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  • Eufillin in saline, instructions for use. Eufillin, solution for intravenous administration

    Eufillin in saline, instructions for use. Eufillin, solution for intravenous administration

    - a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. It helps to reduce the level of calcium ions and, as a result, reduce the contractility of smooth muscles. Basically, the drug is used as a bronchodilator, vasodilator, diuretic.

    Composition of the preparation

    The main active ingredient is Aminophylline... It is he who has all the pharmacological actions that will be described below.

    If the drug is in ampoules, then injection water is also contained with Aminophylline. If it is a tablet form, then the composition will include povidone, magnesium stearate, potato starch.

    Pharmacological group - adenosinergic substances.

    Mechanism of action

    By blocking phosphodiesterase, it reduces the concentration of Ca ions. Low calcium levels impair smooth muscle contractility. All this is manifested by relaxation of the muscles: bronchi, blood vessels; relieves bronchospasm, improves the work of the respiratory muscles. The oxygen filling of the blood increases, the frequency of apnea attacks decreases, and the respiratory center is stimulated.

    Acting on the receptors of blood vessels, reduces their tone, promoting expansion. Increases blood flow in the kidneys, which accelerates the excretion of urine, and hence urine output. Improves blood flow in the heart arteries, increasing the heart rate and strength of the heart.

    By acting on the cells of the immune system (mast cells), it reduces the release of substances that cause inflammation, thereby reducing allergic manifestations.

    Release form:

    Euphyllin is produced and sold in powders, tablets or ampoules. Powder in sachets is rarely used.

    In the form of tablets: 1 tablet contains 0.15 g of the substance. There are usually 10 tablets in a blister, and 3 blisters in a package.

    Another form is a solution in ampoules of 12%, 2 ml. This dose is universal for both subcutaneous and intravenous and intramuscular injections. Ampoules with 2.4% x 10 ml are used purely for intravenous injections.

    You need to store Euphyllin at a temperature of 25 degrees or less.


    If pronounced side effects from Euphyllin develop or there is no means in the public domain, it is possible to replace it with a group of drugs with a similar effect:

    • Theotard in capsules of 200, 250, 300 mg;
    • Euphyllin-UFB in tablets of 150 mg;
    • Theophylline-200 in tablets of 200 mg;
    • Theophylline-300 in tablets of 300 mg;
    • Teopek in tablets of 100, 200, 300 mg;
    • Kombipek tablets 6 mg + 200 mg;
    • Neophylline tablets 100 mg and 300 mg.

    It is impossible to independently cancel the prescribed remedy and replace it with another, despite the fact that they have similar properties. Only a specialist can replace the remedy, since only he can take into account all the side effects and the risk of their development in a particular patient.

    Indications for use

    What does the drug help from:

    • Status asthmaticus;
    • Apnea;
    • Cerebral circulation disorder;
    • Renal edema;

    Some women choose to use Euphyllin to combat cellulite by adding it to their moisturizer or anti-cellulite cream.

    But so far there are no reliable sources, conducted studies on the effect of the drug on the elimination of cellulite, so it is impossible to talk about effectiveness. As such, this method of application will not bring harm if there is no allergy to the substance.


    1. individual hypersensitivity;
    2. high or vice versa low pressure;
    3. myocardial infarction in the past, present cardiac arrhythmias;
    4. hereditary disease - hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
    5. epilepsy;
    6. pulmonary edema;
    7. failure of the kidneys and liver;
    8. stroke (especially hemorrhagic);
    9. pregnancy and lactation. The properties of Euphyllin include the ability to pass through the membranes of the placenta into the child's body, creating a concentration in it that turns out to be dangerous and even destructive. Also, the medicine enters the mother's milk, and, again, into the child's body, which is dangerous for him.

    Side effects

    The main side effects are:

    • dizziness,
    • rash on the skin
    • sleep disturbance,
    • the appearance of anxiety disorders,
    • the appearance of convulsive syndrome and tremor,
    • nausea, vomiting,
    • slight heartburn, diarrhea is possible.

    If you look from the side of the heart, then it is possible:

    • heart palpitations
    • increased angina pectoris,
    • possible soreness in the region of the heart,
    • tachycardia,
    • decrease in pressure.

    Method of administration and dosage

    Euphyllin tablets are drunk after a meal. 1-3 times a day, 1 tablet 0.15 g, for children - 4 times. The frequency of admission, duration, how much to drink the drug in days is determined only by the doctor.

    If Euphyllin is prescribed in ampoules, then the solution is injected 1-3 times / day intravenously, with the calculation of 10 mg / 1 kg of body weight.

    How to dilute the drug in ampoules?

    The frequency of administration and the dose is determined by the attending physician. Usually in the first injections, a small concentration of the substance is used, diluting it before use in saline under pressure control, because Euphyllin is able to change it. For adults, a 2.4% solution of 15 ml is diluted in 100 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride.

    It is forbidden to dilute Euphyllin on your own without determining the dosage and concentration of a specialist. Especially when it comes to children.

    Enter slowly. For children under 18 years of age or infants, the ratio of the solution is lower and is regulated by a pediatrician.


    If the dose is exceeded above the therapeutic dose, symptoms associated with an overdose occur. This is manifested by a decrease in appetite, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, insomnia, and anxiety.

    Perhaps the appearance of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, convulsions, epileptic seizures are also signs of an overdose. A drop in pressure, kidney failure also develop when the dose is exceeded.

    If these symptoms develop, or at least some of them, the first step is to stop taking the drug. When vomiting occurs, metoclopramide is taken, seizures - oxygen therapy, and if an epileptic seizure develops, diazepam is administered intravenously at a rate of 0.2 mg / 1 kg of weight. Forced diuresis and hemosorption are recommended.


    While using Euphyllin, you should seriously monitor your diet. It is necessary to limit the use of coffee and caffeinated foods and drinks.

    People with a long smoking history need to increase the concentration of the injected drug, because nicotine interferes with its absorption.

    Euphyllin with cervical osteochondrosis

    Taking into account all the effects that a drug has on a person as a whole, one can understand such a widespread use of it as a means for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.

    Exhibiting a relaxing effect on spasmodic cervical muscles, a vasodilating effect, it normalizes blood circulation and nutrition of these muscles, which also improves the nutrition of the cartilage of the cervical spine.

    For the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, the optimal solution is intravenous administration. In this case, the drug is better absorbed and has a greater therapeutic effect.

    Electrophoresis of the cervical spine with euphyllin

    For better penetration of the substance into the deep structures of the neck, electrophoresis with Euphyllin on the cervical spine can be used. It is used in case of detection of hernias, osteochondrosis. Electrophoresis is also effective for infants.

    What is the electrophoresis technique? Several electrodes are applied to the cervical spine, on which there is the necessary dosage of Euphyllin. A small discharge current is applied. The drug applied to the electrodes moves under the action of an electric field and penetrates into the necessary structures, in particular the skin.

    The very effect of electric current already has a positive therapeutic effect, it is especially effective in relieving edema, and when combined with the introduction of Euphyllin, this effect is enhanced.

    A significant advantage of the introduction of Euphyllin using electrophoresis is that the drug does not affect other organs, but acts locally at the site of application and penetration, where its maximum concentration is created.

    Instructions for use:

    Euphyllin is a bronchodilator.

    Pharmacological properties

    Euphyllin belongs to the xanthine group. It contains the main active ingredient - theophylline. The drug has an expanding effect on the bronchi, relaxing their smooth muscles and eliminating spasms. In addition, it improves the functioning of the cilia of the epithelium of the respiratory tract, improves the contractions of the diaphragmatic, intercostal and other respiratory muscles. Euphyllin stimulates the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata, improves pulmonary ventilation, oxygen saturation of the blood and reduces the content of carbon dioxide in it, that is, normalizes respiratory function.

    The mechanism of action of Euphyllin is to inhibit the phosphodiesterase enzyme, due to which cAMP accumulates in the tissues, the intake of calcium ions into the cells, which are responsible for muscle contraction, decreases, and this relaxes the muscles of the bronchi.

    According to the instructions, Euphyllin stimulates cardiac activity, increasing the frequency and strength of myocardial contraction. It is able to reduce the tone of blood vessels, mainly the skin, kidneys and brain. Exerting a relaxing effect on the venous walls in the pulmonary circulation, the drug reduces the pressure in it.

    The use of Euphyllin improves the blood supply to the kidneys, thereby increasing the formation and excretion of urine.

    The drug slows down platelet aggregation and makes erythrocytes more resistant to damage, that is, improves the rheological properties of blood.

    It is known about the tocolytic effect of Euphyllin on the uterus, it also increases the acidity of gastric juice.

    The agent is well absorbed from the digestive tract, its bioavailability reaches 100%. When taken simultaneously with food, absorption slows down somewhat. It passes into breast milk and through the placenta. Euphyllin's metabolism occurs in the liver, its excretion from the body occurs in the urine.

    Release form

    According to the instructions, Euphyllin is released in tablets of 150 mg, in ampoules in the form of a 2.4% and 24% solution.


    The drug is used to relieve attacks of bronchial asthma, heart failure, angina pectoris, pulmonary edema and other conditions associated with congestion. According to reviews, Euphyllin effectively reduces blood pressure in hypertensive crises. It is used in the complex therapy of stroke and other ischemic conditions of the brain, in the treatment of apnea in newborns.


    The use of Euphyllin is contraindicated in case of its intolerance, in the acute period of myocardial infarction, in case of collapse, paroxysmal tachycardia, extrasystole, epilepsy, hyperthyroidism, peptic ulcer, abnormalities in the functioning of the liver and kidneys, with prostate adenoma, diarrhea. It is not recommended to use the drug in tablets under the age of 6 years.

    Instructions for the use of Euphyllin

    In the form of a solution, the drug is administered intravenously and intramuscularly, parenteral use is justified in the treatment of emergency and urgent conditions. In this case, the dosage is calculated individually, depending on the severity of the condition and the weight of the patient.

    For adults in emergency situations, the dose of Euphyllin according to the instructions is selected at the rate of 6 mg / kg, it is diluted in 20 ml of saline sodium chloride solution, and administered intravenously slowly for at least 5 minutes.

    Status asthmaticus requires infusion of the drug in the amount of 720 - 750 mg. Parenteral administration of Euphyllin is not recommended for longer than 14 days.

    To alleviate the condition in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases in the acute phase, start with a dose of 5-6 mg / kg of the drug. If necessary, it should be increased very carefully, under the control of its content in the blood.

    In tablets, Euphyllin is taken 0.15 g from 1 to 3 times a day, after a meal. The course of admission can last from several days to several months.

    With apnea of \u200b\u200bnewborns, when respiratory arrest lasts from 15 seconds with a simultaneous decrease in heart rate, the initial dose of this drug for newborns is 5 mg / kg / day in 2 divided doses. The drug is administered via a nasogastric tube. When the condition is stabilized, they switch to a maintenance dose of 2 mg / kg / day in 2 divided doses. The duration of use can range from several weeks to several months.

    Depending on the severity of the condition and indications for Euphyllin in children, the daily dose varies from 6 to 15 mg / kg.

    For elderly patients, care should be taken in drug treatment. According to reviews, Euphyllin enhances the side effects of glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids and adrenostimulants. Do not use this agent simultaneously with other xanthine derivatives.

    Side effects of Euphyllin

    According to reviews, Euphyllin is capable of causing such undesirable effects as insomnia, dizziness, agitation, headaches, tremors, increased heart rate, arrhythmias, heart pain, lower blood pressure, abdominal pain, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, allergic reactions, increased sweating, decreased blood glucose, changes in urine tests.

    Possible side effects

    As a rule, Euphyllin is well tolerated by young children, provided that it is taken under constant medical supervision. In some cases, children and adults may experience the following side effects:

    • heartburn, while the baby often spits up;
    • bowel disorder, diarrhea;
    • dizziness, vestibular syndrome;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • tachycardia attacks;
    • sweating attacks;
    • rashes on the skin.

    Often, babies, against the background of treatment with Euphyllin, show an anxiety state, sleep disturbance, and irritability. After the end of treatment, these conditions stop on their own.

    special instructions

    Euphyllin can lead to an increase in the level of uric acid in the urine

    During use, care must be taken when consuming large amounts of caffeinated foods and beverages

    You are an active person who takes care and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, and your body will delight you throughout your life, and no bronchitis will bother you

    But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload

    It's time to think that you are doing something wrong ...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is mandatory, and even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like the most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, gym, or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu in time, they can lead to complications on the lungs. Be sure to work with your immunity, temper yourself, be outdoors and in the fresh air as often as possible. Do not forget to undergo planned annual examinations, it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in a neglected state. Avoid emotional and physical overload, smoking or contact with smokers, if possible, exclude or minimize.

    It's time to sound the alarm! In your case, the likelihood of developing asthma is huge!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the work of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live long, you need to radically change your whole attitude towards the body. First of all, get examined by such specialists as a therapist and pulmonologist, you need to take drastic measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the recommendations of doctors, radically change your life, it may be worth changing your job or even your place of residence, absolutely exclude smoking and alcohol from your life, and reduce contact with people who have such addictions to a minimum, temper, strengthen your immunity as much as possible be outdoors more often. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely exclude all aggressive products from household circulation, replace with natural, natural products. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and airing at home.

    Inhalation treatment

    Treatment of bronchial obstruction in older children with Euphyllin will be much more effective if carried out using inhalation. Modern compressor devices are equipped with special nozzles that allow for inhalation treatment for babies.

    This method allows you to quickly remove the obstruction and facilitate breathing in the child, but you can start treatment only after consulting a doctor.

    1. Euphyllin is mixed with diphenhydramine and water for injection in the proportion: ampoule of Euphyllin + ampoule of diphenhydramine + 100 ml of water.
    2. Inhalations are carried out for the baby at intervals of at least 6 hours.
    3. At the end of the procedure, you should put the child to rest for a few minutes, minimizing his physical activity.

    Euphyllin belongs to a group of effective antitussive drugs used to treat many diseases accompanied by severe bronchospasm. However, it is worth remembering that this unique drug provokes many complex side effects and has a number of contraindications. It is categorically not recommended to make an independent decision on treatment with Euphyllin, especially in cases where treatment is required for a small patient.

    Pharmacology and appointment

    Euphyllin expands bronchi, relieves spasms
    , stimulates the myocardium, thins the blood, has a diuretic effect.

    The ability to increase the threshold for the sensitivity of the respiratory center to CO2 leads to an intensification of blood oxygen saturation. In the body, it is metabolized and excreted in the urine.

    Most often it is prescribed for bronchitis. In addition, the drug is used when the following situations occur:

    • bronchial or cardiac asthma;
    • migraine;
    • pulmonary edema;
    • chronic cough;
    • apnea - short-term cessation of breathing. Snore.

    Eufillin relieves bronchial spasms, thins the blood, saturates it with oxygen,
    stimulates the activity of the respiratory center

    pharmachologic effect

    Eufillin relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi and eliminates spasms, thus exerting an expanding effect on them. In addition, it improves the functioning of the cilia of the epithelium of the respiratory tract, improves the contraction of many muscles, including the intercostal and diaphragmatic.

    Eufillin is able to stimulate the respiratory center located in the medulla oblongata and improve pulmonary ventilation, contributing to the saturation of the blood with oxygen and a decrease in the amount of carbon dioxide in it.

    The mechanism of action of Euphyllin on the human body is the inhibition of one of the enzymes - phosphodiesterase. This helps to reduce the flow of calcium ions into the cells, which are responsible for muscle contraction, and relax the muscles of the bronchi. Also, Euphyllin reduces the tone of blood vessels, mainly vessels located in the skin, kidneys and brain. This helps to relax the venous walls in the pulmonary circulation, reducing the pressure in it.

    The use of Euphyllin makes it possible to improve the blood supply to the kidneys, which leads to an increase in the amount of urine and an acceleration of its excretion. Also, the drug improves the rheological properties of blood, slowing down platelet aggregation, which makes erythrocytes more resistant to damage. The use of Euphyllin can lead to a tocolytic effect on the uterus, as well as increase the acidity of gastric juice.

    Use during pregnancy

    Guidelines for the use of "Euphyllin" restricts the use of the drug while carrying a child. Drooping through the placenta, the agent has a negative effect on the fetus. It does not cause developmental pathology, but after birth, the baby develops arrhythmia, intoxication, and vomiting.

    The medication does not lead to irreversible changes in the fetus, therefore it can be prescribed with caution to pregnant women if there are indications (edema, placental insufficiency). But during treatment, a woman must strictly adhere to the recommended dosage.

    You can not independently prescribe yourself a drug to relieve symptoms. Gynecologists, prescribing "Euphyllin", take into account the benefits of the use and the potential harm of the drug

    But during treatment, a woman must strictly adhere to the recommended dosage. You can not independently prescribe yourself a drug to relieve symptoms. Gynecologists, prescribing "Euphyllin", take into account the benefits of the use and the potential harm of the drug.


    This bronchodilator is injected in the following ways

    • intramuscularly;
    • intravenously;
    • using a probe;
    • microclysters;
    • electrophoresis;
    • inhalation.

    Intramuscular injection

    Euphyllin is administered intramuscularly in extraordinary cases. The injections are very painful, and the daily dose must be divided into 3-4 injections. The injection is made into the buttock with a thick needle at the rate of up to 1500 mg per day for an adult. Euphyllin is used for children based on 150 mg / 10 kg body weight
    ... The duration of the course of parenteral administration should not exceed 14 days.

    Intravenous administration

    In threatening situations, aminophylline is administered intravenously. Children under three months are prescribed 30-60 mg, older ones - 60-500 mg. The duration of the injection solution is 5 ± 1 minute. In other cases practice drip
    ... Fractional mixing is used. In this case, 1–2 ten-milliliter ampoules are diluted with an equal amount of saline. 0.25-0.5 dm3 of isotonic sodium chloride is added to the resulting mixture. The drip lasts about half an hour.

    Probe introduction

    If a newborn has attacks of holding his breath for a quarter of a minute or more with a slowing down of the rhythm of heart contractions and blue skin, the solution is injected into the stomach through a nasal-gastric tube at the rate of 20 mg / 4 kg of weight.

    it about 1 ml
    solution for intravenous use. If necessary, the procedures are repeated twice a day, using 0.4 ml of medicine per four-kilogram baby.

    At the discretion of the doctor, the course of therapy can last for weeks.


    They are used in situations where it is necessary to continue treatment, taking pills is contraindicated, and it is no longer possible to enter in ampoules. One or two containers of solution for intravenous or intramuscular administration are diluted with 20-30 cm3 of heated water and injected rectally after the act of defecation. Shown 2-4 times injection during the day. The method is applicable from the age of sixteen.


    Apply with osteochondrosis in adults
    , dysplasia of the coxal joint in children, and, if necessary, reduce intracranial pressure. The procedure is as follows:

    • Moisten gauze with a solution.
    • Apply to a problem area on the neck or lower back.
    • Connect the electrodes and turn on the power. The procedure takes about a quarter of an hour.

    The treatment course of electrophoresis is 10 sessions. The procedure is easily tolerated by children over 4 weeks old. However, there are contraindications - the presence of tumors, cardiac and skin pathologies, hypertension.


    The medicine is used for relieving attacks of bronchial asthma
    ... The contents of one ampoule plus three with diphenhydramine are added to the container for aerosol spraying and brought to 150 cm3 with saline solution. There is an expansion of the lumen of the bronchi, sputum is removed faster. The frequency of injections of the medication is determined by the pediatrician.

    Application methods

    Intravenous jet should be injected slowly, monitor the patient's condition, talk to him during the procedure

    It is important to properly prepare the injection solution. To do this, 5 ml of the drug is diluted in 15 ml of sodium chloride, the mixture is heated to 35-37 degrees, and then an injection is made

    So the remedy does not cause irritation and is well tolerated by patients.

    It is better if the drug enters the body by drip. The cooking technology is the same, but 20 ml of 2.4 percent aminophylline is diluted with 150 ml of saline.

    The technique of drug administration assumes such a speed that its effect lasts a day (the dispenser on the dropper is set at 35-45 drops / min).

    An intramuscular injection is made in the upper outer square of the buttocks. To do this, take a long needle, make sure that it is wider in cross section than for intravenous injection. This will allow the drug to enter the muscle layer and spread throughout the body with the bloodstream. So the effect of the drug will come earlier than if "Euphyllin" accumulates in the fatty layer (when pricked with a small needle).

    Vacation form and composition

    The drug is intended for oral and parenteral use
    ... The pharmaceutical industry manufactures aminophylline for intramuscular injection, 1 ml, containing 240 mg of the active ingredient aminophylline, a xanthine derivative. The form of release of intravenous aminophylline is ampoules of 5 or 10 cm3. The concentration of aminophylline is 10 times less than in the preparation for intramuscular use. The medication is packed in 2; 5; 10 boxes in a cardboard box. The kit includes original instructions and a device for opening ampoules.

    The medicine is produced in two varieties. For intramuscular injection, the drug is intended in ampoules containing 240 mg / g aminophylline or 24%

    The concentration of the active ingredient in the medication for intravenous use is 10 times lower.

    The drug is contraindicated

    Prescribing Euphyllin, the doctor must take into account contraindications and possible side effects from taking the medication.

    The absolute contraindications to treatment with this drug are:

    • history of epileptic syndrome;
    • renal failure;
    • acute liver failure;
    • severe dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.

    Specialists also note the relative contraindications to the appointment of Euphyllin, in which the drug is prescribed only if the risk of side effects is less than the expected therapeutic effect. Experts include such contraindications:

    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • chronic cardiac pathologies.

    That is why the baby's self-medication with Euphyllin can be extremely dangerous for the child's health, since only the doctor can assess the need for treatment with this medicine and adjust the dosage.

    Adverse reactions and overdose

    Almost any drug can cause undesirable manifestations in the body. Euphyllin is no exception.

    There are not so few possible side effects when using this medication. Here is a rough list of the main negative reactions:

    • quincke's edema;
    • skin rashes;
    • fainting;
    • insomnia;
    • irritation;
    • arrhythmia;
    • dyspeptic disorders.

    If the amount of the accumulated drug in the body exceeds 20 mg / kg of weight, the patient develops symptoms of drug overdose:

    • hyperemia of the skin;
    • convulsions;
    • excitation;
    • violation of the rhythm of the heart;
    • hypotension;
    • kidney dysfunction;
    • confusion of consciousness.

    Such disorders are often noted in elderly patients.

    The accumulation of drugs in doses up to 40 mg / kg causes coma.

    Side effects of Euphyllin

    The most common side effects, which mostly occur with overdose, are dizziness and headaches, anxiety and irritability, insomnia, agitation and tremors.
    Also, taking the drug can entail:

    1. cardialgia;
    2. decrease in blood pressure;
    3. skin rash;
    4. fever;
    5. chest pain;
    6. albuminuria;
    7. hematuria;
    8. increased diuresis;
    9. increased sweating;

    An overdose of the drug often leads to decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, and bowel disorders. May lead to serious complications such as renal failure and skeletal muscle necrosis.

    Features of the drug

    Eufillin is a bronchodilator that relaxes the muscles of the bronchi and dilates the heart vessels. Its important feature is that it dissolves in water, and this makes it possible for intravenous or intramuscular administration.


    One tablet of the drug contains 150 mg of aminophylline. Calcium stearate and potato starch are used as auxiliary substances.

    Dosage forms

    • Euphyllin is sold in the form of tablets packed in a cardboard box. Average price for 30 pcs. is 20 rubles.
    • Eufillin in ampoules (solution for injections (5 ml) contains euphyllin - 120 mg, water for injection acts as an auxiliary substance. Average price (for 10 ampoules) - 70 rubles.

    pharmachologic effect

    Euphyllin is a xanthine derivative, in fact, a bronchodilator. Its pharmacological action is based on:

    1. an increase in the accumulation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the body;
    2. inhibition of phosphodiesterase;
    3. blocking purine receptors;
    4. a decrease in the intake of calcium ions through cell membranes;
    5. a decrease in the contractility of smooth muscles;
    6. relaxation of the muscles of the bronchi;
    7. increased mucociliary clearance;
    8. stimulation of contractions of the diaphragm;
    9. improving the function of the respiratory muscles.

    Also, the drug has the following properties:

    • Euphyllin has a stimulating effect on the respiratory center, since it is able to increase the sensitivity to carbon dioxide and improve ventilation of the alveoli, which reduces the severity and frequency of apnea episodes.
    • The drug normalizes respiratory function, since it helps to saturate the blood with oxygen and reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide in it.
    • A stimulating effect on the heart muscle was also revealed: the drug increases the strength and number of contractions, improves blood flow in the coronary arteries, and lowers the vascular tone. Also, Euphyllin reduces thrombus formation, increases the acidity of gastric secretions.
    • Large doses also have an enileptogenic effect.


    Eufillin is able to enhance the relaxation of the bronchi and reduce the edema of the mucous membranes, achieved when taking terbutaline and salbutamol. In no case should you drink Eufillin with beta-blockers, as this can lead to bronchospasm.


    After taking Euphyllin, it is absorbed with a bioavailability of 90-100%. The rate of absorption decreases with food intake, but the value remains constant. The action of Euphyllin is enhanced by Cimetidine, Erythromycin, oral contraceptives and an influenza vaccine, while its concentration in the blood increases. The concentration decreases while taking nicotine, carbamazepine, phenytoin, rifampicin.

    Nicotine not only affects the above-mentioned indicator, but also activates metabolism, leads to accelerated excretion of aminophylline. Euphyllin directly affects the increase in the excretion of lithium.

    Indications for the use of Euphyllin are discussed below.

    Euphyllin for children

    Parenteral administration is not practiced for children under 13 weeks of age. Dosage based on live weight is difficult, and non-compliance with it threatens with unpredictable results. From what does the doctor prescribe aminophylline in ampoules? Most often from cough, bronchospasm, hypoxia, excessive intracranial pressure

    The exact dosage for children is important, and depends more on age than weight. She is shown in the table

    * Where VN is age, weeks.

    Older children, as well as adults, are prescribed 2-5 mg of the drug / kg of weight, depending on the condition and the presence of other diseases. Elderly people, as well as people suffering from hepatic pathologies, the minimum dose is prescribed
    , since in this case the elimination of the drug from the body is inhibited. Smoking, on the other hand, speeds up the removal of the drug from the blood. Therefore, when treating diseases, the maximum dosage is required.

    Eufillin in ampoules for adults

    Ampoule for adults is indicated in acute situations when you need to quickly remove bronchospasm
    ... Euphyllin is used intramuscularly or intravenously for no more than 14 days, then it is necessary to switch to taking the drug in tablet form.

    Euphyllin for pregnant and lactating women

    Aminophylline overcomes the placental border, however, it is relatively safe for the fetus, and for the mother it can cause toxicosis, manifested by vomiting, palpitations and discomfort.

    Gynecologists prescribe a bronchodilator when edema or conditions that threaten the mother's life occur.

    The effect on infants up to 13 weeks of age is poorly understood, therefore, the drug should not be used by a nursing mother. Otherwise, you need to stop breastfeeding.

    Side effects

    Side effects when using aminophylline in ampoules are accompanied by the following pathological symptoms:

    • excitation;
    • excessive sweating;
    • nausea;
    • headaches;
    • diarrhea;
    • palpitations;
    • allergy;
    • pressure surges;
    • muscle tremors;
    • polyuria.


    Of course, there are contraindications for using the drug aminophylline. The reason appoint another
    the type of therapy should be:

    • epilepsy;
    • pathology of the thyroid gland;
    • diarrhea;
    • bPH;
    • cardiac or renal pathology;
    • hypersensitivity to xanthine derivatives;
    • old age;
    • road transport management.


    The pharmaceutical industry manufactures the following medicines - drug analogues:

    • Neothearians;
    • Theophylline;
    • Aminophylline;
    • Theobromine;
    • Diprofillin;
    • Theotard.


    The drug is not prescribed for women who are breastfeeding. During pregnancy, it is used when edema or placental insufficiency
    ... After using the medicine, women experience palpitations and dizziness.

    The pharmaceutical industry can offer a number of drugs to eliminate broncho-obstructive syndrome. However, the most effective remains an old and inexpensive drug called Euphyllin. So, let's look at the instructions for using the drug Euphyllin for children and adults, prices, reviews about it and available analogues.

    Instructions for use Euphyllin method and dosage

    Eufillin in the form of a solution is administered intramuscularly and intravenously. Parenteral administration is warranted in emergency situations. The dosage in such cases is calculated individually, based on the severity of the patient's condition and his weight.

    Euphyllin tablets are usually taken 1-3 times a day after meals in an amount of 0.15 g. The duration of the course of treatment is selected individually and can last from several days to a couple of months.

    For the treatment of neonatal apnea, if respiratory arrest lasts more than 15 seconds with a slowing heart rate, the initial dose of the drug will be 5 mg / kg / day in 2 divided doses. Usually, the drug is administered with a nasogastric tube. After stabilization of the condition, a maintenance dose of 2 mg / kg / day is prescribed in 2 divided doses. Depending on the condition of the child, his age and weight, the optimal dose of the drug can vary greatly, so only the attending physician can prescribe it.

    Active substance


    Dosage form

    solution for infusion


    Dalkhimpharm, Russia


    1 ml of solution for intramuscular administration contains:
    active substance: aminophylline 24 mg.

    pharmachologic effect

    Pharmaceutical group: bronchodilating agent.
    Pharmaceutical action: Bronchodilator, methylxanthine derivative; inhibits PDE, increases the accumulation of cAMP in tissues, blocks adenosine (purine) receptors; reduces the flow of Ca2 + through the channels of cell membranes, reduces the contractile activity of smooth muscles.
    It relaxes the bronchial muscles, stimulates the respiratory center and improves alveolar ventilation, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the severity and frequency of apnea episodes.
    It has a stimulating effect on the activity of the heart, increases strength and heart rate, increases coronary blood flow and myocardial oxygen demand. Reduces the tone of blood vessels (mainly the vessels of the brain, skin and kidneys). It has a peripheral venodilatory effect, reduces pulmonary vascular resistance, lowers pressure in the "small" circle of blood circulation. Increases renal blood flow, has a moderate diuretic effect. Expands the extrahepatic biliary tract.
    Stabilizes the membranes of mast cells, inhibits the release of mediators of allergic reactions.
    It inhibits platelet aggregation (inhibits platelet activation factor and PgE2 alpha), increases the resistance of erythrocytes to deformation (improves the rheological properties of blood), reduces thrombus formation and normalizes microcirculation.
    It has a tocolytic effect, increases the acidity of gastric juice. When used in large doses, it has an epileptogenic effect.
    Pharmacokinetics: After oral administration, it is rapidly and completely absorbed, however, bioavailability and absorption kinetics depend on the dosage form of the drug. Bioavailability for tablet forms with a quick release of the active substance and liquid dosage forms is 90-100%. When using prolonged dosage forms, absorption parameters and bioavailability may vary. Food reduces the rate of absorption without affecting its value (large volumes of liquid and proteins accelerate the process). The higher the dose taken, the lower the rate of absorption. TCmax with intravenous injection of 0.3 g - 15 min, Cmax - 7 μg / ml TCmax for conventional dosage forms - 1-2 hours, for prolonged forms - 4-7 hours, for enteric-coated tablets - 5 hours. The volume of distribution is in the range of 0.3-0.7 l / kg (30-70% of the "ideal" weight body), on average 0.45 l / kg. Communication with plasma proteins in adults - 60%, in newborns - 36%, in patients with liver cirrhosis - 36%. It penetrates into breast milk (10% of the dose taken), through the placental barrier (the concentration in the fetal serum is slightly higher than in the mother's serum).
    Aminophylline exhibits bronchodilating properties at concentrations of 10-20 μg / ml. Concentrations over 20 mg / ml are toxic. The stimulating effect on the respiratory center is realized at a lower content of the drug in the blood - 5-10 μg / ml.
    It is metabolized at physiological pH values \u200b\u200bwith the release of free theophylline, which is further metabolized in the liver with the participation of several cytochrome P450 isoenzymes. As a result, 1,3-dimethyl uric acid (45-55%) is formed, which has pharmacological activity, but is inferior to theophylline by 1-5 times. Caffeine is an active metabolite and is formed in small quantities, with the exception of premature infants and children under 6 months of age, in whom, due to the extremely long T1 / 2 of caffeine, its significant accumulation in the body occurs (up to 30% of that for aminophylline).
    In children over 3 years old and in adults, the phenomenon of caffeine cumulation is absent.
    T1 / 2 in newborns and children under 6 months - more than 24 hours; in children over 6 months - 3.7 hours; in adults - 8.7 hours; for "smokers" (20-40 cigarettes per day) - 4-5 hours (after quitting smoking, pharmacokinetics normalization after 3-4 months); in adults with COPD, pulmonary heart disease and pulmonary heart disease - over 24 hours. It is excreted by the kidneys. In newborns, about 50% of theophylline is excreted in the urine unchanged versus 10% in adults, which is associated with insufficient activity of liver enzymes.


    • Bro nhoobstructive syndrome (mainly for relief of seizures) with:
      • Bronchial asthma.
      • Bronchitis.
      • Emphysema of the lungs.
      • Cardiac asthma.
    • Hypertension in the pulmonary circulation.
    • Relief of cerebral vascular crises of atherosclerotic origin.
    • As part of combination therapy for ischemic strokes and chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency to reduce intracranial pressure and cerebral edema.


    Hypersensitivity (including to other xanthine derivatives: caffeine, pentoxifylline, theobromine), epilepsy, peptic ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer (in the acute stage - for oral forms, especially non-prolonged action tablets), gastritis with high acidity, severe arterial hyper- or hypotension, severe tachyarrhythmias, hemorrhagic stroke, retinal hemorrhage, childhood (up to 3 years, for prolonged oral forms - up to 12 years).
    Carefully. Severe coronary insufficiency (acute phase of myocardial infarction, angina pectoris), widespread atherosclerosis of the vessels, GOKMP, frequent ventricular premature beats, increased convulsive readiness, hepatic and / or renal failure, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer (in history of gastrointestinal bleeding), recent history, uncontrolled hypothyroidism (the possibility of cumulation) or thyrotoxicosis, prolonged hyperthermia, gastroesophageal reflux, prostatic hypertrophy. pregnancy, lactation, advanced age, childhood (especially for oral forms).

    Side effects

    From the nervous system: dizziness, headache, insomnia, agitation, anxiety, irritability, tremor.
    On the part of the CVS: palpitations, tachycardia (including in the fetus when taking a pregnant woman in the third trimester), arrhythmias, decreased blood pressure, cardialgia, an increase in the frequency of angina attacks.
    On the part of the digestive system: gastralgia, nausea, vomiting, gastroesophageal reflux, heartburn, exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, diarrhea, with prolonged use - decreased appetite.
    Allergic reactions: skin rash, itching of the skin, fever.
    Others: chest pain, tachypnea, flushing, albuminuria, hematuria, hypoglycemia, increased urine output, increased sweating.
    Side effects decrease with decreasing dose of the drug.
    Local reactions: induration, hyperemia, soreness at the injection site.
    With rectal administration - proctitis, irritation of the rectal mucosa.


    When used simultaneously with sympathomimetics, the action is mutually reinforced; with beta-blockers and lithium preparations - the effect is mutually reduced. The intensity of action of aminophylline may decrease (due to an increase in its clearance) when used simultaneously with phenobarbital, rifampicin, isoniazid, carbamazepine, sulfinpyrazone, phenytoin, as well as in smokers.

    The intensity of action of aminophylline may increase (due to a decrease in its clearance) when used simultaneously with antibiotics from the macrolide group, lincomycin, with quinolones, allopurinol, beta-blockers, cimetidine, disulfiram, fluvoxamine, hormonal contraceptives for oral administration, isazoprenaline for vaccine, viloxine flu.

    xanthine derivatives can potentiate hypokalemia caused by the action of β2-adrenergic receptor stimulants, corticosteroids and diuretics.

    Antidiarrheal drugs and enterosorbents reduce the absorption of aminophylline.
    Pharmaceutically incompatible with acid solutions.

    How to take, course and dosage

    Euphyllin is prescribed intramuscularly, deep into the upper quadrant of the gluteus muscle, 1 ml (240 mg) of solution.

    Aminophylline is parenterally administered up to 3 times a day, no more than 14 days. The concentration of aminophylline in the blood serum should not exceed 20 μg / ml.

    • Higher doses of aminophylline with intramuscular injection
      • For adults: single - 0.5 g, daily - 1.5 g.
      • For children: single - 7 mg / kg, daily - 15 mg / kg.

    Correction of the dosage regimen may be required in case of heart failure, impaired liver function, chronic alcoholism.

    In elderly patients, a dose reduction may be required (single dose - 0.3 g).

    from 1 year to 9 years - 22 mg / kg;
    from 9 to 12 years old - 20 mg / kg;
    from 12 to 16 years old - 18 mg / kg;
    over 16 years old - 13 mg / kg.
    For children, IM is prescribed at a dose of 15 mg / kg / day. IV at the age of up to 3 months - 30-60 mg / day, 4-12 months - 60-90 mg / day, 2-3 years - 90-120 mg, 4-7 years - 120-240 mg, 8- 18 years old - 250-500 mg / day. The duration of parenteral administration is no more than 14 days.
    In case of neonatal apnea, the initial dose (a condition characterized by periods of lack of breathing for 15 s and accompanied by cyanosis and bradycardia) is 5 mg / kg (by nasogastric tube), the maintenance dose is 2 mg / kg in 2 divided doses. The duration of treatment is several weeks, in rare cases - months.
    Can be administered rectally as microclysters. Dose for adults - 0.24-0.48 g in 20-25 ml of warm water; children - less, in accordance with age.
    Higher doses for adults inside, intramuscularly and rectally - single 0.5 g, daily 1.5 g; i / v - single 0.25 g, daily 0.5 g.
    Higher doses for children orally, intramuscularly and rectally - single 7 mg / kg, daily 15 mg / kg; i / v - single 3 mg / kg.


    Symptoms: decreased appetite, gastralgia, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting (including blood), gastrointestinal bleeding, tachypnea, facial flushing, tachycardia, ventricular arrhythmias, insomnia, motor agitation, anxiety, photophobia, tremors, convulsions ... In severe poisoning, epileptoid seizures may develop (especially in children without any precursors), hypoxia, metabolic acidosis, hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, decreased blood pressure, skeletal muscle necrosis, confusion, renal failure with myoglobinuria.
    Treatment: drug withdrawal, gastric lavage, administration of activated charcoal, laxative drugs, intestinal lavage with a combination of polyethylene glycol and electrolytes, forced diuresis, hemosorption, plasma sorption, hemodialysis (low efficiency, peritoneal dialysis is ineffective), symptomatic therapy (including metoclopramide and ondansetron - with vomiting). If seizures occur, maintain airway patency and oxygen therapy. To stop the seizure - IV diazepam, 0.1-0.3 mg / kg (but not more than 10 mg). For severe nausea and vomiting, metoclopramide or ondansetron (IV).

    In the article we will consider in what cases "Euphyllin" is used intramuscularly.

    It is a bronchodilator. The medicine is available in the form of solutions and tablets, but in which case and in what dosages to use it is a difficult question. It depends on the severity of the pathological condition, the diagnosis of the patient, his age, indications and contraindications. Many people are interested in: is it possible to inject "Euphyllin" intramuscularly or intravenously, or is it better to use a tablet form? Experts are of the opinion that through intramuscular injection, the drug quickly enters the bloodstream and the therapeutic effect occurs within a few minutes. This is indicated in emergency situations and in severe forms of illness. In the case of moderate and mild severity of the pathology, the medication is prescribed orally.

    Pharmacological properties

    Bronchodilator medication is a PDE inhibitor. The active ingredient is theophylline ethylenediamine salt (which increases absorption and facilitates solubility). It has a pronounced bronchodilatory effect, which is due to a direct relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the blood vessels in the lungs and respiratory tract. It is believed that this effect is caused by selective inhibition of the activity of specific PDEs, which contributes to an increase in intracellular concentrations of cAMP. The results of in vitro experimental tests showed that isoenzymes of the 3rd and 4th types play the main role. Suppression of the functionality of these isoenzymes can also provoke some side reactions of aminophylline (theophylline), in particular vomiting, tachycardia and arterial hypotension. Blocks purine (adenosine) receptors, which can act as one of the factors affecting the bronchi.

    Many people wonder if Euphyllin can be used intramuscularly. More on this below.

    Reduces the hyperresponsiveness of the respiratory tract, which is associated with the late phase of the reaction, provoked by inhalation of allergens, through a mechanism of unknown etiology, which is not related to the suppression of PDE or to blockade of the effects of adenosine. There is also information that aminophylline increases the number and activity of T-suppressors in the peripheral blood.

    The medication improves the functioning of the intercostal and respiratory muscles, activates the contraction of the diaphragm and the respiratory center, increases its sensitivity to carbon dioxide molecules and normalizes alveolar ventilation, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the frequency and severity of apnea attacks. By normalizing respiratory functions, this medication helps to saturate the blood with oxygen and reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide. Increases lung ventilation with hypokalemia.

    In addition, this medication has a stimulating effect on the activity of the heart, increases the heart rate, increases blood flow in the coronary vessels and increases the oxygen demand of the heart muscle. It reduces the tone of the vascular walls (mainly of the skin, blood vessels of the brain and kidneys), has a venodilating peripheral effect, reduces vascular resistance in the lungs, lowers blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation. Strengthens renal blood flow, has a mild diuretic effect.

    Expands the biliary extrahepatic tract, stabilizes the membrane structure of mast cells, slows down the release of mediators that provoke the development of allergic reactions and platelet aggregation (inhibits the activation factor PgE2α and platelets), increases the resistance of erythrocytes to structural changes (normalizes the rheological properties of blood), reduces the likelihood of thrombus formation and normalizes processes microcirculation, has tocolytic properties, increases the acidity of stomach juice. In high dosages, it has an epileptogenic effect.

    Instructions for the use of "Euphyllin" intramuscularly confirms this.

    Pharmacokinetic properties

    Aminophylline is metabolized in the human body at physiological pH values \u200b\u200bwith the release of free theophylline. The bronchodilating property is manifested at concentrations of theophylline in the blood in the range of 10-20 μg / ml. Concentrations over 20 mg / ml are considered toxic. The stimulating effect on the respiratory center is realized at lower concentrations - 5-10 μg / ml.

    The binding of the basic element to plasma proteins is approximately 40%; in newborns, as well as in adults with certain pathologies, the level of binding decreases. In adult patients, binding to plasma proteins is approximately 60%, in newborns - 36%, in people with cirrhosis - 36%. The substance penetrates the placenta (the level in the fetal blood is slightly higher than in the mother's blood) and into breast milk.

    Theophylline undergoes metabolic processes in the liver with the participation of some isoenzymes of cytochrome P450, the most important of which is CYP1A2. With metabolic changes, 1,3-dimethyl uric acid is formed, as well as 3-methylxanthine and 1-methyl uric acid. These metabolites are excreted by the urinary system. In adult patients, approximately 10% of the main component is excreted unchanged. In newborns, a significant part is excreted in the form of caffeine (due to the immaturity of the pathways of its subsequent metabolism), in unchanged form - about 50%.

    Serious individual differences in the rate of hepatic metabolism of theophylline are considered the main reason for the pronounced variability in the parameters of clearance, blood concentration, and half-life. The process of hepatic metabolism is influenced by factors such as addiction to smoking, age, dietary preferences, diseases, and concomitant drug therapy.

    The half-life of theophylline in nonsmoking patients with bronchial asthma with almost no pathological changes from other systems and organs is 6-12 hours, in people with addiction to smoking - 4-5 hours, in childhood - 1-5 hours, during the neonatal period and in premature babies - 10-45 hours. This interval increases in the elderly and in those suffering from liver disease or heart failure.

    Clearance decreases with impaired liver function, heart failure, pulmonary edema, chronic alcoholism, COPD. Ethylenediamine does not affect the pharmacokinetic properties of theophylline.

    Whether it is possible to use "Euphyllin" intramuscularly, it is important to find out in advance.

    Composition and form of release

    The main active ingredient of the drug is aminophylline. It is thanks to him that all the pharmacological actions of the drug are achieved. For intramuscular administration, it is produced in the form of ampoules. The solution (concentration 24 mg / ml) contains the main substance and an auxiliary component - water for injection. Ampoules contain 5 or 10 ml of medical solution.

    Indications for appointment

    The medicine "Euphyllin" is intramuscularly prescribed for the following pathological conditions:

    • Status asthmaticus (as an additional treatment).
    • Apnea during the neonatal period.
    • Insufficiency of the left ventricle with bronchospasm and impaired respiratory function according to the Cheyne-Stokes type (as part of complex treatment).
    • Edematous syndrome of renal origin.
    • Ischemic cerebral circulation disorders (as part of complex therapy), acute and chronic heart failure (as part of combined treatment).
    • Broncho-obstructive syndrome of various etiologies (including COPD, bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema, chronic obstructive bronchitis), increased pressure in the pulmonary circulation, apnea, cor pulmonale.

    Instructions for use

    How to apply according to the instructions "Euphyllin" in ampoules - intramuscularly or intravenously?

    The dosage selection mode for this drug is individual, depending on age, indications, clinical situation, and the presence of nicotine addiction.

    In conditions requiring urgent care, adults are shown the use of "Euphyllin" intramuscularly in a loading dose. If the patient has previously taken theophylline, the dosage of aminophylline should be reduced by half.

    What else does the instruction for the use of "Euphyllin" in ampoules tell us intramuscularly?


    Injection of the drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

    • hypersensitivity to aminophylline and other xanthine derivatives;
    • angina pectoris;
    • myocardial infarction in the acute stage;
    • acute heart failure;
    • extrasystole;
    • paroxysmal tachycardia;
    • pulmonary edema;
    • severe arterial hypertension / hypotension;
    • vascular atherosclerosis;
    • hemorrhagic stroke;
    • a history of any sudden bleeding;
    • hemorrhage in the tissue of the retina;
    • peptic ulcer at the stage of exacerbation;
    • epilepsy;
    • increased threshold of convulsive readiness;
    • gastroesophageal reflux (GER);
    • uncontrolled hypothyroidism;
    • thyrotoxicosis;
    • porphyria;
    • sepsis;
    • dysfunction of the liver or kidneys.

    Can everyone inject Euphyllin intramuscularly?

    Due to the likelihood of side effects, it is not recommended to use the solution in children under 14 years of age. In children over 3 years old, this medicine can be used exclusively for emergency indications, for a period not exceeding 14 days.

    Adverse reactions

    According to the instructions for use, "Euphyllin" intramuscularly can provoke a number of adverse reactions, including the following:

    1. Nervous system: anxiety, dizziness, tremors, sleep disturbances, convulsions.
    2. Cardiovascular system: violation of heart rhythms, palpitations, the occurrence of pain in the heart, tachycardia, lowering blood pressure, arrhythmias of various nature, cardialgia, increased symptoms of angina pectoris.
    3. Digestive system: gastroesophageal reflux, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, exacerbation of peptic ulcer; with prolonged use, anorexia may develop.
    4. Urinary system: hematuria, albuminuria.
    5. Allergic manifestations: skin rash and itching, febrile syndrome.
    6. Metabolism: hypoglycemia (rare cases).
    7. Local reactions: hyperemia, induration, soreness at the injection site.
    8. Other side effects: tachypnea, chest pain, hot flashes in the face, albuminuria, hematuria, increased urine output, excessive sweating.

    Can "Eufillin" in ampoules be used intramuscularly during pregnancy and breastfeeding? Let's find out further.

    Use during pregnancy and lactation

    The drug substance crosses the placenta, and therefore the use of aminophylline during pregnancy can lead to the creation of potentially dangerous levels of the active substance and caffeine in the blood of the newborn baby. Children whose mothers received aminophylline during pregnancy need medical monitoring for possible signs of intoxication in the first days of life.

    Theophylline is excreted in breast milk. When using the drug during lactation, excessive agitation and irritability may occur in the child. In this regard, the use of this drug during pregnancy and lactation can only be prescribed in cases where the benefits of therapy for the mother are higher than the potential risk for the child.

    With caution, the medicine "Euphyllin" intramuscularly according to the instructions is used for severe insufficiency of the coronary vessels (angina pectoris, acute stage of myocardial infarction), obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, widespread atherosclerosis, rapid ventricular extrasystole, high convulsive readiness, liver or kidney failure, recent bleeding from the organs of the digestive system tract, with peptic ulcer disease, uncontrolled hypothyroidism or thyrotoxicosis, with a prolonged increase in body temperature, prostatic hypertrophy, gastroesophageal reflux, in elderly patients and in children.

    Correction of the dosage of aminophylline may be necessary in case of heart failure, impaired liver function, fever, prolonged alcoholism, ARVI. In elderly patients, dosage reduction may be required.

    Aminophylline is not used simultaneously with other xanthine derivatives. During the period of therapy, you should avoid the use of products that contain xanthine derivatives. The medication is used with caution along with purine derivatives and anticoagulants. Combined use with glucose and beta-blockers should be avoided.

    It is now known whether it is possible to inject "Euphyllin" intramuscularly.