a specific irritant. This can also be the natural lubricant of the partner, released at the time of intimacy.

    Common signs of inflammation of the foreskin, regardless of the cause of their appearance:

    • severe burning, gradually developing into acute pain;
    • when probing the penis, a man experiences severe unbearable pain;
    • an increase in body temperature, especially for infectious diseases;
    • headaches;
    • nausea;
    • eruptions along the penis.

    Also, the process of urination is disturbed in a young man. He experiences too frequent urge to go to the toilet.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    In order to get rid of inflammatory processes in men as quickly as possible, you need to seek help from a specialist at the first sign of malaise. A urologist can diagnose and treat. After a detailed examination of the patient, the doctor will take a swab from the head of the penis. To establish an accurate diagnosis, that is, to identify the true cause of the disease, a young man is sent for such studies:

    • bacteriological culture;
    • testing for exclusion of syphilis;
    • analysis of secreted fluid from the urethra.

    Based on the results of the studies, each man is assigned the appropriate treatment, which is determined on an individual basis.

    After determining the exact cause of the appearance of balanoposthitis, it is required to immediately begin its treatment. During the period of therapy, a man must adhere to the following rules:

    1. Abstinence from sexual contact. If inflamed head and foreskin, treatment provides for sexual rest for this period.
    2. Compliance with personal hygiene. Washing the penis regularly should be done, but excessive washing with soap should be avoided. This disrupts the local microflora.
    3. Treatment at the local level. The use of drugs intended for local treatment is aimed at relieving inflammation and eliminating other unpleasant symptoms that accompany the disease.
    4. The use of antibacterial and antiviral drugs. They are appointed strictly on an individual basis, if balanoposthitis was caused by the active development of pathogenic microorganisms.

    A regular partner should also undergo treatment if inflammation of the head and foreskin in a man caused by infection.

    If observed inflammation of the head and foreskin in men, how to treat, let's look at it in more detail.

    Medical therapy

    The basis for the medical treatment of inflammatory processes on the foreskin is the use of ointments, creams or solutions for topical application. Usually these are antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. The most common are the means of the glucocorticosteroid group of combined action.

    If balanoposthitis was caused by the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms, then the patient is prescribed antiviral and antifungal creams and ointments.

    It's important to know! Regardless of the cause of the inflammatory process, a man is also prescribed a course of complex vitamins aimed at strengthening the immune system!

    Surgical treatment

    Diseases of the head and foreskin in extremely rare cases require surgical intervention. This only happens when the forms are running. A severe stage of balanoposthitis can lead to the development of phimosis, as a result of which blood circulation and metabolic processes are disturbed at the local level. Prolonged exposure to this condition can lead to men's health to dangerous consequences.

    Alternative medicine

    Traditional medicine is actively used in the treatment of inflammation of the head and foreskin in men. Their use is aimed at eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of pathology. Usually, alternative medicine drugs are prescribed as an additional method of exposure. In combination with drug therapy, they help speed up the healing process.

    At an early stage of the inflammatory process, using folk methods, you can get rid of the disease for 1-2 weeks. If balanoposthitis was caused by pathogenic microorganisms, then treatment may take a longer period of time. Treatment is usually prescribed for about 1-3 months.

    List of effective drugs

    Modern pharmacology offers a significant number of medications aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes in men. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, the attending physician prescribes the following drugs:

    1. Anti-inflammatory drugs. These include antibacterial ointments, creams, solutions. With proper and regular application, they relieve inflammatory processes.
    2. Painkillers. Burning, itching and irritation of the foreskin in men is treated with the help of painkillers ointments.
    3. Restoring medications. They have a regenerating effect, so you can get rid of cracks in the penis.
    4. Antimicrobial and antifungal medicines. These drugs suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, that is, inflammation of an infectious nature.

    Let's take a closer look at the most common and effective drugs, which help relieve inflammation and pain in balanoposthitis.

    Zinc ointment

    This drug has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. It is prescribed in the treatment of inflammation of the foreskin caused by infection. Regular use of Zinc Ointment helps to get rid of swelling, redness and irritation, and this medicine also has a drying effect.


    This is an antifungal ointment, which is prescribed for balanoposthitis caused by the active development of pathogenic microorganisms. Pimafucin is one of the most gentle antifungal drugs on the modern pharmacology market, therefore it does not cause side effects.


    This is a combined drug that contains antimycotics, glucocorticosteroids and antibiotics. It is highly effective even in severe balanoposthitis. Triderm helps to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms that accompany the disease, and also have a detrimental effect on the cause of its development.


    One of the most effective antifungal drugs, but it is highly effective only in the early stages of the inflammatory process. In such cases, Batrafen quickly relieves inflammation, thereby relieving symptoms such as itching, burning, irritation on the penis.


    This medication is available in the form of tablets and ointments. Both types of Fluconazole have a pronounced antifungal effect. IN short time relieves inflammatory processes, as well as unpleasant symptoms of balanoposthitis in the form of burning, itching, irritation, swelling. It also has a soothing effect at the local level.


    This drug is prescribed in the treatment of erosive and simple balanoposthitis. It also helps fight fungal and viral infections. It has a healing, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect when applied topically.


    This remedy is available in the form of a gel for topical use. Relieves inflammation caused by fungal and bacterial infection. Levomekol is an antibacterial drug, so the recovery process takes a short period of time. It has an antiseptic effect.


    Helps to fight inflammation of the head and foreskin in men caused by the active vital activity of yeast fungi. Quickly removes inflammatory processes, thereby eliminating unpleasant symptoms.


    Available in various forms, but treatment of inflammation of the foreskin in men used as a solution. It is highly effective in the development of balanoposthitis against the background of certain sexually transmitted diseases.

    Also, such topical medications help fight inflammatory processes: Nizoral, Locasalen, Synthomycin ointment, and so on.

    Important to remember! It is possible to use drugs for inflammation of the foreskin only after the appointment of the attending physician!

    Features of alternative medicine

    If a man has inflammation of the foreskin, treatment at home provides for the use of alternative medicine as a component of complex therapy. Decoctions based on medicinal herbs have a calming effect. That is, they are used in the form of symptomatic treatment. Consider the most popular homemade recipes.


    This ingredient is used in the treatment of inflammation as local baths. To prepare them, you need 2 tsp. soda, which must be diluted in 0.5 liters of warm water. This remedy has a calming effect, relieving unpleasant symptoms.


    This medicinal plant is actively used to relieve inflammation and disinfection. With the help of decoctions based on chamomile, local baths should be made or such a solution should be used to rinse the penis. To prepare it, you need 1 tsp. dried flowers of the plant, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse for 15 minutes, then strain and cool slightly.

    Oak bark

    This medicinal ingredient is also used in the form of a decoction for a bath or rinsing of an inflamed penis. To prepare it, you need 1 tbsp. l. chopped oak bark and 1 cup water. Put the components to cook on fire for 15 minutes. After this time, the broth must be filtered and cooled.


    This medicinal plant is used in alternative medicine to fight viruses and bacteria. To prepare a solution for rinsing the inflamed foreskin of the penis, take 1 tsp. succession, pour it with 1 cup of boiling water. Leave to infuse for about 30 minutes.

    It's important to know! To achieve the desired result, that is, to recover, baths and rinses must be done 2-3 times a day! Procedures should be carried out every day.

    Possible Complications

    Inadequate, untimely treatment of inflammation of the foreskin in men, as well as ignoring this pathology, can lead to dangerous consequences. Pathologies that can develop against the background of balanoposthitis:

    • erectile dysfunction;
    • causeless mood changes, mostly irritability;
    • apathy;
    • weakening of the sensitivity of the glans penis;
    • the development of cracks, wounds and sores on the glans penis as a result of excessive dryness of the skin;
    • violation of the microflora, resulting in a decrease in the protective functions of the skin on the genitals;
    • pain in the groin at the time of sexual contact, when urinating, when walking;
    • development of urethritis;
    • the appearance of purulent formations.

    The danger of balanoposthitis also lies in the fact that with insufficient treatment it can become chronic. And chronic balanoposthitis often causes oncological diseases.


    Like any other disease, inflammation foreskin in men it is easier to prevent than to deal with its complex treatment in the future. Experts recommend adhering to such rules that are aimed at prevention:

    1. Change your underwear regularly. Men should do this at least 2 times a day. At the same time, one should not forget that men's underpants must be made of high-quality material. It is also necessary to choose the right size, the underwear should not press or cause any discomfort when walking.
    2. Observe the rules of personal hygiene. Every young man should wash his genitals at least 2 times a day. However, soap should not be used every time. This can disrupt the microflora.
    3. Have a permanent sexual partner. If at a certain stage of life this cannot be done, then the man should take care of using condoms with random partners.
    4. Regularly visit a specialist urologist for preventive purposes. The optimal frequency of trips to the doctor is about 6 months. The same goes for regular partners. They should visit the gynecologist periodically, also every six months.

    Also, one should not forget that at the first symptoms uncharacteristic of the penis, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor. He will help to carry out timely diagnosis, as well as prescribe the necessary treatment. Indeed, in the early stages, balanoposthitis can be cured quickly and painlessly.

    - a disease that is often found in urological practice.

    The lack of timely treatment is fraught with negative consequences for the male body, incl. tissue death.

    To avoid such a development of events, you should contact a specialist in time.

    The doctor will establish the cause of the onset of the disease, carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures, and select an effective therapeutic course.

    Causes and symptoms of the disease

    The introduction of any pathogenic agent into the body is fraught with the development of an infectious-inflammatory form of the disease.

    The main causes of balanoposthitis include:

    • Sexual acts. If a partner has vaginal dysbiosis (violation of microflora), pathogenic organisms enter the head of the penis and cause inflammation. The same goes for sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc.). Additional risk factors include anal sex without a condom and oral sex with a partner suffering from oral diseases.
    • Poor hygiene. The lack of regular hygiene procedures contributes to the accumulation of smegma - a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microflora.
    • Diabetes. It is characterized by a metabolic disorder that causes the development of bacteria on the head of the penis.
    • Foreskin immobility or phimosis. With a disease, the head of the penis is released with difficulty, which makes it difficult to wash it. Often phimosis contributes to the development of balanoposthitis in children.
    • Systemic skin diseases.

    Typical symptoms of balanoposthitis include:

    • swelling of the foreskin;
    • discomfort when urinating;
    • increased sexual excitability (the head of the penis is irritated all the time);
    • the presence of cracks and ulcerations on the foreskin;
    • bleeding of the skin in the head area;
    • development of adhesions and scars on the foreskin.

    Video: "Treatment of candidal balanoposthitis"

    Treatment Methods

    Balanoposthitis is treated under the supervision of a specialist urologist in compliance with his recommendations.

    Usually therapy includes:

    One of the most effective ways to treat balanoposthitis is the use of special ointments.

    Ointment for the treatment of balanoposthitis

    Since balanoposthitis is an inflammatory disease of an infectious nature, the treatment of this disease involves the use of antifungal and antibacterial agents.

    So, in case of infection with chlamydia, antiprotozoal agents are used, in case of bacterial infection - ointments containing antibiotics, in case of fungal infection of the male genitalia - antifungal drugs.

    The composition of such ointments may include components that have a calming effect on inflamed skin.

    Note! In the presence of an infectious disease, corticosteroid ointments are not used, since hormones aggravate the course of balanoposthitis. An exception is allergic forms of the disease.

    After eliminating the infectious agent, ointments with pantothenic acid are used to quickly heal the skin, which promotes the division of healthy skin cells, the healing of wounds and cracks.

    Benefits of ointment treatment

    Ointments are often prescribed for the treatment of balanoposthitis, since their use has several advantages:

    • high efficiency;
    • ease of use;
    • the possibility of combination with other drugs (for example, in tablet form).

    List of effective ointments

    The most popular ointments for the treatment of balanoposthitis include:

    • Levomekol;
    • Synthomycin ointment;
    • Bepanthen;
    • Triderm.
    Name of the ointment Pharmacological description Mode of application

    It is an effective broad-spectrum antifungal drug. Causes the death of fungi, does not allow them to multiply.

    With balanoposthitis, it is used for one to two weeks three times a day. It should be remembered that the disappearance of symptoms does not mean a complete cure. To prevent the return of the disease, the use of Clotrimazole should be continued for a week after the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.


    It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic designed to combat some protozoa and most pathogenic bacteria.

    Long-term use of drugs allows you to use it only 1 time per day, and the anti-inflammatory properties of this ointment reduce the discomfort caused by the disease.


    It has a wide range of applications and is a preparation of the macrolide group. It is used to treat balanoposthitis caused by gram-negative and gram-positive flora, as well as chlamydia.

    Apply three times a day. The duration of the course depends on the presence of symptoms.

    Synthomycin ointment

    It is one of the most popular drugs that are prescribed for balanoposthitis. The drug is considered a broad-spectrum antibiotic.

    Used several times a day for 2-5 days. Apply to the affected areas in a thin layer.


    A drug that has an effect not only at the onset of the disease, but also when it passes into advanced / complicated forms. It has antimycotic, antibacterial, antiexudative and antiallergic effects, and also relieves inflammation and itching.

    The disease in most cases is chronic and a complete cure is possible only if all the doctor's recommendations are followed. Otherwise, the disease will return, and quite soon.

    In circumcised men, balanoposthitis is extremely rare and is a medical curiosity.. However, even after circumcision, there is a possibility of getting sick with it and don't ignore her.

    How to determine balanoposthitis and how to treat it?

    Treatment with ointments is carried out both in the classical way (direct application), and applying dressings with ointments to the affected organ. In both cases, it is worth first carrying out a thorough hygiene of the penis and only then proceeding with the procedures - otherwise, along with ointments, foreign substances can enter the organ, which will greatly complicate the treatment of the disease.

    Prevention of balanoposthitis

    This section will be of interest primarily to diabetics, gout and owners of phimosis, including hypertrophied.

    Let's start with the last - if you have phimosis and you are afraid of balonoposthitis, then you should see a surgeon.

    Seriously, it does not hurt at all and vice versa, it will remove the pain when the head is exposed. There is no other way to guarantee balanoposthitis in phimosis.

    Diabetics and gout sufferers can only hope for a chance- as mentioned above, 70% of the owners of bacteria in the urine sooner or later become ill with balanoposthitis.

    General preventive measures are: absence of irritants and allergens in the bathroom (antibacterial soap), frequent use of emollients (for example, petroleum jelly or water cream), use of lubricant during intercourse, and wearing cotton underwear.

    Prevention of balanoposthitis with drugs, in particular ointments, is possible but not recommended without medical advice. The fact is that most drugs are extremely strong and capable of destroying not only pathogens, but also beneficial bacteria in the human body, which will seriously weaken his body.

    So drug prophylaxis should be carried out only in case of a risk of relapse and after careful consultation with a doctor, and preferably with two different ones, in order to avoid medical errors.


    The most important thing - balanoposthitis is curable! Moreover, it is curable quite easily, unlike most other diseases of the genital organs. So if you have found signs of this disease in yourself - do not despair, any sensible doctor will put you on your feet in a couple of weeks.

    But you need to go to the doctor - only he can correctly determine the type, stage and course of the disease, which will help him choose the right medicines.

    If you are healthy and reading the article for the purpose of general development, then just observe personal hygiene - this will save you from more diseases. And, of course, be picky about sexual partners - promiscuity can reward you with something worse than balanoposthitis.

    Balanoposthitis(from Greek balanos - "acorn", "head of the penis", posthe - "foreskin", and itis - "inflammatory process") is an inflammation of the glans penis (balanitis) and foreskin (postitis).

    Anatomical features of the glans and foreskin of the penis

    The human penis consists of a body and a head, between which there is a narrowed part - the neck (coronal sulcus).

    The head of the penis has an acorn-like shape, on it is the external opening of the urethra, which serves both for urination and for ejaculation.

    The head of the penis is covered with thin pink skin, in which there are many glands that secrete a lubricant - smegma. It performs a protective and bactericidal function.

    Normally, the head is completely or partially covered by the foreskin - a fold of skin that covers its body in the upper part of the penis and passes into the skin of the pubis, and in the lower part - into the skin of the scrotum. In the lower part, between the foreskin and the head in the longitudinal direction, another skin fold passes - the frenulum of the penis.

    Smegma, which is produced by the skin glands, accumulates between the skin and the head of the penis.

    Causes of balanoposthitis

    The causes of balanoposthitis are divided into infectious and non-infectious.

    Causes of infectious balanoposthitis(mostly sexually transmitted infections):

    • Gonorrhea- sexually transmitted infection STI) caused by gonococcus.
    • Trichomoniasis- a sexually transmitted infection that occurs in 10% of the world's population. It ranks first in prevalence among both STIs and diseases of the genitourinary system.
    • Candidiasis- a fungal disease that develops mainly with a decrease in immunity.
    • Genital herpes- a viral infection that mainly affects the skin and genitals.
    • Syphilis - Balanoposthitis may be the first sign of primary syphilis.
    • Gardnerellosis - in women it occurs as a result of a violation of the normal biocenosis (composition of microflora) of the vagina, and in men it manifests itself in the form of balanoposthitis.
    • HPV (human papillomavirus) - a common viral disease that affects the skin and mucous membranes, which often manifests itself in men in the form of balanitis, postitis, balanoposthitis.
    • non-specific pathogens among them, streptococci and staphylococci are the most common.
    Non-infectious causes of balanoposthitis:
    • Irritative balanoposthitis - associated with mechanical or other irritation of the skin of the head and foreskin of the penis.
    • Diabetes - complicated by balanoposthitis as a result of damage to the small vessels of the penis, a decrease in protective functions.
    • Psoriasis - dermatological disease, which is mainly of an autoimmune nature.
    • Lichen planus - non-infectious chronic skin disease.
    • Rarely occurring diseases: Keyr's erythroplasia, Behcet's disease, xerotic obliterans balanoposthitis, Zoon's plasma cell balanitis.
    Factors that contribute to the development of balanoposthitis:
    • Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene: while dirt and smegma, which accumulate between the foreskin and the head of the penis, are an excellent breeding ground for the reproduction of pathogens.
    • Phimosis: a disease in which the foreskin is so narrowed that it is impossible to expose the glans penis. In this case, the implementation of personal hygiene is difficult.
    • Allergic diseases and immune disorders.
    • Chronic infections in the body: pathogens enter the skin of the glans penis with the blood stream.
    • Promiscuous sexual relations: high risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections.
    • Infections of the genitourinary system: cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis, etc.

    Symptoms of balanoposthitis

    Most often, balanoposthitis develops with a banal violation of the rules of personal hygiene and is accompanied by typical symptoms. Dominant signs depend on the stage of the disease.

    Symptoms of balanoposthitis at different stages of the disease

    Simple balanoposthitis

    The mildest form of inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin. Most often, balanoposthitis proceeds in this way, complete recovery occurs after 5 to 7 days.

    Symptoms of simple balanoposthitis:

    • Itching and burning. They are often the first symptoms of the disease. These sensations are aggravated by touching the head of the penis and its foreskin, by rubbing underwear, during urination.
    • Discomfort when opening the head of the penis.
    • Redness of the glans penis and foreskin. A characteristic sign of the inflammatory process.
    • puffiness
    • Maceration of the skin of the foreskin and glans penis. Maceration is swelling due to the fact that the skin is impregnated with edematous fluid.
    • Erosion on the skin- superficial defects that are especially painful.
    • Purulent discharge from the external opening of the urethra.
    Erosive balanoposthitis

    A characteristic feature of this form of balanoposthitis is the formation of erosions on the skin of the head and foreskin of the penis. First, a white thin film appears on a certain small area, which consists of a superficial dead layer of cells. Then it falls off, and in its place a very painful, itchy red spot forms. After the erosion heals, no trace remains in their place.

    Often, erosive balanoposthitis is accompanied by an increase and soreness of the lymph nodes in the groin.

    Gangrenous balanoposthitis

    The most severe form of the disease.

    Signs of gangrenous balanoposthitis:

    • violation of the general condition of the patient: malaise, fever, weakness;
    • ulcers: occur on the glans penis and its foreskin, are red in color, blood and pus appear in them, they are very painful;
    • phimosis(inability to expose the glans penis): occurs as a result of swelling of the glans and foreskin;
    • scarring: remain in place of healed ulcers and can also lead to the development of phimosis;
    • perforations (holes) in the foreskin, which are also the result of the formation of ulcers.

    Symptoms of balanoposthitis caused by certain sexually transmitted infections

    Type of balanoposthitis signs
    Gonorrheal It is accompanied by classic signs of balanoposthitis, almost always combined with urethritis - a lesion of the urethra.
    Chlamydial Most often occurs in the form of balanitis - inflammation of the glans penis. Lesions in the form of red spots have clear contours.
    Trichomonas Most often occurs as a complication of urethritis, but can develop independently. A large amount of pus accumulates between the glans penis and the foreskin, which has a yellow or white color, a foamy texture, and an unpleasant odor. The head of the penis is either completely swollen and red in color, or it is affected in the form of many spots.
    candida The disease begins with itching and burning of the skin of the penis, then pain occurs. In the future, a white coating appears on the head of the penis, which is easily removed and forms lumps similar to cottage cheese.
    herpetic On the skin of the glans penis and foreskin, a large number of bubbles appear, filled with transparent watery contents. When they open, erosions of a red-pink color remain in their place, in place of which pigment spots then remain. Herpetic balanoposthitis most often occurs in a chronic form.
    Syphilitic With syphilis, balanoposthitis is associated with the formation of a primary chancre on the skin of the glans penis and foreskin.
    Balanoposthitis with gardnerellosis Symptoms resemble simple balanoposthitis, but very poor. If the immune system of a man is normal, then the disease goes away on its own within 2 to 3 days.
    Papillomavirus balanoposthitis It manifests itself, like papillomavirus infection in other areas - in the form of genital warts.

    Specific symptoms of some types of balanoposthitis caused by non-infectious causes

    Type of balanoposthitis Symptoms
    With diabetes The severity of symptoms depends on the age of the patient, the duration of the course of diabetes mellitus, concomitant diseases:
    • redness of the head of the penis;

    • increased pain sensitivity of the skin of the head and foreskin, bleeding;

    • cracks and ulcers on the skin;

    • after the cracks and ulcerations pass, scars remain in their place.
    Psoriatic In most cases, balanoposthitis in psoriasis is combined with skin lesions in other places. In this case, small red nodules appear, covered with scales.
    With lichen planus On the skin of the penis, mainly in the area of ​​​​the transition of the body to the head (in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe neck of the penis), flat nodules of irregular shape appear. On their surface are white scales. The skin itself in these places is slightly reddish. Individual nodules may merge with each other. They are found not only on the penis, but also in other places.

    Features of balanoposthitis in children

    Balanoposthitis is one of the most common reasons for parents of boys to visit pediatricians and pediatric surgeons. Most often it is a simple infectious or irritative balanoposthitis, which lasts for 5 days and then disappears.

    Sexually transmitted infections are almost non-existent in childhood.

    The most common causes of balanoposthitis in childhood:

    • the release of a large amount of smegma and its accumulation between the glans penis and the foreskin;
    • overdeveloped foreskin, which hangs down in front of the head of the penis and moves back with difficulty - hypertrophic phimosis;
    • phimosis - a condition when the foreskin is narrowed so much that the exposure of the head of the penis becomes impossible;
    • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, a rare change of underwear.

    Diagnosis of balanoposthitis

    Diagnostic techniques that are used for balanoposthitis:
    • General blood analysis- a routine study that is performed in all patients. An increase in the content of leukocytes and an acceleration of ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.
    • General urine analysis- a routine study that is assigned to all patients. An increase in the number of leukocytes in the urine indicates the presence of an inflammatory process.
    • Bacteriological examination of urine and determination of the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics. It makes it possible to identify the causative agent of the disease and prescribe the correct antibiotic therapy.
    • PCRpolymerase chain reaction. A laboratory study that makes it possible to isolate the DNA of a pathogen and clarify its type.
    • Examination of scrapings from the urethra (urethra) for pale treponema- the causative agent of syphilis. This test should be performed in all adult patients in order to exclude the presence of syphilis.
    If balanoposthitis is caused by sexually transmitted infections, then the sexual partner must be examined.

    Balanoposthitis treatment

    Local procedures for balanoposthitis

    Procedure Efficacy and indications Method of application and duration of the course
    Baths with potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). Potassium permanganate is a powerful antiseptic that kills most pathogens. It is sold in pharmacies in the form of a powder, which is intended for dilution in water. For younger children:
    Dilute a small amount of potassium permanganate in the bath so that the water is slightly tinted. To carry out the usual bathing in this water, during which to open the head of the penis.
    For older children and adults:
    Dilute potassium permanganate powder in a glass so that the solution has a pale pink color. Dip the penis with the open head into the glass for about 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure 1-3 times a day, as prescribed by the doctor.
    Baths with furatsilin. Furacilin is a medicinal substance with antimicrobial and antiseptic action. Sold either in the form of a ready-made solution in vials, or in the form of tablets. When used in a vial:
    Pour the solution from the vial into a glass.
    When using tablets:
    Dissolve 2 tablets in a glass of water (250 ml).
    Dip the penis with the naked head into a glass of solution for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure 1-3 times a day, depending on the doctor's prescription.
    Baths with chamomile, sage, plantain, succession, St. John's wort, oak bark (one of the plants to choose from). These medicinal plants have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. They are able to relieve inflammation and destroy pathogens that caused balanoposthitis. Take 2 - 3 tablespoons of the medicinal plant. Dilute in 1 cup (200 ml) boiling water. Cool down. Immerse the penis with a naked head in the infusion for 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 4-6 times a day for 3-5 days.

    The use of therapeutic ointments for balanoposthitis
    • Levomekol
    Ointment, which includes two active ingredients:
    • Chloramphenicol (levomycetin): a strong broad-spectrum antibiotic that destroys various types of pathogens.

    • Methyluracil - a substance that stimulates the nutrition and regeneration of the skin of the head and foreskin of the penis.
    Levomekol ointment is prescribed for all forms of balanoposthitis.
    Before applying the ointment, you need to conduct a thorough hygiene of the external genital organs.
    In order to treat balanoposthitis, bandages with levomekol are applied to the penis, which are left overnight. The procedure is repeated for 3-5 days.
    • Xeroform ointment
    Xeroform ointment consists of two active ingredients:
    • Xeroform is a medicinal substance that has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and drying effect.

    • Petrolatum.
    Before applying xeroform ointment, thorough hygiene of the external genitalia is carried out.
    In order to treat balanoposthitis, bandages with xeroform ointment are applied to the penis, which are left overnight. The procedure is repeated for 3-5 days.

    Source: Vidal Handbook, 2008

    Ointments based flumatasone pivalata:
    • Locacorten;

    • Lorinden;

    • Localized.
    Flumatasone Pivalate is a medicinal substance that has pronounced anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties.
    Refers to drugs of hormones of the adrenal cortex. It is most effective for balanoposthitis caused by autoimmune reactions, with severe pain, itching, inflammation.
    Before applying ointments based on Flumatasone Pivalat, thorough hygiene of the penis is carried out.
    Take a small amount of ointment and rub into the affected skin. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day.

    Source: Vidal Handbook, 2008

    Other ointments based on hormones of the adrenal cortex:
    • Prednisolone ointment

    • Locoid

    • Advantan

    • Elidel
    Preparations of hormones of the adrenal cortex have a strong anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. Ointments based on them are especially effective for inflammation of an autoimmune nature, when balanoposthitis is accompanied by severe itching and burning, pain, swelling and redness of the glans penis and foreskin. Ointments should only be applied to cleansed skin before careful personal hygiene.

    Usually, ointments based on preparations of hormones of the adrenal cortex are applied to the skin of the penis 1 time per day at night (sometimes 2 to 3 times.)
    You need to take a small amount of ointment and rub it into the affected skin. The course of treatment for balanoposthitis lasts 3 to 7 days.

    Source: Vidal Handbook, 2008

    Ointments with antibiotics with infectious balanoposthitis. There are a large number of ointments, the active ingredients of which are antibacterial drugs. The ointment is selected for each patient individually and only by the attending physician. It is necessary to take into account the type of pathogens, their sensitivity to various antibiotics.
    Ointments based on antifungal drugs:
    • Clotrimazole;

    • Omoconazole;

    • Candide;

    • Miconazole;

    • Mikogal;

    • Terbinafine.
    They have an antifungal effect and are prescribed in cases where it is proved that balanoposthitis is caused by Candida or other fungi. Usually the ointment is applied to the skin 2 times a day. It is rubbed into the skin. Before this, you need to thoroughly wash the genitals.
    Treatment in most cases lasts for 2 to 4 weeks, more specific terms are determined by the attending physician.

    Antibacterial therapy for balanoposthitis

    The appointment of antibiotics for balanoposthitis is carried out only in severe cases, when inflammation is accompanied by a pronounced violation of the general condition of the patient, with an ulcerative and gangrenous form, as well as with all types of balanoposthitis, which are caused by sexually transmitted infections. Antibacterial drugs for balanoposthitis, as with other diseases, must be used in strict accordance with certain rules:
    • the antibiotic should be prescribed only by the attending physician, taking into account the type of microorganism and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs;

    • self-administration of these drugs, especially in mild forms of balanoposthitis, is strictly contraindicated;

    • antibacterial drugs should be used only in the dosages in which they were prescribed;

    • antibiotics are always used strictly on time, otherwise they will not bring an effect and can have side effects.

    Antibiotics that are prescribed for balanoposthitis:

    Preparations Mechanism of action Dosage and administration

    Broad-spectrum antibiotics for balanoposthitis caused by non-specific pathogens

    • Cefazolin
    An antibacterial drug that destroys many types of pathogens. Available in tablets, as well as in powder for intramuscular injection. The most preferred is the injection form, as it has a more effective effect. Use in adults:
    0.5 - 1.0 g of powder diluted in distilled water or saline intramuscularly, 6 - 8 times a day, depending on the doctor's prescription.
    Use in children:
    At the rate of 20 - 50 mg per kilogram of body weight, the total dose is divided into 3 - 4 doses during the day.

    Contraindications: Cefazolin should not be used in pregnant and breastfeeding women, in people who are allergic to this group of drugs.

    A source: M. D. Mashkovsky

    • Ceftriaxone
    A broad-spectrum antibiotic that can destroy many types of pathogenic microorganisms. Belongs to the group of antibiotics cephalosporins.
    Ceftriaxone is available in tablets and as a powder for intramuscular injection. The most preferred injectable form, as it is more effective.
    Use in adults and children over 12 years of age:
    1 - 2 grams of ceftriaxone powder is dissolved in distilled water or saline and injected once a day. The dosage is selected by the attending physician.
    Use in children under 12 years of age:
    The dosage of the powder is selected by the attending physician at the rate of 20 - 100 mg per kilogram of the child's weight.

    Contraindications: Ceftriaxone should not be used in pregnant and breastfeeding women, in people with bleeding and enterocolitis (inflammation of the small intestine and colon), in people allergic to cephalosporins and in children under 2.5 years of age.

    A source: M. D. Mashkovsky
    “Medications. A guide for doctors.” 15th edition, revised and enlarged, Moscow, New Wave, 2005.

    • Azithromycin (Zimaks, Azitrocin, Azivox, Sumamed, Zitrolid, Sumazid).
    An antibiotic from the macrolide group, which acts on a wide range of pathogens. It is prescribed in the form of tablets. Most pharmacies distribute a branded drug called Sumamed. Take 1 g (2-4 tablets, depending on the dosage) once at the onset of illness before meals.

    Contraindications: Azithromycin is contraindicated in diseases that are accompanied by severe disorders of the kidneys and liver. With arrhythmias (heart rhythm disturbances), the drug is prescribed with caution.

    A source: M. D. Mashkovsky
    “Medications. A guide for doctors.” 15th edition, revised and enlarged, Moscow, New Wave, 2005.

    Antibacterial drugs that are used for gonorrheal balanoposthitis
    • Cefixime
    An antibacterial drug that belongs to the group of beta-lactam antibiotics and is effective against gonococci. Available in the form of tablets of 200 or 400 mg. Use in adults and children over 12 years of age weighing more than 50 kg:
    Take 1 (400 mg) or 2 (200 mg) tablets per day at regular intervals.
    Use in children under 12 years of age weighing less than 50 kg: 8 mg or 4 mg per kilogram of the child's body weight every 12 hours.

    The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually, depending on the severity of the disease.

    Contraindications: allergic reactions to antibiotics from this group.

    Ciprofloxacin An antibacterial drug from the group of fluoroquinolones, which are active against most pathogens of infections of the genitourinary system, including gonococci. Produced in the form of tablets. With gonorrhea, adults are shown taking ciprofloxacin once at a dose of 500 mg.
    In the future, treatment continues in accordance with the doctor's prescriptions.
    Contraindications: Ciprofloxacin is contraindicated in children and adolescents under 15 years of age. In the elderly, the dosage should be reduced.
    You can enter a solution of ciprofloxacin for intravenous use at a dosage of 100 mg of the active substance.

    A source: M. D. Mashkovsky
    “Medications. A guide for doctors.” 15th edition, revised and enlarged, Moscow, New Wave, 2005.

    Ofloxacin An antibiotic from the fluoroquinolone group, which serves as an alternative to ciprofloxacin. For gonorrhea, take 400 mg of ofloxacin in the form of tablets once. In the future, treatment is continued in accordance with the doctor's prescriptions.
    Contraindications: Epilepsy, children and adolescents under the age of 15, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

    A source: M. D. Mashkovsky
    “Medications. A guide for doctors.” 15th edition, revised and enlarged, Moscow, New Wave, 2005.

    Antibacterial drugs that are used for balanoposthitis caused by Trichomonas
    • Metronidazole (Metrogil, Trichopolum)
    An antibacterial drug that is effective against protozoa, including Trichomonas. Use in adults:
    2 grams orally once or for 5 days, 0.5 g 2 times a day. In men, trichomonas are usually not detected during re-examination after 1 day from the start of treatment.
    Approximate dosages for children:
    • 1 - 5 years - 250 mg;

    • 6 - 10 years - 375 mg;

    • 11-15 years - 500 mg.
    These doses are divided into 3 doses.

    Pregnant and lactating women, diseases of the hematopoietic organs, severe pathologies of the nervous system.

    A source: M. D. Mashkovsky
    “Medications. A guide for doctors.” 15th edition, revised and enlarged, Moscow, New Wave, 2005.

    Antibacterial drugs that are used for candidiasis
    • Fluconazole (Diflucan, Flucostat)
    antifungal drug, which is effective against fungi of the genus Candida. Available in capsules In the treatment of candidal balanoposthitis and urethritis, 0.2 - 0.4 g of the drug is prescribed per day. Take 1 time. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and is determined by the doctor.
    Contraindications Key words: pregnancy, breastfeeding, child under 1 year of age.
    A source: M. D. Mashkovsky
    “Medications. A guide for doctors.” 15th edition, revised and enlarged, Moscow, New Wave, 2005.

    Antiviral drugs that are prescribed for balanoposthitis caused by the herpes virus

    • Acyclovir (Acyclovir-Acri, Acivir, Acyclovir BMS, Cyclovax, Gerperax, Acyclovir Virolex, Lizavir, Herpesin, Zovirax, Lovir, Cevirin, Medovir, Supraviran, Cyclovir, Geksal)
    An antiviral drug that is active against herpes viruses. With balanoposthitis, adults should take acyclovir at a dosage of 0.2 g 5 times a day. There is a break for the night. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

    Contraindications: During pregnancy and breastfeeding the drug can be used, but this should be done only for health reasons.

    A source: M. D. Mashkovsky
    “Medications. A guide for doctors.” 15th edition, revised and enlarged, Moscow, New Wave, 2005.

    Surgical treatment for balanoposthitis

    With an uncomplicated course of balanoposthitis, most often surgical treatment is not required.

    Indications for the operation of circumcision (circumcision) with balanoposthitis:

    • Frequent relapses, chronic course, in which conservative methods do not allow to get rid of balanoposthitis. Before performing surgery, it is necessary to achieve a subsidence of the inflammatory process.

    • Complication in the form of cicatricial phimosis. As a result of pronounced frequent inflammatory processes, scars form on the foreskin, it narrows strongly, exposing the glans penis becomes difficult or impossible.

    Prevention of balanoposthitis:

    • meticulous personal hygiene;
    • frequent washing, frequent change of underwear;
    • exclusion of frequent promiscuity;
    • partner's health: she must also carry out thorough intimate hygiene of the genital organs, appear in a timely manner for examinations to the gynecologist;
    • it is advisable to bathe young children in water to which a small amount of potassium permanganate has been added;
    • if the boy’s penis head does not open well, then he needs to sit in warm water for a while, after which the head will open easily, better hygiene can be performed;
    • boys need to be brought to the scheduled examinations to the pediatric surgeon in a timely manner.

    Why does balanoposthitis develop in boys? How to recognize and how to help?

    Balanoposthitis in boys is the main reason for visiting a pediatric urologist. Redness of the foreskin and head is especially often noticed by parents of children under one year old.

    Causes of balanoposthitis in children not quite the same as in adults:

    • Hygiene of the foreskin. In boys, the foreskin is narrowed physiologically. For most of them, it is possible to completely pull it off and expose the head of the penis only by 3-5 years, which is considered the norm. But many parents are too zealous with hygiene, and when washing, they pull and injure the foreskin. Through the resulting microcracks, bacteria penetrate the skin, which can cause inflammation.
    • Injuries. Urinary irritation causes genital itching. Combing this area, the child injures the skin and introduces an infection. Although at an early age, other injuries cannot be ruled out.
    • Overheating. Wearing a diaper or warm clothes increases the moisture in the genital area and promotes the growth of bacteria.
    • Candidiasis. After a course of antibiotic treatment, fungi of the genus begin to multiply intensively. Candida causing candidiasis or thrush. In babies, it often appears in the mouth, and sometimes on the genitals.
    • Inflammation of the urinary system. In children, inflammation of the urinary tract occurs more often than in adults. This is due to the age-related features of the development of the urinary, immune and nervous systems. Often the bladder does not empty completely, and the remaining urine serves as a reservoir for bacteria to multiply.
    • Allergic reaction. Redness of the glans and foreskin may be an allergy, which is associated with:
      • diapers;
      • the use of drugs;
      • skin care products - powder, baby oil;
      • washing powder, which washed children's things;
      • sweets, berries or other foods.
    Symptoms of balanoposthitis in children
    • Redness and swelling at the end of the penis, sometimes throughout the organ.
    • The foreskin does not retract well(provided that before she moved away well).
    • White-yellow discharge on the head, linen or diaper.
    • Baby crying while urinating. Older children refuse to sit on the potty.
    • Itching. The child is restless, constantly scratching or pulling the penis. She often cries because the touch causes pain.
    • Frequent painful urination- indicates that the inflammation has spread to the opening of the urethra.
    • Lack of urination, although the child complains that he wants to go to the toilet - it may be due to irritation and swelling of the urethra and bladder.

    The urologist is engaged in the treatment of balanoposthitis in boys. The specialist will prescribe treatment based on the symptoms and test results. But If you have not made an appointment with a doctor, you can alleviate the condition of the child yourself:

    • Put your baby in a warm bath. Warm (not hot) water reduces discomfort. Wash the outside of the genitals with a neutral baby soap, free of additives and fragrances, so as not to aggravate the allergic reaction, if any.
    • Pull the skin of the penis up without exposing the head. Using a syringe without a needle, inject 10 ml of a warm solution of furacilin or an ectericide into the gap formed. The liquid under pressure washes out the smegma that has accumulated between the head and the foreskin.
    • You can immerse the penis in a container with a warm solution of furacilin, a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate or chamomile decoction for 5-10 minutes.
    • Put a few drops of oil solution A, E, vaseline or olive oil into the slot or on the head. Boiled and chilled sunflower oil will do.
    Show your child to a specialist as soon as possible! It is better not to start the disease, as it can cause phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin), which will require surgical treatment.

    Prevention of balanoposthitis in children is based on the observance of hygiene rules. Every day, the genitals are washed with warm water with baby soap or neutral shower gel. If there is no redness, and nothing bothers the baby, then it is not recommended to move the foreskin during washing.

    What is dangerous balanoposthitis and urethritis?

    Balanoposthitis and urethritis often occur together. The fact is that bacteria and fungi from the head quickly spread up the urethra. At the same time, the mucous membrane of its walls becomes inflamed. This usually occurs 3-7 days after the onset of symptoms of balanoposthitis.

    Symptoms of balanoposthitis and urethritis

    • Changes appearance head and foreskin - redness, white bloom, erosion, spots, fine blistering rash;
    • Pain and burning when urinating;
    • Purulent or mucous discharge from the opening of the urethra;
    • Swelling of the tissues surrounding the opening of the urethra;
    • The initial portion of urine is cloudy, contains mucus, pus, leukocytes, while the residual portion is transparent;
    • It is possible to increase the temperature up to 38°C.
    The doctor makes the diagnosis based on the symptoms of the disease, the results of a urinalysis and a microscopic examination of a smear from the urethra.

    Balanoposthitis and urethritis are treated with antibiotics and nitrofuran drugs (Furagin, Furamag), which penetrate the mucous membrane of the urinary tract and destroy the pathogen.

    Additionally carry out local treatment:

    • baths with potassium permanganate, 2 times a day for 2 weeks;
    • clotrimazole 1% cream, 2 times a day for 2 weeks on the affected area.

    What are the complications of balanoposthitis?

    Complications of balanoposthitis develop in weakened patients, as well as in men who do not follow the doctor's instructions and ignore the rules of hygiene.

    Why does chronic balanoposthitis develop and how is it treated in men?

    Chronic balanoposthitis in men is not uncommon. Its symptoms are not as pronounced as in the acute form of the disease, but rashes on the head and itching bring a lot of anxiety. Often men complain that the symptoms subside only for the duration of treatment. But as soon as they stop using ointments and drinking pills, the signs of the disease return.

    Symptoms of chronic balanoposthitis

    • Itching and burning on the skin of the head, aggravated during an erection or after intercourse.
    • Unpleasant sensations occur with increased humidity and physical activity.
    • Periodically, the skin of the head and foreskin turns red or becomes covered with spots with clear edges.
    • The skin of the head is moist, impregnated with interstitial fluid.
    • White plaque (sometimes grains), accumulating in the region of the coronal sulcus.
    • Rashes in the form of small pink papules.
    • Increased dryness and painful cracks.
    Treatment of chronic balanoposthitis was developed by specialists of the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. It effectively eliminates relapses in 97% of men.

    1. Lamisil spray is applied to the washed and dried skin of the genital organs 2 times a day for 2 weeks.
    2. Laserophoresis with Lamisil spray. Lamisil spray is applied to the skin of the genital organs. After that, a laser is applied to the affected area through a sterile tube. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. Course 7 sessions, every other day.