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  • Blessed alipia of Kiev, for the sake of the holy fool. Prophecies of mother alipia Mother alipia helped me get married

    Blessed alipia of Kiev, for the sake of the holy fool. Prophecies of mother alipia Mother alipia helped me get married

    The miracle worker, afraid of a passport and residence permit, lived a long and difficult life, praying for humanity and helping people. Find out what prophecies of mother Alipia have already come true and what awaits us next.

    In Christian culture, you can find a huge number of saints and ascetics who are worshiped and turn to them with prayers for help or healing. But not each of them was given the ability to predict the future, like Mother Alipia. Saved from prison by the Apostle Peter, she became a blessed miracle worker who told the secrets of the future to ordinary people.

    Amazing events in the life of mother Alipia

    All her life, the shy Alipia tried not to attract attention to herself. The exact date of her birth is still unknown: according to some sources, she was born in 1905 in the village of Goloseevo, but most eyewitnesses call her 1910 year of birth. During her lifetime she was named Agapia - with this name she lived until 1918, when her parents were shot. At night, the girl herself read the Psalter for the Dead, and after that she went to wander around monasteries and church parishes. From childhood to old age, Alipia avoided obtaining documents: she never had a passport and registration. The blessed one also flatly refused to be photographed: after her death, only a few random photographs and video footage remained.

    When talking about herself, mother always spoke in masculine form:

    “I have been everywhere: in Pochaev, in Pukhtitsa, in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. I have been to Siberia three times. I went to all churches, lived for a long time, I was accepted everywhere. "

    Then came the times of the persecution of religion, which also affected Alipia. She ended up in a prison in which, in addition to her, many priests were kept. The prison was located on the coast, not far from Novorossiysk, on one of the sheer cliffs. One night Alipia disappeared from her under strange circumstances: not a single guard could tell how she managed to escape. Mother herself said that the apostle Peter became her savior.

    “They pushed me, beat me, interrogated me ... They put me in a common cell. There were many priests in that prison, and I spent ten years there. Every night 5-6 people were taken away irretrievably. Finally, only three remained in the cell: one priest, his son, and myself. The priest said that he and his son needed to serve a panikhida on their own, because he knew that in the morning they would be killed. And he told me that I would get out of here alive. At night, Peter opened the door and led all the guards through the back door, ordered them to go along the sea. He walked, not deviating from the coastline, without food or water for eleven days. Climbing the steep cliffs, broke off, fell, rose, crawled again, tearing his elbows to the bone. Then I had deep scars on my hands. "

    Then she managed to meet the respected elder hieroschemamonk Theodosius, who lived near Novorossiysk. The miracle worker Theodosius was so delighted with her love for God and vitality that he blessed her for the feat of foolishness. In the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, she accepted monasticism, but settled in a hut near Goloseevo. There she also had spiritual children and religious followers.

    During the war, my mother was taken to forced labor in Germany. While in the camp, the prisoners living with her, every day witnessed miracles. The place of confinement, from which it was impossible to escape, seemed to favor Alipia: as soon as she began to pray, the German guards seemed to become blind and deaf. Reading the Psalter, she daily led women out from under the barbed wire, saving their lives, but remaining unnoticed.

    Mother's frightening accuracy

    Returning to her humble hut after the war, she focused on helping the afflicted and praying. For someone she made life easier with wise advice, for someone she helped to overcome the disease by reading the Psalter and spiritual books. With age, the gift of foresight came to my mother. On the eve of 1986, she became restless, constantly telling the novices about the terrible fires and human suffering awaiting Ukraine. In early April, a few weeks before the Chernobyl disaster, she, who had previously been distinguished by her reclusion, left her home and went to the city that was destined to die in one day. Alipia spent ten days to go around the entire Chernobyl perimeter with a staff in an attempt to ward off trouble from its inhabitants with prayer.

    One of the novices of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, during a meeting with the blessed prophetess, was surprised:

    “Once young men came to my mother, skeptical about her ability to see the future. Alipia looked at each of them and then told one of them that marrying a man is a terrible sin of Sodom, for which the soul goes to hell. It turns out that the young man was indeed a homosexual. A month after the meeting, he died unexpectedly for everyone. "

    For several years, Matushka Alipia learned about the impending Philaret Church schism. She was worried by the fact that the youth would be confused and would not know which church could be considered true. She clearly saw how many hardships those who want to create a Ukrainian Orthodox Church would endure. The nuns who lived with her at that time told:

    “Seeing Filaret’s photo, she said:“ He is not ours. ” We began to explain to Matushka that he was our metropolitan, thinking that she did not know him, but she again firmly repeated: "He is not ours." Then we did not understand the meaning of her words, and now we are surprised how many years in advance Mother foresaw everything. "

    In the predictions of the blessed one, one can see both the Chechen war and the international economic crisis that happened in 2008. Alipia spoke about the wars that forced the majority of the Russian-speaking population of Chechnya to leave their homes:

    “I live by the pains of others. There will be a war in the Caucasus, in which they will suffer for the Orthodox faith. "

    Several years after the end of the wars, she promised a famine caused by the fact that "states differ in money." She seemed to know that she would be able to cope with the crisis, but predicted that it would not be the only one. She advised looking for salvation from severe hunger in Kiev:

    “Don't leave Kiev - there will be hunger everywhere, but there is bread in Kiev. The Lord will not allow his people, believers, to death, he will keep the faithful on one bread and water, but they will survive. "

    Of course, she felt the terrible breath of the approaching Third World War. Before her death, in 1988, she told what apocalypse people will have to go through when it begins:

    “This will not be a war, but the execution of peoples for their rotten state. Dead bodies will lie in mountains, no one will undertake to bury them. Mountains, hills will disintegrate, level with the ground. People will run from place to place. There will be many bloodless martyrs who will suffer for the Orthodox Faith. The war will begin on Peter and Paul on July 12, the Day of the First Apostles. "

    After the war, mother predicted the onset of another wave of hunger, from which only a few could escape:

    “Here you are quarreling, swearing for an apartment, disperse ... And there will be a time when there will be a lot of empty apartments, but there will be no one to live in them. Cattle cannot be sold - after the Apocalypse, he will help, provide food. "

    Even before her death, Mother Alipia surprised everyone with her foresight: six months before her death, she announced that she would die on Sunday. One of the novices. wrote in her memoirs about the life of Alipia:

    “I asked to see what day would be October 30th. I looked and said: "Sunday". She somehow pointedly repeated: "Sunday". After her death, we realized that then, in April, Mother revealed to us the day of her death - more than six months before her. "

    Can you doubt the words of such a pious and sincere person?

    The blessed eldress Alipia (Avdeeva) is one of the saints revealed in the twentieth century who, with their prayer, supported believers in a difficult atheistic period. Saint Alipia (in the world she was called Agathia) was born in 1905 in the Penza province. Her parents were extremely pious, and raised their daughter in love for God. From childhood, Agathia's favorite pastimes were prayer and reading the Psalter. The girl was very laconic and loved solitude. The revolution of 1917 turned Agafia's life upside down - in 1917, the Red Army men shot her parents, and she was left an orphan. She herself miraculously survived, because at that time she was absent from home. Blessed mother Alipia endured a huge number of sorrows and trials. In the 30s, she was in prison for being a believer, during the war she ended up in a German concentration camp. Despite many trials, the prayer of Saint Alipia and her love and gratitude to God only intensified.

    Alipia's Orthodox Prayers performed miracles during his lifetime

    The saint accepted monasticism in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. There she took upon herself the feat of pillar-domination: in the huge hollow of a linden tree that grew on the territory of the Lavra, she stood day and night, in frost and heat, leaving only on occasion. After the closure of the Lavra in 1961, St. Alipia was again left homeless. After long wanderings, she came to the territory of the destroyed Goloseevsky monastery in Kiev, where she settled until the end of her life. Alipia's prayers became miraculous during her lifetime. Hearing about my mother, visitors were drawn to her in an endless series, and she accepted everyone, despite her deep old age. Through the prayers of Alipia, the Lord performed many healings and other miracles. Blessed mother died on October 30, 1988. The relics of Saint Alipia rest in the church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God the Life-Giving Spring in the Goloseevsky Monastery.

    Prayer to Mother Alipia Goloseevskaya relieves sorrows, helps in everyday needs

    With what sorrows people did not come to the blessed mother! Alipia prayed for everyone, and the Lord helped everyone through her prayers. Today, as in Alipia's life, her prayers help to heal from oncology, infertility, hernias, bone diseases, and other serious diseases.

    Mother helps in looking for work, find housing, pay off debts and loans, although all her life she has been a wanderer and a helpless woman. Near the shrine with its relics, a huge number of healings take place, and all of them are recorded in the temple book. Among other things, Alipia's prayers lead people to faith, increase their love for God and each other, and find an early marriage.

    Play the powerful prayer of Saint Alipia on video

    The text of a short prayer to Mother Alipia about health and healing from diseases

    Oh, our venerable mother Alipie!

    Pour out on us the poor, the weak and the humbled by your unchanging compassion and mercy, at least a small drop of bounty from the Lord of the Lord, accept in your intercession and intercession, from all troubles and fierce diseases of freedom, from our sins, ask for forgiveness and raise us, relaxed, with your prayers , do not let us, unworthy slaves (names) perish to the end, wake us a refuge for help, do not leave us inconsolable, but we all glorify the all-holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever. Amen.

    The text of a long prayer to the holy mother Alipia Goloseevskaya for a happy marriage

    Oh, great praise to the Church of Christ, wall and consolation of the city of Kiev, Venerable Mother Alipie!

    We fall to you and we pray to you - be our vigilant intercessor to Christ God, as if we believe if you beg the Humanitarian God, everything will be given to you from the sea of \u200b\u200bHis goodness. And as God is loving for mankind, so you, pleading with us sinners, will not despise our petition, for we ourselves, due to the multitude of our sins, do not have boldness.
    Your work, saint, is to intercede for sinners, the work of God is to have mercy on the desperate. Ask, saint, according to his needs:

    In the ills of those who are, soon console and heal, as now in a multitude of healing sodelovaeshi - like unwashed verbs, blind seeing, with bones damaged from the bed of illness you restore. You can ask the Lord for everything, saint, if you pray to Him for us.

    Make tumors of fierceness not being. Give quick healing to those suffering from burns, as if you appeared to a child in an aching night, listening to his mother's prayer. You have shown the same great miracle of healing to the whole world.
    In the days of these trials, the triumph of iniquity and unrighteousness, offended and unrighteously condemned, prisoners in prison, envy, lies and self-interest for the sake of the persecuted, seek deliverance from slander and misfortune, as the grace of intercession for one is given to you from the Lord.

    Bless and unite good marriages. Give a safe permission to mothers of childbearing, saving their children from any harm. Hear the warm prayer of parents, grief for the tired children, and their children will pass into the consciousness of truth, avoiding the nets of the evil one, they will find eternal salvation. Accept the prayers for the parents of their grieving children, so that through your prayers they will know the light of Christ's Gospel. Likewise, comfort the childless and grant them the fruit of the womb, so that the new true Christians will present them to the Lord as your blessing and mother's upbringing. Those who demand your help in the accomplishment of a Christian marriage, send a companion of their lives, blessed from the Lord, so that the ministry of a small church in a family union will bring your care to Christ God. Above all, give peace, silence and unfeigned love, may we be true disciples of Christ.
    To those who have surrendered to the ailments of drunkenness and drug addiction and to those who have not had the strength of spirit, leave this murderous lawlessness, give strength of spirit and enlightenment of the mind, as if you appeared to a person, from drunkenness, death was accepted by the haves and your blessing who was healed from this ailment.

    To the lonely and helpless, send down with your prayers the consolation invisible from the Lord and the knowledge of the true love of Christ, may they lead away, like our friends - saints and angels, invisibly observe us.

    Accept the petitions of the poor and the afflicted and give them unexpected care with your prayers, as if they have a benefactor in their earthly life.

    For the fainthearted, desperate in his life, wake up the ambulance comforter, as if you saved your wife, in grief you will destroy the thoughtful and young woman, who was saved from harm in a fall from a height. The same you delivered their souls to the perishing abyss.
    Likewise, we pray thee, saint, save you from sudden death, as if thou didst observe the adolescent unharmed, a terrible blow on the road.

    In teaching those who are arriving, pour out motherly help and give an addition of mind, but the extraordinary flow of their teachings remain sad.

    In the many different everyday affairs, troubles and difficulties, give a quick device and a good ending.
    Hear the prayers of those who grieve for those who are deluded, who are outside the saving ark of the Orthodox Church, may the All-Merciful image of the message by fate save them and lead them to the knowledge of His truth.

    They brought down the strength and strength of spirit to the soldiers in the fulfillment of their Godly service, may the Lord save them from all evil.
    Teach the monastics the right to walk the path of the Lord, strengthening them in labors and mortal bearing of your cross, as if you also fought for salvation in love for the Lord and His people.

    As a bishop and priest, give true standing in the Orthodox faith, so that the flock of Christ is herded faithfully and unhypocritically, the right is ruling and walking steadfastly before the Lord.

    The wise leadership of our people is the leader and power of our people, but in alliance with the Church our country dwells in peace and silence.
    Open to us with your prayers the doors of God's mercy and deliver us from all evil. Grant us to escape the nets of the evil one. Pray, saint, of the Merciful Lord for us who repent, may he forgive us our guilt according to the multitude of His goodness. And even to the end with your prayers, keep us uncondemned, but saved by your intercession and help, we will always send glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship to the One God in the Trinity, the Creator of all. Amen.

    Dear ones! I want to tell you about our Kiev holy mother Alipia (Goloseevskaya). She is like Matronushka and like Ksenyushka, a tireless prayer book before the Lord for our souls.
    She died in 1989 in Kiev on the territory of the then destroyed Goloseevsky monastery. And the years when she lived there really were his color, his never-fading lamp.
    You can read about the life of Mother, her spiritual exploits in the name of Christ, her lifelong and posthumous miracles on the website of the Goloseevsky Monastery and in books about the life of Mother written by her spiritual children.
    I want to tell you about the miracle in my life that I have with the prayers of Mother Alipia - my family and my son, who will be 2 years old the other day.
    A little more than 3 years ago, I learned about Mother. Although she is walking towards faith, even though she is from Kiev, somehow the Lord did not lead me to her. At this time, I had a very close relationship with my husband, I already had 2 unsuccessful pregnancies and it seemed to me that my life was crumbling. At many shrines I was looking for peace of mind; at many as a priest, I was looking for help and guidance. But I couldn't find it.
    ... And so I found myself at the relics of my mother. For several hours I just sat on a bench under the icon and looked at the rakia with the relics and did not think about anything. One woman gave me an akathist and I began to read. Then one woman who keeps order in the church told me about my mother, about her warm hands, kind, penetrating look and inexhaustible kindness, the power of faith and the power of prayer, a little about her life. This woman was a spiritual child of mother and had the blessing to come to her several times a month to clean and cook with some other women. I just listened and the tears themselves rolled out of my eyes.
    She advised me to take a little book about my mother and an akathist.
    I did so and began to read every page with gusto. By the morning, the small book was read to the holes. And an unknown force carried me to Goloseevo.
    Every time at the relics, I hoped for an epiphany and at least some sign from my mother. How to live on? What to do? Where to look for support? Every time I left the temple, I closely watched and listened to everything that was happening around me, afraid to miss even the slightest sign, even the slightest hint. I looked for them externally, but all the clues were inside me - I began to pray differently and ask the Lord for other things.
    This was my first gift from my mother. Once, kneeling by the relics and communicating with her as if she were alive, I felt an amazing warmth under my palms that came from cold granite. I leaned my cheek against this warmth. It was very nice. Then I got up and the warm scarf that was around my neck suddenly caught on something and reached out for me. The woman who gave me the akathist on the first day said that a trip awaited me and said that I would order a prayer service for travelers. I left the scarf on the relics and while I ordered a prayer service in the icon shop, my scarf found myself a new mistress. The woman was clearly one of the pilgrims, dressed modestly and not warmly enough, and how good it is that it is my scarf that will warm her!
    The trip took place 10 days later. This was my first pilgrimage. I already wrote about it here. And from there I returned with all the answers to all my questions. Yes, my problems were not solved, but my attitude towards them has changed dramatically. I became spiritually stronger and I had the strength to fight and resist!
    Relationship with her husband began to improve and by the spring everything became quite good. Even wonderful. I was happy. Throughout Great Lent I went to Goloseevo and asked my mother about the most important thing - the child.
    Menstruation began at Easter. Just when I was getting ready for the night service. I knew that May would be a very difficult month and did not miss a single chance to get to Goloseevo. Every time a pregnant cat met me at the exit from the temple. I stroked her and mentally asked my mother to beg the Lord to give me a child. I purred kisya, leaned to my feet. I read that my mother loved cats, they lived in her house and she did not allow anyone to treat them rudely and offend them. On one such visit of mine, I found a small icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on a bench and gave it to a woman who keeps order. Suddenly someone has forgotten or lost will ask. And she told me that again I will go somewhere. And then I found out that on May 22 - the summer Nikolai. She smiled and ordered a prayer service for the travelers.
    On May 16, my husband and I left Kiev for western Ukraine on his work issues.
    On May 22, just in time for the summer Nikolai, I found out that I was pregnant. Until the end of May, we traveled a lot, and most importantly, we visited Pochaev and the Spring of St. Anna in the Kremenets district. The only thing I asked the Lord for was to bear the child and give birth to him healthy.
    Wherever I prayed, I wrote a memorial service for my mother and her parents Sergius, Domna, Tikhon, Vassa, Euphemia, Pavel. How she asked us and how she commanded us. I knew that in gratitude at the table of the Lord, she would pray for my needs.
    Returning to Kiev, I immediately got to save. I was 6 weeks old and I was madly afraid of losing my child again. Mom brought us (me and another woman who lay with me to save) butter (I smeared my tummy with it all my pregnancy) from mother's icon, crackers and water, and, if possible, went to pray on the relics.
    When at 9 weeks they let me go home, I first went to the monastery to see my mother. Throughout my pregnancy, I had a threat of up to 20 weeks of miscarriage, up to 32 premature births. but I walked, prayed, asked, and never ceased to believe and trust in the will of the Lord. When I came to the relics, my little son immediately perked up and said hello to his mother with kicks in brandy. I always felt the warmth from the granite brandy in the abdominal area.
    With God's help, I gave birth to a healthy son myself at almost 40 weeks. Yes, after giving birth we had problems, but I am sure that through the prayers of Mother we came across good doctors, kind and sympathetic people. And my son is a healthy and happy shilopop! Everything is fine in my family too, my husband and I live in love and harmony, we got married and are absolutely happy !!!
    Whenever possible, I go to my mother, tell people about her and her miracles and in my life.
    Girls who have grief or pain in their souls ask Mother Alipia for help, address her with all troubles, as if she were alive and she will certainly not leave you without her prayer support.

    In the mid-1980s, two women from Kiev heard from the elder of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra: "Why did you come to me, when you have such a pillar in Goloseev, Kiev, on fire!" Matushka Alipia belongs to the devotees of piety during the sorrowful period in the history of our fatherland, when the depth of the feat of the faithful was in their hearts. She carried her cross in silence, but what we need to know about her arduous life, about her exploits, she revealed. How many deeds did she carry: the deed of prayer — from childhood she read the Psalter, until she was very old she knew almost all the Psalms by heart; the feat of pilgrimage - many holy places walked on foot; the feat of confession - 10 years in prison for the Orthodox faith; the feat of pillar-domination - she lived in the hollow of a tree; and, like a crown, the feat of foolishness in Christ. The Spirit of God created a new person in her, and he was affirmed by great gifts: Mother had the gift of insight into other people's thoughts, the gift of revelation about what was happening in the distance and about the future, the gift of healing.

    Mother Alipia was a native of Mordovia, her parents were Tikhon and Vassa Avdeev. In Holy Baptism she was named Agathia.
    At the age of seven she became an orphan. Such a crumb, and I myself read the Psalter from my parents. From then on, her wandering lot began. In the roar of this century, she heard a quiet voice: "Go along the earthly roads to the Heavenly path." At that time the pilgrim Agathia visited many shrines, she saw many saints of God. And I especially fell in love with the shrines of Kiev - the Great Lavra, the third inheritance of the Mother of God on earth. Fierce persecutions hit our land at this time. Ukraine is called "the breadbasket and breadbasket of the holy martyrs" in the "Akathist to the Russian Martyrs". In the south, "near Odessa," as Alipia's mother said, she also had to suffer. She was thrown into a cell with criminals. She told them: "Don't come near!" - and began to pray fervently. And no one dared to approach her. The guard clung to the peephole and froze: the prisoner was standing, crossing herself, and above her head she had a halo.

    Many priests languished in dungeons. They were taken for torture without return. There were three left: the old archpriest, his son and Agathia. "In the morning we will not be alive, we will serve a requiem for ourselves." - "And about me," - asked mother. "You will go away," the priest consoled.

    In that prison there was a torture called "machine". The victim was led into a room with two doors. One led to freedom, the other to the basement, it was necessary to choose the right one.

    It is not known whether mother overcame the test, whether she pushed the happy door, but she found herself free. Mother considered the Apostle Peter to be the "releaser from the bonds" and especially venerated him all her life.

    Shortly before the Great Patriotic War, the wanderer Agathia came to the God-saved city of Kiev. They say that during the occupation she took many people out of the concentration camp. Small, inconspicuous, she could penetrate there, to whom the entrance would be closed to another, and, apparently, the Apostle Peter himself helped her to enter the dungeons and save people.

    During the war, the Caves shrine was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church, and Archimandrite Kronid clothed the servant of God Agathia in a small schema with the name Alipy in honor of the first Russian icon painter. All her life she remained committed to the Pechersky Fathers: "I am a Lavra nun."

    The spiritual father blessed mother to ascend in the hollow of a tree following the example of the ancient ascetics. At the foot of the nearby caves stood a giant oak tree, in which mother Alipia now settled. Enduring hunger and cold in a tree cave for Christ's sake, she stretched out a living thread to Holy Russia. She had nothing of her own. Father Kronid came and brought crackers in his mantle. Will pour out at the hollow and leave - he was strict, did not give indulgences. If it is difficult, he blessed to read "Alive in help" forty times.

    “As soon as it falls asleep with snow, it’s cold, the tooth doesn’t fall on the tooth,” recalls the mother. “You’ll go to the monks, which bread you give and which one you will drive out.” In severe frosts she was allowed into the Senets by the schema-abbot Agapit. "Warmed up? Now save yourself, go," and she left. When Archimandrite Kronid rested in the Lord, Schema-monk Damian blessed the mother to move closer to people.

    Mother Alipia settled in an earthen cave, lived on alms. And again she was taken to prison for refusing to work on Easter. The memory of this prison remained a toothless mouth and a bent back. They released mother when they had already dispersed the Pechersk stronghold. Mother Alipiy settled on Demeevka (in a quiet area of \u200b\u200bKiev, where there was an unclosed church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross). The boys teased her, threw stones, but she endured everything and prayed. And then, with a blessing from above, she moved to the Goloseevsky forest. It is located on the outskirts of Kiev, there were Lavra sketes - hermitages. These places are consecrated with the names of the old maiden Dositheus, who blessed the Monk Seraphim, Blessed Paisios and Theophilos for monasticism. Here the consoling elder, hieromonk Alexy (Shepelev), as well as the hieroschemamonk Parthenius of Kiev asceticised. Mother settled in an abandoned dilapidated house and lived there until her death, without a registration or passport. The police repeatedly tried to "sort out" the mother, but the Lord kept her, and it was not possible to evict her from Goloseev.

    At this time, mother Alipia went to serve people in the feat of foolishness. She wore a plush blouse, a children's bonnet or a hat with earflaps, carried a bag of sand on her back, and a large bunch of keys on her chest: the sins of spiritual children that mother took upon herself, hanging a new key as a sign of this.

    Mother saved her city, prayerfully protected it from harm, bypassed it, as she performed a procession. Before the Chernobyl explosion, she shouted for several days: "Father, no fire is needed. Father, why fire? Extinguish for the sake of animals, for the sake of small children." Watered with water: "Girls, the earth is burning." The sun fell to the west and prayed: "Mother of God, deliver us from the gas."

    Wasn't she the righteous person for the sake of whom the Lord saved Kiev from the radiation cloud, defining a different direction for it? Not long before the Chernobyl disaster, mother Alipia began to offer Cahors with Pepsi-Cola to the table. The famous Goloseevsky feasts (there were plank tables on the street, gathering ten to fifteen people every day) became, as it were, protection from the destruction spilled in the air. All the treats at the Goloseevskaya ascetic were prayed for. For the eldress it was important who brought the food, whose hands touched the food, through whose heart the offering passed. She did not take it from everyone. "You need to level up your spirit", - it happened, mother would say, kneel down, sing her strong voice "I believe", "Our Father", "Have mercy on me, God." He baptizes the table: "Eat", and she herself lies down on the bench, resting. The portions were blessing huge, and everything had to be eaten without fail. “As much as you can, so much can I help you,” and people with serious illnesses were healed at her table.

    Mother accepted everyone: fornicators, liars, robbers, she only denounced the crafty, she could not stand guile. She caught even the shadow of a thought. One woman told me. She went to her mother with her "ascetic husband" with the thought: to ask mother if she shouldn't let him go to the monastery, especially since they had no children. She could not ask this question in public, but she thought about it all the time. And so they began to leave, and each mother asked his name. So her husband comes up and calls his name: "Sergius". And mother corrected him: "You are not Sergius, but Sergey." So that woman received an answer to a question she had not asked.

    I remember another story: the wife of a priest came to my mother, who had dreamed of a monastery all her life and even before her marriage, now that all her children have grown up (and three of them have already become priests), thoughts about the monastery have returned to her again. And so she went to Kiev to ask Mother Alipia about this. When she and her daughter came to Goloseevskaya hermitage and entered the courtyard, they saw mother Alipia dozing in the courtyard of the house. They began to wait for her to wake up. They waited a long time, they decided to leave, and now, when they had already approached the gate, the old woman suddenly jumped up, blocked the path of her guests, and in front of the one who was choosing a new path of life for herself, she lowered a long pole on the gate - this was a silent response to her questioning: there is no way for her to the monastery. Although so many people received a blessing from Mother Alipia for monasticism, and the sisters of the Florovsky Monastery took turns spending whole days in her shack, and mother called them "relatives".

    At this time, Father Roman (Matyushin), the beloved priest, whose penitential chants we listened to with bated breath, also labored in the Lavra. Matushka, meeting her dear guest in her wilderness, called him "twice Angel". A monk is an angelic order, and a singing monk performs the angelic ministry of singing at the Throne of the Most High. But the enemy of the human race rises up against those who serve God especially zealously, and through people he annoys them. Mother Alipia predicted to Father Roman: "You will drink a cup and again you will be at the parish." And so it happened: after drinking his cup of bitterness, he again left for the Pskov region. It was Hieromonk Roman who served the first litiya on the repose of her newly departed soul over Mother's coffin.

    More often than not, people did not even suspect that their relief of the burden falls on their mother. Hugs, kisses, - it would seem, blesses, but she takes their ailment upon herself. "Do you think I'm making ointment? I crucify myself for you," she admitted once. One patient gave Cahors to drink to heal her soul and body, and while she was drinking, she fell unconscious.

    Mother gave predictions in parables, in holy foolish deeds, and sometimes explicitly, simply, without allegories - as someone is more salvific. Once, in the midst of a feast, I sent a nun into the ravine with a candle to read the Psalter. Then it turned out that at that very hour her brother was almost killed. A nun, who had previously asceticised in the Gornenskaya monastery, came for advice, should she come back? "You will be higher here," Mother did not bless. Now she is the abbess of one of the oldest Russian monasteries. Servant of God Olga, a psychiatrist, first came to my mother. The hostess showed her where to sit and went out herself. Suddenly they shouted at Olga: "How dare she?" It turns out that she sat down in my mother's place. I got scared and got up. Returning from the courtyard, mother Alipia strictly said: "Why are you standing, sit down where you are told." Everyone understood that this was mother's will. Now this servant of God is pursuing asceticism in Jerusalem, in the Gornensk monastery. One woman-singer came to the mother with her fiancé, and all the time they were sitting at the table, mother pointed at them with her hand and said: "And the boy's girl sings the funeral, and the boy's girl sings the boy's funeral." Soon he drowned in front of her eyes, and she really sang a requiem for him.

    Once a kind of cover was removed from mother, and she became different, not a holy fool - a concentrated, sad person. “A confessor is scary,” said mother. “We need to pray for him that the Lord would give him help in the fight against demons fighting against him and protect him from all evil, because the sins of the father fall on the child. We need to build a spiritual foundation for communication with him. to the faith of the child, the Lord reveals His will for him to the confessor ... "

    Like many blessed ones, Mother Alipia was surrounded by animals with whom she talked, whom she pitied. Mother's cats and chickens were all kind of sickly, mortified, sickly, with pustules, with dry paws. "Why are your animals so sick?" - once asked my mother. - "People live prodigally, do incest, everything is reflected on the creatures of the earth."

    Shortly before her death, mother Alipia had twelve kittens. Blind, they lay in a box, then they began to grow up, left one by one. Mother rejoiced every time: "He's gone, gone!" Finally she said, "Almost everyone is free." The last one remained, the strongest, who clung to mother most of all. After the death of the old woman, he lay down on her chest, stretched out and died.

    A year before her death, mother Alipia began to live according to the one she knew. She called this calendar the Jerusalem calendar. "States will differ in money. It will not be a war, but the execution of peoples for their rotten state," the old woman prophesied. "The Lord will not allow his people to death, he will keep the faithful on one prosphora." At this time (a year before her death), mother announced: "Everything, girls, I'm leaving you." Those in tears. Mother gathered them on the table and blessed them: "Eat." I counted those present - there were twelve. “Worthy,” the old woman said with pleasure.

    Shortly before her death, mother Alipia put a candle in a jar of rice and pulled it out into the hallway. The nun Marina came in - a candle flickers in the dark, it has never happened before. "The light bulb is burnt out," said mother and blessed: "Read the Psalter for your mother." - "What with her?". The old woman did not answer. She was talking about herself. “I am leaving you orphans, others will console you, but you will no longer have a mother,” she said to her sisters before the end.

    On Sunday, October 30, 1988, there were especially many people in the Goloseevsky house. Mother sent those who came to the grave of Father Alexy (Shepelev), now glorified as a saint: "Go, bow down, the priest is serving there." Was it not the elder-comforter Goloseevsky himself who gave her parting words for the exodus of her soul?

    After the meal, mother lay down. Everyone dispersed, only one married couple was left to clear the table. To the servant of God Marina, mother held out a candle with the order to put tomorrow at the icon of "All Saints": "Just don't light it until morning." She ordered to put bread and honey on the funeral table. "All right, don't come again." She thought - today, it turned out - never ...

    At that moment, the belated nun Marina, now nun Sergius, ran onto the porch. Several days before her mother warned her: "Don't go to Vespers on Sunday." She was strict with attending services in the monastery, but she did not dare to disobey the eldress.

    Mother Alipia was lying on the board. I was delighted to see Marina: "Wave me a handkerchief, I'm dying!" She thought: an allegory. "Read the Psalter." When Marina came to the words: "My king and my God", mother said: "Enough." In parting she blessed Marina - she taught an unusually significant blessing. And then the man and woman, who were clearing the table, looked, and mother, lifeless, lies with a face shining with Heavenly glory. The Lord called out His saint from the vale into endless joy. Her death was quiet, peaceful and not shameful. The couple got into the car, drove to a pay phone. When we returned, a dead kitten stretched out on my mother’s chest, the very last of the twelve, warm, uncooled.

    In the year of the millennium of the Baptism of Rus, 1988, the blessed eldress Schema-nun Alipia passed away to the Lord. Once she dropped that Florovsky Monastery would bury her. And so it happened. After the first lithiums, the requiem was taken to the monastery, where a conciliar service was performed in the church. The burial took place on November 2. "As the first snow falls, so bury me." And, indeed, the first snowflakes swirled that day. With the blessing of the abbess of the Florovsky Monastery, Abbess Antonia, the arduous body of the 90-year-old Eldress Alypia was buried in the Florovsky section of the Forest Cemetery.

    After the death of mother, her house in the Goloseevsky forest was demolished, but a wonderful miraculous spring appeared in its place. Mother's enemies covered this source completely and hammered the stake, so that it cannot be pulled out. The nuns of the Florovsky monastery tried to pull out the stake, but, alas, nothing worked. And suddenly one day the fountain burst three meters up. Thus, after her death, mother Alipia confirmed to her faithful children that she had found favor with the Lord, and "rivers of living water" poured out to her through prayers.

    During her lifetime, the Kiev nun Matushka Alipia helped people, to someone simply with advice, to someone with prayer, someone needed shelter and food, someone needed spiritual support. With any problem one could come to the eldress, the doors of her cell were always open for those in need. After her death, and to this day, believers go to the grave of mother Alipia to ask for help and pray to the saint. The eldress is honored as an assistant in business, a mentor on the right path, a deliverer from death, etc. People believe that if you sincerely ask for help from mother Alipia in hers, she will definitely help.

    How to ask for help from mother Alipia?

    People turn to Mother Alipia with various requests, hoping to be heard, and according to numerous reviews, prayers help. They ask her for healing from serious illnesses, for finding housing, financial well-being, etc. Many are interested in exactly how to ask for help from Mother Alipia, if there are special prayers, or if you can ask for help in your own words. There are several unspoken rules:

    1. During prayer, you should not be distracted, "stuff" your head with other thoughts.
    2. Before you start reading the prayer, ask for forgiveness for all your sins.
    3. You need to think about the person for whom you are asking for help.
    4. When saying a prayer, take your time, say it out loud or in a whisper.
    5. Your words for help should be heard, so read the prayer with “feeling”, you should not pronounce the words monotonously.
    6. The prayer should be read several times a day, preferably in the morning and at night before going to bed.
    7. After the prayer, thank Mother Alipia.

    Of course, you can do it in different ways, the main thing is that your words are sincere, but there are also special prayers. For example, there is a short prayer to Mother Alipia, which helps to cope with serious illnesses: