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  • All about the benefits of dicul's balm and its use. Sports balm by Valentin Dikul: detailed instructions and recommendations for use, composition, review of analogues, prices and reviews Dikul's ointment from bruises and sprains

    All about the benefits of dicul's balm and its use. Sports balm by Valentin Dikul: detailed instructions and recommendations for use, composition, review of analogues, prices and reviews Dikul's ointment from bruises and sprains

    Instructions for use


    Sports balm by Valentin Dikul is a highly effective remedy for external use for small closed (without skin damage) sports and household injuries, developed by Academician Valentin Ivanovich Dikul. According to the Sports Injury Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, out of 100 athletes who won prizes at major international tournaments, 90 along with medals received various injuries. Often people are injured in everyday life: on a walk, when cleaning the house, in the country, during active recreation. Due to the slow regeneration of tissues, injuries are especially dangerous for the elderly. The effect of the balm is aimed at activating the recovery processes in damaged tissues. Reducing pain and preventing complications. The natural components of the balm stimulate blood circulation and lymph drainage, improve metabolism in the injured area, relieve inflammation and swelling, prevent the destructive action of free radicals that are intensively formed at the site of injury. Sports balm, created by V. Dikul as a result of many years of practice, will help to quickly get rid of the consequences of injuries, both sports and domestic.

    Brand name


    Water, liposomal-emulsion complex No. 3 (stearic acid, emulsion wax Neowax, glycerin, vegetable oil, anhydrous lanolin, propylene glycol, microcar IT, nimesulide, sodium hydroxide, antioxidant Grindox), sea buckthorn oil, tea tree extract, sage extract, extract chamomile, aloe extract, propolis extract, ginseng extract, elecampane extract, menthol, ginkgo biloba extract, mummy, piyavit, vitanol, badyaga, collagen hydrolyzate, D - panthenol, lanolin, DMP microcar, perfume composition).

    Dosage form

    gel for external use


    For diseases of ODA


    Fora Pharm, Russia


    Water, liposomal-emulsion complex No. 3 (stearic acid, emulsion wax Neowax, glycerin, vegetable oil, anhydrous lanolin, propylene glycol, microcar IT, nimesulide, sodium hydroxide, antioxidant Grindox), sea buckthorn oil, tea tree extract, sage extract, extract chamomile, aloe extract, propolis extract, ginseng extract, elecampane extract, menthol, ginkgo biloba extract, mummy, piyavit, vitanol, badyaga, collagen hydrolyzate, D - panthenol, lanolin, DMP microcar, perfume composition).


    Leech extract - activates vascular blood flow, improves capillary-tissue metabolism, has an angiospastic effect, relieves swelling of nerve roots, improves tissue trophism, helps soften connective tissue growths and remove salt deposits.

    Shilajit is one of the most powerful biostimulants, activates reparative processes in the tissues of bones and joints, reduces pain, is an effective synergist, several times enhancing the effect of medicinal plants.

    Propolis and tea tree oil - have pronounced antibacterial properties, stimulate immune defense, prevent infection and the development of purulent complications.

    Sea buckthorn oil - promotes skin regeneration without scarring.

    Badiaga is a freshwater sponge, has a unique resorbable and bactericidal effect, promotes rapid resorption of bruises and bruises, accelerates the healing of bruises.

    Ginkgo biloba - improves blood circulation (including capillary), actively promotes the resorption of hematomas and reduces edema.

    Complex of extracts - significantly accelerates regenerative processes, improves microcirculation at the site of application, stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, prevents the formation of cosmetic defects.

    Vitanol is a new generation biostimulant, activates the healing processes of damaged tissues, increases the protective properties of the skin.

    Active ingredients

    Medicinal leech extract, mummy, propolis, tea tree oil, sea buckthorn oil, badyaga, ginkgo biloba, a complex of extracts, vitanol.


    Individual intolerance to the components.


    • In the complex therapy of sports and domestic injuries (bruises, sprains of ligaments and joint capsules, hematomas, post-traumatic contractures, during the rehabilitation period);
    • musculoskeletal pain of various origins;
    • as an aid in post-traumatic diseases of the joints and spine;
    • for the purpose of prevention with increased stress on the joints;
    • with muscle tension and fatigue;
    • functional disorders after fracture and dislocation (joint stiffness, muscle changes, scar tissue adhesions).


    Sports balm by Valentin Dikul is a highly effective remedy for external use for small closed (without skin damage) sports and household injuries, developed by Academician Valentin Ivanovich Dikul. According to the Sports Injury Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, out of 100 athletes who won prizes at major international tournaments, 90 along with medals received various injuries. Often people are injured in everyday life: on a walk, when cleaning the house, in the country, during active recreation. Due to the slow regeneration of tissues, injuries are especially dangerous for the elderly.

    The action of Valentin Dikul's Sports Balsam is aimed at activating the recovery processes in damaged tissues. Reducing pain and preventing complications. The natural components of the balm stimulate blood circulation and lymph drainage, improve metabolism in the injured area, relieve inflammation and swelling, prevent the destructive action of free radicals that are intensively formed at the site of injury. Sports balm, created by V. Dikul as a result of many years of practice, will help to quickly get rid of the consequences of injuries, both sports and domestic.

    The most common and frequently occurring injuries are bruises, sprains, dislocations, fractures, microtrauma of muscles and vertebrae, accompanied by pain, swelling and bruising.

    This is a closed soft tissue injury with pain, swelling, and hematoma (bruising). A sports balm containing extracts of badyaga, arnica and medicinal leech will quickly relieve pain, accelerate the resorption of hematoma.

    Sprains, tears of ligaments or muscles

    It is accompanied not only by severe pain, but also by swelling, hemorrhage, and a sharp restriction of movement. The therapeutic components of the balm will reduce pain, relieve swelling, activate the restoration of the walls of blood vessels, and improve blood circulation.

    Dislocations and fractures

    In case of dislocations and fractures, deformation of the joint occurs, violation of the integrity of the articular or bone tissue. In these cases, as well as in case of microtrauma of the vertebrae, Sports Balm will provide effective assistance in the rehabilitation period, accelerate healing, improve tissue nutrition, reduce swelling and pain.

    Muscle pain

    They arise with significant overloads as a result of the accumulation of under-oxidized metabolic products (lactic acid) in the muscles, the action of free radicals, and in severe cases - microtraumas of muscle fibers. Extracts of ginkgo biloba, ginseng and highly effective biostimulant vitanol, contained in the balm, counteract oxidative processes and stimulate blood circulation, prevent the development of muscle ischemia, activate metabolism and excretion of metabolic products, and accelerate healing processes.

    Sports balm Valentin Dikul has a patented system of active penetrating long-acting microcapsules, which serve as a protective shell and a vehicle for the medicinal components of the balm, thanks to which they quickly and without loss enter the lesion and stay there longer than other creams and balms. This allows you to achieve the required concentration of active substances in the injured area and get the maximum effect from the effects of the balm.

    Any injury requires serious attention. Untreated injuries often have long-term negative consequences and can lead to cosmetic defects, post-traumatic arthrosis, joint deformities up to the development of contractures, cause impaired mobility of the joints and spine, and a deterioration in the quality of life.

    Benefits of Sports Balm

    Valentina Dikulya Contains only natural natural ingredients. Has a complex effect on the injured area. Promotes rapid restoration of damaged tissues and improvement of their functional state. Does not contain hormonal and narcotic components. Well tolerated. It can be used for a long time without negative consequences. The effectiveness of the balm is confirmed by clinical practice.

    Dikul's sports balm is an external remedy that is used in traumatology and orthopedics. It is formulated with natural ingredients to improve the condition of ligaments, tendons, joints and spine. Dikul's sports balm accelerates tissue recovery after dislocations, fractures. Vegetable oils and phytoextracts contained in the bioactive additive have a pronounced analgesic, decongestant, regenerating effect.

    During treatment with balm, in rare cases, local allergic reactions occur. But you should definitely consult a doctor. He will determine the individual dosage regimen, supplement the therapeutic regimen with other drugs.

    Valentin Ivanovich Dikul manages medical and rehabilitation centers for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. He took a long time to recover from a severe spinal injury sustained in a fall.

    Having recovered, V. Dikul decided to come to grips with the rehabilitation of people with joint injuries. An extensive therapeutic line of products for the regeneration of soft, cartilaginous, and bone tissues has been developed for them. It includes Sports Balm, which accelerates the restoration of joint mobility, strengthens ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

    Previously, the dietary supplement was used only for injuries of mild and moderate severity. Soon, doctors noted its medicinal properties and began to prescribe it to patients with inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic pathologies. The ingredients of Dikul's balm are characterized by a diverse effect on joints, intervertebral discs, and vertebrae:

    • elimination of extensive hematomas and punctate hemorrhages arising from bruises, sprains of ligaments and (or) muscles;
    • prevention of the spread of inflammatory edema, pressing on the nerve roots;
    • reduction in the severity of painful sensations and itching that appears during the rehabilitation stage;
    • getting rid of morning stiffness of movements in rheumatic and degenerative diseases;
    • increasing the elasticity and strength of all connective tissue structures located near the damaged joints.

    The ingredients of the natural remedy practically do not penetrate into the bloodstream. Therefore, in medical practice, there were no cases of development of systemic adverse reactions. Unlike pharmacological preparations, when using the balm, there is no toxic effect on soft tissues.

    Clinical and pharmacological group

    Dikul's balm is not a pharmacological preparation. It is included in the group of dietary supplements for the rapid restoration of joints and ligamentous-tendon apparatus.

    pharmachologic effect

    The therapeutic effect of the Dikul Sports ointment is based on the healing properties of its herbal ingredients. The components of the balm stimulate blood circulation in the affected tissues, normalize microcirculation. As a result, the cells receive all the necessary nutrients and biologically active substances. The metabolism is significantly accelerated, which contributes to the regeneration of the skin, ligamentous-tendon apparatus.

    When using the tool, other recovery processes are launched:
    • lymph outflow is accelerated, cleansing of tissues from toxins, toxins, inflammation products is activated;
    • the destruction of cells by free radicals is prevented, the concentration of which in the injured areas increases;
    • the migration of leukocytes and macrophages to inflammatory foci decreases, contributing to the resorption of edema;
    • reparative processes in bone tissues and hyaline cartilage are activated;
    • proliferation (reproduction by division) of cells of connective tissue structures is accelerated;
    • granulation and epithelialization of tissues damaged as a result of injury is stimulated;
    • strengthens local immunity, the body's resistance to infectious pathogens.

    The range of motion increases, clicks, crunching when walking, flexion or extension of the joint disappear. Shilajit from the composition of the bioactive additive significantly enhances and prolongs the therapeutic effect of medicinal plants.

    Release form and composition

    Dikul's sports balsam is produced by a Russian pharmaceutical factory. It is packaged in plastic tubes with a volume of 100.0 g. The balm is a transparent gel-like substance with a pleasant aroma.

    The composition of the main ingredients is represented by such bioactive compounds:

    The gel base of the Sports Ointment is formed from NeowaxSE-PF, isopropyl alcohol, sodium dioxide, microcar, carbopol. Dikul's balm also contains water, menthol, sodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate. Additional ingredients accelerate the absorption of active ingredients into pathological foci. They improve the condition of damaged skin by eliminating irritation by trapping moisture in the epidermal layers.

    Storage conditions and periods

    Shelf life of a dietary supplement is 24 months. After breaking the tightness of the tube, the gel-balm should be used for 4-5 weeks. It cannot be used in therapy with the appearance of a foreign smell, a change in color and consistency. The external agent is intended for storage in a dark place at a temperature of 5-25 ° C. Small children should not have access to it.

    Instructions for use

    In the instructions of the Dikul Sports balm, its use is recommended as prescribed by a doctor. The natural remedy is used only during the rehabilitation stage or during the period of remission. It does not contain ingredients that can stop acute inflammatory processes.

    In trauma practice, gel-balm is used as a symptomatic agent. It must be combined with venoprotectors and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Rheumatologists and orthopedists combine Dikul's balm with chondroprotectors, analgesics, glucocorticosteroids.

    Indications and contraindications

    The gel is designed to eliminate injuries sustained at home and during intense sports training. With its help, there is a recovery after sprains (ruptures) of tendons, ligaments and muscles. The natural remedy accelerates the fusion of these connective tissue structures after they are detached from the bone base in the postoperative period. The ingredients of the bioactive supplement promote the resorption of edema and hematomas. Dikul's balm can be used to prevent recurrence of articular pathologies during hypothermia.

    Also, indications for treatment are:
    • osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine;
    • osteoarthritis of large and small joints;
    • rheumatoid, reactive, gouty arthritis;
    • contractures, epicondylitis;
    • tendinitis, tendovaginitis.

    Contraindication to use is individual intolerance to active and auxiliary ingredients. The use of the product for the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women is possible only as directed by a doctor.

    Method of administration and dosage

    Sports balm is suitable for daily use as a therapeutic or prophylactic agent. It is applied in a thin layer to the diseased areas of the body 1-3 times a day and rubbed in lightly. Single and daily doses depend on the size of the injured area or damaged joint. The duration of treatment is not limited.

    Side effects and special instructions

    If the dosage is violated or if there is a hypersensitivity to the ingredients, local allergic reactions occur. In such cases, the use of dietary supplements should be stopped and consulted with a traumatologist, orthopedist, rheumatologist.

    According to the description given in the instructions, Dikul's Sports Balm eliminates almost all the symptoms of articular pathologies. But he is not able to influence the cause of their development. Therefore, if after 2 weeks of course therapy there is no improvement, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis. He will adjust the dosage regimen, select more effective drugs.

    Prices and terms of dispensing from pharmacies

    The bioactive supplement is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription from a doctor. The cost of the Dikul Sports Balsam is about 230 rubles.


    The analogues of Valentin Dikul's Sports Gel-Balm are Travmalgon and Zazhivin from the 911 series, Boro-Plus


    Water, medicinal leech extract, mummy, propolis, sea buckthorn oil, plant extracts: bodyagi, ginkgo biloba, elecampane, chamomile, sage, ginseng, menthol, vitanol, collagen hydrolyzate, D-panthenol.

    Release form

    pharmachologic effect

    Provides effective assistance in the rehabilitation period, accelerates healing, improves tissue nutrition, reduces swelling and pain. Muscle pain occurs with significant overloads as a result of the accumulation of under-oxidized metabolic products (lactic acid) in them, the action of free radicals, and in severe cases - microtraumas of muscle fibers. Ginkgo biloba extracts and the newest biostimulant Vitanol, contained in DIKUL BALM, counteract oxidative processes and stimulate blood circulation, prevent the development of muscle ischemia, activate metabolism and accelerate healing processes.

    Indication for use

    • In complex therapy. Sports and household injuries: Bruises. Sprains of ligaments and joint bags. Hematomas. Post-traumatic contractures.
    • During the rehabilitation period. Musculoskeletal pains of various origins. As an aid in post-traumatic diseases of the joints and spine.
    • For the purpose of prevention with increased stress on the joints. With muscle tension and fatigue.
    • Functional disorders after fracture and dislocation: Joint stiffness. Muscle changes. Scar tissue adhesions.

    Method of administration and dosage

    Apply the balm in a thin layer to the affected skin area for 3 - 5 minutes 3 - 4 times a day. When stretching after applying the balm, apply a fixing bandage.


    Individual intolerance to the components.

    special instructions

    • Contains only natural ingredients.
    • Has a complex effect on the injured area.
    • Promotes rapid restoration of damaged tissues and improvement of their functional state.
    • Does not contain hormonal and narcotic components. Well tolerated.
    • It can be used for a long time without negative consequences. The effectiveness of the balm is confirmed by clinical practice.

    Valentin Dikul is known primarily as a unique weightlifter. For a long time he worked in a circus and delighted the audience with his tricks. In the future, he developed a line of drugs, the action of which is aimed at eliminating problems with the musculoskeletal system.

    Millions of patients have appreciated the effectiveness of the funds. Valentin Dikul devoted a considerable part of his life to the production of ointments and gels, and also developed a unique exercise technique aimed at eliminating pain in the spine.

    Dikul tested each drug on himself. While working in the circus, the athlete received a serious injury and, undoubtedly, was interested in getting to his feet faster and getting rid of pain. Soon all the drugs were actively used by Dikul's colleagues.

    The popularity and demand for balms is due to the natural composition of medicines and high efficiency.

    Each drug is the result of many years of work and scrupulous selection of natural ingredients. The effectiveness of balms and creams is confirmed by clinical trials, which were carried out in the laboratories of the Dikul centers. The testing involved patients with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis of varying severity.

    Valentin Dikul is a supporter of medicine based on natural, natural ingredients. Each drug was included in the composition only after a thorough study of its beneficial properties and effects on the body.

    In his research, Dikul relied on the experience of Tibetan specialists.

    When Valentin Dikul opened his medical centers, the demand for these drugs increased many times over. The production of balms on an industrial scale was established.

    The following medicinal ointments are considered the most popular:

    • For joints;
    • Radikulin;
    • Massage;
    • Sports.

    Each of these balms has been successfully used to treat joint pathologies of various shapes and severity.

    This is a classic remedy in the Dikul line of drugs. Balm action:

    • Pain syndrome disappears;
    • The inflammation is stopped;
    • Puffiness disappears;
    • Toxins and other hazardous waste products are removed from the body;
    • The synthesis of joint fluid is activated;
    • Cartilage is restored.

    An enhanced form of healing ointment - Forte gel, which has a therapeutic effect on the joints and the spinal column. The tool has a powerful complex effect:

    1. Saturates blood and tissues with oxygen, activates blood flow and nutrition, as a result, pain disappears;
    2. Joint mobility is restored, since the synthesis of the necessary fluid is normalized;
    3. Prevention of pathologies of bones and joints.

    The most common causes of back discomfort are diseases such as sciatica, sciatica, and osteochondrosis. In such situations, Radikulin will help to cope with pain. The balm has a complex effect:

    • Relieves pain;
    • Eliminates swelling and puffiness;
    • Activates the movement of lymph, blood flow;
    • Normalizes the condition of the vertebral discs;
    • Cleans the body of toxins;
    • Activates tissue trophism.

    Despite the name, not only athletes can use the balm. The main effect of the drug is to relieve pain caused by bruises and injuries. Also, with the help of a balm, you can significantly improve the condition in case of damage and deformation of tendons and ligaments. The product is used after serious physical exertion to relax tense muscles.

    The positive effect of the drug is observed with stiffness of movements, the presence of scars and degenerative changes in muscle tissue.

    An irreplaceable remedy during the rehabilitation period after the treatment of diseases of the osteoarticular system. An integral part of rehabilitation is massage, the effectiveness of which is increased with the use of Dikul's balm. The active ingredients of the balm penetrate deep into the tissues, enhancing the healing effect. Indications for use:

    • Radiculitis;
    • Neuralgia of various etiologies;
    • Various forms of arthrosis and arthritis;
    • Osteochondrosis;
    • Gout;
    • Myositis;
    • Other articular pathologies and diseases of the spine.

    pharmachologic effect

    All Dikul's drugs have similar pharmacological actions:

    1. Elimination of pain;
    2. Normalization of blood flow;
    3. Normalization of lymph flow;
    4. Normalization of metabolic processes.

    In addition, balms:

    • Stimulates the synthesis of joint fluid;
    • Remove toxins and salts;
    • Cartilage tissue is restored.

    Regular use of ointments completely restores physical activity.


    Herbal remedies are prescribed for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, which are accompanied by discomfort of varying intensity and changes in tissues of a degenerative and dystrophic nature.

    Main indications for use:

    • Osteochondrosis in any part of the spine;
    • Arthritis and arthrosis of various forms and intensities;
    • Myositis;
    • Injuries of varying severity.

    Balms are used both for treatment and prophylactic purposes.

    Action of drugs

    The effectiveness of balms is confirmed by numerous positive patient reviews. Each remedy has a complex effect:

    • Pain dives, it is important with exacerbation of pathology;
    • Eliminates inflammation - this allows you to reduce the intake of anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, which cause many side effects;
    • It activates metabolic processes - this is a key point in the treatment of osteochondrosis, since the cause of pathological processes, as a rule, is such failures.
    • The nutrition of the connective tissue and intervertebral discs is normalized;
    • The likelihood of complications is excluded;
    • Blood flow is normalized - this is a necessary stage in the successful treatment of any form of osteochondrosis;
    • The synthesis of articular fluid and the rate of cartilage regeneration are activated.


    The preparations are based on only natural, natural ingredients. All ingredients are selected in such a way that the effect of the balm is as effective as possible. The most common ingredients that are used to make balms are:

    1. Inflorescences of chamomile, St. John's wort, rose hips, eucalyptus, nettle, celandine, agave - are used as antioxidant components, soothe the skin and eliminate spasms;
    2. Silver enriched water - has a powerful antiseptic effect;
    3. Essential oils - have a disinfectant effect, activate recovery processes, prevent the appearance of allergic reactions;
    4. Oil-based extracts of medicinal plants;
    5. Beekeeping products - eliminate pain, inflammation, activate blood and lymph flow, normalize metabolic processes;
    6. Shilajit is a unique substance, the origin of which is still debated and there is no consensus among scientists, it is rich in the most important biologically active compounds that strengthen the protective properties of the body, accelerate the regeneration process;
    7. Also in the composition of balms there is bear bile, collagen, chaga extract, vitamin complex;
    8. D-panthenol and glycerin - activate metabolic processes, improve the elasticity of the skin and cartilage tissue.

    Mode of application

    Balm for the spine and joints is used not only for therapeutic, but also for prophylactic purposes. The tool effectively prevents the development of diseases and complications caused by the following pathological conditions:

    • Serious physical activity;
    • Weakened immunity;
    • Hypothermia and other colds.

    To solve the problem, the balm is rubbed with strong, energetic movements into the lesions. The duration of the procedure is 3-5 minutes. Frequency - three times a day.

    With an exacerbation of osteochondrosis, the balm is rubbed with massage movements onto the area that causes discomfort for several minutes.

    The frequency of procedures is three times a day. After each procedure, the treated area is insulated with a woolen blanket.

    The duration of therapy should be determined by the doctor, depending on the patient's condition and the form of pathology. On average, treatment is carried out from 1 to 6 weeks.

    Massage balm is used for various joint pathologies and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The agent is applied to the lesion and rubbed in with light movements for seven minutes, then the area is wrapped in a warm blanket. The frequency of the procedure is twice a day. As a rule, significant improvement in the condition occurs on average from 1 to 3 weeks.

    Sports balm not only eliminates the symptoms of sports injuries, but is also quite effective in osteochondrosis and other joint diseases. The effect of the balm is complex:

    • Metabolic processes are normalized;
    • Blood flow is activated;
    • The regeneration processes are activated.

    Regular use helps relieve pain and inflammation. The preparation contains leech extract, which eliminates vascular spasm, as a result, puffiness disappears.

    Sports balm is applied to the lesion and rubbed in for 3 to 5 minutes. The maximum number of procedures is 4 per day.


    According to statistics and patient reviews, all Dikul's balms are well tolerated, therapy is effective and does not cause side effects.

    The only restriction on the use of drugs is individual intolerance to the balm or its separate component.

    In case of allergic reactions, the treatment should be stopped and the remaining cream should be washed off with soap and water.

    Aggravation effect

    It is extremely rare against the background of treatment with Dikul's balms an exacerbation effect occurs. This means that in the first time after the start of therapy, symptoms of osteochondrosis or other pathologies appear. The main symptom is pain syndrome.

    This phenomenon is possible only in the presence of salt deposits. The mechanism of action of the balms is as follows - herbal ingredients have a powerful biological effect, therefore they activate blood flow and metabolic processes.

    A side effect of this effect is the elimination of uric acid stones, which affect the nerve processes and cause discomfort.

    If the patient feels an aggravation, it is necessary to temporarily switch to the use of milder agents.

    Valentin Dikul about the benefits of drugs

    The obvious advantage of all Dikul's balms is the effective relief of discomfort without the use of strong analgesics, which have many side effects.

    Disadvantages of analgesics:

    • They accumulate in the body and are addictive; with prolonged therapy, it becomes difficult to stop the pain syndrome;
    • The drugs do not eliminate the cause of the pathology, even after the course of treatment, the destruction of intervertebral discs and cartilage continues;
    • Serious side effects occur.

    Dikul's balms affect the cause of the disease - this is their fundamental difference from analgesics. Natural, natural ingredients normalize metabolic processes, activate blood flow. Thanks to this, pain syndrome, swelling, inflammation disappear. Recovery is faster, the vertebrae and intervertebral discs return to normal.

    The obvious advantage of Dikul's balms is absolute safety for the gastrointestinal tract.

    Almost all pain relievers have a negative effect on the stomach and digestive organs. As a result of long-term therapy, side effects such as ulcers and gastric bleeding may occur.

    The use of a balm does not give such a quick result as taking analgesics, but at the same time, the patient is guaranteed not to have side effects and unwanted consequences. In addition, the positive result from plant-based balms is more persistent and long-lasting.

    1. Try to walk daily;
    2. Avoid hypothermia, stressful situations and colds;
    3. Watch your weight, extra pounds are the main enemy of joint health;
    4. Stick to the principles of good nutrition;
    5. Exercise regularly - stretch your back muscles, swing your abs and stretch your spine;
    6. Avoid sudden movements, do not lift heavy things.

    The course of treatment is quite long, the balm must be used for one and a half months. It is imperative to get rid of bad habits and monitor your health.

    Even the fact that the composition of the balm is herbal does not allow the patient to self-medicate. For pain in joints or muscles, you need to visit a doctor, undergo an examination and, based on the results of diagnostics, receive an appointment from a specialist. In some clinical cases, treatment with balm alone may be ineffective and require drug support with other drugs.