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  • Sports balm of Valentin Dikul: detailed instructions and recommendations for use, composition, review of analogues, prices and reviews. All about the benefits of balm dikul and its use Dikul balm sports

    Sports balm of Valentin Dikul: detailed instructions and recommendations for use, composition, review of analogues, prices and reviews. All about the benefits of balm dikul and its use Dikul balm sports

    Sports balm by Valentin Dikul is a highly effective remedy for external use for small closed (without skin damage) sports and household injuries, developed by Academician Valentin Ivanovich Dikul. According to the Sports Injury Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, out of 100 athletes who won prizes at major international tournaments, 90 along with medals received various injuries. Often people are injured in everyday life: on a walk, when cleaning the house, in the country, during active recreation. Due to the slow regeneration of tissues, injuries are especially dangerous for the elderly. The effect of the balm is aimed at activating the recovery processes in damaged tissues. Reducing pain and preventing complications. The natural components of the balm stimulate blood circulation and lymph drainage, improve metabolism in the injured area, relieve inflammation and swelling, prevent the destructive action of free radicals that are intensively formed at the site of injury. Sports balm, created by V. Dikul as a result of many years of practice, will help to quickly get rid of the consequences of injuries, both sports and domestic.

    Brand name

    Release form


    Water, liposomal-emulsion complex No. 3 (stearic acid, emulsion wax Neowax, glycerin, vegetable oil, anhydrous lanolin, propylene glycol, microcar IT, nimesulide, sodium hydroxide, antioxidant Grindox), sea buckthorn oil, tea tree extract, sage extract, extract chamomile, aloe extract, propolis extract, ginseng extract, elecampane extract, menthol, ginkgo biloba extract, mummy, piyavit, vitanol, badyaga, collagen hydrolyzate, D - panthenol, lanolin, DMP microcar, perfume composition).

    Dosage form

    gel for external use


    For diseases of ODA


    Fora Pharm, Russia


    Water, liposomal-emulsion complex No. 3 (stearic acid, emulsion wax Neowax, glycerin, vegetable oil, anhydrous lanolin, propylene glycol, microcar IT, nimesulide, sodium hydroxide, antioxidant Grindox), sea buckthorn oil, tea tree extract, sage extract, extract chamomile, aloe extract, propolis extract, ginseng extract, elecampane extract, menthol, ginkgo biloba extract, mummy, piyavit, vitanol, badyaga, collagen hydrolyzate, D - panthenol, lanolin, DMP microcar, perfume composition).


    Leech extract - activates vascular blood flow, improves capillary-tissue metabolism, has an angiospastic effect, relieves swelling of nerve roots, improves tissue trophism, helps soften connective tissue growths and remove salt deposits.

    Shilajit is one of the most powerful biostimulants, activates reparative processes in the tissues of bones and joints, reduces pain, is an effective synergist, several times enhancing the effect of medicinal plants.

    Propolis and tea tree oil - have pronounced antibacterial properties, stimulate immune defense, prevent infection and the development of purulent complications.

    Sea buckthorn oil - promotes skin regeneration without scarring.

    Badiaga is a freshwater sponge, has a unique resorbable and bactericidal effect, promotes rapid resorption of bruises and bruises, accelerates the healing of bruises.

    Ginkgo biloba - improves blood circulation (including capillary), actively promotes the resorption of hematomas and reduces edema.

    Complex of extracts - significantly accelerates regenerative processes, improves microcirculation at the site of application, stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, prevents the formation of cosmetic defects.

    Vitanol is a new generation biostimulant, activates the healing processes of damaged tissues, increases the protective properties of the skin.

    Active ingredients

    Medicinal leech extract, mummy, propolis, tea tree oil, sea buckthorn oil, badyaga, ginkgo biloba, a complex of extracts, vitanol.


    Individual intolerance to the components.


    • In the complex therapy of sports and domestic injuries (bruises, sprains of ligaments and joint capsules, hematomas, post-traumatic contractures, during the rehabilitation period);
    • musculoskeletal pain of various origins;
    • as an aid in post-traumatic diseases of the joints and spine;
    • for the purpose of prevention with increased stress on the joints;
    • with muscle tension and fatigue;
    • functional disorders after fracture and dislocation (joint stiffness, muscle changes, scar tissue adhesions).


    Sports balm by Valentin Dikul is a highly effective remedy for external use for small closed (without skin damage) sports and household injuries, developed by Academician Valentin Ivanovich Dikul. According to the Sports Injury Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, out of 100 athletes who won prizes at major international tournaments, 90 along with medals received various injuries. Often people are injured in everyday life: on a walk, when cleaning the house, in the country, during active recreation. Due to the slow regeneration of tissues, injuries are especially dangerous for the elderly.

    The action of Valentin Dikul's Sports Balsam is aimed at activating the recovery processes in damaged tissues. Reducing pain and preventing complications. The natural components of the balm stimulate blood circulation and lymph drainage, improve metabolism in the injured area, relieve inflammation and swelling, prevent the destructive action of free radicals that are intensively formed at the site of injury. Sports balm, created by V. Dikul as a result of many years of practice, will help to quickly get rid of the consequences of injuries, both sports and domestic.

    The most common and frequently occurring injuries are bruises, sprains, dislocations, fractures, microtrauma of muscles and vertebrae, accompanied by pain, swelling and bruising.

    This is a closed soft tissue injury with pain, swelling, and hematoma (bruising). A sports balm containing extracts of badyaga, arnica and medicinal leech will quickly relieve pain, accelerate the resorption of hematoma.

    Sprains, tears of ligaments or muscles

    It is accompanied not only by severe pain, but also by swelling, hemorrhage, and a sharp restriction of movement. The therapeutic components of the balm will reduce pain, relieve swelling, activate the restoration of the walls of blood vessels, and improve blood circulation.

    Dislocations and fractures

    In case of dislocations and fractures, deformation of the joint occurs, violation of the integrity of the articular or bone tissue. In these cases, as well as in case of microtrauma of the vertebrae, Sports Balm will provide effective assistance in the rehabilitation period, accelerate healing, improve tissue nutrition, reduce swelling and pain.

    Muscle pain

    They arise with significant overloads as a result of the accumulation of under-oxidized metabolic products (lactic acid) in the muscles, the action of free radicals, and in severe cases - microtraumas of muscle fibers. Extracts of ginkgo biloba, ginseng and highly effective biostimulant vitanol, contained in the balm, counteract oxidative processes and stimulate blood circulation, prevent the development of muscle ischemia, activate metabolism and excretion of metabolic products, and accelerate healing processes.

    Sports balm Valentin Dikul has a patented system of active penetrating long-acting microcapsules, which serve as a protective shell and a vehicle for the medicinal components of the balm, thanks to which they quickly and without loss enter the lesion and stay there longer than other creams and balms. This allows you to achieve the required concentration of active substances in the injured area and get the maximum effect from the effects of the balm.

    Any injury requires serious attention. Untreated injuries often have long-term negative consequences and can lead to cosmetic defects, post-traumatic arthrosis, joint deformities up to the development of contractures, cause impaired mobility of the joints and spine, and a deterioration in the quality of life.

    Benefits of Sports Balm

    Valentina Dikulya Contains only natural natural ingredients. Has a complex effect on the injured area. Promotes rapid restoration of damaged tissues and improvement of their functional state. Does not contain hormonal and narcotic components. Well tolerated. It can be used for a long time without negative consequences. The effectiveness of the balm is confirmed by clinical practice.

    Hello my dear ones! Dikul's balm is a classic of medicines in the treatment of diseased joints. It is impossible to say that this is a miracle remedy and after the first application you will feel relief and forget about joint pain.

    But if you apply it regularly for several months, then the effect will definitely be. I had a visible result after a couple of months. I believe that everything he helps, his composition is good, there are many natural ingredients that should help.

    Therefore, the balm is always kept in the home medicine cabinet. Fortunately, it can be bought at any pharmacy and is inexpensive. One of the disadvantages of this drug is its specific smell.


    The attractiveness of Dikul's balm lies in its predominantly natural composition. It is represented by the following components:

    • silver ionized water;
    • D-panthenol;
    • collagen hydrolyzate;
    • lanolin;
    • glycerol;
    • vitamin A;
    • tocopherol;
    • vitanol;
    • mummy;
    • bear bile;
    • beekeeping products - wax, bee venom, propolis;
    • chaga extract;
    • vegetable oils of sea buckthorn, tea tree;
    • oil extracts of rose hips, celandine, nettle, ginkgo biloba, chamomile, aloe;
    • preservatives.

    The combination of all these ingredients ensures the effectiveness of the balm. Each component plays a role:

    • water ionized with silver attracts with a disinfecting effect;
    • vegetable oils accelerate healing, reduce the risk of complications;
    • plant extracts eliminate spasms, have a calming effect on the skin, relieve inflammation and pain;
    • collagen, glycerin and D-panthenol improve cell metabolism, skin elasticity, accelerate the regeneration of cartilage structures.

    One of the types of Dikul's balm - Tibetan - is also intended for joints. Its composition is represented by the following components:

    • bee venom;
    • mummy;
    • menthol;
    • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil;
    • vitamin A;
    • tocopherol;
    • plant extracts of echinacea, plantain, sage, dandelion;
    • oil extracts of ginkgo biloba, pine, ginseng, aloe vera, fireweed, astragalus, ginger;
    • collagen hydrolyzate;
    • chondroitin sulfate;
    • glucosamine hydrochloride;
    • isopropyl alcohol;
    • propylene glycol.

    For articular pathologies, Dikul's massage balm is also used. Its composition is similar to the classic balm:

    • fats - bearish, badger;
    • beekeeping products - wax, propolis;
    • mummy;
    • chaga extract;
    • D-panthenol;
    • collagen hydrolyzate;
    • vegetable oils of sea buckthorn, cedar, olive, linseed;
    • oil extracts of chamomile, cinquefoil, eucalyptus, golden root, St. John's wort, red pepper.

    What are the effects of this remedy?

    Based on the many positive reviews about the use of the ointment for pathologies of the joints and spine, the tool has the following effects:

    • anesthesia;
    • anti-inflammatory action;
    • normalizes metabolic processes in the structures of the joints and spine (improves their nutrition);
    • helps to improve blood circulation in the body;
    • improves the regenerating capacity of cartilage structures and normalizes the production of inter-articular fluid.

    Varieties of Dikul's balms, their effect

    There are several types of Dikul's balm:

    • Forte for use in the spine and joints;
    • Tibetan (for deep impact);
    • Sports;
    • Radikulin;
    • massage balm;
    • Maral antlers;
    • Bearish.

    The balm provides the following action:

    • acceleration of resorption of the focus of inflammation;
    • restoration of motor functions in case of joint injuries: bruises, sprains, dislocations, fractures;
    • anesthesia;
    • improvement of blood microcirculation;
    • increased blood supply and lymph currents;
    • activation of material exchange;
    • promoting the production of synovial fluid;
    • removal of salt deposits;
    • activation of regeneration processes in cartilaginous structures;
    • prevention of diseases affecting the joints: radiculitis, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis.

    Different types of Dikul's balm have some differences in composition and are adapted to solve certain problems. The effects of the varieties of the healing agent are as follows:

    • Tibetan balm relieves muscle spasm and inflammation, locally activates blood circulation, and prevents the deposition of salts.
    • Radikulin is used in the treatment of sciatica and for the prevention of its exacerbations. The remedy reduces pain, relieves inflammation of the nerve roots, activates blood supply and metabolism in the affected area, relaxes muscles. The balm also stimulates local immunity and increases the level of antioxidant protection.
    • Deer Antlers balm reduces pain, eliminates inflammation and swelling of nerve roots, relaxes muscles, enhances blood circulation and metabolic processes in the affected area, stimulates local immune defense.
    • Bear balm relieves pain, activates metabolism and blood supply in the affected area, eliminates inflammation and swelling of nerve roots, accelerates tissue renewal and slows down changes in degenerative-dystrophic nature.
    • Massage balm is used during massage. Its components penetrate the tissues, enhancing the effectiveness of the procedures. Such a remedy is actively used to recover from injuries, as well as for various articular pathologies.
    • Sports balm is used for sports or household injuries, if they are not accompanied by damage to the skin. The balm activates the recovery process in the affected tissues, reduces pain, relieves swelling and inflammation, stimulates blood microcirculation and lymph flow, and improves metabolism.

    To overcome illnesses and feel comfortable, you need to change your lifestyle. The use of balms and the rejection of bad habits give a faster and more stable result than with occasional use.

    In case of back illnesses, it is not recommended to make sudden movements; when bending, it is necessary to hold onto any support. During this period, Radikulin is used. It is important to regularly do a special set of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles and exercises to stretch the spinal column.

    It is recommended not to stay in one position for a very long time. You can self-massage the sore joint on your own (instructions for how to do it can be obtained from a professional physiotherapist or masseur), while it is best to use Dikul's Tibetan balm.

    It is necessary to get rid of excess weight and try to balance nutrition to normalize metabolism. Spend more time outdoors, swim, walk actively. To carry out preventive measures to prevent hypothermia and colds. Try to avoid stressful situations.

    The use of fortified complexes to increase immunity and Valentin Dikul's balms, have a complex effect on sore joints and problem areas. For example, radiculin is used for severe low back pain.

    It is recommended to carry out a complete examination of the body to detect diseases of the osteoarticular system and timely take preventive measures. Competent use of ointments and classical drug treatment will help restore the normal functioning of the joints and the spinal column. For today, everyone, dear readers, share in the comments what balms, ointments or creams you use to treat joints and spine.

    Indications for use

    Dikul's balm can be used for various joint diseases. The tool is effective for their treatment and prevention. The indications for its use are as follows:

    • arthritis;
    • arthrosis;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • gout;
    • radiculitis;
    • neuralgic pain;
    • myositis;
    • injuries in the joints: bruises, sprains, dislocations, fractures.

    For prophylactic purposes, the balm is used for chronic diseases of the joints to prevent their exacerbation. This approach is necessary for certain risk factors: hypothermia, high load, overvoltage, various diseases, decreased immunity.

    How much does the balm cost

    The drug can be purchased freely at the pharmacy. No recipe is required for this. Release form: tubes of 75 ml. The cost of the balm ranges from 145 to 170 rubles.

    From the above, we can conclude that articular disorders after a certain age are present in every person. Here it is important not to miss the onset of the disease, but to stop it in the very "embryo".

    Basically, reviews of Dikul's balm are positive, but it does not follow that this drug is the only and reliable remedy for joint diseases. With a competent approach to the problem and following all the doctor's recommendations, the balm will definitely help restore the affected tissues.

    Instructions for use

    Any Dikul's balm should be used only externally. Features of the use of the medicinal composition depend on its purpose:

    • For arthritis, arthrosis or gout, the balm is used 2-3 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course can be 0.5-1.5 months. The product must be applied with intense circular motions, rubbing into the affected areas for several minutes. After processing the skin with a balm, it is necessary to wrap it with a woolen cloth.
    • During periods of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, with the appearance of pain of neuralgic origin, the treatment of the affected areas with balm is also performed 2-3 times a day. Movements should be light and massaging - they should be performed within two minutes. After treating the affected areas, cover them with a woolen cloth. The duration of the therapeutic course in such cases is at least a week and can take up to 1.5 months.
    • The balm is effectively used to prevent exacerbation of articular pathologies under the influence of certain factors. In this case, the treatment of skin areas at risk is performed 2-3 times a day for 3 minutes. The duration of use in this case depends on the duration of the risk factors and the possibility of their elimination.

    For various articular pathologies, it is necessary to consult a doctor. For the treatment or prevention of exacerbations of such diseases, an integrated approach is often required, which only a specialist can competently think over.

    The massage cream can be used for medical procedures or rubbed into the affected areas on your own at home. This should be done twice a day. Application features depend on the disease:

    • Osteochondrosis, radiculitis or neuralgic pain in case of exacerbation is treated within 1-3 weeks. The balm should be applied to the affected areas within 7 minutes, making light massage movements.
    • Arthritis, arthrosis or gout is treated within 0.5-1 months. The balm is applied by intensive rubbing into the affected areas for 10 minutes, making massage-type movements.
    • In any case, after applying the drug, the treated area must be wrapped with a woolen cloth.


    Valentina, Moscow

    I always keep Dikul's Sports Balsam in my home medicine cabinet. It helps with bruises, heaviness in the legs, bruises, edema. Painful sensations disappear immediately after applying the drug.

    Galina, Krasnoyarsk

    With the help of Dikul's Sports Balsam, I prevent attacks of cervical osteochondrosis. I apply it at the first sign - stiffness of movements and weak painful sensations.

    Sports balm Dikul (review) from 200 rubles
    Overall rating
    • Efficiency
    • Safety
    • Availability


    • Natural composition
    • Efficiency


    • Smell

    Contraindications, side effects

    An absolute contraindication for the use of Dikul's balm is an individual intolerance to any of its components. Side effects have not been identified with the use of the drug, but in case of hypersensitivity to any of its components, an allergic reaction is possible. It usually manifests itself as local symptoms:

    • irritation;
    • redness of the skin;
    • local edema in the area of \u200b\u200bapplication of the product;
    • hives;
    • burning;
    • peeling.

    Do not apply the balm to damaged skin areas. Some components of the product (especially the red pepper in the massage balm) can irritate even minor scratches.

    If you develop an allergic reaction to the drug, you should stop taking it and consult your doctor. In case of individual intolerance to any component in the composition, another option for treatment should be selected.

    Due to the risk of an allergic reaction, a trial test should be carried out before the first use of the balm. To do this, a small amount of the product is applied to the elbow bend and the reaction is monitored throughout the day - if there are no negative consequences, then you can safely use the balm for its intended purpose.

    A bit of history

    From childhood, the author loved the circus, when he became a teenager, he himself took part in performances in the circus arena, showed various tricks with tricks. When he was performing an acrobatic program, there was a break in the safety line. The guy fell from a fifteen-meter height. The doctors gave a disappointing prognosis, saying that a compression fracture of the spine would lead to disability.

    But Dikul did not agree with this opinion, he started developing a rehabilitation program, then recovered, began to live fully and returned to the circus arena. The author decided to support his well-being only with natural ingredients. So, the first remedy appeared. Dikul first tested this balm on himself, then offered it to his friends.

    The drug turned out to have a pronounced healing effect, it helped circus artists well to recover from injury caused by professional activity. After 10 years, the balm has become more perfect, it was officially clinically tested on patients in the rehabilitation centers of Dikul, which he opened and headed in our capital.

    Drug action

    Dikul's balms, creams and ointments are very effective in the treatment of joint diseases. Due to the presence of the above components in them, these drugs:

    • Helps relieve joint pain.
    • They have a decongestant effect.
    • Salt deposits are removed, which is important for osteochondrosis.
    • Relieve inflammation in the affected joint.
    • Promote the formation of joint fluid.
    • They activate the process of cartilage tissue regeneration.
    • Facilitates mobility.
    • Promotes the activation of metabolism.
    • Increase the circulation of blood and lymph.
    • The formation of synovial fluid is normalized.

    As a result, the patient's movements are greatly facilitated with regular use of a balm or cream.

    Why does the pain sometimes get worse after applying the balm?

    Sometimes, when using Dikul's balms, patients note an aggravation of pain in the area of \u200b\u200bapplication. This is evidenced by the negative reviews of patients about the use of the drug. This is due to the fact that the patient has a lot of salt deposits in the body. The active substances of the ointment help to enhance metabolic processes and blood circulation in the affected area. As a result of these effects, the excretion of uric acid salts is enhanced, which irritate the endings of nerve fibers, causing increased pain. If such a reaction of the body occurs, you should temporarily stop using this balm, switch to more gentle means (for example, a remedy based on the poison of bees "Sophia").


    The presence of active and effective substances among the components of Dikul's balm has a powerful healing effect on the musculoskeletal system. Effects of undergoing treatment:

    • The inflammation disappears.
    • Pain relieves.
    • Blood circulation and lymph outflow are activated.
    • Metabolism improves.

    • The degradation of the intra-articular cartilage stops.
    • The production of synovial fluid is optimized.
    • Local immunity and tissue regeneration increase.
    • The duration of the treatment course with medicines is reduced.
    • The negative consequences of prolonged use of prescribed medications are leveled.

    It is allowed to use Dikul's balm for women during pregnancy. A contraindication is an allergy to any ingredient. People who have used Dikul's balm write reviews about the disappearance of pain, an increase in the range of motion, removal of edema and inflammation. You need to understand that in the advanced stage of the disease, external agents are powerless, so treatment should be started as early as possible.

    general description

    The foci of inflammation in the joints lead to pain and significantly reduce a person's performance. If you do not start treatment on time and leave everything as it is, the disease will progress and serious complications will arise.

    To heal from joint ailments, people are often prescribed Dikul's balm, which was developed to treat injuries and diseases of the spine.

    Dikul's balm consists of natural components and it is able to repair damaged tissues and improve blood circulation.

    Patient opinion

    Reviews of people who use Dikul's balm for the treatment of osteochondrosis make it possible to really assess its effectiveness.

    I have had problems with pain in the spine for a long time. What have I not tried: pills, ointments, physiotherapy. It cannot be said that they did not help, but from the painkillers my stomach started to ache, and there was no time for physical therapy. My doctor told me about Dikul's balm. I decided to try it - and for three years now I forgot about the attacks and threw out the pills that had become unnecessary. Irina, Tyumen

    A homeopath I know advised me to use the balm. He said that he would not only relieve severe pain, but also help return to sports. The fact is that I had to quit classes precisely because of osteochondrosis. It was hard to believe, but I decided to give it a try. He began to lubricate the lower back twice a day. This is not to say that the problem was solved very quickly, but it was solved - and this is the main thing. Now I use Dikul's balm only for prophylaxis: I forgot about pain for a long time. Igor, Moscow

    Effective ointments for osteochondrosis

    Have you been trying to heal JOINTS for many years?

    Head of the Institute for Joint Treatment: “You will be amazed at how easy it is to heal your joints every day ...

    Short-term back pain is often overlooked. But even mild pain signals a gradual decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs.

    Due to the inattention to the state of the spine, destructive processes in the cartilaginous tissue are rapidly gaining momentum, individual segments of the spinal column lose mobility and gradually "pinch" the intervertebral disc.

    The pain becomes permanent, and the first "panacea" from it usually becomes an ointment for osteochondrosis.

    What is the advantage of ointments over other drugs for osteochondrosis?

    Most of the "representatives" of the topical drug group practically do not harm the digestive organs, quickly block inflammation and relax tense muscles, mobilizing the "pillar of life" and preparing it for subsequent treatment with movement. There are also ointments that prevent further destruction of cartilage tissue and stimulate its regeneration.

    However, without the help of a doctor, it is quite difficult to choose an ointment for the treatment of osteochondrosis: the pharmaceutical industry today offers at least 6 varieties of drugs of various types.

    Therefore, the best ointment for osteochondrosis is the one prescribed by the doctor.

    We offer an introductory tour of the main categories of topical drugs used in osteochondrosis.

    What ointments to use for osteochondrosis?

    Medicines for pain and inflammation

    The composition of ointments with the most pronounced analgesic effect necessarily includes one of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in the presence of which, in the area to which the ointment is applied, the main culprits of inflammation and pain, prostaglandins, are quickly suppressed.

    Excipients (often essential oils), which are usually part of anesthetic ointments, somewhat warm up the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bapplication of the drug, help to relax spasmodic muscles of the spine and accelerate blood flow to the "sagging" vertebrae.

    The most effective representatives of this group:

    • With ketoprofen content: Fastum and Bystrum gel, Finalgel;
    • With diclofenac content: Voltaren emulgel, Dicloberl 75;
    • With nimesulide content: Nise and Nimulide gels;
    • With ibuprofen content: Nurofen gel, Dolgit cream, Ibuprofen ointment.

    Anesthetic ointments are indispensable for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, a prolonged muscle spasm of which threatens cerebral circulation.

    You can enhance the efficacy of pain medicine by wrapping your neck with a warm scarf (for cervical osteochondrosis), or wearing a dog hair belt for lumbar osteochondrosis.

    The people were taken aback! Joints will heal in 3 days! Attach ...

    Few people know, but this is what heals joints in 7 days!

    Features of the use of warming ointments

    The chemical active of drugs of this group contains components that irritate skin receptors, most often nicoboxil.

    Irritating and heating the skin surface, nicoboxil causes a slight increase in temperature at the site of application of the ointment, activating metabolism in the diseased segments of the spine.

    By accelerating blood flow, back pain, and with it stiffness, quickly recedes.

    The most effective warming ointments for osteochondrosis:

    • Finalgon;
    • Capsicum;
    • Turpentine ointment;
    • Nicoflus.

    It is not recommended to use warming ointments for osteochondrosis in the evening: the tonic effect of their active ingredients can cause insomnia.

    It is necessary to apply the ointment in dosage - its excessive amount causes intolerable burning sensation on the skin. Excess funds can be removed with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil.

    A complex approach

    Often, with osteochondrosis, Dolobene and Fitobene ointments are prescribed. The presence of dimethyl sulfoxide in their composition, which has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects, facilitates the delivery of other components of the ointment:

    • heparin, which prevents thrombus formation and inhibits the activity of hyaluronidase - an enzyme that destroys the polymers of the intra-articular "lubricating fluid" - hyaluronic acid;
    • dexpanthenol - a vitamin-like substance that promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues.

    The tandem of the medicinal components of the ointments allows you to stop the pain syndrome and avoid thrombosis of the subcutaneous capillaries that feed the cartilage tissue; facilitate the microcirculation of blood through them, and, ultimately, promote the regeneration of tissues of the intervertebral discs.

    Are hondoprotective ointments effective?

    Preparations based on chondroitin and glucosamine help to replenish the "building material" of cartilage and tendon-ligamentous apparatus of the spine. A good chondoprotective ointment for osteochondrosis increases the strength of the connective tissues of the spine.

    Read all the details of the action of chondroprotectors on cartilage tissue here ...

    Glucosamine is as important for connective tissue as bread flour is. This representative of the class of amino sugars does not provide energy, but goes to the formation of connective tissues of cartilage, ligaments, tendons, joint fluid and even valves of the heart and tissues of other organs.

    Chondroitin retains water in the thickness of the cartilage and forms "water cushions" in its cavity - a kind of shock absorbers that absorb shocks. In addition, the action of chondroitin is aimed at suppressing the inflammatory process. Also, this high molecular weight polysaccharide inhibits enzymes that destroy connective tissue.

    Faced with such a disease as osteochondrosis, many patients, choosing a chondoprotective ointment, ask themselves: which one is better? After all, severe tissue edema, characteristic of exacerbated osteochondrosis, makes it difficult to deliver chondoprotectors to the destination. Pharmacists have solved this problem by adding anti-inflammatory components to the external correctors of bone and cartilage tissue metabolism:

    • In the asset of Chondroart ointment there are two anti-inflammatory components - diclofenac and dimethyl sulfoxide. Having quickly coped with inflammation, they facilitate the penetration of chondroitin sulfate, which slows down the progression of osteochondrosis;
    • The therapeutic composition of Honda cream-ointment is ideal for massage with osteochondrosis. In addition to chondroitin and glucosamine, Honda contains hyaluronic acid, which suppresses the degeneration of intervertebral cartilage, provitamin B5, which stimulates the regeneration of cartilage cells, as well as essential oils - eucalyptus, juniper, lemon, thyme, lavender, fir, mint, rosemary and cloves;
    • Chondroxide Forte and Chondroxide Maximum. The first drug, in addition to chondroitin sodium sulfate, contains two anti-inflammatory components - dimethyl sulfoxide and meloxicam, and therefore is recommended in the presence of pain. The chondoprotective properties of the second drug are based on the action of glucosamine sulfate. It is best used when the inflammatory process has subsided.

    Homeopathic, massage and homemade ointments for osteochondrosis

    It is not at all necessary that gels and ointments capable of "taming" osteochondrosis should be made from synthetic components. Local remedies from natural raw materials of plant and mineral origin (Zhivokost, Sabelnik, Traumeel S, Zel T), or made on the basis of bee or snake venom (Artrocin gel, Virapin, Vipratox), are no less effective in the treatment of inflammatory-dystrophic diseases of the spine.

    The only thing to beware of when using them is the development of an allergic reaction to the healing contents of the tube.

    An ointment that helps with osteochondrosis can be used for massage. So, Dikul's balsams containing silver ions, mummy, sea buckthorn and Australian ebony essential oils, oil extracts from aloe, rose hips, ginkgo biloba and other medicinal plants, beekeeping products, have not only an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, but also set the start of a normal course metabolic processes in the intervertebral discs. And all this during a pleasant relaxing, or vice versa, tonic massage.

    You can prepare an ointment for osteochondrosis at home: melt 150 grams of internal fat and 2 tablespoons in a water bath. beeswax. While stirring, heat the mixture for another 20 minutes. After this time, remove from heat and add 1 tbsp. ammonia (do not inhale!). Rub a sufficient amount of the cooled mixture into the "problem" areas of the back and create a thermal effect with a warm handkerchief. Store the remaining mass in the refrigerator. This recipe is very useful for those who suffer from osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

    You will find another ointment recipe in the video:

    A few words about contraindications

    Like any medicine, local remedies for osteochondrosis are not devoid of side effects.

    You should be especially careful with drugs that contain NSAIDs - the risk of various reactions from the digestive system, especially in persons prone to gastric bleeding, still remains.

    The selection of a local remedy for osteochondrosis for expectant and lactating mothers should be extremely balanced: only a doctor can assess the ratio of benefits to the mother and the risk to the fetus / child!

    Allergy sufferers should not get carried away by homeopathic ointments and gels for osteochondrosis: some of their components, such as bee or snake venom, can cause an immediate, life-threatening allergic reaction.

    Therefore, follow the doctor's instructions and be healthy!

    When problems arise with the musculoskeletal system - the spine or limbs - a person is ready to trust any treatment, just to achieve a result. This is especially true for severe, neglected forms of degenerative lesions, with pain and serious impairment of motor activity. In such a situation, the best treatment seems to be the one that demonstrates visual, impressive results. These include the method of Valentin Dikul.

    Valentin Dikul's technique

    Many people know about this person, especially those who have faced diseases of the spine on their own experience. Valentin Dikul is a circus actor who was immobilized due to a spinal cord injury at a young age. This is a person who was treated for a long time and unsuccessfully with all kinds of methods of traditional medicine, and the result was the first group of disabilities.

    Dikul's developments first of all helped him get on his feet, and then eased the fate of many other patients. What is their peculiarity and uniqueness? What diseases does this gymnastics help with?


    It can be recommended as the main method of treatment in the initial stages of spinal osteochondrosis. If degenerative changes have gone too far, with the formation of intervertebral protrusions, Dikul's gymnastics is part of complex therapy as a type of physiotherapy exercises.

    Author's exercises can be used for lesions of the cervical, thoracic or lumbosacral regions. Each localization has its own, individually developed complex. But osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias are not the only indication for treatment according to the Dikul method.

    Posture disorders, curvature of the spine, scoliosis also require exercise therapy, especially if they are accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms.

    Dikul's exercises are an excellent preventive measure. They are recommended for people whose work is associated with monotonous loads, mainly in a sitting or standing position. The author has developed special complexes for office workers and drivers.

    Underdeveloped back muscles are also an indication for exercise. Strengthening this muscle group, creating a kind of corset will help maintain the stability of the spinal column and ease the patient's condition.

    Does a healthy person need gymnastics? Yes. With age, the risk of degenerative diseases of the spine increases, and inappropriate nutrition, poor ecology, and inactivity exacerbate the situation. The sooner preventive gymnastics begins, the longer a person will not know about back pain, problems with arms or legs, and joint stiffness.

    What are the principles of Valentin Dikul's methodology?

    Principles of the method

    The principles of Dikul's technique are similar to those in conventional physiotherapy exercises. But still, they require more perseverance, perseverance, dedication from patients. According to the author, no one is able to help a person more than he himself. Not a single simulator, not a single unique development will cure a patient from an illness, if there is no desire for it.

    Dikul's technique is based on the following principles:

    1. Gradual transition from easy exercises to more difficult ones. At first, the author's gymnastics seems too simple to many. It doesn’t require any special load, strength or flexibility. Having quickly mastered the initial complex, patients have a desire to complicate the task. However, this is the wrong approach. It is necessary to prepare the muscles of the back and the spine for increasing loads and this should be done gradually.
    2. Self-control. The author pays special attention to this principle. This is probably due to the fact that it was strict and even tough self-control that helped Valentin Dikul to get back on his feet. When performing exercises, it is necessary to observe the regularity and dose the load, monitor the state of health, pulse and blood pressure. If you feel unwell, unwell, or have a cold, gymnastics should be temporarily abandoned.
    3. Strict adherence to the rules. If the patient decides to practice according to the Dikul method, it is impossible to independently change the number of repetitions of exercises and approaches. It is also important to follow the correct sequence. You can increase the load if the gymnastics seems too easy, but the exercises should be performed in strict accordance with the program.

    What exercises are indicated in the early stages of degenerative lesions and curvature of the spine?


    The author has developed many different exercises. They are aimed at combating osteochondrosis and hernias at all levels of the spine - cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral. A complex has also been developed separately to strengthen the muscles of the entire back and abdomen.

    Intervertebral hernia is a pathology that requires a careful approach when practicing physiotherapy exercises. In Dikul's gymnastics, there are special exercises that improve the well-being of patients with such diseases.

    A set of exercises for solving problems of the cervical spine is of great practical importance. At this level of the spine, there are vessels that provide blood circulation in the brain. Cervical gymnastics can relieve a person from excruciating headaches, dizziness, and mnestic disorders. However, this complex is not difficult even for beginners. However, it has its own characteristics. Neck gymnastics is performed using a special loop.

    Cervical spine treatment

    You can make the neck loop yourself. The top part can be a regular hanger, which is attached with a rubber bandage in the right place, and the loop itself is held by its side parts. Thanks to this device, you can perform the following exercises:

    • Lying on your back, you need to place the loop in the chin and head area. The tension on the rubber band should be moderate to feel the pull. The head rises smoothly, and the chin tries to press against the chest. Jerks, sudden movements are unacceptable. This is followed by the same smooth return to the starting position. For beginners, you need to complete one approach (8 repetitions) to the right and left. The exercise is performed regularly and after a month the number of approaches increases to three.
    • The position of the body and the loop is the same, the rubber bandage is securely fixed. The head alternately bends smoothly to the right and left shoulder and is held in this position for 3-4 s, after which it returns to its original position. The exercise must be performed in 3 cycles of 8 repetitions.
    • The situation is the same. The head turns smoothly to one side, and the chin stretches to the shoulder and is held in this position for 2–4 s, after which it comes back. Then the head turns in the opposite direction. First, you need to perform this exercise for 8 turns in one direction and the other. Over the course of months, the number of such cycles increases to 2–3.

    Strengthening muscles

    For the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system, you need to have a well-developed corset of muscle tissue. It stabilizes the spinal column and eliminates postural disorders. The most commonly used exercises to strengthen muscles are:

    • Lying on your back, you need to spread your legs so that your feet are approximately at shoulder level. At the same time, the arms are crossed over the chest. While inhaling, it is necessary to turn the body in one direction to the stop, the opposite shoulder comes off the surface. The pelvis, like the legs, remains motionless. In the turn, you need to linger for 2–4 s and smoothly return to the starting position. This exercise begins with one cycle (8 turns in each direction) and increases to three repetitions over 4-6 weeks.
    • The situation is the same. The arms are crossed and clasped around the forearms. The body alternately tilts to the right and left as much as possible. It is important not to rise above the floor or move your pelvis or legs. The exercise is performed in 3 cycles of 8 elements in each direction.

    Compression symptoms - pain and sensory disturbances - also become less severe. But do not forget that when diagnosing an intervertebral hernia, before starting any gymnastics, it is necessary to perform CT or MRI of the spine and consult a doctor in order to reduce the risk of neurological complications.


    If for some reason it is not possible to apply Dikul's balm, you can replace it with analogue preparations from this series. Based on the fact that analogs are selected in composition, the balm can be replaced with another variety - for example, joint ointment from the same series. It has strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

    Ointment "Radikulin" is made for the treatment of sciatica. It contains all the necessary components from medicinal herbs, the action of which is aimed at the therapy of sciatica.

    Tibetan gel-balm has a wide spectrum of action. It includes chondroprotective components that have anesthetic effect. Gel-balm reduces inflammation, helps restore the elasticity of cartilage tissue.

    Balm (ointment) Dikul for the treatment of the spine and joints: types, application

    People of all ages are susceptible to diseases of the spine and joints. Dikul's balm for joints is an adjuvant drug in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. It is shown in the exacerbation stage, rehabilitation period.

    Joint destruction begins with cartilage in the area of \u200b\u200bintense stress. Degradation processes are first observed in the hyaline cartilage, then go to the bone and further. Pharmacological preparations do not have sufficient efficacy in the treatment of atrophic and deformational changes in the musculoskeletal system.

    Their main action is to get rid of pain, return free movement of the joint. Treatment with analgesics can be addictive and have side effects. Anti-inflammatory drugs negatively affect the digestive tract. To start the healing and recovery processes, one has to resort to alternative methods of medicine.

    Valentin Dikul, a famous weightlifter, has worked in the circus for many years. The beginning of the creation of his unique remedy was the injury received by the strongman during the performance. Despite the seriousness of the injury - a compression fracture of the spinal column, he managed to return himself to a full life. Valentin Dikul recovered thanks to the study of the beneficial properties of medicinal raw materials, an incentive to recover. He also created sets of exercises for the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders.


    Valentin Dikul's balm is based on natural remedies. After clinical trials, the composition of the drug was brought to perfection. It has acquired the properties of a deeper action, contributing to the activation of the regenerative forces of the body. Several types of balms have been developed: sports, massage, radiculin, for joints. The ingredients list of the cream contains only natural ingredients.

    Dikul's balm is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent based on natural ingredients, which is used to treat and prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It contains strong biologically active components, the effectiveness of which in the treatment of joints has been proven by many years of experience in traditional medicine (more about the composition - a little further).

    The balm is used for the following pathologies of the musculoskeletal system:

    • arthritis,
    • osteoarthritis,
    • osteochondrosis,
    • rheumatism,
    • gout,
    • bruises and dislocations,
    • stretching,
    • muscle pain,
    • rehabilitation period after injuries.

    Various packages of Dikul's balm

    The tool appeared on the pharmacological market more than 10 years ago and does not give up its popularity, which proves its high efficiency. The effect of using the balm is due to its complex effect on the joint tissues:

    • anti-inflammatory: redness, swelling in the affected area disappears, local temperature decreases;
    • pain relievers: balm eliminates pain that occurs with joint diseases or after injury;
    • trophic - tissue nutrition improves;
    • regenerating - helps to restore cells of damaged tissues;
    • immunostimulating - enhances the local defense mechanisms of the body.

    If you decide to use this remedy, then before buying and using, consult with your doctor (orthopedist, arthrologist, traumatologist, rheumatologist or therapist).

    Further from the article you will learn what components are included in Dikul's balm, and what effect they have on the joints and spine. I will also tell you how to properly use the remedy for the treatment and prevention of joint diseases, and what results can be achieved when using it.

    Dikul's balm for the treatment of joints and spine has a composition rich in active ingredients. They are selected in a certain ratio, which allows them not only to have a specific effect on the joints and the spine, but also to interact with each other, enhancing the effects of each other.

    (if the table is not fully visible, scroll to the right)

    Treatment of radiculitis and osteochondrosis is complex. Complex methods include the use of analgesics in combination with tranquilizers, therapy to relieve inflammation, improve blood circulation, massage, manual therapy, remedial gymnastics, therapy aimed at strengthening the body. Chronic diseases should be treated comprehensively.

    1. Anti-inflammatory therapy. The use of anti-inflammatory ointments, drug treatment. Anti-inflammatory ointments include drugs containing non-steroidal drugs aimed at relieving inflammation in tissues - Fastum gel. In the treatment of osteochondrosis, the place around the inflamed disc is injected with injections of synthetic adrenal hormones. This relieves pain.
    2. Osteochondrosis and radiculitis are accompanied by severe pain. With severe pain syndrome, anesthetics are injected into the inflammation focus, performing the function of local anesthesia, blocking pain syndrome. There are ointments, the effect of which is reduced to a targeted analgesic effect, increasing the flow of blood to the affected part. As a result, metabolism improves, nutrition of damaged cells. These ointments include the drug Finalgon.
    3. For the rapid regeneration of tissues damaged by osteochondrosis, medications are used that accelerate the metabolism inside the intervertebral discs. And also ointments that slow down, stop the degradation of damaged intervertebral discs and tissues. During the period of treatment, the patient should use iodine-containing preparations, vitamins, trace elements containing calcium and phosphorus. Treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

    Massage is an integral part in the treatment of radiculitis and osteochondrosis. There are many balms and ointments used for massage. These are drugs that provide a complex (analgesic, regenerating, anti-inflammatory) effect, increasing the therapeutic effect of massage procedures. An example of such a drug is a balm for osteochondrosis, developed by Dikul.

    Who is Dikul?

    The creator of unique drugs - Valentin Dikul, who worked as a weightlifter in a circus, is known all over the world precisely because of his developments. V. Dikul's unique remedies helped to get rid of diseases of the spine and joints for many people.

    In Russia today there are several rehabilitation centers that deal with the problems of the musculoskeletal system. In addition to healing balms, ointments and creams, this outstanding person has developed special exercise techniques to restore impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system.

    Dikul began to deal with such problems after a spinal injury received during a circus performance, as a result of which the strongman was completely immobilized. Thanks to his unique abilities, the study of the healing properties of medicinal plants and a great desire to restore the ability to move independently, the famous circus performer again began to walk and perform in the circus. Healing ointments and balms created by him help people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system to return to a full life. Dikul's balm is in great demand among consumers.

    Folk remedies

    For diseases of the spine, they resort to the advice of traditional medicine. Non-traditional treatment of osteochondrosis involves the use of ointments and formulations prepared from folk remedies: herbal preparations.

    1. Prepare a composition of washed, minced aloe leaves (50 g) with honey (100 g) and vodka (150 g). Make compresses from the resulting composition.
    2. Heat coarse sand in the oven, pour into canvas bags. Apply the bags to sore spots.

    Start treatment after consultation with your doctor.

    The article was written for general educational development. For an accurate diagnosis and treatment prescription, ALWAYS consult a doctor

    When is it used?

    Arthrosis can be treated with such drugs.
    Tibetan balm "Dikulya" and other types of drugs are prescribed for various joint disorders of the legs, arms and other parts of the body. The natural composition copes well with the regeneration of cartilage and bone tissue. The indications for use are the following pathological conditions:

    • osteochondrosis of various localization and severity;
    • damage to the roots of the spinal cord;
    • arthrosis;
    • gouty disease;
    • intervertebral hernial protrusion;
    • protrusion;
    • an inflammatory reaction in the skeletal muscles;
    • neurological pain syndrome;
    • after surgery on the spine and joints;
    • prevention of degenerative-dystrophic and inflammatory processes of ODA;
    • injuries of varying complexity.

    How to forget about joint pain?

    • Joint pains limit your movements and a fulfilling life ...
    • You are worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain ...
    • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments ...
    • But judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, they did not help you much ...
    • Shark Oil Joint Cream
    • What is good for joints?
    • Joint recovery agent
    • Ointment for arthritis and arthrosis
    • Kyphoscoliosis degree, treatment
    • How to treat polyarthritis of the fingers with folk remedies?
    • A set of exercises for scapular periarthritis Dr. Popov
    • What is arthralgia and how is it treated?
    • A set of exercises for a hernia of the lumbar spine
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    Types of osteochondrosis and the existing risk

    Osteochondrosis affects more than 80% of the population, the first signs of damage appear at the age of 20-25. Often the cause of back pain is osteochondrosis. Depending on the affected area, the disease is divided into types:

    • Cervical department;
    • Thoracic department;
    • Lumbosacral region;
    • Osteochondrosis of several parts of the spine.

    Reflex syndromes of osteochondrosis depend on the species. When the cervical spine is damaged, pain appears in the form of "lumbago" in the neck, limitation of its mobility. There is discomfort when rotating the head, crunching with a sharp movement. The pain syndrome is not bright, but it is felt in the hands and in the eyeballs.

    Disorders in articular cartilage and lymph nodes are not interrelated. But, when inflammation begins in the pinched nerve and surrounding tissues, the lymph nodes enlarge.

    The reason for the development of the disease in the cervical spine is a calm, sedentary rhythm of life, sedentary strenuous work. Muscles weaken, minimal stress shifts the vertebrae, nerve endings and blood vessels are impaired.

    Thoracic osteochondrosis is caused by curvature of the spine. Reflex syndromes of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine are expressed by painful sensations, numbness in the chest.

    In diseases in the lumbosacral region, the pain is varied. From aching pain to sharp, shooting. Sudden pain prevents unbending. Caused by pinched nerve endings.

    The danger of a disease of the lumbosacral region is that osteochondrosis of the pelvis will manifest. Problems causing female and male infertility arise from disorders caused by osteochondrosis.

    Why are they used?

    Dikul's balm for the spine is used for prophylactic purposes and therapy of pathologies of vertebrogenic genesis, accompanied by inflammation, dystrophy processes, degeneration of bones, cartilage, muscles. The tool is shown:

    • with osteochondrosis changes, intervertebral hernias, and other pathologies of the vertebrae;
    • radiculitis, arthritis, osteoarthritis;
    • lesions of ligaments, fascia;
    • gout, myositis, trauma;
    • rehabilitation after surgery on articular, bone tissues, spine;
    • soreness if bones and muscles are affected;
    • overwork of arms and legs caused by physical overload;
    • prevention of destructive processes of bones and joints caused by age-related changes.

    In order not to exacerbate diseases of the spine and joints, the instruction indicates that for preventive purposes it is necessary to rub the agent into the damaged areas of the body for 4 to 5 minutes, 3 times a day for seven-day courses. Balm for the treatment of articular structures and the spinal column is rubbed in with a light movement, the injured or inflamed area is massaged for no more than 2 minutes from 3 to 4 times a day. The course of therapy depends on the severity of the pathological process, as a rule, it will be from 2 to 4 weeks.

    The ingredients of the balm will help eliminate destructive changes in bone and cartilaginous structures, prevent the progress of the pathological process

    If you use a balm, then the course of treatment with pills and injections is reduced. Also, the likelihood of negative consequences caused by long-term medication will decrease. Thanks to the balm, inflammatory processes of the affected tissues will be eliminated, soreness will decrease, metabolic processes will normalize, destructive changes inside the joint will stop, the production of intra-articular cerebrospinal fluid will be restored, local immunity will improve, the affected tissues will begin to recover faster.


    water, isopropyl alcohol, carbomer, glyceryl stearate, ceteareth-20, ceteareth-12, cetearyl alcohol, cetyl palmitate, PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil, menthol, chamomile oil extract, propylene glycol extracts of sage, ginseng, propylene glycol extracts of sage, ginseng, propylene , badyagi, sea buckthorn oil, D-panthenol, collagen hydrolyzate, shilajit, piyavit / leech extract, vitanol, sodium hydroxide, EDTA disodium salt, propylene glycol, methylparaben, propylparaben, diazolidinylurea, methylchlorinonoisothiazoline.


    Sports gel-balm Valentin Dikulya (Special balm in the area of \u200b\u200bligaments and joints) is an effective natural remedy for external use for minor sports and domestic injuries - bruises, sprains, microtraumas of joints and vertebrae, muscle pains during physical overload.

    Gel-balm was developed by academician Valentin Ivanovich Dikul for optimal rehabilitation of athletes - patients of V.I. Dikul, as well as for the accelerated healing of domestic injuries.

    The action of Valentin Dikul's Sports Gel-Balm is aimed at activating recovery processes in damaged tissues and preventing complications. The natural components of the balm stimulate blood circulation and lymph drainage, improve metabolism in the injured area, relieve inflammation and swelling, prevent the destructive action of free radicals, which are intensively formed at the site of injury.

    Sports gel-balm, created by V.I. Dikul, as a result of many years of practice, will help accelerate the elimination of the consequences of injuries, both sports and domestic.

    Provides effective assistance in the rehabilitation period, accelerates healing, improves tissue nutrition, reduces swelling and pain.

    Muscle pain occurs with significant overloads as a result of the accumulation of under-oxidized metabolic products (lactic acid) in them, the action of free radicals, and in severe cases - microtraumas of muscle fibers.

    Ginkgo biloba extracts and the newest biostimulant Vitanol, contained in DIKUL BALM, counteract oxidative processes and stimulate blood circulation, prevent the development of muscle ischemia, activate metabolism and accelerate healing processes.

    It is a closed soft tissue injury with pain, swelling, and hematoma (bruising). Sports gel-balm will quickly relieve pain, accelerate the resorption of hematoma.

    Sprains, tears of ligaments or muscles

    It is accompanied not only by severe pain, but also by swelling, hemorrhage, and a sharp restriction of movement. The therapeutic components of the balm-gel will reduce pain, relieve swelling, activate the restoration of the walls of blood vessels, and improve blood circulation.

    Microtrauma of joints and vertebrae

    Sports gel-balm will provide effective assistance in the rehabilitation period, accelerate healing, improve tissue nutrition, reduce swelling and pain.

    Muscle pain

    They arise with significant overloads as a result of the accumulation of under-oxidized metabolic products (lactic acid) in the muscles, the action of free radicals, and in severe cases - microtraumas of muscle fibers. Extracts of ginkgo biloba, ginseng and highly effective biostimulant vitanol, contained in the balm, counteract oxidative processes and stimulate blood circulation, prevent the development of muscle ischemia, activate metabolism and excretion of metabolic products, and accelerate healing processes.

    Component action

    A natural formation of complex chemical structure, extracted in the mountains, a unique natural biostimulant. It activates reparative processes in the tissues of bones and joints, accelerates the proliferation of cells of connective tissues, has anti-edema, anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, immunostimulating, restorative effects. Reduces pain syndrome, is an effective synergist, several times enhancing the effect of medicinal plants.

    Freshwater sponge, has a unique resorbable and bactericidal effect, promotes the rapid resorption of bruises and bruises, accelerates the healing of bruises.


    A perennial medicinal plant of the Araliaceae family, a unique adaptogen and biostimulant, promotes rapid tissue regeneration after injury.

    Medicinal leech extract.

    It activates vascular blood flow, improves capillary-tissue metabolism, has an angiospastic effect, relieves swelling of nerve roots, improves tissue trophism, promotes softening of connective tissue growths and the elimination of salt deposits.

    Ginkgo biloba.

    Improves blood circulation (including capillary), actively promotes the resorption of hematomas and reduces edema.


    Waste product of honey bees. They have pronounced antibacterial, regenerating properties, stimulate local immune defenses, and reduce painful sensations.

    Sea buckthorn oil.

    The richest source of vitamins and other biologically active substances that accelerate the restoration and renewal of cells. It is widely used for rapid healing of wounds, acceleration of granulation and epithelialization of tissues, to reduce and stop pain in inflammatory processes.

    Complex of extracts.

    Significantly accelerates regenerative processes, improves microcirculation at the site of application, stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, prevents the formation of cosmetic defects.


    A new generation biostimulator, activates the healing processes of damaged tissues, increases the protective properties of the skin.

    Sports gel-balm Valentin Dikulya has a patented system of active penetrating long-acting microcapsules that serve as a vehicle for medicinal components. Quickly and without loss, entering the lesion focus, the active substances reach the required concentration in the injured area, ensuring high efficiency.


    Contains effective natural ingredients.

    Has a complex effect on the injured area.

    Accelerates the restoration of damaged tissues and improvement of their functional state.

    Does not contain hormonal and narcotic components.

    It can be used for a long time without negative consequences.

    Gel-balm of light consistency, transparent - white, menthol-herbal aroma. It is quickly absorbed, leaves no stickiness and grease.

    Selling features

    No license

    Special conditions

    It is not a drug.


    Untreated injuries often have long-term negative consequences and can lead to cosmetic defects, deformation of the joints and the development of contractures, impaired mobility of the joints and spine, and can lead to the termination of a sports career and a deterioration in the quality of life.


    Special balm for ligaments and joints.

    It is used in the complex therapy of sports and domestic injuries and in the rehabilitation period.

    Musculoskeletal pains of various origins.

    As an aid in post-traumatic diseases of the joints and spine.

    For the prevention of increased stress on joints and muscles.

    Functional disorders after fracture and dislocation:

    Joint stiffness.

    Muscle changes.

    Scar tissue adhesions.


    Individual intolerance to the components.

    The balm is applied externally and only if there is no extensive damage or violation of the integrity of the skin.

    Valentin Dikul is known primarily as a unique weightlifter. For a long time he worked in a circus and delighted the audience with his tricks. In the future, he developed a line of drugs, the action of which is aimed at eliminating problems with the musculoskeletal system.

    Millions of patients have appreciated the effectiveness of the funds. Valentin Dikul devoted a considerable part of his life to the production of ointments and gels, and also developed a unique method of exercises aimed at eliminating pain in the spine.

    Dikul tested each drug on himself. While working in the circus, the athlete received a serious injury and, undoubtedly, was interested in getting to his feet faster and getting rid of pain. Soon all the drugs were actively used by Dikul's colleagues.

    The popularity and demand for balms is due to the natural composition of medicines and high efficiency.

    Each drug is the result of many years of work and scrupulous selection of natural ingredients. The effectiveness of balms and creams is confirmed by clinical trials, which were carried out in the laboratories of the Dikul centers. The testing involved patients with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis of varying severity.

    Valentin Dikul is a supporter of medicine based on natural, natural ingredients. Each drug was included in the composition only after a thorough study of its beneficial properties and effects on the body.

    In his research, Dikul relied on the experience of Tibetan specialists.

    When Valentin Dikul opened his medical centers, the demand for these drugs increased many times over. The production of balms on an industrial scale was established.

    The following medicinal ointments are considered the most popular:

    • For joints;
    • Radikulin;
    • Massage;
    • Sports.

    Each of these balms has been successfully used to treat joint pathologies of various shapes and severity.

    This is a classic remedy in the Dikul line of drugs. Balm action:

    • Pain syndrome disappears;
    • The inflammation is stopped;
    • Puffiness disappears;
    • Toxins and other hazardous waste products are removed from the body;
    • The synthesis of joint fluid is activated;
    • Cartilage is restored.

    An enhanced form of healing ointment - Forte gel, which has a therapeutic effect on the joints and the spinal column. The tool has a powerful complex effect:

    1. Saturates blood and tissues with oxygen, activates blood flow and nutrition, as a result, pain disappears;
    2. Joint mobility is restored, since the synthesis of the necessary fluid is normalized;
    3. Prevention of pathologies of bones and joints.

    The most common causes of back discomfort are diseases such as sciatica, sciatica, and osteochondrosis. In such situations, Radikulin will help to cope with pain. The balm has a complex effect:

    • Relieves pain;
    • Eliminates swelling and puffiness;
    • Activates the movement of lymph, blood flow;
    • Normalizes the condition of the vertebral discs;
    • Cleans the body of toxins;
    • Activates tissue trophism.

    Despite the name, not only athletes can use the balm. The main effect of the drug is to relieve pain caused by bruises and injuries. Also, with the help of the balm, you can significantly improve the condition in case of damage and deformation of the tendons and ligaments. The product is used after serious physical exertion to relax tense muscles.

    The positive effect of the drug is observed with stiffness of movements, the presence of scars and degenerative changes in muscle tissue.

    An irreplaceable remedy during the rehabilitation period after the treatment of diseases of the osteoarticular system. An integral part of rehabilitation is massage, the effectiveness of which is increased with the use of Dikul's balm. The active ingredients of the balm penetrate deep into the tissues, enhancing the healing effect. Indications for use:

    • Radiculitis;
    • Neuralgia of various etiologies;
    • Various forms of arthrosis and arthritis;
    • Osteochondrosis;
    • Gout;
    • Myositis;
    • Other articular pathologies and diseases of the spine.

    pharmachologic effect

    All Dikul's drugs have similar pharmacological actions:

    1. Elimination of pain;
    2. Normalization of blood flow;
    3. Normalization of lymph flow;
    4. Normalization of metabolic processes.

    In addition, balms:

    • Stimulates the synthesis of joint fluid;
    • Remove toxins and salts;
    • Cartilage tissue is restored.

    Regular use of ointments completely restores physical activity.


    Herbal remedies are prescribed for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, which are accompanied by discomfort of varying intensity and changes in tissues of a degenerative and dystrophic nature.

    Main indications for use:

    • Osteochondrosis in any part of the spine;
    • Arthritis and arthrosis of various forms and intensities;
    • Myositis;
    • Injuries of varying severity.

    Balms are used both for treatment and prophylactic purposes.

    Action of drugs

    The effectiveness of balms is confirmed by numerous positive patient reviews. Each remedy has a complex effect:

    • Pain dives, it is important with exacerbation of pathology;
    • Eliminates inflammation - this allows you to reduce the intake of anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, which cause many side effects;
    • It activates metabolic processes - this is a key point in the treatment of osteochondrosis, since the cause of pathological processes, as a rule, is such failures.
    • The nutrition of the connective tissue and intervertebral discs is normalized;
    • The likelihood of complications is excluded;
    • Blood flow is normalized - this is a necessary stage in the successful treatment of any form of osteochondrosis;
    • The synthesis of articular fluid and the rate of cartilage regeneration are activated.


    The preparations are based on only natural, natural ingredients. All ingredients are selected in such a way that the effect of the balm is as effective as possible. The most common ingredients that are used to make balms are:

    1. Inflorescences of chamomile, St. John's wort, rose hips, eucalyptus, nettle, celandine, agave - are used as antioxidant components, soothe the skin and eliminate spasms;
    2. Silver enriched water - has a powerful antiseptic effect;
    3. Essential oils - have a disinfectant effect, activate recovery processes, prevent the appearance of allergic reactions;
    4. Oil-based extracts of medicinal plants;
    5. Beekeeping products - eliminate pain, inflammation, activate blood and lymph flow, normalize metabolic processes;
    6. Shilajit is a unique substance, the origin of which is still debated and there is no consensus among scientists, it is rich in the most important biologically active compounds that strengthen the protective properties of the body, accelerate the regeneration process;
    7. Also in the composition of balms there is bear bile, collagen, chaga extract, vitamin complex;
    8. D-panthenol and glycerin - activate metabolic processes, improve the elasticity of the skin and cartilage tissue.

    Mode of application

    Balm for the spine and joints is used not only for therapeutic, but also for prophylactic purposes. The tool effectively prevents the development of diseases and complications caused by the following pathological conditions:

    • Serious physical activity;
    • Weakened immunity;
    • Hypothermia and other colds.

    To solve the problem, the balm is rubbed with strong, energetic movements into the lesions. The duration of the procedure is 3-5 minutes. Frequency - three times a day.

    With an exacerbation of osteochondrosis, the balm is rubbed with massage movements onto the area that causes discomfort for several minutes.

    The frequency of procedures is three times a day. After each procedure, the treated area is insulated with a woolen blanket.

    The duration of therapy should be determined by the doctor, depending on the patient's condition and the form of pathology. On average, treatment is carried out from 1 to 6 weeks.

    Massage balm is used for various joint pathologies and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The agent is applied to the lesion and rubbed in with light movements for seven minutes, then the area is wrapped in a warm blanket. The frequency of the procedure is twice a day. As a rule, significant improvement in the condition occurs on average from 1 to 3 weeks.

    Sports balm not only eliminates the symptoms of sports injuries, but is also quite effective in osteochondrosis and other joint diseases. The effect of the balm is complex:

    • Metabolic processes are normalized;
    • Blood flow is activated;
    • The regeneration processes are activated.

    Regular use helps relieve pain and inflammation. The preparation contains leech extract, which eliminates vascular spasm, as a result, puffiness disappears.

    Sports balm is applied to the lesion and rubbed in for 3 to 5 minutes. The maximum number of procedures is 4 per day.


    According to statistics and patient reviews, all Dikul's balms are well tolerated, therapy is effective and does not cause side effects.

    The only restriction on the use of drugs is individual intolerance to the balm or its separate component.

    In case of allergic reactions, the treatment should be stopped and the remaining cream should be washed off with soap and water.

    Aggravation effect

    It is extremely rare against the background of treatment with Dikul's balms an exacerbation effect occurs. This means that in the first time after the start of therapy, symptoms of osteochondrosis or other pathologies appear. The main symptom is pain syndrome.

    This phenomenon is possible only in the presence of salt deposits. The mechanism of action of the balms is as follows - herbal ingredients have a powerful biological effect, therefore they activate blood flow and metabolic processes.

    A side effect of this effect is the elimination of uric acid stones, which affect the nerve processes and cause discomfort.

    If the patient feels an aggravation, it is necessary to temporarily switch to the use of milder agents.

    Valentin Dikul about the benefits of drugs

    The obvious advantage of all Dikul's balms is the effective relief of discomfort without the use of strong analgesics, which have many side effects.

    Disadvantages of analgesics:

    • They accumulate in the body and are addictive; with prolonged therapy, it becomes difficult to stop the pain syndrome;
    • The drugs do not eliminate the cause of the pathology, even after the course of treatment, the destruction of intervertebral discs and cartilage continues;
    • Serious side effects occur.

    Dikul's balms affect the cause of the disease - this is their fundamental difference from analgesics. Natural, natural ingredients normalize metabolic processes, activate blood flow. Thanks to this, pain syndrome, swelling, inflammation disappear. Recovery is faster, the vertebrae and intervertebral discs return to normal.

    The obvious advantage of Dikul's balms is absolute safety for the gastrointestinal tract.

    Almost all pain relievers have a negative effect on the stomach and digestive organs. As a result of long-term therapy, side effects such as ulcers and gastric bleeding may occur.

    The use of a balm does not give such a quick result as taking analgesics, but at the same time, the patient is guaranteed not to have side effects and unwanted consequences. In addition, the positive result from plant-based balms is more persistent and long-lasting.

    1. Try to walk daily;
    2. Avoid hypothermia, stressful situations and colds;
    3. Watch your weight, extra pounds are the main enemy of joint health;
    4. Stick to the principles of good nutrition;
    5. Exercise regularly - stretch your back muscles, swing your abs and stretch your spine;
    6. Avoid sudden movements, do not lift heavy things.

    The course of treatment is quite long, the balm must be used for one and a half months. It is imperative to get rid of bad habits and monitor your health.

    Even the fact that the composition of the balm is herbal does not allow the patient to self-medicate. For pain in joints or muscles, you need to visit a doctor, undergo an examination and, based on the results of diagnostics, receive an appointment from a specialist. In some clinical cases, treatment with balm alone may be ineffective and require drug support with other drugs.